,! ,brl ,=um ,volume ,,xliii ,novemb] #bjjd ,no4 #c ,publi%$ ,by ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl /rives to 9cr1se ! 9dep5d;e1 secur;y1 equal;y ( opportun;y1 & qual;y ( life = all bl & visually impair$ p4 ,*ri/oph] ,gray1 ,presid5t ,melanie ,brunson1 ,act+ ,executive ,director ,%>on ,lov]+1 ,act+ ,$itor ,na;nal ,(fice3 #aaee #aeth ,st4 ,,nw ,suite #ajjd ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejha ,fax3 "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejhe ,web ,site3 http3_/_/www4" acb4org ,! ,brl ,=um is available 9 brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half-spe$ f\r- track cassette tape1 comput] disk & via ;e-mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 address *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = publica;n %d 2 s5t to ,p5ny ,re$] at ! address abv1 or via ;e-mail to $itor@aacb4org4 ,submis.n d1dl9es >e ! f/ ( ! mon?4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl is a memb]%ip organiza;n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special- 9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,to jo91 visit ! ,,acb website & complete an applica;n =m1 or 3tact ! na;nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ abv4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax-d$uctible1 c 2 s5t to ,>dis ,bazyn at ! abv mail+ address4 ,if y wi% to rememb] a relative or fr1 ! na;nal (fice c make pr9t$ c>ds available = ? purpose4 ,to rememb] ! ,am]ican #b ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t1 y may 9clude a special p>agraph = t purpose4 ,if yr wi%es >e complex1 3tact ! ,,acb na;nal (fice4 ,to make a 3tribu;n to ,,acb via ! ,comb9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #bhjb4 ,= ! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll-free at "<#hjj"> #dbd-#hfff1 #e p4m4 to midniy ( ,rec5t ,,acb ,bo>d ,meet+s1 by ,mike ,duke1 page #bj ,,acb ,aw>d ,w9n]s ,ann\nc$1 by ,%>on ,lov]+1 page #ch ,elec;n ,results3 ,new ,faces 9 ! ,cr[d1 by ,%>on ,lov]+1 page #ej ,birm+ham3 ,a ,smorgasbord ( ,meet+s1 ,m1ls1 ,music1 & ,s\!rn ,hospital;y1 ,"p ,i1 by ,%>on ,lov]+1 page #ed ,a6iliate ,news1 page #hb ,lrs to ! ,$itor1 page #ia ,"h & ,"!1 by ,s>ah ,blake1 page #if ,! ,"w+ ,life ( an ,9dep5d5t ,bl ,woman3 ,annoy+ly ,9dep5d5t8 ,maybe 444 ,b ,y ,g1 ,girl661 by ,t$die- ,joy ,remhild1 page #aaj ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op1 page #aad ,,acb ,(fic]s1 page #abj #d ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors1 page #aba ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns1 page #abb ,happy ,?anksgiv+6 ,d1dl9e ,rem9d] ,! d1dl9e = ! ,decemb]- ,janu>y issue ( ! ,=um is ,novemb] #h4 ,got a gd holi"d /ory8 ,submit x via ;e-mail to slov]+@aacb4org or 9 pr9t to ! ,,acb na;nal (fice4 ,>e ,y ,mov+8 ,if y >e1 or soon w be1 pl1se 3tact ,%>on ,lov]+ 9 ! na;nal (fice1 #a-#hjj-#dbd- #hfff1 & let h] "k yr new address4 ,y may al s5d x to h] via ;e-mail1 slov]+@aacb4org4 ,2 sure to 9clude yr =m] address1 to 5sure a3uracy 9 *anges made4 #e ,presid5t's ,message by ,*ri/oph] ,gray ,bo? ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl bo>d ( directors & ! organiza;n's _m committees h be5 extremely busy s9ce \r #bjjd 3v5;n 9 ,birm+ham1 ,ala4 ,3v5;ns alw provide an 5]gy boo/ & rem9d all ( u ( ! amaz+ am.t ( "w t m/ 2 d"o to fur!r ! mis.ns & goals ( \r organiza;n4 ,"u ,sue ,ammet]'s capable guid.e1 ! memb]%ip committee 3t9ues to fo/] ! gr[? & develop;t ( ,,acb a6iliates z well z 5c\rage ! develop;t ( new /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,i am "picul>ly pl1s$ to report to y 9 ? message my direct 9volve;t 9 two rec5t meet+s & tell y a ll ab !m3 "o held 9 ,we/ ,virg9ia1 ! o!r 9 ,san #f ,juan1 ,pu]to ,rico4 ,z _m ( y "k1 ,,acb has be5 active to v>y+ degrees 9 ,pu]to ,rico s9ce ! e>ly #aihjs4 ,we h _h an a6iliate 9 ! t]ritory & ev5 h publi%$ issues ( 8,! ,brl ,=um0 9 ,spani% = ! ,pu]to ,rican & ,hispanic memb]%ip ( ,,acb4 ,un=tunately1 ? a6iliate has n be5 giv5 ! att5;n x ne$s = s"eal ye>s1 & x has decr1s$ 9 size & e6ective;s ov] ^! ye>s4 ,pu]to ,rico faces _m unique *all5ges1 "ply 2c ( xs socioeconomic posi;n & "ply 2c x rema9s a ,u4,s4 t]ritory & ?us has a di6]5t legal /ructure :1 to 2 5tirely h"o/1 is ll "u/ood by mo/ ( u on ! ma9l&4 ,! idea ( meet+ 9 ,pu]to ,rico came ab 9 3junc;n ) a p]sonal vaca;n ,m>vel5a & ,i plann$ to take dur+ e>ly #g ,septemb]4 ,\r plans took u )9 an h\r's air fliea4 ,m>vel5a sp1ks flu5t ,spani%1 : gave me 3fid;e t we cd get "s positive "w d"o1 & s we decid$ to g & meet ) p "!4 ,a lr 0 coord9at$ "? ! na;nal (fice & we held an afn ga!r+ ne> d[nt[n ,san ,juan on ,satur"d1 ,sept4 #d4 ,! response to \r visit & ,,acb's r5ew$ commit;t & 3c]n = ! bl 9 ,pu]to ,rico 0 gratify+ to say ! l1/4 ,)9 five m9utes ( *eck+ 9to ! hotel1 we _h \r f/ call f a memb] ( ! ,,acb a6iliate4 ,:ile ! *all5ges = bl ,pu]to ,ricans >e grt & ! *all5ges ( hav+ an a6iliate 9 a t]ritory ": ,5gli% is n ! f/ language spok5 >e grt1 "o cd only come away f ! c.try ) a pr(.d s5se t "h is "s ess5tial "w 9 : ,,acb c "picipate t w #h truly help bl citiz5s :o ne$ assi/.e & :o wi% to help !mvs improve _! lives & situa;ns4 ,"picipat+ 9 ! ,we/ ,virg9ia 3v5;n1 held dur+ ! f/ week5d ( ,octob] 9 ,m>t9sburg1 ,w4,va41 0 no less gratify+ an exp]i;e4 ,? a6iliate has be5 relatively dormant = a numb] ( ye>s2 h["e1 ) ! excell5t l1d]%ip %[n by _! new presid5t1 ,jessie ,rayl1 ! ,m.ta9 ,/ate ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl is def9itely on ! road to mak+ a di6];e = ! bl ( ,we/ ,virg9ia4 ,f1tur$ ev5ts 9clud$ a social ev5+ on ,fri"d to kick (f ! 3v5;n & a ,satur"d ev5+ banquet cat]$ by a local company t r1lly knew h[ to put \ a ta/y spr1d ( excell5t s\!rn cuis9e4 ,"picipa;n 9 ! 3v5;n 0 q gd & 9clud$ memb]%ip f v>i\s communities )9 ! /ate4 ,9 addi;n to "w on memb]%ip & a6iliate develop;t1 #i ,,acb laun*$ a new fund-rais+ v5ture t has jo9t app1l = ! na;nal & a6iliat$ organiza;ns4 ,9 ,augu/ & e>ly ,septemb]1 a6iliates 7 9vit$ to pur*ase key*a9s t 3ta9$ talk+ !rmomet]s4 ,_m a6iliates h *os5 to "picipate 9 ? v5ture & w sell ! key*a9s = a retail price ( @s#aj4 ,o!r a6iliates h *os5 to provide key*a9s z banquet gifts to _! memb]%ip4 ,i h e 3fid;e t ? is n only go+ to 2 a fun program = ,,acb memb]s & frs1 b a gd fund- rais+ v5ture bo? = ,,acb & xs a6iliates z well4 ,al1 ,i want to make ! memb]%ip aw>e ( a new fund- rais+ 9itiative 2+ "utak5 by \r organiza;n4 ,at xs ,septemb] bo>d ( directors meet+1 ! bo>d unanim\sly vot$ to a3ept a proposal to 5gage 9 "s direct mail fund- #aj rais+4 ,( c\rse1 we h no way ( project+ su3ess or failure ( s* a v5ture1 b ! bo>d 2lieves t "! cd 2 grt b5efit 9 a direct mail program1 bo? = fund-rais+ on 2half ( ! organiza;n & = promot+ \r message ( 9dep5d;e & improve;t ( situa;ns = bl ,am]icans4 ,mail+s w 2 c>e;lly monitor$ & review$ by ! bo>d 9 ord] to 9sure t a positive & =w>d- look+ program ( 9=ma;n is e/abli%$ & ma9ta9$4 ,? is yet ano!r major fund-rais+ ef=t 2+ "utak5 by ! bo>d1 executive director & /aff ( ,,acb4 ,f9ally1 ,i am pl1s$ to report t ! bo>d ( directors has su3ess;lly complet$ xs ,septemb] meet+1 ?\< we did n hold ? z an 9-p]son meet+4 ,9/1d1 ! bo>d *ose to meet 9 f\r sep>ate teleph"o 3f];e call ses.ns1 two 9 late #aa ,augu/ & two m 9 e>ly ,octob]4 ,? all[$ ! bo>d to 3sid] a range ( items1 "s /emm+ f ! 3v5;n1 & o!rs relat$ to "w "utak5 by ,,acb's executive director1 ,melanie ,brunson1 & *ief f9ancial (fic] ,jim ,ols54 ,! meet+s 7 productive & h help$ ! organiza;n br1k new gr.d & 5gage 9 a range ( activities & programs t w l1d u 9to #bjje4 ,x is cle> f ! deci.ns made at 3v5;n & by ! bo>d af 3v5;n & f ! support1 c\nsel & h>d "w ( \r executive & g5]al /aff ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl is mov+ =w>d 9 a positive1 r1sonable & r1li/ic direc;n4 ,"? \r democratic & 3sum]-bas$ tradi;ns1 we >e gr[+ 9 \r 9t]nal /r5g?1 & "? t /r5g? we'll 3t9ue & excel 9 mak+ ! nec *anges to improve ! lives ( bl ,am]icans & o!r bl #ab p "?\t ! _w4 ,a3essible ,vot+ ,update by ,melanie ,brunson ,by ! "t y r1d ?1 ! #bjjd elec;ns w 2 hi/ory4 ,h["e1 ,,acb's fie bl & visually impair$ h a3ess to an 9dep5d5tly ca/1 secret ballot w 2 ongo+4 ,"! w 2 m* to d on ! f$]al level to 5sure t ! ,help ,am]ica ,vote ,act is fully fund$1 & "! w 2 m* to d 9 ea* ( yr /ates to 5sure t elec;ns (ficials make bo? poll+ places & vot+ equip;t a3essible to p ) 4abilities1 9clud+ p :o >e bl & visually impair$4 ,if \r ef=ts >e to 2 su3ess;l1 bo? 9dividual vot]s & /ate a6iliates w ne$ to /ay 9 close 3tact ) legislators1 local elec;n (ficials & #ac memb]s ( ! local m$ia4 ,! 3tact ) local m$ia is "picul>ly important 2c "! has be5 a flurry ( negative public;y ab ! e6ective;s ( "s ( ! vot+ equip;t t is usable by p :o >e bl & visually impair$4 ,_m ( ! allega;ns made ab ? equip;t >e bas$ on 9=ma;n t is ei \ ( date or 9correct4 ,x is my hope t \r a6iliates c help u to g5]ate m$ia cov]age all acr ! c.try t w 2 m a3urate & give bo? elec;ns (ficials & ! public a bett] "u/&+ ( ! ne$ = a3essible vot+ equip;t4 ,9 ,octob]1 ,i att5d$ ! 