,! ,brl ,=um ,volume ,,xliii ,septemb]-,octob] #bjjd ,no4 #b ,publi%$ ,by ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl /rives to 9cr1se ! 9dep5d;e1 secur;y1 equal;y ( opportun;y1 & qual;y ( life = all bl & visually impair$ p4 ,*ri/oph] ,gray1 ,presid5t ,melanie ,brunson1 ,act+ ,executive ,director ,%>on ,lov]+1 ,act+ ,$itor ,na;nal ,(fice3 #aaee #aeth ,st4 ,,nw ,suite #ajjd ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejha ,fax3 "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejhe ,web ,site3 http3_/_/www4" acb4org ,! ,brl ,=um is available 9 brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half-spe$ f\r- track cassette tape1 comput] disk & via ;e-mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 address *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = publica;n %d 2 s5t to ,p5ny ,re$] at ! address abv1 or via ;e-mail to $itor@aacb4org4 ,submis.n d1dl9es >e ! f/ ( ! mon?4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl is a memb]%ip organiza;n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special- 9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,to jo91 visit ! ,,acb website & complete an applica;n =m1 or 3tact ! na;nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ abv4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax-d$uctible1 c 2 s5t to ,>dis ,bazyn at ! abv mail+ address4 ,if y wi% to rememb] a relative or fr1 ! na;nal (fice c make pr9t$ c>ds available = ? purpose4 #b ,to rememb] ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t1 y may 9clude a special p>agraph = t purpose4 ,if yr wi%es >e complex1 3tact ! ,,acb na;nal (fice4 ,to make a 3tribu;n to ,,acb via ! ,comb9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #bhjb4 ,= ! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll-free at "<#hjj"> #dbd-#hfff1 #e p4m4 to midnion ,ke]an1 by ,c9dy ,burgett1 page #ag ,t5;see ;v4 ,lane3 ,a3ess to ,c\rts z a ,funda;tal ,"r1 by ,otis ,/eph5s1 page #ba ,a6iliate ,news1 page #cj ,memb]%ip ,9itiatives1 compil$ by ,>dis ,bazyn1 page #cb ,june ,memb]%ip ,=um1 compil$ by ,>dis ,bazyn1 page #ch ,a ,3v5;n" ,p]spective1 by ,all5 ;,j4 ,casey1 page #db ,birm+ham1 ,a ,life"t ( ,memories1 by ,b]l ,colley1 page #dc ,at #ajh ,x ,w ,/ ,2 ,grt6 ,an ,e>ly ,look at ! #bjje ,3v5;n1 by ,cyn?ia ,t[]s1 page #dg #d ,anxi\sly ,await+ ,yr ,lrs1 by ,nola ,mc,k9ney1 page #ea ,support ,gr\p ,=m+ = ,^? ) ,bonnet ,syndrome1 by ,m>y ,ell5 ,johnson1 page #ec ,on ! ,av5ue1 ,six? ,av5ue1 by ,k5 ,/ew>t1 page #ef ,cell ,divi.n1 by ,k5 ,/ew>t1 page #fj ,,acb ,memb]s ,%>e ,k ) ,9t]na;nal ,coll1gues1 by ,oral ,o4 ,mill]1 page #fj ,f ,yr ,p]spective3 ,grab ,? ,l;ghorn ,bull by ! ,horns61 by ,wade ,hemmelrick1 page #fh ,! ,h\se on ,oak ,hill ,road1 by ,c>son ,wood1 page #ga ,lrs to ! ,$itor1 page #ge ,:y ! ,future ( ,4abil;y ,"rs ,dep5ds on ,\r ,vote1 by ,ray ,campbell1 page #gi #e ,politics & ,public ,policy3 ,:o ,has ,a3ess to ! ,political ,sy/em81 by ,donna ,rose1 page #hi ,"h & ,"!1 by ,s>ah ,blake1 page #ih ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op1 page #aad ,,acb ,(fic]s1 page #abc ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors1 page #abd ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns1 page #abe ,? issue ( 8,! ,brl ,=um0 is fund$ by ! ,mississippi ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,_m ?anks to ,mississippi = xs g5]\s dona;n6 ,correc;n ,! >ea code on ,toni & ,$ ,eames,0 teleph"o numb] 0 9correct4 ,! correct numb] is "<#eei"> #bbd-#jedd4 #f ,make a ,di6];e ,once a ,mon? by ,melanie ,brunson ,x seems l e "t ,i sit d[n at my desk to write "s?+1 ! teleph"o />ts r++ l crazy4 ,x n"e fails6 ,? "d is no excep;n4 ,i _h j writt5 ! title ( ? >ticle on ! page :5 my ph"o rang4 ,9 fact1 "! 7 ?ree 3secutive call]s4 ,"o ( ^! 0 a g5tleman :o _h be5 4crim9at$ ag/ by ! wait /aff ( a re/aurant4 ,"o 0 a t1*] :o 0 3c]n$ ab los+ 8 job 2c he _h reque/$ an a3ommoda;n4 ,ano!r 0 a man :o is rapidly los+ 8 vi.n & want$ to "k ": he cd get help to buy glasses & pay 8 bills s9ce he c no l;g] "w4 ,i al h calls wait+ 9 ! w+s f "s"o ) "qs ab electronic vot+ ma*9es1 & ano!r p]son :o is deeply 9volv$ 9 #g transporta;n advocacy issues4 ,i don't h ! opportun;y to take z _m ( ^! calls n[ z ,i us$ to1 b ea* "t ,i d1 ,i am amaz$ at h[ (t5 #aj1 #bj1 or #cj m9utes ( my "t c h s* a significant impact on ! life ( ano!r p]son4 ,by giv+ a ll ( my "t & 5]gy1 ,i c help "s"o f9d answ]s to _! "qs1 9=ma;n to meet a ne$1 or hope to replace 4c\rage;t4 ,_m ( y h "w$ ) me 9 ? ef=t1 2c ! f/ place ,i alw ref] call]s to is \r a6iliate 9 ! place ": ! call] lives4 ,a6iliates h respond$4 ,!y h ref]r$ call]s to 9dividual memb]s :o cd assi/ !m1 & ^? 9dividuals h respond$4 ,? is no?+ new4 ,,acb is ab mak+ a di6];e4 ,? organiza;n's core goals >e focus$ on mak+ ! _w a m a3essible & livable place = p :o h visual #h impair;ts4 ,x is al no surprise to any ( y :o h be5 >.d ,,acb = any am.t ( "t = me to say t big victories >e frequ5tly ! result ( lots ( small "os4 ,grt a3ompli%;ts g5]ally gr[ \ ( _m seem+ly small ac;ns ,- ! lrs writt5 by 3c]n$ citiz5s1 ! ph"o calls1 ! visits4 ,^! >e all nec to a*ieve \r goals4 ,s :at's my po9t8 ,x is simply ?3 ,,acb has _m items on xs advocacy & legislative ag5da4 ,we al h goals = l1d]%ip develop;t )9 \r organiza;n4 ,we cd use ! help ( 9dividuals & a6iliates 9 rais+ ! funds t >e nec to meet ^! goals1 & y c help u1 ev5 if y c only make a small 3tribu;n4 ,^? small 3tribu;ns add up & c "w tgr to take ,,acb a l;g way d[n ! road t w l1d to grt] a3essibil;y = #i all ( u4 ,y may rememb] t ,,acb alr has a ,mon?ly ,m"ot>y ,support "<,,mms"> program : 5ables 9dividuals to designate a specific am.t ( m"oy to 2 )drawn f a bank a3.t1 or *>g$ to a cr$it c>d1 ea* mon?4 ,"! is no limit to h[ m*1 or h[ ll1 "o c designate4 ,! important ?+ is t any"o c 3tribute to ! "w ( ,,acb & d x 9 a mann] t is 3v5i5t = !m4 ,if y hav5't sign$ up to "picipate 9 ? program yet1 ,i hope y w 3sid] do+ s "r away4 ,y c call ! ,,acb f9ancial (fice at #a-#hjj-#hff-#cbdb & h a =m s5t to y4 ,^? 3tribu;ns1 no matt] _! am.t1 c 2 comb9$ to help u a3ompli% grt ?+s = p :o >e bl4 ,j z #aj m9utes sp5t talk+ to "s"o on ! teleph"o may 2 ! key to 8 or h] su3ess;l #aj future1 s yr @s#aj a mon? cd 2 j :at is ne$$ to 5sure ! su3ess ( _m an advocacy project t cd impact bl p na;nwide4 ,if y h "qs ab ! nature ( ^! projects1 feel free to 3tact me at ! ,,acb na;nal (fice1 or any ( ,,acb's (fic]s4 ,9 ! m1n"t1 ,i hope y w sign up to "picipate 9 ! ,,mms program & 2 a "p ( ! su3ess ( yr organiza;n1 ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,posi;n ,available3 ,director ( ,advocacy & ,gov]n;tal ,a6airs ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl "<,,acb"> is seek+ a ,director ( ,advocacy & ,gov]n;tal ,a6airs to "w 9 xs na;nal (fice 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 ,! prim>y duties ( ? posi;n #aa w 9clude3 _4 ,promot+ & develop+ ,,acb's advocacy & legislative ag5das2 _4 ,sup]vis+ advocacy & gov]n;tal a6airs support /aff2 _4 ,recomm5d+ ac;ns to 2 tak5 & policies to 2 adopt$ by ,,acb2 _4 ,ov]see+ ! imple;ta;n ( resolu;ns adopt$ at ,,acb 3v5;ns2 _4 ,respond+ to reque/s = 9=ma;n & advice 3c]n+ ! "rs &_/or obliga;ns ( 9dividuals reg>d+ bl;s-relat$ issues1 & provid+ ref]ral to o!r appropriate s\rces ( assi/.e2 _4 ,provid+ te*nical assi/.e to 9dividuals & ,,acb a6iliates pursu+ advocacy projects2 #ab _4 ,repres5t+ ,,acb on advisory committees & 3sultative bodies seek+ organiza;nal 9put2 _4 ,draft+ propos$ bills & rules = pres5ta;n to memb]s ( ,3gress1 or adm9i/rative ag5cies2 _4 ,prep>+ writt5 com;ts on p5d+ legisla;n & propos$ rules2 _4 ,pres5t+ oral com;ts on p5d+ legisla;n at ,3gres.nal committee he>+s2 _4 ,develop+ & ma9ta9+ ongo+ "w+ rela;n%ips ) memb]s ( ,3gress1 ,3gres.nal /aff & ag5cy adm9i/rators to promote ,,acb's legislative & advocacy ag5das2 _4 ,ma9ta9+ coop]ative rela;n%ips ) o!r 4abil;y & civil "rs organiza;ns2 #ac _4 ,prep>+ >ticles on legislative1 judicial1 & adm9i/rative develop;ts = ,,acb publica;ns & ,,acb ,radio2 _4 ,/a6+ ,,acb's resolu;ns & 5viron;tal a3ess committees2 _4 ,& o!r duties z assign$ by ! executive director4 ,! director ( advocacy & gov]n;tal a6airs reports to ! executive director4 ,! su3ess;l c&idate m/3 _4 ,2 available = frequ5t travel2 _4 ,2 will+ to "w ev5+s & week5ds 9 ord] to att5d meet+s ) ,,acb l1d]s & a6iliates2 _4 ,2 a self-/>t] ) excell5t organiza;nal skills2 #ad _4 ,h a m9imum ( two ye>s exp]i;e "w+ ) f$]al legislative & regulatory processes2 _4 ,h k ( s]vice-deliv]y sy/ems & gov]n;t programs impact+ p :o >e bl2 _4 ,demon/rate excell5t writt5 & v]bal communica;n skills2 _4 ,h ! abil;y to move qkly 2t tasks & respond promptly to d1dl9es2 #ae _4 ,& demon/rate an abil;y to locate & "u/& laws & regula;ns4 ,desirable skills or tra9+ 9clude comput] lit]acy1 g5]al famili>;y ) assi/ive devices us$ by p :o >e bl1 k & use ( brl1 & a law degree1 or specific 4abil;y-relat$ advocacy tra9+4 ,sal>y dep5ds ^u exp]i;e4 ,applicants %d submit a resume1 cov] lr1 & brief writ+ sample to ,gov]n;tal ,a6airs ,director ,se>*1 ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 #aaee #aeth ,/reet ,,nw1 ,suite #ajjd1 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 #bjjje4 ,applica;ns may al 2 submitt$ by electronic mail s5t to ,/a6+@aacb4org1 or fax$ to "<#bjb"> #dfg- #ejhe4 ,all applica;ns m/ 2 rcvd 9 ! ,,acb na;nal (fice by ,octob] #af #ae1 #bjjd4 ,celebrat+ ! ,life ( ,%>on ,ke]an by ,c9dy ,burgett1 ,presid5t1 ,wa%+ton ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,on ,july #bf1 #bjjd1 memb]s ( ! ,wa%+ton ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl "<,,wcb"> & f "?