,! ,brl ,=um ,volume ,,xliii ,m>* #bjje ,no4 #f ,publi%$ by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl /rives to 9cr1se ! 9dep5d;e1 secur;y1 equal;y ( opportun;y1 & qual;y ( life = all bl & visually impair$ p4 ,*ri/oph] ,gray1 ,presid5t ,melanie ,brunson1 ,executive ,director ,%>on ,lov]+1 ,act+ ,$itor ,na;nal ,(fice3 #aaee #aeth ,st4 ,,nw ,suite #ajjd ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejha ,fax3 "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejhe ,web ,site3 http3_/_/www4" acb4org ,! ,brl ,=um is available 9 brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half-spe$ f\r- track cassette tape1 comput] disk & via ;e-mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 address *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = publica;n %d 2 s5t to ,p5ny ,re$] at ! address abv1 or via ;e-mail to $itor@aacb4org4 ,submis.n d1dl9es >e ! f/ ( ! mon?4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl is a memb]%ip organiza;n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special- 9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,to jo91 visit ! ,,acb website & complete an applica;n =m1 or 3tact ! na;nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ abv4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax-d$uctible1 c 2 s5t to ,>dis ,bazyn at ! abv mail+ address4 ,if y wi% to rememb] a relative or fr1 ! na;nal (fice c make pr9t$ c>ds available = ? purpose4 #b ,to rememb] ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t1 y may 9clude a special p>agraph = t purpose4 ,if yr wi%es >e complex1 3tact ! ,,acb na;nal (fice4 ,to make a 3tribu;n to ,,acb via ! ,comb9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #bhjb4 ,= ! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll-free at "<#hjj"> #dbd-#hfff1 #e p4m4 to midnis1 by ,*ri/oph] ,gray1 page #g ,9 ,memoriam3 ,sally ,mangold1 by ,phil ,hatl51 page #ac ,summ>y ( ! ,fall ,bo>d ,meet+ ,3f];e ,calls1 by ,*>les ,s4,p4 ,hodge1 page #bb ,t\r ,updates1 by ,b]l ,colley1 page #df ,! ,isle ( ,capri ,- ,j ,f\r ,mon?s to ! ,na;nal ,3v5;n1 by ,cyn?ia ,t[]s1 page #ej ,a6iliate ,news1 page #ee ,support 8,! ,brl ,=um0 & ,h a ,*.e to ,w9 @s#e1jjj1 page #ei ,! ,_w ,bl ,union #bj ,ye>s ,lat]1 by ,oral ,o4 ,mill]1 page #fj #d ,! ,ultimate ,?rill1 by ,gail ,selfridge1 page #fg ,no ,bl ,p]son ,left ,2h1 by ,pe7y ,%oel1 page #fi ,! ,bl ,c ,2 ,victims ( ,circum/.e1 by ,bob ,branco1 page #gf ,memb]%ip ,focus1 ,novemb] #bjjd1 compil$ by ,>dis ,bazyn1 page #hj ,,vi.ns #bjjd3 ,a ,p]sonal ,exp]i;e1 by ,v]ne ;,r4 ,san=d1 page #he ,"h & ,"!1 by ,s>ah ,blake1 page #ib ,gd ,grief1 ,mr4 ,taxi ,driv]1 ,": ,>e ,we ,n[61 by ,rob]t ,rog]s1 page #aac ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op1 page #aag ,,acb ,(fic]s1 page #abc ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors1 page #abd ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns1 page #abe #e ,,rsa ,commis.n] ,resigns ,x has be5 my 4t9ct pl1sure to "w ) all ( y z ! ,commis.n] ( ! ,rehabilita;n ,s]vices ,adm9i/ra;n4 ,! "t has come1 h["e1 = me to submit my resigna;n e6ective ,m>* #a1 #bjje4 ,i want to express my s9c]e gratitude = yr support & commit;t on 2half ( \r na;n's citiz5s ) 4abilities4 ,i look =w>d to 3t9u+ ! j\rney to *ange ! lives ( 9dividuals ) 4abilities "? new av5ues 9 ! future4 ,i feel s v =tunate to h "w$ ) s* d$icat$1 loyal & h>d"w+ 9dividuals :o %>e my pas.n = ! emp[];t ( p]sons ) 4abilities4 ,ag1 ?ank y = ! privilege & ! opportun;y to "w ) all ( y4 ,) be/ reg>ds & a6ec;n1 ,joanne ,wilson #f ,plann+ = ! ,next ,f\r ,ye>s by ,*ri/oph] ,gray ,z we g to press1 "! >e rumbl+s f \r na;n's capitol t cause _m 9 ,,acb to feel 3c]n & appreh5.n = key programs s]v+ ! bl & visually impair$4 ,! pot5tial exi/s = ,social ,secur;y re=m t l1ves _m fe>;l ( :at midiz$ f :at we >e he>+ ab ! adm9i/ra;n's budget plans = #bjje4 ,?ird1 plans >e "u way t1 if f9aliz$1 w remove all regional (fices & ov]sid program is ag "u attack1 & bills >e n[ 9 ,3gress t wd dra/ically alt] ! availabil;y ( pot5tial v5d+ facilities = "picipants 9 ? key employ;t program = ! bl4 ,all 9 all1 #bjje is %ap+ up to 2 a *all5g+ ye>1 fraue h>d to "u/&1 h>d ev5 to 3template = _m ( u4 ,x is important to rememb] at mo;ts l ? t ! pot5tial = *ange is n ! same z *ange xf4 ,seldom >e \r wor/ fe>s r1liz$ 9 matt]s ( legisla;n4 ,despite :at may happ5 & not)/&+ "s ( ! proposals curr5tly gett+ a lot ( att5;n f ! m$ia & on ,capitol ,hill1 "! rema9s a funda;tal e?ic 9 ? c.try t has1 = alm sev5 decades1 be5 favorably 9cl9$ to ! ne$s ( & programs = bl & visually impair$ ,am]icans4 ,we h #h no r1son to ?9k t ? e?ic has funda;tally *ang$4 ,9 addi;n1 we >e "p ( a move;t td t 9cludes cross-4abil;y coali;ns & advocates = civil "rs t has be5 & w 3t9ue to 2 e6ective 9 xs advocacy on \r 2half & on 2half ( all 4abl$ p4 ,f9ally1 ! legislative \tcome = _m ( ! ?+s caus+ grt 3c]n td c 2 a6ect$ by :at ea* ( u does & says dur+ ! c\rse ( ! com+ ye>4 ,we c & w make a di6];e1 9dividually & collectively z bl ,am]icans4 ,9 _m >1s1 ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl is ge>+ up to meet ! *all5ges ( #bjje & 2y4 ,9 ,janu>y1 \r new ,director ( ,advocacy & ,gov]n;tal ,a6airs1 ,"d ;,al-,moham$1 came on bo>d & is h>d at "w gett+ acqua9t$ ) \r programs & ) p on ,capitol ,hill & )9 ! adm9i/ra;n4 ,"d's y\?1 #i 5?usiasm & 5]gy >e 9fecti\s1 & ,i h e 3fid;e t %e's go+ to 2 a major "p ( t di6];e we w make 9 ,3gress 9 #bjje4 ,by ! "t y rcv ? magaz9e1 we w h held ! #bjje ,presid5ts,0 ,meet+ & ,legislative ,sem9> 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 ,we w make \r posi;ns cle> on ! issues m5;n$ & o!rs z well dur+ \r "t on ! hill1 & ! sem9> c lay ! gr.d"w = a new dialogue ) ,3gress 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 & 9 yr home 4tricts "?\t ! ye>4 ,al1 _m r1d]s may n 2 fully aw>e t "! is a legislative "w+ gr\p t has func;n$ = s"eal ye>s 9 support ( programs & s]vices = ! bl4 ,? gr\p repres5ts e major organiza;n ( & = ! bl ) only "o excep;n4 ,i "k t e memb] ( ? gr\p is completely committ$ to help+ u f9d approa*es & cr1te alt]natives t >e gd = ! #aj bl commun;y at l>ge4 ,? "w+ gr\p is v aw>e ( ! ne$s ( & posi;ns tak5 by ,,acb memb]s1 & we w 3t9ue to keep focus$ on all ( ^! ?+s4 ,grant$1 we _c pr$ict ! future1 & pot5tial problems d exi/ = u4 ,2 t z x may1 x is important to focus \r att5;n & ef=ts on positive solu;ns & alt]natives t w "w = \r commun;y4 ,9 o!r news1 9 e>ly ,febru>y1 ! ,,acb bo>d ( directors met & pass$ ! #bjje budget = ! organiza;n4 ,i am extremely pl1s$ to let y "k z well t ! organiza;n us$ virtually n"o ( xs res]ves dur+ #bjjd4 ,i'm sure y c imag9e h[ pl1s$ ! bo>d & assembl$ audi;e 7 to he> ? ann\nce;t f ,jim ,ols51 \r *ief f9ancial (fic]4 ,_m 7 3c]n$ ab ? possibil;y1 & ,i'm sure y w jo9 me 9 #aa 3gratulat+ ,jim & executive director ,melanie ,brunson = all ( _! "w 9 help+ keep ! organiza;n on /r;g f9ancial gr.d4 ,f9ally1 ,i am pl1s$ to let y "k t \r organiza;n has a second p]son to assi/ u f ,april #bjje "? ,m>* #bjjf ) programm+ & o!r "w relat$ to ,,acb ,radio4 ,%e w 2 9troduc$ m fully :5 %e comes onbo>d 9 ,april4 ,%e comes to u on loan1 & at no co/ to ! organiza;n1 f ! ,>ts ,c\ncil ( ,5gl&4 ,? is r1l evid;e ( ,,acb's gr[+ recogni;n & support1 n only "h1 b 9 o!r "ps ( ! _w z well4 ,9 #bjje1 x is important to rema9 optimi/ic1 critical to rema9 focus$ on programs & s]vices we "k >e requir$ = bl & visually impair$ p1 & absolutely critical = #ab all to "w tgr 9 try+ to pres]ve :at we h1 & improve \r programs :5 t opportun;y >ises4 ,if we all 3t9ue to d ^! ?+s1 & >e 9 t\* ) ,3gress & ! adm9i/ra;n1 ,i h no d\bt t :at has 2gun z an anxi\s ye> c 5d on a m* m positive note4 ,let's turn \r att5;n to do+ "ey?+ we c to help make t a r1l;y4 ,9 ,memoriam3 ,sally ,mangold by ,phil ,hatl5 ,i rcvd ^w on ,satur"d t ,sally ,mangold di$4 ,! full wei 9 ! spr+ ( #aiee4 ,! ?ree ( u 7 /ud5ts at ,san ,francisco ,/ate1 all want+ to 2 t1*]s ( bl #ac *n4 ,sally & ,phil 7 bo? bl !mvs4 ,= #ej ye>s we h ma9ta9$ a close fr%ip t only ! ?ree ( u fully "u/ood4 ,i wd d any?+ = !m1 & !y = me4 ,we lov$ "o ano!r 9 a v special way4 ,we _h n only gr[n old tgr1 we _h %>$ a pas.n = \r pr(es.n t 0 deep & nurtur+4 ,a ye> ago ,i _h ! privilege ( 9troduc+ ,sally at ! ,migel ,aw>d c]emonies 9 ,san ,francisco4 ,s"eal "ts dur+ ? pa/ ye>1 ,sally wd call to give me news ab ! ,,sal1 h] v special project4 ,!n1 ,i 0 privileg$ " to he> ,sally keynote ! ,,aph 3f];e la/ ,octob]4 ,%e & ,i _h s"eal 3v]sa;ns 9 ,l\isville1 "ts t ,i n[ tr1sure m ?an any"o c imag9e4 ,:5 ,i he>d t ,sally 0 gravely ill1 ,i call$ & talk$ to h]4 ,9 h] usual mann]1 %e 0 #ad upb1t & c]ta9 t h] 9clu.n 9 a trial at ! ,,ucla ,m$ical ,c5t] wd 2 ! answ] to h] ill;s4 ,& lat] ,i talk$ ) ,phil1 :o 0 al upb1t ab ,sally's future4 ,& n[ %e's g"o4 ,& ,i've lo/ ano!r pe] coll1gue4 ,x's an 5tirely di6]5t feel+ :5 a m5tor dies ,- !y repres5t an e>li] g5]a;n1 & "o assumes he w \tlive 8 m5tors4 ,n[ x's "t t ,i recognize t my g5]a;n ( coll1gues is dy+1 & t is a v sob]+ & sad ?"\4 ,my fr ,k>5 call$ to give me ! news ( ,sally's d1?4 ,:5 we f9i%$ \r 3v]sa;n1 ,k>5 sd1 8,i love y1 & if ,i n"e h a *.e to say x ag1 ,i'm glad ,i cd d x n[40 ,i'm glad ,i told ,sally t ,i love h] ! la/ "t ,i talk$ ) h]4 ,= _m ye>s1 "! 