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2009 Conference and Convention Program

A Galaxy of Possibilities
48th Annual National Convention 
American Council of the Blind and Special Interest Affiliates 

Rosen Centre Hotel
Orlando, Florida
JULY 3 - 11, 2009

Mitch Pomerantz, President

Hosted by the
Debbie Grubb, President





Dear Conventioneers:

I want to welcome everyone to the 48th annual convention of the American Council of the Blind here in Orlando, Fla. This year's convention is taking place at the Rosen Centre Hotel, a spacious and comfortable facility which promises to more than accommodate the thousands of attendees participating in the scores of activities taking place during the week.

The theme of the 2009 convention is "ACB: A Galaxy of Possibilities." Our theme highlights the fact that nearby is Cape Canaveral, the place where America's exploration of space is headquartered. The space program has fired the imaginations of, and suggested countless possibilities to, millions of us since childhood. If this isn't enough to get you dreaming, we are within hailing distance of both Disney World and Epcot. Do we really need any more incentive to consider the possibilities offered by this year's ACB national convention? During the week we will explore this galaxy of possibilities in a city which is perfect for such exploration.

I want to commend the dozens of volunteers who work to make every ACB convention an outstanding event. I also wish to thank the members of the Convention Committee, Convention Program Committee, and the Host Committee for their tireless efforts. The ACB Board of Directors joins me in acknowledging everyone who has given of their time and energy to make this convention a huge success. Likewise, we salute the work done by the staff members in our D.C. and Minneapolis area offices. All of you do a tremendous job without much in the way of recognition.

Again this year, I want to give a very special welcome to our first-timers. National conventions can be a particularly daunting experience for you. I strongly encourage you to find a veteran convention attendee and ask a lot of questions. Learn everything you can about ACB and, in a very short time, you will be able to help a convention newcomer. From Donna and me, have a great convention and don't be shy about coming up and introducing yourself during the week.


Best Wishes,
Mitch Pomerantz, ACB President





From the President 
Abbreviations in This Program 
Convention Calendar 
Medical Care/Local Resources 

Convention News 
Info for Guide Dog Users 
Hotel Mini-Guide 
Registration Q&A 
Communication Center Services 
ACB Convention Café 
ACB Fundraisers 
Affiliate Caucuses 
Religious Activities 
Convention Standing Rules 
ACB Board and Committee Meetings 
ACB Committees and Projects Programs and Activities 
ACB Audio Description Project 
Board of Publications 
DKM First-Timers' Committee 
Employment Issues Committee 
Environmental Access Committee 
Information Access Committee 
International Relations Committee 
Membership Committee 
Multicultural Affairs Committee 
Recreation Zone 
Rehabilitation Issues Task Force 
Sight and Sound Impaired (SASI) Committee 
Scholarship Committee 
Women's Concerns Committee 
Other ACB Seminars and Events 
Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss 
American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys 
American Council of Blind Diabetics in Action 
American Council of Blind Government Employees 
American Council of Blind Human Service Professionals 
American Council of Blind Lions 
American Council of the Blind Radio Amateurs 
Blind Friends of Lesbians and Gays 
Blind Information Technology Specialists 
Braille Revival League 
Council of Citizens with Low Vision International 
Friends-in-Art of ACB 
Guide Dog Users, Inc. 
Independent Visually Impaired Enterprisers 
Library Users of America 
National Alliance of Blind Students 
National Association of Blind Teachers 
Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America 
Visually Impaired Veterans of America 
Legislation and Advocacy Workshops 

Technology Training and Focus Groups 
Guide Dog Events 
Other Informational Programs 
Youth Activity Center 
2009 Convention Tours 
More Convention Fun 
2009 Exhibits 

Major Convention Sponsors 
Florida Gems 
ACB Board of Directors 
ACB Board of Publications 
ACBES Board of Directors 
ACB National Office Staff 
ACB Enterprises and Services Staff 
2009 Convention Coordinating Committee 
2009 Convention Program Committee 
2009 Local Host Committee 
In Memoriam 
Convention Advertisers 





ACB - American Council of the Blind

ACBES - American Council of the Blind Enterprises and Services

AAVL - Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss

AAVIA - American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys

ACBDA - ACB Diabetics in Action

ACBGE - ACB Government Employees

ACBHSP - ACB Human Service Professionals

ACBL - ACB Lions

ACBRA - ACB Radio Amateurs

ADP - Audio Description Project

AFB - American Foundation for the Blind

APH - American Printing House for the Blind

BFLAG - Blind Friends of Lesbians and Gays

BITS - Blind Information Technology Specialists

BOP - Board of Publications

BRL - Braille Revival League

CCLVI - Council of Citizens with Low Vision International

CFVI - Council of Families with Visual Impairments

CUSDGS - Council of U.S. Dog Guide Schools

DKM First-timer - Durward K. McDaniel First-timer

FEET - Fitness Equipment Equity Taskforce

FIA - Friends-in-Art of ACB

GDUI - Guide Dog Users, Inc.

IRC - International Relations Committee

IVIE - Independent Visually Impaired Enterprisers

LUA - Library Users of America

MCAC - Multicultural Affairs Committee

MMS - Monthly Monetary Support Program

NABS - National Alliance of Blind Students

NABT - National Association of Blind Teachers

NELDS - National Education & Legal Defense Service

NIB - National Industries for the Blind

NLS - National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped

RSVA - Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America

SASI - Sight and Sound Impaired Committee

VIVA - Visually Impaired Veterans of America

WCC - Women's Concerns Committee

YAC - Youth Activity Center





For medical emergencies, dial 0 on a hotel phone or 911 on any other phone. Stay calm and speak distinctly. Give your name, exact location and a description of the emergency.






Dr. P. Phillips Hospital: 9400 Turkey Lake Rd.; (407) 351-8500

Walgreen's: 8050 International Dr.; (407) 352-7071; walk-in clinic, 8:00 am - 7:30 pm weekdays, 9:30 am - 5:00 pm weekends; 24-hour pharmacy





EMAIL LIST: The acbconvention email list keeps you up-to-date on all the news. Whether you are at convention or not, you can receive "The Orlando Orbiter" and all the other information. To subscribe, go to the ACB website at, or send a blank message to [email protected].

CONVENTION EAR: Convention updates are just a phone call away. Available from your hotel room phone or cell phone 24 hours a day from Fri., July 3 through Sat., July 11. Listen to "The Orlando Orbiter," proposed constitution and bylaws amendments, restaurant lists and other hand-outs from the Information Desk.

FILE DOWNLOAD SERVICE: Would you like your newspaper, exhibit list, amendments and other hand-outs in electronic format for your laptop or notetaker? Stop by the ACB GW Micro Information Desk each morning before 10:00; a volunteer will download all the latest files onto your thumb drive, SD card or compact flash card.





Guide dog relief areas are located near hotel exits. ACB volunteers and hotel staff will be happy to assist you to locate the areas.

The GDUI Convention Area Orientation (Sun., July 5 at noon and 5:00 pm) will help you learn the best routes in and around the hotel. Meet in Salon 4 on the second floor.

For veterinary care, contact:

Sand Lake Animal Clinic, 8932 S. Apopka-Vineland Rd.; (407) 876-4461; 8:00 am - 5:30 weekdays, 8:00 am - noon Saturdays

Veterinarian Emergency Clinic of Central Florida (open nights and weekends): 2080 Principal Row; (407) 438-4449





When you arrive at the beautiful Rosen Centre Hotel, you will enter either through two center revolving doors or through automatic sliding doors on the right and left of the revolving doors. You are facing south, with your back toward International Drive. The front desk and guest mail services are to your left (east); concierge, lobby bar, gift shop and spa & fitness center are to your right (west); and the elevators to guest rooms are straight ahead.

Front Desk: With your back to the entrance doors, turn left and travel for a short distance. The front desk will be located on your right side.

Guest Mail: With your back to the entrance doors, turn left and travel for a short distance. The guest mail services counter will be located on your left side (across from the hotel front desk).

ATM & Concierge: With your back to the entrance doors, turn right and travel for a short distance. The ATM machine is located directly to your right and next to the concierge counter, which is located just a few steps further on your right side.

Lobby Bar, Gift Shop, Spa & Fitness Center: With your back to the entrance doors, turn right and travel the distance of this area. Concierge is located to your right. The Lobby Bar, Gift Shop, and the Spa & Fitness Center are located on your left in this order. The Gift Shop and the Spa & Fitness Center are located along the carpeted area of this walk.

Lobby Bar: The Lobby Bar is open to the rest of the lobby but separated by a half wall. It is located on a sunken level, and can be accessed either by descending a short flight of four carpeted steps directly across from concierge; by descending a similar flight of four carpeted steps directly across from the restrooms on the North/South Concourse; or by descending the wheelchair-accessible ramp directly across from Red's Deli on the North/South Concourse. Listen for the sound of the televisions playing in the bar area.

Elevators: With your back to the entrance door, travel straight ahead until you reach the bank of elevators. There are three elevators on your right and three on your left. All six of these elevators may be used to access floors 2 through 15. Continuing forward beyond these six elevators, you will pass a narrow intersecting hallway and then encounter two more elevators, one to your right and one to your left. These two elevators are used to access floors 16 through 24.

North/South Concourse: The main concourse or hallway on the ground level of the hotel runs North/South from the Lobby. Begin with your back toward the concierge and travel forward from there. The north end of the concourse (first half) has a hard, uncarpeted surface. The south end (second half) is carpeted.

Along the left side of the North/South Concourse are the following locations and amenities in this order: Smooth Java Coffee Bar, Banshoos Sushi Bar, restrooms & water fountains, Red's Deli, Café Gauguin, and Everglades Bar & Restaurant.

Carpet begins beyond the Everglades Bar & Restaurant at the entrance into the lobby level conference area. Beginning at the carpeted area on the left are Ballrooms A, B, C, D & E (general session and many large events); Junior Ballrooms F & G (exhibits).

Along the right side of the North/South Concourse, in the uncarpeted area, are the Lobby Bar, exit doors to the pool and deck area, the Grand Staircase, and a second set of doors leading to the pool. In the carpeted area are four separate recessed seating areas, Signature 1 (Communication Center), restrooms and telephones, escalators & stairs leading to the second level conference areas, the Business Center, ATM, a single elevator leading to the second level conference areas, and three more separate recessed seating areas.

Exit doors are located at the south end of the North/South Concourse. The 5-story self-parking garage and lot can be accessed through these doors.

SECOND LEVEL CONFERENCE AREA: Salon rooms 1 to 24 are located on the second level. From the bank of elevators follow the hallway to the west to access the North/South meeting room concourse.

Along the left side of the concourse are restrooms & water fountains and an intersecting concourse to the left containing Salons 1 to 12. Salon 1 is immediately to your left and Salon 12 immediately to your right, followed by Salon 2 to your left across from Salon 11 to your right, etc. Continuing along the main concourse you will find Salons 13 through 24 in that order.

Along the right side of the concourse are the Grand Staircase, four separate recessed seating areas, Signature 2 room, restrooms and telephones, escalators & stairs leading to the main level conference areas, single elevator, and four more separate recessed seating areas. Exit doors are located at the south end of the North/South Concourse. Stairs leading to the ground level can be accessed to the right and the left just outside of these doors.

INTERNATIONAL DRIVE AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Exit the main doors of the hotel. Turn right (east) and walk along the front of the hotel. Pass the valet desk and negotiate the narrow pathway around it. Continue on this sidewalk along the front of the hotel until you reach the corner. Turn left (north) and cross this two-lane driveway. There is a stop sign for perpendicular traffic at this location. Walk straight ahead along Hawaiian Court (on your right or parallel to you) to the corner. This is the southwest corner of the intersection of Hawaiian Court and International Drive. There is a basic pedestrian push button signal and cross walks for both streets. There is a LYNX stop for bus numbers 8, 42 and 58 as well as the I-Ride Trolley Red and Green lines. This is I-Ride Trolley stop number 27. In general, these buses and trolleys are traveling southbound along International Drive. The stop for these buses and trolleys traveling northbound is across International Drive and to the left.





Convention registration is located in Registration Desk 3, near exhibits on the first floor of the conference area. Registration hours are:

Thursday, July 2 (pre-reg. pick-up only): 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Friday - Sunday, July 3 - 5: 8:00 am - 7:00 pm

Monday, July 6: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Tuesday - Thursday, July 7 - 9: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Friday, July 10: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

When you register, you receive your convention ID badge, program, and goody bag filled with information and surprises. You can purchase tickets, and you are eligible for some great door prizes. Wear your badge at all times; it admits you to the exhibit area, lets you vote (if you are an ACB member), and helps hotel personnel and volunteers to provide better service.

If you are pre-registered, your packet will be waiting at the Registration Desk. You may not pick up a packet for someone else. If you have any questions or concerns about your registration or need to purchase additional tickets, go to the Registration Desk.

A one-day pass is available at registration for $5.00; $10.00 with program. This pass is color-coded by day, and is good for only the day on which it is purchased. With this pass you may attend exhibits and other programs and purchase tickets for that day only. If you wish to attend additional days at the convention, you must pay the full administrative fee.

No administrative fee will be charged for a voter certification badge.

REFUNDS: ACB will make NO refunds for convention administrative and registration fees, sponsorship donations, or tickets that you just don't want. Refunds are not made for events that you miss for any reason other than extreme illness (see below), or for events that you simply do not enjoy.

Refunds will be issued ONLY for meals, events, and tours provided that:

1. An individual has pre-registered AND requests the refund in writing to the American Council of the Blind, 6300 Shingle Creek Pkwy., Suite 195, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430, or calls (612) 332-3242, ON OR BEFORE June 26, 2009; AND

2. The individual DOES NOT ATTEND any part of the convention.

In case of illness during the convention which requires you to return home or to be hospitalized, refunds will be issued only for the meals, events, and tours which take place AFTER your absence begins. (If the guarantee has already been given for a meal function or a tour, no refund for that function will be given.)

