,! ,brl ,=um ,volume ,,xlii ,june #bjjd ,no4 #i ,publi%$ ,by ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl /rives to 9cr1se ! 9dep5d;e1 secur;y1 equal;y ( opportun;y1 & qual;y ( life = all bl & visually impair$ p4 ,*ri/oph] ,gray1 ,presid5t ,melanie ,brunson1 ,act+ ,executive ,director ,%>on ,lov]+1 ,act+ ,$itor ,na;nal ,(fice3 #aaee #aeth ,st4 ,,nw ,suite #ajjd ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejha ,fax3 "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejhe ,web ,site3 http3_/_/www4" acb4org ,! ,brl ,=um is available 9 brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half-spe$ f\r- track cassette tape1 comput] disk & via ;e-mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 address *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = publica;n %d 2 s5t to ,p5ny ,re$] at ! address abv1 or via ;e-mail to $itor@aacb4org4 ,submis.n d1dl9es >e ! f/ ( ! mon?4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl is a memb]%ip organiza;n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special- 9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,to jo91 visit ! ,,acb website & complete an applica;n =m1 or 3tact ! na;nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ abv4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax-d$uctible1 c 2 s5t to ,>dis ,bazyn at ! abv mail+ address4 ,if y wi% to rememb] a relative or fr1 ! na;nal (fice c make pr9t$ c>ds available = ? purpose4 ,to rememb] ! ,am]ican #b ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t1 y may 9clude a special p>agraph = t purpose4 ,if yr wi%es >e complex1 3tact ! ,,acb na;nal (fice4 ,to make a 3tribu;n to ,,acb via ! ,comb9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #bhjb4 ,= ! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll-free at "<#hjj"> #dbd-#hfff1 #e p4m4 to midniy ( ! ,,acb ,mid-,ye> ,bo>d ,meet+1 by ,mike ,duke1 page #bb ,9vita;n to ,,acb ,future ,place3 ,an ,idea1 ,a ,place1 ,an ,opportun;y1 by ,/eph5 ,spei*]1 page #ce ,n[ ,is ! ,"t = ,all to ,3sid] ,2com+ ,life ,memb]s1 by ,*>les ,s4,p4 ,hodge1 page #dd ,! ,"t ,is ,draw+ ,clos]3 ,com+ to ,birm+ham ,? ,summ]81 by ,cyn?ia ,t[]s1 page #dg ,he> ,ye1 ,he> ,ye6 ,! ,press ,room ,is ,n[ ,seek+ ,volunte]s1 page #ed ,3v5;n ,newspap] ,fees = #bjjd1 page #eh #d ,expecta;ns1 by ,pe7y ,%oel1 page #fj ,a ,3v5;n ,sn1k ,preview1 page #fa ,:at ,is ,all ! ,,yac ,ab81 by ,patti ,cox1 page #hd ,! ,brl ,=um3 ,:at ,x ,actually ,co/s1 by ,ralph ,s&]s & ,%>on ,lov]+1 page #hg ,gue/ ,$itorial3 ,"o ,woman's ,op9ion1 by ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt1 page #ic ,lrs to ! ,$itor1 page #ig ,"h & ,"!1 by ,s>ah ,blake1 page #ajd ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op1 page #aae ,,acb ,(fic]s1 page #abc ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors1 page #abd ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns1 page #abe #e ,correc;ns ,! "qs : ! c&idates 7 expect$ to answ] "<8,bo>d ( ,publica;ns ,ho/s ,9t]net ,c&idates,0 ,page10 ,april- ,may #bjjd"> 7 n develop$ at ! ,m>* bo>d ( publica;ns meet+4 ,! "qs 7 develop$ by an ad hoc subcommittee ( ,,bop memb]s :o >e n eligible to run = re- elec;n or :o d n 9t5d to seek elect$ (fice "u ! pres5t ,,acb 3/itu;n & bylaws4 ,"! 0 an ]ror 9 ! notice ab ! ,family ,/udy ( ,age-,relat$ ,macul> ,deg5]a;n "<8,"h & ,"!10 ,m>* #bjjd">4 ,! /udy is seek+ families 9 : "! >e ?ree or m liv+ sibl+s ) at l1/ "o p]son hav+ ,,amd4 ,if yr family is eligible1 call #a- #hjj-#bai-#iaeg4 #f ,presid5t's ,message3 ,pr(il+ ! ,c\rage\s by ,*ri/oph] ,gray ,ne>ly #ej ye>s ago1 ,john ,k5n$y1 lat] to 2come presid5t ( ! ,unit$ ,/ates1 wrote a book ( 9spira;n & hope to ,am]icans & all p "?\t ! _w4 ,_m ( y w rememb] x or ! televi.n s]ies x spawn$4 ,bo? >e titl$ 8,pr(iles 9 ,c\rage40 ,_m ( ! /ories f t book h /ay$ ) me ov] ! ye>s4 ,! id1ls & ! pr9cipl$ ac;ns ( ! books,0 protagoni/s >e true models = grt;s1 tangible y>d/icks by : to assess ! true value ( l1d]s z !y em]ge or 4appe> 9 ! c\rse ( \r lives4 ,9 writ+ 8 book1 ,john ,k5n$y 0 9cl9$ to *oose 9dividuals f 8 "picul> sp"hs ( activ;y3 ! milit>y & ! political4 ,9 ? >ticle1 & #g 9 a f> small] way1 ! hope & ! idea = ? >ticle is to focus on a few pr(iles 9 c\rage t h come to pass dur+ ! pa/ ye> )9 ! _w ( bl p4 ,:5 comp>$ to ^? 9 ! _w at l>ge1 p]h any ( ^! pr(iles fall %ort ( true grt;s4 ,b !n ag1 p]h n4 ,y 2 ! judge4 ,p]h ! place to />t is by pr(il+ 9 brief ! p]son & h] ac;n t provid$ ! se$s ( 9spira;n = ? >ticle4 ,h] f/ 9volve;t 9 ,,acb 0 z a hi< s*ool /ud5t 9 #aigb4 ,%e has held _m posi;ns 9 \r organiza;n1 "s pre/igi\s & o!rs t 7 j pla9 h>d "w4 ,%e is active 9 bo? /ate & special- 9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,h] record ( a3ompli%;ts is significant4 ,h["e1 9 ! pa/ ye>1 t record transf]r$ xf f significant to exempl>y to ,,acb "? h] ac;ns4 ,9 "p h] ac;n is s #h notable 2c x o3urr$ ext]nally to ,,acb4 ,al1 x is exempl>y 2c1 ?\< 5tirely 9 l9e ) ,,acb's posi;n on ! matt]s 9volv$1 ? ac;n plac$ xs tak] 9 an extreme m9or;y1 n"e a com=table place to sit or /&4 ,i'm talk+ ab ,,acb's repres5tative to & *airman ( ! ,brl ,au?or;y ( ,nor? ,am]ica1 ,kim ,*>lson4 ,9 ,m>* ( ? ye>1 ,kim f.d h]f *air+ ! ,nor? ,am]ican delega;n at ! ,9t]na;nal ,c\ncil on ,5gli% ,brl4 ,z *air ( t delega;n1 ,kim 0 requir$ to ca/ ! delega;n's vote4 ,t major;y vote /ood 9 opposi;n to ,,acb's policy z adopt$ by ! memb]%ip by resolu;n4 ,9 ca/+ t vote1 %e 9dicat$ at ! same "t h] opposi;n to ! ac;n on 2half ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,9 & ( xf1 ? may 2 a small ?+4 ,x *ang$ no?+1 #i & an ac;n 0 tak5 to ! likely sub/antial detri;t ( brl z a m1ns ( lit]acy = ! bl4 ,b to u 9 ,,acb1 ? ac;n sp1ks \ ) volume & cl>;y to ! m]its ( \r appo9t$ repres5tatives 2+ will+ to hold _! 9tegr;y to ! organiza;n & make \r views "kn to ! _w \tside \r organiza;n4 ,x takes c\rage to /& up & 2 c.t$ z a "p ( a los+ m9or;y1 "s?+ ,kim cle>ly demon/rat$ by h] cle> & public /ate;t4 ,hats (f to ,kim = h] repres5ta;n ( ,,acb's 2liefs1 reg>d.s ( ! di6iculties 9 do+ s4 ,kim's example demon/rates ! import.e ( commit;t z a guid+ pr9ciple3 commit;t to id1ls4 ,ano!r 9valuable commit;t is to ! ne$ = ac;n4 ,! second pr(ile is ( an 9dividual :o absolutely esp\s$ ? commit;t dur+ ,april #bjjd4 ,he has be5 "kn z a do] 9 \r #aj organiza;n = _m ye>s & z a committ$ & well-spok5 advocate4 ,he is al "kn z a man ) a gd busi;s h1d on 8 %\ld]s1 "picul>ly s 9 ! /ate ( ,ill9ois4 ,9 ,april1 he /epp$ \ f> ah1d ( any ( ^! a3olades4 ,9 fact1 "! is no tell+ exactly h[ _m /eps 7 9volv$ z ,john ,gordon *ose to make a prote/ walk f ,*icago to ,spr+field1 ,ill4 9 opposi;n ( /ate ac;ns t 7 de/roy+ ! bl v5d+ program 9 t /ate4 ,john walk$ al"o1 except = 8 :ite cane1 approximately #aej miles ov] un"kn t]ra9 & mo/ly on ! %\ld] ( a major hin$ hm via cell ph"o ( upcom+ 3/ruc;n sites & o!r pot5tial haz>ds4 ,ne>+ ! 5d ( ! j\rney1 he 0 compell$ to cut mo/ ( ! bottoms f 8 %oes 9 ord] to combat bli/]+ & extreme #aa sore;s ( 8 feet4 ,to take s* a walk at all makes a /r;g /ate;t4 ,= a totally bl p]son to make x al"o is1 to _m1 approa*+ ! 9compreh5sible4 ,! a3ompany+ press & televi.n cov]age %[s u ! import.e & legitimacy ( ,john's amaz+ act4 ,! busloads ( support]s & _! communica;ns ) ,ill9ois /ate (ficials1 9clud+ ! gov]nor1 c>ry =w>d ! ac;n by an 9dividual to ! abil;y = an organiza;n to act 9 ways t wd n h be5 possible )\t ? amaz+ & notewor?y p]sonal 3tribu;n by ,john ,gordon4 ,! subject ( my ?ird & f9al pr(ile is a "y] memb] ( ,,acb1 n[ 9 8 mid-#bjs4 ,he's presid5t ( ! ,cali=nia ,alli.e ( ,bl ,/ud5ts & tr1sur] ( ! ,na;nal ,alli.e ( ,bl ,/ud5ts4 ,he's active 9 8 local #ab /ate a6iliate *apt]1 & is a full-"t graduate /ud5t at ,sacra;to ,/ate1 major+ 9 busi;s communica;ns4 ,i met hm at d9n] "o ev5+ dur+ ! legislative sem9> 9 ,m>* 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 ,x 0 af \r d9n] tgr1 h["e1 t ,i came to le>n1 f a di6]5t 9dividual1 ( ,gabe ,gri6i?'s commit;t to human;y & 8 p]sonal example ( ! love we c be> t[>d "o ano!r4 ,gabe & 8 girlfr >e bo? bl3 hm f a *ildhood ret9al 4ord]2 ,becky f juv5ile onset diabetes4 ,becky al has _h ! mis=tune ( los+ complete kidney func;n due to diabetes4 ,= _m ye>s1 %e liv$ ) a transplant$ kidney4 ,la/ ye>1 h] immune sy/em 2gan to reject ! kidney4 ,! r1lities ( ? loss = ,becky 7 life-alt]+1 & s 2gan ! process ( se>*+ = a possible replace;t #ac kidney4 ,y c probably guess :at mid2 maybe "s appreh5.n "<& :o wdn't">1 b n"e d\bt4 8,i j felt ? 0 "s?+ ,i cd d = "sbody ,i c>e ab v m*1 & t's r1lly all "! 0 to x = me 9 ! 5d10 he expla9$ 9 a rec5t ph"o 3v]sa;n4 ,blood te/s1 m$ical exams1 ,,ekg,'s1 & s"eal 4cus.n ses.ns lat]1 ,gabe's tissue 0 det]m9$ to 2 z gd a mat* = ,becky z !y >e = "o ano!r4 ,! surg]y date 0 s*$ul$1 & !n res*$ul$1 to fit ! vag>ies ( hospital protocol 9 \r "t4 ,f9ally1 e>ly on ! morn+ #ad ( ,decemb] #bd1 #bjjc1 ,gabe donat$ & ,becky rcvd a kidney4 ,"o ev5t o3urr$ immly af ! o!r4 8,? 0 ! "t10 ,gabe recall$1 8:5 ,i mid ev5 to 2lieve !y bo? w5t back to s*ool 9 ,janu>y1 let al"o any?+ else4 ,only a few ( u may h #ae ! opportun;y 9 \r lives to make s* a 3tribu;n2 ev5 few] *oose to embrace t opportun;y4 ,gabe's is an act ( "picul> poignancy 2c practically all ( u )9 ! bl commun;y "k bl p :o h second>y 4abl+ 3di;ns4 ,p]h ( grte/ note is t ? is a deci.n t transc5ds ! microcosm ( bl p & sp1ks to ea* ( \r places 9 ! _w at l>ge & to h[ \r 3tribu;ns >e a "p ( t _w & ! 3tribu;n xf is ! grt] = 2+ s4 ,gabe's1 z ) all :o make s* a dona;n1 is a l>gely self.s act 9 t he exp]i;ed p]sonal loss = 9tangible ga94 ,x's abundantly cle> f \r 3v]sa;ns t he hasn't approa*$ life 9 ? way1 & "!'s probably a lesson 9 t z well4 ,s1 "! y h x3 ?ree pr(iles ( p & ev5ts1 all ( : h happ5$ s9ce ! holi"d s1son ( #bjjc4 ,ea* ( ! ?ree p m5;n$ "h #af >e %ap]s1 true cr1tors1 ( ! _w we live 9 z bl p td1 ea* 9 _! [n important way4 ,"h >e ?ree 9dividuals to :om we c look = 9spira;n & guid.e 9 do+ ! "r ?