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2007 Conference and Convention Advertisers

New! Braille+ (TM) Mobile Manager

Braille+ from APH is a powerful, flexible, and easy-to-use mobile manager designed specifically for users who are blind or visually impaired.

Held in your hand like a PDA or used on your lap or desk like a laptop, Braille+ can help you:

- Stay connected by using its web browser, wireless capability, podcasts, RSS, and email

- Manage appointments with its calendar and address book

- Type in the word processor

- Record lectures or journal events

- Play your favorite songs or listen to books and movies

- Transfer files and synchronize appointments with your Windows (R) PC

Come by and see the Braille+ in action! Michael McCarty of APH will be demonstrating in the following sessions (please check your program for session locations):

- AAVL, Monday, July 2, 2:00

- BITS, Tuesday, July 3, 12:30

- LUA, Monday, July 2, 2:40 (with other speakers)

- LUA, Monday, July 2, 5:30 (with other speakers)

- APH Individual Training Session, Tuesday, July 3, 5:30

- NABT, Wednesday, July 4, 2:45

- APH Booth, Thursday, July 5

APH American Printing House for the Blind, Inc.
[email protected]

New! MaximEyes (TM) Video Magnifier

The new MaximEyes (TM) Video Magnifier from EITAC Solutions Group is offered exclusively by the American Printing House for the Blind, Inc.

A state-of-the-art video camera with up to 22x magnification provides a clear image on the 19" LCD panel.

The unique five-button computer mouse controls the video magnifier ? manipulating the camera in any direction, zooming in or out, or controlling any of the wide variety of features.

The small clip-on PenTracker (TM) is tracked by the camera as you move your pen ? no more struggling to slide an X-Y Table during reading or writing!

Come by and see the MaximEyes (TM) Video Magnifier in action in the APH booth, numbers 32-34!

American Printing House for the Blind, Inc.
[email protected]

Vision Loss Resources DeafBlind Services Minnesota 

The premier independent organizations serving blind and deaf/blind individuals in a ninecounty MinneapolisSaint Paul metropolitan area
Welcomes ACB Convention Attendees, Families and Friends
to Minnesota and the Twin Cities

Join us for a tour of our facility, presentation of our distinctive services, and refreshments on Monday, July 2nd, 1:30 3:30 p.m.

Have a wonderful time here in the Land of 10,000 Lakes!


When it comes to rehabilitation, THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE Blind & Vision Rehabilitation Services of Pittsburgh.

With 100 years of experience helping people with vision loss become independent, our plan for success is simple.

Our excellent, comprehensive programs are taught by qualified, experienced staff. Each plan is customized. With an on-site medical team, we welcome people with additional medical conditions. Our clients often say they wish they had come to us sooner.

"Coming to BVRS was the best thing that could have happened to me. Anyone who doesn't come here is cheating himself." Timothy Myers, Morrisdale, Pennsylvania

Personal Adjustment to Blindness Training

State-of-the-art Computer Access Technology Center

Vocational Services

U.S. Military Veteran Services

Summer Youth Programs

State-of-the-art Low Vision Clinic

Brand-new Residential Wing with Semi-private Rooms and Baths

1800 West Street, Homestead, PA 15120

Seven miles from downtown Pittsburgh. Near The Waterfront Shopping and Entertainment Center.

It has been our pleasure to work with the American Council of the Blind and State Affiliates over the past 10 years

All the staff at the
Vehicle Donation Processing Center
626 South Primrose Ave.
Monrovia, CA 91016 
Michael Irwin, General Manager
[email protected]


Partners for Independence
For over sixty years, the Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind has provided guide dogs, free of charge, to people who are blind and are seeking enhanced mobility and freedom.

The Foundation offers:

- State of the art campus

- Highest quality guide dogs

- In-house breeding program

- Variety of training options (on site, home, and combination)

- Special needs training

- Trekker training

- VetDogs program for U.S. veterans

The Foundation was named as the best organization in the nation serving people with disabilities by Reader's Digest magazine.

Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc.
371 East Jericho Turnpike, Smithtown, NY 11787
Fax 631.930.9009

United States Association of Blind Athletes
A 501-c-3 non-profit membership organization of the United States Olympic Committee

USABA, a member organization of the U.S. Olympic Committee, is a non-profit organization that provides sports opportunities for blind and visually impaired athletes for competition in 11 sports. USABA members range from blind children developing sports skills to elite athletes who train for competitions such as the Paralympic Games, the world's second largest athletic competition that draws more than 4,000 disabled athletes.

