Here are some very good reasons to attend the programs offered by the Council of Citizens with Low Vision at the ACB convention.

You will hear Dr. James Nolan, Director of Special Projects and Research for Envision, describe his comprehensive, current research on driving with bioptic lenses. He will tell us about legislative variations concerning driving with bioptic lenses in the 38 states that issue driver's licenses to individuals using these lenses. Dr. Nolan has low vision. Hear about the experiences of a panel of drivers who use bioptic lenses.

Dr. Edwin Druding, psychologist, will lead panelists in a discussion of how they deal with having low vision and other identity issues. How are their experiences similar to or different from your own?

Learn about preparing for emergencies with your low vision in mind. Day Al-Mohamed, ACB's Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs, and Don Hall, Senior Emergency Preparedness Planner for the Jacksonville Fire Department, will address this topic and answer your questions.

How do changes in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) affect issues that matter to people with low vision? Mitch Pomerantz, ADA Compliance Officer for the City of Los Angeles, will speak about this concern.

Dr. Christian Guier, an optometrist from the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla., will speak about his practice and low vision and what the future may hold for people who have low vision. What new technology is on the horizon? Dr. Guier will bring low vision aids for us to see.

Wouldn't we all like to learn more about getting the clutter out of our lives? Barbara Milleville, president of the National Capitol Citizens with Low Vision and CCLVI board member, has become an expert on this subject. She will share some tips with us.

Joyce Kleiber, editor of "Vision Access," will invite people who attend her session to share their experiences of reaching out to people who are facing vision loss.

And you don't want to miss CCLVI's mixer on Sunday afternoon and our dances on Sunday evening and Friday evening. On Wednesday evening our game night is an opportunity to participate in some of the game show formats you've enjoyed on TV.

Come join us for a good time in Jacksonville!

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