,! ,brl ,=um ,volume ,,xliii ,july- ,augu/ #bjjd ,no4 #a ,publi%$ ,by ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl /rives to 9cr1se ! 9dep5d;e1 secur;y1 equal;y ( opportun;y1 & qual;y ( life = all bl & visually impair$ p4 ,*ri/oph] ,gray1 ,presid5t ,melanie ,brunson1 ,act+ ,executive ,director ,%>on ,lov]+1 ,act+ ,$itor ,na;nal ,(fice3 #aaee #aeth ,st4 ,,nw ,suite #ajjd ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejha ,fax3 "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejhe ,web ,site3 http3_/_/www4" acb4org ,! ,brl ,=um is available 9 brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half-spe$ f\r- track cassette tape1 comput] disk & via ;e-mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 address *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = publica;n %d 2 s5t to ,p5ny ,re$] at ! address abv1 or via ;e-mail to $itor@aacb4org4 ,submis.n d1dl9es >e ! f/ ( ! mon?4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl is a memb]%ip organiza;n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special- 9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,to jo91 visit ! ,,acb website & complete an applica;n =m1 or 3tact ! na;nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ abv4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax-d$uctible1 c 2 s5t to ,>dis ,bazyn at ! abv mail+ address4 ,if y wi% to rememb] a relative or fr1 ! na;nal (fice c make pr9t$ c>ds available = ? purpose4 ,to rememb] ! ,am]ican #b ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t1 y may 9clude a special p>agraph = t purpose4 ,if yr wi%es >e complex1 3tact ! ,,acb na;nal (fice4 ,to make a 3tribu;n to ,,acb via ! ,comb9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #bhjb4 ,= ! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll-free at "<#hjj"> #dbd-#hfff1 #e p4m4 to midnids1 page #aj ,decisive ,det]m9a;n ,makes a ,di6];e1 by ,melanie ,brunson1 page #bc ,a ,victory = ,bl ,v5dors3 ,a ,c\rt ( ,app1ls ,decides ! ,new ,hamp%ire ,case1 by ,rob]t ;,r4 ,humphreys1 page #cc ,summ>y ( ,,acb ,bo>d ,meet+s 9 ,april1 by ,mike ,duke1 page #dj ,a6iliate ,news1 page #de ,": 9 ! ,_w 4448 ,an ,,acb ,s*ol>%ip ,w9n] ,n[ ,t1*+ 9 ,japan1 by ,oral ,o4 ,mill]1 page #dh ,travel+ to ,b>celona & ! ,fr5* ,rivi]a1 by ,rosetta ,b]kley ,br[n1 page #ej ,rais+ ,canes1 by ;,w4 ,burns ,taylor1 page #ei #d ,%ift+ ,views ( ,9dep5d;e1 by ,toni & ,$ ,eames1 page #ff ,c\rtesy ,guidel9es3 ,:at ,%d ,y ,d ,:5 ,y ,meet a ,p]son ,:o ,is ,d1f & ,bl81 by ,rita ,k]%1 page #ge ,my ,exp]i;es at ! ,hel5 ,kell] ,na;nal ,c5t]1 by ,rita ,k]%1 page #he ,pot5tial ,recov]y ( ,si ,deg5]a;n1 by ,bruce ,h>rell1 page #ic ,lrs to ! ,$itor1 page #if ,"h & ,"!1 by ,s>ah ,blake1 page #ajd ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op1 page #aae ,,acb ,(fic]s1 page #aba ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors1 page #abb ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns1 page #abc #e ,presid5t ,gray ,ann\nces ,f\r? ,*ief ( ,,acb's ,wa%+ton ,(fice by ,ralph ,s&]s ,! bo>d ( directors ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl has hir$ ,melanie ,brunson to s]ve z ! executive director ( ! ,,acb4 ,%e is ! f\r? p]son to h1d up ! ,wa%+ton (fice1 & ! f/ bl woman to s]ve z ! s5ior executive /aff memb] ( ! ,,acb1 or any o!r na;nal bl;s advocacy organiza;n4 ,prior to h] p]man5t appo9t;t 9 ,m>* ( ? ye>1 %e _h s]v$ z ! act+ executive director s9ce ! resigna;n ( ,*>lie ,craw=d 9 ! fall ( #bjjc4 ,! only o!r two 9dividuals to hold ? po/ s9ce ! f.d+ ( ! ,,acb m ?an f\r decades ago 7 ,durw>d ;,k4 ,mc,daniel & ,oral ,o4 ,mill]4 ,9 ann\nc+ h] appo9t;t1 #f ,presid5t ,*ris ,gray sd1 8,i am extremely pl1s$ to ann\nce =mally ! appo9t;t ( ,melanie ,brunson z executive director ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,melanie is a vet]an memb] ( ,,acb's pr(es.nal /aff & has s]v$ 9 v>i\s manag]ial capacities s9ce %e jo9$ ! /aff 9 ,augu/ #aiih4 ,%e has "w$ directly ) two presid5ts & two pa/ executive directors ( ! organiza;n1 : provides h] ) important backgr.d to ! _m di6]5t approa*es & po9ts ( view )9 \r organiza;n4 ,z an attorney1 ,melanie is able to qkly & a3urately advise ! ,,acb bo>d ( directors on a wide v>iety ( legal issues or pot5tial = s* issues 2f critical deci.ns )9 ! organiza;n >e made4 ,f9ally1 ! ,,acb bo>d has be5 extremely pl1s$ & impress$ ) #g ,melanie's "w dur+ h] mon?s ( s]vice to u 9 ! dual capacities ( act+ executive director & gov]n;tal a6airs & advocacy director4 8,= ^? :o h n _h ! pl1sure ( meet+ or "w+ f/-h& ) ,melanie1 p]h ,i %d m5;n two addi;nal ?+s ab h] y mie memb]s ( ,,acb1 ,melanie is bl4 ,al1 %e is a guide dog us] & brl r1d]4 ,i m5;n ^! ?+s by way ( say+ t1 by example & empa!tically1 ,melanie c repres5t v well ! 9t]e/s ( ,,acb & demon/rate by example ! be/ & mo/ notewor?y values ( ,,acb3 responsibil;y2 dign;y2 & pr(es.nalism4 8,x is excit+ to 3template ! _m ?+s ,,acb c a3ompli% ) ! appo9t;t ( ? key l1d]%ip posi;n )9 \r organiza;n4 ,pl1se jo9 ! 5tire ,,acb #h bo>d ( directors & me 9 welcom+ ,melanie ,brunson to h] new posi;n40 ,melanie jo9$ ! ,,acb pr(es.nal /aff 9 ,augu/ ( #aiih z director ( gov]n;tal a6airs & advocacy1 ": %e has s]v$ ) 4t9c;n1 l1d+ ! ,,acb to victory 9 _m legislative *all5ges4 ,prior to com+ to ,,acb1 %e liv$ & "w$ 9 ,cali=nia4 ,%e practic$ law "! = #ad ye>s1 mo/ ( : 0 sp5t 9 private practice4 ,f ,april ( #aiif to ,decemb] ( #aiig1 %e 0 employ$ z a cli5t assi/.e program advocate1 assi/+ 9dividuals ) 4abilities ) legal issues relat$ to _! matricula;n ( ! /ate's voca;nal rehabilita;n sy/em4 ,f ,janu>y to ,july ( #aiih1 %e 0 employ$ by ! ,we/]n ,law ,c5t] = ,4abil;y ,"rs 9 ,los ,angeles4 #i ,%e obta9$ h] ba*elor ( >ts degree 9 political sci;e f ,:itti] ,college1 & h] juris doctorate f ,:itti] ,college ,s*ool ( ,law4 ,%e ma9ta9s h] memb]%ip 9 ! ,cali=nia ,b>4 ,presid5t's ,message3 ,an ,op5 ,lr by ,*ris ,gray & ,paul ,$w>ds ,at ! spr+ 3v5;n ( ! ,cali=nia ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 "o ( \r local *apt] presid5ts1 ,m>t9 ,j"os1 s"\ me \ to ask ab an >ticle he rememb]$ f 8,! ,brl ,=um10 & wi%$ to r1d ag & 3sid] us+ 9 com+ mon?s4 ,! >ticle 0 an op5 lr to elect$ (ficials & 3ta9$ _m excell5t ?"\s & id1s to 3vey to ^! (ficials4 ,! >ticle 0 orig9ally writt5 by ,,acb's imm pa/ presid5t1 ,paul #aj ,$w>ds1 & af r1d+ x1 ,i propos$ to ,paul t we update ! >ticle1 & provide x z 9=ma;n on : ac;n c 2 tak5 by ,,acb memb]s4 ,feel free to make any & all modifica;ns y wi%1 b we ask t y s]i\sly 3sid] s5d+ a lr s* z ? dur+ ? key elec;n ye> 9 \r c.try4 ,we hope t :at we say w sp1k = bo? ! ,democrats & ,republicans am;g ,,acb's memb]%ip4 ,p ) 4abilities m/ 2 he>d once & = all by ^? :o seek political (fice4 ,\r message m/ 2 cle> & explicit4 ,:e!r we >e sp1k+ to judges1 c;y commis.n]s1 t[n selectm51 /ate repres5tatives1 ,3gres.nal c&idates1 or ^? :o seek ! presid5cy1 \r message ) reg>d to bl;s & 4abil;y is ! same4 ,we 2lieve t "ey?+ sd 9 ! p>agraphs 2l is bas$ ei on posi;ns ? organiza;n has #aa tak5 or on g5]al pr9ciples t >e core values ( ! 4abil;y "rs move;t4 ,we >e oblig$ to take politics s]i\sly 2c \r issues >e1 = ! mo/ "p1 2+ m>g9aliz$ by bo? major political "pies4 ,we m/ say to ^? seek+ (fice t z a matt] ( livelihood & necess;y we _c a3ept vague g5]aliza;ns ( gd w4 ,x is "t = u to ask = specifics & to *all5ge ^? :o h n kept _! promises4 ,un.s we 2come 9volv$ & actively seek to place \r issues on "ey"o's political ag5da1 we w simply n 2 he>d & \r ne$s w n 2 met4 ,"h1 !n1 is ! draft lr = yr 3sid]a;n4 ,pl1se s5d x1 or "s?+ l x1 to any (ficial y may 2 elect+ 9 #bjjd4 ,x is \r firm 2lief t y & !y w 2 glad y did6 ,de> ,(fice-seek]3 #ab ,i write y td z "o ( yr 3/itu5ts ) s"eal "qs & su7es;ns on : ,i s9c]ely hope y w write back to me 9 ! ne> future4 ,i am "o ( #ed million p ) 4abilities4 ,we >e ! l>ge/ m9or;y 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,we >e ! poore/ m9or;y 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,we >e a m9or;y ^: unemploy;t rate is #gj p]c5t4 ,we >e a m9or;y ^: *n >e dropp+ \ ( s*ool at twice ! rate ( non-4abl$ p4 ,&1 pl1se be> ) me to "uscore ? v important po9t "o f9al "t1 we >e a m9or;y6 ,i write f/ to ask = yr "picipa;n 9 a dialogue ) me1 & second to reque/ yr m1n+;l help t[>d improv+ ! lives ( 4abl$ & bl ,am]icans4 ,i1 myf1 am bl & w sp1k specifically to issues reg>d+ bl;s1 b al to _m issues ab : ! 4abil;y m9or;y is 9 sub/antial agree;t4 #ac ,:5 y sp1k ( m9orities1 y usually d n 9clude u4 ,p]h y d n "k :at to say1 or h[ to say x4 ,b we desp]ately ne$ yr 3sid]a;n & yr ?"