,! ,,acb ;,e-,=um ,volume ,,lxi ,octob] #bjbb ,no4 #d ,publi%$ by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,2 ,a ,"p ( ,,acb ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl9d^t is a memb]%ip organiza;n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,to jo91 3tact ! na;nal (fice at #a-#hjj-#dbd- #hfff4 ,3tribute to ,\r ,"w ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax-d$uctible1 c 2 s5t to ,attn3 ,tr1sur]1 ,,acb1 #fbjj ,%+le ,creek ,pkwy41 ,suite #aee1 ,brooklyn ,c5t]1 ,,mn #eedcj4 ,if y wi% to rememb] a relative or fr1 ! na;nal (fice has pr9t$ c>ds available = ? purpose4 ,3sid] 9clud+ a gift to ,,acb 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t4 ,if yr wi%es >e complex1 call ! na;nal (fice4 ,to make a 3tribu;n to ,,acb by ! ,comb9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #aaaee4 ,*eck 9 ) ,,acb ,= ! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 #bd_/#g at #a-#hjj-#dbd-#hfff1 or r1d x onl9e4 ,li/5 to ,,acb ,reports by d[nload+ ! ,,mp#c file f www4acb4org1 or call "<#eah"> #ijf-#ahbj & *oose op;n #h4 ,tune 9 to ,,acb ,m$ia at www4acbm$ia4org or by call+ "<#eah"> #ijf-#ahbj4 ,le>n m ab u at www4acb4org4 ,foll[ u on ,twitt] at @aacbna;nal1 or l u on #b ,facebook at https3_/_/www4" facebook4com_/acbna;nal4 ^c #bjbb ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,]ic ,bridges1 ,executive ,director ,%>on ,lov]+1 ,$itor #agjc ;,n4 ,b1ureg>d ,st41 ,suite #dbj1 ,alex&ria1 ,,va #bbcaa #c ,table ( ,3t5ts ,presid5t's ,message3 ,3gratula;ns6 ,we ,did ,x61 by ,dan ,spoone1 page #g ,travel+ to ,s*aumburg1 by ,janet ,dickelman1 page #ab #bjbb ,,acb ,3f];e & ,3v5;n ,summ>y1 by ,katie ,fr$]ick1 page #ae ,,acb ,aw>ds ,s*ol>%ips to #bj ,\t/&+ ,/ud5ts1 by ,d5ise ,colley1 page #ba ,sleep.s 9 ,omaha1 by ,ca*et ,wells1 page #bg ,my ,,acb ,brl ,=um ,ra6le ,/ory1 by ,allan ,pet]son1 page #cd ,,acb ,memb]%ip ,committee ,sem9>3 8,memb]%ip #aja10 compil$ by ,>dis ,bazyn1 page #cf #d ,am5d;ts to ! ,3/itu;n & ,bylaws1 by ,john ,mc,cann1 page #db ,summ>y ( #bjbb ,resolu;ns1 page #dh ,summ>y ( ! ,july #a1 #bjbb ,,acb ,bo>d ,meet+1 by ,p5ny ,re$]1 page #eg ,a6iliate ,news1 page #gj ,"h & ,"!1 $it$ by ,cyn?ia ;,g4 ,hawk9s1 page #gg ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op1 page #hd ,,acb ,(fic]s1 page #hf ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors1 page #hh ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns1 page #hi ,a3ess+ ,yr ,,acb ,brl & ;,e- ,=ums1 page #ij ,upcom+ ,=um ,!mes & ,d1dl9es ,decemb] "3 ,9t]na;nal ,rela;ns #e ,committee2 d1dl9e3 ,octob] #bdth ,janu>y3 ,,tba2 d1dl9e3 ,novemb] #bast ,>e ,y ,mov+8 ,d ,y ,want to ,*ange ,yr ,subscrip;n8 ,3tact ,%>on ,lov]+ 9 ! ,,acb na;nal (fice1 #a-#hjj- #dbd-#hfff1 or via ;e-mail1 slov]+@aacb4org4 ,give h] ! 9=ma;n1 & %e'll make ! *anges = y4 #f ,presid5t's ,message3 ,3gratula;ns6 ,we ,did ,x6 by ,dan ,spoone ,3gratula;ns to \r ,,acb memb]s1 /aff & coll1gues6 ,we did x6 ,\r f/ "e truly hybrid 3v5;n 0 a huge su3ess4 ,? ye>'s hybrid 3v5;n %[cas$ ,,acb's commit;t to 9clu.n = all ( \r memb]s & bl & l[ vi.n coll1gues4 ,all memb]s _h an opportun;y to "picipate 9 ! ,,acb c&idate elec;ns "? ! 8,vote ,n[0 plat=m4 ,3gratula;ns to ,gabriel ,lopez ,kafati1 ,t]ry ,pa*eco & ,ra*el ,s*ro$] = _! elec;n to ! ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors = ! f/ "t4 ,we welcome back to ! bo>d bo? ,jeff ,?om & ,koni ,sims to 3t9ue _! excell5t s]vice4 ,p5ny ,re$]1 ,zelda ,gebh>d1 & ,ca*et ,wells #g 7 all re-elect$ to ! ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns "<,,bop"> = an addi;nal t]m4 ,we al 3sid]$ #bj resolu;ns & f\r 3/itu;n & bylaws am5d;ts t 7 all debat$ & vot$ on by \r memb]s 9 bo? an 9-p]son & virtual ,zoom 5viron;t4 ,"! 0 h1l?y 4cus.n1 & "ey"o _h an opportun;y to "picipate4 ,x 0 9t]e/+ to r1lize t two ( \r ?ree newly elect$ bo>d memb]s "picipat$ virtually & "o ( \r re-elect$ ,,bop bo>d memb]s al "picipat$ virtually4 ,! 3v5;n _h amaz+ t\rs ) a lovely walk acr ! ,s5ator ,bob ,k]rey ,p$e/rian ,bridge f ,nebraska to ,i[a1 f1tur+ ,om> ! troll1 & rem>ks f ,megan ,lawr;e1 ,nike's ,vice ,presid5t ( ,a3essibil;y & ,get ,up & ,get ,mov+ ,h1l? ,h]o4 ,"! 0 a wond];l d9n] cruise d[n ! ,miss\ri #h ,riv]1 a hi/oric t\r ( ! ,malcolm ;,x ,museum & a slugfe/ baseball game 2t ! ,omaha ,/orm ,*as]s & ! ,tol$o ,mud ,h5s4 ,"! 7 ov] #hj hybrid "w%ops ) excell5t s.d qual;y & ov] #be audio- describ$ t\rs ( \r na;nal p>ks & museums4 ,! virtual por;n ( ! ev5t 0 kick$ (f on ,?urs"d nit ,%[case ) amaz+ tal5t on 4play4 ,! exhibit hall 0 back ) a slew ( v5dors demon/rat+ new products & te*nology4 ,x 0 amaz+ to physically get yr h&s on ! items & h ! full %opp+ exp]i;e4 ,"! 0 an audio- describ$ %[+ ( ! movie 8,we/ ,side ,/ory0 & a wond];l virtual auc;n t lift$ "ey"o's _ss = ! 3v5;n ) ov] #aej items4 ,we recogniz$ ! la/ ?ree ye>s ( ,,jpm,'organ #i ,*ase ,l1d]%ip ,fell[s & ,,dkm ,f/-,"trs dur+ op5+ ses.n4 ,we al recogniz$ ?ree ye>s ( ,,acb s*ol>%ip w9n]s & pres5t$ #bj video 9t]views ) ? ye>'s fanta/ic class ( /ud5ts4 ,x 0 excit+ to he> ! a6iliate roll call 9 ! ballroom on ,satur"d nis4 ,un=tunately1 we did exp]i;e \r %>e ( ,,covid-#ai virus transmis.n1 & ! ,,acb bo>d & memb]s w ne$ to 4cuss ! 3sequ;es & op;ns = future ev5ts4 ,bo? ,leslie & ,i te/$ positive af return+ home1 & we "k we 7 n al"o4 ,we recognize ! *all5ge1 & we s9c]ely hope t "ey"o is 9 gd h1l?4 ,! r1l;y is t ? /u2orn virus is 2com+ 9escapable4 ,we h lots to le>n f \r f/ hybrid 3v5;n4 ,i hope y #aj _h a *.e to complete ! 3v5;n survey4 ,! 3v5;n committee has held multiple commun;y calls to ga!r fe$back f \r memb]s & frs4 ,"! h be5 meet+s ) ! a6iliate presid5ts1 ! ,,acb broadca/ t1m1 /aff1 sponsors & v5dors4 ,janet ,dickelman1 3v5;n *air1 & ,rick ,mor91 ,,acb ,m$ia ,manag]1 w 2 compil+ ! results ( ^! ef=ts = a compreh5sive report to ! bo>d at ! fall meet+ 9 ,octob]4 ,we appreciate all ! memb] fe$back4 ,yr ,,acb l1d]s w 2 "w+ to improve \r #bjbc 3v5;n 9 ,s*aumburg1 ,ill4 ,once ag1 ?anks = an amaz+ #bjbb 3v5;n 9 ,omaha1 ,neb4 & >.d ! _w "? \r ,,acb ,m$ia ,net"w4 #aa ,travel+ to ,s*aumburg by ,janet ,dickelman ,! home ( ! #bjbc ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 3f];e & 3v5;n w 2 ! ,r5aiss.e ,s*aumburg ,3v5;n ,c5t] ,hotel 9 ,s*aumburg1 ,ill4 ,3v5;n dates >e ,june #cj "? ,july #g4 ,! op5+ g5]al ses.n w 2 on ,satur"d ev5+1 ,july #a4 ,\r banquet w 2 held on ,?urs"d nie " & ,midway "4 ,o',h>e is #ah miles f ! hotel1 ,midway is #cf miles away4 ,taxi co/s >e @s#ce f ,o',h>e & @s#ff f ,midway2 pl1se keep 9 m9d t addi;nal *>ges may 2 add$ due to "t ( "d & w1!r4 ,clos] to ! 