,! ,brl ,=um ,volume ,,xlii ,w9t] #bjjd ,no4 #e ,publi%$ ,by ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl /rives to 9cr1se ! 9dep5d;e1 secur;y1 equal;y ( opportun;y1 & qual;y ( life = all bl & visually impair$ p4 ,*ri/oph] ,gray1 ,presid5t ,melanie ,brunson1 ,act+ ,executive ,director ,p5ny ,re$]1 ,$itor ,%>on ,lov]+1 ,$itorial ,assi/ant ,na;nal ,(fice3 #aaee #aeth ,st4 ,,nw ,suite #ajjd ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejha ,fax3 "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejhe ,web ,site3 http3_/_/www4" acb4org ,! ,brl ,=um is available 9 brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half-spe$ f\r- track cassette tape1 comput] disk & via ;e-mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 address *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = publica;n %d 2 s5t to3 ,p5ny ,re$]1 ,! ,brl ,=um1 #aaee #aeth ,st4 ,,nw1 ,suite #ajjd1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje1 or via ;e-mail1 $itor@aacb4org4 ,submis.n d1dl9es >e ! f/ ( ! mon?4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl is a memb]%ip organiza;n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special- 9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,to jo91 visit ! ,,acb website & complete an applica;n =m1 or 3tact ! na;nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ abv4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax-d$uctible1 c 2 s5t to #b ,>dis ,bazyn at ! abv mail+ address4 ,if y wi% to rememb] a relative or fr1 ! na;nal (fice c make pr9t$ c>ds available = ? purpose4 ,to rememb] ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t1 y may 9clude a special p>agraph = t purpose4 ,if yr wi%es >e complex1 3tact ! ,,acb na;nal (fice4 ,to make a 3tribu;n to ,,acb via ! ,comb9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #bhjb4 ,= ! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll-free at "<#hjj"> #dbd-#hfff1 #e p4m4 to midni a ,new ,]a81 by ,*ri/oph] ,gray1 page #g ,a6iliate ,l1d]s ,meet ) ,,acb ,presid5t1 by ,mike ,duke1 page #bc ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,seeks ,executive ,director1 page #cc ,a ,summ>y ( ,,acb ,bo>d ,ac;ns1 by ,mike ,duke1 page #cf ,:at's ,next 9 ,wa%+ton1 by ,melanie ,brunson1 page #dj ,midye>'s ,approa*+1 by ,cyn?ia ,t[]s1 page #db ,a ,"q on ,m9utes ,takes ,h\rs1 by ,*ri/oph] ,gray1 page #de ,dawn ,*ri/5s5 ,resigns f ,,acb ,bo>d1 page #eg ,a6iliate ,news1 page #eh #d ,lrs to ! ,$itor1 page #gj ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns ,guidel9es = ,lrs to ! ,$itor1 page #hd ,,acb ,sp1ks to ! ,am]ican ,public ab ,bl;s ) ! ,support ( ! ,,abc & ,,espn ,radio ,net"ws1 by ,ralph ,s&]s1 page #hf ,five ,3v5;n ,t\rs81 by ,b]l ,colley1 page #ib ,,nelds ,"ws to ,support ,3v5;n ,att5d.e3 ,buy a ,ticket & ,y ,may ,w9 ,yr ,air ,f>e to ,birm+ham61 by ,ralph ,s&]s1 page #ih ,"h & ,"!1 by ,s>ah ,blake1 page #ajj ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op1 page #aaf ,,acb ,(fic]s1 page #abe ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors1 page #abg ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns1 page #abg #e ,correc;ns ,! numb] li/$ = ! ,,rp /udy "<8,"h & ,"!10 ,novemb] #bjjc"> 0 9correct4 ,if y >e 9t]e/$ 9 "picipat+ 9 ! /udy1 call "<#fag"> #egc-#cfjb & ask = ! cl9ical coord9ator4 ,a mis"u/&+ l$ u to 2lieve t ,ronald ,%imovetz 0 ! au?or ( ! poem 8,a3ept+ ,bl;s10 : appe>$ 9 ! ,novemb] #bjjc 8,brl ,=um40 ,! au?or ( ! poem is1 9 fact1 un"kn4 ,we ?ank ,mr4 ,%imovetz = %>+ ! poem ) u & ) \r r1d]s4 ,$itor's ,note 8,& ,"! ,0 ,liies4 ,cassette3 ,,rc #dffaa2 ,brl3 ,,br #aafib "4 #f ,presid5t's ,message3 ,is ,? ,new ,ye> a ,new ,]a8 by ,*ri/oph] ,gray "<,$itor's ,note3 ,lrs f ! ,p5nsylvania & ,ohio a6iliates m5;n$ 9 ? column >e repr9t$ 9 _! 5tirety 9 8,a6iliate ,news40"> ,"! is a natural ph5om5on t is "picul>ly well-"kn al;g ! ,we/]n s1bo>d ( ! ,unit$ ,/ates call$ a tsunami4 ,x is an oc1n wave t is typically cr1t$ by an e>?quake4 ,dep5d+ on ! magnitude ( ! e>?quake1 a tsunami c 2 any?+ f b>ely notic1ble to deva/at+4 ,9 ,octob] ( ? ye>1 ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 0 %ak5 by a k9d ( e>?quake1 ?\< ( an unspecifi$ magnitude1 ) ! volunt>y resigna;n ( \r executive director ( #g ne>ly five ye>s1 ,*>lie ,craw=d4 ,^? :o h "w$ ) or met ,*>lie ,craw=d "k h[ /r;gly he has advocat$ = ! "rs ( bl p & h[ well he c communicate ! message ( :at ,,acb is & :o is a "p ( x4 ,t capac;y & _s came to 2 a hallm>k ( /r5g? & an expecta;n by ^? ( u :o h _h ! pl1sure ( "w+ ) ,*>lie ^! pa/ s"eal ye>s4 ,h["e1 :e!r ,*>lie's resigna;n w result 9 a tsunami e6ect1 caus+ ripples or deva/at+ waves = \r organiza;n w 2 "kn only at "s future "t4 ,! big di6];e 9 a natural tsunami & ! "o we cd exp]i;e n[ is t we h ! abil;y to 3trol & to a l>ge ext5t =e/all possible damages t o3ur ) ,*>lie's de"pure1 or = t matt]1 ! de"pure ( any ( \r pr(es.nal /aff memb]s4 ,2c we >e an organiza;n "w+ >m-9->m to a*ieve common #h goals1 *anges 9 \r /aff at e level 9evitably cr1te anxiety & fe> am;g u all ab ! ov]all /r5g? ( ! organiza;n4 ,a p]sonal id5tifica;n falt]s & ea* memb] ( ,,acb may wond]1 ev5 if only = a mo;t1 :e!r \r move;t is *ang+ or %ift+ l des]t s&s1 & :e!r ea* ( u & all ( u w 2 /r;g 5 to /& ag/ ! bu6et+ waves ( *ange4 ,i recall ) amaz+ cl>;y ov] #bj ye>s lat] my [n p]sonal sad;s1 anxiety & fe> = ,,acb :5 ,durw>d ,mc,daniel ann\nc$ to ! bo>d ( directors 8 9t5;n to l1ve 8 posi;n z \r adm9i/rative l1d]4 ,until we knew he wd 2 su3e$$ by ano!r grt ,,acb memb] & advocate1 ,oral ,mill]1 & t ,oral's l1d]%ip wd su/a9 u on \r c\rses ( ac;n = ! next #ah ye>s1 _m 9 ,,acb wi%$ = all to rema9 ! same &1 "sh[1 = #i *ange to 2 /opp$ 9 xs tracks4 ,yet we all "k h[ m* *ange drives \r p]sonal lives & \r :ole culture td4 ,unwant$ z x may be1 *ange is a giv5 9 \r society4 ,su3ess or failure is (t5 a*iev$ by h[ we manage t *ange & by :e!r or n we a3ept ! *anges t o3ur >.d u4 ,lat] 9 ? message ,i w tell y "s v tangible ways yr ,,acb l1d]s >e d1l+ ) *ange manage;t "r n[1 & ,i w al \tl9e "s ?+s t c gu>antee an equal su3essor to ,*>lie ,craw=d4 ,b f/1 ,i'd l to sp5d a ll "t honor+ & ac"kl$g+ ,*>lie ,craw=d & 8 _m valuable 3tribu;ns dur+ 8 s]vice z \r executive director4 ,! f/ "t ,i "e saw ,*>lie ,craw=d 9 ac;n t made a la/+ impres.n 0 :5 he address$ a /ate 3v5;n ( an ,,acb a6iliate4 ,midway "? 8 #aj banquet address1 ,i turn$ to ,m>vel5a & told h] ) 3sid]able 5?usiasm3 8,? guy r1lly gets x ab ,,acb's message & :at we're try+ to d = bl p40 ,*>lie's voice is "o ( /r5g? & resolu;n4 ,*>lie has l$ \r organiza;n 9 a focus on two >1s t %d 2 m5;n$ "h1 p$e/rian safety & descriptive video4 ,"! is ll d\bt t ^! two issues 9 "picul> w alw 2 id5tifi$ ) ,*>lie & z key 3tribu;ns dur+ 8 t5ure z executive director to ^? liv+ 9 \r mo/ urbaniz$ "ps ( ! c.try4 ,i rcvd a note f an ,,acb memb] t says 9 "p3 8,we ne$ hm4 ,pl1se d yr be/ to get hm back4 ,we >e all rely+ on y to d s4 ,jo ,g5it40 ,jo's com;ts l1d me to "s f9al ?"\s 9 ? "p ( my message4 ,9 respond+ to ! idea ( #aa 8gett+ ,*>lie back10 x is my p]sonal 2lief t ,*>lie ,craw=d is n r1lly g"o4 ,yes1 "! is a *ange ( roles4 ,*oices h be5 made ab ! future1 & c]ta9ly any *oice ( ? k9d has a set ( 3sequ;es = "eybody 9volv$4 ,b z has be5 true ) ea* *ief employee ( \r organiza;n1 _! 9volve;t ) ,,acb 3t9ues4 ,durw>d ,mc,daniel 0 an active "picipant & repres5t+ attorney = ,,acb lit]ally until ! "d he di$4 ,z ,i draft ? >ticle1 ,oral ,mill] is sp1k+ \tside ! ,unit$ ,/ates on 2half ( ! bl 9t]na;nally4 ,i h ll d\bt t ! same w 2 true = \r mo/ rec5t executive director 9 com+ ye>s4 ,re/ assur$ t ! bo>d & ,*>lie 4cuss$ 8 rema9+ z executive director 2f 8 resigna;n1 & t possibil;y 0 "u/ood by all ( u to 2 un"wable at ! 5d ( #ab ^? 4cus.ns4 ,9 addi;n to ! lr quot$ abv1 ,i h rcvd a v>iety ( o!r p]sonal lrs1 ;e-mails & teleph"o calls express+ e emo;n imag9able reg>d+ ,*>lie's resigna;n4 ,"s call]s embrac$ *ange :ile express+ _! be/ wi%es = ,*>lie & = ,,acb4 ,"s express$ 4appo9t;t1 ang] & fe> = \r organiza;n4 ,simil>ly1 ,i h be5 3tact$ at ! ,,acb a6iliate level ) "qs & expres.ns ( 3c]n4 ,bas$ on "s ( ^? 3tacts1 two 3f];e call meet+s h be5 held 9 ord] to h a dialogue ) ,,acb l1d]s ab pres5t & future "w to gu>antee ! 9tegr;y ( \r organiza;n4 ,af r1d+ ,mike ,duke's summ>y ( ^! meet+s1 ,i am 3fid5t y w agree t ^! 4cus.ns 7 extremely positive1 productive & b5eficial to all ( u4 #ac ,"h >e two lrs = yr 3sid]a;n4 ,! f/ comes f ! presid5t & bo>d ( directors ( ! ,p5nsylvania ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,af \tl9+ "s 3c]ns & o!r 9troductory mat]ial1 ,,pcb p]=ms a grt s]vice = ,,acb by li/+ a s]ies ( su7es;ns !y 2lieve wd b5efit ! organiza;n z a :ole4 ,_! su7es;ns >e z foll[s4 8#a4 ,review all policies & practices : gov]n ! bo>d's & na;nal committees,0 rela;n%ip ) \r na;nal (fice4 ,if ^! policies & practices >e 9adequate1 & giv5 :at has o3urr$ x wd seem s1 !n revise !m or develop new "os 9 _! place4 8#b4 ,report on & 4sem9ate ^! policies & practices at \r #bjjd na;nal 3v5;n40 ,x is "picul>ly help;l = \r ,p5nsylvania a6iliate to #ad submit positive su7es;ns on : ! bo>d mit5+ to r1d ! f/ su7es;n 2c ! su7es;n is 9 sub/antial align;t ) ac;ns tak5 by ! ,,acb bo>d ( directors at _! po/-3v5;n meet+ 9 ,pittsbur<4 ,! bo>d unanim\sly agre$ to =m a committee to review ov]all (fice proc$ures & report back to !m ) f9d+s & specific recomm5da;ns4 ,! lion's %>e ( "w = ? review lies 9 a c>e;l exam9a;n ( ! ,,acb employee h&book : 3ta9s ! writt5 policies regulat+ key proc$ures1 employee b5efits1 employee 3duct1 & o!r aspects ( ! rela;n%ip 2t ,,acb z a corporate 5t;y & xs employees4 ,p5nsylvania is correct 9 xs e/ima;n t a review & c>e;l update ( ? docu;t is l;g ov]due4 #ae ,let u n[ turn to a second lr t 0 rcvd f ,,acb ( ,ohio4 ,ohio poses a "q ( ,,acb l1d]%ip t ,i'd l to address4 8,ohio m/ ask \r na;nal l1d]%ip3 ,": >e we go+ & h[ w y l1d u "!80 ,f/1 let's talk ab ": we >e go+4 ,"! >e "s "uly+ assump;ns 9 ! "q t ne$ to 2 cl>ifi$4 ,": we >e go+ 9 #bjjd is no di6]5t 9 a pure s5se ?an ": we h be5 go+ s9ce ! 