\;l commit;t to programs to improve ! lives ( ! bl & 4abl$ ( ? na;n4 ,we a6irm t \r /atus z a m9or;y >ises f ! fact t we su6] f 9sidi\s1 sy/ematic & unrel5t+ 4crim9a;n4 ,?irte5 ye>s af ! passage ( ! ,am]icans ) ,4abilities ,act1 nei ! drop\t rate nor employ;t h be5 m* a6ect$4 ,! promise ( ! #aiijs has be5 replac$ by ! p]ils ( ! #bast c5tury4 ,bo? ! news m$ia & politicians h attack$ ! only civil "rs law t protects u4 ,:at specific /eps w y take to protect ! "rs t ! ,,ada a6irms & to move 2y protec;n to assure t p ) 4abilities c fully "picipate 9 \r society8 ,! #bast c5tury w 2 #ad "kn z ! c5tury ( 9=ma;n4 ,te*nology is less af=dable & less a3essible to p ) 4abilities4 ,only a frac;n ( bl p c af=d ev5 to [n a comput]1 & a3essibil;y to ! scre5 is problematic = mo/ us]s4 ,:at /eps w y take to m&ate t yr commun;y1 /ate or ! na;n assures t p ) 4abilities >e n exclud$ f ! imm5se b5efits ( 9=ma;n te*nology8 ,h[ w y assure t p :o >e 4abl$ w 3t9ue to h a3ess to te*nology z x evolves8 ,virtually e new appli.e 2+ manufactur$ is 2com+ unusable by p :o >e bl 2c ( ! univ]sal use ( a visual 9t]face4 ,/oves1 wa%+ ma*9es1 televi.n sets & cellul> teleph"os >e 2com+ impossible = p :o >e bl to utilize fully4 ,:at /eps w y take to /r5g!n & broad5 ! m9imal protec;ns t #ae curr5tly d v ll to require or 5c\rage manufactur]s to make ^! products a3essible8 ,bl & visually impair$ p h b5efitt$ significantly f ! video descrip;n ( televi.n programs t 2gan to 2 provid$ by ! major net"ws4 ,:at /eps w y take to assure t ? s]vice : p>allels clos$ cap;n+ is re/or$ & exp&$8 ,_m c.tries1 bo? ri* & poor1 h f.d ways to make _! pap] m"oy id5tifiable by p :o >e bl & visually impair$4 ,! ,unit$ ,/ates ,de"p;t ( ! ,tr1sury is actively fi viola;n ( \r civil "rs8 ,fund+ = programs & s]vices = p ) 4abilities has rema9$ 9adequate4 ,9 _m communities1 p] capita exp5diture on 4abil;y-specific #af programs has fall54 ,:at w y d to gu>antee t funds >e *annel$ 9to programs t 2g9 to r$ress ! 9equ;y t makes p ) 4abilities ! mo/ "u-employ$ & poore/ m9or;y8 ,"! is cle> & unequivocal evid;e demon/rat+ t s]vices deliv]$ to bl p by sep>ate1 self-3ta9$ s]vice deliv]y models ) _! [n budgets & 3sum] gov]n.e >e f> m e6ective & su3ess;l ?an models ": s]vices >e deliv]$ to all 4abil;y gr\ps at once4 ,:at specific /eps w y take to cr1te & protect sep>ate s]vices = p :o >e bl8 ,no matt] :at /eps \r c.try takes to make jobs & \r communities m available to p ) 4abilities1 ^! ef=ts w 2 wor?.s if we d n develop a public transporta;n 9fra/ructure t 5ables p #ag ) 4abilities to travel freely4 ,:at w y d to assure t communities1 /ates & ! na;n cr1te public fix$-r\te & p>atransit sy/ems t >e truly available to p ) 4abilities8 ,! ,social ,secur;y sy/em 3t9ues to cr1te 49c5tives to return to "w4 ,! p] capita 9come ( p ) 4abilities is well 2l ! pov]ty level4 ,:at w y d to make commun;y1 /ate & f$]al funds available to provide = ! equip;t & "w 9c5tives t w 5able p ) 4abilities to return to "w8 ,:at specific ,social ,secur;y re=ms w y sponsor8 ,n "o /ate got gd m>ks f ! ,de"p;t ( ,$uca;n = _! imple;ta;n ( ! ,9dividuals ) ,4abilities ,$uca;n ,act4 ,! p]c5tage ( bl *n :o graduate able to r1d brl 3t9ues to fall & f> too _m 4abl$ *n >e 2+ 5c\rag$ to "w t[>d #ah m1n+.s & limit+ special diplomas r ?an seek+ regul> hi< s*ool gradua;n4 ,drop\t rates = /ud5ts ) 4abilities >e significantly hi<] ?an t ( non-4abl$ /ud5ts4 ,:at specific /eps w y take to assure t r1l $uca;nal opportunities & true 9dividual $uca;nal programm+ em]ge = /ud5ts ) 4abilities8 ,:ile ! unemploy;t rate = ! na;n1 z a :ole1 is 2l #e p]c5t1 ! unemploy;t rate = p ) 4abilities rema9s at ne>ly #gj p]c5t4 ,at l1/ a sub/antial por;n ( ? unemploy;t is ! result ( sy/ematic 4crim9a;n4 ,:at specific /eps w y take to assure t ! 4crim9a;n t limits employ;t = p ) 4abilities w 2 vigor\sly oppos$8 ,:ile o!r ,am]icans c & d make *oices ab _! futures1 p ) 4abilities >e (t5 tr1t$ #ai 9 cu/odial ways & h v limit$ *oices4 ,:at w y d to broad5 ! abil;y ( ea* ,am]ican ) a 4abil;y to *oose ": he or %e "ws1 :at commun;y activities he or %e *ooses to "picipate in1 & ": he or %e *ooses to live8 ,m ?an half ( ! bl p 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates >e ov] #ee ye>s ( age4 ,yet1 less ?an #aj p]c5t ( ! funds sp5t on s]v+ bl p aid ? popula;n4 ,describe ! "picul> ac;ns y w take to r$ress ? imbal.e & provide appropriate s]vices to old] p :o >e bl4 ,hundr$s ( p :o >e bl die or >e s]i\sly 9jur$ e ye> 2c \r na;n is 2com+ 9cr1s+ly less safe = p$e/rians4 ,:at w y d 9 yr commun;y1 /ate or 9 ! na;n to cr1te m a3essible p$e/rian signaliz$ /reet cross+s1 tactile w>n+s at dang]\s #bj /reet cross+s1 & a m p$e/rian- frly 5viron;t8 ,bo? major political "pies1 cities1 /ates1 & ! f$]al gov]n;t1 all rcv v ll 9put f p ) 4abilities4 ,describe ! /eps y h tak5 & w take to assure t ! op9ions ( p ) 4abilities >e regul>ly s"\4 ,:at w y d to broad5 a3ess to gov]n;t = p :o >e 4abl$8 ,p ) 4abilities (t5 _c ex]cise _! "r to vote 9 privacy 2c v ll ef=t has be5 made to make ballots a3essible1 & _m poll+ places >e 9a3essible4 ,describe ! /eps y wd take to assure t p ) 4abilities c ex]cise _! "r to ca/ a ballot 9dep5d5tly at an a3essible poll+ place4 ,i hope t y1 z a c&idate1 recognize t ^! "qs >e j a few ( ! _m t cd h be5 ask$4 ,p ) 4abilities >e ! m9or;y ) #ba l1/ app1l & ) ! mo/ s]i\s ag5da td4 ,sy/ematic exclu.n1 :e!r 9t5d$ or n1 is r1l & 5demic to \r society4 ,no c&idate :o is n prep>$ to publicly recognize ! s]i\s problems fac$ by p ) 4abilities c 2 s]i\sly 3sid]$ = elec;n by ! 4abl$ commun;y4 ,we >e n a special-9t]e/ gr\p cry+ \ = privilege6 ,we >e a m9or;y gr\p 9si/+ on \r "rs z ,am]ican citiz5s4 ,we d n ask = yr support4 ,we require yr ac;n 9 ord] to 2come full "picipants 9 ,am]ican society4 ,p]suade u t y >e s]i\s ab giv+ ! #bj p]c5t ( ,am]icans we >e a fair *.e to 2 tr1t$ equally6 ,? is \r *all5ge4 ,h[ d y respond8 ,i welcome ! *.e to 4cuss any or all ( ^! issues ) y & yr /aff4 ,i 5c\rage y to 3sid] com+ to a meet+ ( \r #bb organiza;n to li/5 & sp1k ) u ab solu;ns = ! future4 ,s9c]ely1 ,*ris ,gray & ,paul ,$w>ds1 ,presid5ts ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,decisive ,det]m9a;n ,makes a ,di6];e by ,melanie ,brunson ,? mon?1 ,i wd l to %>e a message ) y t 0 circulat$ to ! ,,acb comput] li/s on ,june #h by ,ralph ,s&]s & me4 ,x summ>izes ,,acb's rec5t activ;y aim$ at ?w>t+ ! late/ attempt by "s memb]s ( ,3gress to "um9e ! ,r&olph-,%epp>d prior;y4 ,x illu/rates t :5 bl p act swiftly & decisively on 2half ( a common purpose1 !y >e a =ce to 2 reckon$ )4 ,t =ce c compel deci.n-mak]s to take note & *ange #bc direc;n 9 a significant way4 ,i hope ! text 2l w s]ve z an 5c\rage;t to all ( u to /ay ! c\rse & p]si/ 9 \r advocacy ef=ts1 ev5 :5 ! "t seems %ort1 ! issues seem complex1 & ! odds seem unfavorable4 ,! foll[+ update on ,sec4 #hfg ( ! ,def5se ,reau?oriza;n ,bill is submitt$ by ,ralph ,s&]s on 2half ( ,,rsva1 & ,melanie ,brunson on 2half ( ,,acb4 ,a ,new ,look at ,sec;n #hfg ,less ?an #cj "ds af ! %ock attack ( ,may #ab1 :5 ! ,s5ate ,>m$ ,s]vices ,committee report$ \ xs v].n ( ! ,def5se ,au?oriza;n ,act = ,,fy #bjje 3ta9+ ,sec;n #hfg1 a provi.n : wd h elim9at$ ! ,r&olph- ,%epp>d prior;y = cafet]ias on milit>y bases1 s m* has #bd happ5$ s qkly t x "s"ts seems h>d to 2lieve4 ,n[1 9/1d ( a frontal assault on "o ( ! na;n's olde/ 5title;t programs = ! bl1 we >e look+ at language t 9 "s ways actually /r5g!ns ! ,r&olph-,%epp>d prior;y on milit>y bases4 ,n only is ? an amaz+ turn>.d on legislative prospects = ! ,r&olph-,%epp>d program1 ! s+le l>ge/ employ;t program = bl & visually impair$ 9dividuals1 b x seems to 2 a cle> victory = ! ,3gres.nal tradi;n ( e/abli%+ & ma9ta9+ special programmatic b5efits = bl & visually impair$ 9dividuals4 ,:5 ! ,,acb na;nal (fice s.d$ ! f/ legislative al]t on ,may #ab1 x 0 cle> t we fac$ a major ,3gres.nal *all5ge4 ,) trem5d\s spe$ & /r5g?1 ! bl ( ,am]ica respond$ ) #be ph"o calls1 ;e-mails1 & faxes to e ,s5ate (fice urg+ ! /rik+ ( ,sec;n #hfg4 ,&1 9 an unprec$5t$ air ( coop]a;n1 ! 5tire bl commun;y act$ tgr4 ,,acb1 ! ,,nfb1 ! ,,afb1 ,,bva & ,,aer all m>%al$ ef=ts & s5t /r;gly ^w$ messages to ! ,unit$ ,/ates ,s5ate4 ,! ,r&olph-,%epp>d ,v5dors ( ,am]ica "<,,rsva">1 ! ,,acb & ! ,,,nfb1 nib1 bva,' & ! ,,afb _h be5 5gag$ 9 mon?s ( negotia;ns ) ! ,na;nal ,9du/ries = ! ,sev]ely ,h&icapp$ "<,,ni%"> to resolve 3flicts 2t ! ,r&olph-,%epp>d prior;y & ! ,,jwod pref];e on milit>y bases4 ,^! 4cus.ns _h be5 organiz$ "u ! auspices ( ! ,3gres.nal /aff ( ,s5s4 ,5sign & ,k5n$y4 ,9 less ?an a week1 ! pressure br"\ to be> by ! bl ( ,am]ica _h br"\ ab a new #bf s5se ( ! ne$ = a negotiat$ settle;t4 ,af frantic ex*anges ( ;e-mails & ph"o calls1 a revis$ ,sec;n #hfg 0 =g$ : all "pies c a3ept4 ,we 5c\rage y to call or write yr s5ators to ?ank !m = _! assi/.e 9 br++ ab ? resolu;n to ! issues rais$ 9 ! e>li] language ( ,sec;n #hfg & to urge !m to vote = ! sub/itute language 9 ! new ,sec;n #hfg4 ,! price pd by ! bl is hi<4 ,! agree;t p]mits ,,ni% "picipat+ local non-pr(its to keep ! #ij-plus troop d9+ 3tracts x n[ has1 presumably 9to p]petu;y4 ,t m1ns ! loss ( m ?an #ij jobs1 r1lly gd jobs1 = bl m5 & wom54 ,! #cf milit>y 3tracts curr5tly held by ! ,r&olph-,%epp>d program rema9 9 place 9 p]petu;y4 ,on ! o!r h&1 ! new #bg language makes x cle> t all troop d9+ 3tracts1 :e!r full food s]vice1 or mess att5dant1 :5 !y come on ! m>ket1 >e available to ! ,r&olph-,%epp>d prior;y if ! /ate ag5cy ass]ts x4 ,t cd m1n s"eal hundr$ new jobs = bl m5 & wom54 ,"! >e o!r important te*nical details 9clud$ 9 ! proposal : w 2 help;l to ! bl4 ,x is by no m1ns a p]fect piece ( legisla;n4 ,x is1 h["e1 "s?+ we c n only live )1 b 2 pl1s$ t we 7 able to a*ieve 9 ! face ( all odds4 ,,nfb's ,jim ,ga%el1 ) ! active 9volve;t ( ! ,,acb1 draft$ a /ate;t : ,s54 ,5sign w h plac$ 9 ! ,3gres.nal record to fur!r cl>ify ! broad \tl9es ( ! agree;t4 ,! mo/ important victory : >ises f ? ,3gres.nal campaign is ! c]ta9 k t we1 ! bl1 #bh c 3trol \r [n de/9y :5 we >e will+ & able to take cle>1 decisive1 jo9t ac;n4 ,/ate;t by ,s54 ,5sign on ,sec4 #hfg ( ;,s4 #bdjj ,mr4 ,presid5t1 ,i wi% to make a few com;ts to expla9 ! am5d;t ,i h (f]$ t w modify ,sec;n #hfg ( ;,s4 #bdjj 9 reg>ds to milit>y troop d9+ s]vices4 ,? sec;n z n[ am5d$ resolves a l;g-/&+ /atutory 3flict >is+ f two important laws ,- ! ,javits-,wagn]- ,o',"d "<,,jwod"> ,act & ! ,r&olph-,%epp>d ,act4 ,^! laws provide m1n+;l employ;t & 5trepr5eurial busi;s opportunities to sev]ely 4abl$ & bl p 9 meet+ ! food s]vice ne$s ( memb]s ( ! >m$ =ces s]v+ 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,! solu;n to ? 