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2010 Conference and Convention Program

Discover The Treasures Of ACB



Phoenix Downtown Sheraton Hotel
Phoenix, Arizona
July 9-17, 2010

Mitch Pomerantz, President

Hosted by the
Ron Brooks, President



From the President

Dear Conventioneers:

Let me be one of the first to welcome you to the 49th annual national conference and convention of the American Council of the Blind here in Phoenix, Arizona. This year's gathering is taking place at the Sheraton Downtown Hotel, a new facility with all the amenities one would expect from a modern convention venue.

The theme of the 2010 conference and convention is "Discovering the Treasures of ACB," entirely appropriate given that we are meeting in the Desert Southwest, an area known for many things including the prospectors who came in search of precious metals and valuable mineral deposits. One of this nation's greatest natural treasures, the Grand Canyon, is just a few short hours from our meeting location. Phoenix itself is a city with plenty of local treasures for visitors to discover and you should definitely take some time out of your busy schedules to do a bit of exploring while you are here.

Our conference and convention will offer everyone an excellent opportunity to look for pearls of wisdom and nuggets of information from a variety of presenters discussing topics ranging from the employment of persons with disabilities and the benefits of recreation and exercise to ADA enforcement efforts and the future of vocational rehabilitation and radio reading services. You will be entertained, informed, and likely to bring home a treasure or two from the exhibit hall or ACB Auction.

Again in 2010, the ACB Board of Directors joins me in acknowledging and thanking the many volunteers and ACB staff in both our D.C. and Minneapolis area offices who have worked throughout the year and who will be working tirelessly during the upcoming week to make this conference and convention an outstanding success. I especially want to recognize the members of the Convention Committee, Convention Program Committee, and the Arizona Host Committee for their hard work and dedication over the past year.

I also would like to welcome those of you who are attending your first national conference and convention, or who are attending after an absence of several years. You will have a wonderful experience if you remember not to be shy about asking questions of us grizzled veterans. Donna and I hope everyone has an educational and fun week, and please don't forget to come up and introduce yourself if you get the chance.

Mitch Pomerantz, President






From the President 
Abbreviations in This Program 
Conference and Convention Calendar 
Important Formatting Note 
Medical Information 
Convention Information 
Info for Guide Dog Users 
Hotel Information 
Registration Q&A 
Communication Center Services 
ACB Convention Café 
ACB Fundraisers 
Affiliate Caucuses 
Religious Activities 
Convention Standing Rules 
ACB Boards, Committees and Projects 
Board of Directors 
ACB Audio Description Project 
ACB Radio 
Board of Publications 
Constitution and Bylaws Committee 
Credentials Committee 
DKM First-Timers' Committee 
Employment Issues Task Force 
Information Access Committee 
International Relations Committee 
Membership Committee 
Multicultural Affairs Committee 
Nominating Committee 
Public Relations Committee 
Recreation Zone 
Rehabilitation Issues Task Force 
Resolutions Committee 
Sight and Sound Impaired (SASI) Committee 
Scholarship Committee 
Schools for the Blind Task Force 
Transportation Committee 
Women's Concerns Committee 
Other ACB Programs and Events 
Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss 
American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys 
ACB Diabetics in Action 
ACB Government Employees 
ACB Human Service Professionals 
ACB Lions 
ACB Radio Amateurs 
Blind LGBT Pride International 
Blind Information Technology Specialists 
Braille Revival League 
Council of Citizens with Low Vision International 
Council of Families with Visual Impairment 
Friends-in-Art of ACB 
Guide Dog Users, Inc. 
Independent Visually Impaired Enterprisers 
Library Users of America 
National Alliance of Blind Students 
National Association of Blind Teachers 
Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America 
Visually Impaired Veterans of America 
Legislation and Advocacy Programs -- including ACB Legislative Seminar, NELDS Health Care Reform Workshop, and programs about accessible currency 

Technology Updates and Training -- including sessions with APH, Bookshare, GW Micro, HumanWare, and Kurzweil 
Other Programs and Meetings -- including AFB Breakfast, GDB Breakfast, Vanda Pharmaceuticals Sleep Study, and NIB Breakfast 
Youth Activity Center 
2010 Convention Tours 
More Convention Fun 
2010 Exhibits 
Major Convention Sponsors - Arizona Gems 
ACB Board of Directors 
ACB Board of Publications 
ACBES Board of Directors 
ACB National Office Staff 
ACB Enterprises and Services Staff 
2010 Convention Coordinating Committee 
2010 Convention Program Committee 
2010 Local Host Committee 
Convention Advertisers 




VOS - Valley of the Sun meeting rooms

ACB - American Council of the Blind

AAVL - Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss

AAVIA - American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys

ACBDA - ACB Diabetics in Action

ACBGE - ACB Government Employees

ACBHSP - ACB Human Service Professionals

ACBL - ACB Lions

ACBRA - ACB Radio Amateurs

ADP - Audio Description Project

AFB - American Foundation for the Blind

APH - American Printing House for the Blind

BITS - Blind Information Technology Specialists

BOP - Board of Publications

BPI - Blind LGBT Pride International

BRL - Braille Revival League

CCLVI - Council of Citizens with Low Vision International

CFVI Council of Families with Visual Impairments

DKM First-timer - Durward K. McDaniel First-timer

FIA - Friends-in-Art of ACB

GDUI - Guide Dog Users, Inc.

IRC - International Relations Committee

IVIE - Independent Visually Impaired Enterprisers

LUA - Library Users of America

MCAC - Multicultural Affairs Committee

NABS - National Alliance of Blind Students

NABT - National Association of Blind Teachers

NELDS - National Education & Legal Defense Service

NIB - National Industries for the Blind

NLS - National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped

RSVA - Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America

SASI - Sight and Sound Impaired Committee

VIVA - Visually Impaired Veterans of America

WCC - Women's Concerns Committee

YAC - Youth Activity Center


Basic Information

Important Formatting Notes


Entries in this program give day, time, and location for each event. Descriptions, presenters, and ticket prices are shown when applicable.

When a group is holding all of its events in the same room on a given day, that room name appears on the line beside the day and date. When a group is holding more than one event on a given day, and those events are in different rooms, the location for the first event is shown beside the day and date. Subsequent rooms are shown beside the events.

All Valley of the Sun room assignments are abbreviated as VOS throughout this program in order to save space.

Medical Information

For medical emergencies, dial 0 on a hotel phone or 911 on any other phone. Stay calm and speak distinctly. Give your name, exact location and a description of the emergency.


Hospitals and Pharmacies

Banner Good Samaritan Hospital and Medical Center - 1111 E. McDowell Rd.; 602-239-2000; 2 to 3 miles

Phoenix Memorial Hospital - 7th Ave. and Buckeye; 602-647-0411

St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center - 350 W. Thomas Rd.; 602-406-3000

CVS Pharmacy - 1525 N. Central Ave.; 602-256-2124; 0.9 miles

Walgreen's - 301 W. Jefferson; 602-283-9925; 0.4 miles


Convention Information

E-mail List: The acbconvention e-mail list keeps you up-to-date on all the news. Even if you aren't at convention, you can receive "The Cactus Courier" and all the other information. To subscribe, go to the ACB web site at, or send a blank message to [email protected].

File Download Service: Would you like your newspaper, exhibit list, delegate list and amendments in electronic format for your laptop or notetaker? Stop by the ACB Information Desk each morning before 10:00; a volunteer will download all the latest files onto your thumb drive, SD card or compact flash card.

Info for Guide Dog Users

Guide dog relief areas are located near hotel exits. ACB volunteers and hotel staff will be happy to assist you to locate the areas.

It is your responsibility to relieve your dog at regular intervals. You are expected to pick up after your dog; trash receptacles are located near relief areas for your convenience.

Should an indoor accident occur, please report it to the front desk. Do not just walk away from or ignore an accident. If an accident occurs in your room, you will be charged for the clean-up.

The GDUI Convention Area Orientation (Sun., July 11 at noon and 5:00 p.m.) will help you learn the best routes in and around the hotel. Meet in VOS A.

For veterinary care, contact:

Alta Vista Vet Hospital - 4706 N. 7th Ave; 602-277-1464; 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; 2 to 3 miles

Central Animal Hospital - 25 W. Thomas Rd.; 602-277-5155; about 3 miles

Sonora 24-hour Vet Hospital - 4515 E. Cactus; have picked up animals if needed; about 15 miles


Hotel Information

The beautiful Phoenix Downtown Sheraton is less than two years old. Its friendly staff, delicious food, comfortable meeting and sleeping rooms, spacious swimming pool and patio areas, and other amenities combine to make this hotel special.

Upon check-in you may wish to request braille or large print hotel information and room service menus, or you may prefer to request electronic copies of this material at the Information Desk.

To get you started, here is an outline of the public areas:

First floor: front desk, District's Restaurant, Lobby Lounge, Link Café

Second floor: Valley of the Sun (VOS) Ballroom, sections A through E; Meeting Rooms - Encanto A and B, Camelback A and B, Alhambra, North Mountain, Paradise Valley, Deer Valley, Arcadia, Ahwatukee A and B, Laveen A and B, South Mountain, and Maryvale A and B

Third floor: Phoenix Ballroom (general session and exhibits); meeting rooms - Coronado, Cave Creek, and Desert Sky

Fourth floor: Rooms 428, 432, 443 and 444; swimming pool; fitness center


Registration Q&A

Convention registration is located in Deer Valley on the second floor. Registration hours are:

Thursday, July 8 (pre-reg. pick-up only): 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Friday to Sunday, July 9 to 11 - 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Monday, July 12 - 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday to Thursday, July 13 to 15 - 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Friday, July 16 - 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

When you register, you receive your convention ID badge, program, and goody bag filled with information and surprises. You can purchase tickets to events, and you are eligible for some great door prizes. Wear your badge at all times; it admits you to the exhibit area, lets you vote (if you are an ACB member), and helps hotel personnel and volunteers provide better service.

If you are pre-registered, your packet will be waiting for you. You may not pick up a packet for someone else. If you have any questions or concerns about your registration or need to purchase additional tickets, go to the Registration Desk.

A one-day pass is available at registration for $5.00; $10.00 with program. This pass is color-coded by day, and is good for only the day on which it is purchased. With this pass you may attend exhibits and other programs and purchase tickets for that day only. If you wish to attend additional days at the convention, you must pay the full administrative fee.

No administrative fee will be charged for a voter certification badge.

Refunds: ACB will make NO refunds for convention administrative and registration fees, sponsorship donations, or tickets that you just don't want. Refunds are not made for events that you miss for any reason other than extreme illness (see below), or for events that you simply do not enjoy.

Refunds will be issued ONLY for meals, events, and tours provided that:

1. An individual has pre-registered AND requests the refund in writing to the American Council of the Blind, 6300 Shingle Creek Pkwy., Suite 195, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430, or calls (612) 332-3242, ON OR BEFORE June 30, 2010; AND

2. The individual DOES NOT ATTEND any part of the convention.

In case of illness during the convention which requires you to return home or to be hospitalized, refunds will be issued only for the meals, events, and tours which take place AFTER your absence begins. If the guarantee has already been given for a meal function or a tour, no refund for that function will be given.

Lost Tickets: ACB will NOT replace tickets that are lost during the convention. All ticket packets are checked before they are distributed at the convention, and tickets that are lost or misplaced must be purchased again.

Reselling Tickets: Tickets will be accepted for resale at registration ONLY if the event is sold out, and will be resold on a first-come, first-served basis. In general, meal functions and social events at the hotel DO NOT sell out; you may wish to explore other methods of selling luncheon, banquet and other such tickets.

Events Sold Out: If you are trying to purchase a ticket for an event or tour that is sold out, check in person at the Registration Desk for tickets returned for resale. If a tour or event was sold out before your pre-registration was processed, a refund will be included with your pre-registration packet. ACB is not responsible for notifying you if you have paid for a ticket through pre-registration for an event or tour that is already sold out. Your name will be put on a waiting list in the event of cancellations, or in case additional tickets become available.



Communication Center Services



The Communication Center is in the Desert Sky Room on the third floor, and is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Fri., July 9 through Wed., July 14. This is where you can place ads in the paper, make braille or print copies, or volunteer to help produce the paper.

Convention Newspaper: This year's newspaper is "The Cactus Courier." It is published each day, Sat. through Thurs., in braille and large print; pick up a copy at the ACB Information Desk. The paper is also available on the acbconvention e-mail list and via download at the Information Desk before 10:00 a.m. each day.

The National Alliance of Blind Students (NABS) will deliver the newspaper to your hotel room door. For $7 (pre-registration) or $10 (registration), your paper will be waiting for you each morning when you wake up. After you sign up for newspaper delivery, activate your service by giving your room number and your format preference to the Information Desk.

Ads and Announcements: Ads and other items for publication must be in the Communication Center by 2:00 p.m. each day. The BOP allows ads to run up to three days in order to give important convention announcements more space. Ads must be no longer than 100 words. BOP editorial policy prohibits the production or distribution of campaign materials by the Communication Center.

Cost of advertising in the newspaper is: individuals, ACB affiliates and blind representatives of MLM companies (e.g. Amway, Mary Kay, Cookie Lee, etc.), $15/day or $40/3 days; exhibitors - $40/day or $100/3 days; all others - $50/day or $125/3 days.

Pay for advertising at registration; show your receipt at the Communication Center prior to submitting your ad copy.

Brailling and Photocopying: This service is available at the Communication Center for 10 cents/page. If your committee or affiliate needs something in braille or large print, bring files early in the day so we can fit your job in between other tasks. We will print a test copy to let you know the number of pages per copy. Be sure to label your computer card or disk, and tell us how many of each format you need and by what time. Please make payment at Registration.

"The Cactus Courier" is made possible through the generous sponsorship of HumanWare. Thanks also to Enabling Technologies for donating the use of the braille printers, and to Star Continuous Cards for their generous donation of braille paper.

Please remember that the Communication Center is a working room. While the convention is a great place to meet and greet, loud conversations make it difficult to hear the speech synthesizers on the computers. Help us help you get the information you need.



ACB Convention Café



Stop by the ACB Convention Café to grab a quick cup of coffee, pastry, sandwich, salad or snack as you rush from one meeting to another or as you head out on a tour. Meet at the Café to visit with friends or just rest a while between activities. Café location, hours and specials will be announced in the newspaper.



ACB Fundraisers



Show your support for ACB in one or more of these ways:

Convention Sponsorships: Stop by registration and become an individual or corporate ACB convention sponsor. Individual sponsorships are bronze ($25), silver ($50), gold ($100), platinum ($250), and titanium ($500); sponsors receive special ribbons to wear on their convention badges, and are recognized both in general session and in the newspaper.

For information on corporate sponsorships, including pearl, coral, topaz, onyx, opal, ruby, emerald and diamond, contact Margarine Beaman in the hotel or by cell phone at (512) 921-1625.

ACB Walk: Here's your chance to go the extra mile for ACB by bringing in pledges and by participating in the walk. Buses leave promptly at 7:15 a.m. on Saturday, July 10.

ACB Treasure Hunt Auction: Get ready to bid and buy! Vacations, technology, jewelry, sports memorabilia and many more treasures. Auction preview, Wed., 6:00 p.m., with the auction to follow at 7:00 in VOS C. Don't be late; grab a sandwich from the cash-and-carry line at the auction so you won't miss any of the bidding fun.

ACB Raffle: Win $5,000 in cold, hard cash! Limited tickets available; $50 each. Buy one for yourself or your affiliate, or find up to four friends and split the cost five ways. Available at the ACB store in the Exhibit Hall and at registration.

MMS Program: Help support ACB all year round; it's easy and quick. Find out more about the Monthly Monetary Support Program; ask questions and complete paperwork at the MMS table in registration.



Affiliate Caucuses



Additional caucuses may be announced in general session or in the newspaper.