0 an (fice at ,san ,francisco ,/ate #ae ,univ]s;y t h\s$ ,sally1 ,pete ,wurzburg]1 & me4 ,tn ,i call$ ,pete1 :o alr knew ab ,sally's d1?4 ,pete1 :o is #hj ye>s old1 has 8 a*es & pa9s1 b he s.ds /r;g & vital4 ,i sd1 8,pete1 ,i love y0 2f ,i hung up1 2c maybe ,i won't get ano!r *.e to tell hm4 ,2l >e my ^ws ab ,sally :5 %e rcvd ! ,migel ,aw>d f ! ,am]ican ,f.da;n = ! ,bl4 ,= ,my ,fr1 ,sally ,mangold "<,to ! tune ( 8,daisy1 ,daisy0"> ,sally1 ,sally1 give me yr answ]1 d ,i'm half crazy1 is x ,grade #a or #b8 ,x won't 2 a simple answ] ,b ,i "k :at y say w 2 true ,brl w prevail ,x w n fail #af ,& x's all 2c ( y4 ,"! >e s _m dim5.ns ( ,sally ,mangold t ,i h>dly "k ": to 2g91 :at to /ress1 & :at to l1ve \4 ,i ?9k1 ,sally1 my fr1 t ,i'll talk = a few m9utes ab ?ree aspects ( y4 ,i wond] if all ( y "k t ,sally1 h] husb& ,phil1 & ,i 2gan 9 ? pr(es.n at ! same "t4 ,! ?ree ( u 7 am;g ! f/ t1*]s ( visually impair$ *n 9 local s*ools1 we 7 a "p ( a trem5d\s evolu;n ( s]vices dur+ ! second half ( ! #bjth c5tury1 & we h rema9$ close1 loyal1 & lov+ frs = _m ye>s4 ,:y does ,sally des]ve ! ,migel ,m$al8 ,well1 f/ ( all1 %e 0 "o ( ! mo/ su3ess;l1 9spir$ t1*]s ,i h "e "kn4 ,"?\t h] ye>s z a t1*] 9 ! ,ca/ro ,valley ,s*ools1 ,sally develop$ a reputa;n t result$ 9 visitors f all ov] ! #ag _w com+ to ! programs t %e & ,phil _h develop$ 9 ,ca/ro ,valley4 ,i rememb] talk+ to ,sally at "s po9t ab summ] s*ool4 ,%e told me t %e 0 go+ to t1* liv+ skills t summ]4 ,i ask$ h] :at %e 9t5d$ to t1*4 ,%e sd t %e wd 2 ask+ ! p>5ts ( ea* * :at skill 9 9dep5d5t liv+ !y wd l _! * to le>n1 & t 0 :at %e wd t1*4 ,imag9e t6 ,ask+ p>5ts :at !y want$ _! * to le>n ,- $ucators n"e did t66 ,b ,sally did1 = %e 0 alw f> ah1d ( o!rs 9 h] approa*es to $uca;n4 ,sally1 ! true ma/] t1*] ( *n1 ,i salute y66 ,!n "! is ,sally ! ,9novator4 ,z a pr(essor at ,,sfsu1 %e 0 imag9ative & cr1tive 9 h] approa*es to provid+ future t1*]s ) n only skills & k1 b ) pride & pas.n4 ,x 0 h>d = any /ud5t 9 h] univ]s;y classes to #ah resi/ ! excite;t ,sally _h = h] pr(es.n1 & to "k t !y [$ x to ,sally to %>e _! skills ) bl & visually impair$ /ud5ts4 ,i'd v5ture to say t "! is no "o 9 ! _w :o is bett] "kn = h] k & skill 9 t1*+ brl ?an ,sally4 ,9 ! summ] ( #bjjb1 ,i att5d$ h] ses.n at a _w-wide 3f];e 9 ,holl&1 & wat*$ a room;l ( mesm]iz$ t1*]s f doz5s ( c.tries :o knew !y 7 9 ! pres;e ( a giant4 ,t br+s up "s?+ else ab ,sally ! ,9novator4 ,i su7e/ to y t ,sally is ! mo/ dynamic1 9spira;nal1 & "kl$g1ble sp1k] 9 \r pr(es.n td4 ,i h he>d h] give pres5ta;ns s"eal "ts 9 rec5t ye>s1 & ,i / f9d myf *all5g$1 9vigorat$1 & uplift$ e "t ,i he> h]4 ,h any ( y "e he>d ,sally give a dull & un9t]e/+ spee*8 ,%e is truly #ai amaz+66 ,a t1*]1 a pr(essor1 a motivator1 & :at else8 ,"! is n a t1*] 9 ! ,u4,s41 & maybe n "o 9 ! _w1 t doesn't "k ab ,$uca;nal ,t1*+ ,aids1 ! company t ,sally & ,phil co- f.d$ _m ye>s ago1 t 3t9ues to gr[ & fl\ri%4 ,look at ! catalog ( ? company1 & c.t ! numb] ( products t ,sally & ,phil !mvs 9v5t$ or develop$4 ,i especially 5joy$ ,phil's publica;n 5titl$ 8,! ,pl1sure ( ,eat+40 ,s1 ,sally1 y >e or h be5 a t1*]1 a pr(essor1 a motivator1 & a busi;s [n]4 ,b wait1 "!'s "o m ,sally ,i want y to "k1 ! ,sally t ,i tr1sure ! mo/ ,- ,sally ! ,fr4 ,z we grew up tgr 9 \r pr(es.n1 ,sally1 ,phil1 & ,i 7 n"e v f> a"p1 ei geographically or 9 \r fond;s = "o ano!r4 #bj ,sally & ,phil settl$ 9to a l>ge1 com=table h\se 9 ,ca/ro ,valley1 ! p]fect h\se = quiet ga!r+s & noisy "pies ) frs4 ,i sp5t _m ev5+s ) a few close frs at ? home1 eat+1 dr9k+1 & 5joy+ gd company4 ,i al sp5t _m wond];l "ts at noisy1 cr[d$ "pies at ! home ( ,sally & ,phil4 ,bo? ( !m >e musicians1 & no?+ pl1s$ !m m ?an to >range a small pick-up b& & sp5d an ev5+ mak+ music4 ,! only ?+ !y let me play 0 ! gut-bucket1 & ,sally kept tell+ me n to play too l\d66 ,,sfsu /ud5ts look$ =w>d to 5d-(-ye> "pies ) ! ,mangolds1 & !y 7 n"e 4appo9t$6 ,i look$ =w>d to j 2+ ) !m1 ": love & fr%ip 5ri*$ my life4 ,sally1 y >e 2+ honor$ tn = yr _m significant a3ompli%;ts 9 yr pr(es.n4 ,y h br"\ ! b1uti;l _w ( lit]acy to #ba c.t.s *n1 & yr example z a t1*] has br"\ joy & fulfill;t to _m1 _m bl & visually impair$ p]sons4 ,b ,i al honor y1 my fr1 = ! joy & fulfill;t y h add$ to my life4 ,i tr1sure \r fr%ip1 & my life is s m* ri*] = "k+ y & ,phil4 ,summ>y ( ! ,fall ,bo>d ,meet+ ,3f];e ,calls by ,*>les ,s4,p4 ,hodge "<,au?or's ,note3 ,9 ord] to save m"oy1 ! bo>d held xs fall meet+ "? a s]ies ( teleph"o 3f];e calls held ,augu/ #aa1 ,septemb] #a1 ,octob] #f1 & ,octob] #ab4 ,adrian ,de,blaey1 :o _h be5 designat$ by ! bo>d ( publica;ns z ! ex- (ficio memb]1 0 9 att5d.e4 ,foll[+ ^! calls1 ,de,blaey submitt$ 8 resigna;n = p]sonal & h1l?-relat$ r1sons4 #bb ,presid5t ,gray1 :ile express+ m* apprecia;n = ,de,blaey's ye>s ( s]vice1 a3ept$ 8 resigna;n4 ,de,blaey reluctantly 9dicat$ t he wd n 2 able to write ! summ>y ( ! 3f];e calls1 ?us requir+ me to take up ! *all5ge4 ,9 ord] to prep>e ? summ>y1 ,i _h to review ! m9utes ( ^! meet+s v c>e;lly4 ,gray ga9$ ! 3s5t ( =m] ,,bop memb] ,w9ifr$ ,d[n+ to s]ve \ ! rema9+ por;n ( ,de,blaey's t]m4 ,d[n+ did att5d ! midye> bo>d meet+ 9 ,las ,vegas1 ,nev4 ,%e w 2 responsible = writ+ summ>ies ( t meet+ & o!r bo>d meet+s "? ! po/-3v5;n meet+ 9 ,las ,vegas4"> ,augu/ #aa ,meet+ ,! meet+ 0 call$ to ord] by ,*ris ,gray at #i3#aj p4m4 ,ea/]n "t4 ,gray /at$ t #bc ! bo>d wd 4cuss ,,acb /aff memb]s,0 sal>y levels1 e/abli% dates & "ts = future bo>d 3f];e calls1 & o!r items z nec4 ,he !n call$ ^u ,donna ,selig] to call ! roll4 ,all memb]s 7 pres5t except = second vice presid5t ,mit* ,pom]antz4 ,melanie ,brunson & ,jim ,ols5 7 al pres5t4 ,gray !n call$ ^u budget committee *airman ,brian ,*>lson to pres5t ! committee's report & recomm5da;ns reg>d+ /aff sal>y levels4 ,*>lson 2gan 8 report by 9dicat+ t1 pursuant to a resolu;n adopt$ by ! memb]%ip at ! #bjjd 3v5;n1 ! committee _h met & 0 pres5t+ ?ree sep>ate op;ns to meet ! directive 3ta9$ 9 ! resolu;n ref]r$ to abv1 rang+ 9 addi;nal co/ to ,,acb 9 ! curr5t #bjjd budget ye> #bd 2t @s#e1bbf4be & @s#aj1cgb4he4 ,brian ,*>lson mov$ t ! bo>d a3ept ! budget committee's report4 ,! mo;n 0 second$ & adopt$4 ,$ ,bradley mov$ t ! bo>d adopt ,op;n ,?ree pres5t$ by ! budget committee ) two am5d;ts ,- f/1 t ! am.t ( 4cre;n>y funds au?oriz$ = ! executive director's utiliza;n = "o-"t employee p]=m.e bonuses 2 rais$ f @s#b1jjj to @s#d1jjj1 & second1 t ! ov]all co/ to ,,acb = ? modifi$ op;n 2 rais$ f @s#e1bbf4be to @s#g1bbf4be4 ,af "s 4cus.n1 ! mo;n 0 adopt$ by a unanim\s roll call vote ) all bo>d memb]s pres5t vot+ 9 ! a6irmative4 ,! modifi$ ,op;n ,?ree provides t all ,,acb /aff memb]s except ! executive director 2 grant$ a #c4a p]c5t sal>y level 9cr1se retroactive only to ,july #a1 #bjjd1 #be & t 9 addi;n1 an am.t ( up to @s#d1jjj 2 au?oriz$ = ! executive director to aw>d "o- "t special p]=m.e bonuses to ^? /aff memb]s :o1 9 h] judg;t1 h be5 p]=m+ at a level abv & 2y ! level requir$ by s* /a6]s,0 job descrip;ns & responsibilities4 ,s* p]=m.e aw>d bonuses >e n 9t5d$ 9 any way to *ange ! recipi5ts,0 e/abli%$ basic sal>y levels4 ,gray !n 9dicat$ t he wi%$ to s*$ule ! rema9+ 3f];e calls = ,sept4 #a1 ,oct4 #f1 & ,oct4 #ab4 ,! bo>d agre$ to ? s*$ule4 ,a 4cus.n !n 5su$ reg>d+ pot5tial c&idates to replace ,,rsa ,commis.n] ,joanne ,wilson %d ,s5ator ,k]ry w9 ! presid5tial elec;n4 ,brian ,*>lson mov$ t ! bo>d direct ! ,,acb presid5t to appo9t a special ad hoc #bf se>* committee ,- a major;y ( ^: memb]s %d 2 memb]s ( ! bo>d ,-: wd 2 *>g$ ) ! responsibil;y ( seek+ \ hie] a*iev+ 9dividuals :o 9 g5]al wd favor1 support & advocate = ! "rs ( p :o >e bl or visually impair$ z pot5tial nom9ees1 & ga9+ ! 3s5t ( s* pot5tial nom9ees to h _! "ns submitt$ = possible appo9t;t to important posi;ns 9 /ate gov]n;t or 9 ! f$]al gov]n;t4 ,! mo;n 0 second$ & approv$4 ,brian ,*>lson mov$ t ! bo>d 9/ruct & au?orize ! res\rce develop;t committee to1 at ! po9t 9 "t :5 ! committee has 9 h& firm writt5 commit;ts = #a1ejj units ( ! talk+ !rmomet] key *a9s1 g =w>d & ord] ! m9imum ord] ( #b1ejj talk+ !rmomet] key *a9s4 ,! mo;n 0 second$ & adopt$4 #bg ,gray !n (f]$ ! bo>d a t5tative 9vita;n to meet 9 ,san ,francisco1 ,calif41 to hold a bo>d retr1t1 ! dates & "ts ( : wd h to 2 det]m9$ at a lat] date4 ,! call recess$ at #aa3#aj p4m4 ,ea/]n "t4 ,septemb] #a ,meet+ ,gray reconv5$ ! fall meet+ at #i3#je p4m4 ,ea/]n "t4 ,he 2gan by review+ ! items rema9+ on ! ag5da4 ,gray !n call$ ^u ,selig] to call ! roll4 ,all bo>d memb]s 7 9 att5d.e except = ,>dis ,bazyn & ,alan ,b1tty4 ,melanie ,brunson & ,t]ry ,pa*eco 7 al 9 att5d.e4 ,gray !n call$ ^u ,melanie ,brunson to give h] report4 ,%e 2gan by tell+ ! bo>d t %e _h e>li] t "d "picipat$ 9 a 4abil;y aw>e;s aw>ds c]emony coord9at$ by ! ,am]ican #bh ,associa;n ( ,p ) ,4abilities "<,,aapd"> at ! ,republican ,"py's na;nal 3v5;n 9 ,new ,york ,c;y ":1 z "o ( #ag "picipat+ 4abil;y "rs organiza;ns1 ,,acb _h pres5t$ a special apprecia;n aw>d to ,rep4 ,bill ,"y ( ,florida 9 recogni;n ( 8 _m ye>s ( ef=ts to promote & protect bl;s- relat$ f$]al programs "? 