Shooting for the Medal Stand: Lisa Banta and her U.S. Women's Goalball Teammates won a silver medal at the Athens Paralympic Games.

The Next Generation: 2000 Paralympic Gold medalist Scott Moore instructs USABA's youth sports clinics in Colorado.

Sports Opportunities: UASBA also provides opportunities and sports adaptations for track and field, tandem cycling, goalball, judo, powerlifting, alpine and nordic skiing, swimming, wrestling, 5-a-side football, and ten-pin bowling at all levels of participation.

Recent Accomplishments:

- 34 USABA athletes competed at the Athens Paralympic Games, with 20 bringing home medals and still more setting American records.

- Currently 3 USABA judo players are residents of the Colorado Springs Olympic Training Center, 2 of which are nationally ranked by USA Judo among sighted athletes.

United States Association of Blind Athletes
33 N. Institute St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903 
Phone: (719) 630-0422
Fax: (719) 630-0616
For a current listing of events, or to view our promotional DVD, please visit our website at



Have a Mall of America (R) Moment

Escape to over 520 stores, 50 restaurants and the nation's largest indoor family amusement park. Experience leading attractions including Underwater Adventures (R) Aquarium, NASCAR Silicon Motor Speedway, A.C.E.S. Flight Simulator, Moose Mountain Adventure Golf and LEGO (R). Enjoy tax-free shopping on clothing and shoes! To get your free Mall of America (R) Visitor's Guide and hotel package information for Bloomington, Minnesota, call 877.998.2600

Mall of America
Celebrating 15 Years


We produce cutting-edge and unique ADA-compliant interior signage.

The clean look of domed Braille The Raster (TM) Method is quickly becoming the preferred process for producing ADA-compliant interior signage and wayfinding. Accent Signage Systems, Inc. holds four U.S. patents for the Raster (TM) Method with patents pending in Canada and 27 European countries.

Raster (TM) Braille meets the latest federal standards for Braille

Raster (TM) Braille is perfectly rounded in shape.

Raster (TM) Braille meets all specifications for dot height and diameter.

Raster (TM) Braille meets all specifications for inter-cell and cell-to-cell spacing.

Visit Accent's booth to experience our creative and versatile interior signage for yourself.

Access A Phone
Tomorrow's Technology is Accessible Today

Access A Phone is a ground-breaking software solution that provides access to the advanced features of Voice Over Internet Protocol phones for users with disabilities, thanks to intuitive keyboard controls and our own internal text-to-speech. Access A Phone empowers you to use such features as audible caller ID, audible message waiting indicator, call forwarding, call logging, hold, transfer, conferencing, call parking and Microsoft Outlook (R) integration without ever lifting your fingers from the keyboard. Access A Phone takes the world's best phones and makes them accessible.

102 Versailles Blvd., Suite 250
Lafayette, LA 70502
Phone: 1-866-756-0321
TTY: 337-233-8329


The Chicago Lighthouse for People Who are Blind or Visually Impaired is proud to salute Ray Campbell for his outstanding work serving people who are blind through our assistive technology support line.

The Chicago Lighthouse for People Who are Blind or Visually Impaired
1850 W. Roosevelt Rd., Chicago, IL 60608
Tel. 312.666.1331



Sendero GPS with:

* Automatic and Manual routes

* 17 Million Points of Interest

* Efficient Powerful Keyboard Interface, is clearly the world's most powerful independence navigation tool.

Sendero also carries TALKS Cell Phone Software, Miniguide, and i.d. mate OMNI.

Contact Sendero Group:
Toll Free: 888.757.6810
[email protected]


Millions of seniors and their loved ones are coping with severe vision loss. If you're one of them, find help at AFB Senior Site.

Were you recently diagnosed with an eye condition like macular degeneration or glaucoma? Are you concerned for a parent, spouse, or friend who's losing vision?

AFB Senior Site was created for you. Visit today to find:

- Inspiring stories from people like you;

- tools that help people with vision loss read, identify medications, cook, pay bills, and more;

- home design tips that maximize safety and independence;

- links to services for seniors, families, and caregivers in communities across the country.

AFB Senior Site
Help. Hope. Connection.

