,! ,brl ,=um ,volume ,,xlii ,m>* #bjjd ,no4 #g ,publi%$ ,by ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl /rives to 9cr1se ! 9dep5d;e1 secur;y1 equal;y ( opportun;y1 & qual;y ( life = all bl & visually impair$ p4 ,*ri/oph] ,gray1 ,presid5t ,melanie ,brunson1 ,act+ ,executive ,director ,%>on ,lov]+1 ,act+ ,$itor ,na;nal ,(fice3 #aaee #aeth ,st4 ,,nw ,suite #ajjd ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejha ,fax3 "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejhe ,web ,site3 http3_/_/www4" acb4org ,! ,brl ,=um is available 9 brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half- spe$ f\r-track cassette tape1 comput] disk & via ;e-mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 address *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = publica;n %d 2 s5t to ,p5ny ,re$] at ! address abv1 or via ;e-mail to $itor@aacb4org4 ,submis.n d1dl9es >e ! f/ ( ! mon?4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl is a memb]%ip organiza;n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special- 9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,to jo91 visit ! ,,acb website & complete an applica;n =m1 or 3tact ! na;nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ abv4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax-d$uctible1 c 2 s5t to ,>dis ,bazyn at ! abv mail+ address4 ,if y wi% to rememb] a relative or fr1 ! na;nal (fice c make pr9t$ c>ds available = ? purpose4 ,to rememb] ! ,am]ican #b ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t1 y may 9clude a special p>agraph = t purpose4 ,if yr wi%es >e complex1 3tact ! ,,acb na;nal (fice4 ,to make a 3tribu;n to ,,acb via ! ,comb9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #bhjb4 ,= ! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll-free at "<#hjj"> #dbd-#hfff1 #e p4m4 to midniy ( ,,acb ,bo>d ,meet+ ,held ,janu>y #ad1 #bjjd1 by ,mike ,duke1 page #ag ,9 ,memoriam3 ,rob]ta ,a4 ,d\glas "<,mill]"> - ,a ,b1uti;l ,life1 by ,j1n ,havrilla1 page #bj ,durw>d ;,k4 ,mc,daniel ,committee ,(f]s ,two ! ,*.e to ,come to ,3v5;n1 on ,u61 by ,c>l ,mc,coy1 page #bh ,t\rs ,"?\t ,3v5;n ,week1 by ,b]l ,colley1 page #cj ,a ,vi.n>y = ! ,bl3 ,= #de ,ye>s1 ,nun ,tau*1 by ,john ;,j4 ,frank1 page #gb ,f ,yr ,p]spective3 ,c ,jesus ,r1lly ,emp[]81 by ,judy ,jackson & ,mi*ael ,g>rett1 page #hg ,lrs to ! ,$itor1 page #ia ,"h & ,"!1 by ,s>ah ,blake1 page #ih ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op1 page #aah ,,acb ,(fic]s1 page #abc ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors1 page #abe #e ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns1 page #abe ,presid5t's ,message3 ,new ,2g9n+s & ,future ,direc;ns by ,*ri/oph] ,gray ,? message is 2+ writt5 to y immly foll[+ ! presid5t's meet+ & mid-ye> bo>d ( directors meet+ held 9 ,birm+ham1 ,ala4 ,we all rcvd a w>m welcome & a week5d ( true s\!rn hospital;y f ! ,alabama ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 8! o!r ,,acb0 z !y >e fond ( call+ !mvs4 ,! ,alabama ,c\ncil is an \t/&+ example ( :at an a6iliate ( ,,acb c 2 & !y want$ to demon/rate t to mid-ye> "picipants4 ,!y play$ a major role 9 mak+ ! week5d a major su3ess4 ,i #f "picul>ly want to ac"kl$ge ,alabama presid5t ,david ,trott & 8 wife ,rhonda1 :ile n =gett+ ! _m o!r \t/&+ 3tributors f ,alabama to ? week5d4 ,x is h>d n to l1ve a presid5t's meet+ )\t a feel+ ( rejuv5a;n & a r5ew$ s5se ( :at & :o we >e 9 ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,! meet+ 9 ,birm+ham 0 no excep;n1 ?\< s"eal h\rs ( \r meet+s 7 sp5t 4cuss+ matt]s t h l$ to 3c]n & fru/ra;n on ! "p ( "s ,,acb l1d]s & memb]s4 ,9 a two-h\r ses.n held on ,satur"d afn1 ,i & memb]s ( ! bo>d ( directors & bo>d ( publica;ns 4cuss$ at l5g? a s]ies ( "qs & address$ num]\s relat$ issues 9 ord] to fully 9=m a6iliate presid5ts & o!r ,,acb l1d]s ab _m ev5ts & possible allega;ns t h be5 4cuss$ 9 ^! pages & #g else": 9 ,,acb4 ,9 3sid]+ ? ses.n1 ,i 2liev$ t ! 9t]e/s ( all wd be/ 2 s]v$ "? ! hold+ ( a facilitat$ 4cus.n dur+ : ,i wd l1ve ! *air & place ! meet+ 9 ! h&s ( an im"pial mod]ator4 ,9 addi;n1 ,i ask$ ,melanie ,brunson1 \r act+ executive director1 to "w ) ! mod]ator to develop a s]ies ( "qs t cd 2 us$ to guide ! 4cus.n4 ,^! m1sures mid+ ei ! presid5t ( ! bo>d ( directors ( ,,acb seek+ 9appropriate degrees ( p[] or 3trol )9 \r organiza;n4 ,! facilitat$ 4cus.n 0 mod]at$ by ,b>ry ,lev9e4 ,we all [e ,b>ry a grt debt ( ?anks = a job well d"o & a truly productive1 9=mative & positive ex*ange ( views4 ,^! two h\rs all[$ u to make huge /rides =w>d 9 communicat+ #h ! tru? ( :at has o3urr$ & is o3urr+ td 9 ,,acb4 ,i 5c\rage all 9t]e/$ ,,acb memb]s to ord] tapes ( ! mid-ye> meet+ & to li/5 to t ses.n z well z my 8,presid5t's ,update0 pres5t$ dur+ ! f/ morn+ ses.n4 ,tapes c 2 ord]$ f ! ,,acb ,/ore1 #a- #hgg- #cfg-#bbbd4 ,s"eal cle> 3clu.ns came f ! proce$+s at ! presid5t's meet+4 ,f/1 ! va/ major;y ( presid5ts 2lieve t x is "t = \r organiza;n to return xs focus to ef=ts on legislative a6airs & ^? o!r items t support ! programs & 9fra/ructure ( ,,acb4 ,al1 virtually "eybody assembl$ seem$ to f9d "picul> value 9 ! "t sp5t approa*+ "o ano!r 9 p]son r ?an "? writt5 ;e-mails t h a t5d5cy to escalate a w> ( ^ws 9to crisis ": no crisis exi/s & ": r1sonable p c #i air 3c]ns or di6];es ( viewpo9t & !n move back to ! a6airs = : we cr1t$ organiza;ns l ,,acb4 ,_m ev5ts o3urr$ ov] ! rema9d] ( ! week5d t support ? ag5da4 ,! bo>d mov$ 9 two significant >1s to provide support = \r memb]s & = ! bl g5]ally4 ,f/1 ac;n 0 tak5 to demon/rate 3t9u$ & specific support = ,r&olph-,%epp>d v5dors "?\t ! c.try ) reg>d to 5hanc+ _! abil;y to compete e6ectively = jobs 9 milit>y food e/abli%;ts4 ,second1 ! bo>d approv$ organiza;nal support = "w to 2g9 reg>d+ ! 