,! ,brl ,=um ,volume ,,xliv ,july- ,augu/ #bjje ,no4 #a ,publi%$ by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl /rives to 9cr1se ! 9dep5d;e1 secur;y1 equal;y ( opportun;y1 & to improve qual;y ( life = all bl & visually impair$ p4 ,*ri/oph] ,gray1 ,presid5t ,melanie ,brunson1 ,executive ,director ,%>on ,lov]+1 ,act+ ,$itor ,na;nal ,(fice3 #aaee #aeth ,st4 ,,nw ,suite #ajjd ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejha ,fax3 "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejhe ,web site3 http3_/_/www4" acb4org ,! ,brl ,=um^t is available 9 brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half-spe$ f\r-track cassette tape1 comput] disk & via ;e-mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 address *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = publica;n %d 2 s5t to ,%>on ,lov]+ at ! address abv1 or via ;e-mail to slov]+@aacb4org4 ,submis.n d1dl9es >e ! f/ ( ! mon?4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl is a memb]%ip organiza;n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special- 9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,to jo91 visit ! ,,acb web site & complete an applica;n =m1 or 3tact ! na;nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ abv4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax-d$uctible1 c 2 s5t to ,>dis ,bazyn at ! abv #b mail+ address4 ,if y wi% to rememb] a relative or fr1 ! na;nal (fice c make pr9t$ c>ds available = ? purpose4 ,to rememb] ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t1 y may 9clude a special p>agraph = t purpose4 ,if yr wi%es >e complex1 3tact ! ,,acb na;nal (fice4 ,to make a 3tribu;n to ,,acb via ! ,comb9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #bhjb4 ,= ! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll-free at "<#hjj"> #dbd-#hfff1 #e p4m4 to midni%a ,f>r[1 page #cg ,rememb]+ ,g]ald ,pye1 page #da #d ,l>ge ,pr9t ,book ,reproduc;n3 ,an ,9timate ,view1 by ,laurie ,noble1 ,paul ,h]n&ez & ,grace ,o%iro1 page #dd ,r1d]s ,4gu/$ by ,8,extreme ,makeov] ,home ,$i;n1,0 page #dg ,$itorial3 ,misplac$ ,gdwill81 by ,%>on ,lov]+1 page #eb ,h ,dog1 ,w ,travel1 by ,de,anna ,quietwat] ,noriega1 page #ei ,2c ( ,\r ,guide ,dogs1 ,we ,felt ,l ,prison]s 9 ,p>adise61 by ,patty ,y>man1 page #fh ,l1d+ ! ,way3 ,my ,pa? to ,2com+ a ,busi;s ,l1d]1 by ,daniel ,novielli1 page #gf ,keep ,x ,simple1 ,sm>ty61 by ,susan ,mazrui1 page #hg ,"h & ,"!1 by ,s>ah ,blake1 page #ajj #e ,lr to ! ,$itor1 page #aac ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op1 page #aaf ,,acb ,(fic]s1 page #abb ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors1 page #abc ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns1 page #abd ,correc;n ,due to an $it+ ]ror1 ! "n ( ! lady (f]+ ! l>ge-pr9t 8,book ( ,common ,pray]0 0 misspell$ "<8,"h & ,"!10 ,june #bjje">4 ,h] "n is ,ann ,dahl54 ,presid5t's ,message3 ,back to ,basics3 ,h[ ,d ,we ,get ,"!8 by ,*ri/oph] ,gray ,la/ mon?1 ,i wrote ab ,,acb's 9volve;t 9 9t]na;nal a6airs1 & %>$ 9=ma;n ab ! #f _m critical problems fac$ by ! bl ( o!r c.tries less =tunate ?an \rs4 ,9 ? >ticle1 ,i want to br+ ! focus back home to ! ,unit$ ,/ates & to issues ( 3sum]ism & ! ne$ = assi/.e we face "r "h at home4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl is truly ! only 3sum] organiza;n ( ! bl 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates td4 ,we d n a3ept f$]al fund+ t hamp]s \r abil;y to act z true 3sum]s4 ,we sp1k f ! po9t ( view ( "picipants 9 ! process ( $uca;n1 rehabilita;n & z recipi5ts ( s]vices s* z ,social ,secur;y4 ,z 3sum]s ( ^! programs1 we h specific ne$s & direct responsibil;y = s* s]vices & = h[ well !y s]ve u4 ,take ,social ,secur;y z "o example4 ,_m ,,acb memb]s >e 3sum]s ( "o "p or ano!r ( ! ,social ,secur;y program4 #g ,= ov] #be ye>s1 my p]sonal role has be5 t ( a 3tributor to ? 9valuable na;nal s]vice4 ,2f t1 ,i 0 an ,,ssi b5efici>y :ile a /ud5t4 ,i h e expecta;n ( "picipat+ 9 ! future z a recipi5t ( ,social ,secur;y retire;t b5efits1 bas$ on my pa/ 3tribu;ns4 ,_m ( y r1d+ ? fall 9to "o ( ^! ?ree categories1 & _m o!rs rcv ,social ,secur;y ,4abil;y ,9sur.e b5efits bas$ on yr "w & 3tribu;n hi/ory4 ,x is no secret t we 9 ! bl commun;y h be5 requir$ to advocate = \rvs ) ! ,social ,secur;y ,adm9i/ra;n "<,,ssa"> on a v>iety ( topics = _m ye>s4 ,"r n[1 ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 9 3junc;n ) ! ,4abil;y ,"rs ,$uca;n & ,def5se ,fund "<,,dr$f"> is 9ve/igat+ ! tak+ ( ac;n to require ,,ssa to provide #h 9=ma;n & correspond;e 9 a3essible m$ia to bl & visually impair$ ,am]icans4 ,) ! te*nology & res\rces r1dily at \r 4posal td1 "! is no r1son :y ,,ssa _c provide lrs to bl recipi5ts 9 a =m ea* recipi5t c r1d & respond to 9 a3essible m$ia4 ,! "r ( a3ess to yr correspond;e f a f$]al ag5cy is basic1 & is cle>ly gu>ante$ )9 ! ,,ada &_/or ,sec;n #ejd ( ! ,rehabilita;n ,act4 ,we 9t5d to make sure t ! 9abil;y ( ,,ssa to react appropriately to ? ne$ is rem$i$4 ,once ag1 ,,acb n only talks ab ! "rs bl p "\ to h1 x takes ac;n to secure !m4 ,? proves ag h[ m* we >e ! 3sum] organiza;n fid+ eligibil;y = b5efits1 or = ! am.t ( b5efits [$4 ,"o ( ! grte/ ne$s )9 \r commun;y is advocacy assi/.e to support ma9t5.e ( ,,ssi or ,,ssdi to eligible recipi5ts4 ,! s]vices & exp]tise provid$ by ,,ssa to ! bl commun;y >e sev]ely lack+ td1 & det]m9a;ns v>y widely am;g 4trict (fices >.d ! c.try4 ,a l>ge numb] ( bl p h no res\rce to : !y c turn = adequate pr(es.nal assi/.e :5 fac$ ) an adv]se f9d+ or det]m9a;n f ! ,social ,secur;y ,adm9i/ra;n4 ,"h is ": an issue >ises ( responsibil;y4 ,h[ m* responsibil;y does a 3sum] organiza;n l ,,acb be> to assi/ recipi5ts 9 s* #aj matt]s8 ,mis ago1 _m memb]s ( ,,acb "?\t ! c.try took advantage ( a s]ies ( tra9+ sem9>s 9 ord] to assi/ !mvs & o!rs ) ass]t+ _! "rs "u ! ,am]icans ) ,4abilities ,act4 ,we h no way ( "k+ h[ _m "picipants 2came active advocates on 2half ( !mvs or ( o!rs1 b we d "k t _m ,,acb memb]s "picipat$ 9 ! tra9+ sem9>s & f.d !m v use;l at ! "t4 ,9 my visits ) a6iliates1 issues relat$ to ,social ,secur;y come up 9 alm e "o4 ,j la/ week5d1 ,june #aj-#ab1 ,i visit$ \r ,nor? ,dakota a6iliate & he>d "! f "o m memb] :o is /ru7l+ to /ay "u ! ,,sga level = ,,ssdi & #aa :o cd b5efit grtly f advice f o!r bl p on h[ ? is d"o4 ,)\t prop] assi/.e1 x is easy to lose yr 5tire b5efit simply by exce$+ ! mon?ly ,,sga level1 : c place y 9 a situa;n ( hav+ no ,,ssa 9come & no m$ical 9sur.e4 ,if a p]son runs af\l ( ,,ssa rules & regula;ns1 x c take ye>s to sort \ ! situa;n1 & too (t51 ! bl recipi5t loses 9 ! 5d :5 he_/%e has d"o no?+ wr;g b :5 ! prop] advocate _c 2 f.d to assi/4 ,) a 3sum] corps ( advocates1 s* an un=tunate situa;n cd 2 m r1dily avoidable4 ,f9ally1 :ile ,i've us$ ,social ,secur;y z ! example 9 ? >ticle1 equally significant problems exi/ )9 ! ,m$icaid sy/em & = cli5ts ( voca;nal rehabilita;n4 ,,acb cd b5efit grtly f ! cr1;n ( a corps ( speciali/s 9 any or all #ab ( ^! >1s4 ,tra9+1 commit;t & coord9a;n >e all key ele;ts ( />t+ s* a program4 ,i wd l to solicit fe$back f 8,=um0 r1d]s & ,,acb memb]s 9 ! cr1t+ ( s* core gr\ps4 ,we w h ? z \r topic ( 3v]sa;n on ! 3f];e call on ,augu/ #ah4 ,pl1se come & 4cuss ^! issues at "<#hff"> #fcc-#hfch4 ,! ,,id = ? 