American Foundation for the Blind (R)
Expanding possibilities for people with vision loss


Thomson West

Delivering the highest quality legal, regulatory and business information and the most innovative technology tools to manage it. In addition to being the home of Westlaw (online), West annually publishes over 66 million books and 500 CD-ROM libraries. Visit us at


Visit the CaptionMax booth to learn about our innovative EXPANDED DESCRIPTION technologies for DVD and web!

Please recognize our Advisory Board members for all their work: Ardis Bazyn, Connie David, Donna Ray, Jordan Richardson, Juliette Silvers

Faster. Better. Nicer. (TM)


With Life's Challenges Come Dreams and Hope.

For every tragedy there is triumph. For every misstep there is a milestone. Since the beginning, these simple truths have guided Fidelco in helping people with visual disabilities help themselves. When you or someone you know decides to take that first step towards freedom and independence, Fidelco will be there to help all the steps that follow.

Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation
103 Old Iron Ore Rd.
Bloomfield, CT 06002

The Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation, Inc.


is proud to support the
American Council
of the Blind
46th Annual National Convention

Together with NEXTEL


Over 50 Years of Service
To the Blind and Visually Impaired

Guiding Eyes for the Blind

"When I walk down the street with my Guiding Eyes dog, I am blind, yet I am safe. I am free."

"My Guiding Eyes dog is my companion, my eyes and most of all, a true and devoted friend."

"The instructors are fantastic. Guiding Eyes is a wonderful place that helps so many people. I'll do whatever I can do for Guiding Eyes. My guide dog didn't change my life ... she gave me back my life."

"Guiding Eyes has exceptional, intelligent dogs with extraordinary dispositions, excellent trainers who are very responsive to my needs, and wonderful follow-up services."

Residential Training
Home Training
Special Needs Training
ACTION (Accelerated Client Training Option)
O&M Seminars

Guiding Eyes for the Blind
611 Granite Spring Rd.
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
Phone: 914.245.4024
Phone: 800.942.0149
E-Mail: [email protected]


GW Micro is Ready for Vista. Are you?

Since 1990, GW Micro has been a trusted pioneer in the adaptive technology industry, and continues to lead with innovative, customer-driven solutions.

Window-Eyes is nothing less than the most stable screen reader available on the market today. Featuring full support for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Vista.

GW Micro also offers a line of hardware products to fill our customers' needs, including the Braille Sense and Voice Sense Notetakers, the Portable SenseView hand held digital magnifier, and the Small-Talk Ultra portable computer.

To find out more about these and other fine products go or call 260-489-3671.

GW Micro
The Voice of Vision


HumanWare provides innovative solutions empowering people to fully participate in society. 

HumanWare congratulates ACB on a successful convention in 2007.


Internet Speech
Voice Internet is here, NOW!

Just Talk and Listen to the Internet using any Phone and your Own Voice
U.S. Patent 6,606,611

Imagine accessing the Internet without a computer, when you are on the go, stuck in traffic, or just away from your computer?

Sounds like science fiction? Not any more.

How? Using InternetSpeech's Voice Internet service, netECHO (R). You can surf any website, do email, search any word, listen to Music and much more. No Computer is needed.

Only $14 per month, unlimited use. Streaming Audio is $6 additional.

Call 877-312-4638 or 408-532-8460 or to sign up.

netECHO (R) is also good for Businesses and Governments to Voice Enable Various Applications ? Banking, CRM, Travel Reservation, e-Commerce, e-Learning and more.

If you have a Phone, you Have the Internet!

Internet Speech
U.S. Patent 6,606,611



Thousands of Products Specially Designed for the Blind, Low Vision, Visually Impaired, Deaf, Deaf-Blind, Hard of Hearing, Physically Challenged, Arthritic, Diabetic, and Your Special Needs.

Maxi-Aids is Your Special Needs Super Store!

Maximum Selection

Maximum Service

Maximum Savings

Maximum Convenience

Proud Sponsor of the American Council of the Blind 46th Annual National Convention

For a FREE Catalog or Product Information Call Maxi-Aids

Also available on CD-ROM (When calling please specify whether you want the full version or text only)

Phone: 1-800-522-6294
TTY: 1-631-752-0738
Fax: 1-631-752-0689
Email: [email protected] 

Products for Independent Living
42 Executive Blvd., Farmingdale, NY 11735



The Newsreel Magazine, by and for the Blind, is an exciting three hour monthly audio magazine on cassette tape. Produced by and for persons who are blind or visually impaired. Newsreel subscribers submit the various articles that are heard on the monthly cassettes. These articles contain news, supportive articles, information and entertainment.