Tuesday, July 13



5:30 p.m. California and Washington State - Encanto A



Wednesday, July 14



3:30 p.m. GDUI - VOS B

5:30 p.m. Midwest - Encanto A

5:30 p.m. Mid-South – Encanto B



Thursday, July 15



7:00 a.m. Pennsylvania Breakfast (PCB members only) - Camelback A

5:30 p.m. Bay State, Connecticut, Florida and Maryland - Encanto B

5:30 p.m. Missouri – Encanto A



Religious Activities




Saturday, July 10



7:00 p.m. Roman Catholic Mass - Estrella Father Paul Sullivan, Diocese of Phoenix



Sunday, July 11



9:00 a.m. LDS Meeting - Alhambra

9:00 a.m. Jewish Service - Laveen B Rabbi Martin Scharf, Kivel Campus of CARE, Phoenix, AZ

10:00 a.m. Interdenominational Church Service - VOS B Revs. Kenneth and Alana Ragland, First Institutional Baptist Church, Phoenix, AZ



Monday, July 12



7:00 p.m. Gospel Sing - Encanto A Old-time favorites led by Michael and Alison Smitherman, Jackson, MS



Convention Standing Rules
Adopted by the
ACB Board of Directors
May 2009



1. Each debatable issue before the convention shall be limited to approximately twenty (20) minutes with a three-minute time limit per speaker, alternating between affirmative and opposing speakers, unless a majority of the members agree to extend debate for an additional period of time.

A. Motions to close debate will not be recognized by the chair during the first debate period. After the first debate period, properly moved motions such as "I call for the question" or "I move the previous question" will be handled by the chair and voted on by the assembly.

B. The chair may close debate when no one seeks the floor.

C. Each member is respectfully urged to speak directly to the issue before the assembly and avoid unnecessary and time-consuming dialogue.

D. No member will be recognized a second time to debate until all who wish to debate have been recognized.

E. The parliamentarian will act as timekeeper.

2. Recognition to speak will be given to those members who properly address the chair using the microphones and giving their names and affiliation. Motions that may interrupt a speaker may be called from your seat, responded to by the chair, and explained by the mover at a microphone if requested by the chair.

Examples: Point of Order, Point of Information, Parliamentary Inquiry, Question of Privilege, Call for Orders of the Day, etc.

3. Registration badges are required to be worn at all convention meetings and only those members with the appropriate colored dot may vote during business meetings.

4. Changes to the published convention program may be proposed to the membership as deemed necessary by the presiding officer or his/her appointee. The presiding officer will explain the reason for such change and inform the assembly of their right to question the recommended modification. After this explanation, if twenty-five (25) or more members object to the proposed change by coming to the microphone and stating their name as placed in objection, the change requires debate and a majority vote to modify the convention program.

5. Nominating and seconding speeches shall be limited to five minutes per candidate with the speaking time allocated according to the candidate's wishes. A person nominated for an office more than once shall be limited to one minute.

6. When no candidate for office receives a majority vote, the election shall be among the top two candidates. Affiliate votes will be reported in whole or half numbers.

7. Any person meeting the requirements of a "voting member" as defined in ACB's Constitution, Article III-A-1, and complying with all other applicable membership requirements, becomes an ACB member and is entitled to register, receive a registration badge with the appropriate colored voting dot, and vote at ACB's annual convention provided:

a. Their name is on the March 15th membership information or has been added to that membership information, or

b. Their voting membership status is verified by a member of the Board of Directors or an officer of their affiliate organization, or

c. They establish voting membership status during the annual convention.



American Council of the Blind
49th Annual Conference and Convention
Theme: Discover the Treasures of ACB
Sponsored by Adobe




Sunday, July 11 - Phoenix A-C
Sponsored by Adobe



6:30 p.m. Rod Ellickson, keyboard, Peoria, AZ

7:00 p.m. Call to Order - Mitch Pomerantz, President, American Council of the Blind, Pasadena, CA

Invocation - Dr. Paul Eppinger, Chief Executive Officer, Arizona Interfaith Movement, Phoenix, AZ

Presentation of Colors - Honor Guard, Luke Air Force Base, Glendale, AZ

Pledge of Allegiance - Hal Newsom, Chair, 1983 Phoenix Local Host Committee, Phoenix, AZ

"The Star-Spangled Banner" and "I Love Arizona" - Destene Noller, member, Phoenix Symphony Chorus, Arizona Council of the Blind and Guide Dog Users of Arizona, Phoenix, AZ

Welcome to Phoenix - Marchelle Franklin, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Mayor, Phoenix, AZ

Welcome - Ron Brooks, President, Arizona Council of the Blind, Phoenix, AZ

7:20 p.m. President's Report - Mitch Pomerantz, Pasadena, CA

7:45 p.m. E-Books and the Reading Rights Coalition - Daniel Goldstein, Partner, Brown, Goldstein and Levy, Baltimore, MD

8:10 p.m. ACB's Partnership with Major League Baseball - Matt Gould, Vice President, Corporate Communications, Major League Baseball, Inc., New York, NY

8:25 p.m. ACB First-Timers - Carol Ann Ewing-Ragsdale, Chair, DKM First-Timers' Committee, Reno, NV

8:35 p.m. Life Membership Presentations - Mitch Pomerantz

8:55 p.m. First Credentials Committee Report - Jean Mann, Chair, ACB Credentials Committee, Guilderland, NY

9:10 p.m. Roll Call of Affiliates - Marlaina Lieberg, ACB Secretary, Burien, WA



Monday, July 12
Sponsored by Adobe and GW Micro



8:00 a.m. Rod Ellickson, keyboard, Peoria, AZ

8:30 a.m. Pledge of Allegiance - Patrick Sheehan, member, ACB Board of Directors, Silver Spring, MD

Invocation - Rev. Lewis Nicholson, member, pastoral staff, New Beginnings Church, Mesa, AZ

8:40 a.m. ACB Business: Announcement of ACB Sponsors - Margarine Beaman, Advertising and Sponsorship Co-ordinator, Austin, TX
Ruby Sponsorship Presentation

Final Credentials Report - Jean Mann

Adoption of Standing Rules and Adoption of Program - Mitch Pomerantz

Constitution and Bylaws - Dr. Otis Stephens, Chair, Constitution and Bylaws Committee, Knoxville, TN

Presiding Officer: Kim Charlson, ACB First Vice President, Watertown, MA

9:10 a.m. Presentation of Affiliate Growth and Affiliate Outreach Awards - Cindy Van Winkle, Chair, ACB Awards Committee, Bremerton, WA

Presentation of Ned E. Freeman, Hollis Liggett and Vernon Henley Awards - Paul Edwards, Chair, Board of Publications, Miami, FL

9:30 a.m. Treasures of Arizona - Alice Duckworth, Outreach Coordinator, Arizona Capitol Museum, Phoenix, AZ

9:45 a.m. A Leader of the Blind in the Caribbean - Senator Kerryann Ifill, Deputy President of the Senate, Barbados, and Secretary, Caribbean Council for the Blind, Bridgetown, Barbados

10:15 a.m. Break

10:30 a.m. The Office of Disability Employment Policy and What It Does For Persons with Disabilities - Kathleen Martinez, Assistant Secretary, Office of Disability Employment Policy, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, DC

11:00 a.m. Specialized Rehabilitation Services for the Blind Today and Tomorrow - Panel: Michael Gandy, Ed.D., CRC, Director, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation for the Blind, Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services, and President, National Council of State Agencies for the Blind, Jackson, MS; Patrick Cannon, Director, Michigan Commission for the Blind, and Immediate Past President, NCSAB, Lansing, MI; Linda Mock, Administrator, Oregon Commission for the Blind, Salem, OR; Ed House, Manager, Services for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Deaf, Arizona Department of Economic Security, Phoenix, AZ

11:45 a.m. ACB Recreation Zone - Oral Miller, Washington, DC

11:55 a.m. Announcements



Tuesday, July 13
Sponsored by Adobe



8:00 a.m. Patty Arnold, flute and guitar, Arizona Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Phoenix, AZ

8:30 a.m. Pledge of Allegiance - Visually Impaired Veterans of America

Invocation - Rev. Julia Ann Lewis, Pastor, Unity Church of Phoenix, Mesa, AZ

8:35 a.m. ACB Business: Announcement of ACB Sponsors - Margarine Beaman
Ruby Sponsorship Presentation

Report of the Nominating Committee - Judi Cannon, Chair, ACB Nominating Committee, Watertown, MA

Constitution and Bylaws - Dr. Otis Stephens

Resolutions - Judy Jackson, Chair, ACB Resolutions Committee, San Antonio, TX

Presiding Officer: Brenda Dillon, ACB Second Vice President, Hermitage, TN

9:00 a.m. ACB's Ongoing Structured Negotiations Efforts - Lainey Feingold, Attorney, Berkeley, CA and Linda Dardarian, Attorney, Oakland, CA

9:15 a.m. 2010 ACB Scholarship Presentations - Patty Slaby, Chair, ACB Scholarship Committee, Prior Lake, MN

10:30 a.m. Break

10:45 a.m. Assessing the ADA On Its 20th Anniversary - Sam Bagenstos, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC

11:10 a.m. NLS: A Multilingual Expansion - Frank Kurt Cylke, Director, National Library Service, Washington, DC and David Fernandez-Barrial, Foreign Language Librarian, National Library Service, Washington, DC

11:40 a.m. Update On ACB's Audio Description Project - Joel Snyder, President, Audio Description Associates and Director, ACB Audio Description Project, Takoma Park, MD

11:55 a.m. Announcements



Wednesday, July 14
Sponsored by Adobe



8:00 a.m. Mike Smith, keyboard, Phoenix, AZ

8:30 a.m. Pledge of Allegiance - Sharon Lovering, "Braille Forum" Editor, Arlington, VA

Invocation - TBA

8:35 a.m. ACB Business: Announcement of ACB Sponsors - Margarine Beaman
Ruby Sponsorship Presentation

Constitution and Bylaws - Resolutions

Presiding Officer: Marlaina Lieberg, ACB Secretary, Burien, WA

9:15 a.m. The Future of Radio Reading Services and ACB Radio - Panel - Mike Duke, Director, Radio Reading Service of Mississippi, Jackson, MS; Bill Pasco, Director, Sun Sounds of Arizona, Tempe, AZ; Larry Turnbull, Managing Director, ACB Radio, Orlando, FL

10:00 a.m. A Favorite Reading Companion - David Hartley-Margolin, Talking Book Narrator, Denver, CO

10:30 a.m. Break

10:45 a.m. Fitness, Exercise and Health - Panel - Aerial Gilbert, R.N., dragon boat racer and Outreach Manager, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Petaluma, CA; Leslie Spoone, Certified Aerobics Instructor and Personal Trainer, Orlando, FL; Doug Powell, Ironman Triathlete, Falls Church, VA; Elizabeth Toumajian, M.S., Manager, Goodwill Fitness Center, Santa Ana, CA

11:25 a.m. Current Status of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities - Dr. Aubrey Webson, National and International Advocacy Coordinator, Perkins International Program, Perkins School for the Blind, Watertown, MA

11:55 a.m. Announcements



Thursday, July 15
Sponsored by Adobe



8:00 a.m. Bourbon Myst Band with Tim Connell, member, Arizona Council of the Blind, Phoenix, AZ

8:30 a.m. Pledge of Allegiance - Kenneth Semien, Sr., DKM First-Timer, Beaumont, TX

Invocation - Rev. Warren H. Stewart Jr., Pastor, Church of the Remnant, Phoenix, AZ

8:35 a.m. ACB Business:
Announcement of ACB Sponsors - Margarine Beaman

Constitution and Bylaws - Resolutions

Presiding Officer: Mike Godino, ACB Treasurer, Malverne, NY

9:00 a.m. Executive Director's Report - Melanie Brunson, ACB Executive Director, Arlington, VA

9:30 a.m. Treasurer's Report - Mike Godino, ACB Treasurer, Malverne, NY

9:45 a.m. ACBES Report - Michael Garrett, Chair, ACB Enterprises and Services, Missouri City, TX

10:00 a.m. National Convention Report - Carla Ruschival, Chair, National Convention Committee, Louisville, KY

10:30 a.m. Break

10:45 a.m. Report on the ACB Walk - Dan Dillon, Co-Chair, ACB Resource Development Committee, Hermitage, TN

11:00 a.m. ACB Business:
Test Secret Ballot Conducted by the ACB Voting Taskforce - Jeff Thom, Chair, Sacramento, CA

Constitution and Bylaws; Resolutions

11:55 a.m. Announcements



Friday, July 16
Sponsored by Adobe



8:00 a.m. Arthur Reed, Lead Vocalist with Chosen Men of Praise Gospel Group, Phoenix, AZ

8:30 a.m. Pledge of Allegiance - John A. Horst, ACB Life Member, Elizabethtown, PA

Invocation - Rev. Erin Wathen, Pastor, Foothills Church of Christ, Glendale, AZ

Announcement of ACB Sponsors - Margarine Beaman

9:00 a.m. Elections

10:15 a.m. Break

10:30 a.m. Elections; Resolutions

12:00 p.m. Lunch Break

1:15 p.m. ACB Business

2:45 p.m. Break

3:00 p.m. ACB Business - Old/New Business

5:00 p.m. Adjourn


5:30 p.m. ACB Life Members' Reception - VOS D

6:30 p.m. Pre-banquet entertainment - Phoenix D-E

7:00 p.m. ACB Banquet - Phoenix D-E - $32, $35 Emcee - Mike Duke, Director, Radio Reading Service of Mississippi and member, ACB National Convention Committee, Jackson, MS

Invocation - Rev. Michael Garrett, Associate Minister, New Faith Baptist Church, Houston, TX

"Treasured Memories - My Kilimanjaro Trip" - Mike Armstrong, Sensei, Phoenix, AZ

Presentation of Robert S. Bray, Durward K. McDaniel and George Card Awards: Cindy Van Winkle, Bremerton, WA



ACB Boards, Committees and Projects





ACB Board of Directors




Saturday, July 10 - Encanto A



11:00 a.m. Pre-convention Board meeting



Saturday, July 17 - Encanto A



10:00 a.m. Post-convention meeting



ACB Audio Description Project
Director: Joel Snyder



This 3-day professional conference presents information and discussion on a broad range of topics related to audio description. Meets Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons in Ahwatukee A; registration - $180.



Monday, July 12 - Ahwatukee



8:00 p.m. Free Night at the Movies
Movie night is back with "It's Complicated," starring Meryl Streep, Alec Balwin and Steve Martin. When attending their son's college graduation, a couple reignites the spark in their relationship ... but the complicated fact is they're divorced and he's remarried. Description provided by WGBH.

The 3-day ADP Institute is filled with interactive sessions such as generous use of media, individual and group writing exercises, and limited lectures; designed to provide immediate feedback. Permits adaptation according to a sense of participants' grasp of the material. Leads to certification of participants as professionally trained describers. Thursday, Friday and Saturday in Ahwatukee A; registration - $330.



ACB Radio
Manager: Larry Turnbull



ACB Radio livestreams from all general sessions on the Mainstream channel; sessions are replayed around the clock. ACB Radio Mainstream at the convention sponsored by Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic. ACB Radio broadcasts from the Exhibit Hall on ACB Interactive. Stop by their booth for more information. The FIA Performing Arts Showcase, BOP Candidates' Forum, and ACB Banquet are also livestreamed.



Monday, July 12 - 3041



9:00 p.m. Meet the ACB Radio Show Hosts



Board of Publications
Chair: Paul Edwards




Sunday, July 11 - South Mountain



10:30 a.m. BOP Meeting



Thursday, July 15 - Laveen



3:00 p.m. BOP Workshop Social Networking and Why It Is Important How Facebook and Twitter can work for your affiliate. Paul Edwards, Miami, FL; Jenine Stanley, Columbus, OH

7:00 p.m. Candidates' Forum - Phoenix A-C Candidates for the ACB Board and the BOP answer questions on a wide variety of topics.



