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2008 Conference and Convention Program

Mitch Pomerantz, President
Special-Interest Affiliate Meetings
Louisville, Kentucky
JULY 4 - 12, 2008
Hosted by the
Adam Ruschival, President


Dear Conventioneers:

I want to welcome everyone to the 47th Annual Convention of the American Council of the Blind here in Louisville, Kentucky. This year's convention is taking place at the Galt House, a hotel I have visited on at least two previous occasions. It is one of my all-time favorite places for a convention due to the space and comfort of the facility, and especially the beautifully appointed rooms and suites.

The theme of the 2008 convention is "ACB In The Winner's Circle." This is a fitting theme for this year's convention because we are in the city which hosts the legendary Kentucky Derby and because ACB can proudly claim some hard-won victories and achievements in recent months. You will hear much more about our successes during what should be our busiest and most information-packed convention ever.

Every ACB convention relies on dozens of volunteers who work to make this event possible. I want to personally thank the members of the Convention committee, Convention Program Committee, and the Host Committee for their efforts. I know my fellow ACB Board Members also wish to express their appreciation to everyone who assisted in putting together this convention. Likewise, let me acknowledge the work of our outstanding Washington, DC and Minneapolis staffs. You are all fantastic!

Finally, a very special welcome to those of you attending the ACB convention for the first time. This will be my first convention as the President of the American Council of the Blind and I want to make this an especially memorable and fun experience for you. We want you back in 2009! From Donna and me, have a great convention.


Best Wishes,
Mitch Pomerantz, ACB President



From the President 
Abbreviations in This Program 
Convention Calendar 
Medical Care/Local Resources 
Convention News 
Info for Guide Dog Users 
Hotel Mini-Guide 
Registration Q&A 
Communication Center Services 
ACB Convention Cafe 
ACB Fundraisers 
Affiliate Caucuses 
Religious Activities 
Convention Standing Rules 
ACB Board and Committee Meetings 
ACB Committee Programs and Activities 
DKM First-Timers' Reception 
Employment Issues Seminar 
Environmental Access Seminar 
Information Access Seminar 
International Relations Committee 
Membership Seminar 
Multicultural Concerns Activities 
Rehabilitation Issues Task Force 
Sight and Sound Impaired (SASI) Meetings and Events 
Scholarship Activities 
ACB Transportation Seminar 
Women's Concerns Events 
Recreation Zone 
Other ACB Seminars and Events 
Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss 
American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys 
American Council of Blind Diabetics in Action 
American Council of Blind Government Employees 
American Council of Blind Human Service Professionals 
American Council of Blind Lions 
American Council of the Blind Radio Amateurs 
Blind Friends of Lesbians and Gays 
Blind Information Technology Specialists 
Braille Revival League 
Council of Citizens with Low Vision International 
Council of Families with Visual Impairments 
Friends-in-Art of ACB 
Guide Dog Users, Inc. 
Independent Visually Impaired Enterprisers 
Library Users of America 
National Alliance of Blind Students 
National Association of Blind Teachers 
Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America 
Visually Impaired Veterans of America 
More Workshops and Receptions 
Technology Training and Focus Groups 
Guide Dog Events 
Kids and Families 
Youth Activity Center 
2008 Convention Tours 
More Convention Entertainment 
2008 Exhibits 
Major Convention Sponsors 
Kentucky GEMS 
In-kind Convention Support 
ACB Board of Officer/Directors 
ACB Board of Publications 
ACB Enterprises and Services Board of Directors 
ACB National Office Staff 
ACB Enterprises and Services Staff 
2008 Convention Coordinating Committee 
2008 Convention Program Committee 
2008 Local Host Committee 
In Memoriam (TEXT Format) 
In Memoriam (PDF Format) - pictures included. 
Convention Advertisers (TEXT Format) 
Convention Advertisers (PDF Format) - pictures included.


ACB - American Council of the Blind

ACBES - American Council of the Blind Enterprises and Services

AAVL - Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss

AAVIA - American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys

ACBDA - ACB Diabetics in Action

ACBGE - ACB Government Employees

ACBHSP - ACB Human Service Professionals

ACBL - ACB Lions

ACBRA - ACB Radio Amateurs

AFB - American Foundation for the Blind

APH - American Printing House for the Blind

BFLAG - Blind Friends of Lesbians and Gays

BITS - Blind Information Technology Specialists

BOP - Board of Publications

BRL - Braille Revival League

CCLVI - Council of Citizens with Low Vision International

CFVI - Council of Families with Visual Impairments

DKM First-timer - Durward K. McDaniel First-timer

FIA - Friends-in-Art of ACB

GDUI - Guide Dog Users, Inc.

IVIE - Independent Visually Impaired Enterprisers

LUA - Library Users of America

MMS - Monthly Monetary Support Program

NABS - National Alliance of Blind Students

NABT - National Association of Blind Teachers

NELDS - National Education & Legal Defense Service

NIB - National Industries for the Blind

NLS - National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped

RSVA - Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America

SASI - Sight and Sound Impaired Committee

VIVA - Visually Impaired Veterans of America

WCC - Women's Concerns Committee

YAC - Youth Activity Center



For medical emergencies, dial 0 on a hotel phone or 911 on any other phone. Stay calm and speak distinctly. Give your name, exact location and a description of the emergency.


Kosair Children's Hospital: 231 E. Chestnut St.; 502-629-6000 University of Louisville Hospital: 530 S. Jackson St.; 502-562-3000


Kroger (grocery; pharmacy inside store): 924 S. 2nd; 502-589-1025

CVS Pharmacy: 432 S. 4th, 211 (second floor, 4th Street Live); 502-589-1846


EMAIL LIST: The ACB convention email list keeps you up-to-date on all the news. Whether you are at convention or not, you can receive the newspaper and all the other information. To subscribe, go to the ACB website at, or send a blank message to [email protected].

CONVENTION EAR: Convention updates are just a phone call away. Available from your hotel room phone or cell phone 24 hours a day from Friday, July 4 through Saturday, July 12. Listen to the newspaper, proposed Constitution and Bylaws amendments, restaurant lists and other hand-outs from the Information Desk.

FILE DOWNLOAD SERVICE: Would you like your newspaper, exhibit list, amendments and other hand-outs in electronic format for your laptop or notetaker? Stop by the ACB Thompson West Information Desk each morning before noon; a volunteer will download all the latest files onto your thumb drive, SD card or Compactflash card.


Guide dog relief areas are located at both hotel towers. ACB volunteers and hotel staff will be happy to assist you to locate the areas.

The GDUI Convention Area Orientation (Sun., July 6 at noon and 5:00 pm) will help you learn the best routes in and around the hotel. Meet in the Laffoon Room.

For veterinary care, contact:

Gailor Animal Hospital: 7422 Old Third Street Rd.; 502-367-6400; open 9:00 to 6:00 Monday through Friday, 9:00 to noon on Saturday; staff vet always on call; minimum $25.00 taxi fare from Galt House.


The Galt House is actually two hotels joined on the third floor by a pedway. The pedway contains a deli, bar, relaxing seating, and a grand piano just waiting for you to play. All guests check in at the Suite Tower lobby.

Public meeting rooms are located in both towers of the hotel and in an office building that adjoins the Suite Tower. Here is a quick guide to the meeting rooms:

Rivue Tower, 2nd floor: Daisy and Sunflower on the right of the hall as you exit to the guide dog relief area.

Rivue Tower, 3rd Floor: One hall of rooms with Dogwood, Holly and Willow on the left, and Poplar, Maple and Walnut on the right; the Archibald/Cochran Ballroom are also on this floor.

Suite Tower, 1st Floor: Wilkinson, Sampson and Laffoon; stairs up across from these rooms to ACB registration, Convention Cafe etc.

Suite Tower, 2nd Floor: From the elevator, meeting rooms are Collins, Brown, Carroll/Ford, Nunn, Breathitt, and Combs/Chandler. Stairs down between Collins and Brown. Registration, information and volunteer desks after Combs/Chandler; turn left to the Grand Ballroom (general session), exhibits and the Cafe.

Office tower: Near office tower elevators - Bradley, Fields, Morrow, Stanley, Willson, Taylor, McCreary, Beckham, Jones; closer to exhibit hall escalators - French, Segell, Stopher and Coe.


Convention registration is located on the second floor of the Suite Tower. Registration hours are:

Thursday, July 3 (pre-reg. pick-up only): 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Friday - Sunday, July 4 – 6: 8:00 am - 7:00 pm

Monday, July 7: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Tuesday - Thursday, July 8 - 10: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Friday, July 11: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm

When you register, you receive your convention ID badge, program, and goody bag filled with information and surprises. You can purchase tickets, and you are eligible for some great door prizes. Wear your badge at all times; it admits you to the exhibit area, lets you vote (if you are an ACB member), and helps hotel personnel and volunteers to provide better service.

If you are pre-registered, your packet will be waiting at the Registration Desk. You may not pick up a packet for someone else. If you have any questions or concerns about your registration or need to purchase additional tickets, go to the Registration Desk.

A one-day pass is available at registration for $5.00; $10.00 with program. This pass is color-coded by day, and is good for only the day on which it is purchased. With this pass you may attend exhibits and other programs and purchase tickets for that day only. If you wish to attend additional days at the convention, you must pay the full administrative fee.

No administrative fee will be charged for a voter certification badge.

REFUNDS - ACB will make NO refunds for convention administrative and registration fees, sponsorship donations, or tickets that you just don't want. Refunds are not made for events that you miss for any reason other than extreme illness (see below), or for events that you simply do not enjoy.

Refunds will be issued ONLY for meals, events, and tours provided that:

1. An individual has pre-registered; AND requests the refund in writing to the American Council of the Blind, 120 South 6th Street, Suite 1005, Minneapolis, MN 55402-1839, or calls (612) 332-3242, ON OR BEFORE June 27, 2008; AND

2. Individual DOES NOT ATTEND any part of the convention. In case of illness during the convention which requires you to return home or to be hospitalized, refunds will be issued only for the meals, events, and tours which take place AFTER your absence begins. (If the guarantee has already been given for a meal function or a tour, no refund for that function will be given.)

LOST TICKETS - ACB will NOT replace tickets that are lost during the convention. All ticket packets are checked before they are distributed at the convention, and tickets that are lost or misplaced must be purchased again.

SELLING UNWANTED TICKETS - If you would like to sell a ticket, you may leave it at the Registration Desk along with your name and room number. Tickets are resold on a first-come, first-serve basis, and ONLY if the event or tour is currently closed or no unsold tickets remain. In general, meal functions and social events at the hotel DO NOT sell out; you may wish to explore other methods of selling these tickets.

EVENTS SOLD OUT: If you are trying to purchase a ticket for an event or tour that is sold out, check daily in person at the Registration Desk for tickets returned for resale. If a tour or event was sold out before your pre-registration form was processed, a refund will be included with your pre-registration packet. ACB is not responsible for notifying you if you have paid for a ticket through pre-registration for an event or tour that is already sold out. Your name will be put on a waiting list in the event of cancellations, or in case additional tickets become available.


The Communication Center is in the Willow Room in the Rivue Tower, and is open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Fri., July 4 through Wed., July 9. This is where you can place ads in the paper, make braille or print copies, or volunteer to help produce the paper.

CONVENTION NEWSPAPER - This year's newspaper is the "Louisville Post Dispatch". It is published each day, Sat. through Thu., in braille and large print; pick up a copy at the ACB Thompson West Information Desk. The paper is also available on the acbconvention email list, on the Convention Ear, and via download at the Information Desk before noon each day.

The National Alliance of Blind Students (NABS) will deliver the newspaper to your hotel room door. For $6.00 (pre-registration) or $10.00 (registration), your paper will be waiting for you each morning when you wake up. After you sign up for delivery of the paper at registration, drop by the Information Desk to give us your room number and specify your preference of braille or large print.

Hang onto the Saturday issue of the paper; it will include important suite numbers, phone numbers, and last-minute program changes.

ADS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS - Ads and other items for publication must be in the Communication Center by 2:00 pm each day. The BOP allows ads to run for only three days in order to give important convention announcements more space. Ads must not exceed 100 words. BOP editorial policy prohibits the production or distribution of campaign materials by the Communication Center.

Cost of advertising in the newspaper is: individual convention attendees - $5/day; ACB affiliates - $10/day; exhibitors - $35/day, or $100/3 days; all others - $45/day, or $125/3 days.

BRAILLING AND PHOTOCOPYING - Photocopying and brailling are available at the Communication Center for 10 cents/page. If your committee or affiliate needs something in braille or large print, bring files early in the day so we can fit your job in between other tasks. We will print a test to let you know the number of pages per copy. Be sure to label your computer card or disk, and tell us how many of each format you need and by what time. Please make payment at Registration.

The Saturday, Monday and Wednesday editions of the newspaper are sponsored by MaxiAids; Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday are sponsored by Guide Dogs for the Blind. Thanks again to Enabling Technologies for donating the use of the braille printers, and to Star Continuous Cards for their generous donation of braille paper.

Please remember that the Communication Center is a working room. While the convention is a great place to see old friends and new, loud conversations make it difficult to hear the speech synthesizers on the computers. Help us help you get the information you need.


Stop by the ACB Convention Cafe near registration on the second floor of the Suite Tower to grab a quick cup of coffee, pastry, sandwich, salad or snack as you rush from one meeting to another or as you head out on a tour. Meet at the Cafe to visit with friends or just rest a while between activities.

Cafe hours are 8:00 am to 7:00 pm Friday, July 4 through Thursday, July 10; 8:00 am to 3:00 pm on Friday, July 11; and 8:00 am to noon on Saturday, July 12.

Watch the newspaper for Cafe menus and specials; check your registration bag for Cafe discount coupons sponsored by MaxiAids and Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation.


Show your support for ACB in one or more of these ways:

CONVENTION SPONSORSHIPS: Stop by registration and become an ACB Convention Sponsor. Bronze ($25), silver ($50), gold ($100), and platinum ($500) sponsors receive special ribbons to wear on their convention badges, are entered into special prize drawings, and are recognized both in general session and in the newspaper.