3f];e call meet+ is let/alk or #echghbee4 ,! call w 2g9 promptly at #f3#cj p4m4 ,pacific "t "<#i3#cj p4m4 ,ea/]n">4 ,i hope to visit ) _m ( y on ? call4 ,mon?ly ,3f];e ,calls ,available ,,acb ,presid5t ,*ris ,gray wi%es to rem9d 8,=um0 r1d]s t on ! ?ird ,w$nes"d ( e mon?1 3f];e calls >e held 9 : any memb] ( ,,acb c #ac "picipate4 ,2g9n+ 9 ,july1 ^! calls w lat] 2 broadca/ on ,,acb ,radio4 ,jo9 ! call 2t #f3#cj & #h p4m4 ,pacific "<#i3#cj & #aa p4m4 ,ea/]n"> & let ,,acb "k yr views & 3c]ns on issues4 ,:e!r y wi% to /ay = five m9utes & h yr say1 or /ay l;g] & talk ) o!rs1 pl1se make x a po9t to att5d ^! calls4 ,"h is ! s*$ule ( calls = ! ?ird qu>t] ( #bjje4 ,w$nes"d1 ,july #bj3 ,4cus.n ( ! #bjje 3v5;n4 ,:at did y l8 ,:at wd y l to see happ5 di6]5tly 9 future ye>s8 ,w$nes"d1 ,augu/ #ag3 ,cd ,,acb =m an assi/.e corps = ,social ,secur;y &_/or o!r advocacy advice8 #ad ,w$nes"d1 ,septemb] #ba3 ,digital magaz9es & books4 ,h[ w !y impact u & :5 w !y 2come available8 ,,acb ,rallies ,8,r.d ,rehab by ,melanie ,brunson1 ,executive ,director ,on ,may #bf1 "s #fj ,,acb memb]s & /aff jo9$ hundr$s ( repres5tatives f 4abil;y organiza;ns at a rally 9 front ( ! ,u4,s4 ,de"p;t ( ,$uca;n4 ,! purpose ( ! rally 0 to voice opposi;n to ! de"p;t's proposals = re/ructur+ ! ,rehabilita;n ,s]vices ,adm9i/ra;n "<,,rsa"> & fund+ = ! voca;nal rehabilita;n program xf4 ,"picipants came f acr ! c.try & repres5t$ a total ( #dh local & na;nal 4abil;y organiza;ns4 ,! #ae message 0 cle>ly & 3cisely /at$3 j z no * %d 2 8left 2h10 nei %d any p]son ) a 4abil;y 2 left 2h4 ,,acb l1d]s >e v 3c]n$ t if ! m1sures 2+ propos$ by $uca;n (ficials >e imple;t$1 _! cumulative impact cd s]i\sly ]ode1 r ?an 5h.e1 ! abil;y ( p :o >e bl to obta9 adequate rehabilitative s]vices4 ,de"p;t ac;ns t >e ( "picul> 3c]n 9clude3 _4 ,promot+ a voca;nal rehabilita;n "<,,vr"> sup] waiv] t wd all[ gov]nors to raid ,,vr fund+ 9 ord] to prop up a sy/em ( "o-/op c5t]s1 : >e l>gely 9a3essible to p ) 4abilities1 especially ^? :o >e bl1 & d n ev5 provide ! specializ$ tra9+ ne$$ by p :o >e bl 9 ord] to #af a*ieve a positive voca;nal \tcome2 _4 ,clos+ regional (fices ( ! ,rehabilita;n ,s]vices ,adm9i/ra;n "<,,rsa"> t provide assi/.e & ov]sie vital to ! abil;y ( p :o >e bl & d1f-bl to live 9dep5d5tly & 2come ga9;lly employ$1 fully "picipat+ memb]s ( _! communities2 _4 ,cutt+ ,,rsa /aff 9 half by elim9at+ #fe jobs1 ne>ly half ( : >e held by p ) 4abilities2 & #ag _4 ,d[ngrad+ ! posi;n ( ! commis.n] ( ,,rsa " to a director appo9t$ by ! assi/ant secret>y ( $uca;n1 9 spite ( widespr1d prote/s f ! 4abil;y commun;y4 ,voca;nal rehabilita;n s]vices = p :o >e bl 9volve m* m ?an job place;t4 ,p ) 4abilities1 "picul>ly ^? ) s5sory 4abilities1 m/ develop a numb] ( skills 2f !y c live 9dep5d5tly & func;n compet5tly 9 a "wplace4 ,voca;nal rehabilita;n programs give 9dividuals a3ess to p]sonnel :o >e qualifi$ to t1* ^! skills4 ,"o-/op c5t]s 7 n"e m1nt to provide ? type ( tra9+4 ,rehabilita;n p]sonnel ) exp]tise 9 employ;t ( p #ah ) visual impair;ts "w ) bo? employ]s & prospective employees to ov]come ob/acles to employ;t4 ,"o-/op c5t]s d n h ! exp]tise to meet ^! ne$s4 ,,acb %>es ! de"p;t's 9t]e/ 9 e6ici5t deliv]y ( qual;y rehabilita;n s]vices4 ,h["e1 \r 3c]n is t ! m1sures 3templat$ "h place e6ici5cy ah1d ( qual;y s]vice deliv]y4 ,_! cumulative e6ect cd 2 ! de/ruc;n ( opportunities = future g5]a;ns ( p ) 4abilities4 ,"s ( ! proposals describ$ abv 7 9clud$ 9 legisla;n to reau?orize ! ,rehabilita;n ,act t h n[ pass$ bo? h\ses ( ,3gress4 ,= 9/.e1 provi.ns t wd d[ngrade ! ,,rsa commis.n]'s posi;n to a director%ip 7 9 bo? bills4 ,o!rs >e 2+ "utak5 by ! ,de"p;t ( ,$uca;n #ai 9dep5d5t ( ,3gres.nal ac;n4 ,= 9/.e1 !y >e plann+ to imple;t m* ( _! re/ructur+ program = ,,rsa by ! 5d ( ! curr5t fiscal ye>4 ,debate on all ( ^!1 & _m o!r proposals t cd impact ! 9tegr;y ( voca;nal rehabilita;n s]vices = p :o >e bl1 has be5 hig$ & is expect$ to 3t9ue = "s "t4 ,z ,i write1 we >e await+ ! appo9t;t ( a 3f];e committee to iron \ di6];es 2t ! ,h\se & ,s5ate bills & br+ a bill to ! presid5t4 ,at ? "t1 nei *amb] is 3sid]+ 9clu.n ( h>m;l provi.ns s* z ! sup] waiv] describ$ abv4 ,h["e1 s9ce ? proposal is support$ by de"p;t (ficials1 x is n d1d4 ,until we "k t ? & o!r proposals t we 2lieve cd de/roy ! 9tegr;y ( \r rehabilita;n sy/em >e 2y resurrec;n1 we w closely monitor ! "w+s ( bo? ! #bj ,de"p;t ( ,$uca;n & appropriate ,3gres.nal committees4 ,we expect to give an update on ! late/ develop;ts dur+ ! ,,acb 3v5;n4 ,we w al use ^! pages & ! ,wa%+ton ,3nec;n1 : c 2 a3ess$ "? ! ,,acb teleph"o sy/em1 to provide ! late/ 9=ma;n on ? v critical issue4 ,f9ally1 & p]h mo/ important1 we w give y su7e/$ ac;ns y c take to help u spr1d ! ^w reg>d+ ! value ( rehabilita;n s]vices t c meet ! ne$s ( r1l p acr ? c.try4 ,pl1se 3tact ! ,,acb na;nal (fice = fur!r 9=ma;n & help u c>ry on ,,acb's tradi;n ( commit;t to qual;y rehabilita;n s]vices = all ,am]icans :o >e bl or visually impair$4 #ba ,cap;ns ,melanie ,brunson addresses ! cr[d ( ,,acb memb]s 9 ! c\rty>d 2f h1d+ (f to ! rally4 ,am;g ! memb]s 9 att5d.e 7 ,bessie ,reece "1 ,sue ,ammet]1 ,all5 ,casey & ,betty ,sod]holm4 ,bo>d memb] ,naomi ,s\le holds a sign r1d+ 8,p5cils #e c5ts1 ,rehab ,price.s0 z %e m>*es >.d ! loop 9 front ( ! ,de"p;t ( ,$uca;n4 ,:o ,w ,sp1k = ,br&y ,pr9ce8 by ,all5 ;,j4 ,casey ,x is likely t few ( u knew ,br&y ,pr9ce4 ,i f/ 5c.t]$ h] "n :5 a fr =w>d$ a news >ticle to me4 ,:o 0 ,br&y ,pr9ce & :y %d "s"o sp1k = h]8 ,br&y 0 a #ef- ye>-old retir$ civil #bb s]vant2 a =m] resid5t ( ,san ,francisco & air tra6ic 3troll] ) ! ,f$]al ,avia;n ,adm9i/ra;n2 a wife liv+ 9 ,new ,b]n1 ,n4,c42 & ! victim ( a dang] : daily ?r1t5s ! safety & welf>e ( all bl & visually impair$ p no matt] ": !y may live4 ,on ! afn ( ,april #ad1 ,br&y ,pr9ce 0 walk+1 :ite cane 9 h&1 on ! %\ld] ( a ,new ,b]n /reet :5 a ,crav5 ,c.ty ,>ea ,transit ,sy/em van pull$ \ ( a driveway1 /rik+ & critically 9jur+ h]4 ,%e di$ ! next "d 9 a regional trauma c5t]4 ,9 addi;n to ! tragic loss ( life1 :y is ? 9cid5t important to u8 ,! answ] is bo? simple & complex4 ,br&y ,pr9ce 0 a visually impair$ p$e/rian2 %e repres5ts e p]son :o is bl or visually impair$4 ,%e1 z #bc s _m ( u d daily1 0 ex]cis+ h] "r to walk ! /reets ( h] home c;y 9 safety & secur;y4 ,%e report$ly 0 on ! correct side ( ! /reet1 fac+ oncom+ tra6ic4 ,%e _h no r1son to expect a vehicle n on ! /reet to pose a ?r1t to h] pres;e z a p$e/rian4 ,:o is responsible = ,br&y ,pr9ce's d1?8 ,! van driv] 0 *>g$ ) misdem1nor d1? by motor vehicle1 an (f5se puni%able by n m ?an #abj "ds 9 jail or possibly proba;n4 ,b :at ab u1 ! public1 ! citiz5s = :om ! /reets >e 9t5d$8 ,d we n be> a liabil;y1 albeit 9directly8 ,true1 we advocate = p$e/rian "rs & p$e/rian safety4 ,we call = bett] signage1 m adequate signals1 exp&$ driv] $uca;n4 ,b is ? 5\<8 ,h[ (t5 h we 3front$ #bd local1 /ate & na;nal l1d]s &1 face-to-face )\t equivoca;n1 dem&$ n only new safety f1tures & /r;g] laws b al 3si/5t 5=ce;t ( exi/+ tra6ic laws8 ,h we recogniz$ t we desp]ately ne$ a "pn]%ip1 a coali;n ( laws1 te*nology1 $uca;n & 5=ce;t :1 tak5 tgr1 3/itute ! frame"w ( p$e/rian safety8 ,d we "u/& t ! cataly/1 ! sp>k1 ! key to e6ective & 3si/5t p$e/rian safety is 5=ce;t8 ,)\t 5=ce;t1 ! be/ laws1 ! mo/ sophi/icat$ te*nology & ! broade/ $uca;n >e fat$ to fall %ort ( ! m>k4 ,we nei want nor ne$ m ,br&y ,pr9ces los+ _! lives ne$.sly to c>e.s;s & 9di6];e4 ,h] un"tly d1? & xs att5dant circum/.es sp1k l\dly & cle>ly to ea* ( u4 ,!y *all5ge u to pursue a proactive crusade = p$e/rian safety 9 \r #be villages1 t[ns & cities2 no excuses a3ept$4 ,:o !n w sp1k = ,br&y ,pr9ce8 ,"! is only "o answ]3 ,we m/ sp1k = h] & act = h]4 ,to d less is to fail ,br&y1 \rvs & ! welf>e ( all p$e/rians1 ( all p :o ex]cise _! "rs to walk ! /reets 9 safety & secur;y4 ,a6iliate ,news ,brl ,"? ,life ,"d ,"? ,life 0 ! !me = a brl emphasis "d held 9 ! rotunda ( ,p5nsylvania's ,/ate ,capitol on ,may #bf1 #bjje4 ,an?ony "<,tony"> ,sw>tz1 ,lehi< ,valley *apt] presid5t1 pres5t$ ! keynote address & ,%elly ,rhodes1 graduate ( ,kutzt[n ,univ]s;y & a ,,pcb memb]1 spoke on h[ %e us$ brl z a bl p]son & /ud5t4 #bf ,"! 7 al exhibits & a proclama;n by ,p5nsylvania's ,gov]nor ,r5dell t 0 r1d at ! 3f];e4 ,brl ,"d at ! ,capitol 0 >rang$ by ,p5nsylvania's /ate ag5cy = ! bl 9 coop]a;n ) ,,pcb1 xs brl committee & ! /ate's ,brl ,revival ,l1gue4 ,,pcb's /ate 3v5;n w take place ,oct4 #ba-#bc at ! ,gre5 ,tree ,radisson ,hotel ne> ,pittsbur<4 ,hotel rates >e @s#gi plus tax p] nie 9sur.e1 & plann+ on ! ,delaw>e ,c\ncil ( ,citiz5s ) ,l[ ,vi.n & ,,pcb "w+ tgr4 ,= m 9=ma;n 3tact ! ,,pcb (fice at #a-#hjj- #bg #gcf-#adaj or ;e-mail pcb#a@a" paonline4com4 ,b]keley ,spr+s ,is ! ,site = ! ,m.ta9 ,/ate ,c\ncil ,3v5;n ,b]keley ,spr+s1 ,w4,va4 is ! site = ! ,m.ta9 ,/ate ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 3v5;n1 : w 2 held ! week5d ( ,oct4 #ad-#af1 #bjje4 ,b]keley ,spr+s (f]s an 9t]e/+ look at colonial hi/ory1 f1tur+ ,george ,wa%+ton's ba?tub "<: is a natural rock =ma;n v m* l \r pres5t-"d ba?tubs">4 ,x fills naturally ) m9]al wat] : is actually q w>m ev5 9 ! w9t]4 ,no1 y _c take a ba? "! n[ un.s y want to risk public 4play4 ,h["e1 n f> f ? is ! natural m9]al spr+s ba?h\se : (f]s a v>iety ( s]vices1 9clud+ a pr(es.nal #bh massage1 9frar$ h1t tr1t;t1 /1m1 a ba? 9 yr [n l>ge c]amic tub ( m9]al wat] & a %[]4 ,we w 2 do+ ? on ,satur"d afn4 ,)9 v easy walk+ 4t.e >e a v>iety ( small] re/aurants1 craft %ops1 h]bal %op1 a homeopa?ic %op1 a hi/orical ,ca?olic *ur* : / holds s]vices1 & ! p>k4 ,"! is al an >t gall]y & a museum4 ,we >e "w+ ) a local p]=m.e gr\p on an audio- describ$ p]=m.e1 too4 ,! ,9n & ,spa1 ": ! 