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Secure Independence for Seniors and Medicare Beneficiaries
Legislative Imperative

In November of 2008, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) promulgated a regulation that has had a detrimental impact on the lives of countless individuals who are blind or visually impaired. The Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Acquisition Rule contains a provision entitled “Low Vision Aid Exclusion” which states that all devices, “irrespective of their size, form, or technological…

Ratification of the Marrakesh Treaty
Legislative Imperative

In order to be full participants in the society they live in, people who have visual impairments must be afforded alternative means of accessing books, magazines, and other printed materials. Students need access to textbooks. Employees need access to publications related to their chosen work, and all of us…

American Council of the Blind
2017 Presidents' Meeting Agenda
Sunday, February 26
President’s Ballroom
8:00 AM: Registration
9:00 AM: Opening Remarks – Kim Charlson, ACB President, Watertown, MA; & Meeting Logistics: Eric Bridges, ACB Executive Director, Alexandria, VA
9:10 AM: Self-Introduction of Attendees
9:30 AM: ACB Communication Channels: Spreading the Word to Our Members…

2017 ACB Legislative Imperatives
The American Council of the Blind (ACB) is the nation’s leading grassroots consumer organization for individuals who are blind and visually impaired.  With 70 state and special interest affiliates across the country, ACB is committed to promoting independence and opportunity for Americans who are blind, and ACB stands committed to advocacy that lifts up our values. 
Americans are currently at the start of a transformative time in history regarding blindness and vision loss.  On one end of the…

Keeping Your Affiliate Legal; Protect Your 501(c)(3) Status
Why be a 501(c)(3)?

  • All state, special interest, and chapter affiliates will benefit from a 501(c)(3) non-profit exemption.  A 501(c)(3) will exempt an organization from federal income taxes.

 Is your affiliate a valid 501(c)(3)?

American Council of the Blind

2017 Legislative Seminar



Monday, February 27, 2017

9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 


9:00 – 9:30 a.m.  

Introductions and Charting our Legislative Course 

Kim Charlson, President, American Council of the Blind (ACB) 


9:30 – 9:35 a.m.  

Special Thanks and Sponsors Welcome

Eric Bridges, Executive Director, ACB


The final days of 2016 are upon us, and it has given us much time at the American Council of the Blind to reflect on the events of recent years, and to focus our attention on the New Year, in search of greater opportunity for all Americans who are blind and visually impaired.  In mapping out our agenda for the 115th Congress and new Administration, we have actively been engaging with leaders in our community to identify areas where we can achieve the greatest impact, while also knowing that there will need to be particular focus on building and strengthening our relationships with new…

Ratification of the Marrakesh Treaty
Legislative Imperative

For your convenience, at the end of this document is the downloadable MS Word large print format.

In order to be full participants in the society they live in, people who have visual impairments must be afforded alternative means of accessing books, magazines, and other printed materials. Students need access to textbooks. Employees need access to publications related to their chosen work, and all of us need access to the books and magazines…

Making the Internet Accessible for All: Move to have DOJ Issue ICT NPRM
Regulatory Imperative

For your convenience, at the end of this document is the downloadable MS Word large print format.
When the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was originally passed, the Internet was still in its infancy, relegated more to universities and federal agencies than the general public. It would make sense, then, that as the Internet grew, so too would protections for accessibility under the ADA. However, this has not been the case…

Secure Independence for Seniors and Medicare Beneficiaries: Support H.R. 729
Legislative Imperative

For your convenience, at the end of this document is the downloadable MS Word large print format.
In November of 2008, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) promulgated a regulation that has had a detrimental impact on the lives of countless individuals who are blind or visually impaired. The Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Acquisition Rule contains a…