3v5;n we w 2 able to provide up-to-date taxi 9=ma;n z well z 9=ma;n reg>d+ local p>atransit & ,metra4 ,tra9 ,9=ma;n ,if y'd l to travel to ,ill9ois by tra91 ,*icago's ,union ,/a;n is #ca miles f ! hotel4 ,*icago is al s]v$ by ,greyh.d4 ,/ay+ 9 ,t\* ,once ag ? ye>1 ! 3f];e & 3v5;n ann\nce li/ w 2 fill$ ) 9=ma;n4 ,to subscribe to #ac ! li/1 s5d a blank ;e-mail to acbconv5;n-subscribe@a" acbli/s4org4 ,if y rcvd updates = ! #bjbb 3v5;n1 y d n ne$ to subscribe to ! li/4 ,hotel ,details ,room rates at ! ,r5aiss.e >e @s#ih p] ni4 ,res]va;n 9=ma;n w 2 po/$ :5 x 2comes available4 ,= any 3v5;n-relat$ "qs1 pl1se 3tact ,janet ,dickelman1 3v5;n *air1 at "<#fea"> #dbh- #ejei or via ;e-mail1 janet4" dickelman@agmail4com4 #ad #bjbb ,,acb ,3f];e & ,3v5;n ,summ>y by ,katie ,fr$]ick ,= ! pa/ two ye>s1 ,,acb 3v5;ns pres5t$ unique opportunities = ! organiza;n4 ,?anks to te*nology1 & c.t.s h\rs f volunte]s1 we ho/$ two \t/&+ virtual ev5ts4 ,z plann+ 2gan = ! #bjbb 3v5;n1 ! /age 0 set = a hybrid ev5t ,- ano!r f/ new opportun;y = ,,acb4 ,! #bjbb 3f];e & 3v5;n activities (ficially 2gan :5 ,presid5t ,dan ,spoone call$ ! 3v5;n to ord] on ,june #bb4 ,_m ,,acb special-9t]e/ a6iliates held meet+s or o!r virtual programm+ dur+ ! foll[+ ?ree "ds4 ,^? att5d+ ! 9-p]son ev5t 2gan mak+ _! way to ,omaha ! la/ week ( ,june z 3f];e & 3v5;n hybrid activities 2gan ,july #ae #a4 ,satur"d1 ,july #b ,presid5t ,spoone call$ ! op5+ ses.n to ord] 9 ,omaha ,satur"d ev5+1 ,july #b4 ,m>k ,bulg]1 ,presid5t1 ,,acb ( ,nebraska1 welcom$ "ey"o to ,omaha4 ,op5+ ses.n tradi;ns1 9clud$ ! presid5t's & executive director's reports1 aw>d+ life memb]%ips1 recogniz+ ,,dkm & ,,jpm,'organ ,*ase ,l1d]%ip ,fell[s1 he>+ f ,bob ,cim9]a1 ,,ceo ( ,visp]o1 = ! diamond sponsor pres5ta;n1 & an ,,acb ,angels,0 tribute "<,yol&a ,phelan & ,vicki ,johnson">4 ,! ev5+ 3clud$ ) ! roll call ( a6iliates4 ,sun"d1 ,july #c ,sun"d morn+'s g5]al ses.n honor$ ,,acb s*ol>%ip w9n]s1 recogniz+ ^? 9-p]son :o #af won 9 #bjbj & #bjba :5 ! virtual 3f];es took place4 ,a tribute to ,,acb ,angel ,b]nice ,k&>ian "<,cali=nia">1 recogni;n ( corporate & 9dividual sponsors1 updates f ,m>c ,"wman1 presid5t ( ! ,_w ,bl ,union "<,,wbu">1 & ,jason ,br"\on1 director ( ! ,na;nal ,libr>y ,s]vice = ! ,bl & ,pr9t ,4abl$ "<,,nls">1 3clud$ ! program = ! morn+4 ,! ses.n 3clud$ ) nom9a;ns & spee*es ( memb]s runn+ = ! bo>d ( directors4 ,mon"d1 ,july #d ,hi%ip pres5ta;ns1 honor+ ,,acb ,angel ,josette ,k]nad ( directors & bo>d ( publica;ns4 ,! ,audio #ag ,descrip;n ,project "<,,adp"> pres5t$ well-des]v$ aw>ds1 we he>d f ! #bjbb class ( ,,acb s*ol>%ip w9n]s1 & an update f ,c9dy ,hollis1 ,,acb's ,manag] ( ,memb]%ip & ,5gage;t4 ,tues"d1 ,july #e ,= s"eal ye>s1 a hirator4 ,? ye>'s n>rator1 ,ray ,f\%ee1 did n 4appo9t4 ,! ,c\ncil ( ,citiz5s ) ,l[ ,vi.n ,9t]na;nal "<,,cclvi"> pres5t$ s*ol>%ips1 & we he>d f m #bjbb ,,acb s*ol>%ip w9n]s4 ,a tribute play$ honor+ ,,acb ,angel ,rod ,*>d ( ,colorado4 ,cl>k ,ra*fal1 ,,acb's ,director ( ,advocacy1 & ,swa?a ,n&hakum>1 ,advocacy & ,\tr1* ,speciali/1 provid$ updates on ! #bjba resolu;ns1 ! #bjbb legislative imp]atives1 & 5c\rag$ #ah "ey"o to 8keep advocat+60 ,w$nes"d1 ,july #f ,td's g5]al ses.n hi ?ank$ "ey"o = _! support ( ! auc;n1 walk1 ! angels program1 ! ,brl ,=um ra6le1 & m4 ,?anks to "ey"o's g5]os;y1 ^! popul> fundrais]s >e su3ess;l4 ,]ic ,bridges1 ,,acb's executive director1 & ,nancy ,m>ks- ,beck]1 ,*ief ,f9ancial ,(fic]1 pres5t$ on ! gr[? ( ,,acb4 ,"d ;,al-,moham$1 ,director ( ,4abil;y ,policy1 ,dome/ic ,policy ,c\ncil1 address$ att5dees4 ,?urs"d1 ,july #g ,! f9al g5]al ses.n ( ! hybrid 3v5;n 2gan ,?urs"d morn+4 ,tradi;nally1 #ai dur+ ! f9al g5]al ses.n1 resolu;ns & 3/itu;nal am5d;ts >e r1d & vot$ on1 & ? ye> 0 no excep;n4 ,af _m h\rs ( ?"\;l 3tribu;ns & debate f ,,acb memb]s1 ! hybrid g5]al ses.n adj\rn$4 ,! #bjbb 3f];e & 3v5;n af=d$ 9-p]son & virtual opportunities = ,,acb memb]s & frs4 ,ga!r+ 9 p]son 0 a tr1t = ^? ( u :o made x to ,omaha1 b ?anks to te*nology1 ^? :o "picipat$ virtually _h an 5joyable exp]i;e4 ,i don't "k ab y1 b ,i'm alr look+ =w>d to 3nect+ ag 9 ,s*aumburg1 ,ill4 next ye>4 #bj ,,acb ,aw>ds ,s*ol>%ips to #bj ,\t/&+ ,/ud5ts by ,d5ise ,colley ,once ag ? ye>1 ! ,,acb ,s*ol>%ip ,program is privileg$ to recognize & honor a hid on _! hi<] $uca;n j\rney4 ,? ye> we decid$ to give y all a ll glimpse 9to _! busy & productive lives4 ,kri%na ,bodawala is f ,j]sey ,c;y1 ,n4,j41 b is orig9ally f ,guj>at1 ,9dia4 ,he is a graduate /ud5t pursu+ an ,,mba 9 manage;t4 ,he w 2 att5d+ ,new ,york ,9/itute ( ,te*nology4 ,kev9 ,coh5 is f ,hewlett1 ,n4,y4 ,he is an "ugraduate /ud5t pursu+ a ,b4,s4 9 a3.t+ & a ,b4,a4 9 economics4 ,he w 2 att5d+ ,b+hamton #ba ,univ]s;y - ,/ate ,univ]s;y ( ,new ,york4 ,brodie ,5o* is f ,new ,york1 ,n4,y4 ,he is a pursu+ a law degree at ! ,c;y ,univ]s;y ( ,new ,york's ,s*ool ( ,law4 ,gabriel ,gates is f ,?ornton1 ,colo4 ,he is a graduate /ud5t pursu+ a degree 9 ,l1d]%ip 9 ,$uca;nal ,equ;y1 9 support ( 8 new c>e] 9 4abil;y support s]vices 9 hi<] $uca;n4 ,he w att5d ! ,univ]s;y ( ,colorado4 ,john ,g]aci is f ,waban1 ,mass4 ,he is an "ugraduate /ud5t pursu+ a degree 9 communica;n & m$ia /udies1 & a m9or 9 religion & !ological /udies4 ,he w 2 att5d+ ,m]rimack ,college 9 ,nor? ,&ov]1 ,mass4 ,madilyn ,grose is f ,be?lehem1 ,pa4 ,%e is #bb an 5t]+ fre%man & wants to pursue a degree 9 >t !rapy4 ,? fall1 %e w att5d ,m>ywood ,univ]s;y1 locat$ 9 ,scranton1 ,pa4 ,c>m5 ,guzman is f ,celebra;n1 ,fla4 ,%e is an "ugraduate /ud5t pursu+ a degree 9 music $uca;n4 ,%e w 2 att5d+ ! ,univ]s;y ( ,miami4 ,maure5 ,hayd5 is f ,college ,/a;n1 ,tex4 ,%e is a graduate /ud5t pursu+ a ,ph4,d4 9 m>9e biology4 ,%e w att5d ,texas ,a@&,m ,univ]s;y4 ,qusay ,husse9 is f ,au/91 ,texas1 b is orig9ally f ,iraq4 ,he is a graduate /ud5t pursu+ a ma/]'s 9 social "w4 ,he w att5d ! ,univ]s;y ( ,texas4 ,rob]t ,lamm is f ,=t ,coll9s1 ,colo4 ,he is an "ugraduate /ud5t pursu+ a degree 9 5viron;tal #bc 5g9e]+4 ,? fall1 he w att5d ,colorado ,/ate ,univ]s;y4 ,julia ,murray is f ,pittsbur<1 ,pa4 ,%e is an 5t]+ fre%man 9t]e/$ 9 pursu+ a degree 9 ex]cise sci;e_/pre- o3upa;nal !rapy4 ,%e w 2 att5d+ ,slipp]y ,rock ,univ]s;y4 ,camille ,o',neill is f ,gretna1 ,neb4 ,%e is an 5t]+ fre%man1 & is 9t]e/$ 9 pursu+ a degree 9 busi;s_/data analytics4 ,? fall1 %e w att5d ,creiy1 ,n4,c4 ,%e is an 5t]+ fre%man1 & is 9t]e/$ 9 pursu+ a degree 9 biology4 ,%e w 2 att5d+ ! ,univ]s;y ( ,s\? ,c>ol9a4 ,bhavya ,%ah is