ACB AUCTION: Get ready to bid and buy! Vacations, a BrailleNote from HumanWare, homemade fudge and much much more! Auction preview, Wed. at 6:00 pm, with the auction to follow at 7:00 in the Archibald Ballroom.

It's not too late to donate items to the auction. Contact Brenda Dillon for more information.

ACB RAFFLE: Win $5,000 in cold hard cash! Limited tickets available; $50 each. Buy one for yourself or your affiliate, or find up to four friends and split the cost five ways. Contact David Trott, Resource Development Committee Chair, for more details.

MMS PROGRAM: Help support ACB all year round; it's easy and quick. Find out more about the Monthly Monetary Support Program; ask questions and complete paperwork at registration, or contact Dr. Ron Milliman, MMS Committee Chair, for more information.


Make reservations for affiliate caucus rooms at the ACB Thompson West Information Desk. Caucus rooms are available on a first-come first-serve basis on Wednesday and Thursday from noon to 1:15 pm and after 4:30 pm.

The following caucuses are scheduled at this time. Refer to the newspaper for announcements of additional caucuses, and be sure to listen for announcements each morning in general session.


7:00 am ACB of New York Breakfast (purchase ticket at registration) - Brown

3:30 pm GDUI Caucus - Sampson


5:00 pm California Caucus - Wilkinson

5:00 pm Midwest Caucus - Sampson


7:00 am Pennsylvania Council of the Blind Breakfast (members only) - Morrow

7:00 am Washington Council of the Blind Breakfast (members only) - Stanley

12:30 pm Florida Caucus - Beckham

5:00 pm Missouri Council of the Blind Caucus - Breathitt

5:00 pm Mid-south Caucus - Combs/Chandler


SATURDAY, JULY 5 - Collins, Sampson

7:00 pm Jewish Sabbath Havdalah Service - Collins Rabbi Joe Rooks Rapport, Louisville, KY

7:00 pm Roman Catholic Mass - Sampson Father Albert L. Wilson, Archdiocese of Louisville

SUNDAY, JULY 6 - Collins, Sampson

9:00 am LDS Sacrament Meeting - Collins

10:00 am Interdenominational Church Service - Sampson Harold Adams, Ordained Southern Baptist Minister

MONDAY, JULY 7 - Sampson

7:00 pm Gospel Sing - Sampson

Adopted by the
ACB Board of Directors
June, 2008

1. Each debatable issue before the convention shall be limited to approximately twenty (20) minutes with a three minute time limit per speaker, alternating between affirmative and opposing speakers, unless a majority of the members agree to extend debate for an additional period of time.

A. Motions to close debate will not be recognized by the chair during the first debate period. After the first debate period, properly moved motions such as I call for the question" or "I move the previous question" will be handled by the chair and voted on by the assembly.

B. The chair may close debate when no one seeks the floor.

C. Each member is respectfully urged to speak directly to the issue before the assembly and avoid unnecessary and time consuming dialogue.

D. No member will be recognized a second time to debate until all who wish to debate have been recognized.

E. The parliamentarian will act as timekeeper.

2. Recognition to speak will be given to those members who properly address the chair using the microphones and giving their names and affiliation. Motions that may interrupt a speaker may be called from your seat, responded to by the chair, and explained by the mover at a microphone if requested by the chair. Examples: Point of Order, Point of Information, Parliamentary Inquiry, Question of Privilege, Call for Orders of the Day, etc.

3. Registration badges are required to be worn at all convention meetings and only those members with the appropriate colored dot may vote during business meetings.

4. Changes to the published convention program may be proposed to the membership as deemed necessary by the presiding officer or his/her appointee. The presiding officer will explain the reason for such change and inform the assembly of their right to question the recommended modification. After this explanation, if twenty-five (25) or more members object to the proposed change by coming to the microphone and stating their name as placed in objection, the change requires debate and a majority vote to modify the convention program.

5. Nominating and seconding speeches shall be limited to five minutes per candidate with the speaking time allocated according to the candidate's wishes. A person nominated for an office more than once shall be limited to one minute.

6. When no candidate for office receives a majority vote, the election shall be among the top two candidates. Affiliate votes will be reported in whole or half numbers.

7. Any person meeting the requirements of a "voting member" as defined in ACB's Constitution, ARTICLE III-A-1, and complying with all other applicable membership requirements, becomes an ACB member and is entitled to register, receive a registration badge with the appropriate colored voting dot, and vote at ACB's annual convention provided:

A. Their name is on the March 15th membership information or has been added to that membership information, or

B. Their voting membership status is verified by a member of the Board of Directors or an officer of an affiliate organization, or

C. They establish voting membership status during the annual convention.


SUNDAY, JULY 6 - Grand Ballroom

6:30 pm Pre-convention Entertainment: Barbara Henning and Adelle LeJeune; Louisville, KY

7:00 pm Call to Order: Mitch Pomerantz, President, American Council of the Blind, Pasadena, CA

Invocation: Father William Medley, Pastor, St. Bernadette Roman Catholic Church, Louisville, KY

Presentation of Colors

Pledge of Allegiance: Oral Miller, Member, ACB Board of Directors and Kentucky native son, Washington, DC

"The Star-Spangled Banner" and "My Old Kentucky Home": Bradley Mann, Louisville, KY

Welcome to Louisville: Mayor Jerry Abramson (invited)

Welcome: Darrell Buford, Chair, Kentucky Local Host Committee

7:15 pm Monica's Story: Monica Hardin, Miss Kentucky 2001, and daughter of a graduate of the Kentucky School for the Blind, Louisville, KY

7:45 pm ACB President's Report: Mitch Pomerantz

8:15 pm ACB First-Timers, Carol Ann Ewing-Ragsdale, Chair, Durward K. Mc'Daniel Committee, Reno, NV

8:25 pm Life Membership Presentations: Mitch Pomerantz and Anna Olsen, Richfield, MN

8:45 pm Adoption of Convention Standing Rules

9:05 pm First Credentials Committee Report: Jerry Annunzio, Chair, Credentials Committee, Kansas City, MO

9:20 pm Roll Call of Affiliates: Marlaina Lieberg, ACB Secretary, Burien, WA

MONDAY, JULY 7 - Grand Ballroom

8:00 am Entertainment: TBA

8:30 am Pledge of Allegiance: Visually Impaired Veterans of America; John Fleming, VIVA Vice President, Portland, OR

Invocation: Dale Phillips, Minister/Professional Counselor, Westport Road Church of Christ, Louisville, KY

Welcome: Adam Ruschival, President, Kentucky Council of the Blind, Louisville, KY

8:35 am ACB Business

Final Credentials Report: Jerry Annunzio

American Center on Blindness and Visual Impairment Report: Christopher Gray, Chair, American Center Board of Directors, San Francisco, CA

Constitution and Bylaws: Otis Stephens, Chair, Knoxville, TN

Resolutions: Judy Jackson, Chair, Lubbock, TX

Presiding Officer: Kim Charlson, ACB First Vice President, Watertown, MA

9:00 am Presentation of Affiliate Growth and James R. Olsen Distinguished Service Awards: Nola McKinney, Chair, Awards Committee, Bonnerdale, AR

Presentation of Ned E. Freeman and Hollis Liggett Awards: Paul Edwards, Chair, Board of Publications, Miami, FL

9:30 am Louisville - Ali, Bats, Chicken and More: Steve Wiser, author, architect, 3-time President of the Louisville Historical League, Louisville, KY

9:50 am Our Organizational Colleagues to the North: John Rae, First Vice President, Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians, Toronto, Canada

10:15 am Break

10:30 am An American Living and Working in India: Jean Parker, Independent Radio Journalist, Pune, India

11:00 am Update on Structured Negotiations: Lainey Feingold, Attorney At Law, Berkelley, CA

11:30 am An IRS Employment Initiative and Useful Tax Rebate Information: Richard Keeling, Senior Tax Analyst, IRS Office of Stakeholder Partnerships, Education and Communication, Atlanta, GA; and Lee Giurlanda, Chief Accessibility Coordinator, IRS, Richmond, VA

11:45 am ACB Recreation Zone, Oral Miller, Washington, DC

11:55 am Announcements

TUESDAY, JULY 8 - Grand Ballroom

8:00 am Entertainment: Kathy and Tom Arnold, Louisville, KY

8:30 AM Pledge of Allegiance: Youth Activity Center; Patti Cox, YAC Coordinator, Louisville, KY

Invocation: Andrew Thomas, Ordained Minister, Consolidated Baptist Church, Lexington, KY; and member, Bluegrass Council of the Blind

8:35 AM ACB Business

Nominating Committee Report: MJ Schmitt, Chair, Nominating Committee, Rochester, NY

Constitution and Bylaws; Resolutions

Presiding Officer: Brenda Dillon, ACB Second Vice President, Hermitage, TN

9:00 am One Giant Step Toward Accessible Currency - ACB's Victory in Appellate Court: Jeffrey A. Lovitky, Attorney At Law, Washington, DC

9:15 am 2008 American Council of the Blind Scholarship Presentations: Patty Slaby, Chair, ACB Scholarship Committee, Prior Lake, MN

10:30 am Break

10:45 am What's New at John Glass, Customer Support Manager,, Saratoga, CA

11:05 am The Availability of Accessible Recreation Equipment: Darren Burton, National Program Associate, Technology, American Foundation for the Blind, Huntington, WV

11:35 am Hon. Ben Chandler, US House of Representatives, 6th District, Lexington, KY

11:55 am Announcements

WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 - Grand Ballroom

8:00 am Entertainment: Sandra Williams, Louisville, KY

8:30 am Pledge of Allegiance: Paul Edwards, Chair, Board of Publications, Miami, FL

Invocation: Donnie Parrett, Minister, House of Prayer Church, Annville, KY

Welcome: Morry LaTour, President, Bluegrass Council of the Blind, Lexington, KY

8:35 am ACB Business

Constitution and Bylaws; Resolutions

Presiding Officer: Marlaina Lieberg, ACB Secretary, Burien, WA

9:00 am The New NAPVI/AFB Family Website: Susan Laventure, Executive Director, National Association of Parents of Children with Visual Impairments, Watertown, MA

9:15 am Observations on the Status of the Americans with Disabilities Act: Chris Kucyznski, Assistant Legal Counsel, ADA Policy Division, US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Washington DC

9:45 am Building the Dream - Collection Development at Your National Library: Frank Kurt Cylke, Director, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress, Washington, DC; and Dr. Edmund O'Reilly, Collection Development Section Head, Materials Development division, Library of congress, Washington, DC

10:30 am Break

10:45 am An Encore Performance: Mitzi Friedlander, Talking Book Narrator, American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, KY

11:15 am The Digital TV Converter Box Program: Kathie Klass, Ombudsman, Television Converter Coupon Program, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, US Department of Commerce, Washington, DC

11:35 am - What's It All About: Mike Calvo, CEO, Serotek Corporation, Orlando, FL

11:55 am Announcements

THURSDAY, JULY 10 - Grand Ballroom

8:00 AM Entertainment: Bradley Mann, Louisville, KY

8:30 am Pledge of Allegiance: Mary Montgomery, DKM First-timer, AK

Invocation: Adrian Twinney, Minister, Salvation Army; member, Louisville Downtown Lions Club

8:35 am ACB Business

Voting Taskforce Report, Jeff Thom, Chair, Voting Taskforce, Sacramento, CA

Constitution and Bylaws; Resolutions

Presiding Officer: Mike Godino, ACB Treasurer, Malverne, NY

9:15 am Distance Learning/Online Training: Panel - Brian Charlson, Vice President, Computer Training Services, The Carroll Center, Watertown, MA; Charles E. Young, President, Hadley School for the Blind, Winnetka, IL; Dr. William Penrod, Director, University of Louisville Teacher Preparation Program for Visual Impairments and Orientation and Mobility, Louisville, KY

10:00 am Stem Cell Research and How It Is Used to Cure Eye Diseases: Dr. Douglas C. Dean, Professor of Ocular Molecular Oncology, Robert and Gretchen Rounsavall Foundation, Louisville, KY

10:30 am Break

10:45 am Executive Director's Report: Melanie Brunson, ACB Executive Director, Washington, DC

11:15 am Treasurer's Report: Mike Godino

11:30 am National Convention Report: Carla Ruschival, Chair, National Convention Committee, Louisville, KY

11:55 am Announcements

FRIDAY, JULY 11 - Grand Ballroom

8:00 am Entertainment: Deanna Scoggins, Louisville, KY

8:30 am Pledge of Allegiance: Eric Frey, Member, Kentucky Host Committee, Louisville, KY

Invocation: Howard Cook, Walnut Street Baptist Church; Lions District 43-N Governor, Louisville, KY

Presiding Officer: Mitch Pomerantz, ACB President, Pasadena, CA

8:35 am ACB Enterprises and Services Report: Michael Garrett, Chair, ACBES Board of Directors, Missouri City, TX

9:00 am Elections

10:15 am Break

10:30 am Elections; Resolutions

12:00 pm Lunch

1:15 pm ACB Business

2:45 pm Break

3:00 pm ACB Business

5:00 pm Adjourn

FRIDAY, JULY 11 - Archibald Ballroom

6:30 pm: Pre-banquet Entertainment


Master of Ceremonies: Michael Byington, Topeka, KS

Invocation: Deanna Scoggins, Louisville, KY

ALH and the History of the Blind: Dr. Tuck Tinsley III, President, American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, KY

Presentation of Robert Bray, Durward K. McDaniel and George Card Awards: Nola McKinney, Chair, ACB Awards Committee, Bonnerdale, AR


Many ACB boards and committees meet during convention week. Check the information below and the Calendar of Events for meeting dates and times.