3flict1 #bi z express$ 9 ! am5d;t1 is a tribute to all 9t]e/s 3c]n$4 ,! am5d;t rea6irms ! prior;y = ! bl express$ 9 ! ,r&olph- ,%epp>d ,act1 :ile safegu>d+ employ;t opportunities = sev]ely 4abl$ p]sons 9 all milit>y d9+ facilities n[ op]at$ "u ! ,,jwod ,act4 ,future 3tracts w al 2 aw>d$ "u ei law 9 a3ord.e ) ! prior;y set =? 9 ! am5d;t4 ,mr4 ,presid5t1 x is important to po9t \ t1 :5 ,sec4 #hfg 2comes law z "p ( ! ,na;nal ,def5se ,au?oriza;n ,act ( #bjje1 ? new /atutory language is 9t5d$ to replace exi/+ policies1 regula;ns1 or o!r guid.e issu$ by compon5ts ( ! ,de"p;t ( ,def5se relat+ to applica;n ( ei ! ,,jwod ,act or ! ,r&olph-,%epp>d ,act4 ,m* ( t guid.e has be5 bas$ on ef=ts to #cj h>monize 3flict+ /atutory 9t]preta;ns4 ,! import.e ( ! compromise am5d;t is to expla9 :5 ea* law m/ 2 appli$4 ,3curr5t applica;n ( bo? laws is n call$ = by ! am5d;t4 ,? w 2 true 9 ! case ( bo? full food s]vice 3tracts & mess hall att5dant s]vice 3tracts z well4 ,9 ord] to 2 3si/5t ) exi/+ practices "u ! ,,jwod ,act1 ! t]m 83tracts0 %d 2 "u/ood to ref] to s]vices plac$ on ! procure;t li/ :5 troop d9+ s]vices >e provid$ by a non-pr(it ag5cy "u ! ,,jwod ,act4 ,f9ally1 ,mr4 ,presid5t1 ! am5d;t provides = adv.e notifica;n to 2 giv5 to ! ,commis.n] ( ! ,rehabilita;n ,s]vices ,adm9i/ra;n 9 ord] to det]m9e if a /ate lic5s+ ag5cy wi%es to h ! prior;y ( ! #ca ,r&olph-,%epp>d ,act appli$ to any "picul> procure;t ( troop d9+ s]vices4 ,we expect t ? det]m9a;n w 2 made promptly & t /ate lic5s+ ag5cies w 2 giv5 su6ici5t "t to prep>e proposals = 3sid]a;n "? direct negotia;ns or ! competitive solicita;n process4 ,? agree;t has be5 a l;g "t 9 ! mak+1 & ,i am v pl1s$ t all sides h come tgr to cr1te ? agree;t4 ,x is cle> t we ne$ to 3t9ue ? "w & 5sure t all 9dividuals ) 4abilities h m1n+;l opportunities = employ;t4 #cb ,a ,victory = ,bl ,v5dors3 ,a ,c\rt ( ,app1ls ,decides ! ,new ,hamp%ire ,case by ,rob]t ;,r4 ,humphreys1 ,esq4 "<,repr9t$ f 8,! ,v5dorscope10 ,w9t]_/,spr+ #bjjd4"> ,late-br1k+ news ,- on ,april #bi1 #bjjd1 ! f$]al ,f/ ,circuit ,c\rt ( ,app1ls h&$ d[n a deci.n 9 ,new ,hamp%ire ;v4 ,david ,ramsey et ;al1 an important case 9 : ! ,r&olph- ,%epp>d ,v5dors ( ,am]ica "<,,rsva">1 ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl "<,,acb">1 & ,na;nal ,$uca;nal & ,legal ,def5se ,s]vices = ! ,bl "<,,nelds"> "picipat$ z frs ( ! c\rt4 ,! ,f/ ,circuit ,c\rt /r;gly upheld ! ,r&olph-,%epp>d #cc prior;y1 & rul$ t ! 4trict c\rt1 : _h he>d ! case e>li]1 0 correct 9 a6irm+ a deci.n ( an >bitra;n panel4 ,t panel _h grant$ ! bl v5dor committee an 9junc;n ag/ ! /ate ( ,new ,hamp%ire1 requir+ ! /ate to recognize ! s-call$ ,k5nelly ,am5d;t to ! ,surface ,transporta;n ,act4 ,! ,k5nelly ,am5d;t provid$1 pursuant to ! ,r&olph-,%epp>d ,act1 a prior;y = ! bl v5dor program ) respect to 9come f v5d+ ma*9es at 9t]/ate his ( ef=t by ! ,new ,hamp%ire ,committee ( ,bl ,v5dors to =ce ! /ate ( ,new ,hamp%ire to recognize ! ,r&olph-,%epp>d ,act's prior;y z x applies to 9t]/ate hi4 ,! r1son3 ,al? ! c\rt upheld ! >bitra;n deci.n favor+ ! bl v5dors1 x al f.d t aw>d ( damages 0 n prop]1 2c ! /ate ( ,new ,hamp%ire _h n waiv$ xs sov]eign immun;y ) respect to damages "u sec;n #aaa" ( ! ,surface ,transporta;n ,act4 ,? w 2 z 3fus+ to _m 9 ! legal pr(es.n z well z to r1d]s ( 8,! ,brl ,=um40 ,let me expla94 ,on ! matt] ( damages1 ! ,f/ ,circuit ass]t$ f/ t ! ,r&olph-,%epp>d ,act does n expressly au?orize ! aw>d ( damages4 ,t is true1 & "! is no 4agree;t ) ! /ate;t4 ,bl v5dors & _! attorneys h 9 litiga;n >gu$ " t a /ate lic5s+ ag5cy waives sov]eign immun;y ag/ an aw>d ( #ce comp5satory damages "<#a"> by xs "picipa;n 9 ! ,r&olph- ,%epp>d program1 "u : x agrees to 2 subject to aw>ds by >bitra;n panels1 : r\t9ely aw>d damages1 & "<#b"> by a3ept+ f$]al funds = ,r&olph- ,%epp>d activities1 bo? "u ! ,rehabilita;n ,act & f v5d+ ma*9e 9come on f$]al prop]ty4 ,! c\rt det]m9$ t ! /ate _h n rais$ a sov]eign immun;y def5se until ! >bitra;n he>+4 ,! >bitra;n panel aw>d$ 8prospective0 damages 9 ! am.t ( all commis.ns on v5d+ ma*9es locat$ at ! subject 9t]/ate re/ >1s dat+ f ,octob] #aiih1 :5 ! bl v5dors,0 >bitra;n compla9t 0 fil$4 ,on app1l1 ! ,f$]al ,4trict ,c\rt g5]ally approv$ ! >bitra;n aw>d4 ,! ,f/ ,circuit 3clud$ t ! /ate ( ,new ,hamp%ire waiv$ sov]eign immun;y by xs litiga;n #cf 3duct "d ,act"> & t x waiv$ any objec;n to 8prospective equitable relief40 ,! c\rt sd t1 8,by xs volunt>y agree;t & "picipa;n 9 ! f$]al program cr1t$ by ! ,r&olph-,%epp>d ,act1 ! /ate has be5 giv5 a "r x wd n o!rwise h3 a3ess to f$]al prop]ty10 & t ,3gress 0 8q cle>0 t /ates "picipat+ 9 ! program agree 8to submit any 4putes t bl v5dors may h reg>d+ ! v5d+ program to ! he>+ & >bitra;n proc$ures .<( ! act.>40 ,z to :e!r ,new ,hamp%ire _h waiv$ ,elev5? ,am5d;t immun;y f liabil;y = damages1 ! ,f/ ,circuit sd ! /ate _h n waiv$ s* immun;y 8l>gely 2c ! bl v5dors,0 #aiih compla9t 9 f$]al c\rt 3ta9$ no dem& #cg = damages40 ,by fail+ to ask = damages 9 ! f/ f$]al suit !y br"\1 ! bl v5dors did n put ! /ate on notice to ass]t xs sov]eign immun;y def5se1 & "!=e a f9d+ ( waiv] ( sov]eign immun;y wd 2 unfair4 ,! c\rt fur!r reject$ ! bl v5dors,0 >gu;t t ! m]e seek+ by ! /ate ( judicial review ( ! >bitra;n deci.n 3/itut$ a waiv] ( sov]eign immun;y4 ,! key f9d+ ( ! ,f/ ,circuit on ! damages issue is t1 ev5 if ! ,r&olph-,%epp>d ,act 8all[s damages to 2 aw>d$ ag/ /ates bas$ on compla9ts by bl v5dors1 x is n cle> :e!r ,3gress 9t5d$ 9 sec;n #aaa" ( ! .<,surface ,transporta;n.> ,act to subject /ates to damages aw>ds = viola;ns f.d 9 ;,r-;,s griev.e proc$ures4 ,giv5 ,3gress,0 sil;e 9 ! #ch ,surface ,transporta;n ,act xf & ! 4agree;t ab damages "u ! ,r&olph-,%epp>d griev.e proc$ures1 we _c1 z a matt] ( /atutory 3/ruc;n ( ! ,,/a ,act f9d an 9t5t to subject /ates to damage aw>ds "u ! ,,/a ,act40 ,? m1ns t ! ,f/ ,circuit did n address :e!r damages may 2 aw>d$ "u ! ,r&olph-,%epp>d ,act1 b t ,3gress cd n 2 f.d to 9t5d t damages 2 aw>d$ "u ! ,surface ,transporta;n ,act4 ,! c\rt "sh[ r1sons t ev5 ?\< ? case 2gan "<9 ! >bitra;n process"> z a ,r&olph-,%epp>d case1 x morph$ back 9to a ,surface ,transporta;n ,act case 2c ! bl v5dors ass]t$ 9 #aiih t x 0 a ,surface ,transporta;n ,act case4 ,= me1 ! logic ( ! ,f/ ,circuit is hid "? & "?1 & 2c ( t ! /ate ( ,new ,hamp%ire waiv$ xs sov]eign immun;y "u t act "1 x %d h be5 held to h waiv$ x 9 ? case4 ,s9ce ! c\rt rul$ z x did1 h["e1 ! "q z to :e!r a /ate waives sov]eign immun;y = damages "u ,r&olph-,%epp>d rema9s undecid$ 9 ! ,f/ ,circuit4 ,"! may 2 addi;nal ac;n on ? case1 & if "! is1 we w report x to y4 ,summ>y ( ,,acb ,bo>d ,meet+s 9 ,april by ,mike ,duke ,! ,,acb bo>d ( directors met via teleph"o 3f];e call on ,april #a & ,april #bb1 #bjjd4 ,on ,april #a1 ,presid5t ,*ris ,gray call$ ! meet+ to ord] at #i3#dj p4m4 #dj ,ea/]n "t4 ,j]ry ,annunzio 0 abs5t4 ,9 ! abs;e ( ,mike ,duke1 ,*>lie ,hodge s]v$ z ! bo>d ( publica;ns repres5tative4 ,at #i3#de p4m4 ! bo>d w5t 9to executive ses.n ) ,leon>d ,du,b(f4 ,! op5 meet+ resum$ at #aa3#bg p4m4 ,presid5t ,gray report$ t dur+ ! executive ses.n1 ! use ( ! doma9 "n www4braille-free- press4org 0 4cuss$4 ,! bo>d 3sid]$ a v>iety ( possibilities = 5sur+ t ? doma9 "n rema9s ! prop]ty ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 & adopt$ a mo;n express+ a hope ( 2+ able to settle ! doma9 "n issue amicably & 9 a "tly mann]4 ,*ief ,f9ancial ,(fic] ,jim ,ols5 report$ t a "t-%>e 9 ,cancun has be5 donat$ to ,,acb = xs use "o week a #da ye>4 ,! only require;t is t ,,acb pay ! annual ma9t5.e fee ( @s#eej4 ,! mo;n to a3ept ! dona;n ( ! "t-%>e & pay ! annual fee c>ri$ on a voice vote4 ,! mo;n to place ! subject ( regi/ra;n ( "ns on ! next bo>d ag5da c>ri$ on a voice vote4 ,a mo;n to hold at l1/ two m teleph"o 3f];e calls 2f ! 3v5;n c>ri$ on a voice vote4 ,! next meet+ 0 s*$ul$ = ,april #bb at #i p4m4 ,ea/]n4 ,! meet+ adj\rn$ at #ab3#ae a4m4 ,ea/]n "t on ,april #b4 ,april #bb ,meet+ ,presid5t ,gray call$ ! meet+ to ord] at #i3#cg p4m4 ,ea/]n "t on ,april #bb1 #bjjd4 ,all bo>d memb]s 7 pres5t except ,alan ,b1tty & ,david ,trott4 ,gray report$ t ! "n #db 8,brl ,free ,press0 %d soon 2 9 ! posses.n ( ,,acb4 ,an ad hoc committee w 2 =m$ 9 ! ne> future to "w on cell ph"o a3ess4 ,! committee w 9clude ,bonnie ,o',"d & o!rs4 ,cyn?ia ,t[]s report$ t %e & ,gray s5t a lr to ! ,birm+ham ,%]aton express+ _! unhappi;s ) s]vices rcvd dur+ ! mid-ye> meet+4 ,%e al not$ t ea* "d ( ! 3v5;n w h a specific !me or topic4 ,melanie ,brunson report$ t ! ,r$ ,cross wants to "w ) 4abil;y gr\ps1 especially "? _! local *apt]s4 ,a mo;n t ,,acb sign ! /ate;t ( "u/&+ ) ! ,am]ican ,r$ ,cross c>ri$ on a voice vote4 ,t]ry ,pa*eco jo9$ ! call to 4cuss ! vehicle dona;n program4 ,a coali;n ( organiza;ns call$ ,,c>s is "w+ to combat a ,s5ate bill1 #dc : w1 if pass$1 virtually 5d ! e6ective;s ( ? dona;n program4 ,paul ,$w>ds mov$ t ? bo>d give ! presid5t au?or;y1 af 3sulta;n ) ,jeff ,?om & ,john ,le>n$1 to jo9 ,,c>s at ! support+ level ( @s#bjj a mon? %d he deem x appropriate4 ,he 0 al 5c\rag$ to solicit pres5ta;ns f a6iliates b5efitt+ f ! vehicle dona;n program4 ,! mo;n c>ri$ on a voice vote4 ,gray /at$ t ! fund-rais+ "w ( ,laura ,(t$ahl mi fruit4 ,al? h] 3tract w 3clude at ! 