3v5;n ( ! ,ill9ois ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,m* ( ! program 0 c5t]$ >.d a3essible vot+ issues2 two vot+ ma*9e manufactur]s br"\ ma*9es to demon/rate to 3v5;n att5dees4 ,! local news m$ia att5d$1 & an >ticle #ad appe>$ 9 ! newspap] ! foll[+ "d4 ,i h decid$ to %>e ! >ticle ) y 9 ? report 2c ,i ?9k x repres5ts a gd example ( ! k9d ( >ticles we ne$ to see m ( 9 ! mon?s to come 9 ord] to /r5g!n \r case = a3essible vot+ equip;t4 ,pl1se r1d x1 5joy x1 & d :at y c to g5]ate simil> m$ia cov]age 9 yr [n /ate or commun;y4 ,new vot+ ma*9es w aid bl by ,john ,reynolds "<,repr9t$ f 8,! ,/ate ,j\rnal-,regi/]10 ,spr+field1 ,ill41 ,oct4 #aj1 #bjjd4"> ,usually :5 "s"o ca/s a vote1 ! vot] is ! only p]son :o "ks : c&idate he or %e support$4 ,t isn't ! case = ,ray ,campbell4 ,:5 he votes1 "s"o has to g 9to ! boo? #ae ) hm to help m>k 8 ballot4 8,i h be5 vot+ = #bj ye>s4 ,i'm totally bl1 & ,i've n"e vot$ by secret ballot4 ,"sbody else alw "ks h[ ,i vote10 sd ,campbell1 ! imm pa/ presid5t ( ! ,ill9ois ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,campbell 0 9 ,spr+field ? week5d = ! c\ncil's /ate 3v5;n4 ,dur+ ! 3v5;n1 ,campbell & o!r visually impair$ p got a *.e to preview two new comput] vot+ ma*9es t %d all[ !m to vote 9 private4 ,s* ma*9es w 2 requir$ at all ,ill9ois poll+ places by #bjjf "u f$]al law4 ,curr5tly1 visually impair$ p h two op;ns :5 x comes to vot+4 ,sangamon ,c.ty elec;n (ficials sd a visually impair$ p]son c br+ "s"o ) !m to m>k ! ballot1 or two elec;n judges1 "o ,republican & "o ,democrat1 c help !m m>k ! ballot4 #af ,:ile judges at poll+ places g5]ally >e help;l to ! visually impair$1 ! sy/em does pres5t problems1 ,campbell sd4 8,! :ole place c he> h[ we vote10 ,campbell sd4 8,:5 my wife is vot+1 ,i c he> h[ %e is vot+1 & ! same ) h] he>+ me40 ,t isn't ! case ) ! new ma*9es4 ,mee ( ,omaha1 ,neb41 sd ! vot+ ma*9es = ! bl "w ) ! same pap] ballots t e o!r vot] uses on ,elec;n ,"d4 ,p us+ ! ma*9e put on a pair ( h1dph"os1 & !n foll[ ! voice prompts f ! comput] to ca/ _! votes1 : >e record$ on /&>d ballots4 ,! ma*9es c 2 programm$ to 9clude ! "ns ( local c&idates & ref]5dums4 ,mc,cormick add$ t ! vot+ ma*9es al c 2 us$ by p ) #ag o!r types ( m$ical 3di;ns :o mie is "w+ 9 3junc;n ) ,autom>k to produce ! vot+ ma*9e4 ,dur+ ! 3v5;n1 : 0 held at ! ,r5aiss.e ,hotel 9 d[nt[n ,spr+field1 visually impair$ p 7 able to *eck \ an ,autom>k ma*9e z well z a ma*9e manufactur$ by ano!r company1 ,avante ,sy/ems4 ,sangamon ,c.ty ,cl]k ,joe ,aiello sd ! c.ty is rese>*+ :at ma*9es mii\s manufactur]s & al is /ay+ 9 3tact ) ! ,/ate ,bo>d ( ,elec;ns4 ,! ef=t to pur*ase ma*9es = ! visually impair$ is 9 #ah 3junc;n ) a move to acquire new vot+ ma*9es = ! g5]al public4 ,! co/ = all new ma*9es 9 ,sangamon ,c.ty cd 2 2t @s#a4e million & @s#b4e million4 ,! c.ty has rcvd a @s#gej1jjj f$]al grant to help (fset ! co/s4 ,aiello sd he doesn't =esee any problems ) hav+ ! ma*9es = ! bl up & runn+ by ! #bjjf d1dl9e4 ,he sd ! project is "o ( 8 hi is ab10 ,aiello sd4 #ai ,summ>y ( ,rec5t ,,acb ,bo>d ,meet+s by ,mike ,duke ,june #bb ,3f];e ,call ,presid5t ,*ris ,gray call$ ! meet+ to ord] at #i3#je p4m4 ,c5tral "t4 ,all (fic]s & directors 7 pres5t except ,j]ry ,annunzio & ,alan ,b1tty4 ,! adopt$ ag5da 3ta9$ ?ree items3 a 4cus.n ( ,,rsva memb] 3c]ns1 rules ( debate = ! #bjjd 3v5;n1 & a f9ancial update4 ,af 4cus.n ( a reque/ by a memb] ( ! bo>d ( ! ,r&olph- ,%epp>d ,v5dors ( ,am]ica = ! ,,acb presid5t to 2come directly 9volv$ 9 ! resolu;n ( "s 9t]nal organiza;nal "qs1 ,paul ,$w>ds mov$ t ! ,,acb presid5t (f] 8 assi/.e 9 a meet+ ) ! ,,rsva #bj presid5t & "o ( ! bo>d memb]s4 ,t meet+ wd o3ur prior to ! ,,rsva bo>d meet+ if bo? sides agre$ to x4 ,! mo;n pass$ unanim\sly4 ,gray s"\ su7es;ns = 3v5;n gr.d rules to gov]n 4cus.n & debate4 ,! 3s5sus ( ! bo>d 0 to h f\r to five sp1k]s on ea* side ) a maximum ( a two-m9ute limit p] p]son4 ,$w>ds report$ t ,,acbes has met xs goal "? ,may & pr(its >e sliea4 ,mit* ,pom]antz mov$ to adj\rn4 ,! mo;n c>ri$ & ! meet+ 5d$ at #aj3#ae p4m4 ,c5tral "t4 #ba ,pre-,3v5;n ,meet+1 ,july #c1 #bjjd ,presid5t ,gray br"\ ! meet+ to ord] at #h3#dj a4m4 9 ! ,birm+ham-,je6]son ,3v5;n ,c5t]1 ,birm+ham1 ,ala4 ,all (fic]s & directors 7 pres5t1 z well z ,melanie ,brunson1 ,%>on ,lov]+ & ,t]ry ,pa*eco4 ,af ! gue/s 9troduc$ !mvs1 ! ag5da 0 adopt$4 ,no roll call votes 7 tak5 9 ? meet+4 ,ea* committee & /aff report 0 adopt$ af 4cus.n z summ>iz$ "h94 ,! mo;n to approve ! m9utes z submitt$ = ! meet+s ( ,janu>y #ad1 ,febru>y #ae-#af1 ,april #a1 & ,april #bb1 #bjjd c>ri$4 ,9 8 report1 ,gray address$ ! f9ancial h1l? ( ! organiza;n4 ,he ?ank$ ,laura ,(t$ahl = h] "w on acquir+ a @s#be1jjj grant4 #bb ,e>l5e ,hue approximately #aj1jjj to #ae1jjj visits to ! web site ea* week1 & ! dona;ns page has rec5tly be5 updat$4 ,executive director ,melanie ,brunson report$ t ! ,am]ican ,associa;n ( ,p ) ,4abilities wd 2 giv+ aw>ds to 4abil;y *ampions dur+ ! political 3v5;ns ( ea* "py4 ,,acb has be5 ask$ to co-sponsor ! ev5t & to give an aw>d at ea* 3v5;n4 ,gray report$ t ,nextel has manuals 9 brl4 ,nextel has agre$ to 2 a 3v5;n sponsor & has provid$ ph"os = use by ! 3v5;n committee4 ,,acb tr1sur] ,>dis ,bazyn report$ total rev5ue "? ,may #bjjd ( @s#djd1eja1 & total exp5ses ( @s#daj1iij4 ,! vehicle dona;n program #bc has 9cr1s$ sub/antially4 ,! report does n reflect ! @s#be1jjj grant ref]r$ to abv4 ,budget committee *air ,brian ,*>lson report$ t "! 7 no recomm5da;ns to *ange ! curr5t budget4 ,! committee recomm5d$ 2g9n+ ! track+ sy/em ) ! #bjje budget1 & reque/$ t an 9ve/;t committee 2 e/abli%$ z soon z possible4 ,3v5;n site selec;n coord9ator ,c>la ,rus*ival 2gan h] report by ask+ h[ soon ! bo>d wd 2 9t]e/$ 9 return+ to ,las ,vegas4 ,! f/ ye> op5 wd 2 #bjjh4 ,! ye> #bjaj cd al 2 3sid]$4 ,kansas ,c;y is 2+ 3sid]$ = #bjaa4 ,$w>ds mov$ to 3sid] return+ to ,las ,vegas = #bjaj1 & /at$ t o!r ye>s wd 2 a3eptable4 ,! mo;n c>ri$4 ,3v5;n coord9ator ,cyn?ia ,t[]s 4cuss$ ! curr5t #bd 3v5;n4 ,items cov]$ 9clud$ hotel /aff tra9+ ses.ns1 ! late >rival ( packet 9s]ts1 ma9t5.e ( ! guide dog relief >ea by ,doodle ,scoop]s1 field trips = ! ,y\? ,activities ,c5t]1 ! ,,acb ,caf^/e1 availabil;y ( refrig]ators1 new delegate signs1 & ! co/ ( f/ aid & ,9t]net s]vices4 ,%e al report$ t "! >e #ha boo?s 9 ! exhibit hall4 ,rus*ival report$ t ! comput] f ! na;nal (fice1 : 0 programm$ to op]ate ! ,3v5;n ,e>1 0 damag$ & unusable4 ,ralph ,s&]s1 *air ( ! public rela;ns committee1 report$ on ! press & televi.n cov]age1 : 0 expect$ to 3t9ue "?\t ! week4 ,mit* ,pom]antz report$ on ! employ;t issues task =ce4 ,9 #bjja ! employ;t issues task =ce held xs f/ "w%op2 f #be t meet+ came a recomm5da;n to e/abli% a gr\p to "w on employ;t issues4 ,n[ ! ?ree- ye> p]iod ( ! task =ce is ne>ly ov]4 ,8 mo;n to =m ! employ;t issues committee 0 adopt$4 ,pom]antz al mov$ t a l9k to ;,e-,siri$1 too4 ,sue ,ammet] report$ on ! activities ( ! memb]%ip committee4 ,! memb]%ip sem9> w 2 held on ,?urs"d ( 3v5;n week4 ,! committee has held two 3f];e calls1 ) #cj to #ce memb]s on ea* call4 ,a qu>t]ly 3f];e call w 2 held to 4cuss memb]%ip id1s4 ,! ,we/ ,virg9ia a6iliate 9t5ds to seek a *>t] f ,,acb4 ,ammet] al report$ t ! f\r corn]s gr\p1 3si/+ ( memb]s f ,>izona1 ,colorado1 ,new ,mexico1 & ,utah1 w meet #bf 9 ,salt ,lake ,c;y = a l1d]%ip sem9> ,sept4 #aj-#ab1 #bjjd4 ,! mo;n to a3ept ! reque/ = a *>t] f ! ,m.ta9 ,/ate ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 al;g ) dues = #bh memb]s1 c>ri$4 ,$w>ds1 *air ( ,,acbes1 report$ t ,,acbes is ess5tially on track ? ye>4 ,he anticipates ,,acbes w 2 able to remit to ,,acb ! @s#dej1jjj allocat$ 9 ! budget4 ,,acb executive director ,melanie ,brunson 2gan h] report by updat+ ! bo>d on ! resolu;ns pass$ 9 #bjjc4 ,all ( ! prior;y "o resolu;ns h be5 act$ on4 ,%e 9=m$ ! bo>d t ! f$]al gov]n;t wants docu;ta;n %[+ ! memb]%ip gave approval = ! ,,acb l1d]%ip to file ! curr5cy lawsuit4 ,t]ry ,pa*eco report$ t #ba s*ol>%ips w 2 pres5t$ & #ab ( ! recipi5ts w 2 pres5t4 #bg ,"! w 2 a recep;n = ! w9n]s on ,tues"d ev5+ 9 ! presid5t's suite4 ,! legislative sem9> & presid5ts meet+ >e s*$ul$ = ,feb4 #ah-#bb1 #bjje at ! ,wa%+ton ,t]race ,hotel4 ,! room rate w 2 @s#ii p] nion ,lov]+ report$ t ,5abl+ ,te*nologies has donat$ ?ree brl emboss]s = use 9 ! communica;ns c5t]4 ,s"eal o!r dona;ns 7 al made to ? busy 3v5;n "w >ea4 ,phil ,/r;g1 ! newe/ memb] ( ! na;nal (fice /aff1 9troduc$ hmf to ! bo>d4 ,! bo>d !n turn$ xs att5;n to fund-rais+4 ,gray 4cuss$ ! budget1 : 0 r\ gave ,,acb @s#e1jjj4 ,"! >e two m cruises s*$ul$ = memb]s "? ,dam> ,travel ) ! hopes ( 9cr1s+ fund+ to ! organiza;n4 ,! ,,acb ,/ore has 9cr1s$ ! numb] ( items = sale4 ,! /ore is n[ on ! web site & 9 ! exhibit hall4 ,items = sale 9clude jackets1 %irts1 caps & bags1 : >e emboss$ ) ! ,,acb logo4 ,a mo;n t ! bo>d1 9 3junc;n ) ! 3v5;n committee1 cr1te a policy ) reg>d to ! sell+ ( items f ! ,,acb ,/ore dur+ 3v5;n c>ri$4 ,$w>ds mov$ t ,gray pres5t a plan ( organiza;n & a report ( all ( ! activities ( ! ,,acb ,/ore to date at ! ,septemb] bo>d meet+4 ,! mo;n c>ri$4 ,mill] mov$ ! au?oriza;n & publiciz+ ( a program "u : af total ,,mms receipts g #bi ov] @s#ajj1jjj annually1 all am.ts rcvd abv @s#ajj1jjj w 2 divid$ on a #ge p]c5t & #be p]c5t basis 2t ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl & "o a6iliate designat$ by ea* pl$g+ memb] ) ! m"oy = ! a6iliates to 2 4tribut$ on a once a ye> basis & af bank+ & o!r s]vice *>ges )held4 ,! mo;n to ref] ? matt] to ! res\rce develop;t committee ) a report to 2 giv5 at ! ,septemb] bo>d meet+ c>ri$4 ,o!r fund-rais+ id1s 7 4cuss$1 ) no ac;n tak5 at ? "t4 ,gray pres5t$ ?ree docu;ts to ! bo>d f ! (fice review committee4 ,! docu;ts 7 a /ate;t on /aff "picipa;n 9 ,,acb 3v5;ns1 a draft proposal = ! (ficial job descrip;n ( ! executive director1 & a job ann\nce;t = director ( #cj advocacy & gov]n;tal a6airs4 ,^! docu;ts 7 a3ept$4 ,bo>d memb] ,billie ,j1n ,kei?1 ! ,,acb repres5tative on ! bo>d ( ! ,rehabilita;n ,rese>* & ,tra9+ ,c5t] on ,bl;s & ,l[ ,vi.n1 report$ t ,,acb has be5 ask$ to take "p 9 ! second ye> "<#bjje"> ( a ?ree-ye> project >.d ! c.try4 ,x w 3c5trate on rehabilita;n t1*]s4 ,,acb w 2 allocat$ @s#h1jjj = a two-"d ev5t4 ,a mo;n to "picipate 9 ? ,collaborative ,te*nology ,3f];e c>ri$4 ,gray ?ank$ ,j]ry ,annunzio = 8 3tribu;ns to ! bo>d ov] ! pa/ f\r ye>s4 ,! meet+ adj\rn$ at #a3#cj p4m4 ,c5tral "t4 #ca ,po/-,3v5;n ,meet+1 ,july #aj1 #bjjd ,gray br"\ ! meet+ to ord] at #b3#aj p4m4 ,c5tral "t 9 ! 