FRIDAY, JULY 4 - Wilkinson

7:30 pm ACB Convention Committee

SATURDAY, JULY 5 - Wilkinson, Walnut

9:00 am ACB Board of Directors Pre-convention Board Meeting - Wilkinson

2:00 pm Constitution and Bylaws Committee - Walnut

9:00 pm Resolutions Committee - Walnut

SUNDAY, JULY 6 - Holly, Walnut

10:00 am Board of Publications - Holly

1:00 pm Credentials Committee - Walnut

11:00 pm (after general session) Resolutions Committee - Walnut

MONDAY, JULY 7 - Walnut, Nunn

5:00 pm Constitution and Bylaws Committee - Walnut

5:30 pm ACB Nominating Committee - Nunn

8:00 pm Resolutions Committee - Walnut

TUESDAY, JULY 8 - Walnut

5:00 pm Constitution and Bylaws Committee - Walnut

8:00 pm Resolutions Committee - Walnut


5:00 pm Constitution and Bylaws Committee - Walnut

8:00 pm Resolutions Committee - Walnut

THURSDAY, JULY 10 - Walnut

6:00 pm Resolutions Committee - Walnut

9:15 pm Resolutions Committee - Walnut

SATURDAY, JULY 12 - Breathitt

10:00 am Board of Directors Post-convention Meeting - Breathitt


Paul Edwards, Chair

WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 - Wilkinson

3:30 pm BOP Editor's Workshop How ACB Radio can publicize the work of your affiliate

Chair: Carol Ann Ewing-Ragsdale

THURSDAY, JULY 10 - President's Suite

5:00 pm - DKM Julep Jamboree - $10, $12 Meet the DKM First-timers, raise money to bring new folks to the 2009 convention in Orlando, and leave with a souvenir Derby mint julep glass.

Chair: Peter Altschul
ACB Employment Seminar - $5, $5
Sponsored by Motorola

WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 - Combs/Chandler

1:30 pm Make Your Dream Job a Reality An interactive program designed to help individuals determine which career would be best for them and what strategies they may use to find and succeed in their dream job; Leah Irish, M.A., Kent, OH; MJ Schmitt, Rochester, NY; co-sponsored with NABS

2:30 pm Break

2:45 pm Working From Home Learn about the growing opportunities in telecommuting as our panelists discuss the joys and challenges of working from home. Peter Altschul, Organization Development Specialist, Columbia, MO, facilitator; Tom Johnston, CEO, SearchPath International, Cleveland, OH; Jim Mullaney, President, Edoc Marketing, Cincinnati, OH; Mike Mandel, Professional Musician, New York, NY; Ardis Bazyn, President, Bazyn Communications, Burbank, CA; David Wilkinson, Western Region Blindness Products Specialist, HumanWare, Little Rock, AR; and Myrna Votta, Technical Support Specialist, HumanWare, Brooklyn, NY; co-sponsored by NABS and IVIE

Chair: Patricia Beattie

SUNDAY, JULY 6 - Combs/Chandler

2:00 pm Environmental Access Seminar Go outside for a quiet car demonstration; return for a discussion of issues related to audible pedestrian signals, increased use of quiet cars etc.

MONDAY, JULY 7 - Suite Tower Lobby

4:30 pm Quiet Car Demo Be prepared to walk outside to hear the car idling, backing up, and moving through traffic.

TUESDAY, JULY 8 - Suite Tower Lobby

4:30 pm Quiet Car Demo A repeat of Monday's demo.

Chair: Marlaina Lieberg
Sponsored by Goldstein, Demchak, Baller, Borgen and Dardarian/Lainey Feingold

SATURDAY, JULY 5 - Combs/Chandler

2:00 pm Information Access 411 - $5, $5 Analog to digital TV, accessible MP3 players and cell phones - your questions answered about the technology you use every day

Chair: Sandra Sermons

TUESDAY, JULY 8 - Morrow

6:00 pm Voices Around the World Reception - $10, $12

ACB welcomes its international guests. If you are visiting from outside the US, contact Oral Miller at the hotel for more information.

Chair: Ardis Bazyn

SATURDAY, JULY 5 - Combs/Chandler

5:00 pm Keys to the Convention Seminar Unlock your week of information and fun; includes convention overview, tips, and Q&A

SUNDAY, JULY 6 - Breathitt

2:00 pm Keys to the Convention Seminar - Breathitt See Saturday's "Keys"


2:00 pm ACB Membership Seminar Growing & Strengthening ACB Today for Tomorrow - how fundraising can be used as a membership tool and what makes special interest affiliates successful for membership recruitment. News about the affiliate growth award, ACB's new brochure, and Spanish documents now available.

Chair: Peggy Garrett

MONDAY, JULY 7 - Brown

12:30 pm Multicultural Leadership Luncheon Diversity & Leadership: - Accepting the Challenge and Creating Opportunities: Ira Grupper, pioneer in employment discrimination under Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Louisville, KY. Followed by a panel of individuals who will share how they have achieved success in spite of their disabilities.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 - President's Suite

9:00 pm Multicultural Mid-Week Jam - - $15, $15

Chair: Naomi Soule


1:30 pm Rehab the ACB Way - $5, $5 Understand the origins of the current rehab system and learn how to get what you need from the rehab process. Find out how affiliates can be effective on state rehabilitation councils and advisory groups.

Co-Chairs: Randy Pope and Lori Scharf
Program Chair: Karyn Campbell

MONDAY, JULY 7 - Beckham

1:30 pm Deaf-blind Communicator: Something new in Communications A brief history of the project and description of the DBC; your questions answered. Hands-on opportunities after the presentation. Jim Halliday, Vice President for Advocacy, Humanware, Concord, CA

TUESDAY, JULY 8 - President's Suite

9:00 PM Get Social with SASI

Chair: Patty Slaby


6:30 pm ACB Scholarship Dinner (invitation only) Sponsored by the Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America

SUNDAY, JULY 6 - Morrow

12:30 am NABS Hosted Scholarship Winners' Luncheon - $26, $30 An official function of the National Alliance of Blind Students (NABS); all scholarship winners invited. Sponsored by the Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America

TUESDAY, JULY 8 - Grand Ballroom, Executive Director's Suite

9:15 am Presentation of ACB 2008 Scholarships Celebrate the accomplishments of this year's scholarship recipients in the morning general session; truly an impressive part of the ACB convention.

6:30 pm ACB Scholarship Winners Reception - Executive Director's Suite Each affiliate is invited to send two representatives to meet the scholarship winners.

Chair: Ron Brooks

TUESDAY, JULY 8 - Stopher

1:30 PM ACB Transportation Seminar Topics include basic transportation terminology, an overview of how transportation projects are funded, how and where to get involved in the planning process, and tips for being effective transportation advocates. Each affiliate should send a representative so we can form a network of advocates.

Chair: Bernice Kandarian

SUNDAY, JULY 6 - Collins

1:00 pm Health Fair Open to everyone. Check your blood pressure, blood glucose and cholesterol; ask general health-related questions. Hosts are Bernice Kandarian and Lori Scharf.

MONDAY, JULY 7 - McCreary

3:00 pm Skin Care the Mary Kay Way – Dr. Horlander, a partner with Total Woman of Louisville Learn how to care for your skin so that it will be smooth to the touch, clean and healthy. Session emphasizes skin care, but your make-up questions can be answered also. Palma Milliman, Mary Kay Consultant, Bowling Green, KY; hosted by Darian Slayton-Fleming

TUESDAY, JULY 8 - McCreary

2:00 pm What Is a Gynecological Exam? Do you tense up at even the thought of a GYN exam? Here's an opportunity to touch and hold the instruments used in a standard GYN exam. Your questions will be welcome as well.


2:00 pm Tea and Talk Share your thoughts and experiences about being a woman who is blind. Followed by a small tea, by request. Facilitators: Marlaina Lieberg, Lori Scharff and Donna Pomerantz.

THURSDAY, JULY 10 - McCreary

2:00 pm Spirit, Sanctuary and Spa Relax, rejuvenate and refresh. Tips and techniques to achieve balance and serenity in your busy life. Presenter: Janine Bertram Kemp; Host: Susan Mazrui

Chair: Oral O. Miller

MONDAY, JULY 7 - Holly

5:00 pm Intro to Indoor Rowing Great activity for fun or competition; assisted by coaches and team from the University of Louisville

TUESDAY, JULY 8 - Pool, Collins

5:00 pm Water Aerobics - Pool Led by Gerry Koors, certified water aerobics instructor, Indianapolis, IN

5:30 pm Ski for Light Intro and Update - Collins You'll beat the summer heat just thinking about cross-country skiing. It's a great winter sport or pastime for people with visual impairments, and you can even enjoy it on a golf course. Touch ski equipment and hear about new and updated opportunities to go skiing.

WEDNESDAY, July 9 - Holly, Collins

5:00 pm Intro to Indoor Rowing - Holly Great activity for fun or competition; assisted by coaches and team from the University of Louisville

5:30 pm Ski for Light Intro and Update - Collins You'll beat the summer heat just thinking about cross-country skiing. It's a great winter sport or pastime for people with visual impairments, and you can even enjoy it on a golf course. Touch ski equipment and hear about new and updated opportunities to go skiing.


5:00 pm water aerobics - Pool Led by Gerry Koors, certified water aerobics instructor, Indianapolis, IN


SATURDAY, JULY 5 - President's Suite

6:00 pm ACB Exhibitors' Reception (by invitation)

SUNDAY, JULY 6 - Combs/Chandler

10:00 am ACB Legislative Seminar Get the latest information on how you can help shape tomorrow today.

MONDAY, JULY 7 - Stanley

6:00 pm Speakers' Reception Each affiliate is invited to send two members per reception. A wonderful opportunity for ACB members to meet and talk personally with the convention presenters of the day.

TUESDAY, JULY 8 - President's Suite, Stanley

5:00 pm Agency Directors' Reception (by invitation) - President's Suite

6:00 pm Speakers' Reception - Stanley See Monday's description


6:00 pm Speakers' Reception See Monday's description

THURSDAY, JULY 10 - Nunn, Grand Ballroom

4:00 pm Affiliate Presidents' Meeting - Nunn Sponsored by Vehicle Donation Processing Center

7:00 pm BOP Candidates' Forum - Grand Ballroom Candidates answer questions on a wide variety of topics.

FRIDAY, JULY 6 - Wilkinson

5:30 pm Life Members' Reception


President and Program Chair: Nola McKinney
Registration: $8 - $8

MONDAY, JULY 7 - Stanley

12:30 pm AAVL Luncheon - $25, $27 Great entertainment and fun with storyteller John Dashney

WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 - Jones, President's Suite

1:30 pm How to Supplement Your Income from Home - Jones Blind and visually impaired craftspeople share their tips for selling quality handmade products; co-sponsored by AAVL and CCLVI

4:00 pm AAVL Musical Wine and Cheese Mixer - President's Suite - $10, $10 A musical good time provided by George Coorey of Cincinnati, OH

THURSDAY, JULY 10 - Taylor

1:30 pm Bits and Pieces: Ed (Doc) Bradley, Houston, TX

3:00 pm AAVL Business Meeting

President: Ellen Telker
Program Chair: Gary C. Norman, Esq.
Registration: $35 - $40


5:30 pm AAVIA Board Meeting

6:45 pm Dinner for members and guests - meet in Suite Tower Lobby

SUNDAY, JULY 6 - Taylor

12:30 pm Opening Remarks: Ellen Telker, President & Gary C. Norman, Esq., Program Chair

12:40 pm The US Supreme Court 2008 Term Wrap-up: Dr. Otis H. Stephens, Alumni Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science and Resident Scholar of Constitutional Law, University of Tennessee College of Law, Knoxville, TN

1:55 pm A Colloquia on Environmental Law: Dr. Edward A. Fitzgerald, Professor of Political Science, Wright State University, Dayton, OH

2:55 pm Break

3:05 pm Accommodating the LSAT: Stephanie L. Enyart, Los Angeles, CA

4:00 pm Practicing in the Justice Center - A Dialogue with a Blind Prosecutor: David Holton II, ESQ., Judge, District Court, Louisville, KY

MONDAY, JULY 7 - Taylor

12:30 pm AAVIA reception for featured speakers and guests

1:15 pm Welcoming Remarks from the Kentucky State Bar Association: Barbara D. Bonar, Esq., President, Covington, KY

1:30 pm Access to Post-secondary Education: Laura Rothstein, Professor of Law and Distinguished University Scholar, Louisville, KY

2:30 pm Recruiting for the DOJ: Pshon Barrett, Department of Justice, Jackson, MS

2:45 pm Using PowerPoint as a Blind Attorney Overview of using PowerPoint with WindowEyes; Raul Gallegos, GW Micro, Fort Wayne, IN

3:30 pm Break

3:45 pm Domestic and International Access Rights to the Internet: Cynthia D. Waddell, JD, Executive Director, International Center for Disability Resources on the Internet, Raleigh, NC The current state of law and policy as it relates to web access, including her work with the NFB on suits against places of public accommodation


12:30 pm AAVIA Annual Luncheon - $27, $29 Structured negotiation is an advocacy and alternative dispute resolution method that emphasizes collaboration and solution. Useful for negotiating agreements related to talking ATM's, accessible websites, tactile point-of-sale machines, accessible pedestrian signals etc. Lainey Feingold Esq. and Linda Dardarian Esq.

2:10 pm Accommodating the Visually Impaired Legal Professional: Chris Kucyznski, Assistant Legal Counsel, ADA Policy Division, US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Washington DC

3:00 pm Annual Business Meeting

President: Dee Clayton
Program Chair: Carol Edwards
Registration: $10 - $12


2:00 pm ACBDA Diabetes Seminar - $5, $8

2:00 pm The Prodigy Voice: Jeremy Rose, Diagnostic Devices

2:30 pm The Importance of Good Diet and Nutrition to the Diabetic: Patricia Carney, Registered and Licensed Dietician, Certified Diabetes Educator, Louisville, KY

3:00 pm The Latest Technology for Diabetics: Melissa Kleber, Registered and Licensed Dietician, Louisville, KY

3:30 pm Update on Another New Product: Christopher Gray, President, Bay Area Digital, San Francisco, CA

3:45 pm Questions and discussion

WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 - Breathitt

3:00 pm ACBDA Business Meeting

THURSDAY, JULY 10 - Executive Director's Suite

9:00 PM ACBDA Diabetics Mixer - $10, $12

President: Billie Jean Keith
Registration: $10 - $10

SUNDAY, JULY 6 - Executive Director's Suite

3:00 pm - ACBGE Wine and Cheese Mixer - $10 - $12

THURSDAY, JULY 10 - Stanley

12:30 pm - ACBGE Luncheon - $20, $20

1:30 pm Winning the Health Care Battle For all Americans, health care is essential. But what happens when a government employee needs life-saving treatment and OPM says no? Julie Carroll fought through all the bureaucratic layers of the government to confront the denial. How she did so is her story. Julie Carroll, Senior Attorney Advisor, National Council on Disability

2:15 pm The Complexities of Social Security Jim Shaw, retired Claims Representative from the Social Security Administration, knows just about everything there is to know about this important program which affects most of us. Question-and-answer time.