9cep;n ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 9 #aifa4 ,"? c>e;l adju/;t1 organiza;nal direc;n may %ift ov] a l;g p]iod ( "t4 ,b ! purposes ( ,,acb h n"e sub/antially *ang$ & ,i don't expect !y w = a v l;g "t4 ,\r legislative ag5da is n *ang+4 ,af all1 x is prescrib$ f/ by resolu;n & only !n by available na;nal res\rces4 ,\r magaz9e is n c1s+ to #af exi/4 ,\r programs & s]vices >e ess5tially ^? ( ,july #bjjc1 ,july #bjjb & prior to t ) ! addi;n ( ^? 9cre;tal improve;ts we make ov] "t4 ,we / h a ,wa%+ton (fice & ma9ta9 \r f9ancial c5t] 9 ,m9n1polis4 ,! 9fra/ructure ( ? organiza;n is /r;g & any 2lief 9 xs w1k5+ is 5tirely misplac$4 ,we >e go+ ": ,,acb has alw g"o3 d[n ! pa? t[>d improv+ ! _w = bl p4 ,! practical r1lities ( h[ we >e gett+ "! may h be5 slie all m>*+ =w>d ^u x4 ,else": 9 ? magaz9e y w r1d ab ,,acb public s]vice ann\nce;ts,0 availabil;y on a na;nal basis4 ,^! >e n ! signs ( an organiza;n 9 crisis1 b an organiza;n a3ompli%+ xs goals & meet+ xs objectives dur+ & af ,*>lie's s]vice to ,,acb4 ,ohio's second "q is 8h[ d we get "!40 ,9h]5t 9 ? #ah "q is ! 3c]n t ! ,,acb bo>d ( directors has a specific plan ( ac;n to help ! organiza;n "? a "t ( transi;n & 3sequ5t *ange4 ,i hope t by m5;n+ only "s ( ! activities 9 : ! bo>d is n[ 5gag$ ,i c provide "s level ( assur.e 9 ? reg>d4 ,mo/ important1 n only does ! bo>d h a plan 9 place1 b "! is r1sonable 3s5sus on h[ t plan is to 2 execut$4 ,_m pieces ( x >e alr 2+ "utak5 by a v>iety ( compet5t1 committ$ ,,acb memb]s4 ,"o key ele;t ( \r plan = ! future is1 ( c\rse1 ! hir+ ( a new executive director4 ,we >e n significantly r$ef9+ ! posi;n z "s h fe>$4 ,! bo>d is adh]+ to ! pr9ciples laid d[n 9 \r l;g-range plan z adopt$ 9 #aiie4 ,"s pr9ciples f t plan cd well 2 exp&$ & m #ai fully imple;t$ 9 ! com+ mon?s1 & t is z x %d be4 ,\r organiza;n adopt$ t plan = a r1son1 & %d ! bo>d f9d ways to m fully imple;t key aspects 9 ! plan t 7 n previ\sly address$1 s m* ! bett]4 ,a se>* committee 0 appo9t$ 9 ,octob] to 2g9 ! se>*_/selec;n process = a new executive director4 ,t committee is *air$ by ,pr(essor ,otis ,/eph5s1 =m] presid5t ( \r organiza;n4 ,s]v+ ) hm >e ?ree bo>d memb]s3 ,$ ,bradley1 ,mit* ,pom]antz & myf4 ,al s]v+ on ! committee is ,t]ry ,pa*eco z a repres5tative f ! na;nal (fice4 ,z not$ abv1 ,,acb has an act+ executive director1 ,melanie ,brunson4 ,melanie br+s ye>s ( specific ,,acb exp]i;e to ? posi;n z #bj well z a w1l? ( exp]i;e 9 legislative activities bo? ) ,,acb & else":4 ,melanie 2gan immly to provide significant guid.e & support = ! bo>d & c]ta9ly _m ( y w h se5 or he>d h] help;l1 pr(es.nal po/s on ,,acb's v>i\s comput] li/s4 ,9 addi;n1 ! bo>d ( directors has 5gag$ a =m] & v e6ective employee ( \r organiza;n1 ,laura ,(t$ahl1 to assi/ 9 h] capac;y z a pr(es.nal fund-rais]4 ,fund+ 3t9ues to 2 a *all5ge = \r organiza;n & ! bo>d has ask$ ,laura to help u f9d m ways & id5tify productive ways ( 9cr1s+ \r fund+ base4 ,i firmly 2lieve ? w bode well = u 9 ! n-too-4tant future4 ,i hope y c see t by "utak+ ^! specific1 3crete ac;ns1 ! bo>d has a firm idea ( ": we ne$ to g & :at ne$s to 2 #ba d"o 9 ! %ort t]m4 ,m c 2 sd ab ! l;g] t]m af \r presid5t's meet+ & bo>d meet+ 9 ,birm+ham ,febru>y #ad-#af4 ,9 3clu.n1 let me tell y a bit m ab ^? tsunami waves4 ,"! >e actually two k9ds ( tsunami4 ,"o o3urs f> \ 9 ! oc1n4 ,x makes small waves1 b ! waves 4sipate to l1ve ! oc1n return$ to a calm /ate ) ! %ock absorb$ & smoo!d by ! surr.d+ wat]4 ,only tsunamis t r1* ! %ore gr[ 9to p[];l de/ructive waves t de/roy coa/al t[ns & dr[n all t come 9to _! pa?4 ,\r ,,acb tsunami c 2 a ripple = 3sid]$ *ange z recomm5d$ by ,p5nsylvania1 a rek9dl+ & resett+ ( focus & purpose z ! ripple calms z express$ by ,ohio1 ) any waves 2+ only ^? ( 8?ank y0 to ,*>lie ,craw=d = m ?an f\r productive ye>s ( s]vice #bb z executive director1 & ( 2lief 9 ! _m su3esses t lie ah1d = ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl z we & ,*>lie move =w>d to new possibilities4 ,f *ange comes /r5g? if we all[ x4 ,! embrac+ ( *ange fo/]s a de/9y ( hope & a*ieve;t = \r organiza;n4 ,let ? "t t "s fe> w1k5s u s]ve to /r5g!n u 9 mov+ t[>d t b"r future4 ,a6iliate ,l1d]s ,meet ) ,,acb ,presid5t by ,mike ,duke ,foll[+ ! resigna;n ( =m] ,,acb executive director ,*>les ,craw=d1 presid5t ,*ris ,gray & ! ,,acb /aff 3duct$ two teleph"o 3f];e call meet+s ) a6iliate l1d]s4 ,! ,oct4 #bi meet+ drew #ai "picipants1 :ile #ba took "p 9 ! ,nov4 #e meet+4 ,! /at$ purposes #bc ( ^! meet+s 7 to 3duct a dialogue ) a6iliate l1d]s ab ! rec5t ev5ts )9 ,,acb1 & to provide !m ) ! opportun;y to bra9/orm ab ! future ( ! organiza;n4 ,! f/ meet+ 2gan ) a "q ab ! "t limit = f9d+ a new executive director4 ,gray sd ! vacancy wd 2 fill$ z qkly z possible1 & he expects ! selec;n process to 3t9ue at l1/ "? ,febru>y #bjjd4 ,he 0 ask$ to cl>ify 8 & ,*>lie ,craw=d's report$ di6];es 9 manage;t philosophy1 & to expla9 :y a manage;t audit wasn't 3duct$ 2f ,*>lie's de"pure4 ,gray respond$ t p]sonnel laws & e?ics prohibit hm f amplify+ :at ! manage;t /yle issues mid1 & assur$ ! gr\p t any expecta;ns = ! new executive director w n 2 tailor$ = any specific presid5t or bo>d ( directors4 ,:5 ask$ :y ! resigna;n appe>$ to cat* "ey"o by surprise1 ,gray repli$ t :5 divi.ns >ise1 publi%+ !m is n sm>t1 & "! is alw hope t issues w 2 resolv$4 ,he sd t ,craw=d's de"pure did 9de$ %ock _m p1 9clud+ mo/ p :o 7 9volv$ 9 ! m$ia;n process4 ,bo? ,gray & act+ executive director ,melanie ,brunson assur$ ! gr\p t ! advocacy "w ( ,,acb w 3t9ue4 ,"! >e no plans to r$uce ! "picipa;n 9 legislative ef=ts1 : h be5 m&at$ "? ! 3v5;n's resolu;ns4 ,! resolu;ns w 2 h&l$ 9 #be a3ord.e ) ! prioritiza;n assign$ to !m by ! bo>d foll[+ ! #bjjc 3v5;n4 ,brunson sd t a6iliate l1d]s wd 2 ask$ to help ) advocacy issues1 & s"eal a6iliate l1d]s prais$ ! /aff = _! will+;s to assume addi;nal duties4 ,9 response to a "q ab ! role ( 8,! ,brl ,=um10 ,gray /ress$ ! import.e ( 9clud+ div]se voices & po9ts ( view )9 ! magaz9e4 8,in addi;n to 2+ ! 9=ma;n bullet9 = ,,acb1 ,8,! ,brl ,=um,0 is al ! prim>y public rela;ns tool ( ! organiza;n10 he sd4 8,x is al ! only communica;n m$ium 2t ,,acb & mo/ memb]s4 ,8,! ,brl ,=um,0 m/1 "!=e1 /rive to ma9ta9 a bal.e ( views )\t 2com+ totally possess$ by a few vocal 9dividuals40 ,9 reply to a "q ab ,9t]net etiquette1 ,gray sd t1 #bf ov]all1 ^? memb]s :o "picipate on ,,acb's l1d]%ip ;e-mail 4cus.n li/ 3duct !mvs 9 a civil mann]4 ,he 9dicat$ t x _h 2come nec to place & 5=ce "s rules = "picipa;n on ,,acb- ;,l1 ,,acb's g5]al 4cus.n li/4 ,"picipants 9 all ,,acb li/s h be5 cau;n$ to refra9 f 9volve;t 9 any =m ( "* assass9a;n4 ,x 0 al not$ t num]\s po/s to ,,acb li/s h qkly appe>$ 9 ! publica;ns & ;e-mail li/s ( o!r organiza;ns1 & t no ,9t]net li/ is truly private4 ,gray 5c\rag$ l1d]s to obs]ve h[ su3ess;l a6iliates op]ate1 & to apply ^? positive pr9ciples to "picipa;n 9 ! na;nal organiza;n4 ,he sd t ! ,,acb bo>d has ! duties ( imple;t+ ! resolu;ns pass$ by ! memb]%ip1 & ( adh]+ to ! proc$ures e/abli%$ by ! #bg 3/itu;n4 ,m* ( ! "d-to-"d "w to make ! organiza;n func;n is c>ri$ \ by ! /aff4 ,)9 any organiza;n1 ,gray sd1 c]ta9 responsibilities & deci.ns s* z ^? relat$ to f9.e & p]sonnel m/ 2 delegat$ to a small] gov]n+ gr\p ?an ! 5tire memb]%ip4 ,9 ,,acb1 ? delegat+ is d"o "? ! elec;n process4 ,once elect$1 ! memb]%ip m/ all[ ! l1d]%ip to "w "? situa;ns s* z ! de"pure ( a /aff memb]4 ,memb]s %d assess ! e6ective;s ( _! l1d]s ov] ! l;g-t]m c\rse ( _! t]ms1 : w 5able memb]s to bett] judge _! l1d]s,0 e6ective;s & to make m 9=m$ democratic *oices dur+ future elec;ns4 ,gray sd t ! bo>d has e/abli%$ an (fice review committee to look at issues s* z ! employee h&book1 & expecta;ns = ! /aff4 ,he #bh express$ 8 feel+ t ! curr5t docu;t fails to cl>ify ! rela;n 2t ! executive director & ! bo>d ( directors4 ,= example1 ,gray sd t a delicate po9t ( e?ics o3urs :5 p]sonnel >e al memb]s ( ! organiza;n4 ,! employee h&book m/ comply ) ! ,,acb 3/itu;n1 b m/ al address "d-to-"d op]a;nal issues s* z employee 3duct4 ,a su7es;n 0 made to add "s non- bo>d memb]s to ! (fice review committee1 : curr5tly 3si/s ( ! presid5t & two bo>d memb]s4 ,9 response to a "q ab ! f9ancial s.d;s ( ! organiza;n1 ,gray sd t ,,acb is exp]i5c+ "s relatively s]i\s f9ancial di6iculties4 ,s"eal expect$ rev5ue-produc+ items h ei n met expecta;ns1 or fail$ to produce any 9come4 ,/eps m/ 2 tak5 to br+ new m"oy 9to ,,acb1 & to 2 m frugal ) #bi all f9ancial res\rces 9 ord] to avoid turn+ ? di6iculty 9to a crisis4 ,new 9come s\rces m/ 2 f.d2 o!rwise1 ,,acb w 3t9ue to exp]i;e decl9+ memb]%ip1 & w dim9i% z an e6ective organiza;n4 ,laura ,(t$ahl has assum$ fund-rais+ duties1 & w 2 responsible = develop+ new 9come res\rces4 ,s"eal "picipants express$ _! 3c]n t ,,acb m/ "w h>d to bo? ma9ta9 & /r5g!n xs reputa;n z an e6ective advocate = p :o >e bl4 ,9 reply to a "q ab ! rela;n%ip 2t ! a6iliates & ,,acb1 ,gray expla9$ t ,,acb 2g9s ) a6iliate memb]%ip & l1d]%ip4 ,! na;nal organiza;n exi/s 2c a6iliates "w tgr4 ,! ne$s & op9ions ( ! a6iliates move upw>d "?1 & /r5g!n1 ! 