,! ,brl ,=um ,volume ,,xliii ,may #bjje ,no4 #h ,publi%$ by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl /rives to 9cr1se ! 9dep5d;e1 secur;y1 equal;y ( opportun;y1 & to improve qual;y ( life = all bl & visually impair$ p4 ,*ri/oph] ,gray1 ,presid5t ,melanie ,brunson1 ,executive ,director ,%>on ,lov]+1 ,act+ ,$itor ,na;nal ,(fice3 #aaee #aeth ,st4 ,,nw ,suite #ajjd ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejha ,fax3 "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejhe ,web site3 http3_/_/www4" acb4org ,! ,brl ,=um is available 9 brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half-spe$ f\r- track cassette tape1 comput] disk & via ;e-mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 address *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = publica;n %d 2 s5t to ,%>on ,lov]+ at ! address abv1 or via ;e-mail to slov]+@aacb4org4 ,submis.n d1dl9es >e ! f/ ( ! mon?4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl is a memb]%ip organiza;n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special- 9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,to jo91 visit ! ,,acb web site & complete an applica;n =m1 or 3tact ! na;nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ abv4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax-d$uctible1 c 2 s5t to ,>dis ,bazyn at ! abv mail+ address4 ,if y wi% to rememb] a relative or fr1 ! na;nal (fice c make pr9t$ c>ds #b available = ? purpose4 ,to rememb] ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t1 y may 9clude a special p>agraph = t purpose4 ,if yr wi%es >e complex1 3tact ! ,,acb na;nal (fice4 ,to make a 3tribu;n to ,,acb via ! ,comb9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #bhjb4 ,= ! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll-free at "<#hjj"> #dbd-#hfff1 #e p4m4 to midni.d ! ,corn]1 by ,melanie ,brunson1 page #ab ,summ>y ( ,,acb's ,com;ts on ! ,propos$ ,rules = ,non- ,4crim9a;n on ! ,basis ( ,4abil;y 9 ,air ,travel1 by ,"d ;,al-,moham$1 page #ag ,rivi]a #aja1 by ,cyn?ia ,t[]s1 page #be ,new ,t\r ,w ,?rill ,sci;e ,fic;n ,fans1 by ,b]l ,colley1 page #cc 8,:at ,"ws 9 ! ,r1l ,_w80 ,a ,di6]5t ,k9d ( ,te*nology ,3f];e1 by ,b4,t4 ,kimbr\<1 page #ci #d ,frs-9-,>t ,call+ = ,>t = ,%[ at ,3v5;n1 by ,elsie ,mon!i1 page #dd ,3gratula;ns to ! ,w9n]s ( ! ,st4 ,patrick's ,"d ,ra6le61 by ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt1 page #ea ,on ,my ,way to ,ju/ice1 by ,%annon ,alynn ,ramsey1 page #ed ,au/ralia3 ,love at ,f/ 444 ,exp]i;e61 by ,katie ,sa3a1 page #ga ,,rp3 ,a ,sl[1 ,p]sonal ,cata/rophe1 by ,b>b>a ,a4 ,siple1 page #hi ,"w+ ,tgr = ,commun;y ,bett];t1 by ,jack ,v>non & ,rodney ,bickel1 page #ig ,"h & ,"!1 by ,s>ah ,blake1 page #ajc ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op1 page #aae ,,acb ,(fic]s1 page #abj #e ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors1 page #aba ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns1 page #abb ,correc;n ,due to 3c]ns rais$ ) ! bo>d ( publica;ns reg>d+ ! #bej-^w limit on answ]s to ! "qs = ! c&idates,0 web page1 ! bo>d has agre$ to raise ! limit to #cjj ^ws p] response1 9 l9e ) ! ,,bop's #cjj-^w limit = 8,lrs to ! ,$itor40 ,d1dl9es ,! d1dl9e = gett+ >ticles 9to ! ,june issue is ,may #f4 ,= ! ,july-,augu/ issue1 ! d1dl9e is ,june #h4 #f ,presid5t's ,message3 ,isn't ,te*nology ,grt ,:5 ,x ,"ws8 by ,*ri/oph] ,gray ,9 late #bjja1 ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 0 3tact$ by an 5]getic & dynamic lady1 ,jane ,f[l]1 f a company bas$ 9 ! ,unit$ ,k+dom call$ ,s.d ,=esiea1 ! o!r 9 ! ,bay ,>ea4 ,te/]s 7 id5tifi$1 & ,jane made h] way to ! ,unit$ ,/ates to %[ u ! f/ public v].ns ( :at is n[ ! ,ultracane4 ,no d\bt1 _m r1d]s h held & us$ electronic canes 9 ! pa/4 ,i well rememb] hold+ a #g las] cane 9 my h&s ab #ae ye>s ago1 & 2+ amaz$ at xs %ort;s1 weid l;g cane4 ,i've (t5 ?"\ ab [n+ s* a cane1 b n"e r1lly _h t m* 4cre;n>y ca% at h&4 ,mily hat$ to return !m at ! 5d ( ! te/+ cycle4 ,?ree ye>s lat]1 ,ultracane is no l;g] a prototype1 b a r1l;y4 ,x runs on two ,,aa batt]ies & provides fe$back at ei a two-met] or f\r-met] 4t.e = ov]h1d objects1 & = objects 9 front ( ! body1 bas$ on di6]5tly posi;n$ ultrasonic transmitt]s & receptors4 ,! canes >e c>bon fib] s ev5 ) ! electronics ( ! cane1 x is relatively li$ ) las] cane prices ( ! pa/1 @s#ghh is a v welcome *ange z well4 ,al1 ? price w 2 fur!r decr1s$ if y pur*ase an ,ultracane "? ! ,,acb /ore 2f ,june #a1 #bjje4 ,call #i #a-#hgg-#cfg-#bbbd4 ,z ,alan ,brooks1 new 9itiatives manag] = ! ,guide ,dogs = ! ,bl ,associa;n1 sd3 8,_m 5g9e]s h an image ( :at !y ?9k bl p want1 b "h ! develop]s h tak5 ! "t to ask bl p1 & to 9volve !m 9 trials4 ,i'm 3v9c$ x's go+ to 2 a r1l b5efit to xs bl & "pially sie su3esses 9 te*nology1 & ?+s t / ne$ "s "w4 ,_m ( y h 3tact$ me ^! pa/ few mon?s ab yr fru/ra;ns ab a3ess+ ! _w wide web4 #aj ,airl9es *>g+ = _! teleph"o s]vices1 & ref]r+ cu/om]s to ! web if y don't want to pay ! fee1 has und\bt$ly spurr$ 9t]e/ & fru/ra;n 9 ? >ea4 ,is ? an >ea ": y feel t ,,acb ne$s to 2 m 9volv$ & proactive8 ,h[ >e we do+ 9 o!r >1s ( te*nology8 ,z ! 3v5;n comes clos]1 pl1se give "s ?"\ & fe$back to yr repres5tatives s we "k :at resolu;ns to pass & 9 :at >1s y 2lieve fur!r ac;n is ne$$4 ,exp]i;es l ! 9put on ,ultracane provide cle> evid;e ( h[ productive x is = companies & 3sum]s to "w tgr coop]atively4 ,,acb has a reputa;n & a goal ( "picipat+ positively 9 s* >range;ts4 ,once ag1 we h %[n ! value ( s* "picipa;n1 & ! bl 9 g5]al c 2 ! b5efici>y ( ? "w4 #aa ,let x 2 a 3t9u$ goal ( \r organiza;n to /rive = s* >range;ts bas$ on coop]a;n & mutual respect4 ,"? s* >range;ts1 we c only improve ?+s = ! bl "ey":4 ,:at's ,up & ,:at's ,>.d ! ,corn] by ,melanie ,brunson ,x may 2 h>d = "s to 2lieve1 b x's alm "t = ,,acb's #bjje na;nal 3v5;n6 ,z ,i write ?1 folks >e busy putt+ tgr ! pre- regi/ra;n =ms & if my e/imates >e correct1 y %d 2 gett+ "o v soon af y r1d ? >ticle4 ,"! >e a numb] ( excit+ programs & activities plann$ = ? ye>'s 3v5;n4 ,i want to 5c\rage ea* ( y to att5d ? 3v5;n1 & to plan to /ay = ! legislative sem9> on ,satur"d1 ,july #i4 ,x is my expecta;n t ,"d #ab ;,al-,moham$ & ,i w h a numb] ( significant legislative develop;ts to report to y at t "t4 ,? has be5 a v busy "t = u 9 bo? ! legislative & advocacy >5as4 ,"h is a sn1k preview ( ! k9ds ( items t h kept u all 9 hi< ge> s9ce \r la/ 3v5;n4 ,,acb & a c\ple ( xs a6iliates h _h significant opportunities to provide 9put to cell ph"o s]vice provid]s on h[ to make _! h&sets m a3essible4 ,we 7 "p ( a program on a3essibil;y dur+ ! 3v5;n ( ! ,cellul> ,teleph"o & ,9t]net ,associa;n1 & we h provid$ fe$back on prototype ph"os to bo? ,spr9t & ,nextel4 ,\r 3tacts ) ,c+ul> & o!r major cell ph"o provid]s 3t9ue to 2 v positive1 & we >e likely to h s"eal a3essible cell ph"os on 4play 9 \r #ac 3v5;n exhibit hall ? ye>4 ,we >e mak+ "s 9roads t[>d mak+ ! electronic appli.e 9du/ry aw>e ( ! 3c]ns ( p ) visual impair;ts ab ! 9cr1s+ 9a3essibil;y ( home appli.es4 ,x is too e>ly to say m* m ?an t1 b /ay tun$4 ,we may h m to say ab ? 9 reports to ! 3v5;n4 ,! ,elec;n ,assi/.e ,commis.n has s"\ 9put specifically f ,,acb ab a3ess to vot+ equip;t & ! elec;n process1 & _! response to \r com;ts has be5 v positive4 ,_! "w is1 ( c\rse1 ongo+1 b ,"d %d h "s addi;nal 9=ma;n ab ^! 4cus.ns dur+ ! legislative sem9>4 ,we h al be5 v 9volv$ 9 4cus.ns ab em]g5cy prep>$;s proc$ures >.d ! c.try4 ,9 ! c\rse ( ^! 4cus.ns1 ,,acb has tak5 e opportun;y to al]t public (ficials & ! #ad communica;ns 9du/ry to ! ne$ = mak+ em]g5cy 9=ma;n t is broadca/ on televi.n m a3essible to ^? :o c't r1d ! pr9t z x scrawls acr _! ,,tv scre5s4 ,^! activities h be5 v rew>d+4 ,( c\rse1 we 3t9ue to "w to 9cr1se ! availabil;y ( audio descrip;n1 bo? 9 film & televi.n4 ,we >e excit$ to report t ! bill to re/ore descrip;n to televi.n w 2 9troduc$ 9 bo? h\ses ( ,3gress by ! "t y r1d ?6 ,"! w 2 a numb] ( ?+s to tell y ab ? issue by ,july4 ,z ,i write1 we >e / unc]ta9 :at ! fate ( ef=ts to reau?orize ! ,rehabilita;n ,act w be4 ,negotia;ns 2t ! adm9i/ra;n & ,3gress >e ongo+4 ,we >e am;g ! 4abil;y gr\ps try+ to 9flu;e ! \tcome ( ^? negotia;ns4 ,i wd 2 #ae surpris$ if we get to ,july )\t "s k9d ( ac;n to report on ? issue4 ,"! >e "s items t >e ( "picul> 9t]e/ to /ud5ts & t1*]s4 ,we %d 2 able to give y "s 9=ma;n by ,july ab ef=ts to address 3c]ns reg>d+ a3ommoda;ns provid$ = bl p tak+ exams = graduate s*ool admis.n1 & we may h "s 9t]e/+ ?+s to report ab a3ess to textbooks4 ,we h m* to 2 pr\d (1 & a lot ( "w yet to 2 d"o4 ,e memb] ( ,,acb is important to ! process ( det]m9+ ! nature ( ? "w & gett+ x d"o4 ,i hope ea* ( y w 2 9 ,las ,vegas to help ) ? "w & to spur yr frs & fell[ memb]s on4 #af ,summ>y ( ,,acb's ,com;ts on ! ,propos$ ,rules = ,non-,4crim9a;n on ! ,basis ( ,4abil;y 9 ,air ,travel by ,"d ;,al-,moham$ ,td1 "! >e m ?an #fjj million p :o travel by air ea* ye>4 ,by #bjae t numb] is expect$ to 2 ov] a billion4 ,al;g ) ! gr[? 