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Affiliate News

ACB of Nebraska 2008 State Convention

The 2008 ACB of Nebraska state convention is scheduled for the weekend of April 18-20 at the New World Inn and Conference Center, 265 33rd Ave. in Columbus, Neb. Room reservations may be made by calling the hotel at 1-800- 433-1492. Be sure to mention ACBN in order to receive the discounted room rate of $57 per night plus tax. For more information, call (402) 592-3462.

You Are Invited to Join ACBHSP!

ACB Human Service Professionals has an exciting line-up of discussion topics on its conference calls which will, hopefully, get us started with convention plans. Whether you are an ACBHSP member presently, thinking about becoming one, need to be one or just interested in what we do or the topic at hand, feel free to join us.

The next call will be held on April 6, 2008 at 9 p.m. Eastern. Jessie Rayl will bring to you "I have a choice" from well-known theorist William Glaser. This will outline the concepts of choice therapy.

So, come join us. And join ACBHSP, too. How? To join the call, dial (218) 936-1200, code ACBHSP (222477). We meet on the first Sunday of each month at 9 p.m. Eastern.

To join ACBHSP, send your $10 annual dues to: Jessie L. Rayl, President, 305 S. Maple Ave., Martinsburg, WV 25401. Questions, contact Jessie at (304) 671-9780.