5tire na;nal organiza;n4 ,hi/orically1 ,,acb has #cj help$ =m /ate a6iliates by f9d+ /ate l1d]s1 !n "w+ ) !m to build a6iliates4 ,special- 9t]e/ gr\ps1 on ! o!r h&1 >e prim>ily sp>k$ by a common special 9t]e/1 : is _! prim>y memb]%ip recruit;t tool4 ,ac to ,gray1 memb]%ip 9 special- 9t]e/ gr\ps t5ds to rise & fall m frequ5tly ?an t ( /ate a6iliates4 ,! basic responsibil;y ( /ate a6iliates to pay na;nal dues1 al;g ) _! vot+ "rs1 is cle>ly docu;t$ 9 ! ,,acb 3/itu;n4 ,"! is al an expecta;n t a6iliates w "picipate 9 ! na;nal 3v5;n1 ?us /r5g!n+ ! repres5ta;n ( _! a6iliate )9 ! na;nal organiza;n4 ,a /ate a6iliate may call on ! na;nal (fice = help ) memb]%ip issues1 special-9t]e/ gr\ps1 etc4 ,! ,,acb web site 3ta9s a #ca 8,help;l ,res\rces0 sec;n1 : 9cludes s"eal docu;ts ( 9t]e/ to all a6iliates4 ,a6iliate presid5ts su7e/$ t appropriate topics = mid-ye> meet+ 4cus.ns mi"<#c"> /atus1 & ! responsibilities ( 3v5;n delegates4 ,gray sd t he al wants a 4cus.n ( h[ to 9cr1se ! 9flu;e ( ,,acb 9 rehabilita;n = ! bl4 ,! f/ meet+ 3clud$ ) ! su7es;n ( hold+ simil> mon?ly meet+s1 & ( d$icat+ at l1/ "o meet+ annually to new a6iliate l1d]s4 ,z a way ( imple;t+ t su7es;n1 a6iliate l1d]s 7 9vit$ to "picipate 9 "o ( two plann+ ses.ns = ! upcom+ legislative sem9>4 ,^! ses.ns 7 held subsequ5tly4 #cb ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,seeks ,executive ,director ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl "<,,acb">1 a na;nal memb]%ip organiza;n1 is seek+ an executive director4 ,! executive director has major l1d]%ip responsibilities 9 imple;t+ ,,acb policy 9itiatives & 9 advanc+ fundrais+ & develop;t activities4 ,! executive director reports "? ! ,,acb presid5t to ! bo>d ( directors4 ,! executive director is responsible = hir+1 sup]vis+1 evaluat+1 & 4*>g+ /aff op]at+ \ ( ,,acb's na;nal (fice 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 ,9 addi;n1 ! executive director coord9ates all fiscal manage;t activities 9 3junc;n ) ,,acb's *ief #cc f9ancial (fic] bas$ 9 ,m9n1polis1 ,m9n4 ,! executive director al adm9i/]s ! annual ,,acb op]at+ budget )9 writt5 policy p>amet]s develop$ by ! ,,acb budget committee4 ,! executive director ov]sees all special docu;ta;n 9clud+ reports1 memor&a1 resolu;ns1 & proposals nec = imple;ta;n ( policies e/abli%$ by ! bo>d ( directors &_/or 9 fulfill;t ( o!r organiza;nal obliga;ns4 ,9 addi;n1 he or %e coord9ates ef=ts to secure grants1 2que/s1 memorial 3tribu;ns1 & o!r gifts to ,,acb4 ,! executive director repres5ts ! ,,acb 2f legislative bodies1 regulatory ag5cies1 & o!r bodies a6ect+ na;nal policy t[>d bl & visually impair$ 9dividuals4 ,he or %e s]ves z ! #cd prim>y 3tact ) a6iliat$ organiza;ns s]v+ bl & visually impair$ 3/itu5cies & al "utakes special projects at ! direc;n ( ! ,,acb presid5t4 ,c&idates = ? posi;n m/ h3 "<#a"> /r;g analytical abil;y2 "<#b"> well develop$ adm9i/rative skills2 "<#c"> excell5t communica;n skills1 bo? writt5 & v]bal2 "<#d"> capabil;y to facilitate programs & projects2 & "<#e"> famili>;y ) 3tempor>y data process+ sy/ems1 ,9t]net usage1 & curr5t a3ess te*nology4 ,applicants m/ possess e6ective facilitative & problem-solv+ skills & %d 2 prep>$ to address policy issues propos$ by ,,acb 3/itu5ts4 ,applicants %d h sub/antial sup]visory exp]i;e1 pref]ably 9clud+ previ\s #ce "w ) a na;nal non-pr(it organiza;n4 ,sal>y dep5ds on qualifica;ns & exp]i;e4 ,applicants %d submit a resume1 cov] lr1 & writ+ sample to ! ,executive ,director ,se>* ,committee1 c_/o ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 #aaee #aeth ,/reet ,,nw1 ,suite #ajjd1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje4 ,a ,summ>y ( ,,acb ,bo>d ,ac;ns by ,mike ,duke ,foll[+ ! recess ( ! ,,acb bo>d ( directors meet+ on ,sept4 #ba1 #bjjc1 executive ses.ns 7 held via teleph"o 3f];e calls on ,octob] #ae & #ai1 ! purpose ( : 0 to 4cuss p]sonnel matt]s4 ,dur+ ! executive ses.n ( ,octob] #ai1 a mo;n to #cf a3ept ! resigna;n ( ,*>les ,craw=d z executive director ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl c>ri$ on a voice vote ) two 4s5t+ votes & two abs5t4 ,! bo>d al advis$ ,presid5t ,gray to rel1se a /ate;t on ? matt] to ! ,,acb ;e-mail 4cus.n li/s z soon z possible4 ,! ,,acb bo>d ( directors met 9 op5 ses.n via teleph"o 3f];e at #i p4m4 ,ea/]n "t on ,tues"d1 ,nov4 #be1 #bjjc to 4cuss budget matt]s & ! #bjjd legislative sem9>4 ,att5dees 7 ,gray1 ,spei*]1 ,s*mitt1 ,bazyn1 ,$w>ds1 ,annunzio1 ,bradley1 ,*>lson1 ,*ri/5s51 ,kei?1 ,pom]antz1 ,rus*ival1 ,%eehan1 & ,duke4 ,gray report$ t ,paul ,$w>ds1 *airman ( ,,acb ,5t]prises & ,s]vices1 has /at$ t ,,acbes expects a #aj p]c5t r$uc;n 9 xs #cg 3tribu;n to ,,acb = #bjjd4 ,? project$ figure m/ 2 ! prim>y 3sid]a;n 9 ! develop;t ( ! #bjjd budget4 ,dur+ ! ,septemb] meet+1 a mo;n to obs]ve ! same sp5d+ level = ! f/ qu>t] ( #bjjd z = ! f/ qu>t] ( #bjjc 0 adopt$4 ,9 ! ,nov4 #beth meet+1 a replace;t mo;n t exp5ditures = ! f/ qu>t] ( #bjjd may n exce$ @s#bee1jjj pass$ unanim\sly4 ,a mo;n decr1s+ ! g5]al rev5ue 3tribu;n to ! ,floyd ,qualls s*ol>%ip by #ej p]c5t pass$ unanim\sly4 ,a mo;n to provide no subsidy = "picipants 9 ! #bjjd legislative sem9> pass$ unanim\sly4 ,a mo;n to ask ,,afb & ,,nib to subsidize ! #bjjd legislative sem9> pass$ unanim\sly4 ,a mo;n to g5]ate a lr #ch to a6iliates by ,dec4 #h ask+ = 3tribu;ns to ! ,,acb g5]al fund pass$ unanim\sly4 ,a mo;n to raise ! 3v5;n regi/ra;n fee to @s#be 9 adv.e & @s#ce on-site pass$ on a roll call vote ( #h to #c4 ,memb]s ,spei*]1 ,s*mitt1 ,bazyn1 ,$w>ds1 ,annunzio1 ,*>lson1 ,kei?1 & ,%eehan support$ ! mo;n4 ,memb]s ,bradley1 ,pom]antz1 & ,rus*ival vot$ ag/ x4 ,dawn ,*ri/5s5 _h left ! meet+1 br++ ! total abs5tees to f\r4 ,a mo;n direct+ ! budget committee to fund #aj issues ( 8,! ,brl ,=um0 = #bjjd pass$ unanim\sly4 ,a mo;n direct+ ! budget committee to op]ate ) ! "u/&+ t ! two support /aff posi;ns 9 ,,acb's na;nal (fice w n 2 fill$ dur+ #bjjd pass$ unanim\sly4 #ci ,a mo;n n to fund bo>d travel or lodg+ = any regul>ly s*$ul$ meet+ or 3v5;n 9 #bjjd pass$4 ,! meet+ adj\rn$ at #aa3#aj p4m4 ,ea/]n "t4 ,:at's ,next 9 ,wa%+ton by ,melanie ,brunson1 ,act+ ,executive ,director ,? is my f/ report to y z act+ executive director ( ,,acb4 ,let me j t\* on a c\ple ( ?+s n[1 & tell y at ! \tset t we w 2 giv+ y m detail$ 9=ma;n z #bjjd progresses4 ,f/1 ,i want to ?ank all ( y = help+ u1 dur+ ! pa/ ye>1 to c>ry ! ,,acb advocacy & legislative ag5das "? ! halls ( gov]n;t4 ,we cd n h d"o :at we've d"o )\t yr help & #dj ,i urge y n to lose he>t4 ,true1 we h lo/ "s skirmi%es & "s ( ^? losses >e 4appo9t+4 ,h["e1 we >e by no m1ns \ ( ! game6 ,"! >e _m m opportunities = u to c>ry ! "d1 & we c su3e$4 ,= 9/.e1 ! ,s5ate is / 3sid]+ ,,idea reau?oriza;n & _! bill1 ?\< f> f p]fect1 does 3ta9 ! key ele;ts ( ! ,9/ruc;nal ,mat]ials ,a3essibil;y ,act4 ,if ^! provi.ns >e 9clud$ 9 ! f9al v].n ( ,,idea1 !y w grtly improve qual;y ( $uca;n = bl /ud5ts4 ,we ne$ to %eph]d ^! provi.ns "? ! ,s5ate's f9al floor ac;n & on to ! 3f];e committee4 ,,idea reau?oriza;n is j "o ( ! important issues t we expect to 9clude on ano!r v full legislative ag5da 9 #bjjd1 & we c use all ! help we c get to c>ry \r #da message to ,capitol ,hill4 ,"!=e1 z y />t mak+ plans = ! com+ ye>1 ,i hope !y w 9clude com+ to ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 9 ,m>*4 ,at \r legislative sem9>1 we expect to 3sid] a wide range ( issues4 ,specific 9=ma;n ab ! dates & loca;n %d 2 available by ! "t y r1d ? >ticle1 s call ! ,,acb na;nal (fice & get ! "picul>s4 ,we'd love to see y & to make sure t yr repres5tatives 9 ,3gress 2come bett] acqua9t$ ) ,,acb dur+ ! ye> ah1d4 ,9 ! m1n"t1 ,i want to close by wi%+ all ( y a happy1 h1l?y & rew>d+ new ye>4 ,midye>'s ,approa*+ by ,cyn?ia ,t[]s1 ,3v5;n ,coord9ator ,i hope _m ( y >e mak+ plans to att5d ! annual #db presid5ts,0 & bo>d ( directors meet+ ov] ,presid5ts,0 ,"d week5d1 ,febru>y #ac-#af1 #bjjd1 9 ,birm+ham1 ,ala4 ,presid5t ,gray w pres5t a pack$ & productive ag5da t is sure to get ,,acb (f to a grt />t 9 ! new ye>4 ,! meet+s w take place 9 bo? ! ,birm+ham ,je6]son ,3v5;n ,complex "<,,bjcc"> & ! ,%]aton ,birm+ham hotel4 ,al? "! w al 2 meet+s 3duct$ by o!r gr\ps 9 ! ,,bjcc dur+ \r /ay1 y >e free to explore ! c5t] to get a s5se ( ": ?+s >e locat$4 ,rememb]1 dur+ ! summ] ! g5]al ses.ns w 2 9 ,hall #c1 ! exhibits 9 ,hall #b & ! ,,acb ,caf^/e 9 ,hall #a ,- lit]ally /eps f "o ano!r4 ,dur+ midye>1 h["e1 ! meet+s w 2 on ! ?ird floor4 ,detail$ descrip;ns >e 2+ develop$ by ! ,alabama a6iliate "4 ,i want to ?ank ,david & ,rhonda ,trott & ! ,alabama gang = all _! "w ?us f>4 ,x won't matt] h[ cold x is 9 ,birm+ham ? w9t]1 2c ! ,alabama folks >e s fir$ up we won't ne$ any addi;nal h1t6 ,b]l ,colley w 2 us+ ! "t to f9alize t\rs :ile ,mike ,smi!rman w see ! exhibit hall = ! f/ "t & 2g9 ! process ( devis+ a lay\t4 ,m>gie ,donovan w 2 =?com+ ) guide dog relief >ea 9=ma;n & \r 9=ma;n desk w 2 up & runn+ to assi/ y z ne$$4 ,i w 2 on h& to make sure yr meet+s >e set to yr specifica;ns & t ! wat] /a;ns >e kept full4 ,! ,alabama a6iliate is plann+ a grt ,welcome to ,alabama ba% 9 ! presid5t's suite on ,satur"d ev5+ & w 2 on h& to answ] yr "qs ab ! surr.d+ >ea4 #dd ,! room rates >e ! same z = ! summ] 3v5;n3 @s#he p] ni #cbd-#ejjj4 ,i wd l to take ? opportun;y to wi% all ( y ! happie/ ( holi"d s1sons4 ,may #bjjd hold only grt ?+s = y1 yr family & = ,,acb4 ,if ,i c 2 ( any s]vice to y1 pl1se feel free to 3tact me at "<#bjf"> #gbi- #ifed "<,pacific "t"> or by ;e-mail at ct[]s@aacb4org4 ,a ,"q on ,m9utes ,takes ,h\rs by ,*ri/oph] ,gray ,at e level ( \r organiza;nal "w 9 ,,acb1 #de a key task is ! record+ ( :at we d & :y we d x4 ,! record+ ( ? 9=ma;n is typically a3ompli%$ by an elect$ or appo9t$ secret>y writ+ d[n notes on ! proce$+s & !n writ+ up a set ( m9utes bas$ on ^? notes4 ,local *apt]s1 /ate organiza;ns1 & ! bo>d ( directors ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl all utilize a simil> process to organize _! busi;s & pres]ve _! hi/ory4 ,! relat$ bo>ds1 committees & "w+ gr\ps may or may n 5gage 9 simil> practices1 dep5d+ on ! nature ( _! "w4 ,committee "w1 = example1 (t5 f9ds xs way 9to ! public record :5 ! committee files a report or br+s a recomm5da;n to a bo>d ( directors :o !n acts ^u t recomm5da;n & 9 s do+ makes x a "p ( ! ov]all record ( ! organiza;n4 #df ,9 ! pa/ decade1 significant public & legislative att5;n has be5 sp5t on organiza;nal meet+s & ! m9utes writt5 ab ^? meet+s4 ,(t5 4cuss$ "u ! topic ( 8op5 meet+s0 acts pass$ by /ate legislatures1 s* laws seek to hei"<#c"> corpora;ns s* z \rs m/ comply ) special corporate & ,,irs require;ts reg>d+ ! prep>a;n & availabil;y ( f9ancial records1 b ^! require;ts d n sp1k to m9utes4 ,,acb m9utes & _! 