A subscription to Newsreel introduces members to a wonderful new extended family on tape as well as a caring support group.

For more information, please contact Eileen Long at 614-469-0700, [email protected],
Newsreel, 8 East Long Street, Columbus, OH 43215;


The Total Solution
Freedom Scientific

JAWS (R) the world's favorite screen reading software

Focus and PAC Mate Braille Displays

PAC Mate (TM) the world's first accessible Pocket PC

Add ...

StreetTalk (TM) GPS

ScanTalker (TM) Barcode Reader

FSReader DAISY Player

Deaf-Blind Solutions



Do you want employment choices?

Do you want a job that maximizes your skills?

Would you one day like to become a business leader?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, a job with a National Industries for the Blind (NIB) associated agency may be for you!

NIB has more than 80 associated agencies throughout the United States and Puerto Rico, employing more than 5,500 people who are blind.

And there are many types of careers available at NIB associated agencies, including:

* Knowledgebased computer jobs

* Professional and managerial positions

* Call Center operations

* Assembly, packaging and distribution

* Hightech manufacturing

A recent survey of employees in our associated agencies revealed that 94% are proud of their work and 96% feel that the job they perform is important.

And if you're interested in one day becoming a business leader, NIB's Business Leaders Program may be for you. By providing onthejob experience, formal and informal training, and mentoring and orientation sessions, the Business Leaders Program will support the professional development of talented employees to take on the important work of NIB and its associated agencies.

Contact NIB and learn more!

1310 Braddock Place
Alexandria, VA 223141691
Phone: 7033100500
Email: [email protected] 
Web site:


mPower Yourself with the BrailleNote Family

The BrailleNote mPower, VoiceNote mPower and BrailleNote PK offer users more productivity and connectivity.

HumanWare offers a line of versatile notetakers designed with the user in mind. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi let you connect to a local network or the world. Context sensitive help means you're never stuck looking for an answer.

Every BrailleNote mPower, VoiceNote mPower and BrailleNote PK also offer the following: * RFB&D bookplayer FREE

* Media player - listen to music including MP3

* Dictionary at your fingertips (optional)

* Optional GPS

To learn more about the BrailleNote family of notetakers, call HumanWare at 800-722-3393. Or see us on the web


The Mississippi Council of the Blind invites you to visit with us in Mississippi and hopes you have an enjoyable 2007 ACB Convention.
Gary Austin


The Seeing Eye

Find out what it's like to be guided by a Seeing Eye dog. Sign up at our exhibit booth or visit us in our hospitality suite to take a walk with our instructors.

Compete for fun and exciting door prizes, including the chance to name a Seeing Eye puppy!

Or just stop by for some Seeing Eye hospitality. Dogs & canes equally welcome.

Special Notice for Seeing Eye Grads Check our suite schedule for beginner and advance lessons in clicker training, a method that combines traditional training with a system of positive reinforcement.


Sunday, July 1, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.:

A special presentation featuring Seeing Eye graduate and pioneer of the talking GPS Mike May. Mike will be signing the newly released book about his life called "Crashing Through: A True Story of Risk, Adventure, and the Man Who Dared to See." Everyone is welcome to join us for food and an exciting presentation.

Wednesday, July 4, 7 a.m.: Seeing Eye Graduate Breakfast. Grads are encouraged to bring an interested guest. Please check the ACB preregistration package to reserve a seat.


! Cruise with ACB in 2008 !

Western Caribbean: Depart March 29, 2008 aboard the NEW Carnival Freedom for 7 wonderful days in the Caribbean. We will depart from Miami and visit Cozumel, Grand Cayman and Ocho Rios Jamaica. Prices starting at $853.60 for an inside cabin, $1,003.60 for an ocean view cabin and $1,213.60 for a private balcony.

Exotic Eastern Caribbean: Depart September 6, 2008 aboard the Carnival Liberty for 7 fantastic days traveling from Miami to Half Moon Cay, St. Thomas, San Juan and beautiful Grand Turk. Prices starting at $791.03 for an inside cabin, $891.03 for an ocean view cabin, and $1,043.03 for a private balcony.

Stop by Damar Travel and Cruise and see Dave Kronk and Marsha Schuman to book your wonderful vacation now.

Damar Travel and Cruise
11988 Dorsett Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63043
8009996101 x422


THE LOW VISION STORE Booth #49 Providing adaptive equipment for the work place, school setting and every day life. We offer a wide range of products for the visually impaired and blind.

