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2013 ACB Legislative Seminar

A message from Eric Bridges, Director of Advocacy and Governmental Relations
The 2013 Legislative Seminar promises to be an information-packed and entertaining event as we discuss ACB’s legislative imperatives for the year along with other hot button topics.
Legislative Imperative I
Medicare Demonstration of Coverage for Low Vision Devices Act of 2013

To evaluate, through a five-year national demonstration project administered by the Department of   Health and Human Services, the fiscal impact of a permanent change to  of the Social Security Act allowing reimbursement for certain low vision devices as durable medical equipment.
Legislative Imperative II 
Anne Sullivan Macy Act of 2013

To promote and ensure delivery of high quality special education and related services to students with visual disabilities through instructional methodologies meeting their unique learning needs; to enhance accountability for the provision of such services; to establish a national collaborative resource on visual disabilities and educational excellence to supplement the current availability of such services; to support the ongoing professional development of instructors of students with visual disabilities; to foster the proliferation of research supporting the development and evaluation of effective and innovative assessments and instructional methodologies.
Other topics to be covered include but aren’t limited to:

  • quiet car proposed regulations;
  • the continued implementation of the Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA);
  • the proposed treaty for the visually impaired at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and;
  • updates on ACB’s legal advocacy.

When making your appointments with legislators can find contact information at or , or you can call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 to be connected to your Representative or Senators offices.

This page last updated January 31, 2013.