9 ! air 9du/ry1 we h se5 & w 3t9ue to see gr[? 9 ! numb] ( p :o >e bl & visually impair$ "picipat+ 9 air travel4 ,9 #aihf ,3gress 5act$ ! ,air ,c>ri] ,a3ess ,act "<,,acaa"> prohibit+ 4crim9a;n 9 airl9e s]vice on ! basis ( 4abil;y4 ,! ,de"p;t ( ,transporta;n has frequ5tly issu$ guid.e1 9 a numb] ( =ms1 t 9t]prets or expla9s fur!r ! ,,acaa text to assi/ air c>ri]s 9 bett] meet+ ! #ag ne$s ( p ) 4abilities4 ,al? x is impossible to cov] all ( ! issues 9 ! space available1 9 ! foll[+ p>agraphs ,i w hiri]40 ,! def9i;n n[ 9cludes =eign & ,u4,s4 c>ri]s1 : m1ns t ! rules li/$ "h & 9 ! act xf >e 9t5d$ z require;ts = ,u4,s4 airl9es dome/ically & =eign airl9es :5 at l1/ "o "p ( _! j\rney is ei to or f ! ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,sec;n #chb4dc"1 : d1ls ) ! provi.n ( 9=ma;n & s]vices "? ,9t]net web sites1 has excep;nal app1l to ! bl;s commun;y4 ,9 response to "s rec5t c\rt cases t h ov]rul$ ! p]spective t ! ,,ada #ah applies to web sites1 ? propos$ rule requires t all airl9e s]vices & 9=ma;n 2 provid$ 9 a non-4crim9atory matt] reg>d.s ( :e!r t is 9 p]son1 ov] ! teleph"o or on ! ,9t]net4 ,by utiliz+ specific ^w+1 x requires t c>ri] web sites1 9clud+ ^? ( 3tractors & ag5ts1 2 a3essible4 ,:at is ( special note is t "u ? sec;n1 onl9e travel v5dors s* z ,orbitz or ,traveloc;y wd al 2 requir$ to 2 a3essible4 ,relat$ to t is ,sec;n #chb4ea""<#a"> reg>d+ electronic ticket+ kiosks4 ,^! kiosks >e appe>+ 9 airports all ov] ! c.try4 ,9 \r com;ts we /at$ \r unequivocal support = ! 9clu.n ( specific a3essibil;y require;ts = ^! kiosks4 ,!y >e a po9t ( s]vice & ne$ to 2 z a3essible z practicable = ! wide/ #ai range ( us]s4 ,(f]s ( employee assi/.e = 4abl$ pass5g]s to aid 9 use ( ! kiosks does n all[ = 9dep5d5t a3ess & is n equival5t s]vice 9 t x circumv5ts ! purpose ( ! kiosks 9 9cr1s+ e6ici5cy & spe$ ( *eck-94 ,"o ( ! propos$ rules on : we _h specific com;ts d1lt ) reque/+ assi/.e at ! airport4 ,we felt x 0 important to def9e ! 8:50 ( ! assi/.e4 ,we 2liev$ t ! t]m 8promptly0 z us$ 9 8requir+ c>ri]s to provide prompt assi/.e 9 5plan+1 deplan+ & 3nect+ to o!r fli import.e = ^? ( u :o mid to airport facilities4 ,we ask$ t ! ,de"p;t ( ,transporta;n 3sid] 9clud+ a3ess to on-scre5 flirival & de"pure 9=ma;n : is usually available on monitors at ! gates & t]m9als1 & airport directory & map 9=ma;n = p :o >e bl or visually impair$ z a "p ( g5]al a3ess to t]m9al facilities & s]vices4 ,:at has g>n]$ ! grte/ am.t ( 3trov]sy & 3c]n is ! sec;n 3c]n+ s]vice animals4 ,f/1 let me emphasize t ? guid.e only reit]ates ! unwritt5 #ba policies t _m air c>ri]s h4 ,m* ( :at has be5 sd is n new4 ,,acb's 3c]n comes f ! codifica;n ( /]eotypes 9to ! propos$ rules t may l1d to 4crim9atory ac;ns4 ,! propos$ rules def9e a s]vice animal z 8any guide dog1 signal dog1 or o!r animal 9dividually tra9$ to provide assi/.e to an 9dividual ) a 4abil;y0 & make x cle> t emo;nal support animals >e 9clud$ 9 ? category4 ,h["e "o feels ab ! issue1 ! problem >ises 9 ! mann] t ? approa* is 2+ "utak54 ,! de"p;t has di6]5t require;ts = guide dogs z comp>$ to emo;nal support dogs "4 ,h["e1 t categoriza;n is n cle> 2c bo? >e simply def9$ z 8s]vice animals40 ,x cd cause #bb 3fu.n = airl9e p]sonnel & has ! pot5tial = caus+ 4crim9a;n ag/ guide dog us]s4 ,! grte/ furor1 h["e1 0 caus$ by ! su7es;ns propos$ by ! de"p;t 9volv+ a 8s]vice animal t _c 2 a3ommodat$ at ! s1t loca;n ( ! qualifi$ 9dividual ) a 4abil;y ) :om ! animal is a3ompany+40 ,! op;ns (f]$ by ! de"p;t ,- n"o ( : >e new ,- s* z pur*as+ a second s1t1 travel+ on a lat] fligo1 >e nei practical nor nec4 ,z we expla9$1 ! problem is t x is v uncle> :o wd det]m9e :at 3/itutes s* an animal & :5 x wd 2 appropriate to seek any ( ! alt]natives li/$4 ,? has ! pot5tial to 4crim9ate ag/ "s s]vice animal us]s solely bas$ on subjective & unf.d$ 3clu.ns4 ,! law recognizes t ! #bc s]vice animal is "! = a purpose2 9 ! case ( a guide dog1 t purpose 9cludes 5t]+ & exit+ ! plane4 ,if ! animal is 9 c>go1 x _c fulfill t responsibil;y1 & x is ess5tially d5y+ ! h&l] use ( t mobil;y aid4 ,? is cause = 3c]n 2c 9 imple;ta;n1 pass5g]s :o >e bl or visually impair$ cd 2 d5i$ equal a3ess to air travel simply 2c ( _! *oice ( mobil;y aid4 ,! de"p;t ( advocacy & gov]n;tal a6airs has made x a po9t to approa* all ( xs >gu;ts f a "rs-bas$ 9clusive p]spective4 ,:5 com;t+ on ^! propos$ rules1 ,kri/a & ,i (f]$ a broad exam9a;n ( h[ ea* miy we 7 meticul\s 9 (f]+ explana;ns1 ju/ifica;ns1 & :5 f1sible1 su7es;ns to #bd assi/ ! ,de"p;t ( ,transporta;n1 s t 9 ! future any rules or guid.e on ! ,air ,c>ri] ,a3ess ,act wd adequately address ! ne$s ( bl & visually impair$ p4 ,if y wd l to see ! com;ts 9 _! 5tirety1 visit www4acb4org4 ,rivi]a #aja by ,cyn?ia ,t[]s1 ,,acb ,3v5;n ,coord9ator ,by ! "t ? r1*es y1 yr plane ticket may alr 2 9 yr h&s1 & y may 2 sign+ up = t\rs1 a6iliate meet+s & o!r special ev5ts4 ,well1 let me give y "s 9=ma;n t w make yr trip 2f 3v5;n1 z well z ! 3v5;n xf1 an 5joyable "o4 ,2f gett+ on ! plane1 pl1se make sure t y h curr5t id5tifica;n4 ,d n lock yr suitcase1 only take two #be c>ry-ons & pl1se1 pl1se1 pl1se make sure t y c tell "s"o h[ to spot yr p]sonal lu7age4 ,las ,vegas is a t[n l no o!r4 ,planes l& #bd h\rs a "d f all ov] ! _w br++ hundr$s ( ?\s&s ( visitors daily4 ,"!=e1 help "s"o help y by putt+ "s?+ on yr lu7age t is unique4 ,j say+ 8x's a black suitcase0 is n su6ici5t4 ,a l>ge decorative ri2on1 n a t9y /r+1 an ,,acb lu7age tag or ev5 a b"rly color$ sc>f w assi/ ! volunte]s & airport p]sonnel 9 f9d+ yr items am;g ! sea ( suitcases t w 2 revolv+ >.d ! c>\sels4 ,:5 y >rive 9 ,las ,vegas1 y c get to ! ,rivi]a ,hotel & ,cas9o via cab1 : w co/ ab @s#ae ea* way & take ab #ae m9utes1 or %uttle1 : co/s @s#e "o way & @s#i4ge r.d-trip & c take up to #cj m9utes #bf dep5d+ on h[ _m o!r pass5g]s >e on bo>d ) y4 ,j say t y >e go+ to ! ,rivi]a or 8,! ,riv0 z x is m popul>ly "kn4 ,y d n ne$ an address ,- ! cab driv]s g by "ns ( hotels1 n numb]s4 ,! ,rivi]a has multiple transporta;n 5tr.es4 ,! ,3v5;n ,c5t] 5tr.e is ": t\rs w l1ve4 ,d n g to ? "o4 ,"! is an "ugr.d cab1 gue/ p>k+ & lim\s9e >ea "kn z 8! dungeon40 ,d n g to ? "o ei4 ,:at y ne$ to 9/ruct ! driv] to d is to take y to ! ,rivi]a ,s\? 5tr.e4 ,? is ! 5tr.e t is j a few /eps f ! front desk ": y w *eck 9to yr sleep+ room4 ,x is ! plan to h a hotel descrip;n :5 y >rive r ?an 9 yr packets4 ,y c r1d x 9 ! relaxa;n ( yr room & take "s "t to try to ori5t yrf to ! hotel4 ,! ,rivi]a has #b1jjj gue/ rooms & ,,acb w h #bg approximately #hjj ( !m4 ,y w probably 2 9 ! ,monte ,c>lo or ,monaco t[]s4 ,^! >e ! two close/ to ! meet+ rooms4 ,! hotel has ?ree o!r t[]s = a total ( five4 ,s9ce "! >e five t[]s1 ! room numb]+ sy/em is s* t "! >e no duplicate room numb]s4 ,rooms #aeja to #bibj >e 9 ! ,monte ,c>lo & "! is ice & soda on e floor4 ,! ,monaco is numb]$ #dbja to #fdjg & al has ice & soda on e floor4 ,if = "s r1son y >e plac$ 9 "o ( ! o!r t[]s1 !y >e numb]$3 ,san ,remo1 #cajj to #cfdd2 ,m$it]ran1n ,nor?1 #bbg to #ici1 & ,m$it]ran1n ,s\?1 #ceh to #aagc4 ,? is ": ! h1l? club is locat$ on ! #abth or top floor4 ,! ,rivi]a has #db ,,ada rooms1 "s 9 ea* ( ! five t[]s4 ,"! is al an \tdoor pool4 ,volunte]s w 2 on h& #bh to assi/ y to ! elevator4 ,no ,,acb volunte] may come to yr sleep+ room1 on t\rs1 to ! meet+s1 9 ! bu6et & possibly 9 ! cas9o4 ,,acb _c gu>antee t "s"o w 2 "! ea* & e "t y ne$ help4 ,s1 keep ? 9 m9d z y make yr travel plans4 ;,h is = hoagies1 hot dogs & hot butt]$ popcorn4 ;,h is al = ! room ": ! ,,acb ,caf^/e w 2 locat$4 ,come "! e "d f #g3#cj a4m4 to #c3#cj p4m4 = br1kfa/ & lun*4 ,br1kfa/ items w 2 available f #g3#cj a4m4 to #i3#cj a4m4 & lun* foods w 2 on h& f #aa3#cj a4m4 to #a3#cj p4m4 ,9 2t "ts y c g "! = snacks1 c(fee1 s(t dr9ks & ! l1 or to get re*>g$1 lit]ally4 ,"! w 2 tables on ! "r side ( ! room ) p[] /rips = re*>g+ l[ batt]ies on equip;t s* z ,brl ,notes & laptops4 ,,acb w n 2 responsible = items left #bi = re*>g+4 ,pl1se /ay ) yr /uff4 ,/ay tun$1 "! w 2 o!r surprises f ! ,caf^/e66 ,"! w 2 tables = sitt+ & eat+4 ,or y c take yr food ) y 9 ! h&l$ bag x w 2 plac$ in4 ,! caf^/e w only take ca%4 ,! hotel has s"eal o!r re/aurants1 b x w 2 nice to h a place only = u4 ,) ! smell f ! popcorn ma*9e1 ! s.ds ( s(t music 2+ pip$ 9 & ! buzz ( a hungry & happy cr[d1 ,room ;,h w 2 ! place to be4 ,x is locat$ am;g ! meet+ rooms & is a p]fect loca;n to grab "s?+ on yr way to yr next get-tgr4 ,t\rs w l1ve f ! 