3v5;n c5t]4 ,all (fic]s & directors 7 pres5t1 z well z ,melanie ,brunson1 ,%>on ,lov]+ & ,t]ry ,pa*eco4 ,gray welcom$ ,naomi ,s\le to ! bo>d4 ,af ! gue/s 9troduc$ !mvs1 ! bo>d review$ ! ag5da1 add$ a few items1 & approv$ x4 ,ea* committee & /aff report 0 mov$ & adopt$ af 4cus.n z summ>iz$ "h94 ,brunson report$ on a sleep /udy ( hormonal & reproductive risk factors = br1/ c.er am;g bl wom54 ,? /udy is 2+ 3duct$ by ! ,bri*]s >e seek+ visually impair$ wom5 to "picipate1 & h ask$ ,,acb to 5dorse & #cb promote ! /udy4 ,a mo;n 0 adopt$ t ,,acb1 "? xs bo>d1 5dorse & "picipate 9 ! /udy & t a 3fid5tial way 2 f.d ( communicat+ ) a su6ici5t numb] ( \r memb]s = ! hospital to acquire ! #h1jjj wom5 ne$$4 ,,acbes *air ,paul ,$w>ds report$ t ! ,,acbes bo>d meet+ wd 2 def]r$ until ! fall bo>d meet+4 ,,acb ,radio director ,dave ,williams report$ on 8 activities dur+ ! 3v5;n4 ,dur+ a half-h\r p]iod on ,?urs"d ! /r1m+ & record+ sy/em = ! 3v5;n w5t d[n1 : result$ 9 ! loss ( t por;n ( ! meet+4 ,he /at$ t comput]s op]at+ ) ,w9d[s ,,xp wd h exp$it$ /r1m+ ( ! 3v5;n1 & may h prev5t$ ? un=tunate loss ( cov]age4 ,! ,,fia ,%[case & ,c&idates ,=um 7 al /r1m$ & 7 v popul>4 ,3v5;n coord9ator #cc ,cyn?ia ,t[]s report$ on ! #bjjd 3v5;n activities4 ,%e sd ! ,,acb ,caf^/e1 : s]v$ br1kfa/1 lun* & d9n]1 0 v su3ess;l4 ,%e rem9d$ ! bo>d t ,nextel ,corp4 donat$ ! radios us$ by 3v5;n p]sonnel4 ,c>la ,rus*ival1 3v5;n site selec;n *air1 al 3tribut$ to ? report4 ,gray !n 5t]ta9$ nom9a;ns = a bo>d repres5tative to ! newly =m$ ,9t]net ov]silson & ,rus*ival 7 nom9at$4 ,on a roll call vote1 ,rus*ival rcvd eilson rcvd sev54 ,^? vot+ = ,rus*ival w]e3 ,b1tty1 ,bradley1 ,mill]1 ,rus*ival1 ,s*mitt1 ,selig]1 ,t[]s & ,trott4 ,^? vot+ = ,*>lson w]e3 ,bazyn1 ,*>lson1 ,$w>ds1 ,kei?1 ,pom]antz1 ,%eehan & ,s\le4 ,naomi ,s\le 0 elect$ to repres5t ! bo>d on ! #cd bo>d ( publica;ns4 ,gray /at$ he wd s5d ! bo>d a report on ! road map ses.ns4 ,billie ,j1n ,kei? w acquire a report on ! future place ses.ns4 ,b1tty report$ t ! res\rce develop;t committee met on ,w$nes"d 9 ord] to develop "s guidel9es4 ,? committee is al look+ 9to a mail+ program4 ,=m] res\rce develop;t committee *air ,j]ry ,annunzio al review$ ! previ\s activities ( ? committee4 ,$w>ds mov$ t ! committee1 na;nal (fice & ! presid5t 2 ask$ to prep>e a li/ ( all propos$ rev5ue items t !y plan to 9corporate 9to fund-rais+ 9itiatives ov] ! next ye> = pres5ta;n to ? bo>d at xs ,septemb] meet+4 ,! mo;n c>ri$4 ,pom]antz mov$ t ! #ce fall bo>d meet+ 2 held ! f/ week5d ( ,octob] at ! ,old ,dom9ion ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 3v5;n4 ,! mo;n c>ri$4 ,pom]antz report$ t ! ,na;nal ,telecommunicat+ ,9/itute1 : adv]tis$ = p ) 4abilities1 is app>5tly hav+ problems ) provid+ a3essible s(tw>e f ! ,,irs to 2 us$ by a bl p]son4 ,gray su7e/$ draft+ a lr to ! company4 ,a mo;n 0 adopt$ reque/+ t ,pom]antz1 ,%eehan1 ,brunson & ,pat ,b1ttie "w tgr on ? issue ) ! 9t5;n ( provid+ ! bo>d ) recomm5da;ns = ac;n at ! ,octob] meet+4 ,public rela;ns committee *airman ,ralph ,s&]s report$ t "! 0 a grt d1l ( local & na;nal m$ia cov]age ( ! 3v5;n4 ,pom]antz report$ on ! prioritiza;n ( ! #bjjd resolu;ns4 ,a sep>ate #cf >ticle w address ? report 9 grt] detail4 ,! mo;n to adopt resolu;ns #jh1 #ji1 & #aj1 ! 8c\rtesy resolu;ns10 c>ri$4 ,gray 5t]ta9$ a mo;n to move 9to executive ses.n 9 ord] to 4cuss ! co/ ( liv+ resolu;n1 : 0 adopt$ by ! 3v5;n assembly4 ,on a voice vote1 ! mo;n c>ri$ & ! meet+ recess$ at #e3#cj p4m4 ,:5 ! op5 meet+ resum$ at #f3#be p4m41 ,gray ann\nc$ t ! bo>d pass$ a mo;n to ref] t resolu;n to ! budget committee ) 9/ruc;ns = ? committee to give ! bo>d a recomm5da;n dur+ ! f/ week 9 ,augu/4 ,! committee is al to 3f] ) ! executive director on ? matt]4 ,mill] 9quir$ ab ! p>lia;t>ian's exp5ses = ! 3v5;n4 ,! exp5se to ,,acb w 2 >.d @s#a1ejj4 ,! mo;n to adj\rn c>ri$ & ! meet+ 5d$ at #f3#ce p4m4 #cg ,,acb ,aw>d ,w9n]s ,ann\nc$ by ,%>on ,lov]+ ,! ,sun"d ni's 3v5;n 0 q a sil ,augu/o's reports1 p 7 on ! $ges ( _! *airs1 wait+ = ! magical mo;t :5 ! aw>ds wd 2 pres5t$4 ,f9ally1 t mo;t came4 8,"o ( ! mo/ mov+ "ps ( e ,,acb 3v5;n is ! "t t we c sp5d recogniz+ o!rs1 recogniz+ ^? am;g u :o >e ! grt 3tributors10 ,gray sd1 8s grt t we elect to give !m aw>ds4 ,tn1 to 2g9 t process1 ,i wd l to 9troduce to y 444 ,nola ,webb #ch ,mc,k9ney40 ,mc,k9ney took ! podium microph"o & greet$ ! audi;e4 8,? is a wond];l opportun;y = me1 & ,i ?ank ,*ris s v m* to give x to me4 ,z ,melanie sd1 !y dr1m big1 make a di6];e1 & ,i ?9k all ^! p t ,i'm go+ to give aw>ds to tn h d"o j t3 !y've ?"\ big1 !y've made a di6];e40 ,%e 2gan ) ! ,4t+ui%$ ,s]vice ,aw>d1 : 8c 2 giv5 to ei a bl p]son or a si we're />t+ ) a siol ,$w>ds is 9 ! audi;e1 %e w /&4 ,%e's ! "o :o nom9at$ ? p]son1 & evid5tly a lot ( y "k h] 2c %e's a volunte]4 ,& :at we wd d )\t \r volunte]s8 ,i don't "k1 b evid5tly ,dot ,taylor has d"o a ll m60 ,rauc\s applause greet$ ? ann\nce;t4 #ci ,dot ,taylor ?ank$ ! committee = ! aw>d1 & ,c>ol ,$w>ds 8= nom9at+ me1 & my two frs1 ,sue ,buckley & ,p5ny ,p5n+ton1 = s5d+ my eulogy to ,nola s t !y wd "k :at ,i _h d"o4 ,i won't h to d x :5 ,i die1 y'all6 ,& ,i />t$ 9 ? ab #cj ye>s ago1 & x n"e o3urr$ to me t bl p cdn't d "ey?+ t ,i did & "eybody else did4 444 ,x's j amaz+1 & ,i r1lly1 truly ?ank "eybody = ? aw>d60 ,mc,k9ney came back to ann\nce ! second ,4t+ui%$ ,s]vice ,aw>d 8to a g5tleman :o is visually impair$ 444 .<:o.> "ws 9 ! ,utah ,s*ool = ! ,bl & = ! ,d1f 444 & he has two bl *n ( 8 [n40 ,! w9n]3 ,dr4 ,lee ;,w4 ,rob9son4 ,vicki ,flake a3ept$ ! aw>d on ,rob9son's 2half4 ,flake r1d a few com;ts ,rob9son s5t4 8,i ?ank ! #dj committee = _! 3sid]a;n ( ! 9=ma;n : 0 s5t to !m4 ,if ,i h be5 able to a3ompli% any?+1 x is 2c ,i h be5 tauds4 444 ,?ank y all v m*40 ,next up 0 ! ,george ,c>d ,aw>d4 ,! w9n] 0 nom9at$ by ,*>lie ,hodge & ,ralph ,s&]s4 8,? g5tleman has play$ a key role 9 ! bl v5dors10 ,mc,k9ney sd4 8,in ,hawaii he has be5 a l1d] & a p]son to 2 pr\d (1 to "k4 ,& 444 :5 ,i call$ ? g5tleman & sd1 ,8,y >e go+ to rcv ! ,george ,c>d ,aw>d1,0 he sd1 ,8,:at did ,i d to des]ve ?8,0 ,t j %[s ! mode/y & grt;s ( ,w>r5 ,toyama40 ,toyama sd1 8,?ank y v m*4 444 ,i wd l to ?ank ,*>lie ,hodge & ,ralph ,s&]s = ev5 ?9k+ ( nom9at+ me4 ,i wd #da l at ? "t to ?ank especially my wife ,julie = d1l+ ) me & 2+ pati5t all ^! ye>s4 444 ,we made a commit;t to s]ve ! bl ( ,hawaii = ! re/ ( \r lives1 s 444 we're on track4 444 ,?ank y v m*40 ,! ,durw>d ;,k4 ,mc,daniel ,ambassador ,aw>d came up next4 8,? "o is a ?rill = me1 & ,i'll tell y :y3 2c n only is ? g5tleman important to ! /ate ( ,9diana1 ": he comes f1 b he's al important to ! /ate ( ,ohio1 ": ,i us$ to come f4 ,2c ? g5tleman has giv5 me aw>ds 9 ! pa/ :5 ,i "w$ = ! ,clevel& ,sid1 & ,i al want #db to %>e ?4 ,? is n an honor only = me1 b al = ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ( ,9diana4 ,?ank y = yr support1 yr love1 & yr 5c\rage;t40 ,mc,k9ney reclaim$ ! microph"o to 9=m ! audi;e t 8we're go+ to save "o aw>d = tm1 & 444 "!'s "s special r1sons = x 444 ,"r n[ ,i want to give ! memb]%ip aw>d6 ,we've got "o ( ! ll/ /ates 9 ! union 444 & :at did !y d8 ,come up ) ! bi7e/ 9cr1se 9 memb]%ip1 & ,i ?9k x's grt4 ,& t aw>d goes to ,v]mont60 ,tom ,franks1 presid5t ( ! ,v]mont ,c\ncil1 ?ank$ ! committee & /at$ t ! *apt] has a goal to surpass "s ( ! bi7e/ a6iliates 9 ,,acb4 ,mc,k9ney left h] audi;e ) ^! ^ws3 8,y too c 2 up "h gett+ an aw>d4 ,! aw>ds committee has "s grt #dc plans = next ye>4 ,"o ?+ we're go+ to d is give ^! aw>ds a lot m public;y1 s look = my >ticles 9 e magaz9e t y pick up1 f ,matilda ,ziegl] to ,dialogue4 444 ,i j want to get y p to write 9 m .4 ,"!'s a lot ( des]v+ p \ "!1 s let's get !m in6 ,let's get !m recogniz$60 ,next1 ,*>lie ,hodge pres5t$ ! aw>ds = ! bo>d ( publica;ns4 ,! f/ aw>d 0 ! ,v]non ,h5ley ,m$ia ,aw>d4 ,he gave a ll backgr.d on ,v]non ,h5ley 2f pres5t+ ! aw>d4 ,! w9n] 0 ,m>k ,a%by & ,potomac ,talk+ ,book ,s]vices1 = _! record+ ( 8,p ( ,vi.n3 ,a ,hi/ory ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl40 8,! publica;n ( ? "w is truly a mile/"o = ,,acb10 ,hodge /at$4 8,& ! fact t is has be5 produc$ 9 audio cassette =m & is available = pur*ase1 #dd n j = loan 4441 at ! same rate z ! s(t cov] pr9t $i;n is truly an important mile/"o40 ,m>k ,a%by a3ept$ ! aw>d on 2half ( ,potomac ,talk+ ,book ,s]vices4 8,well1 ,i d talk = a liv+1 s ,i hope y don't m9d if ,i say a c\ple ^ws up "h10 he quipp$4 8,i ne$ to f/ ( all ?ank ,%>on & ,p5ny :o help$ me \ = a lot ( ! pronuncia;ns ( p's "ns4 444 ,i al want to recognize ! ,megiv]ns & ?ank !m = provid+ me ) a gd mon?'s wor? ( "w 444 ,i al ne$ to ?ank my wife ,j5nif]1 :o's "h ) me1 & %e alw li/5s to my /ories ( ! ,,acb folks z well z my regul> n>rat+ "w40 ,hodge return$ to ! lect]n to pres5t ! ,n$ ;,e4 ,freeman ,aw>d4 8,td1 ! aw>d is giv5 = >ticles t >e publi%$ 9 ,8,! ,brl ,=um,0 f ,april ( "o ye> "? ,m>* ( ! next ye>1 & #de = publica;ns or >ticles t >e pr9t$ 9 a6iliate newslrs t >e nom9at$ by ^? a6iliate newslr $itors = 3sid]a;n = ! aw>d4 ,& ? ye> we h a wond];l aw>d w9n]4 ,%e wrote an >ticle 9 ! ,novemb] #bjjc ,8,brl ,=um,0 t ,i hope _m ( y r1d & rememb]4 ,x 0 a v poignant piece4 444 ,8,"? ,8 ,eyes1,0 .40 ,%ields sd1 8,i'd l to ?ank ^? r1d]s :o 444 . ? >ticle1 & call+ me & writ+ to ! (fice 444 ,td ,i _h an awe"s opportun;y4 ,i met a family memb] ( ! g5tleman :o ! >ticle is ab = ! f/ "t4 ,we unit$ td "h at ,,acb 444 ,%e came to 2 pres5t = ! aw>d & to take "p 9 ! signific.e ( my rcvg ?40 ,"p ( ! aw>d w 2 go+ 9to a memorial fund4 #df ,*>t] ,pres5ta;n ,n only 7 "! aw>ds1 ? ye> "! 