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Kim Charlson, Chair, Watertown, MA
Janet Dickelman, St. Paul, MN
Rick Kuhlmey, Las Vegas, NV
Marlaina Lieberg, Burien, WA
Jeff Thom, Sacramento, CA
Cindy Van Winkle, Bremerton, WA
Melanie Brunson, Staff Liaison, Arlington, VA

Janet Dickelman, Chair, St. Paul, MN
Margarine Beaman, Austin, TX
Sally Benjamin, Tallahassee, FL
Michael Fulghum, Hermitage, TN
Vicky Prahin, Columbus, OH
Bruce Radtke, Bellingham, WA
Michael Smitherman, Jackson, MS
Carla Ruschival, Officer Liaison, Louisville, KY
Lane Waters, Staff Liaison, Minneapolis, MN

Lane Waters, Controller
Lori Sarff, Administrator
Nancy Becker, Administrator
Dee Theien, Reception/Administration

Melanie Brunson, Executive Director
Eric Bridges, Director of External Relations and Policy
Francine Patterson, Executive Assistant
Sharon Lovering, Editor, ACB Braille Forum
Tom Tobin, Director of Development

Michael Garrett, Chair, Missouri City, TX
Mike Godino, Malverne, NY
George Holliday, Philadelphia, PA
Carla Ruschival, Louisville, KY
Dan Spoone, Orlando, FL
Jeff Thom, Sacramento, CA
David Trott, Talladega, AL

President: Kim Charlson, Watertown, MA
First Vice President: Jeff Thom, Sacramento, CA
Second Vice President: Marlaina Lieberg, Burien, WA
Secretary: Ray Campbell, Glen Ellyn, IL
Treasurer: Carla Ruschival, Louisville, KY
Immediate Past President: Mitch Pomerantz, Pasadena, CA
Berl Colley, Lacey, WA
Sara Conrad, Stevensville, MI
Janet Dickelman, St. Paul, MN
Michael Garrett, Missouri City, TX
George Holliday, Philadelphia, PA
John McCann, Falls Church, VA
Allan Peterson, Horace, ND

Sponsored by National Industries for the Blind

Visit these exciting tables full of jewelry, books, CDs, drawing tickets, and gift items.  ACB Marketplace is located in Grande D.  It is open Sunday evening from 5:30 to 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday from 7:30 to 8:30 AM.

Marketplace tables are available to individuals, chapters and affiliates, MLM reps, ACB committees and others.  It's a low-cost way to share your products or raise money for your chapter or affiliate.  For more information, and to find out if any spaces are available,…

Sponsored by Freedom Scientific

The 2014 ACB / Freedom Scientific Exhibit Hall is filled with everything from jewelry to information resources to the latest in appliances and technologies designed especially for people who are blind and visually impaired.  Royale 1.
2014 ACB / Freedom Scientific Exhibit Hall hours are as follows:

  • Saturday, July 12, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Sunday,July 13, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Monday & Tuesday, July 14 – 15, 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday, July 16, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

You will be ready for a break and a little fun after all those workshops, seminars and business meetings.  Below are some activities and events that take place at the hotel.   For more fun ideas, see 2014 Convention Tours, the Recreation Zone, and the agendas of the many affiliates and groups for more mixers, luncheons and parties.

Saturday, July 12

5:00 PM - 7:30 PM: Star Trek Fan Club $20 ($22), Kathryn Johnson’s Suite
Fun, food, music, raffle and prizes!  Play Let’s Make a Deal and Family Feud, while sampling Dianna Troy's…

Chair: Oral Miller

Monday, July 14, Skybox 209

5:45 PM - 7:00 PM: Yoga with Leslie Spoone
Join Leslie Spoone, Orlando, FL, Certified Aerobics Instructor and Personal Trainer for yoga; open to all levels of experience.  Please bring a yoga mat or towel.  Co-sponsored by WCC and Recreation Zone.

Wednesday, July 16

5:45 PM – 7:00 PM: Goalball Demonstration, Skybox 206
Goalballs have bells and players are blindfolded.  Balls are rolled on tactile court.  Facilitator: James Devus, Executive Director, Blind Recreation Outreach,…