3v5;n w 2 held1 is a hi/orical 9n ) a full-s]vice re/aurant & \tdoor swimm+ pool4 ,a block ( rooms w 2 res]v$4 ,room rates >e @s#ii p] ni = s+le & d\ble4 ,ea* room has two que5 b$s4 ,pl1se call "<#cjd"> #beh-#baaj = yr res]va;n & let !m "k y >e ) ,,mscb4 ,"! w 2 opportunities #bi = pres5ta;ns1 fun1 socializa;n1 relaxa;n1 hi/ory1 food1 5t]ta9;t & did ,i say fun8 ,,mscb 2lieves 9 keep+ ! busi;s %ort & precise & ! fun & food lavi%4 ,& s f>1 n m* we h d"o has be5 r1l 3v5;nal4 ,i don't expect ? "o to 2 any di6]5t4 ,we >e well aw>e t transporta;n is an issue "h & we >e "w+ ) ,lions ,club memb]s on ?4 ,if y fly1 y c fly f ,pittsbur< to ,hag]st[n1 ,md4 & 2 tak5 to ,b]keley ,spr+s by >rang$ transporta;n4 ,y c al fly 9to ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 & cat* ! tra9 9to ,m>t9sburg f "! & !n we w get y to ,b]keley ,spr+s4 ,greyh.d al goes 9to ,hag]st[n1 ,md4 ,s if y h alw want$ to come to ,we/ ,virg9ia1 ? j cd 2 yr "t to d x4 ,& rememb]1 we >e an easy #ij m9utes f #cj ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 s x wd 2 easy 5 to "w 9 a t\r "! z well4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ,jessie ;,l4 ,rayl at "<#cjd"> #bfc- #efhh1 or by ;e-mail1 !dogmom@av]izon4net4 ,,acbi ,/ate ,3v5;n ,! #cdth annual 3v5;n ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ( ,9diana w 2 held on ,nov4 #d & #e1 #bjje at ! ,l4,a4 ,pitt5g] ,/ud5t ,c5t] at ,ball ,/ate ,univ]s;y 9 ,muncie1 ,9d4 ,room rates >e z foll[s3 tw9 room1 "o p]son1 @s#dh1 & two p1 @s#ee2 k+ room1 "o p]son1 @s#ed1 two p1 @s#fa4 ,"! is an #aa p]c5t tax on all rooms4 ,room res]va;ns m/ 2 made by ,oct4 #d1 #bjje4 ,call "<#gfe"> #bhe-#aeee4 ,dr4 ,ri*>d ,w9dsor1 a well- "kn optometri/1 & ,ri*>d ,h>ris1 coord9ator ( #ca s]vices = /ud5ts ) 4abilities at ,ball ,/ate ,univ]s;y1 w 2 sp1k+ to u4 ,"! w 2 exhibits z well4 ,m>k yr cal5d> n[ & plan to jo9 u = an 5li #bea-#befb or ;e-mail g]rykoors@aaol4com4 ,9 ,memoriam3 ,susan ,kamrass by ,%eila ,/yron "<,repr9t$ ) p]mis.n f 8,pawtracks10 summ] #bjje4"> ,x is ) deep p]sonal sad;s & _m w>m feel+s t ,i take ? opportun;y to celebrate ! life ( ,susan ,kamrass ) ,,acb memb]s4 ,susan pass$ away on ,m>* #ae1 #bjje1 & is surviv$ by h] p>5ts1 ,lee & ,b5 ,kamrass ( ,b"ely #cb ,hills1 ,calif41 :o1 prior to los+ ,susan1 exp]i;ed ! un"tly d1? ( _! son ,sam1 ,susan's only sibl+4 ,susan has family 9 ,nogales1 ,>iz41 ": %e 0 laid to re/4 ,i f/ 5c.t]$ ,susan 9 ,l\isville1 at an ,,acb 3v5;n1 ": %e admir$ a color;l b1d$ fanny pack ,i 0 c>ry+1 & we hit x (f immly4 ,actually1 ,i knew ,i wd l ,susan 2f ,i ev5 "e met h]1 hav+ he>d t "! 0 ? r1lly cool 9dep5d5t bl woman :o liv$ on h] [n 9 a rural sett+ ) lots ( animals1 9clud+ a horse1 up 9 ,wa%+ton /ate1 a life/yle t v m* app1l$ to me4 ,susan 0 ! only woman ,i "e met :o [n$ a pair ( silv] ,birk5/ocks4 ,%e _h a grt s5se ( humor lac$ ) m ?an a t\* ( irony at "ts1 & :5 we 7 roommates at ! ,,acb 3v5;n 9 ,h\/on1 we made up bl #cc jokes4 ,i guess we 7 m ?an j a ll irr"e5t1 b s9ce we 7 bo? visually impair$1 we decid$ x 0 ,,ok4 ,ev5 af 3v5;n1 we wd "s"ts call ea* o!r up j to see : ( u cd make ! o!r lau< m ) "o ( \r 9sane attempts at 9sid] quirky humor4 ,we %>$ a room at ?ree ,,acb 3v5;ns1 af ,susan1 ^u he>+ my reque/ = a roommate1 quipp$1 8,i'm n r1lly ! roommate type1 b ,i ?9k y'll d40 ,susan 0 a ,,gdui bo>d memb] f #bjjj "? #bjjc & v active ) ,guide ,dog ,us]s ( ,wa%+ton1 s]v+ z _! tr1sur]4 ,%e "w$ two b1uti;l gold5 retriev]s f ,l1d] ,dogs1 ,max & ,capta91 & assi/$ h] tra9+ program to raise funds "? sp1k+ 5gage;ts ) ! ,lions4 ,born 9 #aiea1 ,susan graduat$ f ,we/]n ,wa%+ton ,univ]s;y 9 #aigc ) a #cd degree 9 >t hi/ory4 ,%e 0 v fond ( ! >ts1 f pa9t+ to d.e & books to music4 ,%e lov$ movies1 especially musicals f ! '#djs & '#ejs4 ,susan return$ to s*ool a few ye>s lat] to /udy ma? & comput] sci;e1 & = a :ile1 3sid]$ pursu+ 5g9e]+ z a c>e]4 ,h["e1 h] fond;s = ! >ts ev5tually won \1 & %e jump$ at ! opportun;y to pur*ase ,skagit ,bay ,books 9 ,la,conn]1 ,wa%4 ,9 ! late #aihjs1 : %e op]at$ = a numb] ( ye>s4 ,susan al pa9t$ & 0 an avid & tal5t$ ne$le "w] a3ompli%$ 9 knitt+1 cro*et1 & ne$lepo9t4 ,%e 0 an 5?usia/ic support] ( o!r >ti/s & craftspeople4 ,susan _h _m frs f _m walks ( life4 ,%e made me feel v welcome :5 ,i 0 new to ,,gdui & ,,acb "? lauy activities4 ,:ile poor h1l? & /1dily decr1s+ vi.n "s"ts *all5g$ h] abil;y to "picipate 9 ! activities %e lov$1 ,susan 0 an 9domitable & adaptable _s4 ,%e usually f.d a way >.d ! ob/acles t %e 5c.t]$ & 4play$ m c\rage & det]m9a;n ?an alm any"o else wd h4 ,susan's s5se ( humor 0 n"e abs5t = v l;g4 ,i'm grate;l = ! fr%ip & gd "ts we %>$ & only wi% ,i _h gott5 to "k h] soon]4 ,susan ,kamrass1 pl1se "k t y >e lov$ & miss$ by _m1 & we w *]i% yr fr%ip & memory alw4 ,f ,anna ,*amb]la91 :o %>$ fond recollec;ns ( ,susan ) me3 8,i feel lucky to h "kn ,susan ov] an ext5d$ p]iod1 to h se5 h] at a di6]5t "t 9 h] life & to h wit;s$ h] abil;y to gr[ z %e met h] _m #cf *all5ges4 ,%e 0 an exotic & 9trigu+ ,8aunt,0 to my two *n1 & = ? 3si/5t & lov+ "picipa;n 9 _! gr[+ up1 ,i am et]nally grate;l4 ,%e 0 al a memb] ( my l>g] family1 & %e r>ely miss$ a holi"d1 bir?"d1 or backy>d picnic1 s %e w 2 miss$ by my sibl+s1 nieces & nephews z well40 ,9 ,memoriam3 ,g]ald ,pye ,janu>y #c1 #aibi-,june #f1 #bjje by ,m>%a ,f>r[ ,on ,june #f1 #bjje1 ,g]ald ,pye pass$ on f ? _w to 8 et]nal home4 ,g]ri ,pye1 8 lov+ wife1 0 by 8 side :5 he pass$ at #h3#cj a4m4 ,! fun]al s]vices 7 held at ,macon ,memorial ,*apel on ,june #i4 ,we w all miss ? v #cg d$icat$ *>t] memb] ( ! ,georgia ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,g]ald 0 born ,jan4 #c1 #aibi to ,grady ,clif=d & ,dora ,b]?a ,bellfl[] ,pye4 ,he 0 a memb] ( ,log ,cab9 ,bapti/ ,*ur* z well z a ,sun"d s*ool t1*]4 ,g]ri & ,g]ald 7 classmates at ! ,georgia ,academy = ! ,bl4 ,!y graduat$ 9 #aidh4 ,g]ri & ,g]ald 7 pres5t at ! #aief meet+ held 9 ,macon1 ,ga4 to organize ! ,georgia ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,bo? 2came *>t] memb]s ( ,,gcb4 ,he s]v$ z presid5t ( 8 local *apt]1 *air$ ! f9.e committee & 3/itu;n & bylaws committee1 & held _m o!r crucial l1d]%ip roles = #di ye>s4 ,! ,pyes att5d$ e na;nal 3v5;n z l;g z _! h1l? p]mitt$4 ,9 fact1 ,g]ald & ,g]ri att5d$ la/ ye>'s 3v5;n 9 ,birm+ham4 #ch ,g]ald 0 a *>t] memb] ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl & has be5 active 9 ! organiz$ bl move;t s9ce ! mid-#aiejs4 ,he & ,g]ald9e provid$ key hi/orical docu;ts 9 ! prep>a;n ( ! ,,acb hi/ory reg>d+ ,georgia1 xs p1 & _! 9volve;t 9 ! cr1;n ( ,,acb4 ,"?\t 8 life1 ,g]ald play$ an extremely valuable role 9 /ate & na;nal a6airs z well4 ,g]ald 0 a memb] ( ! ,mayor's ,commis.n = ! ,visually ,impair$4 ,9 #bjja1 he rcvd ! f/ ,m>y ,johnson ,aw>d f ! ,georgia ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,a ye> lat]1 he rcvd ! ,citiz5 ( ! ,ye> ,aw>d f ,,dol-,voca;nal ,rehabilita;n ,s]vices4 ,he al rcvd ! ,g]ald ,pye ,aw>d f ! ,georgia ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 9 #bjjb = 8 \t/&+ s]vice to ! bl & #ci visually impair$4 ,he 0 a memb] ( ! ,*it ,*at ,club1 ! ,alumni ,associa;n ( ! ,georgia ,academy = ! ,bl1 & a pa/ memb] ( ! ,s\?side ,lions ,club4 ,g]ald "w$ at ,w>n]-,ro29s ,air ,=ce ,base = _m ye>s4 ,he 2liev$ 9 ! 9dep5d;e & self- su6ici5cy ( 9dividuals :o >e bl & visually impair$4 ,8 p]sonal 2liefs 7 reflect$ 9 8 desire to see all 9dividuals ) vi.n loss h ! opportun;y to support !mvs & _! families by ga9;l employ;t4 ,he 0 alw supportive ( 8 devot$ wife :o s]v$ = _m ye>s z a s*ool t1*] at ! ,georgia ,academy = ! ,bl4 ,g]ald ,pye 0 an 5c\rag] to "ey"o :o knew hm1 especially new memb]s ( ! ,georgia ,c\ncil4 ,g]ald is surviv$ by ?ree sons1 sev5 gr&*n & eit] memb] ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl & has be5 active 9 ! organiz$ bl move;t s9ce ! mid-#aiejs4 ,he & 8 wife1 ,g]ald9e1 provid$ key hi/orical docu;ts 9 ! prep>a;n ( ! ,,acb hi/ory reg>d+ ,georgia1 xs p1 & _! 9volve;t 9 ! cr1;n ( ,,acb4 ,"?\t 8 life1 ,g]ald play$ an extremely valuable role 9 /ate & na;nal a6airs z well4 ,g]ald 0 a 3sid]ate1 ?"