5d ( ,april1 %e is will+ to "w "? ,april at a #ej p]c5t decr1se 9 sal>y & at t same rate "? ,may4 ,he al report$ t ,,acb has be5 able to acquire ?ree grants to (fset 3v5;n exp5ses4 ,! mo;n to adj\rn c>ri$ & ! meet+ 5d$ at #aa3#af #dd p4m4 ,ea/]n "t4 ,a6iliate ,news ,help ,support ,pawtracks by ,buy+ a ,pair ( ,e>r+s 8,pawtracks10 ! qu>t]ly audio magaz9e ( ,guide ,dog ,us]s1 ,9c41 takes full advantage ( comput] te*nology 9 xs produc;n4 ,n[ y c we> a ll bit ( t te*nology & help support ! mo/ excit+ guide- dog-relat$ magaz9e 9 ! _w6 ,j59e ,/anley has design$ e>r+s f1tur+ actual #hahf ,9tel comput] *ips4 ,^! black- &-gold e>r+s >e ab #a 9* squ>e & >e = pi]c$ e>s4 ,^! e>r+s >e 9 limit$ supply6 ,no true 8,geek ,*ick0 c 2 )\t a pair6 ,all proce$s f ! sales ( ^! e>r+s g t[>d 8,pawtracks40 ,x co/s ab @s#i1jjj p] ye> #de to produce ! f\r issues1 ea* ov] f\r h\rs 9 l5g?1 on cassette tape & compact disc4 ,e>r+s co/ @s#ej p] pair & come ) /]l+ silv] l"e-back closures4 ,y may ord] yr pair by 3tact+ ,j59e at "<#fad"> #gff-#eebd or via ;e-mail at pawtracks@agdui4org4 ,miss\ri ,c\ncil ,3v5;n ,9=ma;n ,! ,miss\ri ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl w hold xs annual 3v5;n ,octob] #g "? #aj at ! ,mill5nium ,hotel1 #bjj ;,s4 ,f\r? ,st4 9 ,st4 ,l\is4 ,! res]va;ns numb] is #a-#hjj-#cbe- #gcec1 or "<#hff"> #hff-#hjhf2 ! local numb] is "<#cad"> #bda-#iejj4 ,room rates >e @s#fe p] nik+ lot acr ! /reet available to u = @s#g p] "d1 ) unlimit$ 9_/\t #df privileges4 ,"! is a cov]$ "ugr.d walkway f ! p>k+ lot to ! hotel4 ,! hotel has ?ree re/aurants3 "o on ! lo2y level1 "o on ! level 2l on ! mezzan9e & "o on ! ro( level4 ,hotel vans w take y to re/aurants & attrac;ns )9 five miles if available4 ,s rememb] to make >range;ts ah1d ( "t1 & don't =get to tip ! driv]6 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ! ,miss\ri ,c\ncil (fice at "<#cad"> #hcb-#gagb1 or #a- #hjj-#cdb-#efcb "<9 ,miss\ri only">4 ,": 9 ! ,_w 4448 ,an ,,acb ,s*ol>%ip ,w9n] ,n[ ,t1*+ 9 ,japan by ,oral ,o4 ,mill] ,rec5tly x 0 my pl1sure to complete a s]ies ( f\r #dg lectures 9 ,japan focus+ on ! impact ( 4abil;y "rs legisla;n 9 ! ,,usa4 ,"o ( ! lectures 0 pres5t$ at ! ,ko*i ,prefecture ,s*ool = ! ,bl locat$ 9 ,ko*i ,c;y1 approximately #ejj miles f ,tokyo4 ,^u meet+ ! pr9cipal ( ! s*ool1 %e pr\dly 9=m$ me t "o ( h] ,5gli% t1*]s is an ,am]ican4 ,i 0 !n 9troduc$ to ,rob9 ,b>nes1 :o 9=m$ me t :ile major+ 9 ,japanese at ,colorado ,college 9 ,colorado ,spr+s1 ,colo41 %e 0 aw>d$ an ,,acb s*ol>%ip at ! #aiig na;nal 3v5;n 9 ,h\/on4 ,at ! "t ( \r 3v]sa;n %e 0 complet+ h] ?ird ye> t1*+ at ! ,ko*i s*ool4 ,:ile gue/s 7 talk+ 9=mally ) me bo? 2f & af my lecture1 ,i 0 impress$ by ! numb] ( "ts !y automatically turn$ to ,rob9 & ask$ h] 9 ,japanese h[ to say :at !y want$ to say 9 ,5gli%4 #dh ,dur+ my 3v]sa;n ) ,rob9 we 4cuss$ s* ?+s z ! alm omnipres;e ( audible bird call tra6ic signals at v busy 9t]sec;ns f1tur+ tra6ic driv+ on ! left-h& side ( ! road "1 ! lack ( relatively well-def9$ sidewalks z we "k !m on _m v n>r[ /reets1 ! use ( _m di6]5t tactile tiles "ufoot 9 an ef=t to 2 ( assi/.e to bl p$e/rians1 ! o3a.nal use ( simple audible signals s* z 9t]mitt5tly *im+ t"os to 3vey important loca;n 9=ma;n to bl p$e/rians & ! cultural a3ept.e ( bl p 9 "w+ & mobil;y sett+s4 ,&1 yes1 %e recall$ ) pl1sure ! ,,acb na;nal 3v5;n & ! \t/&+ p %e met "! :ile rcvg ! ,,acb ( ,colorado s*ol>%ip4 "<,$itor's ,note3 ,>e y a previ\s w9n] ( an ,,acb s*ol>%ip8 ,let u "k :at #di y're do+4 ,3tact ,%>on ,lov]+ at ! na;nal (fice1 #a-#hjj- #dbd-#hfff1 ;e-mail slov]+@aacb4org4"> ,travel+ to ,b>celona & ! ,fr5* ,rivi]a by ,rosetta ,b]kley ,br[n ,b>celona1 a b1uti;l c;y on ! ,m$it]ran1n ,sea1 is a mosaic ( _m cultures m]g+ 9to an un=gettable exp]i;e = any t\ri/4 ,my husb& ,c>l & ,i >e vet]an 9t]na;nal travel]s & *ose ? z \r next adv5ture on \r li/ ( vaca;n+ spots4 ,c>l & ,i tag-t1m$ to make ! prep>a;n z smoo? z possible4 ,i did all ! backgr.d rese>* & prelim9>y plann+1 & ,c>l took c>e ( ! driv+ & si* : (f]$ a w1l? ( prep>a;n mat]ial4 ,i f.d 9=ma;n on re/aurants1 hotels1 t\ri/ attrac;ns1 etc4 ,i call$ ! ,spani% embassy & !y gave v use;l 9=ma;n ab ! subway sy/em1 cabs1 ! loca;n ( sites & _m o!r s]vices we cd use :ile visit+ ,spa94 ,! ,u4,s4 ,/ate ,de"p;t web site (f]$ res\rces 3c]n+ passports1 visas1 t]rorism & m$ical facilities4 ,,aaa provid$ ! ;e-mail addresses ( automobile clubs 9 ,europe1 z well z 9=ma;n on gasol9e #ea prices1 road 3di;ns1 direc;ns1 spe$ limits1 & prices = toll roads4 ,c>l plann$ on driv+ once we got "!1 s he pur*as$ an 9t]na;nal driv]'s lic5se f ,,aaa4 ,we took al;g \r favorite snacks & a daily j\rnal4 ,! next ?+ we did 0 to pur*ase euro & ,am]ican travel]s,0 *ecks to take ) u4 ,:y travel]s,0 *ecks8 ,2c "s cr$it c>ds *>ge an ex*ange fee = pur*ases made abroad4 ,s9ce we 7 n flu5t 9 ,spani%1 we b"\ travel phrase books 9 ,spani%1 ,fr5*1 & li/5$ to audiotapes to bru% up on \r pronuncia;n ( ^ws4 ,we al *eck$ \ videos on ,b>celona f ! libr>y4 ,we r1d ,rick ,/eve's book 8,spa9 & ,portugal ,"? ! ,back ,door40 ,af all \r rese>*1 we felt su6ici5tly r1dy to emb>k ^u \r j\rney4 #eb ,:5 we >riv$ at ,atlanta's ,h>tsfield ,9t]na;nal ,airport1 /a6]s (f]$ me assi/.e to trav]se ! busy airports & a brl booklet to r1d ab air em]g5cies4 ,we flew to ,madrid & caucelona4 ,a cab took u f ,el ,prat ,airport 9 ,b>celona to \r hotel4 ,%ortly af >riv+ at \r hotel we bo>d$ ! subway = ,plaza ,de ,catalonia4 ,? is a plaza ) %ops & re/aurants1 simil> to a l>ge c\rty>d4 ,immly ,i notic$ t "! 7 no ann\nce;ts :5 ! tra9 >riv$ at xs /a;ns4 ,z we jo9$ 9 ! /roll+ cr[ds1 we spott$ a re/aurant ": we cd sample tappas4 ,tappas >e small b[ls ( ,catalan cuis9e t y c %>e4 ,s9ce we l s1food1 we _h %rimp1 squid1 mussels ) a vegetable di% ( mu%rooms 9 a ,catalan sauce1 & #ec ,catalan br1d ru2$ ) tomatoes !n toa/$4 ,z we /roll$ d[n ! plaza1 ,i ask$ my husb& if he saw any bl p2 he sd no4 ,9 ! "ds t foll[$ we /roll$ ! n>r[ w9d+ /reets sikets4 ,z my husb& gave v]bal descrip;ns1 ,i 0 mo/ impress$ by ! b1uti;l >*itecture 9 ,b>celona4 ,build+s design$ by ,antoni ,gaudi 9 ! mod]ni/ >t ,nuevo /yle 7 s exquisite4 ,( all 8 dynamic "w1 ,i 0 captivat$ by ! ,temple de la ,sagrada ,familia4 ,gaudi />t$ to "w on ? at #ca1 b di$ 9 #aibf1 2f x 0 complet$4 ,8 "w 3t9ues2 ! cupola t w ext5d #agj met]s abv ! ,sagrada ,familia is 2+ 3/ruct$ #ed n[4 ,we 7 able to see ,gaudi's crypt 9 ! base;t ( ! *ur*4 ,! c;y ( ,b>celona is home to _m fasc9at+ "ws ( >t & museums4 ,! ,pablo ,picasso ,museum is locat$ 9 ?ree palaces4 ,_m ( 8 be/-"kn pa9t+s adorn ! walls4 ,c>l sd cam]as d no ju/ice to ,picasso's >ti/ic g5ius4 ,8 "w is s 9tricate & evocative t we /ood 9 awe4 ,my favorite pa9t+ 9 ! museum 0 8,! ,f/ ,communion10 a pa9t+ ( a girl kneel+ hold+ a missal 9 h] h&4 ,picasso won a3laim = ? "w1 : 5abl$ hm to make 8 gr& 5try 9to ! _w ( >t4 ,s9ce ,b>celonans >e ti$ to a love ( ! sea1 we visit$ ! ,*ri/oph] ,columbus ,monu;t locat$ at ! port4 ,columbus /&s #ej met]s hi< ) 8 9dex f+] po9t+ s1w>d4 ,! monu;t is sd to 2 locat$ ": ,columbus #ee /epp$ on l& :5 return+ to ,spa9 f ! new _w4 ,! ,olympic ,village is locat$ "h4 ,x s]v$ z liv+ qu>t]s = ! a?letes ( ! #aiib ,olympics4 ,we t\r$ ,b>celona on d\ble- deck] op5-topp$ t\r buses4 ,we li/5$ to hi/ory ( ! sik to visit a site )\t "t re/ra9ts4 ,e #ae m9utes ano!r bus wd >rive to pick u up4 ,pass5g]s 7 all[$ to ride ^! t\r buses until #h p4m4 ,"o nicelona1 we got lo/4 ,c>l decid$ to ask a gr\p ( "y p = direc;ns to ,ronda de ,dalt1 a r\te t 5circles ! c;y4 ,"o ( ! "y m5 came ov] to ! c> & 2gan to sp1k rapidly 9 ,spani%4 ,see+ we 7 n compreh5d+1 he mo;n$ ov] a fr :o spoke "s ,5gli%4 ,he sd to g to ! #ef lii\s & we all lau<$4 ,c>l ?ank$ !m & we bid f>ewell to \r graci\s 5t]ta9]s4 ,_! direc;ns br"\ u to \r de/9a;n4 ,my husb& drove f ,b>celona d[n ! coa/ to ! ,fr5* ,rivi]a4 ,we /ay$ 9 a qua9t village call$ ,m5ton1 locat$ 2t ! ,fr5* ,alps & ! ,m$it]ran1n ,sea4 ,m5ton us$ to 2 su/a9$ by import+ lemons to o!r c.tries4 ,al? !y hold a lemon fe/ival 9 ,febru>y1 t\rism g5]ates mo/ ( ! capital4 ,\r hotel 0 locat$ on ! b1*1 s we cd he> ! soo?+ s.d ( ! waves & see ! lovely blui%-gre5 sea4 ,m5ton (f]s hik+1 %ops1 lovely old *ur*es & a cas9o4 #eg ,\r ,fr5* guide & p]sonal fr took u to ,monaco1 a small c.try ne> ! ,fr5* bord]4 ,"! we saw ! palace & *ur* ": ,pr9cess ,grace ,kelly 0 m>ri$4 ,he !n took u to d9n] at a local re/aurant1 ": ! food 0 v gd4 ,we 7 sorry :5 x 0 "t to g & _h to bid \r fr gd-bye b \r trip 0 5d+4 ,c>l drove u back to ,b>celona = "s re/ & relaxa;n 2f bo>d+ \r plane4 ,b>celona is truly a de/9a;n "o %d get acqua9t$ )4 ,^ws d ? sup]b metropolis no fair;s4 ,\r excur.n 0 a rew>d+ exp]i;e4 ,if y h any "qs ab plann+ a trip to ,b>celona or ! ,fr5* ,rivi]a1 pl1se ;e-mail me at c>lbr[n@a_wnet4att4net4 ,happy travels4 #eh ,rais+ ,canes by ;,w4 ,burns ,taylor ,9 #aife1 ,i 5t]$ ! ,k]rville ,rehabilita;n ,c5t] = ! ,bl 9 ,k]rville1 ,texas4 ,= f\r mon?s ,i /udi$ brl1 9dep5d5t liv+ skills1 & ori5ta;n & mobil;y "<,o@&,m"> z a prelude to gett+ m>ri$4 ,i 0 #bd ye>s old at ! "t & _h n"e be5 tra9$ to travel ) a cane4 ,i w5t "? ! ,texas ,s*ool = ! ,bl 9 ,au/91 ,tex41 two ye>s ( public hi< s*ool & f\r ye>s ( univ]s;y classes 9 ,au/9 )\t a cane or a dog4 ,dur+ t "t1 ,i (t5 walk$ sev5 or ein$ to travel to ! ,univ]s;y ( ,texas on ! bus & att5d$ classes ) #ah1jjj /ud5ts on a campus spr1d \ ov] #dj acres4 ,z "y/]s at ! s*ool = #ei ! bl1 we 7 n all[$ to use canes2 we 7 n"e ev5 9troduc$ to ! idea ( cane travel4 ,! only p]son 9 ! _w we knew :o us$ "o 0 ,mr4 ,all51 \r bl sup]9t5d5t1 :o 0 s old he obvi\sly ne$$ a cane4 ,we _h he>d ( ,see+ ,eye dogs b n"e saw "o until junior hi< :5 ! new piano t1*] br"\ "o to s*ool to help h] f9d h] classes4 ,we figur$ %e ne$$ a dog 2c %e 0 a lady & 2c %e seem$ pretty do7"o help.s :5 %e tri$ to move >.d ! ma9 build+ by h]f4 ,! only ,o@&,m /rategy ,i us$ dur+ all ^? ye>s 0 e*oloca;n1 a te*nique ,i develop$ at ! age ( eis at a major univ]s;y1 bump+ 9to p :o ask$ angrily1 8,:at ! hell's ! matt] ) y801 cross+ /reets on %e] moxie1 & le>n+ t ! h>de/ sub/.e "kn to man 0 n a diamond at all b r a fire plug ag/ ! %9 at #be degrees ,fahr5heit4 ,my 5tire college c>e] 0 a voyage ( un/ructur$ 4cov]y4 ,s :5 !y pres5t$ me ) a cane 9 ,k]rville1 ,i 0 r1dy to try "s?