,! ,brl ,=um ,volume ,,xliii ,april #bjje ,no4 #g ,publi%$ by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl /rives to 9cr1se ! 9dep5d;e1 secur;y1 equal;y ( opportun;y1 & to improve qual;y ( life = all bl & visually impair$ p4 ,*ri/oph] ,gray1 ,presid5t ,melanie ,brunson1 ,executive ,director ,%>on ,lov]+1 ,act+ ,$itor ,na;nal ,(fice3 #aaee #aeth ,st4 ,,nw ,suite #ajjd ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejha ,fax3 "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejhe ,web site3 http3_/_/www4" acb4org ,! ,brl ,=um is available 9 brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half-spe$ f\r- track cassette tape1 comput] disk & via ;e-mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 address *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = publica;n %d 2 s5t to ,%>on ,lov]+ at ! address abv1 or via ;e-mail to slov]+@aacb4org4 ,submis.n d1dl9es >e ! f/ ( ! mon?4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl is a memb]%ip organiza;n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special- 9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,to jo91 visit ! ,,acb web site & complete an applica;n =m1 or 3tact ! na;nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ abv4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax-d$uctible1 c 2 s5t to ,>dis ,bazyn at ! abv mail+ address4 ,if y wi% to rememb] a relative or fr1 ! na;nal (fice c make pr9t$ c>ds available = ? purpose4 #b ,to rememb] ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t1 y may 9clude a special p>agraph = t purpose4 ,if yr wi%es >e complex1 3tact ! ,,acb na;nal (fice4 ,to make a 3tribu;n to ,,acb via ! ,comb9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #bhjb4 ,= ! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll-free at "<#hjj"> #dbd-#hfff1 #e p4m4 to midniy #ac1 #bjje ,cap;n3 ,jim ,ols5 smiles dur+ a lull at ! regi/ra;n (fice at ! ,pittsbur< 3v5;n4 ,he is s1t$ 9 a *air 2h a table1 we>+ a "n tag ov] 8 :ite %irt & patt]n$ tie4 #d ,table ( ,3t5ts ,9 ,memoriam3 ,james ;,r4 ,ols51 by ,*ri/oph] ,gray1 page #h ,reflec;ns1 by ,melanie ,brunson1 page #ad ,memories ( ,jim1 by ,j1n ,mann1 page #ag ,a ,legacy ( ! ,s*ol>%ip ,program1 by ,patty ,slaby1 page #bc ,jim ,ols5's ,he>t ( ,gold1 by ,%>on ,lov]+1 page #bg ,gdbye1 ,jim1 by ,>dis ,bazyn1 page #cj ,memories ( ,jim ,ols51 by ,lynne ,koral1 page #cc ,r1d]s,0 ,tributes to ,jim ,ols51 page #ce ,,acb ,na;nal ,/aff ,memb] ,honor$1 page #de ,solit>y ,soj\rn1 by ,t$die- ,joy ,remhild1 page #di #e ,*rissie ,co*rane ,jo9s ! ,/aff ( ,,acb ,radio1 page #ej ,summ>y ( ! ,mid-,ye> ,meet+ ( ! ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors1 by ,w9ifr$ ,d[n+1 page #ed ,no ,re/ = ! ,we>y6 ,a ,look at ! ,upcom+ #bjje ,na;nal ,3v5;n1 by ,cyn?ia ,t[]s1 page #ff ,m ,t\r ,9=ma;n1 by ,b]l ,colley1 page #gb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns ,ho/s ,9t]net ,c&idates,0 ,page1 page #gh ,x's ,"t to ,get ,,sasi1 by ,k>yn ,campbell1 page #he ,a6iliate ,news1 page #ij ,meet ,,cfvi1 by ,c9dy ,burgett1 page #if ,melaton9 ,produc;n & ,c.er ,risk3 ,a ,/udy1 by ,/ev5 ,lockley1 page #ii #f ,lrs to ! ,$itor1 page #ajc ,"h & ,"!1 by ,s>ah ,blake1 page #ajd ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op1 page #aaf ,,acb ,(fic]s1 page #aai ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors1 page #abj ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns1 page #aba ,correc;ns ,"! 7 two ]rors 9 ! >ticle 5titl$ 8,,acb ,welcomes #ah ,new ,life ,memb]s0 "<,febru>y #bjje">4 ,susie ,davis ( ,ralei<1 ,n4,c41 0 li/$ z hav+ pur*as$ h] [n life memb]%ip4 ,9 fact1 ! ,nor? ,c>ol9a ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl pur*as$ ,davis,0 life memb]%ip4 ,! life memb]%ip 9 memory ( ! late ,wayne ,yelton1 pres5t$ to ,patricia ,yelton ( #g ,mebane1 ,n4,c41 0 al pur*as$ by ! ,nor? ,c>ol9a ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,we regret ! ]rors4 ,9 ,memoriam3 ,james ;,r4 ,ols5 by ,*ri/oph] ,gray ,"! >e a preci\s few p dur+ "o's life :o1 once "kn1 take up a special place = y1 & ) y1 & :o !n ma9ta9 t place ov] ye>s & decades4 ,s* p a6ect n only :at y may d or 2lieve y c d1 b !y help y 2come :o y >e2 !y help %ape yr life1 probably )\t "e r1lly "k+ !y >e do+ s4 ,jim ,ols5 has be5 s* a p]son 9 my life4 ,obs]v+ hm at ! #aigf ,,acb 3v5;n = ! f/ "t & at f/ f a 4t.e1 ,i knew immly t "h 0 a p]son wor? "k+1 "h 0 a man ( 9tegr;y1 & "h wd 2 a grt l1d] ( ,,acb4 ,i'm n a p]son #h easily sway$ by f/ impres.ns1 b ? 0 an excep;nal case1 = a truly excep;nal human 2+4 ,"?\t ! ye>s s9ce #aigf1 ,jim has exemplifi$ "ey?+ t is truly gd & ! mo/ "r ab ,,acb4 ,he has alw _h a gd ^w to say to or ab anybody1 ev5 :5 o!rs mie l>gely untold & un"kn by _m )9 ,,acb4 ,jim 0 n a self-promot]1 he did n maneuv] 9 ord] to promote a p]sonal ag5da1 & he _h a /r;g s5se ( :at %d 2 m private ?an public4 ,probably n"o ( u "ks ! :ole /ory ( :at ,jim has a3ompli%$ = ,,acb4 ,he guid$ u 9to ! ?rift /ore busi;s1 & manag$ t busi;s s+le- #i h&$ly = _m ye>s4 ,he guid$ ,,acb "? xs f9ancial crisis ( ! mid-#aihjs & br"\ u 9to a p]iod ( grt] prosp];y ?an we _h "e "kn previ\sly4 ,?\< f> less grave1 ,jim has be5 9valuable 9 m9imiz+ ! e6ects ( \r curr5t f9ancial d[n-turn & safegu>d+ \r core programs & /aff4 ,?\< n a f.d+ memb]1 ,jim is c]ta9ly "o ( ! grt & key 3tributors to \r organiza;n's hi/ory & des]ves a place hi< on ! li/ ( ^? :o >e ! r1l h]oes ( ,,acb4 ,"! c 2 a special bond cr1t$ 2t ! presid5t ( an organiza;n & xs *ief f9ancial (fic]4 ,my "w ) ,jim 2t #bjja & n[ took on a special "* ov] ^! ye>s4 ,i came to "u/& at a f> deep] level ?an ,i "e _h "kn 2f ,jim's commit;t to \r organiza;n1 8 /r;g ties to ! p ( ,,acb1 8 absolute #aj 2lief 9 :at we d z an organiza;n1 8 commit;t to do+ ! ?+s = : he 0 responsible 9 ! mo/ fair1 j & equitable mann]1 8 commit;t to & 2lief & pride 9 ea* ( 8 family memb]s1 & 8 deep & abid+ 2lief 9 ,god4 ,two weeks ago ,fri"d1 ,jim _h a pacemak]-defibrillator 9/all$ af 8 he>t & br1?+ /opp$ dur+ a m$ically sup]vis$ exam9a;n4 ,on ,sun"d1 two "ds lat]1 ,jim 0 wor%ip+ at 8 *ur*4 ,he com;t$ to me3 8,i wdn't h felt complete if ,i _hn't be5 able to give ?anks = my gd =tune to / 2 "h40 ,i cd write p>agraphs ab ea* ( ^! qualities ,jim br"\ to u & ,i "k ? li/ isn't exhau/ive by any m1ns4 ,_m1 _m o!rs 9 ,,acb cd d ! same1 & ,i hope !y w4 ,s9ce ,june ( #bjjd1 ,jim has fac$ a s]ies ( daunt+ h1l? issues4 ,he fac$ !m all #aa ) optimism1 ) 2lief 9 8 physicians1 ) fai? t he & "eybody >.d hm 0 do+ :at !y cd4 ,8 positive _ss & gd humor n"e wan$4 ,la/ ,?urs"d :5 he & ,i talk$ = a :ile on ! ph"o "<,jim (t5 ref]r$ to ? z 8visit+0">1 he felt x nec to give me an update on 8 h1l?1 & ,i cd see he 0 3c]n$1 & ,i 0 3c]n$ = hm4 ,yet 9 ,jim's special way1 he did n all[ u to l1ve ! 3v]sa;n ) 3c]n on \r m9ds4 ,r1 we hung up ) ?"\s ab :at cd & %d happ5 next1 & we 4cuss$ positive ways = ,,acb to "w on fundrais+ div]sifica;n com+ up to 3v5;n1 & on ! positive #bjje budget4 ,jim's favorite way to 5d \r 3v]sa;ns 0 ) a joke4 ,!y 7 alw funny jokes1 too4 ,no matt] h[ s]i\s \r 3v]sa;n mi$ ab hm at a loss = :at we w d )\t 8 pres;e & 3/ant support4 ,( c\rse1 we w c>ry on & we w honor ! legacy ,jim has left = u to nurture & to /r5g!n4 ,= a ll :ile ?\<1 we w d s ) sad;s & a pr(.d s5se ( \r loss1 p]sonal to ea* ( u1 & grt] / = \r organiza;n z a :ole4 ,we c d s1 ?\<1 9 ! k t ,jim n[ re/s 9 p1ce : c only 2 a b.s+ to hm1 & t we ne$ n =get 8 pr9ciples or ignore 8 guid.e4 ,9 do+ ?1 we pay ! grte/ #ac respect we c to ! legacy ( a truly grt p]son & a committ$ ,,acb l1d]4 ,reflec;ns by ,melanie ,brunson ,s9ce ! pass+ ( ,jim ,ols51 _m 9 ,,acb h made /ate;ts ab ! impact he _h on !m p]sonally & on \r organiza;n4 ,"s ( ^! com;ts w appe> 9 ! pages ( ? magaz9e4 ,z ,i ?"\ ab :at ,i want$ to write ? mon?1 ,i decid$ t x wd 2 fitt+ = me to pay tribute to1 & ?ank ,jim publicly = 8 s]vice to bo? ,,acb & ,melanie ,brunson4 ,:5 ,i ?9k ( ,jim1 two qualities come to m9d ,- fai? & fun4 ,jim 0 a man ( abid+ fai?4 ,8 approa* to x 0 quiet & )\t fuss1 b at ! same "t1 he 0 matt]-(-fact ab xs exi/;e4 ,he _h fai? 9 ,god1 fai? #ad 9 ,jim ,ols51 fai? 9 ,,acb1 & fai? 9 p4 ,? 0 demon/rat$ to me "t & "t ag :5 ,i wit;s$ 8 9t]ac;ns ) o!r /aff memb]s & p 9 ! regi/ra;n (fice at ,,acb 3v5;ns4 ,i exp]i;ed x myf :5 we 4cuss$ issues on ! teleph"o4 ,8 answ]s communicat$ a 2lief t ea* problem 0 solvable1 ea* goal atta9able1 ea* p]son valuable4 ,dur+ \r la/ 3v]sa;n ab "s f9ancial deci.ns t ne$$ to 2 made1 we _h to d1l ) "s h>d "qs4 ,he call$ me at home on a ,satur"d afn af he'd gott5 all ( ! 9=ma;n tgr t we ne$$4 ,he br"\ ! subject up by simply say+1 8,,ok4 ,"h's :at we've got4 ,:at d y ?9k we %d d80 ,! "q wasn't 8,c we d "s?+80 ,he assum$ t we cd4 ,&1 z x turn$ \1 we did4 ,he 0 "r4 ,! o!r ?