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North Carolina Holds 39th Annual Convention

Members of the North Carolina Council of the Blind gathered at the Village Inn Golf and Conference Center in the Village of Clemmons, Sept. 28- 30, for the council's 39th annual convention. The keynote speaker was ACB President Mitch Pomerantz, who challenged the members to embrace and advance the philosophy and programs of ACB for the benefit of all blind and visually impaired people.

Presentations were made by representatives of the Friends of the North Carolina Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, the Division of Services for the Blind, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services-Office of Education, Governor Morehead School for the Blind alumni association, the newly formed state alliance of blind students and others. Officers elected for the 2007-2009 biennium are: President, Ron Eller; 1st Vice President, Terry Lewis; 2nd Vice President, Hubert Ward; Secretary, Allen Casey; Treasurer, Jane Ferrita; members at large, Thelma Crumpler and Joseph Brouhard. Raleigh was selected as the site of the 2008 convention.

NCCB joined several non-profit and corporate sponsors to underwrite an evening of classical Indian dance, "The Five Faces of Shiva," performed by Articulate Bangalore in Chapel Hill on Oct. 7. The dance troupe, resident in Bangalore, India, features five blind and visually impaired performers.