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2016 Paper Pre-Registration

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Pre-register and save time and money. Your badge and tickets will be waiting for you when you arrive in Minneapolis, and most fees and ticket prices are lower when you pre-register.  Below is the link to download the PDF Pre registration form.
PDF 2016 Pre-registration Form large print.

Alternatively, you may choose to pre-register on-line at or by telephone by calling the 2016 registration line at 800-866-3242. Use a separate form for each person. 

  1. Events are arranged in chronological order on the form; some require tickets, while others are free. Don't over-schedule; more activities will be announced in the official conference and convention program.
  2. The bolded amount for each event is the pre-registration price. The second amount in parentheses is the price at the convention.
  3. To register on the paper form, complete all pages of the form. Place an X, on the line to the right of each event for which you wish to register.
  4. The convention administrative fee is $15 (pre-registration) and $25 (on-site); it is pre-printed on the paper form and is automatically added to all on-line and telephone registrations.
  5. You can be a Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum or Titanium sponsor by selecting the appropriate box on either the online or paper form. Sponsors receive a special ribbon to wear on their convention badges. Whether or not you attend the convention all sponsors are recognized during general sessions, in the convention newspaper and on ACB Radio. If you are not attending the convention, you may still become a sponsor by calling 800-866-3242.
  6. ACB will make No refunds for the convention administrative fee or tickets that you just don't want. Refunds will be issued only if tickets for an event you have requested are unavailable, or if you are unable to attend any part of the convention. You must request the refund by writing to the ACB Minnesota office at the address shown below, or by calling 800-866-3242, On or Before June 25, 2016. In case of illness during the convention which requires you to return home or be hospitalized, refunds will be issued only for the meals, events, and tours which take place after your absence begins.
  7. Your completed form and total payment must be received by June 23, 2016. Forms received after June 23 will not be processed and pre-registration discounts WILL NOT apply. Staff will bring them to the convention and process them there.
  8. Mail paper form; be sure to add enough postage. Mail to:


    American Council of the Blind
    2014 Conference and Convention
    6300 Shingle Creek Pkwy., Suite 195
    Brooklyn Center, MN 55430

  1. Call Janet Dickelman at (651) 428-5059 with questions regarding the convention, or check the ACB website at for updated information.