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Proposed Amendments to the ACB Constitution and Bylaws Addressing Voting

Please come join the Constitution and Bylaws Committee (C&B) and Voting Task Force (VTF) for these upcoming events to discuss and take member input. On August 4, they will be visiting with the presidents on Hump Day. On August 5, C&B will be meeting and will take members’ input. On August 8, both committees will be on Sunday Edition. On August 10, Tuesday Topics will host both committees for discussion and input for the first hour. Then the C&B will be meeting and taking members’ input. On August 11, both committees will be available to visit with the presidents on Hump Day. We look forward to talking and hearing from our members!

Current Language, Article III, Section C:

C. Voting: Each voting member attending an annual conference and convention shall be entitled to one (1) vote, provided that the person was a member prior to the record date of the conference and convention, which shall be thirty (30) days prior to the opening meeting. In addition, official delegates from affiliates shall cast the number of votes to which their organization is entitled as provided in the Bylaws. Voting on all issues at an annual conference and convention shall be conducted in one (1) of two (2) ways: voice vote, by which the presiding officer calls for the oral ayes and then for the oral nays, or record vote. A record vote shall be composed of two (2) distinct components: a secret ballot vote by which the individual votes of certified voting members are taken, to be conducted in a manner as provided for in the Bylaws, and a roll call of affiliates by which official affiliate delegates shall announce the votes of their respective organizations. Elections where there are contests of officers, directors and members of the Board of Publications must be conducted by record vote. If a voice vote on any issue, in the opinion of the presiding officer, is too close to determine the result, the presiding officer shall have the discretion to order a record vote on the issue. A record vote on any issue shall also be ordered by the presiding officer if any twenty-five (25) certified voting members and/or members at large identify themselves from the floor of the conference and convention and request a record vote.

Proposed Language, Article III, Section C:

C. Voting: Each certified member of this organization shall be entitled to one (1) vote at any annual or special meeting, provided that the person was a certified member prior to the established record date of such meeting, which shall be thirty (30) days before such meeting, or in the case of the annual conference and convention, the opening session. In addition, official delegates from affiliates shall cast the number of votes to which their organization is entitled as provided in the Bylaws. Voting on all issues at any meeting shall be conducted in one (1) of two (2) ways: voice vote or record vote. In the case of voice votes, virtual attendees shall cast votes by any protocol provided for by the adopted remote meeting platform or client program. A record vote shall be composed of two (2) distinct components: a secret ballot vote conducted in the manner prescribed in the bylaws, and a roll call of affiliates by which official affiliate delegates shall announce the votes of their respective organizations. If a voice vote on any issue, in the opinion of the presiding officer, is too close to determine the result, the presiding officer shall have the discretion to order a record vote on the issue. Contested elections and the disposition of main motions on proposed constitutional and/or bylaw amendments must be conducted via record vote. A record vote on any issue shall also be ordered by the presiding officer if any twenty-five (25) certified voting members identify themselves either from the floor of the conference and convention or via the adopted remote meeting platform or client program and request a record vote.

Article IX Meetings (unchanged):

A regular meeting of this organization shall be held once a year, to be known as the annual conference and convention. A majority of affiliate votes certified and seated at the conference and convention shall constitute a quorum to do business.

Add the following to Article IX:

Any membership meeting, or portions thereof, may be conducted, either exclusively or as a contemporaneous hybrid component, by means of the Internet or other electronic communications technology in a fashion pursuant to which the members have the opportunity to read or hear the proceedings substantially concurrently with their occurrence, vote on matters submitted to the members, pose questions, and make comments.

[All language from "by mean of ..." to the end of the proposed added sentence is taken directly from the D.C. Nonprofit Corporations Act of 2010, § 29-405.01(e), (annual / regular meetings), and § 29-405.02(f), (special meetings).]

Article XI Amendments (unchanged):

This constitution and bylaws may be amended at any regular conference and convention of ACB provided such proposed amendment has been presented in writing to the Constitution and Bylaws Committee before the end of the first day following the day of the roll call meeting of the conference and convention. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting is required to adopt a constitutional amendment and a majority vote of those present and voting is required to adopt a bylaw amendment according to voting procedures contained herein. Both the original language and the proposed language shall be read to the assembly during any business meeting of the conference and convention, provided the deadline for submission has been met, and final action shall not take place until a second reading to the assembly has taken place on any subsequent business meeting day. Any such proposed amendment is not considered pending business until the amendment has been properly placed in the hands of the conference and convention assembly.

Add to Article XI:

Once placed before the assembly, constitutional and bylaws amendments may be debated but may not be amended.

Current Language, Bylaw 2 Voting:

D. The secret ballot component of a record vote shall be conducted through the use of a paper ballot for each certified member.

Proposed Replacement, Bylaw 2 Voting:

D. The individual vote for each member shall be conducted using an electronic system which provides the ability to independently mark, verify and cast a secret ballot. Such voting system shall be independently accessible to all members without regard to the technology used by each member, including assistive technology.