+ t /&s \ ab ,jim is 8 s5se ( humor4 ,i cdn't #ae c.t ! numb] ( "ts t ,i've he>d a /aff memb] answ] ! teleph"o 9 ! (fice & bur/ \ lau<+ af a m9ute or two4 ,_m ( \r 3v]sa;ns ) hm _h to 2g9 or 5d ) a joke or a funny /ory4 ,_m a late nie important to u1 bo? z 9dividuals & ,,acb memb]s1 "!'s no tell+ :at we c #af a3ompli%4 ,?ank y1 ,jim1 = ! rem9d]4 ,memories ( ,jim by ,j1n ,mann ,i've be5 try+ to write a few p>agraphs ab my memories ( ,jim ,ols5 s9ce ,i he>d he _h pass$ away1 & ,i'm f9d+ x v di6icult4 ,i h s _m1 & ! m ,i try to write ab !m1 ! m come to m9d4 ,dur+ my eis z a memb] ( ! bo>d ( directors1 & my doz5 or s ye>s "w+ 9 ! 3v5;n (fice1 ,i _h lots ( opportunities to 9t]act ) ,jim & ! ,ols5 family4 ,i le>n$ v qkly t !y 7 all "s ( ! nice/1 k9de/1 g5]\s1 & h>de/ "w+ p ,i'd "e met4 ,i rememb] >riv+ 9 ,tampa1 ,fla41 a few "ds 2f ! />t ( ! 3v5;n4 ,x 0 ! f/ ye> ,i #ag 0 giv5 ! responsibil;y ( runn+ ! 3v5;n (fice1 & ,i want$ to make sure ,i knew :at ,i 0 do+4 ,my f/ morn+ "!1 ,i 2gan w&]+ >.d ! hotel1 look+ = o!r ,,acb e>ly >rivals4 ,z ,i walk$ pa/ an op5 doorway1 ,i he>d a voice yell \1 8,j1n ,mann6 ,j :o ,i 0 look+ =601 & 2f ,i knew x1 ,i 0 sitt+ at a table ) a ,p]k9s brlr 9 front ( me1 braill+ tickets = "s ev5t t 0 o3urr+ dur+ ! week4 ,afws1 ,jim & ,anna & ,i w5t \ to lun*4 ,?us 2gan my fr%ip ) ,jim4 ,"? ! 5su+ ye>s1 we "s"ts f.d \rvs %>+ a m1l1 or a ride to ! airport4 ,\r 3v]sa;ns 7 alw lively & fun4 ,"s"ts we talk$ ab ,,acb1 & ,i cd ask hm any "q1 no matt] h[ /upid ,i ?"\ x mi$ #ah "ey?+ up4 ,m (t5 on ^? o3a.ns1 h["e1 ! talk wd turn to ev5ts 9 \r lives1 & ,i got to he> lots ( /ories ab ,jim & ,anna1 & ,s>ah & ,m>?a4 ,i "picul>ly rememb] ,jim tell+ u ab a trip he & ,anna took to ,norway4 ,!y visit$ ! village ": 8 ance/ors 7 f1 & he manag$ to track d[n & visit a 4tant relative4 ,i rememb] ! _m 9t]ac;ns ,i _h ) ,jim dur+ 3v5;ns4 ,! regi/ra;n & 3v5;n (fices >e g5]ally "r ne> ea* o!r4 ,"s"ts1 :5 ! regi/ra;n (fice got j a ll too *aotic1 ,jim wd w&] ov] to see u & *at = a few m9utes & maybe h a cup ( c(fee1 or br+ u "s?+ he ne$$ brld4 ,i only rememb] "o "t he "e ask$ = a special favor4 ,we 7 9 ,orl&o1 & ! banquet t ye> 0 to 2 a f>ewell #ai s5d(f = ,oral ,mill]1 :o 0 retir+ z \r executive director4 ,we assign$ res]v$ tables = ! banquets1 & !y 7 usually assign$ on a f/-come1 f/-s]v$ basis4 ,jim specifically ask$ to h 8 table 2 "o ": he cd see "ey?+4 ,he sd ,oral 0 l a bro!r to hm4 ,i made sure 8 table 0 front & c5t]4 ,jim did lots ( ll favors = o!r p4 ,i c't c.t ! numb] ( "ts ,i walk$ 9to ! regi/ra;n (fice1 ev5 af x 0 (ficially clos$1 to get 9=ma;n = "sbody1 or f9d \ :at we cd d to help a memb] obta9 em]g5cy ca% to g home 2c ( a family crisis1 or "o ( _m o!r ll ?+s t come up dur+ 3v5;ns4 ,i "k ,i 9t]rupt$ hm f :at"e "w he 0 do+1 b he alw act$ l x 0 no bo!r4 ,"s"ts x seem$ to me t ,jim _h s"eal pairs ( eyes4 #bj ,he alw seem$ to "k :at 0 go+ on1 ev5 :5 y wi%$ he didn't4 ,two ye>s ago1 :ile we 7 9 ,pittsbur<1 ,i 0 walk+ "? ! 3v5;n c5t] "o "d1 look+ = a "picul> room4 ,i knew "! 0 suppos$ to 2 a clos$ door on my "r : ,i 0 go+ to h to pass "?4 ,:5 ,i ?"\ ,i'd come to x1 ,i op5$ x1 & an al>m immly w5t (f4 ,?9k+ nobody 0 >.d to h se5 me set x (f1 ,i qkly clos$ ! door & non*alantly walk$ on z ?\< ,i'd _h no?+ to d ) x4 ,a m9ute lat]1 ,i he>d ,jim's voice f a few feet 2h me l\dly exclaim1 8,j1n ,mann1 t wasn't y ,i j saw op5 t em]g5cy door1 0 x801 & ,i knew ,i'd be5 caud "w+ = ! organiza;n 9/1d ( wa/+ x >gu+4 ,& 2f we hung up1 he'd manag$ to get my cr$it c>d numb] & a pl$ge = ,,acb's mon?ly m"ot>y support program4 ,i don't "k :at he 0 l ) 8 /aff1 or at home ) 8 family1 b x dawn$ on me af t 3v]sa;n t ,i'd n"e se5 hm lose 8 cool4 ,jim alw seem$ to 8keep 8 h1d ab hm :5 o!rs 7 los+ _!s10 z ! say+ goes4 ,we hung up f t ph"o call expect+ we'd see ea* o!r 9 ,birm+ham4 ,= m$ical r1sons1 nei ( u made x4 ,m9e 7 v m9or2 8 7 m s]i\s ?an any ( u #bb want$ to ac"kl$ge4 ,x's be5 sd t we >e all irreplac1ble4 ,"s ( u1 h["e1 >e h>d] to replace ?an o!rs4 ,jim is "o ( ^? p4 ,we 7 s lucky to h _h hm z \r *ief f9ancial (fic]1 & z a memb] & fr4 ,my 3dol;es g \ to ,anna & ! 5tire ,ols5 family1 & to u1 ! memb]s ( 8 ,,acb family4 ,a ,legacy ( ! ,s*ol>%ip ,program by ,patty ,slaby ,! s*ol>%ip program has be5 a l;g"t pas.n ( ,jim ,ols54 ,z a *airp]son ( ! curr5t committee1 ! curr5t committee memb]s1 all ! p :o h s]v$ 9 ! pa/1 & ! num]\s s*ol>%ip w9n]s wi% to express \r sympa?y to ,jim's family4 ,! "w ( ! s*ol>%ip program 3t9ues ye>-r.d4 ,! "w #bc 2g9s ) f9d+ new monies1 r5ew+ 3t9u+ s*ol>%ips & ov]see+ ! 5d[;t funds4 ,"! is m* coord9a;n 2t ! ,m9n1polis (fice1 ! ,d4,c4 (fice1 ! committee1 & ! w9n]s4 ,af ! w9n]s >e select$1 ,jim wd s*$ule air fli5ts ( w9n]s t !y wd make x to ! na;nal 3v5;n & le>n _m new ?+s4 ,"o ( ! f/ p ea* w9n] wd meet 0 ,jim4 ,he 0 ! "o :o _h _! m"oy = !m = _! /ay1 b al he demon/rat$ a positive attitude & gave ea* /ud5t ! "t he_/%e ne$$4 ,if he cd n 2 ( assi/.e immly1 he made sure "! 0 "s"o :o cd help4 ,ea* w9n] rcvs a pr9t$ aw>d & bo? ! presid5t & ! *air m/ sign !m4 ,jim wd keep me lau<+ ) 8 qk wit z ea* "o 0 sign$4 ,af ! 3v5;n1 ,jim's "w #bd wd 3t9ue4 ,he ne$$ to /ay 9 t\* ) ea* w9n] to acquire ! prop] pap]"w ( v]ifica;n s t !y cd rcv _! m"oy4 ,? does n j happ5 once a ye> b dep5d+ on ! s*ool ( hi<] le>n+ x c 2 two or ?ree "ts4 ,) e program "! c 2 *all5ges & ? 0 no excep;n4 ,jim 0 op5 to su7es;ns & made excell5t su7es;ns to "w ?+s \4 ,he wd alw 5d ^! ph"o calls ) a /ory to wrap ?+s up on a positive note4 ,jim 0 an 9dep5d5t1 h>d-"w+1 k9d1 reassur+ 9dividual to ,,acb & especially to ! s*ol>%ip program4 ,x came z an excit+ ann\nce;t t "! w 2 an honorable way to rememb] ,jim "? ! ,james ;,r4 ,ols5 ,memorial ,s*ol>%ip4 ,x is 9 ! plann+ /ages4 ,a few ( u h _h a special opportun;y to "k ,jim & #be 8 family s9ce #aigh4 ,_! family & my family h be5 v close frs & h %>$ 9 _m ( ! happie/ mo;ts 9 _! lives4 ,i att5d$ a bir?"d celebra;n 9 ,novemb] & ,i w keep ! "t we sp5t z a gr\p close to my he>t z we sat & told /ories4 ,i w miss \r annual d9n]s at ! na;nal 3v5;ns :5 ,ann & ,i wd get ,jim away f all ! "w4 ,i al did ? :5 %e wasn't able to att5d ! 3v5;n4 ,t 0 my assign;t f h]4 ,9 clos+1 ,i wi% to express pray]s1 important memories1 & gratifica;n to 8 wife ,ann & _! dauah & ,m>?a & _! families4 ,!y h all be5 an 9tegral "p ( \r lives4 ,i wi% ,i cd rememb] ! _m /ories he told me to 5d ? >ticle1 b !y >e left ) ,jim4 #bf ,jim ,ols5's ,he>t ( ,gold by ,%>on ,lov]+ ,x />t$ \ j l any o!r ,mon"d at ! (fice4 ,i walk$ in1 turn$ on my comput]1 put my lun* 9 ! freez]1 hung my coat 9 ! closet1 & *eck$ ;e-mail & voice mail4 ,by ! "t ,i'd *eck$ all my messages1 x 0 #i o'clock1 & ! ph"os 7 />t+ to r+4 ,melanie call$ in1 say+ %e'd 2 \ sick1 & ask$ to sp1k ) ,"d4 ,i pass$ h] to ,"d & took ! next ph"o call4 ,x 0 ,d\g ,psick call+ ) ! sad news t ,jim _h di$ ! "d 2f4 ,i cdn't 2lieve x4 ,i kept say+1 8,no60 ,i cdn't imag9e a _w )\t ,jim4 ,d\g told me t he 0 on 8 way \ to ! fun]al home to make ! plans1 & t he wd call #bg back lat] ) details ab ! fun]al s]vice4 ,af hang+ up ) ,d\g1 ,i call$ \ to ,"d1 ask+ h] to pass ,melanie back to me1 t x 0 urg5t4 ,9 ! m1n"t1 ,t]ry call$ in4 ,i told h] ! news1 & bur/ 9to te>s4 ,%e 0 j z %ock$ z ,i _h be54 ,%e ask$ :e!r ,i'd told ,melanie2 ,i repli$ t ,i 0 ab to tell h]4 ,"d pass$ ,melanie back to me1 & ,i told h]4 ,%e1 too1 0 %ock$4 ,i wond]$ ab fl[]s4 ,melanie su7e/$ we wait until ! next "d1 :5 %e wd 2 in1 & we wd h a bett] idea ( ! fun]al >range;ts4 ,i agre$4 ,tell+ ! re/ ( my co-"w]s 0 j z h>d4 ,nobody cd 2lieve x4 ,! big frly t$dy be> ( a man ) a he>t ( gold 0 g"o86 ,tgr we w5t "? ne>ly an 5tire box ( tissues1 & we rem9isc$ ab ! "ts we'd %>$ ) ,jim4 ,i rememb]$ meet+ ,jim #bh at my f/ 3v5;n1 ,*icago #aiid4 ,i'd be5 assign$ to "w ! regi/ra;n (fice1 & 0 eag] to meet ! p ,i'd only talk$ ) on ! ph"o4 ,he made me feel welcome & com=table 9 spite ( my s9usitis & l>yngitis4 ,i 0 impress$ ) 8 c>+ mann] & g5tle;s1 ev5 ) ! grumpie/ p 9 ! regi/ra;n l9e4 ,& ,i 0 ?or\ ,i al le>n$ t we %>$ "s?+ ,- ,norwegian ance/ry6 ,we rem9isc$ ab ! "ts he wd call 9 to ! (fice1 ask to sp1k to "o ( u1 &1 :5 ask$ 8 "n1 wd say1 8,a fr40 "<,usually ? happ5$ :5 ! ph"os 7 r++ (f ! hook4"> ,i recall$ ! "ts :5 8 gr&*n 7 born1 & h[ he'd answ] 8 (fice ph"o by say+1 9 a voice bur/+ ) pride1 8,gr&pa ,jim "h60 ,ea* picture ( #bi hm f 3v5;n br"\ up m memories4 ,& n[ he's g"o1 l1v+ u ) a gap+ hole 9 ! ,,acb family tree & a big pair ( %oes to fill4 ,he al l1ves u ) _m happy memories4 ,may 8 memory 2 a com=t to u all4 ,gdbye1 ,jim by ,>dis ,bazyn ,"? ! ye>s1 y 7 alw a rem9d] ( solid d$ica;n4 ,y d$icat$ yr life to yr family1 yr *ur*1 & ,,acb4 ,y seem$ to h a quiet /r5g?4 ,ev5 :5 y _h _m h1l? issues1 x 0 alw h>d to recognize h[ r1lly s]i\s !y w]e4 ,y did n let on to _m exactly :at y r1lly ?"