f ,/an=d1 ,calif4 ,he is an "ugraduate /ud5t1 pursu+ a ,b4,s4 degree 9 ma!matical & computa;nal sci;e ) a m9or 9 $uca;n4 ,he w 2 att5d+ ,/an=d ,univ]s;y4 ,br&on ,swall[ is f ,rock+ham1 ,n4,c4 ,he is an 5t]+ fre%man1 & is 9t]e/$ 9 pursu+ a degree 9 9=ma;n te*nology ) a m9or 9 cyb] secur;y4 ,he w att5d ! ,univ]s;y ( ,nor? ,c>ol9a4 ,malia ,?ibado is f ,pell ,c;y1 ,ala4 ,%e is an #be 5t]+ fre%man :o is 9t]e/$ 9 pursu+ a degree 9 9t]na;nal busi;s & =eign language ) a m9or 9 5trepr5eur%ip4 ,%e w att5d ,hillsdale ,college4 ,tatyana ,tolliv]-,hu1 ,w4,va4 ,%e is an 5t]+ fre%man :o is 9t]e/$ 9 pursu+ a degree 9 humanities1 advocacy1 communica;ns1 or public policy4 ,at ! "t ( ? applica;n1 %e _h be5 a3ept$ at two di6]5t univ]sities1 b _hn't decid$ ": %e wd att5d4 ,*antale ,zuzi is f ,hold51 ,mass4 ,%e is an 5t]+ fre%man :o is 9t]e/$ 9 pursu+ a degree 9 9t]na;nal develop;t or 9t]na;nal rela;ns1 ) a m9or 9 comput] sci;e4 ,*antale w att5d ,wellesley ,college4 ,,acb's s*ol>%ip program 0 e/abli%$ 9 #aihb4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl & ! ,am]ican ,f.da;n = ! ,bl #bf "<,,afb"> h =m$ a "pn]%ip to (f] $uca;nal s*ol>%ips rang+ f @s#b1jjj to @s#g1ejj = legally bl /ud5ts att5d+ a te*nical college or :o >e 5t]+ fre%m51 "ugraduates or graduate /ud5ts4 ,? program aw>ds /ud5ts ) s*ol>%ips to help ) po/-second>y $uca;n f9ancial ne$s s* z tui;n1 fees1 room & bo>d & o!r addi;nal co/s associat$ ) adaptive te*nology4 ,sleep.s 9 ,omaha by ,ca*et ,wells ,re/.s niy ( my _m feel+s z ! "t drew ne> = my summ]'s 8,sleep.s 9 ,omaha0 adv5tures4 ,"o cd say x 0 l t la/ "d ( summ] d.e m]g+ ) ! #bg excite;t ( ! f/ "d ( s*ool blues4 ,x 0 alm l ! develop+ ( an amuse;t p>k sup] roll] coa/] ride ) lots ( hid sp9n+ ?"\s ( 8:at %d ,i pack80 & ^? upw>d b.d lifts scr1m$1 8,oh my6 ,n[ ,i've r1lly ov]-pack$60 ,at "o po9t1 ,i ev5 sd ?r[ ! :ole suitcase away af wei<+ x = ! ?ird "t4 ,c y imag9e my dilemma86 ,x 0 j too m* to fa?om4 ,2t keep+ up ) regi/ra;n d1dl9es1 s*$ul$ activities1 *eck-9s & log9s1 ,i 0 def9itely zoom+ >.d :ile gett+ ge>$ up = all ! 3v5;n fe/ivities4 ,n q positive : came f/1 sug>plum vi.ns or ^? 8,nie on ,elm ,/reet0-l clips t plagu$ my m9d4 ,i 0 det]m9$ to keep x all #bh organiz$ & 9 ord]4 ,yet sudd5ly ?9k+1 8,is ? ! "r "t to g8 ,! co/ is 9cr1s+ly m.t+40 ,& la/ly1 ! two p ,i love m ?an ? _w1 my p>5ts1 _h n[ te/$ positive & ,i 0 s*$ul$ to l1ve 9 ?ree weeks4 ,cd ? 2 a sign8 ,i 0 excit$1 yet n s excit$ 2c ? 0 go+ to 2 my f/ flirives1 & x's :eels up f "h4 ,i'm on my way4 ,t\* d[n1 ,i'm "h safely4 ,t wasn't s bad1 ,i ?"\ to myf4 ,& ,i 0 (f & runn+ f t mo;t on1 f ba7age claim to *eck-94 ,? 0 go+ to 2 a grt 3v5;n4 ,i sat 9 my room = a few %ort m9utes to j soak x all in4 ,i've travel$ _m places ov] ? life1 b ,i cdn't 2lieve x4 ,i _h actually gott5 on a plane4 ,n[ ? may 2 a norm = "s or maybe ev5 _m1 b = me x 0 my f/4 ,i'm alw *all5g+ #cj myf1 b ? 0 "s?+ ,i knew ,i'd n"e put on my rad> or bucket li/4 ,& ,i did x4 ,self- advocacy is alw grt :5 y exce$ ev5 ! b.d>ies y set = yrf4 ,n[ x's "t to get go+4 ,\tl9+ ! plan = att5d+ ! ses.ns1 putt+ 9 my "t to get "s "w d"o & c>v+ \ "s gd ol,0 qual;y "t to meet up ) frs1 & ag ,i ?"\1 8,w ,i 2 able to squeeze x all in80 ,ea* "d br"\ xs [n excite;t & ambi;n ( :at ,i 0 to a3ompli%4 ,unpack+ all ! valuable 9=ma;n provid$ by sponsors1 committees & special-9t]e/ a6iliates made = "s v notewor?y meet+s4 ,e passageway1 hallway & ( c\rse ^? elevator 9t]mis.ns made = grt br1ks to 5gage ) o!rs & make new acqua9t.es al;g ! way4 ,) s m* go+ on f sites to ses.ns1 t\rs to table #ca talks1 f mix]s & m+l+ ) m frs 9 ! commun;y made = a few sleep.s ni1 a neiri$ away & %>$4 ,"picipat+ 9 ! 3v5;n n only op5$ up an \tlet = s _m ( u to 3nect & give back1 b x has af=d$ me an up-close p]spective ab m ( ! f.da;n ( ? organiza;n4 ,i am rem9d$ :y ,i get 9volv$1 #cb 5gag$ & 3t9ue to advocate = bl;s 2y ! walls ( my commun;y4 ,! _m memories t h be5 acquir$ f my att5d.e & ! abil;y to see democracy prevail "? ! "e- evolv+ 9clusive ac;ns & repres5ta;n t all[$ = ! 3v5;n to 2 made available 9 a hybrid mann] = ^? :o 7 n able to 2 "!4 ,i d "hby dcl & 2 x resolv$ t ! mis.n set \ to att5d & 2 an active voice at ! ,,acb na;nal 3v5;n has be5 complet$4 ,^u l1v+ sleep.s 9 ,omaha1 ,i d decree t ,i % re/ until x's "t to d x ag4 ,until ! :eels lift to ,s*aumburg1 ,ill41 :5 we c ,zoom or sit tgr next ye> to see ! cr$its roll in1 well d"o1 ,,acb l1d]%ip1 memb]%ip & /aff6 #cc ,my ,,acb ,brl ,=um ,ra6le ,/ory by ,allan ,pet]son ,i don't rememb] exactly to :om ,i sold my f/ ,,acb ,brl ,=um ra6le ticket1 b "o ( ! f/ tickets ,i sold 0 ! w9n] ( ! @s#e1jjj prize4 ,= bett] or worse1 ? e>ly su3ess help$ me to 2come hook$ 9to 2+ a ,brl ,=um 8,ra6le ,man0 salesman4 ,a v appreciative 8,?ank y60 to all :o b"\ a #bjbb ,,acb ,brl ,=um ra6le ticket1 :e!r x 0 f me or f o!r s\rces4 ,? 0 ! second ye> t we 7 su3ess;l 9 sell+ all ( ! #ejj tickets t 7 pr9t$4 ,( c\rse1 "! 7 ?ree people_/gr\ps :o did w9 a ca% prize1 b ,i emphasize t all :o b"\ a ticket >e w9n]s 2c y collectively >e support+ a grt cause6 ,i m/ emphasize t yr support ( ! ra6le is a #cd grt 3sola;n prize6 ,i wi% to express my apprecia;n to ^? :o b"\ a ticket f me p]sonally4 ,yes1 ,i did meet a p]sonal goal to sell at l1/ #aej ra6le tickets ? ye>6 8,) a ll help f my frs10 ,i c claim to h sold #afj tickets = ! #bjbb ,,acb ,brl ,=um ra6le4 ,"o ( ! frs ,i m/ ?ank & recognize = h] help ) my su3ess is ,nancy ,feela 9 ! ,,acb f9ancial (fice = help+ me ) cr$it c>d sales & track+ ! tickets ,i _h tak5 responsibil;y = sell+4 ,_m ( ^? :o ,i sell tickets to h b"\ tickets f me = a numb] ( ye>s & >e / wait+ = t call t !y've won a prize4 ,i wi% ,i cd tell ea* ( !m !y 7 w9n]s1 b on ! o!r h& ,i c tru?;lly say _! 