9a3essibil;y ( new po9t ( sale ma*9es 9 /ores t d n all[ ! [n] ( a debit or cr$it c>d to 5t] _! p9 numb] privately4 ,we 2lieve x is a matt] ( 9a3essibil;y = a bl p]son to 2 requir$ to divulge _! p9 #aj numb] to a sales cl]k or a ne>by %opp] 9 ord] to make use ( ! 9-/ore debit ma*9es at *eck-\ /&s4 ,bo? ( ^! matt]s w alm c]ta9ly 2 ! subject ( resolu;ns 9 ,birm+ham ? summ]4 ,! bo>d al took ac;n to fill two vacancies on ! ,,acb bo>d ( directors4 ,! f/ vacancy 3sid]$ by ! bo>d 0 t cr1t$ by ! resigna;n ( ,/eve ,spei*]1 f/ vice presid5t4 ,8 s1t is fill$ z ord]$ 9 \r 3/itu;n by ! second vice presid5t1 ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt ( ,ill9ois4 ,! bo>d elect$ ,mit* ,pom]antz ( ,cali=nia to take h] s1t z second vice presid5t4 ,? left ,mit*'s s1t & t ( ,dawn ,*ri/5s5 to 2 fill$4 ,9 two sep>ate elec;ns1 ! bo>d *ose ,cyn?ia ,t[]s1 ,s1ttle1 ,wa%41 & ,david ,trott1 ,talladega1 ,ala41 to fill ^! posi;ns4 ,all ?ree ( ^! bo>d #aa appo9t;ts rema9 9 =ce until ! summ] 3v5;n 9 ,birm+ham1 at : "t ^! 9dividuals m/ /& = elec;n by ! assembl$ memb]%ip4 ,i am extremely pl1s$ to h1 once ag1 a full "w+ bo>d1 & a bo>d ( directors t is cle>ly committ$ to mov+ =w>d ! a6airs ( ? organiza;n on 2half ( ! 5tire memb]%ip ( ! organiza;n4 ,\r week5d tgr 9 ,birm+ham ? ,febru>y 0 def9itely a "t ( r5ewal & /r5g!n+ ( ,,acb z an organiza;n4 ,a6iliate presid5ts1 ! bo>d ( directors1 & o!r 9t]e/$ "picipants f.d common gr.d 9 a unit$ will+;s to support ,,acb1 reg>d.s ( :at"e mo;t>y di6];es may h appe>$ to divide u 9 ! pa/ ?ree mon?s4 ,\r basic 2liefs h n alt]$ & \r purpose _c 2 blunt$ by mo;ts ( 3c]ns & "q+ z l;g z ^? "qs >e ask$ = ! gd ( ! organiza;n z a :ole4 #ab ,x is cle> t ,,acb l1d]%ip /&s ": x has alw /ood3 bond$ tgr to "w = ! bett];t ( & ! e/abli%;t ( "rs = bl ,am]icans4 ,9 ! com+ mon?s we w move =w>d 9 t ve9 & ) t purpose upp]mo/ on \r ag5da4 ,*anges & ,*all5ges by ,melanie ,brunson1 ,act+ ,executive ,director ,if y look$ at ! 9side cov] ( yr 8,brl ,=um0 ? mon?1 y may h notic$ "s *anges to ! 9=ma;n t appe>s on x4 ,on ,janu>y #cj1 ,p5ny ,re$] resign$ h] posi;n z $itor ( 8,! ,brl ,=um40 ,? 0 a sad develop;t = all ( u4 ,p5ny has _m tal5ts & dur+ h] t5ure ( ne>ly f\r & a half ye>s1 %e gave u a magaz9e t 0 excit+ & 9=mative4 ,^? tal5ts w s]ve h] well z #ac %e pursues h] new pr(es.nal 5d1vors4 ,we c]ta9ly wi% h] well4 ,%>on ,lov]+ has agre$ to s]ve z act+ $itor until a plan is put 9 place = id5tify+ "s"o to fill ! posi;n on a p]man5t basis4 ,%>on has "w$ closely ) bo? ,p5ny & h] pr$ecessor1 & $it$ 8,! ,brl ,=um0 = "s "t :5 ,p5ny's pr$ecessor left ,,acb4 ,%e is committ$ to ! "w ( ,,acb & has ! 3fid;e ( ! bo>d ( publica;ns1 s r1d]s c 2 assur$ t 8,! ,brl ,=um0 is 9 v capable h&s4 ,,acb 3t9ues to exp]i;e *ange & x is "s"ts di6icult = u to "k h[ to respond to x4 ,b ?