,,! ,,brl ,,=um ,9 ,"o ,"p ,pages ;i-;vii & #a-eg ,,! ,,am]ican ,,c\ncil ,,( ,,! ,,bl ,,/rives ,,6,,9cr1se ,,! ,,9dep5d;e1 ,,secur;y1 ,,equal;y ,,( ,,opportun;y1 ,,& ,,6,,improve ,,qual;y ,,( ,,life ,,= ,,all ,,bl ,,& ,,visu,y ,,impair$ ,,p4 ,publi%$ by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,volume ,,xlix ,octob] #bjaj ,no4 #d ,copy"r #bjaj ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,,special ,,symbols ;iii ,,us$ ,,9 ,,? ,,volume ^t ,tradem>k4 ,' 7#f1 #c7 ,t]m9,n sign4 _/ ,sla%4 @9 ,9* sign4 @& ,amp]s&4 _? ,crosshat*4 ,-put] ,brl ,code _+ ,2g9 ,-put] ,brl ,code4 @ 7#d7 ,at sign4 . 7#d-f7 ,p]iod4 _: ,5d ,-put] ,brl ,code4 : ,colon4 / ,sla%4 _& ,3t9u,n 9dicator4 - 7#c-f7 ,hyph54 _ 7#d-e-f7 ,%ift 9dicator4 ,numb]s 1 7#b7 #a4 4 7#b-e-f7 #d4 9 7#c-e7 #i4 ,,! ,,brl ,,=um ^t is availa# 9 brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half-spe$ f\r-track cassette tape1 data ;,,cd1 & via ;e- mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 a4ress *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = public,n %d 2 s5t 6,%>on ,lover+ at ! a4ress on ! back cov]1 or via ;e-mail to _+slovering@acb.org_:4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ^t is a memb]%ip organiz,n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,6jo91 visit ! ,,acb web site & -plete an applic,n =m1 or 3tact ! n,nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ on ! back cov]4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax- deducti#1 c 2 s5t 6,mike ,god9o at ! mail+ a4ress on ! back cov]4 ,if y wi% 6rememb] a relative or fr1 ! n,nal (fice c make pr9t$ c>ds availa# = ? purpose4 ,6rememb] ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t1 y may 9clude a special p>agraph = t purpose4 ,if yr wi%es >e -plex1 3tact ! ,,acb n,nal (fice4 ,jo9 ! ,mon?ly ,m"ot>y ,support 7,,mms7 ,program & help improve ;v tm td 9 ,,acb4 ,3tact ,ron ,milliman 0;e-mail1 _+rmilliman@insightbb.com_:1 or 0ph"o at 7#bgj7 #ghb-icbe & get />t$ mak+ tm look b"r] td6 ,6make a 3tribu;n 6,,acb via ! ,-b9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #aaaee4 ,=! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll- free at 7#hjj7 #dbd-hfff1 #e p4m4 6midniy =! #bjaa ,midye> ,meet+s & ,legislative ,sem9>1 0,melanie ,brunson """""" #g ,cl9ical ,trial ,recruit;t """"""" #aj ,summ>y ( ,pre-,3v5;n ,bo>d ,meet+1 0,m>cia ,dress] """""""" #aj ,3v5;n ,wrap-,up ,>ticle1 ,"p ,i1 0,%>on ,lover+ & ,j59e ,/anley """""""""""""""""""""""" #ag ,"h & ,"!1 $it$ 0,sue ,li*t5fels #dc ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op """"""""""""" #eb ,,correc;n ;vii ,due 6an $it+ ]ror1 ! web site li/$ = ,guide ,dogs =! ,bl 9 ! ,septemb] 8,"h & ,"!0 column 78,prescrip;n ,4c.ts = ,,gdb ,graduates07 0 9correct4 ,! correct web site is _+www.guidedogs.com_:4 333333333333 ,,=um ,,subscrip;n ,,notes ,y c n[ get 8,! ,brl ,=um0 0podca/6 ,6subscribe1 g to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 page on _+www.acb.org_:4 ,if y d n yet h a podca/ cli5t1 y c d[nload "o f ! ,=um page4 ,6subscribe to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 via ;e-mail1 g to _+www.acb.org/mailman/_& listinfo/brailleforum-_l_:4 333333333333 ,,>e ,,y ,,mov+8 ,,d ,,y ,,want ,,6,,*ange ,,yr ,,subscrip;n8 ,3tact ,%>on ,lover+ 9 ! ,,acb n,nal (fice1 #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 or via ;e- mail1 _+slovering@acb.org_:4 ,give h] ! 9=m,n1 & %e'll take c>e (! *anges = y4 ,,presid5t's ,,report ,,6,,! #a ,,n,nal ,,3v5;n1 ,,"p ,,ii 0,mit* ,pom]antz ,"h is ! second 9/all;t ( my report 6! memb]%ip at \r 3f];e & 3v5;n 9 ,july4 ,transport,n1 public & o!rwise1 is ano!r ( \r *all5ges & c]ta9ly critical 6! k9d ( lives we l1d4 ,dra/ic reduc;ns 9 fund+ = public transit & p>atransit s]vices h made gett+ >.d extremely pro#matic 9 _m "ps (! c.try4 ,"s major cities h all b elim9at$ non- p1k h\r bus s]vice & z we "k1 p>atransit does n op]ate :5 fix$-r\te s]vice /ops4 ,s1 h[ d we get 6"w1 or :]"e x is we ne$ 6g8 ,ov] ! pa/ few ye>s1 ev5 /epp+ \ ( \r front doors has 2come a *all5ge )! adv5t ( hybrid & electric vehicles4 ,z y "k1 ,,acb actively advocat$ = passage ( ,h4,r4 #gcd & ,s4 #hda1 ! ,p$e/rian ,safety ,5h.e;t ,act4 ,? legisl,n wd require ! transport,n secret>y 63duct a /udy 6e/abli% /&>ds = m9imum s.d 9=m,n nec 6be 3vey$ 6bl & visu,y impair$ p$e/rians 0hybrid vehicles4 ,:ile bo? bills 7 attract+ significant numb]s ( co-sponsors1 _! futures 7 / uncle>4 ,5t] ,toyota &! n,nal upro> ov] ! safety ( xs automobiles4 ,h4,r4 #echa & ,s4 #ccjb--! ,motor ,vehicle ,safety ,act ( #bjaj--w]e 9troduc$ 9 ,may & ,june1 respectively1 &! language 3ta9$ 9 #gcd & #hda 0 am5d$ 96^? bills4 ,!y 7 approv$ 0_! -mittees ( orig9 & >e expect$ 6pass ! ,h\se & ,s5ate %ortly4 ,z "! >e "s m9or di6];es 2t ! two v].ns 7al? n 9 ! hybrid vehicle language71 !y w likely ne$ 6be reconcil$ 9 3f];e -mittee4 ,n"o!.s1 ,,acb & all bl p %d h "s?+ 6celebrate 0! "t ,3gress recesses lat] ? ye>4 ,a3ess 69=m,n is a broad category & "o : 9cr1s+ly a6ects e aspect ( \r lives4 ,x is al ! >ea 9 : ,,acb has seem+ly be5 ! mo/ active s9ce \r la/ 3v5;n4 ,x is ironic t z m ( u ga9 a3ess 6-put]s &! ,9t]net1 we seem 65c.t] grt] ob/acles 6a3ess+ t #c wond];l m$ium ( -munic,ns1 $uc,n & j pla9 fun4 ,x's t old d.e3 two /eps =w>d & "o &a half /eps back6 ,b1 we >e mak+ progress4 ,= />t]s1 ,,acb has "w$ ) ,la9ey ,fe9gold & ,l9da ,d>d>ian = ov] #ae ye>s 6ga9 a3ess 6web sites & 6assure privacy 9 3duct+ transac;ns at t5s ( ?\s&s ( busi;ses >.d ! c.try4 ,0us+ a /rategy !y develop$ "kn z 8/ructur$ negoti,ns0 6a*ieve 5h.ed a3ess 6gds & s]vices = bl & visu,y impair$ p1 ,la9ey & ,l9da h made ! lives ( ea* & e "o ( u t m* bett]4 ,z !y w 2 sp1k+ ab _! su3esses on ,tues"d morn+1 ,i'll say no m except 6ask y 6give !m a big ,,acb h& = _! ef=ts on \r 2half4 ,9 ,octob]1 ! judge 9 ,,acb,''s suit ag/ ! ,social ,secur;y ,adm9i/r,n r5d]$ a favora# deci.n1 "o : requires ,,ssa 6provide bl & visu,y impair$ recipi5ts & repres5tative payees lrs & o!r writt5 9=m,n 9 brl &_/or on ;,,cd4 ,subsequ5tly1 al? n m&at$ 0! judge1 ,social ,secur;y has 9dicat$ xs will+;s 6provide s* 9=m,n 9 l>ge pr9t & audiocassette z well4 ,,acb [es a huge 8?ank y0 6\r executive director1 ,melanie ,brunson1 al;g ) ,>l5e ,may]son1 l1d attorney = ,,dredf1 ! ,4abil;y ,"rs ,$uc,n & ,def5se ,fund1 = _! ef=ts on ,,acb,''s 2half4 ,we've won a trem5d\s victory1 ( : we may all 2 extremely pr\d4 ,w$nes"d "? ,fri"d ( ? week1 an attorney f ,,dredf w 2 "h 6assi/ ^? ( y :o h yet 6sign up 6rcv a3essi# 9=m,n f ,,ssa4 ,! l;g-await$ ,tr1sury ,de"p;t report--compil$ 0! 