Constitution and Bylaws Committee
Chair: Dr. Otis Stephens



The committee meets in South Mountain Saturday, July 10 and Monday, July 12 at 4:00 p.m., and Tuesday, July 13 at 5:00 p.m.



Credentials Committee
Chair: Jean Mann



The committee meets in South Mountain Sunday, July 11 at 1:00 p.m.



DKM First-Timers' Committee
Chair: Carol Ann Ewing-Ragsdale




Thursday, July 15 - 428



5:00 p.m. DKM First-timers' Reception - $11, $15 Meet the DKM First-timers and raise money to bring new folks to the 2011 convention in Reno.



Employment Issues Task Force
Chair: Peter Altschul




Wednesday, July 14 - Paradise Valley



1:30 p.m. Employment Seminar - $3, $5 Tips to increase your employment potential; what employers look for in today's job market and how to enhance your interviewing skills. Facilitator - Rebecca Bridges, Project Manager, National Industries for the Blind, Arlington, VA; panelists - Brian Hurley, External Affairs Program Director, National Industries for the Blind, Alexandria, VA; Dr. Larry Dickerson, Executive Director, Lions World Services for the Blind, Little Rock, AR; Sarita Holliday, Human Resources Specialist, Veterans Administration, Philadelphia, PA. Presented in cooperation with NABS and sponsored by National Industries for the Blind.



Thursday, July 15 - Maryvale



1:30 p.m. ACB/NABS Job Fair Bring your resume; talk to employers with current openings who are committed to hiring people with visual impairments. Dress appropriately for an interview. Sponsored by the Vehicle Donation Processing Center.



Information Access Committee
Chair: Pratik Patel




Saturday, July 10 - Paradise Valley



2:00 p.m. 411 from the IAC - $5, $5 Information on the latest accessible cell phones, the future of screen readers and more. Sponsored by Independent Living Aids.



International Relations Committee
Chair: Sandra Sermons




Tuesday, July 13 - Estrella



3:30 p.m. Evolution and Revolution: Understanding The UN Convention on People with Disabilities The evolution and importance of the UN Convention on People with Disabilities and its increased magnitude since the United States became a signatory. Dr. Aubrey Webson, National and International Advocacy Coordinator, Perkins International Program, Perkins School for the Blind, Watertown, MA

4:30 p.m. Harry Potter in 40 Languages Discussion of international copyright law and treaty issues. Eric Bridges, Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs, American Council of the Blind, Arlington, VA

5:30 p.m. Voices from Around the World Reception - $12, $15
Meet and welcome our international guests.



Membership Committee
Chair: Ardis Bazyn




Saturday, July 10 - VOS E



5:00 p.m. Keys to the Convention Seminar Unlock your week of information and fun; includes convention overview, tips, and Q&A



Sunday, July 11 - Paradise Valley



2:00 p.m. Keys to the Convention Seminar Repeated from Saturday, July 11



Thursday, July 15 - Paradise Valley



1:30 p.m. ACB Membership Seminar - Encouraging Affiliates with Techniques to Reach More Members

1:30 p.m. Welcome and Introductions

1:45 p.m. Innovative Methods to Host a Meeting Skype, webinars, chat lines, and conference call systems. Larry Turnbull, Managing Director, ACB Radio, Orlando, FL; Pratik Patel, Chair, ACB Information Access Committee, Fresh Meadows, NY; Denny Huff, President, Missouri Council of the Blind, St. Clair, MO

2:05 p.m. Membership Incentives Cindi Vega, UT; Becky Barnes, GDUI; Charles Glaser, RSVA; Brenda Dillon, TN

2:30 p.m. The ACB Affiliate Growth Award Congratulate the winners. First place - South Dakota Association of the Blind; second place - Montana Blind and Low Vision Council

2:35 p.m. Resources and Hand-outs

2:50 p.m. Closing Remarks



Multicultural Affairs Committee
Chair: Peggy Garrett




Monday, July 12 - Camelback B



12:30 p.m. MCAC Luncheon - $30, $33
Maintaining and building your diversity. Dan Martinez, Communications and Public Relations Manager, Arizona Industries for the Blind, Phoenix, AZ



Wednesday, July 14 - 3041



5:00 p.m. MCAC Mid-week Social - $18, $20



Nominating Committee
Chair: Judi Cannon



The committee meets Monday, July 12 at 5:30 p.m. in Paradise Valley. Members are reminded that this meeting is closed, and that those who arrive late will not be admitted.



Public Relations Committee
Chair: Dr. Ronald Milliman




Monday, July 12 – Paradise Valley



3:30 p.m. Writing Effective PSA's - $3, $5 Hands-on training for your affiliate on creating both audio and video PSA's; how to distribute them for maximum effectiveness. Receive a copy of the new ACB PSA handbook. Bring your preferred writing tools.



Recreation Zone
Chair: Oral Miller




Monday, July 12 - Alhambra



5:30 p.m. Fun with Audio Darts

5:30 p.m. Yoga for All - Cave Creek
See Women's Concerns



Tuesday, July 13 - Cave Creek



7:30 a.m. Morning Exercise with Leslie Spoone
See Women's Concerns

5:30 p.m. Intro to Indoor Rowing
Great activity for fun or competition

5:30 p.m. Water Aerobics - Pool Weather permitting; Led by Gerry Koors, certified water aerobics instructor, Indianapolis, IN



Wednesday, July 14 - Alhambra



5:30 p.m. Fun with Audio Darts

5:30 p.m. Intro to Indoor Rowing - Cave Creek
Great activity for fun or competition



Thursday, July 15 - Cave Creek



7:30 a.m. Morning Exercise with Leslie Spoone
See Women's Concerns

5:30 p.m. Water Aerobics - Pool Weather permitting; Led by Gerry Koors



Rehabilitation Issues Task Force
Chair: Ann Byington




Monday, July 12 - Paradise Valley



1:30 p.m. Making the Most of Your SRC - $3, $5 Care and handling of your State Rehabilitation Council. Sponsored by VITAC.



Resolutions Committee
Chair: Judy Jackson



The committee meets in South Mountain as follows:

Saturday, July 10 at 9:00 p.m.

Sunday, July 11 at 11:00 p.m. or after general session

Monday to Wednesday, July 12 - 14 at 8:00 p.m.

Thursday, July 15 at 6:00 p.m. and again at 9:30 p.m. after the Candidates' Forum



Sight and Sound Impaired Committee
Chair: Karyn Campbell




Monday, July 12 - 443



8:00 p.m. Get Social with SASI - $12, $12



Scholarship Committee
Chair: Patty Slaby




Saturday, July 10 - Camelback B



6:30 p.m. ACB Scholarship Dinner (invitation only) Sponsored by the Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America



Sunday, July 11 - Camelback A



11:15 a.m. NABS Scholarship Winners' Luncheon - $26, $30 Join NABS in congratulating the 2010 ACB scholarship winners. Sponsored by Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America.



Tuesday, July 13 - Phoenix A-C



9:15 a.m. 2010 ACB Scholarship Presentations

6:30 p.m. ACB Scholarship Winners' Reception - 428 Each affiliate is invited to send two representatives to meet the scholarship winners.



Schools for the Blind Task Force
Chair: Ray Campbell




Tuesday, July 13 - Paradise Valley



3:30 p.m. Residential Schools - The Next Generation - $3, $5
Residential schools for the blind are under attack all across the nation. State legislatures and officials say they are too expensive and not essential. Dr. Stuart Wittenstein, Superintendent, California School for the Blind, discusses how schools are preparing to educate future generations. Dan Kelly and members of the Ohio State School for the Blind marching band present highlights of their appearance in the 2010 Rose Bowl Parade. Students from the Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind tell us how important residential school programs are.



Transportation Committee
Chair: Alice Ritchhart




Tuesday, July 13 - Paradise Valley



1:30 p.m. Paratransit Training: Your Right to Ride - $3, $5 How the ADA relates to paratransit, understanding your local paratransit plan and how to check the document performance against the plan, and advocating for compliance and improvements in our paratransit systems. Sue Clark, Office of Civil Rights, Federal Transit Administration, Washington, DC; Carol Ketcherside, Assistant Executive Director of Planning, ValleyMetro Regional Public Transit Authority, Phoenix, AZ; Donna Pomerantz, Pasadena, CA



Women's Concerns Committee
Chair: Lori Scharff




Monday, July 12 - Camelback A



7:00 a.m. Breakfast Rolls and Role Models - $25, $27 Share the experiences of two phenomenal women who have achieved much success. Melanie Brunson, Executive Director, American Council of the Blind, Arlington, VA; Kathleen Martinez, Assistant Secretary, Office of Disability Employment Policy, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, DC

1:30 p.m. Women's Health Questions Answered - Cave Creek - $3, $5
Discussion and questions related to women's health. Denise Link, WHPN, Clinical Associate Professor and Associate Dean for Clinical Practice and Community Partnerships, Arizona State University; sponsored by Goldstein, Demchak, Baller, Borgen and Dardarian/Lainey Feingold

5:30 p.m. Yoga for All - Cave Creek Led by Leslie Spoone, certified personal trainer and aerobics instructor, Orlando, FL; joint session with Recreation Zone



Tuesday, July 13 - Cave Creek



7:30 a.m. Morning Exercise with Leslie Spoone



Wednesday, July 14 - Estrella



3:30 p.m. Women's Circle: Mind, Body, Spirit - $5, $5 Confidential discussion for women only about issues that affect your life and how to take care of yourself. Marlaina Lieberg, Burien, WA; Linda Porelle, Social Worker, San Francisco, CA.



Thursday, July 15 - Cave Creek



7:30 a.m. Morning Exercise with Leslie Spoone



Other ACB Programs and Events




Saturday, July 10 - 444



6:00 p.m. ACB Exhibitors' Reception (by invitation)



Sunday, July 11 - Maryvale A



10:00 a.m. ACB Committee Chairs Meeting An important meeting with ACB President Mitch Pomerantz. Every committee should be represented, either by its chair or a designated committee member.



Tuesday, July 13 - Paradise Valley



5:30 p.m. ACB Legislative Seminar
Focus on quiet car and telecommunications legislation and health care reform; Eric Bridges, Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs, American Council of the Blind, Arlington, VA; Mark Richert, Director of Public Policy, American Foundation for the Blind, Washington, DC; other presenters to be announced



Thursday, July 15 - Paradise Valley



4:00 p.m. Affiliate Presidents' Meeting
Sponsored by Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc.








Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss
President: Oral Miller
Program Chair: Nola McKinney
Registration: $10, $10




Monday, July 12 - Camelback A



12:30 p.m. AAVL Luncheon - $29, $29
Folk Song Heaven with Alan Beatty, Fort Collins, CO; emcee - John Huffman, President, ACB of Indiana, Indianapolis, IN

2:00 p.m. Business meeting



Wednesday, July 14 - Laveen B



1:30 p.m. Keeping Young by Getting Involved Pam Shaw, CTCC, Career Success Strategist and founder, New Vista Pro, Philadelphia, PA; Darian Slayton Fleming, CSWA, CRC, University of Oregon Student Services and private practice, Portland, OR. Co-sponsored with ACBHSP.

4:00 p.m. AAVL Musical Mixer - 428 - $10, $10



American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys
President: Ellen Telker
Program Chairs: Jeff Thom and Charles Nabarrete
Registration: $20, $25




Saturday, July 10 - Alhambra



6:00 p.m. AAVIA Board Meeting

7:00 p.m. Annual dinner for members and guests - meet in lobby



Sunday, July 11 - North Mountain



1:30 p.m. Welcome, roll call and introductions Ellen Telker, AAVIA President

1:40 p.m. U.S. Supreme Court Update Dr. Otis Stephens, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

2:30 p.m. Governance in a Developing Country, A Blind Lawmaker's Perspective Senator Kerryann Ifill, Bridgetown, Barbados

3:15 p.m. Break

3:30 p.m. Employment Opportunities with the Department of Justice Pshon Barrett, Assistant U.S. Attorney, Jackson, MS

3:35 p.m. Election of delegate and other matters

3:40 p.m. The Blackberry and More Damian Pickering, HumanWare, Inc., San Francisco, CA

4:15 p.m. E-books and Other Legal Issues Affecting Post-Secondary Students with Visual Impairment Daniel Goldstein, Esq., Baltimore, MD



Monday, July 12 - North Mountain



1:30 p.m. Introductions and announcements

1:35 p.m. Blazing the Trail for Audio Description Rose Daly-Clooney and Cathleen M. Dooley, Assistant Attorneys General, Office of the Arizona Attorney General, Phoenix, AZ

2:30 p.m. Accessibility to the Internet Under the Law

3:00 p.m. Break

3:30 p.m. SB1070, The Legal Quandary of Arizona's New Immigration Law Evelyn Cruz, Professor, Arizona State University College of Law, Tempe, AZ; Karla McKanders, Associate Professor of Law, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN



Tuesday, July 13 - Ahwatukee B



12:30 p.m. AAVIA Luncheon - $37, $37
Keynote Speaker, A Historical Perspective on Arizona’s Impact on the U.S. Supreme Court, Scot Bayles, Associate Justice, Arizona Supreme Court

2:15 p.m. Update on Structured Negotiations Linda Dardarian, Oakland, CA; Elaine B. Feingold, Berkeley, CA

2:45 p.m. Break

3:00 p.m. AAVIA Business Meeting



ACB Diabetics in Action
President: Shirley Roberts
Program Chair: Dee Clayton
Registration: $12, $15




Sunday, July 11 - Maryvale A



1:30 p.m. ACBDA Diabetes Seminar - From K-9's to Technology - $8, $10
Learn about Service Dogs for Diabetics, a charitable non-profit organization that trains medical alert dogs to detect hypoglycemia in insulin-dependent diabetics. Then get news about talking products from Prodigy, including the Voice Glucose Meter, Count-a-dose, Talking Pill Bottle and Talking Insulin Pump. Jerry Munden, Vice President of Business Development, Prodigy Diabetes Care LLC, Charlotte, NC



Wednesday, July 14 - Camelback B



7:00 a.m. ACBDA Breakfast and Meeting - $25, $28



ACB Government Employees
President: Billie Jean Keith
Registration: $10, $10




Sunday, July 11 - 428



3:00 p.m. ACBGE Mixer - $10, $12



Thursday, July 15 - Camelback B



12:30 p.m. ACBGE Luncheon - $25, $27

1:30 p.m. Our Local, State and Federal Careers ACB President Mitch Pomerantz discusses his career as the ADA Coordinator with the City of Los Angeles; Billie Jean Keith covers her work for state government in public radio and television; and Mark Rew outlines his federal career with the Department of Defense in the Computer/electronics Accommodations Program (CAP).

2:15 p.m. Business meeting and election



ACB Human Service Professionals
President: Andrew Baracco
Program Chair: Darian Slayton Fleming
Registration: $10, $12




Tuesday, July 13 - Laveen B



1:30 p.m. Business Meeting and Program Career Options in the Human Service Professions. Andy Baracco, MS RC, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor and Employment Specialist, Department of Veterans Affairs, Greater Los Angeles Health Care System, Los Angeles, CA; Paul Edwards, Director, North Campus Access Services, Miami-Dade Community College, Miami, FL; Darian Slayton Fleming, CSWA, CRC, University of Oregon Student Services and private practice, Portland, OR

3:00 p.m. Break

3:30 p.m. The Coaching Advantage What is coaching? Can a coach help you achieve your career goals? Is coaching a career option for you? Presenter: Pam Shaw, CTCC, Career Success Strategist and founder, New Vista Pro, Philadelphia, PA



Wednesday, July 14 - Laveen B



1:30 p.m. Keeping Young by Getting Involved Pam Shaw, CTCC, Career Success Strategist and founder, New Vista Pro, Philadelphia, PA; Darian Slayton Fleming, CSWA, CRC, University of Oregon Student Services and private practice, Portland, OR. Co-sponsored with AAVL

5:30 p.m. ACBHSP Networking - 443 - $10, $15 Share your knowledge with other human service professionals who are blind. How can we help you? Let's join forces to make a difference.



