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2015 ACB Presidents' Meeting Agenda Sunday, February 22

8:00 AM: Registration
9:00 AM: Opening Remarks – Kim Charlson, President, Watertown, MA; & Meeting Logistics: Melanie Brunson, ACB Executive Director, Arlington, VA
9:15 AM: Self-Introduction of Attendees
9:45 AM: Paths for Delivering Our ACB Message
Live on ACB Radio: Rick Morin, Waltham, MA, and Brian Charlson, Watertown, MA, Hosts of the Yin Yang Show on ACB Radio Interactive and Broadcasters for the 2015 ACB Mid-Year Meetings or 231-460-1047
ACB Social Media:
Twitter: John McCann, ACB Board of Directors, Tucson, AZ
Facebook: Carla Ruschival, ACB Treasurer, Louisville, KY theblindofficial
Publications: ACB Braille Forum, ACB E-Forum and ACB Reports -- Denise Colley, Chair, ACB Board of Publications, Lacey, WA
ACB Braille Forum, E-Forum and ACB Reports by Phone: 231-460-1061
10:15 AM: Break
10:30 AM: Communication Basics and strategies for Delivering Your Message: Rebecca Bridges, Management Consultant, Federal Management Partners, Alexandria, VA
10:45 AM: Using Paypal, Credit Cards,, shopping Carts, and Online Registration: can your affiliate do it? Carla Ruschival, ACB Treasurer, Louisville, KY; Katie Frederick, Executive Director, ACB of Ohio and Member of the ACB Board of Directors, Columbus, OH; and Jane Sheehan, Office Manager, Guide Dog Users Inc., Silver Spring, MD
11:30 AM: ACB Affiliate Board Liaison Program: What is it and How does it Work – Kim Charlson, ACB President, Watertown, MA
11:45 AM: Affiliate Liability Insurance: A Possible Group Solution – Lane Waters, Controller, American Council of the Blind Enterprises and Services, Brooklyn Center, MN
12:00 PM: Affiliate Grant Writing Assistance Program: How ACB Can Help – Melanie Brunson, ACB Executive Director, Arlington, VA
12:15 PM: Lunch
Lunch Presentation: Developments with Vanda Pharmaceuticals and Non-24 Update – Annie Gallagher,Advocacy and Outreach Manager, Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc., Washington, DC
1:30 PM: Shortening the ACB Convention: How Can We Make it Work? Janet Dickelman, ACB Convention Coordinator, St. Paul, MN
Presentation of the preliminary report of the Convention Shortening Committee followed by Discussion
2:15 PM: ACB Fund-Raising Initiatives, Partnerships and Opportunities – Annual Giving Societies, Grants, Direct Mail and Legacy Giving Society, Tom Tobin, ACB Director of Development, Cleveland, OH
Fund-Raising Programs: Overview
ACB Braille Forum Drawing, Angel Memorial Tribute, Opening night Roll Call Volunteer Hours, Dan Spoone, Co-Chair, ACB Resource Development Committee and ACB Board of Directors, Orlando, FL 
ACB Convention Summer Auction and Special Events: Leslie Spoone, Auction Committee Chair, and Special Events Sub-Committee Chair, Orlando, FL
ACB Tupperware Party: Brian Charlson, Watertown, MA
Holiday Auction: Carla Ruschival, Chair, Holiday Auction Committee, Louisville, KY
ACB Walk: Donna Brown, Chair, Walk Committee, Romney, WV
MMS (Monthly Monetary Support): George Holliday, MMS Committee, Philadelphia, PA
Online Donations: John McCann, Chair, Online Giving Committee, Tucson, AZ
3:15 PM: Break
3:30 PM: ACB Radio: Working for Affiliates in 2015 – Marlaina Lieberg, ACB Radio Project Director and ACB Second Vice President, Burien, WA
3:45 PM: Keeping Your Affiliate, Safe, Secure and Healthy -- 501C(3), IRS 990 and State Reporting Requirements: Lane Waters, Controller, American Council of the Blind Enterprises and Services, Brooklyn Center, MN; Account Redundancies and Back-Ups: Rick Morin, Treasurer, Bay State Council of the Blind, Waltham, MA; and Email, Listservs, Web Domains, Website Access, and Phone Systems, Brian Charlson, Chair, ACB Information Access Committee, Watertown, MA
4:30 PM: The Importance of AMMS: Lane Waters, Controller, American Council of the Blind Enterprises and Services, Brooklyn Center, MN and Rick Morin, Treasurer, Bay State Council of the Blind, Waltham, MA
4:45 PM: Audio Description Project Update and More! -- Joel Snyder, Director, ACB Audio Description Project, and President, Audio Description Associates, LLC, Takoma Park, MD; and Dan Spoone, Chair, Audio Description Project Steering Committee, Orlando, FL
5:30 PM: Wrap-Up – Kim Charlson, ACB President, Watertown, MA; and Melanie Brunson, ACB Executive Director, Arlington, VA
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