LOST TICKETS: ACB will NOT replace tickets that are lost during the convention. All ticket packets are checked before they are distributed at the convention, and tickets that are lost or misplaced must be purchased again.

SELLING UNWANTED TICKETS: If you would like to sell a ticket, you may leave it at the Registration Desk along with your name and room number. Tickets will be resold on a first-come, first-serve basis ONLY if the event or tour is currently sold out. In general, meal functions and social events at the hotel DO NOT sell out; you may wish to explore other methods of selling luncheon, banquet and other such tickets.

EVENTS SOLD OUT: If you are trying to purchase a ticket for an event or tour that is sold out, check daily in person at the Registration Desk for tickets returned for resale. If a tour or event was sold out before your pre-registration form was processed, a refund will be included with your pre-registration packet. ACB is not responsible for notifying you if you have paid for a ticket through pre-registration for an event or tour that is already sold out. Your name will be put on a waiting list in the event of cancellations, or in case additional tickets become available.





The Communication Center is in the Signature 1 Room on the first floor, and is open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Fri., July 3 through Wed., July 8. This is where you can place ads in the paper, make braille or print copies, or volunteer to help produce the paper.

CONVENTION NEWSPAPER: This year's newspaper is the "Orlando Orbiter." It is published each day, Sat. through Thurs., in braille and large print; pick up a copy at the ACB GW Micro Information Desk, located near registration and exhibits on the first floor of the conference area. The paper is also available on the acbconvention email list, on the Convention Ear, and via download at the Information Desk before 10:00 am each day.

The National Alliance of Blind Students (NABS) will deliver the newspaper to your hotel room door. For $7.00 (pre-registration) or $10.00 (registration), your paper will be waiting for you each morning when you wake up. After you sign up for delivery of the paper at registration, drop by the Information Desk to give us your room number and specify your preference of braille or large print.

Hang onto the Saturday issue of the paper; it will include important suite numbers, phone numbers, and last-minute program changes.

ADS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: Ads and other items for publication must be in the Communication Center by 2:00 pm each day. The BOP allows ads to run for only three days in order to give important convention announcements more space. Ads must be no longer than 100 words. BOP editorial policy prohibits the production or distribution of campaign materials by the Communication Center.

Cost of advertising in the newspaper is: individual convention attendees - $5/day; ACB affiliates - $10/day; exhibitors - $35/day, or $100/3 days; all others - $45/day, or $125/3 days.

BRAILLING AND PHOTOCOPYING: Photocopying and brailling are available at the Communication Center for 10 cents/page. If your committee or affiliate needs something in braille or large print, bring files early in the day so we can fit your job in between other tasks. We will print a test to let you know the number of pages per copy. Be sure to label your computer card or disk, and tell us how many of each format you need and by what time. Please make payment at Registration.

The "Orlando Orbiter" is made possible through the generous sponsorship of Freedom Scientific. Thanks also to Enabling Technologies for donating the use of the braille printers, and to Star Continuous Cards for their generous donation of braille paper.

Please remember that the Communication Center is a working room. While the convention is a great place to meet and greet, loud conversations make it difficult to hear the speech synthesizers on the computers. Help us help you get the information you need.





Stop by the ACB Convention Café, sponsored by the Council of U.S. Dog Guide Schools and located in Registration Desk 2 near the ballroom on the first floor, to grab a quick cup of coffee, pastry, sandwich, salad or snack as you rush from one meeting to another or as you head out on a tour. Meet at the Café to visit with friends or just rest a while between activities. Café hours will be announced in the newspaper.





Show your support for ACB in one or more of these ways:

CONVENTION SPONSORSHIPS: Stop by registration and become an individual ACB Convention Sponsor. Bronze ($25), silver ($50), gold ($100), and platinum ($500) sponsors receive special ribbons to wear on their convention badges, and are recognized both in general session and in the newspaper.

ACB WALK/RUN: Here is an opportunity to go the distance for ACB by bringing in pledges and by demonstrating the capabilities of the blind and visually impaired. Registered participants should pick up race packets on Friday, July 3 from 3:00 to 7:00 pm on the first floor near the Information Desk. Bus leaves for the walk promptly at 6:15 a.m. on Saturday, July 4.

ACB AUCTION: Get ready to bid and buy! Vacations, technology, homemade fudge and much, much more! Auction preview, Wed. at 6:00 p.m., with the auction to follow at 7:00 in Ballroom D-E. Don't be late; grab a sandwich from the cash-and-carry line at the auction so you won't miss any of the bidding fun.

Check out the all-new Silent Auction on Tuesday, July 7 from 1:00 to 5:00 pm in the Salon Foyer on the second floor. Lots of must-have items are just waiting for you in the Affiliate Package Parade.

ACB RAFFLE: Win $5,000 in cold hard cash! Limited tickets available; $50 each. Buy one for yourself or your affiliate, or find up to four friends and split the cost five ways. Contact David Trott, Resource Development Committee Chair, for more details.

MMS PROGRAM: Help support ACB all year round; it's easy and quick. Find out more about the Monthly Monetary Support Program; ask questions and complete paperwork at the MMS table near registration.





Make reservations for affiliate caucus rooms at the Information Desk. Caucus rooms are available on a first-come first-serve basis on Wed. and Thurs. from noon to 1:15 pm and after 5:00 pm.

The following caucuses are scheduled at this time. Refer to the newspaper for announcements of additional caucuses, and be sure to listen for announcements each morning in general session.






1:30 pm GDUI Caucus - Salon 9






5:00 pm California Caucus - Salon 1

5:00 pm Midwest Caucus - Salon 9






7:00 am ACB of New York Breakfast (purchase ticket at registration) - Salon 15 - $20, $22

7:00 am Pennsylvania Breakfast (PCB members only) - Salon 13

7:00 am Washington Breakfast (WCB members only) - Salon 16

12:30 pm Florida Caucus - Salon 1

5:00 pm Missouri Caucus - Salon 1

5:00 pm Mid-south Caucus - Salon 9

5:00 pm Utah/Four Corners Causus - Salon 5









7:00 pm Roman Catholic Mass - Salon 17-18 Father Lingin Kuhake, Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Kissimmee, FL






9:00 am LDS Sacrament Meeting - Salon 20

10:00 am Interdenominational Church Service - Salon 9 Rev. Charles Perry, Christ Church Unity, Orlando, FL






7:00 pm Gospel Sing - Salon 9 Led by Michael and Alison Smitherman, Jackson, MS


Adopted by the
ACB Board of Directors
May 2009



1. Each debatable issue before the convention shall be limited to approximately twenty (20) minutes with a three-minute time limit per speaker, alternating between affirmative and opposing speakers, unless a majority of the members agree to extend debate for an additional period of time.

A. Motions to close debate will not be recognized by the chair during the first debate period. After the first debate period, properly moved motions such as "I call for the question" or "I move the previous question" will be handled by the chair and voted on by the assembly.

B. The chair may close debate when no one seeks the floor.

C. Each member is respectfully urged to speak directly to the issue before the assembly and avoid unnecessary and time-consuming dialogue.

D. No member will be recognized a second time to debate until all who wish to debate have been recognized.

E. The parliamentarian will act as timekeeper.

2. Recognition to speak will be given to those members who properly address the chair using the microphones and giving their names and affiliation. Motions that may interrupt a speaker may be called from your seat, responded to by the chair, and explained by the mover at a microphone if requested by the chair.

Examples: Point of Order, Point of Information, Parliamentary Inquiry, Question of Privilege, Call for Orders of the Day, etc.

3. Registration badges are required to be worn at all convention meetings and only those members with the appropriate colored dot may vote during business meetings.

4. Changes to the published convention program may be proposed to the membership as deemed necessary by the presiding officer or his/her appointee. The presiding officer will explain the reason for such change and inform the assembly of their right to question the recommended modification. After this explanation, if twenty-five (25) or more members object to the proposed change by coming to the microphone and stating their name as placed in objection, the change requires debate and a majority vote to modify the convention program.

5. Nominating and seconding speeches shall be limited to five minutes per candidate with the speaking time allocated according to the candidate's wishes. A person nominated for an office more than once shall be limited to one minute.

6. When no candidate for office receives a majority vote, the election shall be among the top two candidates. Affiliate votes will be reported in whole or half numbers.

7. Any person meeting the requirements of a "voting member" as defined in ACB's Constitution, Article III-A-1, and complying with all other applicable membership requirements, becomes an ACB member and is entitled to register, receive a registration badge with the appropriate colored voting dot, and vote at ACB's annual convention provided:

a. Their name is on the March 15th membership information or has been added to that membership information, or

b. Their voting membership status is verified by a member of the Board of Directors or an officer of their affiliate organization, or

c. They establish voting membership status during the annual convention.









6:30 pm Pre-convention Entertainment: Asli Walker, guitar and vocals, Oviedo, FL

7:00 pm Call to Order: Mitch Pomerantz, President, American Council of the Blind, Pasadena, CA

Invocation: Debbie Hazelton, Ordained Spiritual Metaphysical Minister, Orlando, FL

Presentation of Colors: Naval Operational Support Center Color Guard, Orlando, FL

Pledge of Allegiance: Kirk Harmon, District Director, East Central Division, Blinded Veterans Association and member, Florida Council of the Blind, Orlando, FL

"The Star-Spangled Banner" and "Swanee River": Mary Ellen Ottman, Daytona, FL

Welcome: Mildred Fernandez, Orange County Commissioner, District 1, Orlando, FL

Welcome: Robert Stewart, Commissioner, District 3, City of Orlando

Welcome: Sally Benjamin, Co-Chair, Florida Local Host Committee, Tallahassee, FL

7:20 pm President's Report: Mitch Pomerantz

7:50 pm Music from a Star of the Florida Folk Scene: Amy Carroll Webb, Singer/Songwriter, Fort Lauderdale, FL

8:20 pm ACB First-Timers: Carol Ann Ewing-Ragsdale, Chair, Durward K. McDaniel Committee, Reno, NV

8:30 pm Life Membership Presentations: Mitch Pomerantz

8:55 pm First Credentials Committee Report: Jerry Annunzio, Chair, Credentials Committee, Kansas City, MO

9:10 pm Roll Call of Affiliates: Marlaina Lieberg, ACB Secretary, Burien, WA






8:00 am Entertainment: Dan Weiner, flute, Orlando, FL

8:30 am Pledge of Allegiance: Catalina Roisum, ACB staff and former ACB scholarship recipient, Brooklyn Center, MN

Invocation: Rev. Derek Davenport, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, Orlando, FL

Welcome: Debbie Grubb, President, Florida Council of the Blind, Bradenton, FL

8:40 am ACB Business

Recognition of ACB Sponsors: Margarine Beaman, Advertising and Sponsorship Coordinator, Austin, TX

Final Credentials Report: Jerry Annunzio

Adoption of Standing Rules: Mitch Pomerantz

Adoption of Program: Mitch Pomerantz

Constitution and Bylaws: Otis Stephens, Chair, Constitution and Bylaws Committee, Knoxville, TN

Presiding Officer: Kim Charlson, ACB First Vice President, Watertown, MA

9:15 am Presentation of Awards: Affiliate Growth and Affiliate Outreach Awards: Cindy Van Winkle, Chair, Awards Committee, Bremerton, WA Ned E. Freeman and Hollis Liggett Awards: Paul Edwards, Chair, Board of Publications, Miami, FL

9:45 am A South African Perspective on the Integration of Blind People: Shakila Maharaj, Organizational Psychologist, Durban, South Africa

10:15 am Break

10:30 am The Near Perfect Audio Book - How We Do It...: Frank Kurt Cylke, Director, and Mary Beth Wise, Quality Assurance Specialist, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress, Washington, DC

11:05 am Audio Description in 3-D At Disney Properties: Rick Morin, Managing Consultant, Business Transformation Practice, Hewlett-Packard, Waltham, MA; and Jay Cardinali, Worldwide Safety and Accessibility Manager, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, Orlando, FL

11:30 am ACB's Audio Description Project: Joel Snyder, President, Audio Description Associates and Contractor, ACB Audio Description Project, Takoma Park, MD

11:45 am ACB Recreation Zone: Oral Miller, Washington, DC

11:55 am Announcements






8:00 am Entertainment: Michael & Alison Smitherman, piano/vocals, Jackson, MS

8:30 am Pledge of Allegiance: Visually Impaired Veterans of America; John Fleming, VIVA President, Portland, OR

Invocation: Marie Sandoz, Fusion Pastor, Center Pointe Church of the Nazarene, Orlando, FL

8:35 am ACB Business:

Recognition of ACB Sponsors: Margarine Beaman

Report of the Nominating Committee: Ninetta Garner, Chair, Nominating Committee, Romney, WV

Constitution and Bylaws: Otis Stephens

Resolutions: Judy Jackson, Chair, Resolutions Committee, San Antonio, TX

Presiding Officer: Brenda Dillon, ACB Second Vice President, Hermitage, TN

9:15 am 2009 ACB Scholarship Presentations: Patty Slaby, Chair, ACB Scholarship Committee, Prior Lake, MN

10:30 am Break

10:45 am A Look At the History of Our Convention City: Tana Mosier Porter, Ph.D., Research Librarian, Orange County Regional History Center, Orlando, FL

11:15 am Access to Sidewalks and Intersections: Janet M. Barlow, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist, Accessible Design for the Blind, Asheville, NC; L. Dianne Ketts, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist, Orlando, FL

11:55 am Announcements






8:00 am Entertainment: Marcy Scott, guitar/vocals, Vero Beach, FL

8:30 am Pledge of Allegiance: Youth Activity Center, Marsha Neilson, YAC Director, Orlando, FL

Invocation: Leslie Rawle, Director of Youth, Victory Baptist Church, Sanford, FL

8:35 am ACB Business:

Recognition of ACB Sponsors: Margarine Beaman

AT&T Presentation: Susan Mazrui, Director of Public Policy, AT&T, Washington, DC

Constitution and Bylaws: Otis H. Stephens

Resolutions: Judy Jackson

Presiding Officer: Marlaina Lieberg, ACB Secretary, Burien, WA

9:15 am Recognizing and Honoring Braille on the 200th Birthday of Its Inventor, Louis Braille: Steven M. Rothstein, President, Perkins School for the Blind, Watertown, MA

