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Changing the Structure of Independent Federal Agencies

On Tuesday, February 18, President Trump put out a new executive order related to the authority of independent agencies in the federal government. Such agencies work differently from other mainstream agencies; they do not have leadership as part of the president’s cabinet. This difference makes governance of its agency less influenced by the leading political party. The new executive order requires these independent agencies to work more closely with the White House. It requires affected agencies to submit new regulations to the White House; to set up White House liaison offices; and to regularly consult with and coordinate policies and priorities with the White House.

There are several agencies that fit this definition. I have listed only a few that may impact the lives of people who are blind or low vision:

The Federal Communications Commission

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Federal Election Commission

Federal Labor Relations Authority

General Services Administration

National Archives and Records Administration

National Commission on Disability

The Social Security Administration

Posted on February 19th, 2025