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ACB Board of Directors Meeting Minutes: December 5 and December 12, 2022

Call to Order 

The American Council of the Blind (ACB) Board of Directors met virtually via Zoom on Monday, December 5 and Monday, December 12, 2022, with the primary objective being to review and approve the 2023 ACB Budget and 2023 ACB Conference and Convention budget. President Dan Spoone called the 12/5/22 portion of the meeting to order at 8:03 PM Eastern Time. 

Roll Call – Denise Colley, Secretary 

At the call of the roll, the following board members were present: Dan Spoone, Deb Cook Lewis, Ray Campbell, Denise Colley, David Trott, Kim Charlson, Jeff Bishop, Donna Brown, Gabriel Lopez Kafati, Terry Pacheco, Doug Powell, Rachel Schroeder, Kenneth Semien, Koni Sims and Jeff Thom. 

Board members absent: Chris Bell.

Board of Publications Member Penny Reeder was present representing that body. 

Staff present: Eric Bridges, ACB Executive Director, Nancy Marks-Becker, Chief Financial Officer. 

Consultants: Bill Reeder, interim Resource Development Consultant. 

Review and Approval of Agenda – Dan Spoone

President Spoone reviewed both segments of the agenda. Campbell requested that a brief overview of what the two ACB Leadership Conferences in March are going to look like. This item will be added to the December 12 agenda. 

Powell moved and Semien seconded a motion to approve the agenda as revised. The motion carried. 

Approval of Amendments to the Prohibited Conduct Policy and Procedure

On 11/7/22 a motion was made via email by Cook and seconded by Campbell to approve the addition of amended language in the Prohibited Conduct Policy and Procedure applying the policy on prohibited conduct by staff and contractors to the policy regarding member conduct. On 11/8/22 the motion was approved unanimously; with ratification of the motion to amend the policy to take place at our December 5th Board meeting. It was moved by Campbell and seconded by Sims to ratify the email vote taken on 11/8/22 approving the amendment to the Prohibited Conduct Policy. The motion carried. 

Review of the ACB Investment Account Balances: Nancy Marks-Becker 

ACB Chief Financial Officer Nancy Marks-Becker began with an overview of the investment accounts providing an update on the summary of the value of all accounts, the board amount that was authorized to be withdrawn to meet operating expenses and the actual amount that had been withdrawn to date.  

Review and approval of the 2023 ACB Revenue Budget 

Chief Financial Officer Nancy Marks-Becker then presented the revenue side of the 2023 ACB Budget. 

It was moved by Campbell and seconded by Thom that we increase the projected revenue for the 2023 Holiday auction from $18,000 to $25,000. The motion carried. 

It was moved by Powell and seconded by Campbell to approve the 2023 ACB revenue budget as amended. The motion carried.  

Total Projected Revenue: $1,617,760. 

Review and Approval of the 2023 ACB Conference and Convention Budget 

Nancy then presented the revenue and expense sides of the 2023 ACB Conference and Convention budget. There being no board recommended changes, Campbell moved and Powell seconded a motion to approve the 2023 ACB Convention Budget in its entirety, as presented. The motion carried. 

Total Projected Convention Revenue: $556,940 

Total Projected Convention Expense: $356,946 

Total Convention Profit (Loss): $200,000. 

Recess ACB 2022 Budget Meeting   

There being no further business, it was moved by Pacheco and seconded by Sims that the Board meeting be recessed until Monday, December 12 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time.  

The meeting recessed at 9:22 p.m. Eastern time. 

Call to Order Out of Recess for the ACB 2022 Budget Meeting

The Board reconvened at 8:03 p.m. Eastern time on Monday, December 12, 2022.  

At the call of the roll, the following Board members were present: Dan Spoone, Deb Cook Lewis, Ray Campbell, Denise Colley, David Trott, Kim Charlson, Chris Bell, Jeff Bishop, Gabriel Lopez Kafati, Terry Pacheco, Doug Powell, Rachel Schroeder, Kenneth Semien, Koni Sims, and Jeff Thom. 

Board of Publications Member Penny Reeder was present representing that body. 

Members Absent: Donna Brown. 

Staff present: Eric Bridges, ACB Executive Director, Nancy Marks-Becker, Chief Financial Officer.  

Guests: Katie Frederick, Board of Publications Chair. 

Review and Approval of the October 22 Fall Board Meeting Minutes - Denise Colley, ACB Secretary 

It was moved by Bell and seconded by Sims to approve the 2022 fall Board Meeting minutes. The motion carried. 

Review and Approval of the ACB 2022 Expense Budget 

ACB Chief Financial Officer Nancy Marks-Becker presented the expenditure side of the 2023 ACB Budget. 

It was moved by Charlson and seconded by Bell that we adjust the 2023 expense for the Braille Authority of North America from $0 to $1,000 for travel. The motion carried. 

It was moved by Campbell and seconded by Bell to increase the revenue for the presidents meeting and legislative seminar to $15,000 and increase the expenditure side of the budget for these two events to $11,000 each. The motion carried. 

It was moved by Sims and seconded by Semien to add $1,500 to meet the budget request for the Get Up and Get Moving Campaign. The motion carried. 

The total committees expense budget section was increased by $1,500, bringing that line item up to $5,100. 

Total Expenses: $2,340,800. 

Total Surplus Deficit from operations: $715,088. 

It was moved by Campbell and seconded by Sims that we approve the expense side of the ACB 2023 budget. The motion carried. 

Net Contributions - ACBES: $309,100 

Total Deficit: $205,988. 

It was moved by Campbell and seconded by Pacheco that the ACB Board approve the total ACB 2023 budget in aggregate. The motion carried. 

Alexandria Office Move Update

Eric and Nancy updated the Board on the status of the Alexandria Office move. 

It was moved by Powell and seconded by Schroeder to empower Eric and Nancy to finalize negotiations and sign a contract for a lease for the Alexandria Office that would be located at 225 Reinekers Lane in Old Town Alexandria. The motion carried. 


There being no further business it was moved by Campbell and seconded by Sims that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:19 PM Eastern time. 

Denise Colley 

Date submitted: 1/24/2023 
Approved:  1/31/2023