9:35 am The Autonomy and Viability of Schools for the Blind: Panel Moderator: Steven M. Rothstein, President, Perkins School for the Blind, Watertown, MA; Presenters: Robert J. Beadles, Jr., Ph.D., Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Auburn, AL; Phil Hatlen, Ed.D., Emeritus Faculty, San Francisco State University, Shoreline, WA; Carl Jacobson, Assistant Principal, Florida School for the Deaf and Blind, St. Augustine, FL

10:15 am Break

10:30 am A Familiar Voice: L.J. Ganser, Talking Book Narrator, New York, NY

11:00 am Protecting Yourself Against Identity Theft: Theresa Ronnebaum, Identity Theft Victim Advocate, Office of the Attorney General, Orlando, FL; Holly Salmons, Director, Business Relations and Marketing, Better Business Bureau of Central Florida, Orlando, FL

11:35 am An Update on Quiet Cars: Eric Bridges, ACB Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs, Arlington, VA

11:55 am Announcements






8:00 am Entertainment: William Benjamin, piano, Tallahassee, FL

8:30 am Pledge of Allegiance: Janice Moran, DKM First-Timer, Dallas, TX

Invocation: Father Daniel Joseph Ferrantino, St. Joseph Church Center, Liberal Catholic Church, Orlando, FL

8:35 am ACB Business:

Recognition of ACB Sponsors: Margarine Beaman

Voting Task Force Report, Jeff Thom, Chair, Voting Task Force, Sacramento, CA

Constitution and Bylaws and Resolutions

Presiding Officer: Mike Godino, ACB Treasurer, Malverne, NY

9:00 am The View From the White House: Kareem Dale, Special Assistant to the President for Disability Policy, Washington, DC

9:30 am Executive Director's Report: Melanie Brunson, ACB Executive Director, Arlington, VA

10:00 am Treasurer's Report: Mike Godino, ACB Treasurer

10:15 am Break

10:30 am National Convention Report: Carla Ruschival, Chair, National Convention Committee, Louisville, KY

11:00 am ACB Enterprises and Services Report: Lane Waters, ACB Controller, Brooklyn Center, MN

11:20 am ACB Radio Report: Larry Turnbull, Acting Manager, ACB Radio, Orlando, FL

11:35 am American Center on Blindness and Visual Impairment Report: Christopher Gray, Chair, American Center Board of Directors, San Francisco, CA

11:45 am Report on the 5K Walk/Run: Dan Dillon, Hermitage, TN

11:55 am Announcements






8:00 am Morning Entertainment: Miami Metro Chorus, piano/keyboard/vocals, Miami, FL

8:30 am Pledge of Allegiance: MJ Schmitt, ACB Life Member and one of the original 29 founders of ACB, Rochester, NY

Invocation: Major Andy Kelly, Salvation Army, Orlando, FL

Recognition of ACB Sponsors: Margarine Beaman

9:00 am Elections

10:15 am Break

10:30 am Elections (Continued); Resolutions

12:00 Noon Lunch Break

1:15 pm ACB Business

2:45 pm Break

3:00 pm ACB Business

5:00 pm Adjourn

5:30 pm ACB life member reception - Signature 2

6:30 pm Pre-banquet entertainment - Ballroom E

7:00 pm ACB Banquet - Ballroom E - $32, $35

Master of Ceremonies: Pam Shaw, Philadelphia, PA

Speaker: Maryanne Diamond, President, World Blind Union, Kooyong, Australia

Presentation of Robert S. Bray, Durward K. McDaniel and George Card Awards: Cindy Van Winkle, Bremerton, WA





Many ACB boards and committees meet during convention week. Check the information below and the Calendar of Events for meeting dates and times.






7:30 pm ACB Convention Committee - Salon 11-12






11:00 am ACB Board of Directors Pre-convention Board Meeting - Salon 11-12

2:00 pm Constitution and Bylaws Committee - Salon 19

9:00 pm Resolutions Committee - Salon 19






10:00 am Board of Publications - Salon 11

1:00 pm Credentials Committee - Salon 19

11:00 pm (after general session) Resolutions Committee - Salon 19






5:00 pm Constitution and Bylaws Committee - Salon 19

5:30 pm ACB Nominating Committee - Salon 4

8:00 pm Resolutions Committee - Salon 19






5:00 pm Constitution and Bylaws Committee - Salon 19

8:30 pm Resolutions Committee - Salon 19






5:00 pm Constitution and Bylaws Committee - Salon 19

8:00 pm Resolutions Committee - Salon 19






6:00 pm Resolutions Committee - Salon 19

9:15 pm Resolutions Committee - Salon 19






10:00 am Board of Directors Post-convention Meeting - Signature 2





Joel Snyder, President, Audio Description Associates and Contractor,
ACB Audio Description Project
ADP Conference
Registration: $250 - $250



This 3-day conference includes topics such as "Listening Is Learning," "Web Site / Affiliates Network," and "AD Around The World." Working groups discuss standards in media, performing arts, visual arts, and special events. Meets Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons in Salon 12.

8:00 pm Screening of A & E Network documentary "Barack Obama," described by the ADP (60 minutes)



ADP Training
Registration: $450 - $450



Three days of interactive sessions including generous use of media, individual and group writing exercises, and limited lectures; designed to provide immediate feedback allowing for adaptation according to a sense of participants' grasp of the material. Leads to certification of participants as professionally trained describers. Thursday, July 9, Salon 7; Friday and Saturday, July 10 - 11, Salon 17-18


Paul Edwards, Chair







10:00 am Board of Publications meeting - Salon 11






3:00 pm BOP Virtualizing Your Affiliate Workshop - Salon 1 Using the Internet to communicate; enhancing participation through streaming and Skype

7:00 pm BOP Candidates' Forum - Ballroom Candidates for ACB office answer questions on a wide variety of topics.


Chair: Carol Ann Ewing-Ragsdale







5:00 pm DKM Flamingo Fling - President's Suite - $11, $15 Meet the DKM First-timers and raise money to bring new folks to the 2010 convention in Phoenix.


Chair: Peter Altschul




Co-sponsored by NABS



1:30 pm ACB/NABS Employment Seminar - Salon 1 - $5, $5

1:30 pm Employment Opportunities at NIB: No Longer a Sheltered Workshop How NIB broadens career opportunities for people who are blind; Sharon L. Giovinazzo, Vice President of Development and Community Relations, Raleigh Lions Clinic for the Blind Inc., Raleigh, NC

2:30 pm Break

2:45 pm Determining What's Reasonable at Work Learn how best to determine the reasonableness of accommodations and practice requesting them. Facilitator: Peter Altschul, Columbia, MO; panelists: Cheryl Griffith, Attorney, Department of Veteran Affairs, Office of Regional Counsel, Tampa, FL; Al Farias, Program Consultant, Florida Division of Blind Services, Orlando, FL; Cheryl Brown, Rehabilitation Services Manager, Tampa Lighthouse for the Blind, Tampa, FL; Mark Havard, Director of Human Resources, Hyatt Regency of Orlando, Orlando, FL






1:30 pm ACB/NABS Job Fair - Salon 2 Talk to employers with current openings who are committed to hiring people with visual impairments


Patricia Beattie, Chair







2:00 pm Environmental Access Seminar - Salon 12 - $5, $5 Updates on quiet cars, pedestrian safety, and destination elevators


Chair: Marlaina Lieberg
Sponsored by Goldstein, Demchak, Baller, Borgen and Dardarian/Lainey Feingold







2:00 pm Information 411 - Salon 9 - $5, $8 From accessible iPods to Facebook to Twitter, the IAC has it all for you; sponsored by Linda Dardarian and Lainey Feingold


Chair: Sandra Sermons







8:00 am BRL/IRC Breakfast - Salon 13 - $23, $25 See Braille Revival League

5:30 pm Voices from Around the World - Salon 15 - $10, $12 Meet international friends and welcome them to ACB; all international conventioners are urged to attend


Chair: Ardis Bazyn







5:00 pm Keys to the Convention Seminar - Salon 9 Unlock your week of information and fun; includes convention overview, tips, and Q&A






2:00 pm Keys to the Convention Seminar - Salon 2 Repeated from Saturday, July 4






1:30 pm ACB Membership Seminar - Salon 4 Strengthening Affiliates Through Networking and Training: includes The Importance of Leadership Development and Power in Networking with Others. Each affiliate should send at least one representative.


Chair: Peggy Garrett







12:30 pm MCAC Leadership Luncheon - Salon 15 - $26, $28 A native of India shares how she overcame adversity to achieve success; Shakila Maharaj, Disabilities Awareness Trainer, Durban, South Africa

1:45 pm Increasing Minority Participation in ACB Panel of ACB officers and board members discuss plans for increasing diversity in ACB






5:00 pm MCAC Mid-week Jam - Executive Director's Suite - $15, $17


Chair: Oral O. Miller







5:00 pm Pilates in the PM - Salon 17-18 See Women's Concerns






7:30 am Sunrise-ercise - Salon 17-18 See Women's Concerns

5:00 pm Water Aerobics - Pool Led by Gerry Koors, certified water aerobics instructor, Indianapolis, IN

5:00 pm Pilates in the PM - Salon 17-18 See Women's Concerns






5:00 pm Intro to Indoor Rowing - Salon 17-18 Great activity for fun or competition; a program presented by the Fitness Equipment Equity Taskforce, Ken Stewart, Chair, New York, NY






7:30 am Sunrise-ercise - Salon 17-18 See Women's Concerns

5:00 pm Water Aerobics - Pool Led by Gerry Koors

5:00 pm Intro to Indoor Rowing - Salon 17-18 Presented by FEET


Chair: Naomi Soule







1:30 pm Informed Choice During Tough Times - Salon 1 - $6, $8 How to use informed choice throughout the rehab process


Co-Chairs: Lori Scharf and Randy Pope
Program Chair: Karyn Campbell







1:30 pm Communication: Assessments of Needs and Role of Environment - Salon 21 Communications assessments for people with a vision/hearing loss and how the environment influences communication; Paulette Monthei, Executive Director, Center for Deaf-Blind persons, Milwaukee, WI

8:00 pm Get Social with SASI - ACB Suite - $10, $10


Chair: Patty Slaby







6:30 pm ACB Scholarship Dinner (invitation only) - Salon 8 Sponsored by the Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America






12:30 pm NABS Scholarship Winners' Luncheon - Salon 13 - $26, $30 Join NABS in congratulating the 2009 ACB scholarship winners. Sponsored by Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America






9:15 am 2009 ACB Scholarship Presentations - Ballroom

6:30 pm ACB Scholarship Winners' Reception - Executive Director's Suite Each affiliate is invited to send two representatives to meet the scholarship winners.


Chair: Bernice Kandarian







2:00 pm Be Your Own Breast Friend - Salon 6 Mary Ann Mehn, Ph.D., Director of Education, MammaCare, Gainesville, FL

2:00 pm Adaptive Personal MammaCare Learning System Developed with support from the National Cancer Institute (NCI)

3:30 pm "Right to Know" Campaign Developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)






4:00 pm Staying Fit and Fabulous - Salon 17-18 Tips on accessing gyms and fitness facilities from Leslie Spoone, visually impaired certified personal trainer/aerobics instructor and Owner/Manager, Git Fit Fitness, Winter Park, FL

5:00 pm Pilates in the PM - Salon 17-18 Lynn Peterson, PT, Owner, and Alyce Santisi, Assistant, certified Pilates instructors, Synergy Studio, Jacksonville, FL; Therabands donated by North Coast Medical






7:30 am Sunrise-ercise - Salon 17-18 Exercise with Leslie Spoone

5:00 pm Pilates in the PM Lynn Peterson and Alyce Santisi; Therabands donated by North Coast Medical






2:00 pm ACB Women's Circle - Salon 8 - $5, $5 A Circle of Friends: Live, Laugh and Love; discussion stimulated by a recording from the Women's Forum at the 2008 World Blind Union; facilitators: Marlaina Lieberg, ACB Secretary, Burien, WA and Lori Scharff, LMSW, Malverne, NY






7:30 am Sunrise-ercise - Salon 17-18 Exercise with Leslie Spoone

2:00 pm Organization with a Flair - Salon 8 - $5, $5 Make your living space functionally and esthetically optimal; Judy Dixon, author of Label It, Arlington, VA; Susan Mazrui, member, WCC, Silver Spring, MD









6:00 pm ACB Exhibitors' Reception (by invitation) - President's Suite






5:00 pm ACB Legislative Seminar - Salon 8 Focus on quiet car and telecommunications legislation and health care reform; Eric Bridges, Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs, American Council of the Blind, Arlington, VA; Mark Richert, Director of Public Policy, American Foundation for the Blind, Washington, DC; other presenters to be announced

5:00 pm Agency Directors' Reception (by invitation) - President's Suite






4:00 pm Affiliate Presidents' Meeting - Salon 4 Sponsored by Independent Living Aids





President: Ed (Doc) Bradley
Program Chair: Nola McKinney
Registration: $8 - $8







12:30 pm AAVL Luncheon - Salon 13-14 - $28, $28 Entertainment: Michael Byington, Topeka, KS; followed by business meeting and election






1:30 pm What Life Are You Living Now? - Salon 5 Panel discussion addressing marriage late in life, moving back home after retirement, facing cancer, widowhood, etc.