8 "w on ! ,h\se ,appropria;ns ,committee4 ,brunson al report$ t ,,acb _h attempt$ to pres5t a simil> aw>d 9 late ,july dur+ ! ,democratic ,"py's na;nal 3v5;n 9 ,bo/on to ,rep4 ,lane ,evans ( ,ill9ois = 8 ef=ts 9 gett+ bo? *amb]s ( ,3gress to adopt 8 resolu;n urg+ all /ate motor vehicle driv]s,0 lic5s+ au?orities to provide tra9+ mat]ial to all driv]'s lic5se applicants reg>d+ _! #bi respective /ate's ,:ite ,cane ,safety ,laws & s5sitiv;y to ! use ( :ite canes & guide dogs by bl or visually impair$ p$e/rians4 ,evans1 un=tunately1 0 n able to 2 pres5t at ! aw>ds c]emony 9 ,bo/on1 s ! na;nal (fice /aff is "w+ ) ,evans,0 /aff to pres5t ! aw>d to hm at a c]emony to 2 held 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c41 >.d ,oct4 #ae "<,:ite ,cane ,safety ,"d">4 ,%e al m5;n$ t ,john ,kelly has rec5tly be5 employ$ by ,record+ = ! ,bl & ,dyslexic "<,,rfb@&,d">4 ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt report$ t ,dan ,lee1 :o pres5tly "ws at ! ,*icago ,li4 ,x 0 al report$ t =m] ,,acb presid5t ,le,roy ,saund]s may 2 9t]e/$ 9 seek+ reappo9t;t by ,presid5t ,bu% to 8 public memb] s1t on ! ,,jwod committee4 ,gray !n report$ t he _h writt5 a memor&um to ,,acb's prim>y /aff employees reg>d+ ! budget track+ problem4 ,! budget & a3.t+ s(tw>e program us$ 9 ,,acb's ,m9n1polis (fice is s]i\sly \tdat$ & ne$s to 2 upgrad$4 ,! mo/ rec5t v].n ( ! s(tw>e program curr5tly 2+ us$ 9 ! ,m9n1polis (fice w co/ ,,acb approximately @s#c1ejj to pur*ase & 9/all4 ,paul ,$w>ds mov$ t ! presid5t & ! *airman ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,5t]prises & ,s]vices bo>d 3sult ) ea* o!r 9 an ef=t to develop a jo9t #ca recomm5da;n reg>d+ ! budget track+ s(tw>e program issues to 2 br"\ to ! ,,acb bo>d at xs next meet+ = 3sid]a;n & 4posi;n4 ,! mo;n 0 approv$4 ,elec;n ( ! ,budget ,committee ,c>la ,rus*ival nom9at$ ,brian ,*>lson1 :o 0 elect$ to ! committee by a3lama;n4 ,mit* ,pom]antz nom9at$ ,rus*ival4 ,brian ,*>lson nom9at$ ,bazyn4 ,on a roll call vote1 ,rus*ival rcvd n9e votes1 & ,bazyn rcvd f\r votes1 ) two memb]s abs5t4 ,^? vot+ = ,rus*ival w]e3 ,bradley1 ,kei?1 ,mill]1 ,pom]antz1 ,rus*ival1 ,s*mitt1 ,selig]1 ,t[]s1 & ,trott4 ,^? vot+ = ,bazyn w]e3 ,*>lson1 ,$w>ds1 ,%eehan1 & ,s\le4 ,oral ,mill] nom9at$ ,bazyn4 ,paul ,$w>ds nom9at$ #cb ,pat ,%eehan4 ,on a roll call vote1 ,bazyn rcvd eilson1 ,$w>ds1 ,s*mitt1 ,%eehan1 & ,trott4 ,elec;n ( ! ,executive ,committee ,z provid$ = 9 ! 3/itu;n & bylaws1 ! executive committee is compos$ ( ! presid5t z *airman1 ) two memb]s to 2 elect$ f am;g ! (fic]s & two memb]s elect$ f am;g ! directors4 ,pom]antz nom9at$ ,s*mitt1 :o a3ept$ ! nom9a;n & 0 !n elect$ by 3s5sus am;g ! (fic]s4 ,selig] nom9at$ #cc ,$w>ds4 ,$w>ds return$ ! favor by nom9at+ ,selig]4 ,on a roll call vote ( ! (fic]s1 ,$w>ds rcvd ?ree votes & ,selig] rcvd two votes1 ) "o (fic] abs5t4 ,^? vot+ = ,$w>ds w]e3 ,pom]antz1 ,s*mitt1 & ,selig]4 ,^? vot+ = ,selig] 7 ,$w>ds & ,gray4 ,bradley nom9at$ ,rus*ival1 :o decl9$4 ,rus*ival nom9at$ ,mill]1 :o a3ept$ & 0 elect$ by a3lama;n am;g ! directors to s]ve on ! executive committee4 ,t[]s nom9at$ ,trott4 ,*>lson nom9at$ ,s\le4 ,on a roll call vote ( ! directors1 ,trott rcvd five votes1 ,s\le rcvd f\r votes1 ) "o director 2+ abs5t4 ,^? vot+ = ,trott w]e3 ,bradley1 ,mill]1 ,rus*ival1 ,t[]s1 & ,trott4 ,^? vot+ = ,s\le w]e3 ,*>lson1 ,kei?1 ,%eehan1 & ,s\le4 #cd ,s\le report$ t %e has be5 do+ "s rese>* 9 hopes ( f9d+ a satisfactory loca;n 9 ! ,sa9t ,l\is vic9;y = hold+ ! bo>d retr1t4 ,gray & ,selig] report$ t a possibil;y = ! retr1t 0 = ! bo>d to meet ) ,,acb memb]s 9 ,des ,mo9es4 ,rus*ival mov$ t ! bo>d hold a "d ( tra9+ z a retr1t on ! ,fri"d immly 2f ! midye> meet+ to 2 held 9 ,las ,vegas4 ,! mo;n 0 second$ & adopt$4 ,gray ann\nc$ to ! bo>d t he 0 plann+ to 2 \ ( ! c.try = ab a week dur+ ! next #aj "ds4 ,dur+ 8 abs;e1 ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt wd 2 9 *>ge ( ,,acb matt]s requir+ imm or em]g5cy ac;n4 ,brunson report$ t %e is 2g9n+ to imple;t c]ta9 su7es;ns & recomm5da;ns made to h] by ! (fice review committee4 ,%e al report$ ! gratitude ( ! na;nal (fice /aff 9 ,wa%+ton1 #ce ,d4,c41 = ! retroactive g5]al sal>y 9cr1se m&at$ by ! resolu;n adopt$ by ! memb]%ip at ! #bjjd 3v5;n 9 ,birm+ham1 ,ala4 ,! meet+ recess$ at #aj3#ec p4m4 ,ea/]n "t4 ,octob] #f ,meet+ ,gray reconv5$ ! meet+ via teleph"o 3f];e call at #i3#jf p4m4 ,ea/]n "t4 ,he ask$ ,donna ,selig] to call ! roll4 ,all memb]s 7 9 att5d.e except = ,naomi ,s\le4 ,melanie ,brunson & ,jim ,ols5 7 al 9 att5d.e1 al;g ) ,ralph ,s&]s4 ,gray 2gan by giv+ backgr.d & review+ h[ ! direct mail+ proposal _h come to ! bo>d4 ,ralph ,s&]s report$ t he has be5 v impress$ by ? company's pa/ record ( su3ess 9 "w+ ) non-pr(it organiza;ns s* z ,,acb4 ,s&]s !n br"\ ,wayne ,modica f ,a4,k4,a4 #cf ,direct onto ! call4 ,s&]s expla9$ t 2c ! li/ ( rec5t 3tributors to ,,acb : ,a4,k4,a4 ,direct _h hop$ to use 9 xs direct mail fund- rais+ campaign cd n at ? "t 2 obta9$1 ! 9itial proposal f ,a4,k4,a4 ,direct _h be5 sub/antially modifi$1 mak+ ! revis$ proposal less lucrative = ,,acb4 ,modica spoke ab 8 exp]i;e 9 runn+ & coord9at+ direct mail fund-rais+ campaigns = non-pr(it 5tities : _h 3tract$ = 3sultative s]vices & support f ,a4,k4,a4 ,direct4 ,a numb] ( bo>d memb]s ask$ ,modica "qs4 ,!n ,modica & ,s&]s w5t "? ! revis$ proposal sec;n by sec;n4 ,at #aj3#dj p4m41 ,modica & ,s&]s left ! call4 ,*>lson mov$ t ! bo>d g 9to executive ses.n to 4cuss ! revis$ direct mail fund- #cg rais+ proposal f ,a4,k4,a4 ,direct1 ) ,brunson & ,ols5 2+ reque/$ to /ay on ! call4 ,on a voice vote1 ! bo>d adopt$ ! mo;n4 ,at #aa3#bj p4m41 ! bo>d resum$ xs op5 ses.n4 ,gray report$ t dur+ ! executive ses.n1 ! bo>d _h adopt$ two sep>ate mo;ns4 ,! f/ ( ^! mo;ns 0 mov$ by ,*>lson1 t ! bo>d %d am5d ! previ\sly adopt$ #bjjd ,,acb budget to reflect an exp5diture item ( approximately @s#bc1jjj to fund an 9itial te/ mail+ "u ! 3tract t we h be5 4cuss+ ) ,a4,k4,a4 ,direct1 & to am5d ! budget to reflect a new rev5ue l9e item ( approximately @s#bc1jjj ( anticipat$ 9come f ! ,a4,k4,a4 ,direct te/ mail+ ) ^! exp5diture & rev5ue items to 2 review$ ag at ! "t ! bo>d 3sid]s & adopts ! #bjje #ch budget4 ,on a roll call vote1 all memb]s pres5t vot$ 9 ! a6irmative1 ) two memb]s abs5t4 ,! #bjjd budget 0 am5d$ 9 3=m;y ) ! f/ mo;n adopt$ 9 ! executive ses.n4 ,! second mo;n 3sid]$ & 4pos$ ( 9 executive ses.n 0 a mo;n by ,$w>ds t ! bo>d *oose a ?ree-p]son committee ( bo>d memb]s to s]ve z a liaison committee to monitor & ov]see ! te/ mail+ 3duct$ by ,a4,k4,a4 ,direct & ! result+ 3tribu;ns d]iv$ by ,,acb f t te/ mail+ & to jo9tly make _! well-3sid]$ recomm5da;ns to ! bo>d prior to ! midye> meet+ to 2 held 9 ,las ,vegas1 ": ! progress to date ( ! direct mail fund-rais+ project is s*$ul$ to 2 review$ fur!r by ! bo>d4 ,on a roll call vote1 ! mo;n 0 adopt$ ) sev5 memb]s vot+ 9 ! a6irmative1 #ci five memb]s vot+ 9 ! negative1 & ) "o bo>d memb] ab/a9+4 ,^? vot+ 9 ! a6irmative w]e3 ,bazyn1 ,b1tty1 ,*>lson1 ,$w>ds1 ,s*mitt1 ,%eehan1 & ,t[]s4 ,^? vot+ 9 ! negative w]e3 ,bradley1 ,mill]1 ,pom]antz1 ,rus*ival & ,trott4 ,selig] ab/a9$4 ,! meet+ recess$ at #aa3#cj p4m4 ,ea/]n "t4 ,octob] #ab ,meet+ ,gray call$ ! f9al ses.n ( ! meet+ to ord] at #i3#ae p4m4 ,ea/]n "t4 ,he !n call$ ^u ,donna ,selig] to call ! roll4 ,all memb]s 7 pres5t except = ,bazyn1 ,b1tty1 & ,t[]s4 ,melanie ,brunson & ,jim ,ols5 7 al 9 att5d.e4 ,gray 2gan by review+ ) ! bo>d ! rema9+ items = 3sid]a;n on ! ag5da4 ,he al report$ t ! ord] : ,,acb _h plac$ = #dj talk+ !rmomet] key*a9s ) a suppli] 9 ,*9a h n yet be5 rcvd1 & t s"eal a6iliates >e gett+ m ?an a ll antsy 9 wait+ = _! key*a9 allot;t to 2 deliv]$ to !m4 ,s*mitt report$ t %e is organiz+ & coord9at+ a 8#ab "ds to ,sa9t ,patrick's ,"d0 ra6le fund-rais+ project : may well net "s @s#b1ijj 9 9come4 ,tickets = ! ra6le >e @s#e apiece4 ,w9n]s w 2 det]m9$ by ! pick-?ree ,ill9ois /ate lott]y numb]s1 ,m>* #f-#ag4 "<,see ! ,febru>y #bjje issue = m details4"> ,s*mitt al report$ t %e'd _h a p]sonal 3v]sa;n ) ,dan ,lee1 :o is campaign+ to w9 appo9t;t by ,presid5t ,bu% to "o ( ! public memb] s1ts on ! ,committee = ,pur*ase4 ,%e al report$ t =m] presid5t ,le,roy ,saund]s has decid$ n to seek reappo9t;t4 #da ,! matt] ( ! "r or lack "!( ( a6iliates to 5gage 9 _! [n public;y activities dur+ na;nal 3v5;ns 0 !n 4cuss$ at "s l5g? z a result ( "s public;y & m$ia rela;ns activities 5gag$ 9 by "o ( ,,acb's special-9t]e/ a6iliates dur+ ! #bjjd 3v5;n 9 ,birm+ham1 ,ala4 ,:ile ! a6iliate 9volv$ has committ$ xf to abide by public;y & m$ia rela;ns policies develop$ by ! 3v5;n committee1 ! subject matt] surr.d+ ? issue is / subject to bo? 9t5;nal & un9t5;nal abuse4 ,pom]antz mov$ t ! bo>d 9/ruct ! 3v5;n committee to 3sult ) ! public rela;ns committee to come up ) a jo9t writt5 policy /ate;t reg>d+ a6iliates,0 public;y & m$ia rela;ns activities dur+ na;nal 3v5;ns1 : w 2 pres5t$ to #db ! bo>d prior to ! midye> meet+ 9 ,las ,vegas = 3sid]a;n & 4posi;n by ! bo>d4 ,! bo>d adopt$ ! mo;n by a voice vote4 ,ols5 !n told ! bo>d t ,,acb _h rcvd a dona;n ( an [n]%ip 9t]e/ 9 a "t-%>e 3dom9ium at a resort loca;n 9 ,mexico4 ,"u ! t]ms ( ! dona;n1 ,,acb1 9 return = pay+ ! annual ma9t5.e fee = ! 3dom9ium1 rcvs ! [n]%ip 9t]e/ 9 ! 