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2021 ACB Affiliate Votes and Delegate Information

Affiliate # of delegate votes Delegate Alternate Delegate Nominating Representative

State Affiliate

Alabama 3 Michael Talley Penny Moss Michael Talley
Arizona 2 John McCann Lindsey McHugh John McCann
Arkansas 2 Rita Reese-Whiting Sandra (Sandy) Edwards Rita Reese-Whiting
California 22 Gabe Griffith Sarah Harris Gabe Griffith
Colorado 1 Jay Travers Marlene Kaiser JD Holcomb
Connecticut 1 Ellen Telker Ellie Paules Eileen Akers
Delaware 1 Suzanne Howell Deb Trevino Suzanne Howell
District of Columbia 1 Raymond Raysor Sandra Sermons Jeannette Gerrard
Florida 25 Sheila Young Mikey Wiseman James Kracht
Georgia 5 Cecily Nipper Phil Jones Cecily Nipper
Hawaii 3 Art Cabanilla  Donald Thomson Natalie Barrett
Illinois 3 Rachel Schroeder Tom Jones Anne Brash
Indiana 4 Barbara Salisbury Dee Ann Hart Bill Sparks
Iowa 3 Carrie Chapman Don Wirth Norma A. Boge
Kansas 3 Ann Byington Michael Byington Ann Byington
Kentucky 12 Matt Selm Terrie Terlau Debbie Deatherage
Bluegrass 3 Adam Ruschival Paula Wiese Paula Wiese
Louisiana 3 Teresa Curry Pierre Curry Teresa Curry
Maine 2 0 0 Not Applicable 
Maryland 3 Shirley Messman Susan Boaz Raymond Raysor
Bay State 8 Brian Charlson Mary Haroyan Frank Ventura
Michigan 7 Kristen Kelling Deb Robinson Casey Dutmer
Minnesota 3 Patty Slaby Nicky Schlender Janet Dickelman
Mississippi 3 Ralph Smitherman Kenneth Reed Ralph Smitherman
Missouri 22 Naomi Soule Kay Malmquist Chip Hailey
Montana 0     Not Applicable 
Nebraska 1 Jim Jirak   Jim Jirak
Nevada 2 Bill Powers Bari Powers Bill Powers
New Jersey 2 Wanda Williford Ruth Williams Wanda Williford
New Mexico 0     Not Applicable
New York 9 Jean Mann Nancy Murray Jean Mann
North Carolina 3 Lawrence Carter Becky Davidson Becky Davidson
North Dakota 10 Allan Peterson Zelda Gebhard Trampes Brown
Ohio 8 Brant Adams Dana Metcalf Dana Metcalf
Oklahoma 22 Vicky Lynn Golightly Kay Love Vicky Lynn Golightly
Oregon 5 Carrie Muth Teresa Christian Darian Slayton-Fleming
Pennsylvania 8 Christine Hunsinger Cathy Long Christine Hunsinger
South Dakota 3 Lerae Olesen Chelle Hart Doug Puetz 
Tennessee 5 Jeannie Johnson Penny Verity Jeannie Johnson
Texas 12 Peggy Garrett Michael Garrett Peggy Garrett
Utah 18 Anna Jeffery Sandra Ruconich Sandra Ruconich
Vermont 3 Tom Frank Gerard Doody None Provided
Virginia 2 Sam Joehl Donna Browning Donna Browning
Washington 17 Julie Brannon Andy Arvidson Julie Brannon
Mountain State 2 Carol McGhee Marcia Dillon Carol McGhee
Wisconsin 1 Richard Johnson Peter Heide Richard Johnson
Wyoming 1     Not Applicable

Special Interest Affiliate

Alliance on Aging & Vision Loss (AAVL) 3 Jeff Thom John Huffman Jeff Thom
American Assoc. of Blind Teachers (AABT) 2 Betsy Doane Steven Salas Tabitha Brecke
American Assoc. of Visually Impaired Attorneys (AAVIA) 2 Steven Mendelsohn N/A Steven Mendelsohn
ACB Diabetics in Action (ACBDA) 3 Chris Gray Danette Dixon Chris Gray
ACB Families 3 Natalie Couch Theresa Petrey Leslie Thom
ACB Government Employees (ACBGE) 1 Kevin Berkery Renee Zelickson Kevin Berkery
ACB Lions 4 Carla Ruschival Mitch Pomerantz Adam Ruschival
ACB Next Generation 3 Amanda Selm Monica “Moe” Carpenter Joey Couch
ACB Radio Amateurs (ACBRA) 1 Harvey Heagy Marcia Moses Steve Dresser
ACB Students 2 Minh Ha Antoinette Cervantes Minh Ha
Blind Information Technology Specialists (BITS) 8 Earlene Hughes Christopher Maae Earlene Hughes
Blind LGBT Pride 6 Gabriel Lopez Kafati Anthony Corona Gabriel Lopez Kafati
Braille Revival League (BRL) 9 Jane Carona Paul Edwards Jane Carona
Council of Citizens with Low Vision International (CCLVI) 10 Patti Cox Robert Spangler Patti Cox
Friends-in-Art of ACB 4 Mike Mandel Ann Chiappetta Michael Byington
Guide Dog Users, Inc. 15 Sarah Calhoun Maria Hansen Sarah Calhoun
Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs (IVIE) 2 Jeannette Gerrard Carla Hayes Ardis Bazyn
Library Users of America (LUA) 7 Judy Wilkinson Sharon Strzalowski Judy Wilkinson
Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America (RSVA) 13 Ardis Bazyn Dan Sippl Dan Sippl
Visually Impaired Veterans of America (VIVA) 1 Tyson Ernst David Dowland Tyson Ernst