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2015 Program

Where the Stars Shine Bright


colorful photo of the Sheraton Dallas Hotel

54th Annual National
Conference & Convention
American Council of the Blind
Special-Interest Affiliates
Sheraton Dallas Hotel, Dallas, TX
July 3 — 11, 2015
Kim Charlson, President
Hosted by ACB of Texas
Kenneth Semien Sr., President

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Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc.


Vanda Pharmaceuticals is dedicated to raising awareness of Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder (Non-24) and supporting the blindness community. Non-24 is a rare circadian rhythm disorder affecting up to 70% of people who are totally blind. People living with Non-24 experience excessive daytime sleepiness and nighttime sleeplessness, which leads to impaired social and occupational functioning. This is due to the misalignment between the internal master body clock and the 24-hour day.

Come visit us at our booth to learn about Non-24 and sign up for additional information!
Call a health educator toll-free at 1-855-856-2424. 24 hours a day, every day.
a circadian rhythm disorder
Visit us online at
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A Commitment to Access
JPMorgan Chase & Co.

We proudly support the American Council of the Blind in their mission to increase the independence, security, equality of opportunity and quality of life for all blind and visually impaired people.
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The American Council of the Blind would like to sincerely thank Google for their support of the 2015 Conference and Convention as a Diamond Sponsor.
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Comcast’s Accessibility Customer Support Center
XFINITY® customers who rely on key services – including closed captioning, video description and voice guidance – now have direct access to a specially trained customer support team dedicated to resolving issues of importance to our customers with disabilities.
Customers can reach the center between the hours of 7 a.m. and 12 a.m. (Eastern time), seven days a week.
Phone: 855-270-0379
E-mail: [email protected]
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? Page 4- insert ? Enabling Technologies Ad Here ?

American Thermoform Corporation
Get Braille Paper, Braille Labels and more!
* 10% off on your first order!
Get the best Braille Paper, Braille Labels, tactile graphic paper and more with products from American Thermoform Corporation.
With endless size, weight and format options you can be assured to find just what you need! If not, contact American Thermoform and they will be happy to make it for you!

  • Braille Paper – continuous tractor, cut-sheet and roll formats
  • Braille Labels – continuous tractor and cut-sheet formats
  • Thermoform (Brailon) and Swell-Touch paper
  • PolyCovers – clear, rigid, pre-punched plastic for book covers

Braille Paper:
American Thermoform Corporation teamed up with paper specialists to develop a high-quality Braille paper in continuous, cut-sheet and roll formats that can hold up to the heavy demands of Braille productions. The paper is sourced from a single mill so the quality never varies and it is acid free and generates minimal paper dust making it ideal for extended Braille embossing.
Braille Labels:
Developed specifically for Braille production, these labels are perfectly clear and designed with a special adhesive that will not clog the printing pins and doesn’t generate static electricity, which can ultimately lead to embossing issues. The Braille is embossed onto the label, cut to size by the user, and will adhere to nearly every surface. This material is ideal for book titles, labeling shelves, canned goods, and identifying objects at home, school or office.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (909) 593-6711, (800) 331-3676
Fax: (909) 593-8001
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We are proud to now offer the Sony Entertainment Access System at Regal Theatres nationwide.
Regal Entertainment Group
Regal Cinemas
United Artists Theatres
Edwards Theatres
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The Revolution Continues!
NOW available for Android
NOW available for iPad
NEW features & improvements
NOW completely FREE!
AccessNote© is the popular notetaker app from the American Foundation for the Blind. It’s optimized for use with a wireless keyboard and today’s wireless braille displays.
Download on the App Store
Android app on Google play
American Foundation for the Blind®
Expanding possibilities for people with vision loss
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Guiding Eyes for the Blind

Over 50 Years of Service to the Blind and Visually Impaired
When I walk down the street with my Guiding Eyes dog, I am blind, yet I am safe. I am free.

  • Residential Training
  • Home Training
  • Special Needs Training
  • ACTION (Accelerated Client Training Option)
  • O & M Seminars

Guiding Eyes for the Blind
611 Granite Spring Rd.
Yorktown Heights, New York 10598
Phone: 914.245.4024, 800.942.0149
Email: [email protected]