\ ab !m4 ,y wd tell me :at doctors _h d"o1 :at proc$ures y'd 5dur$1 & :at *anges y _h to make 9 yr m$ica;ns & s*4 ,h["e1 y wd d s ) matt]-(-fact t"os s t #cj ,i 0 left ) a feel+ t x 0 no?+ s]i\s4 ,al1 ,i knew y _h a /r;g fai? 9 ,god & felt t 0 a com=t & hope = ! future ,- no matt] :at happ5$4 ,y _h s* a gd s5se ( humor4 ,:5 situa;ns 7 9t5se on a budget call1 bo>d 3f];e call1 or at an 9-p]son meet+1 y wd (t5 give a cute quip or "o-l9] t wd lik & take "t to *at4 ,y alw made me feel 3fid5t ab my posi;n z tr1sur]4 ,:5"e ,i _h a "q1 y 7 will+ to take ! "t to get ! 9=ma;n = me4 ,if y did n "k ! answ] immly1 y wd call back 9 a %ort "t ) ! answ]4 ,y wd 2 pati5t :5 ,i or o!r memb]s ( ! budget committee ask$ "qs ab any figures4 ,i w miss yr #ca quiet au?or;y & will+;s to s]ve \r organiza;n4 ,y 7 alw bra7+ ab yr family & %>+ family ev5ts4 ,i cd al tell yr *ur* 0 important to y4 ,y wd n"e ov]ride an important *ur* ev5t or family celebra;n4 ,i respect$ y = t4 ,y _h no qualms ab %>+ yr fai? ) any ( yr ,,acb frs4 ,i feel privileg$ t ,i _h ! _m o3a.ns to get to "k y4 ,i 0 especially flatt]$ :5 y 7 "o ( ! f/ ,,acb memb]s to pur*ase copies ( my f/ two books4 ,y alw want$ to 5c\rage ^? :o felt *ur* & organiza;n "picipa;n 0 important4 ,y tr1t$ "ey"o y met ) frli;s & respect & ,i appreciat$ yr s9c]e & w>m mann]4 ,jim1 ,i w s9c]ely miss y1 b ,i "k y >e 9 a bett] place4 ,i c alm he> y say+ 8,& ,i w dwell 9 ! h\se ( ! ,"l #cb ="e40 "<,psalm #bc"> ,gdbye = n[4 ,memories ( ,jim ,ols5 by ,lynne ,koral ,alaska ,9dep5d5t ,bl _h ! pl1sure ( ,jim & ,ann ,ols5's pres;e at \r #aiii 3v5;n4 ,! 3v5;n 0 held 9 ,palm]1 ,alaska4 ,x 0 \r be/ 3v5;n 9 _m respects due to _m sp1k]s & memb]s4 ,x 0 \r f/ diabetes sem9>1 & ,jim's 9=ma;n ab a new book & diabetes $uca;n 0 "o ( ! be/ ?+s ab t 3v5;n4 ,n to m5;n t :ile m]ri;t & mayhem 7 go+ on 9 ! next room 9 ! b>1 ,jim & ,ann1 )\t 2+ ask$1 took "u _! w+ a "y woman :o 0 try+ to resolve "s issues >.d h] visual impair;t4 ,x seem$ l ,jim1 ,ann1 ,s&y ,s&]son & ,i 7 "! = a c\ple ( h\rs4 #cc ,!n "! 7 ! next two ye>s t ,jim came up = diabetes sem9>s "? ! /ate 9 ,k5ai1 ,cordova1 ,jun1u & ,sitka4 ,f a sunny "d fi%+ 9 ,hom] on a boat1 ": ,ann cauge/ fi%1 to sn[ 9 ,cordova 9 ,may1 ,jim 0 alw will+ to l5d 8 exp]tise & 8 wit to p 9 ,alaska4 ,we 7 am;g ! =tunate a6iliates ^: /ates 7 visit$4 ,ann ev5 got to visit a ,santa ,claus h\se dur+ \r #aiii 3v5;n4 ,we >e s glad t we got to "k ,jim & ,ann a ll bit4 ,we le>n$ ab _! commit;t to ! *ur* ": ,jim 0 a l1d]4 ,jim al told u pr\dly ab _! daun$ ab :at he 0 go+ "? on a daily basis ) 8 diabetes4 ,jim ,ols5 0 a pr(es.nal1 & n"e took /&s ab p or organiza;ns4 ,he kept op9ions ( 9dividuals to hmf1 & 0 #cd c\rte\s to "ey"o4 ,jim 0 al a prud5t & cauti\s f9ancial manag]4 ,he kept track ( ! f9ancial transac;ns ( all tickets sold at ,brl ,revival ,l1gue ev5ts1 ,,nelds ev5ts1 & ! ,,acb ,,atm ma*9e : is a f9ancial b.s+ = ,,acb4 ,gd-bye1 ,jim1 & ?ank y = yr commit;t to bl p & ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,we w miss y4 ,r1d]s,0 ,tributes to ,jim ,ols5 ,jim came to ! midye> 9 ,birm+ham a ye> ago1 b he 0 obvi\sly ill !n4 ,he did n come to ! #bjjd 3v5;n 2c ( a he>t attack1 & he wasn't at ! midye> bo>d meet+ a few weeks ago4 ,jim r1lly gave s m* to ,,acb4 ,z sick z he has be51 he w5t 9to ! (fice ? pa/ #ce ,janu>y #bb s he cd 2 on ! teleph"o 9 case ! bo>d _h "qs ( hm dur+ ! 4cus.n ( ? ye>'s budget4 ,t 9 & ( xf isn't especially notewor?y1 until y "k t he 0 "! ov] f\r h\rs1 9 ! middle ( w9t]1 9 ,m9n1polis1 ) no h1t 9 ! build+4 ,&1 _h we n f9i%$ ) ! budget on ,satur"d1 he 0 prep>$ to return to t (fice1 ag ) no h1t1 on ,sun"d morn+4 ,& he 0 too ill to travel to ,las ,vegas4 ,"! >e ^? :o h sp5t m* "t criticiz+ ,jim = gett+ figures \ sl[ly4 ,& yes1 !y h be5 sl[4 ,h["e1 :5 ,jim issu$ figures1 !y 7 correct1 )\t "q4 ,"! 0 no ha/e makes wa/e ": ,jim 0 3c]n$4 ,9 ! mid-'#hjs1 :5 ,,acb 0 ne>ly bankrupt1 ! auditors & ! bank 7 prep>$ to issue a v unpl1sant report 3c]n+ \r f9ancial 3di;n4 ,! lr #cf writt5 to ! bo>d by ! bank /at$1 9 no unc]ta9 t]ms1 t !y 7 n call+ \r notes ,,only 2c ( _! fai? 9 ,jim ,ols5 & 8 a3.t+ abil;y & 9tegr;y4 ,x 0 a wake- up call = "s p on ! bo>d at t "t1 & result$ 9 "s sev]e tie go+ to miss hm m ?an any ( u "k at ? "t4 ,- ,c>la ,rus*ival ,i f9d x v h>d to say v m* at ? "t ab :at ,i am feel+ ab \r loss ( a grt & wond];l fr1 ,jim ,ols54 ,i "k t ! #cg %oes t ,jim fill$ w 2 v h>d to fill at l1/ v soon4 ,i met ,jim :5 he />t$ 9 ,,acb & grew to love hm z a man & a fell[ ,,acb memb]4 ,z bo>d memb]s1 we w h to r1* way d[n 9 \r he>ts & m9ds to try to get ! job d"o4 ,to say t ,i lov$ ,jim is n 5\<4 ,,acb w g on1 b we m/ n say 8:at >e we go+ to d80 we %d say1 8h[ >e we go+ to d x80 ,i tell all ( y t ,i w d my "p & m if nec to keep \r grt organiza;n mov+ ah1d4 ,let u all pray = ,jim's family1 & ,i m1n bo? ( !m4 ,we all al ne$ to pray = guid.e = ,,acb & ! job t is ah1d4 ,- ,$ ,bradley ,jim 0 a huge help to me :5 ,i s]v$ z t\r coord9ator = ! ,,acb 3v5;n 9 ,h\/on4 ,i'll n"e =get ! cell ph"o snafu t provid$ ,jim & ,d>r5 "<8 #ch (fice assi/ant"> ) ab #ae m9utes ( 5t]ta9;t4 ,at ! v mo;t t !y call$ me1 ,i bump$ my cell ph"o ,- app>5tly j 5 to activate x4 ,n r1liz+ ? _h happ5$1 ,i /uck x back 9 my pocket & resum$ a 3v]sa;n ) my driv] ab go+ to ,bus* ,/adium "<& :o "ks :at else">4 ,z ,jim expla9$ lat]1 !y />t$ yell+ 8,mike1 ,mike0 9to ! ph"o1 b ev5tually r1liz$ x 0 a lo/ cause & j sat back & 5joy$ !mvs6 ,jim w 2 sorely miss$4 ,- ,mike ,ho5ig ,:at a sad "d = all ( u :o knew ,jim1 = ,jim's family & frs1 & = ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,jim ,ols5 0 a k9d & c>+ p]son1 a man :o alw _h a smile & a k9d ^w = any"o ^: pa? cross$ his4 ,8 a3.t+ abilities 7 leg5d>y am;g ,,acb memb]s1 & few "e att5d$ 3v5;ns )\t mak+ ,jim's #ci acqua9t.e4 ,b he w 2 miss$1 mo/ ( all1 = 8 *e];l g5u9e human;y4 ,- ,p5ny ,re$] ,p5ny is "r1 :at a v sad "d = ,jim's family & _m frs & ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,i didn't get to "k ,jim p]h z well z "s ( y did b ,i w rememb] hm z a c>+ 9dividual :o lov$ :at he did = ,,acb4 ,he ran ! 3v5;n regi/ra;n (fice l clock"w1 yet he gave cr$it to all ( ^? :o assi/$ hm4 ,he 0 "o ( ! h>de/ "w+ p ,i've "e met b / took "t to say hello to y if y ran 9to hm4 ,& oh1 h[ he lov$ to pres5t ^? life memb]%ip aw>ds4 ,k>yn's & my deepe/1 he>tfelt 3dol;es to ,ann & ! re/ ( ,jim's family & frs4 ,i truly 2lieve 9 ,,acb we >e "o big family & we've j lo/ a #dj prom95t family memb]4 ,- ,ray ,campbell ,georgians >e v sadd5$ by ! pass+ ( s* a corn]/"o ( \r organiza;n4 ,_m ( \r s5ior memb]s knew ,jim v well & respect$ ! d$icat$ s]vice ( ? noble man4 ,we s5d \r 3dol;es to ! family & all ,,acb memb]s4 ,- ,m>%a ,f>r[ ,jim provid$ bo? guid.e & c\nsel+ to me z a new t\r coord9ator4 ,"s"ts he provid$ a %\ld] = me to :9e on ab v5ue op]ators4 ,& "s"ts he j provid$ ! fr%ip t he _h giv5 to ,d5ise & ,i1 2f t\r plann+ 0 "p ( \r na;nal 3v5;n exp]i;e4 ,i didn't get to meet ,ann1 b ,i feel l ,i "k h] f ! _m 3v]sa;ns t ,jim & ,i _h #da :5 he talk$ ab h]4 ,twice1 ,,wcb 9vit$ ,jim to come to \r /ate & pres5t to \r memb]%ip1 & bo? "ts1 ,jim _h la/-m9ute h1l? issues & cdn't come4 ,we wd joke "s"ts ab x2 if he want$ to /ay well1 he wd avoid ,wa%+ton ask+ hm to pres5t to u4 ,he _h a wond];l s5se ( humor4 ,ev5 :5 he didn't feel t gd1 he cd lau< at my silly com;ts4 ,jim "w$ =1 gave 8 all & c>$ ab ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,8 "w e?ic 0 an example = all ( u4 ,s ,jim1 n[ y >e 9 ,h1v5 & ,sa9t ,pet] has a hid = ,,acb4 ,& :ile ,i n"e _h ! privilege ( "k+ hm1 "ey?+ t ,i'd "e he>d ab hm 0 positive4 ,a big r1son t \r 3v5;ns h g"o s smoo?ly 9 ! pa/ has be5 due to ! grt "w ( ,jim ,ols54 ,my ?"\s & pray]s >e ) 8 family4 ,we'll miss hm badly4 ,- ,phil ,j"os ,s _m summ]s ,i w5t to ,,acb 3v5;n1 & ,jim ,ols5 0 ! f/ p]son to greet me4 ,he wd 2 at ! regi/ra;n table giv+ \ 5velopes full ( tickets4 ,if any?+ wasn't to my lik+1 he'd *e];lly correct x4 ,he 0 ev5 *e];l :5 ,i _h made mi/akes add+ up ! totals f ! five pages ( ! regi/ra;n =m4 ,i w miss hm4 ,- ,a2y ,v9c5t ,ev5 ?\< we did n get #dc to "k ,jim until we 5t]$ 9to an agree;t to supply canes = ! ,,acb1 we le>n$ :at a grt human 2+ he 0 & >e feel+ ! loss al;g ) "ey"o else4 ,we pray 8 family w rema9 /r;g & com=t$ by ! fact t ,jim 0 s well respect$ & lik$ by _m4 ,- ,jeff & ,tami ,c>m] ,i too wd l to express apprecia;n = ,jim ,ols5's 3tribu;ns to \r 2lov$ ,,acb4 ,i am deeply mov$ by ! tribute : ,presid5t ,gray has giv54 ,x is 9 li/5+ & dige/+ ! pr9ciples : ,*ris s adequately describ$ t /r5g!ns \r fai? 9 p4 ,- ,david ,>mijo #dd ,,acb ,na;nal ,/aff ,memb] ,honor$ ,repr9t$ f ! ,may-,june #aihi issue "<,$itor's ,note3 ,! foll[+ ,s]vice ,aw>d pres5ta;n 0 made at ! #aihh /ate 3v5;n ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ( ,m9nesota4"> ,n[ we come to "o ( ! hi< spots ( \r #aihh /ate 3v5;n4 ,at ? "t we wi% to honor an 9dividual :o is well-"kn to alm all ( u1 b ^: quiet & unassum+ b e6ective "w we t5d to take = grant$ 444 ,8 wide- rang+ abilities1 8 hi< level ( compet;e 9 all t he does1 ! bal.e ( 8 _m 9t]e/s & activities h made _m use;l ?