3v5;n 5tr.e doors1 : >e locat$ directly acr f ": regi/ra;n w be4 ,! g5]al ses.ns w 2 locat$ 9 ! ,gr& ,ballroom & w once ag 2 set ) tables4 ,y w walk "? a wide corridor t w op5 up #cj 9to ! ma9 s1t+ >ea4 ,:5 y 5t] ! g5]al ses.ns1 y w 2 fac+ ! podium & "! w 2 s1t+ to ! "r & left4 ,dave ,williams w once ag 2 do+ ! audio /r1m+ ( ! g5]al ses.ns ov] ! ,9t]net4 ,y'll want to make sure y >e on "t = ! g5]al ses.ns ea* "d1 2c ! ,nevada ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl has "s sets ( silv] doll>s to give away z door prizes4 ,c>ol ,ew+ & company h be5 h>d at "w to 5sure t ?+s >e runn+ smoo?ly & t "ey?+ w 2 9 place = yr >rival4 ,if y &_/or yr a6iliate br+ door prizes1 pl1se see ,pam ,%aw at ! ,9=ma;n ,s]vices ,desk1 locat$ to ! left ( regi/ra;n4 ,exhibits w 2 d[n ! hall f ! ,gr& ,ballroom 9 an >ea call$ ! ,royale ,pavilion4 ,i h rcvd tons ( calls f folks want+ to 2 exhibitors ? ye>4 ,y w h a lot ( selec;n z y g "? ? #ca ye>'s aisles1 s br+ yr cr$it c>d & %op till y drop4 ,i hope ,i h cov]$ ! basics ( :at y'll ne$ to get />t$4 ,i h _h ! pl1sure ( sp1k+ to _m ( y & am look+ =w>d to a l>ge & fun 3v5;n4 ,if y / ne$ to make a res]va;n1 y may d s by call+ ! ,rivi]a ,hotel directly at #a-#hjj-#fcd-#fgec4 ,2 sure to m5;n t y >e ) ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl to rcv ! @s#gg rate4 ,z alw1 if y wd l to 3tact me1 y may d s by ;e- mail+ me at ct[]s@aacb4org or by call+ me on my toll-free l9e at #a-#hjj-#dgd-#cjbi x#jj4 ,y m/ hit ! #j twice4 ,9 j a few weeks x w all comm;e1 s />t practic+ yr be/ ,elvis imp]sona;n & re/ up 2c sleep+ is n an op;n "4 ,i w see y 9 ,july4 #cb ,new ,t\r ,w ,?rill ,sci;e ,fic;n ,fans by ,b]l ,colley ,make yr plans to b1m 9to ! _ws ( ,/> ,trek6 ,! sci;e & sci;e fic;n fans gr\p has put tgr a t\r to ! ,hilton ,/> ,trek ,exp]i;e t w take place on ,?urs"d1 ,july #g4 ,y w 5c.t] ! ali5 _ws ( ,/> ,trek :5 y b1m 9to ? special t\r4 ,y w imm]se yrf 9 ! ,/> ,trek ,univ]se z y t\r ! museum1 bo>d a %uttlecraft & aid ! crew 9 fifleet fan club d$icat$ to p :o >e bl or h l[ vi.n & _! families & frs4 ,y w al h ! opportun;y to walk "? ! museum ) a t\r guide1 ride on a %uttlecraft def5d+ ! ,5t]prise f ! ,kl+ons or prev5t a #cc ,borg capture 9 ! ,borg ,5c.t] #d,d4 ,%opp+ at ! ,prom5ade %ops j l on ,,ds#i is a m/ 2c y w f9d a galaxy ( ,/> ,trek1 sci;e- & space-relat$ m]*&ise to pur*ase4 ,we w h \r lun* at ,qu>k's ,b>1 ": y w 2 fasc9at$ ) ! decor1 f ! l>ge-siz$ model ( ! ,5t]prise t hangs f ! ceil+ to ! num]\s clos$- circuit ,,tv,'s "?\t ! b>4 ,y c wat* & li/5 to yr favorite ,/> ,trek episodes f clos$- circuit ,,tv,'s :ile y eat at ,qu>k's or t\r ! exhibits "?\t ! ,/> ,trek ,exp]i;e xf4 ,we w d9e on a v>iety ( foods "nd = foods s]v$ on ,,ds#i at ,qu>k's4 ,a ca% b> w 2 available4 ,y may see a ,f]5gi1 ,kl+on or ,romulan /roll+ >.d ! ,prom5ade or s]v+ yr food at ,qu>k's ,b>4 ,! ,/> ,trek ,exp]i;e #cd al has a v>iety ( o!r attrac;ns1 s* z hav+ yr picture pr(es.nally tak5 9 ! capta9's *air on ! bridge ( ! ,5t]prise1 or y may want to pose ) a ,f]5gi1 ,kl+on or ,romulan4 ,br+ yr cam]a s t y c take pictures ( ! museum 4plays & at ,qu>k's ,b>4 ,2 prep>$ = surprises z y n"e "k :o y mi ,trek ,exp]i;e4 ,guide dogs >e welcome4 ,!y w 2 all[$ to a3ompany y "?\t ! ,/> ,trek ,exp]i;e2 h["e1 !y w n 2 all[$ to rema9 ) y dur+ ! mo;n "p ( ! two rides4 ,att5dants w wait ) yr dog & return hm or h] to y immly af y de"p ! mo;n "p ( ! ride1 s y mi1 #ce lun* at ,qu>k's ,b> & bus transporta;n to & f ! ,hilton4 ,exp5ses t >e n 9clud$3 alcohol pur*as$ at ,qu>k's1 %opp+1 & yr picture 9 ! capta9's *air or o!r novelties sold at ! exp]i;e4 ,if y h any "qs ab ! ,/> ,trek ,exp]i;e1 ! t\r1 or ! use ( yr guide dog :ile at ! exp]i;e1 3tact ,ka?ryn ,johnson via ;e-mail1 ka?rynkj@ae>?l9k4net4 ,lib]ace ,museum ,,acb t\rs w 2 visit+ ! ,lib]ace ,museum twice dur+ 3v5;n week4 ,! f/ "t1 ,satur"d1 ,july #b1 "! w 2 a 3c]t ( "s ( 8 music4 ,! second "t1 ,tues"d1 ,july #e1 "! w n 2 a 3c]t4 #cf ,w$nes"d ,nie squeez$ in4 ,we w h #aaj p on \r cruise1 9clud+ volunte]s & a t\r repres5tative4 ,! eat+ >ea is on ! l[] deck2 ! l\nge is on ! upp] level4 ,danc+ w take place on ! l[] deck af eat+4 ,d9n] is a sit-d[n m1l & w 2 3duct$ 9 two %ifts s t "ey"o c eat com=tably4 ,! l[] deck is :eel*air-a3essible1 b "! >e only /airs to ! top level4 ,"! w 2 n>ra;n ab "s ( ! >1s ( ! lake1 b ) p talk+ & danc+ x probably w 2 di6icult to he>4 ,x is ab a #de-m9ute bus ride f ! ,rivi]a to ! load+ docks4 #cg ,sev5 ,pre-,3v5;n ,t\rs ,! sev5 t\rs t w o3ur on ! week5d prior to ? ye>'s 3v5;n >e3 #a4 ,july #a trip to see ! ,london ,bridge2 #b4 ,july #a1 an ev5+ baseball game2 #c4 ,july #b1 float trip "? l[] ,black ,canyon2 #d4 ,july #b1 ,las ,vegas c;y t\r2 #e4 ,july #b1 visit to ! ,lib]ace museum2 #f4 ,july #c1 rep1t ( ,las ,vegas c;y t\r2 #ch #g4 ,july #c1 g to ,elvis-a- rama & ,e!l ;,m's c&ies4 ,pre-regi/ra;n =ms w 2 \ %ortly4 ,2 c]ta9 to get yr =m fill$ \ & s5t back 2f ! d1dl9e to give yrf ! be/ *.e to get on :at"e t\rs y want4 ,al make sure y h a room at ! ,rivi]a6 ,to make room res]va;ns1 call ! ,rivi]a ,hotel & ,cas9o at #a-#hjj-#fcd-#fgec4 ,2 sure to tell !m t y >e ) ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 8,:at ,"ws 9 ! ,r1l ,_w80 ,a ,di6]5t ,k9d ( ,te*nology ,3f];e by ,b4,t4 ,kimbr\< ,back 9 ! #aihjs1 :5 ,i 0 writ+ ab te*nology = 8,dialogue0 magaz9e1 ,i regul>ly ask$ my r1d]s #ci to let me "k :at1 if any?+1 !y f.d use;l 9 my columns4 ,dur+ "o memorable mon?1 ,i rcvd half a doz5 responses : =m$ a def9ite patt]n4 8,keep x practical10 sd "o4 8,tell u ab ! 9exp5sive /uff10 advis$ ano!r4 8,%[ u h[ a bl p]son c adapt (f-!-%elf devices 9/1d ( rely+ on exp5sive special "os10 wrote "s"o else4 ,i 0 c]ta9ly pl1s$ to rcv t k9d ( att5;n1 b ,i 2gan to wond] if ^! p _h organiz$ "s k9d ( a propag&a campaign am;g !mvs4 ,ev5tually1 ,i met mo/ ( ^? valu$ r1d]s & f.d \ t al? !y didn't ev5 "k ea* o!r1 !y did h "s?+ significant 9 common3 !y 7 all rehabilita;n t1*]s4 ,n[1 ,i h be5 ask$ to help ) ! plann+ ( a na;nal 3f];e on te*nology specifically = rehabilita;n t1*]s4 #dj 8,:at ,"ws 9 ! ,r1l ,_w80 w take place at ! ,rivi]a ,hotel 9 ,las ,vegas ,july #e-#g1 #bjje4 ,s9ce ^! dates fall )9 ! #bjje ,,acb na;nal 3v5;n1 hotel >range;ts >e subject to ! same rates & re/ric;ns : apply to ! 3v5;n xf4 ,! regi/ra;n fee = 8,:at ,"ws80 is @s#aej4 ,! 3f];e ag5da has ne>ly ?ree full "ds 9 : to unfold1 s we w 2 able to exam9e _m ( ! *all5g+ te*nology categories1 "s ( !m bo? complex & competitive4 ,i c gu>antee y t ! pragmatic1 d[n-to-e>? side ( ! subject w h an honor$ place "r 9 ! c5t] ( ! program4 ,! 3f];e budget 3si/s ( a small f$]ally fund$ adm9i/rative compon5t plus 3tribu;ns f exhibitor sponsors & ! regi/ra;n fee m5;n$ #da abv4 ,all ! funds w 2 exp5d$ directly on 3f];e items1 s* z r5t$ comput]s = le>n+ & explor+1 "s social ev5ts = net"w+ purposes1 & meet+ space 9 ! hotel4 ,we al expect to pay travel exp5ses = a c\ple ( sp1k]s1 ?\< _m ( \r 9/ructors w (f] _! "t )\t co/ 9 a _s ( g5]os;y )\t : ! ev5t cd n take place at all4 ,= me1 "o ( ! mo/ attractive aspects ( ? ev5t is xs coop]ative nature4 ,plann+ & organiza;nal ele;ts >e a product ( ! collective ef=ts ( ! ,rehabilita;n ,rese>* & ,tra9+ ,c5t] on ,bl;s & ,l[ ,vi.n at ,mississippi ,/ate ,univ]s;y "<( : ,i am ! tra9+ director">1 ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl & xs a6iliate1 ! ,na;nal ,associa;n ( ,bl ,t1*]s4 ,we w (f] a v>iety ( #db significant topics ) a m9imum ( te* talk & j>gon4 ,\r op5+ ses.n addresses ! age-old *all5ge ( gett+ textbooks & mat]ials ne$$ by /ud5ts & "w+ pr(es.nals 2f ! seme/] or ! job 5ds4 ,o!r topics on ! def9ite li/ 9clude3 te*nology #aja_/#ajb2 gett+ ! mo/ f l[ vi.n ) te*nology2 brl on dem& ,- simple b n automatic2 notetak] or ,,pda1 : does my cli5t ne$82 optical "* scann+1 a vital b limit$ te*nology2 te*nology & ! old] cli5t2 te*nology tra9+ 2f college2 &1 ( c\rse1 an honor$ place = simple & e6ective l[-te*1 z well z (f-!-%elf products t require no adapta;n4 ,if1 at ! 5d ( ! 3f];e1 \r "picipants want to explore ways ( e/abli%+ an ongo+ dialogue on "s ( ^! topics1 ,i 2lieve t we w all feel t #dc ! ef=t has be5 wor?:ile4 ,al? rehabilita;n t1*]s >e ! prim>y audi;e = ? 3f];e1 all 9t]e/$ applicants >e welcome4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ,b4,t4 ,kimbr\<1 ,director ( ,tra9+1 ,,rrtc on ,bl;s & ,l[ ,vi.n1 ,,po ,box #fahi1 ,mississippi ,/ate1 ,,ms #cigfb2 ph"o "<#ffb"> #cbe-#bjja2 or ;e- mail bkimbr\<@acoll$4msstate4" $u4 ,frs-9-,>t ,call+ = ,>t = ,%[ at ,3v5;n by ,elsie ,mon!i ,eligibil;y ,>ti/s :o reside 9 ! ,,usa & >e legally bl may 5t] a maximum ( two orig9al "ws ( >t4 ,^! "ws m/ 2 r1dy-to-4play >t "w1 9clud+ ! categories ( pa9t+1 draw+1 pr9tmak+1 collage1 sculpture1 fib] #dd >t & jewelry4 ,no patt]ns or pa9t-by-numb] w 2 a3eptable4 ,5tries m/ 2 orig9al "ws ( >t4 ,be/ ( ! ,%[ w 2 select$ by "picipants by ballot4 ,! ca% aw>ds h 9cr1s$ ? ye>4 ,f/ prize is @s#ajj1 second prize @s#ge1 & ?ird prize @s#ej4 ,5try ,proc$ures ,>ti/s may 5t] up to two "ws ( >t 9 ! abv categories1 n to exce$ two 5tries4 ,ea* 5try %d 2 label$ ) ! >ti/'s "n & title ( ! "w4 ,! 