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December 6, 2016 Board of Publications Meeting Minutes

Call to Order/Introductions

The meeting was called to order by Chair Ron Brooks at 9:05 PM on December 6, 2016.
Members Present: Ron Brooks, Chair; Susan Glass; Deb Lewis; Doug Powell. Paul Edwards had an excused absence.
ACB Employees and Contractors Present: Sharon Lovering.
Ex Officio members present: Kim Charlson, President; Bob Hachey, Email List Moderator; Katie Frederick, Board Liaison. Carla Ruschival, Goal One Chair; Denise Colley, past BOP Chair.
Other Participants: Sue Ammeter.

Adoption of Agenda:

Ron reviewed the Agenda. Doug noted that discussion of a presentation for the Midyear Meeting was postponed from the last meeting and should be added. Everyone agreed.
Motion: Susan moved and Doug seconded adoption of the revised Agenda. Motion passed.

Approval of November 1 Minutes:

Motion: Doug moved and Susan seconded adoption of the November 1, 2016 Minutes. Motion passed after discussion of the format.
Deb asked for discussion on how to handle incorporation of written reports into the Minutes noting that the written reports tend to reduce discussion of their content in the meetings which makes it difficult for those who read the Minutes without the benefit of reading the submitted reports. She also wondered if the stats should go into the KPI only.
Doug said that when he was secretary he pasted the significant content of written reports into the Minutes.
Ron thought the KPI was a management tool and should not be included on the web site because it would be difficult for others to use and interpret. This means that stats as well as narrative from the reports should be included in the Minutes.
It was also agreed that the TOC for the Braille Forum was good to receive but should not be part of the Minutes since it was readily available elsewhere.
Deb agreed to revise the current Minutes accordingly and the BOP agreed that acceptance of the November Minutes would include these format revisions.
Deb also reminded everyone that the July Minutes are still missing. Ron will follow up with tom Mitchell.

Public Comment:

There was no public comment made.


BOP Chair: Ron Brooks

  • Ron commended all who worked on the ACB Radio Auction.
  •  Prepared a summary of the November 17 and 21 Board budget calls. Article will go into the February Forum.
  •  Have confirmed CCLVI participants in Large Print Reader Preference Survey Task Force. They are Donna Pomerantz of CA and Zelda Gebhart of ND. The group will meet via conference call to discuss next steps on the survey. Based on Deb’s preliminary research, there may be ways to simplify consensus building without a survey or with a limited scope survey.

Editor: Sharon Lovering

  • The January Braille Forum issue is at the presses; Sharon is waiting for the blueline proof before sending it to Perkins. Doug asked how many changes generally occur based on the blueline version? Sharon said that usually changes were minimal spelling and grammar issues. Doug suggested that it might not be necessary to wait for the blueline review before sending copy to the narrator. Sharon said that narration is the hardest format to correct if there is an error and waiting for the blueline version only adds two days to the process. It was generally agreed that this practice should continue for now while we evaluate the new contractors.
  • Sharon continues to receive new members, requests for deletions, information about people who have passed away—she got two death notices while making the January labels, format changes, address changes, and the occasional “please update my name to …” request.
  • Sharon is also looking ahead to the 2017 affiliate updating and certification process. She reminds affiliates that if you have a new membership coordinator, please let her know as soon as possible. Also let her know whether your affiliate will use the online database, and if so, give her the membership coordinator’s e-mail address.  Sharon plans to start sending out the certification letter and schedule to affiliates around December 12th.
  • Sharon will be on vacation for the holidays beginning December 23rd-returning on January 3rd. She will schedule the BOP January call and send out the notice before leaving.
  • The ACB office is considering use of the email list in Donor Perfect for distribution of the Braille Forum. Sharon is concerned that his might be perceived as spam by the recipients, some may not want the Braille Forum, and it’s difficult to track for deceased individuals or bad addresses. There was discussion regarding how this might work with an unsubscribe link etc., and there was acknowledgement that database reductions could be efficient. Denise said this was a topic at the fall Board meeting and was being considered for consolidation of databases but also to encourage email distribution of the Braille Forum. It was agreed that Eric should be invited to a future meeting for discussion to determine if this is a staff issue to resolve or would have some policy implications for the BOP to consider.

November 2016 Returns

Large Print: 22; Braille: 9; Cassette: 14; CD-ROM: 0; Miscellaneous: 28
(totals from the report and those added at the meeting)

December 2016: Issue type: electronic; Print Page Count: 64

Posted to Website: 11/29/2016
Date E-mail version sent: 11/30/2016
E-mail issues mailed: 3,163

January 2017 Issue type: hard copy; Print Page Count: 48

Large Print Issues: 3,011
Braille Issues: 727
Cassette Issues: 1,078
CD-ROM Issues: 156

ACB Radio: Larry Turnbull

Larry was not on the call.
Ron will ask Eric regarding the best way to receive web update reporting from the new contractor.