+ new1 "s?+ ,i hop$ wd ext5d my t]ritorial imp]ative to new horizons4 ,i /uck ) t old crook$ h&le fib]glass cane = ab #aj ye>s4 ,x came 9 r1l h&y = vault+ rock walls #fa & sna7+ ! hems ( m9iskirts 9 ,el ,paso ": ,i mov$ af gradua;n f ! ,univ]s;y ( ,texas4 ,i n"e did get >.d to us+ x = a fi%+ pole1 ?\<4 ,b x 0 admitt$ly a ll awkw>d 9 airplane ba?rooms & at ^? cramp$ ll side tables = two 9 re/aurants4 ,!n "o "d ! ,sun%9e ,umbrella ,co4 ( ,kansas w5t \ ( busi;s & ,i cd no l;g] f9d ! ru2]_/metal tips = x anymore4 ,s ,i retir$ x to ! back closet & b"\ my f/ fold+ cane4 ,f t "t on1 ,i us$ mo/ly fold+ canes 2c !y 7 m pl5ti;l & m* m practical = rid+ on ! backs ( motorcycles & = %oot+ pool4 ,p 9 b>s us$ to a3use me ( c>ry+ my [n cue /ick ) me s (t5 t ,i decid$ to take !m up on x "o nis #fb ,i travel$ ) ^? h1vy alum9um fold+ canes except = "o brief1 unhappy a6air ) an ,>kansas ,travel]1 a go(y-look+ wood5 cane ) a l1!r /rap on ! h&le & a spr+ button = a tip4 ,"s g5ius reckon$ t ! spr+ button wd bump ag/ ?+s & j b\nce (f4 ,a nice idea1 b x didn't alw "w t way4 ,"s"ts t pesky ll spr+ wd cat* 9 ! crack ( a sidewalk &1 ) ! =ce ( my =w>d mo;n1 ,i 0 impal$ on ! h&le4 ,s ,i w5t back to ! collapsible metal canes = ! next s"eal ye>s4 ,until ,i return$ to ,los ,angeles "o "d = a visit & /umbl$ acr :at ,i 3sid]$ to 2 ! 8dr1m cane03 ! ,cali=nia graphite cane4 ,x 0 /r;g1 libon fib]1 ,i cd move "? airports )\t ev5 hav+ to #fc surr5d] x to ! secur;y goons at ! metal detector4 ,i /rutt$ d[n ! famili> /reets ( ,l4,a41 dodg+ bus b5*es1 danc+ "? clu/]s ( poles & glid+ smoo?ly acr /reets 9 a *oreograph$ /roll say+1 8,man6 ,"sbody %d 2 film+ ^! moves40 ,!n "o "d z ,i 0 cross+ ,hollywood & ,v9e1 "s p]son 9 a cr[d ( p$e/rians tripp$ acr my wond];l graphite cane & x sudd5ly snapp$ at ! jo9t4 ,!y 7 g"o 2f ,i cd say a ^w4 ,hit & run6 ,i j /ood "! help.sly 9 ! middle ( t fam\s 9t]sec;n ) my brok5 cane dangl+ limply 9 ! air1 ab z func;nal z a piece ( rope4 ,ev5tually1 "s"o help$ me acr ! re/ ( ! /reet & ,i phon$ a fr4 ,af ,i broke a c\ple m ( ^? canes 9 viol5t colli.ns ) spe$ bumps & buckl$ sidewalks back 9 ,el ,paso1 ,i *ang$ ! k9d ( tip ,i use #fd & ?+s h gott5 bett] s9ce !n4 ,j ! o!r "d1 h["e1 ,i 0 9troduc$ to ! s-call$ ,,nfb l;g cane & ,i 0 surpris$4 ,i lik$ x4 ,x is li5tly q /r;g4 ,i wd love to h "o = s*lepp+ >.d my neimacy or ! dry cl1n]s & back home4 ,"!'s a /urdy1 durable feel to x t gives me 3fid;e t x won't br1k on me :ile cross+ ! /reet4 ,b ,i / 9t5d to use my fold+ canes4 ,!y're j ! ?+ = b>s & se.es & gett+ 9 & \ ( l[-slung sports c>s4 ,& ,i guess t's ! bottom l9e ( my :ole exp]i;e ) cane travel4 ,"! is no p]fect cane4 ,"! >e canes = all s1sons3 9side canes1 \tside canes & h1vy1 metal1 dog-:ack+ canes4 ,i h a p]sonal /able ( ab six or ei%all ! res\rces to get x d"o40 ,? %ift is ! result ( ! ag+ process & \r move f ,new ,york ,c;y to ,fresno1 ,calif4 ,af \r m>riage & reloca;n to ,fresno 9 #aihg1 we trad$ a fr5etic urban life/yle = a laid-back small #ff ,cali=nia c;y4 ,9 ,new ,york1 ,$ travel$ by subway to 8 job z pr(essor at ,b>u* ,college 9 ,manhattan1 :ile ,toni took ! ,l;g ,isl& ,railroad to h] job z rehabilita;n c\nselor at ,k+s ,p>k ,psy*iatric ,c5t]4 ,) rides or c>pool+ an impossible dr1m1 \r travel ne$s 7 met "? ! use ( public transporta;n4 ,ov] ! ye>s we sp5t c.t.s h\rs wait+ =1 walk+ to & travel+ on buses1 subways & tra9s 9 ! h1t ( summ]1 ! cold ( w9t]1 ra9 & sn[4 ,dur+ ru%-h\r commutes1 /&+ 0 ! norm1 & fell[ pass5g]s 7 (t5 unhelp;l & unfrly4 ,al? ! ,new ,york transporta;n sy/em _h xs drawbacks1 ! availabil;y ( #bd-h\r s]vice sev5 "ds a week 0 a trem5d\s attrac;n4 ,we 7 3c]n$ t ! move to ,fresno wd m1n \r abil;y to travel 9dep5d5tly wd 2 dim9i%$ #fg by a less ?an adequate bus sy/em4 ,9 ,new ,york1 bl;s-relat$ ne$s1 s* z r1d+ s]vices1 7 available at ag5cies = ! bl if "o 0 will+ & able to travel to ! site ": ! s]vices 7 provid$4 ,gett+ a haircut1 visit+ a doctor or vet]9>ian1 hav+ a small appli.e repair$1 %opp+ = groc]ies1 go+ to a re/aurant or !at] produc;n 7 activities we cd "picipate 9 9dep5d5tly ) a m9imum ( assi/.e f o!rs4 ,h["e1 ! co/ cd 2 m1sur$ 9 t]ms ( /ress1 "t & 9conv5i;e4 ,9 3tra/1 ^! same activities cd 2 a3ompli%$ 9 ,fresno ) a m9imum ( /ress1 "t & 9conv5i;e1 b ) ! ne$ = grt] assi/.e4 ,:5 we f/ mov$ to ? c5tral ,cali=nia commun;y1 foll[+ \r =m] patt]n ( dep5d;e on public transporta;n1 we #fh famili>iz$ \rvs ) & us$ ! local bus sy/em4 ,9 fact1 ! selec;n ( an a"p;t to r5t 0 bas$ 9 "p on xs proxim;y to a bus /op4 ,af #g p4m4 :5 s]vice /opp$1 we took taxis to & f \r de/9a;ns4 ,z \r social net"w exp&$1 acqua9t.es1 neiiety ( ways4 ,9 ^? e>ly ,fresno "ds1 we 7 3/antly amaz$ at p's will+;s to put !mvs \ = \r b5efit4 ,:5 we cd n >range = a volunte] driv] to get u to ! hairdress]1 %e (f]$ to come to \r home to cut \r hair4 ,:ile %opp+ ) \r s*$ul$ volunte] driv] 9 a local pet supply /ore1 we 7 4appo9t$ \r pref]r$ br& ( cat food wd n come 9 until ! next "d4 ,al? ! /ore did n h a deliv]y policy1 a cl]k (f]$ to br+ x to u :5 x came in4 ,at a sport+ #fi gds /ore ": ,toni 0 %opp+ = sn1k]s1 ! manag]1 r1liz+ %e wd h to get a ride back to ! /ore :5 ! special ord] >riv$1 volunte]$ to deliv] ! %oes :5 he rcvd !m4 ,recogniz+ ! b5efits to 2 d]iv$ f ^! unexpect$ (f]s ( assi/.e1 we 2gan organiz+ a core ( regul> & s*$ul$ volunte]s4 ,am;g ^! volunte]s 7 s"eal memb]s ( ! ,nor? ,fresno ,lions ,club4 ,9itially1 ! two ( u _h v di6]5t reac;ns to ? %ift 9 life/yle4 ,$ 2gan to feel guilty :ile ,toni revel$ 9 x4 ,alw 2liev+ h]f to 2 a pr9cess1 ,toni cd n[ *ange h] fantasies 9to r1l;y6 ,$1 bl = less ?an a decade1 felt 8 9dep5d;e 0 2+ ]od$4 ,= hm1 "pn]%ip ) a guide dog 0 an ov]t manife/a;n ( 4abil;y /atus4 ,9 ,new ,york he valu$ 8 abil;y to take ! #gj subway to & f "w1 pick up ,*9ese food on ! way home & drop 9 on ! neis ( d1l+ ) ! ob/acles associat$ ) bl;s4 ,by mo/ /&>ds1 %e 0 3sid]$ a compet5t & 9dep5d5t p]son4 ,s9ce e>ly *ildhood1 t1*]s1 rehabilita;n & summ] camp c\nselors _h emphasiz$ ! import.e ( self-reli.e :5"e possible4 ,to ma9ta9 h] a*iev$ /atus z sup]-bl9k1 %e (t5 /ru7l$ to a3ompli% ?+s : cd m easily 2 d"o ) ! help ( o!rs4 ,toni's image ( h]f z an 9dep5d5t travel] 0 9tr9sically ti$ to h] "pn]%ip ) a guide dog4 ,9 fact1 \r commit;t to "pn]%ip ) guide dogs 0 a major factor 9 br++ u tgr4 ,"o ( ! 3sequ;es ( \r #ga move has be5 ! re-?9k+ ( :at 3/itutes 9dep5d;e4 ,9 ,new ,york1 9dep5d;e m1nt do+ ?+s on \r [n4 ,9 ,fresno1 9dep5d;e m1ns select+ & sup]vis+ ! s]vices ( volunte]s to 5h.e \r qual;y ( life4 ,by hav+ ! *oice ( :51 ": & h[ to 2 assi/$1 we h ga9$ grt] 3trol & improv$ ! com=t level ( \r lives4 ,to illu/rate ! impact ( ? transi;n1 we c look at ! example ( r1d+ s]vices4 ,l _m o!r bl ,new ,york]s1 we rcvd r1d+ s]vices at ! ,lie r1d+ to u 9 \r home1 we d n h to factor 9 travel "t1 &1 if a r1d] c.els1 o!r activities c 2 r1dily sub/itut$4 ,z 9vet]ate !at] lov]s1 we cd travel to ,broadway %[s )\t dep5d+ on a lift f a fr4 ,h["e1 we _h to rely on /rang]s sitt+ ne> u to r1d ! program1 describe ! /age sett+ & fill 9 9=ma;n ab non-v]bal ac;n tak+ place on /age4 ,"h 9 ,fresno ": "! is no public transporta;n 9 ! ev5+1 we *oose to 2 driv5 to ! !at] by a volunte]4 ,? has ! add$ advantage ( provid+ descriptive 9=ma;n previ\sly s"\ f /rang]s4 ,z "p ( a reciprocal >range;t1 we pay = ! ticket ( ! driv]4 ,food %opp+ 9 ,new ,york 0 a nie4 ,al? we cd walk #gc or take public transporta;n to a food m>ket1 gett+ compet5t sit4 ,al? \r %opp+ s*$ule 9 ,fresno is "s:at dep5d5t on ! availabil;y ( a volunte] driv]1 compet5t cu/om] s]vice cl]ks 9 /ores >e alw r1dy to assi/4 ,we h ! add$ advantage ( n hav+ to cope ) h1vy1 unwieldy packages4 ,z we reflect ^u ! *anges t h tak5 place 9 \r lives1 s"eal 9t]relat$ !mes em]ge4 ,x is sd "o _c truly exp]i;e ec/asy un.s "o has exp]i;ed sorr[4 ,p]h x is equally true t "o _c com=tably rely on o!rs )\t f/ hav+ exp]i;ed ! 8,i c d x myf0 /age4 ,9 \r evolv+ view1 9dep5d;e is n m1sur$ by h[ m* we c d = \rvs1 b by h[ #gd cle>ly we c >ticulate \r ne$s & organize ! res\rces to atta9 !m4 ,f ? p]spective1 9dep5d;e is tak+ *>ge ( \r lives & 3troll+ ! res\rces available to a*ieve a qual;y life/yle4 ,toni & ,$ ,eames c 2 3tact$ at #ccgf ,nor? ,wi%on1 ,fresno1 ,,ca #icgjd-#dhcb2 ph"o "<#bji"> #bbd-#jedd4 ,c\rtesy ,guidel9es3 ,:at ,%d ,y ,d ,:5 ,y ,meet a ,p]son ,:o ,is ,d1f & ,bl8 by ,rita ,k]% ,d1f-bl p >e 9dividuals4 ,y c't lump !m tgr z a gr\p any m ?an y c attribute a class ( "*i/ics to any "picul> 9dividual4 ,! keys to 9t]act+ e6ectively & s5sitively ) p :o >e d1f & bl1 z ) all p1 >e c\rtesy1 flexibil;y & #ge common s5se4 ,:at foll[s is1 "!=e1 a li/ ( su7es;ns y may want to 3sid] & apply to specific situa;ns4 #a4 ,:5 y approa* a d1f-bl p]son1 let hm or h] "k ) a g5tle t\* on ! h& t y >e ne>4 ,t\*+ ! h& is less />tl+ ?an a t\* on ! back or >m4 ,if y t\* a p]son's h&s g5tly & slide yr h&s "un1? 