+ p]sonally & organiza;nally4 ,p]h ov] "t1 o!r simil> pr(iles c 2 pres5t$ )9 ^! pages4 ,= example1 ,i wd l to %>e ! /ory ( ,sadiq ;,al- ,maliki1 presid5t ( ! ,na;nal ,associa;n = ! ,c>e ( ! ,bl 9 ,iraq4 ,he is fiy ac;n or political ag5das4 ,or h[ ab ! /ory ( ,xu ,x+ ,xian ( ! ,p's ,republic ( ,*9a1 :o translates >ticles f 8,! ,brl ,=um0 9to ,*9ese = pres5ta;n 9 a magaz9e 5titl$ 8,bl ,mon?ly80 ,i feel c]ta9 "! is a pr(ile1 p]h _m1 wait+ to 2 told4 #ag ,only by look+ \tw>d c we see mo/ cle>ly :at ne$s to 2 d"o & f9d ! be/ examples ( h[ to d x4 ,mo/ (t51 turn+ 9w>d l1ds to ll b feel+s ( 4satisfac;n or despair4 ,by ^! ?ree examples & ! _m m t exi/ 9 ! _w1 let u /rive to a*ieve ! mo/ t we c1 9dividually & collectively4 ,we c only see f ^! pr(iles h[ possible s* a*ieve;ts c be4 ,tak+ ,back ,\r ,/reets by ,melanie ,brunson ,dur+ ! pa/ ye>1 ?ree ( ,,acb's l1d]s f ?ree di6]5t /ates h be5 hit by c>s4 ,^! >e ! late/ 9 a l;g /r+ ( a3id5ts 9volv+ bl p$e/rians & automobiles4 ,"o ( ,,acb's major advocacy goals is to put an 5d to ? tragic tr5d4 ,we h "w$ at all levels ( ? #ah organiza;n to make \r 5viron;t m p$e/rian-frly4 ,h["e1 ! numb] ( c>s on ! road 3t9ues to rise4 ,) x1 ! risk = m s]i\s 5c.t]s 2t p$e/rians & c>s is likely to 9cr1se too4 ,t is1 un.s we :o >e p$e/rians 2come ev5 m proactive & take a6irmative /eps to manage & less5 t risk4 ,"! >e /eps we c take t ,i ?9k cd take u a l;g way 9 t direc;n4 ,we won't 2 able to get ! c>s (f ! road4 ,nor %d driv]s expect to get u (f ! /reets4 ,h["e1 we c r$\ble \r ef=ts to make bo? driv]s & tra6ic 5g9e]s aw>e t c>s m/ %>e ! /reets ) p$e/rians1 9clud+ ^? :o use :ite canes or guide dogs4 ,we ne$ to spr1d ! ^w t plann+ = p$e/rian tra6ic is j z ess5tial z plann+ = motor vehicle tra6ic4 #ai ,:ite ,cane ,safety ,"d provides a p]fect opportun;y = u to d ?4 ,ea* ye>1 ,,acb a6iliates acr ! c.try "picipate 9 activities dur+ ! mon? ( ,octob] t seek to $ucate ! public ab ! pres;e ( bl & visually impair$ p$e/rians 9 _! communities4 ,_m h us$ ! o3a.n to lo2y _! /ate legislatures = t\<] :ite cane laws z well4 ,^! >e ! v /eps we ne$ to 2 tak+ if we >e to cr1te a m p$e/rian-frly 5viron;t 9 ? c.try4 ,"!=e1 ,i h a su7es;n4 ,:y don't we put tgr a na;nwide ,:ite ,cane ,safety ,week campaign ? ye>8 ,if we 7 to come up ) a s]ies ( ev5ts &_/or activities t cd take place all acr ! c.try at ! same "t1 we may 2 able to g5]ate m$ia cov]age t cd draw att5;n to p$e/rian #bj safety issues4 ,x wd al give u ! opportun;y to demon/rate ! ne$ = bo? 5=ce;t &1 9 "s cases1 updat+ ( curr5t :ite cane laws4 ,! ,na;nal ,$uca;nal & ,legal ,def5se ,s]vice = ! ,bl "<,,nelds"> has 2gun compil+ copies ( curr5t :ite cane laws = ! purpose ( develop+ a model :ite cane law4 ,? is a gd idea4 ,i hope t ? project w provide 9dividuals & a6iliates ) a 3crete proposal !y c take to _! /ate h\ses = _! approval4 ,h["e1 "! is m* we c d to $ucate ! g5]al public1 & \rvs1 reg>d+ p$e/rian safety issues4 ,i ?9k x cd 2 bo? fun & e6ective = u to "w tgr on a na;nwide basis & focus att5;n on ? gr[+ 3c]n4 ,pl1se 3tact ,phil ,/r;g at ! ,,acb na;nal (fice & #ba let hm "k yr ?"\s on ? propos$ campaign4 ,give hm yr 3tact 9=ma;n1 s "s"o c get back to y once ! plann+ gets "u way4 ,y c r1* ,phil by ;e-mail at p/r;g@aacb4org1 or 3tact hm via ! address & ph"o numb]s li/$ on ! cov] ( ? magaz9e4 ,i 2lieve we h ! res\rces )9 ,,acb to make a significant impact on ! safety ( p$e/rian travel acr ! c.try4 ,t impact c only 9cr1se if we pool ^? res\rces & "w tgr4 ,! results cd save lives4 ,a ,summ>y ( ! ,,acb ,mid-,ye> ,bo>d ,meet+ by ,mike ,duke ,! bo>d ( directors ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl met on ,febru>y #ae & #af at ! ,%]aton ,birm+ham ,hotel1 9 ,birm+ham1 ,ala4 #bb ,presid5t ,*ris ,gray call$ ! meet+ to ord] at #a3#dj p4m4 ,c5tral "t on ,sun"d1 ,feb4 #ae4 ,all (fic]s & directors 7 pres5t except = ,dawn ,*ri/5s5 & ,/eve ,spei*]1 bo? ( :om _h resign$4 ,num]\s gue/s al att5d$ "?\t ! op5 por;ns ( ! meet+4 ,att5dees review$ ! ag5da & add$ ?ree items4 ,! mo;n to adopt ! ag5da z am5d$ c>ri$ on a voice vote4 ,presid5t ,gray gave a brief report4 ,he prais$ ,laura ,(t$ahl = h] "w on fund-rais+ & grants = ,,acb4 ,he al ann\nc$ ! appo9t;t ( ,dave ,williams z executive director ( ,,acb ,radio4 ,williams is "w+ to get ,,acb ,radio back on s*$ule1 & hopes to 2g9 broadca/+ "s programs 9 ,spani%4 ,! bo>d !n turn$ to ! #bc task ( fill+ ! two vacancies cr1t$ by ! resigna;ns ( ,dawn ,*ri/5s5 & ,/eve ,spei*]4 ,! mo;n to elect ,mit* ,pom]antz by a3lima;n to ! posi;n ( second vice presid5t c>ri$ on a voice vote4 ,cyn?ia ,t[]s & ,c9dy ,burgett1 bo? ( ,wa%+ton1 7 nom9at$ to fill ! s1t vacat$ by ,*ri/5s54 ,on a roll call vote1 ,t[]s 0 elect$ by a vote ( #i to #d4 ,^? vot+ = ,t[]s w]e3 ,annunzio1 ,bradley1 ,kei?1 ,mill]1 ,pom]antz1 ,rus*ival1 ,s*mitt1 ,selig] & ,%eehan4 ,^? vot+ = ,burgett w]e3 ,bazyn1 ,b1tty1 ,*>lson & ,$w>ds4 ,david ,trott ( ,alabama & ,becky ,floyd ( ,mississippi 7 nom9at$ to fill ! rema9+ posi;n1 : 0 cr1t$ by ! selec;n ( ,pom]antz z second vice presid5t4 ,on a roll #bd call vote1 ,trott rcvd #h votes & ,floyd rcvd #g4 ,^? vot+ = ,trott w]e3 ,annunzio1 ,bradley1 ,pom]antz1 ,rus*ival1 ,s*mitt1 ,selig]1 ,t[]s & ,gray4 ,^? vot+ = ,floyd w]e3 ,bazyn1 ,b1tty1 ,*>lson1 ,$w>ds1 ,kei?1 ,mill] & ,%eehan4 ,! bo>d !n approv$ ! m9utes ( ! ,septemb] & ,novemb] meet+s on sep>ate voice votes4 ,foll[+ ! vot+1 ! bo>d 4cuss$ ! 4burse;t ( m9utes to ! memb]%ip4 ,af 4cus.n1 ! bo>d adopt$ a policy t all[s memb]s to reque/1 9 writ+1 complete sets ( m9utes ( op5 meet+s f ! secret>y4 ,a fair & r1sonable fee may 2 set to cov] ! co/ ( s* 4tribu;n4 ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt report$ t memb]%ip committee memb]s wd call a6iliate presid5ts to 4cuss local memb]%ip #be issues4 ,%e report$ t ! ,f\r ,corn]s ,3f];e wd meet 9 ,salt ,lake ,c;y ,septemb] #aj-#ab1 #bjjd4 ,! mo;n to a3ept ! memb]%ip committee report c>ri$ on a voice vote4 ,%ortly 2f #d p4m41 ! bo>d w5t 9to executive ses.n4 ,^u return+ to ! op5 busi;s meet+ at #e p4m41 ,gray report$ t ! executive ses.n 0 held to 4cuss ! results ( ! executive director se>* committee4 ,an executive director 0 *os5 & negotia;ns c n[ 2g9 ) ! c&idate4 ,act+ ,executive ,director ,melanie ,brunson report$ t ,s5s4 ,k5n$y1 ,5sign & ,gregg h gott5 9to ! milit>y food s]vice 3tract issue on f$]al prop]ties4 ,,ni% 3tractors n[ hold two-?irds ( ^? facilities4 ,brunson ask$ ! bo>d to 5t]ta9 a mo;n = #bf ! presid5t to write a lr express+ ! 9t5;n ( ! bo>d's support = ! ,r&olph-,%epp>d program & ,,acb's 3t9u$ support = ! prior;y & xs applica;n specifically to milit>y d9+1 & ,,acb's opposi;n to any ef=t to ]ode t prior;y 9 any mann]4 ,annunzio made ! mo;n1 : c>ri$ on a voice vote4 ,$w>ds mov$ t ! bo>d g 9to recess 9 ord] to 3v5e ! ,,acbes memb]%ip meet+4 ,on a voice vote1 ! mo;n c>ri$4 ,z *air ( ,,acbes1 ,$w>ds ask$ = a nom9a;n to replace ,*ri/5s5 on ! ,,acbes bo>d = a "o-ye> t]m4 ,af ,c>la ,rus*ival & ,brian ,*>lson 7 nom9at$ = ! slot1 ! mo;n to close nom9a;ns 0 adopt$4 ,on a roll call vote1 ,rus*ival rcvd #ab votes & ,*>lson rcvd #c4 ,^? vot+ = ,rus*ival #bg w]e3 ,annunzio1 ,b1tty1 ,bradley1 ,gray1 ,kei?1 ,mill]1 ,pom]antz1 ,rus*ival1 ,s*mitt1 ,selig]1 ,t[]s & ,trott4 ,^? vot+ = ,*>lson w]e3 ,bazyn1 ,*>lson & ,%eehan4 ,! mo;n to adj\rn ! ,,acbes meet+ & return to ! ,,acb bo>d ( directors meet+ c>ri$4 ,tr1sur] ,>dis ,bazyn report$ t 9 ! previ\s ye>1 exp5ditures exce$$ rev5ue by @s#bif1hca4 ,%e !n made a mo;n t ,jim ,ols5 2 au?oriz$ to approa* ,price ,wat]h\se = ! #bjjc audit4 ,! mo;n c>ri$ on a voice vote4 ,a mo;n au?oriz+ ! ,,cfo to exp5d up to an addi;nal @s#ij1jjj f ! bo>d res]ves to close \ ! books on ! #bjjc budget al pass$ on a voice vote4 ,! bo>d !n a3ept$ ! tr1sur]'s report4 ,budget committee #bh *airman ,brian ,*>lson review$ ! propos$ budget = #bjjd4 ,propos$ rev5ues = #bjjd >e @s#icg1jjj4 ,! propos$ exp5ses = #bjjd >e @s#a1jjj1jcg4 ,$w>ds mov$ to reconsid] mo;n sev5 ( ! ,novemb] #be1 #bjjc 3f];e call1 : 9/ruct$ ! budget committee to prep>e a budget on ! assump;n t #aj issues ( 8,! ,brl ,=um0 wd 2 produc$ dur+ #bjjd4 ,! mo;n to reconsid] c>ri$ ) "o 4s5t+ vote4 ,! mo;n to budget = #aj issues !n fail$ on a roll call vote ( #f 9 favor1 #i oppos$4 ,^? 