4tribu;n h be5 a topic ( 3c]n to "s #dg ,,acb memb]s 2g9n+ ) an 9dividual reque/ dat$ ,octob] #ba1 #bjjc rcvd via comput] communica;n4 ,t reque/ & subsequ5t 4cus.n on ,,acb's v>i\s comput] li/s has giv5 rise to s _m "qs & app>5t 3fu.n am;g at l1/ ! comput]- us+ subset ( ,,acb memb]s1 x seems r1sonable to 5gage 9 "s broad] organiza;nal dialogue ab ! issue4 ,9 ! foll[+ p>agraphs1 ,i w attempt to pres5t ! situa;n z x curr5tly is /ructur$ & def9e at l1/ "s ( ! po9ts to 2 3sid]$ if *anges >e "utak5 by ,,acb 9 ! future4 ,9 2g9n+ ? 4cus.n1 a few po9ts %d 2 made cle> reg>d+ ,,acb's pres5t policies & proc$ures3 #a4 ,,acb is 9 full compli.e ) ! require;ts ( \r 3/itu;n & bylaws ) reg>d to ! #dh 4tribu;n ( m9utes4 ,z prescrib$ 9 ,bylaw #d1 ,sec;n ;,b3 8,! secret>y ( ? organiza;n1 9 addi;n to ! usual duties ( s* (fice1 % furni% to ea* a6iliate & memb]-at-l>ge a summ>y ( all (ficial ac;ns tak5 at ! 3v5;n or meet+s ( ! bo>d ( directors1 z soon z possible af ! 3clu.n ( s* 3v5;n &_/or meet+s40 ,9 fact1 "o c >gue t \r curr5t secret>y1 ,donna ,selig]1 has exce$$ \r require;ts by s5d+ complete sets ( m9utes to all a6iliate presid5ts & memb]s-at-l>ge4 ,x al seems fair to obs]ve t e secret>y ( ,,acb ) :om ,i h "w$ has put =? _! be/ & 3sid]able ef=ts 9 communicat+ ! busi;s ( ? organiza;n to ! /ate & special-9t]e/ l1d]%ip z well z ! g5]al memb]%ip4 ,9 addi;n1 x has be5 ! #di practice ( ! bo>d to ask ! repres5tative f ! bo>d ( publica;ns to prep>e a summ>y ( ea* meet+ = publica;n 9 8,! ,brl ,=um40 ,? addi;nal mat]ial s]ves z a m1ns ( 9=m+ ! ,,acb memb]%ip g5]ally ab bo>d meet+s & activities4 #b4 ,,acb is 9 full compli.e ) ! laws ( ! ,4trict ( ,columbia 9 : we >e 9corporat$ ) reg>d to ! 4tribu;n & availabil;y ( m9utes4 ,! ,4trict ( ,columbia requires t m9utes 2 reta9$ 9 a public place1 & m9utes m/ 2 available = public 9spec;n4 ,( c\rse1 we 9 ,,acb wd add public1 a3essible 9spec;n4 ,at ! pres5t "t1 bo? ( ^! require;ts >e 2+ met4 ,z y c see1 "! >e pres5tly two m1ns by : any memb] ( ,,acb c rcv a copy ( m9utes4 ,a p]son c come to ! #ej na;nal (fice & exam9e organiza;nal m9utes = at l1/ ! pa/ s"eal ye>s4 ,second1 any memb] c reque/ m9utes f _! /ate presid5t & presumably rcv a copy4 ,? is a process cle>ly def9$ 9 \r bylaws1 & we %d ad"h to x to \r be/ abilities4 ,! "q !n 2comes3 ,to :at ext5t c or %d ! na;nal organiza;n 5gage 9 ! wid] 4tribu;n ( m9utes or summ>ies ( m9utes8 ,to :at ext5t is s* 4tribu;n desirable & on :at basis %d x 2 made8 ,! ,,acb bo>d ( directors recognizes t a desire = a possible expan.n ( 4tribu;n exi/s am;g at l1/ a small1 vocal subset ( ! memb]%ip4 ,giv5 ? desire1 x has be5 agre$ t ? matt] w 2 tak5 up at \r next 9-p]son bo>d meet+1 s*$ul$ = ,febru>y #ae1 #bjjd4 ,9 prep>a;n = t meet+1 ,melanie #ea ,brunson1 z ,,acb's act+ executive director1 is prep>+ a brief = 3sid]a;n by ! bo>d 3ta9+ 9=ma;n & recomm5da;ns on curr5t practice & require;ts z well z h[ we mid w fur!r ne$ to 4cuss ! implica;ns ( s* wid5+ ( 4tribu;n ) reg>d to grt] 4tribu;n's 3/itut+ a viola;n ( \r 3/itu;n & bylaws4 ,if a *ange 7 to 2 made1 ! "o ?+ t seems relatively cle> relat+ to x is t ! relevant bylaw wd ne$ am5d+ 9 ord] to provide cle> guid.e = ! ,,acb secret>y on :at m/ 2 d"o4 ,despite my commit;t & ! will+;s ( ! ,,acb bo>d ( directors to "utake s* 3sid]a;ns1 a small gr\p has delug$ ! secret>y & o!r key p 9 ! organiza;n ) daily #eb dem&s t1 9 virtually any o!r 3text1 wd 2 view$ z h>ass;t4 ,x is un=tunate t _m ( ^! messages h be5 bellig]5t1 alm bully+ 9 nature4 ,mo/ "picul>ly1 \r secret>y has be5 plac$ 9 ! posi;n ( hav+ to h&le _m hundr$s ( ;e-mail messages t come f less ?an #bj 9dividual memb]s ( ! organiza;n4 ,= bett] or = worse1 democracy & delib]a;n take "t1 & v (t51 x is "t well sp5t4 ,z yr presid5t1 ,i f9d x di6icult to support significant *ange 9 policy 9volv+ ! ,,acb 3/itu;n m]ely on ! basis ( "s mo;t>y \tcry on an ,9t]net li/4 ,"! is no d\bt t ,,acb ne$s1 & z an organiza;n wants1 to 2 z democratic z possible4 ,"s 2lieve t ? m1ns ! complete availabil;y & p]h ev5 automatic 4tribu;n ( e #ec docu;t to e 9dividual :o wi%es to see x4 ,id1li/ically1 ? s.ds wond];l & x is a goal to : ea* ( u may wi% to aspire4 ,s* an approa* does h xs d[nside1 h["e4 ,practically sp1k+1 d y wi% to give yr new fund-rais+ idea to compet+ organiza;ns 9 yr communities8 ,probably n4 ,is "! 9=ma;n ab ,,acb : we wd pref] to hold 9 "s degree ( privacy8 ,( c\rse "! is4 ,"!'s a f9e l9e 2t safegu>d+ ! "rs ( \r memb]%ip & all[+ ! public g5]ally to "k any?+ !y wi% to "k ab \r organiza;n1 & protect+ vital 9t]e/s t cd make or br1k organiza;nal su3ess 9 \r busi;s a6airs1 9 \r rela;n%ips ) ,capitol ,hill1 & 9 \r "w ) o!r organiza;ns )9 \r commun;y4 ,^! >e n ?+s we d>e squ&] 2c ( a mo;t>y upset by #aj or #bj ,,acb memb]s4 #ed ,we m/ al 2 3c]n$ z an organiza;n ) ! cr1;n ( an 9t]nal subculture /rictly bas$ on xs a3ess to comput]s & onl9e communica;ns4 ,x wd 2 a simple1 b p]h too simpli/ic1 solu;n to say t ,,acb %d 4tribute m9utes electronically to anybody :o wants !m4 ,simple8 ,yes4 ,b fair or equitable to \r memb]%ip8 ,absolutely n6 ,we "k t ! grt major;y ( \r memb]s d n use or h a3ess to comput] te*nology4 ,i /& 9 support ( t major;y's "r to 9clu.n 9 :at"e deci.n is made1 if any1 to *ange \r curr5t policies & practices reg>d+ ! 4tribu;n ( 9t]nal ,,acb docu;ts & m9utes4 ,"! is c]ta9ly m* to ?9k ab z we 3sid] ! _m ramifica;ns ( :at c seem1 at f/ blu%1 l a positive *ange to provide m 9=ma;n to ! memb]%ip4 #ee ,pl1se communicate ) ,,acb 9 yr m$ium ( *oice if y h ?"\s or com;ts y wd l to %>e4 ,on ,w$nes"d1 ,febru>y #aa1 #bjjd ,i w 2 available to rcv yr com;ts directly on a special call-9 basis4 ,? is an exp]i;t1 & ,i hope x w 2 su3ess;l4 ,to "picipate1 call "<#hff"> #fcc-#hfch & 5t] ! meet+ ,,id ( #echghbee or let/alk4 ,? ses.n w 2 held f #f3#cj to #h p4m4 ,pacific "t "<#i3#cj to #aa p4m4 ,ea/]n">4 ,? is n a meet+1 b a *.e = 9dividuals to call & 4cuss _! ?"\s on a giv5 topic4 ,y c call 9 at :at"e "t is 3v5i5t = y dur+ ? "t block4 ,:5 y call1 pl1se 2 prep>$ to provide yr "n1 a6ilia;n ) ,,acb "1 & yr com;ts4 ,we w make ? a grt opportun;y = ! full 9clu.n ( ,,acb memb]%ip 9put4 #ef ,dawn ,*ri/5s5 ,resigns f ,,acb ,bo>d ,on ,tues"d1 ,decemb] #i1 #bjjc1 ,dawn ,*ri/5s5 rel1s$ ! foll[+ ann\nce;t4 ,de> ,presid5t ,gray3 ,af m* 3sid]a;n1 ,i am writ+ to 9=m y t e6ective immly ,i am resign+ f ! bo>d ( directors ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,regret;lly1 ,i _c 3t9ue z a l1d] ( ? organiza;n4 ,sev5 ye>s ago ! memb]%ip elect$ me to repres5t _! voice4 ,i 2lieve t _m memb]s ( ! bo>d ( directors h lo/ sit5$ by ! s]ies ( ev5ts t h tak5 place ov] ! la/ s"eal mon?s & feel t ,i c no l;g] 2 associat$ ) ! app>5t non-democratic move;t ( ! l1d]%ip ( ,,acb4 ,s9c]ely1 ,dawn #eg ,*ri/5s5 ,a6iliate ,news ,p5nsylvania ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,rel1ses ,/ate;t ,on ,novemb] #aj1 #bjjc1 ! ,p5nsylvania ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl "<,,pcb"> rel1s$ ! foll[+ /ate;t3 ,af review+ ! volum9\s correspond;e 3c]n+ ! resigna;n ( ,*>lie ,craw=d1 ! bo>d ( directors ( ! ,p5nsylvania ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl "<,,pcb"> has decid$ t a /ate;t %d 2 made express+ ! ?9k+ ( ! ,p5nsylvania a6iliate4 ,we want to express \r deepe/ regret & 4appo9t;t ) ! resolu;n r1*$ ) reg>d to ! resigna;n ( ,*>les ,craw=d4 ,we regret ! 9e/imable loss ( an 9dividual ( ,mr4 ,craw=d's backgr.d 9 bl;s-relat$ #eh issues & 8 commit;t & 5]gy to \r organiza;n4 ,x is \r judg;t t los+ ,mr4 ,craw=d z executive director is critical & we wond] if e ef=t 0 made to prev5t x4 ,we h lo/ 8 v capable & su3ess;l l1d]%ip 9 legislative advocacy & ! close "w+ rela;n%ips he _h develop$ ) ! p]sonnel ( gov]n;t (fices & o!r 4abil;y gr\p repres5tatives4 ,*>lie kept u 9=m$ on :at 0 happ5+ ) a cle> /ate;t ( :at ac;n %d 2 tak51 :o to call or :om to write to & :at ! issue was4 ,melanie ,brunson does ? too1 b "! 7 two p]sons "w+ on advocacy4 ,n[ "! is only "o4 ,no "o is irreplac1ble1 b x w take at l1/ six mon?s until a new executive director is on ! job & an addi;nal ye> to build up ! k9d ( rela;n%ips & respect = ,,acb t ,*>lie #ei _h "w$ s h>d to e/abli%4 ,8 loss to ,,acb is a s]i\s loss to \r advocacy ef=ts4 ,we >e 4appo9t$ t \r l1d]%ip has lack$ ! abil;y to r1* a solu;n m b5eficial to all 9volv$1 especially to ,,acb4 ,we 2lieve t ,,acb's op]at+ philosophy is n s n>r[ t x _c 5compass di6];es ( op9ion1 a v>ia;n ( h[ ?+s %d 2 d"o & agree;t to 4agree & move on if a compromise _c 2 "w$ \4 ,p5nsylvania ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl recognizes ! 9appropriate;s = public 4cus.n ( ! details ( a p]sonnel issue1 b we >e left ) a s5se ( gr[+ 9tol].e am;g \r l1d]%ip = di6]+ op9ions & approa*es4 ,)\t "q1 x is \r pref];e t ,mr4 ,craw=d 2 re9/at$ z executive director ( ,,acb1 b giv5 t 8 resigna;n has be5 a3ept$ by \r l1d]%ip & #fj f9ancial comp5sa;n agre$ to by ,mr4 ,craw=d1 "! is ll possibil;y = a rev]sal ( ! situa;n z x /&s4 ,if 9de$ "! is no go+ back1 !n we m/ look to ! future1 adopt+ ^? m1sures : w 5sure t we z an organiza;n w n"e f9d \rvs 9 ? situa;n ag4 ,we1 "!