4:00 pm AAVL Musical Mixer - President's Suite - $10, $10



President: Ellen Telker
Program Chair: James Kracht
Registration: $20 - $25







6:00 p.m. AAVIA Board Meeting - Salon 19

7:00 p.m. Annual dinner for members and guests - TBA






1:00 p.m. Welcome, roll call and introductions - Salon 5

1:10 p.m. Keynote: Build Your Legal Career with Work and Travel The Marshall Fellow's Experience; Dr. Alexander Dorrbecker, Esq., Federal Department of Justice, Berlin, Germany

1:45 p.m. The Lawyer's Best Friend Talking Blackberry Smartphones; Dominic Gagliano, Humanware Inc., Chicago, IL

2:15 p.m. The Roberts Court - Update Dr. Otis Stephens, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

3:15 p.m. Employment Opportunities with the Department of Justice Pshon Barrett, Esq., Assistant US Attorney, Jackson, MS

3:20 p.m. Break

3:30 p.m. Practicing Law with the Seminole Reservation - A Visually Impaired Lawyer's Experience Jim Shore, Esq., Tribal Counsel, Hollywood, FL

4:00 p.m. Challenges and Opportunities - Building and Rebuilding a Criminal Practice from a Blind Solo Practitioner's Perspective John Edward Eagen, Esq., Tallahassee, FL

4:30 p.m. Adjournment to AAVIA suite






1:15 p.m. Welcome, announcements and introductions - Salon 5

1:20 p.m. Practicing with the Internal Revenue Service The Review of the Successful Career of a Blind Tax Practitioner; Stephen R. Doroghazi, Esq., Senior Attorney, Internal Revenue Service, Fort Lauderdale, FL

1:50 p.m. Advocacy for Children - How Lawyers are Making a Difference Professor Gerard Glynn, Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law, Barry University, Orlando, FL

2:30 p.m. Long-Range Planning - Revive Us Again; Where Is AAVIA, and Where Are We Going? Moderator: Oral Miller, Esq., Washington, DC

3:25 p.m. Break

3:35 p.m. What's New in Washington - Telecommunications, the Quiet Car and More Eric Bridges, ACB Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs, Arlington, VA

4:30 p.m. Adjournment






12:15 p.m. AAVIA Annual Luncheon - Salon 13 - $30, $33 Arbitration/Mediation Observations and Reflections Clement L. Hyland, Esq., Hyland Mediation, Orlando, FL

1:30 p.m. Professionalism, Ethics and Today's Lawyer - An Experience-Based Perspective and Observations Jack Sobel, Esq. and George W. Bush Jr., Esq., Fox, Wackee, Dungey, Beard, Sobel, Bush & McCluskey, Stuart, FL

2:50 p.m. Break

3:00 p.m. Annual Business Meeting

4:30 p.m. Adjournment


President: Dee Clayton
Program Chair: Carol Edwards
Registration: $10 - $12







2:00 pm ACBDA Diabetes Seminar - Salon 7 - $5, $8 Get the latest information and updates to help you manage your diabetes; Dr. Edwin Lee, Director, Institute for Hormonal Balance, Orlando, FL

2:45 pm 64 Years as a Diabetic with Pat Wolf

3:30 pm Identify It with Omni Anna McClure, En-vision America, Normal, IL






3:00 pm ACBDA Business Meeting - Salon 15






9:00 pm ACBDA Mixer - Executive Director's Suite - $10, $12 Sponsored in part by Bay Area Digital



President: Billie Jean Keith
Registration: $10 - $10







3:00 pm ACBGE Mixer - Executive Director's Suite - $10, $12






12:30 pm ACBGE Luncheon - Salon 13 - $24, $26 The Peace Corps: Americans Serving All Over The World For Fifty Years; Sarah Presley, former Peace Corps Volunteer in Morocco, now a Survey Statistician with the US Census Bureau

2:15 pm Annual Business Meeting


President: Andy Baracco
Registration: $10 - $12







12:30 pm ACBHSP Luncheon and Meeting - Salon 16 - $28, $28

2:00 pm Conflict Need Not Be Complex Learn how to manage your conflicts more effectively; Peter Altschul, MS, Columbia, MO

3:00 pm Pastoral Counseling: Is it a Career for Me? Sarah Blake, M.Div. student, Anderson University, Anderson, IN






5:00 pm ACBHSP Networking - ACB Suite - $10, $12 Share your knowledge with other Human Service Professionals who are blind. How can we help you? Let's join forces to make a difference.


President: William Benjamin
Registration: $10 - $12







9:00 pm Milly's Place Pin Swap - ACB Suite - $8, $10






9:00 am ACBL Board Meeting - Salon 19






6:00 pm Local Club Visit - meet at tour exit - $20, $20 Share experiences with Orlando Lions; meet at tour exit






12:30 pm ACBL Luncheon and Meeting - Salon 15 - $28, $30


President and Program Chair: Mike Duke
Registration: $5 - $7







1:30 pm Program and Business Session - Salon 5


President: Don Brown
Program Chair: Mark Hanohano
Registration: $30 - $30







2:00 pm BFLAG Volunteer Orientation - BFLAG Suite

4:00 pm BFLAG Pre-Convention Board Meeting - BFLAG Suite

6:30 pm BFLAG Get-together Celebrate the 4th of July at Disney's Pleasure Island






9:30 am BFLAG Brunch Get-together - Meet in lobby

4:00 pm BFLAG Welcome Party - BFLAG Suite - $16, $16






7:00 am BFLAG Breakfast Club - meet in lobby

1:00 pm BFLAG Seminar #1: Gay Marriage & Obama's Administration - Salon 7

3:00 pm BFLAG Seminar #2: Building a Coalition & Working Together

7:00 pm BFLAG Annual Business Meeting - BFLAG Suite






7:00 am BFLAG Breakfast Club - Meet in Lobby

1:00 pm BFLAG Seminar #3: Gay Literature - Salon 7

3:00 pm BFLAG Seminar #4: Panel discussion on those who are Transgendered

9:00 pm BFLAG Discussion Group (Men & Women) - BFLAG Suite






7:00 am BFLAG Breakfast Club - Meet in Lobby

3:00 pm BFLAG Titanic Experience Tour - Meet in Lobby - $28, $28

6:30 pm BFLAG Board Meeting - BFLAG Suite

10:00 pm BFLAG Get-together at PULSE Night Club/Bar






7:00 am BFLAG Breakfast Club - Meet in Lobby

2:00 pm Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum Tour - Meet in Lobby - $24, $24

9:00 pm BFLAG Discussion Group (men & women) - BFLAG Suite






7:00 am BFLAG Breakfast Club - Meet in Lobby

4:00 pm BFLAG Get-together Farewell Dinner

10:00 pm BFLAG Get-together at Parliament House Nightclub - Lobby






9:30 am BFLAG Breakfast Club - Meet in Lobby


President: Richard Villa
Registration: $15 - $15







5:30 pm BITS Pre-convention Board Meeting - Salon 7






10:00 am Opening remarks - Salon 12 Richard Villa, BITS President, Austin, TX

10:10 am Introductions

10:30 am Orientation in the 21st century Examine similarities and differences in accessible GPS solutions for cell phones and notetakers such as the PAC Mate, Braille Sense and BrailleNote.

1:30 pm Vendor Showcase - Salon 4 New and updated products from the technology vendors; discover specific products to explore in the exhibit hall






1:30 pm How Technology Can Make Life Easier - Salon 2 The Icon, System Access Mobile Network and other products can increase the accessibility of the Internet; Michael Lauff, Serotek Corp., and others

8:30 pm Hospitality Bytes with BITS - Executive Director's Suite - $13, $15






12:30 pm BITS Luncheon - Salon 3 - $30, $32 Celebrate 40 years of BITS history

2:00 pm Business Meeting






1:30 pm In-depth Look at Digital Book Readers - Salon 2 Examine technology that allows you to read digital books. Which features are standard, and which are unique?


President: Judy Jackson
Program Chair: Sandra Sermons
Registration: $10 - $12







3:30 pm BRL Board Meeting - Salon 11






7:00 am BRL/IRC Breakfast - Salon 13 - $23, $25 Braille Around the World: International visitors are invited to share information about braille production, instruction, and availability in their countries; moderator: Judy Dixon, Chair, Braille Authority of North America, Washington, DC

1:30 pm Welcome and introductions - Salon 17 Judy Jackson, BRL President, San Antonio, TX; Sandra Sermons, ACB International Relations Committee Chair, Rockville, MD

1:45 pm Braille: An International Perspective Shakila Maharaj, Durban, South Africa

2:15 pm What is Braille Works? Lou Fiorrito, principal owner, Braille Works, Tampa, FL

2:45 pm The International Commemoration of Louis Braille's Birth Report from the bicentenary celebration, January 4-8, 2009, Paris, France; Kim Charlson, Watertown, MA and Judy Dixon, Washington, DC

3:15 pm BRL Business Meeting and election

4:00 pm Adjournment

4:30 pm Braille Bunco - Salon 11 - $10, $12



Co-sponsored by Library Users of America



1:30 pm Welcome and introductions - Salon 4 Judy Jackson, BRL President, San Antonio, TX; Paul Edwards, LUA President, Miami, FL

1:45 pm Meet L.J. Ganser Talking Book Narrator, American Foundation for the Blind, New York, NY

2:30 pm Horizons for the Blind Camille Caffarelli, Executive Director, Crystal Lake, IL

2:50 pm "Drawing with Your Perkins Brailler" Kim Charlson, author, Perkins School for the Blind, Watertown, MA

3:15 pm Break

3:30 pm One Book, One ACB Discussion of "A Sense of the World" by Jason Roberts

4:30 pm Adjournment






1:30 pm Welcome and Introductions - Salon 6

1:45 pm Simply Braille: A Curriculum for Instruction of Uncontracted Braille Ann Foxworth, Braille Consultant, Dept. of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services, Austin, TX

2:15 pm New Innovations and Braille Displays Moderator: Roger Petersen, Mountain View, CA; Panelists: Seika Display: Michelle Kamberalis, Manager of Training, Adaptive Technology, a division of Perkins Products, Salisbury, MA and Steve Dresser, Jennco Productions, Reading MA; Refreshabraille 18: Michael McCarty, Fred's Head Coordinator, American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, KY; Sync Braille 20, Peter Wuerl, Sales Manager, GW Micro, Fort Wayne, IN

3:45 pm Adjournment

4:00 pm BRL Post-Convention Board Meeting


President: John A. Horst
Program Chair: Coletta Davis
Registration: $8 - $10







3:00 pm Pre-Convention Board Meeting - Salon 2

6:00 pm Nominating Committee - Salon 2






9:00 am Welcome and Introductions - Salon 1 John A. Horst, CCLVI President, Elizabethtown, PA

9:15 am Committee Reports

Legislative: Patricia Beattie, Alexandria, VA

Resolutions: Michael Byington, Topeka, KS

Constitution and Bylaws: Michael Byington

Scholarship: Donna Pomerantz, Pasadena, CA

Nominating: Joyce Kleiber, Philadelphia, PA

9:45 am Friends and Lovers, Parents and Kids: Living with our Vision Loss Facilitator: Patricia Beattie, Alexandria, VA; Panelists: Lisa and Peter Altschul, Columbia, MO; Richard Rueda, Union City, CA; Donna and Mitch Pomerantz, Pasadena, CA; Janet and Hal Morrison, Bethesda, MD

11:00 am What's New in Exhibits for People with Low Vision

1:00 pm CCLVI Visits the Exhibit Hall

4:00 pm CCLVI Mixer - President's Suite - $10, $10

10:00 pm CCLVI Get Acquainted Dance - Salon 3 - $10, $10 Dance to the music of Dewayne Hodges. Contact Coletta Davis to enter our "Dancing with the Stars" contest.






1:30 pm Up-to-date Health Information in Accessible Formats - Salon 8 The Health Library at Vista Center: CCLVI's Health Information Link; Roger Petersen, Community Volunteer, Mountain View, CA

2:15 pm Vision Enhancement: Technology for the Low Vision And Blind Population Dr. James Nolan, Director of Special Projects and Research, Envision, Wichita, KS

7:30 pm CCLVI Game Night - Salon 3 - $10, $10 Join Kathy Casey for an evening of Trivia, Name That Tune and other exciting games.






1:30 pm Identity Theft - Salon 8 Detective A.J. Jones, Sheriff's Office, Orange County, FL

2:30 pm Break

2:45 pm CCLVI Business Meeting

3:45 pm Post-Convention Board Meeting






1:30 pm Project Insight - Salon 14 Outreach to People with Low Vision; Joyce Kleiber, Presiding

2:30 pm Let's Talk About VISION ACCESS






10:00 pm CCLVI Farewell Dance - Salon 3 - $10, $10 Dance to the music of Dewayne Hodges


President: Nancy Pendegraph
Program Chair: Lynn Hedl
Registration: $5 - $6







7:00 pm FIA Board Meeting - FIA Suite






1:30 pm Native American Flute Workshop - cancelled

4:00 pm FIA Mixer/Showcase Sign-up - FIA Suite - $8, $10 Meet friends and register for a showcase audition slot.

5:30 pm Chorus Rehearsal - FIA Suite






1:30 pm FIA MIDI Workshop - FIA Suite - $5, $6 Tips and tricks for using today's technology to put together a smooth, polished act for live performance; Gordon Kent, Washington, DC

3:30 pm Showcase Audition/Rehearsal - FIA Suite

9:00 pm Prose and Poetry Reading - Salon 17 - $4, $5 Writers share their original works with a receptive audience; Carla Hayes, McMurray, PA

10:00 pm Final Chorus Rehearsal - FIA Suite







12:30 pm FIA Luncheon and Meeting - Salon 15 - $28, $30 Healing Through Art: how following a passion for the Celtic harp has positively changed my life; Susan Schulter, published author and teacher, Saratoga, CA

8:00 pm Showcase of the Performing Arts - Ballroom - $10, $10 Celebrate good times and great timing!






1:30 pm Belly Dance Through Sound and Touch - Salon 17-18 - $5, $6 From traditional Egyptian to Goth, learn about the origins and styles of contemporary oriental dancing. Touch costume pieces, props, and learn about the music and movements of Raks Balady. Paulette Monthei, Milwaukee, WI

3:00 pm Writing Ethnography Workshop - Salon 7 - $5, $6 From oral history to memoir; writing personal, family, and community Stories. Susan Schulter, author and teacher, Saratoga, CA

5:30 pm Round and Harmony Sing - FIA Suite Relax and sing well-known rounds, and learn a few new ones.