3:00 pm - Business Meeting

President: Jessie Rayl
Registration: $8 - $10

WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 - Executive Director's Suite

5:00 pm ACBHSP Pizza and Networking - $6, $8


12:30 pm ACBHSP Lunch and Program - $25, $25

2:00 pm Vision Loss Throughout the Life Phases The impact of vision loss on people at various phases of life; how vision loss affects a young child vs. a teen vs. a working adult vs. a senior citizen. Talk about your experiences in an open and supportive environment; trained mental health professionals available. Deanna Austin, member, ACBHSP

President: Adam Ruschival
Registration: $10 - $12

SATURDAY, JULY 5 - President's Suite

9:00 pm Milly's Place Pin Swap - $8, $8

SUNDAY, JULY 6 - Walnut

11:00 am ACBL Board Meeting

TUESDAY, JULY 8 - Suite Tower Lobby

12:15 pm Local Club Visit - $20, $22 ACB Lions lunch with the Louisville Downtown Club, hear a presentation by Past District Governor Linda Smith of Fern Creek, and tour the Kentucky Lions Eye Foundation; return to Galt House by 2:45 pm

THURSDAY, JULY 10 - Morrow

12:30 pm ACBL Luncheon and Business Meeting - $25, $27 Speaker Tom Matney, Past International Director from Harrodsburg, KY, shares his experiences

President: Mike Duke
Program Chair: John Glass
Registration: $5 - $7

ACB Radio Amateurs uses 147.480 simplex during convention week. Check this frequency for a net at 9:00 pm each evening.

THURSDAY, JULY 10 - Collins

1:30 pm Program and Business Session A demonstration of Echolink and IRLT operating modes.

President: Butch Arnold
Program chair: Mark Hanohano
Registration: $30 - $30


4:30 pm BFLAG Board Dinner (off-site)

9:00 pm President's Reception Fundraiser - BFLAG Suite


2:00 pm BFLAG Welcome Party - $20, $20

10:00 pm Evening Get-Together


7:30 am Morning Get-together

1:00 pm PFLAG Advocacy Seminar

3:00 pm Diversity in GLBT Culture Seminar

7:30 pm Annual BFLAG Meeting BFLAG members only; Pizza party to follow

10:00 pm Evening Get-Together


7:30 am Morning Get-together

1:00 pm Body Language Seminar

3:00 pm Relationship Seminar

7:00 pm BFLAG Banquet (off-site) - $30, $30

10:00 pm Evening Get-Together


7:30 am Morning Get-together

4:30 pm BFLAG Board Meeting (off-site)

9:30 pm Movie Night - TBA

10:00 pm Evening Get-Together


7:30 am Morning Get-together

12:00 pm Six Flags Amusement Park Tour - $55, $55

10:00 pm Support Group Meeting


7:30 am Morning Get-together

5:00 pm BFLAG Farewell Party (off-site) - $30, $30

10:00 pm Evening Get-Together


7:30 am Morning Get-Together

President: Richard Villa
Registration: $15 - $15

SATURDAY, JULY 5 - Stanley

5:00 pm BITS Pre-convention Board Meeting

SUNDAY, JULY 6 - Stopher

10:00 am Opening Remarks: Richard Villa, President, Austin, TX

10:10 am Introductions

10:30 am Clash of the OCR systems Advantages and disadvantages of mainstream versus specialized scanning software. Dusty Voorhees, Senior Product Manager, Freedom Scientific, St. Petersburg FL; Stephen Baum, Vice-president of Engineering, Kurzweil Educational Systems, Bedford, MA; Linda Braithwaite, Adaptive Technology Consultant, Salt Lake City, UT

1:00 pm BITS Technology Vendor Showcase What's new in adaptive hardware and software

MONDAY, JULY 7 - Stopher, Executive Director's Suite

1:30 pm Beyond Form: Surfing Today's Web: Michael Squillace, Research Scientist, IBM Human Ability and Accessibility Center, Austin, TX; Brad Hodges, Technology Program Associate, American Foundation for the Blind, Huntington, WV

3:00 pm Remote Access Successes and Challenges: Ricky Enger, Remote Access Technology Specialist, Serotek

8:00 pm Hospitality Bytes with BITS - Executive Director's Suite - $12, $14

TUESDAY, JULY 8 - Wilkinson

12:30 pm BITS luncheon - $28, $30 Speaker: Larry Skutchan, Technology Project Leader, APH Department of Educational Research, Louisville, KY

2:00 pm BITS Business Meeting


1:30 PM The Digital Book Revolution: Neil Bernstein, Research and Development Officer, NLS, Washington, DC; Nicki Coby, student; Michael Malver, student; John Glass, Customer Support Manager,, Saratoga, CA

3:00 pm Converting Analog Recordings to Digital Formats Co-sponsored with FIA

BRAILLE REVIVAL LEAGUE President: Lynne Koral Program Chair: Sandra Sermons Registration: $10 - $12