9 favor w]e3 ,b1tty1 ,$w>ds1 ,kei?1 ,pom]antz1 ,s*mitt & ,t[]s4 ,^? oppos$ w]e3 ,annunzio1 ,bazyn1 ,bradley1 ,*>lson1 ,mill]1 ,rus*ival1 ,selig]1 ,%eehan & ,trott4 ,pom]antz made ! mo;n #bi to am5d ! propos$ budget am.t = /aff travel to @s#h1jjj2 ! mo;n c>ri$4 ,$w>ds mov$ ! adop;n ( ! exp5se side ( ! budget4 ,a mo;n to table ,$w>ds,0 mo;n until ! next "d c>ri$ on a roll call vote ) #h 9 favor & #g oppos$4 ,^? vot+ 9 favor w]e3 ,bradley1 ,kei?1 ,mill]1 ,rus*ival1 ,s*mitt1 ,selig]1 ,t[]s & ,trott4 ,^? oppos$ w]e3 ,annunzio1 ,bazyn1 ,b1tty1 ,*>lson1 ,$w>ds1 ,pom]antz & ,%eehan4 ,presid5t ,gray !n 5t]ta9$ a mo;n to recess until #h a4m4 on ,mon"d1 ,febru>y #af4 ,mon"d ,! ,mon"d ses.n 2gan ) a 3t9ua;n ( ! budget 4cus.n4 ,a mo;n to resc9d ! previ\s mo;n to delete @s#a1ffe f ! exp5se side ( ! budget = /aff #cj travel c>ri$ on a voice vote4 ,next1 ,*>lson review$ ! rev5ue side ( ! budget4 ,! l9e item : n[ r1ds 8bo>d fundrais+0 w 2 *ang$ to 8bo>d- sponsor$ fundrais+40 ,! total rev5ues anticipat$ = #bjjd >e @s#iae1ejj4 ,a mo;n t ! ,,acb ,/ore 9come 2come a sep>ate l9e item = next ye>'s budget c>ri$4 ,! bo>d !n adopt$ ! rev5ue side ( ! budget4 ,*>lson !n mov$ to adopt ! budget 9 a7regate4 ,? mo;n c>ri$ on a roll call vote ( #aj 9 favor1 #d oppos$ & #a abs5t4 ,trott ask$ to g on record z oppos$ to ! deficit budget4 ,^? vot+ 9 favor w]e3 ,bazyn1 ,b1tty1 ,*>lson1 ,$w>ds1 ,kei?1 ,mill]1 ,pom]antz1 ,s*mitt1 ,%eehan & ,t[]s4 ,^? oppos$ w]e3 ,bradley1 ,rus*ival1 #ca ,selig] & ,trott4 ,a mo;n 9/ruct+ ! act+ executive director to prep>e a plan t wd 9volve ! d$ica;n ( a significant am.t ( addi;nal /aff "t to "w specifically on fund-rais+ & relat$ matt]s )9 a mon? c>ri$4 ,! mo;n to use ,,aig ,9sur.e ,annuities = 9ve/;t ( matur$ ,,cd,'s c>ri$4 ,presid5t ,gray report$ t ! (fice review committee has n d"o m* 9 ! pa/ few mon?s 2c ! committee memb]s h be5 "w+ on o!r projects1 9clud+ ! executive director se>*4 ,x 0 recomm5d$ t ! committee meet )9 ! next #cj "ds to 2g9 xs "w4 ,cyn?ia ,t[]s report$ t ! g5]al ses.ns1 exhibits & ,,acb ,caf^/e w 2 9 close proxim;y to "o ano!r ? summ]4 ,h] report 0 adopt$4 #cb ,act+ executive director ,melanie ,brunson report$ t ,%>on ,lov]+ is n[ ! act+ $itor ( 8,! ,brl ,=um40 ,! ,cali=nia ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl has 3tact$ ,la9ey ,fe9gold to help ) negotia;ns to make po9t-(-sale cr$it c>d ma*9es a3essible4 ,x 0 mov$ t ,,acb sign a reta9] ) ,fe9gold & ,d>d>ian's law firm = ! purpose ( mak+ a3essible po9t- (-sale ma*9es4 ,on a voice vote1 ! mo;n c>ri$4 ,brunson ask$ = 3s5sus f ! bo>d = ,,acb to 5t] 9to a 3tract ) ,t>i ,susan ,h>tman1 :o plans to br+ corpora;ns to ! ,,acb 3v5;n to 3duct focus gr\ps on h\sehold items t >e n n[ a3essible4 ,t]ry ,pa*eco ann\nc$ t ! s*ol>%ip committee has rcvd applica;ns s5t electronically4 ,six h>d copies h al be5 #cc rcvd4 ,%e al report$ t ! sid ( publica;ns w meet on ,m>* #a1 #bjjd via 3f];e call4 ,he _h previ\sly address$ issues relat+ to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 dur+ appropriate por;ns ( ! budget 4cus.n4 ,! bo>d ( publica;ns report 0 a3ept$4 ,! ,r&olph-,%epp>d ,v5dors ( ,am]ica donat$ @s#e1jjj to ,,acb to 2 us$ to (fset exp5ses ( ! legislative sem9>4 ,bo>d memb]s 4cuss$ ! be/ ways to sp5d ! m"oy4 ,a mo;n to use ^! funds to (fset ! co/ ( pr9t+ mat]ials & !n room *>ges if x appe>s t "! >e su6ici5t funds c>ri$ on a voice vote4 ,af a brief 4cus.n1 x #cd 0 agre$ t ,presid5t ,gray wd write a brief report on ! transporta;n survey & po/ x to ! bo>d li/ 9 sev5 to #aj "ds4 ,a mo;n to adj\rn 0 adopt$1 & ! meet+ 5d$ at #ab3#je p4m4 on ,febru>y #af4 ,9vita;n to ,,acb ,future ,place ,an ,idea1 a ,place1 an ,opportun;y by ,/eph5 ,spei*] ,la/ ye> ,,acb look$ back & celebrat$ xs hi/ory4 ,? ye> a gr\p ( ,,acb memb]s asks y to jo9 u 9 look+ ah1d & 2g9n+ to prep>e = ,,acb's future4 ,we call ! project 8,,acb ,future ,place10 & we 9vite yr "picipa;n4 ,:at w happ5 9 ,,acb ,future ,place8 ,bra9/orm+ & 9=mal give-&-take ab develop+ #ce a future = ,,acb & h[ to get "!2 help+ p 9t]e/$ 9 a topic a6ect+ ,,acb's future to f9d ea* o!r & />t 4cus.n gr\ps2 9=mal or facilitat$ 4cus.ns 3c]n+ propos$ am5d;ts or resolu;ns to see :e!r agree;t c 2 r1*$ 2f tak+ ! idea to ! appropriate committee2 a su7es;n box = ^? ) id1s b no "t = 4cus.n2 an ombudsman func;n all[+ ^? ) id1s to le>n ab exi/+ ,,acb proc$ures = *ange & gett+ !m 9 t\* ) ! "r committee or p]sonnel4 ,if y >e 9t]e/$ 9 improv+ ,,acb b don't h specific id1s1 j drop by ,,acb ,future ,place to le>n :at o!rs h propos$4 ,ext5d$ 4cus.ns cd 2 held 9 ,,acb ,future ,place acr s"eal "ds on topics s* z develop+ a proactive1 organiza;n-wide advocacy /rategy1 or ways to imple;t su/a9able1 #cf ongo+1 l[-co/ l1d]%ip tra9+ & develop;t4 ,! plann+ gr\p is "w+ on "s o!r id1s z well1 s* z exp]i;t+ ) ways = ^? unable to att5d ! 3v5;n to "picipate 9 ! ,future ,place exp]i;e4 ,s"eal s*$ul$ ev5ts >e alr "u 3sid]a;n4 ,"o ( ^! wd review ! processes we curr5tly h = br++ *ange to ,,acb1 ! goal 2+ to 9cr1se ! *.es t id1s w get he>d & w get address$ 9 appropriate ways4 ,ano!r ev5t "u 3sid]a;n is an op5 =um on ! topic ( ,,acb's future1 probably on ,mon"d ni*itect ( ,,acb's f/ ef=t at l;g-range plann+1 & ,c>l ,augu/o1 ,presid5t & ,,ceo ( ! ,am]ican ,f.da;n = ! ,bl1 :o w %>e 8 [n special p]spective on ,,acb & xs #cg future4 ,we hope ? =um w g5]ate a numb] ( gd id1s : c 2 pursu$ "?\t ! re/ ( ! week & 2y4 ,": ,w ,we ,f9d ! ,,acb ,future ,place8 ,plans call = room #dai " to 2 ! c5t] ( ,future ,place activ;y4 ,come "h to f9d \ :at's go+ on 9 ,future ,place1 to f9d o!rs :o >e 9t]e/$ 9 %ap+ a future = ,,acb1 or to meet up ) o!rs 9t]e/$ 9 4cuss+ a "picul> ,future ,place topic4 ,ano!r room " w 2 us$ = s*$ul$ 4cus.ns & o!r activities requir+ m space or m quiet ?an ,future ,place ,s\? c (f]4 ,we hope to make bo? ( ^! spaces special 5viron;ts 9 : ! atmosp"h is design$ = ! #ch *all5g+ & important "w ( prep>+ = ,,acb's future4 ,to "w t[>d ? atmosp"h1 we ask "picipants to obs]ve ! foll[+ gr.d rules3 #a4 ,no smok+4 ,we want all to feel welcome2 & "s p ne$ to avoid toba3o smoke4 #b4 ,no alcohol4 ,c\rtesy & cle> h1ds w 2 important 9 :at >e likely to 2 _s$ 4cus.ns4 #c4 ,no p]sonal attacks4 ,we ask t all :o /ep acr ! ?re%old 9to ,,acb ,future ,place agree to l1ve p]sonal grudges & 3flicts \tside4 #d4 ,(ficial hats >e to 2 *eck$ at ! door4 ,we hope t all ^? ) curr5t elect$1 /aff or appo9t$ posi;ns 9 ,,acb w "picipate fully 9 ,,acb ,future ,place1 = ! project ne$s _! k & _! p]spectives4 ,b we ask t all "picipants come to ,,acb ,future ,place #ci z no?+ m1 & c]ta9ly no?+ less1 ?an ,,acb memb]s & frs4 #e4 ,sp1k = yrf or = an a6iliate1 if designat$ by ! a6iliate = t purpose2 & all[ o!rs to sp1k = !mvs4 #f4 ,no campaign+4 ,c&idates & _! support]s >e c]ta9ly welcome1 b ? w n 2 a =um 9 : to promote or oppose any"o = (fice4 ,h[ ,w ,activities 9 ,,acb ,future ,place ,2 ,3duct$8 ,volunte] facilitators w keep 4cus.ns on track & help all "picipants obs]ve ,future ,place gr.d rules4 ,o!r volunte]s w make "picipants welcome1 s]ve refre%;ts & expla9 activities4 ,organiz]s w manage ! spaces 9 ways t all[ "picipa;n by ! grte/ numb] ( 9t]e/$ 3v5;ne]s4 #dj ,is ,,acb ,future ,place ,politically ,motivat$8 ,yes & no4 ,x does n seek to promote ! elec;n or removal f (fice ( any specific p]son or gr\p ( p4 ,b x c]ta9ly does seek to give bo? vot]s & c&idates m opportunities to make m ?"\;l1 9=m$ deci.ns ab h[ to get to ! future !y want = ,,acb4 ,no "o 9 ! ,future ,place plann+ gr\p curr5tly holds elect$ (fice 9 ,,acb's na;nal /ructure2 & n"o ( u >e seek+ elec;n ? ye>4 ,b _m ( u hold "o or two appo9t$ posi;ns 9 ,,acb1 & ea* ( u is active 9 at l1/ "o a6iliate4 ,h[ ,w ,,acb ,future ,place ,2 ,fund$1 & ,h[ ,m* ,w ,x ,co/8 ,! curr5t co/ e/imate is 2t @s#i1jjj & @s#aj1jjj1 mo/ly = hotel space4 ,n"o ( ? #da m"oy w come f ! ,,acb budget4 ,9/1d1 x w come f ^? :o *oose to support or sponsor ! ef=t4 ,! plann+ gr\p has decid$ t any excess ( funds rais$ ov] actual exp5ses w 2 donat$ to ! ,floyd ,qualls ,memorial ,s*ol>%ip 5d[;t fund4 ,= 9=ma;n on h[ y c support ,,acb ,future ,place f9ancially1 look = upcom+ ann\nce;ts or 3tact any plann+ gr\p memb]4 ,h[ ,w ,,acb ,future ,place ,2 ,/a6$8 ,by volunte]s2 & yes1 we >e recruit+4 ,if ! idea takes (f1 ,,acb ,future ,place may 2 op5 l;g h\rs & ne$ a gd d1l ( volunte] /aff support4 ,we >e1 = example1 look+ = res\rce p & 4cus.n facilitators :o agree to foll[ ,future ,place gr.d rules :ile 3duct+ ,future ,place activities4 #db ,we >e excit$ ab ! pot5tial ( ,,acb ,future ,place to produce gd results = ,,acb & xs 3/itu5ts4 ,we hope ! ef=t ? ye> w 2g9 a tradi;n ( us+ "s ( t preci\s 3v5;n "t = plann+ ,,acb's future & prep>+ to g "!4 ,we welcome yr su7es;ns4 ,z ! project takes %ape1 look = m ,future ,place ann\nce;ts & %>e !m ) yr frs4 ,! ,,acb ,future ,place ,plann+ ,gr\p 3si/s ( ,m>cia ,dress]1 ,/eve ,dress]1 ,rebe3a ,hodson1 ,gayle ,krause1 ,donna ,smi? & ,/eve ,spei*]4 #dc ,n[ ,is ! ,"t = ,all to ,3sid] ,2com+ ,life ,memb]s by ,*>les ,s4,p4 ,hodge ,,acb is c]ta9ly go+ "? "s turbul5t & *all5g+ "ts4 ,yet despite widely circulat$ rumors )9 ! bl commun;y t ,,acb is 9 mortal crisis & is com+ a"p at ! s1ms1 \r (fic]s & "umann$ na;nal (fice /aff 3t9ue to func;n normally & to c>ry ! ball =w>d t[>d a3ompli%+ a myriad ( advocacy & public policy objectives to bett] ! lives & equal;y ( opportun;y = e bl or visually impair$ 9dividual4 ,\r h>d-"w+ act+ $itor1 ,%>on ,lov]+1 3t9ues )\t miss+ a b1t to put tgr & publi% ! qual;y product t y >e curr5tly r1d+ & ( : y c 3t9ue to 2 pr\d1 8,! ,brl ,=um40 #dd ,,acb is /ru7l+ to cope ) "s try+ & /ress-provok+ budget>y & f9ancial *all5ges1 z reflect$ 9 ! au/]e #bjjd budget adopt$ by ! bo>d ( directors at xs mid-ye> meet+1 report$ ^u m fully else": 9 ? issue4 ,"r n[1 especially :5 ,,acb is h>d-press$ f9ancially1 ^? ( y :o 2lieve 9 xs "uly+ core pr9ciples & values & h d$icat$ yrvs to support \r bl 3sum] memb]%ip advocacy organiza;n >e1 9 an ironic way1 2+ pres5t$ ) a truly unique opportun;y to /ep =w>d & demon/rate yr support by 2com+ a life memb]4 ,at ! same "t1 local *apt]s & /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates al h a unique & "picul>ly "tly opportun;y to assi/ ,,acb 9 cop+ ) xs budget>y %ortfall by pur*as+ life memb]%ips to honor _! [n des]v+ liv+ #de memb]s :o h made important & m]itori\s 3tribu;ns to ^? respective organiza;ns z well z to ,,acb4 ,life memb]%ip dues >e n *1p1 @s#a1jjj1 b y c pay x 9 up to five annual 9/all;ts ( @s#bjj1 : comes to #ee c5ts p] "d ov] ! c\rse ( an 5tire ye>4 ,,acb ne$s ! f9ancial support ( xs a6iliates1 local *apt]s1 & devot$ & d$icat$ 9dividual memb]s & frs dur+ ^! di6icult & *all5g+ "ts4 ,a6iliates1 local *apt]s &_/or 9t]e/$ 9dividuals :o wi% to le>n m ab ,,acb's life memb]%ip program %d 3tact ,jim ,ols5 at "<#hjj"> #hff-#cbdb4 ,z a life memb] myf1 ,i am look+ =w>d to welcom+ a l>ge1 new delega;n ( life memb]s at \r #dcrd annual na;nal 3v5;n 9 ,birm+ham1 ,ala4 ,i h e expecta;n t ! #bjjd #df class ( life memb]s w pu% ! honor roll ( s* memb]s pa/ ! mile/"o ( #bjj memb]s 9 ? memb]%ip category4 ,y ,- yes1 y6 ,- cd well 2come t m* s"\- af #bjjth life memb]4 ,! ,"t ,is ,draw+ ,clos]3 ,com+ to ,birm+ham ,? ,summ]8 by ,cyn?ia ,t[]s1 ,,acb ,3v5;n ,coord9ator ,? summ] ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl w hold xs #dcrd annual na;nal 3v5;n 9 ! grt1 hi/oric c;y ( ,birm+ham1 ,ala4 ,x is n j not$ = xs place 9 ! civil "rs move;t4 ,to 2 sure1 ,birm+ham is an 5t;y unto xf4 ,j take a look at "s ( ,birm+ham's notewor?y a3ompli%;ts6 ,! ,univ]s;y ( #dg ,alabama at ,birm+ham's ,univ]s;y ,hospital is ! _w's top kidney transplant c5t]4 ,addi;nally1 ,birm+ham took #ajth place am;g ! ,u4,s4 cities on ! annual li/ ( ,=tune #ejj companies4 ,birm+ham is al home to ! na;n's olde/ baseball p>k1 ,rickwood ,field1 : op5$ 9 #aiaj & ho/$ baseball grts s* z ,jackie ,rob9son1 ,babe ,ru? & ,ty ,cobb4 ,i c ?9k ( no bett] place to ga!r = \r annual ev5t4 ,once y >rive 9 ,birm+ham1 y c get to ! ,%]aton via xs compli;t>y %uttle1 : runs on a regul> basis4 ,y c al call ! hotel at "<#bje"> #cbd-#ejjj or call f ! c\rtesy ph"o locat$ 9 ! ba7age claim >ea4 ,! hotel is j #aj m9utes away f ! airport2 a cab ride w run ab @s#ab4 ,once y >rive #dh at ! hotel1 g "? ! doors2 ! front desk is /raik$ c>d = y to place on ! b$ on ! "d y want new l95s4 ,a li/+ ( ! televi.n l9e-up w appe> 9 ! 