9ve/;t 9 ! ra6le supports publica;n & 4tribu;n ( a grt #ce 9/itu;n1 \r ,,acb ,brl ,=um4 ,,acb ,memb]%ip ,committee ,sem9>3 8,memb]%ip #aja0 compil$ by ,>dis ,bazyn1 ,,acb ,memb]%ip ,committee ,*air ,! !me = ? summ] 0 ,memb]%ip #aja4 ,! f/ panel topic 0 8,h[ to recruit & reta9 memb]s40 ,julie ,brannon1 presid5t ( ! ,wa%+ton ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 sd net"w+ is \r bi7e/ asset4 ,mo/ memb]s >e br"\ by memb]s4 ,%e su7e/$ hav+ a ses.n on h[ to %>e ! b5efits ( yr a6iliate ) new or prospective memb]s4 ,x mi4 ,!y h a newslr & mon?ly news radio *annel : podca/s ! news4 ,!y s5d ph"o rem9d]s = all ev5ts4 ,"! is a presid5ts,0 #cg meet+ ": memb]s c give fe$back4 ,,kcb (f]s life memb]%ip at an af=dable co/4 ,!y 5c\rage memb]s to "picipate 9 ? op;n4 ,danette ,dixon1 f/ vice presid5t ( ,,acb ,diabetics 9 ,ac;n1 uses commun;y calls = _m ( _! ev5ts to r1* m p4 ,!y h special sp1k]s ( 9t]e/ to ^? ) pre-diabetes or diabetes4 ,,acbda gives support1 9=ma;n1 & :at diabetics ne$ to le>n4 ,!y hold fundrais]s ( 9t]e/ %>$ on ! commun;y call li/ z well4 ,danette %>$ h[ ? a6iliate help$ h] :5 %e 2came a diabetic4 ,we al 4cuss$ h[ to r1* p 9 rural >1s4 ,sp1k]s m5;n$ t hybrid meet+s help4 ,zoom meet+s & 3f];e calls >e a gd op;n = m rural >1s or ev5 >1s 9 a c;y n ne> ano!r *apt]4 ,memb]s at l>ge %d h #ch regul> meet+s to le>n :at is happ5+ 9 an a6iliate4 ,%>e any ann\nce;ts ab yr *apt] meet+s or o!r ev5ts on yr website & on email li/s z well z social m$ia4 ,h m5tor+ ses.ns z well z special mon?ly calls on books1 te*nology & o!r topics4 ,x helps to h a memb]%ip coord9ator 9 ea* *apt]4 ,,wcb has a ,,c>es program ) a sun%9e committee & 5c\rages 9volve;t4 ,! second panel focus$ on 8,h[ to give ! be/ ori5ta;n to new memb]s40 ,gabriel ,lopez ,kafati1 presid5t ( ,bl ,,lgbt ,pride ,9t]na;nal1 sd !y 9vite new memb]s to jo9 _! ,:ats,app gr\p4 ,!y 3tact new memb]s immly to ask ab _! 9t]e/s4 ,!y ac"kl$ge !m at ! next meet+4 ,!y 5c\rage memb] "picipa;n 9 bo>d meet+s4 ,!y t1* !m ab :at ! organiza;n is do+4 ,!y #ci 9vite new memb]s to "picipate 9 committees & 3v5;n meet+s to get new p excit$4 ,/ate 3v5;ns >e al a gd way to n\ri% & welcome new memb]s4 ,!y m5tor memb]s 9to l1d]%ip posi;ns4 ,am&a ,selm1 presid5t ( ,,acb ,next ,g5]a;n1 sd !y h a memb]%ip ori5ta;n guide4 ,_! mis.n & vi.n >e on _! website z well z ! home = all _! activities4 ,on ! website1 any"o c f9d _! 3/itu;n1 ! 8ab ! organiza;n0 page1 committees1 ev5ts1 & b5efits4 ,!y let memb]s "k !y appreciate !m4 ,"o memb]%ip p]k is help+ memb]s cr1te an elevator pit*1 cu/omiz+ !m to fit ea* p]son4 ,!y h a div]se bo>d & build rela;n%ips to le>n memb]s,0 ne$s4 ,!y ask :at ea* p]son has z _! goals & objectives4 ,!y h a =mal ori5ta;n at 3v5;n ": !y #dj 4cuss ! gr\p's committees1 hi/ory1 etc4 ,mi*ael ,g>rett1 vice presid5t & memb]%ip *air = ,,acb ( ,texas1 sd !y provide 9=mative calls on a regul> basis4 ,!y expla9 :at b5efits >e4 ,memb]s (t5 rema9 memb]s if !y h rcvd 9=ma;n : tells :at ! organiza;n's hi/ory is1 :at advocacy ! organiza;n has provid$1 & :at ways !y c "picipate 9 ! future4 ,sp1k]s !n answ]$ "q ab us+ social m$ia4 ,social m$ia c 2 us$ = a memb]s-only gr\p on ,facebook4 ,next ,g5 is "p ( ,mess5g]4 ,next ,g5 al has a nei* = p #da :o "k h[ to use social m$ia to assi/ yr a6iliate4 ,? ye>'s ,a6iliate ,gr[? ,aw>d = ! l>ge/ p]c5tage ( gr[? 0 aw>d$ to ! ,d4,c4 ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 : grew #dfi4ef p]c5t4 ,! ,a6iliate ,gr[? ,aw>d = ! l>ge/ numb] ( new memb]s w5t to ,r&olph- ,%epp>d ,v5dors ( ,am]ica1 : _h #abe new memb]s4 ,wat* = upcom+ ,,acb 8,memb]%ip ,focus0 calls4 ,am5d;ts to ! ,3/itu;n & ,bylaws by ,john ,mc,cann ,,acb adopt$ s"eal am5d;ts to xs 3/itu;n & bylaws at ! annual 3f];e & 3v5;n4 ,9 ,>ticle ,,vi1 ,p>agraph ;,c1 ! *ange is to ! fif? s5t;e1 to 9clude writt5 electronic communica;n #db s* z email4 ,x n[ /ates3 ;,c4 ,! ,bo>d ( ,directors % 2 ! gov]n+ body ( ? organiza;n 2t 3f];es & 3v5;ns1 provid$ t x % make no policy deci.ns & take no (ficial ac;n 9 3flict ) exi/+ deci.ns or ac;ns ( ! 3f];e & 3v5;n4 ,! ,bo>d ( ,directors is "hby au?oriz$ to e/abli% an ,executive ,committee 3si/+ ( five "<#e"> memb]s select$ & 3/itut$ 9 ! foll[+ mann]3 two "<#b"> memb]s % 2 elect$ by1 & f am;g1 ! t5 "<#aj"> ,directors2 two "<#b"> memb]s % 2 elect$ by1 & f am;g1 ! five "<#e"> (fic]s & ! ,imm ,pa/ ,presid5t2 ! presid5t % s]ve z *airp]son4 ,except = ! presid5t1 no ,executive ,committee memb] % s]ve = m ?an two "<#b"> 3secutive "o "<#a"> ye> t]ms4 ,! ,executive ,committee % meet at ! #dc call ( ! presid5t1 or ^u ! writt5 reque/ ( ?ree "<#c"> ( xs memb]s4 ,s* reque/ % 2 s5t to ea* bo>d memb] or _! designee1 "<: designee % h sign$ ! 3fid5tial;y agree;t applicable to all bo>d memb]s">1 via any m1ns ( writt5 electronic communica;n at l1/ five "<#e"> cal5d> "ds prior to ! propos$ meet+ date4 ,9 ord] to exp$ite ! 3duct ( busi;s : _c wait until a regul>ly s*$ul$ meet+ ( ! ,bo>d ( ,directors1 ! ,executive ,committee % 2 au?oriz$ to act on 2half ( ! ,bo>d ( ,directors 2t regul> meet+s ( t bo>d1 provid$ x % make no policy deci.ns & take no (ficial ac;n 9 3flict ) exi/+ deci.ns or ac;ns ( ! ,bo>d ( ,directors or ! 3f];e & 3v5;n4 ,m9utes ( ea* ,executive ,committee #dd meet+ % 2 s5t to ea* memb] ( ! ,bo>d ( ,directors )9 fifte5 "<#ae"> "ds af ! ,executive ,committee meet+1 or at l1/ sev5 "<#g"> "ds prior to ! next meet+ ( ! ,bo>d ( ,directors1 :i*"e o3urs f/4 ,9 ,>ticle ,,iv1 ,p>agraph ;,h1 a simil> *ange 0 adopt$4 ,! p>agraph n[ r1ds3 ;,h4 ,! presid5t may call a special meet+ ( ! ,bo>d ( ,directors at any "t1 & % call a special meet+ ( ! ,bo>d ^u ! reque/ ( at l1/ five "<#e"> memb]s ( ! ,bo>d4 ,notice ( ! special meet+ % 2 s5t to ea* bo>d memb] or _! designee1 "<: designee % h sign$ ! 3fid5tial;y agree;t applicable to all bo>d memb]s">1 via writt5 electronic communica;n at l1/ sev5 "<#g"> "ds prior to ! meet+ date4 ,! "t1 ! loca;n1 & ! specific #de purpose ( ! meet+ % 2 9clud$ 9 ! notice4 ,"u ,bylaw #f1 ,p>agraph ;,b1 s"eal *anges 7 made to set ! d1dl9e = a3ept.e ( resolu;ns & = report+ resolu;ns to ! 3v5;n4 ,! p>agraph n[ r1ds3 ;,b4 ,resolu;ns ,committee3 ,! presid5t1 )9 sixty "<#fj"> "ds af ! close ( ea* na;nal 3f];e & 3v5;n1 % appo9t a *airp]son & n less ?an f\r "<#d"> addi;nal memb]s z a ,resolu;ns ,committee4 ,any resolu;ns to 2 3sid]$ % 2 submitt$ n less ?an sixty "<#fj"> "ds prior to ! op5+ date ( ea* 3f];e & 3v5;n4 ,resolu;ns submitt$ af ? d1dl9e % only 2 a3ept$ if x c 2 demon/rat$ t circum/.es e6ectively preclud$ _! 3sid]a;n prior to ! d1dl9e4 ,! committee % communicate #df ? d1dl9e us+ ! ,,acb ,brl ,=um & o!r ,,acb communica;n *annels n less ?an "o hundr$ & tw5ty "<#abj"> "ds prior to ! "d ( ! op5+ ses.n ( ea* 3f];e & 3v5;n4 ,all resolu;ns submitt$ to ! committee )9 ! a=em5;n$ d1dl9e or t h be5 a3ept$ af t d1dl9e % 2 report$ ^u ) or )\t committee recomm5da;n1 un.s ! resolu;n is )drawn by xs au?or or an 9dividual repres5tative ( ! au?or designat$ 9 writ+4 ,if a resolu;n is adopt$ by ! 3f];e & 3v5;n1 & dur+ ? process1 any 3flict+ previ\sly adopt$ resolu;ns >e n resc9d$1 ! mo/ rec5tly adopt$ resolu;n on ! subject % take prec$;e4 ,to view ! 