3dom9ium f #bjjd "? #bjbe4 ,*>lson mov$ t ,,acb a3ept ! dona;n ( ! [n]%ip 9t]e/ 9 ! "t-%>e 3dom9ium4 ,! mo;n 0 second$ & approv$4 ,s*mitt mov$ t ,,acb 3duct a s*ol>%ip ra6le dur+ #bjje simil> to ^? : ,,acb has 3duct$ 9 pa/ ye>s1 t ? fund- rais+ project 2 assign$ to ! res\rce develop;t committee1 & t ! p]-ticket price = tickets 9 ? ra6le 2 r$uc$ to #dc @s#ej4 ,! bo>d approv$ ! mo;n on a voice vote4 ,bradley mov$ t ! bo>d meet+ 2 recess$ 9 ord] to 5t] an ,,acbes memb]%ip meet+4 ,! bo>d approv$ ! mo;n on a voice vote4 ,:5 ! ,,acb bo>d meet+ reconv5$1 ,brunson report$ t ! dates = ! ,,acb a6iliate presid5ts,0 meet+ & legislative sem9> to 2 3duct$ 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c41 >e ,feb4 #ai-#bb1 #bjje4 ,bradley report$ t he has be5 select$ z ,h\/on1 ,texas,0 4abl$ advocate ( ! ye>1 & t he w 2 honor$ on ,octob] #ai by ! ,h\/on ,c;y ,c\ncil4 ,brunson report$ t ,dr4 ,elton ,moore = ! ,rehabilita;n ,rese>* & ,tra9+ ,c5t] = ! ,bl "<,,rrtc"> at ,mississippi ,/ate ,univ]s;y wants to pres5t a pre- #dd 3v5;n $uca;nal tra9+ ses.n 9 3junc;n ) ! na;nal 3v5;n ? summ] 9 ,las ,vegas4 ,? program is aim$ at rehabilita;n c\nselors & rehabilita;n t1*]s :o ne$ 3t9u+ pr(es.nal tra9+ 9 h[ be/ to s]ve ! s]vice ne$s ( _! cli5ts4 ,a special ad hoc committee w coord9ate & "w ) ,moore & 8 /aff on h[ to 9tegrate ? program 9to 3v5;n activities4 ,$w>ds /at$ t ! ,na;nal ,a3r$ita;n ,c\ncil = ! ,bl & ,visually ,h&icapp$ "<,,nac"> wants to s5d a numb] ( repres5tatives to ! #bjje 3v5;n ) ! goal ( recruit+ & tra9+ ,,acb memb]s to s]ve z on-site ,,nac evalua;n t1m memb]s4 ,pom]antz reque/$ t he 2 provid$ ) a lr 9 writ+ on ,,acb lrh1d 9vit+ ,mayor ,osc> ,gdman ( ,las ,vegas1 #de ,nev41 to 2 a sp1k] on ! #bjje g5]al ses.n program4 ,s\le report$ t ! ,miss\ri ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl has br"\ a lawsuit ag/ ! ,miss\ri ,divi.n ( ,family ,s]vices 2c t ag5cy has be5 9 an unau?oriz$ mann] tak+ m"oy \ ( ! ,miss\ri ,bl ,p5.n ,fund & !n us+ ! m"oy )drawn = g5]al op]a;ns purposes 9 viola;n ( bo? f$]al & ,miss\ri /ate law4 ,! meet+ adj\rn$ at #aa p4m4 ,ea/]n "t4 ,t\r ,updates by ,b]l ,colley ,a ,new ,t\r ,af visit+ ,madame ,tussaud's ,wax ,museum & see+ :at x _h to (f]1 we h add$ x to \r t\r s*$ule4 ,we w 2 visit+ ? wond];l site on ,mon"d1 ,july #d4 ,madame ,tussaud's has #ajj wax #df "*s on 4play4 ,"! >e sports figures1 actors & actresses1 politicians & a few o!r notables4 ,we w 2 able to t\* "s ( ! wax figures to get "s feel z to h[ ! r1l p]son m/ h look$4 ,? is a ll ov] a two- h\r t\r4 ,:ile "!1 ,i saw ,pr9cess ,di1 ,m>ilyn ,monroe & ,george ,bu%4 ,i am n sure : ( ! ,bu%es 0 repres5t$ "!4 ,a ,*ange ,we 7 unable to put tgr a /rictly roll] coa/] t\r1 b we >e "w+ on an ev5ts t\r = ,mon"d nie ?+s l ! s"eal-block-l;g li4 ,j rid+ ! elevator to ! top is a ?rill1 z x goes #ba miles an h\r1 : is ?ree floors a second4 ,o!r places t may 2 9clud$ on ? t\r >e ! ,ei6el ,t[] at ! ,p>is1 ,/> ,trek exhibit at ! ,hilton1 ! f.ta9 %[ at ! ,bellagio1 ! volcano at ! ,mirage1 ! =um at ,caes>'s1 etc4 ,we w h a p]son on ! bus to give u a ll hi/ory & descrip;n ( ea* prop]ty t we visit4 ,ab ,^? ,slot ,ma*9es 444 ,on ,?urs"d1 ,july #g1 we >e putt+ tgr a t\r ( ! ,bally slot ma*9e manufactur+ plant4 ,we hav5't rcvd cle>.e yet1 b ! company's m>ket+ de"p;t is "w+ on x4 ,:at has *ang$ ? gam+ device f an old #dh pull-!-h&le r1l sp9n+ box to a comput]iz$ 9t]active ma*9e8 ,we w le>n ? & a lot m :ile t\r+ ! ,bally plant4 ,all t\rs w l1ve ! ,rivi]a f ! ma9 3v5;n lo2y ": ! regi/ra;n (fice1 ! 9=ma;n c.t] & ! qk m1ls w 2 locat$4 ,x is five or six /eps d[n to ! bus load+ >ea af com+ "? ! lo2y doors4 ,"! is a :eel*air ramp to ! left ( ! /airs : al l1ds to ! load+ >ea4 ,! hotel is fill+ up1 s pl1se call & res]ve yr room4 ,call ! ,rivi]a ,hotel & ,cas9o at "<#gjb"> #gcd-#eaaj4 ,2 sure to let ! res]va;n p]son "k t y >e att5d+ ! 3v5;n ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 #di ,! ,isle ( ,capri ,- ,j ,f\r ,mon?s to ! ,na;nal ,3v5;n by ,cyn?ia ,t[]s1 ,,acb ,3v5;n ,coord9ator ,x is h>d to 2lieve t 9 f\r %ort mon?s we w 2 9 ,las ,vegas = :at is %ap+ up to 2 "o ( ,,acb's bi7e/ & be/ 3v5;ns "e4 ,x w 2 held ,july #b-#i1 #bjje at ! ,rivi]a ,hotel & ,cas9o4 ,! ,rivi]a 0 ! f/ hi< rise on ! /rip :5 x >riv$ 9 #aiee4 ,! bo>d ( directors al;g ) ! 3v5;n committee1 "s memb]s ( ! ,,bop & s"eal gue/s 3v]g$ on ,vegas ! week5d ( ,jan4 #bj-#bc4 ,! w1!r 0 grt & we 7 tr1t$ to a wond];l welcome on t ,satur"d ev5+ 9 ! presid5t's suite by ,nevada ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,presid5t ,c>ol ,ew+ & memb]s ( ! ,nevada ,c\ncil4 #ej ,! bo>d & /aff 7 giv5 a t\r ( ! meet+ space t ,,acb w 2 us+ ? summ]4 ,! ,capri meet+ rooms >e ei numb]s or lrs ,- no meet+ room "ns4 ,meet+ rooms #ajc "? #aaf >e locat$ on ! "r z y 5t] ! hallway pa/ ": regi/ra;n & 9=ma;n w be4 ,t is ": #ie p]c5t ( \r activities w 2 h\s$4 ,! g5]al ses.n & exhibits z well z lr$ meet+ rooms >e on ! left side ( ! hallway4 ,? prompt$ second vice presid5t ,mit* ,pom]antz to call ? oasis ( meet+ rooms ! ,isle ( ,capri666 ,"! >e no turns 9 ? >ea4 ,^? c&idates runn+ = an (fice ? ye> w n h to run to _! caucuses at all 2c rooms >e close to "o ano!r4 ,"! is a second floor ( meet+ rooms1 call$ skyboxes1 a3essible via /airs or elevator4 ,"! >e j #ab ( ^! rooms up/airs numb]$ 9 ! #ea #bjjs & w ma9ly h\se "s ( ,,acb's fixtures s* z ! ,y\? ,activ;y ,c5t]1 resolu;ns1 3/itu;n & bylaws & ! l4 ,"s recep;ns & o!r meet+s w 2 plac$ "! too4 ,capri #aja & #ajb >e two l>ge rooms locat$ j 2f y >rive at ! o!r meet+ rooms4 ,!y w 2 grt = l>g] meet+s & lun*eons4 ,we w once ag (f] qk m1l s]vice = br1kfa/ & lun* only4 ,br1kfa/ items w 2 pric$ 9dividually2 box$ lun*es w v>y ea* "d4 ,9 2t "ts y c g to t >ea = snacks1 c(fee or use x z a meet+ place4 ,we plan to locate qk m1ls 9 a meet+ room 9 ! c5t] ( ! ,isle ( ,capri to make x easy to grab & g to yr next ses.n4 ,! ,rivi]a has _m re/aurants1 b ) s _m 3v5;ne]s plann+ to att5d & ) ! hotel h\s+ s"eal o!r non-,,acb #eb gue/s "1 ! bo>d felt x wd 2 gd to (f] ? s]vice once ag4 ,i p]sonally wd n make x "? ! week if x w]5't = qk m1ls4 ,h["e1 ! ,rivi]a is n ! l>ge/ hotel 9 ,las ,vegas4 ,! ,,mgm ,gr& is "o ( ! _w's l>ge/ hotel_/cas9os1 ) m ?an #e1jjj rooms4 ,x wd take a p]son #ac ye>s & eis = "o p]son to sp5d "o nie @s#gg p] nid ,huly "ds ( ! /rip1 ! slot ma*9e 0 9itially a div].n = ! wom5 companions ( male gambl]s :o 7 busy at ! tables4 ,n[ slot ma*9es typically e>n #fj to #gj p]c5t ( a cas9o's take4 ,"! w 2 s m* to d 9 ! ev5+s4 ,2ss ! grt ma9/ays ( ,,acb s* z ,,dvs movie nie travel+ any":4 ,,acb & xs a6iliates >e 9 ! process ( sett+ _! programm+1 sp1k]s1 "ts & ev5ts4 #ed ,keep *eck+ ! web site at www4acb4org = up-to-date 3v5;n 9=ma;n4 ,i am s excit$ ab ? com+ 3v5;n z ,i am sure y >e z well4 ,i h he>d f _m ( y ) su7es;ns & "qs4 ,i look =w>d to mak+ ? 3v5;n "o t w 2 favorably talk$ ab = ye>s to come4 ,z alw1 if ,i c 2 ( s]vice1 y c r1* me at ct[]s@aacb4org or call me on my toll-free l9e at #a-#hjj- #dgd-#cjbi ext5.n #jj4 ,s1 />t *eck+ ^? airf>es & sav+ yr qu>t]s = ! slots4 ,i'll 2 see+ y soon4 ,a6iliate ,news #bjjd ,,dc ,c\ncil ,3v5;n ,focuses on ,,acb ,hi/ory ,9 ord] to draw na;nal att5;n to ! publica;n ( ,,acb's hi/ory & ! #ee availabil;y ( ! v>i\s a3essible $i;ns "!(1 ! ,d4,c4 ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl devot$ xs annual banquet to a pres5ta;n by ,dr4 ,james ,megiv]n1 co- au?or ) ,m>jorie ,megiv]n1 ( 8,p ( ,vi.n40 ,dur+ 8 rem>ks1 ,megiv]n summ>iz$ ! v>i$ & ?or\< te*niques : he & 8 wife _h us$ 9 9t]view+ c.t.s 9dividuals & rese>*+ ?\s&s ( docu;ts4 ,= ! 9=ma;n ( ! m$ia & possible sale foll[+ ,megiv]n's rem>ks1 ! ,,acb /aff _h all ! a3essible $i;ns on 4play & actually sold s"eal copies ( ea* $i;n4 ,megiv]n's rem>ks comple;t$ ! pres5ta;ns ( s"eal o!r extremely 9=mative & 9t]e/+ pres5t]s1 s* z ,mike ,duke ( ! ,,acb bo>d ( publica;ns1 ,john ,hall ( ! ,am]ican ,bank]s ,associa;n1 ,melanie ,brunson z ! new ,,acb executive #ef director1 & ,jay ,/iteley ( ,! ,see+ ,eye4 ,foll[+ _! pres5ta;ns1 ,mike ,duke & ,john ,hall 4cov]$ !y 7 natives ( ,mississippi :o _h att5d$ rival colleges1 s ! o!r 3v5;n]s 7 tr1t$ to a v g5tlemanly v].n ( a rebel yell4 ,hall's pres5ta;n focus$ on ! imple;ta;n ( ! newly adopt$ ,*eck-#ba bank+ regula;ns4 ,&1 no1 ? ye> ! banquet sp1k] did n get /uck 9 an elevator 2t ! #hth & #ith floors ( ! hotel :ile mov+ f ! 