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ACB Recognizes Global Accessibility Awareness Day

Alexandria, Va., May 16, 2024 – Today ACB celebrates Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), an international day to raise awareness of the importance of digital access and inclusion for people with disabilities. ACB continues to advocate for advancements in digital accessibility across all industries and levels of government, including:

  • Enhancing the accessibility of websites and mobile apps under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Creating enforceable standards for accessible medical diagnostic equipment and making patient-facing applications more inclusive
  • Expanding accessibility requirements to stay up-to-date with new technologies—from online streaming to video conferencing to artificial intelligence
  • Ensuring equal access to in-person and absentee voting
  • Reducing burdens for required digital forms when traveling with service animals

Advocacy is a team effort, and we thank our partners in the disability community for their work in ensuring that the whole digital environment is fully accessible for all.