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American Council of the Blind Accessible Events and Reasonable Accommodation Policy

Approved January 16, 2022


The American Council of the Blind (ACB) is committed to maintaining the integrity of its events by creating a welcoming, professional, safe, and respectful environment for all who attend and/or participate in its events.  The term "events" shall include conferences, meetings, functions, or any other gatherings sponsored or convened by ACB whether live, electronic communication, virtual or hybrid.  The purpose of this document is to articulate ACB’s policies and procedures for accessible events and for the provision of reasonable accommodation at such events.

ACB intends its programs and activities to be accessible to and useable by persons with disabilities as required by and in compliance with Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act and applicable state or local law.  Long before the ADA was passed, however, ACB has been designing its events, programs, and activities to eliminate known barriers to full participation by individuals who are blind, have low vision and those having both hearing and visual impairments.  This Policy on Accessible Events and Reasonable accommodation updates previous practices by establishing policies and procedures to ensure that the accessibility needs of its members have been built into ACB’s events by the creation and maintenance of a “blind-friendly” infrastructure for all its events. ACB events are opportunities for persons who are blind, visually impaired, Deaf-blind, or who have an interest in the field of visual impairment and blindness to come together to obtain and exchange information and ideas.

Through the implementation of this policy, ACB seeks to maximize participation at ACB events by all attendees and participants.


It shall be the responsibility of the chair of the Convention Committee, in consultation with the President of ACB, to identify and designate a Consultant with expertise on accessible features including provision of auxiliary aids and services, and the provision of Reasonable Accommodations, for the Annual Conference and Convention. This individual shall work with ACB staff, the Convention Committee, and the Local Host Committee to assist them with the establishment and maintenance of accessible features including the provision of auxiliary aids and services, and in providing reasonable accommodations at the Annual Conference and Convention. For all other events, the ACB President, in consultation with the Executive Director, will assign a staff member to serve as ACB’s ADA Coordinator to ensure the accessibility of and to provide reasonable accommodations for such events.



The primary source for announcement and notices of ACB events will be ACB’s web site and publications.  ACB’s web site shall comply with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), Level 2.1 AA, or successor standard. ACB publications will be available in alternate formats the availability of which is described below.


The online registration process also shall comply with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), Level 2.1 AA, or successor standard.

Registration forms shall permit a participant to elect to receive materials in a preferred alternate format. The registration form also shall provide for a participant to request an accessibility feature, a specific reasonable accommodation and/or an auxiliary aid or service. Persons needing assistance in registering online may receive assistance by calling the ACB National Office.

If an attendee does not request a specific accessibility feature or reasonable accommodations prior to attending an ACB event, ACB shall endeavor to provide the requested feature or accommodation but cannot ensure that it will be made available at the time of the event.

Accessibility features and Accommodations for ACB Community Events may be requested by using the Community Accommodation Request Form

As used herein, when materials are to be provided in alternate formats, this means contracted braille, large print, and digital formats. The standard for large print shall be 18-point Verdana font. Digital information shall be provided in multiple file formats that are usable by a wide range of computers and adaptive devices.


ACB events shall be held in facilities (hotels, convention centers, restaurants etc.) which are readily accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities, in compliance with all federal, state, and local laws, including the ADA, as well as those statutes related specifically to blindness or visual impairment. ACB will seek to ensure that facilities it uses for events will have stripe stairs in appropriate contrasting colors, address lighting issues, and provide braille and large print signage in all public areas and on all sleeping rooms, in accordance with the ADA Accessibility Guidelines, and/or applicable state accessibility statutes.  As far as reasonably possible, facilities will also address other potentially problematic situations, as brought to their attention by the ACB President, Executive Director, the Chair of the ACB Convention Committee, or other person(s) designated to represent ACB in this capacity.


ACB events shall be fully accessible, including, but not limited to, the following:

Microphones will be considered to be standard equipment at all ACB events, except for mixers and social events;


Auxiliary aides and services include but are not limited to: interpreters, closed captioning, CART, assistive listening devices (ALD’s), and will be provided for ACB events as per attendee's specific request provided that such request is received at least 14 business days prior to the meeting date. Such requests may be submitted via telephone, e-mail, or in writing to addresses and phone numbers provided in all registration materials and announcements;

The podium or dais, audience seating etc. must be accessible to persons with mobility impairments and to individuals accompanied by service animals and guide dogs;

Lighting, color contrast, striping of stairs, and other needs of persons with visual and/or hearing impairments must be addressed when room settings, placement of audio/visual equipment, and other meeting details are being organized;

Transcripts will be archived with electronic communications when available;


ACB will ensure that there is an accessible process for member and affiliate voting at all in-person, virtual and hybrid Conference and Conventions.


All contracted venders providing goods and services for ACB events will comply with the ADA and other applicable laws prohibiting discrimination against persons with disabilities, including persons who are blind, visually impaired or deaf-blind at the time the contract is executed and throughout the duration of the event.