=e1 call on ,,acb's bo>d to 3sid] ! foll[+ su7es;ns3 #a4 ,review all policies & practices : gov]n ! bo>d's & na;nal committees,0 rela;n%ip ) \r na;nal (fice4 ,if ^! policies & practices >e 9adequate1 & giv5 :at has o3urr$ x wd seem s1 !n revise !m or develop new "os 9 _! place4 #fa #b4 ,report on & 4sem9ate ^! policies & practices at \r #bjjd na;nal 3v5;n4 ,we d 2lieve t tak+ ^! /eps may assi/ 3sid]ably 9 re/or+ \r 3fid;e & respect = \r na;nal l1d]%ip4 .<,sign$.> ,p5nsylvania ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,jay ,d\dna1 ,presid5t ,ohio ,sp1ks ,on ,w$nes"d1 ,novemb] #bj1 ,>l5e ,coh51 presid5t ( ,,acb ( ,ohio1 %>$ ! foll[+ message ) o!r ,,acb l1d]s on ! ,,acb- ,l1d]%ip li/s]v3 ,z ! weeks h unfold$ ,ohio has wat*$1 li/5$1 & le>n$4 ,we n[ feel t we c rema9 sil5t no l;g]4 ,! app>5t direc;n ( \r na;nal organiza;n tr\bles u grtly4 ,? is a critical "t = #fb 9dividuals :o >e bl or visually impair$4 ,"! >e _m 9 gov]n;t & busi;s t see ? "t z a gold5 opportun;y to undo ! tire.s "w ( ! la/ #cj ye>s4 ,all we h to d is look at ! rec5t /ru7les ( visually impair$ 9dividuals & ! response ( bo? gov]n;t & 9 "s cases ! c\rts4 ,legisla;n p>am.t to ! future ( ^? :o >e bl or visually impair$ is 9 ,3gress at ? "t4 ,": does \r organiza;n f9d xf at ? critical "t8 ,x is bord]+ on 9solv5cy4 ,x f9ds xf fractur$ by loss ( xs executive director & p]h mo/ 4turb+ ( all seems to 2 go+ d[n a pa? t makes free & op5 4cus.n impossible4 ,we see & he> a3usa;ns & diatribe4 ,:at we don't see & he> is a plan to move ? organiza;n to ! posi;n ( #fc /r5g? nec to 5sure xs future4 ,:ile we worry ab :at is sd 9 \r na;nal publica;ns & li/s]vs & :o has sd x1 ^? t wd d5y u \r place 9 society rjc 9 \r 3fu.n4 ,s"eal "qs ne$ to 2 answ]$4 ,we c only hope t \r l1d]%ip has cle>ly ?"\ "? xs curr5t c\rse ( ac;n & c br+ =w>d xs plan = ! future4 ,"o hopes t ! dra/ic ac;n tak5 by ? na;nal bo>d & presid5t has n be5 d"o )\t a cle> plan ( ac;n4 ,x is "t to %>e t plan ) ! memb]%ip4 ,we _c wait = ! next g5]al meet+4 ,to d s wd 9vite ! demise ( ! organiza;n4 ,ohio m/ ask \r na;nal l1d]%ip3 ,": >e we go+ & h[ w y l1d u "!8 ,>l5e ,coh51 ,presid5t ,,acb ( ,ohio #fd ,colorado ,3v5;n ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ( ,colorado w hold xs #bjjd 3v5;n on ,april #af1 #ag & #ah ( #bjjd4 ,! !me is 8,communica;n1 ! ,future & ,y40 ,we w 2 at ! ,r$ ,lion ,9n1 #djdj ,quebec1 ,d5v]1 ,,co #hjbaf4 ,! room rates >e @s#ef p] ni #cba-#ffff = res]va;ns4 ,2 sure to m5;n ,,acbc to get ! 3v5;n rate4 ,= fur!r 9=ma;n1 pl1se call ,bob ,levy at "<#cjc"> #idj-#ihdf4 ,,gdui ,gazette ,guide ,dog ,us]s1 ,9c4 wi%es to ann\nce ! availabil;y ( ! new 8,,gdui ,gazette10 a record$ 9=ma;nal message 9t5d$ to keep memb]s & frs up-to- date on issues & happ5+s 3c]n+ guide dogs & _! h&l]s4 ,! message w 9clude ! late/ #fe 2t-issues-(-,pawtracks guide dog news & product reviews1 & w 2 updat$ ! f/ "d ( ea* mon?4 ,to r1* ! 8,,gdui ,gazette10 call "<#bjf"> #ccc-#ceih4 ,= fur!r 9=ma;n on ei ! ,gazette or ,,gdui1 call toll-free #a- #hhh-#heh-#ajjh4 ,ma9e ,celebrates #ajj ,! #ajjth annual 3v5;n ( ! ,ma9e ,frat]nal ,associa;n 0 held at ! ,holi"d ,9n at ,wat]ville ,octob] #bd-#bf4 ,gue/s 5joy$ socializ+1 s++ al;g ) ,g5e ,monahan1 ! ca% b>1 & lots ( 3v]sa;n & lauson ,wood op5$ ! ,satur"d morn+ ses.n ) a welcome = "ey"o1 foll[$ by keynote sp1k] ,*ris ,gray4 ,wood deliv]$ ! presid5t's message1 & vice presid5t ,mel ,cl>rage pres5t$ a ye>-5d review4 ,elec;ns ( #ff (fic]s & a busi;s meet+ foll[$4 ,new (fic]s >e3 ,brian ,hi79s1 presid5t2 ,bruce ,>*]1 vice presid5t2 ,deborah ,de,l;g1 record+ secret>y2 ,patricia ,monahan1 correspond+ secret>y2 & ,m>k ,s9clair & ,lynne ,alci]e1 bo>d memb]s4 ,lun* 0 s]v$4 ,george ,guidall1 a pr(es.nal !atrical actor & record$ book r1d]1 expla9$ ! f9] po9ts ( ! craft1 al;g ) demon/ra;ns ( "s ( 8 "w4 ,? 0 a premium pres5ta;n1 5joy$ by all4 ,becky ,b>nes f ,guid+ ,eyes pres5t$ an 9=mative ses.n on 3flict resolu;n4 ,graham ,buck1 al f ,guid+ ,eyes1 br"\ a demo dog "nd ,oates = all to try4 ,oates is a male black lab1 ) a quiet1 calm p]sonal;y4 ,oates1 hav+ extraord9>y qualities1 w #fg g 9to specializ$ s]vice1 abv & 2y ! duties ( a regul> guide dog4 ,o!r exhibitors 7 ,h>old 8,bud0 ,lewis f ! ,divi.n = ! ,bl & ,visually ,impair$2 ! ,iris ,net"ws2 ,/eve ,sawczyn 4play+ te*nology2 & ,mike ,moran f ,! ,see+ ,eye4 ,af a %ort br1k1 a d9n] banquet 0 s]v$ foll[$ by ! op5+ ( a ca% b>4 ,m>y & ,david ,crock] provid$ live & record$ music & k>aoke4 ,on ,sun"d morn+1 br1kfa/ 0 s]v$4 ,g>y ,crock]1 a ,ma9e humori/1 br"\ ! 3v5;n to a close ) "ey"o roll+ \ ( _! s1ts 9 he>ty laud "w4 ,! grt su3ess ( ? 3v5;n cdn't h happ5$ )\t #fh y4 ,new ,li/s]v = ,c\ncil ( ,families ) ,visual ,impair;t ,,cfvi1 a special-9t]e/ a6iliate ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 is excit$ to ann\nce ! =ma;n ( a new comput] li/s]v1 cfvi@aacb4org4 ,? li/ is a place to 4cuss issues ( 9t]e/ & import.e to all family memb]s z !y relate to vi.n loss4 ,y c subscribe to ! li/ by s5d+ a blank message to cfvi-subscribe@aacb4org4 ,! 8,]ne/ ,*all5ge0 ,has ,be5 ,giv53 ,:o ,w ,/ep ,up to ! ,plate & ,mat* ,x8 by ,b]l ,colley ,on ,novemb] #h1 #bjjc1 ,t]ry ,atwat]1 presid5t ( ! ,capital ,c;y ,c\ncil ( #fi ! ,bl1 locat$ 9 ,olympia1 ,wa%41 deliv]$ a *eck = @s#a1jjj to ,,acb tr1sur] ,>dis ,bazyn4 8,? is a *all5ge grant to all local & /ate a6iliates ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,! bra9*ild ( ,,c3b memb] ,g>y ,]ne/1 x is a way = all ( u )9 ,,acb to assi/ ) ! grt $uca;nal & advocacy programs ( \r na;nal organiza;n10 ,atwat] expla9$4 ,hope;lly1 ,atwat]'s gift f 8 *apt] ( ! ,wa%+ton ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl w 2 ! f/ ( _m t ,,acb w rcv4 ,lrs to ! ,$itor ,! 3t5ts ( ? column >e a reflec;n ( ! lrs we _h rcvd at ! "t ( publica;n1 ,decemb] #ae1 #bjjc4 ,we rcvd s _m lrs dur+ ,octob] & ,novemb] t ? column reflects only a #gj repres5tative sample ( \r mail4 ,we hope to 9clude addi;nal lrs f ^? : 7 rcvd 9 ! next issue ( ! magaz9e4 ,op9ions express$ >e ^? ( ! au?ors1 n ^? ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs /aff or elect$ (ficials4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 is n responsible = ! op9ions express$ "h94 ,! $itorial /aff res]ves ! "r to $it lrs = cl>;y1 /yle & space available4 ,we c pr9t yr lrs only if y sign yr "n & give u yr address4 ,ab ,*>lie ,craw=d's ,resigna;n ,octob] #bf1 #bjjc ,de> ,r1d]s ( ! ,=um3 ,i am writ+ td = two r1sons4 ,f/1 ,i wd l to express my apprecia;n = all ,*>lie ,craw=d has d"o z ,,acb executive director4 ,on #ga issues rang+ f p$e/rian safety1 a3ess to 9=ma;n1 exp&+ employ;t opportunities to video descrip;n1 ,*>lie eloqu5tly repres5t$ u 2f ! p[]s t 2 9 ,wa%+ton4 ,*>lie al %[$ ! memb]%ip t he 0 will+ to try to help any ( u ) \r [n /ru7les4 ,f9ally1 8,news ,notes f ! ,na;nal ,(fice0 provid$ a gd summ>y ( :at ,,acb /aff _h be5 do+ = ! pa/ week4 ,second1 ,i wd l to express my 3c]n ov] ! factors t l$ to ,*>lie's resigna;n4 ,he is sd to h left due to 8irreconcilable philosophical di6];es0 2t hmf & ,*ris ,gray4 ,i f9d x appall+ t ,*>lie & ,*ris cd n "w tgr4 ,x al bo!rs me t m* ( ! negotia;ns t w5t on 2t ,*>lie & ! bo>d ( directors took place dur+ executive ses.ns4 ,n[ ! #gb bo>d says !y c't 4cuss :at happ5$4 ,i n"e knew t 8philosophical di6];es0 cd 2 s s5sitive z to w>rant executive ses.n4 ,:5 "s ( u express$ \r 3c]ns on ,,acb's ;e-mail 4cus.n li/ & dem&$ to "k exactly :at ^? 8philosophical di6];es0 w]e1 we 7 told by memb]s ( ! bo>d to 8get ov] x40 ,:ile ,i "u/& t x is "s"ts nec = ! bo>d to use executive ses.n1 ,i ?9k !y w5t too f> 9 ? case4 ,:ile ,i don't expect to le>n all ( ! details ( :at w5t on 9 ein j exactly :at ! 8philosophical di6];es0 7 t caus$ u to lose a top-not* executive director4 ,)\t ? 9=ma;n1 ,i w n 2 9 a gd posi;n to ca/ my votes 9 future elec;ns = bo>d memb]s & (fic]s4 ,if "o is to #gc *oose l1d]s 9tellig5tly1 "o m/ "k "s?+ ab _! manage;t /yles4 ,9=ma;n 3c]n+ viewpo9ts ( \r l1d]s w make u all bett] 9=m$ ab j exactly ": !y /&4 ,i am n 3t5t to j sit back & tru/ t :at has be5 d"o is be/ = ,,acb4 ,p]h ,i'll r1* t 3clu.n if giv5 m 9=ma;n ab j :at ! heck has be5 go+ on 9 ! pa/ few mon?s4 ,if s* 9=ma;n is n =?com+1 !n ,i h no *oice b to urge t we elect l1d]s :o >e will+ to 2 m op5 ) ! memb]%ip ( ,,acb4 ,- ,bob ,ha*ey1 ,wal?am1 ,mass4 ,gd ,man1 ,grt ,l1d] & ,8,! ,brl ,free ,press,0 ,"! h be5 "s /r;g 4cus.ns on ph"o trees1 li/s]vs & o!r m$ia relat$ to ! resigna;n ( ,*>lie ,craw=d4 ,mo/ important1 we ! memb]%ip wi% to "k :at #gd circum/.es l$ up to t resigna;n4 ,"s memb]s h ev5 call$ = ! cr1;n ( an ,9t]net v].n ( 8,! ,brl ,free ,press40 ,we ne$ n build an ,9t]net 8,brl ,free ,press40 ,x is "r "h6 ,x is 9 ! pages ( 8,! ,brl ,=um0 ,- if memb]s take advantage ( ! pages ( \r magaz9e1 & if _! voices >e n sil;ed1 b all[$ to fl[ =? 