\< "s ( x has be5 di6icult1 "! >e a numb] ( positive *anges o3urr+ z well4 ,= example1 we h se5 "s 9cr1ses 9 ! numb] ( ,,acb memb]s :o >e tak+ advantage ( #ad programs t 5able !m to 3tribute to ! f9ancial well-2+ ( _! organiza;n4 ,dur+ ! holi"d s1son1 a numb] ( u pur*as$ gifts f ,alaska ,smokeh\se4com4 ,y may rememb] t ,alaska ,smokeh\se4com w give a p]c5tage ( any sales proce$s to ,,acb at ! reque/ ( ! pur*as]4 ,!y sell "s pretty yummy items1 9clud+ dess]ts & c(fees1 z well z m1ts & salmon4 ,i hope r1d]s w keep ,alaska ,smokeh\se4com 9 m9d = ^? bir?"d pres5ts1 ?ank-y gifts & o!r special o3a.ns t >ise "?\t ! ye>4 ,x provides a grt way to make a lot ( p happy & support ,,acb at ! same "t4 ,y c visit www4" alaskasmokeh\se4com or call #a-#hjj- #dbb-#jheb4 ,we h al se5 an 9cr1se 9 ! numb] ( p :o >e support+ ,,acb by sign+ up = \r ,mon?ly #ae ,m"ot>y ,support program4 ,if y don't "k ab x1 ? program all[s subscrib]s to h mon?ly 3tribu;ns d$uct$ automatically f _! bank a3.ts if !y *oose to d s & avoid ! hassle ( writ+ *ecks1 & x's easy to sign up4 ,if y h a3ess to a comput]1 g to ! ,,acb web site & sign up onl9e4 ,if electronic =ms >5't yr cup ( tea1 we h =ms at ! ,,acb na;nal (fice & wd 2 happy to s5d "o to y4 ,i 5c\rage "ey"o :o is a memb] or fr ( ,,acb to reque/ a =m or sign up onl9e = ! ,mon?ly ,m"ot>y ,support program4 ,jo9 ! gr[+ numb] ( yr fell[ ,,acb memb]s & frs :o >e 3tribut+ to positive *ange 9 ,,acb's res\rces4 ,tgr1 we w 9sure t ,,acb has ! abil;y to d m ?an j respond to *ange4 ,9 fact1 we w 2 responsible = *ange & x w 2 *ange t has a #af positive impact on ! qual;y ( life = p :o >e bl & visually impair$4 ,summ>y ( ,,acb ,bo>d ,meet+ ,held ,janu>y #ad1 #bjjd by ,mike ,duke ,presid5t ,*ris ,gray held a 3f];e call meet+ ( ! ,,acb bo>d ( directors ,w$nes"d1 ,janu>y #ad1 #bjjd4 ,! meet+ 2gan at #i3#aj p4m4 ,! ag5da 9clud$ 4cus.ns ( fundrais+1 ext5.n ( ! 3tract = ,laura ,(t$ahl1 elec;n to fill ! bo>d posi;n vacat$ by ,dawn ,*ri/5s51 & mid-ye> meet+s = #bjjd & #bjje4 ,a 4cus.n ( ! curr5t /atus ( ! budget process 0 add$4 ,presid5t ,gray ann\nc$ t ! meet+ wd al 9clude an executive ses.n = ! purpose ( 4cuss+ matt]s #ag ( p]sonnel4 ,a mo;n to adopt ! ag5da z \tl9$ abv c>ri$ on a voice vote4 ,donna ,selig] took ! roll call4 ,^? pres5t 9 addi;n to ! bo>d 7 ,jim ,ols51 ,laura ,(t$ahl & ,*>lie ,hodge4 ,bo>d memb] ,j]ry ,annunzio 0 abs5t at ! 2g9n+ ( ! meet+1 b jo9$ lat] al;g ) act+ executive director ,melanie ,brunson4 ,(t$ahl report$ t s"eal grant proposals >e 9 ! "ws4 ,"s support grants h be5 secur$ = ! legislative sem9> & = ! #bjjd na;nal 3v5;n4 ,%e su7e/$ t ,,acb fund-rais+ ef=ts 3c5trate on grants1 plann$ giv+ & 9dividual dona;ns4 ,a mo;n to ext5d ,(t$ahl's 3tract at ! same rate & h\rs 2g9n+ ,feb4 #c1 #bjjd pass$ on a roll call vote ( #aj #ah to #c4 ,^? vot+ 9 ! a6irmative w]e3 ,bazyn1 ,b1tty1 ,bradley1 ,kei?1 ,mill]1 ,pom]antz1 ,rus*ival1 ,s*mitt1 ,selig] & ,%eehan4 ,^? oppos$ 7 ,*>lson1 ,$w>ds & ,spei*]4 ,! bo>d decid$ by 3s5sus t ! vacancy cr1t$ by ,dawn ,*ri/5s5's resigna;n w rema9 until ! #bjjd 3v5;n4 ,gray report$ t ! mid-ye> meet+ ag5da 0 ne>ly complete4 ,he m5;n$ t ,c>l ,augu/o _h approa*$ hm ab a pres5ta;n at mid-ye> 3c]n+ /ate ag5cies & 9volve;t by ,,acb4 ,pom]antz su7e/$ "w+ on ! rehab task =ce pap] & gett+ x 4sem9at$ dur+ mid-ye>4 ,*>lson report$ t due to a numb] ( circum/.es1 ! draft budget has be5 delay$ until ! f/ week 9 ,febru>y4 ,! budget committee 3si/s ( ,bazyn1 ,%eehan & ,*>lson1 al;g #ai ) ,gray1 ,brunson & ,ols54 ,a mo;n to move 9to executive ses.n to 4cuss p]sonnel items c>ri$ on a voice vote4 ,foll[+ ! executive ses.n1 ! op5 meet+ 3t9u$4 ,gray report$ t ! executive ses.n p]ta9$ to p]sonnel matt]s1 & t ! bo>d took no ac;n4 ,a mo;n to adj\rn c>ri$ & ! meet+ 5d$ at #ab3#je a4m4 ,ea/]n "t on ,janu>y #ae1 #bjjd4 ,9 ,memoriam3 ,rob]ta ,a4 ,d\glas "<,mill]"> ,- ,a ,b1uti;l ,life by ,j1n ,havrilla ,! pa9 t is felt 9 ! he>ts ( adult *n foll[+ ! unexpect$ d1? ( a lov+ "m is dull$ "s:at by memories ( ! lov+ p]son %e 0 & ! b1uti;l life %e liv$4 ,my "m1 ,rob]ta ,d\glas #bj "<,mill]">1 pass$ away quietly on ,decemb] #bg1 #bjjc1 9 ! hospital 9 ,new>k1 ,n4,j4 foll[+ a brief b deva/at+ battle ) pneumonia br"\ on by a virul5t /ra9 ( 9flu5za : attack$ h] immune sy/em1 :1 9 turn1 _h be5 w1k5$ by two c>diac >re/s1 wors5+ adult- onset diabetes & ! aft]e6ects ( complicat$ pituit>y surg]y dur+ ! #aiijs4 ,family memb]s & frs %>$ remembr.es ( h] f _m di6]5t p]spectives dur+ a memorial s]vice 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 on ,janu>y #d1 #bjjd4 ,am;g ! impressive & mov+ sp1k]s :o %>$ _! memories 7 ,,acb pa/ presid5ts ,dr4 ,otis ,/eph5s & ,le,roy ,saund]s1 ,dr4 ,bud ,kei?1 ,janiece ,pet]s51 ,billie ,j1n ,kei? & =m] ,,acb executive director & surviv+ sp\se ,oral ,mill]4 ,rob]ta ,d\glas 0 alw #ba on ! move & plann+ :at %e wd d next1 usually to assi/ "s"o else ,- a bl fr1 a s5ior citiz51 "o ( h] *n or "o ( h] gr&*n4 ,h] "f 0 a c>e] ,navy (fic]1 s %e sp5t mo/ ( h] gr[+-up ye>s 9 or ne> naval 9/alla;ns "d">4 ,af graduat+ f hi< s*ool 9 ,pr9ceton1 ,n4,j41 %e att5d$ ,wilson ,college 9 ,*amb]sburg1 ,pa41 & soon "!af />t$ h] family ( f\r *n :ile h] husb& 0 complet+ ! requir$ milit>y s]vice ( t "t4 ,9 ! #aigjs & foll[+ h] divorce1 %e mov$ to ! ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 >ea & "utook ! braz5 & prim>y support ( h] *n1 all ( :om 7 / 9 s*ool at "s po9t4 ,h] 2lief t bl & visually impair$ p "k be/ :at _! ne$s >e 0 demon/rat$ vividly 9 ! late #aigjs :5 top /aff at ! ,na;nal #bb ,>boretum 7 debat+ :e!r & h[ to repair ! fam\s brl trail1 : _h be5 sev]ely damag$ by v&als4 ,rob]ta1 :o 0 !n on ! /aff1 su7e/$1 8,let's ask ! bl & visually impair$ p !mvs0 ,- & %e did by 3tact+ ! ,d4,c4 ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,:ile sp1k+ at t organiza;n's meet+1 %e met two tall m5 "nd ,durw>d ,mc,daniel & ,oral ,mill]4 ,! next ye>1 ,durw>d p]suad$ h] to come to "w z ! (fice manag] = ! ,,acb na;nal (fice1 & a few ye>s lat] %e & ,oral ,mill] 7 m>ri$4 ,h] ye>s "w+ = ,,acb z (fice manag] & !n fundrais+ director 7 "s ( ! be/ & "s ( ! t\y cuts1 obta9+ loans = ,,acb f family memb]s & a6iliates1 op]at+ ! (fice ) only ?ree /aff memb]s & 3duct+ v>i$ fundrais+ activities 2f r1*+ ! lily #aiijs4 ,af ! f9ancial recov]y 0 well "u way1 ,rob]ta left ,,acb employ;t to a3ept ! posi;n z executive director ( ! ,metropolitan ,wa%+ton ,e>1 ! l1d+-$ge radio r1d+ s]vice 9 ! na;nal capital >ea4 ,dur+ ! la/ sev5 or eis ( active employ;t1 %e s]v$ z 9=ma;n speciali/ & \tr1* facilitator = ,iona ,s5ior ,s]vices1 "o ( ! l1d+ ag5cies provid+ s]vices to s5ior citiz5s 9 ! ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 >ea4 ,h["e1 foll[+ te*nical retire;t f t posi;n1 %e /ay$ z active z "e #bd " do+ volunte] "w 9 bo? ! s5ior & visually impair$ _ws4 ,h] 9t]e/ 9 bo? _ws came tgr1 = example1 "? s]vice z ! coord9ator ( ,iona's l[-vi.n support gr\p & z co-*airp]son ( ,iona's ,commun;y ,advisory ,c\ncil4 ,note t ? li/ ( activities ov] ! la/ #bj ye>s ( h] "w+ c>e] did n m5;n ! c.t.s h\rs %e sp5t z a volunte] help+ ,oral ,mill] 9 8 advocacy ( sports opportunities = bl & visually impair$ p "? ! ,u4,s4 ,associa;n ( ,bl ,a?letes & o!r organiza;ns4 ,rob]ta ,d\glas lov$ fl[]s1 b1uti;l plants1 h] two ,scotti% t]ri]s & a rescu$ he>+ dog1 &1 abv all1 h] six gr&*n4 ,at ! "t ! f/ "o 0 a baby1 %e sd1 9 response to my "q1 t %e 0 n yet prep>$ to 2 ref]r$ to z gr&"m & #be pref]r$ 9/1d to 2 ref]r$ to z 8babu%ka0 ,- ! ,russian ^w = gr&"m1 2c %e _h j return$ f a trip to ,russia ) ,oral4 ,z h] gr&*n le>n$ to talk1 !y %ort5$ t "n to 8,bu%ka40 ,oral1 :o (t5 gives nick"ns to frs1 ref]r$ to ,rob]ta's gr&*n "!af z ! 8bu%k9s10 & dur+ ,rob]ta's memorial s]vice ! college-ag$ gr&son :o deliv]$ ! remembr.es = ! o!r gr&*n ref]r$ to hmf z ! 8spokesman = ! bu%k9s40 ,z ! gr&*n progress$ "? *ildhood1 %e 9troduc$ !m to $uca;nal exp]i;es : deli$ hi< s*ool gradua;n & 9 h] desire to give !m an $uca;nal or cultural exp]i;e : !y wd alw rememb]1 %e took ea* on an 9t]na;nal trip z a travel+ companion :ile ,oral #bf att5d$ 8dull meet+s0 9 cities s* z ,am/]dam1 ,cairo1 ,madrid & ,cologne4 ,dur+ ! memorial s]vice = ,rob]ta1 h] *n recall$ h] active life1 n"e- 5d+ li/ ( ?+s to 2 d"o1 unique glasses & clo?+ \tfits1 love ( fl[]s & plants1 b 5d$ _! remembr.es ) :at !y call$ ,rob]ta's ,daily ,rules ,- ! la/ ( : sd1 8,n"e 5d a "d )\t pett+ a ,scottie40 ,z ! olde/ ( h] f\r *n & z ! "m ( five ( h] gr&*n1 my pa9 9 los+ h] is dull$ "s:at by ^! & _m o!r remembr.es4 ,memorial dona;ns may 2 s5t to ! ,,acb na;nal (fice4 #bg ,durw>d ;,k4 ,mc,daniel ,committee ,(f]s ,two ! ,*.e to ,come to ! ,,acb ,3v5;n1 ,on ,u6 by ,c>l ,mc,coy ,meet+s & sem9>s on fasc9at+ topics1 social ga!r+s1 t\rs1 & all->.d gd fell[%ip >e compon5ts ( ! na;nal 3v5;n ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,! #bjjd