\;l & d$icat$ memb] ( ! ,georgia ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl & ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,i valu$ 8 c\nsel & 8 fr%ip v deeply4 ,we c 2 ?ank;l he is n[ 9 p1ce & sp>$ ! _m physical di6iculties "? : he has liv$ = ! pa/ s"eal ye>s4 ,- ,*ris ,gray1 ,sacra;to1 ,calif4 #da ,g]ald ,pye's un%akable & pas.nate 2lief 9 ,,acb's democratic pr9ciples & practices to : ,g]ald & 8 wife1 ,g]ald9e1 ( ne>ly #fj ye>s d$icat$ s m* ( _! "t & 5]gy ov] ^? _m1 _m ye>s %d s]ve z a m5tor+ objective t[>d : we %d simil>ly d$icate \rvs to replicate4 ,"h1 frs & coll1gues1 0 a s(t-spok5 pill> ( unb5d+ /eel ( a man & l1d] )9 ! bl commun;y ( 8 native & m* 2lov$ 8p1* tree0 /ate4 ,g]ald1 ,i hope y at l;g la/ f9d p1ce & com=t 9 ! =giv+1 s(t r$ clay ( yr 2lov$ ,georgia4 ,to ,g]ald's surviv+ wid[1 ,g]ald9e1 ,i s5d my deepe/ & he>tfelt 3dol;es4 ,- ,*>lie ,hodge1 ,>l+ton1 ,va4 ,i am sad to le>n ( #db ,mr4 ,pye's d1?4 ,i met hm "o hot ,augu/ :5 ! ,georgia ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 9vit$ me to att5d _! v 5joyable /ate 3v5;n4 ,i 0 s honor$ to meet ,mr4 ,pye & 8 devot$ wife4 ,!y 7 bo? s k9d & \tgo+1 delily "ds ( ,,acb1 & 9 li/5+ & le>n+ f any"o !y met1 no matt] _! g5]a;n or \tlook on life4 ,x is sad :5 we lose p z graci\s & g5]\s ( _s ( ,mr4 ,pye4 ,may tr1sur$ memories & %>$ exp]i;es br+ solace to 8 family & frs4 ,-,p5ny ,re$]1 ,montgom]y ,village1 ,md4 #dc ,l>ge ,pr9t ,book ,reproduc;n3 ,an ,9timate ,view by ,laurie ,noble1 ,paul ,h]n&ez & ,grace ,o%iro ,we 3sid]$ \rvs lucky4 ,we'd be5 9 ! image te*nology busi;s = #bj-"s ye>s1 n j gett+ by b do+ well4 ,s :5 ! 3tract f ! /ate ( ,cali=nia to 5l>ge textbooks = visually impair$ /ud5ts 9 \r public s*ools came "?1 we 7 r1dy = a new vi.n & jump$ 9 :olehe>t$ly4 ,we develop$ cu/om s(tw>e to automate \r produc;n sy/em & 5h.e qual;y4 ,co/1 alw a factor1 0 address$ ) a new completely automat$ v].n1 : r$uc$ ! price to a frac;n ( ! old manual processes4 ,we soon f.d \rvs 5l>g+ books = ! s*ool sy/em 9 ,texas1 !n ,m>yl& & ,nor? ,c>ol9a4 ,\r li/ ( #dd cu/om]s 3t9u$ to gr[ & we knew t \r h>d "w 0 pay+ (f4 ,b z ) all 5d1vors1 ! human ele;t is all important & s we decid$ to get a ll clos] to ! p ^: lives >e t\*$ by ! "ey"d "w t we d4 ,we made a visit to "o ( ,sacra;to's mo/ v5]able 9/itu;ns1 ,c4,k4 ,mc,clat*y ,hi< ,s*ool1 a public s*ool 9 ! he>t ( ,sacra;to4 ,"!1 we met ) ,kay ,ro7e1 an it9]ant special $uca;n t1*] s]v+ ! ne$s ( ab #bd /ud5ts ) v>y+ 4abilities4 ,a vet]an ( ! public s*ool sy/em1 ,kay critiqu$ \r id1s ) ! au?or;y ( a t1*] ) h>d-won k4 ,%e took u back 9 "t & gave u "s 9si+ ! 5d ( \r appo9t;t :5 ,nicole1 a visually impair$ /ud5t1 came /roll+ 9 = #de h] ses.n ) ,kay4 ,we %[$ h] s"eal l>ge-pr9t books1 eag] = "s f/h& impres.ns4 ,nicole1 a bu2ly1 l;g-hair$ s5ior1 0 upb1t & bur/+ ) h"o/y6 ,%e nix$ "s id1s & gave praise = o!rs4 8,oh1 t h>db.d book is too h1vy4 ,i'm n c>ry+ t 9 my backpack60 %e sd4 ,%yly1 %e told u %e wd 2 graduat+ ? ye> & plann$ on go+ on to "o ( \r local junior colleges1 mak+ h] n only ! f/ to graduate f hi< s*ool 9 h] family1 b al ! f/ to 3template college4 ,x 0 app>5t t ,nicole 0 ris+ abv h] 4abil;y & look+ ah1d to a full life4 ,x felt gd to "k we 7 play]s 9 t promis+ life4 ,we wat*$ z /ud5t & t1*]1 sitt+ side by side1 jok$ & lau<$ ) ea* o!r & we knew we 7 privy to an ex*ange normally res]v$ = j ! two ( !m2 & "sh[1 sitt+ #df d[n back at ! (fice1 ! lauge pr9t reproduc;n & electronic docu;t >*iv+ & manage;t4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 call toll-free #a-#hjj-#ife- ,,pr9t "<#ggdfh">1 or "<#iaf"> #ibg-#ecac1 or view ! web site at www4imtrek4com4 ,r1d]s ,4gu/$ by ,8,extreme ,makeov] ,home ,$i;n,0 "<,$itor's ,note3 ,? lr 0 orig9ally s5t to ! ,st4 ,pet]sburg ,"ts1 ,may #b1 #bjje4"> ,de> ,$itor3 #dg ,rec5tly1 we _h ! opportun;y to r1d an >ticle appe>+ 9 ! ,st4 ,pet]sburg ,"ts dat$ ,m>* #g1 #bjje4 ,! >ticle 0 5titl$ 8,an ,extreme ,%[ ,( ,support40 ,ac to yr >ticle1 ,,abc /aff is build+ a home = ,james ,dolan1 a man bl9d$ dur+ a ro2]y4 ,we _c help b feel t yr >ticle does n provide a complete or a3urate picture ( bl p]sons4 ,= example1 9 yr >ticle1 y did n m5;n any o!r 4abilities t ,mr4 ,dolan may h z a result ( 8 9jury4 ,z 9dividuals p]sonally liv+ ) bl;s1 we f9d \rvs wond]+ :y a bl p]son wd ne$ l>g] doorways4 ,if ,mr4 ,dolan 7 9 a :eel*air1 t addi;n to 8 new home wd make m s5se to u4 ,normally1 bl p]sons simply d n ne$ 5l>g$ doorways 9 ord] to walk "? !m4 #dh ,9 \r op9ion1 ,,abc televi.n's attempt at gdwill is misplac$4 ,mr4 ,dolan cd use ! m"oy 2+ sp5t on ? b1uti;l home = voca;nal tra9+ t wd all[ hm to return to 8 role z a productive memb] ( 8 commun;y1 & ! prim>y provid] = 8 family4 ,x is v cle> to u t ,mr4 ,dolan is new to bl;s4 ,f \r [n exp]i;e1 we feel x wd 2 v important & b5eficial = ,mr4 ,dolan to rcv prop] tra9+ 9 ! non-visual alt]native skills ( bl;s4 ,s* skills wd 9clude tra9+ 9 home manage;t1 le>n+ to travel 9dep5d5tly 9 virtually any 5viron;t1 comput] skills1 & brl to 5able hm to communicate e6ectively bo? 9 8 p]sonal life1 & on ! job4 ,a3ept+ bl;s is ! f/ /ep to 2+ a 3tribut+ memb] ( society4 ,mo/ (t51 9 ! 2g9n+1 p #di 3front+ bl;s f9d !mvs unc]ta9 & 4c\rag$ ab ! future4 ,we wd hope t ,mr4 ,dolan wd /rive to h a func;nal life 9 8 commun;y1 r ?an "o ( isola;n & dep5d;e4 ,yr >ticle express$ op9ions t seem to imply t ,mr4 ,dolan is n go+ to 2 an 9dep5d5t & 3tribut+ memb] ( 8 family & commun;y dur+ 8 life"t4 ,)\t prop] tra9+1 ? may v well 2 true4 ,! doll>s sp5t on ? home1 ) xs _m bells & :i/les1 >e n ! answ] = liv+ a full life4 ,)\t tra9+1 ,mr4 ,dolan has simply no *.e = liv+ ! life ( fre$om & 9dep5d;e he des]ves4 ,we >e all cli5ts ( ! ,nebraska ,ori5ta;n ,c5t] = ! ,bl1 & \r tra9+ has 5h.ed & *ang$ \r lives 9 a v positive way4 ,ea* ( u is prep>+ to return to a full life1 #ej 3tribut+ to \r families1 hold+ d[n a job1 & help+ to make a di6];e 9 \r communities4 ,we want ! same opportunities = ,mr4 ,dolan1 & all o!r bl p4 ,we _c help b feel t ,,abc's misguid$ ef=ts to help ,mr4 ,dolan w1 9 ! l;g run1 h ! v opposite result1 n simply = hm1 b = _m o!r bl p :o >e seek+ ! opportun;y to l1d normal1 productive lives4 ,we 2lieve t ,,abc's r1l;y %[ does n portray ! r1l;y ( ! bl4 ,) ! opportun;y to develop a positive philosophy ( bl;s1 & prop] tra9+ 9 ! _m alt]native te*niques = ! bl1 ,mr4 ,dolan cd 2 liv+ 9 a mode/ home ) 8 family1 commut+ to "w e "d1 & 5joy+ ! same s5se ( fre$om & fulfill;t z 8 neie fully 9volv$ 9 _! communities4 ,- ,joy ;,e4 ,bol91 ,angie ,l>son1 ,j]emy ,ri*ey1 ,allison ,ku*>1 ,t]ry ,h1ny1 ,aldon ,?iesz51 ,alan ,:eel]1 ,bonnie ,a9swor?1 ,hector ,mir&a1 ,%aun ,lange1 ,m>y ,johnson1 & ,dave ,wallick1 ,nebraska ,ori5ta;n ,c5t] = ! ,bl1 ,l9coln1 ,neb4 ,$itorial3 ,misplac$ ,gdwill8 by ,%>on ,lov]+ ,sun"d ni %[ #eb f1tur$ ! ,dolan family3 dad ,james1 bl9d$ 9 a ,novemb] %oot+ at a ,st4 ,pet]sburg ,radio ,%ack2 mom ,*rissy2 & *n ,*>lie1 ,haley1 & ,j4,t4 "4 ,al liv+ 9 ! h\se 7 ,*rissy's bro!r & si/]- 9-law4 ,z ! t1m ( ,ty ,p5n+ton1 ,3/.e ,ramos1 ,pre/on ,%>p1 ,mi*ael ,mol"oy1 ,paul ,di,meo1 ,tracy ,hutson1 ,$u>do ,xol1 ,$ ,s&]s1 & ,paige ,hemmis t\r$ ! h\se & le>n$ ab ea* 9dividual's likes & 4likes1 ,i 0 hook$4 ,z ! ,dolans rode away 9 ! lim\s9e t[>d ! plane tak+ !m to _! vaca;n de/9a;n "<,pu]to ,rico">1 ! t1m 0 busy design+ a h\se t wd take 9to a3.t ea* p]son's ne$s4 ,! ,dolans,0 old h\se1 a #aifjs ran* /yle1 0 #a1ejj squ>e feet1 b 9 a #ec matt] ( h\rs 0 no?+ b ru2le4 ,! crew1 plus an >my ( volunte]s f ,lex+ton ,homes1 "w$ >.d ! clock = sev5 "ds to build a new h\se4 ,!y call$ 9 an a3essibil;y speciali/ " to help adapt ! home s t ,dolan wd 2 bett] able to navigate "? x4 ,ea* * wd h 8 or h] [n b$room1 al;g ) a b$room = ! p>5ts1 a b$room = ! aunt & uncle1 & ! usual rooms "o f9ds 9 a h\se4 ,! design t1m al put a golf c\rse 9 ! backy>d "4 ,? new h\se has m ?an #c1ejj squ>e feet 9side4 ,i especially 5joy$ wat*+ ! crew "w on ! kids,0 rooms4 ,*>lie's robot room 0 amaz+4 ,i _hn't be5 aw>e t robots cd d s m*4 ,haley's puzzle room rem9d$ me 9 "s ways ( my b$room :5 ,i 0 a kid4 ,j4,t4's jungle room1 complete ) #ed monkeys1 a lion1 an elephant1 & o!r animals1 plus all ! noises at ! pu% ( a button1 made me wi% = "s?+ simil> = my *ur*'s vaca;n ,bible s*ool ? ,augu/4 "<,un=tunately1 ,i "k ! /atus ( ! budget2 ! gira6e w 2 c>dbo>d1 z w ! a3ompany+ acacia tree4"> ,dolan _h be5 "w+ two jobs to pay = ! fix+ ( 8 h\se :5 he 0 %ot on ,novemb] #ah4 ,! %[ 0 film$ 9 e>ly ,m>*4 ,at t po9t1 ,dolan _h only be5 bl = f\r mon?s4 ,t's :at got to me z ,i sat & wat*$4 ,:5 ,i came 9 to "w ,mon"d1 ! ph"os />t$ r++4 ,! ;e-mail li/s />t$ fir+ up ) p compla9+ ab h[ 4gu/$ !y felt ab ! %[4 ,i didn't "u/&4 ,:at on e>? 