3v5;n floor to ! banquet floor z did ! previ\s ye>'s banquet sp1k]1 ,jay ,d\dna ( ,p5nsylvania1 :o1 al;g ) ei w hold xs annual 3v5;n 9 ,des ,mo9es ,april #bb-#bd4 ,"s hie @s#fi p] ni #cdd-#hghg1 or via ;e- mail1 mho5ig@a" e>?l9k4net4 #eh ,support ,8,! ,brl ,=um,0 & ,h a ,*.e to ,w9 @s#e1jjj ,a sup] draw+ has be5 organiz$ to raise funds = 8,! ,brl ,=um40 ,! f/ prize w9n] gets @s#e1jjj2 second prize is @s#a1jjj1 & "! >e two ?ird prizes ( @s#ejj ea*4 ,tickets >e @s#ej1 & only a limit$ numb] w 2 sold4 ,if y don't ?9k y c af=d to buy a ticket yrf1 :y n "pn] ) up to f\r frs to buy ! ticket & 2come possible w9n+ "pn]s ) t ticket4 ,local *apt]s z well z 9dividuals c pur*ase tickets to support ? wor?y cause4 ,! w9n+ tickets w 2 drawn dur+ ! ,,acb #ddth annual 3v5;n4 ,y d n h to 2 pres5t to w94 ,3tact yr /ate or special-9t]e/ a6iliate presid5t1 or ! ,,acb na;nal (fice1 to get #ei tickets4 ,! ,_w ,bl ,union #bj ,ye>s ,lat] by ,oral ,o4 ,mill] ,s9ce ,i _h n be5 9 ! ,,acb loop reg>d+ ! ,_w ,bl ,union "<,,wbu"> = a numb] ( ye>s1 ,i 0 g5u9ely curi\s z to xs pres5t image & op]a;ns :5 ,i 0 ask$ la/ fall to s]ve z ! repres5tative = ! ,9t]na;nal ,bl ,sports ,associa;n "<,,ibsa">1 an 9t]na;nal organiza;nal memb] ( ! ,,wbu1 at ! ,,wbu quadr5nial g5]al assembly 9 ,cape ,t[n1 ,s\? ,africa1 9 ,decemb] ( #bjjd4 ,9 my posi;n z na;nal repres5tative ( ,,acb 9 #aihd1 ,i _h be5 honor$ by 2+ ask$ by ! ,_w ,c\ncil = ! ,welf>e ( ! ,bl to draft ! resolu;n : m]g$ t organiza;n & ! #fj ,9t]na;nal ,f$]a;n ( ! ,bl 9to ! ,_w ,bl ,union4 ,x 0 al my pl1sure to preside ov] ! meet+ 9 ,riyadh1 ,saudi ,>abia1 at : ! resolu;n 0 adopt$ by ! pr$ecessor organiza;ns4 ,al? ,i _h att5d$ ,,wbu meet+s "!af1 ,i 0 n well acqua9t$ ) activities & 3c]ns 9 m rec5t ye>s4 ,i 0 n eligible to repres5t ,,acb at ! #bjjd g5]al assembly 2c ! ,,wbu 3/itu;n b>s an 9t]na;nal repres5tative f al repres5t+ a na;nal memb] organiza;n s* z ,,acb1 s ,,acb1 : did n 9t5d to s5d a repres5tative = f9ancial r1sons1 gave xs vot+ proxy to ,dr4 ,tuck ,t9sley1 executive director ( ! ,am]ican ,pr9t+ ,h\se = ! ,bl4 ,t m1nt t ,dr4 ,t9sley ca/ ,,acb's (ficial vote on all matt]s requir+ a writt5 ballot " &1 al? he 0 n requir$ to d s1 he did 4cuss _m issues ) me & obta9 my 9put 2f ca/+ 8 vote4 ,! ,,wbu is an 9t]na;nal advocacy & 3sultative organiza;n made up prim>ily ( 9t]na;nal organiza;nal memb]s "y ,associa;ns & ,hel5 ,kell] ,_wwide"> & na;nal memb]s " ^: numb] ( votes is bas$ on popula;n1 ) no na;n hav+ m ?an six votes4 ,na;nal organiza;ns ( & = ! bl " >e na;nal memb]s )9 ea* c.try & all ( ! c.tries >e >rang$ 9 loose regional organiza;ns "i21n region">4 ,"o ( ! basic purposes ( ! #fb ,,wbu is to s]ve z ! _wwide voice ( & on bl;s & l[ vi.n :5 d1l+ ) o!r _wwide organiza;ns s* z ! ,unit$ ,na;ns1 ,_w ,h1l? ,organiza;n & ,9t]na;nal ,labor ,organiza;n4 ,xs 9t]na;nal assembly takes place e f\r ye>s1 al? xs na;nal & regional a6iliates meet m* m (t5 to 4cuss "tly issues & 3c]ns4 ,_m committees al func;n dur+ ea* f\r-ye> p]iod rese>*+ & prep>+ posi;ns1 reports &_/or propos$ resolu;ns on a wide range ( important issues "4 ,at ! assembly 9 ,cape ,t[n "! 7 approximately #cej (ficial delegates pres5t plus _m (ficial & un(ficial obs]v]s f approximately #he na;ns4 ,mo/ ( ! proce$+s 7 #fc broadca/ _wwide by ,,acb ,radio1 ^: director & volunte] assi/ant 3duct$ _m "tly 9t]views & 7 o!rwise v visible to ! att5dees4 ,proce$+s 7 3duct$ prim>ily 9 ,5gli% ) simultane\s transla;n made available via e>ph"os 9 s"eal languages "4 ,busi;s 0 3duct$ sl[ly "ds1 anyway"> 9 ord] to give all li/5]s an opportun;y to he> ! transla;ns & to respond4 ,_m committee reports 7 giv5 & 4cuss$ at l5g?1 & 9 "s cases s]v$ z ! basis = resolu;ns t 7 adopt$ by ! assembly4 ,9 ? >ticle ,i % n attempt to summ>ize or ev5 m5;n all ( ! issues t 7 4cuss$ o!r ?an to com;t t _m relat$ to basic issues we take = grant$ 9 ! ,,usa ,- s* z ! import.e ( brl & ! ,_w ,brl ,c\ncil1 ! #fd 9clu.n ( brl 9 ! ac;n program ( ,,unesco1 ! ne$s ( bl *n1 9t]na;nal copy"rs & publi%]s1 ! bir?place ( ,l\is ,brl z a _w h]itage site & ! "r ( bl wom5 to m>ry & be> *n4 ,"o full "d 0 us$ "1 4cuss+ a propos$ 3/itu;nal am5d;t t wd all[ ! ,,wbu presid5t to s]ve m ?an "o f\r-ye> t]m4 ,! proposal fail$ 9 ! f/ ( s"eal issues decid$ by hiyanne ,diamond ( ,au/ralia z f/ vice presid5t1 ,mr4 ,5rique ,p]ez ( ,spa9 z secret>y g5]al1 & ,dr4 ,susan ,spung9 ( ! ,,usa z tr1sur] "4 ,! assembly 0 cov]$ widely #fe by ! ,s\? ,african m$ia & 0 9spir$ by an address by ! ,honorable ,?abo ,mbike1 presid5t ( ! ,republic ( ,s\? ,africa4 ,! assembly 0 3duct$ 9 a mod]n 3v5;n c5t]1 0 well s]v$ by _m d$icat$ volunte]s1 & 0 xf an \t/&+ opportun;y = ! _w bl;s commun;y to ex*ange 9=ma;n & agree ^u objectives4 ,\tgo+ presid5t ,ms4 ,kicki ,nord/rom ( ,sw$5 2gan h] /atutory duties z imm pa/ presid5t ^u 3clu.n ( ! assembly4 ,dur+ ! com+ quadr5nium ! executive committee w decide :e!r ! #bjjh assembly w 2 9 ,bangkok1 ,?ail&1 ,glasg[1 ,scotl&1 or ,g5eva1 ,switz]l&4 #ff ,! ,ultimate ,?rill by ,gail ,selfridge ,& :at mi = a split second :5 we let g ( ! plane4 ,"s p say t ! fe> wdn't 2 s grt = me 2c ,i'm bl & c't see ! gr.d ru%+ up at me1 b !y don't r1lize two ?+s4 ,= #bj ye>s ( my life ,i _h "s sis :5 ,i he>d t a man :o is bl _h d"o x us+ a two-way radio 9 3tact ) "s"o on ! gr.d4 ,:5 ,i f.d \ t ,i cd d x 9 t&em ) "s"o :o'd d"o x #fg ?\s&s ( "ts1 ,i knew ,i _h to try x at l1/ once4 ,i 3tact$ ! ,mile-,hi ,skydiv+ ,c5t] 9 ,l;gmont1 ,colo4 & !y sd !y _h no problem ) my do+ x4 ,! man :o 0 my "pn] sd he'd tak5 a numb] ( bl p on jumps4 ,he %[$ me ! me*anics ( x1 9clud+ h[ to pull ! rip cord4 ,i ask$ h[ ,i'd "k :5 to d t & he sd he'd tell me4 ,x 0 v w9dy :5 we 7 fall+ b we cd he> ea* o!r4 ,i _h a video tak5 ( my jump & :ile we 7 fall+1 2f ,i pull$ ! rip cord1 ! photograph] gra2$ my h&4 ,t s.ds impossible1 b x c 2 d"o4 ,af t 9itial split second ( fe>1 ,i relax$ & 5joy$ ! fanta/ic feel+ ( spe$4 ,my "pn] told me :5 to pull ! rip cord4 ,!n he %[$ me ! complete 3trol "o c h ov] spe$ & posi;n4 ,t 0 r1lly surpris+6 ,he let me /e] until we #fh 7 ab #bej feet f ! gr.d4 ,!n he took ov]4 ,we l&$ "r 9 ! c5t] ( \r t>get & v liat+ t ,i 9t5d to d x ag next summ]4 ,no ,bl ,p]son ,left ,2h by ,pe7y ,%oel "<,repr9t$ ) p]mis.n f ! ,wa%+ton ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 8,newsl9e10 ,decemb] #bjjd4"> ,:5 ,i 0 a k9d]g>tn]1 if "s"o spoke ! ^w 8m\se0 ,i ?"\ 8,mickey40 ,say ! ^w 8m\se0 to a k9d]g>tn] n[1 & ! * w ?9k 8comput]40 ,i rememb] a political /ate;t made _m moons ago ,- a *ick5 9 e pot1 a c> 9 e g>age4 ,d we n[ add to t a comput] 9 e home8 ,n necess>ily4 ,"! >e a numb] ( r1sons :y an 9dividual #fi may n h a comput]4 ,x c simply 2 ! desire n to h "o1 or ! feel+ ( 2+ ov]:elm$ by ! nec tra9+1 or ! exi/;e ( "o or m m$ical 3di;ns t make op]at+ a keybo>d n an op;n4 ,i retir$ six ye>s ago f a job ": ,i e>n$ my br1d & butt] productively & competitively op]at+ a comput]4 ,i fully 9t5d$1 ^u retire;t1 to dip my feet 9to ! pool ( non-"w- relat$ comput]%ip4 ,:5 ,i 4cov]$ t m$ical problems a6ect+ my f+]s wd n p]mit ?1 ,i det]m9$ t ,i wd n 2 left 2h4 ,if a comput] is n a "p ( yr life1 ei tempor>ily or p]man5tly1 y c a3ess 9=ma;n1 5joy 9t]ac;n1 & ma9ta9 communica;n "? sy/ems us+ yr teleph"o keypad4 ,"h >e j "s ( ! _m opportunities t >e \ "!4 ,,aol by ,ph"o ,- #a-#hjj- #dff-#edfc4 ,s"eal ye>s #gj ago1 ,am]ica ,onl9e e/abli%$ ? s]vice z an a3ommoda;n to xs regul> cu/om]s :o want$ to a3ess ;e-mail :5 !y 7 n ne> a comput]1 b 7 ne> a ph"o4 ,? is a rcv-only sy/em1 ) a #fj- second audio response f1ture4 ,i use m9e to rcv p]sonal ;e- mails1 to rcv 3firma;n & %ipp+ 9=ma;n = mail ord]s & ) a "o- "t-only assi/ f a comput] us]1 & ) ! p]mis.n ( li/ [n]s1 ,i am subscrib$ to s"eal gr\p 4tribu;n li/s1 9clud+ ,,wcb & ,bl,cook4 ,,aol has be5 provid+ a #cj-"d free trial p]iod = ? ph"o s]vice4 ,by ! way1 a f1ture (f]$ to subscrib]s is a wake-up call4 ,i "k ? is n unique1 b x does come 9 h&y1 & x is nice to answ] yr r++ ph"o & he> yr [n voice tell+ y1 8,get up60 ,,fyi ,- my ,,aol ;e-mail address is #ga ,p%oel@aaol4com4 ,philmore ,produc;ns ,voice ,mailbox ,- #a-#hgg-#fch- #bigd4 ,bas$ 9 ,*icago1 ,ill41 ? is a voice mail sy/em t provides subscrib]s a mailbox ": messages up to #bj m9utes c 2 left & rcvd & to "picipate 9 gr\p 4tribu;n boxes ) o!r subscrib]s :o %>e yr >1s ( 9t]e/ s* z cook+1 books1 radios ( ye/]ye>1 sports1 te*nology1 ! >ts1 guide dog us]s1 bl;s issues1 & m* m4 ,a directory ( gr\ps is provid$4 ,cav1t ,- y c subscribe via ! abv toll-free numb]2 h["e1 ! sy/em a3ess l9e is n free4 ,"!=e1 ? is a gd opportun;y = 9dividuals :o h flat-rate l;g 4t.e4 ,i use ,qwe/1 : (f]s unlimit$ toll & l;g-4t.e call+ = @s#bj a mon?4 ,net ,by ,ph"o ,- #a-#hgg- #fch-#bigd4 ,? is an #gb ,9t]net a3ess program (f]$ by ,philmore ,produc;ns1 : all[s subscrib]s to 2 ,9t]net us]s4 ,x is my "u/&+ t at ? "t1 all five ,wa%+ton /ate >ea codes h a local a3ess numb]4 ,net,e*o_/,9t]net ,spee* ,- #a-#hgg-#cab-#dfch4 ,bas$ 9 ,san ,jose1 ,calif41 ? is ano!r sy/em (f]+ ,9t]net a3ess4 ,las] ,voice ,mail ,- "<#bjf"> #cgf-#ejjj4 ,bas$ 9 ,s1ttle1 ? is a free s]vice t gives subscrib]s a box numb] ": a #ij-m9ute message c 2 left & !n a3ess$ by o!rs4 ,x c 2 use;l to 9dividuals :o live 9 or h free a3ess to ! #bjf >ea code4 ,x is us$ by gr\ps to po/ & update relevant 9=ma;n reg>d+ ev5ts & activities1 & c 2 a gd tool = *apt]s & committees to 4sem9ate 9=ma;n4 #gc ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 #a-#hjj-#dbd-#hfff4 ,,acb holds mon?ly free a3ess op5 "picipa;n topical 4cus.ns4 ,x is an opportun;y to he> & 2 he>d4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 call ! abv toll-free numb] week"ds f #b to #e p4m4 ,ea/]n1 or call "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejha4 ,tell ,me ,- #a-#hjj-#eee- #hcee4 ,? is a free 9=ma;n a3ess s\rce t provides call]s ) updates ab w1!r1 sports1 5t]ta9;t1 /ock quotes & travel4 ,x al has a f1ture call$ driv+ direc;ns2 ! call] sp1ks a de"pure & a de/9a;n address 9 or \ ( ! same c;y or /ate1 & is giv5 precise driv+ direc;ns & mil1ge 4t.es = ea* seg;t4 ,s9ce x took me f my front door 9 ,s1ttle to my old home 9 ,los ,angeles1 ,calif4 correctly1 ,i c v\* = xs a3uracy4 #gd ,^! >e j a few ( ! doors : op5 to communica;n1 9=ma;n & 9t]ac;n t >e available to ^? ( u :o want to rema9 9 ! loop us+ \r teleph"o keypad4 ,i (f] a cau;n :5 9quir+ 9to ^! s]vices1 pl1se 2 sure y ask all possible "qs1 & 2 c]ta9 t ! s]vice1 usage1 limita;ns & co/s >e completely cle> to y 2f y decide to subscribe4 ,we >e at ! 