7:30 am FIA Board Meeting - FIA Suite


President: Becky Barnes
Registration: $10 - $12



The GDUI Suite (Salon 10) will be open from Saturday afternoon, July 4 until Thursday, July 9. Browse the silent auction items on display. Bid on items until Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Dog-related products will be on sale, and guide dogs and their handlers can relax in the suite; a vet tech will assist with nail trimming, ear cleaning, minor skin ailments, etc. Schedule dog massages, too.






12:00 pm Hotel and area orientation - Salon 10 Your favorite guide dog instructors teach you how to teach your dogs the best convention routes; guaranteed to get you where you need to be on time and in one piece.

2:30 pm Affiliate Roundup - Salon 9 This meeting is REQUIRED for affiliate representatives to be credentialed to vote at the GDUI business meeting.

4:00 pm GDUI board Meeting - Salon 9

5:00 pm Hotel and area orientation - Salon 10






7:00 am GDUI Breakfast Club - lobby Walk to Denny's, about 5 minutes from the hotel, for a delicious fast break; be back just in time for general session. Breakfast Club is an official GDUI option Monday through Thursday; canine teams and cane travelers welcome.

1:30 pm GDUI Opening Ceremonies - Salon 9

2:00 pm Two Plus Four Equals One Public speaker, teacher, and author Kathie Nimmer discusses her current book project, a collection of stories about people with disabilities and their service dogs. Two human feet plus four puppy paws come together to form one working partnership.

2:30 pm Better Outcomes for Guide Dog Teams through Planning, Protocols, and Technology Chip Wilson, Statewide Disability Co-ordinator, Florida Division of Emergency Management and founder, ADA Consultants of Northeast Florida

8:00 pm GDUI/CUSDGS Reception - Ballroom E - $5, $7 Curious about the guide dog lifestyle? Current and potential guide dog users welcome. Speak with representatives from various schools. Game show fun and guest speaker Sgt. Major Jesse Acosta, Iraqi War Veteran, make the evening special.






7:00 am GDUI Breakfast Club - lobby

1:30 pm GDUI Caucus - Salon 9

2:30 pm GDUI Business Meeting Discussion, debate, and vote of GDUI Constitution.

7:00 pm GDUI Silent Auction Bidding Closes - Salon 10

8:00 pm Casual evening stroll - Salon 10 - $3, $3






7:00 am GDUI Breakfast Club

12:30 pm GDUI Luncheon - Signature 2 - $28, $30 Keynote Speaker: Ronnie Graves, nationally recognized expert in designing and creating prosthetics for animals, founder of Sumter Disaster Animal Response Team

2:30 pm GDUI Live Auction Raise those bids on a new GW Micro BookSense, dog care products, baskets of cheer and more!

8:00 pm Juno Can Do It Rally - Salon 9 - $5, $5 Ramp up the fun factor! Small groups of teams with an instructor compete for prizes in this original interactive game.






7:00 am GDUI Breakfast Club - lobby

1:30 pm Canine Companions for Independence - Salon 9 CCI leaders and trainers discuss the selection, training and partnering process for service dogs in their program.


President: Ardis Bazyn
Program Chair: Carla Hayes
Registration: $6 - $8







7:00 am IVIE Breakfast and Meeting - Salon 13 - $21, $23






4:00 pm IVIE Business Expo - Salon 2 Blind and visually impaired business owners will showcase their products and services and answer your questions.






12:30 pm IVIE Luncheon and Program - Salon 13 - $28, $30 Are You A Change Agent? An interactive workshop will help you embrace and welcome change as an ever-present part of life; Dr. Denise Decker, Federal Strategic Planner and Professional Trainer, Washington, DC

2:00 pm The Importance of Networking for Your Business How to develop word-of-mouth networking so that you can easily receive referrals for your business; representative from Business Network International, Orlando, FL


President and Program Chair: Paul Edwards
Registration: $10 - $12







6:30 pm LUA Board Meeting - Salon 11






1:30 pm Welcome and Introductions - Salon 11 Paul Edwards, LUA President, Miami, FL

1:45 pm Update from NLS Frank Kurt Cylke, Director, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped; and Mary Beth Wise, NLS Quality Assurance Section, Washington, DC

2:15 pm NLS Network Libraries of the Year 2008 Regional Library of the Year: Perkins Braille & Talking Book Library, Kim Charlson, Director, Watertown, MA; and Subregional Library of the Year: Talking Book Library, Miami-Dade Public Library System, Barbara Moyer, Librarian, Miami, FL

2:45 pm Florida Braille and Talking Book Library Michael Gunde, Director & Jane Karp, Library Program Administrator, Florida Braille & Talking Book Library, Daytona Beach, FL; Nancy Burgess-Hall, President, Friends of the Braille & Talking Book Library, Daytona Beach, FL

3:15 pm Break

3:30 pm NLS Advisory Reports Audio Equipment Advisory Committee: Penny Reeder, 2009 Representative, Montgomery Village, MD; and Collection Development Advisory Group: Judy Jackson, 2009 Representative, San Antonio, TX

3:45 pm Memorial Tribute to Barry Levine and Patricia Price

4:00 pm Business Meeting: elections, reports

4:30 pm Adjournment

5:30 pm Accessing Downloadable Audio Books Using Portable Devices - Salon 1-2 - $5, $7 Paul Edwards, Moderator, LUA President, Miami, FL; Panelists: Brian Charlson, Director, Computer Training Program, Carroll Center for the Blind, Newton, MA; Michael McCarty, Fred's Head Coordinator, American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, KY; Jeremy Curry, GW Micro, Fort Wayne, IN; and others






6:30 pm LUA Book Exchange - Salon 13 - $5, $7 Your opportunity to look at braille and audio books and bring some of your own to exchange; Facilitator: Peggy Garrett, LUA Secretary, Missouri City, TX



Joint Session with BRL



1:30 pm Welcome and Introductions - Salon 4 Paul Edwards, LUA President, Miami, FL; & Judy Jackson, BRL President, San Antonio, TX

1:45 pm Meet L.J. Ganser Talking Book Narrator, American Foundation for the Blind, New York, NY

2:30 pm Horizons for the Blind Camille Caffarelli, Executive Director, Lake in the Hills, IL

2:50 pm Drawing with Your Perkins Brailler Kim Charlson, author, Watertown, MA

3:15 pm Break

3:30 pm One Book, One ACB Discussion of "A Sense of the World" by Jason Roberts

4:30 pm Adjournment

4:45 pm LUA Post-Convention Board meeting


President and Program Chair: Rebecca Bridges
Registration: $5 - $7







8:00 pm NABS Welcome Party - Executive Director's Suite - $8, $10






10:30 am NABS Board Meeting - Salon 7

12:30 pm NABS Scholarship Luncheon - Salon 13 - $26, $30 Join NABS in congratulating the 2009 ACB scholarship winners. Sponsored by Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America

2:15 pm Dealing with Stress, Anxiety and Depression - Salon 13 - $3, $5 A confidential discussion for anyone experiencing these common challenges, now or in the past; Peter Altschul, Organization Development Specialist, and Lisa Wayland Altschul, Ph.D. candidate in biomedical engineering, Columbia, MO






1:30 pm NABS Business Meeting - Salon 18






1:30 pm ACB/NABS Employment Seminar - Salon 1 - $5, $5 See Employment Issues Committee section for complete agenda






9:00 pm NABS Comedy Night - Signature 2 - $10, $12 Finish convention week with NABS and comedian Tim Wilkin


President: Patty Slaby
Program Chair: Carla Hayes
Registration: $10 - $12







8:00 am NABT Breakfast and Program - Salon 13 - $23, $25 Tales From Trinidad: The Day In The Life Of A High School Teacher: Entertaining stories about a high school math and history teacher's experiences in Trinidad; Paul Edwards, ACB Past President and Director, Access Services, Miami-Dade College, Miami, FL

9:30 am Break

9:45 am NABT Business Meeting

10:30 am NABT Board Meeting






1:30 pm The New Bookshare - Salon 6 Changes on the Bookshare website and much more; John Glass, Customer Service Manager,

2:15 pm Peril and Potential: How Technological Advances Are Affecting Students and Their Literacy Explore how current technologies such as text messaging, e-mail and the consistent use of synthetic speech affect students' reading, writing, and speaking skills; Susan Schulter, English Instructor, West Valley Community College, Saratoga, CA






1:30 pm Planning For Retirement - Salon 6 - $5, $10 Explore retirement goals, taxes, life expectancy considerations, saving for retirement and more; Michael Garrett, Retired Stock Analyst, J.P. Morgan & Co., Missouri City, TX


President: Charles Glaser
Registration: $20 - $20







1:00 pm Sub-committee meetings - RSVA Suite

3:00 pm Pre-Convention Board Meeting - Salon 1






8:00 am RSVA/ACB Breakfast - Salon 15-16 - $20, $22 Sharing about the Randolph-Sheppard program with ACB members

10:00 am Welcome: Charles Glaser, RSVA President, Stone Mountain, GA

Introduction of participants

Roll call of affiliates: Ardis Bazyn, Secretary, Burbank, CA

10:20 am Roadside Rest Area Issues Surface Highway Transportation Act and Kennelly Act proposals and other area issues; panel - Roy Harmon, moderator

11:00 am What's Happening in the Florida BEP Program Panel of Florida vendors

11:30 am Constitution & Bylaws Report

11:50 am Resolutions Report

12:00 noon Lunch on your own

1:30 pm BEP Staff Assessment of the Florida Program

2:00 pm Arbitrations and Rendered Decisions: Update from Robert Humphreys

2:20 pm Using Stimulus Money in the RS Program Panel - David Hanlon, moderator

2:45 pm Break

3:00 pm RSA Answers our questions

3:30 pm Post Office Contracting Bill Lewis and Kevin Wall, National Vending

4:00 pm Nominating Committee meeting All state affiliate delegates should attend

10:00 pm RSVA hospitality - RSVA Suite






12:30 pm RSVA Awards luncheon - Salon 3 - $30, $35 Awards presentation and motivational speaker

2:30 pm Business meeting

6:30 pm RSVA Auction - Signature 2

9:00 pm RSVA Karaoke night - Signature 2 - $10, $15






12:30 pm RSVA Presidents meeting - RSVA suite Update on legislation and regulations: Catriona McDonald

8:00 pm RSVA Casino night - Salon 1 - $20, $25


President and Program Chair: John Fleming
Registration: $5 - $7







8:30 am VIVA leads Pledge of Allegiance in ACB general session; meet at front of Ballroom at 8:15

12:30 pm VIVA Membership Luncheon - Salon 14 - $15, $20

1:30 pm Roundtable discussion and business meeting During this time of war and economic strife, our veterans need all the support we can give them. Join with VIVA and help keep ACB abreast of issues that concern all veterans who are visually impaired and blind.









5:00 pm ACB Legislative Seminar - Salon 8 Get the latest information on how you can help shape tomorrow today.






3:00 pm NELDS Guide to Self-advocacy - Salon 11 - $5, $5 Everything you need to know to successfully stand up for your rights. Panelists: Paul Edwards, Chair, ACB Board of Publications, Miami, FL; Rebecca Floyd, Disability Rights Attorney, Jackson, MS; Pratik Patel, Vice President, ACB of New York, Fresh Meadows, NY. From the National Education and Legal Defense Service









9:00 am GW Sense Notetaker Training - Salon 5 - $10, $10 Learn about the Sense notetakers, including the new BrailleSense Plus QWERTY

12:00 noon Meet the GW Micro BookSense - Salon 5 - $5, $5 A book reader, DAISY player and media player - all in one. FM radio, bluetooth, 4-GB built-in memory also available

3:00 pm GW Micro Window-Eyes Training - Salon 5 - $10, $10 See how Window-Eyes 7.1 supports 64-bit operating systems and uses scripts to make your life easier






5:30 pm Kurzweil 1000 User Group - Salon 13 Sneak peek at V-12!






5:00 pm HumanWare Breeze and Stream: Navigation in the Palm of Your Hand - Salon 5 Whether you're finding your way through a new best seller or exploring your neighborhood, the Victor Stream and Trekker Breeze will get you there with simplicity and style.

5:30 pm Explore the APH Braille+ Family - Salon 6 See the latest features of the Braille+ Mobile Manager and related products: Refreshabraille 18 and the QWERTY Docking Station






5:00 pm HumanWare: Touching the Future - the Power of Braille - Salon 2 Refreshing possibilities with the HumanWare array of braille options: the power and productivity of BrailleNote mPower with KeySoft 8, the emergence of portable mobile devices and netbooks, and the Braille Connect, the most portable display on the market.









7:00 am Southeastern Breakfast - Salon 15 For Southeastern graduates and friends






7:00 am Guide Dogs for the Blind Breakfast - Salon 3









7:00 am AFB Breakfast - Signature 2 - $10, $10 Join Carl Augusto and staff to learn what's new at the American Foundation for the Blind






3:00 pm BANA Nemeth Braille Focus Group - Salon 1 The Braille Authority of North America is conducting an evaluation of the Nemeth Uniform Braille System. Braille users are invited to participate. Contact Kim Charlson for more information.

5:00 pm BANA Nemeth Braille Focus Group - Salon 1

5:00 p.m. Ticket-to-work Employment Networks - Salon 7 How beneficiaries can use work incentives, and how service providers can become employment networks






7:00 am NIB Breakfast and Program - Signature 2 - $10, $10 Update on NIB's newest initiatives

1:00 pm BANA Nemeth Braille Focus Group - Salon 6

3:00 pm BANA Nemeth Braille Focus Group - Salon 6

5:00 pm BANA Nemeth Braille Focus Group - Salon 6

5:00 pm The Insider's Guide to Understanding and Using Social Security Work Incentives and the Ticket to Work - Salon 4 An SSA senior employee discusses the benefits of working, the responsibilities of a working beneficiary, how SSA recognizes work which is not reported to the agency, and how SSA applies the work incentives. Learn how to maintain cash benefits, Medicare and/or Medicaid -- the CHOICE will be yours!