\t ,,acb m\rn$ ! pass+ ( ,%>on ,ke]an4 ,n[ let u celebrate h] life4 ,%>on 0 born 9 a small t[n \tside ( ,r5o1 ,nev41 b af go+ bl at age ?ree f ret9obla/oma1 0 rais$ 9 fo/] c>e :ile att5d+ specializ$ s*ools = ! bl 9 s\!rn ,cali=nia1 provid+ h] opportunities %e didn't h at home4 ,%e describ$ h]f z a tomboy gr[+ up1 : wd surprise _m :o knew h] z a v /yli% dress]1 meticul\s ab h] appe>.e4 #ag ,al? ,%>on saw h]f z non- political1 9 #aiid-#ie1 %e s]v$ ,,wcb z xs second presid5t foll[+ ? a6iliate's m]g]4 ,%e sp5t #ab ye>s z a solid memb] ( ! ,newsl9e ,committee "<: "w$ on ,,wcb's newslr"> & 0 v committ$ to ? "w4 ,%e al s]v$ on ! ,,wcb f9.e committee = _m ye>s z ei xs *air or z an active memb]2 %e 0 n"e afraid to "q id1s or raise 3c]ns to 5sure ! committee's deci.ns 7 well ?"\ \4 ,%>on al _h a love = music4 ,%e sp5t five ye>s z a pr(es.nal s+] 9 h] "y adult life1 & ? 0 evid5t 9 h] activities 9 & \ ( ,,wcb4 ,%e sp5t num]\s ye>s s]v+ on ! ,advisory ,c\ncil ( ,>ts = ,visually ,impair$ ,audi;es "<,,avia">1 promot+ equal a3ess to ! >ts1 l;g 2f #ah ,,dvs on ,,tv 0 \r fion "w$ _m ye>s = ! ,9t]nal ,rev5ue ,s]vice "<,,irs">1 2+ "o ( ! few totally bl p to r1* manag]ial /atus4 ,%e retir$ f ? posi;n a few ye>s ago4 ,z memories h p\r$ 9 f >.d ! c.try ab ,%>on1 ! 3/ant !me has be5 h] class & grace1 repres5t$ "? h] poise1 dign;y & frly dem1nor4 ,:e!r x 0 "w+ at ! ,9=ma;n ,desk at an ,,acb 3v5;n or "w+ "o-on-"o ) "s"o 9/ruct+ !m on ! use ( ! ,optacon1 ,%>on _h a gift = mak+ p feel special4 ,%>on ,ke]an may 2 g"o f ? e>?ly life1 b ! "w %e 2gan w 3t9ue )9 \r bl;s move;t = _m ye>s to come4 #ai ,,acb ,presid5t ,rememb]s ,ke]an ,z a =m] presid5t ( ,,wcb1 ,i wd l "picul>ly to add a p]sonal gd-bye to ,%>on1 & express my pr(.d sorr[ ^u rcvg ? news4 ,9 meet+ ,%>on = ! f/ "t1 "o cd only 2 /ruck by h] poise1 h] dign;y1 & h] frly dem1nor4 ,%>on 0 extremely 9sion on a3.t ( h] excep;nal c>e]-relat$ su3ess4 ,at ! ,,irs1 %e is "o ( ! v few bl employees :o has be5 able to excel & move 2y 5try level employ;t 9to ! manag]ial ranks ( ! ag5cy4 ,t is a significant a3ompli%;t & "o = : ,i h grtly admir$ ,%>on ^! _m ye>s4 ,%>on1 may p1ce & #bj happi;s n[ 2 yrs4 ,- ,*ris ,gray ,t5;see ;v4 ,lane3 ,a3ess to ,c\rts z a ,funda;tal ,"r by ,otis ,/eph5s ,on ,may #ag1 #bjjd1 ! #ejth anniv]s>y ( ,br[n ;v4 ,bo>d ( ,$uca;n1 ! ,unit$ ,/ates ,supreme ,c\rt held 9 ,t5;see ;v4 ,lane t a /ate c 2 su$ by 4abl$ p :o h be5 d5i$ ! 3/itu;nal "r ( a3ess to ! c\rts4 ,? case 0 9itiat$ 9 ,augu/ #aiih by ,george ,lane & ,b"ely ,j"os :o1 z :eel*air us]s1 claim$ t c]ta9 c\rtrooms 9 ,t5;see 7 9a3essible to !m4 ,lane & ,j"os br"\ an ac;n = m"ot>y damages ag/ ! /ate ( ,t5;see & s"eal ( xs c.ties4 ,9 response1 ,t5;see 3t5d$ t x 5joy$ ,elev5? ,am5d;t #ba sov]eign immun;y f private lawsuits br"\ "u ! ,am]icans ) ,4abilities ,act4 ,bo? ! ,unit$ ,/ates ,4trict ,c\rt & ! ,c\rt ( ,app1ls = ! ,six? ,circuit d5i$ ,t5;see's mo;n to 4miss ! lawsuit4 ,t5;see's peti;n = review by ! ,supreme ,c\rt l$ to ! gr.d-br1k+ deci.n 9 : a b>e major;y ( five ju/ices recogniz$ ! 8funda;tal "r0 ( a3ess to ! c\rts4 ,? important 4abil;y "rs deci.n de"p$ significantly f ! pro /ates,0 "rs tr5d l$ by ,*ief ,ju/ice ,william ,rehnqui/ s9ce ! mid-#aiijs4 ,9 a deci.n ?ree ye>s e>li]1 ,bo>d ( ,tru/ees ;v4 ,g>rett "<#bjja">1 ! c\rt b>r$ an employ;t 4crim9a;n suit br"\ ag/ ! ,univ]s;y ( ,alabama by an employee :o _h be5 demot$ foll[+ br1/ c.er surg]y4 ,9 t case1 a #e-#d major;y ( #bb ! c\rt 3clud$ t ,3gress did n h ! au?or;y to 5=ce ! ,equal ,protec;n ,clause ( ! ,f\rte5? ,am5d;t by au?oriz+ an 9dividual to sue a /ate = damages "u ,title ,i ( ! ,am]icans ) ,4abilities ,act4 ,if ! c\rt _h foll[$ ! r1son+ ( ! ,g>rett case1 ,george ,lane & ,b"ely ,j"os wd n h prevail$2 h["e1 ! f\r 4s5t]s 9 ! ,g>rett case 7 jo9$ by ,ju/ice ,s&ra ,"d ,o',connor1 :o agre$ ) ,ju/ice ,john ,paul ,/ev5s,0 3clu.n t a3ess to ! c\rts is a 8funda;tal "r0 protect$ by ! ,due ,process ,clause ( ! ,f\rte5? ,am5d;t4 ,! ,lane case 0 decid$ "u ,title ,,ii ( ! ,am]icans ) ,4abilities ,act1 provid+ t 8no qualifi$ 9dividual ) a 4abil;y %1 by r1son ( s* 4abil;y1 2 exclud$ f "picipa;n 9 or 2 d5i$ #bc ! b5efits ( ! s]vices1 programs or activities ( a public 5t;y1 or 2 subject$ to 4crim9a;n by any s* 5t;y40 ,/ev5s 4cuss$ at "s l5g? ! require;ts & limits ( 8r1sonable a3ommoda;n0 "u ! ,,ada1 3clud+ t 8,title ,,ii1 z x applies to ! class ( cases implicat+ ! funda;tal "r ( a3ess to ! c\rts1 3/itutes a valid ex]cise ( ,3gress,0 444 au?or;y to 5=ce ! gu>antees ( ! ,f\rte5? ,am5d;t40 ,9 writ+ = ! five-memb] major;y1 ,/ev5s 0 c>e;l to limit ! deci.n to a3ess to ! c\rts & ! judicial sy/em4 ,by emphasiz+ a funda;tal "rs approa*1 he 0 able to 4t+ui% ! ,g>rett case1 al? "s ( 8 com;ts raise d\bts ab ! r1son+ 9 t deci.n4 ,?ree ( 8 coll1gues1 ,ju/ices ,s\t]1 ,g9sburg & ,brey]1 all ( #bd :om _h 4s5t$ 9 ,g>rett1 wd h g"o fur!r 9 reject+ t prec$5t1 b ,/ev5s seem$ 9t5t on craft+ an op9ion t ,o',connor cd com=tably a3ept4 ,! f\r 4s5t]s1 ,*ief ,ju/ice ,rehnqui/1 & ,ju/ices ,scalia1 ,k5n$y1 & ,?omas1 7 adamantly oppos$ to ! posi;n tak5 by ,/ev5s4 ,ev5 ?\< ! ,lane deci.n is 3f9$ to ! issue ( a3ess to ! c\rts1 ! funda;tal "rs approa* t x 5dorses repres5ts a significant de"pure f e>li] deci.ns "u ! ,,ada4 ,? is important n only = symbolic r1sons b al 2c x 9evitably raises ! "q ( :at o!r funda;tal "rs miy ( ! ,,ada4 ,? ye> ! ,,drc f1tur$ ! ,lane case & pres5t$ a special advocacy aw>d to ,william ;,j4 "<,bill"> ,br[n1 ! attorney :o >gu$ ! case on 2half ( ,george ,lane & ,b"ely ,j"os 2f ! ,u4,s4 ,supreme ,c\rt4 ,9 8 rem>ks foll[+ ! pres5ta;n1 ,br[n emphasiz$ ! c5tral !me ( 8 su3ess;l >gu;t to ! c\rt4 ,he po9t$ \ t s9ce ! "r at issue 9 ? case is a funda;tal "r1 x obvi\sly 2l;gs to e citiz51 reg>d.s ( #bf 4abil;y4 ,s9ce "ey"o is 5titl$ to ex]cise ? funda;tal "r ( a3ess to ! c\rts1 ! pres;e or abs;e ( a 4abil;y is irrelevant4 ,p ) 4abilities1 9 o!r ^ws1 >e ask+ = no?+ m ?an ! opportun;y to ex]cise a funda;tal "r t 2l;gs to "ey"o4 ,george ,lane al att5d$ ! ,july #af celebra;n 9 ,knoxville4 ,he spoke briefly to ! audi;e1 describ+ ! circum/.es t l$ to 8 lawsuit4 ,! second-floor c\rtroom 9 ! c.ty c\rth\se ": ,lane 0 ord]$ to appe> to def5d hmf ag/ a *>ge ( driv+ )\t a lic5se 0 9a3essible to :eel*air us]s4 ,lane1 al? n a p>aplegic z ! ,supreme ,c\rt record ]rone\sly 9dicates1 0 recov]+ f a s]i\s a3id5t at ! "t ( 8 c\rt appe>.e & 0 us+ a :eel*air4 ,2c ! trial judge 0 unwill+ to move d[n/airs #bg to 3duct ! proce$+1 ,lane crawl$ up two fliri$ up/airs by an att5dant4 ,he 0 !n cit$ = 3tempt ( c\rt & ord]$ to 2 3f9$ 9 ! c.ty jail4 ,ironically1 he po9t$ \ t ! paddy wagon t transport$ hm f ! c\rth\se to ! jail 0 fully a3essible1 9 3tra/ ) ! c\rtroom4 ,b"ely ,j"os1 ! o!r pla9tiff1 is a c]tifi$ c\rt report] :o1 z a :eel*air us]1 0 d5i$ a3ess to s"eal c.ty c\rtrooms 9 ,t5;see4 ,%e 0 acly prev5t$ f a3ept+ c\rt report+ assign;ts f attorneys :o 3duct$ litiga;n 9 ! #bh 9a3essible c\rtrooms4 ,t5;see ;v4 ,lane is a major 3/itu;nal victory = p ) 4abilities4 ,xs import.e is bo? symbolic & /rategic4 ,! deci.n op5s ! door = fur!r litiga;n te/+ ! dim5.ns ( ! 3cept ( funda;tal "rs4 ,an e>ly te/ is likely to take place 9 ! ,lane case xf4 ,n[ t ! "r to sue has be5 e/abli%$1 x rema9s = ! 4trict c\rt to det]m9e :e!r1 9 fact1 ,lane & ,j"os >e 5titl$ to ! c\rth\se a3ommoda;ns t !y seek4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl has a vital 9t]e/ 9 ! expan.n ( funda;tal "rs ( a3ess = p ) 4abilities4 ,by select+ cases c>e;lly & focus+ on ! "r ( a3ess to basic gov]n;tal programs & s]vices at all levels1 we c build on ! ,lane prec$5t & "w to make sure t xs promise is fulfill$4 #bi ,a6iliate ,news ,,acb ,gov]n;t ,employees ,>e ,cook9,0 ,& we m1n t1 s9ce at \r annual meet+ 9 ,birm+ham ? summ]1 we vot$ to produce a cookbook4 ,? is a fund-rais+ project2 we're ask+ memb]s & non-memb]s to s5d favorite recipes4 ,titles may 2 *ang$1 b s5d]s,0 "ns w appe> z 3tributors4 ,did y "e try ,a6irmative ,ac;n ,oy/]s or 8,! ,*eck's 9 ! ,mail0 ,*ili8 ,! be/ recipe w w9 a @s#be prize f ! ,cookbook ,committee4 ,pl1se s5d recipes to billiej1n@a#bkeiths4com1 or call ,billie ,j1n ,kei? at "<#gjc"> #ebh-#ddee4 ,y don't ne$ to 2 a memb] to 3tribute recipes4 ,h["e1 we d 9vite p :o "w = _! c;y1 c.ty1 /ate1 or ! f$]al gov]n;t1 or :o #cj >e retirees f ^! ag5cies1 to jo9 ,,acbge4 ,we gu>antee a gd program at \r annual meet+s1 & j s we don't lapse 9to bur1ucracy1 we h a lot ( m]ri;t at \r annual mix]4 ,if y ?9k y >e alr a memb]1 b did n he> f ,,acbge 9 #bjjd1 pl1se 3tact ,ca?y ,skiv]s at "<#eaj"> #ceg-#aihf4 ,ano!r item on ! burn] is t we >e />t+ an ;e-mail 4tribu;n li/4 ,if y want to sign up1 pl1se s5d yr ;e-mail address to ,ri*>d ,ru$a at ri*r@a" surfside4net4 ,! purpose ( ,,acbge is to promote recruit;t1 place;t & adv.e;t ( bl & visually impair$ p )9 f$]al1 /ate1 c.ty & municipal gov]n;t4 #ca ,memb]%ip ,9itiatives ,compil$ by ,>dis ,bazyn "<,memb]%ip committee 8op5 =um0 3f];e call ,may #aj1 #bjjd1 *air$ by ,sue ,ammet]"> ,op5 ,=um ,topics ,s"eal "qs 7 pres5t$ to ! "picipants ( ! 8op5 =um0 memb]%ip meet+4 ,f t mo;t1 ! 