The American Council of the Blind (ACB) Board of Directors met virtually via Zoom on Monday, December 9 and Monday, December 16, 2024, with the primary objective being to review and approve the 2025 ACB Budget and 2025 ACB Conference and Convention budget, as well as conduct some other needed business.
Call to Order: Deb Cook Lewis, President
President Deb Cook Lewis called the December 9, 2024 portion of the meeting to order at 7:00 pm Eastern Time.
Roll Call: Denise Colley, Secretary
At the call of the roll, the following board members were present: President Deb Cook Lewis, First Vice President David Trott, Second Vice President Ray Campbell, Secretary Denise Colley, Treasurer Michael Garrett, Immediate Past President Kim Charlson, Directors: Donna Brown, Gabriel Lopez Kafati, Peter Heide, Cecily Laney Nipper, Terry Pacheco, Rachel Schroeder, Kenneth Semien, Koni Sims and Jeff Thom.
Board of Publications Member Katie Frederick was present representing that body.
Board members absent: Chris Bell (excused due to illness).
Staff present: Scott Thornhill, ACB Executive Director, Nancy Marks-Becker, Chief Financial Officer.
Guests: Janet Dickelman, Convention Committee Chair
Review and Approval of Agenda: Deb Cook Lewis, President
President Lewis reviewed both segments of the agenda.
Brown moved and Semien seconded a motion to approve the agenda. The motion carried.
Review and Approval of 2026 and 2027 Proposed Convention Hotels: Janet Dickelman, Convention Chair
(See documents in Board packet.)
The first part of this meeting was an open board meeting to review and approve the proposed ACB convention hotels for 2026-28. Janet began with some background.
ACB signed our contract with Hyatt Jacksonville in 2020 during the pandemic. In 2022 and 2023 we realized we did not need as many room nights at the hotel as we did prior to Covid. Many attempts were made before the convention with Hyatt Jacksonville to adjust our contract, but we were unable to work out a room reduction. We are facing $43,000 in attrition costs. Hyatt is offering ACB a multi-year contract. If we sign the contracts for 2026 and 2027 with Hyatt by the end of this year the $43,000 attrition will be voided. She then presented the three proposals.
Hyatt bids for 2026, 2027, and 2028
St. Louis, MO - Hyatt Regency St. Louis; July 24 — July 31, 2026, with a room rate of $104 single or double occupancy.
Jacksonville, FL - In 2027 the Hyatt Riverfront Jacksonville is offering ACB a rate of $114 per night, dates would be the end of July.
Atlanta, GA - The Hyatt Atlanta is also offering ACB a rate of $129.00 single or double occupancy July 2 - July 9, 2027.
St. Louis and Atlanta hotels are easy to navigate and would be easy to travel from anywhere in the country.
The Jacksonville bid was just received, so we are checking with Atlanta to see if we could have the $129 rate in 2028.
After questions and discussion, it was moved by Trott and seconded by Sims to sign the contracts for 2026 and 2027 and see what can be negotiated with Atlanta for 2028. The motion carried.
The open portion of the ACB Board meeting then adjourned, and the Board moved into executive session to review and approve the revenue side of the 2025 ACB Budget and 2025 ACB Conference and Convention budget.
Review and approval of the 2025 ACB Revenue Budget: Nancy Marks-Becker
Nancy Becker presented the Revenue side of the 2025 ACB Budget.
Total Projected Revenue: $1,405,600.
There being no Board recommended changes, Campbell moved, and Schroeder seconded a motion to approve the ACB Revenue side of the Budget in its entirety as presented. The motion carried.
Review and Approval of the 2025 ACB Conference and Convention Budget
Nancy then presented the Revenue and Expense sides of the 2025 ACB Conference and Convention Budget.
Total Projected Convention Revenue: $637,500
Total Projected Convention Expense: $309,100
Total Convention Profit (Loss): $328,400
There being no Board recommended changes, Thom moved, and Brown seconded a motion to approve the 2025 ACB Convention Budget in its entirety, as presented. The motion carried.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded that the Board meeting be recessed until Monday, December 16 at 7:00 p.m. Eastern time. The meeting recessed at 8:33 p.m. Eastern time.
Call to Order:
The ACB Board of Directors meeting was called back to order from recess by President, Deb Cook Lewis at 7:00 p.m. Eastern time on Monday, December 16, 2024.
Roll Call: Denise Colley, Secretary
At the call of the roll, the following board members were present: President Deb Cook Lewis, First Vice President David Trott, Second Vice President Ray Campbell, Secretary Denise Colley, Treasurer Michael Garrett, Immediate Past President Kim Charlson, Directors: Chris Bell, Donna Brown, Peter Heide, Gabriel Lopez Kafati, Cecily Laney Nipper, Terry Pacheco, Rachel Schroeder, Kenneth Semien, Koni Sims and Jeff Thom.
Board of Publications Member Katie Frederick was present representing that body.
Staff present: Scott Thornhill, ACB Executive Director, Nancy Marks-Becker, Chief Financial Officer.
Review and Approval of the 2025 Expense Budget: Nancy Marks-Becker, ACB Chief Financial Officer
ACB Chief Financial Officer Nancy Marks-Becker presented the expenditure side of the 2024 ACB Budget.
Two motions were made impacting the total projected expenses and the total deficit from operations.
It was moved by Trott and seconded by Bell to increase the Travel Other budget expenditure category by $4,500 to cover travel to the IBC meetings for 2025. The motion carried with two no votes.
It was moved by Charlson and seconded by Trott to amend the budget to add a $400 increase to the donation budget expenditure category for the World Blind Union Regional Development Fund to make small grants for special projects to member organizations within the North American/Caribbean Region. The motion carried.
Total Projected Expense: $2,542,400
Deficit from Operations: $1,136,800
Total Surplus Deficit: $381,300
It was moved by Trott and seconded by Bell to approve the expense side of the 2025 Budget. The motion carried.
Review and Approval of Total 2025 ACB Budget: Entire Board
It was moved by Campbell and seconded by Schroeder that the ACB Board approve the total ACB 2025 budget in aggregate. The motion carried.
Approval of withdrawal of Reserve Investment funds to meet cash flow in 2025 - $160,000:
It was moved by Garrett and seconded by Trott that, on an as needed basis, the Board authorize our Chief Financial Officer to withdraw up to $160,000 from the Reserve investment account to meet cash flow in 2025. The motion carried.
There being no further business it was moved by Campbell and seconded by Pacheco to adjourn. The motion was carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:57 pm Eastern time.
Denise Colley
Date submitted: January 22, 2025
Approved: February 10, 2025