+s happ54 ,8 ef=ts h ext5d$ all ! way f 8 [n neily life 9 ,s\? ,m9n1polis4 ,he graduat$ f ,roosevelt ,hi< ,s*ool 9 #aifj & f ! ,univ]s;y ( ,m9nesota 9 #aife1 ": he e>n$ a degree 9 busi;s adm9i/ra;n4 ,he !n w5t on to 2come a c]tifi$ public a3.tant4 ,on ,octob] #h1 #aife1 he m>ri$ ,anna ,fels*]4 ,he & ,ann h two lovely dauah1 #ai1 & ,m>?a1 #ae4 ,jim develop$ diabetes at ! age ( #ab & 2came legally bl 9 #aigf4 444 ,at ! local level1 ,jim has s]v$ z presid5t ( ! ,goph] ,/ate ,bl ,associates1 : 0 ! =erunn] ( ,,acbm4 ,he is a l;g-/&+ bo>d ( directors memb] ( ! ,m9n1polis ,society = ! ,bl1 s]v+ on xs #df rehabilita;n committee4 ,at pres5t he holds ! (fice ( assi/ant tr1sur] ( ,,msb4 ,:ile 9volv$ ) ,,msb1 ,jim has volunte]$ to t1* brl1 has assi/$ 9 ! wood"w+ %op1 & has 2come a c]tifi$ ,optacon 9/ructor4 ,he has s]v$ on ! ,unit$ ,way ,sp1k]s ,bur1u1 has address$ all s*ool grade levels on ! subject ( bl;s1 has spok5 to num]\s *ur* & ,sun"d-s*ool gr\ps1 & has held _m posi;ns on ! ,c\ncil ( ! ,be!l ,evangelical ,lu!ran ,*ur* ( ,m9n1polis4 ,r1*+ 2y 8 local commun;y1 ,jim has assi/$ ,/ate ,s]vices = ! ,bl by provid+ c\nsel+ s]vices to newly bl 9dividuals 9t]e/$ 9 a3.t+4 ,he 0 appo9t$ by ,gov]nor ,quie to ! ,/ate ,c\ncil = ! ,h&icapp$1 : has s9ce be5 re"nd ! ,/ate ,c\ncil on ,4abilities4 #dg ,z if ? 7 n 5\<1 ,jim s]v$ on ! ,na;nal ,a3r$ita;n ,c\ncil = ,ag5cies ,s]v+ ! ,bl & ,visually ,h&icapp$1 organiz$ diabetes "w%ops at ,,acb na;nal 3v5;ns1 & 0 elect$ to ! (fice ( tr1sur] ( ,,acb4 ,hav+ complet$ 8 full all[able t]m 9 t (fice1 he n[ "ws z assi/ant to ! new tr1sur]4 ,mo/ importantly1 s9ce #aigh1 ,jim has held ! full-"t posi;n ( executive director ( ,,acb ,5t]prises & ,s]vices1 :1 "? xs *a9 ( ?rift /ores1 provides m* ( ! fund+ = ,,acb4 ,despite all ( ^! activities1 ,jim / manages to l1d a bal.ed life & to h "t = 8 home & family1 8 *ur* & commun;y obliga;ns1 z well z p]sonal ho2ies & 9t]e/s4 ,am;g o!r ?+s1 he has 5joy$ /amp collect+1 r1d+ my/]y #dh /ories1 & "w+ on home 3/ruc;n projects4 ,he built doll h\ses = ea* ( 8 daud4 ,solit>y ,soj\rn by ,t$die-,joy ,remhild ,"h 9 ? place ( p1ce & solitude ,i am drawn to ! s\rce ,( my 2+ ,& "!1 ,i reflect on ,my solit>y soj\rn ,f 9noc;e to "k+4 ,z ! s1sons come ,& g1 ,a pa? is =g$ ,: only ,i c "k4 #di ,"t n[ br+s me to ,! h>ve/ ( my life ,& ! "k+ ( ,:o ,i h 2come4 ,i =g$ a pa? : 0 ,a solit>y soj\rn ,( pa9 & love1 ( ,life & loss2 ,& n[ 9 ? "t ( ,h>ve/ & place ( p1ce1 ,i celebrate ! s\rce ,( my 2+ ,& ! joys d]iv$ ,f my solit>y soj\rn4 ,*rissie ,co*rane ,jo9s ! ,/aff ( ,,acb ,radio ,to 9troduce myf f/1 ,i'm ,*rissie ,co*rane & h be5 "w+ at ! ,>ts ,c\ncil "h 9 ! ,,uk = "s #ac ye>s4 ,? "picul> organiza;n is v hot on c>e] develop;t & tra9+1 & "o #ej ( ! op;ns (f]$ is ! *.e = :at is "kn "h z a 8second;t0 ,- ,i ?9k call$ a 8detail0 9 ! ,u4,s4 ,! *.e came up = me & !y su7e/$ t1 if agre1ble to ,,acb1 "w+ at ,,acb ,radio = a ye> wd broad5 v>i\s skills ,i h & give me new "os z well z hope;lly 2+ ( b5efit to ,,acb4 ,to make a l;g /ory %ort1 ,i am />t+ a ye>'s detail ) ,,acb ,radio at ! 2g9n+ ( ,april #bjje4 ,p]sonal ,backgr.d ,born 9 ,new ,z1l&1 ,i h be5 a pr(es.nal musician = m ye>s ?an ,i c>e to rememb]1 & mo/ rec5tly an adm9i/rator = ! ,>ts ,c\ncil ( ,5gl&4 ,i h be5 do+ volunte] ,,dj "w = ,,acb ,radio ,9t]active1 z radio is a "picul> love ( m9e1 z well z do+ m* live music "w ,- ,i'm a keybo>d play] prim>ily1 #ea b h a "w+ k & c play1 to a grt] or less] ext5t1 _m o!r 9/ru;ts4 ,i h al be5 9volv$ 9 a c]ta9 am.t ( music produc;n 9 ! comm]cial _w4 ,i am v 9t]e/$ 9 ! programm+ side ( radio & hope to1 dur+ my ye>1 5h.e ! ,,acb ,radio ,caf^/e /r1m ) p]h "s live programm+4 ,actually :ile ,i'm on t subject1 "o ( ! ?+s ,i r1lly hope to get go+ is a program 9 : bl >ti/s >e 9t]view$4 ,i say bl >ti/s1 & hope;lly ! program w embrace all >t =ms ev5tually1 b x w probably 2g9 prim>ily ) bl musicians z1 judg+ by ! music up on ! ,caf^/e /r1m1 "! >e pl5ty ( !m4 ,s ,i wd l to make a plea "h = any bl >ti/s :o h music on ! ,caf^/e,0 to get 9 t\* ) me1 f/ly ) a view to possibly do+ a program & #eb secondly1 z "o ( my o!r projects1 ,i w 2 3/ruct+ a database ( >ti/s ^: music appe>s on ! ,caf^/e,0 : ev5tually w give details ( ": p c buy tracks1 %d ! >ti/ wi% to sell any1 & ": to get 9 t\* ) ! >ti/1 plus 9t]e/+ snippets ( biographical 9=ma;n4 ,:at d ,i hope to ga9 "w+ = ,,acb ,radio8 ,hav+ "w$ z a ,,dj = alm a ye>1 ,i h ga9$ m* k ( radio f ! broadca/]'s viewpo9t4 ,i n[ wi% to ga9 k f ! po9t ( view ( ! /a;n xf3 adm9i/ra;n1 programm+1 & te*nical4 ,:at d ,i hope to give to ,,acb ,radio8 ,9 %ort1 z m* z possible4 ,hav+ "w$ 9 adm9i/ra;n = "s #ac or s ye>s1 ,i c br+ ^? skills to ! project1 z #ec well z v>i\s produc;n skills ,i h le>n$ dur+ my "t z a pr(es.nal musician on ! \t] $ges ( ! record+ 9du/ry1 b mo/ ( all ,i hope to br+ 5?usiasm & d$ica;n4 ,ref]r+ back to ! idea ( an >ts program on ! ,,acb ,radio ,caf^/e1 ,i wd appreciate any >ti/ :o has music 2+ play$ on t /r1m gett+ 9 t\* ) me4 ,i c 2 r1*$ at *rissie@aacbradio4" org4 ,summ>y ( ! ,mid-,ye> ,meet+ ( ! ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors by ,w9ifr$ ,d[n+ ,! bo>d met 9 ,las ,vegas1 ,nev41 ,jan4 #ba-#bc1 #bjje4 ,! f/ "d 0 giv5 ov] to a retr1t focus+ on ! p]cep;n ( ,,acb's mis.n by ! bo>d ( directors1 ! g5]al #ed memb]%ip1 donors1 & ^? 9/itu;ns ) : ! organiza;n has 3tacts4 ,we 7 l$ to 3sid] ! "w+ rela;n%ips ( (fic]s1 bo>d & committee memb]s1 /aff1 & ! g5]al memb]%ip2 & we "q$ ! organiza;n's philosophy & practices exemplifi$ 9 xs fund-rais+ activities4 ,! 9volve;t 9 ,,acb ( employees1 b5efactors1 & volunte]s & a comp>ison ( ,,acb ) o!r non- pr(it organiza;ns 9 ! same field 7 al 4cuss$4 ,:5 ! regul> bo>d meet+ 3v5$ on ,satur"d morn+1 "ey"o 0 pres5t except ,brian ,*>lson1 :o 0 delay$ 9 8 return f a busi;s 5gage;t by a sn[/orm4 ,he 0 n able to jo9 ! meet+ until >.d #b p4m4 ,presid5t ,gray 9itiat$ 4cus.n on a v>iety ( issues3 #a4 ,9 /ores l ,safeway & ,t>get1 po9t-(-sale #ee ma*9es >e 2+ 9troduc$ : h no buttons or o!r tactual f1tures & >e op]at$ by press+ ) a ball-po9t p5 to select *oices4 ,! bl p]son 9 s* a situa;n m/1 "!=e1 say 8 p9 numb] to a neiby v private 9=ma;n4 ,a mo;n 0 pass$ call+ on ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil to take a l1d]%ip role t[>d develop+ an a3essible po9t-(-sale ma*9e4 #b4 ,problems ) a3essibil;y 9 public a3ommoda;ns l$ to ! passage ( ,$w>ds,0 mo;n to support & 5c\rage ,,acb's executive director 9 h] ef=t to 89t]v5e1 ) ! l1ve ( ! c\rt1 to oppose =eclos$ settle;ts 3c]n+ a3essibil;y "u ! ,am]icans ) ,4abilities ,act ( places ( public a3ommoda;n >riv$ #ef at )\t ! 3sulta;n ( 3sum] bl;s organiza;ns1 9clud+ ! ,,acb40 #c4 ,id1s 7 adv.ed to assi/ ! 9=ma;n a3ess committee 9 xs task ( 5sur+ bett] >range;ts = bl p 9 op]at+ electric appli.es1 cell ph"os1 & ! l4 ,$w>ds (f]$ 8 help 9 ? >ea4 #d4 ,2c x has be5 m ?an #aj ye>s s9ce ,,acb's la/ ef=t1 att5;n w 2 giv5 to develop+ a new l;g-range plan4 ,c5tral to ! 3sid]a;n >e ! co/ ( ? activ;y1 /rategies = f9anc+ x1 & ! "t frame 9volv$4 ,reports w 2 secur$ f ! road map meet+s ( la/ summ] & ! ,future ,place activ;y4 ,! docu;t 8,a6iliate & ,na;nal ,organiza;n ,expecta;ns10 drawn up s"eal ye>s ago1 & copies ( ! la/ l;g-range plan w 2 circulat$ to bo>d memb]s4 #e4 ,! trem5d\s su3ess ( ! ,,acb ,radio broadca/ ( #eg ! delib]a;ns ( ! ,_w ,bl ,union o3urr$ l>gely 2c ( ! m"ot>y 3tribu;ns & h>d "w ( ,dave ,williams & ,ge(f ,%ang4 ,$w>ds w prep>e a bo>d resolu;n ( comm5da;n : w 2 s5t to ! p :o 7 responsible = ! broadca/4 ,william ,r[l& ( ,s\? ,africa w 2 ! new presid5t ( ! ,_w ,bl ,union2 hopes >e hi< t he may att5d ! ,,acb na;nal 3v5;n next summ]4 ,la/ ye> ! ,na;nal ,telecommunicat+ ,9/itute anticipat$ t1 us+ comput]s1 _m 4abl$ p wd 2 able to p]=m a v>iety ( jobs 9 _! [n homes4 ,un=tunately1 ! s(tw>e 9volv$ prov$ to 2 9compatible ) scre5 r1d]s1 ?us depriv+ bl & visually impair$ p]sons ( ? employ;t possibil;y4 ,,acb is explor+ all op;ns t[>d solv+ ? problem4 ,,acb ,5t]prises & #eh ,s]vices ,report3 ,paul ,$w>ds set =? "s ( ! di6iculties curr5tly fac$ by ?rift /ores4 ,he expla9$ "s ( ! di6iculties ( op]at+ ^! /ores2 b 9 spite ( ! problems1 ,,acbes a*iev$ 5 su3ess t ,,acb w n ne$ to take funds f xs res]ve ? ye>4 ,3v5;n ,report1 ,cyn?ia ,t[]s3 ,! ,rivi]a ,hotel has #b1jjj rooms 4tribut$ am;g five t[]s4 ,! two t[]s 9 : ,,acb memb]s & gue/s w 2 /ay+ >e ! ,monaco & ,monte ,c>lo4 ,! hotel is #cj ye>s old1 & room >range;ts & 3t5ts di6] f "o place to ano!r4 ,"! >e six re/aurants 9 ! hotel1 b qk m1ls w / 2 available = br1kfa/ & lun*4 ,mississippi ,/ate ,univ]s;y w 2 hold+ a tra9+ ses.n = rehabilita;n c\nselors at ! same "t z ! ,,acb 3v5;n1 provid+ an opportun;y = #ei #aej or #bjj c\nselors to le>n ab ! "w ( ,,acb1 exam9e ! ext5sive exhibit >ea1 & 2come aw>e ( ! special-9t]e/ a6iliates & h[ !y c relate to cli5ts,0 ne$s4 ,tr1sur]'s ,report1 ,>dis ,bazyn3 ,2c ( ! budget+ >range;t ,,acb foll[s1 figures >e available only to ,novemb] #cj1 #bjjd4 ,rev5ue1 @s#ifc1fae2 exp5ditures1 @s#idb1ajd2 rev5ue ov] exp5ses1 @s#ba1eaa4 ,executive ,director's ,report1 ,melanie ,brunson3 ,"d ;,al-,moham$ jo9$ ! (fice /aff e>ly 9 ,janu>y2 & hir+ ano!r support /aff p]son is anticipat$4 ,! posi;n ( $itor ( 8,! ,brl ,=um0 w 2 ann\nc$ 9 ! next issue ( ! magaz9e4 ,"s *anges 9 (fice loca;ns & teleph"o ext5.ns w 2 o3urr+ to promote grt] ease & #fj e6ici5cy4 ,meet+s h o3urr$ ) ! public rela;ns committee & ! bo>d ( publica;ns to m cle>ly def9e ! rela;n%ip 2t ! ,=um $itor & ^! 