0 a *>t] pres5ta;n too4 ,! rec5tly re-=m$ ,m.ta9 ,/ate ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl "<,we/ ,virg9ia"> rcvd a new *>t]4 ,jessie ,rayl1 presid5t1 a3ept$4 8,on 2half ( ,m.ta9 ,/ate ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 ,i wd l to express \r ?anks10 ,rayl sd4 8,? came tgr la/ ye> :5 a gr\p ( my frs _h be5 talk+ ab h[ we ne$$ a gr\p1 we ne$$ all k9ds ( ?+s to happ5 9 \r /ate4 ,& !y'd be5 talk+ to me ab x = 444 ab a ye>1 two ye>s4 ,i f9ally told !m to ei get ) me & make x happ5 or /op talk+ to me ab x1 2c ,i didn't want to he> ab x anymore4 ,we put x tgr 9 ,augu/2 !y vot$ me 9 9 ,septemb] z presid5t1 & we h be5 "w+ r1lly h>d ov] ! la/ ye>4 ,we've a3ompli%$ #dg six advocacy ef=ts2 we >e "w+ ) \r c;y's transit sy/em to provide public a3ess1 & ,i'm hop+ t ? c 2 a model = ! re/ ( ! /ate1 2c we h bett] public transporta;n ?an we h _h 9 ! pa/ #bj ye>40 ,! *apt] is al "w+ on a3essible p$e/rian signals1 %e not$4 ,mon"d's ,surprise ,gray 2gan ! morn+ ) aw>ds1 /at+1 8,y may rememb] t la/ nid : 0 n pres5t$1 & "!'s a r1son = t4 444 ,nola ,mc,k9ney 444 0 n want+ la/ nid1 wait+ = a g5tleman to come & assi/ ) t process ? morn+40 ,he gave a bit ( hi/ory reg>d+ ! aw>d 2f 9troduc+ ,/ev5 ,ro?/e91 executive director ( ! ,p]k9s ,s*ool = ! ,bl1 to pres5t ! aw>d4 #dh ,ro?/e9 sd1 8,x's truly a pl1sure to 2 "h1 "picul>ly ? ye> 444 2c ? is ,p]k9s ,s*ool = ! ,bl's #ageth anniv]s>y1 & "! >e a lot ( excit+ ?+s go+ on4 444 ,b ? morn+ x's truly an honor to pres5t ! ,rob]t ;,s4 ,bray ,aw>d4 ,am;g ! s]vices t ,p]k9s (f]s is we op]ate ! brl & talk+ book libr>y 444 & we h a ph5om5al /aff 444 ,? aw>d is pres5t$ to ! director ( ! libr>y1 & ,i'd l to ask ,kim ,*>lson to come up40 8,i'm actually v surpris$10 ,*>lson sd4 8,! ,massa*usetts folks & ,/eve 7 v gd at keep+ a secret1 & s 0 my husb&4 ,? r1lly m1ns a lot to me4 444 ,?ank y s m* = recogniz+ :at ,i try to d to make 9=ma;n a3ess a r1l;y = p :o >e bl & visually impair$40 #di ,cap;n ,nola ,mc,k9ney r1ds ! 9scrip;n on ! plaque z ,dot ,taylor /&s 2s h] on /age1 wait+ to say ?anks4 ,elec;n ,results3 ,new ,faces 9 ! ,cr[d by ,%>on ,lov]+ ,"ey"o looks =w>d to ,fri"ds1 & ? ye>'s ,,acb 3v5;n 0 no di6]5t4 ,fri"d m1ns elec;n "d1 & all week p _h be5 he>d express+ _! op9ions on ! c&idates1 _! plat=ms1 & :o !y 7 plann+ to vote =4 ,f/ up 0 ! rema9d] ( ! t]m = ! second vice presid5t4 ,mit* ,pom]antz1 :o _h be5 *os5 by ! bo>d to fill \ ! rema9d] ( ,/eve ,spei*]'s t]m1 0 elect$ by a3lama;n to fill \ ! rema9d] ( ! t]m4 #ej ,bo>d ( ,directors ,foll[+ ,pom]antz's elec;n to second vice presid5t1 ! focus swit*$ immly to ! bo>d ( directors4 ,& ! jolly caucus races 2gan6 ,t$die-,joy ,remhild *all5g$ ,$ ,bradley = 8 s1t on ! bo>d4 ,bradley def1t$ ,remhild by a l&slide1 #gh4c p]c5t to #ba4g p]c5t4 ,! next s1t on ! bo>d ( directors 2l;g$ to ,oral ,mill]1 :o was1 9de$1 runn+ ag4 ,he reta9$ 8 s1t by a3lama;n4 ,af ,mill] came ! s1t held by ,cyn?ia ,t[]s ( ,wa%+ton4 ,h] *all5g] 0 ,>l5e ,coh5 ( ,ohio4 ,t[]s l$ ! race #b to #a1 ga9+ #ff4e p]c5t ( ! vote2 ,coh5 rcvd #cc4e p]c5t4 ,! f\r? bo>d race />t$ \ z a ?ree-way race 2t ,david ,trott1 ,>l5e ,coh5 & #ea ,naomi ,s\le ( ,miss\ri4 ,trott obta9$ #de4b p]c5t ( ! vote2 ,coh51 #bd4f p]c5t2 & ,s\le1 #cj4a p]c5t4 ,9 ! run- (f 2t ,trott & ,s\le1 ,trott reta9$ 8 s1t1 gett+ #ee p]c5t ( ! vote4 ,undaunt$1 ,s\le 5t]$ ! next race to fill ! s1t held by ,j]ry ,annunzio1 al;g ) ,becky ,floyd ( ,mississippi1 ,>l5e ,coh5 & ,m>%a ,f>r[ ( ,georgia4 ,& :at a race x was6 ,floyd g>n]$ #cf4d p]c5t ( ! vote2 ,s\le1 #bi p]c5t2 ,coh51 #g4i p]c5t2 & ,f>r[1 #bf4g p]c5t4 ,9 ! run-(f elec;n1 ,floyd rcvd #db4e p]c5t1 or #ccc votes2 & ,s\le rcvd #eg4e p]c5t1 or #dea votes4 ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns ,?+s got ev5 liveli] :5 x 0 "t to elect ! ?ree memb]s ( ! bo>d ( publica;ns4 ,! f/ #eb s1t 2l;g$ to ,mike ,duke4 ,he 0 re-elect$ by a3lama;n4 ,c9dy ,burgett ( ,wa%+ton took on ,k5 ,/ew>t ( ,new ,york 9 ! second race4 ,x 0 a nail-bit]1 too2 ,/ew>t rcvd #dh4f p]c5t1 or #cha4e votes1 & ,burgett got #ea4c p]c5t1 or #djb4e votes4 ,! ?ird & f9al race 0 to fill ! s1t =m]ly held by ,w9ifr$ ,d[n+4 ,d[n+ _h s]v$ ! maximum numb] ( t]ms1 & 0 n eligible to run ag4 ,! nom9at+ committee recomm5d$ ,de,anna ,quietwat] ,noriega4 ,!n ,/ew>t jump$ 9to ! race4 ,noriega prevail$ ) #ee4d p]c5t1 or #djf4ge votes2 ,/ew>t rcvd #dd4f p]c5t1 or #cbg4be votes4 ,cap;n ,3gratula;ns to ! new bo>d6 ,top r[1 left to "r3 #ec ,mit* ,pom]antz1 ,c>la ,rus*ival1 ,david ,trott1 ,$ ,bradley1 ,oral ,mill]1 ,>dis ,bazyn1 ,alan ,b1tty1 ,brian ,*>lson1 ,cyn?ia ,t[]s4 ,bottom r[1 left to "r3 ,*ris ,gray1 ,billie ,j1n ,kei?1 ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt1 ,patrick ,%eehan1 ,donna ,selig]1 ,paul ,$w>ds1 ,naomi ,s\le4 ,birm+ham3 ,a ,smorgasbord ( ,meet+s1 ,m1ls1 ,music1 & ,s\!rn ,hospital;y ,"p ,i by ,%>on ,lov]+ "<,$itor's ,note3 ,= a full a3.t ( ! 3v5;n1 ord] a full set ( tapes f ! na;nal (fice = @s#ce4 ,! diabetes sem9> & legislative sem9> 7 c.el$ ? ye>1 & "! is no banquet tape4 ,/ay tun$ to ! next #ed issue = "p two6"> ,? ye>'s 3v5;n mid & to h s]v$ 9 x = ! pa/ few mon?s4 444 ,i am committ$ to =g+ ah1d on ! ef=ts t 7 2gun by ^! two m54 ,i'm al committ$ to look+ = & to imple;t+ ! new projects t we 2g9 tgr40 ,brunson /at$ t "o ( ! r1sons %e 0 will+ to take on ! posi;n 0 2c %e recogniz$ t ,,acb _h grt pot5tial4 8,we dr1m big 9 ,,acb1 & we pursue ^? dr1ms until !y 2come r1l;y4 ,! fact t we're "h tn is an example ( t40 ,brunson 4cuss$ v>i\s aspects ( advocacy1 & m5;n$ t ,rep4 ,$w>d ;,j4 ,m>key #ef "<;,d-,mass4"> _h re9troduc$ ! ,video ,descrip;n ,re/ora;n ,act4 ,p$e/rian safety & transporta;n >e o!r >1s ": ,,acb has 2come m visible1 & ^? ef=ts 3t9ue4 8,greyh.d is do+ "s 9t]e/+ ?+s to _! bus s]vice10 %e /at$4 8,x's 4appe>+4 ,& "!'s no?+ magical ab buses go+ away4 ,we ne$ to br+ !m back40 ,%e al talk$ ab ! curr5cy case4 8,we h be5 up ag/ ! big guns ( ! ,ju/ice ,de"p;t4 ,! judge sd1 ,8,,acb has a "r to _! "d 9 c\rt4 ,i'm n 4miss+ ? case4,0 ,& 444 he did x twice4 444 ,! ,ju/ice ,de"p;t attorneys >e n[ "q+ ! "r ( yr l1d]%ip to br+ ? suit40 ,,acb ne$s to s5d a message back to ^? attorneys say+ t xs memb]s d support ! suit4 ,gray !n 9troduc$ ,c>l ,augu/o1 presid5t ( ! #eg ,am]ican ,f.da;n = ! ,bl4 ,,acb & ,,afb >e bo? fid electronic file =mats t cd 2 easily 3v]t$ 9to brl4 ,? wd all[ bl /ud5ts to rcv _! textbooks at ! same "t z _! sis ago4 ,9 t compla9t1 %e /at$ t ! s]vice provid] & ! cell ph"o manufactur] 7 n adh]+ to ,sec;n #bee ( ! ,telecommunica;ns ,act ( #eh #aiif4 ,! manufactur] & ,bonnie ,o',"d settl$ \ ( c\rt2 ! manufactur] plans to "w on a3essibil;y4 8,"w+ tgr1 ,,afb .<&.> ,,acb 9 "pn]%ip ) ea* o!r & ) o!rs1 we're go+ to make cell ph"os a3essible v1 v %ortly10 he /at$4 ,la/ ye>1 ,,,afb1 acb1 aer,' & ! ,na;nal ,c\ncil ( ,private ,ag5cies = ! ,bl jo9$ tgr on ?ree posi;n pap]s3 ! use ( sleep %ades 9 rehabilita;n2 c]tifica;n ( specializ$ p]sonnel2 & support+ ! "r ( guide dog us]s to h _! dogs rema9 ) !m :5"e !y're 9 rehabilita;n programs any": 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates4 8,n[ ^! ?ree posi;ns >e f9e & well z is10 ,augu/o sd1 8b we ne$ = y 444 to br+ ^! posi;ns to ! p[]s t 2 9 yr /ates3 ! . rehabilita;n ag5cies & o!r (ficials 9 yr /ates40 ,& #ei take pl5ty ( support]s ) y4 ,augu/o not$ t ,,afb & ,,acb help$ to pass ! ,help ,am]ica ,vote ,act requir+ t vot+ ma*9es 2 a3essible to p ) 4abilities4 8,n[ x's "t = y to g to yr local (ficials to make sure t "!'s a vot+ ma*9e t's go+ to 2 a3essible to y ? fall4 ,we're c.t+ on y to foll[ up40 ,! ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl ,code 0 ano!r hot-button topic4 8,i want to assure y t ! ,am]ican ,f.da;n = ! ,bl is n n[ advocat+ = ! adop;n ( ,,uebc 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates10 he sd4 8,! ,brl ,au?or;y ( ,nor? ,am]ica did vote to all[ o!r c.tries 444 . 3sid] ! use ( ! ,,uebc 9 _! c.tries40 ,_m *all5ges 3front ! bl;s field1 ,augu/o /at$4 8,we c't af=d n to "w tgr4 ,"!'s too m* at /ake4 ,s we at ! #fj ,am]ican ,f.da;n = ! ,bl >e look+ =w>d to 3t9u+ to "w ) y on \r common objectives40 ,foll[+ ,augu/o's spee*1 ,nola ,mc,k9ney & ,*>lie ,hodge pres5t$ aw>ds4 "<,see 8,,acb ,aw>d ,w9n]s ,ann\nc$10 else": 9 ? issue4"> ,b>ry ,s*eur1 *air ( ! 