American Council of Blind Lions
President: William Benjamin
Registration: $10, $12



ACBL is proud to be a Pearl sponsor and to make it possible for an ACB scholarship winner to attend the 2010 ACB conference and convention.



Saturday, July 10 - 428



9:00 p.m. Milly's Place Pin Swap - $8, $10



Sunday, July 11 - Maryvale B



9:30 a.m. ACBL Board Meeting



Wednesday, July 14 - meet in lobby



6:00 p.m. Local Club Visit - $20, $20



Thursday, July 15 - Camelback A



12:30 p.m. ACBL Luncheon and Meeting - $32, $34
Speaker: Lion District Governor Michael Kenney, District 21C, Prescott, AZ



ACB Radio Amateurs
President: Steve Dresser
Program Chair: Mike Duke
Registration: $5, $7




Thursday, July 15 - North Mountain



1:30 p.m. Getting on the Air from Apartments and Other Antenna-restricted Environments Presented by Mike Duke and others. Tune your radio to 147.480 simplex to meet other ACB amateur radio operators.



Blind LGBT Pride International
President: Don Brown
Program Chair: Mark Hanohano
Registration: $15, $15
BPI Package: $40, $40




Saturday, July 10 - meet in 523



7:00 p.m. Get-together Dinner; Meet in 523



Sunday, July 11 - 523



3:30 p.m. BPI Welcome Party - $15, $17



Monday, July 12 - Laveen B



1:30 p.m. BPI Workshop A
Author Michelle Alexander talks about her amazing journey as an RN with a blind, terminally ill transgender woman.

7:00 p.m. Business Meeting - 523



Tuesday, July 13 - Cave Creek



1:30 p.m. BPI Workshop: B
Federal initiatives impacting LGBT people in the workplace. Kathy Martinez, Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, DC

9:00 p.m. Discussion Group - 523



Wednesday, July 14 - Ahwatukee B



3:30 p.m. BPI Workshop C
Terra Hartwell, Indigenous LGBTQ, discusses the "two spirit people" cultural belief.

5:30 p.m. BPI 10th Anniversary Celebration - 523 - $20, $22
Join Jason Castonguay at the piano as BPI celebrates its 10th anniversary.



Thursday, July 15 - meet in 523



3:00 p.m. Souvenir Shopping
Go shopping with us at the Arizona Center across from the hotel.

7:00 p.m. BPI Movie Night - 523 - $5, $7
Screening of "Milk" (2008). Harvey Milk's life changed history and his courage changed lives.

9:00 p.m. Discussion Group - 523



Friday, July 16 - meet in 523



5:00 p.m. Farewell Dinner



Blind Information Technology Specialists
President: Richard Villa
Registration: $15, $15
BITS Package: $58, $58




Saturday, July 10 - Maryvale A



4:30 p.m. BITS Board Meeting



Sunday, July 11 - Ahwatukee



10:00 a.m. Opening remarks Richard Villa, BITS President, Austin, TX

10:10 a.m. Introductions

10:15 a.m. New and More Affordable Refreshable Braille Displays Michael McCarty, Social Media Coordinator, American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, KY; Jonathan Mosen, Vice President, Blindness Hardware Product Management, Freedom Scientific, St. Petersburg, FL; Damian Pickering, Western Sales Representative, Blindness Products, HumanWare; Jim Denham, Assistive Technology Coordinator, Perkins School for the Blind, Watertown, MA

1:30 p.m. Vendor showcase See what's new from adaptive hardware and software exhibitors



Monday, July 12 - Maryvale B



1:30 p.m. Exciting Features in Windows 7 A renowned trainer talks about the new version of Windows! Cathy Anne Murtha, owner and founder, Access Technology Institute, Tucson, AZ

3:30 p.m. Overview of Drupal Learn about a Web content management system. Pratik Patel, Chair, ACB Information Access Committee, Fresh Meadows, NY

8:30 p.m. Bytes with BITS - 428 - $15, $15



Tuesday, July 13 - Camelback A



12:30 p.m. BITS Luncheon - $33, $33
Accessible Apple - What Does It Mean? Dr. Robert Carter, psychologist, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

2:00 p.m. BITS Business Meeting



Wednesday, July 14 - Maryvale B



1:30 p.m. Accessible Mainstream Mobile Devices - Options and Alternatives Panel discusses hardware, software, and application options available for accessible mobile phones. Michael Lauf, Content Coordinator, Serotek Corporation, Minneapolis, MN; Damian Pickering, Western Sales Representative, Blindness Products, HumanWare; Gil Lutz, Sendero Group, Davis, CA; Dr. Robert Carter, College Station, TX

3:30 p.m. Behind the Scenes with ACB Radio Larry Turnbull, Managing Director, ACB Radio, Orlando, Fl



Braille Revival League
President: Judy Jackson
Program Chair: Sandra Sermons
Registration: $10, $12




Sunday, July 11 - Maryvale B



3:30 p.m. BRL Board Meeting



Tuesday, July 13 - Camelback A



7:00 a.m. BRL Breakfast - Camelback A - $25, $27
Theme: Braille Around the World - international visitors share news about access, production and teaching of braille in their countries.

1:30 p.m. BRL business meeting - Maryvale A

2:45 p.m. Braille in the Land Down Under Susan Thompson, Project Officer, Vision Australia, Melbourne, Australia

3:15 p.m. Break

3:30 p.m. Downloadable Accessible Games - $5, $7 Learn how to download some of the hottest and most accessible games out there on the net. Paul Edwards, Miami, FL; co-sponsored by NABS

5:30 p.m. Left Right Center – Camelback B - $10, $12 Roll the dice and win; fun for everyone! Co-sponsored by NABS.



Wednesday, July 14 - Maryvale A
Joint meeting with LUA



1:30 p.m. Welcome and Introductions Paul Edwards, LUA President, Miami, FL; & Judy Jackson, BRL President, San Antonio, TX

1:45 p.m. Meet the Narrator David Hartley-Margolin, Talking Book Publishing Company, Denver, CO

2:30 p.m. Booking It Panel features news of the Kindle, Blio, downloading through RFB&D and other exciting new ways to find more and more books on the web.

3:15 p.m. Break

3:30 p.m. Crashing Through, by Michael May LUA's 2010 "One Book, One ACB" selection describes Michael May's positive and negative experiences as he goes from blind to visually impaired. Discussion leader: Paul Edwards, Miami, FL



Thursday, July 15 - Ahwatukee B



1:30 p.m. Welcome and Introductions Judy Jackson, BRL President, San Antonio, TX

1:45 p.m. Teaching our Braille Teachers of the Future The state of the vision program in Arizona and what can be done to impact how braille is taught to both students and teachers. Dr. Jane Erin, Professor of Education and Coordinator of the Visual Impairment Program, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

3:00 p.m. Break

3:15 p.m. Fun with Braille Word Games Judy Jackson, BRL President, San Antonio, TX



Council of Citizens with Low Vision International
President: John A. Horst
Program Chairs: Richard Rueda and Coletta Davis
Registration: $8, $10




Saturday, July 10 - Laveen A



3:00 p.m. Board Meeting

6:00 p.m. Nominating Committee Meeting - Coronado



Sunday, July 11 - Laveen A



9:00 a.m. Welcome and Introductions John Horst, CCLVI President, Elizabethtown PA

9:10 a.m. Committee Reports Legislative: Donna Pomerantz, Pasadena, CA Resolutions: Michael Byington, Topeka, KS Constitution and Bylaws: Michael Byington, Topeka, KS Scholarships: Catherine Schmitt Whitaker, Diamond Bar, CA Nominating: Joyce Kleiber, Wayne, PA

10:00 a.m. Searching For Large Print: Best Practices - Do You See What I See? Weigh in on what works best for individuals with low vision. Examine large print from the perspectives of the printing industry and the low vision doctor. Take our survey to give input into a white paper on large print production. Introduction: Richard Rueda, CCLVI First Vice President, Union City, CA; program facilitator: Donna Pomerantz, CCLVI Board Member, Pasadena, CA; presenters: Mike Chiricuzio, Director, Arizona State University Center for Technology Management, Tempe, AZ; Lynn Noon, O.D., View Finder Low Vision Resource Centers, Mesa, AZ

11:00 a.m. What's New In The Exhibit Hall for People with Low Vision Joel Isaac, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

1:30 p.m. CCLVI Goes to the Exhibit Hall

4:00 p.m. CCLVI Mixer - 444 - $10, $10

10:00 p.m. CCLVI Dance - VOS D - $10, $10 Music From the '50s to today. Deejay: Larry Turnbull, ACB Radio



Monday, July 12 - Laveen A



1:30 p.m. Talking Low Vision With Dr. Bill Takeshita, Part 1 Focus on Social Skills, Self-Awareness and Self-Advocacy. Dr. Bill Takeshita, Director of Optometric Services, Center For The Partially Sighted, Los Angeles, CA

3:00 p.m. Break

3:15 p.m. Project Insight Joyce Kleiber, Editor, Vision Access, Wayne, PA

7:30 p.m. Game Night - Estrella - $10, $10 Join Kathy Casey, CCLVI Secretary, for an evening of trivia, Name That Tune and other exciting games.



Tuesday, July 13 - Laveen A



1:30 p.m. Travel Destinations That Work for Low Vision People Facilitator - Richard Rueda; Barbara Milleville, CCLVI Second Vice President, Vienna, VA; Joel Isaac, Webmaster, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

3:00 p.m. Break

3:15 p.m. CCLVI Business Meeting Post-convention board meeting to follow



Wednesday, July 14 - Laveen A



1:30 p.m. Talking Low Vision With Dr. Bill Takeshita, Part 2 Discuss Bioptic Driving and Adaptive Technologies For Persons with Low Vision.

3:00 p.m. Break

3:15 p.m. Continuation of previous topics



Friday, July 16 - Phoenix D-E



9:30 p.m. CCLVI Farewell Dance - $10, $10 Immediately follows the ACB banquet. Deejay: Larry Turnbull, ACB Radio



Council of Families with Visual Impairment




Sunday, July 11 - Alhambra



1:30 p.m. Reorganizational meeting It's time to re-organize and revitalize ACB's families affiliate. Be a part of this exciting opportunity to reach families across America.



Friends-in-Art of ACB
President: Nancy Pendegraph
Program Chair: Lynn Hedl
Registration: $8, $10




Saturday, July 10 - 531



7:00 p.m. FIA Board Meeting



Sunday, July 11 - Estrella



1:30 p.m. Native American Flute Workshop - $15, $15 This simple instrument lets you create beautiful music based on a traditional Indian scale. Authentic aromatic cedar flutes can be purchased at the workshop. Lynn Hedl, Birmingham, AL

4:00 p.m. FIA Mixer/Showcase Sign-up - 531 - $8, $10 Meet friends and register for a showcase audition slot.

5:30 p.m. Chorus Rehearsal - 531



Monday, July 12 - 531



1:30 p.m. MIDI Workshop - $5, $6
Recent developments concerning accessibility of Pro Tools audio production software on the Mac; demo of its use with VoiceOver, the built-in screen access solution within the OS X operating system. Slau Halityn, Producer/engineer and owner of Besharp Audio Recording & Music Production, New York, NY

3:30 p.m. Showcase Audition and Rehearsal - 531

9:00 p.m. Prose and Poetry Reading - North Mountain - $4, $5 Writers are invited to read their original works to a receptive audience. Moderator: Carla Hayes, McMurray, PA

10:00 p.m. Final Chorus Rehearsal - 531



Tuesday, July 13 - Camelback B



12:30 p.m. FIA Luncheon and Business Meeting - $30, $32 Speaker: Janne Irvine, Instructor of Classical Music and Music History, author and writer, Tucson, AZ

3:30 p.m. Meet the Artist – North Mountain - $5, $6 Janne Irvine presents excerpts from her dramatic program on Jane Austen and answers questions.

8:00 p.m. Showcase of the Performing Arts - Phoenix A-C - $12, $15



Wednesday, July 14 - 531



1:30 p.m. MIDI Workshop - 531 - $5, $6 Band in a Box for the Blind Really Rocks! Screen reader access to this autoaccompaniment/backing tracks program puts music in the hands of anyone. Dr. Jackie McBride, Instructor, Cisco Academy for the Visually Impaired, Sun City, AZ

3:30 p.m. Writers' Workshop - North Mountain - $5, $6 Finding Freedom in Form: Reviving the Song in Language. Janiece Kent, Co-editor, Log of the Bridgetender, Washington, DC; and Susan Schulter, Instructor, West Valley College, Saratoga, CA

5:30 p.m. Round and Harmony Sing - 531 Sing well-known rounds and learn a few new ones. Lynn Hedl, Birmingham, AL



Thursday, July 15 - 531



7:30 a.m. FIA Board Meeting



Guide Dog Users, Inc.
President: Becky Barnes
Program Chair: Cecilia Warren
Registration: $12, $15



The GDUI Suite is open Sunday, July 11, noon to 5:00 p.m.; Monday and Tuesday, July 12 and 13, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; and Wednesday, July 14, 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Browse the silent auction items on display; bid on items until Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. Dog-related products are on sale, and guide dogs and their handlers can relax in the suite. A vet tech has limited hours to assist with nail trimming and ear cleaning. Schedule dog massages, too (morning hours only).

Be sure to use your dog booties to protect your guide's paws; the Arizona heat scorches outdoor surfaces resulting in painful burns to unprotected pads.



Sunday, July 11 - VOS A



12:00 p.m. Hotel and area orientation Your favorite guide dog instructors teach you and your dog the best convention routes; guaranteed to get you where you need to be on time and in one piece.

2:30 p.m. Affiliate Roundup - VOS B REQUIRED for affiliate representatives

4:00 p.m. Board Meeting - VOS B

5:00 p.m. Hotel and area orientation - meet in VOS A



Monday, July 12 - VOS B



7:00 a.m. GDUI Breakfast Club Meet in the lobby to walk to Steve's Grill, about ten minutes away, for a delicious fast break from the hotel. Be back just in time for general session. Canine teams and cane travelers welcome.

1:30 p.m. GDUI Opening Ceremonies - VOS B

2:00 p.m. Doormats No More - Leveraging security technologies to live an empowered and independent life Do you use public transportation? Live in a major metro area? Ever wonder how to respond to a safety threat? Learn about effective security products, how to use them, and where to buy them. Tracey Hawkins, security and safety expert

3:30 p.m. Retire, rehab, retrain - Solutions from the guide dog schools How schools modify their practices to accommodate learning differences; criteria to rehabilitate a guide dog post-incident. Presented by a panel of training experts

7:00 p.m. Blessing of the Guide Dogs and Ice Cream Social - $6, $8
Walk a half block to St. Mary's Basilica to receive a private tour and blessing of our guide dogs. St. Mary's is on the National Historic Register, and is the oldest basilica in Arizona. Stay for the Cold Stone Creamery ice cream social.



Tuesday, July 13 - VOS B



7:00 a.m. GDUI Breakfast Club See Monday's agenda

1:30 p.m. Pets and Debts - Is pet health insurance a viable tool for you? One guide dog medical emergency can easily cost thousands of dollars. Is emergency pet insurance a sensible choice for you? Dr. Karen Felsted, CPA and veterinarian, executive director of the National Commission of Veterinary Economic Issues

3:30 p.m. GDUI Business Meeting

7:00 p.m. GDUI Juno Poker Run - $6, $8



Wednesday, July 14 - VOS D



7:00 a.m. GDUI Breakfast Club

12:30 p.m. GDUI Luncheon

1:30 p.m. Live Auction

3:30 p.m. GDUI ACB Caucus - VOS B

7:00 p.m. TBA



Independent Visually Impaired Enterprisers
President: Ardis Bazyn
Program Chair: Carla Hayes
Registration: $6, $8




Monday, July 12 - Camelback B



7:00 a.m. IVIE Breakfast and Meeting - $23, $25



Tuesday, July 13 - Maryvale B



4:00 p.m. IVIE Business Expo
Blind and visually impaired business owners showcase their products and services and answer your questions.



