Metro Paws Animal Hospital
1021 Fort Worth Ave., Dallas, TX 75208
3.0 Miles
Phone: 214-939-1600
Monday – Friday: 8 AM – 6 PM
Wednesdays: 8 AM – 7 PM
Saturday: 8 AM – 12 PM
Emergency Animal Clinic - Uptown (Emergency & Critical Care, nights, weekends, and holidays)
3337 N. Fitzhugh, Dallas, TX 75204
Phone: 214-520-8388
3.0 Miles
Recently Archived
Guide dog relief areas are built and maintained by Scoop Masters, and are located near hotel exits. ACB volunteers and hotel staff will be happy to help you locate the areas.
It is your responsibility to relieve your dog at regular intervals. You are expected to pick up after your dog; trash receptacles are located near relief areas.
Should an indoor accident occur, please report it to the front desk. Do not just walk away from or ignore an accident. If an accident occurs in your room, you will be charged for the clean-up.
The GDUI Convention…
ACB Radio - ACB Radio livestreams from all general sessions on the Mainstream channel; sessions are replayed around the clock. Some afternoon committee sessions will be streamed live or recorded for later broadcast. The FIA Performing Arts Showcase, BOP Candidates' Forum, and ACB Banquet are also livestreamed.
Email list - The ACB Convention email list keeps you up-to-date on all the news. Even if you aren't at convention, you can receive "The Lone Star Gazette" and all the other information. To subscribe, go to the ACB website at …
For medical emergencies, dial 0 on a hotel phone or 911 on any other phone. Stay calm and speak distinctly. Give your name, exact location and a description of the emergency. For medical care, contact:
Emergency Clinic:
CityDoc Urgent Care
2909 McKinney Ave., Dallas, TX 75204
Walk-in hours: Monday-Saturday 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, Sunday 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Phone: 214-871-7000
2.2 miles
Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas
3501 Junius St., Dallas, TX 75246
Open 24 hours with full emergency room.
Phone: 214-820-0111…
The official ACB photographer for the 2015 conference and convention will be taking pictures in the exhibit hall, on selected tours, and at many social events. He will visit committee and affiliate meetings, workshops, general sessions, and the banquet.
It is understood that all activities and programs scheduled at the 2015 conference and convention are subject to be photographed. Photos are the property of ACB, and are for ACB's use.
Be sure your committee, affiliate or other group event is photographed. Contact the ACB/JPMorgan Chase & Co.…
Entries in this program give day, time, and location for each event. Descriptions, presenters, and ticket prices are shown when applicable. If a group is holding all of its events in the same room on a given day, that room name appears on the line beside the day and date. If a group is holding more than one event on a given day, and those events are in different rooms, the location for the first event is shown beside the day and date. Subsequent rooms are shown beside the events.
- ACB - American Council of the Blind
- AABT - American Association of Blind Teachers
- AAVL - Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss
- AAVIA - American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys
- ACBDA - ACB Diabetics in Action
- ACBF - ACB Families
- ACBGE - ACB Government Employees
- ACBHSP - ACB Human Service Professionals
- ACBL - ACB Lions
- ACBRA - ACB Radio Amateurs
- ACBS - ACB Students
- ADP - Audio Description Project
- AFB - American Foundation for the Blind
- APH - American…
Dear Conventioneers:
I want to welcome everyone to the 54th annual conference and convention of the American Council of the Blind here in exciting Dallas, Texas. I am looking forward to presiding over my second convention as president of ACB, and to speak with so many members and guests from across the country and, in fact, from around the world.
The theme of the 2015 convention is "ACB: Where the Stars Shine Bright.”
This is a great theme for this year's convention since we are in the state where all the stars shine brighter than anywhere else…
Many, many thanks to our 2015 corporate sponsors. Their continued generous support of the American Council of the Blind and our conference and convention is sincerely appreciated.
Look for the 2015 corporate sponsors on, in the conference and convention program and newspaper, on ACB Radio, on the convention T-shirt, and throughout the week. Be sure to thank them personally for their generous support.
Double Diamond Sponsor:
- Vanda Pharmaceuticals – Crown Jewel Sponsor
Below are the links to the available formats for downloading.
The text to all the ads is in the MS Word .doc format; the color photo ads are in the .pdf format.
MS Word large print .doc 2015 Conference and Convention Program
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