SUNDAY, JULY 6 - Holly 
3:30 pm BRL Board Meeting TUESDAY, JULY 8 - Collins, Nunn 1:30 pm Welcome and introductions 1:45 pm The Evolution of Braille: Kim Charlson, Director, Talking Book Library, Perkins School for the Blind, Watertown, MA; Fred Gissoni, APH Technology Support Specialist, Louisville, KY; Judith Dixon, NLS Consumer Relations Officer & Chair of the Braille Authority of North America, Washington, DC 2:45 pm Break 3:00 pm The History of APH: Michael Hudson, Curator, APH Callahan Museum, Louisville, KY 4:00 pm Demonstration of BraillePlus: TBA 4:30 pm Braille Bunco - Nunn - $10, $10 Lots of fun with lots of dots. Toss the dice and win. Door prizes, too! Thursday, July 10 - Breathitt 1:30 pm Welcome and Introductions 1:45 pm BRL Business Meeting 3:00 pm Break 3:15 pm Games: Judy Jackson 4:00 pm Braille in Iran: Ali Azgar Asidi Council of Citizens with Low Vision International President: Bernice Kandarian Registration $8, $10 SATURDAY, JULY 5 - Jones 3:00 pm Pre-convention Board Meeting 6:00 pm CCLVI Nominating Committee Meeting SUNDAY, JULY 6 - Jones, President's Suite, Wilkinson 9:00 am Welcome and Introductions: Bernice Kandarian, CCLVI President, Mountain View, CA 9:05 am Scholarship Committee Report and Introduction of the Fred Scheigert Scholarship Recipients: Dr. Catherine Schmitt Whitaker, Chair, Diamond Bar, CA 9:15 am The Scoop from AFB The RXLabelEnable Project, SeniorSite, CareerConnect, and what's new on the AFB tech front; Dr. Priscilla Rogers, Consultant, AFB National Center on Aging and Vision Loss 10:10 am Nominating Committee Report 10:15 am Break 10:30 am Reaching Out to Eye Doctors - How We did It in Our Community: Carolyn Burley, President, Stark County Chapter, ACB of Ohio, Canton, OH 11:10 am Constitution and Bylaws Committee Report: Michael Byington, Chair, Topeka, KS 11:15 am Resolutions Committee Report: Michael Byington, Chair, Topeka, KS 11:20 am What's In the Exhibit Hall for People with Low Vision: Lisa Wayland Altschul, Columbia, MO and Janis Stanger, Salt Lake City, UT 1:30 pm CCLVI Goes to the Exhibit Hall 4:00 pm CCLVI Mixer - President's Suite - $10, $10 10:00 pm Dance - Wilkinson - $10, $10 Rock 'n Roll with Dewayne Hodges. Back by popular demand, Dewayne will take you back to the 50's and 60's with rock 'n roll music. MONDAY, JULY 7 - Jones 1:30 pm Navigating the Social Scene as an Individual with Vision Loss. Whether you are in college, engaging in your first or new career, and/or if you are taking it to the web, you will enjoy this discussion on the intricacies of social networking as a blind or visually impaired adult. Co-sponsored by CCLVI and NABS TUESDAY, JULY 8 - Jones 1:30 pm Lighting and Low Vision: A Perspective: Elaine Kitchel, Low Vision Project Leader, APH, Louisville, KY 2:30 pm Break 2:45 pm CCLVI Business Meeting 4:00 pm Post-convention Board Meeting WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 - Jones, Wilkinson 1:30 pm How to Supplement Your Income from Home - Jones Blind and visually impaired craftspeople share their tips for selling quality handmade products; co-sponsored by AAVL and CCLVI 3:00 pm Project Insight Training: Joyce Kleiber, Wayne, PA 8:00 pm Game Night - Wilkinson - $10, $10 FRIDAY, JULY 11 - Wilkinson 9:30 pm Farewell Dance - $10, $10 Dance the night away with a wonderful variety of rock 'n roll and country music, brought to you by Dewayne Hodges, a new favorite of the ACB crowd. COUNCIL OF FAMILIES WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS President: Cindy Van Winkle Registration: $5 - $8 SUNDAY, JULY 6 - Pool 1:30 pm YAC/CFVI Pool Party Water fun, prizes, snacks and T-shirts for kids 3 to 17; parents sign forms and check kids in to YAC and Kidz Club THURSDAY, JULY 10 - Location TBA 8:30 pm CFVI Coffee, Family Visiting & Info A perfect informal time for parents to share convention experiences and tips, and to make plans to stay in touch throughout the year FRIENDS-IN-ART OF ACB President: Nancy Pendegraph Program Chair: Linda Braithwaite Registration: $5 - $6 The FIA Art Parlor will be available this year. Everyone is invited to stop by the Dogwood Room and enjoy creations from blind and visually-impaired artists. Set-up is Sunday afternoon; the Parlor is open to the public between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm Mon. through Wed., with tear-down late Wednesday afternoon. If you are a blind artist, and you would like more information on how to participate in this or future FIA art parlors, contact Elsie Monthei here at the convention. SATURDAY, JULY 5 - FIA Suite 7:00 pm FIA Board Meeting SUNDAY, JULY 6 - FIA Suite 4:00 PM: FIA Mixer/Showcase Sign-up - $8, $10 Meet old friends and make new ones; register for a showcase audition slot. 5:30 pm Chorus Rehearsal MONDAY, JULY 7 - Dogwood, FIA Suite, Collins 1:00 pm FIA Art Parlor open - Dogwood 1:30 pm MIDI Workshop - FIA Suite - $5, $6 Newest features in Sonar and Cake Talking; Gordon Kent, Washington, DC 3:30 pm Showcase Audition/Rehearsal - FIA Suite At scheduled times, performers rehearse their chosen material for length, polish, and appropriateness. 9:00 pm Prose/Poetry Reading - Collins - $4, $5 Writers are invited to read their original works to a receptive audience. Presenter: Teddy Remheld, Burbank, CA 10:00 pm Final Chorus Rehearsal - FIA Suite TUESDAY, JULY 8 - Morrow, Dogwood, Grand Ballroom 12:30 pm FIA Luncheon and Business Meeting - Morrow - $23, $25 Speaker: Schalee Lodge, blind painter and sculptor 1:00 pm FIA Art Parlor open - Dogwood 3:00 pm Meet the Artists - Dogwood - $5, $6 Get acquainted with those who are exhibiting their art; learn about marketing your own artwork 8:00 pm Showcase of the Performing Arts- Grand Ballroom - $10, $10 Celebrate good times and great timing! WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 - Stopher, Morrow, FIA Suite 1:30 pm How to Transfer Cassette and Other Analog Materials to Digital Format - Stopher Also information on how to create DAISY books. Collaborative workshop with BITS 1:00 pm FIA Art Parlor open - Dogwood 2:30 pm Writers' Workshop: Writing - Refresh, Restart, Resolve - Morrow - $6, $7 Philosophies and exercises from several writers. Time for discussion and sharing your on-the-spot creativity. 5:30 pm Round and Harmony Sing - FIA Suite Presenter: Lynn Hedl, Birmingham, AL THURSDAY, JULY 10 - FIA Suite 7:30 am FIA Board Meeting GUIDE DOG USERS, INC. Theme: Aloha, and We're Off! President: Sheila Styron Program Chair: Donna Permar Registration: $10 - $12 The GDUI Suite will be open from Saturday afternoon, July 5 until Thursday, July 10 in the Laffoon Room. Dog-related products will be on sale, and guide dogs and their handlers can relax in the suite; a vet tech will assist with nail trimming, ear cleaning, minor skin ailments, etc. Schedule dog massages, too. SUNDAY, JULY 6 - Laffoon, Sampson 12:00 pm Hotel and area orientation - Laffoon Your favorite guide dog instructors teach you how to teach your dogs the best convention routes; guaranteed to get you where you need to be on time and in one piece. 2:30 pm Affiliate Roundup - Sampson Affiliate representatives should plan to attend this meeting. Kay Malmquist, Janesville, WI 4:00 pm Board Meeting - Sampson 5:00 pm Hotel and area orientation - Laffoon MONDAY, JULY 7 - Lobby, Sampson 7:00 am GDUI Breakfast Club - Suite Tower lobby Visit a nearby restaurant for a delicious fast break from the hotel, and be back just in time for general session. Breakfast Club is an official GDUI option Monday through Thursday; canine teams and cane travelers welcome 1:30 pm GDUI Opening Ceremonies - Sampson Aloha, GDUI: Sheila Styron, President, Kansas City, MO 2:30 pm Around the World with Guide Dogs Tone Mathisen, Lillehammer, Norway, and other international reports, and a special tribute to Michael Osborn 3:30 pm What You Need to Know About the Guide Dog Schools Where to go, who to talk to and when to tune in to learn more. Becky Barnes, Mount Kisco, NY 8:00 pm GDUI River Walk - $5, $7 An evening waterfront stroll with many new attractions since our last Louisville convention in 2000 TUESDAY, JULY 8 - Lobby, Sampson, Wilkinson 7:00 am GDUI Breakfast Club - Suite Tower Lobby 1:30 pm How Much Is Too Much? - Sampson Panel will discuss assessment, requirements and training for low vision clients. Representatives from Guiding Eyes for the Blind, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Guide Dog Foundation and the Seeing Eye 2:30 pm GDUI business meeting 3:30 pm ACB caucus 7:00 pm GDUI Auction Pre-Bid/Preview - Wilkinson Check out the items and let the bidding begin! 8:00 pm GDUI Auction - Wilkinson This hybrid event is half silent, half live. Find out which great items your early bird bids will fetch this time around in less time than last year. Auctioneer: Brian Charleson, Watertown MA WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 - Lobby, Carroll/Ford, Sampson 7:00 am GDUI Breakfast Club - Suite Tower Lobby 12:30 pm GDUI Luncheon - Carroll/Ford - $26 $28 Keynote speaker, Attorney Michael A. Lilly from Honolulu, HI, updates how the landmark settlement, along with sustained effort in breaking down barriers, paved the way for other service animal teams and ultimately the general public 2:30 pm Simon Sez Rally - Sampson Human signs will instruct guide dog teams to perform familiar obedience commands sequentially at indoor stations; a lighthearted competition you and your guide could win. Trish Simon, Borden, IN 6:15 pm Louisville Luau! - $35 $40 Join GDUI's Hawaii party aboard the Spirit of Jefferson where Hawaiian outfits will blend with island appetizers, a brief entertainment and cash bar. THURSDAY, JULY 10 - Lobby, Sampson 7:00 am GDUI Breakfast Club - Suite Tower Lobby 1:30 pm Leader Dogs Leading the Way - Sampson Update on innovative school programs; Leader Dogs for the Blind, Rochester, MI 2:00 pm How Many Guide Dog Puppies Does It Take to Steal Your Heart? Learn about early puppyhood in future guide dogs. Sue Reznak, Puppy Program Regional Manager, Guiding Eyes for the Blind, Richmond, VA 8:00 pm Maintaining Good Health in Our Guides - $5, $7 The often-overlooked basics of canine health maintenance, from tooth care and the importance of daily grooming to vaccination protocols and first aid. Dr. Rusty Gailor, DVM, Gailor Animal Hospital, Louisville, KY INDEPENDENT VISUALLY IMPAIRED ENTERPRISERS President: Ardis Bazyn Program Chair: Carla Hayes Registration: $6 - $8 MONDAY, JULY 7 - Brown 7:00 am IVIE Breakfast and Business Meeting - $20, $22 TUESDAY, JULY 8 - Breathitt 4:00 pm IVIE Business expo Blind and visually impaired business owners showcase their products and services and answer questions about their businesses. WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 - Brown, Combs/Chandler 12:30 pm IVIE Entrepreneurs' Cyberschool Lunch - $22, $23 Internet marketing techniques and access technology products to help start and grow your business; Dr. Ronald E. Milliman, Professor of Marketing, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY; Robert Miller, CEO, Easy Talk Computers, Tallahassee, FL 2:30 pm Break 2:45 pm Working from Home - Combs/Chandler - $5, $5 Part 2 of the ACB Employment Seminar; co-sponsored by IVIE and NABS. Facilitator: Peter Altschul, Organization Development Specialist, Columbia, MO; Tom Johnston, CEO, SearchPath International, Cleveland, OH; Jim Mullaney, President, Edoc Marketing, Cincinnati, OH; Mike Mandel, professional musician, New York, NY; Ardis Bazyn, President, Bazyn CommunicationsBurbank, CA; David Wilkinson, Western Region Blindness Products Specialist, HumanWare, Little Rock, AR; Myrna Votta, Technical Support Specialist, HumanWare, Brooklyn, NY LIBRARY USERS OF AMERICA President: TerriLynne Pomeroy Program Chair: Carla Ruschival Registration: $10 - $12 SATURDAY, JULY 5 - Wilkinson 7:00 pm LUA Board Meeting MONDAY, JULY 7 - Collins 2:30 pm Welcome, announcements, introductions 2:40 pm Greetings from the Bluegrass: Wayne Onkst, State Librarian and Commissioner, Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, KY; and Barbara Penigor, Regional Librarian, Kentucky Talking Book Library, Frankfort, KY 2:55 pm Where Are We Now? Your NLS Program: Frank Kurt Cylke, Director, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Washington, DC 3:30 pm Sound Recording from Cylinder to CD: Dr. Raymond Randles, former history professor, former director of APH Talking Book Studio, and former host of the radio program "America's Past on Record", Louisville, KY 4:20 pm The BookMark-et and the Lua Hand-out TUESDAY, JULY 8 - Brown 6:30 pm LUA BookMark-et - $5, $7 Help the books you no longer want or need find a new home; the perfect place to sell or swap your braille, large print and recorded books WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 - Collins 1:30 pm: Welcome and announcements 1:35 pm Building the Collection: Dr. Edmund O'Reilly, Collection Development Section Head, Materials Development division, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 2:15 pm Reminisce with Mitzi: Mitzi Friedlander, Talking Book Narrator, Louisville, KY 2:45 pm Break 3:00 pm Getting Friendly with the iPod: Anna Dresner, Author of A Pocketful of Sound and The iPod Experience 3:30 pm Business meeting 4:30 pm Adjourn NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF BLIND STUDENTS President: Cammie Vloedman Program Chair: Leah Irish Registration: $5 - $5 SATURDAY, JULY 5 - Executive Director's Suite 8:00 pm NABS Welcome Party - $8, $10 SUNDAY, JULY 6 - Morrow 12:30 pm NABS Hosted Scholarship Luncheon - $26, $30 Everyone is invited to come meet and congratulate the 2008scholarship winners. Sponsored by Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America 2:15 pm NABS Business Meeting MONDAY, JULY 7 - Jones 1:30 pm Navigating the Social Scene as a Blind Individual Fun, interactive seminar combines group discussion and panel presentations to share ideas and provide feedback on best practices in the social networking and dating scene; co-sponsored with CCLVI. TUESDAY, JULY 8 - Beckham 1:30 pm NABS Business Meeting WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 - Combs/Chandler 1:30 pm Career Workshop - $5, $5 Part 1: Make Your Dream Job a Reality; and Part 2 - Working from Home. Co-sponsored with IVIE and the ACB Employment Issues Committee; see the Employment Committee section for details THURSDAY, JULY 10 - Carroll/Ford 8:30 pm NABS Comedy Night - $10, $12 Comedian John Richardson is sure to keep you smiling at our annual comedy night NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLIND TEACHERS President: Patty Slaby Program Chair: Carla Hayes Registration: $10 - $12 SUNDAY, JULY 6 - Brown 8:00 am NABT Breakfast and Program - $20, $22 "Raising My Kids While Raising My Cane" - entertaining perspective of a visually impaired parent of two adopted children with special