There are many activities interesting to kids and parents throughout convention week. The exhibit area, the Youth Activity Center (YAC) for kids 6 to 17, and many of the tours provide opportunities for blind and visually impaired children to experience a fantastic convention week; see the YAC and Tours sections of this program for more details.

Many of the workshops and seminars, as well as the general and special-interest affiliate program sessions, address topics of concern to parents. Examples of such options include the NELDS Guide to Self-advocacy seminar on Wednesday; career programs, workshops and a job fair (check the ACB Employment Issues section and special-interest agendas); and technology focus groups and training sessions.

If you need child care services for younger children or during evening hours when the YAC is closed, check with the hotel concierge for local service referrals. Fees are usually based on age and number of children.


YAC Director: Marsha Neilson
Registration: $10 - $10
Sponsored by the Mississippi Council of the Blind and Regal Entertainment Group



Kids 6 to 17 can enjoy a great week of tours and activities in the YAC. See schedule and rules below for more details, and purchase tickets at the Registration Desk.

The YAC opens on Sunday afternoon. Parents can sign permission slips and review YAC rules while kids enjoy a great party at the hotel pool.

YAC headquarters are in Salons 20-21. The YAC opens each morning, Monday through Friday, at 8:15; activities begin at 8:30.

A light breakfast, snacks and lunch are included in the registration and ticket fees.

Kids should bring a backpack for carrying personal belongings, a water bottle, sunscreen and cap. Kids should wear a YAC T-shirt when the group visits theme parks and other local attractions. They should also bring an old shirt with them to wear for crafts and other messy activities. Don't forget swimsuits. A rain poncho is a good idea since Florida is famous for its unexpected showers.

Each child must complete a registration form and pay the ACB convention administrative fee. YAC registration is also required before children can participate in any YAC event; 2 YAC T-shirts, to be worn to specific events, are free with registration.

IMPORTANT: Parents MUST accompany children to the YAC the first time to sign permission slips, waivers, etc. Children may not participate in any YAC activities or events if forms are not completed and signed.

The YAC closes at 4:30 each afternoon; children must be picked up by then each day.

Necessary medications MUST be supplied each day. Parents will be required to remove children who exhibit uncontrollable or highly inappropriate behaviors.






1:30 pm Sign-in and Pool Party - Pool The week kicks off with 3 hours of water fun. Kids make friends and enjoy games and snacks while parents sign permission slips and YAC forms. Kids receive their 2 FREE YAC T-shirts, too!






8:15 am YAC opens - Salon 20-21 - $10, $10

8:30 am Leave for breakfast Play miniature golf at Pirate's Cove; go swimming (weather permitting) or bowling; crafts, games, and movies, too.

4:00 pm Kids return to YAC room

4:30 pm YAC closes for the day






8:15 am YAC opens - Salon 20-21 - $15, $15

8:30 am Leave for breakfast Games, crafts, swimming, movies before lunch

1:00 pm Disney Magic Kingdom Tour Bus returns after the parade and fireworks (approximately 11:00 pm); everyone must wear YAC T-shirts. Parents should pick up children at the tour entrance to the hotel.






8:15 am YAC opens - Salon 20-21 - $10, $10

8:30 am YAC leads Pledge of Allegiance in general session

8:45 am Leave for breakfast and Wonder Works Experience a 5.3 earthquake, be blown away by a hurricane, step inside a spacesuit and land a spacecraft. Lie on a bed of 3,500 nails, fly a fighter jet, and make a 3-D impression of your body on the Wonder Wall. Design and ride your own roller coaster and play virtual sports.

2:00 pm Crafts, games, swimming - hotel

4:00 pm Kids return to YAC room

4:30 pm YAC closes for the day






8:15 am YAC opens - Salon 20-21

8:30 am Leave for breakfast and Aquatica Water Park

3:00 pm Crafts, games, movies - hotel

4:00 pm Kids return to YAC room

4:30 pm YAC closes for the day






8:15 am YAC opens - Salon 20-21 - $10, $10

8:30 am Leave for breakfast and Sea World

6:45 pm Pizza Party The kids have their own party during the ACB banquet. Pizza, games, prizes -- a whole evening of fun! Pick up kids 15 minutes after the banquet ends.





All tours depart from the Signature 1 exit, located in the conference area of the hotel.

Indoor facilities are air-conditioned, but many tours include significant outdoor time. Dress appropriately and bring sunscreen, insect repellent, hat and water bottle for your comfort and safety.

Space is limited on all tours. ACB reserves the right to cancel a tour should ticket sales fall below required minimums.

Tickets will be collected at the bus. Buses will not be delayed while you look for forgotten tickets.

All return times are approximate. If you have dietary scheduling concerns, bring a light snack in case we are unavoidably delayed.

If you use a wheelchair and require a lift-equipped bus, you MUST check the appropriate boxes on the pre-registration form in order for us to plan for necessary transportation.

A limited number of volunteers will accompany each tour. While they will help as much as possible, ACB volunteers are not personal guides or personal care attendants. If you need individual help, plan to attend the tour with a friend who can act as your guide or PCA, push your wheelchair, etc.








Time: 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Cost: $95 - $98; box lunch included

Launch into convention and experience a galaxy of possibilities on this private tour just for ACB. Touch the Redstone, Atlas and Titan rockets that first put NASA astronauts in space. Climb aboard Mercury, Gemini and Apollo capsules and see the cramped quarters America's astronaut pioneers endured. Enter a full-sized shuttle replica in the Space Shuttle Plaza.


Time: 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Cost: $42 - $45

Travel back in time to 1931 gangland Chicago. Enjoy a show packed with music and comedy. Feast on a buffet of ham, turkey, lasagna, mashed potatoes, vegetables and salads, and scrumptious desserts. Unlimited beer, wine and soft drinks.







Time (section 1): 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Time (section 2): 10:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Cost: $42 - $45; lunch on your own

Pass beneath the stone arch modeled after the Damascus gate of Jerusalem and find yourself in a Biblical park and museum. Experience the Wilderness Tabernacle, a Jerusalem street market complete with the city well, and the Dead Sea Qumran Caves. Visit Temple Plaza with the gleaming white and gold Great Temple as a backdrop. Journey through the Scriptorium to learn how the Bible came to be, and thrill to fabulous music and great presentations.







Time (section 1): 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Time (section 2): 12:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Cost: $29 - $32

Internationally known as the Alligator Capital of the World, Gatorland's 110-acre theme park and nature conservatory is located at the head of the Florida Everglades. Gatorland provides family fun with thousands of alligators and crocodiles, a breeding marsh with boardwalk and one-of-a-kind reptilian shows, aviary, petting zoo, swamp walk, educational programs and much, much more.







Time: 12:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Cost: $17 - $20; snack included

Travel to Daytona and snatch this once-in-a-lifetime chance to visit the U.S.'s largest Talking Book library, with over 2.4 MILLION braille and recorded books. Tour Florida's state rehab center and learn about services for blind people in the Sunshine State.


Time (section 1): 12:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.

Time (section 2): 1:30 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.

Cost: $29 - $32

The convention committee loved Wonder Works, and you will too. Experience a 5.3 earthquake, be blown away by a hurricane, step inside a spacesuit and land a spacecraft. Lie on a bed of 3,500 nails, fly a fighter jet, and make a 3-D impression of your body on the Wonder Wall. Design and ride your own roller coaster and play virtual sports. Play the all-new Mind Ball, a challenging biofeedback game for two based on EEG technology.







Time: 1:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.

Cost: $75 - $78

Ride the ferry to enter a land of imagination and fun. Mickey, Snow White, Dumbo, Peter Pan and pirates are waiting for you. Rush through a gold-mining Old West town on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad; take a musical boat ride to foreign lands on It's a Small World; circle the rivers of America on an authentic 3-tiered paddlewheeler. Ride Cinderella's Golden Carousel; meet our country's leaders in the Hall of the Presidents. Lots of fun for everyone!







Time: 12:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Cost: $22 - $25; includes homemade dessert

Davidson's of Dundee is one of Florida's oldest growers of tree-ripened fresh citrus fruit. Learn the process of turning Florida sunshine into delicious candy; shop for yummy treats to take home. Then stop by The Mill at Lake Hamilton for homemade desserts like cobbler and ice cream; shop for gifts, too.







Time: 12:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Cost: $37 - $40

Breathtaking airboat ride has you skimming just above the waters of central Florida's Everglades at up to 45 miles per hour. Other activities teach you more about the natural environment of the alligators. This tour cannot accommodate wheelchairs.







Time: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Cost: $52 - $55; box lunch included

NASCAR fans unite! Guided tour of pit row, the track and much more gives visitors a hands-on look at the sport of NASCAR racing. Shop for souvenirs during this fantastic day at a famous racetrack.


Time: 5:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Cost: $52 - $55; dinner included

You might be chosen for a cameo role in the show as you mingle with the characters. 2-1/2 hours of scripted mystery, improvisation and audience participation. Interrogate the suspects and help solve the crime. Dinner, dessert, and unlimited beer, wine and soft drinks.





You will be ready for a break and a little fun after all those workshops, seminars and business meetings. Below are some activities and events that take place at the hotel. For more fun ideas, see "2009 Convention Tours," and check the agendas of the many affiliates and groups for more mixers, luncheons and parties.






6:30 pm NELDS CD Yard Sale - Salon 13-14 - $5, $7 Sell and swap music and movies on vinyl, tape, CD and DVD. Set up and browse at 5:00; sell and swap starts at 6:00. Proceeds benefit the advocacy work of NELDS.

8:00 pm Sunshine Galaxy Welcome Party - Ballroom E - $10, $12 Surfside, low tide, seashells, sharks and whales, sunshine, good times! Join the Florida Council for a whale of a good time. Good music, good fun, great door prizes!






12:15 pm ACB Sports Fanatics' Luncheon - Signature 2 - $25, $28 Great sports food and fun; Enrique Oliu, blind color commentator, Spanish-language broadcast of Tampa Bay Rays, will share experiences and baseball news.

3:30 pm Newsreelers' Get-together - ACB Suite - $7, $9






1:00 pm Star Trek Experience - Salon 3 - $23, $25 Space Boots, Tools and Moon Rocks - the USS Moontype and NASA present crew equipment used to support space shuttle missions. Refreshments, fun and surprises.





The 2009 ACB Exhibit Hall, located on the first floor, is filled with everything from jewelry to information resources to the latest in appliances and technologies designed especially for people who are blind and visually impaired.

Exhibit hall hours are as follows:

Saturday, July 4, 1:00 to 5:00 pm

Sunday, July 5, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Monday through Wednesday, July 6-8, 11:00 am to 5:00 pm

Thursday, July 9, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

The following exhibitors were registered for the convention at the time the program went to press. Pick up a complete list in braille or large print at the front of the Exhibit Hall; electronic copies available from the Information Desk before 10:00 am each day.

A Penny for Your Thought: Currency by Touch


ACB Radio

ACB Store

Ai Squared

American Printing House for the Blind

Aurora Ministries

Bay Area Digital

Blind Sailing Unlimited

Cambium Learning/Kurzweil Systems

Campbell Company

Commander Technologies

Described & Captioned Media Program

Dolphin Computer Access Inc.

Duxbury Systems Inc.

En-Vision America, Inc.

Enabling Technologies

Florida Reading & Vision Tech

Franklin Electronic Publishers

Freedom Scientific


Gospel Light Foundation

Guerilla Technologies

GW Micro

Hadley School for the Blind

Handytech North America

Hodges & Ames Expressions


LevelStar, LLC


National Braille Press

National Industries for the Blind

National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped

National Statler Center for Careers in Hospitality Service


New Design Unlimited LLC

Orlando VA Medical Center

Perkins Products

Plastic Safety Systems

Polara Engineering Inc.

Peggy Eason and Friends

Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic

Sendero Group

Serotek Corporation

SSA Ticket to Work

U.S. Department of Justice/Disability Rights Section

Vision Cue

West Palm Beach VA Medical Center








ACB's sponsorship program offers agencies and corporations an opportunity to show support for our good work and, at the same time, let potential customers learn more about their products and services.

We want to recognize our 2009 "gems" in this special section of the convention program. We will also recognize them in the convention newspaper, on ACB Radio, in general session, on the convention T-shirt, and by naming their chosen events, activities and convention services for them.