3/itu;n & bylaws onl9e1 g to https3_/_/acb4" org_/con/itu;n-bylaws4 ,if y wd pref] a h>d-copy v].n1 3tact ! ,,acb na;nal #dg (fice4 ,summ>y ( #bjbb ,resolu;ns ,resolu;ns #bjbb-#jd1 #bjbb- #aj1 #bjbb-#aa1 #bjbb-#bb1 & #bjbb-#bc 7 )drawn prior to 2+ 3sid]$ by ! committee4 ,resolu;ns #bjbb-#ja & #bjbb- #bj 7 3sid]$ by ! committee b 7 )drawn prior to 2+ pres5t$ to ! 3v5;n 2c ! ac;ns !y 7 call+ = _h alr be5 put 9to place4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#jb 0 3sid]$ by ! 3v5;n1 b x fail$4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#jc 0 ref]r$ to ! advocacy /e]+ committee4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#je 0 3sid]$ by ! 3v5;n1 b fail$4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#ba 0 3sid]$ by ! 3v5;n1 b x fail$1 too4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#jf directs ,,acb to "w ) ! ,brl #dh ,revival ,l1gue to explore ! be/ way to cr1te a climate & an expecta;n t brl labels w 2 requir$ on products produc$ & sold 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates1 & 9/ructs ! executive director to 9clude 9=ma;n on ! progress ( imple;t+ ? resolu;n 9 8 report to ! #bjbc 3v5;n 9 ,s*aumburg1 ,ill4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#jg 9/ructs t ,,acb "w ) ! ,brl ,revival ,l1gue & ,libr>y ,us]s ( ,am]ica to ask ! ,bo>d ( ,directors & ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns to re9/ate #ab h>d-copy issues ( 8,! ,,acb ,brl ,=um40 ,%d ! bo>ds decide t x is n f1sible to resume produc+ #ab issues1 !y wd h to provide ! specific r1sons to ! memb]%ip4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#jh directs ,,acb's 3v5;n coord9ator to seek to 9clude ! provi.n #di ( cosmetics ) brl & l>ge pr9t id5tifica;n z a nec compon5t ( any new 3tracts ,,acb 5t]s 9to ) 3v5;n hotels4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#ji 9/ructs ,,nls t1 comm5c+ ) new rel1ses1 ,,nls produce all xs audio mat]ials ) a textual equival5t1 asks t ,,nls explore updat+ xs exi/+ audio mat]ial collec;n to 9clude a text equival5t1 & directs t ,,acb reque/ annual updates on ! addi;n ( text equival5ts to _! digital audio collec;n4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#ab direct ,,acb's presid5t &_/or _! designee to review resolu;ns : h be5 adopt$1 comm5c+ ) #bjba2 9/ructs ,,acb's presid5t & ! resolu;ns *air to provide a /atus update = ea* resolu;n1 & directs t a regul> annual report on ! /atus ( ea* resolu;n 2 giv5 to ! #ej memb]%ip4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#ac directs ,,acb to call ^u ,y\,tube to publicly e/abli% a date to roll \ ! audio descrip;n f1ture to all us]s1 & 9/ructs ,y\,tube to "w ) ,,acb ,/ud5ts & ! ,audio ,descrip;n ,project 9 ord] to r1* \ to 3t5t cr1tors to assi/ !m 9 ! cr1;n ( hi<-qual;y audio descrip;n 3t5t4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#ad directs ,,acb to /r;gly 5c\rage & "w to promote !at] companies,0 use ( live audio descrip;n z ! only e6ective m1ns ( communicat+ ! visual ele;ts to ! bl !at]go]4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#ae 9/ructs ,,acb to 2g9 a dialogue ) ,amazon to det]m9e ! be/ solu;ns to 5sure t ,amazon's ,4abil;y ,cu/om] ,support ,l9e /aff w provide a3urate #ea product descrip;ns = p :o >e bl or h l[ vi.n4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#af directs ,,acb to seek sy/emic *ange 9 ord] to a*ieve m p]man5t settle;t 9 4abil;y "rs cases1 & t1 z a f/ /ep1 ,,acb1 "? xs advocacy /e]+ committee1 seek to collaborate ) o!r 5tities d$icat$ to civil "rs to id5tify1 evaluate1 & imple;t legal /rategies & o!r m1ns & me*anisms = promot+ l;g-t]m1 positive /ructural *ange "? civil "rs settle;ts & 3s5t decrees4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#ag 9/ructs ,,acb to reque/ ! ,ag+ & ,vi.n ,loss ,na;nal ,coali;n to 3duct a /udy aim$ at develop+ empirical data t w docu;t bo? ! problem & xs pot5tial solu;ns cle>ly1 & directs bo? gr\ps to "utake appropriate $uca;nal & advocacy #eb ef=ts to 5sure place;ts 9 9/itu;naliz$ sett+s c 2 avoid to ! maximum ext5t possible = 9dividuals :o >e bl or h l[ vi.n4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#ah directs ,,acb's ,advocacy ,s]vices ,/e]+ ,committee to develop an approa* t w all[ \tr1* to "s ( ^! ,m$ic>e manag$ c>e organiza;ns1 9clud+ ,m$ic>e ,advantage plans1 to det]m9e :e!r \r 9t]e/ 9 durable m$ical equip;t = p ) l[ vi.n & vi.n s]vices c 2 =w>d$ by "w+ ) ? k9d ( ,m$ic>e hybrid 5t;y4 ,al 9/ructs ,,acb's ,advocacy ,s]vices ,committee to explore :at legal rem$ies exi/ = ! unconscionable 9transig;e ( ,,cms & o!r ele;ts ( ,m$ic>e :o h rema9$ /u2ornly unwill+ to 5t]ta9 bl;s-specific programs ev5 z pilot projects1 & directs ! committee to #ec provide a progress report at ! #bjbc l1d]%ip 3f];e4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#ai directs ,,acb to jo9 ) o!r "pn] organiza;ns to dem& t ! ,unit$ ,/ates ,de"p;t ( ,$uca;n "<,,usdoe"> issue updat$ & 3sid]ably m compreh5sive $uca;n policy guid.e by ! 5d ( ! ye> #bjbd4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#bd directs ,,acb1 al;g ) ! ,alli.e on ,ag+ & ,vi.n ,loss1 ! ,brl ,revival ,l1gue1 ,c\ncil ( ,citiz5s ) ,l[ ,vi.n ,9t]na;nal1 & ,libr>y ,us]s ( ,am]ica1 to /r;gly urge t ! produc;n ( ! h>d-copy l>ge pr9t v].n ( ,talk+ ,book ,topics 2 re9/at$1 & reque/s t ,,nls 5t] 9to a dialogue ) ,,acb & xs special-9t]e/ a6iliates to resolve ? issue4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#be directs ,,acb to /r;gly urge ! #ed ,u4,s4 ,s5ate to pass ! ,coll9s-,%ahe5 bill1 ! ,9sul9 ,act1 & urges xs a6iliates & memb]s to 3tact _! s5ators to advocate = ! passage ( ? bill4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#bf directs ,,acb to 5c\rage all live !at] provid]s to 5able !at]go]s :o >e bl or h l[ vi.n to rcv live audio descrip;n = all live p]=m.es1 except :5 an undue burd5 c 2 demon/rat$4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#bg *>ges ! ,,acb bo>d & ! advocacy /e]+ committee ) plann+ = ? organiza;n's h\s+ advocacy1 & urges ,,acb's /ate & local a6iliates to 2come 9volv$ 9 advocat+ 9 ! >ea ( h\s+4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#bh expresses apprecia;n to ! /aff ( ! ,,*i ,h1l? ,c5t] & ! ,omaha ,hilton = _! h>d "w & ,midwe/ hospital;y4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#bi #ee expresses ,,acb's he>tfelt 3gratula;ns & ?anks to ? ye>'s ,3v5;n ,ho/ ,committee & ! wom5 & m5 ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ( ,nebraska = _! 