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Chair: Alice Ritchhart

Sunday, July 10 - Cen Pac

2:45pm Getting Around Town - Navigating Your Transit Bureaucracy - $4, $6
Part 1 - Planning: What is an MPO? an RDC? The difference between the two, and what influence a citizen can have. Donna Smith, Easter Seals Project ACTION & ACB member

Thursday, July 14 - Cen Pac

1:15pm Getting Around Town - Navigating the Transit Bureaucracy - $4, $6
Part 2: Comparison of systems in suburban and rural areas; a look at some systems that are working. Sherry Repscher, Salt Lake City Transit, and others…

Chair: Karyn Campbell

Monday, July 11 - 2950

8:00 p.m. Get Social with SASI - $14, $14
Meet individuals with combined vision and hearing loss. Mingle in a relaxed environment and learn about various forms of communication. Everyone welcome.

Wednesday, July 13 - Cen Pac

2:45pm The 21st Century Communications Act and the Deaf-Blind - $4, $6
Walk through the Act from the signing ceremony at the White House to the provissions related to deaf-blindness. How you can make sure your needs are met regarding telecommunications services and products.…

Chair: Ray Campbell

Tuesday, July 12 - Bonanza C

4:15pm Challenging Times Create Advocacy Opportunities - $4, $6
Opening remarks and introductions - Ray Campbell, Chair, Glen Ellyn, IL

4:25pm Cost Comparisons
Dr. Dean Stenehjem, Superintendent, Washington State School for the Blind, compares cost per pupil at a school for the blind vs. public school. He also discusses several innovative programs implemented by his school.

5:10pm Making Sure Parents Know the Residential School Option
What's in state law to make sure parents of children who are…

Chair: Patty Slaby

Saturday, July 9 - So Pac A

6:30pm ACB Scholarship Dinner (invitation only) Sponsored by RSVA

Sunday, July 10 - So Pac B

12:15pm NABS Scholarship Winners' Luncheon - $25, $27
Join NABS in congratulating the 2011 ACB scholarship winners. Sponsored by RSVA

Tuesday, July 12 - Rose Ballroom

9:15am 2011 ACB Scholarship Presentations

6:30pm ACB Scholarship Winners' Reception - 2951
Each affiliate is invited to send two representatives to meet the 2011 scholarship winners. Sponsored by AT&T.

Chair: Dan Dillon

Saturday, July 9 - So Pac E

4:00pm Grant Writing for Nonprofits - $4, $6
Practical ideas for your local chapter, special-interest or state affiliate. Steven Obremski, ACB Director of Development, Arlington, VA

Chair: Charles Crawford

Monday, July 11 - Bonanza C

New Issues in Rehabilitation - $4, $6

2:45pm Serious Dynamics Facing Our Rehabilitation System

1. The rapidly changing landscape of technologic development and utilization in the workplace. Universal design and its application to the rehabilitation system and modern workplaces. Charles Crawford - Task Force chair

2. Needed improvements to our employment initiatives to secure increased successful closures and reduce the high unemployment rate of our population - Melanie Brunson, Esq., ACB…

Chair: Dr. Ronald Milliman

Sunday, July 10 - Bonanza C

2:00pm Guerrilla Marketing Strategies for your ACB Affiliate or Chapter - $4, $6
Free and low-cost promotional techniques that you can start using immediately! Using free bulletin boards and social media, making personal appearances and the effective use of business cards, and tons of promotable special events. Put it all together into an ongoing campaign.

Chair: Peggy Garrett

Monday, July 11 - So Pac B

12:15pm MCAC Luncheon and Program - $25, $27
Exhibiting the gold, exploring the treasures, embracing the cultures - Prof. Francisco Lima, ACB international guest from Brazil

Wednesday, July 13 - 2951

5:00pm MCAC Mid-week Social - $18, $20

Chair: Ardis Bazyn

Saturday, July 9 - Cen Pac

5:00pm Keys to the Convention
An overview of the ACB Conference and Convention; especially helpful to first-timers and those not attending convention for several years.

Sunday, July 10

2:00pm Keys to the Convention Seminar - Washoe
Repeat of the Saturday seminar.

Thursday, July 14 - Bonanza A

2:45pm ACB Membership Seminar: Exploring How Affiliates Can Reach New Members.
Each affiliate should plan to send at least one representative to this seminar.
Welcome and introduction…

Chair: Sandra Sermons

Monday, July 11 - Bonanza C

4:15pm Rehabilitation Around the World- $4, $6
Co-sponsored by the ACB Rehabilitation Task Force
See Rehabilitation Task Force for details.

Tuesday, July 12 - So Pac E

4:15pm Madrid Awaits
News about the ACB-Road Scholar trip to Spain.

5:45pm Voices from around the World Reception - $12, $15 - So Pac D
Meet and welcome our international guests.