5tities4 ,x 0 decid$ to po/p"o ! 4cus.n ( t policy until ! pre-3v5;n bo>d meet+ 9 ,july4 ,! ,curr5cy ,litiga;n3 ,9 ! phase ": 9=ma;n is 2+ collect$4 ,melanie has 5gag$ 9 two deposi;ns1 ea* 3sum+ s"eal h\rs4 ,act+ ,$itor's ,report1 ,%>on ,lov]+3 ,f\r issues ( ! ,=um h be5 produc$ s9ce ! 3v5;n1 mak+ ei4 ,= ! ,febru>y #bjje issue1 "! 7 #b1bgj brl r1d]s1 #g1gge cassette r1d]s1 #ac1bjj l>ge pr9t r1d]s1 #ggc disk us]s1 & #a1bjb ;e-mail r1d]s4 ,"! 7 9cr1ses 9 p]c5tages 9 all m$ia except brl1 : /ay$ ! same4 ,a l>ge numb] ( #fa press rel1ses 7 produc$2 3tracts 7 complet$ = ! publica;n ( ! ,=um 9 all m$ia4 ,f ,decemb] to mid-,janu>y1 ,lov]+ s5t \ to all a6iliates _! memb]%ip li/s = updat+4 ,%e al s5t 9voices to all organiza;ns1 companies1 libr>ies1 s*ools & o!r 9/itu;ns t rcv ! magaz9e4 ,memb]%ip & ,a6iliate ,s]vices1 ,t]ry ,pa*eco3 ,t]ry review$ 9 fasc9at+ detail ! ev5ts l1d+ to ! su3ess;l prep>a;n ( a ,,dvd ( ! ,ray ,*>les movie 9clud+ ! ,,acb 9volve;t4 ,s"eal >ticles 9 ! ,febru>y issue ( ! ,=um describ$ details ( ? subject4 ,on ano!r matt]1 a provi.nal *>t] & (fic]s h be5 pres5t$ by a gr\p wi%+ to =m a special- 9t]e/ a6iliates = diabetics4 ,! bo>d vot$ to a3ept ? a6iliate af see+ ! *>t]4 #fb ,fund-,rais+3 ,9dividual (fic]s & bo>d memb]s spoke ( ! "picul> fund-rais+ ef=ts "u way4 ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt's ,st4 ,patrick's ,"d ra6le 0 4cuss$ 9 ! ,febru>y ,=um1 & ! lucky w9n]s w 2 "kn by ! "t ? is pr9t$4 ,bob ,selig] describ$ ! "t %>e t has 2come available = ,,acb use2 m 9=ma;n w 2 available 9 com+ mon?s4 ,9 addi;n to ord9>y s\rces ( funds1 vehicle dona;ns1 ! ,mon?ly ,m"ot>y ,fund1 ,,acbes support1 legacies & 2que/s1 9ve/;ts1 & memb]%ip dues1 _m o!r av5ues >e 2+ us$3 cruises1 blue skies sky-div+ ev5t1 special ,,atm's project & dona;ns f corpora;ns l ,v]izon1 ,micros(t1 & ,bank ( ,am]ica4 ,dona;ns 9 k9d h be5 ( grt assi/.e ) ! 3v5;n & ! legislative sem9>3 brl pap]1 copy ma*9es1 brl pr9t]s1 #fc etc4 ,direct ,mail ,campaign3 ,gray & ,ralph ,s&]s expla9$ ! direct mail campaign 9itiat$ la/ fall4 ,un=tunately1 ! f/ mail+ r1*$ prospective donors a few "ds 2f ! 4a/r\s ,9dian ,oc1n tsunami4 ,s&]s _h hop$ t ? f/ ef=t wd br1k ev54 ,?\< ! mail+ did n a*ieve xs goal1 a 2g9n+ has be5 made t[>d assembl+ a gd donor li/4 ,! program calls = six mail+s ov] two ye>s1 b ! bo>d vot$ to review ! matt] af ?ree mail+s4 ,res\rce ,develop;t1 ,david ,trott3 ,! hi<-/akes ra6le ( ! la/ few ye>s 3c]n$ ) s*ol>%ips is 2+ replac$ by a plan ) l[] m"ot>y prizes & 3sequ5t l[] co/ = ! ra6le ticket4 ,tickets co/ @s#ej1 & prizes />t at @s#e1jjj = ! f/ prize1 @s#c1jjj = ! second1 & @s#ejj ea* = ! ?ird & f\r? #fd prizes4 ,? ye>1 pr(its f ! ra6le w 2 us$ t[>d exp&+ ! numb] ( issues ( 8,! ,brl ,=um40 ,! draw+ w o3ur at ! na;nal 3v5;n 9 ! g5]al ses.n on ,?urs"d morn+4 ,budget ,committee ,report1 ,brian ,*>lson3 ,a detail$ exam9a;n ( e item 9 ! budget ( exp5ditures 0 made foll[+ ^u ! massive am.t ( "w by ! budget committee to prep>e ! 9=ma;n4 ,^? :o wi% a detail$ analysis %d 3tact ,brian ,*>lson4 ,public ,rela;ns ,committee1 ,ralph ,s&]s3 ,press rel1ses1 mail+s ( bro*ures & public s]vice ann\nce;ts1 ! broadca/ ( ! ,_w ,bl ,union meet+1 & ! m$ia aw>d to 2 giv5 to ,jamie ,foxx = 8 "w 9 ! ,ray ,*>les movie 7 hi< po9ts 9 rec5t mon?s4 ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns1 ,w9ifr$ ,d[n+3 ,! ,,bop _h hop$ #fe to 2 able to circulate #aj issues ( 8,! ,brl ,=um0 ? ye> b r1lizes t ! am.t budget$ w probably all[ only n9e4 ,a new $itor w 2 hir$1 & ! ,$itorial ,policy ,manual w rcv ! update requir$ by ,bylaw #g4 ,! policy manual is on ! ,,acb web site1 & ! ,,bop welcomes su7es;ns f memb]s4 ,no ,re/ = ! ,we>y6 ,a ,look at ! ,upcom+ #bjje ,na;nal ,3v5;n by ,cyn?ia ,t[]s1 ,,acb ,3v5;n ,coord9ator ,a lion at ! ,,mgm ,gr& ,lion ,habitat sleeps up to #bj h\rs a "d ,- al? ! 3/ant tapp+ on ! w9d[s keeps !m up on busy week5ds6 ,y won't 2 sleep+ m* :5 y att5d ? ye>'s na;nal 3v5;n ,july #b-#i 9 ,las ,vegas at ! ,rivi]a #ff ,hotel & ,cas9o4 ,by ! "t ? issue r1*es y1 ! 3v5;n w 2 j ?ree %ort mon?s away4 ,plans = y\? activities1 exhibits1 meet+s1 t\rs & ! l >e fa/ approa*+ ! f9aliza;n /age z ,,acb prep>es to h "o ( xs l>ge/ 3v5;ns "e4 ,a6iliate ag5das h be5 p\r+ 9 z program *airs "w to make c]ta9 t !y provide _! memb]s ) fun1 fulfill+ & fabul\s 9=ma;n4 ,if ! ;e-mails ,i h be5 rcvg >e any 9dica;n1 ? 3v5;n w ho/ _m new att5dees f >.d ! c.try z well z ! _w4 ,i h rcvd ;e- mails f ,canada1 ,japan1 ,5gl& & ,au/ralia1 9quir+ ab "ey?+ f ,a to ;,z4 ,! ,rivi]a has #b1acf rooms & #aej suites4 ,3v5i5tly locat$ on ! ,las ,vegas ,/rip1 ! hotel f1tures "o ( ! _w's l>ge/ cas9os4 ,x (f]s five unique specialty #fg re/aurants1 ,m>di ,gras ,food ,c\rt ) #aj food \tlets1 full s]vice w$d+ *apel1 recr1;nal facilities1 %[ l\nge & m ?an #cj specialty %ops & s]vices4 ,i alm =got ,- x al has a huge \tdoor pool4 ,:ile "! >e / pl5ty ( rooms 9 ! ,,acb res]va;n gr\p1 y d n want to wait until ! la/ m9ute to 5sure t y >e plac$ 9 ei ! ,monaco or ,monte ,c>lo ,t[]s4 ,! ,monaco ,t[] is #bd /ories hi< & has a selec;n ( l>g] com=table rooms f1tur+ #idb deluxe gue/ rooms4 ,! ,monte ,c>lo ,t[] is #ae /ories hi< & has #bbi deluxe rooms1 #ad petite suites & two floors ( p5th\se suites4 ,? is ! t[] 9 : ,presid5t ,gray w reside4 ,^! >e ! two close/ t[]s to ! meet+ room >1s4 ,z 9 pa/ ye>s1 ,,acb w (f] a qk br1kfa/ & lun* #fh s]vice4 ,x w 2 grab-&-g type m1ls ) items pric$ sep>ately4 ,y w ne$ to pay ca% = ^! items1 b x w 2 3v5i5tly locat$ 9 ! mid/ ( ! ballroom & o!r meet+ rooms & c s]ve z a loca;n to cat* up ) "s"o or j sit & 5joy yr m1l4 ,x w rema9 op5 af br1kfa/ & a bit pa/ ! lun* ru% to s]ve s(t dr9ks1 hot b"eages & snacks4 ,! ballroom w once ag 2 set ) tables s att5dees c m easily take notes1 br+ 9 food & g5]ally h m space p] p]son4 ,sp1k+ ( m1ls1 ! hotel does h a bu6et & o!r re/aurants4 ,m ?an #hj p]c5t ( visitors to ,las ,vegas 9dulge 9 bu6ets ,- t's #bi million bu6ets p] ye>6 ,once \tside ! hotel "! is a ple?ora ( eat]ies4 ,d y l %rimp8 ,well1 %rimp 3sump;n 9 ,las ,vegas is m ?an #fj1jjj p.ds a "d ,- hi<] ?an ! #fi re/ ( ! c.try comb9$4 ,t's #bb million p.ds p] ye>6 ,any type ( food t exi/s c 2 f.d 9 ,vegas & at any "t ( ! "d or niol ,ew+ & ! local ho/ committee >e 9 3/ant 3tact ) me to gu>antee t !y d n ov]look any detail t cd make yr /ay m 5joyable4 ,?ank y1 ,c>ol & ! ,nevada ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl666 ,2f ,i 5d ? >ticle1 ,i wd 2 remiss if ,i did n m5;n ! trem5d\s loss ,,acb has exp]i;ed 9 ! rec5t pass+ ( ,jim ,ols54 ,f my "ds z assi/ant 3v5;n coord9ator1 to na;nal secret>y to 3v5;n coord9ator1 ,jim 0 ! "o p]son ,i cd c.t on = answ]s to #gj all ^? millions ( "qs t ,i _h to h answ]$4 ,he 0 n only ( grt s]vice to ,,acb b 0 a grt husb&1 dad & gr&dad4 ,i ?9k :at ,i w miss mo/ >e ^? silly ,norwegian jokes he wd tell alm e "t ,i wd call 8 (fice4 ,jim is n[ wat*+ ov] u & probably glad he does n h to d "o m budget report4 ,keep an eye on u1 ,jim1 & we w see y ag soon4 ,b l;g 2f !n ,i hope to see _m ( y 9 ,las ,vegas ? summ]4 ,to make yr res]va;ns1 y may call ! hotel directly at #a- #hjj-#fcd-#fgec4 ,2 sure to m5;n t y >e ) ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl to rcv ! @s#gg rate4 ,if y wd l to 3tact me1 y may d s by ;e-mail+ ct[]s@aacb4org or by call+ me on my toll-free l9e at #a- #hjj-#dgd-#cjbi x#jj4 ,y m/ hit ! #j twice4 ,h a grt #ga 2g9n+ ( spr+4 ,viva ,las ,vegas666 ,m ,t\r ,9=ma;n by ,b]l ,colley ,? is turn+ \ to 2 a v fluid ye> = ,,acb t\rs4 ,s9ce my >ticle la/ mon?1 we h lo/ a t\r1 add$ a t\r & made a *ange to a t\r4 ,:at ,t\r ,h ,we ,add$8 ,= ^? com+ e>ly to ,las ,vegas1 we w 2 go+ to ,ca%man ,field to see a baseball game4 ,! ,las ,vegas #eas w 2 play+ ! ,portl& ,b1v]s on ,fri"d nie front r[ s1ts ": ! umpire's calls1 ! ball meet+ a bat or hitt+ ! cat*]'s glove1 & "s o!r ?