4cus.n 0 animat$ & b5eficial to all4 ,h[ d y 9t]e/ possible memb]s 9itially & !n keep !m com+ to yr *apt]s8 ,d y curr5tly h m5tor+ programs = new memb]s8 ,h[ d y get 9 t\* ) "y] p or ^? j rec5tly los+ _! sid+ gett+ memb]s & frs to att5d meet+s3 a #cb re/aurant ) a sep>ate room = ! meet+1 sp1k]s ( 9t]e/ to _m1 activities af ! regul> meet+s1 gett+ m memb]s actively 9volv$ 9 plann+ meet+s & activities1 & provid+ transporta;n to ! meet+s & ev5ts "4 ,"s program topics ( meet+s w]e3 newspap] audio programs available 9 ! commun;y1 a diabetes c5t]1 p ) diabetic exp]i;es1 p>atransit1 cell ph"o a3ess1 & companies provid+ l[ vi.n a3essories4 ,9volve;t 9 activities \tside ( *apt] meet+s 0 "o ( ! r1sons memb]s /ay$ 9 *apt]s4 ,if memb]s don't 2come "p ( ! 8family10 !y >e m likely to drop \4 ,golf+ & sport+ ev5ts1 picnics1 ,*ri/mas "pies1 wat*+ ,,dvs movies1 play+ games af ! meet+1 & activities *os5 #cc by ! memb]s 7 "s ( ! *oices m5;n$4 ,/ud5ts (t5 come to 9t]e/+ ev5ts ) gd food4 ,"s"ts1 9vit+ memb]s to h d9n] tgr w all[ memb]s to get to "k ea* o!r bett]4 ,9vit+ ,prospective ,memb]s ,"s ( ! ways *apt]s ga9$ new memb]s w]e3 celebrat+ ,:ite ,cane ,"d 9 _! communities2 hold+ l[ vi.n fairs2 s5d+ fly]s to *ur*es 9 ! >ea2 s5d+ sp1k]s to ag5cies & organiza;ns2 pres5t+ ! positive view ( ,,acb2 s5d+ 9troduc;n lrs to /ud5ts ( bl c5t]s2 gett+ active ) c;y c\ncils2 & 3tact+ l[ vi.n doctors & oph?almologi/s4 ,ev5 if ,,nfb *apt]s >e 9 ! >ea1 x is important to focus on \r positives r ?an try+ to comp>e & 3tra/ ! organiza;ns4 #cd ,x is b5eficial to h applica;ns available at all ev5ts to sign up new memb]s4 ,/>t a sp1k]s,0 bur1u 9 yr *apt] & 3tact s*ools 9 ! >ea & let !m "k y >e will+ to sp1k to !m4 ,h ev5ts t >e design$ to 9clude p>5ts & _! bl *n4 ,if y get !m 9volv$ e>ly1 ! *n w want to 2 memb]s lat] 9 life4 ,if y plan an ev5t ea* mon?1 x w likely br+ new memb]s to yr *apt]4 ,ea* *apt] cd al 3sid] s5d+ a /ud5t to yr 3v5;n ea* ye>4 ,m5tor+ ,does yr *apt] 9troduce memb]s to visitors8 ,does "s"o sit ) visitors s !y don't feel al"o8 ,does yr *apt] h greet]s 9troduce newcom]s to a c\ple ( memb]s8 ,does ! presid5t ask if "! >e new p att5d+ a meet+8 ,does yr *apt] assign a #ce memb] z a m5tor to ea* new memb]8 ,m5tors c help visitors or new memb]s "u/& h[ ! *apt] func;ns & ! purpose ( ! organiza;n4 ,*apt]s t h m5tor+ programs ( "s type >e apt to keep memb]s = ! l;g t]m4 ,a fell[%ip committee %d 2 3sid]$ t wd keep memb]s & frs com=table ) yr gr\p4 ,s5d+ get-well c>ds or ?"\;l notes to memb]s c help to reta9 memb]s4 ,memb]s w n 3t9ue to come to yr *apt] if !y feel !y wd n 2 miss$4 ,ph"o trees >e al ess5tial to rem9d memb]s ( meet+s1 especially if *anges >e made to ! regul> place & date4 ,5c\rag+ "o ano!r & help+ "o ano!r1 "picul>ly ) bl;s-relat$ problems1 gives "ey"o a s5se ( 2l;g+4 #cf ,keep+ ,*apt]s ,/r;g ,visitors & new memb]s w n "u/& :at yr memb]s >e talk+ ab if _m acronyms >e us$4 ,5c\rage all memb]s to /ate ! "ns ( organiza;ns 9/1d ( a2revia;ns4 ,p 5joy 2+ >.d positive p4 ,if we c 5c\rage "o ano!r & rema9 positive1 we w 9spire o!rs to jo9 \r activities4 ,all memb]s %d try to 2 s5sitive to o!rs4 ,ea* p]son %d 2 all[$ to express op9ions4 ,ang] manage;t may 2 nec = a memb] :o seems to 2 angry at e turn4 ,al1 welcome sie eag] to le>n ab yr gr\p & >e will+ to help on o3a.n4 ,h["e1 d n expect !m to run & fet* at e meet+ or ev5t4 ,if y tr1t !m z frs & support]s1 !y w 2 happy to help \ o3a.nally4 ,rememb] to ?ank !m :5 !y d #cg volunte] to help4 ,a c\ple ( su7es;ns 7 made = 9clud+ sie appreciat$4 ,if y wi% to %>e o!r id1s t h "w$ 9 a *apt] or a6iliate1 pl1se 3tact "o ( ! memb]s ( ! memb]%ip committee4 ,we'd 2 glad to %>e !m ) o!rs6 ,june ,memb]%ip ,=um ,compil$ by ,>dis ,bazyn ,! second ,,acb memb]%ip committee call-9 =um 0 ag a su3ess4 ,_m memb]s "picipat$ 9 ! call4 ,! "t w5t fa/ & _m id1s 7 express$4 ,m public;y & special ev5ts 7 cit$ z common r1sons t "w$ to 9t]e/ newcom]s4 ,a gd #ch way to publicize yr organiza;n is to celebrate ,brl ,lit]acy ,mon? "<,janu>y"> & ,:ite ,cane ,safety ,"d "<,octob] #ae">4 ,plan a special project t hiea4 ,florida (f]s ,project ,9sie los+ sin ab o!r a6iliates & _! programs & su3esses is to h memb]s "picipate 9 ne>by /ate 3v5;ns4 ,s5d+ ann\nce;ts or 9vita;ns to o!r a6iliates "? a6iliate newslrs or ,,acb li/s on ! ,9t]net mi :at's happ5+ at ! na;nal level4 ,if y let 8,! ,brl ,=um0 "k a few mon?s ah1d1 x c publi% ! date & place ( yr 3v5;n4 ,9volv+ all yr *apt] memb]s w keep ! *apt]s alive4 ,alw ask yr memb]s to give id1s = future programs4 ,al1 y w likely 9cr1se yr *apt] ret5;n if y call ! memb]s :o miss a meet+4 ,if call$1 !y w "k y actually notic$ _! abs;e4 ,y mie "s tips ab yr 3v5;n wd al 2 help;l4 ,"s subjects to cov] mi = meet+s or yr banquet1 :at di6]5t meet+ topics >e1 etc4 ,if yr /ate has a div]se popula;n1 y %d 3sid] h[ to r1* o!r gr\ps3 native ,am]ican1 ,spani%1 black1 ,asian1 etc4 ,(t51 ^! bl p may 2 m %elt]$ & %d 2 5c\rag$ to jo9 commun;y gr\ps4 ,! ,cali=nia ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl has a ,spani% 3nec;n : all[s m p to le>n :at's happ5+ 9 ,,ccb4 ,di6]5t fund-rais+ ev5ts may al give public;y to attract new memb]s4 ,"o a6iliate is "w+ ) a na;nal *a9 : w donate #e p]c5t to ! organiza;n4 ,:ite ,cane ,"d walk-a-?ons may al 2 a gd way to publicize ! organiza;n & 9spire #da public;y4 ,/ay tun$ = ano!r memb]%ip update6 ,a ,3v5;n" ,p]spective by ,all5 ;,j4 ,casey ,on ! sev5? & f9al "d ( ! ,,acb 3v5;n 9 ,birm+ham1 x happ5$4 ,z ,i bo>d$ ! elevator on my way to br1kfa/ & ! ,satur"d morn+ busi;s ses.n1 ,i 0 greet$ by a g5tleman app>5tly att5d+ ano!r func;n 9 ! hotel4 ,we ex*ang$ pl1santries & !n he ask$3 8,:at gr\p >e y )80 ,my answ] ,- deliv]$ ) obvi\s pride1 ,i hope ,- was1 8,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl40 8,oh yes10 he repli$ matt]- (-factly1 8isn't x amaz+ h[ well !y get >.d40 ,)\t ?9k+ ,i answ]$1 8,we d :at o!r p #db d e "d ( ! week40 ,i left ! elevator quietly %ak+ my h1d & try+ my be/ to ac"kl$ge ! s9c];y ( 8 obs]va;n4 ,i cd only ?9k3 ,:at is m amaz+ ,- t we 8get >.d s well0 or t o!rs hold s* n>r[ly 3/ruct$ op9ions8 ,9 tru?1 ! amaze;t 9 8 eyes 0 mat*$ by ! 9cr$ul;y 9 my m9d4 ,birm+ham1 ,a ,life"t ( ,memories by ,b]l ,colley ,a mon? has pass$ s9ce ! #bjjd ,,acb 3v5;n 9 ,birm+ham 5d$1 & we bla/$ away f ! ,space & ,rocket ,c5t] to ,ivy ,gre5 & ! wond];l \tdoor pag1nt ab ,hel5 ,kell]4 ,s9ce1 ) ,nextel's assi/.e1 we rode >.d ! ,,nasc> oval at ,talladega4 ,s9ce ,l9da #dc ,fry]1 an excell5t c;y t\r doc5t1 9=m$ u ab ! c;y ( ,birm+ham & "s folks w5t ov] to ,birm+ham ,s\!rn's ,5viron;tal ,c5t] & flu%$ !mvs d[n a simulat$ toilet4 ,s9ce lots ( ,,acb 3v5;n folks visit$ ! ,he>t ( ,dixie railroad museum1 or w5t on ! ,s\!rn ,belle hi/orical t\r4 ,s9ce visit+ ! ,jazz ,hall ( ,fame1 ! ,botanical ,g>d5s1 or exp]i5c+ "s ( ! sett+s f ! ,unit$ ,/ates ,revolu;n>y ,w>4 ,s9ce exp]i5c+ ! emo;nal visits "? "s v ?"\-provok+ civil "rs sett+s ) a doc5t :o liv$ "? x1 visit+ ! ,alabama ,9/itute = ! ,d1f & ,bl4 ,& s9ce we f9i%$ ! week yuck+ x up at ! ,/>dom ,com$y ,club4 ,! gd memories prompt$ me to express my apprecia;n to all ,,acb memb]s & frs :o w5t to ,alabama's l>ge/ c;y &1 #dd especially1 ^? ( y :o w5t on "o or m 3v5;n t\rs4 ,af ,pittsbur< & gett+ to "w ) ,jay1 ,g5e1 ,m>ie & o!rs f ,p5nsylvania1 ,i didn't ?9k ,i cd get a bett] "w+ rela;n%ip :ile sett+ up t\rs4 ,i c n[ say t ? ye>'s exp]i;e 0 z gd1 if n bett] ?an la/ ye>4 ,david & ,rhonda ,trott 7 s help;l t ,i probably took m advantage ( _! (f]s ?an ,i %d4 ,joan ,ridgeway 0 a grt help z we travel$ >.d ,alabama1 9ve/igat+ v>i\s t\r possibilities4 ,ron ,ell] 0 al help;l dur+ 8 visits4 ,! ,,aidb 0 v help;l 9 provid+ transporta;n & op5+ up xs facilities1 & ! s*ool = ! bl1 = u4 ,?ank y to ,gail1 ,ca?y & ,horris = tak+ "t \ ( yr busy s*$ules to %[ me yr grt /ate4 ,x is grt :5 y c d #de "s?+ t is fun & make gd frs 9 ! process4 ,h[ gd8 ,well1 ,rhonda ,trott has agre$ to 2 my assi/ant t\r coord9ator 9 #bjje4 ,let's see if %e is / a fr af ,las ,vegas4 ,sp1k+ ( ,las ,vegas1 la/ week5d1 ,cyn?ia ,t[]s & ,i made \r f/ visit to ,s9 ,c;y to "w on next ye>'s 3v5;n4 ,we _h ! opportun;y to meet ) memb]s ( ! ,nevada a6iliate & ,i am "h to tell y !y h "s grt & exotic id1s t ,i w 2 look+ at = t\rs4 ,:at mie talk+ ab ,las ,vegas1 is to 2 sure & r1d upcom+ issues ( ! ,=um1 ": ,i w 2 rev1l+ ! exotic details4 ,oh1 & 2 sure to call ! ,rivi]a ,hotel soon to res]ve yr room4 ,! 3v5;n 9 #bjje is go+ to 2 a big "o4 #df ,at #ajh ,x ,w ,/ ,2 ,grt6 ,an ,e>ly ,look at ! #bjje ,3v5;n by ,cyn?ia ,t[]s1 ,,acb ,3v5;n ,coord9ator ,i am ( c\rse talk+ ab ! temp]ature4 ,i visit$ ! site ( ! #bjje 3v5;n1 ,las ,vegas1 ,nev41 ! la/ week5d 9 ,july & yes1 x 0 hot666 ,b don't let t /op y f mak+ yr res]va;ns = ! #ddth annual 3v5;n ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,ask yrf3 ,d y want to 2 9 a facil;y ": ! ,,acb (fices & all meet+s1 9clud+ g5]al ses.ns & exhibits1 w 2 locat$ d[n a s+le hallway8 ,d y want to 2 9 a hotel ) six re/aurants1 "o ( : is a food c\rt1 ano!r a bu6et & yet ano!r op5 #bd h\rs8 ,d y want to h 5d.s op;ns = #dg 5t]ta9;t & food j \tside yr hotel door8 ,d y want to g on unique t\rs ( roll] coa/]s1 cas9os & places s* z ! ,elvis or ,lib]ace museum8 ,d y want to 2 j #c miles f ! airport to ! hotel8 ,if ! answ] is yes to all or "s ( ^! "qs1 !n y want to 2 at ! ,rivi]a ,hotel & ,cas9o ! week ( ,july #b-#i1 #bjje4 ,! hotel has five t[]s & ,,acb w 2 prim>ily 9 ! two close/ to ! meet+ space4 ,x al has a swimm+ pool1 s"eal ,,atm,'s1 a b>b] & b1uty %op1 s"eal gift %ops & ?ree 5t]ta9;t v5ues1 9clud+ a com$y club1 plus an >cade & oh yes1 "! >e a few b>s4 ,if y >e s 9cl9$1 y c ev5 get m>ri$ 9 ! ,w$d+ ,*apel6 ,& :at ab ! gambl+8 ,"! >e gam+ tables & slot ma*9es galore ,- b no ,ray ,*>les ma*9es4 ,_m #dh ( !m1 h["e1 >e ! tradi;nal k9d1 ) "s 2+ ! "os t h tickets4 ,:5 ,i met ) ! hotel on ,july #cjth1 ,i 0 9=m$ t ! ,rivi]a has no plans 9 ! ne> or 4tant future to 3v]t any m ( _! ma*9es to ! pap] =mat4 ,i al met ) ,c>ol ,ew+1 presid5t ( ! ,nevada ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 & ! #bjje ho/ committee t week5d4 ,%e & h] committee >e s excit$ to h ,,acb come to _! /ate4 ,!y h be5 giv5 a li/ ( ?