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Chair: Pratik Patel

Saturday, July 9 - Bonanza A

2:00pm 411 from the IAC - $4, $6

1. The iPhone - Not your Mother's Phone
Is calling the iPhone a smart phone like calling a racing car a cigarette lighter? Brian Charlson, director of computer training services at the Carroll Center for the Blind, and other iPhone experts provide an overview and demonstrations of the latest apps. Share your own tricks, please.

2. Accessing Information with Your Telephone
Have no access to the Internet or a computer? Here's how to access news, entertainment content…

Chair: Peter Altschul

Wednesday, July 13 - So Pac E

2:45pm Employment Seminar - $4, $6

1. A New Look at Reasonable Accommodations through the ADA Lens - Suzanne Thomas, Affiliate, Pacific ADA Center, Oakland, CA. Co-sponsored with NABS & Blind Pride.

2. A View from a Workplace Pioneer; Moderator: Peter Altschul, Organization Development Specialist, Columbia, MO; Speaker: MJ Schmitt, former senior systems analyst, Rochester, NY. Co-sponsored with NABS.

Chair: Allen Casey

Thursday, July 14 – Room 2951

5:00pm DKM First-timers Reception
Meet the DKM First-timers Award Recipients

Constitution and Bylaws, Credentials, Nominating, Resolutions

The Constitution and Bylaws Committee (Dr. Otis Stephens, Chair) meets in Fremont Saturday, July 9 and Monday, July 11 at 4:00pm, and Tuesday, July 12 at 5:00pm.

The Credentials Committee (Jean Mann, Chair) meets in Fremont Sunday, July 10 at 1:00pm.

The Nominating Committee (Patrick Sheehan, Chair) meets in Bonanza A, Monday, July 11 at 5:45pm.

The Resolutions Committee (Judy Jackson, Chair) meets in Fremont as follows:

Saturday, July 9, 9:00pm

Sunday, July 10, 11:00pm or after…

Chair - Paul Edwards

Sunday, July 10 - Fremont

10:30am BOP Meeting

Thursday, July 14 - So Pac E

2:45pm BOP Workshop: A Forum on the Forum

7:00pm Candidates' Forum - Rose Ballroom
Candidates running for office on the ACB Board answer questions on a wide variety of topics

Saturday, July 9 - Bonanza B

9:00am Pre-convention Board meeting

Saturday, July 16 - So Pac B-E

10:00am Post-convention meeting

American Council of the Blind
50th Annual Conference and Convention
Theme: ACB in the Silver State
Golden Past - Diamond Future

Sunday, July 10 - Rose Ballroom

6:30pm Pre-convention entertainment - Adrienne Lattin, Flute, Reno, NV

7:00pm Call to Order - Mitch Pomerantz, President, American Council of the Blind, Pasadena, CA
Invocation - Michael Garrett, member, ACB Board of Directors, Missouri City, TX
Presentation of Colors - Color Guard, Fallon Naval Air Station, Fallon, NV
Pledge of Allegiance - MJ Schmitt, ACB charter member,…

Adopted by the
ACB Board of Directors
May 2009

1. Each debatable issue before the convention shall be limited to approximately twenty (20) minutes with a three-minute time limit per speaker, alternating between affirmative and opposing speakers, unless a majority of the members agree to extend debate for an additional period of time.

A. Motions to close debate will not be recognized by the chair during the first debate period. After the first debate period, properly moved motions such as "I call for the question" or "I move the previous question" will be handled…

Saturday, July 9

8:30pm Jewish Havdalah - Carson
Rabbi Eliza Beth Beyer, Reno, NV

Sunday, July 10

9:00am Roman Catholic Mass - Cen Pac
Father Mike Mahone, Our Lady of the Snows Parish, Reno, NV

9:00am LDS Sacrament Meeting - Washoe
Bishop David Baggett, D.V.M., Valley 2nd Ward, Reno North Stake

10:30am Interdenominational Church Service - Cen Pac
Tom Thompkins, Pastor, Reno Christian Fellowship, Reno, NV

Monday, July 11

7:00pm Gospel Sing - So Pac C-D
Old-time favorites led by Dan Whittemore, guitar, Reno…