5?usia/ic welcome1 ! untold h\rs ( plann+ & h>d "w1 & ! trem5d\s privilege ( br++ \r na;nal 3f];e & 3v5;n to ! ,cornhusk] /ate4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#cj s9c]ely ?anks ea* & e 9dividual volunte] :o s self.sly & graci\sly gave ( _! "t & 5]gy to make ? f/ 3v5;n back 9 p]son s* a su3ess4 ,resolu;n #bjbb-#ca expresses ,,acb's s9c]e gratitude & extreme apprecia;n = "ey"o :o put 9 l;g h\rs & assi/$ to make ? f/ hybrid 3v5;n possible1 9clud+ b n limit$ to ! 3v5;n plann+ t1m & ! ,,acb ,m$ia /aff4 #ef ,summ>y ( ! ,july #a1 #bjbb ,,acb ,bo>d ,meet+ by ,p5ny ,re$] ,! ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors held xs pre-3v5;n meet+ z a hybrid ev5t on ,july #a1 #bjbb4 ,! bo>d meet+ 0 /r1m$ by ,,acb ,m$ia4 ,to he> ! record+1 visit www4acbm$ia4" org_/#bjbb_/#jg_/#ja_/" #bjbbjgja-#jb-acb-bo>d-meet+" _/4 ,to r1d ! meet+ m9utes1 visit https3_/_/acb4org_/" #bjbb-acb- bo>d-directors-m9utes & *oose ! ,july #a meet+4 ,! ,mis.n ,mo;t ,,acb presid5t ,dan ,spoone & executive director ,]ic ,bridges recogniz$ ! ,,acb ,m$ia t1m = _! h>d "w plann+ & produc+ ? hybrid 3v5;n4 #eg ,3v5;n ,report ,,acb 3v5;n coord9ator ,janet ,dickelman expla9$ t ! hybrid nature ( ? 3v5;n _h necessitat$ mov+ ev5ts & activities >.d & 9cr1s+ ! numb] ( "d"t & ev5+ h\rs :5 memb]s wd ne$ to 2 available4 ,janet & ,dan assur$ memb]s t1 if any"o att5d+ %d 2come ill ) ,,covid1 ,,acb wd s5d an email al]t to regi/]$ att5dees4 ,,acb ,m$ia ,5gage;t ,policy ,reg>d+ ,provid+ ,s]vices = ,a6iliate ,3v5;ns ,! bo>d 3sid]$ recomm5da;ns f ! ,,acb ,m$ia t1m "u : a6iliates c secure ! t1m's /r1m+ & podca/+ s]vices = 3v5;ns & o!r special ev5ts4 ,p>amet]s \tl9$ 9 ! propos$ policy 9clude def9+ %>$ & sep>ate ,,acb a6iliate & #eh ,m$ia t1m responsibilities & fund+ obliga;ns1 requir+ "tly notice ( a6iliate 3v5;ns1 collaborat+ on propos$ dates = s*$ul+ 3v5;ns & ! scope ( ,,acb ,m$ia ,t1m s]vices1 & designat+ a p]iod ( #de black- \ "ds on ei side ( ! ,,acb na;nal 3v5;n to p]mit ! m$ia t1m to 3c5trate exclusively on 3v5;n cov]age4 ,! bo>d expects to approve ! policy dur+ xs fall meet+4 ,m5tal ,h1l? & ,well;s ,9 response to ,resolu;n #bjba-#cd1 ! ,advocacy ,/e]+ ,committee recomm5d$ cr1t+ a p]man5t ,m5tal ,h1l? & ,well;s ,committee4 ,! bo>d approv$ =m+ ! committee2 ,pam ,%aw w 2 ! *airp]son4 ,dan & auc;n committee *air ,leslie ,spoone ?ank$ ! bo>d = _! 3tribu;ns to1 & #ei support (1 ! summ] auc;n4 ,! ,,acb ,l1d]%ip ,li/ ,dan & ,deb ,lewis told ! bo>d t !y h develop$ guidel9es = monitor+ ! ,,acb ,l1d]%ip li/4 ,! goal ( revis+ ^? rules is to return ! li/ to ! purposes xs cr1tors _h 9 m9d :5 !y set up ! li/ 9 ! late #aiijs4 ,!y 5vi.n$ a 4cus.n li/ t wd focus on bl;s & organiza;nal issues4 ,revis$ li/ guidel9es >e expect$ to 2come e6ective 9 ,augu/4 ,nancy ,m>ks-,beck] \tl9$ ! /ip5d : ! bo>d _h approv$ 9 ,febru>y #bjba1 : bo>d memb]s c reque/ to assi/ ) exp5ses associat$ ) att5d+ 9-p]son bo>d meet+s4 ,%e sd t ! bo>d /ip5d ( @s#a1jjj p] bo>d meet+ c 2 us$ = air & gr.d transporta;n & lodg+ bas$ on d\ble o3upancy4 #fj ,not+ ! skyrocket+ co/s = airf>e1 ,jim ,kra*t (f]$ a mo;n to 9cr1se ! /ip5d to cov] any propor;n ( air f>e t exce$s @s#ejj1 assum+ t economy-class air transporta;n is book$ at l1/ #cj "ds 9 adv.e ( ! date ( travel4 ,9 a close roll-call vote1 ! bo>d adopt$ ! mo;n ) sev5 y1s1 six nays1 & two ab/5;ns4 ,improv+ ,communica;ns ,2t ,,acb ,l1d]s & ,a6iliates ,a recurr+ !me "?\t ! "d-l;g meet+ 9volv$ improv+ ongo+ communica;ns 2t ! ,,acb bo>d & (fic]s1 & a6iliate memb]s & l1d]s4 ,ref]r+ to rec5t writt5 ex*anges 2t ! ,florida ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 ,,acb ,next ,g5]a;n & ! ,,acb bo>d1 ,*ris ,bell ask$ ,dan to briefly \tl9e #fa ac;ns he _h tak5 to respond to ! 3c]ns : l1d]s 9 bo? a6iliates _h express$4 ,dan /at$ t he _h met ) memb]s ( ! ,florida ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl's executive committee & spok5 to _! bo>d ( directors at _! rec5t meet+1 & he _h spok5 ) ,next ,g5 presid5t ,am&a ,selm & vice presid5t ,matt ,selm4 ,bo? a6iliates _h 3vey$ _! fru/ra;n 3c]n+ deci.ns t appe>$ to h be5 made by ,,acb l1d]%ip 9 an app>5t abs;e ( 9put f a6ect$ a6iliates or memb]s4 ,he plann$ to give a m detail$ report at ! ,augu/ meet+4 ,dan not$ t ! ways we h respond$ to & cop$ ) ! p&emic h g5]at$ 3sequ;es = \r organiza;n t we may 2 only 2g9n+ to "u/& & address4 ,he expla9$ t ,,acb's cr1;n ( a vibrant commun;y1 & #fb 9troduc;n & adop;n ( improv$ communica;ns te*nologies l ,zoom h m1nt t we f9d \rvs 9 a f> di6]5t place ?an we 7 ?ree ye>s ago4 ,public meet+s ( ! bo>d ( directors & bo>d ( publica;ns >e made va/ly m public by live /r1m+ & podca/s1 &1 z "picipa;n on commun;y calls has 2come a "p ( _! daily r\t9es1 memb]s ( ,,acb & ! bl;s commun;y at l>ge h gr[n a3u/om$ to he>+ :at's on p's m9ds & "picipat+ 9 ! 4cus.ns : result4 ,to address memb]s,0 m.t+ expecta;ns = 9cr1s$ 9volve;t1 ! bo>d adopt$ s"eal mo;ns 9troduc$ by ,*ris ,bell4 ,*ris expla9$1 8,communica;n is "o ?+1 & 9put is ano!r1 & !y >e n ! same4 ,we ne$ to g "o /ep fur!r to all[ = a =mal process = 9put4 ,i am mak+ a mo;n1 ! e6ect ( : w 2 = u to h #fc an exp]i;t ": ! bo>d adopts "s policies on an 9t]im basis4 ,we w s5d \ "s propos$ policy *anges to ! presid5ts ( \r a6iliates " & seek _! =mal or 9=mal com;t ov] a r1sonable p]iod ( "t4 ,!n ! issue w come back to ! bo>d1 :o c !n 3sid] ^? com;ts & r1* an 9=m$ f9al policy deci.n t w take ^? com;ts 9to 3sid]a;n40 ,/aff ,reports ,executive ,director's ,report ,]ic %>$ details reg>d+ ,,acb f.da;n & corpora;n grant fund+ applica;ns & curr5t & project$ rev5ue /atus4 ,he & ! /aff >e develop+ a toolkit ( brief+s1 talk+ po9ts1 & meet+ guidel9es to maximize \r communica;n ) donors & #fd f.da;ns4 ,! gr\p t manages ! build+ ": ,,acb's na;nal (fice is curr5tly locat$ has 9=m$ ,,acb t a major build+ r5ova;n is s*$ul$ = ! summ] ( #bjbc4 ,]ic & ! /aff w 2g9 se>*+ = alt]native loca;ns = ! (fice4 ,9 3sulta;n ) ,bill ,re$]1 memb]s ( ! ,advisory ,bo>d & ,,acb (fic]s1 ,]ic told ! bo>d t a deci.n has be5 made to dec\ple communica;ns & develop;t responsibilities )9 a s+le manag]ial posi;n4 ,he w 3c5trate on recruit+ a manag] ( communica;ns & a sep>ate director ( develop;t4 ,advocacy ,report ,cl>k ,ra*fal /at$ t ,,acb's ongo+ advocacy = a3essible ,,covid home te/s has met ) prelim9>y su3ess ) ! develop;t ( a m a3essible i,,os- #fe app-bas$ home te/4 ,he not$ t ! ,de"p;t ( ,h1l? & ,human ,s]vices wd 2 %ipp+ a numb] ( a3essible te/ kits to ! 