9=ma;n a3ess committee1 spoke briefly ab ! ,9t]net radios n[ 9 produc;n4 8,,acb ,radio is ! mo/ important voice 9 ! bl;s commun;y 444 ,b ! un=tunate limita;n ) t m$ium 444 is t 444 ! only way !y c 2 rcvd is ov] a comput]40 ,& x is / a small p]c5tage ( bl p able to utilize t te*nology e6ectively1 he add$4 ,a few weeks ago1 ,s*eur sd1 ! manufactur] told hm t !y _h a device r1dy to deliv]4 8,y turn x on1 y plug x in1 & y "k :at comes up1 folks8 #fa ,,acb ,radio :5 x goes on60 ,y c pur*ase x n[ "? ! ,,acb ,/ore2 x w provide li/5]s ) ,,acb ,radio & a numb] ( radio r1d+ s]vices4 ,he !n gave a demon/ra;n ( ! radio4 ,foll[+ ! aw>ds & *>t] pres5ta;n1 ! new life memb]s rcvd _! c]tificates4 "<,wat* = ,*>lie ,hodge's >ticle 9 an upcom+ issue4"> ,! rema9d] ( ! ses.n 0 tak5 up ) ! cr$5tials report & ! roll call ( a6iliates4 ,mon"d ,transporta;n ,"d1 sponsor$ by ,c+ul> ,wire.s1 />t$ (f ) ! pres5ta;n ( ! ,rob]t ;,s4 ,bray ,aw>d4 ,foll[+ t pres5ta;n1 ,judi ,cannon1 *air ( ! cr$5tials committee1 gave ! f9al cr$5tials report4 ,"o a6iliate 0 p5aliz$ votes b *ose n #fb to *all5ge1 %e sd4 ,! report 0 a3ept$4 ,gray rem9d$ 8 li/5]s t "! 0 m 3v5;n busi;s ?an usual to h&le ? ye>4 ,he !n review$ ! propos$ policy = debate1 : ! 3v5;n approv$4 ,ray ,campbell1 *air ( ! 3/itu;n & bylaws committee1 r1d s"eal propos$ am5d;ts4 ,he ?ank$ 8 committee memb]s = _! h>d "w1 & rem9d$ ! audi;e t any fur!r am5d;ts 7 due by ! 5d ( ! "d4 ,next on ! program 0 ! transporta;n panel4 ,melanie ,brunson1 ,,acb executive director1 mod]at$2 jo9+ h] 7 ,donna ,smi?1 ,ea/] ,s1ls ,project ,,ac;n1 & ,bill ,heck]1 ,am]ican ,9/itute ( ,>*itects a3essibil;y 3sultant4 ,donna ,smi? 2gan by 4cuss+ f$]al activities go+ on #fc ) reg>d to public transporta;n4 ,%e briefly describ$ ,project ,,ac;n's mobil;y plann+ s]vices 9/itute3 "w+ ) communities on transporta;n ne$s = p ) 4abilities4 ,"! 7 #be t1ms la/ ye>1 five ( : _h ,,acb memb]s on !m4 ,%e al describ$ ! ,f$]al ,transit ,adm9i/ra;n's program call$ 8,unit$ ,we ,ride10 a jo9t ef=t assess+ all possible transporta;n op;ns 9 ! >ea 2+ assess$1 & asks h[ to make !m m e6ici5t4 ,smi? al t\*$ briefly on ?ree compon5ts t >e ess5tial to transporta;n3 availabil;y & a3essibil;y2 an a3essible p$e/rian 5viron;t2 & gd 9dep5d5t travel skills4 ,%e urg$ "ey"o to 2come 9volv$ 9 transporta;n issues 9 _! /ates4 ,bill ,heck] address$ #fd ! issue ( p$e/rian safety & a3ess4 ,he briefly 4cuss$ ! sev5 f$]al programs t (f] opportunities = fund+ a3essibil;y modifica;ns s* z detectable w>n+s & a3essible p$e/rian signals4 ,!y >e3 surface transporta;n programs1 9clud+ ,,tea-#ba & xs ext5.ns2 ! 3ges;n mitiga;n & air qual;y improve;t program2 ! recr1;nal trails program2 ! ,na;nal ,sc5ic ,byways program2 hi<- prior;y projects & designat$ transporta;n 5h.e;t activities2 f$]al transit programs2 & /ate & commun;y hid a 4cus.n on #fe a3essible p$e/rian signals1 address$ by ,janet ,b>l[ & ,lukas ,franck4 ,franck def9$ a few t]ms = ! assembly4 8,v typically :5 y're talk+ ab p$e/rian signage y're actually talk+ ab tim+1 & ! "t t tra6ic 5g9e]s allocate to c]ta9 visual signals10 he sd4 8,"t is relevant to all ( u40 ,9 suburban >1s ": wide /reets 9t]sect small "os1 "! >e pu% buttons 9 place "s": t p$e/rians >e suppos$ to pu% 2c t ac;n all[s !m m "t to cross ! major /reet1 maybe z m* z #cj seconds to cross 9/1d ( #aa4 ,he al 4cuss$ "s rese>* on p$e/rian signals4 8,:at seems to "w be/ is a s+le cle> s.d10 he sd4 8.<,x.> gives 9=ma;n f a v specific & precise loca;n immly next to ! p$e/rian ab :5 to />t .4 #ff ,un=tunately1 9 ! r1l _w1 x isn't alw possible to put p$e/rian pu% buttons 444 9 ! be/ possible places1 & s :at's com+ d[n is language t says t if y c't d x p]fect1 ! next be/ way to d x is to use spee*40 ,!n "!'s ! matt] ( :at ! device %d say4 8,! recomm5d$ ,8walk,0 message t is go+ 9to language w 2 444 ,8,gr&4 ,walk sign is on to cross ,gr&1,00 ,franck /at$4 ,b>l[ talk$ ab s"eal /udies 9 progress or rec5tly complet$4 ,"o /udy 9volv$ collect+ data on bl p cross+ /reets 2f & af 9/alla;n ( a3essible p$e/rian signals4 ,ano!r 9volv$ "w 9 two cities1 ) f\r di6]5t 9t]sec;ns & f\r di6]5t signal manufactur]s4 ,! pre-9/alla;n results h be5 analyz$ & complet$1 & g5]ally1 p$e/rians />t$ walk+ on #fg ! 8walk0 signal #ej p]c5t ( ! "t4 8,"o ( ! m 3c]n+ /ati/ics "! is t on #bg p]c5t ( cross+s1 "picipants complet$ cross+ af ! tra6ic on ! p]p5dicul> /reet />t$ mov+10 %e sd4 8,": "! 0 no pu% button 444 #fd p]c5t />t$ dur+ ,8walk4,0 ,:5 y _h to use a pu% button1 only #bj p]c5t />t$ dur+ ,8walk4,00 ,af ! 9/alla;n ( signals ) locator t"os1 m p us$ ! pu% buttons1 & m p cross$ dur+ ! 8walk0 signal4 ,b>l[ urg$ h] li/5]s to use ! pu% buttons1 & to get ! ^w \ ab locator t"os4 ,foll[+ a %ort br1k1 ! 3v5;n he>d f ano!r panel1 ? "o call$ 8,/op ! ,viol;e1 ,br1k ! ,sil;e40 ,paneli/s 7 ,susan ,craw=d1 ,lynne ,koral1 ,d>ian ,h>tman & ,lorra9e ,ph5ix4 ,craw=d 9troduc$ ! topic4 8,2lieve x or n1 viol;e #fh is a problem = p ) 4abilities10 %e sd4 8,"ey"o 9 ? room "h :o has a 4abil;y is twice z likely to 2 a victim ( viol;e40 ,m5 & wom5 ( all ages1 *n1 "y adults1 "w+ adults1 & eld]s >e all a6ect$4 ,a few ye>s ago1 ,safe ,place ( ,au/91 ,tex41 3tact$ ,*>lie ,craw=d1 want+ to "pn] ) ,,acb & 4abil;y gr\ps to submit a grant proposal to ! ,de"p;t ( ,ju/ice ,(fice = ,ju/ice ,programs to raise aw>e;s ab ! problem ( viol;e ag/ p ) 4abilities4 ,! grant w5t "?1 & ses.ns 7 held 9 #bjjc & #bjjd2 ,lynne ,koral1 ,d>ian ,h>tman1 ,ri*>d ,ru$a & _m o!rs att5d$ & 7 c]tifi$ z tra9]s4 ,lynne ,koral gave a brief ov]view ( ! problem ( abuse4 8,"! is no "o 444 :o hasn't be5 impact$ by abuse ( #fi "o . or ano!r10 %e sd4 8,& x's n j wom52 x c 2 m5 z well40 ,physical abuse is n j 2+ hit1 %e not$2 x c 9volve 2+ told ": to g & ": n to g1 2+ lock$ up 9 ! h\se1 2+ d5i$ a3ess to transporta;n1 & m* m4 ,d>ian ,h>tman 4cuss$ prev5;n & response /rategies4 ,"o ( ! bi7e/ b>ri]s to gett+ help is ! 9dividuals !mvs1 %e /at$4 ,to *ange t1 p ne$ to talk ab x4 ,if y or "s"o y "k is exp]i5c+ "s?+ t y feel is abuse or neglect or exploita;n1 tell "s"o y tru/ ab :at's go+ on4 ,all communities h ag+ & 4abil;y s]vices1 & "s": 9 t r1lm is adult protective s]vices1 : h #bd-h\r hotl9es t p c call = help4 ,if "s"o tells y t !y >e exp]i5c+ s* abuse1 2lieve !m4 ,m ?an #ij p]c5t ( reports ( abuse1 neglect & #gj exploita;n turn \ to 2 true1 %e not$4 ,joanne ,wilson1 ,commis.n] ( ! ,rehabilita;n ,s]vices ,adm9i/ra;n1 spoke next4 ,%e told ! /ory ( a c>p5t] ne>+ retire;t1 :o 0 ask$ to build "o la/ home = 8 employ]2 ! c>p5t] agre$ reluctantly4 ,he w5t \1 got :at"e mat]ial 0 available1 & "w$ qkly4 8,:5 ! home 0 f9i%$1 ! c>p5t] took ! keys to ! [n] ( ! 3/ruc;n company & sd1 ,8,"h4 ,i'm f9i%$ ) ! h\se4,0 ,! [n] ( ! company smil$ & sd1 ,8,i'm giv+ y back ^! keys 9 gratitude = all ! "w y've d"o all ^! ye>s4 ,? is go+ to 2 yr home4 ,i'm giv+ x to y4,0 ,! c>p5t] groan$ & ?"\1 ,8,oh1 if only ,i wd h "kn ? 0 go+ to 2 my home6 ,:at a di6]5t job ,i wd h d"o6 444,80 ,wilson sd %e tells t #ga /ory to o!r rehabilita;n pr(es.nals1 & asks !m to imag9e t !y h a * :o's go+ to 2come a 3sum] 9 ! rehabilita;n sy/em 9 _! ag5cy4 ,%e asks !m to ?9k ab :at policies & practices !y wd l to h 9 t ag5cy if x 0 go+ to s]ve _! *n4 ,wilson not$ t rehabilita;n laws h be5 >.d = #hd ye>s1 & organiza;ns ( & = ! bl h help$ %ape ! law4 ,%e exhort$ h] li/5]s to get 9volv$ 9 ! rehabilita;n sy/em by %>+ _! k ( & exp]i;e ) bl;s4 ,foll[+ ,wilson's spee*1 ! 3v5;n he>d an ,,nls update f ,frank ,kurt ,cylke4 ,! digital program is on t>get = laun* 9 #bjjh1 he sd1 & ,,nls w h a 3tract to design a digital talk+ book play] by ,octob] ( ? ye>4 ,by #bjjh1 ,,nls expects to h m ?an #gb #bj1jjj titles available4 ,cylke !n 9troduc$ ,john ,hanson1 h1d ( ! music sec;n at ! ,na;nal ,libr>y ,s]vice4 8,! . libr>y at ,,nls is ! l>ge/ collec;n ( brl music 9 ! _w1 & ,i f9d x bo? a *all5ge & grt fun to ov]see x & ma9ta9 x & make x bett]10 he sd4 ,hanson 4cuss$ expan.n ( ! brl collec;n4 8,:5"e possible1 we buy exi/+ scores t o!rs h produc$10 he sd4 ,,nls gets !m f ,5gl&1 ,d5m>k1 ,italy & o!rs4 ,! libr>y al has a 3tract ) ! ,dani% ,libr>y = ! ,bl to produce new brl music4 ,tues"d ,tues"d 0 ,$uca;n ,"d1 sponsor$ by ,am]ica ,onl9e4 ,! f/ ord] ( busi;s 0 ! nom9at+ committee report1 pres5t$ by ,ca?y ,skiv]s4 ,& ! #gc slate ( (fic]s 0 z foll[s3 second vice presid5t1 ,mit* ,pom]antz2 bo>d ( directors1 ,$ ,bradley1 ,oral ,mill]1 ,becky ,floyd1 ,cyn?ia ,t[]s & ,david ,trott2 bo>d ( publica;ns1 ,de,anna ,noriega1 ,k5 ,/ew>t & ,mike ,duke4 "<,= elec;n results1 see ! >ticle else": 9 ? issue4"> ,foll[+ a3ept.e ( ! nom9at+ committee report1 ,ray ,campbell review$ ! 3/itu;n & bylaws am5d;ts r1d on ,mon"d & pres5t$ s"eal new "os4 ,he 9=m$ ! audi;e t "! 7 #ah am5d;ts total4 "<,= fur!r 9=ma;n1 call ! na;nal (fice & reque/ a copy ( ! 3/itu;n4"> ,ri*>d ,scribn]1 presid5t & ,,ceo ( ,record+ = ! ,bl & ,dyslexic1 gave a brief update on ! "w ( ,,rfb@&,d4 ,! organiza;n / seeks to use ! mo/ mod]n te*nology to #gd br+ books to us]s4 ,9 ! mid- '#ijs1 ,,rfb@&,d 2came 9volv$ ) ! ,digital ,audio ,9=ma;n ,sy/ems "<,,daisy"> ,3sortium4 ,x 0 ,,daisy t put tgr ! f/ 9t]na;nal /&>d = ! digital talk+ book2 ,,rfb@&,d 9si/$ t ! /&>d 2 an op5 "o1 n a propriet>y "o4 ,,rfb@&,d al 2liev$ t /ud5ts %dn't h to wait = digital files1 ,scribn] sd4 ,two ye>s ago1 !y />t$ ! f/ collec;n ( digital textbooks = /ud5ts4 ,n[1 ,,rfb@&,d has a digital libr>y ( #ae1jjj textbooks & academic books spann+ all grade levels & all subjects4 ,x has ma/]$ #d1bjj new books to add to t collec;n4 ,all books n[ record$ >e 2+ digitally ma/]$1 he add$4 ,,rfb@&,d has al r5ovat$ xs web site1 www4rfbd4org1 & 9clud$ a new 8se>* & #ge ord]0 tool t all[s memb]s to se>* ! catalog & ord] books onl9e4 ,! 