3v5;n program4 ,! ,cr[ne ,plaza ,r$mont is ! ov]fl[ hotel = ? 3v5;n4 ,room rates >e ! same z ! ,%]aton1 @s#ge p] nie available 2g9n+ ,july #a4 ,we h 3tract$ = rooms = ! nie pl5ty ( rooms / available at ! ,%]aton #di 2g9n+ ,july #d4 ,make res]va;ns at ! ,cr[ne = ! ni #cbd-#baja2 _! address1 #bajb ,fif? ,ave4 ;,n41 ,birm+ham1 ;,,al #cebjc4 ,= ^? >riv+ on ,satur"d1 ,july #c1 we w 2g9 \r qk m1l s]vice = d9n] />t+ at #e p4m4 ,y w 2 able to h "o ( two ma9 di%es1 plus two side di%es & a b"eage = >.d @s#g ,- salad & dess]t co/ extra4 ,? w 2 9 ,hall ,"o ( ! 3v5;n c5t] & w 2 9 ! hotel descrip;n4 ,pl1se rememb] t ! ,,acb ,caf^/e " is a ca%-only op]a;n4 ,! hotel al has two re/aurants1 ,casey's ,b> #ej & ,grill & ! ,atrium ,caf^/e1 t w bo? 2 op5 z well4 ,regi/ra;n w 2 locat$ on ! f/ floor ( ! 3v5;n c5t]1 ": "s l>g] meet+ rooms >e locat$4 ,escalators & elevators >e 9 ! same vic9;y & w easily get y "!4 ,! g5]al ses.ns1 exhibits & ! ,,acb ,caf^/e >e all )9 /eps ( "o ano!r on ! second floor1 : is ! floor y 5t] z y come ov] ! sky bridge4 ,meet+ rooms ;,d "? ;,m >e on ! ?ird floor4 ,g5]al ses.ns w ag 2 set classroom /yle1 ) tables1 = all ! delegates4 ,! ,alabama ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl is plann+ a gr& 8,welcome to ,alabama0 "py on ,satur"d ev5+4 ,david & ,rhonda ,trott & crew h "w$ tire.sly to 5sure t yr /ay 9 ,birm+ham is ! be/ "e4 ,^? :o att5d$ ! midye> meet+s 7 tr1t$ to a preview ( :at is to come4 ,! #ea ,alabama ,c\ncil r1lly welcom$ ,,acb 9 ,febru>y & w d x ag t5fold ? summ]4 ,b]l ,colley has d"o an excell5t job 9 putt+ tgr a t\r package ) "s?+ 9 x = "ey"o4 ,*eck \ ! (f]+s on ! pre- regi/ra;n =m & sign up 2f ! *oices get tak54 ,m>g>9e is "w+ ) ! airport to 5able volunte]s to come to ! gate to assi/ folks ,- if any"o c make ? happ51 ,m>g>9e c66 ,! ,,acb ,/ore w h a table 9 ! exhibit hall al;g ) ! va/ >ray ( v5dors f all ov] ! c.try4 ,mike ,smi!rman has d"o an extraord9>y job = all ( u 9 gett+ ! hall set4 ,i p]sonally sp5d a bundle 9 t >ea ea* "t & ? ye> w 2 no excep;n4 ,pam ,%aw w take a br1k f h] busy s*$ule to /aff ! 3v5;n 9=ma;n s]vices desk1 & ,m>gie ,donovan has be5 9 ! #eb =efront ( guide dog issues1 f relief >ea to 5sur+ t y >e absolutely safe at any "t y take yr dog \ to ! designat$ >1s4 ,patti ,cox w 2 tak+ "s trips to museums & amuse;t p>ks ) ! *n %e w 2 sup]vis+ 9 ! ,y\? ,activities ,c5t]4 ,yes1 ! w1!r w 2 v hot1 b y w 2 9 an air-3di;n$ hotel & complex4 ,:5 y g \ 9 ! ev5+ ! temp]ature w mo/ likely h dropp$ to ! #hjs666 ,? ye>'s 3v5;n !me is 8,tgr ,"ey"o ,a*ieves ,m "<,,t1m">40 ,x w 2 \r goal ? summ] to 2g9 ! process ( h1l+1 "w+ t[>d a positive & productive future & gett+ back to mak+ ? c.try a bett] place = bl & visually impair$ p4 ,pl1se jo9 u 9 ,birm+ham to 2 a "p ( ,,t1m ,,acb & 2 a 3tribut+ memb] to ! be/ organiza;n ( ! bl 9 ? c.try1 & possibly ! _w4 #ec ,he> ,ye1 ,he> ,ye6 ,! ,press ,room ,is ,n[ ,seek+ ,volunte]s ,>e y com+ to 3v5;n8 ,d y l help+ \ ": ne$$8 ,! press room is n[ seek+ volunte]s to help collate & /aple pap]s1 take ads & ann\nce;ts1 & /aff ! room4 ,%>on ,lov]+ is once ag ! op]a;ns manag]1 aid$ by ,/eve & ,m>cia ,dress] & o!rs4 ,%e is seek+ volunte]s to fill two-h\r %ifts "?\t ! "d "<#h- #aj a4m41 #aj a4m4- noon1 noon-#b p4m41 & #b-#d p4m4">4 ,! press room w 2 op5 ,fri"d "? ,w$nes"d1 & 2 tak5 d[n ,?urs"d2 x w op5 daily at #h a4m4 & close to ! public at #e p4m4 ,to sign up = a %ift1 3tact ,%>on at ! ,,acb na;nal (fice1 "<#hjj"> #dbd-#hfff ext5.n #bb1 or via ;e- #ed mail1 slov]+@aacb4org4 ,we especially ne$ p ) gd brl skills to take ads = ! pap] & ! ,3v5;n,e>4 ,? ye>'s 3v5;n newspap] w 2 call$ 8,! ,birm+ham ,b1con40 ,! ,b1con w run f ,satur"d "? ,?urs"d4 ,ads & o!r items 9t5d$ = publica;n m/ 2 9 ! press room's h&s by #b p4m4 ea* "d4 ,by a directive f ! bo>d ( publica;ns1 ads w 2 all[$ to run = only ?ree "ds1 9 ord] to give important 3v5;n ann\nce;ts m space4 ,ads %d 2 #ajj ^ws or less4 "<,see 8,3v5;n ,newspap] ,fees = #bjjd0 else": 9 ? issue4"> ,! bo>d ( publica;ns $itorial policy manual prohibits u f produc+ or 4tribut+ campaign mat]ials4 ,dur+ ! ev5+s1 we w ne$ p to help collate & /aple ! brl pap]s4 ,?anks to ,5abl+ #ee ,te*nologies1 we w h ?ree brl pr9t]s ? ye>1 & we w ne$ "o p]son p] pr9t]4 ,got an h\r to sp>e 2t #e & #aa p4m48 ,drop by & see if ! press room ne$s help4 ,if y h sign$ up = home deliv]y ( 8,! ,birm+ham ,b1con10 ,,pl1se make sure y drop by ! press room to give u yr hotel & room numb] once y >rive4 ,2 c]ta9 to specify brl or l>ge pr9t4 ,? w 5sure t y don't miss an issue4 ,& pl1se hold onto yr ,satur"d issue2 x w 9clude all ! suite numb]s1 ph"o numb]s1 & room *anges4 ,! ,3v5;n,e> w 2 updat$ twice daily4 ,d1dl9es >e #aj3#cj a4m4 " & #e p4m4 ,if we d n rcv yr ann\nce;t until af #e p4m41 ! item w n appe> 9 ! ,e> until ! next morn+4 #ef ,pl1se rememb] t ! press room is a "w+ room4 ,:ile we "u/& t 3v5;n is a grt "t to see old frs & new1 l\d 3v]sa;ns make x di6icult to record ! ,3v5;n,e> ann\nce;ts & ev5 m di6icult to he> ! spee* syn!siz]s on ! comput]s : 5able u to get ! newspap] \ to y1 ! r1d]s4 ,help u help y get ! 9=ma;n y ne$4 ,photocopy+ w ag 2 all[$ ? ye>4 ,copies w co/ #aj c5ts p] page4 ,pl1se pay ! regi/ra;n (fice4 ,& if yr committee or a6iliate ne$s "s?+ brld1 we w 2 able to d t z well4 ,make c]ta9 y label yr disk" 2f br++ !m d[n to ! press room1 & tell u h[ _m ( ea* =mat "ge pr9t"> y w ne$1 by :at "t4 ,if y br+ yr item" d[n 9 ! morn+1 t w help u fit !m 9 dur+ ! quiet "ts 2t o!r jobs4 ,a6iliates1 if y "k :o #eg yr delegate1 alt]nate1 & nom9at+ committee repres5tative w be1 pl1se let ,donna ,selig] & ,%>on ,lov]+ "k z soon z possible4 ,?anks to all :o h alr s5t ? 9=ma;n4 ,3v5;n ,newspap] ,fees = #bjjd ,once ag ? ye>1 a ?ree-ti] fee /ructure w 2 9 e6ect = 3v5;n newspap] ads4 ,organiza;ns & 9dividuals wi%+ to place ads 9 8,! ,birm+ham ,b1con10 ? ye>'s 3v5;n daily newspap]1 & on \r dial-9 8,3v5;n ,e>0 s]vice w 3tribute to ! co/ ( produc;n via ! foll[+ fee /ructure4 ,all ads m/ 2 #ajj ^ws or less4 ,=-pr(it busi;ses w 2 *>g$ @s#ajj = a newspap] ad = ?ree "ds or @s#ce p] "d4 ,non-pr(it organiza;ns #eh & ,,acb a6iliates w 2 *>g$ @s#aj p] "d = a newspap] ad : w run = ?ree "ds4 ,9dividuals w 2 *>g$ @s#e p] "d = a newspap] ad : w run = ?ree "ds4 ,^! fees w 5title ! adv]tis] to ann\nce his_/h] product 9 bo? ! daily pap] " & on ! dial-9 ann\nce;t s]vice4 ,! #bjjd 3v5;n w f1ture newspap]s 2t ,satur"d & ,?urs"d4 ,don't =get1 y c sign up = daily 8home deliv]y0 ( ! ,b1con4 ,? s]vice w 2 provid$ by memb]s ( ! ,na;nal ,alli.e ( ,bl ,/ud5ts2 x co/s @s#e if y pre-regi/]1 or @s#aj if y subscribe :5 y get to ,birm+ham4 #ei ,expecta;ns by ,pe7y ,%oel "<,repr9t$ ) p]mis.n f ! 8,,wcb ,newsl9e10 ,m>* #bjjd4"> ,expecta;ns6 ,:y hasn't %e le>n$ brl8 ,i did4 ,:y c't %e travel 9dep5d5tly8 ,i c4 ,:y c't he manage m on 8 [n8 ,i d4 ,:y doesn't he ma9ta9 a m positive attitude t[>d 8 vi.n loss z ,i d8 ,f "t to "t1 ,i he> ^! k9ds ( com;ts & wond] if we "s"ts lose siy+ support sy/ems4 ,"! %d n 2 a "o-size-fits-all expecta;n z f> z a3ompli%;ts & use ( bl;s skills is 3c]n$4 ,s9ce "! is no a3urate rul] ) : to m1sure1 we c help by (f]+ res\rce 9=ma;n1 support & 5c\rage;t4 ,abv all1 we c (f] respect4 ,a ,3v5;n ,sn1k ,preview ,mc,daniel ,committee ,call+ on ,y to ,help ,br+ ,two to ,3v5;n by ,c>l ,mc,coy ,! ,mc,daniel ,fund ,committee is ag rais+ funds to sponsor two f/-"trs to att5d ! na;nal 3v5;n4 ,tickets >e available "? yr a6iliate presid5t1 committee memb]s or bo>d memb]s4 ,^? tickets co/ @s#a ea*1 or y c get six = @s#e4 ,y cd w9 a ca% #fa prize or "o ( _m o!r prizes 3tribut$ by committee memb]s1 9clud+ a b1uti;l afe c.t+ on yr g5]\s support ( ? wor?y project ag ? ye>1 s get yr tickets e>ly & (t54 ,_m ?anks to ! ,cali=nia ,c\ncil = fund+ ! co/ ( pr9t+ ! tickets4 ,mac ,hatt]'s ,"py ,d y we> hats8 ,d y 5joy decorat+ !m8 ,!n come to ! ,mac ,hatt]'s ,"py at 3v5;n1 ": y c jo9 ! p>ade ( unique1 ridicul\s1 pretty1 \trage\s1 frilly & \tl&i% hats4 ,coats >e op;nal4 ,! hat p>ade w 2 audio describ$1 & prizes w 2 aw>d$4 ,s jo9 u = ! ,mac ,hatt]'s ,"py1 ": y'll get a *.e to meet ! f/ "trs1 & f9d \ #fb :o's won a prize 9 ! draw+4 ,we've plann$ a gd "t = ! s]i\s & ! silly6 ,,nelds ,folk ,fe/3 ,y ,write ! ,s;gs ,! ,na;nal ,$uca;nal & ,legal ,def5se ,s]vices = ! ,bl "<,,nelds"> 9vites y to write a s;g & come %>e x ) u 9 ,birm+ham4 ,,nelds has l;g sponsor$ a ,folk ,fe/ at ! 