9 \r gr& tradi;n ( free expres.n4 ,x is sd t x is m di6icult to 2 a gd man ?an to 2come a grt l1d]4 ,*>lie ,craw=d has %[n u he is & c 2 bo?4 ,*>lie is a humble man1 n 9 t he is a less] man1 b r 2c he values ! id1s ( all4 ,he sees m]it 9 p1 ev5 "? "s ( _! quirks4 ,? humil;y has made hm a grt l1d] 9 ! true/ s5se ( t ^w4 ,*>lie n"e tells u t we h to d ? or t4 ,he %[s u h[ to d x = \rvs or h[ to a3ompli% a #ge task "? collabora;n4 ,t is ! emp[];t model ( l1d]%ip4 ,false l1d]s dem& f1lty1 loyalty & subs]vi;e )\t any excep;ns4 ,false l1d]s _c a3ept 9quiry1 let al"o advice or recomm5da;ns f ! rank & file1 z !y >e s 9secure4 ,v false l1d]s seek to /ifle 9quiry1 = !y fe> only = _! posi;ns & alt>s ( ego4 ,*>lie's he>t has alw be5 a spot ": "ey"o has a place4 ,s is ,,acb 9 g5]al4 ,*>lie has taulie ,craw=d alw has4 ,i urge rank-&-file memb]s to rememb] t ,*>lie has sd t he is a memb] ( ? grt organiza;n f/1 =emo/ & alw4 ,\r p[] is d]iv$ f xs memb]s4 ,ea* has a voice & sub/antial 3tribu;ns to make4 ,t is :at ,*>lie ,craw=d taucz1 ,kalamazoo1 ,mi*4 ,ask+ ,"qs & ,seek+ ,answ]s ,de> ,$itor & ,,acb family memb]s3 ,i h be5 obs]v+ ) 3/]na;n ! unfold+ ( ! ev5ts swirl+ #gg >.d ,,acb = ! pa/ mon?4 ,:ile ,i "u/& t we >e a plurali/ic organiza;n1 "! >e "s tr\bl+ aspects to ? :ole situa;n : ,i wd l to put 9to p]spective4 ,i plan to ask "s h>d "qs 9 ! hope t p w /op & exam9e ? situa;n4 ,:y has "s ( ! flail+ ab be5 bas$ on p]sonalities & cam\flag$ xf 9 n hav+ 9=ma;n8 ,only n[ >e p ?9k+ !y did n h 9=ma;n4 ,h[ free is spee* if we don't h respect = ea* o!r's po9t ( view8 ,^: 9t]e/s >e we uphold+ if we keep suspect+ a p]sonnel deci.n any bo>d ( directors is 5titl$ to take8 ,:y d _m memb]%ip organiza;ns h l;g 4cus.ns ab giv+ \ memb]%ip li/s8 ,h[ 9volv$ %d ! memb]%ip 2 9 p]sonnel deci.ns8 ,>e folks :o >e 3c]n$ ab ! process aw>e t public debate hurts ! cr$ibil;y ( ? #gh organiza;n1 :5 we h ? k9d ( 4respect = \r elect$ l1d]s8 ,"s p 2lieve t ! resigna;n ( ,*>lie ,craw=d 0 "s isolat$ ev5t 9 "t4 ,ag1 let's rem9d \rvs ( hi/ory4 ,t5.ns 2t bo>d & /aff h be5 app>5t = "s "t n[4 ,i h be5 frly ) bo>d & /aff ov] my _m ye>s 9 ,,acb4 ,i h alw "u/ood t ! bo>d sets policy1 & ! /aff imple;ts t policy4 ,:o [ns ! process8 ,:5 ,oral ,mill] left1 did any"o ?9k t 0 /range8 ,did any"o ask any "qs8 ,\r communica;ns h 2come 9cr1s+ly complex & ov] _m new plat=ms1 s n[ x is easi] = all ( u to 9t]act ) ea* o!r4 ,"s p]cep;n z simple z ! %>+ ( m9utes has be5 4tort$4 ,_m p =got t m9utes only w5t to ! bo>d memb]s 9 ! ,paul ,$w>ds adm9i/ra;n4 ,9 ^? ye>s1 "s bo>d memb]s und\bt$ly %>$ ^! m9utes ) _! [n #gi a6iliates4 ,n[1 ,donna ,selig]1 = ! f/ "t1 9 a3ord.e ) ! ,,acb 3/itu;n1 is s5d+ ! m9utes \ to e a6iliate presid5t4 ,we =get hi/ory1 & 9 \r ru% to blame & "n1 "s assume t a tid h be5 relatively /able = a c\ple ( ye>s4 ,:5 did "s ( y />t lack+ 3fid;e 9 ? bo>d8 ,an 9cid5t o3urr$ at mid-ye> 9 #bjjc4 ,a meet+ o3urr$ 3c]n+ ! future ( ,,acb1 & ,*>lie ,craw=d & o!rs rais$ 3c]ns ov] ! ,dohm5 case1 & t bo>d deci.n4 ,t 4cus.n ooz$ ov] to ! l1d]%ip li/4 ,i 0 q surpris$ at ! emo;n g5]at$ & 4play$ "? my scre5 r1d]6 ,f9ally1 ? ,july x seem$ t ! public 4cord _h r1*$ xs z5i?4 ,_m elec;ns 7 3te/$1 & p decid$ ^: l1d]%ip /yles #hj & :at priorities !y wd 5dorse = two ye>s4 ,am5d;ts & resolu;ns 7 hotly debat$1 & alm seem$ to 2 a ref]5dum on ! p]cep;ns memb]s _h ab ,,acb4 ,?ree am5d;ts 7 propos$ to aug;t ! purview ( ! bo>d ( publica;ns1 & appe>$ to dim9i% ! bo>d4 ,ano!r am5d;t tri$ to cl>ify ! role ( ! na;nal (fice /aff 9 5t]+ 9to debate4 ,craw=d 0 v 3c]n$ ab ! impact ( ? am5d;t1 & sd z m* on ! 3v5;n floor4 ,! o!r backdrop dur+ ,july #bjjc 0 t ,*ri/oph] ,gray won re-elec;n by ! wide/ m>g9 ( any c&idate runn+ 9 la/ ye>'s elec;n4 ,0 t an a3id5t1 or ! w ( ! memb]%ip8 ,x is ironic t ! 4cus.n is ab :at p knew1 :y !y didn't "k1 & :y !y %d h "kn4 ,:y d we want 3trol ov] all ?+s8 ,is x r1sonable to want to "k #ha "ey?+ \r l1d]s d8 ,we ne$ to get 2y ! emo;nally *>g$ language1 & 2 r1sonable communicators4 ,we saw "s r1l dialogue 9 ! two ph"o calls ,presid5t ,gray >rang$ = #bj memb]s ( ! ,,acb- ,l1d]%ip ;e-mail 4cus.n li/1 unduplicat$ ea* "t4 ,=ty p "picipat$ 9 ^! calls4 ,"s :o h express$ regret & d\bt 9 rec5t ;e-mail messages n"e reque/$ "picipa;n on ^! calls4 ,w9t] is ne>+1 & ! w9ds >e bl[+ cold]4 ,! temp]ature is dropp+4 ,x's a gd ?+1 2c ! pot 0 kept on ! /ove = too l;g1 & \r h\se 0 9 dang] ( burn+ d[n4 ,let ! pot cool1 & /op call+ ! kettle black if y're ! "o :i/l+4 ,- ,lynne ,koral1 ,an*orage1 ,alaska #hb ,z5i? ,,vcr,'s ,no ,l;g] ,available8 ,de> ,$itor3 ,"! is "s?+ ,i want to tell y ab t r1d]s ( 8,! ,brl ,=um0 %d 2 aw>e (4 ,i j f.d \ e>ly ? summ] t ! ,sp1k ,easy talk+ ,,vcr f ,z5i? hasn't be5 available = at l1/ two ye>s4 ,! "o ,i h n[ 0 9 ! %op gett+ repair$1 & ,i 0 able to get x fix$4 ,if "s?+ happ5s to x ag & ,i am unable to get x fix$ ,i w 2 \ ( luck4 ,i *eck$ >.d s"eal places s* z ,sp1k to me1 ,circuit ,c;y1 ,se>s & ,fr$ ,mey]s & !y don't h !m anymore4 ,x seems e "t manufactur]s come up ) "s?+ l ! talk+ ,,vcr1 x is on ! m>ket = a:ile & !n x is 4cont9u$4 ,? is ! second "t ? has happ5$ to me2 ! f/ "t 0 :5 ,%>p ,electronics came \ ) ! f/ talk+ ,,vcr4 #hc ,w "s"o come up ) a talk+ ,,dvd play] & a talk+ ,,dvd record]8 ,i ?9k t bl p %d write to ! manufactur]s :o make products s* z ,,vcr,'s & cell ph"os & tell !m to make _! products a3essible to p :o >e bl1 s we c run ! products we ne$ 9dep5d5tly ) 9/ruc;ns 9 brl1 cassette tape & comput] diskette )\t sid ( ,publica;ns ,guidel9es = ,lrs to ! ,$itor ,9 ord] to assure ! expres.n ( div]se op9ions1 & to mo/ e6ectively utilize limit$ magaz9e space1 ! bo>d ( #hd publica;ns has adopt$ ^! guidel9es = ! 8,lrs to ! ,$itor0 column e6ective ) ! ,febru>y #bjjd issue ( 8,! ,brl ,=um40 #a4 ,to 2 3sid]$ = publica;n1 ea* lr m/ 9clude a v]ifiable "n1 address1 & appropriate 3tact 9=ma;n4 ,only ! "n1 c;y1 & /ate ( ! au?or w 2 publi%$4 #b4 ,! 8,lrs to ! ,$itor0 column % n exce$ five l>ge pr9t pages1 & w 2 publi%$ only on a space-available basis4 #c4 ,no s+le lr % exce$ #cjj ^ws2 l;g] lrs w 2 $it$4 #d4 ,! subject matt] ( 8,lrs to ! ,$itor0 % 2 z div]se z possible1 & % reflect a propor;nal repres5ta;n ( lrs rcvd2 r$undancy %d 2 avoid$4 #he #e4 ,?\< 4agree;t ) an 9dividual or a policy ( ! organiza;n is a3eptable1 no lr % 3ta9 defamatory or abusive language1 or a3use o!rs ( 3duct t is 4h"o/1 immoral1 unlaw;l1 or o!rwise une?ical4 ,,acb ,sp1ks to ! ,am]ican ,public ,ab ,bl;s ) ! ,support ( ! ,,abc & ,,espn ,radio ,net"ws by ,ralph ,s&]s ,by ! "t y r1d ?1 y may h alr he>d ,,acb's mo/ rec5t public s]vice ann\nce;ts on an ,,abc or ,,espn radio net"w1 or "s"o w h m5;n$ !m to y4 ,! broad-bas$ air+ ( \r ann\nce;ts repres5ts a major su3ess = ,,acb4 ,we >e excit$ to op5 new av5ues = #hf communicat+ to ! ,am]ican public \r view ( bl;s & \r will+;s to provide support to any"o :o ne$s 9=ma;n or 5c\rage;t4 ,i 2lieve ? may 2 ! f/ "t ,,acb public s]vice ann\nce;ts h be5 4tribut$ via a na;nal radio net"w4 ,! ?ree public s]vice ann\nce;ts 7 develop$ "? a jo9t ef=t ( ! memb]%ip committee1 ! bo>d ( publica;ns & ! public rela;ns committee ov] ne>ly two ye>s4 ,! project 0 9itiat$ 9 late #bjja by ,pam ,%aw1 !n *air ( ! memb]%ip committee4 ,an e>ly v].n ( ! ann\nce;ts 0 play$ at ! ,h\/on 3v5;n1 & memb]%ip fe$back 0 s"\4 ,! ?ree committees 3t9u$ to "w collaboratively ov] ! next two ye>s4 ,!n1 la/ summ]1 ! ann\nce;ts 7 air$ on ,am]ica's f/ comm]cial radio /a;n1 ,,kdka1 9 #hg ,pittsbur<4 ,! !me ( ! ,,psa,'s is 8,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,=g+ ,new ,fronti]s = \r ,future40 ,! spots 7 produc$ by ,*uck ,adk9s1 a bl pr(es.nal ann\nc]1 "u ! direc;n ( ,jona?an ,mos51 !n ,,acb ,radio director4 ,:ile writ+ & produc+ ^! spots took q a :ile to a3ompli%1 we cle>ly h an impressive product t 0 well wor? ! wait4 ,we >e 5c\rag+ memb]s ( a6iliates & local *apt]s to use ! transcripts ( ! ann\nce;ts z a "w+ draft to develop local spots to 2 submitt$ to local /a;ns4 ,x is a widely held 2lief am;g _m memb]s t x is di6icult = u to make a major di6];e 2c ( ! lack ( fund+ = projects4 ,x is important = "ey"o to "k t ! ?ree spots develop$ #hh 9 ? campaign 7 a3ompli%$ ) less ?an @s#ejj ( tr1sury exp5ses by ! ,,acb4 ,pl1se note t ! ^w+ 9 ! transcript 2l may n completely mat* ! ^w+ 9 ! record$ v].n ( ! ann\nce;ts 2c ( ! ne$1 dur+ produc;n1 to comply ) "t 3/ra9ts4 ,public s]vice ann\nce;t "o ,d y h tr\ble 4t+ui%+ 2t a tw5ty & a t5-doll> bill 9 dim lie y hav+ di6iculty r1d+ ! newspap]8 ,>e y exp]i5c+ sev]e vi.n loss8 ,or1 d y "k any"o :o is8 ,if y answ]$ yes to any ( ^! "qs1 !n ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl c help y4 ,we >e bl & visually impair$ p f e walk ( life :o "w tgr to 5h.e \r lives4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 or a #hi memb]%ip applica;n1 call "<#hjj"> #dbd-#hfff or 3tact u onl9e at www4acb4org4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,=g+ new fronti]s = \r future ,public s]vice ann\nce;t two 8,i am sorry b yr baby is bl10 ! doctor says4 8,! problem is yr * _c see well 5 to keep up ) classroom "w10 ! t1*] says4 ,^! >e ^ws a p>5t n"e wants to he>4 ,x doesn't h to 2 ! 5d ( ! _w4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl is "h = y & yr *4 ,) a na;nal net"w ( /ate & local *apt]s1 ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl c make sure t y meet p :o "u/& bl;s4 ,we w 5sure yr * meets bl p :o h su3e$$ 9 gett+ _! $uca;n & :o "w z lawy]s1 t1*]s1 automobile me*anics & 9 virtually e o!r pr(es.n4 #ij ,= m 9=ma;n1 or a memb]%ip applica;n1 call "<#hjj"> #dbd- #hfff1 or 3tact u onl9e at www4acb4org4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,=g+ new fronti]s = \r future ,public s]vice ann\nce;t ?ree ,we >e ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,we >e bl & visually impair$ m5 & wom5 :o come f e commun;y )9 \r c.try4 ,we >e tall1 %ort1 old1 & "y4 ,"s ( u >e a?letes & "s ( u >e c\* potatoes :ile mo/ ( u >e "s": 9 2t4 ,we reflect e e?nic1 religi\s & racial gr\p )9 \r society4 ,"s ( u :o rcvd qual;y $uca;n & s.d tra9+ >e "w+ su3ess;lly 9 virtually e pr(es.n ,- psy*ologi/s1 auto me*anics1 adm9i/rators1 comput] analy/s1 cooks & #ia 5g9e]s4 ,we >e ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl "w+ to 5sure ! "r to opportun;y = $uca;n1 tra9+1 employ;t & a m1n+;l life = all ,am]icans1 9clud+ ^? ( u :o >e bl or :o h significant vi.n loss4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact u by ph"o at "<#hjj"> #dbd-#hfff or jo9 u on \r web site at www4acb4org4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,=g+ new fronti]s = \r future ,five ,3v5;n ,t\rs8 by ,b]l ,colley ,yes1 yr ,,acb 3v5;n t\rs committee is look+1 v favorably ,i mid ,space ,fronti]s1 & ,rememb]+ ,\r ,pa/ ,a pre-3v5;n t\r to ,huntsville1 ,alabama is 2+ plann$ = ,fri"d1 ,july #b4 ,we'll take a bus nor?w>d to ,huntsville1 ": we'll visit ! ,space & ,rocket ,c5t]1 : f1tures a grt 9t]active facil;y ) an >ray ( space memorabilia t mo/ ( u c relate to1 f \r collective aw>e;s ( _! news-mak+ space "w ov] ! la/ #dj ye>s4 ,ev5 ! f/ monkey to 2 %ot 9to space is buri$ "!4 ,y'll 2 able to see ! f/ lun> module & a full-siz$ "<#cfc feet l;g"> ,jupit] rocket4 ,^? :o c>e to try x c ev5 exp]i;e a simulat$ bla/(f4 ,"! is a #fg-foot-hi< #ic ,,imax scre51 ": we'll view a #de-m9ute film1 & "!'s a mock- up ( ! 