+s to d to 2g9 ! "w ( mak+ ? 3v5;n a grt "o = all :o att5d4 ,i want to ?ank ,c>ol & ! ,nevada ,c\ncil = /epp+ up to ! plate to d :at is ne$$ locally ,- volunte] recruit;t1 obta9+ door prizes1 secur+ 5t]ta9;t = ea* g5]al ses.n z well z an op5+ 9voca;n & hav+ a gr\p on h& to assemble ne>ly #a1bjj 3v5;n bags to 2 r1dy = 4tribu;n by ! "t y >rive #di >e j a few ( ! tasks assign$ to !m4 ,s h[ d y get 9 on all ! fun8 ,well1 y 2g9 by call+ ! ,rivi]a at #a-#hjj-#fcd-#fgec & /at+ t y >e mak+ a res]va;n = ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl's ,july #bjje 3v5;n4 ,!n y />t wat*+ ^? airf>es & snag ! "o t is "r = y4 ,i am s look+ =w>d to see+ y 9 ,las ,vegas4 ,if y h n"e be5 to ! t[n1 y w f9d a w1l? ( ?+s to d ,- b only af y h att5d$ ! g5]al ses.n & ! afn meet+s "4 ,las ,vegas is a #bd_/#g t[n ,- x op]ates ! same at #c p4m4 z x does at #c a4m4 ,families >e welcome2 ! c;y has r1lly 5d1vor$ to 2 family-frly4 ,if y h any "qs1 com;ts or 3c]ns ab ! upcom+ 3v5;n1 pl1se feel free to 3tact me4 ,i c 2 r1*$ at ct[]s@aacb4org or on my toll-free numb] at #ej #a-#hjj-#dgd-#cjbi1 ext5.n #j4 ,:e!r y sp5d yr (f "ts at ! blackjack table or w&]+ ! ,las ,vegas /rip1 j rememb] to set yr clock s y won't 2 late = ea* "d's op5+ ses.n door prize4 ,viva ,las ,vegas666 ,anxi\sly ,await+ ,yr ,lrs by ,nola ,mc,k9ney ,! ,,acb ,aw>ds ,committee is anxi\sly await+ a lr f y4 ,yes1 n[ t y've return$ f ! #bjjd 3v5;n & /[$ away all ^? pl1sant memories ( see+ old frs & %>+ _! _m a3ompli%;ts1 n[ is ! "t to 3sid] "s ( !m = a nom9a;n to "o ( ,,acb's na;nal aw>ds4 ,i wi% to rem9d y all t n[ is ! "t to 3sid] writ+ ^? nom9a;ns :ile !y >e fre% 9 yr m9ds4 ,rememb] t "! >e a #ea numb] ( aw>ds to ?9k ab3 ! ,durw>d ;,k4 ,mc,daniel ,ambassador ,aw>d1 ! ,george ,c>d ,aw>d1 ! ,4t+ui%$ ,s]vice ,aw>d "<= a bl or si1 & ! ,rob]t ;,s4 ,bray ,aw>d "<= \t/&+ s]vice 9 improv+ te*nology1 exp&+ communica;n1 or ext5d+ libr>y s]vices to bl p">4 ,a6iliates %d al rememb] ! a6iliate gr[? aw>d1 giv5 to ! a6iliate t's gr[n ! mo/ s9ce ,m>* #ae1 #bjjd1 & ! a6iliate \tr1* aw>d1 a special aw>d bas$ on a recomm5da;n ( a /ate presid5t1 usually to recognize a local *apt] = a program4 ,? program may n 2 a fund-rais]2 x m/ 2 a program t has _h a m1surable \tcome4 ,i am sure "! >e _m folks :om y've met & admir$ t y feel wd 2 p]fect = "o ( ^! aw>ds4 ,s give x "s /r;g #eb 3sid]a;n1 & get ^? nom9at+ lrs to ! na;nal (fice 9 ,wa%+ton4 ,address !m to ! aw>ds committee4 ,x's a wond];l feel+ to 2 ! "o responsible = giv+ ! ?rill ( an aw>d to "s"o y admire4 ,support ,gr\p ,=m+ = ,^? ) ,bonnet ,syndrome by ,m>y ,ell5 ,johnson ,my "m is a retir$ ,r&olph- ,%epp>d v5dor :o has be5 bl = m ?an #ce ye>s4 ,orig9ally h] diagnosis 0 e>ly macul> deg5]a;n1 b ret9itis pig;tosa & cat>acts h be5 add$ to ! li/4 ,z h] eyesin$ h] 3di;n is "kn z ,*>les ,bonnet syndrome4 ,n[ we >e try+ #ec to locate o!r bl p :o h ! same 3di;n4 ,ac to a cl9ical pap] f.d on ! ,9t]net writt5 by ,dr4 ,&rew ;,s4 ,gurwood & ,hel5 ,abdal1 ,bonnet syndrome 9volves visual halluc9a;ns : o3ur in1 b >e n limit$ to1 visually impair$ eld]ly :o exhibit no evid;e ( de;tia or psy*iatric ill;s4 ,9 #agfj1 ! ,swiss philosoph] f/ describ$ ! syndrome 9 8 gr&"f :o 0 left virtually bl f cat>acts4 ,! m$ical commun;y 0 made famili> ) ! syndrome m ?an #bjj ye>s ago2 h["e1 x is (t5 n diagnos$4 ,"! >e two r1sons = ?3 ! syndrome rema9s poorly mis"u/ood & "u-publiciz$1 & pati5ts >e naturally reluctant to admit to halluc9atory exp]i;es = fe> ( 2+ label$ z m5tally un/able4 ,! >ticle expla9s ! #ed halluc9a;ns >e p]cep;ns exp]i;ed 9 ! abs;e ( an ext]nal /imulus to ! s5se organs4 ,!y >e exp]i;ed z orig9at+ 9 ! \tside _w "4 ,a v>iety ( halluc9a;ns h be5 describ$ by ,bonnet syndrome pati5ts1 b ! mo/ common is t ( see+ a p]son4 ,o!r halluc9a;ns rang$ f simple patt]ns to complicat$ pictures ( p or places4 ,if y h exp]i;ed ,bonnet syndrome or "k "s"o :o has1 pl1se 3tact me by ;e-mail at mej#ajjfcf@acox-9t]net4com1 or by mail1 ,,po ,box #gheb1 ,spr+dale1 ,,ar #gbgff4 ,a support gr\p is 2+ =m$4 #ee ,on ! ,av5ue1 ,six? ,av5ue by ,k5 ,/ew>t ,if ?+s t5d to happ5 9 ?rees1 ,i don't "k :at is ab to happ5 to me1 b ,i ?9k ,i "k ":4 ,x w 2 back on t major ?or\e slic+ up "? ! he>t ( midt[n ,manhattan1 ,six? ,av5ue4 ,9side ( ?ree weeks1 two major ev5ts 9 my life o3urr$ only f\r blocks a"p4 ,on ,june #crd1 ! results ( ov] five ye>s ( advocacy came to a climax :5 ! f/ set ( a3essible p$e/rian signals 0 9/all$ 9 ,new ,york ,c;y4 ,"o ( ! f\r crosswalks at ,six? ,av5ue & #bcrd ,/reet got ! devices4 ,!y w5t ": ! 9fra/ructure 0 alr 9 ! "r place4 ,no di7+ up ! pave;t = electric 3duits4 ,! ,de"p;t ( ,transporta;n assures me #ef o!rs w 2 add$ z ! pilot project is well rcvd4 ,! ,,aps advocacy 2gan f ! 9side1 s to sp1k4 ,i wrote multiple resolu;ns :ile a memb] ( ,manhattan ,commun;y ,bo>d ,numb] ,f\r1 a quasi- gov]n;tal 5t;y compris$ ( #ej citiz5 appo9tees repres5t+ ! neiry x up to ! next tor*be>] at #cast ,/reet4 ,i 0 guid$ by a /> a?lete f a ,h>lem hi< s*ool girls,0 track t1m4 ,ev5 )\t ! te!r 3nect+ me to #eg ,leila1 ,i cdn't h gott5 lo/4 ,"! 7 sir5-bl>+ police escorts ah1d1 *e]+ spectators al;gside1 & a 3sid]able 5t\rage foll[+ 2h4 ,x 0 a ?rill to 2 s honor$1 & to jo9 ! 4t+ui%$ company ( s"eal o!r ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl memb]s :o h c>ri$ ! tor* dur+ previ\s quadr5nial c]emonies padd+ "? a numb] ( ,u4,s4 cities4 ,my nom9a;n to ! ,olympic ,committee came f "o ( ! commun;y organiza;ns = : ,i volunte]1 ,! ,big ,apple ,greet]4 ,t selec;n process 2gan mon?s 2f & 9volv$ 3sid]able pap]"w pass+ 2t me & ! ,,usoc h1dqu>t]s 9 ,colorado4 ,i 0 requir$ to sign v legal-s.d+ docu;ts agree+ n to we> any adv]tis+4 ,! ev5t's sponsors1 ,coca- ,cola & ,samsung1 #eh "u/&ably want$ no competitor horn+ 9 on _! big photo op6 ,i _h to decide on uni=m size to 2 issu$1 & _h to agree n to l1k \ details ( ! pag1nt 2f ! news 3f];e at : ! mayor presid$4 ,at ! (ficial ,gracie ,man.n recep;n = all #aej ( u select$ to move ! symbolic flame "? all five ,,nyc bor\ad]ie 9 ! h\rs 2f we all 7 4tribut$ al;g ! p>ade r\te alm equal$ ! excite;t ( ^? preci\s ?ree m9utes runn+ up ! av5ue hold+ my "r >m hi< ) ! fancy wood & brass tor*4 ,we1 ! m]ry b& ( honorees all dress$ alike 9 :ite ,olympic %orts & ;,t- %irts1 gu6aw$ en masse at ! curi\s transport : c>ri$ u to \r po/s4 ,! huge p]man5t lr+ on ! side ( ! bus #ei proclaim$1 8,de"p;t ( ,sanita;n60 ,cell ,divi.n ,/rang]s say hello ,ev'ry": on c;y /reets to cell ph"os1 n me4 ,- ,k5 ,/ew>t ,,acb ,memb]s ,%>e ,k ) ,9t]na;nal ,coll1gues by ,oral ,o4 ,mill] ,:5 3sid]$ c>e;lly1 ! 5orm\s am.t ( quiet respect rcvd by _m ,,acb memb]s f _! 9t]na;nal c.t]"ps %d come z no surprise4 ,f t mo;t 9 #aihd :5 ,i 0 honor$ by 2+ ask$ to draft ! resolu;n m]g+ ! ,_w ,c\ncil = ! ,welf>e ( ! ,bl & ! ,9t]na;nal ,f$]a;n ( ! ,bl 9to ! ,_w ,bl ,union & !n presid+ ov] ! meet+ at : t #fj resolu;n 0 approv$ to ! mo/ rec5t 9t]na;nal pres5ta;n by an ,,acb memb]1 ,,acb memb]s h be5 recogniz$ z "kl$g1ble1 responsible1 tire.s1 e6ective advocates = improv+ ! well-2+ ( bl & visually impair$ p >.d ! _w4 ,= a mo;t1 3sid] j ! "w+ delega;n reg>d+ s]vices = ! eld]ly bl l$ by pa/ presid5t ,le,roy ,saund]s to ,japan 9 ! e>ly #aiijs1 ! delega;ns reg>d+ s]vices = ! bl 9 ,g]_m & ,russia lat] 9 ! #aiijs & ! activities ( o!r memb]s fulfill+ responsibilities 3nect$ ) 9t]na;nal brl au?orities1 ! ,_w ,bl ,union & o!r organiza;ns4 ,9 %ort1 ,,acb memb]s h e>n$ ! respect ( _! 9t]na;nal c.t]"ps = !mvs & ,,acb xf4 ,9 _m =eign c.tries1 ! 3sum] organiza;ns ( ! bl sponsor a wide v>iety ( activities #fa s* z sports1 job tra9+ & 9t]na;nal ex*ange1 ":as _m s* activities >e 3duct$ by sep>ate organiza;ns 9 ! ,,usa4 ,z a result1 _m ( ! l1d]s ( =eign organiza;ns (t5 direct s"eal programs : come 9to 3tact ) _m di6]5t ,am]ican advocates4 ,x %d come z no surprise !n t ,,acb's pr9cipal l9es ( communica;n = 9vit+ 9t]na;nal bl;s dignit>ies z 3v5;n sp1k]s " w5t "? sports organiza;nal *annels4 ,9=ma;n ab ,,acb's l1d]%ip 9 e/abli%+ special-9t]e/ a6iliates to provide ! unique s]vices ne$$ by _! memb]s has al evok$ 9t]e/ by o!r c.tries 9 %>+ 9 ! exp]tise develop$ by ^? a6iliates4 ,= example1 ! director g5]al ( ! ,taiwan ,9/itute = ! ,bl1 :o spoke at ! #aiih ,,acb na;nal #fb 3v5;n & pres5t$ a v g5]\s dona;n to ,,acb at t "t1 9vit$ ,dr4 ,paul ,pon*illia1 ,dr4 ,susan ,pon*illia & me to pres5t pr(es.nal pap]s at ! ,novemb] #bjjc 3f];e on improv+ global employ;t opportunities = ! bl & visually impair$4 ,dr4 ,paul ,pon*illia1 n[ *airman ( ! bl;s & l[ vi.n /udies de"p;t at ,we/]n ,mi*igan ,univ]s;y1 & ,dr4 ,susan ,pon*illia1 pr(essor ( bl;s & l[ vi.n /udies at ! same univ]s;y1 submitt$ an \t/&+ pap] reg>d+ voca;nal tra9+ programs & policies 9 ! ,,usa 9 ! pa/ #ej ye>s & su7es;ns z to h[ ^? programs %d 2 improv$4 ,i 0 honor$ to pres5t a pap] 3c]n+ ! admis.n ( bl p 9to ! pr(es.n ( law & o!r pr(es.ns4 ,! 