3v5;n 3t9u$ xs focus on $uca;n ) a panel mod]at$ by ,dr4 ,t]ry ,graham1 presid5t ( ! ,alabama ,9/itute = ! ,d1f & ,bl4 8,in ! /ate ( ,alabama1 ,i r1lly d 2lieve t we >e mak+ progress10 he sd4 8,i 2lieve t "!'s r1son to 2 optimi/ic ab s]vices = p :o >e bl 9 \r /ate4 ,h["e1 "!'s m* "w t rema9s to 2 d"o1 z _m ( y "k40 ,he !n 9troduc$ ,br5da ,upta91 an ,5gli% & psy*ology t1*] at ,,aidb4 ,upta9 4cuss$ h] t1*+ exp]i;es 9 public & resid5tial s*ool sett+s4 8,"o ( my dr1ms came true :5 ,i obta9$ my f/ t1*+ posi;n z a res\rce t1*] = bl & visually impair$ *n 9 a s*ool 9 ,tuscaloosa ,c.ty10 %e sd4 8,h["e1 "s"ts ! dr1m #gf 0 n s pl1sant4 ,^? 7 ! "ds 2f ! wond];l res\rce c5t] t produces & loans textbooks 9 bo? brl & l>ge pr9t40 ,af exhau/+ h] ,,aph quota m"oy1 %e _h to app1l to civic clubs to help h] buy books = h] /ud5ts4 ,"o pr9cipal ask$ h] n to tell p>5ts _! "rs1 z x 0 co/+ ! s*ool sy/em too m* m"oy2 ano!r told h] %e _h a sm>t m\? 2c1 :5 he ask$ h] h[ %e wd get to 8 s*ool :5 x 0 ra9+1 %e answ]$ t %e wd use an umbrella4 ,"! >e ?ree issues t m/ 2 address$ 9 $uca;n1 %e sd4 ,!y >e3 univ]sities tra9+ t1*]s ( ! visually impair$ m/ hold !mvs to hi<] /&>ds1 & "u/& t brl is a complex skill t m/ 2 le>n$ ?or\5ts #gg m/ d _! home"w & select a program t meets _! *'s academic1 social1 emo;nal1 recr1;nal & 9dep5d5t liv+ ne$s4 ,! second sp1k] 0 ,/eve ,%iv]s1 commis.n] ( ! ,alabama ,de"p;t ( ,rehabilita;n ,s]vices4 ,he told 8 li/5]s t ,alabama has a 3t9uum ( s]vices4 ,programs fund$ jo9tly by ,,aidb & /ate rehabilita;n 9clude3 ! rehabilita;n t1*] program2 ! busi;s 5t]prise program2 ! ori5ta;n & mobil;y program2 & ! ,alabama ,9/ruc;nal ,res\rce ,c5t]4 ,rec5t collabora;ns 9clude ! jo9t fund+ ( ! ,,aidb regional c5t] /aff to provide p]sonal adju/;t1 job coa*+1 assi/ive te*nology & o!r s]vices t c assi/ ! local commun;y4 ,%iv]s al talk$ ab ! #gh transi;n week5d1 to help /ud5ts make ! transi;n f hi< s*ool to college1 & ! summ] "w exp]i;e1 : gives /ud5ts an opportun;y to "w = a six-week p]iod e>n+ m9imum wage4 ,! de"p;t hop$ to exp& ! program next summ]4 ,foll[+ a "q-&-answ] ses.n & a brief br1k1 ,patty ,slaby1 *air ( ! s*ol>%ip committee1 pres5t$ s*ol>%ips4 ,! w9n]s w]e3 ,lisa ,boett*]2 ,s9a ,bahram2 ,kaitlyn ,snyd]2 ,mi*ael ,beuk5kamp2 ,leslie ,se>s ,r&olph2 ,b5 ,mann+2 ,je6rey ,smi?2 ,*ri/ie ,gilson2 ,j]emy ,johans52 ,m>cia ,dellag>delle2 ,tim ,v]non2 ,a%ley ,fritz2 ,h>ris ,s+]2 ,mi*ael ,malv]2 ,a>on ,mat!ws2 ,mey ,rog]s2 ,r5ee ,gutell2 ,jason ,p]ry2 & ,cammie ,vlo$man4 #gi ,jim ,gi2ons1 presid5t & ,,ceo ( ,na;nal ,9du/ries = ! ,bl1 spoke next4 ,,nib's busi;s l1d]%ip & manage;t tra9+ program is well "u way2 la/ ,octob]1 ! company laun*$ ! f/ "p ( ! program4 ,a class ( fell[%ip recipi5ts comes 9 = a two-ye> rota;n2 9dividuals ga9 exp]i;e 9 a v>iety ( 4cipl9es 9 busi;s manage;t1 & l& a manage;t-level job )9 ,,nib or xs associat$ ag5cies :5 !y're d"o4 8,? "picul> program is r1lly design$ to pack eis ( exp]i;e 9to two ye>s1 & if n eis ( raw exp]i;e1 eis ( exposure s t ! fell[s 444 r1lly c spr+bo>d f ? program 9to a fa/ track program & a v excit+ c>e]10 he sd4 8,td's ,,nib is n yr "f's ,,nib4 ,x's a v 9novative place 9 t]ms ( ! types ( 3tracts1 ! types #hj ( busi;ses t we're cr1t+40 ,! f9al sp1k] ( ! "d 0 ,george ,a2ott1 ,d1n ( ,$uca;n ( ! ,_hley ,s*ool = ! ,bl4 ,_hley is a 4t.e $uca;n s*ool t />t$ back 9 #aibj4 ,xs f/ /ud5t 0 a h\sewife 9 ,kansas le>n+ brl4 ,! m9imum age = /ud5ts is #ad4 ,"s ( ! b5efits ( "w+ ) ,_hley >e3 y "w at yr [n pace1 9 yr [n home2 y develop "o-on-"o rela;n%ips ) ! 9/ructor y're correspond+ )2 & c\rses >e free ( *>ge4 ,_hley (f]s a v>iety ( c\rses1 f adult 3t9u+ $uca;n to hi< s*ool diploma1 recr1;n to 5ri*;t1 m ?an #ajj c\rses 9 all1 & m >e 9 ! "ws4 ,:at's new at ! s*ool8 8,we've made a commit;t to /r5g!n+ \r hi< s*ool program10 ,a2ott sd4 8,ov] ! next c\ple ( ye>s we >e completely revamp+ \r ma? #ha curriculum2 we >e 9troduc+ new & excit+ c\rses 9 hi/ory 444 we h c\rses 9 develop;t 9 economics1 ,am]ican gov]n;t1 & _m new c\rses40 ,com+ up 9 ! ne> future >e onl9e /ud5t 9=ma;n s]vices4 ,! web site curr5tly has detail$ \tl9es ( mo/ c\rses1 ) lesson by lesson objectives1 & a sample lesson & assign;t = review4 ,= m 9=ma;n ab ,_hley1 call #a- #hjj-#cbc-#dbch1 visit www4_hley-s*ool4$u1 or ;e-mail a2ott@a_hley-s*ool4org4 ,a6iliate ,news ,ho1 ,ho1 ,ho6 ,help ,santa by ,%opp+ at ,,rsva ,/>t yr ,*ri/mas %opp+ e>ly ? ye>4 ,,rsva has ! foll[+ items = sale at grt b>ga9 prices4 ,all proce$s #hb b5efit ,r&olph-,%epp>d ,v5dors ( ,am]ica "<,,rsva">4 ,,rsva lapel p9s >e @s#e ea*2 ,,rsva logo golf %irts co/ @s#bj ea*1 available 9 a v>iety ( sizes & colors2 8,trail ( ! ,advocate0 ,,rsva hi/ory books >e @s#e ea*1 available 9 l>ge pr9t or on cassette2 talk+ al>m clocks co/ @s#aj ea*2 & ,,ntcbv_/" ,,rsva_/,pepsi 3v5;n tote bags co/ @s#e ea*4 ,to place yr ord]1 3tact ,kim ,v5able at #a-#hjj-#dfg-#ebii or at rsva@ajuno4com4 ,t5;see ,c\ncil ,3v5;n ,su3ess;l by ,br5da ,dillon ,! ,t5;see ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl held xs #fcrd annual 3v5;n ,aug4 #bg-#bi at ! ,airport ,m>riott 9 ,na%ville1 ,t5n4 ,we (f]$ a pre-3v5;n t\r package & 7 pl1s$ to h #hc #de "picipants1 mak+ a full bus4 ,we took a riv]boat ride on ! ,g5]al ,jackson on ,?urs"d nibecue bu6et4 ,"! 0 a nice breeze (f ! wat] & 0 q com=table = ,augu/6 ,on ,fri"d we 2gan \r "d ) a t\r ( ! ,c.try ,music ,hall ( ,fame4 ,!y provid$ a guide = e six p1 s "ey"o cd he> well & h _! "qs answ]$ easily4 ,ea* guide _h a tactile replica ( ! build+1 : looks l a huge piano & has lots ( significant symbolism 9 xs >*itecture4 ,ea* 9dividual 0 giv5 an audio w& ": y cd dial ! correspond+ code at ea* 4play case to he> ab ! 3t5ts ( ! case & m 9=ma;n reg>d+ ! music ( t ]a4 ,foll[+ ? fun /op we _h lun* at ! ,bic5t5nial ,mall1 a hi/oric p>k 9 ,na%ville4 #hd ,"! we _h an opportun;y to explore ! #ca f.ta9s1 ea* repres5t+ a major riv] 9 ,t5;see1 & walk on ! tactile granite map ( ! /ate1 complete ) hik rang] play$ s"eal s;gs on ! c>illons 3si/+ ( #ie bells repres5t+ ea* c.ty 9 ,t5;see4 ,x 0 maje/ic he>+ ! music z we sat surr.d$ by ! p1l+ bells66 ,! ,ju7s " bo>d$ \r bus = ! ,na% ,tra% t\r4 ,!y %>$ sc&al\s 9=ma;n z we drove pa/ "s ( ! popul> c.try music l&m>ks 9 ,na%ville4 ,_! orig9al s;gs & jokes 7 hil>i\s1 & !y 7 a bit \trage\s ) _! flirt+1 b "ey"o lau<$ a lot6 ,we return$ to ! hotel = a pizza "py complete ) vegetables & dip1 w+s1 & dess]ts4 #he ,af d9n]1 we w5t (f to ! ,gr& ,ole ,opry ) ma9 floor s1t+4 ,we he>d old-"trs l ,bill ,&]son1 ,jim ,$ ,br[n1 ,george ,hamilton ,,iv1 & newcom]s l ,blue ,c.ty & ! ,j5k9s4 ,billy ,ray ,cyrus / makes ! wom5 g wild6 ,! att5dees :o did n "picipate 9 ! t\rs 5joy$ play+ b+o & w9n+ prizes1 & wat*+ ! describ$ v].n ( 8,s1biscuit0 ) pl5ty ( popcorn & snacks4 ,on ,satur"d1 ,mayor ,bill ,purcell welcom$ ! 3v5;n to ,na%ville4 ,,tcb gave hm a %irt t sd 8,lack ( ,sira;n on local televi.n & 9 !at]s4 ,dillon al pres5t$ hm ) a brl ?ank-y note ) ! pr9t_/braille alphabet at ! top & #hf *all5g$ ! mayor to decode ! lr = hmf4 ,gov4 ,phil ,br$es51 ,rep4 ,jim ,coop]1 & ,s54 ,bill ,fri/ s5t lrs ( welcome z well4 ,! program 3si/$ ( _m m9i pres5ta;ns2 ea* pres5t] _h only #aj m9utes1 & rcvd an audible two-m9ute w>n+4 ,! f/ h\r 0 compris$ ( hi<-te* pres5ta;ns1 9clud+ demon/ra;ns ( a las] cane1 ! ,h& ,guide1 a comp>ison ( ! ,voice ,mate & ! ,imp1 ! talk+ ,frankl9 ,language ,ma/]1 an explana;n ( ,book%>e & ! ,fre$om ,box1 & s(tw>e : makes yr cell ph"o m5us fully a3essible4 ,! next h\r br"\ l[-te* pres5t]s3 a %[case ( safe1 3v5i5t & easy-to-use kit*5 gadgets "2 an 9troduc;n to products t make dirty "w a lot easi]2 ! ,bl ,h&yman #hg demon/rat$ tools & expla9$ adaptive te*niques2 & label+ me?ods f ! kit*5 to ! closet4 ,! f9al h\r 9 ! morn+ ses.n 0 a sp1k]s,0 h\r4 ,!y 9clud$3 ! sup]9t5d5t ( ! ,t5;see ,s*ool = ! ,bl2 an 9/ructor ) ! ,t5;see ,rehabilita;n ,c5t]2 a =m] *ampion ( ! ,unit$ ,/ates ,bl ,golf]s ,associa;n2 a ,m$ic>e speciali/2 a policy analy/ ) ! ,t5;see ,protec;n & ,advocacy ,s]vices1 ,9c42 & a repres5tative ( ,s*wans4 ,! afn ses.n 2gan ) a few busi;s items1 b prim>ily 3si/$ ( a panel 4cus.n ab memb]%ip & fund-rais+4 ,paneli/s 9clud$ ,c>la ,rus*ival f ,k5tucky1 ,c>ol ,$w>ds ( ,texas1 ,patricia ,fitts f ,georgia1 ,george ,ill+wor? ( ,mi*igan1 & ,k5 ,lod5 ( ,mississippi4 ,br5da ,dillon s]v$ z mod]ator4 #hh ,c>la ,rus*ival address$ ! banquet ,satur"d nii\s committees t "w s h>d to make ! 3v5;n run smoo?ly4 ,foll[+ ! banquet1 we _h a fanta/ic auc;n2 x 0 s gd t we _h to 3t9ue ! auc;n on ,sun"d4 ,normally ,,tcb e>ns >.d @s#b1jjj = xs auc;n1 b ? ye> x made >.d f\r "ts t am.t6 ,_m mon?s ( solicita;n w5t 9to ? ef=t b x obvi\sly pd (f6 ,af a few h\rs,0 sleep1 ! 3v5;n resum$ on ,sun"d ) a busi;s ses.n & wrapp$ up ) m auc;n+4 ,_m ?anks to "ey"o6 ,nor? ,c>ol9a ,c\ncil ,3v5;n ,hi/ory1 h1l? & p]sonal f9ancial safety 7 major topics ( 4cus.n at ! #bjjd #hi ,nor? ,c>ol9a ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl annual 3v5;n 9 ,burl+ton1 ,sept4 #bd-#bf4 ,,n3b ,presid5t ,ron ,ell] & 3v5;n coord9ator ,pat ,yelton guid$ ! #ajj att5dees "? ?ree "ds ( le>n+1 te*nology & 9t]ac;n4 ,dr4 ,jim ,megiv]n1 9 p]son1 & ,m>jorie ,megiv]n1 by audiotape1 rec.t$ a numb] ( _! exp]i;es 9 ! writ+ ( 8,p ( ,vi.n3 ,a ,hi/ory ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl40 ,3tempor>y 9sid memb] & presid5t ( ! ,,acb ( ,texas4 ,$uca;nal ses.ns focus$ on diabetes & telem>ket+ scams4 ,cyra ,kussman1 ! ,coord9ator ( ,diabetes ,$uca;n at ! ,alam.e ,regional ,m$ical ,c5t]1 3duct$ a sem9> titl$ 8,diabetes & ,bl;s3 ,:at ,y ,c't ,see ,c ,hurt ,y40 #ij ,david ,"es1 special 9ve/igator = ! ,nor? ,c>ol9a attorney g5]al1 rev1l$ ! secrets ( 8,telem>ket+ ,scams3 ,d ,y ,r1lly ,"k ,:o ,is ,call+ ,y80 ,addi;nal sp1k]s repres5t$ ! ,nor? ,c>ol9a ,libr>y = ! ,bl & ,physically ,h&icapp$1 ,/ate ,bo>d ( ,elec;ns1 ,busi;s ,5t]prise ,program1 ,nor? ,c>ol9a ,divi.n ( ,s]vices = ! ,bl & ,gov]nor's ,advocacy ,committee = ,p ) ,4abilities4 ,lrs to ! ,$itor ,! 