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Announcing the Themes for Upcoming Issues of the Forum

by Susan Glass

The Board of Publications wants to announce the themes for upcoming issues of the Forum, and do so in a timely manner so that everyone who wishes to write an article can do so without being rushed.

The theme for the November issue is gratitude, and the deadline for submitting an article is Sept. 23. We chose this theme in honor of the Thanksgiving holiday. To whom, and for what, are you grateful? Perhaps an interaction with an 8th grade teacher shaped your life in small or great ways that you never could have predicted. Perhaps a circumstance that at first seemed disastrous turned out to be one of the better things that’s ever happened to you. Perhaps there was that one employer who gave you an opportunity that launched your career. Maybe you’re grateful that your children are growing up with sound health, hearts, and values. Maybe it’s the little things, (singing, walking, reading) that feel especially good lately. Share your gratitude with Forum readers.

December’s theme is international relations. We'll hear from members of ACB’s International Relations Committee, but by all means send your own contributions as well. The deadline is Oct. 25th.

The theme for January is planning and seeking balance in life. It’s the new year, time for those terrifying resolutions or genuine fresh starts. What throws you off balance in life, and what helps you regain your balance and keep it? January’s deadline is Nov. 22nd.

February’s theme is leaders and leadership. This theme honors ACB’s leadership meetings and legislative advocacy. Who are the leaders in your state and special-interest affiliates? What are their qualities of character and their accomplishments? What makes leadership work? When and how does it thrive, and when does it flounder? The deadline is Dec. 16th.

March’s Braille Forum will focus on blindness and related topics, such as SSDI, ABLE accounts, the Real ID and how to acquire one. The deadline for March is Jan. 24th.

April showers bring May flowers; the April E-Forum will focus on weathering weather as blind people, such as:

  • Traveling in snow with a cane or guide dog;
  • Preparing for weather emergencies;
  • Stories about weather and being stranded;
  • Funny stories about weather; and
  • Weather and long-distance travel.

April’s deadline is Feb. 17th, due to the leadership and legislative meetings.

May’s theme is on gardening and other spring activities. For example, you could focus on:

  • Specialized gardens: water gardens, scented gardens, bird/butterfly garden;
  • Gardening blind: adaptations; or
  • Spring fix-it chores and how you do them as a blind person.

NLS and BARD have substantial collections of gardening books, and I plan to write a review of what you can find there. The deadline for May is March 25th.

The June E-Forum will focus on the upcoming convention (of course), but also look at weddings. For example:

  • Participating in weddings as a blind person;
  • Attending weddings as a blind person;
  • Planning your wedding as a blind person;
  • Unusual weddings; and
  • Weddings and sexual orientation.

June’s deadline is April 22nd.

We hope this information jump starts your creativity and your keyboard. We look forward to your articles.