needs; Sandra Williams, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Kentucky Office for the Blind Independent Living Program, Louisville, KY 9:30 am Break 9:45 am NABT Business Meeting 10:30 am NABT Board Meeting TUESDAY, JULY 8 - Taylor 1:30 pm Books Unbound - How Technology Is Writing a New Chapter on Accessible Textbooks - $3, $5 What's new in accessible textbooks? How can math be made more accessible for people who are blind or visually impaired? Nicole Gaines, Director, NIMAC Center, APH, Louisville, KY; Maryann Reynolds, Educational Outreach Director, Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic, Louisville, KY; John Glass, Customer Service Manager,, Saratoga, CA; Eileen Curran, Vice President, Education and Program Chief Braille Officer, National Braille Press, Boston, MA; Steven Noble, Director of Accessible Policy, Design Science Inc., Long Beach, CA THURSDAY, JULY 10 12:15 PM NABT APH Educational Products Tour - $12, $15 Visit APH to learn new and exciting ways to teach with their educational products RANDOLPH-SHEPPARD VENDORS OF AMERICA President: Charles Glaser Convention Co-ordinator: John Gordon Registration: $20 - $20 SATURDAY, JULY 5 - RSVA Suite, Holly 1:00 pm Subcommittee meetings - RSVA Suite 3:00 pm Pre-Convention Board Meeting - Holly SUNDAY, JULY 6 - Nunn, RSVA Suite 9:00 am Welcome: Charles Glaser, President, GA Opening Remarks, Introductions and Announcements: John Gordon, First Vice President & Convention Chair, IL Roll Call: Ardis Bazyn, Secretary, CA 9:30 am Constitution and Bylaws (first reading) 9:40 am RSVA Resolutions (first reading) 9:50 am Discussion: Adherence to local government laws on licensing and inspections on federal property 10:15 am Break & Door Prizes 10:30 am Kentucky Business Enterprises director and Vendor Committee representatives 11:30 am Discussion: RS Training and Recruitment 12:00 pm Lunch on your own 1:30 pm Announcements, door prize 1:35 pm Discussion: Statewide Post Office Substation Agreements 2:45 pm RSVA Committee Reports 4:00 pm Nominating committee Report 10:00 pm RSVA Mixer - RSVA Suite - $15, $20 MONDAY, JULY 7 - Wilkinson, Carroll/Ford 12:30 pm RSVA Luncheon - $30, $35 Motivational speaker Jesse Acosta, a blinded veteran who served in Iraq, shares his experiences; followed by awards presentations 2:30 pm RSVA business meeting 6:30 pm RSVA Auction Preview - Carroll/Ford 7:00 pm RSVA Auction - Carroll/Ford 9:00 pm RSVA Karaoke - Carroll/Ford - $10, $15 TUESDAY, JULY 8 - RSVA Suite, Combs/Chandler 12:30 pm RSVA Affiliate Presidents' Meeting - RSVA Suite 8:00 pm RSVA Casino night - Combs/Chandler - $20, $25 VISUALLY IMPAIRED VETERANS OF AMERICA President: Skip Sharpe Program Chair: John Fleming Registration: $5 - $7 MONDAY, JULY 7 - Grand Ballroom 8:15 am: Join VIVA at the front of the Ballroom and help lead the Pledge of Allegiance TUESDAY, JULY 8 - Stanley 12:30 pm VIVA Membership Recruitment Luncheon - $15, $15 Discuss issues important to VIVA's future and to blinded veterans OTHER MEETINGS AND PROGRAMS MORE WORKSHOPS AND RECEPTIONS SATURDAY, JULY 5 - Nunn 4:00 pm The Visual Made Verbal - $5, $5 90-minute interactive hands-on multimedia workshop conducted by Audio Description Associates. Draft and voice a script for audio description; fun and extremely educational. MONDAY, JULY 7 - Archibald 5:00 pm APH 150th Anniversary Reception - $5, $5 Join APH at a reception honoring their long relationship with ACB and celebrating APH's 150th anniversary. Light refreshments; short program at 5:45 featuring Tuck Tinsley III, APH President, and APH narrators. TUESDAY, JULY 8 - Carroll/Ford, Taylor 7:00 am NIB Breakfast - Carroll/Ford - $10, $10 NIB offers employment choices that maximize your skills. Find out about your options with National Industries for the Blind. 5:00 pm NIB Job Talk Seminar - Taylor Looking for a job or want to make a career change? Bring your resume and explore a broad range of employment opportunities. Get an update on the NIB Business Leaders program. Learn about writing a resume, preparing for an interview and much more. WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 – Nunn, Breathitt 3:00 pm Social Security Q&A – Nunn - $5, $5 Jim Shaw, retired SSA Claims Rep guru, answers questions and shares tips for dealing with the system and making it work for you. An educational and informative workshop from NELDS, the National Education and Legal Defense Service 6:00 pm How Do You Use Paper Money? – Breathitt The Bureau of Engraving and Printing would like to know about how you use paper money. Come talk to us. All are welcome. Jeff Witt, Co-ordinator. TECHNOLOGY TRAINING AND FOCUS GROUPS SATURDAY, JULY 5 - Breathitt 9:00 am Explore the World Through Window-Eyes with GW Micro - $10, $10 2:00 pm Explore the Braille Sense and Voice Sense with GW Micro - $10, $10 SUNDAY, JULY 6 - French 3:00 pm K Sonar Device Familiarization Explore the exciting new K Sonar travel aid. Participants Have the opportunity to become familiar with the device and determine if it meets their everyday needs. Dr. William Penrod, Director, University of Louisville Teacher Preparation Program for Visual Impairments and Orientation and Mobility, Louisville, KY MONDAY, JULY 7 - McCreary, Breathitt, Brown 5:00 pm HumanWare BrailleNote Presentation and Users' Group - McCreary 7:00 pm AFB Info Expo - Breathitt Exciting web services include new AOL mail and accessible calendar, plus CareerConnect, FamilyConnect and Senior Site from AFB; light refreshments 7:00 pm Kurzweil Users Group (by invitation) – Brown TUESDAY, JULY 8 - McCreary, Jones, Beckham 5:00 pm HumanWare Victor Reader Stream Presentation and Users' Group - McCreary 5:30 pm APH User's Group - Jones 90 minutes of talk, light refreshments and door prizes. News about exciting high- and low-tech products and a chance for you to give us your ideas. 6:00 pm En-Vision America Presentation and Users' Group - Beckham i.d. Mate Talking Bar Code Scanner and ScripTalk Audible Prescription Reader WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 - McCreary, Beckham 5:00 pm HumanWare Presents GPS Trekker and Breeze-McCreary 6:00 pm En-Vision America Presentation and Users' Group - Beckham i.d. Mate Talking Bar Code Scanner and ScripTalk Audible Prescription Reader GUIDE DOG EVENTS Below are events planned especially for guide dog users and sponsored by our friends at various schools. SUNDAY, JULY 6 - Carroll/Ford 3:30 pm With a Dog's Eyes: Capturing the Life of Morris Frank - $5, $5 Seeing Eye presents a tribute to Morris Frank on his 100th birthday with this one-man, one-act play; written and performed by Bill Mooney (Paul Martin from ABC Soap "All My Children") MONDAY, JULY 7 - Wilkinson, Morrow 7:00 am Guide Dogs for the Blind Breakfast - Wilkinson Graduates and potential future students welcome 5:00 pm Leader Dogs Hospitality (by invitation) - Morrow TUESDAY, JULY 8 - Carroll/Ford 5:00 pm Guiding Eyes for the Blind Wine and Cheese Reception - Carroll/Ford Welcome, all guide dog users WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 - Wilkinson 7:00 am - Seeing Eye Breakfast Graduates and prospective students welcome KIDS AND FAMILIES There are many activities interesting to kids and parents throughout convention week. The exhibit area, the Youth Activity Center (YAC) for kids 6 to 17), and many of the tours provide opportunities for blind and visually impaired children to experience a fantastic convention week; see the YAC and Tours sections of this program for more details. Many of the workshops and seminars, as well as the general and special-interest affiliate program sessions, address topics of concern to parents. Examples of such options include the NELDS Social Security Q&A seminar on Wednesday, career workshops on Wednesday, and the Diabetes Workshop on Sunday. The technology focus groups and training sessions are great, and the various guide dog schools and GDUI are always willing to answer your questions. The Council of Families with Visual Impairments invites parents to its free Coffee, Family Visiting and Information (CFVI) event on Thursday at 8:30 pm; it's a great time to relax and get to know other parents. Location to be announced. TOURS AND ENTERTAINMENT YOUTH ACTIVITY CENTER (YAC) Sponsored by Mississippi Council of the Blind and KIDZ CLUB Sponsored by Regal Entertainment Group Kids 6 to 17 can enjoy a great week of tours and activities in the Youth Activity Center (YAC), and kids 3 to 5 will have fun with toys, games, and more in our new Kidz Club. See schedule of tours and rules below for more details, and purchase tickets at the Registration Desk. By request from parents, the YAC opens on Sunday afternoon this year. Parents can sign permission slips and review YAC rules while kids enjoy a great party at the hotel pool. Co-sponsored by the Council of Families with Visual Impairment. YAC and Kidz Club headquarters are in the Daisy room. The room opens each morning, Monday through Friday, at 8:15; activities begin at 8:30. Kidz Club is open each day until noon; a light breakfast and snacks are provided. Kidz Club will be open all day on Friday, July 11, so parents can attend general session; lunch will be provided. Each child must complete a registration form and pay the ACB convention administrative fee. YAC or Kidz Club registration is also required before children can participate in any events; 2 T-shirts, to be worn to specific events, are free with registration. IMPORTANT: Parents MUST accompany children to the YAC or Kidz Club the first time to sign permission slips, waivers etc. Children may not participate in any YAC or Kidz Club activities or events if forms are not completed and signed. Kidz Club closes at 12:15 Monday through Thursday. The YAC closes at 4:30 Mon., Wed. and Thu.; YAC returns from Holiday World by 6:30 pm on Tue. Both Kidz Club and YAC close 15 minutes after the end of general session on Friday. Children must be picked up by closing times shown. Necessary medications MUST be supplied each day. Parents will be required to remove children who exhibit uncontrollable or highly inappropriate behaviors. YAC SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Co-ordinator: Patti Cox Registration: $10 - $10 SUNDAY, JULY 6 - Pool 1:30 pm Sign-in and Pool Party The week kicks off with 3 hours of water fun. Kids make friends and enjoy games and snacks while parents sign permission slips and forms. Kids receive their 2 FREE T-shirts, too! MONDAY, JULY 7 - Daisy 8:15 am Meet at YAC/Kidz Club headquarters 8:30 am Kidz Club: Games, movies, crafts, playtime for little ones at the hotel 8:30 am YAC APH Kids Plus - $5, $5 APH welcomes the YAC for a very special kid-friendly tour. See the special machines that produce braille, recorded and large print books; check out fun and interactive exhibits in the Callahan museum. After lunch kids return to the hotel for games, crafts, snacks and lots of fun. The YAC will make centerpieces for the ACB banquet. TUESDAY, JULY 8 - Daisy 8:15 am Meet at YAC/Kidz Club headquarters IMPORTANT: Be on time and wear a YAC T-shirt. 8:25 am YAC and Kidz Club go to General Session to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. 8:35 am Kidz Club: Games, movies, crafts, playtime for little ones at the hotel 8:40 am YAC Holiday World and Splashin' Safari Tour - $5, $5 Theme park on Christmas Boulevard in Santa Claus, IN. Celebrate favorite holidays on the HallowSwings, Paul Revere's Midnight Ride, and 3 wooden roller coasters. Visit Holidog's Treehouse - three stories of slides, climbs, crawls, games and bridges. Don't miss Splashin' Safari's 12 levels of fun at Monsoon Lagoon, the Watubee white water adventure, the Bamboo Chute, or the 7-story Bakuli slide into a six-story colorful bowl! 6:30 pm YAC returns from tour; pick up kids from Suite Tower Lobby WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 - Daisy 8:15 am: Meet at YAC/Kidz Club headquarters 8:30 am Kidz Club: Games, movies, crafts, playtime for little ones at the hotel 8:30 am YAC Schimpf's Candy and Louisville Slugger Tour - $5, $5 YAC is fun and educational at the same time. There's nothing like a kid in a candy store, and it's even better when the kid is in the candy factory. A fun sweet-tooth morning followed by lunch. Then it's off to Louisville Skugger to see how those famous baseball bats come to be; kids will love the 120-foot bat and the 17-ton glove, and they'll even come home with their own miniature Slugger. THURSDAY, JULY 10 - Daisy 8:15 am Meet at YAC/Kidz Club headquarters 8:30 am Kidz Club: Games, movies, crafts, playtime for little ones at the hotel 8:30 am YAC Glassworks and Fun at the Frazier - $5, $5 There's more than one way to make beautiful art from glass, and kids will learn about several techniques. They'll see glass sculpted with an oxygen/propane torch, glass blown in its molten state, and stained glass made into many different objects. After lunch kids discover that history is happening at the Frazier! Displays from the Royal Armouries and the Tower of London; artifacts from American history. A great sword fight re-enactment is fully explained; lots to see, touch and hear! FRIDAY, JULY 11 - Daisy 8:15 am Meet at YAC/Kidz Club headquarters 8:30 am Kidz Club: Science Center tour (see below) PLUS games, movies, crafts, playtime for little ones at the hotel; lunch and afternoon snacks included. 8:30 am YAC Friday Fun - $5, $5 All kids love pizza, and this time they get to make their own. Then they join up with Kidz Club for a fun trip to the Louisville Science Center. Really neat interactive exhibits and activities for kids of all ages. Then it's back to the hotel for swimming, crafts, games, and movies. 