3sultant "s ( y met ) at ! #bjjh n,nal 3v5;n 9 ,l\isville --was rel1s$ la/ ,augu/ 7note3 #bjji74 ,9 ,may1 ! ,bur1u ( ,5grav+ & ,pr9t+ issu$ xs ,notice ( ,propos$ ,rule- ,mak+ bas$ on ,tr1sury's report4 ,,acb has s]i\s 3c]ns ab bo? ! report &! ,,nprm &)! assi/.e ( \r attorney1 ,je6rey ,lovitky1 we >e prep>+ -;ts on ! latt] docu;t4 ,z ,i 9dicat$ 9 my report la/ ye>1 ,,acb jo9$ ) approximately #cj #e o!r organiz,ns 9 ! ,r1d+ ,"rs ,coali;n 6press ,amazon--manufactur] (! ,k9dle ;,e-,book ,r1d]--6m>ket a fully a3essi# device1 &! ,au?ors ,guild--: direct$ ,amazon 6turn (f ! text-to- spee* f1ture =a significant numb] ( xs ;e-book selec;ns--6reconsid] xs directive4 ,)! ,k9dle's m5us 9a3essi# &! text-to-spee* f1ture 4a#d = mo/ books1 ! ,,acb bo>d ( directors felt t x 0 critical = u 62come 9volv$ ) ? coali;n ef=t4 ,& 9 ,june ( #bjji1 ,,acb jo9$ )! ,,nfb 6*all5ge ,>izona ,/ate ,univ]s;y &1 9directly1 a numb] ( o!r univ]sities : *ose 6use ! 9a3essi# ,k9dle 9 s"eal ( _! classes4 ,i'll say no m ab ^! activities z immly foll[+ ? report1 we h a v special gue/3 ,daniel ,gold/e91 ! attorney =! ,r1d+ ,"rs ,coali;n1 :o w update u on xs activities4 ,ano!r significant legislative 9itiative 9volves \r "w 6pass ,h4,r4 #caja1 ! #ba/ ,c5tury ,-munic,ns & ,video ,a3essibil;y ,act4 ,? bill does a numb] ( ?+s 6make cell ph"os1 on- scre5 m5us & em]g5cy notices & movies m a3essi#4 ,rec5tly a simil> piece ( legisl,n1 ,s4 #ccjd1 0 9troduc$ 9 ! ,s5ate4 ,:ile n z /r;g z ! ,h\se bill1 x seems 6h legs z !y say & la/ mon?1 a he>+ on #ccjd 0 held4 ,z 0 ! case 9 #bjjh1 ,,acb memb] & ,iraq ,w> vet]an ,jesse ,aco/a te/ifi$ on \r 2half4 ,once ag1 ?ank y1 ,jesse4 ,x is \r "u/&+ t "! is an excell5t *.e t ,s4 #ccjd w 2 pass$1 p]h z soon z ,july #bf?1 ! #bj? anniv]s>y (! passage (! ,,ada4 ,,acb 3t9ues 6be actively 9volv$ on ! 9t]n,nal sc5e z a memb] (! ,_w ,bl ,union4 ,ov] ! pa/ s"eal mon?s \r 5]gies h be5 focus$ on advocat+ =! free ex*ange ( brl mat]ials "? \r "picip,n 9 ! ,_w ,9tellectual ,prop]ty ,organiz,n4 ,bo? ,melanie & ,]ic ,bridges h att5d$ meet+s 9 ,g5eva1 ,switz]l& 6advocate = support (a tr1ty : wd gu>antee op5 a3ess 6copy"r$ mat]ial acr 9t]n,nal bord]s4 #g ,,acb ,radio is alive & well "u ! a# l1d]%ip ( xs manag+ director1 ,l>ry ,turnbull4 ,x r1*es hundr$s ( li/5]s weekly ) ,,acb,''s positive message ab bl;s & bl p1 & ,i 5c\rage ^? ( y ) a3ess 6! ,9t]net 6give x a li/51 if y've n d"o s alr4 ,"p ,,iii w appe> 9 ! ,novemb] issue4 ,,cap;n ,,acb ,presid5t ,mit* ,pom]antz pres5ts 8 report 6! annual 3f];e & 3v5;n at ! ,phoenix ,d[nt[n ,%]aton4 ,he /&s 2h a lect]n on ! /age 9 front (! room2 2h hm is a bann] r1d+ 8,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl40 333333333333 ,,jo9 ,,u ,,9 ,,febru>y ,,= ,,! #bjaa ,,midye> ,,meet+s ,,& ,,legislative ,,sem9> 0,melanie ,brunson ,y may f9d x h>d 62lieve1 b #bjaa w 2 "h soon] ?an y ?9k4 ,9 ,febru>y ( t new ye>1 ,,acb w once ag 2 hold+ a s]ies ( important meet+s1 & "ey"o :o is 9t]e/$ 9 ,,acb & xs legislative ag5da %d 2g9 mak+ plans 6att5d at l1/ "o ( ^! meet+s4 ,:58 ,fri"d1 ,feb4 #be "? ,tues"d1 ,m>* #a1 #bjaa4 ,! midye> meet+ (! ,,acb bo>d ( directors w 2 held on ,fri"d1 ,feb4 #be4 ,foll[+ ! bo>d meet+1 "! w 2 a meet+ ( a6iliate presid5ts or _! repres5tatives4 ,? w 2g9 on ,satur"d1 ,feb4 #bf & 3clude >.d noon on ,sun"d1 ,feb4 #bg4 ,! legislative sem9> w 2g9 on ,sun"d afn1 ,feb4 #bg & 3clude on ,tues"d1 ,m>* #a ) visits 6,3gres.nal (fices4 ,":8 ,! loc,n w once ag 2 ! ,holi"d ,9n ,n,nal ,airport1 9 ,>l+ton1 ,va4-- ! same hotel we us$ la/ ye>4 ,room rates >e 4#aai p] ni* #b4 ,x is n too e>ly 6make yr hotel res]v,ns4 ,rooms c 2 res]v$ 0call+ ei #a-hjj- ;holiday1 or 0call+ ! hotel directly1 at 7#gjc7 #fhd-gbjj4 ,:5 y call1 2 c]ta9 6m5;n t y >e "p (! ,am]ican #i ,c\ncil (! ,bl s ! hotel w "k 6give y \r room rate4 ,"! >e ?ree airports t c 2 us$ 6get 6! hotel1 9clud+ ,wa%+ton-,r1gan ,n,nal1 ,dulles1 & ,baltimore 7,,bwi74 ,"! is a free %uttle t runs 2t ! hotel & ,wa%+ton-,r1gan ,airport4 ,a4i;nal details ab regi/r,n & programs = ^! meet+s w 2 made availa# z !y >e "w$ \1 b we want$ 6all[ "ey"o pl5ty ( "t 62g9 mak+ plans 6jo9 u = ^! meet+s4 ,,acb is 2g9n+ xs #ej? ye> z a l1d+ advocate = p :o >e bl1 & we >e hope;l t _m ( y w help u set \r ag5da = ? hi/oric ye> & 2y4 ,"! w al 2 a new ,3gress 9 ses.n4 ,yr assi/.e is ess5tial if we >e 6su3e$ 9 gett+ !m 6"u/& & move ,,acb,''s legislative ag5da =w>d4 ,pl1se make plans 6jo9 u4 ,res]ve yr room at ! hotel e>ly s y don't =get4 ,!n1 /ay tun$ = m excit+ details ab :at w 2 on ! ag5das = ea* ev5t4 ,see y 9 ,febru>y6 333333333333 ,,cl9ical ,,trial ,,recruit;t ,>e y bl ) no li* 6evaluate a new 9ve/ig,nal tr1t;t = 9somnia & "d"t sleepi;s 9 tot,y bl 9dividuals4 ,y may qualify if3 y >e 2t #ah & #ge ye>s ( age y >e bl ) no liy ,,( ,,pre-3v5;n ,,bo>d ,,meet+ 0,m>cia ,dress] ,! ,,acb bo>d ( directors held xs pre-3v5;n bo>d meet+ on #aa ,satur"d1 ,july #aj at ! ,d[nt[n ,%]aton ,hotel 9 ,phoenix1 ,>iz4 ,all bo>d memb]s 7 pres5t except ,cammie ,vloedman1 :o 0 una# 6att5d ! 