3f];e1 : 0 att5d$ by repres5tatives f #ab #fc na;ns & : _h be5 po/pon$ 2f due to ! ,,s>s epidemic 9 ,asia1 0 su3ess;lly res*$ul$1 b at ! la/ m9ute ! ,pon*illias 7 n able to att5d due to ! ill;s ( ,susan ,pon*illia4 ,_! pap] 0 e6ectively pres5t$ by ano!r sp1k] & coll1gue1 ,dr4 ,jim ,leja1 associate d1n ( ! ,college ( ,h1l? & ,human ,s]vices at ,we/]n ,mi*igan ,univ]s;y4 ,ano!r pres5t] 0 ! f/ bl p]son admitt$ to ! practice ( law 9 ,japan ,- a man :om x 0 my pl1sure to advise & c\nsel z he f"\ to 2 all[$ to take ! na;nal b> exam9a;n 9 ,japan 9 brl4 ,favorable impres.ns ( ,,acb z gl1n$ at xs na;nal 3v5;n " & o!r ,,acb activities bore v b5eficial fruit rec5tly z ,i 0 honor$ ) an 9vita;n to pres5t a s]ies ( lectures 9 #fd ,japan on ! impact ( ! ,am]icans ) ,4abilities ,act "<,,ada"> & o!r 4abil;y "rs legisla;n 9 ! ,,usa4 ,^? favorable obs]va;ns came f a ,japanese univ]s;y pr(essor :o1 z a graduate /ud5t1 f/ le>n$ ( ,,acb f pa/ presid5t ,grant ,mack & me at ! organiza;nal meet+ ( ! ,_w ,bl ,union1 !n saw ,,acb 9 ac;n :5 %e came to a na;nal 3v5;n z an 9t]pret] = an 9t]na;nal sp1k]1 le>n$ m ab x f pres5ta;ns giv5 by ,dr4 ,rose ,resnick & o!r ,,acb "picipants at an 9t]na;nal 3f];e 9 ,japan on s]vices to ! eld]ly bl1 & !n le>n$ m ab x f pa/ presid5t ,le,roy ,saund]s & o!r ,,acb memb]s :o ho/$ & c>ri$ \ an $uca;nal program 9 ,new ,york ,c;y s"eal ye>s ago = a ,japanese delega;n sponsor$ by a f.da;n "! 9t]e/$ 9 #fe le>n+ m ab job tra9+ & opportunities = ! bl 9 ! ,,usa4 ,my lectures 7 giv5 at a mod]n cross-4abil;y s]vice c5t] 9 ,toku%ima ,c;y1 at ,ko*i ,prefecture ,univ]s;y1 at ,ko*i ,prefecture ,s*ool = ! ,bl & at a commun;y c5t] 9 ,matsuyama ,c;y4 ,my audi;es1 : v>i$ "s:at f loca;n to loca;n1 7 "s:at surpris$ to le>n t ! hi1s4 ,:ile 9 ! >ea ( ,ko*i ,c;y & dur+ a %ort visit 9 ,tokyo1 ,i le>n$ t plans >e "u way to $ucate m bl /ud5ts 9 ma9/r1m s*ools 9 ! future & to significantly *ange ! roles ( ! resid5tial s*ools4 ,3c]n ab ? plan 0 express$ 2c1 am;g o!r r1sons1 ! resid5tial #ff s*ools = ! bl h be5 ! pr9cipal t1*]s ( ! anci5t 4cipl9es ( massage & acupuncture1 once ! prim>y employ;t = bl "w]s 9 ,japan4 ,"o (ficial 9=m$ me t n[ approximately #cj p]c5t ( ! masseurs & acupuncture speciali/s 9 ,japan >e bl1 3tra/$ ) #gj p]c5t approximately #ej ye>s ago1 & t1 dur+ ! five-ye> p]iod f #aiif to #bjja ! numb] ( bl practi;n]s dropp$ f approximately #ba1jjj to approximately #ag1jjj4 ,l1d]s 9 ! na;nal organiza;n ( ! bl agre$ t bl & visually impair$ p ne$ to 2 tra9$ = a grt] v>iety ( jobs & t employ]s w !n ne$ to 2 p]suad$ t !y c p]=m ! ess5tial func;ns ( ^? jobs4 ,s.d famili>8 #fg ,f ,yr ,p]spective3 ,grab ,? ,l;ghorn ,bull by ! ,horns6 by ,wade ,hemmelrick "<,$itor's ,note3 8,f ,yr ,p]spective0 is a column t appe>s o3a.nally4 ,xs 3t5ts v>y f te*nology to religion1 f 9t]nal go+s-on to items ( 3c]n 9 ! bl;s field 9 g5]al4 ,! op9ions express$ >e ^? ( ! au?ors1 n ^? ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs /aff or elect$ (ficials4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsible = ! op9ions express$ "h94"> ,de> ,ladies & ,g5tlem53 ,z an av]age ,,pc comput] 3sum]1 :o happ5s to 2 bl1 ,i d keep tabs on ! develop;t ( new op]at+ sy/ems1 & h[ ^! plat=ms wd h"o/ly f>e 9 t]ms ( equal us] frli;s am;g bl & 4abl$ 3sum]s alike4 ,w9d[s #fh ,,xp has c]ta9ly come a l;g way t[>ds ? important goal1 especially 9 h[ compatible x r1lly is ) ,,jaws1 ,w9d[- ,eyes1 & o!r scre5 r1d] s(tw>e4 ,comp>$ to ! built-9 ,n>rator text-to-spee* program 9 ,w9d[s ,,xp1 ,,jaws all[s u1 = ! mo/ "p1 full use ( ! pres5t op]at+ sy/em on t]ms ( equal;y ) \r siy"> z n orig9ally com+ f me4 ,h["e1 ,i hope t ? message does e*o ! s5ti;ts ( e o!r av]age 3sum] :o dep5ds on scre5 r1d]s & o!r assi/ive te*nology products available \ "!4 ,"!=e1 ! purpose ( ? set ( rem>ks is to urge ! develop]s ( ! =?com+ ,l;ghorn plat=m to give _! te*nical "wspace ! same 3sid]a;ns = #fi completely a3essible f1tures1 to make improve;ts ": "! is room = !m1 & to h an op5 m9d t[>d ! ne$s ( ! av]age bl & 4abl$ 3sum] base 9 g5]al ,- f top-not* bl programm]s1 assi/ive te*nology $ucators1 & relat$ develop]s1 to ! av]age comput] us]1 :o wd r [n a new op]at+ sy/em : wd place hm or h] on equal1 competitive p>amet]s ) e o!r av]age "w+ or capable citiz5 & 5able t p]son to a*ieve his_/h] place 9 ! te*nical1 s]vice1 or busi;s ori5t$ sectors ( ! "w=ce4 ,9 clos+1 ? model message w s]ve z a /r;g rem9d] to ,micros(t "<9 a mo/ "tly & responsible fa%ion"> to let xs ^ws & de$s mat* ! 3c]ns ( relevant 3sum] categories 9 ord] t ? 8bull0 ( an op]at+ sy/em is assur$ to "w = u1 n ag/ u4 ,?ank y4 #gj ,! ,h\se on ,oak ,hill ,road by ,c>son ,wood ,my "m ran z fa/ z %e cd up ! /airs ( \r old f>mh\se af ,i1 2+ a naive five-ye>-old1 9=m$ h] ,i _h be5 sitt+ 9 a nice man's lap & _h be5 talk+ to hm4 ,%e f.d no s* p]son1 b _h he>d me talk+ to "s"o or "s?+4 ,_m /range ?+s happ5$ 9 t old h\se f ! "t we mov$ 9to x 9 #aifb until we left 9 #aigi4 ,i 0 sitt+ at \r kit*5 table ) ,mom & h] fr ,jane "o ni ( ^! ?+s1 b 0 q tak5 aback4 ,i r1lly didn't "k :at to #ga ?9k4 ,9 \r big hallway1 "s"o cd 2 he>d walk+ up ! /airs1 especially on ra9y nid com+ f ! ma/] b$room ev5 :5 no "o 0 "!4 ,9 ! nid gett+ up \ ( b$1 walk+ acr ! room1 & clos+ ! w9d[ :5 no w9d[ _h be5 op54 ,l\d bang+ cd "s"ts 2 he>d 9 \r l>ge op5 unf9i%$ sec;n ( ! upp] level4 ,"o "t :5 ,i 0 home al"o1 ,i he>d ? bang+ & w5t to get a fr to 2 ) me :5 ,i *eck$ x \4 ,i gra2$ my #ab-gauge %otgun1 load+ x ) d\ble-auri$ a hunt+ knife4 ,we 5t]$ a back b$room ": a big t$dy be> 0 sitt+ 9 a small *air4 ,my poor fr 0 s />tl$ t he ?rew ! knife "r 9to ! he>t >ea ( ! poor old t$dy4 ,we f.d no?+4 ,! nimy trunk ,i _h b"\ _h ! key 9 xs lock & _h a pap] tag on a /r+4 ,t tag 0 go+ back & =? l a clock p5dulum4 ,i turn$ on my li1 & wat*$4 ,i knew ,i cd react to my t]ror & g spa/ic1 or try to 2 cool4 ,i smok$ at t "t1 s ,i lit a cig>ette & took a big drag4 ,i kept wat*+ until ,i f9ally sd \ l\d1 8,:y don't y /op80 ,x 3t9u$ = ano!r m9ute & /opp$4 ,afws1 ,i wond]$ :y ,i _h load$ ! %otgun1 see+ z x 0 use.s 9 ? situa;n4 ,x 0 a com=t anyh[4 ,z ,i />t$ los+ my nily '#gjs1 ,i h alw #gc felt ,i 0 giv5 a gift f ^! _ss :o sc>$ me s1 gr[+ up4 ,i 0 call$ f my b$ >.d "o or two a4m4 by :at s.d$ l my p>5ts4 ,i alw felt com=table :5 my p>5ts 7 bo? home4 ,i w5t d[n to \r big d9+ room & saw two figures on ei side ( ! room4 ,! moon 0 full & \r pa/ure 0 z li.d eat+ p1*es (f ! tree4 ,i 0 able to see ? picture z cle> & z b"r z if my eyes 7 p]fect ag4 ,i cd n tell :e!r ! figures 9 ! room 7 my p>5ts or n4 ,x didn't seem to matt]4 ,my "f _c recall ? ev5t happ5+ & my "m pass$ away n l;g af t "t4 ,i've alw tr1sur$ t mo;t & w n"e =get x z l;g z ,i live4 ,"! 7 _m /range ?+s t w5t on 9 t old h\se on ,oak ,hill ,road t cdn't 2 expla9$ by #gd logic4 ,lrs to ! ,$itor ,! 3t5ts ( ? column reflect ! lrs we _h rcvd by ! "t we w5t to press1 ,augu/ #af1 #bjjd4 ,lrs >e limit$ to #cjj ^ws or less4 ,all submis.ns m/ 9clude ! au?or's "n & loca;n4 ,op9ions express$ >e ^? ( ! au?ors4 ,reg>d+ ,8,pr(iles 9 ,c\rage,0 ,frs1 z ,i sat d[n ? morn+ to r1d mail1 & ! pile ( new magaz9es1 ,i came acr ,presid5t ,*ris ,gray's message ab ,presid5t ,k5n$y's 8,pr(iles 9 ,c\rage10 a book t 9flu;ed \r g5]a;n4 ,x rem9d$ me t ! ,c>roll ,c5t] has _h ! grt =tune ( meet+ _m 9dividuals :o h made a #ge su3ess ( _! lives1 2 x z a univ]s;y pr(essor1 a lawy]1 or runn+ a v5d+ /&4 ,ea* ye>1 9 3junc;n ) ! ,massa*usetts ,commis.n = ! ,bl1 ! ,c>roll ,c5t] honors 9dividuals :o >e bl1 "w+ 9 competitive employ;t1 ref]r$ to u = recogni;n by _! employ]s4 ,! c]emony is 9spir+ to all ( u :o h att5d$ x1 n[ #ba ye>s4 ,t5 ye>s ago we made a commit;t to compile ^! /ories s t o!r p1 especially newly bl p or te5s com+ up 9 ! _w1 wd see su3ess;lly employ$ bl p " 9 a wide v>iety ( jobs4 ,x took ano!r #aj ye>s1 b we f9ally complet$ x4 ,? book is #afe pages l;g1 available on ;,,cd1 audiotape or 9 pr9t4 ,! co/ is @s#e4 ,y may obta9 "o by ;e-mail+ ,peg ,hawk9s at ,peg@a" #gf c>roll4org4 ,all[ #d weeks = process+4 ,- ,maura ,deptula1 ,c>roll ,c5t] = ! ,bl1 ,newton1 ,mass4 ,get ,\ ! ,vote6 ,de> ,$itor & ,fell[ ,,acb ,memb]s1 ,i am mov$ to write to y td to urg5tly express my 3c]n t we z ,am]icans & _m ( u1 ,am]icans ) a 4abil;y1 (t5 >e lack+ 9 \r commit;t to \r c.try4 ,rememb] ! fam\s call to ac;n f \r #ceth presid5t1 ,john ;,f4 ,k5n$y1 8,ask n :at yr c.try c d = y1 ask :at y c d = yr c.try40 ,! mo/ funda;tal ac;n we c take = \r c.try is to ex]cise \r "r to vote4 ,i wd l to issue a two-"p *all5ge to all ( y3 #a"> ,if y >e n curr5tly #gg a regi/]$ vot] & d n "k ": to g or :at to d1 ask a fell[ memb] or 3tact yr local elec;n commis.n]4 #gh #b"> ,make yr voice & op9ion c.t1 bo? z an 9dividual & z a memb] ( a p[];l commun;y ( 4abl$ ,am]icans1 & ,,vote4 ,?ank y4 ,- ,tracy ;,b4 ,cu%man1 ,s\?we/ ,miss\ri ,fr%ip ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 ,webb ,c;y1 ,mo4 ,:y ! ,future ( ,4abil;y ,"rs ,dep5ds on ,\r ,vote by ,ray ,campbell ,rec5tly 9 ! news we've all he>d m* 4cus.n on legisla;n : is design$ to add a prescrip;n drug b5efit to ,m$ic>e4 ,presid5t ,bu% sign$ ? legisla;n 9to law on ,dec4 #h1 #bjjc4 ,:at 0 a common !me 9 ! political & public debate ov] ? issue8 ,x 0 t s5iors #gi ne$$ ? legisla;n to combat hi< drug co/s4 ,9 8 weekly radio address ( ,nov4 #ae1 #bjjc1 ,presid5t ,bu% t\t$ ! b5efits ( ? legisla;n4 ,he us$ ! ^w 8s5ior0 or 8s5iors0 #bb "ts dur+ t approximately ?ree- m9ute spee*4 ,ev5 ?