0 wr;g ) giv+ ! family a new h\se ) "s adapta;ns = ,dolan8 ,,ok1 maybe x t5d$ t[>d ov]kill ) ! voice- #ee activat$ te*nology4 ,b h[ (t5 h y he>d p ask = te*nology t w make x easi] = !m to use a comput]1 a3ess ! ,9t]net1 cook us+ a /ove or a microwave1 etc48 ,& h[ (t5 h y he>d bl p ask to 2 tr1t$ l "eybody else8 ,i felt sick af r1d+ all ! compla9ts on ,,acb-;,l4 ,b ,i f.d myf agree+ ) ,james ,holl9s,0 message1 : sd3 8,f/1 p1 if y wat* ! %[ regul>ly1 y wd "k t !y >e n"e try+ to give ! public 9=ma;n ab a c]ta9 4abil;y4 444 ,! %[ takes ! homes ( families t h be5 /ruck ) "s sort ( situa;n 2y .<_!.> 3trol1 & gives !m "o less ?+ to worry ab4 ,s he got all ( ? /uff t ! re/ ( u d n h 9 \r homes4 444 if "s"o (f]$ me half ! /uff t he got1 ,i wd n turn x d[n4 4440 ,s is t ! problem8 ,j1l\sy8 ,or is x t x didn't meet #ef 8 actual ne$s8 ,z ,i "u/& x1 ,dolan _h only rec5tly />t$ att5d+ "s sort ( rehabilita;n or adju/;t to bl;s classes4 ,x's probable t nei he nor ! produc]s & crew memb]s knew ab ! wide v>iety ( te*nology available1 f spee* syn!siz]s to brl keybo>d 4plays1 microtape-record]-siz$ p]sonal data assi/ants to ,type ';n ,sp1k devices4 ,%d we fault !m = _! ignor.e8 ,:ile x 0 n a true repres5ta;n ( h[ ! av]age bl p]son goes "? life1 x 0 a gift1 & a gd ef=t at mak+ a di6];e = ? family4 ,! ph"os didn't r+ & ! ;e- mail li/s didn't lige v>iety ( adaptive te*nology 9 t h\se1 too4 #eg ,"o crucial piece ( te*nology 0 a track+ sy/em 3si/+ ( an ant5na-l device & a pag]-l device4 ,! pag] 0 design$ to 2 tuck$ 9 a pocket or slipp$ on a belt loop ( ! *'s clo?+2 ! ant5na wd home 9 on ! signal emitt$ by ! pag]4 ,? way1 ! family cd track d[n ! * :5 he got away f ! h\se or f !m4 ,:ile x miily h be5 a true repres5ta;n ( ! lives ( ! av]age d1f c\ple ) *n1 x reflect$ _! lives ,- & _! sons,0 ,- q well4 ,?\< ! %[ is prim>ily 9t5d$ = 5t]ta9;t1 x does s5d a message to xs view]s4 ,z ,i "u/& x1 ! message t mo/ p got f ? "picul> %[ 0 t 8bl p >e help.s40 ,y & ,i "k t's n true4 ,b ! public does n4 ,:at we ne$ to d is $ucate ! public ab ! capabilities ( bl p4 ,& we c't d x j by sitt+ #eh >.d4 ,if y 7 4gu/$ ) ! program1 call or write to ,,abc1 ,9c41 #ejj ;,s4 ,bu5a ,vi/a ,st41 ,burbank1 ,,ca #iaeba-#deea2 ph"o "<#hah"> #dfj-#gdgg4 ,2 sure to address x to ,extreme ,makeov] ,home ,$i;n4 ,p]sonally1 ,i 5joy$ ! %[4 ,x %[$ me j h[ m* gd cd come :5 p "w$ tgr4 ,:at wd happ5 if we 9 ,,acb "w$ t 9t5sely on vot+ a3essibil;y1 p$e/rian safety1 ,rehabilita;n ,act reau?oriza;n1 9=ma;n a3ess1 & ,r&olph-,%epp>d issues8 ,h ,dog1 ,w ,travel by ,de,anna ,quietwat] ,noriega ,my ,g]man %eph]d guide dog has be5 to ! ,,acb 3v5;n five "ts1 to ,mexico twice1 to ,kauai1 ,maui1 #ei ,m>t9ique1 ,haiti1 ,sa9t ,m>t91 ,sa9t ,b>t & ,guadalupe4 ,we h made num]\s trips >.d ! c.try by c>1 bus1 tra9 & plane4 ,al? ,gri69 & ,i 7 mat*$ z a t1m 9 #aiih1 ,i h be5 a guide dog h&l] = #cf ye>s & h alw lov$ to travel4 ,"h >e a few ( my tri$-&- true travel tips4 ,if y >e l1v+ ! c.try1 don't assume t yr dog w automatically 2 grant$ ! same a3ess "rs z y >e gu>ante$ at home4 ,c>e;lly rese>* ! h1l? regula;ns1 a3ess laws & prep>e all nec travel docu;ts well 9 adv.e4 ,/>t ? docu;t-ga!r+ ab six mon?s 2f yr de"pure date4 ,"! mie available & 2g9 transi;n+ yr dog to ! new diet to avoid upsett+ 8 sy/em4 ,if y >e all[$ to br+ 9 yr pref]r$ can9e cuis9e1 pur*ase an adequate supply plus extra tr1ts4 ,! /ress ( travel & ! extra ex]cise y >e likely to get w 9sure t yr dog isn't 9 any dang] ( ga9+ weirhea or /oma* upset4 ,i wd su7e/ a supply ( ,imodium1 m$ica;ns = hot spots1 "s ,2nadryl1 vet-wrap1 hydrog5 p]oxide & gauze pads z basics 9 build+ a f/-aid kit4 ,9clude a /ack ( ,swi6] clo?s 9 yr bag ( groom+ tools4 ,if y groom yr dog 9 a hotel ba?room1 a qk sweep ( ! floor ) "o ( ^! s(t clo?s w collect loose dog hair = easy 4posal4 ,9 yr purse or fanny pack1 fold a few %eets ( pap] t[el1 a travel pack ( baby wipes or moi/5$ t[lettes1 pla/ic pickup bags1 & h& sanitiz] to cl1n up any a3id5ts4 ,a3id5ts c happ5 to any"o 9 ! hurry & 3fu.n ( travel2 hav+ ! "r ?+s h&y to d1l ) !m w make !m less emb>rass+ or fru/rat+4 ,i once made ! mi/ake #fb ( all[+ ,gri69 to run loose unsup]vis$ j 2f an e>ly morn+ flirhea4 ,at mo/ airports1 y ne$ to l1ve ! 3c\rse >ea to g \tside to relieve yr dog4 ,? m1ns com+ back "? secur;y 2f #fc bo>d+ yr next fli$ z we c 2 & d1l ) x z calmly z we c4 ,af all1 any"o c get sick :ile travel+4 ,n[ if airports wd only supply 9door facilities = can9e travel]s1 life wd 2 a lot simpl] = ! dog on ! g6 ,c>ry a few m1ls = yr dog 9 yr h& lu7age4 ,if a bag goes a/ray1 y won't >rive at yr de/9a;n tir$ ) a hungry dog & no place to pur*ase supplies late at nie 3c]n$ ab ! qual;y ( ! wat] & xs adv]se e6ects on yr dog1 y miry+ tablets to purify ! wat] he dr9ks4 ,pack at l1/ "o toy = burn+ (f /1m af a h>d "d ( guid+4 ,i "k x doesn't seem logical1 b dogs d 5joy a vigor\s romp to unw9d af hav+ to rema9 focus$ guid+ all "d4 ,a t[el1 mat or rug s]ves well z a travel b$ & gives yr dog a s5se ( place 9 a /range room4 ,a tie-d[n or b$ *a9 comes 9 h&y if y >e plann+ to %>e liv+ space ) ano!r dog h&l]4 ,x al %[s yr dog ": 8 place is 9 an unfamili> sett+4 ,y w bo? 2 happi] if he isn't w&]+ >.d gett+ 9to ?+s or tripp+ #fe y z y attempt to make yr way to ! ba?room 9 ! middle ( ! nit do+ ? ab two weeks 2f yr trip4 ,? w p]mit y & yr dog 5 "t to develop a r\t9e4 ,y w avoid ^? /ru7les to get yr dog to relieve 9 unfamili> places if y don't h to add ! /range;s ( 2+ ask$ to relieve on l1%1 :5 he is a3u/om$ to runn+ free 9 8 [n backy>d4 ,y w al h a *.e to practice pick+ up af hm if y don't ord9>ily d t4 ,pick+ up dog wa/e makes y a m welcome gue/ :]"e y g4 ,? practice has ! add$ b5efit ( all[+ y to monitor yr dog's h1l?4 ,:5 /ools >e s(t1 un%ap$ & 2g9 to h a /r;g odor1 y mirhea m$ica;n 2f #ff ?+s r1lly get \ ( h&4 ,! "d 2f yr trip1 cut back on yr dog's food by ab half4 ,if y fe$ 9 ! ev5+1 sub/itute a c\ple ( dog biscuits4 ,limit 8 9take ( wat] by m1sur+ a cup;l 9to 8 di% ! morn+ ( yr de"pure4 ,dur+ ! "d1 y c give a small biscuit or a few pieces ( ki2le at spac$ 9t]vals to avoid empty-/oma* vomit+4 ,y c al give hm an ice cube or two to keep hm hydrat$ b n 9 ne$ ( a frantic da% to f9d a relief >ea4 ,if y >e fly+1 yr dog w mo/ly sp5d ! j\rney sleep+1 s limit+ 8 9take won't put m* ( a /ra9 on hm4 ,"s"ts1 x is easy to =get t :5 y don't "k ! >ea yrf1 y may ne$ to give m praise & att5;n to reassure yr dog t y "k he is try+ to d 8 job4 ,if y ne$ to correct ,juno 2c he #fg is %[+ an unpr(es.nal 9t]e/ 9 *as+ t iguana1 h hm p]=m a simple task l 8come0 or 8sit40 ,? w return 8 focus to 8 job & all[ y to praise h"o/ly4 ,dur+ /ress;l "ts1 x helps to give yr dog m positive fe$back l a /roke on ! h1d1 a scrat* 2h ! e>s or o!r quiet att5;n4 ,s* ll ge/ures ( a6ec;n keep 8 m9d on pl1s+ y & give hm reassur.e he may desp]ately ne$ :5 yr r\t9es & 5viron;ts >e "ugo+ radical *anges4 ,h fun1 b rememb] to keep a r1sonable r\t9e t al meets yr dog's ne$s4 ,2c ( ,\r ,guide ,dogs1 ,we ,felt ,l ,prison]s 9 ,p>adise6 by ,patty ,y>man ,= ! pa/ two ye>s we h vaca;n$ ) frs :o [n a "t #fh %>e4 ,9 #bjjb1 we sp5t a week 9 ,orl&o1 ,fla4 ,9 ,octob] ( la/ ye> we visit$ ,st4 ,ma>t5 ( ! ,ne!rl&s4 ,my travel+ companions >e ,lynn ,b\lt]1 age #ge1 8 wife ,$i?1 #gh1 & ,lynn's guide dog1 ,p>k4 ,i travel ) my husb& ,/eve1 & guide dog ,roosevelt4 ,\r guide dogs h alw be5 well rcvd dur+ \r travels1 s we 7 totally unprep>$ = :at happ5$ rec5tly4 ,af \r trip to ,st4 ,ma>t51 ,lynn & ,$i? ask$ if we wd jo9 !m 9 ,pu]to ,vall>ta ! foll[+ ,octob]4 ,i hesitat$1 tak+ s"eal mon?s to decide4 ,i wasn't sure ab travel+ to ,mexico4 ,i guess ,i _h he>d too _m /ories4 ,lynn _h 3tact$ ! ,%]aton ,buganvilia ,resort ": !y _h /ay$ previ\sly1 & 0 assur$ "! wd 2 no problem hav+ guide dogs ) u4 ,s 9 #fi ,m>* #bjjd1 ,i f9ally sd 8yes0 & pur*as$ \r airl9e tickets4 ,on ,oct4 #bb1 ,i took ,roosevelt to ! vet ": he rcvd ano!r rabies va39e4 ,i hat$ do+ ?1 b x 0 a require;t = 8 m&atory h1l? c]tificate to 5t] ,mexico4 ,/ateside1 he wasn't due = ano!r va39e until #bjjf4 ,at #e p4m4 on ,oct4 #bf1 af *ang+ planes ?ree "ts1 we f9ally l&$ 9 ,pu]to ,vall>ta1 ,mexico4 ,! ,%]aton hotel & xs surr.d+s 7 br1?tak+ly b1uti;l6 ,af regi/]+ at ! desk & gett+ settl$ 9to \r suite1 we walk$ "? ! c\rty>d to d9n]4 ,$i? is 9 fragile h1l?1 s my husb& pu%$ h] 9 a :eel*air4 ,lynn & ,i 7 well tak5 c>e ( by \r guide dogs1 ,roosevelt & ,p>k4 ,af a delici\s m1l1 we return$ to \r suite & settl$ 9 = a niea1 t ,roosevelt & ,p>k 7 guide dogs1 n pets4 ,we 7 told to return to \r suite4 ,:5 we got back to \r #ga rooms1 ! ph"o rang alm immly4 ,! manag] 0 ag tell+ u to 8get \40 ,lynn expla9$ t he _h made num]\s calls to ! ,%]aton & ea* "t ,guill]mo "<,bill"> sd \r guide dogs wd n 2 a problem4 ,! week5d manag] repli$ t ,guill]mo "<,bill"> 0 on 8 "ds (f & we m/ l1ve4 ,! o!r op;n 0 to lock \r dogs up 9 a f;ed-9 p>k+ lot6 ,af s"eal m9utes ( debate1 ,lynn & my husb& agre$ to see ! lot 9 "q4 ,^u 8 return1 my husb& sd x 0 a f;ed-9 3crete >ea1 at l1/ half a mile away1 ": !y kept f]tiliz]6 ,obvi\sly1 ^! p _h v l[ reg>d = ^! rem>kable animals4 ,i wd ,,n"e all[ my guide dog to 2 "p$ f me 9 s* a mann]1 especially 9 a =eign c.try >.d total /rang]s6 ,lat]1 ,guill]mo "<,bill"> 0 call$ 9to ! hotel1 ": he #gb flatly d5i$ "e tell+ ,lynn we cd br+ \r guide dogs1 ei by ph"o or 9 an ;e-mail4 ,my husb& told hm he saw an ;e- mail message ,lynn _h s5t dat$ ,sept4 #bc1 #bjjd1 once ag /at+ we wd 2 "! ) \r dogs & giv+ \r "ns4 ,! manag] sd1 8,b ,i n"e answ]$ ! ;e-mail60 ,!n ^! ,%]aton manag]s /at$ we 7 n to take \r dogs d[nt[n or on ! bo>dwalk4 ,!y 7 n welcome1 & we 7 ,,n to let \r dogs \ ( \r rooms = ,,any r1son4 ,!n we 7 book$ on ! f/ fliadise6 ,we wat*$ z ! hotel manag] walk$ pa/ \r w9d[s at l1/ #aj "ts4 ,app>5tly he 0 mak+ sure \r dogs 7 n tak5 \tside4 ,we lit]ally _h to sn1k ! dogs two feet \ ! door & "u a bu% to relieve4 #gc ,i felt l a crim9al6 ,"! we sat ) ! pool1 am5ities & oc1n all visible & we 7 imprison$ 9 \r rooms4 ,we cd h left \r dogs & g"o \1 b 7 t]rifi$ !y mik & ! police 2 summon$4 ,= all we knew1 !y cd %oot \r b1uti;l ,roosevelt & ,p>k6 ,s "! we sat all "d & nik1 or ev5 ,$i? = t matt]6 ,we _h all book$ rooms at ! ,%]aton 9 ,los ,angeles = \r return home f ,mexico4 ,( c\rse t didn't happ51 z we 7 =c$ to l1ve 2f we ev5 got />t$4 ,2f l1v+ home1 ,i _h made res]va;ns z a pref]r$ cu/om] to /ay 9 ! ,%]aton \r guide dog s*ool utilizes4 ,\r s*ool probably gives !m _! l>ge/ cli5tele4 ,is ? ! way ! ,%]aton hotels >e run 9 o!r c.tries8 ,i wond] h[ x look$ to see two eld]ly p1 "o 9 a :eel*air1 ! o!r bl & 2+ guid$ by a s]vice dog1 al;g ) a bl woman1 2+ escort$ away by ! hotel manage;t4 ,i wdn't 2 surpris$ if p :o c>e ab ! "rs & fair tr1t;t ( ! eld]ly &_/or 4abl$1 _! *oice ( mobil;y tool1 & ! fair tr1t;t ( animals boycott ? ,pu]to ,vall>ta hotel4 #ge ,l1d+ ! ,way3 ,my ,pa? to ,2com+ a ,busi;s ,l1d] by ,daniel ,novielli ,x is n too (t5 t y come acr a busi;s l1d] :o is bl4 ,yet t is my c>e] ambi;n4 ,i am well on my way to a*iev+ t goal1 9 l>ge "p due to ! ,na;nal ,9du/ries = ! ,bl's "<,,nib"> ,fell[%ip = ,l1d]%ip ,develop;t4 ,t5 ye>s ago ,i 0 9volv$ 9 a life-*ang+ h1d-on colli.n on my way to "w at my family's 3/ruc;n busi;s4 ,i f9ally woke up f a coma1 & r1liz$ ,i 0 bl1 _h multiple brok5 b"os1 & _h su6]$ a /roke t left my limbs life.s4 ,i knew t ,i _h a l;g j\rney ah1d ( me4 ,i 0 n ab to give up & #aj weeks lat]1 to "ey"o's surprise1 ,i le>n$ to walk ag4 ,less ?an a ye> #gf lat]1 ,i complet$ all ( my physical rehabilita;n & rcvd tra9+ f ! ,see+ ,eye1 9clud+ mobil;y1 adaptive te*nology & brl4 ,i 0 f9ally feel+ :ole ag ,- ! only ?+ t 0 miss+ 0 a new c>e] pa?4 ,i _h ! same goals & ambi;ns z _m p d2 ,i j knew t ,i _h to d ?+s a ll di6]5tly to su3e$4 ,i 0 det]m9$ to g to college1 s9ce af graduat+ f hi< s*ool ,i _h opt$ to s]ve my c.try by jo9+ ! ,coa/ ,gu>d 9/1d4 ,9 #bjja1 ,i graduat$ magna cum laude f ,middle ,t5;see ,/ate ,univ]s;y's ,s*ool ( ,busi;s & am pr\d ( my ,\t/&+ ,s*ol> ,s5ior ,aw>d1 : is 2/[$ ^u /ud5ts :o graduate f/ 9 _! class )9 _! major4 ,!n came ! r1l _w z a bl ,am]ican4 ,i sift$ "? s"eal job ads & f.d myf runn+ #gg /raie bl rema9 "o ( ,am]ica's grte/ untapp$ labor res\rces1 ) ne>ly #gj p]c5t ( "w+-age bl adults / n employ$4 ,ab "o- ?ird ( ^? :o >e "w+ >e 3sid]$ "uemploy$ 9 rela;n to _! qualifica;ns4 ,j z ,i p]sev]$ af my a3id5t1 ,i knew t ,i cd n give up on my dr1m & t ,i ne$$ to *ange my attitude4 ,%ortly "!af1 ,i saw an ad = ,,nib's ,fell[%ip = ,l1d]%ip ,develop;t4 ,to 2 h"o/1 #gh at f/ ,i felt ll 5?usiasm = ! program1 2liev+ 9itiatives support+ employ;t programs 3ta9 _m false promises4 ,b ,i decid$ to apply anyway & 0 a3ept$ z an ,,nib ,fell[4 ,af 2+ a3ept$1 ,i decid$ to turn my pessimi/ic feel+s 9to optimi/ic 5]gy 9 ord] to drive my su3ess z a pot5tial l1d]4 ,i 2came excit$ ab le>n+ to 2come a su3ess;l busi;s l1d] & to f9ally apply my skills & abilities4 ,employ;t ,*oices ,,nib is an organiza;n d$icat$ to combat+ ! una3eptable rate ( unemploy;t fac+ ,am]icans :o >e bl4 ,= ne>ly #gj ye>s1 ,,nib & xs net"w ( associat$ non-pr(it ag5cies >.d ! c.try h be5 cr1t+ & improv+ employ;t *oices = ,am]icans :o >e #gi bl4 ,x is ! s+le l>ge/ employ] = ? seg;t ( ! popula;n4 ,h["e1 ,,nib is n ab to /op "!4 ,,nib has not$1 ) grt 5?usiasm1 a ris+ popula;n ( tal5t$1 capable pr(es.nals :o >e bl em]g+ f college & univ]s;y campuses1 z well z ! "wplace4 ,b we (t5 h few] c>e] *oices ?an \r sie]s h hi/orically be5 c\nsel$ t[>d voca;ns t all[ u to func;n m z 9dep5d5t 3tributors4 ,ov] ! ye>s1 ,,nib al notic$ t tra9+ & develop;t programs design$ to prep>e 9dividuals :o >e bl = c>e]s 9 busi;s >e few & f> 2t4 ,! result8 ,only a small numb] ( p :o >e bl o3upy upp]-level manage;t posi;ns 9 ! busi;s _w1 "s?+ ,i 0 le>n+ f/h&4 ,? defici5cy 9 busi;s tra9+ & employ;t prep>a;n is a major #hj b>ri] to competitive employ;t = p l me :o >e well-$ucat$1 motivat$1 & pot5tial l1d]s4 ,,nib is uniquely well- qualifi$ to help solve ? problem4 ,9 #bjjc1 x laun*$ ! ,busi;s ,l1d]s ,program1 : provides a tri-fold m5u ( tra9+ opportunities design$ specifically = hie bl1 all[+ u to ga9 applicable busi;s skills & exp]i;e4 ,! ,busi;s ,l1d]s ,program op]ates on ! premise t1 giv5 natural abil;y & 9cl9a;n1 p :o >e bl ne$ only ! tools & skills ,- s* z ^? taue bl1 all[+ u to 5t] or adv.e 9 ! busi;s _w ) 3fid;e4 ,! fell[%ip comb9es exp]i;e-bas$ le>n+ ) =mal tra9+ 9 busi;s & manage;t ov] a two-ye> p]iod 9 on-!-job1 classroom1 4t.e- le>n+1 & 3f];e sett+s4 ,x provides ?ree 3secutive job assign;ts at ,,nib1 or an ,,nib-associat$ ag5cy1 9 v>i$ pr(es.nal posi;ns1 (f]+ h&s-on manage;t exp]i;e4 ,! fell[%ip has be5 tr1d+ new wat]s & ! su3ess ( ! program proves ! capabilities ( p :o >e bl4 ,2com+ a ,l1d] ,i rememb] my f/ week ( ! fell[%ip ori5ta;n 9 ,septemb] #bjjc4 ,i1 & ! o!r fell[s1 7 anxi\s1 excit$1 5]getic & det]m9$ to prove \r #hb pot5tial4 ,2c we >e all bl1 we 7 n]v\sly walk+ 9to objects1 z well z ea* o!r1 b by ! 5d ( ! week we 7 l a well-oil$ ma*9e 9 p]fect h>mony4 ,x is a gd analogy = h[ ! compet5cies we h develop$ "?\t \r fell[%ips drive \r su3ess2 ?+s may seem \ ( place = a:ile1 & !n \r road map " wd l1d u to \r de/9a;n "4 ,i knew 9/antly t ,i 0 go+ to 2 "p ( a su3ess;l program :5 ,i wit;s$ ! pas.n & det]m9a;n ( ! ,,nib /aff & ! o!r fell[s dur+ fell[%ip ori5ta;n4 ,z ,i report$ = "w assign;ts at my designat$ rota;ns1 ,i immly 2came "p ( ea* organiza;n's manage;t t1m4 ,,nib assur$ u t we wd "w 9 an atmosp"h t wd provide develop;t opportunities & all[ ! fell[ to p]=m1 utiliz+ #hc pa/ exp]i;es & $uca;n = a su3ess;l comple;n4 ,2+ "p ( ! manage;t t1m1 ,i 0 giv5 ample opportun;y to express my po9t ( view1 l1d+ & 3tribut+ to organiza;nal func;ns4 ,! level ( ! assign$ projects requir$ ext5sive pa/ exp]i;e & $uca;n = su3ess;l comple;n4 ,projects or deliv]ables complet$ "? my fell[%ip 9clude ! develop;t ( a m>ket+ foll[-up plan = trade %[s & ev5ts1 comple;n ( a de"p;tal budget approv$ by ! executive f9ancial committee & bo>d ( directors1 facilita;n ( an employee "wgr\p to /r5g!n rela;n%ips 2t manage;t & employees1 & ! develop;t ( new busi;s opportunities = ! ag5cy to div]sify & exp& xs products & s]vices4 ,,nib 3t9u\sly develops & improves ! fell[%ip to #hd assure fell[s >e giv5 ample opportunities to develop busi;s & communica;n skills "? a v>iety ( tra9+ & o!r le>n+ opportunities4 ,? comple;ts ! support giv5 by ! ag5cies to su3e$ 9 ! fell[%ip4 ,) all ! tools nec to su3e$1 ! program m1sures ! fell[s,0 p]=m.e1 & only ^? :o >e su3ess;l w graduate f ! program4 ,! ,fell[%ip = ,l1d]%ip ,develop;t directly addresses ! issue ( 9cr1s+ ! pool ( res\rces )9 ! busi;s l1d]%ip _w ) qualifi$ p :o >e bl4 ,"s may view ! fell[%ip z an 9novative program1 b ,,nib views x z 8ov]due10 expla9+ t x is imp]ative t we qualify 9dividuals :o >e bl td to fulfill busi;s l1d]s posi;ns tm4 ,td1 ,i "w side by side ) all k9ds ( p1 bo? bl & #he sie bl c build c>e]s ( _! [n *oos+4 ,= addi;nal 9=ma;n reg>d+ ,,nib's ,busi;s ,l1d]s ,program & ! fell[%ip1 pl1se visit www4nib4org4 ,,nib is n[ a3ept+ applica;ns = a new fell[%ip to 2g9 9 ,janu>y #bjjf4 #hf ,keep ,x ,simple1 ,sm>ty6 by ,susan ,mazrui ,"s": al;g ! l9e1 develop]s ( assi/ive te*nology got ! wr;g impres.n ( me4 ,= example1 al? ,i'm college- $ucat$1 ,i n"e rcvd an adv.ed degree 9 comput] sci;e & d n 3sid] cr1t+ ei pr(iles or pat*es a life-5hanc+ exp]i;e4 ,i d n welcome a /eep le>n+ curve & translate t phrase z 8"s?