5try %d 2 label$ to 9dicate ori5ta;n4 ,all "ws ( >t m/ 2 r1dy to hang or 4play- r1dy4 ,yr regi/ra;n =m %d 2 s5t to ,elsie ,mon!i1 #acjd #cith ,st41 ,des ,mo9es1 ,,ia #ejcaa2 or ph"o "<#eae"> #bgg- #jddb4 ,9=ma;n ab yr "w %d 9clude m$ia1 size "1 title1 & dim5.ns4 ,2 sure to 9clude a %ort descrip;n ( ! "w z well4 ,deliv]y & ,return ( ,>t ,"w ,if y 9t5d to att5d na;nal 3v5;n1 y c br+ yr "w ) y4 ,y m/ pick up yr "w & pack x yrf = ! return trip4 ,if y 9t5d to mail yr 5try1 9clude ! %ipp+ fee to return yr "w to y4 ,al 9clude ! co/ ( 9sur.e4 ,yr "ws %d 2 %ipp$ & 9sur$ to3 ,elsie ,mon!i1 ,rivi]a ,hotel & ,cas9o1 #bija ,las ,vegas ;,blvd4 ,s\?1 ,las ,vegas1 ,,nv #hiaji4 ,or y may h& deliv] !m to ,elsie ,mon!i4 ,5try ,fees ,an 5try fee ( @s#aj p] 5try w 2 *>g$ to cov] ! 4play co/s4 ,5try fees w n 2 return$ if ! >ti/ does n 4play 8 or #df h] >t "w4 ,cal5d> ,june #ae3 ,d1dl9e = applica;ns to 2 s5t to ,elsie ,mon!i ,june #bi-#cj3 ,"ws m/ 2 at ! hotel = 3v5;n ,july #b3 ,h& deliv]$ to ,elsie ,mon!i = 4play ,july #c-#f3 ,public exhibit ,july #e3 noon1 ,,fia annual busi;s meet+ & lun*eon ,july #e3 #c to #e p4m4 ,meet ! ,>ti/s ,recep;n ,july #e3 ,notifica;n ( %[ w9n]s & aw>ds giv5 ,july #f3 ,"ws >e pick$ up or mail$ back to exhibitor ,liabil;y & ,9sur.e ,all r1sonable c>e w 2 giv5 to objects 9 ! exhibi;n4 ,! >t "w w 2 9 a secure >ea #dg :ile on exhibit4 ,! 9sur.e y pur*ase f ! %ipp+ s]vice w cov] ! >t "w 9 transit4 ,frs- ,9-,>t is n responsible = delib]ate !ft or v&alism ( >t or unclaim$ >t af ! 3v5;n4 ,"ws n claim$ or pick$ up by ,july #f w 2 tr1t$ z gifts to ,frs-,9-,>t4 ,sales ,sales >e 5c\rag$4 ,no commis.n w 2 *>g$ by ,frs-,9- ,>t4 ,frs-,9-,>t w n act z ag5t4 ,all sales m/ 2 negotiat$ by "picipants4 ,agree;t ,submis.n ( an 5try to ? exhibi;n % 3/itute agree;t ) all 3di;ns 9 ? applica;n4 ,frs-,9-,>t res]ves ! "r to reproduce "ws = public;y purposes only4 ,note3 ,"ws n r1dy = exhibi;n or #dh 4play-r1dy c 2 )held f ! exhibit4 ,! "ns ( %[ "picipants may 2 publi%$ 9 8,! ,brl ,=um0 & ,,fia's 8,log ( ! ,bridget5d]40 ,"! is a new category ? ye>3 jewelry6 ,! o!r categories >e pa9t+1 draw+1 pr9tmak+1 collage1 sculpture1 & fib] >t4 ,! exhibit w 2 9 a m public >ea ": x w h m visibil;y4 ,i hope t x w promote m sales = ! >ti/s4 ,we h n _h an exhibit & >t %[ = "s "t4 ,i am look+ =w>d to see+ all ( y 9 ,las ,vegas ? summ]4 ,i am plann+ to br+ s"eal ( my new pieces4 ,pl1se plan to att5d \r lun*eon on ,tues"d4 ,we >e plann+ _m activities & 5t]ta9;t 9 ! ,frs-,9-,>t ,suite = yr $uca;n & 5joy;t4 #di ,5try ,regi/ra;n ,=m "<,pl1se pr9t legibly"> #a4 ,>ti/3 ,/reet ,address3 ,c;y1 ,/ate1 ,zip ,code3 ,ph"o ,home ,"w3 ,m$ia3 ,title3 ,pur*ase ,price3 @s .-.-.-.-.- ,n ,= ,sale #b4 ,>ti/3 ,/reet ,address3 ,c;y1 ,/ate1 ,zip ,code3 ,ph"o ,home ,"w3 ,m$ia3 ,title3 ,pur*ase ,price3 @s .-.-.-.-.- ,n ,= ,sale ,return ? applica;n ) yr fee ( @s#aj p] 5try to ,elsie ,mon!i1 or br+ x ) yr >t #ej "w to 3v5;n4 ,3gratula;ns to ! ,w9n]s ( ! ,st4 ,patrick's ,"d ,ra6le6 by ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt ,well1 ! ,,acb #ab ,"ds to ,st4 ,patrick's ,ra6le is hi/ory6 ,! w9n]s >e li/$ at ! 5d ( ? >ticle4 ,on 2half ( ,,acb1 ,i want to ?ank "ey"o = _! 9t]e/ & "picipa;n 9 ! ra6le4 ,?anks to "ey"o :o 0 ?"\;l & brave 5 to s5d *ecks af r1d+ ab x 9 8,! ,brl ,=um40 ,y r1lly put u ov] ! top6 ,?anks to ^? ( y :o b"\ #aj or m tickets4 ,y "k :o y >e & h[ m* ,,acb appreciates yr "picipa;n4 ,& ?anks g to ! p :o help$ me sell tickets3 ,>dis ,bazyn1 :o sold to f\r w9n]s2 ,m>vel5a ,quesada & ,*ris ,gray2 ! ,rus*ival #ea & ,cox families2 ,brian ,*>lson & ,ralph ,s&]s2 & ,jim ,ke/eloot f ! ,*icago ,lie3 ,m>* #f1 ,dr4 ,$ ,bradley1 ,texas ,m>* #g1 ,%irley ,gray1 "m ( ! presid5t1 ,wa%+ton ,m>* #h1 ,lillian ,johnson1 ,massa*usetts ,m>* #i1 ,*>l5e ,l(r5z1 ,i[a ,m>* #aj1 ,j]ry ,b]ri]1 ,massa*usetts ,m>* #aa1 ,jaygee ,santos1 ,ill9ois ,m>* #ab1 ,a4,m4 ,full]1 ,cali=nia ,m>* #ac1 ,r&olph-,%epp>d ,v5dors ( ,l\isiana #eb ,m>* #ad1 ,juan ,simak1 ,ill9ois ,m>* #ae1 ,mike ,duke1 ,mississippi ,m>* #af1 ,myles ,tama%iro1 ,hawaii #ec ,m>* #ag1 ,ralph ,s&]s1 ,nevada ,on ,my ,way to ,ju/ice by ,%annon ,alynn ,ramsay ,9troduc;n ,i took ! ,law ,s*ool ,admis.n ,te/ "<,,lsat"> on ,oct4 #f1 #bjja1 al;g ) #aj o!r bl p "?\t ! na;n t ye>4 ,x all 2gan 9 ,m>* #bjja :5 ,i reque/$ f ! ,law ,s*ool ,admis.n ,c\ncil "<,,lsac"> a3ommoda;ns 9 ! =m ( ! te/ 9 brl & ! usual extra "t nec = tactile r1d+ ( ! brl code4 ,on page #g ( ! ,,lsat @& ,,lsdas ,regi/ra;n ,book1 #bjjb-#bjjc ,$i;n1 "! is a special sec;n ": ,,lsac cau;ns c&idates t 8,if y rcv addi;nal "t z an a3ommoda;n = yr 4abil;y1 ,,lsac w s5d a #ed /ate;t ) yr ,,lsdas ,law ,reports . advis+ t yr score %d 2 9t]pret$ ) grt s5sitiv;y & flexibil;y40 ,& on page #abb1 "u ! h1d+ 8,c>e;lly evaluate ,,lsat scores e>n$ "u a3ommodat$ or non-/&>d 3di;ns30 8,,lsac has no data to demon/rate t scores e>n$ "u a3ommodat$ 3di;ns h ! same m1n+ z scores e>n$ "u /&>d 3di;ns40 ,! f/ obs]va;n is t ,,lsac has1 s9ce ! te/ 9cep;n 9 #aigd1 an 5orm\s data bank f : _m evalua;ns c 2 made4 ,9 liative evalua;ns4 ,i 0 4turb$ by ^! /ate;ts4 ,on ,may #ag1 #bjjb1 ) ! assi/.e ( ,s54 ,tom ,h>k91 ,i fil$ a civil "rs compla9t ) ! ,de"p;t ( ,ju/ice1 cit+ #ee ,,lsac ) 8sy/emic 4p>ate tr1t;t 4crim9a;n10 a viola;n ( ! ,u4,s4 ,3/itu;n's ,f\rte5? ,am5d;t equal protec;n clause z well z ! ,am]icans ) ,4abilities ,act4 ,! ,,doj ,civil ,"rs ,divi.n a3ept$ my compla9t on ,aug4 #bh1 #bjjb 9 a lr f =m] ,assi/ant ,attorney ,g5]al ,ralph ;,f4 ,boyd ,jr4 to ,h>k94 ,4crim9a;n 9 ! ,,lsat ,te/ ,any reque/ = an a3ommodat$ te/ results 9 ! ,,lsac label ( 8non-/&>d0 & 8a3ommodat$0 atta*$ to ! reports ( 4abl$ te/-tak]s4 ,? o3urs :5 a te/- tak] reque/s ! ,,lsat 9 brl1 audiocassette =mat1 extra te/ "t1 a3essible te*nology or a r1d]4 ,z a result ( ^! a3ommoda;ns1 ^! te/-tak]s w 2 8fla7$0 z non-/&>d4 ,by #ef reque/+ a *ange ( te/ date1 z happ5s ) 8,satur"d ,sa2a? adm9i/ra;ns10 ! label 8non- /&>d adm9i/ra;n0 is al atta*$ to ! records ( ^! 9dividuals4 ,my 9itial reac;n 9 response to ^! policies 0 to docu;t my compla9ts 9 a lr to ,,lsac on ,nov4 #cj1 #bjja4 ,! 4crim9atory policies ,i id5tifi$ 7 z foll[s3 ,a3ommoda;ns3 ,ne$.s & exp5sive proc$ures >e requir$ ( bl applicants 9 ord] to obta9 ! nec a3ommoda;ns to take ! ,,lsat4 ,i claim$ t ! docu;ta;n ,,lsac requir$ ( me to prove bl;s 0 excessive & co/ly 9 "t & m"oy4 ,i submitt$ num]\s docu;ts1 b ,,lsac 9=m$ me by teleph"o t ! f/ submis.n ( docu;ts 0 una3eptable & t !y requir$ a doctor's report1 : 9volv$ submis.n ( a new #eg set ( docu;ts4 ,draw+ ,diagrams3 ,! ,,lsat ,analytical ,r1son+ sec;n1 9volv+ #bd logic "qs1 p]mits draw+ ( diagrams to help siiables & 3/ra9ts /at$ 9 ! complex problems4 ,page #fi ( ! 9/ruc;ns r1ds3 8,in answ]+ "s ( ! "qs1 x may 2 use;l to draw a r\< diagram40 ,2+ bl & unable to make use ( s* aids1 a h&icap 0 impos$ ^u me & my score su6]$ relative to ^? :o >e sirange;ts40 ,draw+ ( diagrams is n a3essible to ! bl1 #eh nor >e "! any alt]natives4 ,fla7+3 ,once te/-tak]s >e label$ z 8non-/&>d10 !y >e1 by writt5 ,,lsac policy "1 depriv$ ( a br1kd[n ( _! correct & 9correct responses to ! #aja "qs4 ,any ,,lsat te/ tak5 "u a3ommodat$ 3di;ns is label$ z a 8non-4clos$ adm9i/ra;n40 ,? 8non-4closure0 policy s]ves to b5efit ! 8/&>d0 te/-tak] comp>$ to ! 8non-/&>d0 te/- tak]1 3sid]+ ! le>n+ available %d a rep1t te/ 2 elect$4 ,fla7+ ( subgr\ps by ,,lsac z 8a3ommodat$0 & 8non-/&>d0 is a 4crim9atory policy : m/ 2 4cont9u$1 z has be5 d"o rec5tly 9 _m college 5tr.e te/s foll[+ ! settle;t ( ! ,breimhor/ vs4 ,,ets "<,n4,d4 ,cal1 ,m>* #bg1 #bjja"> case4 ,f9ally1 all te/-tak]s %d automatically rcv a #ei br1kd[n ( _! correct & 9correct responses al;g ) _! ,,lsat score )\t ! necess;y ( reque/+ t 9=ma;n4 ,! label+ policy (t5 call$ 8fla7+10 describ$ abv1 c 2 sep>at$ 9to two 4t9ct compla9ts4 ,! f/ "o is t c]ta9 te/-tak]s >e label$ z 8a3ommodat$0 or 8non-/&>d40 ,! second "o is t once a te/-tak] is s label$1 ! te/ is fla7$ ag z a 8non-4clos$ adm9i/ra;n0 & ^! te/-tak]s1 by writt5 policy1 w n rcv a br1kd[n ( _! "r & wr;g answ]s z is ! cu/om = /&>d te/-tak]s4 ,civil ,"rs ,compla9ts ,fil$ ) ! ,unit$ ,/ates ,de"p;t ( ,ju/ice ,rcvg no response f ,,lsac to my direct app1l = re=ms 9 a lr dat$ ,nov4 #cj1 #bjja1 ,i fil$ on ,may #ag1 #bjjb1 #fj a compla9t ag/ ,,lsac ) ! ,de"p;t ( ,ju/ice1 ,civil ,"rs ,divi.n1 ,4abil;y ,sec;n1 /at+ t f\r allega;ns ( 4crim9a;n am.t to 8sy/emic 4p>ate tr1t;t 4crim9a;n0 & >e a viola;n ( bo? ! ,unit$ ,/ates ,3/itu;n equal protec;n doctr9es & ! ,am]icans ) ,4abilities ,act "<,,ada">1 #db ,u4,s4,c4 ^s#abaaa et seq4 ,i 0 support$ 9 my ,,ada-bas$ ac;n by ,s54 ,tom ,h>k91 an au?or ( ! ,,ada legisla;n1 = :om ,i "w$ z an 9t]n :ile /udy+ at ! ,/an=d ,univ]s;y program 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 9 #bjja4 ,my case 0 a3ept$ by ,boyd & assign$ numb] ,,dj_?