5:00 pm (or 15 minutes after general session adjourns) YAC and Kidz Club close 6:30 pm YAC About Town The ACB Yac and the kids in the summer enrichment program at the Kentucky School for the Blind team up for a great night on the town. Downtown horse-drawn carriage rides, bike rides on 4-seaters through Waterfront Park, stops for dinner and ice cream - a great kid's alternative to the ACB banquet. Parents pick up kids 15 minutes after the banquet ends. 2008 CONVENTION TOURS Indoor facilities may be air-conditioned, but some tours include significant outdoor time. Dress appropriately and bring sunscreen, insect repellent, hat and water bottle for your comfort and safety. Space is limited on all tours. ACB reserves the right to cancel a tour should ticket sales fall below required minimums. Tickets will be collected at the bus. Buses will not be delayed while conventioneers retrieve forgotten tickets. All return times are approximate. If you have dietary scheduling concerns, bring a light snack in case we are unavoidably delayed. If you use a wheelchair and require a lift-equipped bus, you MUST check the appropriate boxes on the pre-registration form in order for us to plan for necessary transportation. A limited number of volunteers will accompany each tour. While they will help as much as possible, ACB volunteers are not personal guides or personal care attendants. If you want or require personal assistance, plan to attend the tour with a friend who can act as your guide or PCA. FRIDAY, JULY 4 MAKER'S MARK DISTILLERY TOUR Time: 12:00 - 3:30 pm; cost: $25 - $30 The only operating distillery in America to be designated a National Historic Landmark, Maker's Mark was founded in 1805. The whiskey is made by hand in the Still House; the antique roller mill crushes the grain, the giant cypress tubs are full of sour mash, and the white dog new whiskey runs through the spirit safe. Then there's the fermenting room with its 12-foot-deep cypress vats, and the barrel house where the whiskey "sleeps." STEPHEN FOSTER OUTDOOR MUSICAL DRAMA Time: 4:00 pm - Midnight; cost: $72 - $75 Visit historic Bardstown for a delicious Southern dinner. Then music fills the night air as you travel back in time to the 1850s and experience the story and song of Stephen Foster, America's first great composer and the author of both the Kentucky and Florida state songs. Hear great melodies such as "Oh Susanna", "Camptown Races" and "Beautiful Dreamer"; celebrate America's birthday with fireworks following the play. SATURDAY, JULY 5 LOUISVILLE CITY TOUR Time: 8:00 - 11:00 am; cost: $22 - $25 Whether you call it "River City" or "Derby City," you'll hear about Louisville's rich 200-year history and famous people and places on this sightseeing bus tour. Repeated 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. and on Sunday at 8:30 am and 12:30 pm. CHURCHILL DOWNS DAY AT THE RACES Time: 11:00 am - 5:30 pm; cost: $47 - $50 Your trip to the Twin Spires includes a feast of fried chicken, smoked pork sandwiches, Derby pie, and more. Enjoy racing in air-conditioned comfort from Millionaire's Row; your seat costs $750 on Derby Day. The sixth race is even named for ACB! MONDAY, JULY 7 APH CALLAHAN MUSEUM TOUR Time: 12:30 - 3:30 p.m.: cost: $12 - $15 Explore the history of the education of the blind through fun and interactive exhibits. You'll find raised letter and tactile alphabets that preceded and competed with braille. Discover exhibits about Louis Braille, Helen Keller, the APH story, Talking Books, large print, first schools for the blind. Repeated on Thursday from 2:30 to 5:30 pm KENTUCKY BLIND SERVICES TOUR Time: 12:45 - 4:30 pm; cost: $17 - $20 Louisville is rich in services for the blind and visually impaired. Visit LC Industries and learn about their phenomenal growth in Kentucky since 2004. Tour the 166-year-old Kentucky School for the Blind, enjoy a snack and meet representatives from Kentucky's many other services for the blind. LOUISVILLE SLUGGER TOUR Time: 1:30 - 4:30 pm; cost: $17 - $20 See the world's largest bat and a 17-ton ball glove crafted from Kentucky limestone; swing replica bats of baseball greats such as Babe Ruth and Ted Williams; thrill to great plays called by famous broadcasters; handle experimental bats from the past; and see bats made from their bulky beginnings to their polished lacquer finish. Receive a miniature Louisville Slugger at the end of the tour. Repeated Thursday at 1:30. APH FACTORY & MUSEUM TOUR Time: 2:30 - 5:30 pm; cost: $12 - $15 Discover how braille and large print books are produced and where your favorite narrator reads magazines and Talking Books. Visit the Callahan Museum for a look at the history of braille and the blind. Repeated at 12:30 and 2:30 on Tuesday and Wednesday, and at 12:30 on Thursday. TUESDAY, JULY 8 FRAZIER INTERNATIONAL HISTORY MUSEUM Time: 1:00 - 4:00 pm; cost: $17 - $20 3 floors and 100,000 square feet of exhibits, where history is happening! 1,000 years of history covering two continents. Displays from the Royal Armouries and the Tower of London; artifacts from American history. Sword fight re-enactment is fully explained; lots to see, touch and hear! MUHAMMAD ALI CENTER WALKING TOUR Time: 2:30 - 5:30 pm; cost: $12 - $15 Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee! Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay) grew up in Louisville's poor part of town. The Center's themed pavillions feature dramatic media presentations and interactive exhibits that show how Ali found the courage and discipline to become who he is today. A short 2-block walk from the hotel, the Center focuses on diversity, empowerment, and personal discovery. WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 SWEET TOOTH CANDY TOUR Time: 12:45 - 5:00 p.m.; cost: $17 - $20 Learn about candymaking at two of the area's finest family-owned shops. Muth's features bourbons, creams, caramels, jellies, pretzels, turtles, and the caramel-marshmallow wonder, the Modjeska. Then it's on to Schimpf's Confectionary in southern Indiana; a wide range of hard candies and even more delicious goodies. GDUI LOUISVILLE LUAU CRUISE Time: 6:15 - 10:30 pm; cost: $35 - $40 Join GDUI’s Hawaii party aboard the Spirit of Jefferson. Hawaiian outfits blend with island appetizers, brief entertainment and a cash bar. Note: The Spirit of Jefferson is not lift-equipped. THURSDAY, JULY 10 GLASSWORKS TOUR Time: 1:00 - 4:00 pm; cost: $17 - $20 Everything is beautiful in glass. Founded in 1875, GlassWorks' stained-glass studio is one of the oldest in the U.S. Other artists sculpt glass with an oxygen/propane torch and blow glass in its molten state. Time for shopping in the GlassWorks gift shop. SATURDAY, JULY 12 SQUIRE BOONE CAVERN & VILLAGE TOUR Time: 9:30 am - 3:30 pm; cost: $40 - $45 This unusual cave was discovered by Daniel Boone and his brother, Squire, over two centuries ago. Located near Corydon, Ind., this very auditory cave features dazzling formations, rushing rivers and underground waterfalls. After your one-hour tour of the cave, visit Squire Boone's restored grist mill, dip candles and watch pioneer soap-making. There's a bakery and a candy shop (with homemade fudge). Mine your own gems at the Gem Mining Sluice, and visit the rock shop features agate bookends, beads, semiprecious stone necklaces, and many different types of minerals, fossils and crystals. Lunch included. Note: There are 73 steps at both the beginning and end of the cave tour. This tour is not wheelchair-accessible. BARBECUE & BELLE OF LOUISVILLE CRUISE Time: 5:00 - 11:30 p.m. Cost: $45 - $50 Dress casual and relax after a week of meetings. Finger-lickin' good, down-home Kentucky barbecue followed by a cruise up the river on the Belle of Louisville, one of the last authentic sternwheelers in America. What a memory-making way to close out another fabulous ACB convention! MORE CONVENTION ENTERTAINMENT You will be ready for a break and a little fun after all those workshops, seminars and business meetings. Below are some activities and events that take place at the hotel. For more fun ideas, see "2008 Convention Tours," and check the agendas for the many affiliates and groups for more mixers, luncheons and parties. SATURDAY, JULY 5 - Nunn, Archibald Ballroom 6:30 pm NELDS CD Yard Sale - Nunn - $5, $5 Bring CD's, vinyl or DVD's to sell or swap. Who knows - someone may bring a copy of that album or song you've been searching for. Make sure you know what songs are on your CD's so you can tell others about them. 8:00 pm Winner's Circle Welcome Party - Archibald Ballroom - $10, $12 The best Derby party ever! Music, karaoke, games, prizes - fabulous fun! You all come! Co-hosted by the Kentucky Council of the Blind and the Bluegrass Council of the Blind SUNDAY, JULY 6 - Wilkinson 12:30 pm ACB Sports Fanatics' Luncheon - $23, $25 Meet world-famous Hall-of-Fame Kentucky Derby-winning jockey Pat Day; hear his exciting story. Also meet Krista Dorne, the world's most decorated blind swimmer. MONDAY, JULY 7 - Cochran 7:30 pm Free movie - Evan Almighty From Universal Studios; rated PG; presented by WGBH/Media Access Group TUESDAY, JULY 8 - Cochran 7:00 pm Free Movie - "The Empire Strikes Back" Courtesy of Joel Snyder and Audio Description Associates THURSDAY, JULY 10 - Wilkinson 1:00 pm Star Trek Experience - $18, $20 The USS Shuttle Moontype is off on another mission with movies, food, games and prizes; beam me up, Scottie! EXHIBITS, SPONSORS AND ADS 2008 EXHIBITS The 2008 ACB Exhibit Hall is filled with everything from jewelry to information resources to the latest in appliances and technologies designed especially for people who are blind and visually impaired. Located in the Suite Tower on the second floor, across from the Grand Ballroom. Exhibit hours are as follows: Saturday, July 5, 1:00 to 5:00 pm Sunday, July 6, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Wednesday, July 7 - 9, 11:00 am to 5:00 pm Thursday, July 10, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm The following exhibitors were registered for the convention at the time the program went to press. Pick up a complete list in braille or large print at the front of the Exhibit Hall; electronic copies available from the Information Desk before noon each day. ABISEE, Inc. ACB Radio ACB Store AI Squared American Association of the Deaf-Blind American Printing House for the Blind American Thermoform Corporation/ATC Low Vision ATT Aurora Ministries Bay Area Digital Benetech/ Braulio's Perfumes and More Bureau of Engraving and Printing Cambium Learning Technologies Diagnostic Devices Dolphin Computer Access Inc. Duxbury Systems Inc. E.M. Vitu Inc. En-Vision America, Inc. Enabling Technologies Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation Freedom Scientific Friends in Art Guide Dogs for the Blind Guide Dogs of America Guide Dogs of the Desert Guiding Eyes for the Blind GW Micro Hadley School for the Blind Handy Tech North America Humanware Itex/SiRecognizer KNFB Reading Technology Large Print Media Leader Dogs for the Blind LevelStar, LLC Lutheran Braille Workers Matilda Ziegler Magazine for the Blind Maxi-Aids Media Access Group/WGBH Mind's Eye Travel National Association of Parents of Children with Visual Impairments National Braille Press National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped National Statler Center for Careers in Hospitality Service Navi-tech Inc. Newsreel Magazine Pilot Dogs Inc. Plextor LLC Polara Engineering Inc. R. Schaf Toys Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic Sendero Group Serotek Corporation Social Security Work Incentives Southeastern Guide Dogs Talking Tabs Talking Tenacity, Inc. The Seeing Eye, Inc. MAJOR CONVENTION SPONSORS Kentucky GEMS ACB's sponsorship program offers agencies and corporations an opportunity to show support for our good work and, at the same time, let potential customers learn more about their products and services. We want to recognize our 2008 "gems" in this special section of the convention program. We will also recognize them in the convention newspaper, on ACB Radio, and by naming their chosen events, activities and convention services for them. Thanks are expressed for the following: RUBY SPONSOR ATT - 2008 convention volunteers OPAL SPONSOR Mississippi Council of the Blind - Youth Activity Center ONYX SPONSORS Freedom Scientific - ACB convention program HumanWare - ACB pre-registration Regal Entertainment Group - Kidz Club TOPAZ SPONSORS Guide Dogs for the Blind - convention newspaper (3 days) GW Micro - Enhanced Exhibitor Guide Louisville Downtown Lions Club - new ALD systems and AV equipment Maxi-Aids - convention newspaper (3 days) Thomson West - ACB Information Desk PEARL SPONSORS Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation - ACB Cafe (Wednesday) Goldstein, Demchak, Baller, Borgen and Dardarian/Lainey Feingold - ACB Information Access Seminar Maxi Aids - ACB Convention Cafe (Monday) Motorola - ACB Employment Seminar Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America - ACB Scholarship Dinner and NABS Luncheon Vehicle Donation Processing Center - Affiliate Presidents' Meeting Wells Fargo Bank - scholarship winner's attendance at convention IN-KIND CONVENTION SUPPORT Sometimes companies choose to provide things rather than dollars for the convention. Often these contributions are quite significant and save ACB large sums of money. We express thanks to our 2008 in-kind contributors for the following: Enabling Technologies - for the use of the high-speed braille embossers Kurzweil Educational Systems - 2008 John Mattioli Memorial Kurzweil 1000 Software Award presented to our 2008 scholarship winners Star Continuous Cards/ - for the generous donation of braille paper for "The Louisville Post Dispatch". ACB BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS President: Mitch Pomerantz, Pasadena, CA First Vice President: Kim Charlson, Watertown, MA Second Vice President: Brenda Dillon, Nashville, TN Secretary: Marlaina Lieberg, Burien, WA Treasurer: Mike Godino, Malverne, NY Immediate Past President: Christopher Gray, San Francisco, CA DIRECTORS Ed (Doc) Bradley, Houston, TX Ray Campbell, Glen Ellyn, IL Billie Jean Keith, Arlington, VA Oral O. Miller, Washington, DC Carla Ruschival, Louisville, KY Patrick Sheehan, Silver Spring, MD Naomi Soule, St. Louis, MO Jeff Thom, Sacramento, CA David Trott, Talladega, AL Cammie Vloedman, Oklahoma City, OK Ken Stewart (ex officio), Warwick, NY ACB Board of Publications Paul Edwards, Chair, Miami, FL DeAnna Noriega, Fulton, MO Jenine Stanley, Columbus, OH Ken Stewart, Warwick, NY Cindy Van Winkle, Bremerton, WA Barry Levine (ex officio), Homer Glen, IL Dr. Ronald Milliman (ex officio), Bowling Green, KY ACB Enterprises and Services Board of Directors Michael Garrett, Chair, Missouri City, TX Michael Godino, Malverne, NY Christopher Gray, San Francisco, CA Oral Miller, Washington, DC Carla Ruschival, Louisville, KY LeRoy Saunders, Oklahoma City, OK MJ Schmitt, Rochester, NY ACB NATIONAL OFFICE STAFF Melanie Brunson, Executive Director Eric Bridges, Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs Patricia Castillo, Executive Assistant for Membership and Affiliate Services Natasha Janifer, Administrative Assistant Sharon Lovering, Editor, Braille Forum Dena Wilson, Director of Development ACB ENTERPRISES AND SERVICES STAFF MINNEAPOLIS, MN Lane Waters, Controller Quan K. Cu, Computer Operation Le Chi T. Tran, ACB Accountant Lori Sarff, ACBES Accountant Elaine Vining, Administrative Assistant 2008 CONVENTION CO-ORDINATING COMMITTEE Carla Ruschival (Chair), Louisville, KY Jerry Annunzio, Kansas City, MO Margarine Beaman, Austin, TX Patti Cox, Louisville, KY Brenda Dillon, Nashville, TN Mike Duke, Jackson, MS Sandy Isaac (consultant), Louisville, KY Sharon Lovering, Washington, DC Donna Seliger, Des Moines, IA Pam Shaw, Philadelphia, PA Michael Smitherman, Jackson, MS Robert Spangler, Vinton, IA Sheila Styron (consultant), Kansas City, MO Lane Waters, Minneapolis, MN 2008 