8 or h] [n h&1 ! p]son w "k t y want to communicate4 #b4 ,id5tify yrf e "t y meet4 ,ev5 if a d1f-bl p]son is "pially sirass;t1 yrs & 8 or h]s4 ,p]h y c "w \ a simple b special signal = qkly id5tify+ yrf1 s* z a "n sign4 #c4 ,don't "e play ! #gf 8:o am ,i0 game4 ,x is extremely a7ravat+4 8,d y rememb] me8 ,we met at 444 . rememb]80 is al irk"s4 ,assume yr d1f-bl companion does n rememb] y1 !n react ) pl1sant surprise if he or %e does4 #d4 ,:5 talk+ ) a d1f-bl fr1 d n t1se by pok+1 tickl+1 jo/l+1 etc4 un.s he or %e "ks :at's com+4 ,h y "e be5 />tl$ by an unexpect$ slap on ! back or a poke 9 ! ribs8 ,he>+ & vi.n w>n u ( :at is com+ f \r imm surr.d+s or fur!r away4 #e4 ,2 flexible ab communica;n4 ,yr d1f-bl companion may n fit yr preconceiv$ idea ( h[ d1f-bl p communicate1 s 2 op51 n dogmatic4 ,don't make assump;ns ab ! 8"r0 modal;y1 prim>y language1 or flu5cy4 ,if y don't "k hm or h]1 #gg />t ) tactile1 m$ium spe$1 modifi$ ,,asl4 ,? is ! a3ept$ 8default0 m$ium4 ,z yr companion responds1 y c naturally modify yr communica;n m$ia & spe$ to make ! 3v]sa;n m com=table = y bo?4 #f4 ,respect 8 or h] 8p]son40 ,communica;n takes l;g] & is (t5 v di6icult = u1 b x is ess5tial to \r dign;y4 ,d n move a p]son's h& = hm or h]1 place a p]son 9to a *air1 grip a p]son's ?umb :5 sign+ " or o!rwise tr1t any p]son l an object4 #g4 ,if a d1f-bl p]son is al"o 9 a room1 let hm or h] "k if y w 2 go+ 9 & \2 :e!r y h come 9 to /ay = a :ile2 or :5 y >e l1v+4 ,we all ne$ to "k :5 we >e al"o "<& h \r privacy"> & :5 we >e n4 #gh ,& we all ne$ "t to 2 al"o & fully relax4 #h4 ,if y >e 9 a d1f-bl p]son's home1 d n 2 tempt$ to use yr vi.n to snoop or spy4 #i4 ,?9k ( "pial vi.n z use;l b totally unreliable4 ,:5"e possible1 describe :at y >e talk+ ab cle>ly &1 r ?an po9t+ at an object1 let a d1f- bl companion t\* x4 #aj4 ,don't make assump;ns ab :at yr d1f-bl companion may or may n 2 able to he>4 ,ambi5t noise1 o!r 5viron;tal factors1 or ev5 a p]son's abil;y to 3c5trate on a "picul> "d c a6ect 8 or h] abil;y to utilize limit$ he>+ e6ectively4 #aa4 ,guide a d1f-bl p]son's h& to objects by l1d+ ) yrs4 ,let 8 or h] h& re/ lid :at y want hm #gi or h] to t\*4 ,:5 y make 3tact1 sl[ly slip yr h& \ f "un1?4 #ab4 ,if y visit a d1f-bl p]son's home1 2 sure to l1ve ?+s z !y >e4 ,poor vi.n makes x easy to spill or knock ?+s ov]4 ,half-op5 doors or cupbo>ds c 2 a "picul>ly pa9;l annoy.e4 #ac4 ,don't worry ab 8messi;s40 ,do+ ?+s )\t siies f yr def9i;n ( 8! norm10 b n"o ( u %d make judg;ts ab "o ano!r's "picul> /yles ( putt+ ?+s away4 #ad4 ,rememb] to communicate ab :at y >e do+4 ,don't j move ano!r p]son1 or h& hm or h] objects )\t an explana;n4 ,a p]son :o is d1f & bl w "k h[ to r1* = an object1 or coop]ate by /epp+ back #hj if he or %e "u/&s :at is go+ on4 ,if y m/ move a p]son sudd5ly = r1sons ( safety1 expla9 ! r1sons = yr ac;ns afw4 #ae4 ,3sid] exp5se :5 plann+ \t+s or ?9k+ ( gifts4 #af4 ,(f] help if x seems appropriate to d s4 ,x hurts to alw h to ask4 ,= ! same r1son1 try to 2 unobtrusive & subtle :5"e y (f] assi/.e4 #ag4 ,ask a d1f-bl companion to jo9 y 9 yr tasks4 ,assume he or %e is z will+ to walk z any"o ( ! same age1 z will+ & able to c>ry ?+s z any"o ( ! same size & build4 ,silly z x is1 we "s"ts ?9k ( d1f-bl p z fragile & we hesitate to ask !m to walk f> or help u c>ry ?+s4 ,un.s ! d1f-bl p]son has a complicat+ 4abil;y1 he or %e w probably 5joy bo? ! ex]cise & ! opportun;y to jo9 y #ha & to %>e life's *ores ) y4 ,on ! o!r h&1 "s p ) dual s5sory losses h be5 =c$ 9to a s$5t>y life/yle by well-m1n+ b un9=m$ c>egiv]s4 ,if ? is ! case1 />t sl[ly until yr companion has _h an opportun;y to get 9 %ape4 #ah4 ,d let a p]son :o is d1f & bl ?9k 9dep5d5tly4 ,give hm or h] op;ns4 ,provide z m* 9=ma;n z possible1 !n let ! p]son make deci.ns = hm- or h]f4 ,don't make assump;ns ab :e!r a p]son is hungry1 :e!r he or %e wants y to cut up ! m1t on ! plate1 etc4 ,all[ a companion an adequate am.t ( "t to make up 8 or h] m9d ab an activ;y or yr (f] ( assi/.e4 ,!n1 if yr companion reque/s yr help1 (f] x )\t judg;t or com;t4 #ai4 ,p]sonal items s* z wallets1 purses & keys #hb %d n 2 t\*$ un.s y >e ask$4 ,a d1f-bl p]son c h&le 8 or h] [n m"oy1 pay ! *eck 9dep5d5tly1 op5 doors )\t yr assi/.e1 etc4 #bj4 ,al;g ? same l9e ( ?"\1 2 sure n to move a p]son's coat1 cane1 etc4 )\t f/ tell+ hm or h]4 ,ev5 if y hang x up1 tell ! item's [n] ": x is1 s t :5 he or %e is r1dy to l1ve1 he or %e "ks ": p]sonal items >e & does n h to f9d y or ask "s"o to look = !m4 #ba4 ,d n 2 (f5d$ or 4c\rag$ if ! d1f-bl p]son asks to g home or seems to 2 un5?usia/ic ab su7e/$ plans4 ,! be/ ( frs >e n alw welcome4 ,"! >e "ts :5 all ( u >e exhau/$1 :5 we h o!r plans1 :5 we h *ores t m/ 2 d"o1 etc4 #bb4 ,plan ?+s 9 adv.e s yr d1f-bl fr "ks :at to expect & c plan acly4 ,2+ d1f & bl may require m organiza;n & #hc plann+ ?an 2+ si+4 #bc4 ,3sid] "ey?+ y say to 2 a promise & foll[ "?4 ,we (t5 make simple /ate;ts : >e r1lly promises s* z 8,i'll /op by tm on my way home40 8,i'll 2 "r back40 8,i want y to come ov] = d9n] "s "t40 ,"s"ts we don't r1lly m1n 8tm0 b 8soon40 ,"s"ts we alr "k we c't d :at we say we w1 b we wi% we cd4 ,= "s"o :o _c drive1 has limit$ a3ess to ph"o & bus1 :o has a small circle ( frs1 a lack ( foll[-"? c 2 especially 4appo9t+4 #bd4 ,respect ! d1f-bl p]son's privacy & dign;y4 ,d n ask p]sonal "qs un.s y >e close frs4 ,d n pass on 9=ma;n y may "k ab hm or h] )\t 8 or h] k & p]mis.n4 #hd ,my ,exp]i;es at ! ,hel5 ,kell] ,na;nal ,c5t] by ,rita ,k]% "<,$itor's ,note3 ,rita ,k]% is a d1f-bl speciali/ at ,addie ,mc,bryde ,rehabilita;n ,c5t] = ! ,bl4"> ,af we>+ two he>+ aids = #ae ye>s1 ,i h be5 func;nally bl = #h ye>s4 ,on ,june #i1 #bjjb1 ,i sudd5ly 2came d1f 9 my "r e>4 ,af unsu3ess;lly try+ two di6]5t types ( he>+ aids1 ,i talk$ to ! adm9i/ra;n at ! ,addie ,mc,bryde ,rehabilita;n ,c5t] = ! ,bl1 ": ,i "w4 ,!y 7 grt 9 help+ me ) a3ommoda;ns s* z 9/all+ a ,p4,a4 sp1k] \tside my door4 ,x 0 al su7e/$ t ,i 2come a ,,vrb cli5t & att5d ! ,hel5 ,kell] ,na;nal ,c5t] 9 ,new ,york ,c;y = a week ( tra9+4 ,"h is a #he brief summ>y ( my visit to ? na;nal c5t] = ! d1f-bl dur+ ! f/ week ( ,april #bjjc4 ,mon"d 2gan ) te*nology4 ,bap91 ! 9/ructor1 is totally d1f-bl & has a s]vice dog4 ,an 9t]pret] assi/s hm ) 8 he>+ /ud5ts4 ,he expla9$ ! v>i\s types ( equip;t4 ,he %[$ me ! brl 4plays on two comput]s4 ,i r1lly lik$ ! ,alva1 : co/s ab @s#aj1jjj6 ,i met ,nancy1 a res\rce p]son4 ,%e h&les ! libr>y1 : 3ta9s 9=ma;n ab 3sum] gr\ps4 ,%e is al ! $itor ( a newslr "? ! ,na;nal ,associa;n ( ,families ( ! ,d1f-,bl4 ,! 9dep5d5t liv+ sup]visor1 ,maura1 %[$ me a vibrat+ al>m clock1 & all[$ me to borr[ x = ! week4 ,x has a disk t lies "u ! pill[ & vibrates :5 ! al>m goes (f4 ,? clock is exp5sive & v delicate4 #hf ,af lun* ,i w5t to audiology ) ,c>ol = two p]iods4 ,i _h a he>+ te/ d"o & we talk$ ab di6]5t types ( he>+ aids & ,,fm sy/ems4 ,we decid$ t ! he>+ aid t has a teleph"o swit* plus a microph"o wd "w well bo? = talk+ on ! ph"o & he>+ :at's go+ on >.d me4 ,! ,,fm sy/em wd al help me he> my cli5ts & "s"o knock+ on ! door4 ,on ,tues"d ,i met ) ,sue1 ! director ( direct s]vices4 ,we 4cuss$ my expecta;ns = ! week4 ,mia1 ! social "w]1 provid$ gd su7es;ns = d1l+ ) issues ( d1f-bl;s4 ,! ,communica;ns ,le>n+ ,c5t]1 tau+ ! class bells4 ,%e #hg demon/rat$ ! ,wat* ,m9d]1 a vibrat+ "tr ) #af di6]5t sett+s4 ,%e al %[$ me a nice brl desk cal5d> ) room = notes = ea* "d4 ,%e hids & a price li/ c>d4 ,back 9 te*nology1 ,bap9 %[$ me ! ,brl ,lite & ! ,brl ,note4 ,i pref]r$ ! ,brl ,note 2c x _h a comput] keybo>d4 ,he al %[$ me a m"oy id5tifi] t uses vibra;ns r ?an spee* to 9dicate ! d5om9a;n ( ! bill4 ,9 mobil;y1 ,monica recomm5d$ t ,i use 3/ant 3tact ) my cane4 ,? requires a di6]5t tip1 : is %ap$ l a m>%mall[ & rolls al;g ! gr.d4 ,%e %[$ me a /reet cross+ sign1 : lets o!r p$e/rians "k y're d1f-bl4 ,"! 0 al a button t says 8,bl & ,h>d ( ,he>+0 : is worn 9 situa;ns ": p ne$ to "k t 9 ord] to provide #hh assi/.e4 ,on ,w$nes"d ,i met ) ! l[ vi.n speciali/1 ,melida4 ,?\< ,i 0 n 9 ne$ ( any l[-vi.n devices1 x 0 help;l to le>n ab h] de"p;t4 ,an optometri/ visits ! c5t] twice a mon? & an oph?almologi/ comes once a mon?4 ,/ud5ts >e s*$ul$ 9to h] >ea z a class1 n j = an evalua;n4 ,af ! /ud5t is exam9$ & prescrip;ns >e writt51 %e "ws ) ! /ud5t on appropriate l[-vi.n devices4 ,back 9 ! ,communica;ns ,le>n+ ,c5t]1 ,pe7y & ,i talk$ m ab communica;n c>ds & ab a me?od = brl us]s to bal.e _! *eckbooks4 ,i 0 9t]e/$ 9 a calculator ) a brl 4play ,- until ,i le>n$ t x co/ @s#a1jjj4 ,9 audiology1 ,c>ol made an impres.n ( my e> & *eck$ \ my curr5t he>+ aid4 ,x _h a #hi ll 4tor;n4 ,bill1 ano!r te*nology 9/ructor1 %[$ me ano!r brl 4play call$ ! ,brl ,w9d[4 ,x 0 easi] to d1l ) ?an ! ,alva4 ,he 0 k9d 5 to let me s5d a few ;e-mails home4 ,on ,?urs"d ,i w5t to see ! 9dep5d5t liv+ 9/ructor1 ,evelyn1 = ! f/ two p]iods4 ,%e %[$ me ! ,hot ,%ot "o-cup wat] h1t+ device1 & ! liquid level 9dicator1 : vibrates4 ,"! 0 al a vibrat+ "tr1 : hangs >.d yr neck4 ,we al "w$ ) kit*5 equip;t 9clud+ a well- m>k$ /ove1 ! ,george ,=eman ,grill1 & a pa/a pot4 ,s>ah1 ! cr1tive >ts 9/ructor1 gave me ! *.e ,i've alw want$ to "w ) pott]y4 ,i put my cr1tive g5ius to "w & made a b[l ) a scallop$ rim4 ,%e sd ,i wd ne$ to /op by = a few m9utes on ,fri"d to f9i% ! 9side4 ,%e wd !n fire x #ij & mail x to me4 ,af lun*1 ,pe7y %[$ me a n1t portable device call$ a brl scre5 r1d]4 ,"o side resembles a brlr & ! o!r side resembles a comput] keybo>d4 ,! si.d @s#e1jjj1 b x's a grt communica;ns tool4 ,on ,fri"d ,i met ) ,mia to talk ab ! ev5ts ( ! week4 ,back 9 te*nology1 ,bill %[$ me ! ,fre$om ,box1 a /&-al"o comput] device t all[s y to a3ess ! ,9t]net by bo? voice comm&s & ! keybo>d4 ,i look$ up ! w1!r 9 ,jackson simply by tell+ x v]bally :at ,i want$4 ,i !n w5t to ! 