3v5;n 2c ( "w responsibilities4 ,presid5t ,mit* ,pom]antz 3v5$ ! meet+ at #aa3ae a4m4 ,m.ta9 "t4 ,david ,trott mov$ 6adopt ! meet+ ag5da z 4tribut$1 & ,m>la9a ,lieb]g second$2 ! mo;n c>ri$ unanim\sly4 ,trott mov$ & ,billie ,j1n ,kei? second$ a mo;n 6a3ept ! m9utes (! ,june teleconf];e2 ? mo;n al pass$ unanim\sly4 ,9 8 presid5t's report1 ,pom]antz sd t two ,,usc /ud5ts 9t]view$ six bl & visu,y impair$ hi< s*ool /ud5ts =a film !y >e mak+ call$ 8,d ,y ,dr1m 9 ,color80 ,he hopes t we c scre5 ! film at ! #bjaa 3v5;n if x is produc$4 ,af att5d+ ! #bj? anniv]s>y celebr,n =! ,am]icans ) ,4abilities ,act 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c41 on ,july #bf1 he & ,melanie ,brunson w h1d 6,m9n1polis 6visit ! ,,acb (fice "!4 ,9 clos+1 ,pom]antz ?ank$ ! five memb]s -plet+ t]ms on ! bo>d = _! s]vice4 7,ray ,campbell & ,jeff ,?om >e eligi# =a second t]m4 ,c>la ,rus*ival & ,patrick ,%eehan >e rotat+ (f ! bo>d af -plet+ two t]ms4 ,vloedman is n eligi# =a second t]m 2c %e mov$ 6,virg9ia1 ": ,kei? resides47 ,campbell mov$ 6a3ept ! presid5t's report1 & ,lieb]g second$ ! mo;n1 : c>ri$ unanim\sly4 ,brunson 2gan h] executive director's report 0/at+ t ,patricia ,ca/illo & ,d5a ,wilson wi%$ 63vey t !y 5joy$ _! "t at ,,acb & appreciat$ ! opportun;y 6"w )& get 6"k ,,acb memb]s & /aff4 ,%e w 2 recruit+ = ,ca/illo's posi;n %ortly4 ,! ,social ,secur;y ,adm9i/r,n has exp&$ ! types ( =mats availa# = a3essi# /ate;ts 2c s _m p ask$ = l>ge pr9t4 ,! ,_w ,9tellectual ,prop]ty ,organiz,n is attempt+ 6craft a tr1ty 6all[ a3essi# files 6be %>$ 9t]n,n,y4 ,! ,_w ,bl ,union propos$ ! tr1ty1 & ,,acb is tak+ a l1d role 9 attempt+ 6get x pass$4 ,brunson sd x 0 v mov+ 6meet p 9 ,g5eva & he> _! #ac /ories ( h[ desp]ately !y ne$ r1d+ mat]ial4 ,reg>d+ legisl,n1 ,]ic ,bridges ?9ks t ,h4,r4 #gcd & xs -panion bill ,s4 #gda1 ! ,motor ,vehicle ,safety ,act1 %d bo? pass 0! 5d ( ,july4 ,,acb,''s language is 9 bo? bills4 ,! resolu;n ?ank+ ,apple =! i,ph"o has be5 %>$ ) an ,apple executive4 ,! vehicle don,n legisl,n1 ,h4,r4 #ega1 is 9t5d$ 6relax ,,irs laws t 7 tis ago 2c p 7 tak+ advantage (a loophole4 ,x has be5 ref]r$ 6! ,h\se ,ways & ,m1ns ,-mittee4 ,al? x has #aej bi"pisan co-sponsors1 x w probably n g any": ? ye>4 ,! ,,acb resolu;n on h1l? c>e direct$ ! /aff 6make ,3gress aw>e (! specific ne$s ( bl & visu,y impair$ p & t ^! 2 put 96any h1l? c>e legisl,n2 un=tunately1 ? did n happ54 ,bridges w 3t9ue 6br+ ^! issues 6,3gress4 ,h4,r4 #caja1 ! ,tw5ty-f/ ,c5tury ,-munic,ns & ,video ,a3essibil;y ,act1 & xs ,s5ate -panion bill1 ,s4 #ccjd1 h ga9$ mo;tum s9ce ! memb]s ( ,3gress f9,y r1lize ! import.e ( ? issue4 ,! goal is 6get ? legisl,n pass$ 9 3junc;n )! #bj? anniv]s>y (! sign+ (! ,,ada1 hope;lly ) ,,fcc au?or;y & provi.ns =! d1f-bl 9tact4 ,%>on ,lover+ report$ t circul,n (! ,brl ,=um is d[n 9 all =mats except ;e-mail1 : is up #g.f p]c5t4 ,! brl edi;n is ! hid 5t]ta9$ bids f ,columbus1 ,ohio1 & ,las ,vegas1 ,nevada1 6ho/ ! #bjac & #bjad n,nal 3v5;ns4 ,foll[+ ^! teleph"o pres5t,ns1 ,trott mov$ t ! #bjac 3v5;n 2 held 9 ,columbus1 & t a deci.n on #bjad 2 def]r$ until ,rus*ival *ecks \ a la/- m9ute bid f ,atlanta4 ,! mo;n 0 second$ 0,m>%a ,f>r[ & pass$ unanim\sly4 ,! bo>d w meet via 3f];e call 9 mid-,augu/ 6make a deci.n on ! site (! #bjad 3v5;n4 ,b]l ,colley report$ t he1 #ae ,lieb]g1 & ,>dis ,bazyn _h a v productive visit 6,idaho 9 ,may4 ,a "o-"d sem9> w 2 held ? fall1 & mon?ly 3f];e calls w 2 organiz$4 ,hope;lly1 a core gr\p ( folks f ,idaho1 9clud+ pot5tial (fic]s1 w att5d ! #bjaa 3v5;n4 ,gray mov$ t ! report 2 a3ept$1 & ,campbell second$2 ! mo;n c>ri$4 ,next1 a l5g?y 4cus.n 5su$ 3c]n+ ,,acb life memb]%ips4 ,lane ,wat]s has be5 a# 6rec\p q a bit (! \t/&+ m"oy f 9/all;t pay;ts4 ,billie ,j1n ,kei? made ! foll[+ mo;n3 ,p]sons w 2 9/all$ z life memb]s (! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl :5 full pay;t is rcvd4 ,^? :o vot$ =! mo;n 7 ,dillon1 ,lieb]g1 ,god9o1 ,campbell1 ,f>r[1 ,g>rett1 ,kei?1 ,rus*ival1 & ,%eehan2 ^? oppos$ 7 ,*>lson1 ,gray1 ,colley1 ,?om1 & ,trott4 ,campbell w expla9 ? new policy 9 an >ticle he w write = 8,! ,brl ,=um40 ,l>ry ,turnbull1 director ( ,,acb ,radio1 report$ t ,ma9/r1m n[ has a m* bett] s.d qual;y1 especi,y dur+ live %[s4 ,he is "w+ on gett+ ,tr1sure ,trove back 9 h\se4 ,s9ce he took ov] z director1 he has a4$ eiy celebr,n ( ,5*ant$ ,hills ,camp 9 ,cali=nia1 : _h #fj li/5]s1 &! p]=m.e (! ,ohio ,s*ool =! ,bl m>*+ b& at ! ,rose ,b[l ,p>ade1 : _h #de li/5]s4 ,lieb]g mov$ 6a3ept ,turnbull's report & ,?om second$2 ! mo;n c>ri$4 ,brunson & ,*>lson report$ t ! new h&book =! bo>d ( directors %d 2 r1dy %ortly af 3v5;n4 ,organiz,ns t fund /rategic plann+ w 2 rese>*$4 ,trott mov$ a3ept.e ( ? report & ,lieb]g second$2 ! mo;n c>ri$4 ,mi*ael ,g>rett ann\nc$ t1 un=tunately1 "! is no fund+ =! propos$ y\? sem9>1 : 0 6be held 9 #bjaa4 ,he & 8 -mittee w 3t9ue 6seek fund+ )! #ag goal ( hold+ ? ev5t 9 #bjab4 ,lieb]g mov$ a3ept.e ( ? report1 & ,trott second$2 ! mo;n c>ri$4 ,! bo>d ( directors -m5d$ ,c>la ,rus*ival = fanta/ic 3v5;n plann+4 ,m>g>9e ,b1man rais$ ov] 4#ge1jjj = ? 3v5;n6 ,foll[+ a %ort 4cus.n (! bo>d ( directors ;e-mail li/1 ! meet+ adj\rn$ at #e p4m4 ,m.ta9 "t4 333333333333 ,,acb ,,memb]s ,,4cov] ,,tr1sures ,,9 ,,phoenix1 ,,"p #a 0,%>on ,lover+ & ,j59e ,/anley ,! !me ( ? ye>'s 3v5;n 0 8,4cov] ! ,tr1sures ( ,,acb10 & ^? :o att5d$ f.d _m tr1sures1 f ! t\rs 79clud+ "o 6! ,gr& ,canyon7 6! auc;n1 f g5]al ses.ns 6! banquet1 & 9 ! _m special-9t]e/ a6iliate ev5ts4 ,,sun"d 8,ladies & g5tlem51 ,i call ! #di? annual 3v5;n (! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl 6ord]60 sd ,mit* ,pom]antz4 ,he ?ank$ ,rod ,ellickson ( ,peoria1 ,>iz41 = provid+ ! pre-ses.n 5t]ta9;t4 8,welcome 6"ey"o :o is ) u ? ev5+1 & welcome 6^? ( y li/5+ on ,,acb ,radio1 ! voice (! bl >.d ! _w60 ,foll[+ ! 9voc,n1 ! pres5t,n ( colors1 ! ,pl$ge ( ,allegi.e &! n,nal an!m1 ,m>*elle ,frankl91 deputy *ief ( /aff =! mayor's (fice1 welcom$ att5dees 6,phoenix4 8,gd ev5+ 6"ey"o10 ,frankl9 sd4 8,on 2half ( c;y ( ,phoenix mayor ,phil ,gordon1 \r eiizona ,c\ncil (! ,bl1 8,we welcome y 6,phoenix1 & we welcome y 6! grt /ate ( ,>izona40 ,he ?ank$ ,b>b>a ,mc,donald &! local ho/ -mittee = all _! "w4 #ai ,foll[+ ,brooks' greet+1 ,,acb presid5t ,mit* ,pom]antz gave 8 report4 7,=! full text ( ,pom]antz's report1 see ! ,septemb]1 ,octob]1 & ,novemb] issues47 ,f ! presid5t's report1 ! 3v5;n mov$ on 6! topic ( ;e-books &! ,r1d+ ,"rs ,coali;n ) ,daniel ,gold/e91 a "pn] ( ,br[n1 ,gold/e9 & ,levy4 8,! la/ "t ,i 0 9 ,phoenix1 ,i 0 def5d+ ,mit*'s deposi;n & ,m>c ,maur]'s deposi;n back 6back 9 ! suit we _h fil$ ag/ ,>izona ,/ate ,univ]s;y ov] ! ,k9dle10 ,gold/e9 sd4 ,he told 8 li/5]s t ov] ! la/ #ab ye>s he has focus$ on a3ess 6digital 9=m,n4 8,in ,febru>y ( #bjji ''' ! ,,nfb1 ! ,,acb & #cj o!r organiz,ns 9volv+ pr9t 4abilities got tgr 9 ! ,r1d+ ,"rs ,coali;n40 ,:y8 8,! 