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February 7, 2025




All times listed are in Eastern.

9 am: ACB Presents The Daily Schedule

Join your Community Morning Crew for the question of the day; reading of the daily schedule; and sharing time.

11 am: Alison's Community Cafe

Celebrate the end of the week with Alison and your fellow community members with some lively chatter and fun. Meet new people, or re-acquaint with old friends.

12 pm: Educational Adventures and Updates: Accessibility and Current Events for Children and Students with Blindness and Vision Impairment

The field of education for students who are blind and visually impaired is constantly changing! This session will focus on current issues impacting access to education, potential methods to improve instruction, and ideas for advocacy.

12 pm: Mindful Movement to Manage Stress

This yoga class co-ordinates small, gentle movements with the breath to promote a sense of well-being. The movements are selected to benefit guide dog handlers and white cane users, so we focus a lot on hips, back, shoulders, arms, and hands and other areas where we build up tension.
You will be encouraged to move within your current range of motion and energy level. The whole practice can be done while sitting in a chair. We will finish with a guided awareness relaxation. Everything will be described clearly, and you can ask questions. What you'll need for this class: a firm chair that won't slide around as you move; a folded blanket or a couple of folded bath towels, and a bed pillow or throe pillow. This class is taught by yoga teacher Robin Mandell.

Email the facilitator

3 pm: Judy and Lucy's Music Memories

Come in and talk with us about music, our favorite subject! What is our topic for this week? Well, you just never know what memory lane Judy and Lucy will lead you down, you'll have to come and find out!

4 pm: Blindness and More

This is a support group for people with multiple disabilities.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this group is for peer support only. It is not a therapy group; will not be facilitated by a health care professional serving in a professional capacity; and does not purport to provide mental health services.

Subscribe to Blindness and More email group

5 pm: In Perspective

How to write a family history.

Sponsored by Branco Events

7 pm: VISAbilities

You can be a student at any age.  Join Terry as she welcomes Denise Colley, ACB Scholarship Committee Chair.  We will talk about some of the amazing students who have received scholarships and what they are doing now.  We will also take some time to talk about people our scholarships are in memory of, many of whom we remember. We will also have a presentation on some of the ACB Awards. These are all time sensitive topics.  Please join us as all are always Welcome..

Sponsored by VISAbilities.

email the facilitator

9 pm: It's Play Time

Meka and Cindy welcome you to join in for another fun Friday night filled with games and laughter.

Event Category
Fri Feb 07, 2025