2g9n+ ( a new ye>1 & we 2l;g to an organiza;n t is gr[+ 9 5]gy1 5?usiasm & "picipa;n4 ,i wd l to 5d ) ! foll[+ com;t ,i rec5tly he>d4 ,if no?+ 9 yr life li1 "eybody6 #ge ,! ,bl ,c ,2 ,victims ( ,circum/.e by ,bob ,branco ,"o ye> ago1 ,i 0 hir$ by a c> d1l]%ip to ord] c> "ps & h&le cu/om] 9quiries on ! comput]4 ,"?\t ! pa/ ye>1 comput] 5g9e]s appe>$ at ! "w site to det]m9e :e!r x cd 2 adapt$ prop]ly = a bl p]son4 ,s"eal "ds ago :ile ,i 0 sitt+ 2h my desk at my job1 ,i rcvd a visit f my voca;nal c\nselor f ! ,massa*usetts ,commis.n = ! ,bl4 ,%e rcvd a writt5 report ( a meet+ t took place on ,may #ai ) ! regional 5g9e] f ,,mcb1 a 3tract$ 5g9e]+ 3sultant & "o ( my bosses4 ,! purpose ( ! meet+ 0 to 4cuss adapta;ns = my job4 ,! report wasn't v positive4 ,app>5tly1 "! is no?+ t c 2 d"o to adapt a spee* #gf sy/em ) ,qk ,books or ,all ,data1 programs us$ by c> d1l]%ips4 ,reg>d+ ! job xf1 ,i 0 told to ?9k positive despite ,,mcb's f9d+s4 ,"! may 2 "s manual /eps to 2 tak5 : may require my boss to talk 9to a dictat+ ma*9e1 b my abil;y to use ! bill+ programs may n 2 utiliz$4 ,2f "! is any mis"u/&+1 let me cle>ly /ate t ,i don't blame any"o at ,,mcb = ? problem4 ,if "! isn't any way to adapt ,qk ,books or ,all ,data = a bl p]son1 !n ,i c't hold any "o p]son or ag5cy responsible = t fact4 ,i h call$ s"eal comput] s(tw>e companies acr ! c.try1 & !y h pretty m* 3firm$ ,,mcb's f9d+s4 ,i "k t ! bl >e 5c\rag$ to call s(tw>e companies if ! ag5cies c't help4 ,h["e1 #gg :ile talk+ to ^! companies1 ,i alm h to 2 a comput] 5g9e] myf 9 ord] to sp1k _! language4 ,i c h"o/ly say t ,i "k no?+ ab ! me*anics ( hi<-te* s(tw>e4 ,i'm j a 3sum]4 ,:5 ,i'm on ! ph"o ) ^! companies1 !y ask "qs t require a c]ta9 k ( ^! me*anics4 ,x's alm l my go+ to a bra9 surgeon = help :ile he asks me if my c]ebrum & my m$ulla obl;gata >e func;n+ prop]ly4 ,hav+ sd all t1 "! is / ! issue ( my keep+ busy all "d :ile ,i'm "w+4 ,z a bl employee1 ,i "k ,i c't sp1k = all sie suppos$ to give _! bosses productiv;y4 ,:5 a boss hires "s"o1 sie favorable = ! busi;s4 ,ev5 ?\< my bosses "u/& my situa;n & h be5 close frs ( m9e = ne>ly #ae ye>s1 ,i'm sure !y hir$ me ) a c]ta9 degree ( expecta;n1 o!rwise !y wd h hir$ "s"o else4 ,i suppose if my bosses want$ to h me sweep floors or wa% c>s1 ,i mi ago1 ,i 0 giv5 ?ree titles3 recep;ni/1 "ps manag] & (fice manag]4 ,z a result ( my curr5t situa;n1 ,i feel t ,i am m ( an exp]t on local politics1 ,bo/on sports1 radio talk %[s1 rap music & #gi soap op]as ?an ,i am ab c> "ps4 ,:at wd y d1 />t+ tm1 if y 7 fac$ ) ^! problems8 ,write to me at #cei ,co7e%all ,st41 ,new ,b$=d1 ,,ma #jbgdf1 call "<#ejh"> #iid-#digb1 or ;e- mail me1 branco#ahb@a" worldnet4att4net4 ,memb]%ip ,focus1 ,novemb] #bjjd compil$ by ,>dis ,bazyn ,! qu>t]ly memb]%ip focus call held 9 ,novemb] ag g5]at$ _m gd com;ts4 ,we >e look+ =w>d to m id1s f ! next s*$ul$ call on ! second ,mon"d ev5+ 9 ,april4 ,af ,sue ,ammet] 9vit$ all "picipants to 9troduce !mvs1 %e op5$ ! 3v]sa;n by ask+ :at type ( ev5ts di6]5t a6iliates h >rang$ to ga9 public;y #hj & memb]s4 ,dolly ,s[d] f ,9diana told ab two activities ? pa/ fall4 ,!y 7 bo? eye scre5+s4 ,g5]al ,motors _h an \tdoor c> %[4 ,ano!r ev5t 0 a craft & h1l? fair4 ,prev5t ,bl;s ( ,9diana s5t _! van d[n & tra9$ memb]s ( ! local ,lions ,clubs to d eye scre5+s4 ,! ,lions ,clubs did ! same type ( scre5+4 ,! adults /ood #bj feet & ! *n #aj feet f ! *>t4 ,= ! ll "os :o did n "k lrs1 !y _h a *>t ) animal pictures4 ,!y al _h two ma*9es "! to *eck visual acu;y & dep? p]cep;n4 ,"o-f\r? ( ^? scre5$ 7 giv5 a pap] ) _! results & 7 recomm5d$ to see _! eye doctors4 ,"! 0 no *>ge at ei ev5t4 ,! ,9diana a6iliate gave \ m9ts & bro*ures on ,,acb ( ,9diana al;g ) 9=ma;n ab local *apt]s & a res\rce li/ ) #ha 9=ma;n on ! /ate libr>y talk+ book program1 ! local libr>ies1 ! s*ool = ! bl1 voca;nal rehabilita;n (fices1 ! lic5se bran* = ,,id & h&icapp$ p>k+ p]mit1 ! auditor's (fice = mortgage exemp;n1 free matt] mail+1 guide dog 9fo1 h[ to apply = free teleph"o 9=ma;n "<#daa">1 free ,bible on tape1 ,,dvs 9fo1 audio descrip;n = plays1 li/+ ( catalogs = ! bl & visually impair$1 /ores t sell toys = bl & visually impair$ *n1 li/+ ( eye c>e c5t]s = folks ) l[ vi.n1 li/ ( places to buy magnifica;n devices1 li/+ ( places t sell s(tw>e & comput]s ) spee*1 ! ,am]ican ,diabetes ,associa;n1 ,_hley ,s*ool = ! ,bl1 ,am]ican ,pr9t+ ,h\se = ! ,bl1 ,books ,al\d = ! ,lions ,9t]na;nal newslr & o!r books 9 #hb special =mats1 ,,afb1 ,,acb1 & 3tact 9=ma;n to rcv m details f u reg>d+ memb]%ip4 ,s"eal memb]s 4cuss$ hold+ walk-a-?ons to get m$ia att5;n & public;y4 ,! ,new ,mexico a6iliate & a ,georgia *apt] bo? _h su3ess;l walks4 ,t5;see _h a well-att5d$ h1l? fair4 ,? a6iliate al _h an aw>ds ev5t1 : 9clud$ recogni;n aw>ds = $ucator ( ! ye>1 legislator ( ! ye>1 volunte] ( ! ye>1 & employ] ( ! ye>4 ,^! 7 9 3junc;n ) 4abil;y mon? 9 ,octob]4 ,p5nsylvania 9cr1s$ public;y ? ye> = ,:ite ,cane ,safety ,"d4 ,"! 0 ,,tv & radio cov]age on sp1k]s = p$e/rians ) :ite canes & guide dogs4 ,! ,lions & ! ,p5nsylvania a6iliate "w$ tgr at v>i\s groc]y /ores4 ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt sd #hc ,ill9ois is "w+ on gett+ :ite cane legisla;n 5act$4 ,,psa,'s >e set to run on ,:ite ,cane ,safety ,"d4 ,mi*igan has ,lions ,clubs gett+ att5;n on ,:ite ,cane ,"d4 ,:ite ,cane p9s >e 2+ sold4 ,police >e n[ *>g+ driv]s = br1k+ ! :ite cane law4 ,! ,9diana a6iliate has be5 "w+ on 4a/] drills & advocacy = p ) :ite canes & guide dogs4 ,! focus !n turn$ to help+ a6iliates to get _! dues 9 on "t4 ,a6iliates >e 5c\rag$ to s5d notices to memb]s z soon z possible4 ,cat*+ memb]s at ! annual ,*ri/mas "pies to pay dues wd help4 ,a6iliates >e al urg$ to >range di6]5t =ms ( transporta;n to get m memb]s to att5d /ate 3v5;ns4 ,m5tor+ m memb]s %d 2 5c\rag$ to cr1te new *apt]s & elect #hd (fic]s & write bylaws4 ,wa%+ton /ate gives new *apt]s @s#ajj = a 2g9n+ tr1sury4 ,memb]s %d "w ) local colleges to f9d bl /ud5ts4 ,we ne$ to 3t9ue to lo2y = nec s]vices4 ,na;nal p>ks h a gold pass = 4abl$ p t 9cludes 4c.ts = camp+4 ,_m /ates h free fi%+ lic5ses = bl p4 ,we ne$ to $ucate \r memb]s on s]vices t >e alr available4 ,? is a memb]%ip b5efit4 ,\r qu>t]ly memb]%ip focus 0 ag v 9spir+ & we welcome all "picipants4 ,we truly 5joy he>+ ab yr memb]%ip activities6 ,,vi.ns #bjjd3 ,a ,p]sonal ,exp]i;e by ,v]ne ;,r4 ,san=d ,x 0 ,aug4 #ai1 #bjjd1 late morn+4 ,my wife & a fr #he _h escort$ me f \r home 9 ,valp>aiso1 ,9d41 to ! ,*icago ,m>riott ,d[nt[n to help me get settl$ 9 = ! ,f.da;n ,fis ago1 b ,,vi.ns #bjjd 0 my f/ na;nal 3f];e ( any sponsor%ip4 ,we walk$ 9to ! hotel on a r$ c>pet1 flank$ on ei side by hotel /a6]s4 ,we wond]$ :at celebr;y 0 ab to >rive4 ,surely n u86 ,af ,i regi/]$1 f.d my room1 & ! ladies left = home1 an employee gave me a v help;l t\r ( ! hotel4 ,i n[ cd locate ! 3f];e regi/ra;n & 9=ma;n desk1 ! exhibit hall & mo/ ( ! ses.n rooms4 ,z ,i walk$ >.d ! hotel1 #afth floor "1 #gth floor "1 #eth #hf floor "1 anticipat+ ! op5+ ses.n1 ,i 0 amaz$4 ,i _h n"e se5 s _m guide dogs & :ite canes assembl$ 9 "o place 2f4 ,my wife 0 unable to 3ta9 a smile :5 %e saw a poodle guide dog4 ,:5 ,i a3id5tally hook$ :ite canes ) ano!r 3f];e att5dee1 ,i *all5g$1 8,en g>de60 & we squ>$ (f z if to duel4 ,we lau<$ & w5t on ab \r busi;s4 ,= two & a half "ds we he>d all ab eyes f "s ( ! _w's l1d+ physicians1 sci5ti/s & cl9icians1 %>+ details ab curr5t rese>*1 cl9ical trials1 tr1t;t op;ns & ! future ( ret9al deg5]ative 41se rese>*4 ,9 addi;n1 we _h ! opportun;y to att5d cop+ sem9>s1 visit ! exhibit hall1 h \r mo/ complicat$ "qs exp]tly answ]$ 9 8,! ,doctor ,is ,in0 ses.ns & meet new frs 9 v>i\s #hg net"w+ ses.ns4 ,i felt r al"o ) my *oroid]emia until ,i 0 9vit$ to ! 8f/ annual *oroid]emia pizza "py60 ,9 ! exhibit hall1 v5dors 4play$ all ( ! late/ electronic1 optical & me*anical l[ vi.n equip;t4 ,:5 ,i m5;n$ to !m ! hi< co/ ( s* devices1 all !y cd d 0 agree4 ,i use an old black-&-:ite clos$-circuit televi.n 5l>g]4 ,new] models f1ture full color & automatic focus+4 "<,v impressive6"> ,i 0 excit$ to see ! new portable 5l>g]s1 too4 ,"s h v small scre5s1 b "o prototype _h a m* l>g] scre5 & fold$ flat l a laptop4 ,"! 7 al _m talk+ devices = ! totally bl4 ,9 "o ( ! ses.ns1 x 0 ann\nc$ t 9 ! ye> #bjja1 g5e !rapy _h su3ess;lly re/or$ vi.n to a ,bri>d dog1 #hh ,l.elot1 :o 0 born bl f an 9h]it$ ret9al deg5]ative 41se call$ 3g5ital /a;n>y ni* may hold hope ( si deg5]a;n1 diabetic ret9opa?y & glaucoma4 ,/em cells >e 2+ gr[n 9 ! laboratory & transplant$ 9to ! ret9a to replace defective photoreceptor & ret9al pig;t epi!lial cells4 ,yes1 ,i did say replace6 ,drugs >e n[ 2+ develop$ to 9hibit angiog5esis "<*oroidal neovascul>iza;n">1 ! =m+ ( new1 abnormal blood vessels 9 ! *oroid4 ,^! drugs >e us$ z alt]natives to las] #hi surg]ies = ! tr1t;t ( wet macul> deg5]a;n4 ,angiog5esis drugs >e adm9i/]$ to ! back ( ! ret9a us+ a curv$ ne$le4 ,diet>y supple;ts h be5 %[n to sl[ ! progres.n ( age- relat$ macul> deg5]a;n 9 "s cases4 ,!y d n d ! same = ,,rp4 ,"o ses.n on driv+ ) l[ vi.n gave all ! details ab bioptic driv+1 b ma9ly = ! /ate ( ,ill9ois4 ,i 2lieve t an acu;y ( #bj_/#dj 0 a3eptable = ni 9 ,9dianapolis1 ,i f.d \ t a l[ vi.n speciali/ m/ c]tify a l[ vi.n c&idate = a special driv] tra9+ program us+ ! bioptic telescope4 ,"! >e five or six ,9diana sites = s* tra9+4 ,:5 tra9+ is complete1 all #ij mat]ials >e s5t to ! /ate bur1u = xs approval4 ,:at >e bioptics8 ,!y >e telescopes fitt$ 9to ! upp] l5s por;n ( a pair ( eyeglasses4 ,b5d yr h1d slid 9 ord] to view 5l>g$ images4 ,i imag9e by n[ "! >e bioptic driv+ programs 9 ne>ly all /ates4 ,i m/ m5;n ! positive attitudes ( "ey"o att5d+ ? 