3t5ts ( ? column reflect ! lrs we _h rcvd by ! "t we w5t to press1 ,octob] #ae1 #bjjd4 ,lrs >e limit$ to #cjj ^ws or less4 ,all submis.ns m/ 9clude ! au?or's "n & loca;n4 ,op9ions express$ >e ^? ( ! au?ors4 #ia ,9dep5d5t ,travel & ,public ,misconcep;ns ,de> ,=um ,r1d]s3 ,z an 9dep5d5t bl travel]1 ,i wd 2 9t]e/$ to "k h[ _m o!r 9dep5d5t bl p feel misp]cvd by memb]s ( ! public & "s"ts ev5 feel put at risk by _! attempts to help4 ,if y wd al l to live to see ! public at l>ge bett] 9=m$1 wd y pl1se 3sid] & give me fe$back on ! foll[+ su7es;ns z to h[ y wd l to h ! public bett] 9=m$8 #a4 ,n"e 4tract a bl p$e/rian at any "t by gra2+1 pull+1 pu%+1 %\t+ or honk+ yr horn4 #b4 ,h["e a bl p]son appe>s to y1 %[ respect = ! p]son's ne$ to 3c5trate on help+ hm- or h]f4 #c4 ,d n make assump;ns ab a bl p]son's desir$ de/9a;n4 #ib #d4 ,3sid] t bl p :o walk ) guide dogs or :ite canes usually h a fair idea ( ": !y >e go+4 #e4 ,pl1se n"e t1se a guide dog & n"e grab a :ite cane4 #f4 ,if y see a bl p]son \ ( ! crosswalk 9 a busy 9t]sec;n1 d n honk yr horn4 ,s* a noise is uncle> z to yr 9t5t1 & cd />tle a bl p$e/rian 9to mak+ a fatal ]ror4 #ic #g4 ,r ?an to %\t 8"r0 or 8left0 to a bl p]son y ?9k may 2 9 tr\ble1 9/1d call 8,? way0 or 8,wait40 ,y c r1* me via ;e-mail1 coyote@atransbay4net1 or ph"o "<#eaj"> #hdi- #jgba4 ,- ,>l5e ,m]ryman1 ,b]keley1 ,calif4 ,9 ,reply to 8,:y ! ,future ( ,4abil;y ,"rs ,dep5ds on ,\r ,vote0 ,de> ,$itor1 ,i wi% to com;t on 8,:y ! ,future ( ,4abil;y ,"rs ,dep5ds on ,\r ,vote0 by ,ray ,campbell "<,septemb]-,octob] #bjjd">4 ,campbell _h "s v gd po9ts4 ,i rec5tly mov$ to an a"p;t1 & ,i 0 ask$ :e!r ,i w regi/] to vote 9 ! new prec9ct4 ,i h decid$ to 3t9ue vot+ 9 my old prec9ct4 #id ,:y8 ,2c ,i don't "k :e!r ! poll+ place ne>e/ my new a"p;t is a3essible4 ,i he>d an odd com;t ye/]"d : ,i h to agree ) to a c]ta9 ext5t3 8,h[ c any 4abl$ p]son vote ,republican80 ,? may seem /]eotypical1 b bas$ on :at has happ5$ 9 rec5t ye>s to \r civil "rs ,i ?9k x is true4 ,\r "rs z ,am]icans h be5 s]i\sly ]od$1 & x's "t "sbody did "s?+ ab x4 ,? is ": ,,acb comes in4 ,y h demon/rat$ t1 ev5 ) ongo+ p]sonal attacks f "s memb]s ( ! bl;s commun;y1 y c & d get ! job d"o4 ,x is by no m1ns an easy job ei4 ,i wi% ^! p]sonal attacks wd /op1 b ,i don't ?9k t's go+ to happ54 ,i f9d x v odd t memb]s ( ! bl;s commun;y f9d x nec to attack _! [n k9d l ?4 ,my roommate & ,i 7 4cuss+ ? a few "ds ago1 & he rem9d$ me #ie t /uff l ? is b.d to happ5 ,- & does ,- 9 o!r gr\ps s* z ! d1f commun;y4 ,b bas$ on :at ,i h r1d & he>d o!rs talk ab1 ,i ?9k t :at is happ5+ 9 ! bl;s commun;y is a bit too extreme to 2 3sid]$ 8normal40 ,= example1 publi%+ an >ticle or ev5 "p ( an >ticle : p]sonally attacks a hi<-rank+ (ficial ( an organiza;n1 9 my humble op9ion1 is v unc\?4 ,?anks ag = ! >ticle4 ,- ,jake ,joehl1 ,evan/on1 ,ill4 ,"h & ,"! by ,s>ah ,blake ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column is n an 5dorse;t by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs /aff1 or elect$ (ficials4 ,products & s]vices >e li/$ free ( *>ge = ! #if b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsible = ! reliabil;y ( products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,to submit items = ? column1 y may ;e-mail ,s>ah ,blake at sblake@aacb4org1 or call ,,acb at #a-#hjj-#dbd-#hfff & l1ve a message 9 mailbox #bf4 ,pl1se rememb] t po/al regula;ns prohibit u f 9clud+ adv]tise;ts1 & t we ne$ 9=ma;n two mon?s ah1d ( actual publica;n dates4 ,3v5;n ,tapes ,available ,j 9 "t = ! holi"ds1 tapes ( ! #bjjd ,,acb 3v5;n 9 ,birm+ham >e n[ available6 ,a full set 3si/s ( #bj tapes4 ,"! is no banquet tape4 ,! legislative & diabetes sem9>s 7 c.el$ ? ye>1 s "! >e no tapes ( ^? ses.ns ei4 ,! full set co/s @s#ce2 sep>ate #ig ses.ns1 @s#f ea*4 ,call #a- #hjj-#dbd-#hfff to ord]4 ,ski = ,liy #cj- ,febru>y #f1 #bjje 9 ,granby1 ,colorado4 ,"picipants w /ay at ! ,9n at ,silv] ,creek & ski ea* "d at ,sn[ ,m.ta9 ,ran*4 ,ski = ,li #bej-#ghcf or lynda@asfl4org or apply onl9e at www4sfl4org4 ,! applica;n d1dl9e is ,nov4 #a1 #ih #bjjd2 applica;ns rcvd af t date w 2 3sid]$ z space p]mits4 ,full pay;t is due by ,jan4 #c1 #bjje4 ,_hley's ,holi"d ,c>ds ,! ,_hley ,s*ool = ! ,bl is hold+ xs annual brl holi"d c>d sale1 sponsor$ by ,_hley's ,woman's ,bo>d4 ,! c>d f1tures a color;l emboss$ topi>y on ! front2 ! foll[+ message appe>s on ! 9side 9 pr9t & brl3 8,wi%+ y p1ce1 happi;s & ! _s ( ! s1son40 ,a photo c>d is al available t c>ries ! same message 9 pr9t & brl4 ,a box ( #be c>ds co/s @s#be4 ,! sale b5efits ! ,_hley ,s*ool4 ,c>ds c 2 view$ & ord]$ onl9e at www4_hley4$u or by call+ #a-#hjj-#cbc- #dbch4 #ii ,,rop>d's ,holi"d ,c>ds ,,rop>d is pl1s$ to ann\nce t #bjjd holi"d c>ds >e n[ available4 ,? ye> "! >e a limit$ numb] ( c>ds available ) 8,s1son's ,greet+s0 emboss$ 9 brl4 ,to view ! c>ds1 visit http3_/_/www4rop>d4org_/" greet+.-c>d4%tml4 ,p]sonaliza;n ( bo? ! 9side ( ! c>d & ! return address on ! 5velope >e al available = an addi;nal *>ge4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ,,rop>d by ph"o at #a- #hjj-#ghh-#bjbj1 or by ;e-mail at rop>d@ayahoo4com4 ,diabetic ,committee ,a new committee has =m$ 9 ,,acb t is d$icat$ to $ucat+ diabetics4 ,e ye> "! is a diabetes sem9> at ! ,,acb 3v5;n2 "! w 2 "o 9 ,vegas6 ,we >e look+ = m memb]s to jo9 u on \r next 3f];e call 9 #ajj ,janu>y or ,febru>y4 ,committee memb]s >e ,pat ,la ,fr.e-,wolf at "<#fbf"> #bgi- #bied1 ;e-mail plawolf@a" e>?l9k4net2 ,dee ,clayton1 *air1 at "<#eae"> #bhb-#abge1 ;e-mail clayton4dee@abl9d4" /ate4ia4us2 ,%irley ,rob]ts1 "<#icg"> #hih-#aihi1 ;e-mail ,n#hlx@aearthlink4net4 ,call or ;e-mail any ( u = m 9=ma;n4 ,lov+ ,9 ,! ,d>k 8,lov+ ,9 ,! ,d>k1 ,an ,9cr$ible ,j\rney10 vol4 ,i ( ,lois ,d+ess ,h[>d's autobiography is n[ available = @s#h 9clud+ po/age4 ,at ? "t1 ,lois,0 book is available 9 pr9t only4 ,9 ? book1 ,h[>d %>es _m ( h] memories ( ! ev5ts t fill$ h] "y life1 9clud+ h] v e>ly *ildhood 9 ,hunt+ton1 ,w4,va42 h] life on a f>m 9 ,ohio dur+ ! #aja '#djs2 h] fif? ye> ( s*ool :5 %e 0 fac$ ) ! %ock+ r1liza;n t %e 0 gradually los+ h] vi.n2 & ( ! f\r-plus wond];l ye>s t %e sp5t z a /ud5t at ! ,ohio ,/ate ,s*ool = ! ,bl4 ,^! he>t-w>m+ a3.ts1 al;g ) "s hi/orical facts & t\*es ( trivia1 comb9e to make ! book 9t]e/+1 9=mative1 & 9spir+4 ,to ord] yr copy1 s5d a *eck or m"oy ord] to3 ,lois ,h[>d1 #faiea ,hi< ,hill ,road1 ,cambridge1 ,,oh #dcgbe4 ,na;nal ,brl ,press ,(f]+s ,na;nal ,brl ,press (f]s two new keybo>d comm& guides3 ,w9d[s ,,xp ,keybo>d ,comm&s & ,(fice ,,xp ,keybo>d ,comm&s4 ,ea* guide is available = @s#aj4 ,,nbp al (f]s 8,a ,*'s ,cal5d>10 a pr9t-&-brl book t f1tures a poem = e mon? #ajb ( ! ye>4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 visit h" ttp3_/_/www4nbp4org_/ic_/" nbp_/publica;ns_/9dex4html or call #a-#hjj-#edh-#gcbc4 ,color & ,note ,tell] ,4c.ts ,bryte* is (f]+ special 4c.ts = ! ,color ,tell] & ,note ,tell] #b "? ,decemb] #ca1 #bjjd4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 call #a-#hjj-#bfc-#djie4 ,alaska ,smokeh\se1 ,gd ,dess]ts ,want to buy "s?+ gd & help ,,acb at ! same "t8 ,visit www4alaskasmokeh\se4com or call #a-#hjj-#dbb-#jheb ,mon"d "? ,fri"d1 #h a4m4 to #d3#cj p4m4 ,pacific4 ,,acb w rcv #dj p]c5t ( ! proce$s f items pur*as$ f ! ,pacific ,nor?we/ ,g\rmet ,dess]t ,company & ! ,alaska ,smokeh\se4 #ajc ,pur*ases m/ 2 made onl9e 9 ord] = ! ,,acb to rcv pay;t4 ,if us+ ! toll-free numb]1 ask ! cu/om] s]vice repres5tative = assi/.e4 ,cook+ 9 ! ,d>k ,recipes ,! ,cook+ 9 ! ,d>k ,recipe ,collec;n is compos$ ( favorites & family tradi;ns ( ! memb]s ( ! ,cook+ 9 ! ,d>k & bl cook ;e-mail li/s4 ,to ord] onl9e1 visit http3_/_/www4" bl9dmicem>t4com4 ,= addi;nal 9=ma;n1 s5d ;e-mail to cook+9!d>k@ah\/on4rr4com or 3tact ,dale ,campbell at "<#bha"> #dhf-#ahdj4 ,cook+ ,aprons ,available ,aprons f1tur+ ! logo ( a new televi.n %[1 8,cook+ ,)\t ,look+10 >e available = @s#bb4ie "<@s#ai4ie = #ajd ord]s ( #aj or m"> f ,vi.n ,_w ,f.da;n1 #abdaj ,,sw #aac ,lane1 ,miami1 ,,fl #ccahf4 ,po/age & h&l+ >e 9clud$ 9 ! price4 ,all[ #d to #f weeks = deliv]y4 ,wild ,?