#bjb-#fb-#abj4 ,! ac;n 0 tak5 up by ,4abil;y ,sec;n ,*ief ,john ;,l4 ,wodat*1 :o assign$ trial attorney ,laura ;,f4 ,e9/e9 to my case4 #fa ,case ,clos$ ,?irte5 mon?s lat]1 ,e9/e9 clos$ my case1 dropp+ ?ree ( ! f\r allega;ns )\t explana;n1 )\t te/-valida;n fact-f9d+ & )\t communicat+ or %>+ any deci.ns ) me4 ,on ,june #aj1 #bjjc1 ,i rcvd a case clos+ lr f h] describ+ a "pial1 un(ficial agree;t 2t ! ,,lsac attorney & ! ,,doj attorney4 ,! agree;t 0 un(ficial 9 t x 0 n process$ z a =mal 8settle;t0 z o3urr$ 9 a rec5t1 simil> ,,doj case 9volv+ five bl applicants "<,,dj_?#bjb-#fb- #cd et ;al dat$ ,feb4 #bb1 #bjjb">4 ,! 9=mal agree;t 0 n sign$ by ,de"p;t ( ,ju/ice sup]visors & x 0 n made public 9 any =m4 ,! agree;t1 docu;t$ by ,e9/e9 ) ! ,,lsac attorney1 0 to 5d 8non-4closure ( te/ results0 & provide a br1kd[n ( te/ results to brl te/- #fb tak]s1 2g9n+ 9 ,octob] #bjjc4 ,victory ,x 0 a victory1 b a small "o4 ,x 0 a victory = bl p :o w1 9 ! future1 take ! te/ 9 brl & audiocassettes4 ,un=tunately1 ! limit$ agree;t fell f> %ort ( correct+ ! civil "rs viola;ns 9corporat$ 9 my sy/emic 4p>ate tr1t;t 4crim9a;n compla9t4 ,! agree;t to 5d non-4closure = brl te/- tak]s did n cov] any o!r 4abl$ gr\ps nor ! ,sa2a? obs]v]s1 :o al >e fla7$ z 8non-4clos$40 ,my orig9al ,may #ag1 #bjjb compla9t1 : 0 a3ept$ by ! assi/ant attorney g5]al1 did n limit ! compla9t to bl p4 ,my specific all-9clusive allega;n 0 ^w$ z foll[s3 8,,lsac %d 2 requir$ to 4cont9ue all non- /&>d & all non-4closure policies40 #fc ,if ! civil "rs allega;n 0 m]itori\s = ! sub-gr\p1 x %d 2 m]itori\s = all4 ,e9/e91 z a civil "rs attorney1 responsible = r$ress+ civil "rs griev.es1 0 obligat$ to cov] all p 9 ! non-4clos$ class4 ,fur!rmore1 by agree+ to ! 4cont9u.e ( non-4closure = ! bl1 a prec$5t 0 set1 : %d h be5 appli$ to all gr\ps4 ,? 0 a classic case ":9 ! issues pres5t$ & relief s"\ 7 id5tical = all memb]s ( ! class4 ,x is my "u/&+ t ! ra;nale = ! selective agree;t proce$$ f 9=ma;n obta9$ f ,,lsac4 ,! nature ( ! ,,lsac 9=ma;n1 pres5t$ to ! ,,doj attorney1 0 t "! 7 only #aa bl te/-tak]s ( ! #bjja ,,lsat te/4 ,only six bl p took ! te/ 9 brl1 myf 9clud$2 ! o!r five took ! te/ by m1ns ( #fd audiocassettes4 ,? 9=ma;n 0 3vey$ to me 9 a teleph"o 3v]sa;n ) ! ,,doj attorney at ! 5d ( ,may #bjjc4 ,i ga!r$ f ? 3v]sa;n t ! numb] ( bl te/- tak]s 0 s small t x wd 2 an 8undue burd50 to *ange ! ,,lsat te/ to meet ! ne$s ( a few bl p4 ,h["e1 ! de"p;t "utook my compla9t on 2half ( ! 4abl$ class & my compla9t ext5d$ 2y ! 4crim9a;n ag/ ! bl4 ,x 9volv$ 4crim9a;n ag/ o!rs 9clud+ 8,satur"d ,sa2a?0 p am;g _m o!rs4 ,?us ! 8non-4clos$0 fla7+ 3t9u$4 ,i did n a3ept ! m9or agree;t put tgr by ! two attorneys4 ,i reject$ ! agree;t 9 c]tifi$ lrs to =m] ,attorney ,g5]al ,john ,a%cr(t1 to ,boyd & ,wodat*4 ,i reque/$ t ^! sup]iors vacate ! faulty agree;t ) ,,lsac & r5ew all #fe allega;ns ( my orig9al compla9t1 to no avail4 ,foll[+ is h[ ! ,,doj tr1t$ my case on ea* specific allega;n4 ,fla7+ ,allega;n3 ,9 addi;n to ! fla7+ ( ! ,,lsat te/ z a 8non-4clos$ adm9i/ra;n0 is ! fla7+ ( te/-tak]s z 8a3ommodat$0 or 8non-/&>d40 ,z ,i 9dicat$ 9 my compla9t lr ( ,may #ag1 #bjjb1 ^! fla7+ policies m/ 2 4cont9u$4 ,h["e1 ? allega;n 0 dropp$ )\t any explana;n4 ,draw+ ,diagrams ,allega;n3 ,? major allega;n ( my compla9t 0 dropp$ by ! ,,doj attorney )\t any explana;n4 ,if ! 8undue burd50 clause 9 ! ,,ada /atutes 0 cit$ to 4reg>d ? allega;n1 !n ! ,,doj attorney _h ! responsibil;y to 5gage 9 fact-f9d+ to asc]ta9 any h>d%ips by *ang+ ! ,,lsat te/ to 4all[ ! draw+ ( #ff diagrams4 ,z = ! monitor+ ( ! te/ to 9sure "! is no viola;n ( a new policy1 ":by no draw+ ( diagrams wd 2 p]mitt$1 "! >e alr te/ monitors 5gag$ dur+ ! adm9i/ra;n ( ! te/ at e te/ c5t]2 ?us1 "! wd 2 no add$ co/ 9volv$4 ,a3ommoda;ns ,allega;n3 ,? allega;n 0 dropp$ )\t any explana;n4 ,9 my compla9t1 ,i cit$ t an 8a3ommoda;ns0 case fil$ by five bl ,,lsat te/ applicants 0 9 progress dur+ ! p]iod ( ,m>* to ,octob] #bjja :5 ,i s"\ p]mis.n to take ! te/ 9 brl4 ,excessive require;ts 7 impos$ ^u me at a "t :5 ! five bl /ud5ts _h 5t]$ _! simil> compla9ts4 ,on t case ,,dj_?#bjb-#fb-#cd1 -#ee1 -#ef1 -#fb1 & -#gi1 damages ( @s#bj1jjj 7 aw>d$ & *anges to ! ,,lsac a3ommoda;ns policy result$ on ,feb4 #bb1 #fg #bjjb4 ,"?\t ! #ac mon?s ( delib]a;ns 2t ! ,,doj & ! ,,lsac attorneys1 ,i 0 n p]mitt$ to rcv any 9=ma;n or to 5gage 9 any ( ! deci.ns4 ,all b "o ( my compla9ts 7 dropp$ )\t any explana;n4 ,i 0 told by ! trial attorney t ! ,,doj's cli5t-attorney proc$ure is di6]5t f t : ,i am 2+ tau* #bjjd1 ,,lsac rel1s$ xs late/ #bjjd-#bjje ,$i;n ( ,,lsat @& ,,lsdas ,regi/ra;n & ,9=ma;n ,book4 ,x is alm ^w = ^w1 page = page1 id5tical to ! #bjjc- #bjjd & ! #bjjb-#bjjc ,$i;ns4 ,"! >e no *anges to ! fla7+ policies4 ,"! is no *ange to ! draw+ diagrams policy4 ,"! is1 h["e1 a *ange : is n 9 compli.e ) ! ,june #aj1 #bjjc ,,doj_/,,lsac agree;t4 ,! major agree;t ,i obta9$1 elim9at+ non-4closure = brl te/-tak]s1 0 n fully honor$4 ,page #ac ( ! ,,lsat #fi ,regi/ra;n ,book #bjjd-#bjje ,$i;n n[ r1ds 8"s brl0 te/- tak]s 3t9ue to 2 8non-4clos$40 ,9 a c]tifi$ lr dat$ ,m>* #cj1 #bjjd to ,a%cr(t1 ,i 9=m$ hm t ! ,law ,s*ool ,admis.n ,c\ncil 0 n 9 compli.e ) ! ,,doj_/,,lsac ,june #aj1 #bjjc agree;t4 ,summ>y ,if 9 ! future1 ! ,law ,s*ool ,admis.n ,c\ncil does n will+ly 4cont9ue ! "qable policies ,i h *all5g$1 !n x rema9s = an 9dividual or gr\p to 9/itute a class ac;n suit 9 a f$]al 4trict c\rt1 z ! ,de"p;t ( ,ju/ice advis$4 #gj ,au/ralia3 ,love at ,f/ 444 ,exp]i;e6 by ,katie ,sa3a "<,$itor's ,note3 ,katie ,sa3a is a s5ior bo>d+ /ud5t at ,middlesex ,s*ool 9 ,3cord1 ,mass41 ": %e plays field hockey & is capta9 ( ! ski t1m4 ,%e lives 9 ,gl\ce/] ) h] p>5ts :5 %e is n away at s*ool or travel+4 ,jo%ua ,pe>son is a sev5? grade /ud5t at ! ,qua29 ,regional ,middle ,s*ool 9 ,b>re1 ,mass41 ": he lives ) 8 p>5ts & ?ree "y] bro!rs4 ,he 5joys r1d+1 *att+ ) frs on ! ,9t]net1 ski+1 act+ & travel4 ,9 8 free "t he plays ! piano & hangs \ ) frs4 ,jo% has be5 totally bl s9ce bir?4"> ,x cd h be5 any o!r ord9>y "d at ! b1*2 go+ = a l;g swim1 l\ng+ 9 a deck *air 9 ! #ga sun1 eat+ ice cr1m b>s & ,popsicles1 & he>+ kids lau< & play all >.d4 ,x miy "d ,- except ! swimm+ 0 actually snorkel+ al;g ! ,grt ,b>ri] ,reef1 & ! deck *air 0 on a moor$ pontoon #ch miles (f ! coa/ ( ,au/ralia4 ,i 0 relax$ & worry-free z ! #db #aa- & #ab-ye>-olds t ,i 0 travel+ ) play$ >.d on ! boat & 9 ! wat]1 snapp+ "uwat] photos ( sea turtles & b"rly color$ s*ools ( fi%4 ,i knew t am;g ! #db "! 0 "o :o 0 gett+ a totally di6]5t exp]i;e f all ! o!r kids1 "o :o 0 9cit+ a c]ta9 5vi\s fasc9a;n 9 ! o!r kids ,- he _h 8 [n p]sonal div] ) hm1 br++ up s* tactile delid & s(t coral1 sea cucumb]s & sea />s1 & ev5 coax+ a l>ge 8frly0 fi% ov] = a tr1t & a pat4 ,? "o 0 ,jo%ua ,pe>son1 a ?"\;l #gb & p]ceptive #ab-ye>-old f ,b>re1 ,mass4 ,jo%'s admis.n 9to ! ,p to ,p ,/ud5t ,ambassador ,program 0 a mile/"o = bo? visually impair$ /ud5ts & ! program xf4 ,jo% has be5 bl s9ce he 0 born2 ! ,p to ,p program _h n"e (f]$ admis.n to any bl /ud5ts 9 ! pa/4 ,:5 ?ree ( ,jo%'s t1*]s at ! ,ru7les ,lane ,ele;t>y ,s*ool recomm5d$ hm = ! program1 h["e1 ,p to ,p took a second look4 ,^u a3ept+ ,jo% 9to ! program1 ! adm9i/ra;n at ,p to ,p 2gan to take special 3sid]a;ns4 ,!y 3clud$ t "o ( ,jo%ua's p>5ts wd ne$ to a3ompany hm on ! #af-"d explora;n ( ,au/ralia4 ,jo% prote/$ immly t 8 p>5ts wd h9d] 8 9dep5d;e & ?w>t prospective fr%ips by #gc hov]+ too close4 ,once he voic$ ^! 3c]ns1 ano!r su7es;n = a guide 0 br"\ up3 ! #af- ye>-old dau at ne>by ,wa*usett ,m.ta9 ": ,i tau-old4 ,z ,i got to "k ,jo%1 my 3fid;e grew & he develop$ a love = ski+4 ,soon1 ! two ( u 7 able to fe>.sly trav]se ! 9t]m$iate t]ra9 & ev5 5joy x4 ,s :5 my "m f/ ask$ me if ,i wd 2 9t]e/$ 9 go+ to ,au/ralia ,i 0 v #gd 5?usia/ic4 ,:5 ,i le>n$1 h["e1 t ,i wd solely 2 responsible = bo? ,jo%'s com=t & 8 5joy;t ( ! trip1 my 5?usiasm wan$4 ,i 0 a ll hesitant1 b 9 ! face ( an o!rwise college-visit-lad5 summ]1 ,i /epp$ up to ! job4 ,2f bo>d+ ! plane = \r t$i\sly l;g flin a few ?+s ab travel+ ) a visually impair$ p]son4 ,to see ,jo%ua 9 ac;n1 my "m took me to ,ru7les ,lane ,ele;t>y ,s*ool to wit;s 8 "d-to-"d activities4 ,z ,i foll[$ ,jo%ua d[n ! w9d+ corridors ( ! s*ool1 ,i _h to keep rem9d+ myf t he 0 visually impair$4 ,he mov$ 3fid5tly & o3a.nally swept 8 r$-tipp$ cane al;g ! gr.d = extra assur.e4 ,he walk$ swiftly to 8 de/9a;n1 & !n1 9 a f9al act ( *ivalry1 held ! door to 8 #ge classroom op5 = me4 "<,i _h hop$ my trail+ hm wd g unnotic$4"> ,i rememb]$ ) "s di6iculty t ! adept & 3fid5t boy t ,i _h j %ad[$ 0 ! r1son t ,i 0 rcvg a ticket to ,au/ralia4 ,! de"pure date >riv$ seem+ly "ds afws1 9duc+ feel+s ( extreme excite;t & n]v\s;s1 alt]nat+4 ,we _h \r 8,p to ,p0 r$ polo %irts on1 \r lu7age 0 on ! plane1 & we 7 r1dy to meet ! ,los ,angeles ,p to ,p coord9ators & \r gr\p4 ,a li/ ( ?