9abil;y ''' 6a3ess ? huge /oreh\se ( 9tellectual prop]ty t ! re/ (! _w is -+ 6h at ! t\* (a f+]tip1 t's :at y call a sev]e h&icap1 & t's :y ^! gr\ps got tgr3 6-bat x10 he sd4 ,george ,k]s*] 9v5t$ ! ;e-book 9 #aihh z an a3essibil;y device1 ,gold/e9 sd1 8& !n we wait$ ''' =! ma9/r1m te*nology _w 6see x z a ma9/r1m device40 ,9 ,novemb] #bjjg ! f/ ,k9dle came \1 & x 0 an imm hit4 ,9 ,febru>y #bjjh1 ,k]s*]1 ,gold/e9 & s"eal o!rs w5t 6visit ! ,k9dle t1m 6talk ab a3ess4 8,z ,george eloqu5tly put x ''' ,8,if y make ! text talk1 y w make lots & lots ( m"oy 2c a busi;sman :o's upload$ ! /uff he ne$s = 8 meet+ on ! ,k9dle doesn't f9i% on ! plane1 hops 9 8 r5tal c> & :at does he d8 ,he swit*es ov] 6! text 6spee* 6f9i% li/5+ 6:at he ne$s = 8 meet+40'0 ,9 ,febru>y #bjji ! ,k9dle #b came \1 8&! ,au?ors ,guild &! ,associ,n ( ,am]ican ,publi%]s w5t ape & sd1 ,8,y've got 6turn (f ? text 6spee*2 we didn't lic5se x1 we hav5't agre$ 6x1 & we're n go+ al;g ) x40' ,& ,amazon call$ up & sd1 ,8,well1 ,,ok1 we mess$ up1 2c if we'd d"o x "r1 !n we cd say we did x =! bl & !y cdn't scr1m #ba at u4 ,b we didn't1 2c we didn't make ! m5us talk4 ,b if text 6spee* is turn$ (f1 y guys >e re,y 9 bad %ape1 s y h 6-e 6\r def5se40' ,y c imag9e ! two ^ws ,i want$ 6say40 ,! audi;e h[l$ ) lau* #bjaj1 ! coali;n1 ! ,au?ors ,guild &! ,associ,n ( ,am]ican ,publi%]s _h agre$ on a jo9t /ate;t1 8! gi/ ( : is t :5"e a book is availa# 9 o!r ?an pr9t1 t v].n (! book m/ 2 a3essi#10 he sd4 ,two weeks ago ! ,de"p;ts ( ,ju/ice & ,$uc,n rel1s$ a lr 6all colleges & univ]sities 9=m+ !m t 8! use ( 9a3essi# ;e-book-r1d+ devices is a viol,n (! law1 & !y m/ n d x40 8,we're n d"o1 & ,i'm n go+ 6l1ve ? battle until we d10 ,gold/e9 /at$4 8,i look =w>d 6! "d--! n too 4tant "d--:5 e p]son 9 ? room c get ! same book at ! same "t &! same price z "ey"o else40 ,foll[+ ,gold/e9's report1 ,pom]antz 9troduc$ ,c>ol ,ew+-,ragsdale1 :o pres5t$ ? ye>'s two f/-"trs1 ,k5ne? ,semi5 ,sr4 ( ,texas & ,tony ,f]rita ( ,nor? ,c>ol9a4 ,pom]antz !n pres5t$ ? ye>'s new life memb]s4 ,!y >e3 ,r&y ,h]ndon ( ,memphis1 ,t5n42 ,!lma ,crumpl]1 ,ralei<1 ,n4,c42 ,jane ,f]rita1 ,burl+ton1 ,n4,c42 ,filo ,tu1 ,honolulu1 ,hawaii2 ,don ,?omson1 ,waipahu1 ,hawaii2 ,ka?y ,casey1 ,albany1 ,n4,y42 ,mike ,god9o1 ,malv]ne1 ,n4,y42 ,mildr$ ,jackson1 ,norfolk1 ,va42 & ,*ri/oph] ,bell1 ,roseville1 ,m9n4 ,! ev5+ wrapp$ up )! f/ cr$5tials report &! roll call ( a6iliates4 ,,mon"d ,3v5;ne]s 7 up b"r & e>ly =! f/ morn+ ses.n ( 3v5;n4 ,m>g>9e ,b1man talk$ briefly ab sponsors1 9clud+ ,wells ,f>go ,bank1 ,,gw ,micro1 ,adobe ,sy/ems1 & ,maxi-,aids4 ,busi;s 2gan ) "s correc;ns 6! delegate li/2 ! f9al cr$5tials report2 &! adop;n (! 3v5;n /&+ rules &! program4 ,john ,hu6man1 act+ *air (! 3/itu;n & bylaws -mittee1 gave ! f/ r1d+s ( s"eal #bc propos$ am5d;ts4 ,f/ vice presid5t ,kim ,*>lson presid$ ov] ! rema9d] (! ses.n4 ,%e 9troduc$ ,c9dy ,van ,w9kle1 *air (! aw>ds -mittee1 & ,paul ,$w>ds1 *air (! bo>d ( public,ns1 6pres5t v>i\s aw>ds4 ,van ,w9kle ?ank$ ! aw>ds -mittee memb]s = all _! h>d "w4 ,%e pres5t$ ! ,a6iliate ,gr[? ,aw>d 6! ,s\? ,dakota ,associ,n (! ,bl1 : _h an #ha.h p]c5t 9cr1se 9 _! memb]%ip ? ye>4 ,a3ept+ ! aw>d 0 ,kei? ,bundy1 :o sd1 8,we _h /ru7l$ a few ye>s ) memb]%ip numb]s1 & we h se5 ? 9cr1se1 & we're go+ 6be talk+ a ll m ab x on ,?urs"d at ! memb]%ip meet+40 ,$w>ds ?ank$ ! ,,bop memb]s = all _! "w4 8,we h ?ree aw>ds 6give away ? morn+1 & ea* ( !m is a ll bit di6]5t10 he sd4 ,he pres5t$ ! ,v]non ,h5ley ,m$ia ,aw>d 6! ,,acb ( ,texas =! cre,n (a ,texas-specific public s]vice video promot+ :ite cane safety "?\t ! /ate4 ,$w>ds next talk$ ab ,hollis ,li7ett &! aw>d t's "nd af hm4 8,! abil;y 6sp1k freely is at ! he>t ( :at we 9 ,,acb repres5t10 he /at$4 8,s x is \r pl1sure 6pres5t ! ,hollis ,li7ett ,aw>d 6a public,n t is produc$ 0an a6iliate t meets extremely hi< /&>ds ( qual;y40 ,&! w9n] is ,june ,hor/ &! ,p5nsylvania ,c\ncil (! ,bl4 8,i am spee*.s60 ,june ,hor/ sd4 8,i took on ? job #ag ye>s ago :5 x 0 a f\r-page newslr4 ,x n[ is any": f #hj 6#ij pages4 ''' ,?ank y1 bo>d ( public,ns60 ,! f9al ,,bop aw>d 0 ! ,n$ ,e4 ,freeman ,aw>d4 8,"! 7 five or six >ticles1 any ( : cd h won10 ,$w>ds /at$4 8,! "o t 9 fact did w9 is an >ticle t ''' all ( u on ! bo>d ( public,ns ?"\ 0 extremely well writt51 3ta9$ an imm5se am.t ( gd 9=m,n = \r folks1 & ess5ti,y 0 an >ticle ab employ;t40 ,? ye> ! aw>d w5t 6,lisa ,brooks = h] >ticle titl$ 8,h[ ,=give;s ,got ,me ,a ,job40 8,ron1 y dirty dog60 ,lisa ,brooks sd4 7,%e _hn't "kn ab ! aw>d1 b #be h] husb& did47 8,x's a privilege 6be up "h & s* an honor t an exp]i;e t happ5$ 6me cd turn 96"s?+ t hope;lly cd help "s"o else40 ,! 3v5;n next turn$ xs focus 64cov]+ "s ( ,>izona's tr1sures ) help f ,alice ,duckwor?1 \tr1* coord9ator (! ,>izona ,capitol ,museum 9 ,phoenix4 8,i "w = "o (! tr1sures ( ,>izona10 %e /at$4 8,y />t talk+ ab ?+s l gold1 silv]1 diamonds1 p]idot1 turquoise ''' y get (f on t & p ?9k t t's ! r1l tr1sure4 ,unh-unh4 ,tr1sure is p1 & p m1n /ories40 ,foll[+ a few /ories1 ,*>lson 9troduc$ ,k]ryann ,ifill1 deputy presid5t (! ,s5ate 9 ,b>bados & secret>y (! ,c>i21n ,c\ncil =! ,bl 7,,ccb74 8,x is 9de$ a privilege1 an honor1 x's a ?rill 6be "h10 %e sd4 8,i told "sbody la/ week t -+ 6! ,,acb 3f];e 0 l go+ 6,4ney ,_w =a bl p]son40 ,ifill describ$ h] c.try z hav+ 8coral :ite s&s ''' turquoise wat]s ''' ,7&7' w>m$ 0ye>-r.d sun%9e40 ,xs popul,n is #bgj1jjj2 #ac1adb ( ^? >e 9dividuals ) 4abilities4 ,"?\t all ! ,c>i21n isl&s1 ! bl;s popul,n is #a p]c5t1 l[ vi.n at #c p]c5t4 ,major causes ( bl;s 9clude cat>acts1 *ildhood bl;s1 diabetic ret9opa?y1 & glaucoma4 ,,ccb runs a numb] ( programs & 9itiatives1 9clud+ develop;t (a degree program at ! ,univ]s;y ( ,guyana1 eyeglass 4tribu;n1 & 9=m,n te*nology tra9+4 ,! ,b>bados ,associ,n =! ,bl & ,d1f 7,,babd7 is ! olde/ ( ?ree organiz,ns 9volv$ 9 bl;s activities4 ,x 0 e/abli%$ 9 #aieg2 x ho/s ! %elt]$ "w%op & runs ! rehabilit,n program4 ,"w]s cane *airs & make mops & brooms2 "s >e 5roll$ 9 ! new 9=m,n te*nology program1 le>n+ h[ 6d basic keybo>d+ & "w ) basic -put] programs4 ,! associ,n al has 8"s "s:at antiquat$ no;ns ab bl;s10 %e sd4 8,up until ab f\r ye>s ago1 ! (fice ( presid5t cd n 2 held 0a bl p]son40 ,t has *ang$2 ! organiz,n n[ has xs second bl presid5t4 #bg ,,babd has set up a bus pass program4 ,regul> rid]s pay 4#a.ej 6take ! bus any": 9 ,b>bados2 if y're ov] #fe1 y ride = free4 ,associ,n memb]s rcv bus passes t cov] ! f>es4 ,b>bados al has a bl cricket t1m go+4 ,%e call$ ! regional cricket t\rna;t 8"o (! be/ repres5t,ns (! bl;s -mun;y "w+ ) ma9/r1m society1 2c cricket is s* a b9d+ r1l;y acr ! ,c>i21n n,ns40 8,bl;s is a *all5ge10 %e 3clud$4 8,2+ bl is n :at we d2 2+ bl is :o we >e4 ,"!