AT&T - transportation services






Mississippi Council of the Blind - Youth Activity Center






Council of U.S. Guide Dog Schools - ACB Convention Café

Freedom Scientific - convention newspaper

Humanware - ACB Radio Mainstream

Regal Entertainment – Youth Activity Center Tours






GW Micro - Convention Information Desk

Vehicle Donation Processing Center - Enhanced Exhibitor Guide







Goldstein, Demchak, Baller, Borgen and Dardarian/Lainey Feingold - ACB Information Access Seminar

Independent Living Aids/Sound Bytes - Affiliate Presidents' Seminar

Maxi-Aids – Maxi-Aids Monday at the ACB Café

Petco - guide dog relief area (Monday)

Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America - ACB Scholarship Dinner and NABS Luncheon

Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind

TracFone - TracFone Tuesday at the ACB Café









President: Mitch Pomerantz, Pasadena, CA

First Vice President: Kim Charlson, Watertown, MA

Second Vice President: Brenda Dillon, Nashville, TN

Secretary: Marlaina Lieberg, Burien, WA

Treasurer: Mike Godino, Malverne, NY

Immediate Past President: Christopher Gray, San Francisco, CA






Ray Campbell, Glen Ellyn, IL

Berl Colley, Lacey, WA

Marsha Farrow, Summerville, GA

Michael Garrett, Missouri City, TX

Billie Jean Keith, Arlington, VA

Carla Ruschival, Louisville, KY

Patrick Sheehan, Silver Spring, MD

Jeff Thom, Sacramento, CA

David Trott, Talladega, AL

Cammie Vloedman, Oklahoma City, OK

Paul Edwards (ex officio), Miami, FL





Paul Edwards, Chair, Miami, FL

Marcia Dresser, Reading, MA

Judy Jackson, San Antonio, TX

Jenine Stanley, Columbus, OH

Ken Stewart, Warwick, NY

Ronald Milliman (ex officio), Bowling Green, KY





Michael Garrett, Chair, Missouri City, TX

Michael Godino, Malverne, NY

Christopher Gray, San Francisco, CA

Oral Miller, Washington, DC

Carla Ruschival, Louisville, KY

LeRoy Saunders, Oklahoma City, OK

David Trott, Talladega, AL





Melanie Brunson, Executive Director

Eric Bridges, Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs

Patricia Castillo, Executive Assistant, Membership and Affiliate Services

Sharon Lovering, Editor, Braille Forum

Dena Wilson, Director of Development


Brooklyn Center, MN



Lane Waters, Controller

Lori Sarff, Administrator

Le Chi Tran, Accounting

Michelle Mueller, Accounting

Catalina Roisum, Accounting

Judy Jorgensen, Receptionist





Carla Ruschival, Chair, Louisville, KY

Jerry Annunzio, Kansas City, MO

Margarine Beaman, Austin, TX

Patti Cox, Louisville, KY

Janet Dickelman, Minneapolis, MN

Mike Duke, Jackson, MS

Debbie Grubb (consultant), Bradenton, FL

Sharon Lovering, Arlington, VA

Bruce Radtke, Bellingham, WA

Donna Seliger, Des Moines, IA

Michael Smitherman, Jackson, MS

Lane Waters, Minneapolis, MN

Sheila Young (consultant), Orlando, FL





Mitch Pomerantz (Chair), Pasadena, CA

Melanie Brunson, Arlington, VA

Kim Charlson, Watertown, MA

Brenda Dillon, Nashville, TN

Debbie Grubb, Bradenton, FL

Jean Mann, Guilderland, NY

Carla Ruschival, Louisville, KY

Donna Seliger, Des Moines, IA





Sally Benjamin, Co-chair, Tallahassee, FL

Debbie Drylie, Co-chair, Orange Park, FL

Jay Bader, Orlando, FL

Bill Freeman, Windermere, FL

Debbie Grubb, Bradenton, FL

Linda Jacobson, Orange Park, FL

Shelley Justice, Orlando, FL

Patti Land, Orlando, FL

Sila Miller, Tallahassee, FL

Larry Turnbull, Orlando, FL

Sheila Young, Orlando, FL










6:00 pm Pre-registration pick-up until 8:00 pm - Registration Desk 3






7:00 am Kennedy Space Center Tour

8:00 am Registration open until 7:00 pm

6:00 pm Al Capone Dinner Show

7:30 pm Convention Committee Meeting - Salon 11-12






6:15 am Bus departs for ACB Walk/Run

8:00 am Registration open until 7:00 pm

8:00 am ACB Convention Café - Registration Desk 2

9:00 am GW Micro Sense Notetaker Training - Salon 5

9:30 am The Holy Land Experience Tour

10:30 am The Holy Land Experience

11:00 am ACB Pre-convention Board Meeting - Salon 11-12

1:00 pm Exhibits open until 5:00 pm - Junior Ballroom

12:00 noon GW Micro BookSense - Salon 5

1:00 pm RSVA Subcommittee Meetings - RSVA Suite

2:00 pm ACB Constitution and Bylaws Committee - Salon 19

2:00 pm ACB Information Access 411 - Salon 9

2:00 pm BFLAG Volunteer Orientation - BFLAG Suite

3:00 pm GW Micro Window-Eyes Training - Salon 5

3:00 pm CCLVI Board Meeting - Salon 2

3:00 pm RSVA Board Meeting - Salon 1

4:00 pm BFLAG Pre-convention Board Meeting - BFLAG Suite

5:00 pm Keys to the Convention Seminar - Salon 9

5:00 pm NELDS CD Yard Sale - Salon 13-14

5:30 pm BITS Board Meeting - Salon 7

6:00 pm AAVIA Board Meeting - Salon 19

6:00 pm CCLVI Nominating Committee Meeting - Salon 2

6:00 pm Exhibitors' Reception (by invitation) - Presidents' Suite

6:30 pm ACB Scholarship Winners' Dinner (by invitation) - Salon 8

6:30 pm BFLAG Get-together at Disney's Pleasure Island

6:30 pm LUA Board Meeting - Salon 11

7:00 pm Catholic Mass - Salon 17-18

7:00 pm FIA Board Meeting - FIA Suite

7:00 pm AAVIA Dinner - meet in Lobby

8:00 pm Sunshine Galaxy Welcome Party - Ballroom E

8:00 pm NABS Welcome Party - Executive Director's Suite

9:00 pm ACB Resolutions Committee - Salon 19

9:00 pm ACBL Milly's Place Pin Swap - ACB Suite






7:30 am NELDS Board Meeting - President's Suite

8:00 am ACB Convention Café

8:00 am Registration open until 7:00 pm

8:00 am NABT Breakfast - Salon 13

8:00 am RSVA Breakfast - Salon 15-16

9:00 am LDS Sacrament Meeting - Salon 20

9:00 am Exhibits open until 5:00 pm

9:00 am ACBL Board Meeting - Salon 19

9:00 am CCLVI program - Salon 1

9:30 am BFLAG Brunch Get-together - lobby

9:45 am NABT Business Meeting - Salon 13

10:00 am Gatorland Tour

10:00 am Interdenominational Church Service - Salon 9

10:00 am BOP Meeting - Salon 11

10:00 am BITS Program - Salon 12

10:00 am RSVA Program - Salon 15-16

10:30 am NABS Board Meeting - Salon 7

10:30 am NABT Board Meeting - Salon 13

12:00 pm GDUI Convention Area Orientation - Salon 10

12:15 pm Sports Fanatics' Luncheon - Signature 2

12:30 pm Gatorland Tour

12:30 pm NABS Scholarship Winners' Luncheon - Salon 13

1:00 pm ACB Credentials Committee - Salon 19

1:00 pm AAVIA Program - Salon 5

1:00 pm RSVA Program - Salon 15-16

1:30 pm YAC Sign-in and Pool Party - Pool

1:30 pm BITS Technology Vendors' Showcase - Salon 4

2:00 pm Keys to the Convention Seminar - Salon 2

2:00 pm Environmental Access Seminar - Salon 12

2:00 pm WCC Breast Health Program - Salon 6

2:00 pm ACBDA Diabetes Seminar - Salon 7

2:15 pm Stress, Anxiety and Depression - Salon 13

2:30 pm GDUI Affiliate Roundup - Salon 9

3:00 pm ACBGE Mixer - Executive Director's Suite

3:30 pm BRL Board Meeting - Salon 11

3:30 pm Newsreelers' Get-together - ACB Suite

4:00 pm BFLAG Welcome Party - BFLAG Suite

4:00 pm CCLVI Mixer - President's Suite

4:00 pm FIA Mixer/Showcase Sign-up - FIA Suite

4:00 pm GDUI Board Meeting - Salon 9

5:00 pm GDUI Convention Area Orientation - Salon 10

5:30 pm FIA Chorus Rehearsal - FIA Suite

6:30 pm ACB Pre-Convention Entertainment - Ballroom

7:00 pm ACB General Session - Ballroom

10:00 pm CCLVI Get Acquainted Dance - Salon 3

10:00 pm RSVA Mixer - RSVA Suite

11:00 pm (after general session) ACB Resolutions Committee - Salon 19






7:00 am BFLAG Breakfast Club - lobby

7:00 am GDUI Breakfast Club - lobby

7:00 am IVIE Breakfast and Meeting - Salon 13

7:00 am AFB Breakfast - Signature 2

7:00 am Southeastern Guide Dogs Breakfast - Salon 15

8:00 am Maxi-Aids Monday at the ACB Café

8:00 am Registration open until 4:00 pm

8:00 am ACB Pre-Convention Entertainment - Ballroom

8:15 am YAC open until 4:30 pm - Salon 20-21

8:30 am ACB General Session - Ballroom

8:30 am YAC Breakfast and Pirate's Cove Miniature Golf

11:00 am Exhibits open until 5:00 pm

12:15 pm Florida Blind Services Tour

12:30 pm Wonder Works Tour

12:30 pm AAVL Luncheon and Program - Salon 13-14

12:30 pm MCAC Luncheon - Salon 15

12:30 pm RSVA Luncheon and meeting - Salon 3

1:00 pm ADP Conference - Salon 12

1:00 pm BFLAG Gay Marriage Seminar - Salon 7

1:15 pm AAVIA Program - Salon 5

1:30 pm Wonder Works Tour

1:30 pm Informed Choice Seminar - Salon 1

1:30 pm BITS program - Salon 2

1:30 pm CCLVI program - Salon 8

1:30 pm FIA MIDI Workshop - FIA Suite

1:30 pm GDUI program - Salon 9

1:30 pm LUA program - Salon 11

1:30 pm NABT Program - Salon 6

3:00 pm BFLAG Building a Coalition - Salon 7

3:00 pm FIA Showcase Audition - FIA Suite

4:00 pm WCC Staying Fit and Fabulous - Salon 17-18

5:00 pm Recreation Zone/WCC Pilates - Salon 17-18

5:00 pm ACB Constitution and Bylaws Committee - Salon 19

5:30 pm Kurzweil User's Group (by invitation) - Salon 13

5:30 pm ACB Nominating Committee - Salon 4

5:30 pm LUA Accessing Downloadable Books - Salon 1-2

6:30 pm RSVA Auction - Signature 2

7:00 pm Gospel Sing - Salon 9

7:00 pm BFLAG Business Meeting - BFLAG Suite

7:30 pm CCLVI Game Night - Salon 3

8:00 pm ACB Resolutions Committee - Salon 19

8:00 pm GDUI/CUSDGS Reception - Ballroom E

8:30 pm Hospitality Bytes with BITS - Executive Director's Suite

9:00 pm FIA Prose and Poetry Reading - Salon 17

9:00 pm RSVA Karaoke - Signature 2

10:30 pm FIA Chorus Rehearsal - FIA Suite






7:00 am BFLAG Morning Get-together - lobby

7:00 am BRL/IRC Breakfast - Salon 13

7:00 am GDUI Breakfast Club - lobby

7:00 am Guide Dogs for the Blind Breakfast - Salon 3

7:30 am Sunrise-ercise - Salon 17-18

8:00 am Registration open until 3:00 pm

8:00 am TracFone Tuesday at the ACB Café

8:00 am ACB Pre-Convention Entertainment - Ballroom

8:15 am YAC open - Salon 20-21

8:30 am ACB General Session - Ballroom

11:00 am Exhibits open until 5:00 pm

12:15 pm AAVIA Luncheon - Salon 13

12:30 pm ACBHSP Luncheon - Salon 16

12:30 pm BITS Luncheon and Program - Salon 3

12:30 pm FIA Luncheon and Meeting - Salon 15

12:30 pm VIVA Luncheon - Salon 14

12:30 pm RSVA Presidents' Meeting - RSVA Suite

1:00 pm Disney World Magic Kingdom Tour

1:00 pm YAC Disney World Magic Kingdom Tour

1:00 pm ACB Silent Auction - Salon Foyer

1:00 pm ADP Conference - Salon 12

1:00 pm BFLAG Gay Literature Seminar - Salon 7

1:30 pm GDUI Caucus - Salon 9

1:30 pm BRL/IRC Program - Salon 17

1:30 pm CCLVI Program - Salon 8

1:30 pm NABS Business Meeting - Salon 18

1:30 pm NABT Planning for Retirement - Salon 6

1:30 pm SASI Meeting - Salon 21

2:30 pm GDUI Business Meeting - Salon 3

3:00 pm BFLAG Transgendered Seminar - Salon 7

3:00 pm BANA Nemeth Braille Focus Group - Salon 1

4:00 pm IVIE Business Expo - Salon 2

4:30 pm Braille Bunco - Salon 11

5:00 pm ACB Legislative Seminar - Salon 8

5:00 pm Recreation Zone, Water Aerobics - Pool

5:00 pm WCC/Recreation Zone, Pilates - Salon 17-18

5:00 pm ACB Constitution and Bylaws Committee - Salon 19

5:00 pm HumanWare Breeze and Stream - Salon 5

5:00 pm SSA Ticket to Work Seminar - Salon 7

5:00 pm BANA Nemeth Braille Focus Group - Salon 1

5:30 pm APH Braille Plus Family - Salon 6

5:30 pm ACB Agency Directors' Reception (by invitation) - President's Suite

5:30 pm Voices Around the World International Reception - Salon 15

6:30 pm ACB Scholarship Winners' Reception - Executive Director's Suite

6:30 pm LUA Book Exchange - Salon 13

8:00 pm ADP Screening of Barack Obama Documentary - Salon 12

8:00 pm ACB Resolutions Committee - Salon 19

8:00 pm FIA Showcase of the Performing Arts - Ballroom

8:00 pm GDUI Casual Stroll - Salon 10

8:00 pm RSVA Casino Night - Salon 1

9:00 pm Get Social with SASI - ACB Suite

9:00 pm BFLAG Discussion Group - BFLAG Suite






7:00 am BFLAG Morning Get-together - lobby

7:00 am GDUI Breakfast Club - lobby

7:00 am NIB Breakfast - Signature 2

8:00 am ACB Café

8:00 am Registration open until 3:00 pm

8:00 am ACB Pre-Convention Entertainment - Ballroom

8:15 am YAC open until 4:30 pm - Salon 20-21

8:30 am ACB General Session - Ballroom

8:45 am YAC Breakfast and Wonder Works

11:00 am Exhibits open until 5:00 pm

12:30 pm ADP Conference and Lunch - Salon 12

12:30 pm GDUI Luncheon - Signature 2

12:30 pm IVIE Luncheon and Program - Salon 13

12:30 pm Sunshine Citrus Sweet Tooth Tour

1:00 pm BANA Nemeth Braille Focus Group - Salon 6

1:30 pm AAVL Program - Salon 5

1:30 pm ACB/NABS Employment Seminar - Salon 1

1:30 pm BRL/LUA program - Salon 4

1:30 pm CCLVI Program - Salon 14

1:30 pm BITS Program - Salon 2

1:30 pm FIA Belly Dance Workshop - Salon 17-18

2:00 pm WCC Women's Circle - Salon 8

2:30 pm GDUI Live Auction - Signature 2

3:00 pm BANA Nemeth Braille Focus Group - Salon 6

3:00 pm BFLAG Titanic Experience

3:00 pm FIA Writing Ethnography Workshop - Salon 7

3:00 pm ACBDA Business Meeting - Salon 15

3:00 pm NELDS Self-advocacy Seminar - Salon 11

4:00 pm AAVL Musical Mixer - President's Suite

5:00 pm BANA Nemeth Braille Focus Group - Salon 6

5:00 pm Insider's Guide to SSA Work Incentives - Salon 4

5:00 pm ACB Constitution and Bylaws Committee - Salon 19

5:00 pm MCAC Midweek Jam - Executive Director's Suite

5:00 pm ACBHSP Networking - ACB Suite

5:00 pm Midwest Caucus - Salon 9

5:00 pm California Caucus - Salon 1

5:00 pm Recreation Zone, Rowing - Salon 17-18

5:00 pm HumanWare Touching the Future - the Power of Braille - Salon 2

5:30 pm FIA Round and Harmony Sing - FIA Suite

6:00 pm ACB Auction Preview - Ballroom D-E

6:00 pm ACBL Local Club Visit - meet at tour exit

6:30 pm BFLAG Board Meeting - BFLAG suite

7:00 pm ACB Auction - Ballroom D-E

8:00 pm ACB Resolutions Committee - Salon 19

8:00 pm GDUI Juno Can Do It Rally - Salon 9

10:00 pm BFLAG Get-together at Pulse Nightclub






7:00 am BFLAG Breakfast Club - Meet in Lobby

7:00 am GDUI Breakfast Club - lobby

7:00 am ACB of New York Breakfast/Caucus - Salon 15

7:00 am Pennsylvania Breakfast Caucus (PCB members only) - Salon 13

7:00 am Washington Breakfast/Caucus (WCB members only) - Salon 16