+s t ,i _h to rememb] 0 runn+ "? my h1d & ,i 0 /ru7l+ ) manag+ sid+ passes & n los+ \r passports :5 ,i r1liz$ f9ally t ,i _h s m* responsibil;y 9 ? posi;n & cd n escape if "s?+ w5t wr;g4 ,? wd 2 ! f/ "t 9 my life t ,i wd h to put "s"o else f/ 9 #gf my p]sonal prior;y li/1 & x wd c]ta9ly 2 an adv5ture4 ,z soon z we jo9$ ! gr\p1 h["e1 "! 0 a *orus ( 8,hey1 ,jo%60 & s"eal girls came runn+ ov] to l1d ,jo% to ": !y 7 sitt+4 ,! room we 7 9 0 ov]:elm+ly cr[d$ ) kids ( all sizes & ages we>+ ! same r$ polo %irts we 7 we>+4 ,all ,i'll say is t ,i'm v glad ,i wasn't a typical pass5g] on t fliriv$ & ex*ang$ m"oy1 we h1d$ /raioos4 ,m9utes af 5c.t]+ 8 f/ kang>oo1 he 9=m$ me t he wd 8love to [n "o40 ,af #ae m m9utes ( kang>oo pett+ & fe$+1 [n+ a kang>oo turn$ 9to [n+ a l>ge sec;n ( ,au/ralia t he wd cordon (f exclusively = #gg ! use ( 8 h]d ( kang>oos4 ,jo% 0 n1 h["e1 v fond ( ! emus1 mo/ly bas$ on ! reac;n ( ! girls 9 ! gr\p "4 ,at ? po9t1 ,jo% 0 / gett+ com=table ) 2+ 9 a new c.try & s ,i 0 do+ si ) a new fr4 ,jo% le>n$ _m ?+s dur+ 8 #af "ds ( travel+ 9 ,au/ralia4 ,if ,i 7 to retell ! :ole adv5ture1 x wd take up f> too m* space1 s ,i w pick \ s"eal significant exp]i;es ( ! trip4 ,:5 we >riv$ 9 ! \tback af ne>ly n9e h\rs ( driv+1 c.t.s bags ( c&y1 ?ree movies1 & a seem+ly 9f9ite *orus ( 8,b+o10 "ey"o 0 reliev$ to get (f ! bus4 ,:5 we /epp$ (f & 7 direct$ to a l;g picnic table ) a ro( b no walls1 "ey"o r1liz$ t ? /ay wd 2 v di6]5t f ! com=table hotel /ay ( #gh ! previ\s few ni4 ,despite ! va/ di6];es 2t ! \tback f>m /ay & normal liv+ "1 ne>ly "ey"o 5joy$ ! f>m /ay4 ,! f/ ni+ fire4 ,we le>n$ "s classic ,au/ralian bu% s;gs & toa/$ m>%mall[s & he>d ly1 eag] = ! next "d's ev5ts4 ,af br1kfa/ at #f3#cj1 we 7 divid$ 9to small gr\ps = ! ma9 ev5t ( ! morn+3 horseback rid+ "? ! bu%4 ,jo% _h 8 [n horse1 b 0 2+ l$ by "o ( ! f>m /aff on ano!r #gi horse4 ,jo% lov$ ! horseback ride1 & adapt$ to x easily & 3fid5tly4 ,dur+ ! two-"d f>m /ay1 ,jo% made a few new frs3 ! f>m /aff4 ,two ( ! grizzl$ c[boys took an imm lik+ to ,jo%1 giv+ hm special demon/ra;ns ) f>m equip;t & tell+ hm _! be/ jokes4 ,jo% deli ,he amaz$ !m ) 8 3fid;e & 9cr$ible optimism4 ,:5 lat] we w5t on a bu% walk t turn$ 9to a /r5u\s hike up #de-degree 9cl9e rocky surface1 ,jo%'s det]m9a;n n"e wav]$ ,- al? he did n hesitate to let me "k t he despis$ ! hike4 ,ev5 ?\< ! hike up 0 di6icult1 = ! si.d1 yet "! 0 no sign ( civiliza;n "<2ss ! gl9t ( ! ,jeep t 0 p>k$ at ! bottom ( ! /eep m.ta9">4 ,:at r1lly amaz$ ! f>m /aff 0 n only ,jo%'s tru/ 9 me dur+ ! hike1 b t he 0 completely satisfi$ ) "k+ t ! view 0 magnific5t1 & _h no remorse = climb+ ) no app>5t rew>d4 ,!y 7 al v impress$ ) 8 audac;y on ! climb d[n1 : prov$ to 2 alm m di6icult due to a grt] numb] ( loose rocks on ! /eep way d[n4 ,al? ! exp]i;e 0 n ,jo%'s favorite1 he rema9$ 9 gd _ss "?\t ! "d's ev5ts1 : 9clud$ le>n+ h[ to ?r[ boom]angs & crack /ock :ips4 ,af two l;g rides1 we >riv$ 9 ,yeppoon1 a small t[n on ! coa/ ( ea/]n ,au/ralia4 ,af a fun ni1 we w5t #ha to sleep 9 anticipa;n ( an excit+ "d 9 ! ,capricorn ,caves6 ,:5 we got "!1 we />t$ \ 9 ! l>g] cav]ns1 ) all ! lir[ sets ( /airs & acr rickety ladd]s4 ,we em]g$ 9 a giant d>k cav]n & once ! lik;s6 ,)\t "k+ x1 :5 ! guide plung$ ! #dh sik;s1 we 7 r1lly exp]i5c+ :at ,jo% d1ls ) e "d6 ,once ! li- ,spangl$ ,bann]40 ,i ?"\ t x wd j 2 a silly proc$ure b x 0 r1lly amaz+1 :5 we r1liz$ t x wd 2 ! only "t we wd 2 s++ \r na;nal an!m = a =eign cr[d deep 9 a cave on ! tropic ( ,capricorn6 ,af mak+ \r way back to ! 5tr.e *amb]1 we 7 giv5 f\r *oices ( activ;y = ! next half-h\r4 ,! *oices rang$ f walk+ back \ ! easie/ way possible to crawl+ "? a #hc t9y *amb] = s"eal m9utes1 & two o!r *oices 9 2t4 ,we 7 all[$ to *oose : we want$1 ) ! easie/ op;n label$ #a & ! h>de/ label$ #d4 ,:5 ,i ask$ ,jo% : he want$1 he immly answ]$1 8,f\r40 ,n want+ to hold ,jo% back1 we 2gan 9 ! direc;n ( op;n f\r4 ,p]sonally1 ,i 0 v n]v\s ab tak+ ,jo% "? a t9y crawl space1 b if he wasn't1 maybe x wd 2 ,,ok4 ,2f we got to ! gr\p1 an 9/ructor told me t x wd n 2 appropriate = ,jo% to "picipate 9 ,op;n ,f\r4 ,? 0 ,jo%'s f/ run-9 ) "s?+ t he 0 2+ d5i$1 s he 0 a ll 4appo9t$1 b we compromis$ ) op;n two4 ,ev5 ?\< ! guides _h sd x 0 ,,ok = hm to g "? ! n>r[ zigzag pass ( op;n two1 ,i 0 / unsure ( h[ x wd g4 ,go+ "? ! 8zigzag0 requir$ hold+ a c&le & climb+ #hd ladd]s4 ,i decl9$ a c&le1 b ano!r family 0 al go+ "? & (f]$ to help4 ,"o foll[$ 9 front & "o foll[$ 9 back1 l1v+ me to navigate ,jo% "? ! pass4 ,al? x 0 n]ve-rack+ = all ! sin :5 we 7 9 ,au/ralia3 t "ey?+ 0 n a piece ( cake 9 t]ms ( a3essibil;y = hm4 ,we 7 9 a =eign c.try & un=tunately cd n provide ,jo% ) e opportun;y1 b luckily ,jo% _h a grt "t 9 ! caves & _h no bad feel+s ab n 2+ able to d op;n f\r4 ,s z ,i rememb] sitt+ on t l\nge *air #ch miles \ to sea on a float+ pontoon1 ,i ?9k ab h[ lucky ,i 0 to h gott5 ! opportun;y to g to ,au/ralia4 ,yes1 ! opportun;y came ) a job atta*$ to x1 b ! #he 8job0 0 5joyable & an eye-op5+ exp]i;e = "ey"o 9volv$4 ,i came back f ,au/ralia ) a grt] s5se ( matur;y & responsibil;y & an apprecia;n & deli-olds 9 ! program came back ) an "u/&+ t "s p ne$ special s]vices to 2 able to 5joy "d-to-"d activities1 b t !y >e j ! same & love to h fun 9 ! same ways4 ,^! kids r1lly le>n$ h[ to a3ept & ev5 take pride 9 help+ \ ,jo% :5"e he ne$$ x ,- b :5 he didn't ne$ any?+1 he 0 j l any o!r kid6 ,at ! airport back 9 ,bo/on1 ! kids 7 happy to see _! p>5ts1 b sad to see all _! new frs g4 ,:ile ,jo% 0 (f say+ #hf gd-bye to a fr & giv+ h] 8 ;e- mail address1 a delega;n l1d] rem>k$ :at a grt addi;n to ! gr\p ,jo% & ,i w]e1 & ,i respond$ t ,jo% "<& ,i"> 7 extremely =tunate to h ! opportun;y z well4 ,all 9 all1 "ey"o 9 ! ,p to ,p delega;n f we/]n ,massa*usetts c]ta9ly got m \ ( _! trip ?an !y expect$4 "<,note3 ,! ,p to ,p ,/ud5t ,ambassador ,program provides opportunities = grade s*ool1 junior hi< & s5ior hi< /ud5ts to explore dome/ic & =eign de/9a;ns1 le>n+ ab ! hi/ory1 gov]n;t1 economy & culture ( ! >1s !y visit4 ,p to ,p ,9t]na;nal 0 f.d$ by ,presid5t ,dwiian activities 9volv+ ! ex*ange ( id1s & #hg exp]i;es directly am;g peoples ( di6]5t c.tries & div]se cultures4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 call "<#eji"> #ecd-#jdcj1 or s5d an ;e-mail message to 9fo@a" /ud5tambassadors4org4"> ,cap;ns3 ,on \r way f ,brisbane to ! ,sun%9e ,coa/1 we /opp$ at ! ,au/ralia ,zoo4 ,jo% 0 ! only "o to t\* ! wild crocodile "1 b he & ano!r /ud5t ambassador happily play$ ) baby alb9o goats4 ,jo%ua & a koala %>e a hug at ! ,au/ralian ,na;nal ,p>k 9 ,noosa4 ,9 8 essay = applica;n to ! ,/ud5t ,ambassador ,program1 ,jo% wrote t 8 dr1m 0 to g to ,au/ralia & hold a koala4 #hh ,,rp3 ,a ,sl[1 ,p]sonal ,cata/rophe by ,b>b>a ,a4 ,siple "<,$itor's ,note3 ,dr4 ,b>b>a ,siple is a lic5s$ cl9ical psy*ologi/ at ,c\nsel+ & ,psy*ological ,s]vices1 ,$9boro ,univ]s;y ( ,p5nsylvania4 ,%e c 2 3tact$ at bsiple@a$9boro4$u4"> 8,x is m* h>d] go+ bl ?an 2+ bl10 /at$ a #ge-ye>-old man :o is bl f ret9itis pig;tosa "<,,rp">4 ,,rp is a gr\p ( deg5]ative 4ord]s ( ! ret9a t cause progressive vi.n loss1 usually l1d+ to bl;s4 ,,rp is "*iz$ by nid$ z a sl[ p]sonal cata/rophe4 ,"! >e significant & unique psy*ological implica;ns #hi = adju/+ ) ,,rp4 ,typically1 9dividuals ) ,,rp h l[ vi.n = _m ye>s ( _! lives4 ,!y >e nei sie *oices 9 t]ms ( h[ to cope4 ,9dividuals :o navigate ! ,,rp c\rse manage ! *oice po9ts di6]5tly4 ,^! di6];es 9 cop+ responses 7 ! focus ( my 4s]ta;n rese>*4 ,to provide a frame"w = "u/&+ adju/+ ) ,,rp1 ! ,trans!oretical ,model ( ,*ange "<,,tmc"> 0 us$4 ,! ,,tmc 9volves a progres.n "? five /ages3 pre- #ij 3templa;n1 3templa;n1 prep>a;n1 ac;n1 & ma9t5.e4 ,! pre-3templa;n /age is "*iz$ by resi/.e2 "! is d5ial t a 2havioral problem exi/s & "! is no 2havior *ange4 ,"! is recogni;n ( a problem 9 ! 3templa;n /age1 b "! is / no 2havior *ange4 ,9 ! prep>a;n /age1 "! is 9t5t to *ange & 2havior may 2g9 to *ange4 ,dur+ ! ac;n /age1 ov]t /eps >e tak5 to modify ! t>get 2havior4 ,dur+ ! ma9t5.e /age1 "! is 3t9u\s 2havior *ange = at l1/ six mon?s4 ,! ,,tmc is easily appli$ to ! ,,rp popula;n4 ,"picipants :o _h no 9t5;n ( mak+ any modifica;ns 9 _! "d-to-"d lives 7 classifi$ z 2+ 9 ! pre-3templa;n /age4 ,^? :o 7 n us+ e6ective /rategies to cope ) _! visual impair;t b 7 #ia s]i\sly 3sid]+ do+ s 9 ! next #f mon?s fell 9to ! 