3v5;n4 ,al;g ) o!r 4abil;y advocacy organiza;ns1 ,,acb has 9cr1s$ & /r5g!n$ \r advocacy = web a3essibil;y1 : w 2 "o ( \r legislative imp]atives 9 #bjbc4 ,,acb is urg+ ! ,de"p;t ( ,ju/ice "<,,doj"> to use _! exi/+ au?or;y to f9alize web a3ess regula;ns1 & "w+ ) ,s54 ,duckwor? "<;,d-,,il"> on legisla;n t wd require ,,doj & ! ,equal ,employ;t ,opportun;y ,commis.n to cr1te 5=c1ble onl9e a3essibil;y regula;ns4 ,cl>k 3gratulat$ advocates 9 ,rhode ,isl& & ,massa*usetts on secur+ _! gov]nors,0 signatures on legisla;n t all[s p ) 4abilities to rcv1 m>k1 & return abs5tee ballots a3essibly & #ff electronically4 ,res\rce ,develop;t ,report ,dan expla9$ t1 :5 ,tony ,/eph5s left 9 ,june1 he & ,]ic 7 pl1s$ to f9d t ,,acb ,advisory ,bo>d memb] ,bill ,re$] 0 available & will+ to assume 9t]im responsibil;y = rev5ue develop;t & fund-rais+4 ,he w 2 available = #aj h\rs ea* mon? to d ! "w associat$ ) develop;t & fund-rais+1 to help ) recruit+ & tra9+ a new director ( develop;t1 & to assure 3t9u;y dur+ ! transi;n p]iod4 ,! bo>d unanim\sly approv$ ,bill's %ort-t]m 3tract4 ,bill gave a detail$ report to ! bo>d4 ,8 goals 9clude build+ a compreh5sive gift *>t f curr5t donors1 comp>+ dona;ns f curr5t donors #fg to 9come budget projec;ns1 >ticulat+ ! gap 2t fundrais+ actuals & budget expecta;ns1 build+ /aff support = ! develop;t func;n1 hir+ & assi/+ a new director ( develop;t1 & coord9at+ develop;t ) o!r ,,acb func;ns4 ,commun;y & ,memb]%ip ,develop;t ,c9dy ,hollis,0 report hi4 ,z ( ,june #cj1 ! commun;y _h held a total ( #h1ieg ev5ts s9ce ,m>* #bjbj4 ,f9ancial ,reports ,*ief ,f9ancial ,(fic] ,nancy ,m>ks-,beck] told ! bo>d t ,julie ,fis*] has be5 especially busy s9ce #fh />t+ h] job z human res\rces speciali/ 9 ,m>*1 n only ) ! ,,hr aspects ( h] job1 b le>n+ ab & help+ ) ! 3v5;n regi/ra;n process z well4 ,9 ,m>*1 ,,acb al hir$ ,*ris ,sawy] to s]ve z \r ?rift /ore g5]al manag]4 ,%e 5c\rag$ ,,acb memb]s to 9troduce !mvs to ,julie & ,*ris at 3v5;n4 ,nancy report$ t ,,acb's audit _h g"o m qkly ?an "e 2f1 & t ,,acb rcvd a cl1n audit4 ,af a3ept+ ! /aff reports1 ! bo>d address$ addi;nal ag5da items1 9clud+ ! foll[+4 ,ad hoc ,code ( ,3duct proc$ures committee3 ,! recomm5d$ revi.ns w p]mit compla9ts to 2 address$ & resolv$ qkly2 5c\rage all "pies to rely ^u pr9ciples ( 3flict resolu;n z a f/ rem$y = resolv+ compla9ts2 & call on a presid5tially appo9t$ #fi griev.e committee to h&le app1ls4 ,! bo>d approv$ ! propos$ proc$ural *anges on an 9t]im basis1 ) f9al approval expect$ at ! fall meet+4 ,! bo>d adopt$ a docu;ts ret5;n policy4 ,dur+ _! 4cus.n1 ! bo>d adopt$ a mo;n made by ,david ,trott t *>ges ! >*ives committee ) ! goal ( det]m9+ crit]ia = protect+ ,,acb's >*ives4 ,! bo>d w 3sid] _! recomm5da;ns at ! fall bo>d meet+4 ,9 clos+1 ! bo>d express$ apprecia;n = ! 3tribu;ns ( ,pat ,%eehan1 ,mi*ael ,talley & ,jim ,kra*t4 ,a6iliate ,news ,9diana1 ,ohio ,hold ,jo9t ,3v5;n ,,acb ( ,9diana & ,ohio w hold _! jo9t 3v5;n ,nov4 #gj #aa-#ac1 #bjbb 9 ,bloom+ton1 ,9d4 at ! ,hilton ,g>d5 ,9n "<#bde ;,n4 ,college ,ave41 ,bloom+ton1 ,,in #dgdjc1 ph"o "<#hab"> #cca-#acce">4 ,room rates >e @s#aai p] ni amaz+ piano music & help ! ,ill9ois ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl raise funds = \r "w1 jo9 u on ,sun"d1 ,nov4 #ac at #g p4m4 ,c5tral "t = an awe"s #ij-m9ute virtual 3c]t p]=m.e by ,/ev5 ,solomon1 ,piani/ ( ! ,/>s4 ,= j @s#be p] h\sehold1 y'll 2 able to kick back ) yr food & b"eage ( *oice1 jump on ,zoom & li/5 to "s grt music4 ,if y want to li/5 to samples ( ,/ev5's t]rific "w1 g to ei www4" pianoby/ev54com or www4" y\tube4com_/pianoby/ev5 & *eck x \4 ,s1 come jo9 u4 ,y c regi/] & get ! ,zoom l9k ei by call+ ! ,,icb (fice at #gb "<#bag"> #ebc-#difg or onl9e at www4icbonl9e4org_/conc]t- regi/ra;n4 ,we ?ank y 9 adv.e = jo9+ u & = yr help4 ,9dep5d5t ,visually ,impair$ ,5trepr5eurs ,onl9e ,busi;s ,expo ,,ivie is (f]+ ! foll[+ opportun;y to busi;s [n]s_/" 5trepr5eurs4 ,if y jo9 9 \r ,onl9e ,busi;s ,expo1 y c describe yr products & s]vices4 ,2ss giv+ a pres5ta;n on yr products_/s]vices1 y c pass on 3tact 9fo & all[ "t = "qs4 ,,ivie memb]s wd pay @s#aj = a half-h\r ses.n or @s#bj = an h\r4 ,if y >e n an ,,ivie memb]1 y wd pay @s#be = a half-h\r ses.n or @s#ce = an h\r4 ,non-memb]s wd h ! op;n ( hav+ @s#ae ( ! pay;t us$ to pay ,,ivie dues4 ,! ,zoom l9k wd 2 ! #gc same = all ^? "picipat+4 ,! date is ,nov4 #ab f #aa3#de a4m4 to #f p4m4 ,ea/]n or lat]4 ,we w 9troduce all "picipat+ v5dors at #aa3#de a4m4 & %>e 9=ma;n on _! specific "t slots1 al;g ) 9/ruc;ns = ^? att5d+4 ,"! w 2 a wrap-up ) a brief "q-&-answ] ses.n at ! 5d ( ! v5dors,0 pres5ta;ns4 ,= ^? wi%+ to pur*ase a "t slot or ask "qs1 s5d an email to 9fo@aivie-acb4org ) yr reque/ to pres5t_/exhibit4 ,pl1se s5d yr busi;s "n1 product l9e1 yr teleph"o numb]1 & yr email address4 ,y w 2 s5t a l9k = pay;t & addi;nal 9=ma;n4 ,if y wi% to att5d ! ,,ivie ,onl9e ,busi;s ,expo1 "! is no co/4 ,h["e1 pl1se s5d an email to regi/] s we c s5d y ! ,zoom call details4 ,s5d ! email #gd reque/ to 9fo@aivie-acb4org1 or 3tact ,>dis ,bazyn via ph"o1 "<#hah"> #bch-#icba4 ,sagebru% #bjbc ,na;nal ,,bep ,tra9+ ,3f];e ,ann\nce;t ,! ,,rsva^r ,sagebru% ,na;nal ,,bep ,tra9+ ,3f];e w 2g9 on ,mon"d1 ,febru>y #fth1 ) ,sagebru% regi/ra;n at #a p4m4 ,? ye>'s !me is 8,sagebru%3 ,bett+ on a ,bett] ,future40 ,! 3f];e wraps up on ,fri"d1 ,febru>y #ajth ) \r special golf \t+4 ,regi/rants w h ! opportun;y to e>n 3t9u+ $uca;n units "<,,ceu,'s"> ,- pl1se spr1d ! ^w4 ,! 3f];e w 2 held at ! ,gold5 ,nu7et ,hotel 9 d[nt[n ,las ,vegas4 ,room res]va;ns m/ 2 made directly ) ! hotel1 #a-#hjj-#cca-#egca4 ,special room rates apply ,sun"d1 #ge ,feb4 #e1 #bjbc1 to ,satur"d1 ,feb4 #aa1 #bjbc4 ,a fee = "o nig$ :5 y regi/] = yr room4 ,:5 book+ res]va;ns ov] ! ph"o1 x is ess5tial to give ! gr\p code ,,gsrsv#bc to 5sure ! gr\p rates & o!r am5ities >e appli$4 ,to book onl9e1 g to h ttps3_/_/gold5nu7et4reztrip4" com_/ext_/promo,rate8" prop]ty"7#aaae@&mode"7b@&pm"7" true@&sr"7#gebjfb@&vr"7#c4 ,all :o att5d ! ev5t 9 p]son & regi/] by ,janu>y #a w h _! "n 5t]$ 9to a draw+ = a free regi/ra;n = ! #bjbd ev5t4 ,3f];e updates w 2 plac$ on ! ,,rsva^r website3 www4r&olph- %epp>d4org4 ,to rcv ! regi/ra;n =m via email1 or ask = m 9=ma;n1 3tact ,,rsva by email1 rsva@ar&olph- %epp>d4org4 ,! 9-p]son regi/ra;n #gf fee is @s#bjj4 ,af ,janu>y #a1 x goes up to @s#bej4 ,virtual att5dee regi/ra;n is @s#ajj4 ,"h & ,"! $it$ by ,cyn?ia ;,g4 ,hawk9s ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column does n repres5t an 5dorse;t by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs (fic]s1 or /aff4 ,li/+s >e free ( *>ge = ! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,,acb ;,e-,=um0 _c 2 held responsible = ! reliabil;y ( ! products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,to submit items = ? column1 s5d a message to slov]+@aacb4org1 or ph"o ! na;nal (fice at #a- #hjj-#dbd-#hfff1 & l1ve a message 9 ,%>on ,lov]+'s mailbox4 ,9=ma;n m/ 2 rcvd at l1/ two mon?s ah1d ( #gg publica;n date4 ,ski = ,liy #bi "? ,sun"d1 ,febru>y #e1 #bjbc1 9 ,granby1 ,colo4 ,ski = ,li ,w9t] ,p>k4 ,9 #gh addi;n to ski+ on #ajj kilomet]s ( wide & wond];lly groom$ ,nordic trails1 "picipants w h ! opportun;y to compete 9 ! ,olav ,p$]s5 ,race_/,rally & 5joy _m (f-sn[ activities4 ,regi/ra;n =ms >e n[ available at www4sfl4org4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ,bob ,h>tt via email1 bobmh>tt@agmail4com1 or call hm at "<#gjc"> #hea- #hadi4 ,pot5tial ,diabetic ,macul> ,$ema ,tr1t;t ,abb,vie_/,reg5xbio's ,,rgx- #cad " has ! pot5tial to address a key unmet ne$ = drugs t r$uce pati5t burd5 = diabetic macul> $ema "<,,dme"> pati5ts ,- "nly1 multiple hospital visits = tr1t;t4 ,if approv$1 ,,rgx- #cad wd 2 a "o-"t #gi tr1t;t4 ,job ,seek]'s ,toolkit ,am]ican ,pr9t+ ,h\se = ! ,bl's ,3nect,c5t] "t,'q#h,,atf,'co,,brs#e,gj" ,e#i,kfs#fe,,cu#a,,txx,'bx,u" #ez#gr#gh;d,jh,p"> & ,,nsite " t,'q#h,,atf,'co,,brs#e,gj" ,e#i,kfs-#b,,be-#b,fp,,iln,'v" #g,,ip,'p-#b,,fs,'u"> h cr1t$ a ,job ,seek]'s ,toolkit ,- an a3essible1 self-pac$1 free onl9e tra9+ c\rse to assi/ 9dividuals to develop c>e] explora;n & job-seek+ skills4 ,! c\rse provides five #fj- m9ute ses.ns t cov] self- aw>e;s1 c>e] explora;n tools & res\rces1 ! prelim9>y employ;t process1 ! 9t]view1 & #hj ma9ta9+ employ;t4 ,to le>n m1 visit https3_/_/communities4" nonpr(itl1d]%ipalli.e4org_/" nsitecommun;y_/home4 ,,jaws & ,zoom,text ,update ,! ,,jaws^r ,/ud5t ,$i;n & ,zoom,text ,/ud5t ,$i;n >e n[ available = pur*ase via ! ,am]ican ,pr9t+ ,h\se "<,,aph"> website4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ,,aph ,cu/om] ,s]vice at #a-#hjj-#bbc-#ahci or cs@aaph4org4 ,fre$om ,sci5tific has cr1t$ tra9+ = t1*]s & support /aff4 ,visit www4fre$omsci5tific4" com_/t1*]s4 ,free & ,a3essible ,tra9+ = ! ,te* ,sector ,fable ,pa?ways is a free1 on-dem&1 a3essible skill- build+ program = p ) #ha 4abilities 9t]e/$ 9 "w+ 9 ! te* sector4 ,^! c\rses >e deliv]$ by p ) 4abilities1 = p ) 4abilities4 ,sign up at www4fablepa?ways4com4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 email commun;y@a" makeitfable4com or call #a- #hhh-#bab-#cecb4 ,new ,books f ,na;nal ,brl ,press ,h y "e wond]$ j :at ^! emoji ?+s look l8 ,*eck \ 8,emoji ,tactile ,graphics3 ,"ns1 ,m1n+s1 & ,tactile ,graphics40 ,x's available 9 ,,ueb1 & 9cludes #ig tactile illu/ra;ns4 ,x w give y ! "ns & m1n+s ( ^! #ig emoji1 z well z ! tactile v].n4 ,>e y "w+ on a docu;t = s*ool or "w1 & ne$ "s help ) design8 ,take a look at ,judy ,dixon's 8,design+ ,docu;ts = ,appe>.e3 ,us+ a ,scre5 #hb ,r1d] to ,cr1te ,eye-,cat*+ ,newslrs1 ,fly]s1 ,c]tificates1 & ,m40 ,x's available 9 brl1 ,,brf1 ,,daisy or ,^w4 ,9 ? book y'll le>n h[ to make visually app1l+ docu;ts us+ ,micros(t ,^w1 ,,jaws & ,,nvda4 ,x goes f basic design to %>+ yr "w onl9e4 ,>e y or a /ud5t y "k /udy+ hi/ory &_/or geography8 ,!n 8,tactile ,map ( ! ,unit$ ,/ates ( ,am]ica0 may 2 help;l4 ,x's a full-color tactile map ( ! ,unit$ ,/ates ) brl /ate a2revia;ns & l>g] dots 9dicat+ ! /ate capitals4 ,a key 9cludes ! full /ate "ns & _! capitals4 ,ov] 9 ! *n's sec;n1 ! newe/ book is 8,?"u ,boy ,jr410 by ,%]man ,alexie & ,yuyi ,morales4 ,x's available 9 ,,ueb = ages #d to #h4 #hc ,al new is 8,al10 by ,e4,b4 ,goodale4 ,x's available 9 ,,ueb brl = ages #d to #g4 ,? book is an ode to ! way memories all[ u to 2 9 _m places at once4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 call toll-free #a-#hjj-#edh-#gcbc1 or visit w ww4nbp4org_/ic_/nbp_/" publica;ns_/9dex4html4 ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op ,to submit items = ? column1 s5d yr 8= sale10 8look+ =0 or 8free to gd home0 ann\nce;ts to ,%>on ,lov]+1 9fo@aacb4org1 or call h] at "<#bjb"> #dfg- #ejha4 ,= ,sale3 ,5h.ed ,vi.n ,amigo ,portable ,h&held ,magnifi]4 ,g5tly us$4 ,x has a #f4e0 ,,lcd scre5 & #hd magnifica;n up to #ad,x4 ,3ta9s extra batt]y @& c>ry+ case4 ,ask+ @s#aej4 ,3tact ,lisa at "<#fab"> #gdc-#gcdh = addi;nal 9=ma;n4 ,= ,sale3 ,brl,note ,t\*4 ,comes ) case & *>g]4 ,9 gd 3di;n2 no damage4 ,ask+ @s#a1ejj or be/ (f]4 ,s]i\s 9quiries only4 ,no *>ge = %ipp+ )9 ! ,u4,s4 ,3tact ,/ephanie via email1 sba3ay@agmail4com1 or ph"o "<#hae"> #ejh-#fead4 #he ,,acb ,(fic]s ,presid5t ,dan ,spoone "<#bnd t]m1 #bjbc"> #cibd ,lake ,mirage ;,blvd4 ,orl&o1 ,,fl #cbhag-#aeed ,f/ ,vice ,presid5t ,deb ,cook ,lewis "<#ast t]m1 #bjbc"> #aaca ,lib]ty ,dr4 ,cl>k/on1 ,,wa #iidjc ,second ,vice ,presid5t ,ray ,campbell "<#bnd t]m1 #bjbc"> #baf ,pre/wick ,rd4 #hf ,spr+field1 ,,il #fbgjb-#cccj ,secret>y ,d5ise ,colley "<#bnd t]m1 #bjbc"> #bfaca ,travis ,brook ,dr4 ,ri*mond1 ,,tx #ggdjf-#ciij ,tr1sur] ,david ,trott " #ajah ,ea/ ,st4 ;,s4 ,talladega1 ;,,al #ceafj ,imm ,pa/ ,presid5t ,kim ,*>lson #eg ,gr&view ,ave4 #hg ,wat]t[n1 ,,ma #jbdgb ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors ,*ri/oph] ,bell1 ,pittsboro1 ,,nc "<#ast t]m1 #bjbd"> ,jeff ,bi%op1 ,kirkl&1 ,,wa "<#bnd t]m1 #bjbd"> ,donna ,br[n1 ,romney1 ,,wv "<#ast t]m1 #bjbd"> ,gabriel ,lopez ,kafati1 ,miami ,lakes1 ,,fl "<#ast t]m1 #bjbf"> ,t]ry ,pa*eco1 ,silv] ,spr+1 ,,md "<#ast t]m1 #bjbf"> ,d\g ,p[ell1 ,falls ,*ur*1 ,,va "<#bnd t]m1 #bjbd"> ,ra*el ,s*ro$]1 ,spr+field1 ,,il "<#ast t]m1 #bjbf"> ,k5ne? ,semi5 ,sr41 ,b1umont1 ,,tx "<#ast t]m1 #bjbd"> ,koni ,sims1 ,si\x ,falls1 ;,,sd "<#ast t]m1 #bjbf"> #hh ,jeff ,?om1 ,sacra;to1 ,,ca "<#bnd t]m1 #bjbf"> ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns ,katie ,fr$]ick1 ,*air1 ,wor?+ton1 ,,oh "<#ast t]m1 #bjbc"> ,*]yl ,cum+s1 ,bo/on1 ,,ma "<#ast t]m1 #bjbc"> ,zelda ,gebh>d1 ,$geley1 ,,nd "<#bnd t]m1 #bjbd"> ,p5ny ,re$]1 ,montgom]y ,village1 ,,md "<#crd t]m1 #bjbd"> #hi ,ca*et ,wells1 ,jacksonville1 ,,fl "<#ast t]m1 #bjbd"> ,a3ess+ ,yr ,,acb ,brl & ;,e-,=ums ,! ,,acb ;,e-,=um may 2 a3ess$ by email1 on ! ,,acb web site1 via d[nload f ! web page "<9 ,^w1 pla9 text1 or brl-r1dy file">1 or by ph"o at "<#eah"> #ijf-#ahbj4 ,to subscribe to ! email v].n1 3tact ,%>on ,lov]+1 slov]+@aacb4org4 ,! ,,acb ,brl ,=um is available by mail 9 brl1 l>ge pr9t1 ,,nls-/yle digital c>tridge1 & via email4 ,x is al available to r1d or d[nload f ,,acb's web page1 & by ph"o1 "<#eah"> #ijf-#ahbj4 ,subscribe to ! podca/ v].ns f yr #bnd g5]a;n ,victor ,r1d] ,/r1m or f https3_/_/" #ij p9eca/4com_/fe$_/acb-brl-=um- &-;e-=um4 #ia