=e1 we h 6f9d ! be/ ways 6n only live ) x b 6t1* ! _w >.d u h[ 6adapt 6suit \r ne$s40 ,%e quipp$ t if any"o want$ 6f9d h]1 %e'd 2 *eck+ \ ! exhibit hall4 ,af ! br1k1 ! 3v5;n he>d f ,ka?y ,m>t9ez1 assi/ant secret>y1 ,(fice ( ,4abil;y ,employ;t ,policy4 ,m>t9ez -pli;t$ ,hilda ,solis1 secret>y (! ,de"p;t ( ,labor4 8,%e ,7has7' truly got \r issues1 %e has \r back1 & :5 %e says ,8gd jobs = "eybody10' %e m1ns "eybody1 9clud+ ^? ( u ) 4abilities40 ,m>t9ez m5;n$ meet+ ) ,melanie ,brunson & ,]ic ,bridges ab possi# collabor,n 2t ,,odep & ,,acb4 8,we're / n do+ 5 tgr 9 my op9ion10 %e sd4 8,"!'s / a lot we cd 2 do+1 &a lot ( x has 6d ) improv+ a3essibil;y ( te*nology 9 ! gov]n;t4 ,we at ,labor r1lize t we h 6set an example =! re/ (! gov]n;t1 & re,y try 6make \r processes z a3essi# z possi#40 ,%e told h] li/5]s ab an upcom+ notice ( propos$ rule-mak+4 8,in x "! >e a numb] ( "qs t we wd l = gr\ps 6respond to10 %e sd4 8,in "picul> ,i wd recomm5d t y focus on ! "qs >.d 9=m,n & -munic,n te*nology4 ,2c we h 6get 3tractors 6"u/& t "ey?+ is 2+ automat$1 9clud+ applic,ns onl9e1 & _m ( ^? processes >e 9a3essi# = u4 ''' ,? is a r1l critical rule t we ne$ y 6respond to40 ,%e /ress$ ! import.e ( te*nology4 8,! trem5d\s adv.e ( te*nology1 bo? 9 ! "wplace & 9 \r homes1 has 2come 9 _m ways ! grt equaliz] & 9 o!r ways #bi ! grt unequaliz] = folks ) 4abilities :o >e job-seek]s or :o wi% 6move ah1d 9 _! profes.ns10 %e sd4 ,foll[+ ,m>t9ez's pres5t,n1 ,*>lson 9troduc$ ! panel on specializ$ rehabilit,n s]vices =! bl4 ,$ ,h\se1 manag] ( ,>izona ,s]vices =! ,bl1 ,visu,y ,impair$ & ,d1f1 9troduc$ ! paneli/s3 ,mi*ael ,g&y1 director (! ,(fice ( ,voc,nal ,rehabilit,n =! ,bl 9 ,mississippi2 ,pat ,cannon1 director (! ,mi*igan ,-mis.n =! ,bl2 ,l9da ,mock1 adm9i/rator (! ,oregon ,-mis.n =! ,bl2 & ,greg ,trapp1 executive director (! ,new ,mexico ,-mis.n =! ,bl4 ,g&y spoke f/4 ,mississippi's s]vices =! bl 2gan 9 #aibj1 2came a sep>ate -mis.n 9 #aibh1 &a sep>ate /ate ag5cy 9 #aige4 ,9 #aiia1 bl;s rehabilit,n jo9$ g5]al voc,nal rehabilit,n4 8,\r 3sum] gr\ps ''' press$ \r executive director 6"w ) \r /ate p]sonnel bo>d 6cr1te :at we >e n[1 : is basic,y an ag5cy )9 an ag5cy40 ,"o ?+ t has help$ ) -munic,n 2t 3sum]s &! /ate ag5cy1 ,g&y sd1 is t he has jo9$ bo? 3sum] gr\ps4 8,x's h>d1 ev5 :5 y 4agree on issues1 6be mad at "sbody :5 y've %>$ a pizza ) !m or sat next 6!m at a busi;s meet+10 he sd4 ,sp1k+ ( pizza1 ! newe/ 9nov,n 9 ,mississippi's ,r&olph-,%epp>d program has be5 "pn]%ips ) fa/-food *a9s4 ,= _m ye>s1 v5dors op]at$ a grill 9 ! ,univ]s;y ( ,mississippi ,m$ical ,c5t]4 ,! v5dors "! rec5tly "pn]$ ) ,subway1 8& t has made a trem5d\s di6];e40 ,he 5c\rag$ 8 li/5]s 6try "w+ ) 8"n-br& "pn]s0 9 _! loc,ns4 ,pat ,cannon talk$ ab :at's go+ on 9 ,mi*igan1 9clud+ ! funds ! /ate has rcvd f ! f$]al gov]n;t = rehabilit,n programs4 ,he m5;n$ s"eal ?+s t ,mi*igan is do+ ) ^? funds4 8,"o (! ?+s t we h notic$ ) \r cli5ts ov] ! pa/ s"eal ye>s ''' is ''' !y / h enorm\s di6iculty gett+ _! f/ job10 he sd4 8,z we talk 6employ]s1 !y #ca say1 ,8,we'd l 6give ? p]son a *.e1 b !y've n"e held a job 2f40'0 ,mi*igan has cr1t$ an 9t]n%ip program 6give exp]i;e 6^? :o >e ne>ly job-r1dy4 ,! next paneli/ 0 ,l9da ,mock4 ,oregon has _h a sep>ate ag5cy =! bl s9ce ab #aibj4 8,in ! #'gj;s ! /ructure ( \r -mis.n bo>d 0 *ang$ 62come a 3sum]-3troll$ ag5cy10 %e sd4 ,! bo>d's sev5 memb]s >e appo9t$ 0! gov]nor & approv$ 0! -mis.n1 & alw 9clude an ,,acb repres5tative2 a major;y >e leg,y bl4 ,9 ,may #bjji1 ! ,oregon gov]nor ann\nc$ t 8he wd 2 elim9at+ a numb] ( bo>ds & -mis.ns 9 ord] 6/r1ml9e & save m"oy1 & on t li/ 0 ! ,oregon ,-mis.n =! ,bl10 %e sd4 ,mock got a call f "sbody li/5+ 6! spee* onl9e1 9=m+ h] ( ? develop;t4 ,%e got s"eal m calls ab x 2f att5d+ a meet+ )! gov]nor's repres5tative4 8,:5 ,i met )! policy advis] ''' %e sd1 ,8,h y he>d ! news80' & ,i sd1 ,8,i h40'0 ,mock & h] /aff wrote & s5t \ an ac;n al]t4 8,! response 6me 0 re,y ov]:elm+10 %e sd4 8,p wrote lrs2 ,i got copi$ on a lot ( ^? lrs1 : 7 v mov+ te/imonials ''' (! impact (! s]vices t bl 9dividuals _h rcvd f \r ag5cy &! di6];e t x made 9 _! lives40 ,p 7 visit+ ! gov]nor's (fice &! legislature1 pl1d+ ! ,oregon ,-mis.n's case4 8,)9 a c\ple weeks ,i 0 gett+ calls f ! legislative -mittee say+1 ,8,,ok1 :y don't y call (f all ^! p80' ''' ,i sd1 ,8,well1 ,i c't re,y call (f anybody until y've made yr deci.n1 2c ! deci.n does re/ ) y4 ''' ,y h 6"u/& t ! bl -mun;y is pas.nate ab ? 9 \r /ate '''0'0 ,oregon got a happy 5d+ --full fund+ =! -mis.n =! bl4 ,greg ,trapp 4cuss$ ! situ,n 9 ,new ,mexico4 8,y've he>d ? morn+ _m (! func;ns & programs & s]vices t we provide ''' ^! >e significantly at /ake dur+ ^! "ts ( economic crisis & /ate budget deficits10 he sd4 ,s"eal ye>s ago "! 0 an ef=t 63solidate 8 /ate's -mis.n =! bl4 ,,acb & #cc ,,nfb jo9$ =ces & appe>$ at a meet+ (! gov]nor's -mis.n on 4abil;y4 8,x 0 t pres;e1 t =ce;l voice1 t kept my ag5cy f 2+ 3solidat$10 he /at$4 ,h["e1 giv5 ! curr5t f9ancial situ,n1 he expects "! 6be ano!r ef=t 63solidate /ate ag5cies4 ,he ask$ ,,acb & xs ,new ,mexico *apt] = _! support & advocacy4 ,trapp talk$ ab quiet c>s1 ! dang] !y pres5t1 & h[ 6mitigate risks 6p$e/rians1 cycli/s & o!rs4 ,"o recomm5d,n f ! ,new ,mexico quiet c> task =ce is t all new & us$ hybrid c>s 2 sold )a w>n+ tag &a waiv] t ! buy] wd h 6sign1 9=m+ hm (! risks ( ^! quiet c>s4 ,! task =ce al recomm5ds a simil> proc$ure = ^? r5t+ hybrid c>s4 ,h\se wrapp$ up ! 