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Board of Publications Meeting Minutes for October 1, 2019

Call to Order and Introductions

The October 1 meeting of the ACB Board of Publications was called to order by Deb Lewis at 9:04 p.m. Eastern time. Penny called the roll as follows: 
Members: Deb Cook Lewis, Penny Reeder, Zelda Gebhard, Paul Edwards, and Susan Glass were all present.
Staff and ex officio members: Sharon Lovering, Jeff Bishop, Bob Hachey and David Trott were present. Katie Frederick was not present. Dan Spoone was unable to attend.   
Guests: Christine Chaikin was present.

Adoption of Agenda

Deb reviewed the agenda which had been distributed, via e-mail, in advance of the meeting. To accommodate Jeff’s request, his ACB Radio report was moved to precede other agenda items. Paul moved and Zelda seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as amended. The motion carried unanimously.

ACB Radio Report

Jeff and Debbie Hazelton reported. Jeff reported that all of the management subcommittees have met to plan for the future of ACB Radio, with lots of focus being placed on the Café. He is hopeful that, with Cindy’s participation, Affiliates in Action will be coming back. Expansion of Café programming has been met with great enthusiasm, including from Friends in Art, and the GDUI Juno Report is very close to coming back with plans in place to create podcasts from monthly programs.
A little over 6 gig—an excess of 110 hours — of ACB conference and convention content has been posted. Some GDUI content is left to be posted (outside the confines of Juno Report programming), and they are still waiting for content from attorneys.
Apple stats are available, but ACB Radio’s Apple ID needs to be configured in a way that will allow them to access the information.  Jeff has purchased an I-device that will allow them to unlock the Apple Developer Account.
Jeff said that, in response to Larry’s retirement, the ACB Radio team and Eric Bridges are working to develop plans for ACB Radio administration.
There was only one outage of an ACB e-mail-hosted list during the past month, and the ACB Radio team responded quickly and the list was back up and running within a couple of hours. They are developing a plan for weekly middle-of-the-night maintenance to hopefully prevent list problems in the future.
Kim Charlson has been given an ability to access all ACB lists, ACB Radio programming, and all Braille Authority of North America lists on the ACB server, and she can make any changes  that are required on any of those lists, including adding and resetting administrative passwords, adding or removing users, and changing list configurations when necessary, across all ACB domains. So, in addition to Jeff, Kim is another person who can help resolve list outages or other malfunctions. 
Debbie reported that she and Paul had discussed Tuesday Topics, Library without Walls, and a BRL show as programming that is likely to come back. And Friends in Art is very enthusiastic about doing something. Lots of people are stepping up and expressing an interest in creating programming or helping with production.
Jeff expressed his appreciation for all of the excellent work Debbie and Jason are doing with respect to reconfiguring the ACB Radio schedules and planning for the future.

Approval of the Minutes for the September 3, 2019, Meeting of the ACB Board of Publications

Paul moved and Zelda seconded adoption of the minutes with no additions or corrections, and the motion carried.

Open Forum – Opportunity for guests to comment on non-agendized items

David complimented BOP members on their compilation coverage of the ACB conference and convention.
David also suggests that ACB develop a 2-page (6-sided) brochure which can be shared digitally with state affiliates who are creating their own brochures, so that information concerning the national organization would be consistent in every state affiliate’s brochure.
Christine suggested that state affiliate leaders should be encouraged to join LinkedIn, to help foster the same kind of connectivity between the national organization and the state affiliates.
And, Debbie commented that bringing back Affiliates in Action on ACB Radio will contribute to the same goal.

Discussion of ACB Braille Forum and E-Forum Themes

Deb said that our themes – through June – were published in the October issue.
Sharon said that she has only one article for the December (international issue) Forum but she is expecting more to come in from Sandra and others in the international group. Paul said that Sharon could expect his contribution tomorrow.

Vendor contracts update for production of ACB Braille Forum and E-Forum

Deb said that she and Sharon have written the letter requesting bids for 2020 production in all formats. There have been changes – in length of the ACB Braille Forum, in creation of the E-Forum, and in eliminating audiocassette format and replacing it with cartridge format – since 2016, which is the last time we did this. We are waiting for bids to come back.

Continued Discussion of BOP 2019-20 Work Plan

Deb said that Dan has determined a process for managing the structural changes discussed at last month’s meeting. BOP work activities fall under the public awareness branch, and we will likely have connections with other branches as well. Deb, as BOP Chair, will be the board liaison to the Public Awareness Committee. Dan would like to have an additional representative from the BOP on that steering committee. 
Deb also said that the BOP will need to name a board liaison to attend board meetings and prepare meeting summaries for the Braille Forum next year, and that, that BOP member should, according to our revised policy manual, preferably be an elected member.
Deb said that both roles could be filled by one person, or there could be a different person in each role. She asked who might be interested in either or both.
Penny said that she ran for the BOP with public relations in mind, and she said she is definitely interested in serving in both roles.
Zelda said that public relations is also one of her primary interests. She expressed some hesitancy about throwing her hat in the ring, though, because she is so new to the BOP, but Deb pointed out that, early on after Deb joined the BOP, she had taken on a similar responsibility.
Deb said that it would make the most sense for the person who joins the Public Awareness steering committee to also step into the BOP Board Liaison role next year. That involves attending the convention, and arriving early enough to attend the board meeting, attending the mid-year meetings, and attending the fall board meeting. In 2021, the convention will be in Phoenix.
Deb will follow up with Penny and Zelda and then make a decision.
Paul distributed the following proposal, for expanding BOP outreach to ACB, to BOP members in advance of the meeting:
I apologize for not getting our group together between meetings. I did talk with Debbie Hazelton but did not arrange for us to discuss the proposal.
In order to move the process forward, I present below six possible programs that could be presented.
I think I see our best approach as involving the production of ACB Radio programs but, of course, some of these proposals may work well as interactive phone calls as well. I certainly think that even if we use the phone, we should record the call and broadcast an edited version on ACB Radio.
  • I think there would be a lot of good done by presenting a program based on what we did at convention during the “writers' workshop.” The program would actually spend time talking about different ways that people can access ACB information. We would spend some percentage of our time talking about how to get podcasts, how to access ACB radio and how to use the telephone to get the Forum and ACB radio. This program could be made available as a podcast and would encourage people to try the various approaches suggested.
  • I think we could and should do a program that talks about the various offerings available from ACB. This would include a discussion of what has been in the Forum over the past year and would talk about ACB reports, the advocacy podcast and the availability of convention information and Main Menu.
  • I think there could be some real value in talking about various approaches that are currently being taken by state and special interest affiliates to publicize what they do. I think editors of state and special interest affiliates could be interviewed and we could talk about how they overcome the difficulties of producing their publications. These would include how they are produced and also any podcasts they may be using.
  • A fourth possibility might be a program that talks about the value of publicity in general. Our PR committee as well as those of state affiliates could talk about what they do, why they do it and how they measure how successful they are.
  • I think another topic might be how to get stuff to publish. BOP members and editors could talk about what we do to encourage writing and could offer advice for editors interested in improving their publications.
  • I think we could do an open forum on the Forum to see what people like and what they don't like. We could spend some time encouraging people to suggest features they would like to see and gather ideas for new themes.
I hope these proposals will move our process forward. I will have had a couple of meetings by November.
Deb’s first reaction was that all of these topics would fit easily into a podcast format, with some being live programs and others not. Debbie Hazelton agreed enthusiastically.
In terms of involving lots of people, Paul said that both LUA and BRL have been hosting conference call meetings for the last two years, and they have gotten good participation each time.
Paul said that if the BOP decides to cover all six topics, we would have enough to present one podcast each month until convention.
Or, Deb pointed out, we could mix and match topics.
Deb and Debbie Hazelton can provide technical support. Zelda is joining this committee, and the committee will plan to get together at least a few times before our November meeting – to firm up plans for BOP outreach.

BOP Chair’s Report

Deb met with Dan a couple of times, discussing the strategy for committee reorganization. In addition, she met with staff in the usual monthly meeting. Kelly sent her a spread sheet outlining all of the communications strands that ACB is utilizing, and Deb will share that with the BOP when we have a firmer work plan in place.
Deb communicated with Carla and passed along our approval of making “People of Vision” available for sales in the mini-mall. She was very pleased. Carla has some better-quality recordings (sans footnotes and references) that could be very useful if we decide to podcast segments of the book.
Deb and Sharon reviewed and somewhat revised the letters that are sent out for bids.
Paul moved acceptance of the report, and Penny seconded the motion. The motion carried.

BOP Editor’s Report

Sharon submitted the following report, via e-mail, in advance of the meeting:

Nutshell Report October 2019

September 2019

Issue type: Hard copy
Page count: 80
Braille distributed: 689
Braille returned: 7
Braille return rate: 1%
Braille received: 682
Cartridge distributed: 681
Cartridge returned: unknown
Large print distributed: 2,471
Large print returned: 50
Large print return rate: 2%
Large print received: 2,421
Electronic distributed: 6,781
Electronic returned: 1
Electronic return rate: 0%
Electronic received: 6,780

October 2019

Issue type: electronic
Page count: 96
Electronic distributed: 6,786

November 2019

Issue type: Hard copy
Page count: 80
Braille to be distributed: 682
Cartridge to be distributed: TBA
Large print to be distributed: 2,444

Deadlines for the rest of the year:

December 2019 (electronic): October 25, 2019
I am currently working on the November issue, and hope to have it out the door by Thursday at the latest. I have put an announcement about seeking a successor to Sharon Strzalkowski in the November Here and There column.
I am still working on formatting the Word file of “People of Vision.” I have completed chapters 1 through 6, and will keep working my way through to completion, then send it to Carla Ruschival. When I’m done with that, I will get back to identifying people in convention photos, starting with where I left off in the 2008 photos.
Sharon Lovering, Editor
American Council of the Blind
She added that e-mail circulation has increased to 6,786.
Paul moved and Penny seconded the motion to accept Sharon’s Editor’s Report. The motion carried.

Other Reports

ACB Radio - See above.

ACB Email Lists

Bob had sent his report to the BOP e-mail list, and Kim had e-mailed her report to Deb, who had posted it on the BOP e-mail list, as follows
List stats for September
Members: 351
Posts: 126
Members: 166 
Posts: 131
From Kim:
Here are the stats for the Leadership list:
Number of Subscribers: 285
Number of Messages: 133
Bob, who was present at the BOP meeting, noted that the number of messages on ACB-L and ACB-Chat is essentially the same. He said that at 360 members, membership on ACB-L has never been so high. He also noted that, whenever things go wrong with one of our lists, they seem to get fixed a lot more quickly – kudos to Jeff!
Paul moved and Penny seconded the motion to accept the list statistics reports. The motion carried.
Debbie Hazelton wondered if there is a way to become a member of an ACB list without receiving a deluge of messages, i.e., so that one can post to a list even if not receiving messages. Deb said that one can go No-Mail. Bob said that, lately, the ACB-L list has been consistently light in terms of postings.
Bob also told Debbie that, if she posts something related to ACB Radio to one of the ACB lists, if there are responses to her posting, he will be happy to forward them to her.

Social Media

Kelly sent social media statistics to Deb in advance of the BOP meeting, and Deb had forwarded the report to the e-mail list, as follows:
Here are ACB’s social media stats for August and September.

August 2019

Top Posts:
John August casting call for visually impaired
3,880 people reached
63 likes, loves, and wows
Legos Braille Bricks help blind children learn
2,231 people reached
152 likes, loves and wows
Astronomy Lab at Harvard Makes Accessibility a Priority
2,347 people reached
118 likes, loves, and wows
Top Tweets:
Kim Charlson will speak at National Press Club announcement
1,081 impressions
10 engagements
Aira announces first 5min free calls
815 impressions
14 engagements
John August casting call for visually impaired
791 impressions
12 engagements

September 2019

Top Posts:
Facebook Live National Press Club Event w/Kim Charlson
1,915 people reached
59 likes, loves, and wows
Apple TV+ will be optimized for the blind, deaf, and hard of hearing
1,704 people reached
155 likes, loves, and wows
Amazon Echo can now help describe grocery items to visually impaired
1,483 people reached
130 likes, loves, and wows
Top Tweets:
Apple TV+ will be optimized for the blind, deaf, and hard of hearing
7,350 impressions
94 engagements
Paul Schroeder from Aira discusses audio description in Aira blog post
1,171 impressions
7 engagements
ACB promotes Aira blog
668 impressions
9 engagements
Kelly Gasque
Executive Assistant & Multimedia Design Specialist
American Council of the Blind

Public Relations

Katie was not at the meeting, but she had indicated to both Deb and Paul that she planned to wait until after the ACB Board Meeting to generate a report.
Deb has not seen an update of the Wikipedia page, but she will follow up with Katie and Kelly and make sure that the page is updated as directed by the BOP. Deb will alert Michael Malver when the page has been brought up to date.

Other Business

There was no further business.


Paul moved, and Penny seconded the motion to adjourn. The BOP meeting adjourned at 10:12 p.m Eastern.
The next BOP meeting will take place on November 5.
Respectfully submitted,
Penny Reeder
BOP Member