3templa;n /age1 :ile ^? :o 9t5d$ to make *anges 7 9 ! prep>a;n /age4 ,"picipants :o 7 actively *ang+ _! lives to 9corporate e6ective cop+ /rategies 7 9 ! ac;n /age & ^? :o _h su3ess;lly ma9ta9$ use ( ^! /rategies = m ?an #f mon?s 7 9 ! ma9t5.e /age4 ,rese>* f9d+s h important implica;ns = p ) ,,rp & pr(es.nals alike4 ,9 t]ms ( m1sur+ degree ( adju/;t1 x is ! id5tifica;n ( ,,tmc /age t s]ves z ! be/ b>omet]4 ,! middle /ages "a;n1 & pre-3templa;n /ages1 respectively"> >e associat$ ) ! l[e/ adju/;t scores4 ,x is dur+ ^! /ages t p ) ,,rp /ru7le ! mo/ z !y wre/le ) ! r1lities ( un/able vi.n4 ,pr(es.nals %d 2 aw>e t #ib ^! /ages >e associat$ ) poor] adju/;t & provide 9t]v5;ns : facilitate adaptive cop+ skills & a /r;g support net"w4 ,9 t]ms ( avoid.e & approa* cop+ responses1 "picipants reli$ on bo? /yles to manage _! loss ( vi.n "?\t ! five ,,tmc /ages4 ,avoid.e cop+ responses rema9$ /able "?\t ! f/ f\r /ages1 :ile approa* cop+ responses 7 us$ m h1vily dur+ ! latt] /ages4 ,?us1 adults ) ,,rp c 2 $ucat$ ab specific approa* & avoid.e cop+ /rategies t may b5efit !m "?\t ! c\rse ( ,,rp4 ,= example1 avoid.e cop+ responses1 s* z 4trac;n1 passiv;y1 positive re9t]preta;n1 wi%;l ?9k+1 & v5t+ negative emo;n may facilitate adaptive func;n+ & >e n necess>ily maladaptive4 ,avoid.e responses c 2 #ic help;l 2c !y all[ "t to 9tegrate 9=ma;n ab ! imp5d+ situa;n1 prev5t anxiety f 2com+ ov]:elm+1 & r$uce /ress4 ,approa* /rategies cr1te opportunities = appropriate ac;n or to make ! situa;n m 3trollable4 ,= example1 x seems logical t approa* cop+ responses1 s* z seek+ 9=ma;n ab ! situa;n1 2+ vigilant ab manag+ ! 3di;n1 or id5tify+ a plan & putt+ ! plan 9to ac;n wd 2 imple;t$ dur+ ! ac;n & ma9t5.e ,,tmc /ages4 ,"!=e1 ! temporal m>k]s suppli$ by ! ,,tmc /ages c 2 e6ectively utiliz$ to assess ! "picul> loca;n ( a p]son ) ,,rp4 ,once ! p]son's loca;n is id5tifi$1 !n guid.e c 2 provid$ to employ ^! & o!r approa* /rategies4 ,f9ally1 x appe>s t 2havioral me?ods ( cop+ #id >e 9corporat$ & utiliz$ z 9dividuals ) ,,rp 3t9ue to use cognitive me?ods4 ,:ile 9dividuals ) ,,rp move f pre- 3templa;n "? ac;n /ages1 x is app>5t t !y >e 9cr1s+ly ?9k+ ab h[ to negotiate 2havior *ange z !y cope ) ! rep]cus.ns ( ,,rp4 ,once adaptive 2haviors >e put 9to place & 2come well practic$1 "! appe>s to 2 less ( a ne$ to rely on cognitive cop+ /rategies4 ,^! 2havioral responses may translate 9to activities : fo/] a s5se ( ma/]y ov] ! situa;n4 ,! acquisi;n ( new skills is 9itiat$ 9 ord] to comp5sate = l[ vi.n4 ,^! /eps t[>d ma/]y may 2 p]cvd z 83troll+0 ! situa;n ev5 ?\< ! progres.n ( ! 41se xf _c 2 3troll$4 ,9 3clu.n1 "! >e practical applica;ns ( ! ,,tmc = #ie 9dividuals ) ,,rp & pr(es.nals :o "w ) !m4 ,= pr(es.nals :o provide s]vices to adults ) ,,rp1 !y %d "u/& ! process ( *ange & h[ to id5tify an 9dividual's loca;n 9 t process us+ ! ,,tmc4 ,"tly & /age- appropriate 9t]v5;ns %d 2 imple;t$ to promote social & emo;nal adju/;t1 z well z address ! practical dim5.ns ( l[ vi.n4 ,= example1 pr(es.nals m/ "k t 2f 9dividuals c move f e>ly ,,tmc /ages to ac;n1 !y m/ p]cv *ange to 2 9 _! be/ 9t]e/4 ,a newly diagnos$ adult ) ,,rp und\bt$ly requires "t to dige/ ! m1n+ (1 & actually exp]i;e :at x is l1 liv+ ) ,,rp 2f 2+ ref]r$ = rehabilitative s]vices4 ,goals m/ 2 r1li/ic2 t is1 a ?ree- mon? vi.n rehabilita;n program is n compatible ) a #if p]son 9 ! pre-3templa;n /age1 b is appropriate = ! prep>a;n or ac;n /ages4 ,id1lly1 goals %d 2 sequ;ed & tailor$ z ! p]son ) ,,rp moves "? ! process ( adju/;t4 ,"w+ ,tgr = ,commun;y ,bett];t by ,jack ,v>non & ,rodney ,bickel ,ea* 4abil;y comes ) xs [n unique set ( *all5ges4 ,we1 ! 4abl$1 m/ f/ 3di;n \rvs to 2 able to func;n 9 \r social1 economic & cultural 5viron;t by ov]com+ ! ob/acles pres5t$ by \r respective 4abilities4 ,^! ob/acles >e z unique z ea* ( \r 4abilities4 ,adapt+1 no matt] :at ! ob/acle1 is "o ?+ e 4abl$ p]son %>es2 ! mann] by : we adapt is ": ! di6];e lies4 ,h["e1 an >ea 9 : #ig we c all relate1 no matt] ! 4abil;y1 is ! t\< *all5ge ( $ucat+ ! non-4abl$ ( ^! *all5ges we face on a daily basis4 ,_m bl p]sonal comput] us]s h specializ$ scre5-r1d+ s(tw>e1 s* z ,,jaws "<,job ,a3ess ) ,spee*"> or ,w9d[- ,eyes1 all[+ ! us] to p]=m bank+ onl9e1 br[se ! ,9t]net & r1d & write ;e-mail4 ,all ( ? gives ! us] a s5se ( 9dep5d;e & ! m* desir$ dign;y t goes al;g ) t4 ,! ,c;y ( ,ga9esville's ,(fice ( ,equal ,opportun;y & ! c;y ( ,ga9esville h committ$ to a goal ( 2com+ ! numb]-"o a3essible c;y 9 ! na;n = all ( xs citiz5s1 9clud+ ^? ) 4abilities4 ,"o /ep t[>d fulfill+ ? commit;t is web a3ess = ^? ) visual impair;ts or :o >e bl4 #ih ,rodney ,bickel1 ,equal ,opportun;y ,speciali/ = ! ,c;y ( ,ga9esville1 & ,jack ,v>non1 pa/ presid5t ( ! ,ala*ua ,c.ty ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 h t1m$ up to 5h.e ! c;y's web site4 ,! goal is to make x easily a3essible to ! bl commun;y4 ,? 2gan s"eal weeks ago at a meet+ ( ! ,citiz5s ,4abil;y ,advisory ,committee4 ,rodney ask$ ,jack to evaluate ! a3essibil;y ( ! c;y's web site4 ,! 9itial report 0 4appo9t+3 9a3essible6 ,*all5g$1 ,rodney & ,ga9esville's webma/]1 ,matt ,nobles1 met ) ,jack at ! ,c5t] ( ,9dep5d5t ,liv+ "<,,ncfcil">4 ,! comput]-tra9+ lab at ,,ncfcil has a ,,pc set up ) ,,jaws4 ,jack gave 8 sin+ exp]i;e = ,rodney1 b m #aja importantly1 he has a deep] apprecia;n ( h[ assi/ive te*nology exp&s ! capabilities ( citiz5s ) 4abilities4 ,"o ?+ we bo? h le>n$3 n"e give up try+ to communicate ! ob/acles y 5c.t] z a 4abl$ p]son to "o :o is n 4abl$1 no matt] h[ fru/rat+ ? may 2come4 ,if no "o t1*es ?1 h[ >e p to le>n8 ,& if no "o "e le>ns ab ^! ob/acles1 h[ c we "e hope to h !m ov]come8 ,pati;e & "u/&+ on bo? sides >e requir$ to develop a "w+ rela;n%ip t b5efits u all4 ,rodney & ,jack h develop$ ? bond & h be5 able to a3ompli% m*4 ,p]h y c d ! same ) "s"o y "k1 mak+ ! _w a ll easi] = all p ) 4abilities1 "o p]son at a "t4 ,po/script3 ,lately1 "! has be5 widespr1d use ( ,,pdf docu;ts on gov]n;t ag5cies,0 web sites4 ,mo/ ( ^! #ajb docu;ts >e virtually unr1dable ) 3v5;nal scre5 r1d]s l ,,jaws & ,w9d[-,eyes4 ,"!=e1 ! av]age bl p]son is d5i$ r1sonable a3ess to s* 9=ma;n4 ,x's my "u/&+ t if ,i 9ve/ m doll>s & upgrade to ! late/ ,,jaws " & ,adobe ,acrobat #g4j "1 ,i w 2 able to r1d 8prop]ly0 3/ruct$ ,,pdf files4 ,un=tunately1 _m ( u j _c ju/ify ! extra exp5se4 ,"h & ,"! by ,s>ah ,blake ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column is n an 5dorse;t by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs /aff1 or elect$ (ficials4 ,products & s]vices >e li/$ free ( *>ge = ! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsible = ! #ajc reliabil;y ( products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,to submit items = ? column1 y may ;e-mail ,s>ah ,blake at sblake@aacb4org1 or call ,,acb at #a-#hjj-#dbd-#hfff & l1ve a message 9 mailbox #bf4 ,pl1se rememb] t po/al regula;ns prohibit u f 9clud+ adv]tise;ts1 & t we ne$ 9=ma;n two mon?s ah1d ( actual publica;n dates4 ,want to ,2 a ,columni/8 ,due to h1l? issues1 ,s>ah ,blake is resign+ z $itor ( ! "e-popul> 8,"h & ,"!0 column4 ,wd y l to take on ! *all5ge8 ,pl1se s5d a resume & cov] lr to ,%>on ,lov]+1 ,act+ ,$itor1 ,! ,brl ,=um1 ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 #aaee #aeth ,/reet ,,nw1 ,suite #ajjd1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje4 ,applica;ns %d 2 po/m>k$ no lat] ?an #ajd ,june #ae1 #bjje4 ;,e-mail$ applica;ns >e al a3eptable4 ,if y atta* files1 pl1se d s 9 ,,ms ,^w or ,^w,p]fect #e4a =mats4 ,if y >e uncom=table ) atta*;ts1 y may pa/e yr resume & cov] lr directly 9to yr message4 ;,e- mail to3 slov]+@aacb4org4 ,l1d]%ip ,3f];e ,! #aith annual ,c&le 9 ! ,w9d[ 3f];e w 2 held ,aug4 #bd-#bh at ,lions ,camp ,cresc5do1 j \tside ( ,l\isville1 ,ky4 ,? ye>'s !me is 8,! ,l1d]%ip ,3nec;n3 ,3fid5tly ,9flu5c+ ,p 9 ,\r ,lives40 ,9 addi;n to pres5ta;ns & /imulat+ 4cus.ns1 "! w 2 pl5ty ( "t = swimm+1 hik+1 eat+1 s++1 quiet reflec;n1 & j pla9 8hang+ \40 ,& we mi.d ! #aje lake6 ,! co/ ( ! 3f];e is @s#aej "<@s#ae 4c.t if we rcv a @s#ce non-refundable deposit by ,augu/ #a">4 ,limit$ s*ol>%ips & pay;t plans >e available4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ,pet] ,alts*ul at "<#bjb"> #bcd- #ebdc1 ;e-mail ats*u@a]ols4com2 or ,ka?y ,sz9nyey at "<#ejb"> #hie- #jhff1 ;e-mail fr$kate@aigl\4com4 ,w9d[-,eyes ,special ,(f] ,want to save @s#ajj & [n ,w9d[-,eyes ,pr(es.nal & 9 do+ s1 al 3tribute @s#ajj to ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl8 ,3tact ,adaptive ,9=ma;n ,sy/ems1 id5tify yrf z an ,,acb memb] & ask = ! ,w9d[- ,eyes ,pr(es.nal special = @s#fie4 ,= e copy ( #ajf ,w9d[-,eyes ,pr(es.nal sold to an ,,acb memb]1 @s#ajj w 2 3tribut$ to ! ,,acb na;nal (fice4 ,? is an ongo+ (f]4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 call #a-#hgg-#gib- #dgfh4 ,call = ,pap]s ,! ,9t]na;nal ,p>alympic ,committee "<,,ipc"> ann\nc$ t ! f\r? ,,vi/a ,3f];e w 2 held f ,may #f-#g1 #bjjf 9 ,bonn1 ,g]_m4 ,"o ( ! ma9 goals ( ! 