+s t y mi1 or n he>1 c 2 he>d4 ,! s1ts >e al v close to ! food s]vices = ^? t l to snack dur+ a game4 ,? w 2 a capp$ t\r1 f/ come f/ ticket$1 2c we only h #bj tickets4 ,! ,las ,vegas #eas >e a ,,aaa fran*ise ( ! ,los ,angeles ,dodg]s1 & ! ,portl& ,b1v]s >e a ,,aaa fran*ise ( ! ,san ,diego ,padres4 ,:at ,t\r ,h ,we ,lo/8 ,due to circum/.es 2y \r 3trol1 we h lo/ ! ,mon"d nie to g to ,oatman1 an old gold m9+ t[n1 9 ! morn+4 ,f "! we w g to ,lake ,havasu = a grt lun* & to see & le>n ab ! ,london ,bridge4 ,? w give u a ll m "t to sp5d 9 ,havasu4 ,we w 2 /opp+ 9 ,laue "s tips t hope;lly w make yr "t a ll m 5joyable4 ,d ,,n jaywalk4 ,jaywalk+ f9es (t5 c exce$ f9es ( c> [n]s :o run r$ lirange;ts & pur*ase yr %[ tickets 2f go+ to ,las ,vegas4 ,ticket prices w run 2t @s#dj & @s#ajj p] p]son4 ,d n expect to f9d a l>ge v>iety ( 9exp5sive food4 ,! "ds ( *1p bu6ets to br+ cu/om]s 9to gam+ e/abli%;ts >e g"o4 ,las ,vegas is rapidly 2com+ "kn z a food 3noisseur's de/9a;n4 ,a numb] ( ! top *efs 9 ! _w h mov$ to ,las ,vegas & if y >e will+ to pay ! price1 "! >e num]\s #ge opportunities = v f9e d9+4 ,:5 y plan to play ! slots or any ( ! table games1 get a ,play]'s ,club c>d = t cas9o4 ,? is "o way a visitor c e>n free p]ks :ile "!4 ,2 prep>$ to tip4 ,_m gam+ prop]ty employees >e pd m9imum wage & rely on tips to get by4 ,9 g5]al1 2 v selective ) sidewalk v5dors4 ,"! >e gift %ops 9 ! hotels4 ,y may pay a ll m = items1 b y probably h a m* small] *.e ( gett+ ripp$ (f4 ,d n give to be7>s1 :e!r 9side or \tside ( ! prop]ties4 ,! hotels & cas9os d n l to h be7>s bo!r+ _! gue/s4 ,! m m"oy giv5 to p at a giv5 loca;n1 ! m folks seek+ a h&\t w return4 ,wom51 :5 play+ ! slot ma*9es1 d n put yr purses on ! >ea next to yr ma*9e4 ,x #gf is be/ to h a fanny pack or "s?+ t y c atta* to yrf4 ,m51 place yr wallets 9 yr front pockets4 ,9 bo? cases y >e mak+ x m di6icult = unscrupul\s p to /1l f y4 ,2 v skeptical ( any p]son :o wants to sell y "s?+ = p5nies on ! doll>4 ,"! is a gd *.e t ! object is n _!s1 or :5 y get back to yr room1 y w f9d t y didn't rcv :at y ?"\ y pur*as$4 ,! 3v5;n dates >e ,july #b "? #i1 #bjje4 ,to res]ve a room1 call ! ,rivi]a at #a- #hjj-#fcd-#fgec1 & make sure y tell !m t y >e ) ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 #gg ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns ,ho/s ,9t]net ,c&idates,0 ,page ,x's back6 ,! bo>d ( publica;ns is ag ho/+ an ,9t]net c&idates,0 page on www4acb4org4 ,? page is a r1d-only web page ": all 9dividuals :o wi% to ann\nce _! c&idacy w 2 ask$ to respond to ! same set ( "qs4 ,we 5vi.n ! onl9e c&idates,0 page z a place ": p :o want to run = (fice c all[ ! ,,acb memb]%ip to get to "k !m4 ,! page w al all[ ,,acb *apt]s & a6iliates to h m 9=ma;n at _! 4posal 2f !y s5d delegates to ! na;nal 3v5;n4 ,ov] ! pa/ s"eal ye>s1 a numb] ( *apt]s h provid$ copies ( ! c&idates,0 responses to _! memb]s 9 brl or _h r1d all ! responses al\d at #gh memb]%ip meet+s4 ,lively 4cus.ns 5su$1 & _m memb]s h told u h[ m* !y appreciat$ ! opportun;y to "picipate m actively 9 ,,acb's democracy 2c ( ! e>ly 4sem9a;n ( 9=ma;n : ! onl9e =um 0 able to facilitate4 ,9 a meet+ 9 e>ly ,m>*1 ! bo>d ( publica;ns came up ) a set ( "qs = all (fic] c&idates1 z foll[s4 #a4 ,:at (fice >e y seek+1 & :at qualifica;ns d y possess : make y uniquely qualifi$ to s]ve 9 t (fice8 #b4 ,:at d y ?9k >e ,,acb's responsibilities to xs memb]s 9 address+ ! *ang+ gov]n;t attitudes t[>d rehabilita;n1 ,social ,secur;y1 & o!r 4abil;y- relat$ programs8 #gi #c4 ,4cuss h[ ,,acb c be/ recruit & reta9 new memb]s1 especially ^? "u #ej ye>s ( age4 #d4 ,z an (fic] ( ,,acb1 :at wd y d to 5c\rage a grt] feel+ ( 2l;g+ = ! av]age memb]8 #hj #e4 ,9 yr op9ion1 :at %d o3ur )9 yr t]m ( (fice t[>d /r1ml9+ ! ,,acb 3v5;n 9 ord] to make x m desirable = m memb]s to "picipate 9 ! busi;s ses.ns1 & to make ! 3v5;n less co/ly8 ,answ] ea* "q ) a maximum ( #bej ^ws4 ,submit answ]s 9 any a3essible1 r1dable m$ia1 i4e41 9 pr9t1 or brl1 on pap]1 comput] disk "<9 ,,ascii text1 ,^w,p]fect #e4a1 or ,micros(t ,^w =mats">1 or via ;e-mail4 ,pa/+ ! text 9to an ;e-mail message is pref]able to s5d+ atta*;ts1 b atta*;ts 9 ,,ascii text1 ,micros(t ,^w or ,^w,p]fect #e4a w 2 a3ept$4 ,submis.ns w n 2 a3ept$ via teleph"o1 voice mail1 audiocassette1 or 9 h&writ+4 ,note t we w n $it submis.ns = spell+1 gramm>1 or 3t5t4 #ha ,! only *ange : w o3ur to submis.ns is 3v].n to ! ,,html code to facilitate onl9e po/+4 ,note fur!r t x is \r webma/]'s role to 3v]t docu;ts 9to ,,html1 & we w n a3ept submis.ns : y h cod$ 9 ? =mat yrf4 ,:5 submitt+ yr answ]s1 pl1se place yr "n1 address1 teleph"o numb]s1 ;e-mail addresses1 & employ] & job title at ! top ( ea* page4 ,c5t] ea* item4 ,! top ( yr page %d look l ?3 ,jane ,smi? #abcd ,ma9 ,/reet ,anyt[n1 ,any,/ate #jjjjj "<#eee"> #bbb-#cccc " "<#eee"> #jjj-#dddd "<"w"> ;,e-mail3 js@aanyisp4net ,writ]_/,$itor at ,any,job1 ,9c4 #hb ,write ea* "q1 & !n place yr correspond+ answ] "un1?4 ,pl1se numb] yr pages4 ,s5d yr complet$ submis.ns to ! foll[+ address3 ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,c&idates,0 ,page1 #aaee #aeth ,/reet ,,nw1 ,suite #ajjd1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje4 ,responses may 2 submitt$ by ;e-mail1 ac to ! guidel9es not$ abv1 to slov]+@aacb4org4 ,"t ,l9es ,submis.ns %d 2 mail$1 ei by po/al deliv]y or electronic mail1 s t !y r1* ! ,,acb na;nal (fice no lat] ?an #aa3#ei p4m4 ,ea/]n "t on ,may #ca1 #bjje4 ,:5 we rcv a dcld c&idate's mat]ials1 we w *eck ! memb]%ip database to 5sure t he or %e is a memb] 9 gd /&+4 ,we hope to h ! onl9e c&idates,0 page available at ! ,,acb web site z soon af #hc we h rcvd all ! submis.ns z possible1 s t memb]s w h a3ess to ! 9=ma;n 9 "t = ,june memb]%ip meet+s ( local *apt]s4 ,! pages w 2 available onl9e no lat] ?an #aa3#ei p4m4 ,ea/]n "t on ,fri"d1 ,june #aj1 & w rema9 onl9e at http3_/_/www4acb4org until ! 3clu.n ( 3v5;n4 ,we 5c\rage ,,acb memb]s :o h comput] a3ess to %>e ! 3t5ts ( ! c&idates,0 page ) memb]s :o d n4 ,we w notify memb]s on ! "d t ! page goes live onl9e on all ! ,,acb ;e-mail+ li/s4 ,:5 (ficial campaigns 2g9 9 e>ne/ at ! ,,acb na;nal 3v5;n1 dcld c&idates w pres5t at =mal & 9=mal /ate & special-9t]e/ caucuses4 ,9 addi;n1 ! bo>d ( publica;ns w sponsor a live "q-&-answ] ,c&idates,0 ,=um1 : w 2 held on ,?urs"d ( 3v5;n week4 ,! bo>d ( #hd publica;ns 5c\rages all ,,acb memb]s to submit writt5 "qs : w 2 3sid]$ = ? =um to ! 3v5;n communica;ns c5t]4 ,m details ab ? & o!r aspects ( communica;ns c5t] op]a;ns w 2 9clud$ 9 ! ,june issue4 ,x's ,"t to ,get ,,sasi by ,k>yn ,campbell ,d y h a vi.n & he>+ problem 9 any degree8 ,maybe y don't see well & n[ yr he>+ is go+1 or ! o!r way >.d4 ,maybe y h v ll vi.n or he>+4 ,z we get old]1 m p >e 2+ diagnos$ ) macul> deg5]a;n1 & al;g ) t (t5 comes age-relat$ he>+ loss4 ,y mi+ & vi.n problem4 ,if y fit any ( ^! categories1 y >e ,,sasi4 ,:at does t m1n8 ,:5 #he we say y >e ,,sasi1 ? m1ns t y >e ,sig$ ) d1l+ ) issues t y c>e ab & advis+ ! l1d]%ip ( ! organiza;n on ^? issues4 ,:o >e ! memb]s ( ? committee8 ,patty ,s>*i f ,ma9e is ! *airp]son2 ,k>yn ,campbell f ,ill9ois1 program *air2 ,lisa ,kozlik f ,wiscons9 & ,lori ,s*>ff f ,new ,york4 ,( ! actual committee memb]s1 ,lori is ! only he>+ bl p]son on ! committee2 ! re/ ( u >e ,,sasi to "o degree or ano!r4 ,all ?ree ( u h no vi.n & v>y+ degrees ( he>+ loss4 ,we ea* br+ a di6]5t p]spective to ! committee4 ,ea* committee al has a na;nal /aff liaison & an (fic] liaison4 ,^! p >e ,t]ry #hf ,pa*eco f ! na;nal (fice & ,donna ,selig]1 ,,acb secret>y1 :o >e al bo? ,,sasi1 bo? hav+ "pial vi.n & a he>+ loss4 ,^! p help u d \r "w4 ,am;g o!r ?+s1 ,t]ry helps me put ! program tgr4 ,we come up ) ! id1s & make ! 9itial 3tacts & %e helps u wrap x up4 ,donna helps \ if we ne$ any?+ f ! (fic]s or ! bo>d ( directors4 ,z = programs1 "s ( ! rec5t programs h 9clud$ a social ga!r+1 a program on support s]vice provid]s "<,,ssp,'s">1 types ( he>+ loss & he>+ aids1 & a focus gr\p on los+ "o s5se lat] 9 life4 ,? /udy is 2+ 3duct$ by ,mississippi ,/ate ,univ]s;y "<,,msu">4 ,we h d"o a focus gr\p = ! pa/ two ye>s 9 3nec;n ) ? /udy & we rcvd an update 9 ,birm+ham z "p ( \r program4 #hg ,we al advise on ne$s = 3v5;n programs ) reg>d to a3ommoda;ns4 ,? mi1 an 9t]pret] or an ,,ssp4 ,z two ( ^! 