7:30 am Sunrise-ercise - Salon 17-18

7:30 am FIA Board Meeting - FIA Suite

7:45 am ADP Breakfast and Training - Salon 7

8:00 am Registration open until 3:00 pm

8:00 am ACB Café

8:00 am ACB Pre-Convention Entertainment - Ballroom

8:15 am YAC open until 4:00 pm - Salon 20-21

8:30 am ACB General Session - Ballroom

8:30 am YAC Breakfast and Aquatica Water Park

9:00 am Exhibits open until 1:00 pm

12:30 pm Boggy Creek Airboat Tour

12:30 pm ACBGE Luncheon and Program - Salon 13

12:30 pm ACBL Luncheon and Meeting - Salon 15

12:30 pm Florida Caucus - Salon 1

1:00 pm Star Trek Experience - Salon 3

1:30 pm ACB Job Fair - Salon 2

1:30 pm ACB Radio Amateurs Meeting - Salon 5

1:30 pm BRL Program - Salon 6

1:30 pm GDUI Meeting - Salon 9

1:30 pm ACB Membership Seminar - Salon 4

2:00 pm WCC Organization with a Flair - Salon 8

2:00 pm BFLAG Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum Tour

3:00 pm BOP Virtualizing Your Affiliate Workshop - Salon 1

4:00 pm ACB Presidents' Meeting - Salon 4

5:00 pm DKM Flamingo Fling - President's Suite

5:00 pm Mid-South Caucus - Salon 9

5:00 pm Missouri Caucus - Salon 1

5:00 pm Utah/Four Corners Caucus - Salon 5

5:00 pm Recreation Zone, Water Aerobics - Pool

5:00 pm Recreation Zone, Rowing - Salon 17-18

6:00 pm ACB Resolutions Committee - Salon 19

7:00 pm ACB Candidates' Forum - Ballroom

9:00 pm ACBDA Mixer - Executive Director's Suite

9:00 pm BFLAG Discussion Group - BFLAG Suite

9:00 pm NABS Comedy Night - Signature 2

9:15 pm ACB Resolutions Committee - Salon 19






7:00 am BFLAG Breakfast Club - lobby

7:45 am ADP Breakfast and Training - Salon 17-18

8:00 am ACB Café

8:00 am Registration open until 2:00 pm

8:00 am ACB Pre-Convention Entertainment - Ballroom

8:15 am YAC open until after banquet - Salon 20-21

8:30 am ACB General Session - Ballroom

8:30 am YAC Breakfast, Sea World and Pizza Party

4:00 pm BFLAG Farewell Dinner - lobby

5:30 pm ACB Life Members' Reception - Signature 2

6:30 pm Pre-banquet Entertainment - Ballroom E

7:00 pm ACB Banquet - Ballroom E

9:30 pm CCLVI Farewell Dance - Salon 3

10:00 pm BFLAG Get-together at Parliament House Nightclub - lobby






9:00 am Daytona 500 Experience Tour

9:00 am ADP Training - Salon 17-18

9:30 am BFLAG Morning Get-together - BFLAG Suite

10:00 am ACB Post-convention Board of Directors Meeting - Signature 2

6:00 pm Sleuth's Dinner and Show


In Memoriam


American Council of the Blind




Raymond “Bud” Keith
November 20, 1939-June 14, 2008



Bud has the last word through excerpts in his autobiography: Although I've been totally blind for 57 years, being blind has not been the foremost aspect of my life. Once blindness was accepted as a part of my total reality, my focus was to do what I wanted to do, and take the steps that would most quickly make that happen. Sometimes blindness stopped things going forward, but it sure as hell wasn't the starting point. From my perspective, it's been a very good life. I imagine what the earth must look like from an airplane; I wonder if I could have become a well-known athlete; I wonder if I would have appreciated my life so much without the human interaction that blindness has facilitated. Would I have met and had personal audiences with two different kings of Norway? Would I have had a four-way conversation with the Queen of Norway, the Prime Minister of Iceland and Thor Heyerdahl? Would I had become friends with Bob Wolff and been able to rub elbows with some of the greatest voices in sports broadcasting? Would I have made so many friends or would that lonely and socially inappropriate little boy that was accidentally blinded become a lonely and socially inappropriate sighted adult? I still go to bed at night wondering what the next day will bring.

Raymond “Bud” Keith was born in Washington, DC on November 20, 1939 and was a fourth generation Washingtonian. As a young child, he spent two years in an orphanage due to family hard times. At age ten, he was blinded in a schoolyard accident, and then attended the Maryland School for the Blind. Later, he earned a Doctorate in Special Education from the University of Pittsburgh. Always seeking adventure, Bud joined the Peace Corps in the late '60s, and at his death, was president of the Peace Corps Panama Friends Group. He was the first blind president of Ski For Light International.

In 1983 at the ACB national convention in Phoenix, Arizona, he met Billie Jean, and after a whirlwind courtship (13 yrs.), they married in 1996 - three days before Sadie Hawkins' Day! He died of prostate cancer on June 14, 2008.



Barry Levine



Barry Levine, age 59, of Homer Glen, Illinois, beloved husband of Phyllis, and loving father of Randon, Rachel and Sarah, died very unexpectedly on April 29, 2009.

Library Users of America wishes to honor and celebrate the contributions of Barry Levine -- both to our organization, to the many causes associated with libraries of all kinds and audio description, and to blind people everywhere.

Barry loved all libraries and was a wonderful supporter and advocate for books, reading and literacy. He devoted much of his time and energy to a variety of organizations and causes.

Barry served twice as President of Library Users of America and devoted much of his life to his twin passions -- libraries and audio description. He was a skilled advocate, a compassionate listener and someone who believed fervently that people could resolve differences if they chose to do so. His vitality, enthusiasm and curiosity will be sorely missed by all who knew him.

Barry leaves behind a standard of caring that the rest of us can only hope to emulate.

Thank you to Barry’s family for sharing him with us in our work to help in making the world a better place for people who are blind! Thank you Barry for all you did for so many.

We will miss and always remember you …



Patricia L. Price
August 20, 1928 – February 1, 2009



Library Users of America wishes to honor and celebrate the contributions of Patricia L. Price both to our organization and to blind people around the world. Pat passed away on February 1, 2009 in Indianapolis, Indiana at the age of eighty.

Pat served as a mentor and role model to women, people with low vision, blind people, library users, visually impaired technology users and a whole host of others whose lives were touched just by interacting with her. She made major contributions to the Indiana affiliate of ACB which she helped form, the Council of Citizens with Low Vision International, the American Council of the Blind and the Accessible World internet group, to name but a few of the organizations in which she was active.

We want to recognize her charter membership in Library Users of America, her long years of service as our web master and Treasurer, and her dedication to books and reading. Most of all, we want to remember Pat Price as a wise and giving soul, who found time to help anyone who asked her for it, and she always had constructive advice for anyone prepared to listen.

We know of few people who have given so freely to others for so many years. Thank you Pat! We love you and will miss you!



Catherine (Cathie) Skivers
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of her arrival in California



Cathie became blind at the age of 3 from spinal meningitis. She attended the Missouri School for the Blind where she became a musical star.

She was married at age 16 and had two sons, Gary and Don. She worked at a number of jobs such as switch board operator at the Orientation Center for the Blind (OCB) and proprietor of her own business. She remarried and had three more sons, Darryl, Eric and Grant.

She became active in CCB before the split and she made the motion to change the name from “California Council for the Blind” to “California Council of the Blind.” She was the editor of the Council Bulletin which is now our Blind Californian.

She wrote an article called “The California Story” which was one of the big influences around the country on the movement that started out as the attempt to reform the National Federation of the Blind and ultimately became the split and the creation of the American Council of the Blind.

During the split she was President of the Associated Blind of California which changed its name in 1976 to the American Council of the Blind of California. During the same period, she served on the ACB Board for 11 years including serving as Secretary.

She went to Little Rock for training and worked for the IRS. After the 1985 reunification she became a board member and president of the new California Council of the Blind (CCB).

As president, she was instrumental in placing the CCB on a sound financial footing and bringing all the blindness community together to work for SB 105 which created a separate entity for the blind within the Department of Rehabilitation.

At age 84 she is still a pillar of CCB as the immediate past president and chairs the Governmental Affairs Committee and the Awards and History Committee.


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Share the Vision
Freedom and Independence: The Fidelco Difference



Toby and Amanda moved from Nashville to Seattle. Their Fidelco guide dogs and our professional training staff gave them the confidence they needed to make such a major change. And wherever their lives and careers take them, we’ll always be right by their sides. That’s the Fidelco difference.

Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation
103 Old Iron Ore Road
Bloomfield, CT 06002


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One woman’s kindness has touched the lives of people with vision loss every month for more than a century. Matilda Ziegler’s gift to those who are legally blind is a general-interest publication filled with hours of informative and entertaining reading—free of charge.

The Matilda Ziegler Magazine for the Blind contains a variety of articles taken from America’s leading magazines and newspapers. The Ziegler, as it is known, features great writing from dozens of periodicals, including Time, Smithsonian, History, Oprah, Redbook, People, Men’s Health, Women’s Health, The Saturday Evening Post, The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal. Articles selected from these sources cover health, travel, nature, history, food, science, culture, and more. Each issue of the Ziegler has about 10 articles, a short story and a poem. Of special interest to blind and visually impaired people is news about disability and technology. There is also a popular pen pals column and a section where readers can express opinions and give or seek advice.

The Ziegler Magazine is published in the following formats: contracted braille, four-track, half-speed cassette (playable only on National Library Service talking book player or specially adapted player), email, podcast, and online in braille, audio and text files. There is no large-print edition.

The Matilda Ziegler Magazine for the Blind
80 Eighth Ave. #1304, New York, NY 10011
[email protected]

Gospel Light Foundation for the Blind
3760 Village Main Street
Loganville, GA 30052
(678) 475-7879
Email: [email protected]

We offer the following for free:

* Over 3000 cassette tape and mp3 library

* Bible courses offered in Braille

* Some Christian audio books

"I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life." -- John 8:12



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* We offer the finest quality continuous form Braille Paper designed specifically for use in today's high-speed Braille embossers. All paper is shipped SAME DAY and via FREE MATTER FOR THE BLIND for those entitled


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PO Box 5000, 13471 California Street
Yucaipa, CA 92399

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provides free accessible classic movies.



Give us your feedback regarding any of the movies, and we will send you an audio book of “You Don’t Have To Be Blind To See” as our gift.

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Interior cabin, double occupancy - $694 per person

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This group will be dedicated to blind and visually impaired passengers. Sighted guides will be available.

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GW Micro
The Voice of Vision
GW Micro Leads The Way



Window-Eyes is the easiest-to-use, most powerful screen reader on the market today, providing support for Java applications and 64-bit versions of Windows Vista. Window-Eyes uses open-language scripting to give you control over your applications, additional capabilities, and increased productivity. Other GW Micro products include Braille Sense Plus, Braille Sense Plus QWERTY, Voice Sense, SyncBraille, Portable & Desktop SenseView, and BookSense. For information, call 260-489-3671 or go to



Mobile applications for those who have low vision or are blind



AT&T now offers the latest in screen reader and screen magnifier software from Code Factory. This software works to enhance the functionality of some of our most popular wireless devices for those who have low vision or are blind. The screen reader and screen magnifier software is available for both Symbian and Windows Mobile Smartphone devices. Mobile Speak $89.00 Mobile Magnifier $89.00 For more information about Mobile Speak and Mobile Magnifier software, or to obtain your 30-day software trial call: The National Center for Customers with Disabilities (NCCD)
• Voice calls: 1-866-241-6568
• TTY calls: 1-866-241-6567
The NCCD is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. ET, and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET.


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Page last modified 6/20/2009