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Board of Publications Hosts Internet Candidates' Page

It's back! The board of publications is again hosting an Internet candidates' page on

This page is a read-only web page where all individuals who wish to announce their candidacy will be asked to respond to the same set of questions. We envision the online candidates' page as a place where people who want to run for office can allow the ACB membership to get to know them. The page will also allow ACB chapters and affiliates to have more information at their disposal before they send delegates to the national convention. Over the past several years, a number of chapters have provided copies of the candidates' responses to their members in braille or had all the responses read aloud at membership meetings. Lively discussions ensued, and many members have told us how much they appreciated the opportunity to participate more actively in ACB's democracy because of the early dissemination of information which the online forum was able to facilitate.

In a meeting in early March, the board of publications came up with sets of questions for candidates for the board of directors and the board of publications, as follows.

Questions for Board of Directors Candidates

  1. What special talents or expertise do you possess which you feel would make you a particularly effective member of the ACB board of directors?
  2. In light of the combination of declining reserves, and the resulting pressure to increase income from our funding sources, what new or innovative income-generating ideas or proposals would you want to establish during your term of office?
  3. What should ACB do in order to attract new student and young adult members?
  4. As a member of the ACB board of directors, what would you do to strengthen the relationship between affiliates and the national organization?
  5. In 300 words or less, please tell the membership anything you think they should know when considering your candidacy for the ACB board of directors.

Questions for Board of Publications Candidates

  1. What special talents and expertise would you utilize in working on the various communications formats within the jurisdiction of the board of publications?
  2. What improvements would you like to implement to "The Braille Forum," and why?
  3. What improvements would you like to implement to the Internet-based services of ACB, and why?
  4. How can the board of publications improve its awards and recognitions for individuals who contribute material to the communications formats under its jurisdiction?
  5. In 300 words or less, please tell the membership anything you think they should know when considering your candidacy for the ACB board of publications.

Answer each question with a maximum of 300 words. Submit answers in any accessible, readable media, i.e., in print, or braille, on paper, computer disk (in ASCII text, WordPerfect 5.1, or Microsoft Word formats), or via e-mail. Pasting the text into an e-mail message is preferable to sending attachments, but attachments in ASCII text, Microsoft Word or WordPerfect 5.1 will be accepted. Submissions will not be accepted via telephone, voice mail, audiocassette, or in handwriting. Note that we will not edit submissions for spelling, grammar, or content. The only change which will occur to submissions is conversion to the HTML code to facilitate online posting. Note further that it is our webmaster's role to convert documents into HTML; we will not accept submissions which you have coded in this format yourself.

When submitting your answers, please place your name, address, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and employer and job title at the top of each page. Center each item. The top of your page should look like this:

Jane Smith
1234 Main Street
Anytown, AnyState 00000
(555) 222-3333 (home)
(555) 000-4444 (work)
E-mail: [email protected]
Writer/Editor at AnyJob, Inc.

Write each question, and then place your corresponding answer underneath. Please number your pages. Send your completed submissions to the following address: American Council of the Blind Candidates' Page, 1155 15th Street NW, Suite 1004, Washington, DC 20005. Responses may be submitted by e-mail, according to the guidelines noted above, to [email protected].

Time Lines

Submissions should be mailed, either by postal delivery or electronic mail, so that they reach the ACB national office no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on May 31, 2006. When we receive a declared candidate's materials, we will check the membership database to ensure that he or she is a member in good standing. We hope to have the online candidates' page available at the ACB web site as soon after we have received all the submissions as possible, so that members will have access to the information in time for June membership meetings of local chapters. The pages will be available online no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on Friday, June 9, and will remain online at until the conclusion of convention. We encourage ACB members who have computer access to share the contents of the candidates' page with members who do not. We will notify members on the day that the page goes live online on all the ACB e-mailing lists.

When official campaigns begin in earnest at the ACB national convention, declared candidates will present at formal and informal state and special-interest caucuses. In addition, the board of publications will sponsor a live question-and-answer Candidates' Forum, which will be held on Thursday of convention week. The board of publications encourages all ACB members to submit written questions to be considered for this forum to the convention communications center. More details about this and other aspects of communications center operations will be included in the June issue.