Wednesday, July 14 - Camelback B



12:30 p.m. IVIE Luncheon and Program - $30, $32

1:10 p.m. Scams, Shams, Spams and Deceptive Business Practices Learn to recognize and prevent common types of fraud which can victimize business owners. Debra Boehlke, Education Specialist, Crime, Fraud and Victim Resource Center, Office of the Attorney General, Phoenix, AZ

1:50 p.m. Help Them Shop Till They Drop How To Set Up An Accessible Shopping Cart On Your Web Site. Earlene Hughes, Computer Consultant, Website Developer, West Lafayette, IN



Library Users of America
President: Paul Edwards
Registration: $10, $12




Saturday, July 10 - Maryvale B



6:30 p.m. LUA Board Meeting



Monday, July 12 - Maryvale A



1:30 p.m. Welcome and Introductions Paul Edwards, LUA President, Miami, FL

1:45 p.m. National Library Service (NLS) Update Frank Kurt Cylke, Director, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Washington, DC; other NLS staff

2:30 p.m. Talking Books Arizona Style Linda Montgomery, Regional Librarian, Arizona Braille & Talking Book Library, Phoenix, AZ

2:50 p.m. Accessible Computing and the Phoenix Public Library Mimi McCain, Branch Manager, Harmon Branch Phoenix Public Library, Phoenix, AZ

3:10 p.m. Break

3:30 p.m. LUA Business Meeting Report from the NLS Audio Equipment Advisory Committee: Penny Reeder, 2010 Representative, Montgomery Village, MD Report from the NLS Collection Development Advisory Group: Steve Speicher, 2010 Representative, Lincoln, NE Report on the ASCLA/NLS Project to Revise the 2005 Standards and Guidelines of Service for the NLS Network of Libraries: Kim Charlson, ACB Representative, Watertown, MA Other Business

5:30 p.m. Getting the Most from Your BARD Player - $5, $7 How to read RFB&D and other formats and perform updates on your NLS digital talking book machine; examine the Library edition of the Victor Reader Stream. Presenters: Paul Edwards, Miami, FL; Brian Charlson, Director, Computer Training Program, Carroll Center for the Blind, Newton, MA; HumanWare representative



Tuesday, July 13 - Alhambra



5:30 p.m. LUA Book Mark-it - $5, $7 Explore books that people bring to convention to swap, sell or give away. Discuss books and reading with others who care the most about it. Facilitator: Peggy Garrett, LUA Secretary, Missouri City, TX



Wednesday, July 14 - LUA/BRL - Maryvale A



1:30 p.m. Welcome and Introductions Paul Edwards, LUA President, Miami, FL; & Judy Jackson, BRL President, San Antonio, TX

1:45 p.m. Meet the Narrator David Hartley-Margolin, Talking Book Publishing Company, Denver, CO

2:30 p.m. Booking It Panel features news of the Kindle, Blio, downloading through RFB&D and other exciting new ways to find more and more books on the Web

3:15 p.m. Break

3:30 p.m. Crashing Through, by Michael May LUA's 2010 "One Book, One ACB" selection describes Michael May's positive and negative experiences as he goes from blind to visually-impaired. Discussion leader: Paul Edwards, Miami, FL

4:30 p.m. Post-convention board meeting



National Alliance of Blind Students
President: Rebecca Bridges
Program Chair: Kerri Regan
Registration: $5, $7




Saturday, July 10 - 443



8:00 p.m. NABS Welcome Party - $8, $10



Sunday, July 11 - Camelback A



11:15 a.m. NABS Scholarship Luncheon - $29, $32 Join NABS in congratulating the 2010 ACB scholarship winners. Sponsored by Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America.



Tuesday, July 13 - South Mountain



1:30 p.m. NABS Business Meeting

3:30 p.m. Downloadable Accessible Games - Maryvale A - $5, $7 Learn how to download some of the hottest and most accessible games out there on the net. Paul Edwards, Miami, FL; co-sponsored by BRL.

5:30 p.m. Left Right Center – Camelback B - $10, $12
Roll the dice and win; fun for everyone! Co-sponsored by BRL.



Wednesday, July 14 - Paradise Valley



1:30 p.m. Employment Seminar - $5, $5 See Employment Issues Committee for complete agenda

3:30 p.m. Shape Up! – Cave Creek - $5, $5 Interested in a healthier lifestyle? Discuss how to eat right and utilize a public gym as a blind person. Learn exercises you can do in your own home. Elizabeth Toumajian, M.S., Manager, Goodwill Fitness Center, Santa Ana, CA



Thursday, July 15 - Maryvale



1:30 p.m. ACB/NABS Job Fair Bring your resume; talk to employers with current openings who are committed to hiring people with visual impairments. Dress appropriately for an interview. Sponsored by the Vehicle Donation Processing Center.

9:00 p.m. NABS Comedy Night – VOS D - $10, $12 Finish convention week with great live comedy and a lot of laughs.



National Association of Blind Teachers
President: Carla Hayes
Registration: $10, $12




Sunday, July 11 - Camelback B



8:00 a.m. NABT Breakfast and Program - $25, $27
Adventures In Literature: How We, The Blind, Have Been Portrayed in Literature. Susan Mangis, Teacher Of The Visually Impaired, Carmichael, CA

9:30 a.m. Break

9:45 a.m. NABT Business Meeting



Monday, July 12 - Ahwatukee B



1:30 p.m. Welcome, Introductions and NABT Information Carla Hayes, President, McMurray, PA

1:45 p.m. Ever-changing Basics - New Ways Of Doing Old Things New techniques for doing everyday classroom tasks and when the old ways of doing things might be the best.

2:30 p.m. Best Practices In Teaching: What Works For You Learn and share effective teaching techniques, classroom procedures, and practices

3:15 p.m. Break

3:30 p.m. Icebreakers - Building A Comfort Zone For You And Your Students Winning strategies for dealing with those first-day-of-school jitters; setting the right tone in your classroom for the entire school year. Dr. Otis Stephens, Law Professor, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN; Marcia Dresser, Teacher of the Visually Impaired, Middle and High School Students, Seem Collaborative, Reading, MA; Carla Hayes, Foreign Language Teacher, Central Christian Academy, and Lengua-Learn Communications, McMurray, PA; Sue Mangis, Teacher of the Visually Impaired, Elementary Vision Resource Room, Carmichael, CA: Susan Schulter, Full-time English Instructor, West Valley Community College, Saratoga, CA



Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America
President: Charles Glaser
Registration: $20, $20
RSVA Package: $90, $105



RSVA is proud to be a Coral sponsor for the 2010 ACB conference and convention, and to support the July 10 Scholarship Winners' Dinner and the July 11 NABS Scholarship Winners' Luncheon.



Saturday, July 10 - 432



1:00 p.m. Subcommittee meetings

3:00 p.m. RSVA Board meeting - Ahwatukee



Sunday, July 11 - VOS E



9:00 a.m. Welcome Charles Glaser, RSVA President, Stone Mountain, GA
Introduction of participants
Roll call of affiliates - Ardis Bazyn, Secretary

9:20 a.m. Roadside Rest Area Issues Panel Moderator: Roy Harmon, Oceanside, CA

10:00 a.m. What's Happening in the Arizona BEP Panel of Arizona blind vendors

10:45 a.m. Report on RSA conference in Washington, D.C.

11:10 a.m. Computant - talking POS: Stan Amoto, HI

11:30 a.m. RSVA-sponsored NABS luncheon or lunch on your own

1:00 p.m. Constitution & Bylaws Report

1:20 p.m. Resolutions Report

1:30 p.m. Signage to help your bottom line MB Media Brokers, David Levine, AZ

2:00 p.m. The Arizona BEP Program From the Arizona BEP staff's perspective

2:30 p.m. Joint Marine base project Robert Humphreys

3:00 p.m. Break

3:15 p.m. U.S. Treasury Initiative on Accessible Currency

4:00 p.m. Nominating committee meeting All state affiliate delegates should attend

10:00 p.m. RSVA Mixer - 432 - $15, $20



Monday, July 12 - Estrella



12:30 p.m. RSVA Awards Luncheon - $35, $40

2:30 p.m. Business meeting

6:30 p.m. RSVA Auction - VOS D

9:00 p.m. RSVA Karaoke night - VOS D - $10, $15



Tuesday, July 13 - 432



12:30 p.m. RSVA Presidents Meeting

8:00 p.m. RSVA Casino Night - VOS E - $20, $25



Visually Impaired Veterans of America
President and Program Chair: John Fleming
Registration: $10, $10




Tuesday, July 13



All veterans are invited to join VIVA in leading the Pledge in the ACB general session. Meet at the front of Phoenix A-C at 8:15 a.m.

12:30 p.m. VIVA Membership Luncheon - Alhambra - $20, $20

1:30 p.m. Roundtable discussion and business meeting
During this time of war and economic strife, our veterans need all the support we can give them. Get involved in VIVA and help with membership recruitment and veterans' issues.



Legislative and Advocacy Programs




Monday, July 12 - Laveen A



7:00 p.m. Bureau of Engraving and Printing - Meaningful Access to U.S. Currency Representatives of the BEP's Office of Product Development and the Project Manager of the Meaningful Access Team will discuss feature concepts currently being tested. The BEP is very interested in hearing ACB members' opinions regarding the effectiveness of these feature concepts in helping the blind and visually impaired denominate U.S. currency.



Tuesday, July 13 - Paradise Valley



5:30 p.m. ACB Legislative Seminar Get the latest information on what's going on in Washington. Get involved and help us push our quiet car, telecommunications and other legislation in Congress.

5:30 p.m. Bureau of Engraving and Printing - Meaningful Access to U.S. Currency - Laveen B Representatives of the BEP's Office of Product Development and the Project Manager of the Meaningful Access Team will discuss feature concepts currently being tested. The BEP is very interested in hearing ACB members' opinions regarding the effectiveness of these feature concepts in helping the blind and visually impaired denominate U.S. currency.



Wednesday, July 14 - Paradise Valley



3:30 p.m. NELDS Health Care Reform Workshop - $5, $7
What it is and what it means for us. Mark Richert, Director of Public Policy, American Foundation for the Blind, Washington, DC; Lynne Koral, Consumer Advocate, Anchorage, AK

5:30 p.m. Accessible Currency - How Good Is Good Enough? - Laveen B
Jeff Witt, User Experience Researcher and Accessibility Technology Consultant, will discuss a usability study funded by the National Federation of the Blind. This study is considering a variety of potential currency designs that may not meet the BEP's constraints, but that may offer superior accessibility.



Technology Updates and Training




Saturday, July 10



10:00 a.m. GW Micro Sense Notetaker Training - North Mountain - $10, $10
Learn about Braille and Voice Sense notetakers.

3:00 p.m. GW Micro Window-Eyes Training - North Mountain - $10, $10
Learn to access Windows 7 and Office 2010 using Window-Eyes.



Sunday, July 11



10:00 a.m. GW Micro BookSense Training - North Mountain - $10, $10
Read, record and learn with the powerful BookSense.



Monday, July 12 - Laveen B



5:30 p.m. HumanWare - BrailleNote APEX
Introducing the thinnest and most versatile notetaker & braille display. Learn what's new in KeySoft.

7:00 p.m. APH - Book Port Plus - North Mountain
See all the new features of this second-generation electronic book reader.

7:00 p.m. Bookshare Member Party (by invitation only) - Camelback B

7:00 p.m. Kurzweil 1000 User Group - Camelback A



Tuesday, July 13 - North Mountain



5:30 p.m. HumanWare Stream and Breeze
Whether you're finding your way through a new best-seller or exploring your neighborhood, you'll have reading and navigation in the palm of your hand.



Wednesday, July 14 - North Mountain



5:30 p.m. HumanWare on the Go Communicating and reading on the go with Oratio for Blackberry smart phones, the Intel Reader and portable low vision devices.



Other Programs and Meetings




Monday, July 12 - VOS D



7:00 a.m. AFB Breakfast - $10, $15 AFB announces AccessWorld moves monthly, national policy updates, new CareerConnect offerings, and the latest in cell phone accessibility.



Tuesday, July 13 – VOS D



7:00 a.m. Guide Dogs for the Blind Breakfast

6:30 p.m. Vanda Pharmaceuticals: Sleep Disorders in Totally Blind People – Laveen A
Total loss of light perception prevents synchronization of circadian body clock rhythms to the 24-hour day. This leads to cyclic insomnia and daytime napping. Learn about the causes and options for treatment.



Wednesday, July 14 - VOS D



7:00 a.m. NIB Breakfast and Program - $10, $10 National Industries for the Blind employment forum and initiatives.






There are many activities interesting to kids and parents throughout convention week. The exhibit area, the Youth Activity Center (YAC) for kids 6 to 17, and many of the tours provide opportunities for blind and visually impaired children to experience a fantastic convention week; see the YAC and Tours sections of this program for more details.

Many of the workshops and seminars, as well as the general and special-interest affiliate program sessions, address topics of concern to parents. Examples of such options include career programs, workshops, and a job fair (check the ACB Employment Issues section and special-interest agendas); technology updates and training sessions; special seminars on rehabilitation, transportation, and schools for the blind; and much more.

If you need child care services for younger children or during evening hours when the YAC is closed, check with the hotel concierge for local service referrals. Fees are usually based on age and number of children.



Youth Activity Center
Registration: $10, $10
Daily YAC Tickets: $10, $10
Sponsored by Regal Entertainment Group



Kids 6 to 17 can enjoy a great week of tours and activities in the YAC. Pick up a schedule at the Information Desk or the YAC, and see the rules below. Purchase tickets at the Registration Desk.

The YAC opens on Monday morning in room 444. Parents will need to sign permission slips and review YAC rules before kids can participate in YAC activities.

The YAC opens each morning, Monday through Friday, at 8:15; activities begin at 8:30. A light breakfast, snacks and lunch are included in the registration and ticket fees.

Kids should bring a backpack for carrying personal belongings, a water bottle, sunscreen and cap. Kids must wear their convention registration badge when the group visits water parks and other local attractions. They should also bring an old shirt to wear for crafts and other messy activities, and don't forget swimsuits.

Each child must complete a registration form and pay the ACB convention administrative fee. YAC registration is also required before children can participate in any YAC event.

IMPORTANT: Parents MUST accompany children to the YAC the first time to sign permission slips, waivers, etc. Children may not participate in any YAC activities or events if forms are not completed and signed. A parent or guardian who is attending the convention must be reachable at all times via a working cell phone number.

The YAC closes at 5:00 each afternoon; children must be picked up by then each day.

Necessary medications MUST be supplied each day. Parents will be required to remove children who exhibit uncontrollable or highly inappropriate behaviors.



2010 Conference and Convention Tours



All tours depart from the main exit. Indoor facilities are air-conditioned unless indicated, but many tours include significant outdoor time. Dress appropriately and bring sunscreen, insect repellent, hat and water bottle for your comfort and safety. Space is limited on all tours. ACB reserves the right to cancel a tour should ticket sales fall below required minimums. Tickets will be collected at the bus. Buses will not be delayed while forgotten tickets are retrieved. All return times are approximate. If you have dietary scheduling concerns, bring a light snack in case we are unavoidably delayed. If you use a wheelchair and require a lift-equipped bus, you MUST check the appropriate boxes on the pre-registration form in order for us to plan for necessary transportation. A limited number of volunteers will accompany each tour. While they will help as much as possible, ACB volunteers are not personal guides or personal care attendants. If you need individual help, plan to attend the tour with a friend who can act as your guide or PCA, push your wheelchair, etc.