CONVENTION PROGRAM COMMITTEE Mitch Pomerantz, Chair; Melanie Brunson, Darrell Buford, Kim Charlson, Brenda Dillon, Carla Ruschival 2008 LOCAL HOST COMMITTEE Darrell Buford, Chair James Shaw, Vice Chair Susan Ament Patti Cox William Deatherage Eric Frey Sandy Isaac Debbie Kuczwara Morry LaTour Dr. Ronald Milliman Carol Porter Adam Ruschival Byron Sykes Kristi Sykes Paula Wiese Bill Wright CONVENTION CALENDAR THURSDAY, JULY 3 6:00 pm Pre-registration pick-up until 8:00 pm FRIDAY, JULY 4 8:00 am ACB Convention Cafe open until 7:00 pm 8:00 am Registration open until 7:00 pm 12:00 pm Maker's Mark Tour 4:00 pm Stephen Foster Musical Tour 7:30 pm Convention Committee Meeting - Wilkinson SATURDAY, JULY 5 8:00 am Registration open until 7:00 pm 8:00 am ACB Convention Cafe open until 7:00 pm 8:00 am Louisville City Tour 9:00 am ACB Pre-convention Board of Directors Meeting - Wilkinson 9:00 am Explore the World Through Window-Eyes - Breathitt 11:00 am Churchill Downs Day at the Races Tour 12:00 noon: Cane Capers (hotel orientation) - meet at the ACB Cafe 12:30 pm Louisville City Tour 1:00 pm Exhibits open until 5:00 pm 1:00 pm RSVA Subcommittee Meetings - RSVA Suite 2:00 pm ACB Constitution and Bylaws Committee - Walnut 2:00 pm ACB Information Access 411 - Combs/Chandler 2:00 pm Explore the Braille Sense and Voice Sense - Breathitt 3:00 pm CCLVI Board Meeting - Jones 3:00 pm RSVA Pre-Convention Board Meeting - Holly 3:00 pm Cane Capers (hotel orientation) - meet at ACB Cafe 4:00 pm The Visual Made Verbal Audio Description Workshop - Nunn 4:30 pm BFLAG Board Dinner - off-site 5:00 pm BITS Pre-Convention Board Meeting - Stanley 5:00 pm Keys to the Convention Seminar - Combs/Chandler 5:30 pm AAVIA Board Meeting - Walnut 6:00 pm: CCLVI Nominating Committee Meeting - Jones 6:00 pm Exhibitors' Reception (by invitation) - President's Suite 6:30 pm ACB Scholarship Winners' Dinner (by invitation) - Brown 6:30 pm NELDS CD Yard Sale - Nunn 6:45 pm AAVIA Dinner - meet in Suite Tower Lobby 7:00 pm Jewish Service - Collins 7:00 pm Catholic Mass - Sampson 7:00 pm FIA Board Meeting - FIA Suite 7:00 pm LUA Board Meeting - Wilkinson 8:00 pm Winner's Circle Welcome Party - Archibald Ballroom 8:00 pm NABS Welcome Party - Executive Director's Suite 9:00 pm ACB Resolutions Committee - Walnut 9:00 pm ACBL Milly's Place Pin Swap - President's Suite 9:00 pm BFLAG President's Reception Fundraiser - BFLAG Suite SUNDAY, JULY 6 7:30 am NELDS Board Meeting - President's Suite 8:00 am ACB Convention Cafe open until 7:00 pm 8:00 am Registration open until 7:00 pm 8:00 am NABT Breakfast - Brown 8:30 am Louisville City Tour 9:00 am LDS Sacrament Meeting - Collins 9:00 am Exhibits open until 5:00 pm 9:00 am CCLVI program - Jones 9:00 am RSVA Program - Nunn 9:45 am NABT Business Meeting - Brown 10:00 am Interdenominational Church Service - Sampson 10:00 am BOP Meeting - Holly 10:00 am ACB Legislative Seminar - Combs/Chandler 10:00 am BITS Program - Stopher 10:30 am NABT Board Meeting - Brown 11:00 am ACBL Board Meeting - Walnut 12:00 pm GDUI Convention Area Orientation - Laffoon 12:30 pm Louisville City Tour 12:30 pm Sports Fanatics' Luncheon - Wilkinson 12:30 pm AAVIA Program - Taylor 12:30 am NABS Hosted Scholarship Winners' Luncheon - Morrow 1:00 pm ACB Credentials Committee - Walnut 1:00 pm WCC Health Fair - Collins 1:00 pm BITS Technology Vendors' Showcase - Stopher 1:00 pm RSVA Program - Nunn 1:30 pm YAC/Kidz Club Sign-in and CFVI Pool Party - Pool 2:00 pm Keys to the Convention Seminar - Breathitt 2:00 pm Environmental Access Quiet Car Demo and Seminar - Combs/Chandler 2:00 pm ACBDA Diabetes Seminar - Coe 2:00 pm BFLAG Welcome Party - BFLAG Suite 2:00 pm Mary Kay Satin Hands/Satin Lips Demo - TBA 2:15 pm NABS Business Meeting - Morrow 2:30 pm GDUI Affiliate Roundup - Sampson 3:00 pm ACBGE Mixer - Executive Director's Suite 3:30 pm Seeing Eye Play: "With a Dog's Eyes" - Carroll/Ford 3:30 pm BRL Board Meeting - Holly 3:30 pm Newsreelers' Get-together - TBA 4:00 pm CCLVI Mixer - President's Suite 4:00 pm FIA Mixer/Showcase Sign-up - FIA Suite 4:00 pm GDUI Board Meeting - Sampson 5:00 pm GDUI Convention Area Orientation - Laffoon 5:30 pm FIA Chorus Rehearsal - FIA Suite 6:30 pm ACB Pre-Convention Entertainment - Grand Ballroom 7:00 pm ACB General Session - Grand Ballroom 10:00 pm BFLAG Evening Get-together - BFLAG Suite 10:00 pm CCLVI Welcome Dance - Wilkinson 10:00 pm RSVA Mixer - RSVA Suite 11:00 pm (after general session) ACB Resolutions Committee - Walnut MONDAY, JULY 7 7:00 am GDUI Breakfast Club - off-site 7:00 am IVIE Breakfast and Business Meeting - Brown 7:00 am Guide Dogs for the Blind Breakfast - Wilkinson 7:30 am BFLAG Morning Get-together - BFLAG Suite 8:00 am ACB Cafe open until 7:00 pm 8:00 am Registration open until 4:00 pm 8:00 am ACB Pre-Convention Entertainment - Grand Ballroom 8:15 am YAC open until 4:30 pm - Daisy 8:15 pm Kidz Club open until 12:15 - Daisy 8:30 am ACB General Session - Grand Ballroom 8:30 am YAC APH Kids Plus 11:00 am Exhibits open until 5:00 pm 12:30 pm APH Callahan Museum Tour 12:30 pm AAVL Luncheon and Program - Stanley 12:30 pm Multicultural Luncheon - Brown 12:30 pm RSVA Luncheon and meeting - Wilkinson 12:30 pm AAVIA Program - Taylor 12:45 pm Kentucky Blind Services Tour 1:00 pm FIA Art Parlor - Dogwood 1:00 pm BFLAG PFLAG Advocacy Seminar - BFLAG Suite 1:30 pm Rehab the ACB Way - Nunn 1:30 pm BITS program - Stopher 1:30 pm FIA MIDI Workshop - FIA Suite 1:30 pm GDUI program - Sampson 1:30 pm SASI Deaf-blind Communicator - Beckham 1:30 pm CCLVI/Nabs Navigating the Social Scene - Jones 2:30 pm APH Factory and Museum Tour 2:30 pm LUA program - Collins 3:00 pm WCC Skin Care the Mary Kay Way - McCreary 3:00 pm BFLAG Diversity in GLBT Culture Seminar - BFLAG Suite 3:30 pm FIA Showcase Audition - FIA Suite 4:30 pm Quiet Car Demo - Suite Tower Lobby 5:00 pm Recreation Zone, Indoor Rowing - Holly 5:00 pm APH 150th Anniversary Reception - Archibald 5:00 pm HumanWare BrailleNote Presentation and Users Group - McCreary 5:00 pm ACB Constitution and Bylaws Committee - Walnut 5:00 pm Leader Dogs Hospitality - Morrow 5:30 pm ACB Nominating Committee - Nunn 6:00 pm Speakers' Reception - Stanley 6:30 pm RSVA Auction Preview - Carroll/Ford 7:00 pm Gospel Sing - Sampson 7:00 pm AFB Info Expo - Breathitt 7:00 pm RSVA Auction - Carroll/Ford 7:00 pm Kurzweil Users' Group (by invitation) - Brown 7:30 pm Free Movie: "Evan Almighty" - Cochran 7:30 pm BFLAG Annual Meeting (members only) - BFLAG Suite 8:00 pm ACB Resolutions Committee - Walnut 8:00 pm Hospitality Bytes with BITS - Executive Director's Suite 8:00 pm GDUI River Walk - off-site 9:00 pm FIA Prose and Poetry Reading - Collins 9:00 pm RSVA Karaoke - Carroll/Ford 10:00 pm BFLAG Evening Get-together - BFLAG Suite 10:30 pm FIA Chorus Rehearsal - FIA Suite TUESDAY, JULY 8 7:00 am GDUI Breakfast Club - off-site 7:00 am ACB of New York Breakfast/Caucus - Brown 7:00 am NIB Breakfast - Carroll/Ford 7:30 am BFLAG Morning Get-together - BFLAG Suite 8:00 am Registration open until 2:00 pm 8:00 am ACB Cafe open until 7:00 pm 8:00 am ACB Pre-Convention Entertainment - Grand Ballroom 8:15 am YAC open - Daisy 8:15 am Kidz Club open until 12:15 pm - Daisy 8:30 am ACB General Session - Grand Ballroom 8:40 am YAC Holiday World and Splashin' Safari 11:00 am Exhibits open until 5:00 pm 12:15 pm ACBL Local Club Visit - off-site 12:30 pm APH Factory and Museum Tour 12:30 pm AAVIA Luncheon and Meeting - Brown 12:30 pm BITS Luncheon and Program - Wilkinson 12:30 pm FIA Luncheon and Meeting - Morrow 12:30 pm VIVA Luncheon - Stanley 12:30 pm RSVA Presidents' Meeting - RSVA Suite 1:00 pm Frazier International History Museum Tour 1:00 pm BFLAG Body Language Seminar - BFLAG Suite 1:00 pm FIA Art Parlor - Dogwood 1:30 pm Transportation Training Seminar - Stopher 1:30 pm GDUI Program - Sampson 1:30 pm BRL Program - Collins 1:30 pm CCLVI Program - Jones 1:30 pm NABS Business Meeting - Beckham 1:30 pm NABT Books Unbound - Taylor 2:00 pm WCC What Is a Gynecological Exam? - McCreary 2:30 pm Muhammad Ali Museum Walking Tour 2:30 pm APH Factory and Museum Tour 3:00 pm BFLAG Relationship Seminar - BFLAG Suite 3:00 pm FIA Meet the Artists, Art Parlor - Dogwood 3:30 pm GDUI Caucus - Sampson 4:00 pm IVIE Small Business Expo - Breathitt 4:30 pm BRL Braille Bunco - Nunn 4:30 pm Quiet Car Demo - Suite Tower Lobby 5:00 pm Recreation Zone, Water Aerobics - Pool 5:00 pm ACB Constitution and Bylaws Committee - Walnut 5:00 pm Guiding Eyes for the Blind Wine and Cheese Reception (welcome all guide dog users) - Carroll/Ford 5:00 pm HumanWare Victor Reader Stream Presentation and Users' Group - McCreary 5:00 pm NIB Job Talk Seminar - Taylor 5:30 pm Recreation Zone: Ski for Light Intro and Update - Collins 5:30 pm ACB Agency Directors' Reception (by invitation) President's Suite 5:30 pm APH Users' Group - Jones 6:00 pm Voices Around the World International Reception - Morrow 6:00 pm ACB Speakers' Reception - Stanley 6:00 pm En-vision America - i.d. Mate Talking Bar Code Scanner and ScripTalk Audible Prescription Reader - Beckham 6:30 pm ACB Scholarship Winners' Reception – Executive Director's Suite 6:30 pm LUA BookMark-et - Brown 7:00 pm Free movie: "The Empire Strikes Back" - Cochran 7:00 pm BFLAG Banquet - off-site 7:00 pm GDUI Auction Pre-bid/Preview - Wilkinson 8:00 pm ACB Resolutions Committee - Walnut 8:00 pm FIA Showcase of the Performing Arts - Grand Ballroom 8:00 pm GDUI Auction - Wilkinson 8:00 pm RSVA Casino Night - Combs/Chandler 9:00 pm Get Social with SASI - President's Suite 10:00 pm BFLAG Evening Get-together - BFLAG Suite WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 7:00 am GDUI Breakfast Club - off-site 7:00 am RSVA post-convention board meeting - RSVA Suite 7:00 am Seeing Eye Breakfast - Wilkinson 7:30 am BFLAG Morning Get-together - BFLAG Suite 8:00 am ACB Cafe open until 7:00 pm 8:00 am Registration open until 2:00 pm 8:00 am ACB Pre-Convention Entertainment - Grand Ballroom 8:15 am YAC open until 4:30 pm - Daisy 8:15 am Kidz Club open until 12:15 pm - Daisy 8:30 am ACB General Session - Grand Ballroom 8:30 am YAC Schimpf's Candy and Louisville Slugger Tour 11:00 am Exhibits open until 5:00 pm 12:30 pm APH Factory and Museum Tour 12:30 pm GDUI Luncheon - Carroll/Ford 12:30 pm IVIE Luncheon, Entrepreneurial Cyber School - Brown 12:45 pm Sweet Tooth Candy Tour 1:00 pm FIA Art Parlor - Dogwood 1:30 pm ACB/IVIE/NABS Employment Seminar - Combs/Chandler 1:30 pm AAVL/CCLVI program - Jones 1:30 pm BITS/FIA Program - Stopher 1:30 pm LUA Program - Collins 2:00 pm WCC Tea and Talk - Stanley 2:30 pm APH Factory and Museum Tour 2:30 pm FIA Writers' Workshop - Morrow 2:30 pm GDUI Simon Sez Rally - Sampson 3:00 pm ACBDA Business Meeting - Breathitt 3:00 pm CCLVI Project Insight Training - Jones 3:00 pm NELDS Social Security Q&A - Nunn 3:30 pm BOP Editor's Workshop - Wilkinson 4:00 pm AAVL Musical Mixer - President's Suite 4:30 PM BFLAG Board Meeting - off-site 5:00 pm ACB Constitution and Bylaws Committee - Walnut 5:00 pm ACBHSP Pizza and Networking -Executive Director's Suite 5:00 pm FIA Round Sing - FIA Suite 5:00 pm Midwest Caucus - Sampson 5:00 pm California Caucus - Wilkinson 5:00 pm Recreation Zone, Indoor Rowing - Holly 5:00 pm HumanWare Presentation: GPS Trekker and Breeze - McCreary 5:30 pm Recreation Zone: Ski for Light Intro and Update - Collins 6:00 pm ACB Speakers' Reception - Stanley 6:00 pm ACB Auction Preview - Archibald Ballroom 6:00 pm How Do You Use Paper Money - Breathitt 6:00 pm En-vision America - i.d. Mate Talking Bar Code Scanner and ScripTalk Audible Prescription Reader - Beckham 6:15 pm GDUI Louisville Luau Tour 7:00 pm ACB Auction - Archibald Ballroom 8:00 pm ACB Resolutions Committee - Walnut 8:00 pm CCLVI Game Night - Wilkinson 9:00 pm Multicultural Midweek Jam - President's Suite 9:30 pm BFLAG Movie Night - TBA 10:00 pm BFLAG Evening Get-together - BFLAG Suite THURSDAY, JULY 10 7:00 am GDUI Breakfast Club - off-site 7:00 am Pennsylvania Council of the Blind Breakfast Caucus (members only) - Morrow 7:00 am Washington Council of the Blind Breakfast Caucus (members only) - Stanley 7:30 am BFLAG Morning Get-together - BFLAG Suite 7:30 am FIA Board Meeting - FIA Suite 8:00 am Registration open until 2:00 pm 8:00 am ACB Cafe open until 7:00 pm 8:00 am ACB Pre-Convention Entertainment - Grand Ballroom 8:15 am YAC open until 4:00 pm - Daisy 8:15 am Kidz Club open until 12:15 pm - Daisy 8:30 am ACB General Session - Grand Ballroom 8:30 am YAC Glassworks and Fun at the Frazier 9:00 am Exhibits open until 1:00 pm 12:00 pm BFLAG Six Flags Tour 12:15 pm NABT APH Educational Products Tour 12:30 pm APH Factory and Museum Tour 12:30 pm ACBGE Luncheon and Program - Stanley 12:30 pm ACBL Luncheon and Meeting - Morrow 12:30 pm ACBHSP Luncheon - Brown 12:30 pm Florida Caucus - Beckham 1:00 pm Star Trek Experience - Wilkinson 1:30 pm Louisville Slugger Tour 1:30 pm AAVL Program - Taylor 1:30 pm ACB Radio Amateurs Meeting - Collins 1:30 pm BRL Program - Breathitt 1:30 pm GDUI Program - Sampson 2:00 pm ACB Membership Seminar - Nunn 2:00 pm ACBHSP Vision Loss Throughout the Life Phases - Brown 2:00 pm WCC Spirit, Sanctuary and Spa - McCreary 4:00 pm ACB Affiliate Presidents' Meeting - Nunn 5:00 pm DKM Julep Jamboree - President's Suite 5:00 pm Mid-South Caucus - Combs/Chandler 5:00 pm Missouri Caucus - Breathitt 5:00 pm Recreation Zone, Water Aerobics - Pool 6:00 pm ACB Resolutions Committee - Walnut 7:00 pm ACB Candidates' Forum - Grand Ballroom 8:00 pm GDUI Maintaining Good Health in Our Guides - Sampson 8:30 pm CFVI Coffee, Family Visiting and Info - TBA 8:30 pm NABS Comedy Night - Carroll/Ford 9:00 pm ACBDA Diabetics Mixer - Executive Director's Suite 9:15 pm ACB Resolutions Committee - Walnut 10:00 pm BFLAG Support Group - BFLAG Suite FRIDAY, JULY 11 7:30 am BFLAG Morning Get-together - BFLAG Suite 8:00 am ACB Cafe open until 3:00 pm 8:00 am Registration open until 1:00 pm 8:00 am ACB Pre-Convention Entertainment - Grand Ballroom 8:15 am YAC open until 15 minutes after general session - Daisy 8:15 am KIDZ Club open until 15 minutes after general session - Daisy 8:30 am ACB General Session - Grand Ballroom 8:30 am YAC Friday Fun 5:00 pm BFLAG Farewell Party - off-site 5:30 pm ACB Life Members' Reception - Wilkinson 6:30 pm YAC About Town - Daisy 6:30 pm Pre-banquet Entertainment - Archibald Ballroom 7:00 pm ACB Banquet - Archibald Ballroom 9:30 pm CCLVI Farewell Dance - Wilkinson 10:00 pm BFLAG Evening Get-together - BFLAG Suite SATURDAY, JULY 12 7:30 am BFLAG Morning Get-together - BFLAG Suite 9:30 am Squire Boone Cavern and Village Tour 10:00 am ACB Post-convention Board of Directors Meeting - Breathitt 5:00 pm Barbecue and Belle of Louisville Cruise In Memoriam (TEXT Format) In Memoriam (PDF Format) - pictures included. Convention Advertisers (TEXT Format) Convention Advertisers (PDF Format) - pictures included.