\< ? legisla;n (f]s help to p ) 4abilities to cov] prescrip;n drugs1 &1 ev5 ?\< "! is "s cov]age ( vi.n-relat$ s]vices 9clud$1 :y didn't ! presid5t m5;n ? dur+ 8 radio address8 ,x is 9 l>ge "p 2c p ) 4abilities d n vote4 ,s5iors >e m5;n$ prom95tly 2c !y d vote 9 l>ge numb]s4 ,politicians "k t if !y d any?+ to h>m ,social ,secur;y or ,m$ic>e t s5iors w rise up & vote !m \ ( (fice4 ,on ,nov4 #ah1 #bjjc dur+ a press 3f];e sponsor$ by ! ,,life ,c5t] = ,9dep5d5t #hj ,liv+ 9 ,bloom+ton1 ,ill41 ,am]ican ,associa;n ( ,p ) ,4abilities "<,,aapd"> ,vice ,presid5t ,jim ,dickson ,- :om ,i look up to z ! guru ( vot+ "rs = \r commun;y ,- sd t if we want m a3essible & af=dable h\s+1 bett] transporta;n1 qual;y rehabilita;n programs & s on1 we m/ get \ & vote4 ,^? ( u :o >e bl or visually impair$ ne$ to rise up & oppose ^? politicians :o take ac;n to h>m ! programs we dep5d on4 ,we hav5't d"o ? 9 ! pa/1 : tells !m t x's ,,ok to cut programs & s]vices we ne$1 s* z public transporta;n1 rehabilita;n s]vices & fund+ = produc;n ( mat]ials 9 alt]nate =mats = s*ool *n4 ,! ,,aapd web site1 www4aapd-dc4org1 has /ati/ics %[+ :at p]c5tage ( p ) 4abilities 9 ea* /ate vot$ dur+ ! #bjjj elec;ns4 #ha ,comp>$ to o!r m9or;y gr\ps1 \r "picipa;n 0 q l[4 ,>e we z a commun;y go+ to 3t9ue to sit by & let ! politicians take \r apa?y t[>d vot+ = grant$8 ,! answ] to ? "q _h bett] 2 a res.d+ 8no40 ,if we're n go+ to regi/] & g to ! polls 9 ! #bjjd elec;ns & 2y1 !n we w 2 say+ we're 3t5t to h /reets t >e unsafe = u to cross1 a lack ( transporta;n op;ns1 bl;s s]vices lo/ 9side ov]ly bur1ucratic umbrella ag5cies & s on4 ,i j don't 2lieve ,,acb memb]s & frs feel t way4 ,let's prove x by regi/]+ & vot+ 9 #bjjd4 ,h[ c we make \r vote c.t8 ,"! >e ?ree ?+s we m/ d4 ,f/1 if y >e n regi/]$ to vote1 d s z soon z possible4 ,?anks to ! ,na;nal ,vot] ,regi/ra;n ,act ( #aiic "1 _m places m/ (f] y ! opportun;y to regi/] to vote4 ,^! 9clude1 b >e n limit$1 to driv]'s lic5se facilities1 rehabilita;n s]vice provid] (fices1 & c5t]s = 9dep5d5t liv+4 ,y may al 3tact yr local bo>d ( elec;ns1 or yr secret>y ( /ate1 to f9d \ ": y c regi/] to vote4 ,make sure y f9d \ :at y >e requir$ to br+ = id5tifica;n & :at docu;ts >e a3eptable = ? purpose4 ,regi/] z soon z possible4 ,once y've regi/]$1 !n y j h to get to ! polls & vote4 ,x is likely t dur+ ! #bjjd elec;n1 curr5t vot+ proc$ures w / apply 9 _m "ps ( ! c.try4 ,if y ne$ to "k ": yr poll+ place is & = "s r1son y d n rcv ? 9=ma;n 9 ! mail1 call yr local bo>d ( elec;ns or secret>y ( /ate's (fice #hc & !y w help y4 ,if y _c get 9to ! poll+ place1 curbside vot+ is available & m/ 2 provid$ 9 a3ord.e ) ! ,am]icans ) ,4abilities ,act4 ,if y ne$ assi/.e ca/+ yr ballot1 y c ei br+ "s"o ) y or "! w 2 "s"o at ! poll+ place :o w assi/ y 9 m>k+ yr ballot4 ,9 ! next few ye>s1 vot+ w 2come m a3essible2 ,i'll 4cuss t lat]4 ,h["e1 = #bjjd1 don't use a3essibil;y 3c]ns z an excuse n to vote4 ,don't let lack ( transporta;n /op y f vot+ ei4 ,ask a neiatransit s]vices or a taxi to get "!1 or y c give yr >ea c5t] = 9dep5d5t liv+ or ,lions ,club a call & !y c try & hook y up ) p 9 yr >ea :o c drive y to ! polls4 ,"! is alw ! op;n ( fill+ \ an abs5tee #hd ballot z well4 ,call yr local bo>d ( elec;ns or secret>y ( /ate's (fice = 9=ma;n on h[ to d ?4 ,i m5;n$ e>li] t vot+ w 2come m a3essible to \r commun;y 9 ! next few ye>s4 ,? takes me to ! ?ird ?+ we m/ "w on4 ,! ,help ,am]ica ,vote ,act "<,,hava">1 : 0 sign$ 9to law by ,presid5t ,bu% 9 ,novemb] ( #bjjb1 requires t by ,jan4 #a1 #bjjf1 poll+ places m/ 2 a3essible to vot]s ) 4abilities1 9clud+ hav+ at l1/ "o ma*9e t vot]s :o >e bl or visually impair$ c a3ess 9dep5d5tly4 ,z we h se51 "s places s* z ,m>yl& & ! ,4trict ( ,columbia >e alr (f]+ a3essible vot+4 ,! ma*9es ,i'm ref]r+ to >e l ! ;,e-slate & o!r ma*9es t h be5 exhibit$ at rec5t ,,acb 3v5;ns4 ,x is all ( \r job to make sure t #he \r local elec;n jurisdic;ns comply ) ! #bjjf date4 ,y c help by 3tact+ yr local bo>d ( elec;ns or secret>y ( /ate's (fice & lett+ !m "k y >e n happy at hav+ to ei vote at ! curb 2c a poll+ place is n a3essible or hav+ "s"o else m>k yr ballot 2c y c't d x yrf4 ,tell !m y want !m to d :at"e !y h to 9 ord] to provide y ) an a3essible poll+ place &_/or a vot+ ma*9e y c use 9dep5d5tly4 ,pl1se al communicate ? same message to ! h1d ( yr /ate's elec;n commis.n or yr secret>y ( /ate4 ,yr ,,acb a6iliate or >ea c5t] = 9dep5d5t liv+ %d 2 able to provide y ) a 3tact p]son1 mail+ address1 teleph"o numb]1 fax numb] &_/or ;e-mail address = do+ ?4 ,f9ally1 communicate t y expect vot+ to 2 made #hf a3essible to yr /ate legislature & yr gov]nor's (fice4 ,if y ne$ help f9d+ \ :o yr /ate legislator" >e or h[ to r1* ! gov]nor's (fice1 3tact yr ,,acb a6iliate or >ea c5t] = 9dep5d5t liv+4 ,wat* 8,! ,brl ,=um10 yr a6iliate newslr & o!r publica;ns = future 9=ma;n on ": y c see a3essible vot+ sy/ems demon/rat$ 9 yr >ea4 ,2 r1dy to "picipate 9 press 3f];es & meet+s if & :5 s*$ul$ to express yr feel+s on ? issue4 ,f9ally1 c&idates w 2 hav+ t[n hall meet+s & o!r =ums to tell y ab all ! wond];l ?+s !y'll d = u if we vote = !m 9 #bjjd4 ,att5d !m & ask !m if !y >e committ$ to mak+ sure yr c;y1 c.ty & /ate make vot+ a3essible to y s y c vote 9dep5d5tly by secret ballot j l all o!r #hg vot]s4 ,make yr deci.n on vot+ = !m 9 "p bas$ on ! answ] y get4 ,we've all got "w to d4 ,let's get regi/]$ to vote z soon z possible if we >e n curr5tly regi/]$1 let's d :at"e we c to get to ! polls on elec;n "d1 & let's "w h>d to make sure ! promise ( 9dep5d5t a3ess to ! polls 9 ,,hava 2comes a r1l;y acr \r grt na;n4 ,if we don't regi/]1 vote & fie 9cr1ses = transporta;n1 ?r1ts to \r programs & s =?4 ,>e we go+ to sit by & let ! politicians ignore u or >e we go+ to /& up & 2 c.t$8 #hh ,politics & ,public ,policy3 ,:o ,has ,a3ess to ! ,political ,sy/em8 by ,donna ,rose ,did y "e wond] :at y wd 2 up ag/ if y ran = public (fice8 ,:ile runn+ = a c;y c\ncil s1t 9 ,ann ,>bor1 ,mi*41 ? pa/ fall1 ,i le>n$ j :o has a3ess to \r political sy/em4 ,! implica;ns ( :at ,i le>n$ may 2 important to ! civil "rs /ru7le ( p ) 4abilities4 ,i f/ 2came 9t]e/$ 9 politics & public policy dur+ a c\rse 9 college reg>d+ ? subject matt]4 ,i 0 q 9trigu$ ) ! deci.n-mak+ p[] t a select few h ov] all ( u4 ,i 0 equally fasc9at$ ) ! ways 9 : special-9t]e/ gr\ps cd *ange ! m9ds ( ^! deci.n-mak]s1 #hi & v[$ t "o "d ,i wd run = political (fice4 ,t "d f9ally came e>ly ? pa/ summ] :5 ,i le>n$ t "o ( my c\ncil repres5tatives 0 /epp+ d[n4 ,al? x 0 too late = me to dcl a "py a6ilia;n1 ,i decid$ to take a %ot z an 9dep5d5t4 ,i felt 3fid5t t ,i 0 compet5t & cd possibly w94 ,af all1 ,i h 3si/5tly us$ my ma/]'s degree 9 social "w f ! ,univ]s;y ( ,mi*igan1 & ,i 0 9clud$ 9 8,:o's ,:o ,am;g ,/ud5ts 9 ,am]ican ,univ]sities & ,colleges0 9 #aiia = my a3ompli%;ts4 ,i _h al rema9$ active 9 my commun;y civically4 ,!n "! 0 my *>isma1 : ,i ?"\ no "o cd resi/6 ,! f/ ?+ t any"o m/ d :5 wi%+ to run = public (fice is to get ! signatures ( regi/]$ vot]s on nom9at+ peti;ns4 ,i ne$$ #ajh f my w>d1 : 0 #ij two p]c5t ( ! numb] ( vot]s :o vot$ f my w>d 9 ! la/ g5]al elec;n4 ,\r c;y cl]k advis$ me to get #cj p]c5t ov] ? am.t j 9 case "s ( ! signatures 7 9valid4 ,h[ wd ,i ga!r ^! signatures1 y ask8 ,n"o ( ! busi;ses 9 my w>d wd all[ me to canvass \tside ( _! e/abli%;ts1 s x 2came app>5t to me t ,i wd h to walk door- to-door4 ,! v>i.es 9 lot size & home /yles 9 ,ann ,>bor pos$ a r1l *all5ge = me 2c ,i am totally bl4 ,i c>ri$ ! peti;ns myf ) ! help ( a few v d$icat$ sid & "!=e cd n circulate ! peti;ns !mvs4 ,ea* ev5+1 = a total ( #ah h\rs 9 mid-,july1 we made \r way walk+ "? my w>d z we 5c.t]$ l>ge b>k+ dogs & \-(-ord] doorbells4 ,9 e>ly ,augu/ ,i #ia visit$ my c;y cl]k to turn 9 #ade signatures al;g ) not>iz$ legal docu;ts validat+ my true id5t;y4 ,pap]"w 0 al requir$ by \r c.ty to record h[ my campaign committee wd 2 organiz$4 ,i sign$ a waiv] /at+ ,i wd keep my campaign sp5d+ "u @s#a1jjj s t ,i cd avoid ! ne$ to file v>i\s f9ancial docu;ts lat]4 ,! next "d ! c;y cl]k call$ to say my signatures 7 valid & t my "n wd appe> on ! ,novemb] #dth ballot4 ,i m/ admit t ? al"o made me feel pretty triumphant6 ,n ev5 a m9ute _h pass$ :5 ! ph"o rang ag ) a call f a report] f ! ,ann ,>bor ,news ) "s brief "qs ab my c&idacy4 ,yes1 my campaign 0 (f & runn+6 ,b n[ ,i _h to figure \ h[ to get my "n \ 9 front ( approximately #af1jjj regi/]$ vot]s1 r1liz+ t #ib only #be p]c5t ( !m wd vote 9 an (f-ye> elec;n4 ,"ey?+ requir$ = gd "n- dropp+ cov]age is exp5sive4 ,copies ( my b1uti;l r$1 :ite & blue fly] ) my picture on x 7 @s#a1 & ,i cd only af=d to s5d !m to my peti;n sign]s4 ,black-&-:ite v].ns ( ? fly] 7 only n9e c5ts apiece1 b ,i cd only af=d to h ab #a1jjj pr9t$ ( ^? z well4 ,campaign y>d signs wd 2 @s#b4fh1 b only if ,i b"\ #aej ( !m )\t ! brackets to put !m 9 ! gr.d4 ,! po/ (fice told me t a bulk mail+ p]mit 0 @s#cjj1 : wd save me #ac c5ts = ea* piece ( mail4 ,p h&-c>ri$ my fly]s to ab #a1jjj homes4 ,i orig9ally 9t5d$ to put copies ( my fly]s at my *ur* & o!r commun;y spots locat$ 9 my w>d1 b ^! ag5cies did n want me to d ?4 ,?us1 "! 