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The MS Word .doc format includes text to all the ads. The .pdf format includes the color photo ads.
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MS Word large print .doc 2016 Conference and Convention Program

PDF large print 2016 Conference and Convention Program

Land of 10,000 Dreams


sailboat against the Minneapolis skyline

55th Annual National
Conference & Convention
American Council of the Blind
Special-Interest Affiliates
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Minneapolis, MN
July 1 — 9, 2016
Kim Charlson, President
Hosted by ACB of Minnesota
Jeff Mihelich, President

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Are you a current or prospective business owner?
Join the Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs (IVIE) during the 55th annual Conference and Convention of the American Council of the Blind to learn about owning your own business.

  • Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America (RSVA) and IVIE mixer

    Relax after opening general session, have a few refreshments, and mingle with friends.

    When - Sunday, July 3, 10:00 PM

    Cost - $15 pre-registration, $20 on-site

  • IVIE Breakfast

    Bring your hearty appetite and creative ideas for making…

The American Association of Blind Teachers, (AABT) will present several fun and informative activities during the 55th annual American Council of the Blind Conference and Convention.

  • AABT Annual Breakfast and Program
    Includes the keynote presentation, “Skills for Work That Work.” What skills lead to successful employment? What does recent research reveal? Presenter Tabitha Brecke shares her extensive findings on this topic. AABT’s business meeting will follow the program.

    When - Sunday, July 3, 8:00 - 11:00 AM

    Cost - $25 pre-registration, $28 on-site

Join speaker and entertainer Terry Kelly at the banquet at the 55th annual Conference and Convention of the American Council of the Blind in Minneapolis, MN.
What is the power and poison of affirmations?
What is a dream adjustment; why is it important, and how do we make one?
Would you like to know the cure for one of the most infectious diseases?  What is your why, and how do you discover it?  Are you blind in your mind?  Would you like to know the cure?
What happens when you live every day in gratitude?…

The BeSpecular app is landing in the USA the first week of July and will be previewed at the 55th annual Conference and Convention of the American Council of the Blind in Minneapolis, MN!

BeSpecular is an iOS and Android app that connects you to sighted volunteers around the world.

What makes BeSpecular different from the others? Come to their free July 4 tech session and find out! They'll assist you with downloads and help you get the most out of the app.

There's also going to be a lucky draw for prizes such as Amazon, Apple and Android vouchers, as well as promo…

Attend two complimentary sessions at the American Council of the Blind Conference and Convention in Minneapolis, MN and find out.

  1. Reach Out and Touch the Future!

    With the new BrailleNote Touch from Humanware, you can create professional documents, research the web, and communicate with popular apps. Use accessible third-party apps with the efficiency of KeySoft and TouchBraille.

    When - Monday, July 4, 5:45 - 7:00 PM

  2. Victor Stream - A world of Books at your Fingertips!

    Everyone continues to tell us how much they love their Victor Streams!…

What are your transportation rights? How can you request accessible pedestrian signals in your neighborhood?

Join the ACB Transportation and Environmental Access Committees for a joint presentation at the 55th annual Conference and Convention of the American Council of the Blind and learn answers to these questions and more.

Do you want to request accessible pedestrian signals on streets you travel but you are not sure how to go about it?  Learn from ACB's expert advocates about the important issues, strategies and tactics you may use to get accessible pedestrian…

HIMS will present two complimentary sessions during the 2016 conference and convention of the American council of the Blind in Minneapolis, MN.

  1. Your U2 Has Been Doing That for Years!
    Everyone knows the basic functions of a notetaker. It takes notes, gets email, and keeps your calendar.

    Want to watch the latest content from YouTube, tweet about it, like a friend's Facebook post, customize menus, or have multiple signatures for email accounts? Your BrailleSense has had these features for the past several years.

    But what the heck else can it do? Let's find out…