+ t w transport me to ! br9k ( 9san;y40 ,call me jad$1 b ,i simply d n view le>n+ curves z "s !rapeutic m1ns = delay+ ,alzheim]'s4 ,p]h ! same p]son :o cr1t$ ! ,d>edevil comic /rip "* came up ) ! !ory t :5 a p]son loses vi.n1 he or %e ga9s special abilities4 ,i am n sure4 ,i am c]ta91 h["e1 t _m #hg manufactur]s ( assi/ive te*nology actively subscribe to ? !ory4 ,app>5tly1 "! is ! g5]al a3ept.e t devices t talk %d require a hi< degree ( prompt+4 ,to get ! desir$ response f _m ( ^! devices1 ! us] m/ employ 9ve/igative skills usually f.d only am;g ! v be/ psy*o!rapi/s & fic;nal sleu?s4 ,o!r 8specializ$0 products require ! develop;t ( mnemonics t ev5 a p]son ) a degree f ,h>v>d wd h tr\ble g5]at+ or rememb]+4 ,i ?9k t "s manufactur]s 7 tra9$ at ! ,,ms ,s*ool ( ,ext]m9a;n & 5t]ta9 a dev\t 2lief t bugs >e an ess5tial "p ( ! comput] ecosy/em4 ,( c\rse1 x cd 2 worse4 ,,at manufactur]s cd ?9k ( u z "y mutant reptiles ) k>ate skills4 ,i'd hate to see ^? products4 #hh ,i "k = ! hi1s1 ev5 ) excell5t mobil;y skills1 z pot5tially life-alt]+ or life- 5d+ exp]i;es4 ,i / cross all sorts ( /reets1 p]h an ev5 grt] numb] ?an ,i did ye>s ago1 & "s"ts ) m ab&on ?an ,i %d4 ,i g5]ally advocate e6ectively ,- albeit ) less pati;e ^! "ds4 ,b ,i _c a3ept ! no;n t z a p]son ) a 4abil;y ,i %d 2 will+ to a3ept #hi te*nologies t require my bra9 to run an 9tellectual gauntlet ea* "t ,i want to save an address or r1d a note f a fr4 ,my hats >e (f to 2ta te/]s1 :o try to make products easi] = u to use4 ,b h y notic$ t mo/ ( ! te/]s seem to 2 unusually te*nically savvy8 ,s maybe m folks )\t ext5sive backgr.ds 9 comput] programm+ or adv.ed degrees 9 electrical 5g9e]+ or comput] sci;e %d al 2 recruit$ :5 te/+ ! us] 9t]face1 d y ?9k8 ,a repres5tative sample t 9cludes u m]e mortals wd 2 nice4 ,j a ?"\ 444 ,"! is ano!r common misconcep;n t mo/ ,,at manufactur]s seem to h ( me1 & ,i ?9k bl p may re9=ce ?4 ,:5 we f9ally f9d a product t meets a "picul> ne$1 (t5 af _m1 _m ye>s ( se>*+ & #ij covet+1 we >e will+ to pay s"eal "ts m = a product ?an \r si product4 ,all ,i ask is t ,,at manufactur]s "u/& t ,i 0 n h&$ a six-figure sal>y :5 ,i lo/ my vi.n1 nor did a ri*1 *ild.s c\ple adopt me4 ,to 2 fair1 ,i "u/& "! >e "ts :5 hi< rese>* & develop;t co/s spr1d acr a small m>ket necessitate a hi<] price tag4 ,= example1 units t h refre%able brl 4plays h unique *all5ges1 >e m co/ly to develop & ma9ta9 & h a v small m>ket4 ,h["e1 ,i d n 2lieve ? is alw ! case4 ,i h al #ia he>d an assi/ive device develop] pit* a product to a ma9/r1m company1 say+ ! company c *>ge :at"e x wants1 s9ce ! ne$ = a3ess is s grt4 ,:ile ? 0 n a develop] ( te*nology = ! bl1 9 ! =-pr(it _w 8:at ! m>ket c be>0 is a s]i\s 3sid]a;n :5 pric+ a product ,- & ? is n limit$ to assi/ive te*nology4 ,:5 we let ! m>ket decide1 x (t5 decides t specializ$ products >e n pr(itable 5 to develop )\t a v hi< pr(it m>g94 ,s1 ^? ) limit$ or ev5 mod]ate 9comes (t5 d )\t products commonly pur*as$ by sie j too co/ly4 ,j z ! ,am]icans ) ,4abilities ,act made ! /ate;t t ! co/ = mak+ public places a3essible %d n 2 visit$ solely on ! %\ld]s ( p ) #ib mobil;y 4abilities1 ! co/ = mak+ a3essible products %d n 2 solely borne by p ) s5sory 4abilities4 ,z a society1 we ne$ to develop a m1ns = develop+ af=dable a3essible products1 especially 9 ! >1s ( 9=ma;n te*nology1 & mak+ ^! available to p ) 4abilities4 ,9 !ory1 ,sec;n #ejh %d 5c\rage ! develop;t ( m a3essible electronic & 9=ma;n te*nologies4 ,) 9cr1s$ sales to ! f$]al gov]n;t to a3ommodate bo? employees & ! public1 ! co/ = rese>* & develop;t %d 2 spr1d \ acr a l>g] m>ket4 ,9 !ory1 m products %d 2 available & prices on assi/ive & a3essible te*nologies %d drop4 ,did ,i miss "s?+ or am ,i j %opp+ 9 all ! wr;g places8 ,! be/ \tcome ( ,sec;n #ejh1 z f> z ,i c tell1 is a #ic sliea ( a3essible ,web design & comput]-relat$ te*nologies4 ,) ! unemploy;t rate ( bl p z hi< z x is1 despite h[ critical ,i may be1 ,i am v happy t we h ,sec;n #ejh & grate;l to ^? advocates :o made x happ54 ,:ile n requir$ by ,sec;n #ejh1 ,i h rec5tly se5 a *ange 9 ! approa* to talk+ devices t makes me happy ,- well1 alm happy4 ,talk+ ,solu;ns ,corp41 a company [n$ & op]at$ by bl p1 rec5tly demon/rat$ a prototype device1 call$ ! ,,aviva1 t seem$ to take 9to 3sid]a;n t my ,,iq rema9s 9 ! ?ree digits ,- despite my 9tellig;e-5hanc+ loss ( vi.n4 ,a comb9a;n ( a talk+ ,9t]net radio1 electronic book r1d]1 & ,,cd_/,,mp#c play]1 x is al design$ to a3ess ! m5us #id ( mo/ ,,dvd movies4 ,! company says x %d 2 m>ket$ = >.d @s#ejj4 ,:at makes me happy is t x is easy to use & x appe>s to be1 d>e ,i say x1 9tuitive4 ,9 ! field ( assi/ive te*nology1 phrases l 8easy to use0 & 89tuitive0 >e few & f> 2t4 ,mo/ ,,at manufactur]s1 :ile (t5 hid to hav+ a device t w all[ me to use xs e capabil;y ,- n j specific a3essible f1tures4 ,z ,m>?a ,/ew>t mit 7 9volv$1 ! product wd probably come 9 all sorts ( colors ,i h n"e he>d ( & coord9ate p]fectly ) b$d+ (f]$ at ;,k- ,m>t4 ,/1 ,talk+ ,solu;ns ,corp4 _c rcv my 8,n-,s-,bad0 s1l ( approval " j yet4 ,! company faces "s major *all5ges4 ,! f/ is to actually produce a product t is attractive to \r siia;n ( ! !ory t 8if y build x1 !y w come20 t is1 8,if y talk ab x l;g 5\<1 x w 2 produc$40 ,:ile hype produces anticipa;n dur+ \r hope;l #bjs1 by \r #cjs & 2y1 x only evokes skepticism & an o3a.nal yawn4 ,embitt]$ ?\< ,i may s.d1 ,i want to relax & wat* a ,,dvd or li/5 to ,,acb ,radio )\t boot+ my comput]4 ,let's hope ,talk+ ,solu;ns is do+ m ?an j talk+4 ,n[1 hav+ sd "s positive ?+s ab a product t doesn't (ficially exi/ on ! m>ket1 = ? >ticle to ma9ta9 any cr$ibil;y1 ,i m/ /ate t %d ! ,,aviva get (f ! gr.d1 ,i w 9 no way b5efit f9ancially4 ,i h no f9ancial agree;ts ) #ig ,talk+ ,solu;ns ,corp4 or any o!r ,,at manufactur]s ,- o!r ?an to pay "? ! nose = ?+s l scre5-r1d+ s(tw>e & ! l4 ,once m>ket$1 ,i may or may n pur*ase ! ,,aviva1 dep5d+ on p]sonal f9.es & my [n neurosis reg>d+ my dau ,i w eag]ly sign up = draw+s t w b5efit gd causes1 at l1/ ^? at ! "u-@s#aj level1 t h ! ,,aviva z a prize4 ,i w 3t9ue to ask a numb] ( annoy+ & "s"ts /upid "qs1 & tr1t !m no di6]5tly ?an any o!r ,,at manufactur]4 ,x seems to me t ,talk+ ,solu;ns1 at l1/ 9 !ory1 #ih has be5 able to ov]come p]h ! bi7e/ misconcep;n ab bl p4 ,! fact t we want simple-to-use devices does n m1n t we >e simple4 ,:ile "s ( u mie ne$$ to 2 able to p]=m m complex tasks4 ,"s"ts !y j keep te*ies \ ( ! kit*5 & t1 9 "s cases1 may 2 b5eficial to society z well6 ,nor am ,i advocat+ = all talk+ products to %\t1 8,my [n] likes me 2c ,i am easy40 ,t1 too1 is op5 to a range ( f> too _m 9t]preta;ns4 ,devices t all[ = cu/omiza;n >e ne$$ 9 "s situa;ns & = "s p4 ,h["e1 ,i d wi% t m ,,at manufactur]s "u/ood t ! 3cept ( 2+ us]-frly is m ?an a m1n+.s adv]tis+ claim4 ,! b5efit ( mak+ 9tuitive & af=dable products is easy to "u/&4 ,"h & ,"! by ,s>ah ,blake ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column is n an 5dorse;t by ! ,am]ican #ajj ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs /aff1 or elect$ (ficials4 ,products & s]vices >e li/$ free ( *>ge = ! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsible = ! reliabil;y ( products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,to submit items = ? column1 s5d a message to 9fo@aacb4org1 or call ,,acb at #a-#hjj-#dbd- #hfff4 ,pl1se rememb] t po/al regula;ns prohibit u f 9clud+ adv]tise;ts1 & t we ne$ 9=ma;n two mon?s ah1d ( actual publica;n dates4 ,,ni% ,"ns ,n9e to ,bo>d ,,ni% rec5tly "nd n9e new memb]s to xs bo>d ( directors4 ,!y >e3 ,kay ,de,b[1 co-f.d] & executive vice presid5t ( ! ,na;nal ,black ,*amb] ( ,comm]ce1 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c42 ,john ,daniels1 "pn]1 ,qu>les @& ,brady1 ,milwaukee1 #aja ,wis42 ,m>y ,ann ,gre5awalt1 [n] & presid5t ( ,b@&,b ,specialty ,foods1 ,bloomfield ,hills1 ,mi*42 ,adrian ,guglielmo1 ,,ceo & f.d] ( ,div]s;y ,"pn]s1 ,9c41 ,new ,york1 ,n4,y42 ,juan ,c>los ,iturregui1 director1 ,qu9n ,gillespie @& ,associates1 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c42 ,frank ,johnson1 *ief ( ,*ange ,manage;t ,busi;s ,sy/ems ,mod]niza;n = ! ,def5se ,supply ,c5t]1 ,philadelphia2 ,j1n ,johnson1 presid5t & ,,ceo1 ,legal,,wat*1 ,h\/on1 ,tex42 ,?omas ,mill]1 :o has be5 9volv$ ) ! ,,jwod program = #ab ye>s 9 ,rapid ,c;y1 ,s4,d42 & ,patricia ,sz]vo1 retir$ lawy]1 ,mc,l1n1 ,va4 #ajb ,college ,football ,s*$ules 9 ,brl ,! #bjje ,,ncaa college football s*$ule 9 brl w 2 available ag ? ye> ) #aai divi.n #a-,a & "s reque/$ divi.n #a-,,aa t1ms4 ,9clud$ w 2 ! results ( ! #bjjd-#bjje b[ls1 ! top #be t1ms 9 ! ,,ap f9al polls1 ! #bjje-#bjjf b[l s*$ule & m* m4 ,ea* s*$ule co/s @s#aj4 ,to rcv "o1 make yr *eck payable to ,all5 ;,h4 ,gillis & s5d x to hm at #cjb ,s*ae6el ,road1 ,cullman1 ;,,al #cejee4 ,if y h "qs1 call hm at "<#bef"> #gcd- #djdg1 or ;e-mail gill#djdg@a" bellsouth4net4 #bjjf ,ski ,= ,liby ,sn[ ,m.ta9 ,ran*4 ,ski = ,li #cgj-#geda or lynda@asfl4org4 ,y may al apply onl9e at www4sfl4org4 ,! applica;n d1dl9e is ,nov4 #a1 #bjje4 ,g\rmet ,salad ,dress+s ,c>mela's ,g\rmet1 [n$ by bl 5trepr5eur ,c>mela ,cantisani1 is (f]+ six g\rmet salad dress+s at ! special price ( @s#be "<9clud+ %ipp+">1 #ajd or five #f-packs = @s#ajj "<9clud+ %ipp+">4 ,we w donate @s#e = ! sale ( ea* #f-pack to ! ,,acb4 ,grt z gifts1 ^! aw>d-w9n+ dress+s >e made ) all-natural 9gr$i5ts1 no sug>1 l[ sodium & >e *ole/]ol-free4 ,! flavors curr5tly available >e3 v9aigrette au!ntique1 balsamic v9aigrette1 l[-fat ,prov5cale v9aigrette1 l[-fat ,cali=nia ,caes>1 l[-fat roa/$ g>lic fantasy1 & l[-fat ,m$it]ran1n ,my/ique ,v9aigrette4 ,to ord]1 pl1se s5d yr *eck to ,c>mela's ,g\rmet1 #dae ,5gli% ,ave41 ,mont]ey1 ,,ca #icidj4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 visit www4" c>melasg\rmet4com4 ,pl1se m5;n ! ,,acb (f] :5 plac+ yr ord]4 ,support ,gr\p on ,tape ,"e want$ to "picipate 9 a support gr\p1 & felt y #aje didn't h ! "t8 ,n[ "!'s a solu;n3 ! ,"py ,l9e talk+ cassette support gr\p4 ,= yr free sample copy1 write to3 ,san=d ,ros5?al1 #ccfj ,,ne #ccrd ,st41 ,apt4 _?#d1 ,=t ,laud]dale1 ,,fl #cccjh4 ,gett+ ,9 ,t\* ) ,lit]acy ,! ,gett+ ,9 ,t\* ) ,lit]acy ,3f];e w 2 held 9 ,d5v]1 ,colo41 ,dec4 #a-#d1 #bjje4 ,lit]acy = 9dividuals ( all ages ) visual impair;ts is an >ea ( 9cr1s+ 9t]e/4 ,at "o "t1 ! subject 0 j "o ( _m div]se topics 4cuss$ at g5]al 3f];es1 b = ! pa/ #ad ye>s1 a gr\p ( pr(es.nals & 9dividuals ) visual impair;ts has organiz$ a 3f];e devot$ specifically to ? topic4 ,= m 9=ma;n ab ! 3f];e & = regi/ra;n 9=ma;n1 visit www4" #ajf gett+9t\*)lit]acy4org1 or call ,tanni ,an?ony at "<#cjc"> #hff-#ffha4 ,book ,$itor ,seek+ ,3tribu;ns ,9 an ef=t to 5h.e ! positive image ( visually impair$ p1 ,ann ,morris ,bliss is co-au?or+ an an?ology ( poems & %ort fic;n : portrays visually impair$ p 9 an uplift+1 9spira;nal mann] & depicts 3tempor>y images ( bl p4 ,\r goal is to circulate ? book widely z a b5efit to ! g5]al popula;n & ^? los+ _! vi.n4 ,! "ws m/ say "s?+ 3/ructive or help;l ab :at x is to 2 visually impair$4 ,"! >e _m ways a visually impair$ p]son c b5efit society at l>ge1 & we aim to f1ture !m 9 \r practical _sual book ( poetry & prose4 ,pl1se #ajg ;e-mail all p]sonal submis.ns1 9clud+ scre5plays1 plays1 radio & televi.n scripts1 & ref];es to o!r lit]>y "ws1 to annmorris@aoptonl9e4net & to ,*]i ,langdell at *]il@afamily4net4 ,if nec1 y may mail !m to ,ann ,morris ,bliss at #eea ,hosn] ,m.ta9 ,rd41 ,/ormville1 ,,ny #abehb4 ,*oice ( mat]ials = ! book is ! sole 4cre;n ( ! au?ors4 ,new ,_hley ,c\rse 8,bl;s ,basics0 is an 9t]active1 tui;n-free web c\rse t all[s a p]son to apply k ( ! bl;s field to r1l-life situa;ns4 ,! c\rse is op5 to /ud5ts 9 ! pr(es.nal $uca;n program & acts z an ori5ta;n = any"o "w+ )9 a bl;s organiza;n4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 call "<#hjj"> #ebf-#iiji or 5roll onl9e at www4_hley4$u4 #ajh ,brl ,alphabet ,buttons ,>e y alw on ! look\t = fre% new ways to 9troduce folks to brl8 ,cd y use a grt new fund- rais+ idea8 ,*eck \ ! ,brl ,alphabet ,buttons4 ,ea* two- 9* button is s di6]5t1 s unique1 & j s cool t si 9 a /yli% font 2h ! actual brl lrs = ! b5efit ( pr9t r1d]s4 ,to ord] a five- pack ( buttons = @s#i4ie1 visit www4braillesup]/ore4com or call #a-#hjj-#ihg-#abca4 ,new ,,iveot ,s(tw>e ,makes ,pictures ,sp1k ,,iveot all[s pictures to 2 label$ ) audio tags1 #aji mak+ !m m 9t]active & 9clusive = ! r1d]4 ,di6]5t compon5ts ( an image c 2 9dividually label$ ) sp1k+ tags 9 ,,iveot4 ,by navigat+ ) a m\se or keybo>d1 "o c he> ! labels assign$ to ea* "p ( a diagram or image1 5hanc+ compreh5.n 2y use ( vi.n al"o4 ,= bl p z well z si le>n]s1 ,,iveot has an op;nal h>dw>e compon5t1 call$ ! ,,iveot ,t\*pad4 ,tactile pr9t\ts c 2 plac$ on ! ,,iveot ,t\*pad to provide an alt]native 4play ( images on ! comput] scre54 ,us]s c !n r1d pr9t\ts "? a comb9a;n ( sie & ,,iveot ,t\*pad c 2 pur*as$ sep>ately or z a set4 ,! ,,iveot ,view] is al #aaj available z a free d[nload to 5able easy %>+ ( files made 9 ! ,,iveot ,cr1tor s(tw>e4 ,call yr local ,view,plus 4tributor1 3tact ,view,plus directly via ;e-mail at 9fo@a" viewplus4com1 call "<#eda"> #ged-#djjb1 or visit www4" viewplus4com = m details4 ,book = ,adolesc5t ,boys ,"r af we transcrib$ a popul> book = girls s"eal ye>s ago call$ 8,! ,p]iod ,book10 we />t$ look+ = an equival5t book = boys t sp1ks specifically to _! private 3c]ns4 ,we've f.d x4 ,writt5 by ! same au?or1 8,:at's ,go+ on ,d[n ,"!80 reassures boys t "! >e a lot ( di6]5t ways to describe normal :5 4cuss+ pub]ty1 & t ea* p]son exp]i;es *anges on 8 [n "ttable4 ,facts ab pub]ty1 sex1 & #aaa sexually transmitt$ 41ses ,- ev5 :at happ5s to girls dur+ pub]ty ,- >e pres5t$ cle>ly & completely4 ,2c x's writt5 specifically = boys1 ! 9=ma;n 3sid]s all ! worries1 fe>s1 & "qs t boys mie ,*ang+ ,too0 (f]s detail$ 9=ma;n n typically pres5t$ 9 books = males4 ,o!r /&\t *apt]s 9clude 8,is ,? ,normal80 & 8,:at ,if80 ,- bo? 9 "q-&-answ] =mat4 ,& 9 8,if ,i'd ,"kn ,!n ,:at ,i ,"k ,n[610 s"eal adult m5 (f] 9si #bff-#fafj ext5.n #bj4 ,p]k9s ,brlr ,available 9 ,colors ,alm #ee ye>s af 9troduc+ ! ,p]k9s ,brlr & manufactur+ hundr$s ( ?\s&s ( ma*9es 9 classic gray1 ,h[e ,press is n[ 9troduc+ brlrs 9 two new colors3 metallic slate blue & b"r jade gre54 ,= m 9=ma;n or to place an ord]1 visit www4,p]k9s4org2 call "<#fag"> #igb-#gcjh2 or ;e-mail ,h[e,press@a,p]k9s4org4 ,lr to ! ,$itor ,! 3t5ts ( ? column reflect ! lrs we _h rcvd by ! #aac "t we w5t to press1 ,june #ae1 #bjje4 ,lrs >e limit$ to #cjj ^ws or less4 ,all submis.ns m/ 9clude ! au?or's "n & loca;n4 ,op9ions express$ >e ^? ( ! au?ors4 ,9 ,reply to ! ,call = ,am5d;ts ,i r1d ) 9t]e/ ye/]"d ! 3/itu;n & bylaws committee *air ,ray ,campbell's app1l = submis.ns f memb]s ( am5d;ts = ? ye>'s na;nal 3v5;n4 ,la/ ye>1 he>+ simil> app1ls & ! app1ls ( ^? say+1 8,if y don't l "s?+1 !n submit an am5d;t10 ,i did j t4 ,9 fact1 ,i wrote #aj am5d;ts & collaborat$ on s"eal o!rs4 ,two pass$ unanim\sly4 ,?ree 7 tabl$ 9 :ole or "p or circumv5t$ f a vote by p>lia;t>y maneuv]s4 ,five m n"e ev5 _h ! c\rtesy ( a debate let al"o an up #aad or d[n vote 2f ! 3v5;n 0 mov$ to 2 adj\rn$4 ,? is n op9ion b a "p ( ! public record & is >*iv$ 9 ! proce$+s on ,,acb's web site4 ,i m/ say t1 true to 8 ^w1 ,mr4 ,campbell 0 v coop]ative bo? by ph"o & ;e-mail 9 provid+ assi/.e on ! craft+ ( ^! am5d;ts & updat+ me on _! /atus 9 committee4 ,b app>5tly ?+s broke d[n 9 e/abli%+ 5 "t = 3sid]a;n dur+ ! busi;s ses.ns4 ,presid5t ,gray 0 appris$ ( ^! items well 2f ! 3v5;n 9 "o ( 8 mon?ly meet+s4 ,all am5d;ts 7 s5t \ to relevant "pies well 9 adv.e & po/$ ^u v>i\s li/s]vs = com;t & 9put4 ,ultimately1 h["e1 "! is no true democracy if "! is no vote ^u s* important items4 ,x seems to me t 2f we solicit new am5d;ts1 we #aae mie ( old busi;s f/4 ,9 licz ,jr41 ,m.t ,morris1 ,mi*4 ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op ,= ,sale3 ,lexm>k ,x#abem all-9-"o pr9t]1 scann]1 copi] & fax ma*9e4 ,bo? 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