7 "s miss$ #ic opportunities z ,i "w$ dilig5tly to ov]come ! price ( gett+ my "n 2f ! vot]s4 ,9 mid-,octob] all ( ! c&idates 7 9vit$ to videotape a ?ree-&-a-half-m9ute spee* on \r public a3ess cable /a;n = num]\s replays until ! elec;n on ,novemb] #d4 ,i f.d \ lat] t _m ( ! o!r c&idates us$ notes1 cue c>ds & graphics4 ,i did n le>n h[ to r1d brl until ,i 0 an adult1 s ,i decid$ x 0 be/ to j memorize my spee*1 & x w5t pretty well4 ,un=tunately1 ? 0 n ! case :5 ,i 0 9vit$ to att5d ! local live teleca/ ( ! ,l1gue ( ,wom5 ,vot]s ,c&idates,0 ,=um4 ,sin+ v]bally4 ,prior to ! ev5t ,i 0 3tact$ by ! program's plann] :o ?"\ #id x mid1 s ,i opt$ to h !m r+ a bell at ! #ae-second m>k4 ,!y wd ask u ^! l;g ?ree-s5t;e "qs & give u j a m9ute to answ]4 ,! o!r c&idates1 :o frantically took notes until x 0 _! turn to sp1k1 7 able to use _! notes to help !m answ] ! "qs 3cisely4 ,at "o po9t ,i he>d ! bell r+ & completely lo/ my tra9 ( ?"\4 ,x seem$ l m9utes ( sil;e pass$ z ,i tri$ to recov] ! lo/ ^ws4 ,s9ce ,i am usually a v >ticulate sp1k]1 ,i left "! unhappy ab my p]=m.e4 ,report]s "k h[ to ca% 9 on ! drama ( life1 & ! ,ann ,>bor ,c;y ,c\ncil race /ory 0 no excep;n6 ,e>ly ! next morn+ af ! ,c&idates,0 ,=um ,i 0 3tact$ by ! ,ann ,>bor ,news #ie report] ag4 ,he cd tell "! 0 a problem by ! s.d ( my voice1 & ask$ me ab x4 ,i />t$ to expla9 to hm ! socio-economic & 4abil;y b>ri]s t ,i 0 try+ to 3qu] 9 ord] to w9 ! race4 ,i spoke ab h[ my "f 0 a w9d[ cl1n]1 b h[ well he _h rais$ ?ree bl *n & ano!r ) dyslexia :o all turn$ \ to 2 pretty su3ess;l4 ,i express$ my surprise at h[ a6lu5t ! o!r c&idates w]e1 9clud+ my two oppon5ts4 ,_! "fs 7 doctors & lawy]s4 ,i told hm t ,i _h ! 9tellect & analytical skills to 2 a c\ncilp]son1 b t giv5 ! odds x seem$ s \ ( r1*4 ,& !n x happ5$6 ,i 2gan to cry z ,i 4cuss$ my 4appo9t;t4 ,sympa!tically1 he told me t ! ,ann ,>bor ,news wd put my picture 9 ! pap] ! foll[+ week & 4cuss ? 9equ;y4 ,al? ,i ask$ hm n to d s1 he cd n #if resi/ say+ 9 ! >ticle t ,i _h cri$ dur+ \r 9t]view4 ,x 0 9 t /ory t ,i le>n$ t my /r;ge/ oppon5t1 :o 0 a ,democrat1 _h sp5t @s#h1jjj on 8 campaign comp>$ to my @s#fjj4 ,& j to %[ h[ fickle ! m$ia is1 !y 5dors$ hm two "ds af ? /ory ran6 ,i 0 los+ hope :5 elec;n "d f9ally roll$ >.d4 ,i w5t b[l+ t afn1 mak+ li5't ,i wor?y 5 to h a %ot at politics too8 ,! results came in1 & #ig ,i 0 n ! w9n]4 ,my ,democratic "py oppon5t :o sp5t ! @s#h1jjj rcvd ! honor ( 2+ my w>d's next c\ncilp]son4 ,he is a #bi-ye>-old labor attorney4 ,i did rcv #ddc or #ab4d p]c5t ( ! votes1 : "s say is a gd f/ />t6 ,z p ) 4abilities1 we ne$ to "u/& t ga9+ equal a3ess to ! process ( 2com+ elect$ is j z important z equal a3ess to vot+ xf4 ,&1 :ile we all w]5't born to 2 politicians1 \r equ;y dep5ds ^u ^? :o >e6 ,"s ( u ne$ to c.t \rvs am;g !m6 ,i w run ag66 ,"h & ,"! by ,s>ah ,blake ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column is n an 5dorse;t by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs /aff1 or #ih elect$ (ficials4 ,products & s]vices >e li/$ free ( *>ge = ! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsible = ! reliabil;y ( products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,to submit items = ? column1 y may ;e-mail ,s>ah ,blake at sblake@aacb4org1 or call ,,acb at #a-#hjj-#dbd-#hfff & l1ve a message 9 mailbox #bf4 ,pl1se rememb] t po/al regula;ns prohibit u f 9clud+ adv]tise;ts1 & t we ne$ 9=ma;n two mon?s ah1d ( actual publica;n dates4 ,holi"d ,%opp+ ,column ,next mon?'s column w 2 a holi"d %opp+ column4 ,if y or yr company has gift items1 use;l products1 or o!r holi"d- relat$ f>e = sale1 pl1se s5d t 9=ma;n to sblake@aacb4org 2f ,octob] #a4 ,2 c]ta9 to #ii 9clude a brief descrip;n ( ! item"1 co/1 %ipp+ & h&l+ *>ges1 & 3tact 9=ma;n = y or yr company "4 ,any?+ rcvd af ,octob] #a w n 2 9clud$ 9 ! column4 ,new ,book ,available 8,wild]lu/10 a new book publi%$ by ,,nhe/ ,9c41 %[s h[ bl & visually impair$ p explore & 5joy ! \tdoors4 ,$it$ by ,*rissy ,laws & writt5 by #ah \tdoor 5?usia/s f all ov] ! ,unit$ ,/ates & ,canada1 8,wild]lu/0 9cludes *apt]s on hik+1 g>d5+1 fi%+1 bird+1 ski+1 cycl+1 spelunk+1 :ale wat*+ & m* m4 ,! book co/s @s#ai4ie plus @s#c %ipp+ & h&l+ = ! f/ copy1 & @s#a = ea* addi;nal copy4 "<,ma9e resid5ts pl1se add @s#a #ajj p] copy = sales tax4"> ,! book comes 9 regul> pr9t1 l>ge pr9t & ;,,cd-,,rom v].ns2 x w soon 2 available on audio ;,,cd4 ,to ord] ! book1 make a *eck or m"oy ord] payable to ,,nhe/ ,9c4 & s5d x to ,,nhe/ ,9c41 #add ,atk9son ,rd41 ,brad=d1 ,,me #jddaj2 call "<#bjg"> #cbg-#adec1 or visit www4nhe/4org4 ,i[a ,$uca;nal ,program ,eligible = ,aw>d ,= tak+ a giant l1p =w>d 9 mak+ sure *n ) 4abilities rcv ! public $uca;n s]vices !y des]ve1 ! ,/ate ( ,i[a's ,project ,resolve = ,special ,$uca;n has be5 "nd "o ( #ae f9ali/s = ! hid1 a program ( ! ,a% ,9/itute = ,democratic ,gov]n.e & ,9nova;n at ,h>v>d #aja ,univ]s;y's ,k5n$y ,s*ool ( ,gov]n;t4 ,! aw>d is adm9i/]$ 9 "pn]%ip ) ! ,c\ncil = ,excell;e 9 ,gov]n;t4 ,! program is n[ eligible to w9 @s#ajj1jjj 9 :at is (t5 ref]r$ to z 8! ,osc>s0 ( gov]n;t aw>d programs4 ,se>* ,5g9e = ,p ) ,4abilities ,y\,se>*4com is a new se>* 5g9e design$ to 2 a3essible to p ) 4abilities or :o >e us+ text-bas$ br[s]s4 ,visit ! site at www4y\se>*4com4 ,,cigna ,(f]s ,new ,s]vice ,,cigna is set to 2g9 (f]+ a new s]vice to cu/om]s ) 4abilities :o >e curr5tly rcvg ,social ,secur;y 4abil;y b5efits & h be5 \ ( "w = _m ye>s4 ,! company has #ajb set up an alli.e ) ,9tegrat$ ,dis,abil;y ,res\rces1 ,9c4 "<,,idr">1 : s]ves z an employ;t net"w = ! ,social ,secur;y ,ticket to ,"w ,program4 ,"u ? plan1 ,,idr w r1* \ to ,,cigna cu/om]s ) 4abilities :o h rcvd a ticket to "w1 (f]+ !m ! *.e to 5roll 9 a return-to-"w program1 9 : ,,idr w provide a full >ray ( voca;nal rehabilita;n & employ;t support s]vices4 ,,idr w al /ay 9 t\* ) !m af !y 2g9 "w+ ag to 5sure 3t9u$ support & su3ess4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ,,cigna at "<#bae"> #gfa-#ajjj1 or visit www4cigna4com1 or ,,idr at "<#hhh"> #fhc-#diej1 or visit www4myidr4com4 ,m>k ,yr ,cal5d>s6 ,! #bjje ,joseph9e ;,l4 ,taylor ,l1d]%ip #ajc ,9/itute w take place 9 ,bo/on1 ,mass4 ,m>* #aa-#ac1 #bjje at ! ,bo/on ,m>riott ,l;g ,:>f ,hotel4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 call #a-#hjj-#bcb-#edfc1 or visit www4afb4org_/jltli4asp4 ,seek+ ,t1*] ,bob ,gr(f is seek+ "s"o :o "ks ,neme? ,code1 pref]ably a ,_hley /ud5t1 to t1* hm ! code & help hm ) ma?4 ,he is al seek+ ma? books4 ,if y c help1 3tact hm at #dhg ,,pc ,circle1 ,quitman1 ,,ar #gbaca1 ph"o "<#eja"> #ehi- #bhhf4 ,new ,l[ ,vi.n ,product ,get m \ ( life ) ,5h.ed ,vi.n's new ,,lcd ,panel ,plat=m : 9tegrates ) ei ,flipp] or ,max video magnifi]s to cr1te ! ,flipp],panel & ,max,panel4 ,? all-9- "o product all[s #ajd 9dividuals to use video magnifica;n any"t1 any": = r1d+1 writ+ & 4t.e view+4 ,! new ,panel ,plat=m is p[]$ by a batt]y pack t runs up to #e h\rs )\t re*>g+4 ,select f #g- or #aj-9* scre5s t 4play #bx to #bbx magnifica;n4 ,to le>n m1 visit www45h.edvi.n4com1 or call #a- #hhh-#haa-#cafa ext4 #bjj or "<#gad"> #cgd-#ahbi4 ,ask ab \r specials on product demon/ra;n units = ag5cies6 ,m5;n ? (f] & save @s#ajj on any panel product pur*ase4 ,(f] gd "? ,septemb] #bjjd on ,,msrp only4 ,n valid on 9t]na;nal sales4 ,h\/on ,tap+ = ! ,bl ,onl9e ,h\/on ,tap+ = ! ,bl ,radio "<,,htbr"> is n[ available on ! ,9t]net4 ,x is at ht" #aje tp3_/_/www4tap+=!bl9d4org4 ,*eck x \6 ,new ,product = ,use ) ,kurzweil ,musical ,equip;t ,! ,key,s.ds ,kurzweil ,4play ,r1d] "<,,kdr"> is a ,w9d[s program t all[s bl us]s ( ,kurzweil musical equip;t to h a3ess to ! text por;n ( ! ,,lcd's on ? equip;t by copy+ ! text f ! ,,lcd to a comput] monitor via ,,midi4 ,once on ! comput] monitor1 x c 2 r1d ) scre5 r1d+ or 5l>g+ s(tw>e4 ,! foll[+ ,kurzweil products c 2 r1d ) ,,kdr3 all models 9 ! ,k#bjjj1 ,k#bejj1 & ,k#bfjj s]ies1 9clud+ keybo>ds1 racks & sampl]s4 ,! program "ws ) any v].n ( ,w9d[s f #ie on & requires a ,,midi-capable s.d c>d & a scre5 r1d]4 ,x is #ajf available 9 an electronic v].n or on ;,,cd-,,rom4 ,to ord]1 call ,keys.ds at "<#bjc"> #gce-#abhh1 or ;e-mail sales@akeys.ds4com4 ,free ,booklet f ,,nbp6 ,af #ac ye>s ( analysis1 rese>* & debate1 ! ,9t]na;nal ,c\ncil on ,5gli% ,brl has giv5 ! g-ah1d = ,5gli%-sp1k+ c.tries to use ! ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl ,code4 ,! ,unit$ ,/ates has decid$ to wait1 b o!r c.tries ,- ,canada & ,new ,z1l& ,- >e giv+ x a g4 ,na;nal ,brl ,press has publi%$ s"eal p]spectives on ? *ange1 z well z "s hi/ory & rec5t press rel1ses4 ,ord] 8,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl ,code ,p]spectives0 onl9e at h ttp3_/_/www4nbp4org_/ic_/" nbp_/,,uebc4html4 ,or call toll-free "<#hjj"> #ajg #edh- #gcbc or "<#fag"> #bff- #fafj ext5.n #bj4 ,ski ,= ,lie recruit+ sie will+ to assi/ 9 guid+ = cross-c.try ski+1 sn[%oe+1 tobo7an+1 hik+ & o!r activities4 ,! gr\p is al seek+ visually impair$ "picipants4 ,! ev5t w 2 held ,jan4 #af-#bc1 #bjje at ! ,l& ( ! ,vik+s ,lodge 9 ,%]man1 ,pa4 ,x co/s @s#dae = a d\ble room2 s+les & triples >e al available4 ,= an applica;n1 or m 9=ma;n1 3tact ,b>ry or ,l\ise ,wood at "<#bja"> #hfh- #cccf4 #ajh ,= ,sale ,b>b>a ,mattson has ! foll[+ items = sale3 tape record]s1 two-track duplicators1 & mail]s4 ,3tact h] at #eai ;,e4 ,ma9 ,st4 _?