Friday, July 9




Grand Canyon Tour
Time: 6:30 a.m. - 11:45 p.m.
Cost: $95 - $95; lunch and dinner included



Marvel at all that is the magnificent Grand Canyon, one of the seven wonders of the world. Travel through the Sonoran Desert and Flagstaff to the Cameron Trading Post, located in the Navajo Indian Reservation. Explore the shops and crafts, eat lunch, and then it’s on to the Grand Canyon National Park. You’ll enjoy four full hours of hands-on exhibits, detailed descriptions from park rangers, and spectacular views from the south rim. It’s dinner and shopping for souvenirs at the Bright Angel restaurant and nearby gift shops -- a fabulous day in the great Southwest.



Pinnacle Peak Patio Restaurant
Time: 5:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
Cost: $47 - $50; dinner included



When first opened in 1957, Pinnacle Peak was a general store and rest stop for travelers. Now it's renowned for its smoked chicken, mesquite-broiled steaks, and casual atmosphere. Due to its "no necktie" policy, over a million ties have been cut from unsuspecting customers and stapled to the rafters. We'll dine in a semi-private area and enjoy live country-western music. Dinner includes salad, your choice of a half smoked chicken or 10-oz. top sirloin steak, baked potato, cowboy beans, wheat bread and apple pie; no vegetarian option.



Saturday, July 10




Cosanti Windbell Studio
Time: 8:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Cost: $27 - $30



Visit Paradise Valley for a walking tour of world-renowned architectural innovator Paolo Soleri's Cosanti Windbell studio. Experience the terraced landscaping with experimental earth-formed concrete homes and other structures. Hear the rich tones and touch the bronze and ceramic wind-bells strikingly suspended amidst courtyards and pathways. This tour is NOT ADA accessible due to the uneven terrain and narrow pathways.



Phoenix City Tour
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Cost: $19 - $22



Back by popular demand. Enjoy an air-conditioned narrated motorcoach tour of Phoenix and surrounding points of interest. NO STOPPING.



Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesen West
Time: 1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Cost: $32 - $35



It's a short ride to the foothills of the McDowell Mountains and acclaimed architect Frank Lloyd Wright's home and architectural school. Your behind-the-scenes tour of Taliesen West is an in-depth, intimate look at Wright's unusual home and this living, working, educational facility. Everything on this tour is touchable; in fact, you are encouraged to touch and feel, sit in the contemporary furniture, and even play the baby grand piano in Frank Lloyd Wright's living room.



Sunday, July 11




Diamondbacks Baseball Game
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Cost: $47 - $50; lunch included
Time: 12:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Cost: $35 - $38; lunch not included



Calling all sports fanatics; this tour is for you! Start with lunch at Fridays Front Row located behind left field of beautiful Chase Stadium. Then watch the game against the Marlins from bullpen reserve sections 219 and 220. The stadium roof will be closed so the temp will be just fine. Bring your radio; the play-by-play is on station KTAR 620-AM. Tour does not include stadium snacks and beverages.



Phoenix City Tour
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Cost: $19 - $22



Back by popular demand. Enjoy an air-conditioned narrated motorcoach tour of Phoenix and surrounding points of interest. NO STOPPING.



Monday, July 12




Hall of Flame Museum of Firefighting
Time: 12:45 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Cost: $22 - $25



Get ready for one Red Hot tour! This incredible museum has over 130 wheeled pieces and fire apparatus, dating from 1725 to 1969; over 10,000 smaller objects related to the history of firefighting; and over 6,000 holdings, including books, journals, magazines, manuals, and trade catalogs. There are tributes to fallen firefighters from every state in the Union, and a special section for those killed in the World Trade Center. Tour includes hands-on demonstrations such as a hand-pumped fire engine, a bucket brigade, and the power of stream nozzle from a booster line.



Phoenix Rock Gym
Time: 1:30 p.m. - 4:35 p.m.
Cost: $22 - $25



This tour will literally have you climbing the walls. The 15,000-square-foot facility has 30-foot climbing walls at several ability levels. After a short training video and hands-on orientation, you will be free to try your new skills. Staff will be available to help as needed. No experience needed; staff will teach you what you need to know! Wear comfy loose-fitting clothing and socks; climbing shoes provided. Waiver forms required for everyone and will be provided on the bus.



Tuesday, July 13




Diamondbacks Chase Stadium Tour
Time: 12:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Cost: $35 - $38; lunch not included



Walking tour of the home of the Arizona Diamondbacks. Visit the infield, home plate, and most other parts of the stadium. Elevators are used several times during the tour and the majority of the route is NOT air-conditioned. Bottled water will be provided.



Stuffington Bear Factory
Time: 1:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Cost: $27 - $30



Remember your favorite teddy bear? Learn interesting facts about teddy bears and how bears are designed. Experience firsthand how bears are cut out, sewn, and finished in the manufacturing process at this 16,000-square-foot working factory. Stuffington produces finished fabric items from stuffed animals to clothing. You will receive a 12-inch bear to stuff, comb and air bathe along with two colorful ribbons and a birth certificate to document the trip. Clothes and costumes NOT included in tour price, but may be added if you wish.



Foundation for Blind Children Tour
Time: 12:45 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Cost: $19 - $22; Light refreshments included



Founded in 1952, the Foundation for Blind Children is a national model for agencies serving the blind. FBC provides comprehensive services which optimize the blind or visually impaired child's development. With services from infancy to adulthood, FBC provides the opportunity for anyone with vision loss to achieve. Located in North Phoenix, FBC offers numerous preschool through fourth-grade classrooms, a Braille Library and Tactile Museum, Media Center, Technology Lab, Store, and more.



Wednesday, July 14




Phoenix Blind Services Tour
Time: 12:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Cost: $22 - $25; Light refreshments included



Tour the distribution service unit at the Arizona Industries for the Blind, where voice and scanner technology directs employees to the correct location and products for order fulfillment. Also learn how AIB uses digital data scan to employ blind workers in the conversion of paper documents to digital images that can be stored and retrieved on CD, DVD or other electronic storage methods. Documents are indexed for easy computer retrieval, viewing and storage. Then visit the Arizona Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired; learn about their programs and those at the Braille and Talking Book Library.



Cerreta Candy Sweet Tooth Tour
Tour 1: 12:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Tour 2: 1:45 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
Cost: $19 - $22



Cerreta uses a distinctive robust chocolate that is custom-blended exclusively for their use by the family-owned Guittard Chocolate Company, the oldest chocolate factory on the West Coast. Learn how cream centers are enrobed in luscious chocolate and how a sea of caramel becomes wrapped into tempting taste treats. Make your own "Chocolate Pizza" topped with your hand-picked personalized tasty treats.



Thursday, July 15




Arizona Wing of the Commemorative Air Force
Time: 1:45 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Cost: $25 - $28



The Arizona Wing of the Commemorative Air Force acquires, restores and preserves, in flying condition, a complete collection of combat aircraft flown by all military services of the United States and selected foreign countries. More than just a collection of airworthy warplanes from the past, the CAF's fleet, known as the Ghost Squadron, re-creates and reinforces the lessons learned from the defining moments in American military aviation history. Today the Arizona Wing maintains and flies planes such as the C-45 and the SNJ. Restoration projects include a MiG-15, an AFS2 Guardian, and a Sikorsky helicopter. There's also an F4N Phantom II, a TBM Adventure, a Schweizer TG-3A Glider and more. There's time to visit the museum gift shop to purchase those unique aviation gifts. Circulating air but no air-conditioning; bottled water provided.



Heard Museum
Time: 12:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Cost: $25 - $28



Your guided, described tour will feature the permanent collection of the Heard Museum. Thousands of the museum's finest pieces tell the stories -- past and present -- of Southwestern Native people. Items on display include Hopi Kachina dolls from the Barry Goldwater and Fred Harvey Company collections, as well as pottery, rugs, jewelry, baskets, clothing and paintings. The exhibit also includes a Navajo hogan and Hopi piki room. Guides will have a limited number of touch-its from the education collection for guests to handle.



Saturday, July 17


Casino Arizona
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Cost: $17 - $20; lunch included

More treasures await at the end of convention week. Try your luck at your favorite table game or the slots. Your ticket includes lunch in the casino's Willow Tree restaurant and a $10 coupon to use at any table game or slot.


Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre
Time: 4:15 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
Cost: $52 - $55; dinner included

Wrap up your week in the sunny Southwest with a great dinner and show. Start with an all-you-can eat buffet -- 4 or 5 entrees, lots of side dishes, complete salad bar and prepared salads, dessert buffet and ice cream sundae bar. Extra staff and volunteers on hand to help. Then enjoy an audio-described production of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat," the second British musical written by the team of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice.

More Convention Fun

You will be ready for a break and a little fun after all those workshops, seminars and business meetings. Below are some activities and events that take place at the hotel. For more fun ideas, see "2010 Convention Tours," and check the agendas of the many affiliates and groups for more mixers, luncheons and parties.


Saturday, July 10 - VOS D
6:00 p.m. NELDS CD Swap - $8, $10

Buy and swap CD's and DVD's; proceeds benefit the advocacy work of NELDS.


8:00 p.m. Southwest Treasures Welcome Party - VOS C - $12, $15

The coolest place in the desert; mariachis, margaritas and money! Sponsored by the Arizona Host Committee.


Sunday, July 11 - Camelback A

3:30 p.m. Newsreelers' Get-together - $8, $10


Monday, July 12 - Ahwatukee
8:00 p.m. Free Night at the Movies

Movie night is back with "It's Complicated," starring Meryl Streep, Alec Balwin and Steve Martin. When attending their son's college graduation, a couple reignites the spark in their relationship ... but the complicated fact is they're divorced and he's remarried. Sponsored by the ACB Audio Description Project; description provided by WGBH.


Thursday, July 15 - Estrella
1:30 p.m. Star Trek Experience - $25, $27

Join the USS Moontype and Picard, Riker, Geordi, Troi, Worf, and Dr. Crusher for bingo, prizes, food and fun!


2010 Exhibits
Sponsored by Freedom Scientific

The 2010 ACB Exhibit Hall, located on the third floor, is filled with everything from jewelry to information resources to the latest in appliances and technologies designed especially for people who are blind and visually impaired.

Exhibit hall hours are as follows:

Saturday, July 9, 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Sunday, July 10, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Monday through Wednesday, July 12-14, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Thursday, July 15, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

The following exhibitors were registered for the convention at the time the program went to press. Pick up a complete list in braille or large print at the front of the Exhibit Hall; electronic copies available from the Information Desk before 10:00 a.m. each day.


ACB Radio

ACB Store

Access Education/Audio Dartmaster

Ai Squared

American Foundation for the Blind

American Printing House for the Blind


Aurora Ministries

Autumn River Gifts

Bay Area Digital

Bio Sense Medical Devices

Cambium Learning/Kurzweil Systems


Dolphin Computer Access, Inc.

Duxbury Systems, Inc.

En-Vision America, Inc.

Enabling Technologies

Expressions by Rachel Ames

Freedom Guide Dogs

Freedom Scientific


Guide Dogs for the Blind

Guiding Eyes for the Blind

GW Micro

Hadley School for the Blind

Handytech North America



IMS Trading USA

Independent Living Aids

Internal Revenue Service

Jewelry in Braille - K Fehr Designs

Leader Dogs for the Blind

Lutheran Braille Workers


National Braille Press

National Industries for the Blind

National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped


Perkins Products

Plastic Safety Systems

Polara Engineering, Inc.

Prodigy Meter

Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic

Safe Zone

Sendero Group

Serotek Corporation

Social Security Administration

The Blind Bean

The Seeing Eye

U.S. Department of Justice

Vanda Pharmaceuticals

View Finder Low Vision Resource Center

Major Convention Sponsors
Arizona Gems


ACB's sponsorship program offers agencies and corporations an opportunity to show support for our good work and, at the same time, let potential customers learn more about their products and services.

We want to recognize our 2010 "gems" in this special section of the convention program. We will also recognize them in the convention newspaper, on ACB Radio, in general session, and on the convention T-shirt.


Ruby Sponsors

Adobe - ACB general sessions

AT&T - transportation services

Wells Fargo Bank


Onyx Sponsors

Freedom Scientific - Exhibit Hall

HumanWare – "The Cactus Courier"

Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic - ACB Radio Mainstream

Regal Entertainment - Youth Activity Center


Coral Sponsors

GW Micro - Monday general session

Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America - ACB scholarship dinner and NABS scholarship luncheon

Vehicle Donation Processing Center - ACB Job Fair


Pearl Sponsors

ACB Lions - attendance of a scholarship winner at convention

Beaman Metal Co. LLC - attendance of a scholarship winner at convention

Goldstein, Demchak, Baller, Borgen and Dardarian/Lainey Feingold - WCC health workshop

Independent Living Aids - Information Access workshop

Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. - Affiliate Presidents' meeting

Maxi-Aids - Maxi-Aids Monday at the ACB Café

National Industries for the Blind - ACB Employment Seminar

VITAC - ACB Legislative Workshop





President: Mitch Pomerantz, Pasadena, CA

First Vice President: Kim Charlson, Watertown, MA

Second Vice President: Brenda Dillon, Hermitage, TN

Secretary: Marlaina Lieberg, Burien, WA

Treasurer: Mike Godino, Malverne, NY

Immediate Past President: Christopher Gray, San Francisco, CA



Ray Campbell, Glen Ellyn, IL

Berl Colley, Lacey, WA

Marsha Farrow, Summerville, GA

Michael Garrett, Missouri City, TX

Billie Jean Keith, Arlington, VA

Carla Ruschival, Louisville, KY

Patrick Sheehan, Silver Spring, MD

Jeff Thom, Sacramento, CA

David Trott, Talladega, AL

Cammie Vloedman, Oklahoma City, OK

Marcia Dresser (ex officio), Reading, MA


ACB Board of Publications

Paul Edwards, Chair, Miami, FL

Marcia Dresser, Reading, MA

Judy Jackson, San Antonio, TX

Jenine Stanley, Columbus, OH

Ken Stewart, Warwick, NY

Michael Malver (ex officio), Minneapolis, MN

Ronald Milliman (ex officio), Bowling Green, KY


ACB Enterprises and Services Board of Directors

Michael Garrett, Chair, Missouri City, TX

Michael Godino, Malverne, NY

Christopher Gray, San Francisco, CA

Oral Miller, Washington, DC

Carla Ruschival, Louisville, KY

LeRoy Saunders, Oklahoma City, OK

David Trott, Talladega, AL


ACB National Office Staff

Melanie Brunson, Executive Director

Eric Bridges, Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs

Barbara LeMoine, Public Policy Assistant

Sharon Lovering, Editor, Braille Forum


ACB Enterprises And Services Staff
Brooklyn Center, MN

Lane Waters, Controller

Alisha Clausen, Accounting

Barbara Johnson, Administrative Assistant

Catalina Roisum, Accounting

Lori Sarff, Administrator

Le Chi Tran, Accounting

2010 Convention Committee

Carla Ruschival, Chair, Louisville, KY

Margarine Beaman, Austin, TX

Sally Benjamin, Tallahassee, FL

Janet Dickelman, Minneapolis, MN

Mike Duke, Jackson, MS

Michael Fulghum, Nashville, TN

Sharon Lovering, Arlington, VA

Barbara McDonald, Phoenix, AZ

Bruce Radtke, Bellingham, WA

Michael Smitherman, Jackson, MS

Lane Waters, Minneapolis, MN

Brenda Dillon, Officer Liaison, Hermitage, TN


2010 Convention Program Committee

Mitch Pomerantz (Chair), Pasadena, CA

Melanie Brunson, Arlington, VA

Kim Charlson, Watertown, MA

Denise Colley, Lacey, WA

Brenda Dillon, Hermitage, TN

Barbara McDonald, Phoenix, AZ

Terri Lynne Pomeroy, UT

Carla Ruschival, Louisville, KY


2010 Local Host Committee

Barbara McDonald, Chair

Sharon Booker

Sharon Carpenter

Maureen Comiskey

Penny Crane

Dan Martinez

Arie Newsom

Larry Wanger

Robert Williams

Conference and Convention Calendar


Thursday, July 8

6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Pre-registration pick-up - Deer Valley