9side ( ! ,space ,lab t is curr5tly 2+ mann$4 ,"! >e s"eal gift %ops on site4 ,af lun* at ! ,space & ,rocket ,c5t]1 we w 2 go+ ov] to ,tuscumbia to t\r ,ivy ,gre51 ! bir?place ( ,hel5 ,kell]4 ,af a t\r & a delici\s d9n]1 we w h front-r[ s1ts at ,ivy ,gre5's \tdoor amphi!at] = a produc;n ( 8,! ,miracle ,"w]40 ,"! is al a gift %op at ,ivy ,gre54 ,we'll ,take ,david ,trott at ,8 ,^w ,& 444 ,ride 9 a race c>8 ,i'm sure t _m rememb] :5 ,david1 ,presid5t ( ! ,alabama a6iliate1 rose on ! 3v5;n floor la/ summ] 9 ,pittsbur< to promise u a ride 9 a ,,nasc> vehicle4 ,well1 #id ,david is alm z gd z 8 ^w1 z any"o :o wants to try x c h a ride 9 "o ( ! ,,nasc> pace c>s4 ,yep6 ,on ,satur"d1 ,july #c1 jo9 u z we h1d s\? to ,talladega to visit ! ,,nasc> museum & racetrack4 ,"! w 2 lots ( old race c>s to view & he> ab1 plus a bus ride >.d ! two-&-a-half-mile oval ": we c 9ve/igate ! degree ( slant 9 ! curves1 ! pits & o!r sites t we may h wond]$ ab :ile li/5+ to broadca/s ( c> races4 ,^? :o >e r1lly adv5tur\s may h ! opportun;y to ride 9 a pace c> at ne>ly #ajj miles an h\r4 ,! t\r 9cludes a plat$ lun* & "! is a l>ge gift %op "h al4 ,we >e hop+ to add a t\r ( ! ,honda or ,m]c$es-,b5z plant1 b h no?+ 9 place yet4 #ie ,rememb]+ ! ,/ru7le = ,civil ,"rs1 ,& ,honor+ ,fall5 ,h]oes ,we >e putt+ tgr a mov+ & s\l-se>*+ civil "rs t\r = ,fri"d afn1 to 2 rep1t$ on ,satur"d1 ,july #c1 & lat] dur+ ! week4 ,we w visit ! ,sixte5? ,/reet ,bapti/ ,*ur* ": f\r ll girls 7 kill$ :5 a bomb w5t (f 9 ! base;t ( ! *ur* on ,sun"d1 ,septemb] #ae1 #aifc4 ,af pay+ \r respects1 we w cross ! /reet & visit ! ,civil ,"rs ,9/itute = an $uca;nal t\r ( siy ,p>k1 ": a v>iety ( ac;n sett+s >e depict$4 ,c;y ,t\rs ,( c\rse1 we >e al "w+ to put tgr a c\ple ( c;y t\rs ( ,birm+ham4 ,? l>ge/ c;y #if 9 ,alabama is home to s"eal colleges & univ]sities1 & has a l;g & ri* hi/ory )9 ! old & new ,s\?4 ,! t\rs li/$ "h >e j a />t4 ,we're al 9ve/igat+ planes1 tra9s1 movie sett+s1 ,alabama s]vices1 a com$y !at]1 sports museum1 a spy & natural hi/ory museum1 tactile >t & a wond];l fun place t re-cr1tes an #ahth c5tury commun;y4 ,we w talk 9 m detail ab ^! t\rs z !y >e f9aliz$ 9 future issues ( ! 8,=um40 ,s1 n[ y "k j h[ m* "! is to look =w>d to 9 ,birm+ham1 9 addi;n to ,,acb busi;s1 special-9t]e/ a6iliate meet+s1 an exhibit hall1 & meet+ & greet+ frs old & new4 ,2 sure to res]ve yr room at ! ,birm+ham ,%]aton1 "<#hjj"> #cbe-#cece or "<#bje"> #cbd- #ejjj4 ,! summ] w 2 "h #ig 2f y "k x6 ,,nelds ,"ws to ,support ,3v5;n ,att5d.e3 ,buy a ,ticket & ,y ,may ,w9 ,yr ,air ,f>e to ,birm+ham6 by ,ralph ,s&]s ,! ,na;nal ,$uca;nal & ,legal ,def5se ,s]vices = ! ,bl "<,,nelds"> 3t9ues to "w to support att5d.e at ! ,,acb 3v5;n :ile rais+ funds to assi/ bl & visually impair$ 9dividuals to ga9 "rs "? $uca;nal & legal activities4 ,,nelds is a #eja""<#c"> tax-exempt organiza;n : is d$icat$ to assi/+ bl & visually impair$ 9dividuals to ga9 _! "rs gu>ante$ by ! ,3/itu;n1 or f$]al & /ate laws4 ,! organiza;n "ws to support programs & #ih activities ( ! ,,acb1 expla9s bo>d presid5t ,*>lie ,hodge4 ,,nelds 0 f.d$ 9 ! e>ly #aiijs by ,durw>d ,mc,daniel4 ,! #aa-memb] bo>d ( directors 9cludes ,*>lie ,hodge1 *air ( ! bo>d ( publica;ns1 ,,acb ,presid5t ,*ris ,gray1 ,,acb imm pa/ presid5t ,paul ,$w>ds1 ,,acb f/ vice presid5t ,/eve ,spei*]1 ,,acb secret>y ,donna ,selig]1 ,m>g>9e ,b1man ( ,texas1 ,t]ri ,lynne ,pom]oy ( ,utah1 ,c>la ,rus*ival f ,k5tucky1 ,ralph ,s&]s f ,wa%+ton1 ,s&y ,s&]son ( ,alaska & ,jeff ,?om f ,cali=nia4 ,,nelds holds an annual draw+ at ! 5d ( ! ,,acb mid- ye> bo>d meet+4 ,f/ prize is r.d trip airf>e = two to ! site ( ! upcom+ annual 3v5;n4 ,second prize is a hotel #ii room at ! 3v5;n = five "ds /ay4 ,?ird prize is two tickets to ! ,,acb banquet4 ,to 2come eligible = ! #bjjd prizes1 make a @s#e 3tribu;n to ,,nelds4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 pl1se 3tact ,ralph ,s&]s at "<#cfj"> #hib-#ibbi1 or ,donna ,selig] at "<#eae"> #bhd- #jeje4 ,"h & ,"! by ,s>ah ,blake ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column is n an 5dorse;t by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs /aff1 or elect$ (ficials4 ,products & s]vices >e li/$ free ( *>ge = ! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsible = ! reliabil;y ( products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,to submit items = ? column1 y may ;e-mail ,s>ah #ajj ,blake at sblake@aacb4org1 or call ,,acb at #a-#hjj-#dbd- #hfff & l1ve a message 9 mailbox #bf4 ,pl1se rememb] t po/al regula;ns prohibit u f 9clud+ adv]tise;ts1 & t we ne$ 9=ma;n two mon?s ah1d ( actual publica;n dates4 ,a3essible ,,acb ,hi/ory ,n[ ,available6 ,! ,,acb ,/ore is r1dy to take yr ord]s = fully a3essible v].ns ( 8,p ( ,vi.n3 ,a ,hi/ory ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl0 by ,james & ,m>jorie ,megiv]n4 ,! book is available 9 two v].ns3 brl & cassette4 ,supplies ( ! brl v].n >e extremely limit$2 s if y ?9k y wd l a brl copy1 ord] immly4 ,! cassette $i;n is a nicely repackag$ set ( tapes ) ! same n>ra;n z ! ,,nls $i;n4 ,! brl $i;n "<#i #aja volumes"> sells = ! price ( ! h>dcov] pr9t book1 @s#dc4ie4 ,! cassette $i;n "<#e tapes"> sells = ! price ( ! pap]back book1 @s#cj4ie4 ,ord]s c 2 %ipp$ by ! /ore )9 #g-#ad "ds4 ,to 3tact ! ,,acb ,/ore1 call toll-free #a-#hgg-#cfg-#bbbd4 ,3v5;n ,tapes ,? "o's = all ( y :o ord]$ 3v5;n tapes4 ,due to a duplicator br1kd[n1 ! tapes >e / a "w 9 progress4 ,tapes w 2 mail$ \ z soon z possible4 ,we appreciate yr pati;e & "u/&+ z we d1l ) ? te*nical di6iculty4 ,x's n too late to ord] ! tapes4 ,a full set co/s @s#ce2 9dividual tapes1 @s#f4 ,s5d yr pay;t to3 ,attn3 ,3v5;n ,tapes1 ,,acb1 #aaee #aeth ,st4 ,,nw1 ,suite #ajjd1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje4 #ajb ,new ,publica;n 8,! ,ra7$ ,$ge3 ,! ,4abil;y ,exp]i;e f ! ,pages ( ! ,f/ ,fifte5 ,ye>s ( ,! ,4abil;y ,rag10 $it$ by ,b>rett ,%aw1 is an an?ology ( >ticles f ! magaz9e4 ,to ord] ! an?ology onl9e1 visit http3_/_/www4" advocadopress4org_/backli/4" htm4 ,or y may mail yr ord] to3 ,! ,advocado ,press1 ,box #ade1 ,l\isville1 ,,ky #djbja4 ,fax cr$it c>d ord]s to3 "<#ejb"> #hii-#iefb4 ,pd ,writ+ ,opportun;y ,*rissy ,laws is $it+ a book on nature & visual impair;t4 ,%e is seek+ /ories f bl or visually impair$ writ]s ab 5joy+ nature "? g>d5+1 camp+1 or any o!r nature-ori5t$ activ;y4 ,>ticles %d 2 f #a1jjj to #c1jjj ^ws4 ,3tributors w e>n @s#be #ajc = ! f/ #a1jjj ^ws & @s#j4ja = ea* addi;nal ^w4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 pl1se s5d qu]ies to ,*rissy by ,janu>y #ae at cjlaws@amfx4net4 ,s*ol>%ips ,! ,associa;n ( ,bl ,citiz5s w (f] @s#bj1jjj 9 college s*ol>%ips to bl or visually impair$ 9dividuals seek+ a college degree4 ,! ,re7ie ,johnson ,memorial ,s*ol>%ip w 2 valu$ at @s#c1jjj2 ?ree @s#b1jjj s*ol>%ips & an addi;nal #aa @s#a1jjj s*ol>%ips w 2 available = ! #bjjd-#bjje s*ool ye>4 ,! s*ol>%ip may 2 appli$ to tui;n1 liv+ exp5ses or relat$ exp5ses result+ f vi.n impair;t4 ,to d[nload ! applica;n onl9e1 visit http3_/_/www4bl9dcitiz5s4org4 #ajd ,s*ola/ic ,a*ieve;t ,aw>ds ,,rfb@&,d's ,m>y ;,p4 ,o5slag] ,s*ola/ic ,a*ieve;t ,aw>ds "<,,saa"> >e giv5 annually to n9e bl or visually impair$ s5iors at f\r-ye> ,u4,s4 colleges or univ]sities4 ,! ,m>ion ,hub] ,le>n+ ,"? ,li/5+ ,aw>ds "<,,ltl"> >e pres5t$ annually to six hi< s*ool s5iors ) le>n+ 4abilities4 ,aw>ds monies total m ?an @s#ej1jjj4 ,! top ?ree w9n]s 9 ea* category >e honor$ at an annual gala4 ,! ,,naa program is op5 to active ,,rfb@&,d memb]s :o h be5 regi/]$ = at l1/ "o ye> prior to ! d1dl9e ,- ei 9dividually or "? _! s*ools ,- & :o h demon/rat$ \t/&+ s*ol>%ip1 l1d]%ip1 5t]prise & s]vice to o!rs4 #aje ,applica;ns >e n[ available2 ! applica;n d1dl9e is ,febru>y #bj1 #bjjd4 ,= addi;nal 9=ma;n ab ,,rfb@&,d's memb]%ip programs1 ,na;nal ,a*ieve;t ,aw>d eligibil;y crit]ia or to reque/ an aw>d applica;n1 call ,,rfb@&,d's ,memb] ,s]vices ,de"p;t toll-free at #a-#hjj- #gcb-#cehe4 ,or visit ! web site at www4rfbd4org4 ,reque/ = ,9=ma;n ,sylvie ,ka%dan wd appreciate he>+ f bl p :o h us$ or exam9$ ! new tactile ,new ,york ,c;y transit maps4 ,pl1se %>e yr impres.ns ( ^! maps1 9clud+ h[ easy !y >e to "u/& & h[ use;l !y >e4 ,write to h] 9 brl or pr9t at #haj-,a ,hiawa?a ,place ,s\?1 ,s1ttle1 ,,wa #ihadd1 or ;e-mail at kaiz5.