ACB Email List Moderator: Bob Hachey

ACB-L Number of members 307; Number of Messages Posted: 184
ACB-Chat Number of Members: 142; Number of Messages Posted: 10
ACB Leadership: Number of Subscribers: 227; Number of Messages: 137
Bob was no longer on the call and there was no additional discussion.

Social Media: Carla Ruschival

You Tube Totals:

Parenting Video - 368 views; Described - 587 views
2016 Convention Highlights - 132 views; described - 201 views
2016 Convention Video - 155 views
ACB Spotlight On - 253 views; Described - 181 views
BlindAbility - 1,758 views; Described - 1,908 views

Facebook: Total 2,724

Photo of Tony, Eric, Kim and Brian from White House Disability and Inclusive Tech Summit: 2,652 people reached; 38 likes and loves; 24 shares
Thanksgiving Giving Tuesday post featuring the Blind Parenting Video: 2,216 people reached; 834 video views; 32 likes and loves; 19 shares
DOJ Movie Captioning and Audio Description Final Rule: 1,907 people reached; 42 likes and loves; 44 shares

Twitter: 1,658 Followers

Eric Bridges Quoted in New Yorker about Trump’s Tech Policy: 722 impressions; 35 engagements
ACB encourages all Americans to vote on election day: 641 impressions; 9 Engagements
Eric Bridges quoted in NHSTA regulations announcement: 640 impressions; 11 engagements

Public Relations: Katie Frederick

The PR Committee met in November. Work continues on affiliate web pages. There will be no meeting in December. Affiliates who have web page revisions can submit them to Carla or Katie.

Goal 1: Carla and Ron

  • A new version of ACB Link is being developed and is in beta now.

KPI Update

Ron has sent the latest draft and received comments. He would like to begin populating the tool in January and consider any revisions as needed.
Deb moved and Doug seconded that the Board of Publications adopt the KPI tool and begin populating it in January, 2017. Motion carried.
Ron will send out the tool once more with assigned names for reporting. Ron will enter data into the tool initially. The goal will be to send it out before each meeting for review and discussion.

Ideas for format and Content of ACB Convention Program

This is a work plan item to offer structured feedback to the convention committee regarding the ACB program documents. Kim thought feedback about readability in particular would be good for the Program Committee to hear. It’s also about economics especially with the large print and Braille programs.
Katie asked if the readability was primarily related to large print, and if so could it be discussed by the working group on large print. Denise said that feedback to her was primarily about the large print, but others also expressed concern about the format of the Braille and electronic documents.
There was discussion of various issues and the implications of making changes with each of them.
  • There are major issues with the size and structure of the large print program and registration form in particular.
  • The electronic documents need structure that can be navigated. Headings, separate documents for topics etc.
  • There was also discussion of how the newspaper could support the program more closely. Carla talked about the role of the audio newspaper in the past to assist those with limited reading ability for large print, Braille or technology. As the population ages, people may be less able to read or manipulate long documents and alternative media will become important. The newspaper could be put on NFB Newsline.
  • There were positive comments about the schedule on ACBLink, using NFB Newsline and the calendar events Jeff Bishop does each year for the IPhone as examples of alternatives.
  • Doug suggested a June article for the Braille Forum on preparing to use the convention documents which would explain the ways to use the materials in advance for convention planning. There was acknowledgement that many attendees do not have the skills to use any of these media tools.
  • Susan proposed the idea of a convention mentor who could assist with getting the best medium for the materials into the hands of the attendee.
  • Consideration of a TOC for each volume of Braille was discussed.

Topics for the Presidents Meeting

Paul, Doug and Susan plan to be at the Presidents meeting.
  • Ron will create a bulleted list of topics based on the work plan. Status of converting the braille Forum to cartridges is hot topic.
  • All of the different tools for accessing the Braille Forum
  • Awards
  • Candidates’ Forum and candidate pages
  • Purpose and role of the BOP

Topics for Editors Workshop

Susan proposed a session for freelance writers and how the internet has changed the landscape for developing and marketing one’s work. We might call it freelance Writing in the 21st Century. Would be applicable to bloggers and others using the internet to convey information through published articles. A panel of experts and learners is a possibility for this presentation.
There might also be a connection to how affiliates reach out to news outlets or other media to tell their story. Would be possible to partner with Students, FIA, Teachers or other affiliate to present some of this if it becomes two sessions.
Ron will consult with his friend about presenter resources in Reno.

Work Plan Update

KPI tool rolled out in January.
Convention program feedback: brainstorming and will consolidate list in January.
Presentation for Midyear meeting: tentative list; Ron will finalize bullets.
Editors workshop: two topics identified.

Other Business:

Kim discussed the 60 Minutes episode on the ADA which was recently aired. ACB will send out information encouraging people to comment by going to the 60 Minutes web site and selecting the Feedback link. Comments could include how the ADA has been helpful, and viewers could express disappointment regarding the negative, one sided coverage. Ron asked Kim to include a link to the story for those who did not see the original airing.

Next Meeting:

Tuesday, January 3, 2017 – 9:00 PM Eastern


Doug moved and Deb seconded adjournment. Motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 10:48 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Deb Lewis, Secretary