Friday, July 9

6:30 a.m. Grand Canyon Tour

8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Registration - Deer Valley

5:30 p.m. Pinnacle Peak


Saturday, July 10

7:15 a.m. Bus departs for ACB Walk

8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Registration - Deer Valley

8:45 a.m. Cosanti Windbell Studio

9:00 a.m. ACB Convention Café

10:00 a.m. GW Micro Sense Notetaker Training - North Mountain

11:00 a.m. ACB Pre-convention Board Meeting - Encanto A

11:00 a.m. Phoenix City Tour

1:00 - 5:00 p.m. Exhibits - Phoenix D-E

1:00 p.m. RSVA Subcommittees - 432

1:30 p.m. Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesen West Tour

2:00 p.m. 411 from the IAC - Paradise Valley

3:00 p.m. GW Micro Window-Eyes Training - North Mountain

3:00 p.m. CCLVI Board Meeting – Laveen A

3:00 p.m. RSVA Board Meeting - Ahwatukee

4:00 p.m. ACB Constitution and Bylaws Committee - South Mountain

4:30 p.m. BITS Board Meeting - Maryvale A

5:00 p.m. Keys to the Convention Seminar - VOS E

6:00 p.m. Exhibitors' reception (by invitation) – 444

6:00 p.m. AAVIA Board Meeting - Alhambra

6:00 p.m. CCLVI Nominating Committee Meeting – Coronado

6:00 p.m. NELDS CD Swap - VOS D

6:30 p.m. ACB Scholarship Winners' Dinner (by invitation) - Camelback B

6:30 p.m. LUA Board Meeting - Maryvale B

7:00 p.m. Catholic Mass - Estrella

7:00 p.m. BPI Get-Together Dinner - meet in 523

7:00 p.m. FIA Board Meeting - 531

7:00 p.m. AAVIA Dinner - meet in Lobby

8:00 p.m. Southwest Treasures Welcome Party - VOS C

8:00 p.m. NABS Welcome Party - 443

9:00 p.m. ACB Resolutions Committee - South Mountain

9:00 p.m. ACBL Milly's Place Pin Swap - 428


Sunday, July 11

7:30 a.m. NELDS Board Meeting - 3041

8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Registration - Deer Valley

8:00 a.m. NABT Breakfast - Camelback B

8:30 a.m. ACB Convention Café

9:00 a.m. LDS Meeting - Alhambra

9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Exhibits - Phoenix D-E

9:00 a.m. Jewish Service - Laveen B

9:00 a.m. CCLVI Program - Laveen A

9:00 a.m. RSVA Program - VOS E

9:30 a.m. ACBL Board Meeting - Maryvale B

9:45 a.m. NABT Business Meeting - Camelback B

10:00 a.m. Interdenominational Church Service - VOS B

10:00 a.m. ACB Committee Chairs Meeting - Maryvale A

10:00 a.m. GW Micro Book Sense Training - North Mountain

10:00 a.m. BITS Program - Ahwatukee

10:30 a.m. BOP Meeting - South Mountain

11:00 a.m. Diamondbacks Baseball Game (with lunch)

11:15 a.m. NABS Scholarship Luncheon - Camelback A

12:00 p.m. GDUI Convention Area Orientation - VOS A

12:45 p.m. Diamondbacks Baseball Game (no lunch)

1:00 p.m. ACB Credentials Committee - South Mountain

1:00 p.m. Phoenix City Tour

1:30 p.m. AAVIA Program - North Mountain

1:30 p.m. ACBDA Diabetes Seminar - Maryvale A

1:30 p.m. BITS Technology Vendors' Showcase - Ahwatukee

1:30 p.m. CFVI Reorganizational Meeting - Alhambra

1:30 p.m. FIA Native American Flute Workshop - Estrella

2:00 p.m. Keys to the Convention Seminar - Paradise Valley

2:30 p.m. GDUI Affiliate Roundup - VOS B

3:00 p.m. ACBGE Mixer - 428

3:30 p.m. BRL Board Meeting - Maryvale B

3:30 p.m. Newsreelers' Get-together - Camelback A

3:30 p.m. BPI Welcome Party - 523

4:00 p.m. CCLVI Mixer - 444

4:00 p.m. FIA Mixer/Showcase Sign-up - 531

4:00 p.m. GDUI Board Meeting - VOS B

5:00 p.m. GDUI Convention Area Orientation - VOS A

5:30 p.m. FIA Chorus Rehearsal - 531

6:30 p.m. Entertainment - Phoenix A-C

7:00 p.m. ACB General Session - Phoenix A-C

10:00 p.m. CCLVI Get Acquainted Dance - VOS D

10:00 p.m. RSVA Mixer - 432

11:00 p.m. (after general session) ACB Resolutions Committee - South Mountain


Monday, July 12

7:00 am GDUI Breakfast Club - lobby

7:00 a.m. IVIE Breakfast and Meeting - Camelback B

7:00 a.m. AFB Breakfast - VOS D

7:00 a.m. WCC Breakfast Rolls and Role Models - Camelback A

8:00 a.m. Maxi-Aids Monday at the ACB Café

8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Registration - Deer Valley

8:00 a.m. Entertainment - Phoenix A-C

8:15 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. YAC - 444

8:30 a.m. ACB General Session - Phoenix A-C

11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Exhibits - Phoenix D-E

12:30 p.m. AAVL Luncheon and Program - Camelback A

12:30 p.m. MCAC Luncheon - Camelback B

12:30 p.m. RSVA Luncheon and meeting - Estrella

12:45 p.m. Hall of Flame Firefighting Museum

1:30 p.m. ADP Conference - Ahwatukee A

1:30 p.m. Phoenix Rock Gym

1:30 p.m. Making the Most of Your SRC - Paradise Valley

1:30 p.m. WCC Women's Health Concerns Answered - Cave Creek

1:30 p.m. AAVIA program - North Mountain

1:30 p.m. BITS program - Maryvale B

1:30 p.m. BPI Workshop A - Laveen B

1:30 p.m. CCLVI program - Laveen A

1:30 p.m. FIA MIDI Workshop - 531

1:30 p.m. GDUI program - VOS B

1:30 p.m. LUA program - Maryvale A

1:30 p.m. NABT Program - Ahwatukee B

3:30 p.m. FIA Showcase Audition – 531

3:30 p.m. Writing Effective PSA's - Paradise Valley

4:00 p.m. ACB Constitution and Bylaws Committee - South Mountain

5:30 p.m. Rec. Zone/WCC Yoga for All - Cave Creek

5:30 p.m. Recreation Zone Audio Darts - Alhambra

5:30 p.m. ACB Nominating Committee - Paradise Valley

5:30 p.m. LUA Getting the Most from Your BARD Player - Maryvale A

5:30 p.m. HumanWare - BrailleNote APEX - Laveen B

6:30 p.m. RSVA Auction - VOS D

7:00 p.m. Gospel Sing - Encanto A

7:00 p.m. APH - Book Port Plus - North Mountain

7:00 p.m. Bookshare Member Party (by invitation only) - Camelback B

7:00 p.m. Bureau of Engraving and Printing - Laveen A

7:00 p.m. Kurzweil User's Group (by invitation) - Camelback A

7:00 p.m. BPI Business Meeting - 523

7:00 p.m. GDUI Blessing of the Dogs - meet in VOS A

7:30 p.m. CCLVI Game Night - Estrella

8:00 p.m. Get Social with SASI - 443

8:00 p.m. Movie Night - Ahwatukee

8:00 p.m. ACB Resolutions Committee - South Mountain

8:30 p.m. Bytes with BITS - 428

9:00 p.m. Meet the ACB Radio Show Hosts - 3041

9:00 p.m. FIA Prose and Poetry Reading - North Mountain

9:00 p.m. RSVA Karaoke - VOS D

10:00 p.m. FIA Chorus Rehearsal - 531


Tuesday, July 13

7:00 a.m. BRL Breakfast - Camelback A

7:00 a.m. GDUI Breakfast Club - lobby

7:00 a.m. Guide Dogs for the Blind Breakfast - VOS D

7:30 a.m. WCC/Recreation Zone Morning Exercise - Cave Creek

8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Registration - Deer Valley

8:00 a.m. ACB Café

8:00 a.m. Entertainment - Phoenix A-C

8:15 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. YAC - 444

8:30 a.m. ACB General Session - Phoenix A-C

11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Exhibits - Phoenix D-E

12:30 p.m. AAVIA Luncheon - Ahwatukee B

12:30 p.m. BITS Luncheon and Program - Camelback A

12:30 p.m. FIA Luncheon and Meeting - Camelback B

12:30 p.m. VIVA Luncheon and Meeting - Alhambra

12:30 p.m. RSVA Presidents' Meeting - 432

12:30 p.m. Diamondbacks Chase Stadium Tour

12:45 p.m. Foundation for Blind Children Tour

1:15 p.m. Stuffington Bear Factory Tour

1:30 p.m. ADP Conference - Ahwatukee A

1:30 p.m. ACB Paratransit Training: Your Right to Ride - Paradise Valley

1:30 p.m. ACBHSP Program - Laveen B

1:30 p.m. BPI Workshop B - Cave Creek

1:30 p.m. BRL business meeting - Maryvale A

1:30 p.m. CCLVI program - Laveen A

1:30 p.m. GDUI Program - VOS B

1:30 p.m. NABS Business Meeting – South Mountain

3:30 p.m. IRC Program - The UN Conventions - Estrella

3:30 p.m. Residential Schools - The Next Generation - Paradise Valley

3:30 p.m. BRL/NABS Downloadble Accessible Games - Maryvale A

3:30 p.m. FIA Meet the Artist – North Mountain

4:00 p.m. IVIE Business Expo - Maryvale B

5:00 p.m. ACB Constitution and Bylaws Committee - South Mountain

5:30 p.m. ACB Legislative Seminar - Paradise Valley

5:30 p.m. BRL/NABS Left Right Center Game – Camelback B

5:30 p.m. California and Washington State Caucus - Encanto A

5:30 p.m. Bureau of Engraving and Printing - Laveen B

5:30 p.m. Rec. Zone, Water Aerobics - Pool

5:30 p.m. Rec. Zone, Rowing - Cave Creek

5:30 p.m. HumanWare Stream and Breeze - North Mountain

5:30 p.m. Voices From Around the World International Reception - Estrella

5:30 p.m. LUA Book Mark-it - Alhambra

6:30 p.m. ACB Scholarship Winners' Reception - 428

6:30 p.m. Vanda Pharmaceuticals Sleep Study - Laveen A

7:00 p.m. GDUI Juno Poker Run - VOS B

8:00 p.m. ACB Resolutions Committee - South Mountain

8:00 p.m. FIA Showcase of the Performing Arts - Phoenix A-C

8:00 p.m. RSVA Casino Night - VOS E

9:00 p.m. BPI Discussion Group - 523


Wednesday, July 14

7:00 a.m. GDUI Breakfast Club - lobby

7:00 a.m. NIB Breakfast - VOS D

7:00 a.m. ACBDA Breakfast and Meeting - Camelback B

8:00 a.m. ACB Café

8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Registration - Deer Valley

8:00 a.m. Entertainment - Phoenix A-C

8:15 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. YAC - 444

8:30 a.m. ACB General Session - Phoenix A-C

11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Exhibits - Phoenix D-E

12:15 p.m. Cerreta Candy Sweet Tooth Tour

12:30 p.m. ADP Conference and Lunch - Ahwatukee A

12:30 p.m. Phoenix Blind Services Tour

12:30 p.m. GDUI Luncheon - VOS D

12:30 p.m. IVIE Luncheon and Program - Camelback B

1:30 p.m. AAVL/ACBHSP Program - Laveen B

1:30 p.m. ACB/NABS Employment Seminar - Paradise Valley

1:30 p.m. BRL/LUA Program - Maryvale A

1:30 p.m. CCLVI Program - Laveen A

1:30 p.m. BITS Program - Maryvale B

1:30 p.m. FIA MIDI Workshop – 531

1:30 p.m. GDUI Live Auction - VOS D

1:45 p.m. Cerreta Candy Sweet Tooth Tour

3:30 p.m. WCC Women's Circle: Mind, Body, Spirit - Estrella

3:30 p.m. NABS Shape Up! – Cave Creek

3:30 p.m. FIA Writers' Workshop - North Mountain

3:30 p.m. NELDS Health Care Reform Seminar - Paradise Valley

3:30 p.m. BPI Workshop - Ahwatukee B

3:30 p.m. GDUI ACB Caucus - VOS B

4:00 p.m. AAVL Musical Mixer - 428

5:00 p.m. MCAC Midweek Social - 3041

5:30 p.m. ACBHSP Networking - 443

5:30 p.m. Midwest Caucus - Encanto A

5:30 p.m. Mid-South Caucus - Encanto B

5:30 p.m. Recreation Zone Audio Darts - Alhambra

5:30 p.m. Recreation Zone Rowing - Cave Creek

5:30 p.m. Accessible Currency: How Good Is Good Enough? - Laveen B

5:30 p.m. HumanWare on the Go - North Mountain

5:30 p.m. BPI 10th Anniversary Celebration - 523

5:30 p.m. FIA Round and Harmony Sing - 531

6:00 p.m. ACB Auction Preview - VOS C

6:00 p.m. ACBL Local Club Visit - meet in lobby

7:00 p.m. ACB Auction - VOS C

8:00 p.m. ACB Resolutions Committee - South Mountain


Thursday, July 15


7:00 a.m. Pennsylvania Breakfast Caucus (PCB members only) - Camelback A

7:30 a.m. WCC/Rec. Zone Morning Exercise - Cave Creek

7:30 a.m. FIA Board Meeting - 531

7:45 a.m. ADP Institute - Ahwatukee A

8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Registration - Deer Valley

8:00 a.m. ACB Café

8:00 a.m. Entertainment - Phoenix A-C

8:15 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. YAC - 444

8:30 a.m. ACB General Session - Phoenix A-C

9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Exhibits - Phoenix D-E

12:30 p.m. Heard Museum Tour

12:30 p.m. ACBGE Luncheon - Camelback B

12:30 p.m. ACBL Luncheon - Camelback A

1:30 p.m. Star Trek Experience - Estrella

1:30 p.m. ACB/NABS Job Fair - Maryvale

1:30 p.m. ACBRA Meeting - North Mountain

1:30 p.m. BRL Program - Ahwatukee B

1:30 p.m. ACB Membership Seminar - Paradise Valley

1:45 p.m. Arizona Wing of the Commemorative Air Force Tour

3:00 p.m. BPI Souvenir Shopping - meet in 523

3:00 p.m. BOP Workshop - Laveen

4:00 p.m. ACB Affiliate Presidents' Meeting - Paradise Valley

5:00 p.m. DKM First-timers' Reception - 428

5:30 p.m. Missouri Caucus – Encanto A

5:30 p.m. Bay State, Connecticut, Florida and Maryland Caucus - Encanto B

5:30 p.m. Recreation Zone, Water Aerobics - Pool

6:00 p.m. ACB Resolutions Committee - South Mountain

7:00 p.m. ACB Candidates' Forum - Phoenix A-C

7:00 p.m. BPI Movie, "Milk" - 523

9:00 p.m. BPI Discussion Group - 523

9:00 p.m. NABS Comedy Night - VOS D

9:30 p.m. ACB Resolutions Committee - South Mountain


Friday, July 16

7:45 a.m. ADP Institute - Awatukee A

8:00 a.m. ACB Café

8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Registration - Deer Valley

8:00 a.m. Entertainment - Phoenix D-E

8:15 a.m. - 15 minutes after general session YAC - 444

8:30 a.m. ACB General Session - Phoenix D-E

5:00 p.m. BPI Farewell Dinner - meet in 523

5:30 p.m. ACB Life Members' Reception - VOS D

6:30 p.m. YAC Swim Party - 444

6:30 p.m. Pre-banquet Entertainment - Phoenix D-E

7:00 p.m. ACB Banquet - Phoenix D-E

9:30 p.m. (or following ACB banquet) CCLVI Farewell Dance - Phoenix D-E


Saturday, July 17

9:00 a.m. Casino Arizona

9:00 a.m. ADP Institute - Ahwatukee A

10:00 a.m. ACB Post-convention Board Meeting - Encanto A

4:15 p.m. Broadway Palm Dinner Theater



Special thanks to the following companies for placing their full-page ads on our large print program covers and at the beginning of the large print calendar section.