3f];e4 ,^! p h extremely s]i\s eye 41ses2 _m ( !m 7 totally bl4 ,o!rs h family memb]s1 "s"ts 9fants or small *n1 ) deva/at+ eye 3di;ns4 ,yet !y 7 at ! 3f];e to ga!r ! late/ 9=ma;n ab rese>*1 new tr1t;ts1 etc41 n to compla94 ,i came away exhil>at$1 r1dy to 3t9ue fac+ ! daily r1lism ( my [n l[ vi.n1 & r1dy to att5d ano!r 3f];e4 ,s9ce ,i am on ,,ssdi1 #ia ! ,9diana ,gov]nor's ,c\ncil = ,p ) ,4abilities pd = my 3f];e regi/ra;n & hotel4 ,i want to ?ank !m = mak+ my att5d.e possible4 ,i wd al l to ?ank ! ,hank ,h(/ett] ,opportun;y ,grant ,fund = addi;nal m"oy = food & gas mil1ge4 ,9 ! pa/1 ! hi< co/s ( 3f];es h kept me away4 ,o!r /ates probably (f] f9ancial assi/.e = 3f];e att5d.e4 ,i /r;gly recomm5d p 9ve/igate s* fund+ s\rces4 ,"h & ,"! by ,s>ah ,blake ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column is n an 5dorse;t by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs /aff1 or elect$ (ficials4 ,products & s]vices >e li/$ free ( *>ge = ! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsible = ! #ib reliabil;y ( products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,to submit items = ? column1 y may ;e-mail ,s>ah ,blake at sblake@aacb4org1 or call ,,acb at #a-#hjj-#dbd-#hfff & l1ve a message 9 mailbox #bf4 ,pl1se rememb] t po/al regula;ns prohibit u f 9clud+ adv]tise;ts1 & t we ne$ 9=ma;n two mon?s ah1d ( actual publica;n dates4 ,p on ! ,move ,_h 5 ( w9t]8 ,ea/] ,s1ls ,project ,,ac;n is hold+ s"eal 8,p on ! ,move3 ,us+ ,all ,transporta;n ,op;ns "<,,ada & ,2y444">0 ev5ts 9 cities acr ! ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,^! tra9-!- tra9] ses.ns w 3si/ ( two "ds ( 9/ruc;n = travel tra9]s1 t1*]s1 job coa*es1 bus op]ators1 transporta;n coord9ators1 9dep5d5t #ic liv+ speciali/s & o!rs :o assi/ p ) 4abilities 9 _! use ( public & private transporta;n to get to s*ool1 jobs & o!r commun;y de/9a;ns4 ,! #bjje s*$ule is z foll[s3 ,june #h-#i1 ,salt ,lake ,c;y1 ,utah2 ,sept4 #g-#h1 ,bo/on1 ,mass42 & ,nov4 #ad-#ae 9 ,new ,orl1ns1 ,la4 ,! d1dl9e = ,salt ,lake ,c;y applica;ns is ,may #bg2 = ,bo/on1 ,aug4 #c2 & ,new ,orl1ns1 ,oct4 #c4 ,to att5d1 fill \ an applica;n & return x by ! d1dl9e li/$ abv1 al;g ) ! @s#ge fee1 to ,/an ,ti2s1 ,ea/] ,s1ls ,project ,,ac;n1 #gjj #acth ,/reet1 ,,nw1 ,suite #bjj1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje4 ,! =m appe>s onl9e at www4projectac;n4com4 ,y may al call ! ,,espa (fice at "<#bjb"> #cdg-#cjff or #a- #hjj-#fei-#fdbh to obta9 #id an applica;n4 ,space is limit$ & w 2 fill$ on a f/-come1 f/- s]v$ basis4 ,_w ,y\? ,*ampion%ips ,! ,unit$ ,/ates ,associa;n ( ,bl ,a?letes w 2 ho/+ ! #bjje ,9t]na;nal ,bl ,sports ,associa;n ,_w ,y\? ,*ampion%ips 9 ,colorado ,spr+s ,augu/ #d-#aj1 #bjje4 ,"! w 2 competi;ns 9 track & field1 swimm+1 judo1 p[]lift+ & goalball4 ,competitors m/ 2 2t ! ages ( #ac & #ai4 ,m ?an #ajj c.tries h be5 9vit$ to "picipate2 delega;ns f ,europe1 ,asia1 ,s\? ,am]ica & ,africa h alr committ$ to s5d competitors4 ,any a?lete 9t]e/$ 9 compet+ m/ s5d a writt5 lr ( 9t5t to ! ,,usaba (fice by ,april #ae t 9cludes 8 or h] #bjjd sports a3ompli%;ts1 previ\s #ie meets compet$ in1 ! "n ( yr t1m or club1 scores1 weekly tra9+ s*$ule & o!r a?letic & p]sonal a*ieve;ts4 ,volunte]s >e al ne$$ to assi/ at ! games4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ! ,,usaba (fice1 "<#gai"> #fcj-#jdbb1 or s5d ;e-mail to mlucas@ausaba4org4 ,or write to ,m>k ,lucas1 ,u4,s4 ,associa;n ( ,bl ,a?letes1 #cc ;,n4 ,9/itute ,st41 ,colorado ,spr+s1 ,,co #hjijc4 ,summ] ,music ,9/itute ,! ,na;nal ,res\rce ,c5t] = ,bl ,musicians is a3ept+ applica;ns = xs sem9> = bl college-b.d musicians1 : w 2 held ,july #ag-#bc at ! ,ov]brook ,s*ool = ! ,bl 9 ,philadelphia1 ,pa4 ,design$ = ! s]i\s /ud5t1 ! program tailors 9/ruc;n to ea* #if p]son's ne$ to develop brl music & !ory skills1 & ! use ( te*nology to submit writt5 music assign;ts4 ,applicants m/ h alr /udi$ "s music !ory1 2 will+ to put ef=t 9to brl music /udy1 & demon/rate a commit;t to use ! brl music & comput] skills !y w le>n at ! ,9/itute :5 !y return to s*ool4 ,applicants m/ al %[ t !y h ! 9dep5d;e skills1 social r1di;s & matur;y to 2 a 3tribut+ "p ( a close-knit gr\p4 ,space is available = six /ud5ts4 ,pl1se 3tact ! c5t] at "<#bjc"> #cff- #ccjj1 ext5.n #bbi = 9=ma;n on tui;n1 s*ol>%ip availabil;y1 & ! applica;n proc$ure4 ,! d1dl9e = reque/+ applica;ns is ,april #ae2 complet$ applica;ns m/ 2 submitt$ by ,may #a4 #ig ,trac ,cr1tive ,music @& ,jazz ,camp ,s*ol>%ips >e available = all bl & visually impair$ te5 musicians :o >e a3ept$ = ! #bjje ,,trac ,cr1tive ,music & ,jazz ,camp1 a summ] resid5tial program1 ,augu/ #d- #ad1 #bjje1 9 ,new ,orl1ns4 ,applica;ns >e available at www4unotrac4org_/jazzcamp4 ,! camp 0 cr1t$ = bl & visually impair$ /ud5ts1 ages #ac-#ai1 ) at l1/ two ye>s ( musical exp]i;e1 an a3eptable grade po9t av]age & basic comput] skills4 ,/ud5ts d n ne$ to h prior exp]i;e 9 play+ jazz4 ,applicants m/ al submit an audi;n tape & h a recomm5da;n f a music t1*]4 ,up to #ah /ud5ts w 2 a3ept$ bas$ on musical skills & exp]i;e4 ,! s*ol>%ips cov] ! co/s ( all classes1 dorm h\s+1 #ih m1ls1 support mat]ials & extracurricul> activities4 ,/ud5ts m/ supply _! [n transporta;n to ,new ,orl1ns4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ,rose ,angelo3i at rangeloc@auno4$u or call "<#ejd"> #bhj-#egjj4 ,get ,away ,? ,summ] ,! ,oral ,hull ,f.da;n rec5tly ann\nc$ xs summ] camp dates4 ,adult camp w 2 held ,july #af-#bc4 ,y\? camp w 2 f ,augu/ #bj-#bg4 ,a week at camp co/s @s#cej4 ,camp]%ips >e available = bo? camps4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 or an applica;n1 write to3 ,oral ,hull ,f.da;n = ! ,bl1 ,,po ,box #aeg1 ,s&y1 ,,or #igjee1 or call "<#ejc"> #ffh-#faie4 ,y may al s5d ;e- mail to oralhull@ateleport4" com4 #ii ,tra9+ ,opportun;y ,a ,na;nal ,te*nology ,3f];e = ,rehabilita;n ,t1*]s w take place ? summ] 9 ,las ,vegas4 ,? ev5t w 2 (f]$ by ,mississippi ,/ate ,univ]s;y's ,rehabilita;n ,rese>* & ,tra9+ ,c5t] on ,bl;s & ,l[ ,vi.n 9 coop]a;n ) ,,acb & ! ,na;nal ,associa;n ( ,bl ,t1*]s4 ,x w 2 held ,july #e "? #g at ! ,rivi]a ,hotel 9 ,las ,vegas4 ,att5dees w 2 able to take advantage ( ! te*nology on 4play 9 ! 3v5;n exhibit hall4 ,regi/ra;n = ? 3f];e w 2 @s#aej p] p]son4 ,to le>n m1 3tact ,b4,t4 ,kimbr\<1 ,director ( ,tra9+1 ,,rrtc on ,bl;s & ,l[ ,vi.n1 ,,po ,box #fahi1 ,mississippi ,/ate1 ,,ms #cigfb2 ph"o "<#ffb"> #cbe-#bjja1 or ;e-mail bkimbr\<@acoll$4msstate4$u4 #ajj ,new ,address ,%ad[s 9 ! ,d>k has a new address3 #cjja ,bran* ,ave4 _? #acb1 ,temple ,hills1 ,,md #bjgdh1 "<#cah"> #cdi-#ieci1 www4%ad[s9!d>k4com4 ,%ad[s 9 ! ,d>k (f]s brl greet+ c>ds & specialty gift items4 ,! company has brl c>ds = all o3a.ns3 bir?"d1 ,*ri/mas1 ?ank y1 ?9k+ ( y1 gradua;n1 w$d+1 retire;t1 ,val5t9e's ,"d1 ,"f's ,"d1 ,"m's ,"d1 ,ea/]1 new baby1 get well1 sympa?y1 fr%ip & t1*]4 ,s+le c>ds co/ @s#b4ej ea*2 a doz5 c>ds co/ @s#ae4 ,two doz5 co/ @s#be4 ,=eign language c>ds >e al available = @s#e ea*2 available languages >e ,fr5*1 ,g]man1 ,spani%1 ,italian1 ,norwegian1 ,portuguese1 & ,dut*4 #aja ,new ,video ,magnifi] ,! ,mono,m\se is a device %ap$ simil>ly to a comput] m\se t 3nects to yr h\sehold ,,tv & magnifies text = r1d+4 ,j scroll ! ,mono,m\se ov] ! text y wi% to r1d & x w 2 cle>ly magnifi$ on yr ,,tv4 ,mono,m\se co/s @s#ahe4 ,to ord]1 call "<#djh"> #bbd-#hahh or visit www4bi]ley4com4 ,": ! ,sidewalk ,5ds ,%el ,silv]/e9's popul> book ( poems is n[ available f ,na;nal ,brl ,press4 ,! book 9cludes brl & l>ge pr9t on ! same page ) l9e draw+s4 ,to ord]1 s5d pay;t to ,na;nal ,brl ,press1 #hh ,st4 ,/eph5 ,/reet1 ,bo/on1 ,,ma #jbaae- #dcjb1 or call "<#hjj"> #edh- #gcbc4 #ajb ,c\rse on ,macul> ,deg5]a;n ,h y or has "s"o y "k be5 rec5tly diagnos$ ) age-relat$ macul> deg5]a;n "<,,amd">8 ,y may wond] h[ ,,amd w impact yr life or t ( yr lov$ "o4 ,! ,_hley ,s*ool = ! ,bl's new 4t.e $uca;n c\rse 8,macul> ,deg5]a;n0 expla9s ! diagnosis & %[s h[ p ) ,,amd c 3t9ue "ey"d activities ) limit$ vi.n4 ,! c\rse cov]s v>i\s aspects ( ,,amd4 ,x n only comp>es #bj_/#bj vi.n ) ,,amd's symptoms & progres.n1 b al li/s risk factors = ! 