+s ,special ,tr1sures is hav+ a cle>.e sale on 8,babes ,9 ,! ,wild0 plu% & porcela9 dolls by ,%[/opp]s4 ,^! limit$ $i;n dolls h porcela9 faces & plu% bodies design$ to depict di6]5t animals4 ,ea* doll /&s approximately #i0 tall4 ,_m animals >e available4 ,ea* doll co/s @s#i4ie4 ,= 9=ma;n on availabil;y1 3tact ! company via ;e-mail1 spctr1s@afronti]net4net1 on ! web site1 www4spectr1sures4" com1 or via ph"o1 "<#ehe"> #bdd-#ehcg4 #aje ,new ,s*ol>%ip ,program ,! ,jewi% ,guild = ! ,bl rec5tly ann\nc$ ! cr1;n ( a new s*ol>%ip program = college-b.d hi< s*ool s5iors :o >e legally bl4 ,! ,guild,s*ol> ,program w aw>d ea* /ud5t select$ ) a ca% s*ol>%ip ( ab @s#ae1jjj4 ,! program has be5 cr1t$ 9 "p "? a g5]\s grant f ! ,j1nnette ,a4 ,kl>5mey] ,tru/4 ,z _m z #ae /ud5ts w 2 select$ = ! s*ol>%ips1 : w 2 aw>d$ = ! f/ "t = ! academic ye> 2g9n+ ,septemb] #bjjf4 ,! #bjjf s*ol>%ips >e op5 to all legally bl /ud5ts 5t]+ _! s5ior ye> ( hi< s*ool 9 fall #bjje4 ,/ud5ts m/ 2 ,u4,s4 citiz5s1 h an excell5t academic record1 2 able to demon/rate f9ancial ne$1 h exhibit$ l1d]%ip traits & h p]=m$ commun;y s]vice4 #ajf ,all applica;ns w 2 review$ & ! applicants judg$ by a s*ol>%ip selec;n committee4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 visit http3_/_/www4" jgb4org or call "<#bab"> #gfi- #fbcg4 ,to obta9 an applica;n1 3tact ,gordon ,rov9s via ;e- mail1 rov9sg@ajgb4org4 ,zoom,text ,update ,ai ,squ>$'s late/ ,zoom,text update1 v].n #h4aa4c1 is fully compatible ) ,s]vice ,pack #b4 ,o!r important fixes & 5h.e;ts >e al deliv]$ 9 ? update4 ,all us]s ( ,zoom,text #h4a >e 5c\rag$ to obta9 ! late/ ,zoom,text update rel1se1 ev5 if !y >e n 9/all+ ,s]vice ,pack #b4 ,? free update c 2 acquir$ onl9e us+ automatic updat+1 ! ,zoom,text update wiz>d1 or manual updat+ at ht" tp3_/_/www4aisqu>$4" #ajg com_/support_/updates4htm4 ,new ,religi\s ,publica;n ,available ,ord] a summ>y 9 brl " ( ! ,sev5 ,comm&;ts ( ,noah6 ,^! div9e laws date back to ,adam1 ,noah & ,abraham4 ,! %eets c 2 ord]$ = a limit$ "t at no *>ge4 ,s5d yr ord] by regul> mail to ,ask ,noah1 ,,po ,box #a1 ,pittsbur<1 ,,pa #aebcj4 ,or s5d an ;e-mail to ,sev5,laws@aasknoah4org4 ,visit http3_/_/www4" asknoah4org to le>n ab ! ,noahide fai? & ? gr[+ move;t1 & ab ,torah's messages = ,g5tiles 9 amaz+ dep?4 ,! web site l9ks to ! full text ( ! book 8,pa? ( ! ,"re\s ,g5tile10 : is al available f ,,rfb@&,d "<#a-#hjj-#bba- #dgib"> on reque/4 #ajh ,new ,magaz9e ,ea/ex ,a3ess is laun*+ a new mon?ly cassette magaz9e = ! bl4 ,? publica;n is call$ 8,love ,is ,bl10 ! audio magaz9e = s+les1 & w debut 9 ,febru>y #bjje4 ,if y wd l m 9=ma;n1 s5d an ;e-mail message to loveisbl9d@abl9dlikeme4com4 ,9 ! subject l9e1 type 8love is bl0 & ! company w ;e-mail y ! 9=ma;n4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 call #a-#hgg-#bbb-#jfgi4 ,sweep] @& ,p]fume ,c>pet sweep]1 simple to use1 no electric;y ne$$4 ,ask+ @s#fj1 : 9cludes %ipp+ & h&l+4 ,vanilla p]fume1 #a4ge fluid \nces1 @s#ag1 9cludes %ipp+ & h&l+4 ,if 9t]e/$1 call ,alice ,crespo at "<#gah"> #ede-#aebi or write to ,,po ,box #iagd1 ,l;g ,isl& ,c;y1 ,,ny #aaajc4 #aji ,! ,"w+ ,life ( an ,9dep5d5t ,bl ,woman3 ,annoy+ly ,9dep5d5t8 ,maybe 444 ,b ,y ,g1 ,girl66 by ,t$die-,joy ,remhild ,let me preface ? piece by /at+ t seek+ autonomy & 9dep5d;e = any woman 9 ! #bjth c5tury1 bl or sis has be5 an odyssey1 navigat+ "? a sea ( bur1ucratic /orms1 battles & o3a.nal an*orages at p1ce;l ports ( employ;t4 ,? odyssey 2gan ) an applica;n to ! ,de"p;t ( ,voca;nal ,rehabilita;n4 ,9 ^? "ds ! *oices = a bl woman 7 q limit$4 ,i am aw>e t _m bl m5 wd claim ! same #aaj re/rict$ opportunities4 ,:ile ? may 2 true to ! ext5t t any p]son ) a 4abil;y has fac$ b>ri]s to employ;t1 ! fact is t males h _h & / h an advantage1 simply by virtue ( _! g5d]4 ,z a bl woman1 ,i 0 limit$ to ! job *oices ( m$ical transcrib] or ,,bep v5dor4 ,i tri$ ! latt] = a ye> & _h to l1ve 2c ! l;g h\rs 7 9compatible ) my s+le p>5t responsibilities4 ,s ,i 5d$ up sp5d+ n9e ye>s z a m$ical transcrib] 9 ord] to support my ?ree "y *n4 ,? 0 a gd job1 pd ! bills & saw me & my kids "? ^? /ormy ye>s4 ,h["e1 x 0 n an opportun;y to fulfill my human pot5tial4 ,x 0 an 5try level1 d1d-5d job & ,i ne$$ m 9 my life4 ,n[ y ask1 8,:y >e y compla9+8 ,y _h a gd job & _m p ) or #aaa )\t 4abilities wd 2 satisfi$40 ,i h n"e b"\ 9to ! 3cept t 82+ satisfi$0 0 ! 5d-all ( my life j\rney4 ,"!=e1 ,i h travel$ _m risky roads1 keep+ 9 m9d t ? is my v [n "o life & ,i w sp5d x 2+ ! be/ & ! mo/ ,i c be4 ,! "q t has travel$ ^? roads ) me has be5 :o or :at def9es ! sum total ( my 2+3 my values1 my *oices1 my ne$s1 my joys8 ,& ! answ] is alw1 8,y1 ,t$die-,joy1 y >e ! keep] ( ? def9i;n40 ,"!=e1 ,i h _h a "s:at speckl$ #cj-ye> "w+ life1 b excit+ & alw fill$ ) self-4cov]ies & epiphanies4 ,i sp5t n9e ye>s z a m$ical transcrib]1 "o ye> z a v5dor1 five ye>s z a recr1;n director ) ! ,de"p;t ( ,recr1;n & ,p>ks1 two ye>s z an advocate = ! ,cli5t ,assi/.e ,program1 "o ye> z a ,,cap tra9]1 & ! la/ f\r ye>s z a #aab commun;y liaison & 4abil;y "rs advocate4 ,9 2t ,i sp5t "t 2+ unemploy$ & five ye>s go+ back to college at ! age ( #di & graduat+ at age #ed ) a degree 9 g]ontology4 ,x is c]ta9ly true t _m bur1ucratic sy/ems h assi/$ me 9 ? j\rney1 b ,i h alw made ! life *oices4 ,!y h n alw be5 "os ( : ! sy/ems approv$4 ,i don't h ! "t to wait on ei sy/emic or popul> approval4 ,af ^! #cj-plus ye>s1 ,i am exce$+ly pl1s$ & pr\d ( ! woman ,i h 2come4 ,my values1 ne$s1 *oices & joys h all be5 [n$ by me al"o & ,i celebrate t a*ieve;t6 ,! sorr[s & pa9 9 life _c 2 escap$1 b ,i live x all ) commit;t to my 9dep5d;e & autonomy4 #aac ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op ,= ,sale3 ,p[]-,brl #dj refre%able brl 4play4 ,gd 3di;n4 ,ask+ @s#a1ejj4 ,pl1se write to ,sutt] at bv#djg@afreeshell4" org4 ,= ,sale3 ,ultra-slim ,to%iba ,c5tr9o notebook1 #a4f_/#b4h ,,d drive1 fully 9tegrat$ wire.s1 only six p.ds4 ,? hi<-5d notebook comput] 9cludes 9/all$ newe/ v].n ( ,,jaws1 ,kurzweil #h4j1 ,w9d[s ,,xp1 ,(fice ,,xp ) ,^w1 ,r1l ,play] #aj1 ,w9,amp & a #b1ejj-plus s;g music libr>y4 ,tons ( s(tw>e 9clud+ ,norton ,antivirus4 ,9cludes fully transf]able ?ree-ye> w>ranty4 ,ask+ @s#b1ijj #aad or be/ (f]4 ,call "<#ega"> #bgf-#fjhe or ;e-mail alfr$4" du*>me@av]izon4net to 9quire4 ,= ,sale3 ,brl ';n ,sp1k #fdj ) mat*+ disk drive4 ,s(tw>e updat$ 9 ,june #bjjb2 batt]y replac$ la/ ye>4 ,comes ) manuals & all cables4 ,ask+ @s#hjj4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 call "<#caf"> #fee- #gijd1 or ;e- mail rrom9e#b@acox4net4 ,= ,sale3 ,two sets ( ,bible 3cord.es1 brl1 ,old & ,new ,te/a;t4 ,make an (f]4 ,w trade = gospel hymns & patriotic s;gs 9 brl1 ) or )\t music4 ,s"eal brl comput] manuals1 9clud+ "o by ,pet] ,duran4 ,3tact ,solomon ,mekonn5 at "<#gbg"> #ich-#ffib4 #aae ,= ,sale3 ,web/]'s ,new ,_w ,dic;n>y ( ! ,am]ican ,language 9 #gb brl volumes4 ,r1sonable (f]s welcome4 ,call ,b>ry or ,l\ise ,wood at "<#bja"> #hfh-#cccf4 ,= ,sale3 ,brl,note4 ,?ree ye>s old2 b>ely us$4 ,has comput] keybo>d & refre%able brl 4play4 ,f1tures 9clude3 ^w process+1 ;e-mail & ,9t]net a3ess1 book r1d]1 sci5tific calculator1 & m4 ,ask+ @s#a1gjj or be/ (f]4 ,,ups po/age is 9clud$ ) price4 ,3tact ,empi% at empi%@a" bells\?4net or "<#ggj"> #iha- #cfgc4 ,= ,sale3 ,bible on tape1 ,new & ,old ,te/a;ts4 ,ask+ @s#ej4 ,3tact ,patricia ,smi? at #aaf "<#iai"> #cji-#acea1 or write to h] at #cajj ,]w9 ,rd41 ,room #bjb1 ,durham1 ,,nc #bggje4 ,= ,sale3 ,type ';n ,sp1k4 ,comes ) brl1 pr9t & tape manuals1 fla% memory4 ,orig9ally b"\ 9 fall #bjjj2 us$ v ll4 ,ask+ @s#gjj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,bob ,clayton 9 brl or on tape at #gae ;,w4 #aath ,st41 ,c$> ,falls1 ,,ia #ejfac2 ph"o "<#cai"> #bgg-#hbij4 ,= ,sale3 ,brl ,lite #dj 9 excell5t 3di;n4 ,9cludes p>allel pr9t] cable1 disk drive w_/cable1 case = bo? units1 ,5gli%_/,spani% languages1 & program disks4 ,ask+ @s#a1ejj4 ,w a3ept m"oy ord] or ca%i]'s *eck4 ,3tact ,julia at #aag julesag@acox4net4 ,= ,sale3 ,ext]nal disk drive = notetak]s l ! ,brl,note or ! ,brl ,lite4 ,ask+ @s#cjj4 ,two brlrs1 @s#cej ea*1 9 grt 3di;n4 ,3tact ,rob]t at "<#eaj"> #hdi-#cecg4 ,= ,sale3 ,brl ';n ,sp1k disk drive1 ye> #bjjj1 n"e us$4 ,ask+ @s#cjj "4 ,3tact ;,b4 ,lovett at "<#gaf"> #fie- #jjec4 ,= ,sale3 ,aladd9 ,ra9b[ r1d+ ma*9e ) #ad-9* scre51 full color1 six ye>s old4 ,9 excell5t 3di;n4 ,ask+ @s#a1bjj4 ,3tact ,bo2ie or ,c>l ,f>r+ton at "<#caj"> #fjh-#gfjf4 #aah ,= ,sale3 ,"o recondi;n$ brl writ] ) h+$ h>d cov]4 ,ask+ @s#dej4 ,m ?an #fj ,9sul-gauges ) two cu/om-made wood5 jewelry cases1 two ,m$i-cool]s1 & two addi;nal freez] trays = ! 9side ( ! cool]s4 ,ask+ @s#abe = ! :ole package1 or @s#e p] gauge4 ,3tact ,rob]t ,ziegl] at "<#gfc"> #ecg-#hjjj4 ,= ,sale3 ,alva #chj brl t]m9al ) backpack c>ry+ case & cables4 ,cl1n$ & s]vic$ #b ye>s ago4 ,9 excell5t 3di;n4 ,ask+ @s#d1jjj plus %ipp+ or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,david ,r$man at "<#fbf"> #cci-#jhje or via ;e- mail1 dav]$man@a*>t]4net4 #aai ,,acb ,(fic]s ,presid5t ,*ri/oph] ,gray #id ,ramona ,ave4 ,san ,francisco1 ,,ca #idajc ,f/ ,vice ,presid5t ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt #gcbj ,dixon ,unit #bjd ,=e/ ,p>k1 ,,il #fjacj ,second ,vice ,presid5t ,mit* ,pom]antz #aaae ,cordova ,/reet _?#djb ,pasad5a1 ,,ca #iaajf ,secret>y ,donna ,selig] #ciab ,,se #eth ,st4 ,des ,mo9es1 ,,ia #ejcae ,tr1sur] ,>dis ,bazyn #ejj ;,s4 #crd ,st4 #abj _?,h ,burbank1 ,,ca #iaejb ,imm ,pa/ ,presid5t ,paul ,$w>ds #bjccj ,,ne #bjth ,ct4 ,miami1 ,,fl #ccagi ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors ,alan ,b1tty1 ,=t ,coll9s1 ,,co ,$ ,bradley1 ,h\/on1 ,,tx ,brian ,*>lson1 ,wat]t[n1 ,,ma ,billie ,j1n ,kei?1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,oral ,mill]1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc ,c>la ,rus*ival1 ,l\isville1 ,,ky ,patrick ,%eehan1 ,silv] ,spr+1 ,,md ,naomi ,s\le1 ,st4 ,l\is1 ,,mo ,cyn?ia ,t[]s1 ,s1ttle1 ,,wa #aba ,david ,trott1 ,talladega1 ;,,al ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns ,*>les ,hodge1 ,*airp]son1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,c9dy ,burgett1 ,brem]ton1 ,,wa ,adrian ,de ,blaey1 ,milwaukee1 ,,wi ,mike ,duke1 ,jackson1 ,,ms ,de,anna ,noriega1 ,colorado ,spr+s1 ,,co ,ex ,(ficios3 ,ralph ,s&]s1 ,vanc\v]1 ,,wa ,janelle ,$w>ds1 ,manhattan1 ,,ks #abb