2g9n+ ( ea* ye>'s annual 3v5;n4 ,x />t$ \ z j "s musicians & s+]s1 & "s ( u :o c't s+1 b we c hum1 gett+ tgr = an old-fa%ion$ s+- al;g4 ,ov] "t1 x has evolv$ 9to "o ( ,,nelds,0 l>ge/ fund rais]s4 ,? ye>1 we want to make x bi7] s we c h m fun4 ,&1 if we make x l>g]1 x 2comes m ( a fund-rais]4 ,all ( \r old frs w 2 on h&4 ,alan ,b1tty w 2 "! to d #fc 8 ,mississippi squirrel s;g2 ,pat ,%reck w provide ! keybo>d support1 & ,pat & ,lynne ,koral w provide ! h>mony4 ,david ,trott is 9vit+ memb]s ( ! ,alabama a6iliate to %>e _! tal5t4 ,& we h 9vit$ s"eal gue/ >ti/s to s]ve z surprise p]=m]s4 ,n[1 back to ! s;g writ+4 ,we >e *all5g+ e memb] ( ! ,,acb :o fancies hm- or h]f z a s;g writ]1 to write a s;g : ne$s to 9corporate two ess5tial ele;ts4 ,f/1 x 9 "s way m/ resemble a s;g4 ,&1 mo/ importantly1 x m/ 2 ab ! ,,acb or ab ! legal "rs ( bl p4 ,s;gs w 2 judg$ on orig9al;y4 ,a judg+ panel 3si/+ ( ,*>les ,hodge & o!rs w decide :o w9s4 ,! panel's deci.n is f9al & b9d+4 ,! f/ prize is a fif? ( ,s\!rn ,com=t4 ,n[1 "s h reque/$ t ,alabama #fd /ate presid5t ,david ,trott try to f9d a bottle ( ,:ite ,liante$1 we hope ! w9n] c 2 mollifi$ ) ! ,s\!rn ,com=t4 ,! ,folk ,fe/ is s*$ul$ = #g p4m4 on ,satur"d1 ,july #c1 ne> ! ,welcome to ,alabama ,"py4 ,,nelds ,draw+ ,dur+ ! 3v5;n1 y w h a *.e to obta9 ra6le tickets = \r #bjje draw+4 ,f/ prize is two r.d- trip tickets to ,las ,vegas2 second prize is five nie al 9troduc+ a new ra6le prize dur+ ! #bjjd 3v5;n4 ,we w 2 sell+ books ( tickets " = ca% prizes to 2 drawn at ! banquet4 #fe ,see any ,,nelds memb] to buy tickets4 ,op5 ,9vita;n to ,all ,,acb ,memb]s f ,,aavl ,/>t yr 3v5;n week ) a /ress-reliev+1 blood-pressure r$uc+1 knee-slapp+ gd "t4 ,take 9 ! ,,aavl ,af-,lun* ,5t]ta9;t seg;t4 ,bill & ,jack ,lewis t1m up ag ) new mat]ial & an audi;e-pl1s+ /rategy l y h n"e se5 2f "4 ,"! >e two ways to att5d3 #a4 ,pur*ase an ,,aavl lun*eon ticket f ! regi/ra;n (fice4 ,! lun*eon w take place on ,mon"d1 ,july #eth f #ab3#ae to #a p4m4 ,5joy lun* ) old & new frs & 2 "! at yr front-r[ table = ! %[ at precisely "o o'clock4 #b4 ,f9d lun* on yr [n1 !n sn1k quietly 9to ! room #ff at #ab3#ej p4m4 on ,mon"d1 ,july #eth1 f9d a *air & att5d ! %[ t 2g9s precisely at "o o'clock & 5ds at "o-?irty4 ,"! is no admis.n *>ge1 b 3tribu;ns >e welcome1 ) or )\t >m-twi/+4 ,foll[+ ! lun*eon & 5t]ta9;t w 2 ! ,,aavl elec;ns & busi;s meet+1 to : y >e al 9vit$1 & : mid+ age & vi.n loss4 8,/op ! ,viol;e0 ,"w%op by ,,acbhsp & ,wom5's ,3c]ns ,committee 8,/op ! ,viol;e1 ,br1k ! ,sil;e0 is an important na;nal 9itiative to raise aw>e;s ab ! 9cid;e ( viol;e ag/ p ) 4abilities1 9clud+ bl;s & l[ vi.n1 a6ect+ "y & old1 male & female alike4 ,,acb & two o!r 4abil;y organiza;ns "pn]$ ) ,safe,place ( ,au/91 #fg ,tex41 on ? two-ye> project fund$ by ! ,u4,s4 ,de"p;t ( ,ju/ice ,(fice = ,ju/ice ,program4 ,m ?an a doz5 ,,acb memb]s f acr ! c.try h complet$ ! ,tra9-!-,tra9]s ,9/itute on prev5t+ & respond+ to dome/ic viol;e1 sexual assault1 neglect1 & exploita;n ag/ 9dividuals ) 4abilities4 ,z an important "p ( ? project1 ,,acb ,human ,s]vice ,pr(es.nals "<,,acbhsp"> & ! wom5's 3c]ns committee 9vite all ,,acb 3v5;n att5dees to "picipate 9 a 8,/op ! ,viol;e1 ,br1k ! ,sil;e0 "w%op on ,?urs"d1 ,july #h f #b to #d3#cj p4m4 ,br++ x to ,birm+ham3 ,frs-9-,>t ,pres5ts 444 by ,pet] ,alts*ul ,z y prep>e = ! boi/]\s;s ( ! upcom+ ,,acb 3v5;n 9 #fh ,birm+ham1 don't =get ab ! excit+ activities t ,frs-9-,>t "<,,fia"> w 2 (f]+4 ,2l is a summ>y ( mix]s1 "w%ops1 & p]=m.es4 ,satur"d1 ,july #c #a3#cj to #c3#cj p4m43 ,once ag1 ,elsie ,mon!i w 2 runn+ two h&s-on "w%ops focus+ on ! wondr\s quirks ( quilt+4 ,:ile bo? ses.ns >e 5titl$ 8,y ,too ,c ,2 ,an ,old ,sew-&-,sew10 ! f/ ses.n is aim$ at 2g9n]s4 ,"picipants " w le>n basic ne$le ?r1d+1 m1sur+1 cutt+1 sew+1 & quilt ty+4 ,mat]ials w 2 provid$4 #g to #i p4m43 ,,fia ,bo>d ,meet+4 ,all welcome6 ,sun"d1 ,july #d #a3#cj to #c3#cj p4m43 ,? quilt+ "w%op is aim$ at ! m adv.ed quilt-mak] #fi "1 & w focus on assembl+1 /it*+1 & us+ a /5cil to quilt yr block4 #d to #f p4m43 ,mix]_/,%[case ,sign-up4 ,come meet old frs & make new "os :ile regi/]+ = a %[case audi;n slot4 "<,note t y m/ sign up = a slot if y wi% to p]=m 9 ! ,,fia %[case4"> #f to #g p4m43 ,*orus rehe>sal4 ,? ye>1 ,c>rie ,hoop] has >rang$ a m$ley ( ,judy ,g>l& tunes = \r 5joy;t1 & ,kri/a ,brooks is curr5tly putt+ tgr an >range;t ( 8,til ,"! ,0 ,y40 ,mon"d1 ,july #e #a3#cj to #c p4m43 ,,midi ,"w%op4 ,? ye>1 ,j]ry ,halatyn w focus on ,pro,tools1 3sid]$ to 2 ! be/ record+ s(tw>e 9 ! 9du/ry4 ,he w 2 us+ ,\tspok5 = ! ,mac & ! ,,cm ,labs #gj ,motor ,mate 3trol s]vice4 #c3#cj to #f p4m43 ,audi;n_/,rehe>sal = ,%[case4 #i to #aj3#cj p4m43 ,prose_/,poetry ,r1d+4 ,writ]s >e 9vit$ to r1d _! orig9al "ws & non-writ]s >e 9vit$ to li/5 to1 & 9t]act )1 ^! writ]s4 #aj to #aa p4m43 ,f9al *orus rehe>sal4 ,tues"d1 ,july #f #ab3#cj to #b3#cj p4m43 8,?9k ,9side ! ,box0 ,lun*eon & ,busi;s ,meet+4 ,af %>+ deli s&wi*es ) o!rs 9t]e/$ 9 ! >ts1 att5d \r annual busi;s meet+1 9clud+ elec;n ( (fic]s & bo>d memb]s4 #c to #e p4m43 ,writ]s ,"w%op3 ,tricks ( ! ,trade4 ,ga9 te*niques to improve ! qual;y ( yr writ+ & gett+ x publi%$4 ,we >e especially pl1s$ t ,deborah ,k5t1 #ga publi%$ au?or & si/] ( ,gordon ,k5t1 w l1d ? ses.n4 #h to #aj3#cj p4m43 ,%[case ( ! ,p]=m+ ,>ts4 ,w$nes"d1 ,july #g #a3#cj to #c p4m43 ,"h's to ,yr ,vocal ,h1l?4 ,c>rie ,hoop] w talk ab h] exp]i;es z a voice /ud5t 9 ,sw$51 & im"p te*niques design$ to improve yr abil;y to br1!1 project yr voice1 & >ticulate m cle>ly4 #c to #e p4m43 ,mak+ a ,sc5e4 ,"s ( y may rememb] ,george ,a%iotis,0 "w%op a c\ple ( ye>s ago ": he provid$ fe$back to "picipants1 : aim$ at improv+ _! public sp1k+ skills bas$ on _! r1d+s ( monologues t he provid$4 ,? ye>1 ,george is (f]+ a simil> ses.n1 except t he w 2 provid+ dialogues 9/1d ( monologues1 m1n+ t "picipants w 2 #gb pair$ to 5act ea* 8sc5e40 #e3#cj to #f3#cj p4m43 ,r.d & ,h>mony ,s+4 ,come & s+ ^? b1uti;l r.ds & h>mony s;gs we all "k & love & le>n "s new "os4 #h to #i3#cj p4m43 ,drum ,circle4 ,ladonna ,smi? & ,lynn ,h$l w ov]see ? unique musical activ;y1 : w f1ture rhy?mic multicultural *ants & musical improvisa;ns4 ,?urs"d1 ,july #h #g3#cj to #h3#cj a4m43 ,,fia ,bo>d ,meet+4 ,all welcome6 ,mon"d ,w ,2 8,,ivie ,"d0 at ,3v5;n #bjjd by ,c>la ,hayes ,d ra9y "ds & ,mon"ds alw get y d[n8 ,well1 ev5 if ra9drops keep fall+ on yr h1d on ,mon"d1 ,july #e1 #bjjd1 9 ,birm+ham1 ! ,9dep5d5t #gc ,visually ,impair$ ,5t]pris]s has a fun & 9=mative "d plann$ = y : is sure to lift yr _ss4 ,we />t b"r & e>ly ) \r br1kfa/ & busi;s meet+1 : w take place f #g to #h3#cj a4m4 ,af 5joy+ a delici\s br1kfa/ ( sausage & e7s & "s "t = fell[%ip ) old frs & new1 y w h ! opportun;y to le>n m ab ,,ivie & help make deci.ns ab \r grt a6iliate4 ,on ,mon"d afn at #a3#cj1 we w 2 hav+ an 9t]e/+ program ) an 9trigu+ title3 8,di6]5t ,/rokes = ,di6]5t ,folks3 ,sundry ,/ories & ,/yles ,( ,busi;s40 ,paneli/s w tell ! /ories ( _! busi;ses & we w explore ! 9s & \ts ( v>i\s busi;s types1 s* z pr(it vs4 non-pr(it busi;ses1 product sales vs4 s]vice provid]1 corpora;ns1 "pn]%ips & sole proprietor%ips4 ,to #gd a3ompli% ?1 we h assembl$ a dynamite panel ( well-"kn p1 9clud+ ,m>v9 ,s&l]1 ,presid5t ( ,9dep5d5t ,liv+ ,aids2 ,c>ol ,mc,c>l1 f.d] ( ,blskills1 ,9c4 & publi%] ( ,dialogue ,magaz9e2 & ,/eve ,spei*]1 a lawy] 9 solo practice4 ,f #d to #g p4m41 we w hold ! ,,ivie ,busi;s ,expo4 ,bl & visually impair$ busi;s [n]s w %[case _! products & s]vices & answ] "qs ab :at !y d4 ,y w 2 amaz$ to see ! v>iety ( busi;ses repres5t$6 ,( c\rse1 ! su3ess ( ! expo w dep5d 5tirely on y4 ,"! >e two ways to "picipate4 ,f/1 if y [n or repres5t a busi;s1 y c h a table at ! expo4 ,! co/ = a table is @s#aj = ,,ivie memb]s1 @s#ae = non-memb]s4 ,tables m/ 2 res]v$ 9 adv.e4 ,to res]ve a table1 submit yr "n1 address1 ph"o #ge numb]1 ;e-mail address1 busi;s "n & descrip;n1 al;g ) a *eck = @s#aj or @s#ae made payable to ,,ivie4 ,all expo 9=ma;n & *ecks %d 2 s5t to ,sila ,mill]1 #bbja ,lim]ick ,drive1 ,tallahassee1 ,,fl #cbcji4 ,pl1se res]ve yr table z soon z possible4 ,? w grtly help u ) \r plann+4 ,s9ce ,,ivie's cal5d> ye> 2g9s on ,july #ast1 ? wd al 2 a gd opportun;y to r5ew yr ,,ivie memb]%ip4 ,annual dues >e @s#ae & c 2 s5t to ,sila ,mill] at ! abv address4 ,:5 s5d+ a *eck1 pl1se specify :e!r x is = a table at ! expo or annual dues4 ,a second way to "picipate 9 ! ,,ivie ,busi;s ,expo is simply to come & br[se4 ,y w h a gd "t1 meet a lot ( grt p1 & le>n ab v>i\s products & s]vices4 ,by ! way1 br[s+ is free4 #gf ,ev5 ?\< we only h "o "d ( activities plann$ = ! 3v5;n1 x is a full & excit+ "o6 ,pl1se set "s "t aside on ,mon"d1 ,july #e to take "p 9 ,,ivie's activities6 ,y w 2 glad y did6 ,if y h any "qs ab ,,ivie's 3v5;n program1 ! busi;s expo or ,,ivie 9 g5]al1 pl1se call me at "<#gbd"> #ida-#hahd4 ,libr>y ,us]s ( ,am]ica ,plans ,excit+ ,3v5;n6 ,,lua w hold xs program meet+s at #a3#cj on ,july #e & ,july #g1 & "!'s a v excit+ program plann$4 ,we want all ( y to "k ab x4 ,"! is s m* 9=ma;n \ "! n[1 b mo/ ( u d n "k ": x is or h[ to get x4 ,,lua plans to help y f9d yr way >.d all ! new te*nologies t >e revolu;niz+ h[ we r1d4 ,paul ,$w>ds1 ,kim ,*>lson & ,b>ry ,lev9e w l1d y "? #gg an 9troduc;n to a :ole bun* ( ways t we c r1d4 ,we w talk ab :at ;e-books >e & :at we c expect f ,micros(t & ,adobe1 ! two l1d+ produc]s4 ,we w talk ab ,audible4com1 ,book%>e1 ,web-,brl1 & o!r places ": p c get books r1d by comput]s & by humans4 ,we w give y a *.e to he> samples ( all ^! te*nologies & expla9 ,,mp#c files1 text files1 ,daisy & ,,pdf files & h[ y c r1d ea* ( !m4 ,we w al plan to %[ "s ( ! devices t p >e us+ to r1d ^! =mats1 & we hope t a lot ( ! 3fu.n ab all ! new ways & places to r1d w 2 cle>$ up by \r pres5ta;n4 ,lori ,bell is "o ( ! mo/ excit+ libr>ians "e to hit talk+ book s]vices4 ,%e has grt id1s & goes \ & tries ?+s t >e "r on ! $ge ( bo? te*nology & :at libr>ies #gh >e do+4 ,%e w jo9 u & talk ab s"eal projects t %e has be5 "w+ on 9 ,ill9ois t relate 9 "s ways to \r pres5ta;n4 ,%e w al talk ab a :ole new approa* to ask+ ref];e "qs ( yr talk+ book libr>ians t all[s 9t]active approa*es4 ,we expect to h a talk+ book n>rator "! &1 z usual1 we w h \r w9e & *eese "py : w give y a *.e to meet frs & talk ab books1 r1d]s1 & libr>ies4 ,we ?9k ? w 2 an excit+ program & we 9vite all ( y to jo9 u1 buy dona;n tickets to w9 cool prizes1 & 2come memb]s ( ,libr>y ,us]s ( ,am]ica to help make public & talk+ book libr>ies bett] = p :o >e bl or visually impair$4 ,see y 9 ,birm+ham6 #gi ,,nabs ,sponsors ,self- ,def5se ,ses.ns ,9 td's _w1 x is important t we all ?9k ab secur;y & p]sonal safety4 ,? is especially true = bl & visually impair$ 9dividuals1 z mo/ crim9als 3sid] u easy t>gets4 ,_m bl & visually impair$ p /op v5tur+ \ on _! [n 2c ( _! p]sonal secur;y 3c]ns4 ,t "t is ov]4 ,cory ,mac,donald is a legally bl m>tial >ti/ :o has develop$ a compreh5sive self-def5se sy/em = ! bl4 ,f 8/reet-sm>t0 tips on /ay+ safe & avoid+ 3flict1 to reviews ( products available = yr safety1 to self-def5se te*niques design$ exclusively = ! bl & visually impair$1 ? program w give y ! tools & 3fid;e y ne$ to /ay safe 9 td's _w6 #hj ,come to a ,na;nal ,alli.e ( ,bl ,/ud5ts program ses.n on ,mon"d1 ,july #e4 ,! self- def5se ses.ns >e (f]$ at #a3#cj p4m4 & #c p4m41 & co/ @s#aj p] ses.n4 ,alabama ,panorama = ,,nabt by ,c>la ,hayes ,! ,na;nal ,associa;n ( ,bl ,t1*]s has a v excit+ program plann$ = 3v5;n #bjjd6 ,"h is \r s*$ule = 3v5;n week4 ,sun"d1 ,july #d1 #bjjd1 #h- #i3#cj a4m4 ,,nabt ,br1kfa/ & ,program4 ,! title ( \r program is 8,f ,sil ,foley1 retir$ ma!matics t1*]1 adaptive te*nology speciali/ & ,,aavl presid5t1 tells ! 9spir+ /ory ( h[ he gradually 2came visually impair$4 ,9 8 #ha pres5ta;n1 he w hid meet+ " #e3#cj-#g p4m4 ,,nabt box$ d9n] & social4 ,>e y 3/antly late = ! ,sun"d ni 2c ,,nabt w 2 "! to provide a qk box$ d9n] & ! opportun;y to socialize ) old frs & meet new "os 2f go+ to ,,acb's op5+ ses.n4 ,tues"d1 ,july #f1 #bjjd #a3#cj-#b3#cj p4m4 ,,nabt busi;s meet+4 ,come & %>e yr id1s = \r organiza;n4 #b3#cj-#d p4m4 8,$uca;n ,c ,2g9 ,at ,home3 ,a ,panel ,4cus.n ,on ,homes*ool+40 ,>e y 4satisfi$ ) ,am]ican public $uca;n & y c't af=d to #hb s5d yr *n to private s*ool8 ,p]h homes*ool+ is an op;n = y4 ,le>n all ab homes*ool+ f p :o "k ab x f/h&4 ,\r paneli/s w 9clude3 ,c>la ,hayes1 ,homes*ool ,=eign ,language ,t1*]1 ,l5gua-,le>n ,communica;ns2 ,c>la ,rus*ival1 :o homes*ools h] gr&*n2 & ,george ,a2ott1 ,d1n ( ,$uca;nal ,programs & ,9/ruc;n f ! ,_hley ,s*ool = ! ,bl4 ,w$nes"d1 ,july #g1 #bjjd #a3#cj-#c p4m43 8,:at ,y ,alw ,want$ to ,"k ,ab ,rehab ,b ,7 ,afraid to ,ask40 ,d y h "qs ab rehabilita;n s]vices1 or j :at x takes to 2 a rehab t1*] or c\nselor8 ,if s1 ? is a "w%op j = y4 ,"s ( \r paneli/s w 9clude3 ,anne ,elliott1 it9]ant t1*] = ! bl & visually impair$2 #hc ,donald ;,j4 ,koors1 retir$ 3sultant on bl;s & visual impair;t1 d1f-bl;s & fund+1 & coord9a;n ( po/-second>y $uca;n2 & ,/ephanie ,hall1 rehabilita;n t1*] f ,vi.n ,loss ,res\rces 9 ,m9n1polis1 ,m9n4 ,z y c see1 ,,nabt has plann$ s"eal fun & /imulat+ activities = ? ye>'s 3v5;n4 ,pl1se come & jo9 u4 ,we'll see y "!4 ,:at ,is ,all ! ,,yac ,ab8 by ,patti ,cox ,:5 ,i 0 a *1 my p>5ts took my bro!r & me to ,,acb 3v5;ns4 ,x 0 \r vaca;n4 ,2c my p>5ts cdn't drive1 we cdn't j jump 9 \r c> & g :5"e1 :]"e we want$ to g4 ,s x 0 (f to 3v5;ns1 & we h wond];l memories ( #hd places & ev5ts t mo/ kids n"e _h an opportun;y to exp]i;e4 ,n[1 z an adult1 ,i am s pl1s$ to 2 able to give o!r *n ! same *.e to h fun at 3v5;ns4 ,p]h "? my ef=ts o!r visually impair$ p>5ts w 2 able to br+ _! *n al;g to 3v5;ns & 5joy a family vaca;n4 ,s :at is all ! ,,yac ab8 ,x's all ab a week ( fun = all ! *n :o att5d ! 3v5;n ? ye> 9 ,birm+ham4 ,"! w 2 lots ( fun1 s br+ yr kids al;g = a ,,yac,'k9,0 gd "t6 ,! ,y\? ,activities ,c5t] "<,,yac"> is j ! ticket6 ,on ,mon"d kids *eck in1 pa9t ;,t-%irts to we> on ,tues"d1 & take a dip 9 ! pool4 ,tues"d we sp5d ! "d at an amuse;t p>k4 ,w$nes"d x's (f to an 9t]active sci;e c5t]1 & ,?urs"d & all "d ,fri"d we w h games1 videos1 crafts1 #he & m* m 9 ! ,,yac room4 ,:ile ! gr[n-ups 5joy ! ,,acb banquet & 5t]ta9;t1 ! ,,yac crew w 5joy a pizza "py & spla%9,0 gd "t at ! pool6 ,! ,,yac is available = *n 2t ! ages ( #f & #ac2 old] te5s1 f #ad to #ag1 >e al welcome1 & c act z c\nselors "6 ,look = ! ,,yac on ! pre- regi/ra;n =m4 ,sign+ up yr *n 9 adv.e helps u "k h[ to plan4 ,if y plan to regi/] ^u >rival 9 ,birm+ham1 pl1se 3tact me at ! ;e- mail & ph"o numb] 2l to let me "k t yr *n >e com+4 ,we've got a grt week ( fun plann$1 b we >e / 9 ne$ ( fund+4 ,if y or yr a6iliate c help support ^! activities1 pl1se 3tact me at cpcoxky@a" peoplepc4com or at "<#ejb"> #hig-#chfd4 ,?anks to ^? :o h support$ ! ,y\? #hf ,activities ,c5t]4 ,! ,brl ,=um3 ,:at ,x ,actually ,co/s ,! ,be/ ,value 9 ! ,bl;s ,commun;y by ,ralph ,s&]s & ,%>on ,lov]+ ,z r1d]s ( 8,! ,brl ,=um0 >e aw>e1 we h scal$ back produc;n ( ! magaz9e to ei ye> #bjjd4 ,! budget committee felt x _h to make cuts 9 ! produc;n budget = 8,! ,brl ,=um0 s t x cd func;n )9 ! ov]all budget 3/ra9ts ( ! organiza;n4 ,s t y may bett] "u/& :at all is 9volv$ 9 gett+ y ,- all #bd1hjf ( y ,- yr electronic1 disk1 tape1 brl1 or l>ge pr9t copy ( 8,! ,brl ,=um10 we want to provide y ) "s detail$ 9=ma;n ab ! 8,=um10 xs #hg co/s1 & h[ !y relate to ! ov]all budget ( ! ,,acb4 ,we 2lieve ? 9=ma;n is important to y 2c ! 8,=um0 rema9s ! mo/ valuable s\rce ( 9=ma;n ab issues ( import.e to ! lives ( bl & visually impair$ 9dividuals1 z well z to ! memb]s ( ,,acb4 ,we ?9k y w agree t yr 8,brl ,=um0 is1 by f>1 ! be/ value = ! m"oy available to any bl or visually impair$ p]son4 ,mo/ ,,acb memb]s seem to agree t 8,! ,brl ,=um0 is ! s+le mo/ important program or s]vice we provide4 ,t idea 9 no way takes away f ! value or import.e ( \r "w on advocacy1 \r "w ) ,3gress & f$]al ag5cies1 \r support to /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates1 or \r public $uca;n4 ,9 fact1 x is simply ! recogni;n t 8,! ,brl ,=um0 is ! "o ?+ t #hh 5ables u to pull all o!r activities tgr 9 a way t lets \r memb]s1 frs & public (ficials "k :o we >e & :at we >e do+ 9 all ! o!r categories4 ,x %d n 2 surpris+1 "!=e1 to r1lize t 8,! ,brl ,=um0 is ! s+le l>ge/ co/ c5t] = ! ,,acb budget4 ,! co/ ( ! magaz9e is made up ( _m "ps3 ! co/ ( produc+ ! magaz9e1 mo/ ( : is pd to \tside suppli]s = pr9t+1 braill+1 record+ & duplicat+2 9t]nal exp5ses1 9clud+ /aff sal>ies2 & support exp5ses1 (fice equip;t & space4 ,:5 tak5 tgr1 ^! co/s >e approximately #be p]c5t ( ! total ,,acb budget4 ,a trem5d\s am.t ( /aff "t goes 9to ! process ( "w+ ) memb]s on gett+ >ticles submitt$1 $it+ ^? >ticles & s*$ul+ !m = 9clu.n 9 a future issue ,- ! ess5tial "w ( #hi cr1t+ 8,! ,brl ,=um40 ,! actual "w ( prep>+ 8,! ,brl ,=um0 = produc;n & 4tribu;n & see+ t x happ5s 9 an ord]ly fa%ion requires an equally trem5d\s am.t ( /aff "t4 ,%>on ,lov]+ sp5ds a m9imum ( #aj "ds p] issue p]=m+ produc;n & 4tribu;n-relat$ tasks4 ,! f/ *all5ge is to design ! issue bas$ on 3t5t2 ! second1 to *oose photos1 if any4 ,x n only has to 2 design$ = ! pr9t $i;n1 b once t is d"o1 "s alt]a;ns >e nec 2f x c 2 s5t to ! produc;n h\se = braill+4 ,:ile ! tape1 pr9t & brl v].ns >e produc$ & 4tribut$ by \tside suppli]s1 ! disk v].n is produc$ & mail$ f ! na;nal (fice4 ,&1 z any"o a3u/om$ to "w+ ) a l>ge publica;n is aw>e1 "! is alw addi;nal "t requir$ to d la/-m9ute $it+ caus$ by produc;n "qs f #ij ! v>i\s \tside suppli]s4 ,"! >e a c\ple ( addi;nal "ds ( "w ea* issue 3tribut$ by o!r /aff memb]s4 ,ev5 hav+ r$uc$ ! publica;n to only ei1 ,,acb w sp5d 9 excess ( @s#aj p] subscrip;n1 9clud+ produc;n & 4tribu;n exp5ses z well z ! co/s = /aff sal>ies & support co/s4 ,obvi\sly ! co/s associat$ ) produc;n & 4tribu;n ( an electronic subscrip;n >e 3sid]ably less1 :ile ! co/ ( a brl subscrip;n is m* hi<]4 ,a brl subscrip;n1 = produc;n exp5se only1 co/s u r\$ ) r\ m ?an ! dues pd by any memb]4 ,& #ia x is ! be/ value y c f9d4 ,9 ord] to help 9cr1se ! numb] & size ( issues1 we ne$ yr support & 3tribu;ns4 ,if y _c af=d to give m ?an yr memb]%ip dues1 don't worry4 8,! ,brl ,=um10 l all o!r programs & s]vices ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 is yrs )\t any "q4 ,if y c1 we hope ? 9=ma;n w 5c\rage y to s5d 3tribu;ns to ,,acb = 8,! ,brl ,=um40 ,gifts f a6iliates h provid$ a valuable s\rce ( funds to 5sure ! 3t9u$ viabil;y ( ! publica;n4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 is \r voice = memb]s & ! bl;s commun;y at l>ge4 ,x is a vital voice : m/ rema9 /r;g4 ,won't y pl1se help u keep x t way8 #ib ,gue/ ,$itorial3 ,"o ,woman's ,op9ion by ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt ,af r1d+ ? >ticle1 _m ( y w wond] :y x is 9 8,! ,brl ,=um0 & n on "s li/ "s":4 ,al? ,i 0 a comput] sy/ems analy/ by pr(es.n1 :5 ,i retir$1 ,i 0 totally burn$ \ & want$ no comput] 9 my home4 ,i rcv ;e- mail by ph"o1 : has "w$ = me4 ,y :o >e \ "! on _m li/s >e \r te*ies ,- \r b"re/ bulbs1 s to sp1k4 ,i want$ ? >ticle to 2 pr9t$ 9 8,! ,brl ,=um0 to r1* \r grass roots memb]%ip1 n j ! micro*ip crew : 9habits ! ,9t]net4 ,) reg>d to ! curr5t 3di;n ( ,,acb1 y1h1 x's pretty ugly6 ,has x "e be5 ? ugly 2f8 ,yes1 x has2 &1 if y want m details1 seek me \ at ! 3v5;n & ,i w 2 happy to 4cuss x ) y4 #ic ,>e we go+ to make x8 ,i ?9k s1 2c ,,acb is f> m important ?an any p]son or gr\p ( p 9volv$ 9 x4 ,i w give y my op9ion on _m if n all ( ! topics : h be5 on ! li/s4 ,on ! subject ( loyalty1 bo>d memb]s support ! presid5t :5 & if !y 2lieve hm to 2 "r4 ,! bo>d ( directors is responsible to y1 to ea* & e "o ( y4 ,! bo>d has be5 ca/igat$1 b let u 2 cle> ab "o ?+4 ,! bo>d did :at x _h to d1 & !y did x = y4 ,x is yr "r to praise or criticize4 ,if y don't l :at we're do+1 get rid ( u4 ,x wd 9de$ 2 9t]e/+ to see h[ y wd h h&l$ \r *all5ges4 ,i 0 v 4appo9t$ to le>n ( ,dawn's resigna;n1 especially :5 %e only _h six m mon?s to s]ve4 ,& ,/eve ,spei*]1 :o ,i alw admir$ 2c he _h ! #id c\rage ( 8 3vic;ns2 x's a loss4 ,j ?9k ab x4 ,cd "s"o :o cdn't decide :e!r to seek an (fice until ,tues"d ( 3v5;n week af ! meet+ ( ! nom9at+ committee possibly make presid5tial deci.ns = \r organiza;n8 ,!n "! is ! =m] $itor ( 8,! ,brl ,=um10 :o n[ has e/abli%$ a magaz9e on ano!r web site4 ,"u h] guid.e1 num]\s correc;ns h appe>$ 9 ! front ( \r magaz9e4 ,h[ _m did we see 2f %e 5t]$ \r employ;t _w8 ,%e _h ll backgr.d 9 ,,acb4 ,= 9/.e1 ?ree or f\r ye>s ago1 ,i sp5t m* ( my "t at midye> pass+ \ lrs to /ate & special- 9t]e/ a6iliate presid5ts expla9+ t ,i 0 *air only ( ! ,mc,daniel committee1 n ( aw>ds1 2c t is :at _h appe>$ 9 8,! ,brl ,=um40 ,%e wrote a l5g?y >ticle ab ,&y #ie ,potok :o 0 slat$ to 2 a 3v5;n banquet sp1k]4 ,? g5tleman _h be5 at a previ\s 3v5;n & 0 "kn to _m ( u4 ,& !n "! 0 ! guide horse >ticle : 0 m* too l;g1 al? ev5tually y got to ! 9=ma;n4 ,kudos to ! bo>d ( publica;ns = do+ a ?or\< job4 ,"! >e ^? :o h tri$ to l9k :at is happ5+ td to \r hi/ory4 ,truly1 "! is only "o correla;n4 ,^? :o >e dem&+ all k9ds ( ?+s 9 ! "n ( democracy >e apply+ ! same divide-&-3qu] tactics us$ on u by ! t5,broek adm9i/ra;n4 ,talk ) ,ca?y ,skiv]s1 ,audrey ,hebn]1 or ,alb]ta ,o',%au<;sy ,- all ( :om w 2 at 3v5;n ,- & !y w tell y ! same ?+4 ,"! w 2 m* to ?9k ab at ! ,birm+ham 3v5;n ,- resolu;ns & 3/itu;nal am5d;ts4 ,?9k ab !m 2f y submit !m4 ,?9k ab !m 2f y vote on !m4 ,remove u1 #if if y m/1 "? ! 3/itu;nal democratic process4 ,r$irect yr ?"\s & 5]gies t[>d :at is be/ = ,,acb4 ,pl1se jo9 ) ^? ( u :o h decid$ to help ,,acb "? ! ,,mms program &1 ultimately1 ! organiza;n w 2 ,,ok4 ,i h fai? 9 ea* & e "o ( y4 ,lrs to ! ,$itor ,! 3t5ts ( ? column reflect ! lrs we _h rcvd by ! "t we w5t to press1 ,may #g1 #bjjd4 ,lrs >e limit$ to #cjj ^ws or less4 ,all submis.ns m/ 9clude ! au?or's "n & loca;n4 ,op9ions express$ >e ^? ( ! au?ors4 ,reg>d+ rec5t ev5ts ,fell[ ,memb]s3 ,x tr\bles me to see s m* 4cord am;g ! hi<]-ups 9 ? organiza;n4 ,i am unaw>e #ig ( ! cause1 b ,i am n 3c]n$4 ,i _h a family memb] :o "w$ = a nice small company 9 a sup]visory capac;y4 ,2c ( 4agree;t 2t ! family memb]s :o [n$ ! company1 )9 ab two ye>s ! company w5t "u4 ,ea* family memb] ?"\ o!rs mid ( a "picul> organiza;n1 :5 !y cdn't all agree on a "picul> c\rse ( ac;n1 !y wd all g & ?9k ab x "s m4 ,!n !y wd meet & ! deci.n : 0 made 0 ! "r "o4 ,? fr told me t e "t ov] s"eal ye>s :5 "! 0 n a unanim\s vote on an issue1 t 0 2c !y did n h ! "r answ] yet4 ,b :5 m ?"\ 0 giv5 & ! "r answ] appe>$1 ! vote 0 unanim\s4 ,ov] ! ye>s we h _h #ih di6icult deci.ns to make4 ,"s"ts maybe we don't all agree4 ,"s"ts1 h["e1 ,i'm n sure t ! "r deci.n has be5 ?"\ (4 ,"! is no?+ wr;g ) 4cuss+ a ?+ until ! "r answ] appe>s1 b pl1se keep h>mony z ! numb]-"o goal4 ,rememb]1 we all want ! same ?+ = ! bl4 ,- ,blair ;,r4 ,gleisb]g1 ,st4 ,l\is1 ,mo4 ,de> ,$itor3 ,i rec5tly rcvd my ,april- ,may 8,brl ,=um0 via ;e-mail1 & ,i notic$ immly t ! magaz9e is no l;g] a mon?ly4 ,i did n wond] :y2 ,i alr knew4 ,s9ce la/ summ]'s na;nal 3v5;n 9 ,pittsbur<1 ,*ri/oph] ,gray & ! organiza;n h g"o \ ( _! way to give ,p5ny ,re$] an extremely di6icult "t4 ,x all />t$ af ! #bjjb 3v5;n1 :5 ,*ris & s"eal o!rs pr9t$ #ii "s >ticles ass]t+ t ! bo>d ( publica;ns 0 usurp+ p[] uncon/itu;nally4 ,i cd sort ( see ?+s com+4 ,p5ny _h a site on ! ,9t]net1 brl-free-press4org4 "<,$itor's ,note3 ,? site has be5 tak5 d[n4"> ,i sp5t "s #ab h\rs on ! ,,acb-;,l li/ rec5tly1 & saw p tell+ ,p5ny t %e 0 %[+ 4respect = ,,acb hi/ory by us+ t "n4 ,i 0 able to %[ a pre-law /ud5t f ,bo/on t ! "n came 9to exi/;e 9 #aiei2 t 9 ! magaz9e ( t title1 4sid5ts wrote >ticles & spee*es1 etc41 demon/rat+ ! dictatorial nature ( ,jacobus t5,broek's presid5cy4 ,i n"e he>d back f ! /ud5t1 b ,i did he> f ,donna ,selig]1 :o su7e/$ t ,i r1d 8,p ( ,vi.n40 ,i told ,donna t 2c ,i am writ+ a book1 ,i don't h "t4 ,?r1t5+ s* a lawsuit #ajj is n a sm>t ?+ at all = ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl to d ) xs limit$ f9ancial res\rces4 ,h[ d y :o >e active 9 ! ,,acb l ! organiza;n's squ&]+ yr m"oy l ?8 ,( c\rse1 x may 2 t ,*ris ,gray & ! re/ ( 8 adm9i/ra;n make @s#ajj1jjj a ye>4 ,if t is ! case1 ,i su7e/ t ! re/ ( y 9 ! organiza;n j l1ve !m to fie figuratively rak+ my fr ,p5ny ,re$] ov] hot coals1 & ,i don't appreciate t4 ,z l;g z y d ?1 ,i h no 9t]e/ 9 ! ,am]ican organiz$ bl :atso"e4 ,i left ,,nfb = s"eal r1sons3 #ih p]c5t ( xs memb]s don't ?9k = !mvs2 xs memb]%ip has be5 9flat$ at #ej1jjj = #be or #cj ye>s1 :5 x is ne>] #bj1jjj2 ! ,,nfb =ce-fe$s xs philosophy2 ! ,,nfb has #aja /ol5 f ,,acb a6iliates2 ! ,,nfb attacks ! ,,acb "<& ! ,,acb does ! same to ! ,,nfb">2 & ! ,,nfb idolizes xs (fic]s4 ,nei organiza;n is will+ to "w ) ! o!r4 ,if !y wd d s1 ! ,am]ican organiz$ bl wd 2 ! mo/ p[];l =ce ! ,am]ican bl;s field has "e se54 ,my c1s+ activ;y 9 bo? w def1t ! purpose = ! bl's organiz+ 9 #aidj2 b s9ce ! ,,acb & ,,nfb fik1 ,kan4 ,humpty ,dumpty1 ,! ,wall1 & ,,acb ,de> ,$itor & ,,acb memb]s1 ,x 0 my privilege to repres5t ! ,mississippi ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl at ! mid-ye> meet+ 9 ,birm+ham4 ,i hope _m ( y w att5d ! na;nal #ajb 3v5;n 9 ,july4 ,pl1se try to /ay until ! close ( busi;s on ,july #ith & "picipate 9 ! busi;s ( \r organiza;n4 ,att5d+ ! mid-ye> meet+ 3firm$ to me t ? 3v5;n cd 2 "o ( ,,acb's mo/ important "e4 ,if we d n att5d & take "p ,- l ,humpty-,dumpty sitt+ on t wall ,- _m critical 9t]nal issues w 2 address$ only by ^? tak+ "p4 ,"r n[1 ,,acb is a h\se divid$1 & if x falls1 all ^? wall sitt]s fall too1 & we _c put ,humpty-,dumpty tgr ag z x 0 2f4 ,we _c let ,,acb fall4 ,we won't h to if ! ,,acb bo>d & all ( u rememb] t a h\se divid$ _c /&4 ,"ey"o m/ "u/& t x r1lly doesn't matt] :o is at fault2 ca/+ blame w n fix ! problem4 ,! bo>d m/ take /eps to rega9 ! 3fid;e ( ! memb]%ip & ! memb]%ip m/ "w ) xs #ajc elect$ bo>d to 3firm t we / h a /r;g1 unit$ organiza;n4 ,- ,becky ,floyd1 ,presid5t1 ,mississippi ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 ,madison1 ,miss4 ,"h & ,"! by ,s>ah ,blake ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column is n an 5dorse;t by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs /aff1 or elect$ (ficials4 ,products & s]vices >e li/$ free ( *>ge = ! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsible = ! reliabil;y ( products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,to submit items = ? column1 y may ;e-mail ,s>ah ,blake at sblake@aacb4org1 or call ,,acb at #a-#hjj-#dbd-#hfff & l1ve a message 9 mailbox #bf4 ,pl1se rememb] t po/al #ajd regula;ns prohibit u f 9clud+ adv]tise;ts1 & t we ne$ 9=ma;n two mon?s ah1d ( actual publica;n dates4 ,massage & ,reiki 9 ,birm+ham ,c>ol ,$w>ds1 lic5s$ massage !rapi/ & reiki ma/]1 w 2 provid+ massages & reiki ses.ns at ! ,,acb na;nal 3v5;n 9 ,birm+ham4 ,! co/ is @s#fj = a "o-h\r massage or reiki ses.n or @s#ae = a #ae-m9ute *air massage4 ,3tact ,c>ol prior to 3v5;n via ;e-mail at angel.-c>ol@ahotmail4com1 ask = h] room1 or wat* ! 3v5;n newspap] = fur!r details4 ,look+ = a ,job8 ,a ,new ,c>e]8 ,>e y curr5tly look+ = a job or ?9k+ ab a c>e] *ange8 ,if s1 2 sure to /op by ! #aje ,na;nal ,9du/ries = ! ,bl "<,,nib"> boo? at ! ,,acb 3v5;n & le>n ab a broad range ( employ;t opportunities available = p :o >e bl acr ! c.try4 ,if y >e unable to att5d ! 3f];e1 b wd / l m 9=ma;n1 pl1se feel free to ;e- mail or call ,ka?y ,galla<] at hr@anib4org or "<#gjc"> #egh- #hcdc4 ,3f];e on ,sports ,4abl$ ,sports ,,usa is pl1s$ to ann\nce ,! ,million ,doll> ,r.d ,table ,f.da;n ,summ],fe/4 ,? ev5t takes place 9 ,l;g ,b1*1 ,calif41 ,june #bf "? ,july #b4 ,summ],fe/ provides ! opportun;y = any"o ) a physical 4abil;y to le>n h[ to "picipate 9 a v>iety ( summ] sports4 ,pr(es.nal 9/ruc;n is available = all abil;y #ajf levels 9 sail+1 wat]ski+1 cycl+1 \tri7] canoe+1 scuba1 rock climb+1 runn+ & :eel+ & m6 ,we w al 2 tra9+ 9/ructors & recr1;n pr(es.nals h[ to t1* ^! adaptive sports4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 visit http3_/_/www4" dsusa4org or 3tact ,julia ,ray at "<#cja"> #bag-#ihdj or via ;e-mail at ev5ts@adsusa4org4 ,3gratula;ns6 ,jessica ,lor5z ( ,cali=nia w compete z a memb] ( ! ,u4,s4 wom5's goalball t1m at ! ,p>alympic ,games 9 ,a!ns4 ,3f];e on ,employ;t = ,lat9os ) ,visual ,impair;ts ,! ,bridges to ,employ;t 3f];e_/tra9+ is an annual ev5t organiz$ by ,proyecto ,vi.n - a ,na;nal ,te*nical ,assi/.e ,c5t] e/abli%$ to 3nect #ajg 4abl$ ,lat9os to employ;t opportunities4 ,? ye> ! 3f];e w take place ,july #ad-#af 9 ,*icago4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 visit http3_/_/www4proyectovi.n4net4 ,= program 9=ma;n1 call ,ka?y ,m>t9ez at "<#eaj"> #bea- #dcbf1 or ;e-mail ka?y@awid4org4 ,= regi/ra;n & s*ol>%ip qu]ies1 3tact ,rob9 ,sav9> at "<#eaj"> #bea-#dcbe1 or ;e-mail rob9@awid4org4 ,new ,organiza;n ,hire,abilities is a na;nal net"w ( em]g+ pr(es.nals ) 4abilities1 5c\rag$ by exi/+ pr(es.nals1 employ]s & commun;y "pn]s4 ,hire,abilities 2lieves t p ) 4abilities %d 5joy ! same >ray ( employ;t opportunities z p )\t 4abilities1 & t ! pres;e ( pr(es.nals ) 4abilities 9 ! "wplace is an important #ajh compon5t ( an employ]'s commit;t to 4abil;y div]s;y4 ,! organiza;n's focus is on em]g+ pr(es.nals ,- ^? ab to 2g9 _! c>e]s4 ,we w assi/ ^! 9dividuals 9 2com+ l1d]s 9 _! fields4 ,! company al r1*es \ to s*ools & employ]s 9t]e/$ 9 5hanc+ _! commit;t to 4abil;y div]s;y & (f]s !m 3sult+ s]vices & a 3nec;n to 4abil;y tal5t4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 visit ! web site1 http3_/_/www4" hir1bilities4org4 ,,jaws ,scripts = ,use ) ,google ,a new set ( scripts = ,,jaws all[s = easi] web se>*es ) ,google4 ,! scripts all[ ! us] to op5 ! ,google web site1 move to ! se>* field1 & navigate easily "? ! li/ ( se>* results4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 visit http3_/" #aji _/www4,a3essible,programs4com4 ,new ,product = ,alt]native ,keybo>d ,9telli,tactiles ,,usb ,ov]lay ,companions1 cr1t$ by ! ,am]ican ,pr9t+ ,h\se = ! ,bl "<,,aph">1 >e n[ available4 ,^! tactile ov]lays1 made ( durable cle> pla/ic1 f1ture brl m>k+s & special tactile po9t symbols4 ,!y align ) ,9telli,tools visual ov]lays = ! ,9telli,keys "<;,r"> ,,usb keybo>d1 & 9clude ,,qw]ty ,,usb1 ,basic ,writ+ ,,usb1 ,alphabet ,,usb1 ,ma? ,a3ess ,,usb1 ,web ,a3ess1 ,m\se ,a3ess & ,setup ,,usb ov]lays4 ,= m 9=ma;n ab ,9telli,tactiles ,,usb ,ov]lay ,companions1 3tact ,am]ican ,pr9t+ ,h\se = ! ,bl1 #a-#hjj- #bbc-#ahci1 or visit ! #aaj web site1 http3_/_/sun#a4" ;aph4org_/products_/index4" html4 ,rese>* ,/udy ,seek+ ,"picipants ,! ,von ,allm5 ,c5t] = ,electronic ,comm]ce at ! ,univ]s;y ( ,k5tucky is plann+ a major rese>* /udy to exam9e ! role ( ;e-comm]ce & ! ,9t]net am;g 9dividuals ) visual impair;ts4 ,y c regi/] to 2 a "p ( ? excit+ rese>* by call+ toll-free #a-#hjj-#cda- #didc or by s5d+ yr "n & teleph"o numb] via ;e-mail to patrick4becka@auky4$u4 ,,bana ,approves ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl ,code ,! ,brl ,au?or;y ( ,nor? ,am]ica "<,,bana"> "picipat$ 9 ! ?ird ,g5]al ,assembly ( ! ,9t]na;nal ,c\ncil on #aaa ,5gli% ,brl held 9 ,toronto ,m>* #bi "? ,april #b1 #bjjd4 ,! assembly agre$ t ! ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl ,code is su6ici5tly complete = recogni;n z an 9t]na;nal /&>d = ,5gli%-language brl t may n[ 2 3sid]$ by memb] c.tries = possible adop;n z _! na;nal brl code4 ,,bana recognizes & respects ! autonomy ( o!r ,,iceb memb] c.tries4 ,= ? r1son1 bo? ! ,u4,s4 & ,canadian delega;ns vot$ unanim\sly to all[ imple;ta;n ( ,,uebc 9 ^? c.tries t *oose to use ? newly develop$ code4 ,at ? "t1 ,,bana has yet to take a /& reg>d+ ! adop;n ( ,,uebc = use 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,,bana 9t5ds to monitor ,,uebc activities >.d ! _w & w make a deci.n on local imple;ta;n ( ! code only af due 3sulta;n ) brl #aab r1d]s & o!r /akehold]s4 ,,afb ,exp&s ,web ,site ,! ,am]ican ,f.da;n = ! ,bl has r$esign$ xs web site to provide m 9=ma;n ab bl;s4 ,new f1tures on ! site 9clude a gloss>y ( eye 3di;ns1 8etiquette tips0 = 9t]act+ ) a p]son :o is bl1 & a home page func;n call$ 8,": c ,i f9d810 all[+ visitors to locate organiza;ns 9 _! /ate t provide s]vices ,- f dog guide tra9+ to newspap] r1d+ s]vices to $uca;n s]vices ,- = p :o >e bl or visually impair$ & _! families4 ,,afb has al add$ an ext5sive se>*able database ( assi/ive te*nology products us$ by p :o >e bl or visually impair$4 ,visitors c br[se by product1 category1 or manufactur] & f9d \ "ey?+ f usage to price to ! #aac size & weiy ,9spires ,web ,site ,! ,ties ,t ,b9d is a web site 9spir$ by a docu;t>y produc$ by ! ,na;nal ,film ,bo>d ( ,canada4 ,! docu;t>y foll[s a family "? two ye>s ( adju/;t to 4abil;y4 ,us+ ! ,jordan family's ongo+ /ory z a />t+ po9t1 ,! ,ties ,t ,b9d ,9t]net ,docu;t>y & ,commun;y ,5gage;t ,project " all[s "picipants to take "p 9 4cus.ns ab 4abil;y issues1 tell _! [n /ories & f9d l9ks to res\rces & ev5ts 9 _! [n communities4 ,x 9cludes practical guides to 9dep5d5t liv+4 ,updates >e po/$ regul>ly4 #aad ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op ,= ,sale3 ,type ';n ,sp1k ) disk drive1 adapt]1 & brl 9/ruc;n manual2 completely refurbi%$ la/ mon?4 ,ask+ @s#hbe1 9clud+ %ipp+4 ,3tact ,ka?le5 by ;e- mail at kprime#aggd@aaol4com4 ,= ,sale3 ,brl ';n ,sp1k #bjjj4 ,comes ) disk drive1 all cables & manuals4 ,ask+ @s#iej or be/ r1sonable (f]4 ,3tact ,priscilla ,mc,cree at "<#ejc"> #beg-#gdih4 ,= ,sale3 ,prisma ,,cctv4 ,comes ) video 3v]t] box4 ,only us$ ab #b mon?s4 ,3tact ,mr4 ,kim ,l$=d at "<#dgh"> #ibc-#ibde1 or via ;e-mail1 lov5ick@a" bells\?4net4 #aae ,= ,sale3 ,r1dman /&-al"o r1d+ ma*9e4 ,adju/able voices & volume4 ,able to /ore yr docu;ts = lat] use4 ,r1ds columns & graphics appropriately4 ,portable desktop unit4 ,easy to use4 ,9/ruc;ns 9 pr9t & brl4 ,ask+ @s#cbe1 9clud+ %ipp+4 ,type ';n ,sp1k ) floppy disk drive4 ,ask+ @s#dbe1 9clud+ %ipp+4 ,3tact ,*]yl at "<#hde"> #hie-#cjbj1 or via ;e-mail1 cmcneil@ahvc4rr4com4 ,= ,sale3 ,brl,note ,,qt #cb4 #ah mon?s old1 gd 3di;n1 s(tw>e up to date4 ,9cludes s]ial & p>allel cables1 ;,,cd ) manual1 adapt]1 ,,pcm c>d & c>d r1d] ) s(tw>e4 ,ask+ @s#d1jjj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,wayne at "<#bad"> #aaf #bab-#gghj1 or ;e-mail hm1 email@awayneism4com4 ,= ,sale3 ,x]ox ,r1d+ ,$ge4 ,9 p]fect 3di;n2 no physical defects4 ,comes ) two manuals & a zipp]$ c>ry+ case ) %\ld] /rap4 ,z x is no l;g] made1 ! specs = x c only 2 f.d on htt" p3_/_/web4>*ive4org_/web_/" #aiigjfjhjjdecf_/www4xerox4" com_/xis_/readingedge_/" readingedgespecs4htm4 ,buy] w pay = all %ipp+1 packag+ & 9sur.e4 ,be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,bob ,gates1 ,manag] ( ,,x1 ,>izona ,c5t] = ! ,bl & ,visually ,impair$1 #cajj ;,e4 ,roosevelt ,st41 ,pho5ix1 ,,az #hejjh2 ;e-mail rgates@aacbvi4org1 or ph"o "<#fjb"> #bgc-#gdaa ext4 #abh4 #aag ,= ,sale3 ,es*5ba* ,,elg#ja televi.n r1d]4 ,ask+ @s#ejj4 ,3tact ,*ri/ie at "<#dag"> #hcc-#eggj or via ;e-mail1 wynebag@ayahoo4com4 ,= ,sale3 ,optelec ,,cctv1 #bj-9* color monitor1 #d ;x #ajj magnifica;n4 ,ask+ @s#iij plus %ipp+ & h&l+4 ,call ,rob]t at "<#gjc"> #eia-#ffgd4 ,= ,sale3 ,,jfw tra9+ tapes1 ,eudora ,pro ,,jfw1 ,\tlook #bjjj ,,jfw1 ,excel #bjjj ,,jfw1 ,p[] ,po9t #bjjj ,,jfw1 ,^w #bjjj ,,jfw1 ,9t]net ,explor] #e4x ,,jfw1 ,s.d ,=ge #d4e ,,jfw1 ,^w ,,xp ,,jfw1 ,excel ,,xp ,,jfw1 & ,9t]net ,explor] ,,xp4 ,ask+ @s#fe ea*1 @s#ege = all1 or be/ (f]4 #aah ,9cludes %ipp+4 ,magic #h4j pr(es.nal v].n1 ask+ @s#fjj or be/ (f]1 9cludes %ipp+4 ,3tact ,monty ,cassellius1 #agje ,dresd5 ,road1 ,apt4 ;,c1 ,ri*mond1 ,,va #bcbbi2 ph"o "<#hjd"> #bgj-#eiea1 or via ;e-mail1 isur$birds@ae>?l9k4" net4 ,= ,sale3 ,new ,p]k9s brlr1 n"e us$4 ,ask+ @s#cjj4 ,3tact ,lula ,bak]1 #gjj ;,n4 ,b]ry ,rd41 ,apt4 ;,b-#cja1 ,norman1 ,,ok #gcjfi2 ph"o "<#dje"> #cfd- #dcgd4 ,= ,sale3 ,magni-,cam portable ,,cctv sy/em t c 3nect to any ,,tv4 ,9 excell5t 3di;n4 @s#fjj or be/ (f]4 ,,aph ,h&i- ,cassette ,,ii4 ,9 gd 3di;n4 ,ask+ @s#aaj or be/ (f]4 ,brl #aai ';n ,sp1k #fdj4 ,l new4 ,ask+ @s#aaj or be/ (f]4 ,brl ';n ,sp1k #bjjj4 ,rec5tly repair$2 l new4 ,ask+ @s#a1bjj or be/ (f]4 ,br&-new ,,aph ,h&i- ,cassette ,,ii4 @s#acj or be/ (f]4 ,,aph ,s*ol>4 ,rec5tly repair$2 l new4 @s#a1ajj or be/ (f]4 ,talk+ wat* ) black l1!r b& & digital r1d-\4 ,x f1tures an al>m & a /opwat*4 ,ask+ @s#cj4 ,unisex qu>tz talk+ wat* ) l>ge pr9t dial1 :ite ) black numb]s1 ) exp&able silv] bracelet b&4 ,f1tures ?ree al>ms3 roo/]1 cuckoo or beep4 ,ask+ @s#fj4 ,3tact alex@abrad/reet4us or ph"o "<#iai"> #idi-#fbeg4 ,= ,sale3 ,jumbo ,p]k9s brl writ]4 @s#djj or be/ (f]4 ,brl ,lite #dj ) disk drive1 @s#b1cjj or be/ (f]4 ,w only a3ept #abj m"oy ord] or ca%i]'s *eck4 ,3tact ,m>gie ,donovan at "<#fej"> #fig-#ecjj or ;e-mail ,m>gie4donovan@am$4va4gov4 ,= ,sale3 ,aladd9 ,ambassador ,pro r1d+ ma*9e f ,teles5sory4 ,rec5tly repair$ & updat$4 ,x (f]s excell5t optical "* recogni;n & all[s ! us] to scan & r1d at ! same "t4 ,c h&le legal-siz$ pap]4 ,comes ) a #ai-key keypad4 ,ask+ @s#gej or be/ r1sonable (f]4 ,3tact ,rob ,turn] via ;e-mail at rbturn].-ml@aadelphia4net or by ph"o at "<#hah"> #gfa- #hhde4 ,= ,sale3 ,brl ';n ,sp1k #fdj ) fla% ,,rom & s]ial cable4 ,updat$ #bjja4 ,ask+ @s#ejj 9clud+ %ipp+4 ,brl ';n ,sp1k #aba #fdj ) fla% ,,rom1 ext5d$ memory1 d\ble spe$1 pr9t] 9t]face & modem4 ,has br&-new #ab-volt batt]y pack ) ;,,ac adapt] & curr5t s(tw>e4 ,ask+ @s#ijj 9clud+ %ipp+4 ,3tact ,rog] ,cic*ese1 #aad ,g>dn] ,st41 ,>l+ton1 ,,ma #jbdgd2 ph"o "<#gha"> #fdf-#cadi4 ,= ,sale3 ,/&-al"o r1d+ ma*9e4 ,excell5t 3di;n1 r>ely us$4 ,comes ) #ai-key keypad1 brl manuals & v].n #c4a s(tw>e : all[s = newspap] r1d+ & o!r adv.ed scann+ op;ns4 ,ask+ @s#a1ejj "4 ,c a3ept cr$it c>ds "? ,pay,pal4 ,no p]sonal *ecks pl1se4 ,3tact ,pat any"t at "<#eab"> #hcg-#cjda or ;e-mail pat- craftsman@asbcglobal4net4 #abb ,= ,sale3 ,li ,,tv4 ,two ye>s old1 9 excell5t 3di;n4 ,9cludes cables4 ,ask+ @s#cej1 9clud+ %ipp+ & h&l+4 ,3tact ,t9a ,black at "<#bjg"> #ddc-#bdjf4 ,,acb ,(fic]s ,presid5t ,*ri/oph] ,gray #id ,ramona ,ave4 ,san ,francisco1 ,,ca #idajc ,f/ ,vice ,presid5t ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt #gcbj ,dixon ,unit #bjd ,=e/ ,p>k1 ,,il #fjacj ,second ,vice ,presid5t ,mit* ,pom]antz #aaae ,cordova ,/reet _?#djb ,pasad5a1 ,,ca #iaajf #abc ,secret>y ,donna ,selig] #ciab ,,se #eth ,st4 ,des ,mo9es1 ,,ia #ejcae ,tr1sur] ,>dis ,bazyn #ejj ;,s4 #crd ,st4 _?,h ,burbank1 ,,ca #iaejb ,imm ,pa/ ,presid5t ,paul ,$w>ds #bjccj ,,ne #bjth ,ct4 ,miami1 ,,fl #ccagi ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors ,j]ry ,annunzio1 ,kansas ,c;y1 ,,mo ,alan ,b1tty1 ,=t ,coll9s1 ,,co ,$ ,bradley1 ,h\/on1 ,,tx ,brian ,*>lson1 ,wat]t[n1 ,,ma ,billie ,j1n ,kei?1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va #abd ,oral ,mill]1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc ,c>la ,rus*ival1 ,l\isville1 ,,ky ,patrick ,%eehan1 ,silv] ,spr+1 ,,md ,cyn?ia ,t[]s1 ,s1ttle1 ,,wa ,david ,trott1 ,talladega1 ;,,al ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns ,*>les ,hodge1 ,*airp]son1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,adrian ,de ,blaey1 ,milwaukee1 ,,wi ,w9ifr$ ,d[n+1 ,san ,francisco1 ,,ca ,mike ,duke1 ,jackson1 ,,ms ,k5 ,/ew>t1 ,w>wick1 ,,ny ,ex ,(ficio3 ,ralph ,s&]s1 ,vanc\v]1 ,,wa #abe