9volve p1 we ne$ to "k ah1d ( "t :at yr ne$s >e 9 ord] to make yr 3v5;n exp]i;e ! be/ t x c be4 ,! soon] we "k1 ! bett] *.e we h ( 2+ able to meet yr ne$s4 ,we d h ,,ald,'s available = a small deposit1 : w 2 refund$ to y ^u ! return ( bo? ! rcvr & loop or h1dph"o piece ( ! device4 ,"! w 2 m details =?com+ on ? >range;t4 ,we >e busy "w+ on ? summ]'s program4 ,? ye> we >e hop+ to provide ,,ssp,'s = ^? :o pre- regi/] = "o4 ,? w 2 \r f/ ye> try+ ? op;n4 ,? is a s]vice provid$ only to ^? :o >e sin ab issues relat$ to p ) bo? he>+ & vi.n loss z well z meet p l yrf4 ,y h a lot ( *oices ab h[ to sp5d yr "t at 3v5;n4 ,we hope y w sp5d "s "t ) ! ,,sasi committee & make new frs z well z le>n ab ! issues : a6ect y4 ,we look =w>d to see+ y 9 ,las ,vegas4 #hi ,a6iliate ,news ,diabetics 9 ,ac;n6 ,! f/ 3f];e call = ! propos$ a6iliate = diabetics 0 held on ,jan4 #ab1 #bjje4 ,"! 7 ab #af p on ! call4 ,we w5t ov] ! propos$ 3/itu;n drawn up by ,,acb presid5t ,*ris ,gray4 ,we decid$ to call ! a6iliate ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,diabetics 9 ,ac;n "<,,acbda">4 ,! f9al draft ( ! 3/itu;n 0 complet$ af ! l5g?y call4 ,,acbda (fic]s >e3 ,dee ,clayton1 presid5t2 ,patricia ,wolf1 f/ vice presid5t2 ,/eve ,hees51 second vice presid5t2 ,alice ,rit*h>t1 secret>y2 & ,jeff ,bi%op1 tr1sur]4 ,x 0 al decid$ t z we >e plann+ ? new a6iliate1 we w h a mon?ly 3f];e call to 4cuss issues 3c]n+ ! 3v5;n1 i4e4 #ij meet+ "ts1 ag5das1 fund rais+1 memb]%ip & ! _m o!r items t comprise ! f.d+ ( a new a6iliate4 ,if y >e 9t]e/$ 9 jo9+ ? new $uca;nal1 9=mative a6iliate1 pl1se s5d a *eck = @s#aj to ,jeff ,bi%op at #afca ;,w4 ,maplewood ,dr41 ,tucson1 ,,az #hegdf-#cbch4 ,! *>t] = \r new a6iliate w 2 giv5 at ! ,,acb 3v5;n ? ,july4 ,! m memb]s1 ! bett]6 ,call+ ,all ,guide ,dog ,us]s ,! 3v5;n committee ne$s id1s = door prizes z well z actual door prizes = ! #bjje ,guide ,dog ,us]s1 ,9c4 3v5;n : w take place 9 ,las ,vegas4 ,pl1se s5d any id1s t dogs wd appreciate or bl p wd 5joy4 ,i w ne$ ! foll[+ 9=ma;n to 3tact ! companies t make ^! #ia products3 ! company's "n1 teleph"o numb]1 web site1 mail+ address1 ;e-mail address1 3tact "n1 & ! am.t ! prizes >e wor?4 ,y c s5d ei ! 9=ma;n or ! prize to #bjje ,,gdui ,door ,prizes1 c_/o ,jeff ,lukacs5a1 #cije ,gun ,club ,road1 ,murrysville1 ,,pa #aeffh2 ;e-mail doorprize@agdui4org or jliv5@aalltel4net2 call my cell ph"o1 "<#dab"> #eeh- #jbbi1 or my home ph"o1 "<#gbd"> #cbe-#aabg4 ,all prizes m/ 2 9 my h&s no lat] ?an ,june #bg1 #bjje4 ,pl1se help make ! #bjje ,,gdui 3v5;n a h[l ( a "t = bo? ! f\r-le7$ & two-le7$ frs4 ,any"o :o submits a door prize w rcv a f$]al 9come tax =m to use to file = yr #bjje 9come taxes4 #ib ,guide ,dog ,us]s ( ,oregon #aath ,annual ,spr+ ,romp ,x is "t once ag = ! spr+ romp6 ,! romp w 2 held ! week5d ( ,june #ag at ,lewis @& ,cl>k ,college4 ,! regi/ra;n fee 9cludes ,fri"d & ,satur"d a3ommoda;ns1 all m1ls on ,satur"d & br1kfa/ on ,sun"d4 ,don't 2 left \4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 or to rcv a regi/ra;n packet1 3tact ,jan ,*.e at "<#eda"> #hhc-#hbbg1 or by ;e-mail1 ,jan@agduo4org4 ,= m 9=ma;n ab ,guide ,dog ,us]s ( ,oregon1 visit www4gduo4org4 ,,bits ,wants ,y to ,jo96 ,we ( ,bl ,9=ma;n ,te*nology ,speciali/s "<,,bits">1 an ,,acb a6iliate1 >e 9vit+ y to 2come a memb] ( \r grt #ic organiza;n4 ,\r memb]%ip 9cludes ^? us+ comput] te*nology to 5h.e \r lives1 f hidw>e & s(tw>e develop]s & speciali/s to ^? us+ a ,,pc simply z a tool to 5h.e \r compet5cy 9 daily "w & play4 ,\r goal is equal a3essibil;y = visually impair$ p]sons to all facets ( comput] te*nology4 ,9 t ve91 we ne$ h>d-"w+ memb]s to help u 9 \r advocacy &_/or to 3tribute te*nical exp]tise to adv.e \r goals & to 3tribute te*nical >ticles to \r newslr4 ,,bits has an ;e-mail li/ " & a *at room on www4=-!-people4com ": we al meet =mally on ,satur"d nit]ly newslr1 8,bytes f ,,bits10 3ta9+ equip;t reviews & te*nical >ticles4 ,,bits has an \t/&+ te*nical program ( tra9+ & 9=ma;n ea* ye> at ! ,,acb na;nal 3v5;n1 & aw>ds ! ,kellie ,cannon s*ol>%ip to a wor?y /ud5t ea* ye>4 ,to le>n m ab ,,bits1 visit \r web page1 www4acb4org_/bits4 ,= ^? ( y 9t]e/$1 dues >e @s#aj-/ud5t1 @s#ae-non-vot+ associate1 @s#be-full vot+ memb]1 all on a fiscal ye> ( ,july #a to ,june #cj4 ,we wd l to h y z a memb]4 ,= m memb]%ip 9=ma;n1 visit \r web site1 www4acb4org_/bits1 or 3tact tr1sur] ,m>y ,abramson1 #j ;,n #jcb ,ambleside ,dr4 _?#bdjb1 ,w9field1 ,,il #fjaij-#aijd2 ph"o "<#fcj"> #bca-#eccb1 or ;e-mail mmba#bg@acomcast4net4 #ie ,or 3tact ,rob]t ;,r4 ,rog]s1 ,,bits presid5t1 "<#eac"> #iba-#cahf1 ;e-mail rrrog]s@a"o4net4 ,:5 3tact+ u privately by ;e-mail1 use ! subject l9e ( 8bits 9=ma;n- com;ts40 ,meet ,,cfvi by ,c9dy ,burgett1 ,,cfvi ,presid5t ,if y h a bl *1 p>5t1 gr&p>5t1 sibl+ or fr1 or if y >e t bl *1 p>5t1 gr&p>5t1 sibl+ or fr1 pl1se 3sid] jo9+ ! ,c\ncil ( ,families ) ,visual ,impair;t "<,,cfvi">1 "o ( ! olde/ special-9t]e/ a6iliates ( ,,acb4 ,,cfvi exi/s to "w )9 xs memb]%ip & "?\t ! ,unit$ ,/ates to uphold ! respect & dign;y ( ea* family memb]1 bl or sie only @s#h1 & yr memb]%ip w put y 9 "pn]%ip ) o!rs :o %>e yr same 3c]ns = ! family ": bl;s exi/s4 ,,cfvi curr5tly has an ;e- mail li/ = %>+ issues ( 3c]n1 & y c subscribe by ;e-mail+ cfvi-subscribe@aacb4org4 ,we al hope to produce a newslr & cr1te a web site %>+ ! message ( ,,cfvi1 b ^! >e 9 \r future4 ,if y wd l to jo9 ,,cfvi z a memb]1 pl1se s5d dues & 3tact 9=ma;n to ,roy ,w>d1 ,tr1sur]1 #fbab ;,w4 ,frankl9 ,st41 ,ri*mond1 ,,va #bcbbf4 #ig ,,cfvi at ,3v5;n ,al? we're small1 ,,cfvi has plann$ fun & 9=ma;nal ev5ts = ! #bjje ,,acb 3v5;n4 ,we hope y w 3sid] "picipat+ 9 "o or all ( ^! ses.ns 2l4 ,mon"d1 ,july #d3 ,a co- sponsor$ afn ses.n ) ,,cclvi4 8,kids1 ,p>5ts @& ,gr&p>5ts liv+ ) vi.n loss10& 8,s5d+ a ,family ,memb] to ,college1 ,negotiat+ ! ,m"oy ,maze40 ,w$nes"d1 ,july #f1 #a3#cj- #c3#jj3 ,an afn busi;s meet+ foll[$ by a ,q@&,a %>+ "t4 ,& !n t ev5+ at #g3#jj "! w 2 a root be] float social = @s#aj2 ? w 2 a fun "t = ! :ole family4 ,! ,y\? ,activ;y ,c5t] "<,,yac"> w 2 op]at+ all "d ,mon"d "? ,fri"d ( 3v5;n week4 ,,cfvi is a pr\d sponsor ( ! ,,yac & rem9ds all ( y t ,,acb 3v5;ns >e = ! 5tire #ih family4 ,melaton9 ,produc;n & ,c.er ,risk3 ,a ,/udy by ,/ev5 ,lockley ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl has t1m$ up ) rese>*]s at ! ,briv>d ,m$ical ,s*ool1 ,bo/on1 to laun* a na;nwide survey 5titl$1 8,h1l? & ,sleep 9 ! ,visually ,impair$40 ,! project is h1d$ by ,dr4 ,/ev5 ;,w4 ,lockley4 ,! purpose ( ! /udy is to survey ! h1l? ( bl wom51 ) "picul> focus on br1/ c.er risk4 ,previ\s /udies 9 ,europe h su7e/$ t br1/ c.er risk may 2 l[] 9 visually impair$ wom5 ?an 9 ! sie totally bl4 ,! aim ( ! curr5t rese>* is to f9d \ :e!r #ii ? is ! case 9 ! ,,usa &1 if br1/ c.er risk is l[] 9 visually impair$ wom51 to 4cov] ! r1sons :y4 ,possible factors 9clude *anges 9 horm"o levels1 sleep & circadian rhy?m 4ord]s1 reproductive hi/ory1 & o!r factors s* z smok+1 ex]cise or alcohol use4 ,if we c "u/& :y visually impair$ wom5 >e at a r$uc$ risk1 we hope t ? 9=ma;n w 2 us$ to help bo? sily newslr summ>iz+ \r f9d+s4 ,any adult female :o is legally bl c volunte] to take "p1 reg>d.s ( h] h1l?4 ,! /udy is 9 two "ps1 & volunte]s c *oose to complete ei ,"p #a al"o or bo? ,"ps #a & #ajj #b4 ,"p #a is a survey t asks detail$ "qs ab y & yr h1l?4 ,"p #b is a home-bas$ /udy ": we w ask y to complete a daily sleep & nap di>y = up to #h weeks & collect ur9e samples = at l1/ two #bd-#dh h\r p]iods :ile liv+ at home4 ,! samples w 2 m1sur$ = horm"os to assess ! tim+ ( yr #bd-h\r body clock & reproductive func;n4 ,! survey & any 9/ruc;ns w 2 provid$ 9 ! =mat ( yr *oice1 9clud+ l>ge pr9t1 brl1 audiotape1 comput] disk or ;,,cd1 ;e-mail1 or v]bally4 ,! survey c al 2 complet$ on ! ,9t]net4 ,! equip;t us$ to collect ! ur9e samples w 2 provid$ & has be5 specifically adapt$ = visually impair$ p4 ,if y >e att5d+ ! ,,acb na;nal 3v5;n & wi% to volunte] = ! /udy1 y w 2 able to #aja complete ! survey "! & al >range to provide "s ( ! ur9e samples at ! 3v5;n4 ,! rese>*]s w 2 "! to complete ! surveys1 provide 9/ruc;ns & >range sample collec;n4 ,y w 2 ask$ to complete ! sleep di>ies 9 ! weeks l1d+ up to & foll[+ ! 3v5;n4 ,if y >e 9t]e/$ 9 volunte]+ = ! /udy1 or want m 9=ma;n1 pl1se call ! toll-free numb] #a-#hhh-#h-,,bvi-,,b: "<#a- #hhh-#hbh-#dbid">1 g to www4" ,,bvi,'h1l?survey4b:4h>v>d4$u1 ;e-mail ,,bvi,'h1l?survey@a" rics4b:4h>v>d4$u or write to ,]9 ,evans1 ,divi.n ( ,sleep ,m$ic9e1 ,bri* #ae1 #bjje4 ,lrs >e limit$ to #cjj ^ws or less4 ,all submis.ns m/ 9clude ! au?or's "n & loca;n4 ,op9ions express$ >e ^? ( ! au?ors4 ,9 reply to ,$ ,eames ,kudos to ,dr4 ,$ ,eames = 8 lr to ! $itor 9 ! ,febru>y 8,=um40 ,he *>ges all ( u to press e /ate's ,de"p;t ( ,motor ,vehicles to 9clude m :ite cane law 3t5t 9 driv]'s lic5se te/+4 ,t ne$ 0 driv5 home to me1 s to sp1k1 9 a rec5t 3v]sa;n ) a p>atransit op]ator4 ,he 0 totally unaw>e ( ! symbolism ( a p$e/rian 4play+ a :ite cane4 ,w[6 ,i "u/& t p>atransit #ajc driv]s m/ 2 c]tifi$ = a specializ$ class ( lic5se1 a category dem&+ m rigor\s1 & frequ5t te/+6 ,- ,k5 ,/ew>t1 ,w>wick1 ,n4,y4 ,"h & ,"! by ,s>ah ,blake ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column is n an 5dorse;t by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs /aff1 or elect$ (ficials4 ,products & s]vices >e li/$ free ( *>ge = ! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsible = ! reliabil;y ( products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,to submit items = ? column1 y may ;e-mail ,s>ah ,blake at sblake@aacb4org1 or call ,,acb at #a-#hjj-#dbd-#hfff & l1ve a message 9 mailbox #bf4 #ajd ,pl1se rememb] t po/al regula;ns prohibit u f 9clud+ adv]tise;ts1 & t we ne$ 9=ma;n two mon?s ah1d ( actual publica;n dates4 ,>t ,competi;n ,! #afth annual ,9sit ,exhibi;n is call+ = submis.ns4 ,"w by legally bl >ti/s 9 all m$iums except video w 2 3sid]$4 ,! %[ w run 9 ,augu/ #bjje at ! ,san ,francisco ,>ts ,commis.n ,gall]y at ,c;y ,hall4 ,ca% prizes w 2 aw>d$4 ,! submis.n d1dl9e is ,may #b1 #bjje4 ,to rcv an applica;n by mail1 3tact ,s>ah ,millett1 exhibi;n coord9ator1 at "<#dae"> #dca- #adha ext4 #bhf1 or visit www4li ,proyecto ,visi^/on is br++ xs annual ,bridges to ,employ;t ,3f];e = ,lat9os ) ,4abilities to ! ,s\?4 ,! 3f];e w take place ,june #a-#c 9 ,ralei<1 ,n4,c4 at ! ,%]aton ,ralei< ,capital ,c5t] ,hotel4 ,provid+ a va/ >ray ( job 3nec;ns & te*nology tra9+ opportunities1 ! 3f];e is a na;nal =um ab issues 3c]n+ ,lat9os ) 4abilities4 ,bridges to ,employ;t is organiz$ by ! ,_w ,9/itute on ,4abil;y "<,,wid"> "? ,proyecto ,visi^/on1 a ,na;nal ,te*nical ,assi/.e ,c5t] e/abli%$ to 3nect ,lat9os ) 4abilities to ! _w ( employ;t4 ,9 addi;n1 ? ye> ! ,am]ican ,express ,f.da;n has fund$ a "d-l;g ,lat9o ,4abil;y ,emp[];t ,=um t w #ajf prec$e ! 3f];e4 ,! =um w take place on ,june #a f #i a4m4 to #e p4m4 ,! ,%]aton ,ralei< ,capital ,c5t] ,hotel is (f]+ 3f];e att5dees a room rate ( @s#aji p] ni4 ,call ! ,%]aton ,ralei< ,capital ,c5t] ,hotel at "<#hjj"> #cbe-#cece or "<#iai"> #hcd-#iijj = res]va;ns1 m5;n+ y >e ) ! ,bridges to ,employ;t 3f];e4 ,! @s#aej 3f];e fee 9cludes ! welcome recep;n1 3t95tal br1kfa/s1 all 3f];e ses.ns & mat]ials1 & ! clos+ lun*eon4 ,s*ol>%ips >e available = unemploy$ or l[-9come ,lat9os ) 4abilities to cov] ! 3f];e regi/ra;n fee4 ,s*ol>%ip aw>ds >e bas$ on f9ancial ne$ & /r5g? ( ! applica;n4 ,call "<#hff"> #cfg-#ecfa toll-free = s*ol>%ip 9=ma;n1 or visit www4proyectovi.n4net to #ajg regi/] to att5d &_/or apply = a s*ol>%ip onl9e4 ,3f];e on ,assi/.e ,animals ,"! w 2 a summit on ! ,h1l+ ,p[] ( ! ,human-,animal ,bond3 ,companion ,animals & ,society f ,june #b-#e 9 ,hollywood1 ,calif4 ,! 3f];e w 2 held at ! ,r5aiss.e ,hollywood ,hotel4 ,! hidians " & ! evolu;n ( human- animal support s]vices "<,,hass"> organiza;ns4 ,addi;nal topics 9clude3 commun;y & $uca;n1 cultural attitudes t[>d animals1 9novative animal assi/$ !rapy programs1 & m4 ,to #ajh regi/] onl9e1 visit http3_/_/www4pawssf4org_/" conf];e_/#bjje_/register4html4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ,&rea ,brooks at "<#dae"> #bda- #adfe4 ,"m's ,"d ,sale ,%op f ! com=t ( yr home = ,"m's ,"d or any o3a.n4 ,visit ,bl9d,mice,m>t4com & br[se "? a selec;n ( ov] #d1jjj products6 ,j a few id1s = ,mom ,- ! ,dr1ms nid5 plaques1 sc5t$ c&les1 p]fumes1 jewelry1 silk fl[]s1 & m*1 m* m4 ,visit ! ,"m's ,"d ,de"p;t at http3" _/_/www4,bl9d,mice,m>t4com or call "<#gac"> #hgf- #aji #figa4 ,brl ,=um r1d]s c save #ae p]c5t (f _! ord]s6 ,if %opp+ on-l9e1 use ! c\pon code 8,,acb0 at *eck-\4 ,if %opp+ by ph"o1 j m5;n y saw x 9 8,! ,brl ,=um40 ,all pur*ases at ,bl ,mice ,m>t b5efit ! ,m\se ,hole ,s*ol>%ip ,program4 #bjje ,m\se ,hole ,s*ol>%ips ,all graduat+ #bjje visually impair$ hi< s*ool /ud5ts & si5ts >e 5c\rag$ to submit an essay = 3sid]a;n = ! aw>ds4 ,?ree s*ol>%ips >e (f]$3 @s#ejj1 @s#djj1 & @s#bej4 ,= ! details1 visit http3_/_/" www4,bl9d,mice,m>t4com & select ! l9k = ,m\se ,hole ,s*ol>%ips4 ,y may al #aaj call ,dale ,campbell at "<#gac"> #hgf-#figa1 or ;e- mail s*ol>%ips@abl9dmicem>t4" com4 ,5tries w 2 a3ept$ until ,may #ae1 #bjje4 ,kurzweil #cjjj ,aw>ds ,applica;ns >e n[ 2+ a3ept$ until ,june #a = ! ,second ,annual ,kurzweil #cjjj ,s(tw>e ,aw>ds4 ,! aw>ds recognize /ud5ts1 t1*]s1 & s*ools :o h %[n a commit;t to le>n+ or an excell;e 9 t1*+ /ud5ts1 9clud+ ^? ) le>n+ 4abilities4 ,9 addi;n to ! ?ree exi/+ aw>ds1 ,kurzweil ,$uca;nal ,sy/ems has add$ a f\r? aw>d1 ,9novator ( ! ,ye>1 = $ucators curr5tly us+ ,kurzweil #cjjj :o h develop$ an 9novative or unique use = ! s(tw>e4 ,all aw>d w9n]s w rcv compli;t>y lic5se" ( ,kurzweil #cjjj = #aaa 9dividual or classroom use1 z well z compli;t>y support s]vices4 ,applica;n =ms & details c 2 d[nload$ f ! ,kurzweil ,$uca;nal ,sy/ems ,web site at http3_/_/www4" kurzweil$u4com_/" k#cjjj;awards4asp & m/ 2 submitt$ by ,june #a1 #bjje4 ,res\rces = ,college ,/ud5ts ,! ,u4,s4 ,de"p;t ( ,$uca;n's ,f$]al ,/ud5t ,aid "<,,fsa"> (fice has a v>iety ( 9=ma;n res\rces available = bl & visually impair$ /ud5ts 5roll$ 9 $uca;n 2y hi< s*ool4 ,! ,/ud5t ,aid ,audio ,guide 3ta9s an ov]view ( ! de"p;t's f$]al /ud5t aid programs 9clud+ eligibil;y crit]ia1 applica;n proc$ures1 loan repay;t op;ns1 & def];t & c.ella;n provi.ns4 ,! #aab guide al provides 9=ma;n on non-f$]al s\rces ( aid4 ,/ud5ts c li/5 to ! guide onl9e at http3_/_/www4" /ud5taid4$4gov_/audioguide1 or reque/ x on compact disc by call+ #a-#hjj-#dcc-#cbdc4 ,te*nology ,tips & ,9=ma;n ,top ,te* ,tidbits = ,?urs"d is a 3cise & free summ>y ( ! week's news on adaptive te*nology1 te*nology 9 g5]al z x relates to ! bl1 & ,9t]net audio4 ,ea* newslr 3ta9s f #g- #bj news items1 & mo/ items >e ?ree s5t;es or %ort] 9 l5g?4 ,subscrib] addresses >e n us$ = any purpose o!r ?an 4tribu;n ( ! free newslr4 ,to subscribe1 s5d a blank message to tttt-jo9@atopdot5t]prises4" com4 ,r1d]s c see a sample copy by s5d+ a blank #aac message to sample@a" topdot5t]prises4com4 ,_w ,wide ,classifi$s ,d y h a product or s]vice to (f]8 ,d y h "s?+ y want to buy1 sell or trade8 ,subscrip;ns to 8,3nec;ns0 >e free1 & yr f/ ad is free4 8,3nec;ns0 is available via ;e-mail1 on comput] disk1 & on cassette4 ,to place an ad1 make yr *eck or m"oy ord] payable to ,m1gan ,gre5 & s5d x to ,3nec;ns1 #adaj ,we/fall ,place1 ,/ayton1 ,,or #igchc4 ,to reque/ ! newslr1 s5d yr "n1 address & pref]r$ =mat to ,m1gan ,gre5 at ! abv address4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 visit http3_/_/" www4connec;ns=!bl9d4com4 ,brl to ,pr9t ,product ,brl docu;ts c n[ 2 %>$ ) si pr9ts ! correspond+ 9k "*s abv or al;gside ! brl emboss+4 ,! ,,pia al all[s = images to 2 emboss$ & pr9t$4 ,any?+ t appe>s on ! comput] scre5 c qkly 2 made 9to a rais$1 pr9t$ image on pap]4 ,atta*+ ! ,,pia 9/antly trans=ms ! ,view,plus ,pro ,brl pr9t] 9to a hi<-spe$ emboss+ pr9t]1 cr1t+ ! only compact 9tegrat$ solu;n = hi< volume brl & 9k produc;n4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 call yr local ,view,plus d1l]1 or 3tact ,view,plus directly via ;e- mail1 sales@aviewplus4com1 or ph"o at "<#eda"> #ged-#djjb4 ,onl9e ,music ,lessons & ,9=ma;n ,play ,piano ,td (f]s #aae onl9e music lessons & 9=ma;n free z well z = pur*ase4 ,! site uses ,fla% & is fairly a3essible us+ ,,jaws4 ,= a guide to ! 9=ma;n available1 visit http3_/_/www4" playpianoto"d4com_/report_/" 9dex4html4 ,,gw ,micro ,sponsors ,,dvs ,,gw ,micro sponsors ! audio descrip;n ( 8,bl ,ju/ice10 a new drama on ,,abc televi.n4 ,! f/ program air$ on ,m>* #h4 ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op ,= ,sale3 ,brl ,lite #dj ) disk drive1 c>ry+ case1 manuals1 & cables4 ,ask+ @s#b1bjj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,m>gie ,donovan at "<#fej"> #fig-#ecjj or by ;e- mail1 m>gie4donovan@a" #aaf m$4va4gov4 ,= ,sale3 ,type ';n ,sp1k4 ,comes ) all utilities2 h>dly "e us$4 ,= 9=ma;n1 pl1se 3tact ,pat at "<#ije"> #fhd-#jjfd or ;e-mail pat4smolak@asimpatico4ca4 ,= ,sale3 ,,aph tape record] model #c- #eaid,a1 ne$s repair4 ,ask+ @s#ej4 ,i / h ! ,p]k9s brlr ) h>d h+$ case1 @s#djj1 & ! ,9sul-gauges & ,m$i-cool]s1 @s#abe = ! lot or @s#e p] gauge4 ,brl dom9oes2 #bh dom9oes & #b dice4 ,ask+ @s#ae4 ,3tact ,rob]t ,ziegl] at "<#gfc"> #ecg-#hjjj or via ;e-mail1 jemob@ae>?l9k4net4 ,= ,sale3 ,brl,note #cb-cell4 ,comes ) two compact fla% ports1 #aag upgrad$ to #dh megabytes ,,ram4 ,ask+ @s#d1jjj4 ,3tact dbr[n#a@asisna4com or call "<#hja"> #ifg-#gfai & ask = ,dianne ,br[n4 ,= ,sale3 ,new ,brl ,blaz] emboss] & l1!r c>ry+ case4 ,/ 9 orig9al c>ton4 ,ask+ @s#a1jjj "4 ,3tact ,dan at "<#eag"> #bgb-#jifa or danfurton@ahotmail4com4 ,free to ,gd ,home3 ,,jaws = ,w9d[s4 ,call ,*]yl at "<#hde"> #hie-#cjcj4 ,want$3 ,brl ';n ,sp1k ,develop]'s ,kit4 ,? 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