4cus.n 0/ress+ ! import.e ( ,,acb memb]s /ay+ 9=m$1 9volv$1 & advocat+ =! s]vices !y want4 ,foll[+ a brief "q-&-answ] ses.n1 ,oral ,mill] talk$ ab ! ,recre,n ,z"o & activities t wd 2 go+ on "!1 9clud+ r[+ & wat] aerobics4 ,! ses.n wrapp$ up ) ann\nce;ts4 ,,tues"d ,3v5;n busi;s 2gan )! nom9at+ -mittee report giv5 0,judi ,cannon4 ,john ,hu6man gave f/ r1d+s ( propos$ am5d;ts4 ,]ic ,bridges 5d$ ! 3v5;n busi;s )a call 6ac;n on p5d+ legisl,n t wd 2 he>d 2f ! ,s5ate on ,july #ae4 ,second vice presid5t ,br5da ,dillon presid$ ov] ! rema9d] (! ses.n4 ,%e 9troduc$ ,la9ey ,fe9gold 64cuss ! "pn]%ip ) ,,acb on /ructur$ negoti,n4 ,fe9gold's !me 0 8,/ructur$ ,negoti,n ,dep5ds ,on ,me40 ,talk+ ,,atm,'s1 a3essi# p$e/rian signals & po9t-(-sale devices >e j a few (! su3esses a*iev$ 0,,acb & ,fe9gold's firm ov] ! pa/ #af ye>s ( coop],n4 ,! newe/ 9itiative is a3ess 63fid5tial h1l? c>e 9=m,n4 ,,acb is "w+ )! ,am]ican ,c.er ,society on a3ess 6xs 9=m,n4 ,a3ess 6prescrip;n 9=m,n is al ongo+4 ,o!r ef=ts "u way 9clude a3ess 6audio descrip;n at all movie !at]s & a3ess 6airl9e kiosks & web sites4 ,fe9gold rem9d$ "ey"o #ce t /ructur$ negoti,n is a collaborative ef=t un.s ! -panies fail 6"w ) u4 ,!n h] firm & ,,acb >e prep>$ 6take legal ac;n4 ,%e 5c\rag$ "ey"o 63tact h] ab a3ess 69=m,n 9 any 3text4 ,p c al reque/ ;e-mail updates at h] web site1 _+http://www.lflegal.com_:4 ,gems ( $uc,n sp>kl$ next z s*ol>%ip -mittee *air ,patty ,slaby 9troduc$ ! #bjaj ,,acb s*ol>%ip recipi5ts4 ,s&y ,somm]s1 ,ohio ,c>los ,vaeza1 ,ma9e ,brooke ,jo/ad1 ,texas ,david ,black1 ,cali=nia ,lisa ,johnson1 ,m9nesota ,rose ,m>t91 ,p5nsylvania ,c>ry ,joanis1 ,new ,york ,laura ,gl[acki1 ,ill9ois ,casey ,burkh>dt1 ,p5nsylvania ,mona ,m9k>a1 ,florida ,sp;er ,/ew>t1 ,massa*usetts ,mi*ael ,by+ton1 ,kansas ,reba ,l&ry1 ,p5nsylvania ,s>a ,3rad1 ,mi*igan ,m>ion ,badie1 ,georgia ,b5jam9 ,mann+1 ,massa*usetts ,s>a ,m9k>a1 ,massa*usetts ,ca?y ,s*mitt ,:itak] pres5t$ ! s*ol>%ips aw>d$ 0! ,c\ncil ( ,citiz5s ) ,l[ ,vi.n ,9t]n,nal 7,,cclvi74 ,? ye>'s recipi5ts 7 ,ti6any ,swoi% ( ,mi*igan2 ,m9dy ,cook ( ,ohio2 & ,yvonne ,g>ris ( ,p5nsylvania4 ,foll[+ ! s*ol>%ip pres5t,ns1 3v5;ne]s he>d f ,sam ,bag5/os1 ,pr9cipal ,deputy ,assi/ant ,attorney ,g5]al = ,civil ,"rs1 ,u4,s4 ,de"p;t ( ,ju/ice4 #bjaj m>ks ! #bj? anniv]s>y (! ,am]icans ) ,4abilities ,act 7,,ada71 & ,bag5/os talk$ ab ! pa/ #bj ye>s ( civil "rs hi/ory4 ,he not$ t 8 de"p;t m/ w9 back ! tru/ ( p 9 ! civil "rs field1 & t he is 5c\rag$ 6h an 5]getic /aff ( bo? c>e] & new employees r1dy 65=ce ! ,,ada4 ,bag5/os /at$ t "o ( 8 ma9 >1s ( focus is a3ess 6te*nology = p ) 4abilities4 ,! ,amazon ,k9dle case is significant 9 t x cle>ly /ates t univ]sities w n 2 a# 6use #cg 9a3essi# te*nology4 ,if s* te*nology z ! ,k9dle is made a3essi#1 x c provide equal a3ess 69=m,n 9 r1l "t = all /ud5ts1 b especi,y ^? ) visual impair;ts4 ,a3ess 6te/+ is ano!r important >ea on : ! ,civil ,"rs ,divi.n is "w+4 ,gds & s]vices provid$ ov] ! ,9t]net >e al cov]$ 0! ,,ada4 ,bag5/os has te/ifi$ 2f ,3gress t ,,doj is firmly -mitt$ 6? fact & t typic,y1 only small *anges ne$ 2 made 9 web sites 6make !m fully a3essi#4 ,,doj is al plann+ m rule-mak+ & 5=ce;t ( video descrip;n = all movie !at]s4 ,public transport,n a3ess issues h be5 a4ress$1 "picul>ly 9 a rec5t case 9 ,jackson1 ,miss4 ,a3ess 6busi;ses = p us+ s]vice animals 3t9ues 6be an issue1 & ,bag5/os assur$ u t 8 (fice is a7ressively pursu+ ^! cases4 ,he not$ t !y >e "w+ h>d 6h ! updat$ regul,ns 6! ,,ada approv$ 0! anniv]s>y4 ,! ,de"p;t ( ,ju/ice has d"o a gd job ov] ! pa/ #bj ye>s ( (f]+ te*nical assi/.e 6busi;ses & /ate & local gov]n;ts on ! ,,ada4 ,!y w 3t9ue 6(f] ? assi/.e4 ,bag5/os not$ t if s* 5tities refuse 6-ply1 he & 8 divi.n >e fully prep>$ 6take legal ac;n & seek ext5sive rem$ies4 ,he ne$s \r help 6le>n ab em]g+ issues4 ,p may 3tact hm via ;e-mail1 _+samuel.bagenstos@usdoj.gov_:4 ,,doj repres5tatives >e al availa# ,mon"d "? ,fri"d on ! ,,ada ,hotl9e1 #a-hjj-ead-jajc4 ,%[+ u ! _m facets (! ,n,nal ,libr>y ,s]vice 7 director ,frank ,kurt ,cylke & =eign language libr>ian ,david ,f]n&ez-,b>rial4 #bjj1jjj ,digital ,talk+ ,book play]s >e n[ 9 ! h&s ( libr>y patrons >.d ! c.try4 ,"! >e approximately #bj1jjj digital titles n[ on ! ,,bard web site1 ) #b1jjj titles a4$ p] ye>4 ,approximately #ai1jjj (! #bb1jjj cassette titles w 2 3v]t$ 6! digital =mat4 ,f9,y1 "w w take place on ! l;g-play+ #ci records 6give a3ess 6! -plete collec;n4 ,f]n&ez-,b>rial expla9$ 8 job at ,,nls 9 acquir+ audio & brl mat]ial 9 languages o!r ?an ,5gli%4 ,he not$ t ,,nls has re-e/abli%$ a fl[ ( ,spani% titles 96! digital collec;n4 ,ma9ta9+ a bal.e ( 9t]e/s )9 ^! titles c 2 di6icult4 ,! top five languages 9 ! ,,nls collec;n >e3 ,spani%1 #b1bij audio1 #gih brl2 ,fr5*1 #fhb audio1 #dfe brl2 ,ukra9ian1 #ica total2 ,g]man1 #hbb total2 & ,russian1 #eee total4 ,! =eign language collec;ns ( ,,nls 3ta9 ne>ly #i1ejj titles 9 #fe languages4 ,9 a =eign language pref];e survey ( "picipat+ libr>ies1 #c p]c5t ( patrons %[ 9t]e/ 9 =eign language titles4 ,em]g+ languages ( 9t]e/ 9clude ,*9ese1 ,vietnamese1 ,cambodian1 ,laotian & 9dig5\s languages4 ,spa9's ,,once has grant$ ,,nls p]mis.n 6make xs five-volume 8,! ,bl 9 ,hi/ory0 availa# 6patrons4 ,f]n&ez- ,b>rial is v excit$ ab ? sem9al "w 2+ "p (! collec;n4 ,"w is ongo+ 6secure "rs = ,5gli% transl,n4 ,ex*ange ( o!r =eign language mat]ials s* z s]ials 9 ,>abic & *n's lit]ature 9 ,*9ese w 2 availa#4 ,"s brl public,ns >e al 2+ 3v]t$ 6digital =mat 6%>e1 al;g ) web brl files1 ) o!r libr>ies >.d ! _w4 ,f]n&ez-,b>rial has tak5 "p 9 9t]n,nal 4cus.ns ( copy"r law z x relates 6special mat]ials4 ,8 view =! future 9cludes a ,spani% portal =! web site & 9=m,n on ! ,,nls ma9 pages 9 a v>iety ( =eign languages ab xs programs4 ,he 5c\rag$ any"o ) "qs 63tact hm via ;e-mail at _+dafe@loc.gov_: or via ph"o at 7#bjb7 #gjg-jfaa4 ,! morn+ ses.n 5d$ )a look at ,,acb,''s ,audio ,descrip;n ,project 7,,adp7 f ,joel ,snyd]1 ! project's director4 ,dur+ ! project's second annual 3f];e1 att5dees review$ ! f9al n,nal guidel9es = audio descrip;n & 4cuss$ a c]tific,n process = #da describ]s4 ,elev5 c.tries 7 repres5t$ at ? ye>'s 3f];e4 ,o!r hids 6be pres5t$ ? ye> 9clude ! ,m>g>et ,pfan/iehl ,memorial ,a*ieve;t ,aw>d = ,rese>* & ,develop;t &! ,b>ry ,lev9e ,memorial ,aw>d = ,c>e] ,a*ieve;t4 ,w9n]s (! ,"y ,describ$ ,film ,critic ,aw>d w al 2 honor$4 ,! ,unit$ ,n,ns "w$ ) ,,adp 6describe a film ab employ;t = p ) 4abilities4 ,snyd] ann\nc$ t ,,adp is al "w+ ) ,>t ,$uc,n =! ,bl ( ,new ,york on an audio-describ$ t\r (! ,:ite ,h\se4 ,ef=ts 3t9ue 6pass ,h4,r4 #caja & ,s4 #ccjd 6provide m&at$ audio descrip;n on broadca/ televi.n4 ,,acb is al apply+ = s"eal grants f ! ,de"p;t ( ,$uc,n = audio descrip;n ( $uc,nal programm+4 ,^! grants1 total$1 cd provide 4#a million p] ye> =! next five ye>s 6produce s* programm+4 ,snyd] 5c\rag$ p 6visit ! new web site1 _+http://www.acb.org/adp_:1 : f1tures a li/ ( all "kn audio-describ$ movies on ,,dvd4 ,8 ;e-mail a4ress is _+jsnyder@acb.org_:1 & ph"o is 7#bjb7 #dfg-ejhc4 ,wat* = "p #b ( ? >ticle 9 ! ,novemb] issue6 ,,cap;ns ,all photos 9 ? issue copy"r #bjaj 0,/>lid4 8,i'm spee*.s60 %e says4 ,6h] "r is ,paul ,$w>ds1 *airman (! bo>d ( public,ns4 ,k]ryann ,ifill describes ,b>bados' :ite s& b1*es1 turquoise wat]s1 & ye>- r.d sun%9e4 ,ka?y ,m>t9ez talks ab ! progress ! gov]n;t has made 9 mak+ ?+s a3essi# = bl p1 & 4cusses possi# collabor,n ) ,,acb4 ,! s*ol>%ip w9n]s & -mittee memb]s pause =a picture4 ,top r[1 left #dc 6"r3 ,lisa ,johnson1 ,mi*ael ,g>rett1 ,rebe3a ,bridges1 ,patty ,slaby1 ,s&y ,somm]s1 ,s>a ,3rad1 ,reba ,l&ry1 ,ri*>d ,ru$a1 ,mi*ael ,gravitt1 ,don ,koors1 ,mit* ,pom]antz4 ,bottom r[1 left 6"r3 ,rose ,m>t91 ,mi*ael ,by+ton1 ,c>ry ,joanis1 ,ca?y ,s*mitt ,:itak]1 ,m>ion ,badie1 ,brooke ,jo/ad1 ,laura ,gl[acki1 ,mona ,m9k>a4 333333333333 ,,"h ,,& ,,"! $it$ 0,sue ,li*t5fels ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column does n repres5t an 5dorse;t 0! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl1 xs (fic]s1 or /aff4 ,li/+s >e free ( *>ge =! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsi# =! reliabil;y (! products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,6submit items = ? column1 s5d a message to _+info@acb.org_:1 or ph"o ! n,nal (fice at #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 & l1ve a message 9 ,%>on ,lover+'s mailbox4 ,9=m,n m/ 2 rcvd at l1/ two mon?s ah1d ( public,n date4 ,,ski ,,= ,,lie 9vit$ 6att5d ! #cf? annual ,ski = ,lin ! skills & te*niques4 ,x w 2 held ,jan4 #cj-,feb4 #f1 #bjaa 9 ! ,rocky ,m.ta9s at ,sn[ ,m.ta9 ,ran* 9 ,granby1 ,colo4 ,rooms c a3ommodate f "o 6f\r p4 ,packages />t at 4#ejj p] p]son4 ,prices 9clude all m1ls1 r.d- trip transport,n 2t ! ,d5v] airport &! resort1 & trail fees4 ,skis1 boots1 & poles w 2 provid$ free 6f/-"t "picipants4 ,"pial /ip5ds bas$ on f9ancial ne$ >e availa# = f/ "trs4 ,! applic,n d1dl9e is ,nov4 #a1 #bjaj4 ,visit ! ,,sfl web site1 _+www.sfl.org_:1 6le>n m & 6submit yr applic,n4 ,= m 9=m,n1 3tact ,bob ,h>tt at _+harttb11@comcast.net_: or 7#gjc7 #hde-cdcf or ,lynda ,boose at _+lboose@up.net_: or 7#ijf7 #de #cgj-geda4 ,,call ,,= ,,fell[%ip ,,applic,ns ,! ,n,nal ,l1d]%ip ,3sortium 9 ,s5sory ,4abilities 7,,nlcsd7 is n[ a3ept+ fell[%ip applic,ns f 9dividuals pursu+ a doctoral degree 9 ! s5sory impair;t field4 ,! program 2g9s 9 ! fall ( #bjaa1 b applic,ns >e due 0,dec4 #ca1 #bjaj4 ,applicants m/ 2 pursu+ _! doctoral "w ei 9 ! d1f-bl1 d1f_/h>d ( he>+1 or bl_/visu,y impair$ programs at "o (! 3sortium's #be memb] univ]sities4 ,! applic,n & a4i;nal 9=m,n >e availa# at _+www.salus.edu/nlcsd/index.html_:4 ,,solu;n ,,= ,,_hley ,,/ud5ts ,_hley (f]s a new ,assign;t ,submis.n ,l9e = xs /ud5ts :o d n h -put] a3ess or :o _c write _! assign;ts4 ,/ud5ts c call an #hjj numb] & record _! "w onto ! 9/ructor's mailbox4 ,= m 9=m,n1 visit _+www.hadley.edu_:4 ,,new ,,/yle ,,backpack ,! back,tpack is an ]gonomic,y design$ bag = s*ool & travel4 ,unlike a regul> backpack ) all ! weid side bag m1sures #ac 0#ac 0#c & 3ta9s v>i\s pockets4 ,= m 9=m,n1 3tact ,m>ilyn ,m4 von ,foer/] at 7#ejc7 #cfe-geed or visit _+www.backtpack.com_:4 ,,update ,,on ,,s]vice ,,dog ,,eye ,,exams ,? pa/ ,may ,,acvo_/,m]ial sponsor$ ! ,n,nal ,s]vice ,dog ,eye ,exam ,ev5t4 ,a record-br1k+ numb] ( s]vice dogs rcvd free eye exams 0vet]9>y oph?almologi/s4 ,due 6! ov]:elm+ly positive response1 plans >e alr 9 ! "ws = next ye>4 ,a4i;nal 9=m,n ab ? project is availa# at #dg _+www.acvoeyeexam.org_:4 ,,res\rce ,,= ,,t&em ,,bik+ ,! ,u4,s4 ,bl ,t&em ,bik]s ,3nec;n (f]s a web site ": t&em rid]s :o >e bl 7/ok]s7 c f9d siea4 ,:5 y visit _+www.bicyclingblind.org_:1 y m/ cr1te a free profile 9 ord] 62g9 ! se>*4 ,/ok]s ne$ n h _! [n bike 6get />t$4 ,! site al 9cludes l9ks 6bl t&em clubs >.d ! c.try1 li/+s ( t&em ev5ts1 & news ab bl bicycli/s4 ,= a4i;nal 9=m,n1 3tact _+christine@bicyclingblind.org_:2 _+rockthebike@usfamily.net_:2 or call 7#eab7 #dai-acgb4 ,,t5nis ,,9/ruc;n ,,= ,,! ,,bl ,t5nis ,unlimit$ (f]s a me?od 6aid t5nis 9/ructors 9 t1*+ ! game 6p :o >e bl or visu,y impair$4 ,! web site %[s 9/ructors h[ 6t1* v>i\s racket sw+s & c\rt move;ts us+ v]bal fe$back4 ,=a game1 "! is no ball & no oppos+ play]4 ,! 9/ructor calls \ 9/ruc;ns 6! visu,y impair$ play] z if !y 7 play+ ea* po9t = r1l4 ,play]s get an ex]cise "w\t j l a regul> game4 ,6le>n m ab ? new activ;y1 visit _+www.tennisunlimited.org_: or call 7#hde7 #djf-dfbc4 ,,new ,,/aff ,,at ,,osers ,9 ,augu/ ! ,(fice ( ,special ,$uc,n & ,rehabilitative ,s]vices 7,,osers7 hir$ two 4abil;y l1d]s 9 hi<-rank+ posi;ns4 ,sue ,sw5son1 ) ext5sive exp]i;e 9 family support1 9clu.n1 & transi;n1 n[ s]ves z ,,osers ,deputy ,assi/ant ,secret>y4 ,melody ,musgrove1 :o has a l;g hi/ory 9 special $uc,n & program evalu,n1 is ! new ,director (! ,(fice ( ,special ,$uc,n ,programs 7,,osep74 ,,peb# ,,porta# ,,magnifi] ,5h.ed ,vi.n has rel1s$ ,peb# #d.c1 an updat$ v].n ( xs h&held porta# magnifi]4 ,! device 9cludes a #d.c-9* ,,lcd scre51 #b;x-#aj;x magnific,n1 #bh view+ op;ns = optimal 3tra/1 freeze frame capabil;y1 built-in liry+ case1 & #b-ye> w>ranty4 ,= m 9=m,n1 visit _+www.enhancedvision.com_: or call #a-hhh-haa-cafa4 ,,new ,,web-bas$ ,,kurzweil ,,s(tw>e ,kurzweil ,$uc,nal ,sy/ems has rec5tly rel1s$ ,kurzweil #cjjj ,v].n #ab = ,w9d[s ,web ,lic5se ,edi;n4 ,? edi;n 9cludes all ! f1tures ( ,v].n #ab b )! abil;y 6a3ess ! s(tw>e f any ,9t]net-3nect$ -put]4 ,! a4i;nal f1tures 9clude web-bas$ file /orage = a3ess :5"e ne$$ & p]sonaliz$ a3.t profiles t save 9dividualiz$ us] sett+s4 ,! basic ,kurzweil #cjjj ,v].n #ab = ,w9d[s is al availa# 9 /&-al"o & net"w edi;ns1 )a ,,usb v].n 6be rel1s$ ? fall4 ,6le>n m ab ,kurzweil products1 visit _+www.kurzweiledu.com_:4 ,,new ,,programs ,,at ,,jewi% ,,guild ,! ,jewi% ,guild =! ,bl's ,n,nal ,tele-,support ,net"w n[ has a new support gr\p = p>5ts ( *n :o >e bo? auti/ic & visu,y impair$4 ,x aims 6help p>5ts navigate a sy/em ": advice & res\rces >e n easy 6f9d4 ,! gr\p is sponsor$ 9 "p 0! ,r1d]'s ,dige/ ,"pn]s = ,si* & develop;t trials (! ,wii,cane4 ,! ,wii,cane is a sy/em = promot+ prop] use (! :ite cane 9 ori5t,n & mobil;y am;g "y *n4 ,x is bas$ on ,wii video game h>dw>e2 a ,wii remote is m.t$ 6a :ite cane1 &! cam]a on ! device tracks ! posi;n ( lik$ improve;t af j ?ree ses.ns4 #ea ,,new ,,w9d[s ,,tutorial ,n,nal ,brl ,press n[ has availa# 8,w9d[s #g & ,vi/a ,expla9$3 ,a ,guide = ,bl & ,"pi,y ,siah ,morley ,wilk9s & ,/eve ,gri6i?s4 ,? is a /ep-by-/ep guide on ! newe/ ,micros(t sy/ems4 ,x />ts )! basics & guides us]s "? topics s* z file manage;t1 tr\#%oot+1 & us+ ! ,9t]net4 ,! book is availa# 6us]s 9 ! ,u4,s4 & ,canada only4 ,=mats 9clude h>d-copy brl 7#e volumes71 electronic brl1 audio ;,,cd1 l>ge pr9t1 & multim$ia ;,,cd4 ,! ;,,cd 9cludes an ;e-brl file 6pr9t "o h>d copy1 an ,,html,'-formatted docu;t1 &a ,,daisy audio file 9clud+ ,,daisy play]4 ,ea* =mat co/s 4#de4 ,al availa# >e tactile or l>ge pr9t -put] scre5 lay\ts = 4#bh4 ,= m 9=m,n1 call #a-hjj-edh-gcbc or visit _+www.nbp.org/ic/nbp/_& publications/index.html_:4 333333333333 ,,hi< ,,te* ,,swap ,,%op ,,= ,,sale3 ,optelec ,cle>view ,,cctv ) black-&-:ite & color1 #ag@9 monitor4 ,b>ely us$4 ,-es ) manual & set-up guide4 ,ask+ 4#cej4 ,3tact ,l9da ,williams at 7#hab7 #hdi-bajf4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,rec5tly refurbi%$ ,p]k9s brlr4 ,-es ) du/ cov]4 ,ask+ 4#cjj & w %ip via free matt] =! bl4 ,call ,bo2y ,re$ at 7#gbd7 #dch-jabd or ;e-mail hm1 _+breed49@hotmail.com_:4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,,alva ,,bc#fdj ) ,audio ,f1ture ,pack4 ,two-ye> w>ranty z ( ,june #bjaj4 ,ask+ 4#e1jjj4 ,call ,j1n at 7#eah7 #deb-abcg = m 9=m,n4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,,pac ,mate ,,bx ) #bj- cell brl 4play4 ,x has all ! f1tures & a3essories "o wd ne$ =a 3v5i5t pocket ,,pc4 ,ask+ 4#b1iii plus %ipp+4 ,3tact ,judi? ,lung via ;e-mail1 _+judithhin@gmail.com_:4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,kurzweil ,,nfb ,r1d]4 ,ask+ or 4#cjj or w trade = an i,ph"o4 ,3tact ,joe at 7#hjc7 #bch-gdih1 or ;e-mail hm1 #ec _+jdunham4@sc.rr.com_:4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,,pac ,mate ,omni4 ,-es ) "ey?+2 / 9 orig9al box4 ,ask+ 4#b1jjj4 ,3tact ,desmond ,delgadillo at 7#efb7 #feb-cdae4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,,pac ,mate laptop -put]1 9 excell5t 3di;n4 ,price negotia#4 ,call ,lucia at 7#fdf7 #dhf-afdi 2t #g & #aj3cj p4m4 ,ea/]n "t4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,5closure =a ,romeo brl emboss]2 -es ) fan & p[] cord4 ,ask+ 4#djj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,&rea ,giudice at _+dawgmawm@gmail.com_: or 7#hfj7 #gai-hfab4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,onyx #ag ,deskset porta# video magnifi] 0,freedom ,sci5tific4 ,(f]s3 4t.e1 docu;t1 self views4 ,-es ) roll+ c>t1 all docu;t,n & cords4 ,ask+ 4#a1ejj4 ,trekk] ,breeze talk+ ,,gps 9 excell5t 3di;n1 ) #a m ye> on ! w>ranty4 ,ask+ 4#fjj4 ,3tact _+laurao@tsoft.com_:4 ,,want$3 ,slau ,halatyn is look+ 6pur*ase a hi<-qual;y #e-/r+ banjo1 ei op5 back or resonator1 ,am]ican-made pref]r$4 ,pl1se 3tact hm ei via ;e- mail at _+slau@mindspring.com_: or 0ph"o at 7#gah7 #icb-cffj4 ,,want$3 ,d\#-,talk ,,lt ext]nal syn!siz] 9 excell5t physical1 cosmetic & "w+ 3di;n4 ,3tact ,don ,risavy ,jr4 via ;e-mail at _+djrisavyjr@cox.net_: or via ph"o at 7#hej7 #deg-haca 7home7 or 7#hej7 #bjh-aibc cell4 ,,want$3 ,easy-to-use multi-track tape record] 7l ,fo/ek7 t c 2 us$ 6record music4 ,3tact ,walt] ,*avira at 7#ffa7 #cdc-dhbh or ;e-mail hm1 _+walterchavira@earthlink.net_:4 ,,want$3 ,seek+ don,n ( ,victor ,r1d] ,wave t alr has a book key 6play ,,rfb@&,d ;,,cd,'s4 ,al seek+ electric brl writ] & pap] 9 gd 3di;n4 ,3tact ,isaac ,grund51 #adj ,santa ,cl>a ,circle1 ,hemet1 ,,ca #ibedc2 ph"o 7#iea7 #bfj-fede or 7#iea7 #gfe-aabb4 ,,want$3 ,,jaws s(tw>e4 ,3tact ,d\glas ,bacon at 7#eag7 #cic-bjdj4 ,,want$3 ,don,n ( ,p]k9s brlr #ee = s*ool 9 ,ecuador4 ,3tact ,zully ,alv>ado at 7#ggc7 #ddg-hejj1 or s5d ;e-mail to _+_info@_causesfor_change.org_:4 333333333333 ,,acb ,,(fic]s ,,presid5t ,,mit* ,,pom]antz #aaae ,,cordova ,,/4 _?#djb ,,pasad5a1 ,,ca #iaajf ,,f/ ,,vice ,,presid5t ,,kim ,,*>lson #eg ,,gr&view ,,ave4 ,,wat]t[n1 ,,ma #jbdgb ,,second ,,vice ,,presid5t ,,br5da ,,dillon #cac ,,ov]ridge ,,cove ,,h]mitage1 ,,tn #cgjgf ,,secret>y ,,m>la9a ,,lieb]g #fcb ,s4 #ahi? ,,/4 ,,buri51 ,,wa #ihadh ,,tr1sur] ,,mike ,,god9o #ajd ,,tilrose ,,ave4 ,,malv]ne1 ,,ny #aaefe-bjbd ,,imm ,,pa/ ,,presid5t ,,*ri/oph] ,,gray #id ,,ramona ,,ave4 ,,san ,,francisco1 ,,ca #idajc ,,acb ,,bo>d #eg ,,( ,,directors ,ray ,campbell1 ,gl5 ,ellyn1 ,,il ,b]l ,colley1 ,lacey1 ,,wa ,janet ,dickelman1 ,/4 ,paul1 ,,mn ,m>%a ,f>r[1 ,summ]ville1 ,,ga ,mi*ael ,g>rett1 ,miss\ri ,c;y1 ,,tx ,george ,holli"d1 ,philadelphia1 ,,pa ,billie ,j1n ,kei?1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,allan ,pet]son1 ,horace1 ,,nd ,jeff ,?om1 ,sacra;to1 ,,ca ,david ,trott1 ,talladega1 ,,al ,ex ,(ficio3 ,j59e ,/anley1 ,columbus1 ,,oh ,,bo>d ,,( ,,public,ns ,paul ,$w>ds1 ,*airman1 ,miami1 ,,fl ,m>cia ,dress]1 ,r1d+1 ,,ma ,judy ,jackson1 ,san ,antonio1 ,,tx ,j59e ,/anley1 ,columbus1 ,,oh ,k5 ,/ew>t1 ,w>wick1 ,,ny ,ex ,(ficio3 ,ron ,milliman1 ,b[l+ ,gre51 ,,ky ,mit* ,pom]antz1 ,presid5t ,melanie ,brunson1 ,executive ,director ,%>on ,lover+1 ,$itor ,n,nal ,(fice3 #bbjj ,wilson ,blvd4 ,suite #fej ,>l+ton1 ,,va #bbbja 7#bjb7 #dfg-ejha fax3 7#gjc7 #dfe-ejhe ,web site3 _+http://www.acb.org_: ,produc$ 9 brl by ,n,nal ,brl ,press1 ,9c4 #hh ,/4 ,/eph5 ,/reet1 ,bo/on1 ,,ma #jbaae 7#hjj7 #edh-gcbc _+www.nbp.org_: