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Entries in this program give day, time, and location for each event. Descriptions, presenters, and ticket prices are shown when applicable.

If a group is holding all of its events in the same room on a given day, that room name appears on the line beside the day and date. If a group is holding more than one event on a given day, and those events are in different rooms, the location for the first event is shown beside the day and date. Subsequent rooms are shown beside the events.

ACB - American Council of the Blind
AAVL - Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss
AAVIA - American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys
ACBDA - ACB Diabetics in Action
ACBGE - ACB Government Employees
ACBHSP - ACB Human Service Professionals
ACBL - ACB Lions
ACBRA - ACB Radio Amateurs
ADP - Audio Description Project
AFB - American Foundation for the Blind
APH - American Printing House for the Blind
BITS - Blind Information Technology Specialists
BOP - Board of Publications
BPI - Blind LGBT Pride Int'l
BRL - Braille Revival League…

ACB In the Silver State
Golden Past – Diamond Future
Past Members that Molded our Future

Durward McDaniel
Eugene Barton
Sue Illingworth
Dr. Mae Davidow
Floyd Qualls
James “Jim” Olsen
Mary McDonald
Linda Cote
Grant Mack
Melissa Mann
John DiFrancesco
Dr. Rose Resnick
Alma Murphey
Reese Robrahn
Juliet Esterly
Maxine Dorf
Dr. Robert T. McLean
Floyd Cargill
Carolyn Garrett
Patricia Beattie
Patricia Price
George Coorey
Mary Ballard (Stephens)
Jean Dorf
Margaret Rockwell

ACB In the Silver State
Golden Past – Diamond Future
Congratulations on 50 Years of Success

Alaska Independent Blind Inc.
American Blind Golf
ACB of Colorado
ACB of Maryland
Audio Description Associates
Austin Council of the Blind
Bay State Council of the Blind
Ardis Bazyn
Margarine G. Beaman
Kevin Berkery
Audley Blackburn
Kathy Blackburn
Blue Grass Council of the Blind
Braille Revival League
Shirley Brokaw
California Council of the Blind
Patti and David Cox
Debbie and Bill Deatherage
DC Council of…

American Council of the Blind
50 Years of ACB Presidents

Ned E. Freeman
Georgia 1961-1966

Reese H. Robrahn
Kansas 1966-1972

Floyd Qualls
Oklahoma City, OK 1972-1978

Oral O. Miller
Washington, DC 1978-1981

Grant M. Mack
Salt Lake City, UT 1981-1987

Dr. Otis H. Stephens
Knoxville, TN 1987-1989

LeRoy F. Saunders
Oklahoma City, OK 1989-1995

Paul Edwards
Miami, FL 1995-2001

Christopher Gray
San Francisco, CA 2001-2007

Mitch Pomerantz
Pasadena, CA 2007-2011…

Dear Conference/Convention Attendees:

Let me welcome you to the 50th annual national conference and convention of the American Council of the Blind here in Reno, Nevada. This historic gathering of ACB members and friends is taking place at John Ascuaga's Nugget, a thoroughly modern facility with all the amenities one would expect from an up-to-date Nevada hotel and casino.

The theme of the 2011 conference and convention is "ACB in the Silver State: Golden Past, Diamond Future," a theme which highlights both our geographic location and the golden anniversary of the founding…

Many, many thanks to the 2011 corporate sponsors, our Nevada gems. Your continued generous support of the American Council of the Blind and our conference and convention is much appreciated.

Look for the 2011 corporate sponsors in the conference and convention program and newspaper, on ACB Radio, on the convention T-shirt, and throughout the week. Be sure to thank them personally for their generous support.

Ruby Sponsors

Deque Systems
Google - ACB Tour Transportation
Humanware - ACB Radio Mainstream
Vanda Pharmaceuticals - ACB Registration


50th Annual National
Conference and Convention
American Council of the Blind
Special-Interest Affiliates

John Ascuaga’s Nugget Resort & Casino
Reno, Nevada
July 8-16, 2011

Mitch Pomerantz, President

Hosted by the
Nevada Council of the Blind
Rick Kuhlmey, President


New! APH Talking PC Maps Software


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