All contracts with service providers for the provision of equipment, services or facilities shall require the provider to defend, hold harmless and indemnify ACB for all costs and expenses, including but not limited to legal fees and lost staff and Board member time, for any claim made against ACB for a violation of the ADA or other laws prohibiting discrimination against persons with disabilities, including persons who are blind, visually impaired or deaf-blind, arising out of or in connection with the ACB event and the actions of the contractor or its agent, employee, management, or contractor, acting within or outside the scope of their authority, employment or contract.

To the extent feasible, these provisions shall also apply to all vendors or other entities participating in or exhibiting at all ACB events.


ACB will ensure that ACB events have appropriate relief areas available for use by service animals and guide dogs. Convention and meeting facilities will, whenever possible, be expected to participate in the cost of such relief areas and their maintenance.  ACB is responsible for obtaining a contractor for the construction and maintenance of relief areas at the Annual Conference and Convention.  ACB may choose to pursue additional sources of funding to cover the cost of relief are


Transportation used in support of ACB events, including but not limited to transportation to and from transit facilities and transportation for attendees, shall be accessible to persons with disabilities in accordance with all applicable laws, including the ADA, shall accept all guide dogs and other service animals, and be equipped with functioning lifts, radios, or telephones for medical emergencies.


All materials regarding tours at the annual convention shall include information about wheelchair access, stamina, requirements for independent travel, and accessibility for persons who are blind or visually impaired.  To the extent practicable, all such material will be available at the annual convention, if not before, in alternate formats.  If this is not possible, the information shall be available from ACB.


ACB will arrange for the availability of sighted volunteers to assist participants in navigating to programs and activities including the General Session, workshops, Exhibits and other public facilities subject to certain limitations specified herein.


Attendees at ACB events are expected to govern themselves in an appropriate, acceptable, and sociable manner in accordance with the ACB Code of Conduct.


ACB shall not be required to provide emergency medical services or other personal services if needed for daily living, including personal care attendants or support service providers.  ACB may provide referrals to local resources for PCA and SSP services upon request.

Participants are also expected to provide for their own personal care.  Volunteers under the auspices of ACB, and anyone who represents ACB in an official capacity, are prohibited from providing personal and attendant care for attendees at ACB events.  Such care includes but is not limited to: dressing and grooming of the attendee, packing of clothing and personal supplies, wheelchair pushing, and distribution/identification of prescription or over-the-counter medications.  Volunteers, and anyone who represents ACB in an official capacity, shall not accompany attendees to private rooms or to sleeping room floors for any reason.

Attendees at ACB events attend of their own free will.  Therefore, ACB will assume no financial responsibility for attendees other than those arrangements made prior to attendance at the upcoming event.  Such prior support may include, but is not limited to, stipends, scholarships, grants and awards.  ACB shall not intervene for an attendee in matters of a financial nature.

ACB will not provide any accessibility feature including auxiliary aids and services or reasonable accommodation which would constitute an undue burden (i.e., significant difficulty or expense) or which would result in a fundamental alteration of ACB’s programs or activities.  ACB will attempt to identify an alternative accessibility feature, reasonable accommodation or auxiliary aid or service which would not impose and undue burden or fundamentally alter its programs and activities.  Any denial of an accessibility feature, reasonable accommodation or auxiliary aids or services shall be made by the ACB President or his designee in consultation with the Executive Director, its Chief Financial Officer and/or the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors.  Such denial shall be in writing and issued within 14 calendar days of the denial.  A participant may appeal a denial of an accessibility feature, reasonable accommodation or provision of an auxiliary aid or service to the Board of Directors within 30 calendar days from such action.  The Board shall investigate the complaint and provide the participant its written decision within 30 calendar days of the Board’s receipt of the complaint.


ACB shall maintain records of all accessibility features and accommodations provided at all ACB events. At the least, the record shall identify the accessibility feature or accommodation provided, provider by name, address, telephone, FAX, email, cost of accessibility feature or accommodation, and number of persons benefited.  Unless otherwise ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction or to comply with a subpoena duces tecum, the identity of the person(s) requesting an accessibility feature or accommodation shall be redacted when the request is disclosed to anyone but the Consultant on accessible events and Reasonable Accommodations, the provider of the accommodation, or other person who has a need to know.  The Consultant on accessibility features and Reasonable Accommodations and the ACB Executive Director shall consult with the ACB President, or the President's designee if appropriate, if there is any question related to disclosing the identity of the person requesting an accessibility feature or accommodation.


The ACB Policy on Accessible Events and Reasonable Accommodations shall be reviewed biannually, commencing on or about two years after the date of its adoption.

The ACB Policy on Accessible Events and Reasonable Accommodations will be archived and publicly posted on the ACB website.