3f];e is to bridge ! gap 2t !ory & practice & to 5c\rage 9t]discipl9>y 4cus.n4 ,! !me ( ? ye>'s 3f];e w 2 8,classifica;n ,- ,solu;ns = ! ,future40 ,9 #bjjc1 ! ,,ipc develop$ a classifica;n /rategy ) ! 9t5;n to support & coord9ate ! ongo+ develop;t ( a3urate1 reliable1 3si/5t & cr$ible sport-focus$ classifica;n sy/ems & #ajg _! imple;ta;n4 ,? 3f];e w provide an id1l 5viron;t 9 : to 4cuss h[ sci;e c 3tribute to ! field ( classifica;n 9 ! future4 ,a?letes1 coa*es1 tra9]s1 classifi]s1 rese>*]s1 /ud5ts & repres5tatives ( ,na;nal ,p>alympic ,committees "<,,npc,'s"> & ,9t]na;nal ,p>alympic ,sport ,f$]a;ns "<,,ipsf,'s"> >e 5c\rag$ to submit ab/racts = oral pres5ta;ns t >e p]t95t to ! 3f];e !me4 ,all ab/racts submitt$ w "ugo a pe] review by ! sports sci5tific committee4 ,! submis.n d1dl9e is ,aug4 #a1 #bjje4 ,au?ors m/ submit ! ab/ract electronically1 a3ompani$ by an ab/ract submis.n =m4 ,= fur!r 9=ma;n1 pl1se 3tact ,miriam ,wilk5s1 ,,ipc ,m$ia & ,communica;n ,director1 #ajh at #jaa-#di-#bbh-#bijg-#ahj1 ;e-mail ,miriam4wilk5s@a" p>alympic4org1 or visit http3_/_/www4p>alympic4org4 ,>t ,competi;ns ,"y >ti/s ) 4abilities1 ages #af to #be1 >e ask$ to submit >t"w 9 ! =m ( slides = 3sid]a;n 9 a t\r+ exhibit t w debut at ! ;,s4 ,dillon ,ripley ,c5t]1 ,smi?sonian ,9/itu;n4 ,z 9 ! pa/1 >ti/s >e 5c\rag$ to "w f a !me4 ,? ye>'s !me1 8,%ift+ ,ge>s10 *all5ges >ti/s to reflect on a pivotal mo;t 9 life t l$ to a grt] "u/&+ ( !mvs 9 rela;n to _! >t &_/or _! 4abil;y4 ,f9ali/s w 2 select$ on aes!tic m]it al"o by a 4t+ui%$ jury panel4 ,applicants >e eligible = a total ( @s#fj1jjj 9 ca% aw>ds4 ,fifte5 f9ali/s w 2 #aji *os5 & ! gr& prize f9ali/ w rcv @s#bj1jjj ,- ! l>ge/ aw>d pres5t$ to a "y >ti/ 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,f9ali/s w 2 honor$ at an aw>ds c]emony on ,capitol ,hill dur+ late ,septemb] #bjje4 ,all 5tries m/ 2 po/m>k$ no lat] ?an ,july #ae1 #bjje4 ,all applicants w 2 notifi$ by ,aug4 #bf1 #bjje4 ,visit ! ,,vsa ,>ts web site1 www4" vs>ts4org_/x#bfg4xml1 or call #a-#hjj-#icc-#hgba ext5.n #chg = fur!r 9=ma;n4 ,brlr ,cl1n+ & ,repair ,*>lotte ,williams p]=ms basic cl1n+ & repair = ,p]k9s brlrs at a co/ ( @s#cj = cl1n+ & @s#cj = mo/ repairs4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 s5d ;e-mail to ,*>lotte at braill]lady@awebtv4net4 #aaj ,t&em ,bicycl+ ,n[ ,m ,a3essible ,p :o >e bl or sev]ely visually impair$ & _! families & frs :o want to %>e ! ride on a t&em bicycle no l;g] h to buy "o4 ,!y c buy half a t&em 9/1d4 ,! ,cycle,morph ,t&em ,adapt] is a new bicycle a3essory t swit*es a m.ta9 bike back & =? 2t s+le & t&em bicycle modes 9 five m9utes ) no tools4 ,x is manufactur$ & sold by ,t&em ,adapt] ;,,llc1 an ,au/91 ,texas company4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 call "<#eab"> #ddc- #idei or visit www4" cyclemorph4com4 ,cambium ,le>n+ ,acquires ,kurzweil ,cambium ,le>n+1 ,9c41 an $uca;n company s]v+ ! unique ne$s ( ! na;n's at- #aaa risk1 m9or;y & special /ud5t popula;ns ) le>n+ tools1 s]vices & te*nologies1 rec5tly sign$ an agree;t to acquire ,kurzweil ,$uca;nal ,sy/ems1 ,9c4 ,h>ry's ,com+6 ,place ,yr ,ord] ,n[6 ,! six? book 9 ! ,h>ry ,pott] s]ies ,- 8,h>ry ,pott] & ! ,half-,blood ,pr9ce0 ,- w 2 rel1s$ ? summ]4 ,9 celebra;n1 ,na;nal ,brl ,press is giv+ y ! *.e to pre- ord] ! brl book at a big 4c.t3 only @s#ag4ii "4 ,,nbp w *>ge yr cr$it c>d n[ if y pre- ord]4 ,we'll s5d \ ! brl books z soon z !y're r1dy1 9 late ,augu/2 & we'll s5d ! ,porta,book v].n z soon z x's r1dy 9 late ,july4 ,& #aab on ,july #afth1 ! date ! pr9t book goes on sale1 ! price w jump back up to ! pr9t price ( @s#bi4ii4 ,ord] n[ & save6 ,we've al l[]$ ! prices ( ! f/ five ,h>ry ,pott] novels to reflect ! actual pap]back book prices4 ,!y're all available 9 ei brl or ,porta,book v].ns4 ,y c ord] ! :ole set = only @s#dj6 ,to r1d m ab ! upcom+ book or place an ord]1 visit \r web site1 http3_/_/www4nbp4org_/" ic_/nbp_/,,half4html1 or s5d pay;t to ,,nbp1 #hh ,st4 ,/eph5 ,/reet1 ,bo/on1 ,,ma #jbaae-#dcjb4 ,to *>ge yr ord]1 call "<#hjj"> #edh-#gcbc or "<#fag"> #bff-#fafj ext4 #bj \tside ! ,u4,s4 & ,canada4 ,fax an ord] to "<#fag"> #dcg- #jdef4 ,pl1se note t a @s#e process+ fee w 2 add$ to all pur*ase ord]s2 no *>ge #aac if prepd4 ,graphic ,audio ,exp]i;e a new k9d ( sci;e fic;n_/ac;n adv5ture 5t]ta9;t3 ,graphic,audio4 ,graphic,audio is a virtual movie 9 yr m9d4 ,x is 9t5se images g5]at$ by full-ca/ ac;n1 #c-;,d s.d e6ects & orig9al music4 ,graphic,audio is al fun /uff y c d[nload f ! ,9t]net ,- l r+ t"os f ! actual /ories4 ,^! unabridg$1 vivid s]ies 9t5d$ = mature audi;es 9clude 8,d1?l&s10 8,\tl&]s10 8,/onyman0 & 8,! ,execu;n]40 ,com+ ? fall1 al 9 ,graphic,audio3 ! 8,d1?/alk]0 s]ies4 ,y c get ,graphic,audio f ,potomac ,talk+ ,book ,s]vices1 ei z a s+le pur*ase or = a subscrip;n1 9 two =mats3 f\r-track tape & #aad ,,mp#c ;,,cd4 ,= a free ,graphic,audio catalog on cassette1 pl1se call #a-#hgg- #hdh-#dced or ;e-mail graphicaudio@aptbs4org4 ,3v5;n att5dees1 look = ! free catalog on cassette 9 yr program bags4 ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op ,= ,sale3 ,brl writ]1 @s#bge4 ,disk drive = ,brl ,lite #bjjj1 @s#bjj4 ,calculator = /ati/ics & algebra1 @s#bej4 ,h&icassette ,,ii play]- record]1 ask+ @s#ge4 ,talk+ compass1 @s#be4 ,3tact ,rosemir at "<#ibe"> #ifi- #ahgg or "<#ibe"> #ghg-#fhfh4 ,= ,sale3 ,kurzweil ,r1d+ ,$ge4 ,9 v gd 3di;n4 ,make an (f]4 #aae ,call ,k5 ,presnell at "<#bgf"> #dif-#gjbb any"t & l1ve a message4 ,= ,sale3 ,talk+ ,nokia cell ph"o ) s(tw>e alr 9side4 ,comes ) cassette manuals4 ,ask+ @s#cjj4 ,call ,l9da ,re$] at "<#hja"> #dfh-#bgej "<"w"> or "<#hja"> #cfd-#gjjf1 or write to h] at #eae ;,s #ajjj ;,e1 ,apt4 _?#hje1 ,salt ,lake ,c;y1 ,,ut #hdajb4 ,= ,sale3 ,p]k9s brlr1 @s#ajj4 ,talk+ blood pressure monitor1 @s#ajj4 ,talk+ m"oy id5tifi]1 @s#ajj4 ;,,cd burn] = /]eo sy/em1 @s#ajj4 ,3tact ,kurt ,bailey at "<#fag"> #hfa- #cage4 #aaf ,= ,sale3 ,v]sa,po9t brl emboss] ) "o full r1m ( #aa0 ;x #aa #a_/#b0 brl pap]4 ,ask+ @s#ejj4 ,9 v gd 3di;n2 b>ely us$4 ,write a brl lr to ,eile5 ,wue/1 #cd ,kelly ,ct41 ,lanca/]1 ,,ny #adjhf4 ,= ,sale3 ,"o /&>d-size ,p]k9s brl writ] 9 excell5t 3di;n1 ) ,dymo tape hold] & du/ cov]4 ,ask+ @s#dej4 ,pl1se 3tact ,amy at "<#egd"> #hdh-#gdea ext5.n #cai4 ,= ,sale3 ,type ';n ,sp1k4 ,comes ) all utilities2 h>dly "e us$4 ,= 9=ma;n1 pl1se 3tact ,pat at "<#ije"> #fhj-#jjfd or ;e-mail pat4smolak@asympatico4ca4 #aag ,= ,sale3 ,,aph ,h&icassette play]_/record] t ne$s repair4 ,x %uts xf (f at 9opportune "ts & ! slid+ swit*es >e n z gd z !y once w]e1 b !y "w4 ,unit is free = pickup1 b %ipp+ w 2 @s#ae if x has to 2 %ipp$4 ,batt]y 3di;n is un"kn4 ,3tact ,rob]t ,bell at "<#ejb"> #cff-#dcbf1 or ;e- mail jackieb#bwh@ayahoo4com4 ,want$3 ,dona;n ( laptop comput] ) ,w9d[s #ih4 ,m9idisk record]_/play]4 ,%>p calculator-clock4 ,sp1k ';n ,spell1 ,sp1k ';n ,ma?1 & electronic talk+ ,:iz ,kid4 ,will+ to trade ,type ';n ,sp1k #bjjj = a ,,pac ,mate or ,voice ,mate4 ,any ,tig] games4 ,kurzweil ,r1d] #gcae " 9 "w+ #aah 3di;n4 ,3tact ,melody at "<#fji"> #cdg-#aeeb4 ,want$3 ,laptop comput] ) ,w9d[s #ih1 floppy disk & ;,,cd-,,rom drives4 ,will+ to pay 9 9/all;ts4 ,3tact ,walt] ,*avira at "<#ffa"> #hcc- #cffc4 ,want$3 ,v].n ( ,zoom,text t is compatible ) ,w9d[s ,,xp1 & a ,,cctv "4 ,_c af=d ! new /uff4 ,3tact ,netag5e ,kirkpatrick1 #hda #bcrd ,t]4 ,n4,w41 ,birm+ham1 ;,,al #cebae2 ph"o "<#bje"> #hec- #bhee1 or ;e-mail bhamlady@ajuno4com4 #aai ,,acb ,(fic]s ,presid5t ,*ri/oph] ,gray #id ,ramona ,ave4 ,san ,francisco1 ,,ca #idajc ,f/ ,vice ,presid5t ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt #gcbj ,dixon ,unit #bjd ,=e/ ,p>k1 ,,il #fjacj ,second ,vice ,presid5t ,mit* ,pom]antz #aaae ,cordova ,/reet _?#djb ,pasad5a1 ,,ca #iaajf ,secret>y ,donna ,selig] #ciab ,,se #eth ,st4 ,des ,mo9es1 ,,ia #ejcae ,tr1sur] ,>dis ,bazyn #ejj ;,s4 #crd ,st4 #abj _?,h ,burbank1 ,,ca #iaejb ,imm ,pa/ ,presid5t ,paul ,$w>ds #bjccj ,,ne #bjth ,ct4 ,miami1 ,,fl #ccagi ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors ,alan ,b1tty1 ,=t ,coll9s1 ,,co ,$ ,bradley1 ,h\/on1 ,,tx ,brian ,*>lson1 ,wat]t[n1 ,,ma ,billie ,j1n ,kei?1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,oral ,mill]1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc ,c>la ,rus*ival1 ,l\isville1 ,,ky ,patrick ,%eehan1 ,silv] ,spr+1 ,,md ,naomi ,s\le1 ,st4 ,l\is1 ,,mo ,cyn?ia ,t[]s1 ,s1ttle1 ,,wa #aba ,david ,trott1 ,talladega1 ;,,al ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns ,*>les ,hodge1 ,*airp]son1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,c9dy ,burgett1 ,brem]ton1 ,,wa ,w9ifr$ ,d[n+1 ,san ,francisco1 ,,ca ,mike ,duke1 ,jackson1 ,,ms ,de,anna ,noriega1 ,colorado ,spr+s1 ,,co ,ex ,(ficios3 ,ralph ,s&]s1 ,las ,vegas1 ,,nv ,janelle ,$w>ds1 ,manhattan1 ,,ks #abb