Distributor of Freedom Scientific (R) products in the Upper Midwest.

THE LOW VISION STORE was named 2006 #1 TOPAZ (TM) seller in the U.S.

ST. PAUL, MN 55114

3333 W. Division St., St. Cloud, MN 56301 320-252-6444
2800 3rd St., Rapid City, SD 57701 605-718-2303

Freedom Scientific and all Freedom Scientific-based marks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Freedom Scientific, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All rights reserved.


Paws With a Cause (R)
Service/Guide Dog Program

A Paws With A Cause Service/Guide Dog is an Assistance Dog that can help a person who is blind or visually impaired and has a physical disability requiring the use of a manual wheelchair for independent travel.

A Service/Guide Dog can increase your quality of life by:

- Decreasing your need for outside care

- Increasing your ability to function more self-sufficiently

- Expanding your involvement in your community

For more information, or to request an application, please contact Paws With A Cause at (800) 253-7297 or


Seedlings Braille Books for Children
Sowing the Seeds of Literacy for over 20 years

- Free catalog with over 800 low-cost titles in braille for children 0-14

- Largest selection of braille pre-school board books anywhere

- THE ROSE PROJECT - Free World Book Encyclopedia articles in braille brought to you by The Claire Giannini Fund

- ANNA'S BOOK ANGEL PROJECT - Register now for a free book

- Shop 24 hours a day on our accessible website

- Unique selection of braille novelty items

Seedlings Braille Books for Children ... bringing the joy of reading to children worldwide since 1984
14151 Farmington Rd.
Livonia, MI 48154
[email protected]

" Free described streamed movies

" TV guide for described shows


20th Century Fox described DVD movie based on NTN founder and President Jim Stovall's bestselling book, "The Ultimate Gift."

Call 8008018184 for more information.


MBH 60 Years
Mary Bryant Home for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Promoting Independence. Enriching Lives.

Are you ready for a change? The Mary Bryant Home for the Blind is currently accepting residents.

Our residents enjoy:

- Deluxe apartments and suites - furnished, complete with kitchenettes and baths

- Convenient in-house shopping - featuring a full range of merchandise designed specifically for blind and visually impaired individuals

- Independent living options - decide how involved you want to be

- Additional Services - Internet accessible computers and free wireless internet services

- plus more

For more information visit or call us at:
2960 Stanton - Springfield, IL 62703
(217) 529-1611


We are proud to offer Descriptive Audio and Open Captioning at our theatres across the country. These services are available on nearly 200 screens and the number continues to grow.


Guide Dogs for The Blind is proud to be a sponsor of the 2007 ACB National Convention and GDUI

Please join us:

Tuesday at 2:30 pm for "Click on This," a clicker training seminar (a prerequisite for the workshop on Wednesday)

Wednesday at 5:30 pm Attend a special GDUI clicker training workshop. Learn from the experts including Guide Dog's Michele Pouliot, Director of Research and Training.

Don't miss the interview with Michele on the GDUI radio broadcast on Wednesday morning!

Wednesday at 7:00 am GDB graduates and prospective students come and enjoy our breakfast reception!

Thursday at 2:00 3:00 pm Attend presentation "Dog Attacks, Protection and Prevention" led by Emily Simone Have you ever imagined what it might be like to have a Guide Dog? Visit the GDB booth and take a test drive! Also come by to sign up for chances to win great prizes!!

Guide Dogs for the Blind, San Rafael, California (888) 884DOGS


Talking welcomes all delegates to the 2007 ACB National Convention

Please visit us in the exhibit area to learn how you can precisely and easily manage your indoor comfort with the VIP TALKING THERMOSTAT that was specifically designed for persons who are blind and visually impaired

Harry Cohen
Toll free 1-800-838-8860


Small tools for big living.

Experience the Icon (TM) plus Docking Station -- the revolutionary leap in pocket-sized PDA for the visually impaired, loaded with book player, email manager, web browser, word processor, calendar, music player, 30GB hard drive for thousands of digital books and songs, plus much more. Snap it into the Braille or Qwerty Docking Station and you?ve got a highly functional notetaker. See it today. Or And prepare to live big.

Visit us at Booth 37 and receive a $50 savings
Introducing the Icon (TM) mobile manager plus Docking Station.

LevelStar (TM)
The Icon (TM) plus Docking Station. Small tools for big living.


Your world. Delivered.

AT&T is proud to be a 2007 sponsor of the American Council of the Blind