5t]ta9;t selec;n & *ose descriptive videos4 ,i f.d 8,x's ,a #ia ,wond];l ,life40 ,! audio n>ra;n & dialogue ( ! movie came on ) ,george ,bu% n>rat+ ! movie4 ,i al us$ ! ,fre$om ,box to s5d bo? a v]bal & a typ$ ;e-mail message4 ,i !n w5t to ! ,communica;ns ,le>n+ ,c5t] ) ,pe7y "o la/ "t to cl>ify "s 9=ma;n = h] report4 ,%e al tauts1 ,s>ah told me t my b[l _h a crack 9 x1 probably due to dry+ too qkly4 ,i s1l$ ! crack1 b didn't h "t to f9i% ! project4 ,s>ah f9i%$ x lat] & mail$ x to me4 ,ka?y1 9 voca;nal s]vices1 _h su7es;ns = meet+ my future goals4 ,af ,fri"d's lun* ,i met "o la/ "t ) ,c>ol 9 audiology4 ,%e %[$ me ! ,,fm sy/em %e wd 2 recomm5d+ = me4 ,x has a microph"o1 : c 2 clipp$ to a cli5t's #ib clo?+1 or atta*$ to o!r a3essories to pick up ! s.ds >.d ! table4 ,! sy/em c al 2 3nect$ to a comput]1 /]eo1 or ,,tv & he>d directly 9 my he>+ aid4 ,hel5 ,kell] ,na;nal ,c5t] has be5 a big help to me 9 all aspects ( my life4 ,i'll alw 2 grate;l to _! /aff1 & to ! ,mississippi ,de"p;t ( ,rehabilita;n ,s]vices1 = mak+ ? busy week ( tra9+ possible4 ,pot5tial ,recov]y ( ,si ,deg5]a;n by ,bruce ,h>rell ,i am #di ye>s old1 ,i h ,,rp1 & f ab my #bjth bir?"d until la/ spr+ all ,i _h 0 lis ,i c n[ see %apes1 colors1 & mo;n4 ,h[ is ? possible8 ,r1d on4 ,x appe>s t ! l5ses ( my eyes film$ ov] ) m ?an j cat>acts1 obscur+ :at ll sis "! >e a lot ( folks ) ,,rp or macul> deg5]a;n :o h ! same problem4 ,if y >e "o ( ^? folks1 !n y1 l me1 h be5 ?9k+ t :at li *eck-up at my doctor's1 at : he told me ,i h develop$ type #b diabetes1 & t1 3sequ5tly1 ,i'd bett] />t see+ an eye doctor on a regul> basis4 ,s ,i did1 b :5 ,i did1 ! eye doctor told me t "! 7 cat>acts & a film 9 ! l5ses ( my eyes1 & t if he remov$ my #id l5ses & put 9 new "os1 at ! v l1/ ,i wd h m li1 &1 "h's ! be/ "p1 by putt+ 9 new l5ses1 ,i mi1 ,i sd1 8,let's d x40 ,s we did4 ,x's a simple surg]y1 & !y put me "u = x4 ,oh1 "!'s a week or two ( 4com=t afws & a zillion eye drops to take1 b a mon? lat] ,i 0 feel+ pretty m* back to normal1 only ,i cd ,- & / c ,- see6 ,x's ev5 use;l sie k9d #ie t ?9ks giv+ "sbody m lie a lot ( eye doctors \ "! :o figure we're bl1 ! op]a;n won't d u any gd1 or h>dly any gd1 s :y bo!r8 ,t's :y ,i su7e/ y %op >.d4 ,if y / h at l1/ a ll liacts &_/or is film$ ov]1 ! wor/ t c happ5 to y f hav+ yr old l5s tak5 \ & a new l5s put 9 is t y'll h to live ) see+ m lie limit$ to #cjj ^ws or less4 ,all submis.ns m/ 9clude ! au?or's "n & #if loca;n4 ,op9ions express$ >e ^? ( ! au?ors4 ,9 ,response to 8,c ,jesus ,r1lly ,emp[]80 ,de> ,p3 ,9 an >ticle1 8,c ,jesus ,r1lly ,emp[]810"<,m>* #bjjd"> ,judy ,jackson & ,mi*ael ,g>rett 2g9 s"eal s5t;es ) ! expres.n1 8,z ,*ri/ians40 ,:ile ac"kl$g+ t ! >ticle does n reflect policies 5dors$ by ,,acb1 ,i wi% t ! $itors ( 8,! ,brl ,=um0 _h se5 fit to 9clude a footnote or an 9troductory1 p>5!tical rem>k 9dicat+ ,,acb's neutral posi;n4 ,on f/ r1d+ 8,f ,yr ,p]spective10 a r1d] does n r1lly "u/& t ! column is an op5 =um4 ,! exclusive nature ( ,jackson's & ,g>rett's language1 at f/1 seems to come f ! $itorial /aff1 & x #ig is (f5sive4 ,n all ,,acb memb]s1 ( c\rse1 subscribe to ^! 2liefs4 ,we >e z div]se z ,am]ican culture1 & t is :y we h a tradi;n ( sep>a;n ( *ur* & /ate4 ,s9c]ely1 .<,rev4.> ,sozan ,pet] ,s*ell91 ,z5 ,buddhi/ ,tradi;n1 ,au/91 ,tex4 ,reg>d+ ,cr$it ,c>d ,fraud ,we all rcv ;e-mails all ! "t reg>d+ "o scam or ano!r2 b la/ week ,,,i r1lly did,' get scamm$6 ,bo? ,visa & ,ma/],c>d told me t ? scam is curr5tly 2+ "w$ "?\t ! ,midwe/1 ) "s v>i.e z to ! product or am.t1 & if y >e call$1 j hang up4 ,x "w$ l ?3 ,! p]son call+ says1 8,? is ,c>l ,patt]son . & ,i'm call+ f ! ,secur;y & ,fraud de"p;t #ih at ,visa4 ,my badge numb] is #abdfj4 ,yr c>d has be5 fla7$ = an unusual pur*ase patt]n1 & ,i'm call+ to v]ify4 ,? wd 2 on yr ,visa c>d issu$ by #e_/#c bank4 ,did y pur*ase an ,anti-,telem>ket+ ,device = @s#dig4ii f a m>ket+ company bas$ 9 ,>izona80 ,:5 y say 8no10 ! call] 3t9ues1 8,!n we w 2 issu+ a cr$it to yr a3.t4 ,? is a company we h be5 wat*+ & ! *>ges range f @s#big to @s#dig1 j "u ! @s#ejj pur*ase patt]n t flags mo/ c>ds4 ,2f yr next /ate;t1 ! cr$it w 2 s5t to yr address1 is t correct80 ,y say1 8,yes40 ,! call] !n /ates1 8,i w 2 />t+ a fraud 9ve/iga;n4 ,if y h any "qs1 y %d call ! #hjj numb] li/$ on yr c>d1 #a-#hjj- ,,visa1 & ask = ,secur;y4 ,y w ne$ to ref] to ? 3trol #ii numb]40 ,!n ! p]son gives y a six-digit numb]1 & asks :e!r he ne$s to rep1t x = y4 ,! call] next says he ne$s to v]ify y >e 9 posses.n ( yr c>d4 8,turn ! c>d ov]4 ,"! >e sev5 numb]s2 ! f/ f\r >e #abcd1 ! next ?ree >e ! secur;y numb]s t v]ify y >e 9 posses.n ( ! c>d4 ,^! >e ! numb]s y use to make ,9t]net pur*ases to prove y h ! c>d4 ,r1d me ! ?ree numb]s40 ,af y r1d !m1 he says1 8,t is correct4 ,i j ne$$ to v]ify t ! c>d has n be5 lo/ or /ol51 & t y / h yr c>d4 ,d y h any o!r "qs8 ,don't hesitate to call back if y d40 ,y actually say v ll1 & !y n"e ask = or tell y ! c>d numb]4 ,b af we rcvd a call1 we call$ back )9 #bj m9utes to ask a "q4 ,>e we glad we did6 ,! r1l ,visa secur;y #ajj de"p;t told u x 0 a scam & 9 ! la/ #ae m9utes a new pur*ase ( @s#dig4ii 0 put on \r c>d4 ,we fil$ a fraud report & clos$ ! ,visa c>d2 !y >e issu+ u a new numb]4 ,all ! scam wants is t ?ree-digit numb]4 ,once !y get x1 ! *>ge goes "?1 & !y keep *>g+ e few "ds4 ,by ! "t y get yr /ate;t1 y ?9k ! cr$it is com+1 & !n x's h>d] to actually file a fraud report4 ,! r1l ,visa p assur$ u t !y w n"e ask = any?+ on ! c>d ,- !y alr h t 9=ma;n4 ,:at makes ? m rem>kable is t on ,?urs"d1 ,i got a call f 8,jason ,ri*>dson ( ,ma/],c>d0 ) a ^w-=-^w rep1t ( ! ,visa scam4 ,? "t ,i didn't let hm f9i%4 ,i hung up4 ,we fil$ a police report "1 & !y sd !y >e tak+ s"eal ( ^! reports daily & to tell frs1 #aja relatives & co"w]s4 ,pass ? 9=ma;n on6 ,- ,be? ,t]ranova1 ,newport ,news1 ,va4 ,reg>d+ ,8,! ,h\seplant,0 ,de> ,$itor1 ,i wd l to make com;t on ! >ticle by ,patricia ,kepl]1 5titl$ 8,! ,h\seplant0 "<,april-,may #bjjd">4 ,i ?"\ %e did a v nice job captur+ ! att5;n ( ^? ( u :o >e unemploy$4 ,9 ! summ] ( #aiii ,i 2gan volunte]+ z a recep;ni/ at a =m] non-pr(it organiza;n h1dqu>t]$ 9 ! ,*icago >ea4 ,!y lik$ ! "w ,i did s m* t !y put me on _! payroll4 "<,i w5t to s*ool ) ! program director1 :o 0 ev5tually promot$ to executive director4 ,he help$ me a lot 9 junior hi< & #ajb "!=e knew :at ,i 0 capable (4"> ,i 0 a pd employee = a ll ov] a ye>1 & !n ! organiza;n w5t "? "s *anges4 ,! recep;ni/ posi;n 2came fa/-pac$2 ! te*nology us$ wasn't yet a3essible4 ,z a result1 ! /aff _h to /op pay+ me4 ,!y made x cle> to me & my p>5ts t ? _h no?+ to d ) me p]sonally or my job p]=m.e4 ,i / agree ) t assess;t4 ,i al 2gan exp]i5c+ h1l? problems & 5d$ up l1v+ ! organiza;n 9 ,may #bjja4 ,x is n[ ,april #bjjd & ,i am / unemploy$4 ,yet ,i h lots ( skills & tal5ts4 ,i ?9k x is a %ame t nobody has come up ) a solu;n to unemploy;t4 ,"sh[1 "s":1 attitudes m/ *ange4 ,we m/ %[ ! non-2liev]s 9 society t we c "w4 ,^? ) v pat]nali/ic views ab bl;s m/ 2 made to *ange _! ways4 ,e #ajc 9dividual situa;n ne$s to 2 tr1t$ z s*4 ,politicians ne$ to improve situa;ns = p ) all types ( 4abilities4 ,?ank y = publi%+ ? >ticle1 & ?anks to ,,acb = cr1t+ a magaz9e : sp1ks to ! core issues fac$ by _m ( u4 ,- ,jake ,joehl1 ,*icago1 ,ill4 ,"h & ,"! by ,s>ah ,blake ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column is n an 5dorse;t by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs /aff1 or elect$ (ficials4 ,products & s]vices >e li/$ free ( *>ge = ! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsible = ! reliabil;y ( products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,to submit items = ? #ajd column1 y may ;e-mail ,s>ah ,blake at sblake@aacb4org1 or call ,,acb at #a-#hjj-#dbd- #hfff & l1ve a message 9 mailbox #bf4 ,pl1se rememb] t po/al regula;ns prohibit u f 9clud+ adv]tise;ts1 & t we ne$ 9=ma;n two mon?s ah1d ( actual publica;n dates4 ,alex&] ,sc\rby ,n>rator ( ! ,ye> ,aw>ds ,d y h a favorite talk+ book n>rator8 ,nom9ate hm or h] = an ,alex&] ,sc\rby aw>d4 ,y may vote = yr favorite nom9ee 9 fic;n1 non-fic;n1 & multil+ual non- fic;n f ,augu/ #af to ,septemb] #ae4 ,multil+ual non-fic;n is def9$ z a non-fic;n "w prim>ily 9 ,5gli%1 b ) a significant numb] ( =eign-language ^ws1 "ns1 &_/or phrases4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ,c>rie #aje ,f]n&ez at "<#bab"> #ejb-#gfgd or cf]n&ez@aafb4net4 ,! aw>ds c]emony w take place on ,octob] #ad4 ,new ,audiobook ,available ,l>ry ,johnson's book1 8,mexico by ,t\*3 ,true ,life ,exp]i;es ( a ,bl ,am]ican ,deejay10 is available on a set ( five ,,cd,'s = a co/ ( @s#be plus @s#c = %ipp+ & h&l+4 ,to ord]1 3tact ,l>ry ,johnson1 #ajhfc ,lake ,pa? ,drive1 ,san ,antonio1 ,,tx #ghbag4 ,new ,products at ,,acb ,/ore ,six new signature products >e available at ! ,,acb ,/ore4 ,!y >e3 %irts1 jackets1 caps1 tote bags1 a sew-on pat* %ap$ l ! /ate ( ,alabama1 & #ajf a braille_/l>ge pr9t desk cal5d>4 ,to pur*ase onl9e1 visit www4acb4org & g to ! ,,acb /ore4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ,pat ,%reck via ph"o at #a- #hgg-#cfg-#bbbd or via ;e-mail at pat%reck@acomca/4net4 ,posi;n ,available ,! ,alabama ,9/itute = ! ,d1f & ,bl is seek+ a director ( bl s]vices = xs ,e4,h4 ,g5try ,campus4 ,posi;n require;ts 9clude3 a ma/]'s degree 9 rehabilita;n &_/or $uca;n2 exp]i;e z an adm9i/rator2 k ( bl;s & ! rehabilita;n process2 abil;y to communicate e6ectively1 bo? v]bally & 9 writ+2 k ( program & curriculum develop;t 9 rehabilita;n s]vices2 k ( v>i\s me?odologies ( resid5tial rehabilita;n programs2 2 a compet5t #ajg brl r1d] & writ]1 & score #hj p]c5t or bett] on ! ,,aidb brl skills assess;t 9v5tory )9 ! f/ #cj mon?s ( employ;t2 & submit to a crim9al hi/ory backgr.d 9=ma;n *eck4 ,p]=m.e responsibilities 9clude3 direct+ c5t]-bas$ & commun;y rehabilita;n programs = bl & visually impair$ p2 develop+ & imple;t+ a core curriculum : builds 3fid;e1 9dep5d;e1 & l1ds to employ;t2 ma9ta9+ positive rela;n%ips ) organiza;ns ( ! bl2 rese>*+ ! late/ /rategies = s]vices l1d+ to 9dep5d;e & employ;t2 "w+ closely ) ! director ( field s]vices2 responsibil;y = programmatic sup]vi.n ( all /aff :o s]ve bl & visually impair$ p2 evaluat+ p]sonnel2 improv+ pr(es.nal compet;e ( /aff "? 