American Printing House for the Blind



Vanda Pharmaceuticals

Wells Fargo Bank



New! Book Port Plus ™

Read Digital Talking Books, play digital audio, read computer files, and make superb recordings!

Book Port Plus ™ represents the latest generation of accessible media player/recorders.

A Few Features:

- Specialized hardware and software make Book Port Plus easier to use, more reliable, and more flexible than cell phones or PCs that perform some of the same functions.

- Quality components and innovative software make it an excellent music player and recorder.

- Read books in both audio (human speech) and text (synthetic speech) format. Its ability to create Digital Talking Books (DTB) recordings is unique.

You're invited to a presentation by Michael McCarty. Stop by the APH booth to register for this free presentation.

American Printing House for the Blind, Inc.
[email protected]



Adobe Systems: Proud sponsor of the 2010 ACB National Conference and Convention






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Announcing Upcoming Sleep Studies in Totally Blind Individuals

Are you blind with no light perception?

Do you have problems sleeping or trouble with daytime sleepiness?

Non-24-hour sleep wake disorder occurs in some individuals who are totally blind and lack the light sensitivity necessary to reset the “body clock”. This can lead to problems with sleep and/or daytime excessive sleepiness.

You can help researchers understand non-24-hour sleep wake disorder by taking a brief phone survey. In addition, you will have the opportunity to be informed of upcoming clinical studies recruiting in your area.

Survey Participants Need to:

• be over 18 years of age

• be blind with no light perception

• have sleep problems and/or daytime sleepiness

Collected information will be kept strictly confidential.

For each completed survey, a donation of $25 up to $50,000 will be made to the American Council of the Blind.

If you want to participate in the survey, please call toll-free 1-877-314-5002, Monday-Friday between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM ET.

Thank you!



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SafetyRail ™

ADA-Compliant Barricade

Visit us at our booth during the 49th Annual National Convention!

Plastic Safety Systems, Inc.
2444 Baldwin Road
Cleveland, OH 44104



50 Years of Service


Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation

Share the Vision ®

A Tradition of Excellence

As we celebrate our 50th year of service in 2010, the Fidelco tradition of excellence continues; in the guide dogs we breed and train, in our pioneering In-community Placement process and in the people who thrive with their Fidelco German shepherd guide dogs by their sides.

When you or someone you know is ready to take the first step toward freedom and independence, contact us to discover how Fidelco can change their lives forever.

Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation, Inc.
103 Old Iron Ore Road
Bloomfield, CT



Council of Citizens with Low Vision International

Four Vendors have donated six Video Magnifiers to the Council of Citizens with Low Vision as a Memorial to Dr. Samuel M. Genensky, who died on June 26, 2009. Dr. Genensky invented the 1st closed Circuit TV Reading Device, was the founder of the Center for Partially Sighted in Los Angeles and organized and was the first president of CCLVI. The video magnifiers have been awarded to six low vision individuals with a demonstrated need, chosen from a pool of applicants. A listing of the contributing vendors & the student recipients follows:


Karen Leges: Eureka, California-A Merlin Video Magnifier that will help her complete college assignments.

Charles Beckler: Friend, Nebraska-Charles is a high school student looking forward to attending Northwestern, Missouri State University


Susan Ahmad: Clifton, New Jersey-An Optelec Multi-View Video Magnifier that will enable Susan to read documents.


Alden Stott: Plymouth, Massachusetts-A Versa Video Portable Magnifier that will help a 9th grader. This small portable unit will enable Alden to read books and look at maps which are his hobbies.

Esia Mora: Compton, California-A middle grade student who also has auditory and other medical difficulties.

MAGNISIGHT, Colorado Springs, CO:

William Johnson: Sunbury, Massachusetts-William is an active nine year old in third grade who loves to read. The Video Magnifier will enable him to read his homework and to see what he is writing.



provides free accessible classic movies.

Give us your feedback regarding any of the movies, and we will send you an audio book of "You Don't Have to Be Blind To See" as our gift.

Email your comments to [email protected].



TRACFONE wireless, inc.

TracFone Wireless is Proud to Support and Honor the American Council of the Blind at their 49th Annual Conference and Convention.

We wish you continued success in your efforts to improve the well-being of all blind and visually impaired people.

We are the largest prepaid wireless service provider in the U.S. offering an off-the-shelf, prepaid wireless service.

We have millions of active subscribers.

We have no contracts, credit checks, monthly bills, security deposits, or age restrictions.

For more information visit




49th Annual National Conference and Convention

Arizona Council Governing Board

President: Ron Brooks, Phoenix

1st Vice President: Sharon Booker, Green Valley

2nd Vice President: Ruth Druding, Glendale

Secretary: Sharon Carpenter, Phoenix

Treasurer: Timothy Connell, Phoenix

Director: Maureen Comiskey, Goodyear

Director: Barbara McDonald, Phoenix

Director: David Steinmetz, Chandler

Director: Larry Wanger, Phoenix


Chairperson: Barbara McDonald, Phoenix

Sharon Booker, Green Valley

Sharon Carpenter, Phoenix

Penny Crane, Sierra Vista

Maureen Comiskey, Goodyear

Arie Levels-Newsom, Glendale

Daniel Martinez, Phoenix

Larry Wanger, Phoenix

Robert L. Williams Sr., Phoenix

Visit Our Booth – Exhibit Hall



Products for Independent Living


Jitterbug Show Special Only $49.99! ($50 savings!)

Free Leather Case, Lanyard & Car Charger with phone activation Offer good 7/10-7/15. (1) ($50 value!)

- FREE Operator Assistance

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- Dial tone confirms service, no "bars" to look at

- Huge color LCD screen with oversized, bold 20 point font


numbers make dialing easy

- Raised guides on the "5" button for easy navigation on the keypad

Visit the Maxi-Aids Booth Today!

Certified Jitterbug Reseller Created together with worldwide leader Samsung.

Subject to Customer Agreement and select calling plans. $35 activation fee. Other charges and restrictions may apply. Screen images simulated. Coverage and service not available everywhere. (1) This offer is only available 7/10-7/15/2010. Copyright 2010, inc. Jitterbug is a registered trademark of GreatCall, Inc. Samsung is a registered trademark of Samsung Electronics America, Inc. and its related entities.



American Thermoform Corporation

Manufactures and Distributors of the finest Braille Paper, Braille Embossers, Braille Equipment & Supplies since 1962

- We offer the finest quality continuous form Braille paper designed specifically for use in today's high-speed Braille embossers. All paper is shipped SAME DAY and via FREE MATTER FOR THE BLIND for those entitled


- Labeling Materials (Embossables & Braillabels) and Plastic Poly Book Covers

- We represent the very best in Personal & Production Braille Embossers by Index Braille and Braillo Norway

- We also provide FREE online and telephone support, as well as on-site service & maintenance contracts.

- Coming Fall 2010 is the completely redesigned Braille & Print Embosser!!

- Full line of DOLPHIN and DUXBURY Software

- We continue to fabricate and service the Thermoform Braille Duplicators which are used for single sheet Braille production, as well as tactile graphics

- In addition to the Thermoform machines, we represent Zychem Ltd., manufacturer of the SwellForm Graphics Machine, a tactile image enhancer

- We now carry a full line of LOW VISION PRODUCTS. Please enquire today!

Index Braille
Zychem Ltd.
Braillo Norway

Please Call or Visit Our Website: 800-331-3676 &


Freedom Scientific
Brings Portability to Scanning and Reading

Portable Reading Solution

- All the Features of OpenBook ™

- Lightning Fast OCR

- Read All Kinds of Documents

- Take it With You Anywhere

Freedom Scientific ®

$600 Limited Introductory Price until July 15, 2010 Visit the Freedom Scientific Booth for a personal demonstration


Gospel Light Foundation for the Blind
3760 Village Main Street
Loganville, GA 30052
(678) 475-7879
Email: [email protected]

We offer the following for free:

• Over 3000 cassette tape and mp3 library

• Bible courses offered in Braille

• Some Christian audio books

“I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life." – John 8:12


Guiding Eyes for the Blind

Over 50 Years of Service to the Blind and Visually Impaired

"My Guiding Eyes dog is my companion, my eyes, and most of all, a true and devoted friend."

- Residential Training

- Home Training

- Special Needs Training

- ACTION (Accelerated Client Training Options)

- O&M Seminars

611 Granite Spring Rd., Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
Phone: (914) 245-4024
Email: [email protected]


Half-Blind Press ™ Welcomes ACB Conference Attendees to the Southwest.

Half-Blind Press ™
Large Print for the Real World

- Easy to read extra large print

- Sleek, stylish designs

Order your Large Print 2011 Weekly/Monthly Notebook Planner –or- 2010/11 Student Planner TODAY or ask for our products at your local low vision retailer.


Horizons for the Blind
Increasing accessibility to
the printed word since 1977

· Online catalog: Over 400 items includes braille and large print books, cookbooks, craft kits, knitting/crochet patterns and more.

· Seeing it Our Way monthly magazine: Interesting articles, recipes, craft ideas, helpful hints and much more. Free trial copy!

· Transcription services: Braille, large print, and audio billing and financial statements, user manuals, newsletters and more.

815-444-8800 /


Assistive Technologies
Empowering People

Enjoying life at home, office or school or just taking a holiday is made easy with HumanWare innovative products. Simple design with maximum application allows you to take charge whenever and wherever you are.

Come visit our booth to see the new BrailleNote APEX, the thinnest, lightest notetaker, the SmartView Synergy, our new electronic magnifier, and many more.

1 888 722-3393


Mind's Eye Travel

Glamorous New York City – October 6-9, 2010

Tour the Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island, the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art & MOMA, Starting at $1,195.

Canada, New England Cruise - October 9-16, 2010 7 days round-trip from New York City, visiting Newport, Boston, Bar Harbor, Saint John, and Halifax. Starting at $1,295.

Hawaiian Cruise – March 26-April 9, 2011

14 nights: 4 sea days trans-Pacific, 5 days exploring Oahu, Maui, the Big Island and Kauai, then 5 sea days to Los Angeles with a stop in Ensenada, Mexico. Starting at $1,999.

Boston, Mt. Washington and Midcoast Maine Land tour includes all three destinations. Dates to be announced.

We bring a sighted guide with groups of 6 or more. 


Employment Choices for People Who Are Blind

Every day, National Industries for the Blind's associated agencies located across the country are training and employing people who are blind or visually impaired in a wide variety of careers including:

- Contract Management Support (CMS) Services

- Knowledge-based computer jobs

- Professional and managerial positions

For tomorrow's leaders, NIB's Business Leaders Program provides on-the-job experience, training, and professional development opportunities.

For more information about opportunities in your area,

National Industries for the Blind



We are proud to offer Open Captioning and Descriptive Audio at our theatres across the country. These services are available on nearly 200 screens nationwide and we continue to work on additional solutions to increase access with our conversion to digital projection systems.


Proud Sponsor of the 49th Annual ACB Conference & Convention

Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic ®, a national, nonprofit organization, is the leading accessible audio textbook library for individuals with visual and learning disabilities.

Visit RFB&D's Booth:

- Spin to Win FREE portable DAISY player and hundreds of other prizes

- Learn about FREE* individual membership


"I just thought I was stupid … I found a love for learning through recorded texts." – Monty Anderson

* This project is supported by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Grant #H327D090001. copyright 2010 Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic, Incorporated.

Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic


Arkansas Council of the Blind

Looking forward to the future by presenting scholarships to Blind students. A total of 9 scholarships ($1,000 each) for the 2010-2011 school term. With a total membership of 118. Arkansas Council of the Blind has two chapters; Quazar in Little Rock and Northwest Chapter in Springdale. The Northwest Chapter awarded 6 of the 9 scholarships. ACB will host its annual meeting in Hot Springs, AR on April 29-30, 2011.

Come and join us in celebrating 41 years of membership in the American Council of the Blind. For more information, please call Dewayne Hodges, president, at 1-800-562-6101.


Experience the World Like Never Before.




Braille Sense


Voice Sense

At GW Micro, our passion is providing solutions for people who are blind or visually impaired.

To learn about the full line of GW Micro products call us at 260.489.3671 or visit us at

GW Micro
The Voice of Vision


Jennco Productions
Home of Quality Braille
and Audio Production

Steve Dresser, President
Phone: (781) 254-9829
Email: [email protected]

We hope you enjoy the 2010 annual convention of the ACB.



Navi-Tech LLC is proud to bring our Detectable Guidance Marker or DGM to this year’s ACB Convention. Come visit us and actually inspect the DGM’s on & about our Exhibits Table. We’ll be happy to show you the most current state of the art directional & detectable accessibility product for pedestrians who are blind or visually impaired.

Come visit the Navi-Tech Table and talk with Rob or Logan Cook!

Phone: (541) 741-4367


POURfect makes food preparation easier, more accurate and tidier for anyone

Accurate dry ingredient measurements are included in English, Metric & Braille

POURfect® 12-Piece Measuring Spoons Ranging from 1/64 tsp to 2 TBS

POURfect® 9-Piece Measuring Cups Ranging from 1/8 cup to 2 cups

Available at and


By the touch of a finger, behold the world! ©

Braille Books for Children

Celebrating 25 years of service providing low cost, high quality
Braille books for children.

Contact Seedlings for a free catalog with over 1,000 titles.
14151 Farmington Rd., Livonia, MI 48154
[email protected]


Sendero Group Celebrates 10 Years of Accessible GPS

Sendero GPS

Sendero Maps
Windows PC

Mobile Geo
Windows Mobile Phones

Sense Navigation
Braille/Voice Sense

Sendero GPS
BrailleNOte Products

StreetTalk VIP GPS
PAC Mate 


Talking welcomes all delegates to the 2010 ACB National Convention Please contact us to learn how you can precisely and easily manage your indoor comfort with the VIP TALKING THERMOSTAT that was specifically designed for persons who are blind and visually impaired

Harry Cohen Talking
Toll free 1-800-838-8860


Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America (RSVA) helps to promote the general welfare of blind vendors nationwide who are engaged in the operating of vending machine operations, cafeterias, military troop dining contracts, snack bars, gift shops and other retail businesses. RSVA is proud to assist ACB in its efforts.


Thank You Councils of the Blind!

The Vehicle Donation Processing Center now represents the national organization and 26 state chapters, some since the mid '90's. It's been a pleasure sending you so many checks. We encourage more state Councils to benefit from a car donation program.

No cost car donation programs include free on-line advertising. We indemnify you against any loss and do all the work.

Please call me so I can see you personally at the conference. Also, ask about H.R. 571 and how you can help bring back fair market value tax write-offs for your car donors.

John Learned, President