-esl@a" #ajf lit]acynet4org4 ,seek+ ,>t ,exhibitors ,na;nal ,exhibits by ,bl ,>ti/s is seek+ bl >ti/s = xs juri$ exhibi;n 9 fall #bjjd at ! ,philadelphia ,museum ( ,>t4 ,slides >e due no lat] ?an ,febru>y #bg1 #bjjd4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 write to ,,neba1 #iai ,walnut ,st41 ,philadelphia1 ,,pa #aiajg1 or call = a prospectus1 #a-#hjj-#bbb-#aged ,mon"d "? ,fri"d f #i a4m4 to #e p4m4 ,ea/]n1 or call "<#bae"> #ibe-#cbac & l1ve a message4 ,new ,book = ,sibl+s 8,2y ! ,/>es0 is a book = *n & adolesc5ts writt5 by sibl+s ( *n ) 4abilities4 ,x is a *ronicle ( _! /ories & a place = _! collective messages to 2 %>$ ) o!rs4 ,adults #ajg look+ = guid.e & *n look+ = %>$ exp]i;es w r1d p[];l & t\*+ /ories4 ,z !y r1d1 sibl+s c express _! exp]i;es by />t+ _! [n p]sonal j\rnal 5tries on pages t >e designat$ j = t purpose4 ,x co/s @s#ab4ie4 ,ord] onl9e f www4dgckids4" org_/res\rces-books4htm4 ,brl ,$i;n ( ,guidepo/s ,available ,ag ,guidepo/s ,magaz9e 0 f.d$ 9 #aide by ! r5[n$ ,dr4 ,norman ,v9c5t ,p1le & 8 wife1 ,ru? ,/af=d ,p1le4 ,al? x has be5 available 9 regul> & l>ge pr9t1 ! brl $i;n 0 4cont9u$ s"eal ye>s ago4 ,respond+ to ! ov]:elm+ cry f r1d]s1 ,clov]nook has made ! brl $i;n available = @s#g p] ye>4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ,clov]nook1 #gjjj ,hamilton ,av5ue1 ,c9c9nati1 ,,oh #debca- #ajh #ebig2 ph"o #a-#hhh-#bcd-#gaef or "<#eac"> #ebb-#chfj "1 or ;e-mail clov]nook@aclov]nook4org4 ;,e-,mail ,4cus.n ,gr\ps ,9 an ef=t to provide bl folks f any organiza;n ) a place to 4cuss democracy & democratic pr9ciples & h[ to build a m p]fect democracy )9 yr gr\p1 ,*>les ,craw=d has =m$ ! bl-democracy ;e-mail li/4 ,= m 9=ma;n ab ! li/1 visit http3_/_/www4octo?orp4" org_/mailman_/li/9fo_/" bl9d-democracy4 ,bl9dadoptivep>5ts is a =um = p>5ts :o h be5 "? or >e curr5tly go+ "? ! adop;n process4 ,2+ able to f9d ea* o!r & %>e 9=ma;n & support is vital1 z ! adop;n process c br+ "s unique *all5ges & *anges to \r lives4 ,to #aji subscribe to ? gr\p1 pl1se s5d mail to bl9dadoptivep>5ts- subscribe@ayahoogr\ps4com4 ,if y >e n an adoptive p>5t b wi% to provide support1 pl1se d jo9 u4 ,any"o :o is a memb] ( ,,acb ,radio ,amateurs is welcome to jo9 ! ,,acbra ;e-mail li/4 ,y may d s via ! ,,acb web page1 or by s5d+ a message to acbra- subscribe@aacb4org4 ,sp1k-easy is a li/ = 4cus.n ( curr5t ev5ts & 3trov]sial issues4 ,"s ( ! 3t5t 4cuss$ on ? li/ w 2 adult 9 nature & 9tellig5t 4cus.ns ( sex & sexual;y >e welcome on ! li/4 ,to subscribe1 s5d a blank message to sp1k-easy- subscribe@asm>tgr\ps4com4 #aaj ,! ,mos5 ,explo.n ,radio ,%[ ,,acb ,radio f.d] ,jona?an ,mos5 has return$ to ! ,9t]net airwaves1 ? "t on ,big ,planet ,radio4 ,! new look ,mos5 ,explo.n radio %[ 9cludes ele;ts ( ,jona?an's pa/ popul> %[s1 s* z 9t]views1 te*nology reviews1 music1 & pl5ty ( 9t]ac;n f li/5]s4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 visit http3_/_/www4" mos5explo.n4com4 ,brlr ,repair ,qual;y1 af=dable brl writ] repair6 ,only @s#de = complete s]vice plus "ps :5 ne$$4 ,3tact ,daniel ,simpson1 #aadjj ,w>d ,road1 ,gu?rie1 ,,ok #gcjdd2 ph"o "<#dje"> #bhb-#cedb or "<#dje"> #fdj- #igjf1 ;e-mail ac#ete@ajuno4com4 #aaa ,brl ,bracelets ,antiqu$ silv]-f9i% brl alphabet bracelets >e available f ,na;nal ,brl ,press = @s#bh4ej4 ,^! bracelets " >e made ( small 9dividual tiles4 ,ea* tile repres5ts a lr ,- brl on ! front1 & 5grav$ type on ! back4 ,! tiles >e sep>at$ by simple1 /rai #bff- #fafj ext5.n #bj4 ,brl ,=tune ,cookies ,lucky ,t\* ,=tune ,cookie ,company is a /ud5t-op]at$ busi;s specializ+ 9 brl =tune cookies4 ,! cookies >e al available ) l>ge pr9t =tunes4 ,y may cu/omize ! cookies to fit yr ev5t4 ,place yr ord] by call+ ,judi? ,lesn] at "<#eaj"> #gid-#chjj1 ext5.n #cjj4 ,all ord]s w g \ by prior;y mail4 ,if items >e 9 /ock1 all[ two weeks f ! "d yr pay;t is rcvd4 ,cu/omiz$ ord]s require a week l;g]4 ,%ipp+ & h&l+ *>ges v>y4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 write to3 ,lucky ,t\* ,=tune ,cookie ,company1 #ejj ,walnut ,ave41 ,fremont1 ,,ca #idecf4 #aac ,a3essible ,cruises ,sue ,slat] has a3ept$ a posi;n ) a home-bas$ travel ag5cy1 ": %e w 3t9ue h] "w mak+ cruises a3essible = p :o >e bl4 ,= 9=ma;n on upcom+ cruises "?\t #bjjd1 call ,sue at "<#cad"> #gbf-#fhic1 or ;e- mail h] at cruiseaway#bjja@ayahoo4com4 ,new ,catalog ,! new catalog f ,horizons = ! ,bl 9cludes a collec;n ( %ap$ pans = cakes & molds1 9clud+ a /&- up sn[man1 ,santa ,claus #c-;,d cake pan1 & sev5 m4 ,! catalog al 9cludes two new cookbooks f ,wei #ddd-#hhjj "2 fax #aad "<#hae"> #ddd-#hhcj2 or ;e- mail mail@ahorizons-bl9d4org4 ,pl1se specify :e!r y pref] brl1 l>ge pr9t1 or audio cassette =mat4 ,c>e] ,opportun;y ,! ,georgian ,bay ,su3ess ,academy seeks qualifi$ su3ess c\nselors = xs p]sonal gr[?_/life skills program4 ,! academy emp[]s /ud5ts to a*ieve _! p]sonal & f9ancial goals "? active le>n+ & "picipa;n 9 xs curriculum4 ,9dividuals :o *oose to 5roll z /ud5ts ( ! ,academy >e eligible to 2come su3ess coa*es4 ,9dividualiz$ & gr\p tra9+ >e provid$ on an ongo+ basis4 ,= fur!r 9=ma;n1 3tact ,b>b>a ,blejewski1 ,su3ess ,coa*1 at "<#hfj"> #gba-#hfja1 or via ;e-mail1 ,b>b@antplx4net4 #aae ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op ,= ,sale3 ,fre$om ,sci5tific ,mill5nium #dj note tak]4 ,j ov] a ye> old2 9 excell5t 3di;n4 ,comes ) all /&>d a3essories & ! late/ v].n #d4a s(tw>e4 ,ask+ @s#c1hjj4 ,3tact ,john ,glass via ;e-mail1 nu#fp@aearthlink4net or call hm at "<#djh"> #gda-#ajcd4 ,= ,sale3 ,p]k9s brl writ]1 rec5tly s]vic$ & cl1n$4 ,ab #bj ye>s old4 ,9 ,a#a 3di;n4 ,ask+ @s#cjj4 ,3tact ,c>ol @& ,bob ,taylor by ph"o1 "<#dab"> #hbd-#eibi1 or by ;e- mail1 q?#d@acomcast4net4 ,= ,sale3 ,recondi;n$ brlr ) s(t cov]4 ,ask+ @s#djj plus #aaf %ipp+4 ,9sul-gauges 9 a v>iety ( sizes z well z a c\ple ( ,m$i-,cool]s & a c\ple ( cu/om-made wood5 jewelry cases to h\se ! gauges4 ,all = @s#abe or @s#e = ea* gauge4 ,! ,bible on records2 make (f]4 ,call ,rob]t ,ziegl] at "<#gfc"> #ecg-#hjjj or ;e-mail hm1 ziegl]@ae>?l9k4net4 ,= ,sale3 #e ,,dec,'talk ,,pc units1 @s#ge ea*4 #b ,,dec,'talk ,express ext]nal units1 @s#aej ea*4 ,all ^! devices 7 pur*as$ #e to #g ye>s ago4 ,! ,,dec,'talk ,express units h se5 v ll use4 ,3tact ,rob]t ,gates1 ,>izona ,c5t] = ! ,bl1 "<#fjb"> #bgc- #gdaa ext4 #abh4 ,w take ,visa "? ,pay,pal4 ,%ipp+ by ,,ups at actual co/s4 #aag ,= ,sale3 ,,jaws = ,w9d[s ,pr(es.nal v].n #d4jb ) key disk4 ,n upgradable to hi<] v].ns ( ,,jaws4 ,"ws grt 9 ,w9d[s #ih1 ,me1 ,,nt1 & #bjjj ,pr(es.nal4 ,ask+ @s#bbe4 ,dolph9's ,sup]nova ,,hal scre5 r1d] & ,lun> magnifi] combo v].n #d4e4 ,"ws on ,w9d[s #ih1 ,me1 ,,nt1 & ,w9d[s #bjjj ,pr(es.nal4 ,ask+ @s#djj4 ,magic scre5 magnifi] v].n #h ) key disk = ,w9d[s #ih1 ,me1 & ,,xp ,home ,$i;n4 ,ask+ @s#ajj4 ,%ipp+ 9clud$4 ,call ,jake at "<#hcb"> #dhc-#cbaf or ;e-mail hm at j/rawman@a" hotmail4com4 ,= ,sale3 ,,hp ,pavilion laptop1 /ate ( ! >t1 new 9 ,octob] #bjjc1 #b4f ,,d #aah drive1 ,,dvd_/,,cd_/,,rw1 #ag- 9* ,,sxvga 4play1 full-size keybo>d ) keypad1 ,w9d[s ,,xp & ,(fice ,,xp ) ,^w & m1 9cludes 9/all$ newe/ v].ns ( ,,jaws #e4j & ,kurzweil #g4jb1 9tegrat$ wire.s1 #d ,,usb ports1 fla% c>d r1d] built in1 9frar$1 awe"s s.d1 #bejj"6 digital s;gs libr>y1 9cludes classic lit]ature ;,,cd ) ?\s&s ( titles1 ?9 & li w>ranty & #bd_/#g te* support f ,,hp1 all orig9al ,,hp disks & box1 :ole package valu$ at m ?an @s#e1jjj1 yrs = @s#b1ejj or be/ (f]4 ;,e-mail alfr$4" du*>me@av]izon4net or call "<#ega"> #bgf-#fjhe4 ,= ,sale3 ,brl ,lite ,m#bj 9 gd 3di;n b n curr5tly "u ma9t5.e agree;t4 ,comes ) #aai comput] cables & brl manual4 ,ask+ @s#b1ejj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,tam>a ,rorie at tdrorie@ae>?l9k4net or "<#djd"> #bih-#hgga4 ,= ,sale3 ,brl ';n ,sp1k #fdj ) ext]nal disk drive1 all manuals & all cables4 ,updat$ to a ,june #bjjb revi.n2 al has a new batt]y4 ,ask+ @s#hjj4 ,3tact ,russell ,rom9e at "<#caf"> #fee-#gijd1 or ;e- mail hm1 rrom9e#b@acox4net4 ,= ,sale3 ,5abl+ ,te*nologies ,romeo #be brl pr9t]1 9 grt %ape1 ) case & all cords4 ,call ,c>los at "<#ghe"> #fjh- #ecjb or s5d ;e-mail to iampito@ahotmail4" com4 #abj ,= ,sale3 ,>tic ,trans,type ) qk *>g]4 ,h>dly us$4 ,ask+ @s#ejj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,judi? 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9 excell5t 3di;n4 ,9cludes s]ial1 p>allel1 & disk drive cables1 manuals on disk1 *>g]1 c>ry+ cases = bo?4 ,june #ae1 #bjjb s(tw>e update4 ,c 2 hook$ to a brl emboss] or pr9t]4 ,ask+ @s#c1jjj plus %ipp+4 ,3tact ,jim ,b>k] at "<#ebj"> #bii- #cfdd ev5+s_/week5ds or ;e- mail galoot@apeoplepc4com4 ,= ,sale3 ,prisma ,,cctv4 ,weiry+ case & adapt]4 ,ask+ @s#iej4 ,bro!r ^w processor ,,wp-#ceej ) monitor4 ,ask+ @s#aej4 ,w trade = ,brl ';n ,sp1k #fdj or abv4 ,3tact ,mr4 ,kim ,l$=d at "<#dgh"> #ibc-#ibde1 #abc fax "<#dgh"> #ibc-#dgij1 or ;e-mail lov5ick@abells\?4net4 ,free to ,gd ,home3 ,baby & ,* ,c>e1 #ac brl volumes4 ,s5d an ;e-mail message to ,tracy at tag#jfac@ahotmail4com & put 8brl book0 9 ! subject l9e4 ,2 sure to give h] yr "n & h[ to get 9 3tact ) y4 ,want$3 ,dona;n ( ,p]k9s brlr 9 gd "w+ ord]4 ,3tact ,rosemir ,rodriguez at "<#ibe"> #ghg- #fhfh or ;e-mail hm at srosemir@ae>?l9k4net4 ,want$3 ,brl or cassette dic;n>y4 ,3tact ,m>y,l\ ,potget] at "<#bfi"> #cda-#ieij1 or write h] 9 brl or on tape at #gaj ,coll9s1 ,apt4 #iaj1 #abd ,kalamazoo1 ,,mi #dijja4 ,want$3 ,magic1 ,vi/a or ,zoom,text scre5 5l>g+ s(tw>e4 ,comput]4 ,3tact ,anna ,wills at "<#gjc"> #fga-#febd4 ,want$3 ,optacons &_/or a3essories4 ,call ,john ,lomb>do at "<#eaf"> #hgb-#hiaa4 ,want$3 ,%>p ,talk+ ,"t clocks4 ,call ,scott at "<#egc"> #ddb- #jjjj4 ,,acb ,(fic]s ,presid5t ,*ri/oph] ,gray #id ,ramona ,ave4 ,san ,francisco1 ,,ca #idajc #abe ,f/ ,vice ,presid5t ,/eph5 ,spei*] #hbe ;,m ,st41 ,suite #baf ,l9coln1 ,,ne #fhejh ,second ,vice ,presid5t ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt #ajbg ,dunlop ,ave4 ,=e/ ,p>k1 ,,il #fjacj ,secret>y ,donna ,selig] #ciab ,,se #eth ,st4 ,des ,mo9es1 ,,ia #ejcae ,tr1sur] ,>dis ,bazyn #ejj ;,s4 #crd ,st4 _?,h ,burbank1 ,,ca #iaejb ,imm ,pa/ ,presid5t ,paul ,$w>ds #bjccj ,,ne #bjth ,ct4 ,miami1 ,,fl #ccagi #abf ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors ,j]ry ,annunzio1 ,kansas ,c;y1 ,,mo ,alan ,b1tty1 ,=t ,coll9s1 ,,co ,$ ,bradley1 ,h\/on1 ,,tx ,brian ,*>lson1 ,wat]t[n1 ,,ma ,billie ,j1n ,kei?1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,oral ,mill]1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc ,mit* ,pom]antz1 ,los ,angeles1 ,,ca ,c>la ,rus*ival1 ,l\isville1 ,,ky ,patrick ,%eehan1 ,silv] ,spr+1 ,,md ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns ,*>les ,hodge1 ,*airp]son1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,adrian ,de ,blaey1 ,milwaukee1 ,,wi #abg ,w9ifr$ ,d[n+1 ,san ,francisco1 ,,ca ,mike ,duke1 ,jackson1 ,,ms ,k5 ,/ew>t1 ,w>wick1 ,,ny ,ex ,(ficios3 ,e>l5e ,hu