3di;n4 ,! c\rse al su7e/s ways to maximize vi.n & 4cusses ! emo;nal impact ( ,,amd4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ! ,_hley ,s*ool = ! ,bl at #a-#hjj-#ebf-#iiji4 #ajc ,new ;,e-,mail ,li/ ,bl9d9t]pret]s is an ;e-mail gr\p = 9t]pret]s :o >e bl or visually impair$4 ,! prim>y language is n important1 b p m/ 2 flu5t 5 9 ,5gli% to communicate easily & e6ectively to ! gr\p4 ,to subscribe1 s5d mail to bl9d9t" ]pret]s-subscribe@a" yahoogr\ps4com4 ,new ,victor ,r1d] ,visu,aide is pl1s$ to ann\nce ! laun* ( ! ,victor ,r1d] ,classic ,plus ) record+1 an adv.ed new ,,daisy play] ) a record+ func;n1 s us]s c take vocal notes simply & e6ici5tly4 ,! ,classic ,plus ) record+ c 2 obta9$ f ,visu,aide 4tributors4 ,9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates1 3tact ,2y ,si #gie- #fdee4 ,= a complete li/ ( 4tributors1 visit www4" visuaide4com_/di/ributors4" html4 ,,rfb@&,d ,9/all;ts on ;,,cd ,,rfb@&,d memb]s c n[ ord] complet$ por;ns ( ,,rfb@&,d's ,audio,plus^r digitally record$ textbooks on ;,,cd )\t hav+ to wait = ! rema9d] ( ! book to 2 record$4 ,9/all;ts on ;,,cd 9clude ! same naviga;n f1tures z ,,rfb@&,d's ,audio,plus^r digitally record$ textbooks1 & w play on all ,,daisy equip;t & s(tw>e4 ,9/all;ts >e available "? ! onl9e catalog & ord]+ c5t] on ! web site1 www4rfbd4org1 or by call+ a memb] s]vice repres5tative at #a-#hjj-#bba- #dgib4 ,9/all;ts w 2 #aje mail$ approximately e two weeks until ! book is record$ 9 xs 5tirety1 at : "t memb]s w 2 s5t ! title 9 xs complet$ =m4 ,r$uc$ ,prices ,bo? ,fre$om ,sci5tific & ,optelec h r$uc$ ! prices ( brl 4plays4 ,fre$om ,sci5tific has al r$uc$ ! prices ( ! ,,pac ,mate ,,qx#ddj & ,,bx#ddj4 ,= 9=ma;n ab ! ,,pac ,mate l9e ( products1 visit www4fre$omsci5tific4com or call #a-#hjj-#ddd- #dddc4 ,= m 9=ma;n ab ,voyag] brl 4plays1 visit www4optelec4com or call #a-#hjj-#hbh- #ajef4 ,new ,v].n ( ,w9d[-,eyes ,w9d[-,eyes #e4j1 rel1s$ on ,janu>y #ai1 (f]s ?or\<1 /able support ( ,micros(t ,^w4 ,x al (f]s a complete color #ajf dic;n>y & a l1se-to-[n program t all[s a us] to buy a full copy ( ,w9d[-,eyes ov] s"eal mon?s4 ,! new v].n supports e text f1ture )9 ,micros(t ,^w1 9clud+ r1d+ tables1 columns1 & fields4 ,us]s c f9d & fix spell+ & gramm> ]rors qkly1 & take advantage ( f1tures l r5am+ =m fields1 r1d+ com;ts1 & track+ *anges4 ,o!r f1tures 9clude support = ,micros(t ,"ws & ! ,mozilla web br[s]4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 write to ,,gw ,micro1 ,9c41 #gbe ,airport ,nor? 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,dr41 ,san ,antonio1 ,,tx #ghbag4 #aab ,gd ,grief1 ,mr4 ,taxi ,driv]1 ,": ,>e ,we ,n[6 by ,rob]t ,rog]s ,i _h an unev5t;l fli1 ,i settl$ 9to ! taxi to :at 0 normally a #be-m9ute ride home4 ,i soon 2came aw>e ( ! driv] talk+ on 8 cell ph"o 9 "s language o!r ?an ,5gli%4 ,i l1n$ =w>d & gave ! driv] ! "s:at 9volv$ direc;ns = ! r\te to my h\se1 b ,i got no response4 ,x dawn$ on me t maybe he didn't "u/& a ^w ,i sd4 #aac ,rec5tly1 we h _h a l>ge 9flux ( =eign taxi driv]s f ano!r ne>by c;y1 "s ( ^? driv]s reput$ to "k ll ,5gli% & ev5 less ab ,c9c9nati /reets4 ,oh boy1 maybe he 0 "o ( ^? driv]s4 ,ag1 ,i tri$ giv+ hm direc;ns1 hop+ ,i 0 mi/ak5 9 my assess;t1 b my fe>s 7 3firm$ :5 he h&$ me 8 cell ph"o4 ,i he>d 8 4pat*] at ! o!r 5d sp1k+ 9 brok5 ,5gli%4 ,i gave hm v detail$ direc;ns to my home1 hav+ to rep1t myf f "t to "t4 ,m1n:ile1 we 3t9u$ to zoom d[n ! road to ,i knew n ":4 ,af ab #dj m9utes on ! normally #be-m9ute trip1 ,i ask$ hm 9 sl[1 delib]ate t"os1 8,sir1 ": >e we80 ,ag1 he 3v]s$ ) 8 4pat*]4 ,9 ! m1n"t1 he sl[$ n ev5 a tad1 3t9u+ lickety-split d[n ! road at a hi< rate ( spe$4 ,we cd #aad 5d up 9 ,"dton #ej miles nor? or ,columbus1 #ajj miles nor?1/1 2f ,i cd /op hm4 ,maybe we cd ev5 5d up back 9 ,birm+ham4 ,af s"eal m9utes m1 9 desp]a;n & hop+ he wd "u/&1 ,i told hm1 8,/op40 ,he turn$ onto a side /reet & got \4 ,i wond]$ :at 0 go+ to happ5 n[4 ,:5 he />t$ talk+ to "s"o on ! /reet1 ,i r1liz$ ? 0 my *.e to det]m9e ": we w]e4 ,i jump$ \ & ask$ = 9=ma;n4 ,"s"o1 n my driv]1 reassur$ me 9 brok5 ,5gli% t he knew exactly ": ,i want$ to g s ,i %d get back 9 ! c>4 ,i recogniz$ ! voice ( ! 4pat*] :o m/ h rac$ to ov]take u4 ,we />t$ back up 9 a proces.n ( ! 4pat*]'s l1d+ 9 "o c> & my taxi foll[+ hm4 ,soon1 x seem$ to me t we _h turn$ on to a /reet j #aae two m9utes f my home4 ,b we kept mov+ = ano!r #ae or #bj m9utes6 ,fe>;lly1 ,i ask$ ag ": we w]e4 ,! proces.n came to a sudd5 halt1 & ! 4pat*] walk$ back to \r c> to 3f]4 ,x 0 j z ,i _h fe>$4 ,we _h g"o miles too f>1 s we got back 9to \r respective c>s & resum$ \r ll p>ade back ! o!r way4 ,f9ally1 an h\r & #bj m9utes af />t+ f ! airport1 we pull$ up 9 front ( my h\se4 ,z ,i he>d my wife beckon to me f \r por*1 ,i knew ,i _h truly >riv$ home4 ,! ord1l 0 at an 5d4 ,i cd / he> ! voices ( ! 4pat*] & driv] 5gag$ 9 an e>ne/ >gu;t 9 a language ( _! [n z ,i clos$ \r front door4 ,po/script3 ,z ,i look back1 ! situa;n 0 pretty funny4 ,af all1 ,i did survive ! ord1l4 ,h["e1 on ! ,mon"d morn+ foll[+ my ll adv5ture1 #aaf ,i call$ ! au?orities at ! airport hop+ ,i cd help o!rs avoid rep1t+ my exp]i;e4 ,a manag] ) "s:at limit$ au?or;y ov] ! taxi pool _h ! driv] remov$4 ,t pool is "kn z ! bullp54 ,t ord] la/$ only ?ree h\rs4 ,h["e1 8 company manag] ov]rode ! ord] & put t driv] back in1 s x cd happ5 all ov] ag4 ,i d 2lieve t p %d h ! opportun;y to e>n a liv+1 b1 r1lly1 %dn't a taxi driv] "k 5 ,5gli% to 2 able to communicate ) cu/om]s8 ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op ,= ,sale3 ,p[],brl #hj brl 4play4 ,ask+ @s#b1jjj plus @s#ce = %ipp+4 ,call "<#ggb"> #bai- #ddgi1 or ;e-mail davidfee@a" bells\?4net4 ,write to ,david ,john ,fee1 #ajha ,,se #aag ,mont]ey ,road1 ,apt4 ;,c-#e1 ,/u>t1 ,,fl #cdiid4 ,= ,sale3 ,brl,note #cb = @s#b1iej4 ,p[],brl #hj brl 4play = @s#b1gjj4 ,al sell+ a ,juliet d\ble-sid$ emboss] = @s#a1ajj & a ,blaz] = @s#gej4 ,call ,,cj ,sampson any"t at "<#hja"> #cfg-#beei or ;e-mail cj@abyu4net4 ,= ,sale3 ,,jaws = ,w9d[s tra9+ cassettes3 ,eudora ,pro "<,,jfw">2 ,\tlook #bjjj "<,,jfw">2 ,excel #bjjj "<,,jfw">2 ,p[]po9t #bjjj "<,,jfw">2 ,^w #bjjj "<,,jfw">2 ,9t]net ,explor] #e4x "<,,jfw">2 ,s.d ,=ge #d4e "<,,jfw">2 ,^w ,,xp "<,,jfw">2 ,excel ,,xp "<,,jfw">2 & ,9t]net ,explor] #aah "<,,jfw">4 ,ask+ @s#ee ea*1 @s#ejj = all #aj1 or be/ (f]4 ,price 9cludes %ipp+4 ,,mag,'ic #h4j pr(es.nal v].n1 ask+ @s#ejj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,monty ,cassellius1 #dejj ,grove ,ave4 _?#aa1 ,ri*mond1 ,,va #bcbba2 ph"o "<#hjd"> #bac-#jgea1 ;e-mail isur$birds@acavtel4net4 ,= ,sale3 ,two ,brl ';n ,sp1ks2 "o is a ,,bns #fdj1 ! o!r is a ,,bns ,,ii4 ,bo? >e "u w>ranty4 ,make r1sonable (f]4 ,3tact ,ela9e at ks&box@aaol4com1 or call "<#cje"> #hba-#dhbg4 ,= ,sale3 ,,aph tape record] model #c- #eaid,a1 ne$s repair4 ,ask+ @s#ej4 ,i / h ! ,p]k9s brlr ) h>d h+$ case1 @s#dej1 & ! ,9sul-gauges & ,m$i- #aai cool]s1 @s#abe = ! lot or @s#e p] gauge4 ,3tact ,rob]t ,ziegl] at "<#gfc"> #ecg-#hjjj or via ;e-mail1 jemob@a" e>?l9k4net4 ,= ,sale3 ,brl ';n ,sp1k #bjjj ) portable disk drive & a3ompany+ docu;ta;n4 ,ask+ @s#ijj "4 ,3tact ,mi*ael at metriplett@aualr4$u or "<#eja"> #bai-#ibic "4 ,= ,sale3 ,brl ,/> #dj brl 4play_/note tak]4 ,h>dly us$4 ,comes complete ) all orig9al pack+ & manuals4 ,? unit has a #dj- cell 4play1 f\r us]-ex*ang1ble batt]ies = up to #bj h\rs ( 9dep5d5t use1 ]gonomic brl cells1 a scrat*pad : #abj /ores up to #d1jjj pages ( text1 & s]ial or ,,usb 3nec;n to yr ,,pc4 ,ask+ @s#d1djj1 9clud+ %ipp+4 ,3tact ,/eve ,bau] at "<#caf"> #fdj-#dcdc or /eve@ajazznotes4net4 ,= ,sale3 ,p[],brl #dj refre%able brl 4play 9 gd 3di;n4 ,comes ) us]'s manual 9 brl4 ,ask+ @s#a1ijj "4 ,3tact ,david ,nelson at "<#gaf"> #hgg-#efbj4 ,= ,sale3 ,,jaws = ,w9d[s v].n #f4 ,9clud$ 9 ? package >e v].ns #d4e1 #e4j & #f4j "<: has n"e be5 op5$">1 brl & pr9t manuals1 ! au?oriza;n disk ) f\r tok5s rema9+1 & tra9+ tapes4 ,al 9clud$ is a ,s.d ,bla/] ,live s.d c>d ) ;,,cd4 ,buy] w 2 responsible = #aba pay+ re-lic5se fee to ,fre$om ,sci5tific4 ,ask+ @s#dbe1 : 9cludes %ipp+ & 9sur.e to y any": 9 ! ,,usa4 ,i w only a3ept a ,u4,s4 po/al m"oy ord]4 ,3tact ,johnny ,blackwell at "<#hjc"> #cgg- #giac 2t #i a4m4 & #i p4m4 ,ea/]n "t4 ,= ,sale3 ,two ,p]k9s brlrs1 ask+ @s#cej4 ,9 gd 3di;n4 ,3tact ,rog] at "<#eaj"> #hdi-#cecg4 ,want$3 ,manual = ,,jaws = ,w9d[s #c4b1 brl or cassette4 ,c't af=d price4 ,3tact ,val]ie ,morris at "<#dac"> #efb- #hhad4 ,want$3 ,,jaws = ,w9d[s ,,xp1 v].n #e4j or lat]1 z dona;n4 #abb ,notebook comput] ) ,,xp & wire.s c>d z dona;n4 ,3tact ,%awn at "<#fja"> #dff-#aebi1 or ;e-mail jlg#fadfc@a" hotmail4com4 ,want$3 ,us$ %ortwave radio 9 gd 3di;n1 z dona;n or = l[ price4 ,m/ h all %ortwave b&s1 9clud+ ,,am_/,,fm1 ,,tv & w1!r4 ,3tact ,bob ,gr(f ,jr4 at "<#eja"> #ehi-#bhhf4 ,,acb ,(fic]s ,presid5t ,*ri/oph] ,gray #id ,ramona ,ave4 ,san ,francisco1 ,,ca #idajc ,f/ ,vice ,presid5t ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt #gcbj ,dixon ,unit #bjd ,=e/ ,p>k1 ,,il #fjacj #abc ,second ,vice ,presid5t ,mit* ,pom]antz #aaae ,cordova ,/reet _?#djb ,pasad5a1 ,,ca #iaajf ,secret>y ,donna ,selig] #ciab ,,se #eth ,st4 ,des ,mo9es1 ,,ia #ejcae ,tr1sur] ,>dis ,bazyn #ejj ;,s4 #crd ,st4 _?,h ,burbank1 ,,ca #iaejb ,imm ,pa/ ,presid5t ,paul ,$w>ds #bjccj ,,ne #bjth ,ct4 ,miami1 ,,fl #ccagi ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors ,alan ,b1tty1 ,=t ,coll9s1 ,,co #abd ,$ ,bradley1 ,h\/on1 ,,tx ,brian ,*>lson1 ,wat]t[n1 ,,ma ,billie ,j1n ,kei?1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,oral ,mill]1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc ,c>la ,rus*ival1 ,l\isville1 ,,ky ,patrick ,%eehan1 ,silv] ,spr+1 ,,md ,naomi ,s\le1 ,st4 ,l\is1 ,,mo ,cyn?ia ,t[]s1 ,s1ttle1 ,,wa ,david ,trott1 ,talladega1 ;,,al ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns ,*>les ,hodge1 ,*airp]son1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,c9dy ,burgett1 ,brem]ton1 ,,wa ,adrian ,de ,blaey1 ,milwaukee1 ,,wi ,mike ,duke1 ,jackson1 ,,ms ,de,anna ,noriega1 ,colorado ,spr+s1 ,,co #abe ,ex ,(ficios3 ,ralph ,s&]s1 ,vanc\v]1 ,,wa ,janelle ,$w>ds1 ,manhattan1 ,,ks #abf