9-s]vice $uca;n & tra9+ activities2 #ajh ma9ta9+ rela;n%ips 9 & "picipat+ 9 ! a6airs ( pr(es.nal societies1 voca;nal rehabilita;n 3f];es & 3sum] gr\ps = bl & visually impair$ p2 "w+ 9 "pn]%ip ) ! ,alabama ,de"p;t ( ,rehabilita;n ,s]vices = ! ,bl & ,visually ,impair$2 & p]=m+ o!r duties z assign$4 ,= m 9=ma;n on ? posi;n1 3tact ,daniel ,wir?1 ,alabama ,9/itute = ! ,d1f & ,bl1 ,,po ,box #fih1 #bje ;,e4 ,s\? ,st41 ,talladega1 ;,,al #ceafa2 ph"o "<#bef"> #gfa- #ccjb1 or ;e-mail dwirt@a" aidb4/ate4al4us4 ,new ,designs at ,bl- ,novel-,tees6 ,f\r new ;,t-%irts >e available4 ,!y >e 8,c ,i borr[ yr c>80 9 hat & ;,t-%irt2 8,y ne$ n see ! />s to r1* !m60 "<;,t-%irt only">2 8,my #aji dog doesn't bite2 ,i d0 "<;,t- %irt only">2 & 8,walk s(tly & c>ry a l;g :ite /ick0 ;,t- %irt4 ,ord] onl9e at www4" bntonl9e4com1 or call "<#icg"> #dgb-#jehe4 ,seek+ ,/ud5ts ,p5nsylvania ,college ( ,optometry's ,de"p;t ( ,graduate ,/udies 9 ,vi.n ,impair;t rec5tly *ang$ f a qu>t] sy/em to a seme/] sy/em1 & f classroom-bas$ to onl9e 9/ruc;n ) summ] resid5cy c\rses4 ,! college is seek+ 9dividuals 9t]e/$ 9 rcvg a ma/]'s degree or c]tifica;n 9 $uca;n ( *n & y\? ) visual & multiple impair;ts1 rehabilita;n t1*+1 ori5ta;n & mobil;y1 or l[ vi.n rehabilita;n4 ,! s*ool has a roll+ admis.n policy2 s*ol>%ips >e available4 #aaj ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ,t9a ,fitzpatrick at "<#bae"> #ghj- #acfj1 or via ;e-mail1 tfitzpatrick@apco4$u4 ,y c al visit www4pco4$u & select programs "<8academic programs0 = ,,jaws us]s">4 ,phil ,hatl5 ,rcvs ,aw>d ,! ,c\ncil = ,excep;nal ,*n rec5tly pres5t$ ! ,\t/&+ ,l1d]%ip ,aw>d to ,phil ,hatl54 ,3gratula;ns1 ,phil6 ,goalball ,t1m to ,compete at ,p>alympics ,! ,unit$ ,/ates wom5's goalball t1m w compete at ! ,a!ns ,p>alympic ,games ,sept4 #ag to #bh4 ,t1m memb]s >e3 ,j5nif] ,>mbru/] "<,colorado ,spr+s1 ,colo4">2 ,lisa ,banta "<,boonton1 ,n4,j4">2 ,nicole ,buck "<,paw ,paw1 ,mi*4">2 ,jessica ,lor5z "<,san #aaa ,francisco1 ,calif4">2 ,asya ,mill] "<,battle ,creek1 ,mi*4">2 & ,rob9 ,!r"y "<,cl>k/on1 ,mi*4">4 ,alt]nates >e3 ,jaclyn ,b>nes "<,v]non ,hills1 ,ill4"> & ,l9dsay ,sloan "<,wauconda1 ,ill4">4 ,cell ,ph"o ,magnifi] ,magnifics ,9c4 rec5tly 9troduc$ ! ,ph"o ,monocle1 a s(t1 pliable & hypoall]g5ic cell ph"o magnifi]4 ,x slips >.d any ph"o ,- ,nokia1 ,motorola1 ,s1m5's1 or ,panasonic ,- & magnifies ! 4play up to #bej p]c5t4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ,magnifics ,9c41 #bfca ,mayfield ,ave41 ,la ,cresc5ta1 ,,ca #iabad2 ph"o "<#hah"> #bdh-#bbbh4 #aab #bjjd ,college ,football ,s*$ule 9 ,brl ,! #bjjd ,,ncaa college football s*$ule 9 brl is n[ available4 ,? ye>'s s*$ule li/s #abj divi.n #a-,a & "s reque/$ divi.n #a-,,aa t1ms1 z well z ! results ( ! #bjjc- #bjjd b[ls & ! top #be t1ms 9 ! ,,ap f9al polls1 ! #bjjd pres1son poll1 ! #bjjd-#bjje b[l s*$ule & m* m4 ,ea* s*$ule co/s @s#aj4 ,s*$ules w 2 mail$ >.d ! middle ( ,augu/2 mail+ w 2 by free matt]4 ,get yr ord]s 9 n[ s we c get yr s*$ule to y 2f ! s1son 2g9s4 ,make yr *eck payable to ,all5 ;,h4 ,gillis1 & s5d x to hm at #cjb ,s*ae6el ,road1 ,cullman1 ;,,al #cejee4 ,y may al ph"o 9 yr ord]1 "<#bef"> #gcd-#djdg1 or ;e- mail x to gill#djdg@a" bellsouth4net4 #aac ,seek+ ,issues ( ,magaz9e ,tom ,fillyaw is look+ = copies ( ! ,florida ,s*ool ,h]ald f ,sept4 #aidh "? ,may #aiei4 ,if y h any ( ^?1 3tact ,tom ,fillyaw at #aadj ,,sw #crd ,ave41 ,lake ,butl]1 ,,fl #cbjed1 or call hm at "<#chf"> #dif-#hahi4 ,elect$ ,elm] ;,l4 ,c]ano has be5 "nd ! new *airp]son ( ! ,,ni% ,bo>d ( ,directors4 ,c]ano1 :o holds a ba*elor's degree f ,we/]n ,mi*igan ,univ]s;y & a ma/]'s degree f ,wayne ,/ate ,univ]s;y 9 ,detroit1 is al an adjunct pr(essor ( sociology at ,oakl& ,commun;y ,college4 #aad ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op ,= ,sale3 ,alva ,satellite ,travel] #dj-cell brl 4play us$ z demo unit4 ,ask+ @s#d1jjj or be/ (f]4 ,9dex ,basic-;,d ,brl ,emboss] v].n #b4 ,does n h ! ,,usb or net"w 3nec;n4 ,ask+ @s#a1gjj or be/ (f]4 ,,elba brl note tak]1 #cb-cell ) qw]ty keybo>d4 ,ask+ @s#d1jjj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,d5nis ,b>tlett at "<#gfj"> #cdg- #iigj or "<#gfj"> #hhj- #jiga1 or via ;e-mail1 db>tlett#a@a" earthlink4net4 ,= ,sale3 ,celtic h>p1 portable1 #bd copp] wire /r+s1 excell5t 3di;n1 ,cl>sa*1 play$ 2f #agjj4 ,wor? apprais$ at @s#a1bjj4 ,make an (f]4 ,v9tage ,k5wood radio #aae quadraphonic rcvr4 ,ask+ @s#cjj4 ,optacon magnify+ l5s = r1d+ f9e pr9t4 ,ask+ @s#aej4 ,,ibm model ,l#dj laptop "<#aiib">4 ,^w,p]fect alr load$4 ,ask+ @s#ajj4 ,3tact ,>l5e via ;e-mail1 coyote@a" transbay4net1 or call "<#eaj"> #hdi-#jgba4 ,= ,sale3 ,d\ble ,talk ,lite syn!siz] 9 excell5t 3di;n4 ,ask+ @s#aie or be/ (f]4 ,blazie disk drive1 r>ely us$1 9 excell5t 3di;n4 ,ask+ @s#cie or be/ (f]4 ,kurzweil ,r1d+ ,$ge ) #b4j & #c4j s(tw>e modules1 ,,dec,'talk syn!siz]1 c>ry+ case & cables4 ,ne$s m9or repairs4 ,ask+ @s#b1ejj or be/ (f]4 ,optelec #bj_/#bj ,,cctv 9 excell5t 3di;n4 ,ask+ @s#a1hjj or be/ (f]4 ,,hp #d,p scann]1 9 excell5t #aaf 3di;n1 ask+ @s#aie or be/ (f]4 ,w %ip any": 9 ,,usa4 ,w only a3ept m"oy ord]s4 ,call ,rose af #i p4m4 at "<#fgh"> #bdi- #ebea or ;e-mail h] at c>lbr[n@a_wnet4att4net4 ,= ,sale3 ,two ,p]k9s brlrs4 ,gd 3di;n4 ,ask+ @s#cej ea*4 ,ext]nal disk drive = ,brl ,note4 ,9 gd 3di;n4 ,ask+ @s#cej4 ,h&icassette ,,ii ) c>ry+ case & 9/ruc;n tape4 ,9 gd 3di;n4 ,ask+ @s#ajj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,rog] at "<#eaj"> #hdi-#cecg4 ,= ,sale3 ,,dec,'talk ,express 9 excell5t 3di;n4 ,ask+ @s#ajj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,%5 at %5@asportsmail4com1 or via ph"o1 "<#fej"> #bia-#hffg4 #aag ,= ,sale3 ,talk+ wat*es ) date1 "t & rem9d] notice4 @s#bj ea*1 plus @s#e %ipp+ 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,3tact ,/eve ,grogan at "<#ica"> #ebh-#eiid4 ,= ,sale3 ,video ,eye p[] magnifica;n sy/em4 ,ask+ @s#a1bjj1 9clud+ %ipp+4 ,3tact ;,m4 ,jackson at "<#bjg"> #gbe- #jhfh4 ,= ,sale3 ,visualtek ,microview] #ahx hi< magnifica;n fi*e r1d]4 ,ask+ @s#ajj4 ,3tact ,tom ,jackson at "<#fji"> #eig- #hife1 or via ;e-mail1 tomjackson#da@acomcast4net4 ,= ,sale3 ,desktop comput]1 alm new1 #b4a ,,d #aah drive1 ,,dvd burn]1 ;,,cd- ,,rom1 newe/ 9/all$ ,,jaws & ,kurzweil1 floppy drive1 ,%>p #ag-9* flat panel monitor1 #h- c>d multi-r1d] built in1 #e ,,usb ports1 multi-*annel s.d c>d ) compact /]eo sp1k]s1 #b ,,at@&,t natural voices 9/all$1 ,micros(t ,(fice1 ,w9d[s ,,xp1 newe/ ,w9,amp & ,r1l ,audio1 classic lit]ature libr>y 9/all$1 hi<-spe$ ,9t]net r1dy1 multi-func;n keybo>d & m\se1 huge digital music libr>y alr 9/all$ f classical to rock4 ,lots ( p[]1 f1tures & s(tw>e1 plus ! be/ spee* & scann+ s(tw>e = bl us]s alr 9/all$4 ,ask+ @s#b1hjj or be/ (f]4 ,call ,alfr$ at "<#ega"> #bgf-#fjhe or ;e-mail ,alfr$4du*>me@a" v]izon4net4 #aai ,= ,sale3 ,type ,lite1 #ag mon?s old4 ,comes ) a3essories & manuals 9 brl & on tape4 ,ask+ @s#c1jjj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,janice via ;e-mail1 jan9fla@abells\?4net1 or call ,bill at "<#cje"> #ihg-#fied4 ,= ,sale3 ,type ';n ,sp1k4 ,9 excell5t 3di;n4 ,price @s#hej4 ,call or ;e-mail ,pat ,smolak at "<#ije"> #fhj-#jjfd or psmolak@acogeco4ca4 ,= ,sale or ,trade3 ,type ';n ,sp1k #bjjj4 ,ask+ @s#a1jjj4 ,will+ to trade x = a ,brl ,lite #ah or ,v]sa-,brl #b4 ,3tact ,melody at "<#ida"> #gbb-#gdgg4 #abj ,want$3 ,cassette dic;n>y4 ,will+ to pay up to @s#aej1 9 9/all;ts if possible4 ,3tact ,m>yl\ ,potget] 2f #i p4m4 at "<#bfi"> #cda-#ieij1 or write h] at #gaj ,coll9s1 ,apt4 _?#iaj1 ,kalamazoo1 ,,mi #dijja4 ,,acb ,(fic]s ,presid5t ,*ri/oph] ,gray #id ,ramona ,ave4 ,san ,francisco1 ,,ca #idajc ,f/ ,vice ,presid5t ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt #gcbj ,dixon ,unit #bjd ,=e/ ,p>k1 ,,il #fjacj ,second ,vice ,presid5t ,mit* ,pom]antz #aaae ,cordova ,/reet #aba _?#djb ,pasad5a1 ,,ca #iaajf ,secret>y ,donna ,selig] #ciab ,,se #eth ,st4 ,des ,mo9es1 ,,ia #ejcae ,tr1sur] ,>dis ,bazyn #ejj ;,s4 #crd ,st4 _?,h ,burbank1 ,,ca #iaejb ,imm ,pa/ ,presid5t ,paul ,$w>ds #bjccj ,,ne #bjth ,ct4 ,miami1 ,,fl #ccagi ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors ,j]ry ,annunzio1 ,kansas ,c;y1 ,,mo ,alan ,b1tty1 ,=t ,coll9s1 ,,co #abb ,$ ,bradley1 ,h\/on1 ,,tx ,brian ,*>lson1 ,wat]t[n1 ,,ma ,billie ,j1n ,kei?1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,oral ,mill]1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc ,c>la ,rus*ival1 ,l\isville1 ,,ky ,patrick ,%eehan1 ,silv] ,spr+1 ,,md ,cyn?ia ,t[]s1 ,s1ttle1 ,,wa ,david ,trott1 ,talladega1 ;,,al ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns ,*>les ,hodge1 ,*airp]son1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,adrian ,de ,blaey1 ,milwaukee1 ,,wi ,w9ifr$ ,d[n+1 ,san ,francisco1 ,,ca ,mike ,duke1 ,jackson1 ,,ms ,k5 ,/ew>t1 ,w>wick1 ,,ny ,ex ,(ficio3 ,ralph ,s&]s1 ,vanc\v]1 ,,wa #abc