#h1 ,s"panburg1 ,,sc #bicjb1 "<#hfd"> #ehe- #gcbc1 or email ka#duiv@ajuno4com4 ,new ,pocket ,,pc = ! ,bl ,mae/ro is an ,,hp i,,paq ,pocket ,,pc made a3essible by ,visu,aide us+ text-to-spee* te*nology & a tactile keybo>d membrane ov] ! ,,pda t\* scre54 ,n[1 visually impair$ p c 5joy ! ultra-compact size ( a ,,pda & ess5tial 9=ma;n- a3ess func;nal;y3 text & vocal note-tak+1 ag5da1 3tact directory1 etc4 ,mae/ro uses wire.s communica;n net"ws s* z #aji ,bluetoo?1 & c 2 op]at$ ) or )\t an ext]nal keybo>d "d">4 ,= example1 ,mae/ro all[s brl 9put us+ ei ! tactile keybo>d on ! unit = brief notes1 or an ext]nal brl keybo>d = ext5sive note-tak+4 ,mae/ro 2g9s %ipp+ 9 ,septemb]4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 call "<#hai"> #dga-#dhah4 ,new ,,gps ,product ,fre$om ,sci5tific has develop$ a product t all[s a popul> ,,gps package to run on ! ,,pac ,mate1 call$ ,/reet,talk^t4 ,,pac ,mate us]s c pur*ase ! ,de/9ator applica;n & ,,gps rcvr f retail \tlets or ov] ! ,9t]net1 !n load ,/reet,talk to make x a3essible & to add special func;nal;y = p$e/rian use4 ,de/9ator's maps cov] #aaj ! ,,usa1 ,canada1 & we/]n ,europe4 ,compact,fla% c>ds c hold maps ( s"eal /ates4 ,packages range f @s#bii = a ,compact,fla% ,,gps rcvr & maps ( ! ,,usa & ,canada to @s#fii = ! ,,usa1 ,canada1 & we/]n ,europe ) a ,,gps rcvr equipp$ ) ,bluetoo?^r wire.s te*nology4 ,fre$om ,sci5tific is (f]+ ,/reet,talk at a special 9troductory price ( @s#gi4ie "? ,octob] #ca1 #bjjd4 ,us]s c add a complete ,,gps solu;n to _! ,,pac ,mate = z ll z @s#cgh4ie4 ,to ord]1 3tact ,fre$om ,sci5tific at #a-#hjj- #ddd-#dddc4 ,brlr ,repair & ,us$ ,brlrs = ,sale ,! ,brl ,writ] ,repair ,s]vice 9 ,brooklyn1 ,n4,y4 w repair any ,p]k9s brlr #aaa />t+ at @s#fe ) a #e-"d turn>.d "t4 ,! company w al buy any brok5 ,p]k9s brlr & has _m us$ ,p]k9s brlrs = sale />t+ at @s#bej4 ,%ipp+ n 9clud$4 ,3tact ,paul ,jackan9 at "<#gah"> #chd- #bide4 ,seek+ ,old ,brl ,magaz9es ,d y h back issues ( brl magaz9es t y're n us+8 ,>e y r1dy to toss !m \8 ,don't6 ;,c4 ,murale$h>an1 ,*a?rattil ,h\se1 ,,po ,muriyad1 ,kallettumk>a ,via ,trissur ,,dt1 ,k]ala ,/ate1 ,9dia1 is seek+ back issues ( ,5gli% brl magaz9es = use 9 s*ool4 ,if y h "s1 pl1se s5d !m to hm4 ,auc;n ,site = ,bl;s ,products ,"! is alw a ne$ = us$ vi.n impair;t products4 ,! #aab problem is ": to f9d !m & ": to sell !m4 ,at www4ocutrade4" com1 visitors c buy & sell bo? new & us$ l[ vi.n & bl;s products at auc;n4 ,new ,novel ,f1tur+ ,bl ,"* ,publi%$ 9 an audio book $i;n ? mon?1 8,lum9esc;e0 by ,w ,addison tells ! /ory ( a bl man1 8 guide dog1 a prison] rais+ puppies = a guide dog s*ool1 a female vet]9>ian1 & ! rem>kable bonds t tie !m all tgr4 ,y c li/5 to a sample ( ! audio book at www4,lum9esc;e,book4com4 ,new ,site ,support+ ,s*ol>%ips ,blmicem>t is yr "o-/op site = af=dable gifts = all o3a.ns4 ,proce$s support ! ,m\se ,hole ,s*ol>%ip1 giv5 ea* ye> #aac to a visually impair$ /ud5t or a si5t4 ,! spee*-frly site (f]s m ?an #c1jjj items4 ,visit www4bl9dmicem>t4com td1 or call ,dale ,campbell at "<#gac"> #hgf-#figa4 ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op ,want$3 ,dona;n ( refurbi%$ ,brl ';n ,sp1k1 or ,brl ,lite1 or a ,type ';n ,sp1k1 or a ,sp1k ';n ,spell4 ,3tact ,angela at "<#bjf"> #bjh-#geie4 ,want$3 ,,jaws #c4g or l[] z dona;n4 ,talk+ ,%>p calculator1 ,frankl9 ,language ,ma/] dic;n>y1 & a ,h&icassette play]4 ,talk+ radio al>m clock t plugs 9 & a d\ble cassette radio ) no ;,,cd play]4 #aad ,m9idisk play]4 ,kurzweil r1d] model #gcae4 ,talk+ pocket wat*4 ,talk+ ,bible4 ,any talk+ games4 ,any music cassettes4 ,optacon4 ,l>ge pr9t-brl label]4 ,c't af=d price4 ,3tact ,melody at "<#ida"> #gbb-#gdgg4 ,want$3 ,talk+ dic;n>y & a brl & l>ge-pr9t label]4 ,electronic talk+ address book4 ,3tact ,dwa9 ,cook at "<#fji"> #hib- #dfhd4 ,want$3 ,dona;n ( f\r-track cassette record]4 ,m/ 2 9 gd 3di;n4 ,call ,j]ry ,hamrick at "<#cjd"> #cci-#fdhi or ;e-mail hm1 j]rylhamrick@ayahoo4com4 #aae ,want$3 ,,cctv = 9-home use4 ,m/ 2 9 gd 3di;n4 ,3tact ,patricia ,talb]t at "<#bdj"> #bdg- #gdcc4 ,= ,sale3 ,new ,voice,note ,,qt or ,,bt ,,pda notetak]s f ,pulse ,data & ,adaptive ,9=ma;n ,sy/ems = @s#a1gdd 9clud+ %ipp+ ,,ups gr.d 9sur$1 any": 9 ! #dh l[] ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,only #f left4 ,^! >e new 9 ! box ) ! late/ v].n ( ,keys(t & all a3essories4 ,call ,adaptive ,9=ma;n ,sy/ems at "<#hgg"> #gib-#dgfh1 or 3tact ,rog] ,a4 ,behm1 #afaa ,clov] ,lane1 ,janesville1 ,,wi #ecede-#achh1 ;e-mail ai/e*@a" am]ite*4net4 #aaf ,= ,sale3 ,p[] ,brl #fe4 ,9 excell5t 3di;n4 ,ask+ @s#b1ejj4 ,3tact ,rob]t ,lewis at "<#daj"> #fec-#bdih4 ,= ,sale3 ,canon pr(es.nal desk model calculator4 ,comes ) manuals4 ,has _m f1tures1 9clud+ spee*4 ,ask+ @s#bjj4 ,3tact ,phyllis at "<#dag"> #hhc-#gdjh or via ;e-mail1 phyllisbww@am*si4com4 ,= ,sale3 ,optelec ,cle>,view #cag black-&-:ite video magnifi] ) 9tegrat$ #ag-9* monitor4 ,pur*as$ ,septemb] #bjjc1 us$ only o3a.nally4 ,9 m9t 3di;n1 / "u w>ranty4 ,manuals 9clud$4 ,ask+ @s#a1ejj2 local sale only1 ,l4,a4 #ijjcf >ea4 ,3tact ,ca?y at c4cog5@aneu4$u or "<#fag"> #cgc-#cjbg4 #aag ,= ,sale3 ,p[],brl #dj & ,romeo #be brl emboss]4 ,! ,p[],brl #dj 0 only us$ = #e mon?s4 ,3nects to yr comput] by s]ial port or ,,usb2 "ws ) alm all comput]s4 ,ask+ @s#a1cej or be/ (f]4 ,emboss] 0 us$ r>ely2 ne$s a gd home4 ,ask+ @s#iej "4 ,p[],brl #hj 9 v gd 3di;n4 ,ask+ @s#b1gjj "4 ;,e-mail ,,cj ,sampson at cj@abyu4net or call "<#hja"> #cfg-#beei4 ,= ,sale3 ,two-ye>-old comput] sy/em4 ,ask+ @s#cjj or be/ (f]4 ,! sy/em is a ,dell ,optiplex ,,gx#bdj small m9i t[]1 ,,,p#d1 #a4e d1 #af,,mb ,,ati range ultra graphics c>d1 #bj-gig #gbjj ,,rpm h>d drive1 #aah #c4e floppy drive1 ,w9d[s #ih second $i;n1 ,,ms ,,ps_/#b #b- button ,9tellim\se ) scroll1 9tregrat$ #aj_/#ajj #c,,com net"w c>d1 ,v4#ij ,,pci data_/fax modem1 #dhx max v>iable ;,,cd-,,rom drive1 ,,sb ,live6 ,value s.d c>d1 ,h>mon ,k>don sp1k]s1 ,(fice #bjjj ,,xp ,,sbe4 ,3tact ,m>gie ,donovan via ;e-mail1 m>gie4donovan@am$4va4gov1 or call h] at "<#fej"> #fig- #ecjj4 ,= ,sale3 ,comput] ) ,p5tium #d processor1 #bef meg ( ,,ram1 #dj-gig h>d drive1 ;,,cd-,,rom & disk drives1 9tegrat$ s.d & video c>ds1 9t]nal #ef,k modem1 #a p>allel port1 #a s]ial port1 #b ,,usb ports1 #a ,,ps_/#b m\se port1 #ae-9* monitor1 keybo>d1 m\se1 #aai ,w9d[s ,,xp home $i;n1 ,micros(t ,(fice ,,xp = small busi;s applica;ns1 ,norton ,anti-,virus s(tw>e1 ,,usb pr9t] cable1 & ,,jaws #d4e4 ,ask+ @s#d1ejj4 ,aladd9 r1d]4 ,ask+ @s#a1jjj4 ,3tact ,g9ny ,e>n%aw1 #ahb ,murphy ,rd41 ,b]keley ,spr+s1 ,,wv #bedaa1 ph"o "<#cjd"> #beh-#ehga4 ,= ,sale3 ,to%iba laptop comput]4 ,9 excell5t 3di;n4 ,3ta9s ,p5tium ,,iii processor1 #c4e-9* floppy drive1 ;,,cd-,,dvd drive1 ,,pcm-,,cia port1 #b ,,usb ports1 ,e!rnet c>d1 #cj- meg h>d drive4 ,comes ) ,w9d[s ,,xp ,home $i;n & ,(fice #bjjj4 ,= 9=ma;n1 pl1se call ,jo at "<#faf"> #bdh-#iabb1 or ;e-mail guidemi/eps@a" sbcglobal4net4 #abj ,= ,sale3 ,brl ';n ,sp1k #fdj ) ,june #bjjb revi.n4 ,comes ) two s]ial cables1 "o s]ial to p>allel 3v]t] cable1 c>ry+ case1 ,blazie ext]nal disk drive1 *>g] to *>ge bo? ! ,brl ';n ,sp1k & ! disk drive4 ,ask+ @s#dbe plus %ipp+ "4 ,3tact ,cory ,jackson at "<#gdj"> #dci- #jgbg or via email at cjackson@a#cwcomputing4com4 ,= ,sale3 ,hewlett ,pack>d ,scanjet #fbej,c flatb$ scann] ) automatic docu;t fe$]4 ,excell5t 3di;n4 ,9cludes ,,scsi & ,,usb cables1 s(tw>e ;,,cd1 manuals1 ,omni ,page ,pro #aa ,,ocr s(tw>e4 ,ask+ @s#bej4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 call ,bill ,port] at #aba "<#hdg"> #cdb-#gaee af #a p4m4 ,c5tral "t4 ,= ,sale3 ,optelec #bj-9* color ,,cctv4 ,monitor has black-&- :ite al4 #dx to #ajjx magnifica;n4 ,comes ) [n]'s guide4 ,ask+ @s#hjj4 ,3tact ,rob]t at "<#gjc"> #eia-#ffgd4 ,= ,sale3 ,brl ,note4 ,9cludes disk drive1 c>ry+ case & 9/ruc;n manual4 ,excell5t 3di;n4 ,ask+ @s#c1ajj4 ,betty ,crock]'s l[- fat l[-*ole/]ol brl cookbook4 ,f\r volumes4 ,ask+ @s#aj4 ,s5d brl lr to ,eile5 ,wue/1 #cd ,kelly ,ct41 ,lanca/]1 ,,ny #adjhf4 #abb ,,acb ,(fic]s ,presid5t ,*ri/oph] ,gray #id ,ramona ,ave4 ,san ,francisco1 ,,ca #idajc ,f/ ,vice ,presid5t ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt #gcbj ,dixon ,unit #bjd ,=e/ ,p>k1 ,,il #fjacj ,second ,vice ,presid5t ,mit* ,pom]antz #aaae ,cordova ,/reet _?#djb ,pasad5a1 ,,ca #iaajf ,secret>y ,donna ,selig] #ciab ,,se #eth ,st4 ,des ,mo9es1 ,,ia #ejcae ,tr1sur] ,>dis ,bazyn #ejj ;,s4 #crd ,st4 #abc _?,h ,burbank1 ,,ca #iaejb ,imm ,pa/ ,presid5t ,paul ,$w>ds #bjccj ,,ne #bjth ,ct4 ,miami1 ,,fl #ccagi ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors ,alan ,b1tty1 ,=t ,coll9s1 ,,co ,$ ,bradley1 ,h\/on1 ,,tx ,brian ,*>lson1 ,wat]t[n1 ,,ma ,billie ,j1n ,kei?1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,oral ,mill]1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc ,c>la ,rus*ival1 ,l\isville1 ,,ky ,patrick ,%eehan1 ,silv] ,spr+1 ,,md ,naomi ,s\le1 ,st4 ,l\is1 ,,mo ,cyn?ia ,t[]s1 ,s1ttle1 ,,wa #abd ,david ,trott1 ,talladega1 ;,,al ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns ,*>les ,hodge1 ,*airp]son1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,c9dy ,burgett1 ,brem]ton1 ,,wa ,adrian ,de ,blaey1 ,milwaukee1 ,,wi ,mike ,duke1 ,jackson1 ,,ms ,de,anna ,noriega1 ,colorado ,spr+s1 ,,co ,ex ,(ficios3 ,ralph ,s&]s1 ,vanc\v]1 ,,wa ,janelle ,$w>ds1 ,manhattan1 ,,ks #abe