na;nal 3v5;n w take place 9 ,birm+ham1 ,ala41 f ,july #c "? #aj4 ,! ,durw>d ;,k4 ,mc,daniel ,committee (f]s y an opportun;y to ?r[ yr "n 9to ! hat1 f : two lucky w9n]s w 2 select$ to rcv an all-exp5se-pd trip to ! ,,acb 3v5;n 9 ,birm+ham ? summ]4 ,= ^? ( y :o >e newcom]s to ,,acb1 ,durw>d ,mc,daniel 0 ! driv+ =ce :o held ? organiza;n tgr dur+ xs =mative ye>s4 ,he "w$ tire.sly1 #bd-#g1 = #bh ! c\ncil1 & 8 =te 0 memb]%ip develop;t4 ,durw>d 2liev$ 9 br++ p tgr6 ,ea* ye> ! committee "nd 9 8 honor 3ducts a fund-rais+ ev5t or two1 to raise m"oy to honor ,durw>d's memory4 ,s9ce he alw sd t p >e \r grte/ res\rce1 we decid$ to sponsor ! ,mc,daniel ,f/-,"trs,0 ,3te/1 : br+s two new p1 "o f ea* side ( ! ,mississippi1 to ea* na;nal 3v5;n ,- ": _! l1d]%ip skills w h a *.e to %>p5 & gr[4 ,if y're 9t]e/$1 r1d on6 ,if y h be5 active 9 yr /ate or local organiza;n1 s5d u a biographical sket*1 s t we w "k "s?+ ab y4 ,!n1 approa* yr /ate a6iliate presid5t & ask hm or h] to write a lr ( recomm5da;n = y4 ,s5d yr docu;ta;n to ! ,durw>d ;,k4 ,mc,daniel ,committee1 9 c>e ( ! ,,acb na;nal (fice1 #bi #aaee #aeth ,/reet ,,nw1 ,suite #ajjd1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje4 ,2 sure to get all yr docu;ta;n 9 by ,april #ae1 #bjjd4 ,lrs c>ry+ a lat] po/m>k w 2 ignor$4 ,if y >e g5u9ely 9t]e/$ 9 ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl & y want \r organiza;n to o3upy a prom95t place 9 yr life1 take a *.e & put yr "n 9 ! hat6 ,we look =w>d to see+ y 9 ,july4 ,t\rs ,"?\t ,3v5;n ,week by ,b]l ,colley ,9 ! w9t] issue ( ! ,=um we talk$ ab "s ( ! t\rs dur+ ! week5d prec$+ ! 3v5;n4 ,n[1 let's look at "s ( ! t\rs t take place dur+ ! week4 ,pl1se note all t\rs m5;n$ >e subject to *ange4 ,we >e / add+ & subtract+ t\rs1 b mo/ >e firm$ up4 ,if1 af pre- #cj regi/ra;n1 we h a t\r t has v few res]va;ns1 we w 3sid] c.el+ x4 ,d y l ! ,james ,bond k9d ( life ": 9k p5s %oot bullets1 or o!r spy devices >e us$8 ,!n y w 5joy go+ on ! t\r ( ! natural hi/ory museum ": y w view ? & o!r fun exhibits4 ,on ! way back to ,birm+ham1 we w /op (f at ! ,:i/le ,/op ,cafe 9 ,irondale4 ,? 0 ! sett+ = ! book ab ,fannie ,flagg1 ^: family />t$ ? roadside 9n 9 ! #aibjs4 ,lat]1 ,hollywood made a movie1 "s ( : 0 film$ at ! ,:i/le ,/op4 ,!y gave ! movie ! title ( ! re/aurant's specialty1 8,fri$ ,gre5 ,tomatoes40 ,david & ,rhonda ,trott h be5 "w+ to put tgr two bl s]vices t\rs4 ,! f/1 on ,tues"d1 w g to ,talladega to visit ! campus ( ! /ate #ca s*ool = ! bl1 z well z ! h1dqu>t]s ( ! ,alabama ,9/itute = ! ,d1f & ,bl4 ,,aidb has n9e facilities >.d ! /ate4 ,on ,?urs"d1 y w 2 able to visit ! ,birm+ham ,,aidb site ": items >e produc$ = ! ,unit$ ,/ates milit>y & "s private firms4 ,>e colonial ?+s yr bag8 ,y w want to take ! t\r \ to ,am]ican ,village4 ,? village is m* l ,williamsburg1 ,va4 ,"! >e #aa di6]5t sett+s1 9clud+ replicas ( s* places z ,m.t ,v]non1 ! ,lib]ty ,bell1 etc4 ,or >e sports yr ?+8 ,"! w 2 "o t\r visit+ ! ,alabama ,sports ,museum ": we w 2 able to feel "s sports memorabilia & doc5ts w tell u ab ,alabama sports p]sonalities s* z ,willie ,mays1 ,joe ,nama?1 ,paul 8,be>0 ,bryant1 #cb etc4 ,if flie planes & helicopt]s f di6]5t ]as4 ,"! is al an \tdoor >ea ": complete aircraft c 2 se54 ,d y 5joy rid+ ! rails8 ,ano!r t\r w visit a railroad museum4 ,? place has a #de- m9ute tra9 ride >.d ! prop]ty1 lots ( di6]5t types ( tra9 c>s1 & ! ma9 build+1 : has lots ( tra9 memorabilia1 & is built l an old railroad depot4 ,?9k y w ne$ to take a deep br1? & smell ! roses ab mid- week8 ,a visit to ! ,birm+ham ,botanical ,g>d5s miti/ic-m9d$ folks #cc at ? ye>'s 3v5;n1 "! w 2 a c\ple ( t\rs to ! ,birm+ham ,museum ( ,>t4 ,"s bl folks h be5 "w+ = s"eal ye>s ) ! museum to reproduce fam\s pa9t+ tactually1 s t ^? ( u :o *oose to c look at :at ! >ti/ is try+ to 3vey 9 ! >t"w4 ,"o ( ! t\rs w 2 sponsor$ by ! gd folks ( ,frs-9-,>t4 ,we >e al look+ at visit+ ! jazz museum1 ! ham radio museum1 a bu7y ride t\r "? "s old ,civil ,w> iron "ws1 & a po/-3v5;n wrap-up t\r "<: we w talk ab 9 next mon?'s ,=um">4 ,oh1 by ! way1 alm all ( \r t\rs h a gift %op on site4 #cd ,a ,vi.n>y = ! ,bl ,= #de ,ye>s1 ,nun ,tau "<,$itor's ,note3 ,we want to ?ank ,jim ,3gdon = br++ ? /ory to \r att5;n via ! ,,acb li/s]v4 ,jim1 :o 0 lucky 5 to h ,si/] ,melm>ie ,/oll z a t1*]1 sd1 8,in ? message is po/$ ! /ory ( "o ( ! f9e/ t1*]s ( ! bl ,i h "e _h ! pl1sure ( "k+4 ,%e 0 my res\rce t1*] dur+ my middle s*ool ye>s & ,i firmly 2lieve t %e 0 ! "o t1*] t impact$ my life ! mo/4 ,j ab all ( u :o 7 h] pupils or frs ?"\ hi #ce ,si/] ,melm>ie ,/oll /&s at ! corn] ( ! empty classroom & turns ! pages ( a photo book4 ,! pictures span decades2 /1 %e "ks ! "n & life /ory ( e *4 ,"! is ,m>y ,ann1 ! musician4 ,& ,*]yl1 ! social "w]4 ,r&y ,- 8,he 0 rambuncti\s 9 ^? "ds0 ,- "ws at ! ,univ]s;y ( ,wiscons9-,madison4 ,( c\rse1 "! 0 ,lois1 ?\< "! is no photo ( h]4 ,:o knew1 9 #aief1 t %e wd *ange ,/oll's life ="e8 ,if y li/5 closely1 y c he> ! pride 9 ,/oll's quiet voice ,- n = any?+ %e has d"o1 b = ! a3ompli%;ts ( ^? %e's taun$ 9 ,/oll's class1 x's t y don't get a pass j 2c y're bl4 ,? mon?1 ,/oll1 #ge1 clos$ ! door on a life"t ( t1*+1 #cf mo/ ( x prep>+ bl *n = life 9 ! si-old son4 ,sd ,m>y ,ann ,ko*1 a retir$ music m9i/] :o lo/ h] vi.n to a bra9 tumor at ! age ( #f3 8,%e'll n"e h any idea h[ m* %e's r1lly _h to d ) ! p we've 2come40 #cg ,5t]$ 3v5t at #ad ,milwaukee born & rais$1 ,elizabe? 8,betty0 ,/oll 0 #ad :5 h] p>5ts 5roll$ h] 9 ! ,academy ( ,\r ,lady1 a hi< s*ool 3v5t 9 ,*icago4 ,%e is a memb] ( ! ,s*ool ,si/]s ( ,notre ,dame4 ,at an e>ly age1 ,/oll assum$ h] "m's dr1m4 8,%e alw want$ to 2 a nun1 b h] "f wasn't ,ca?olic1 & he didn't "u/&10 says ,/oll4 8,s %e ask$ h] ei5ts,0 sev5 *n1 five took religi\s v[s4 8,%e pray$ = voca;ns10 ,/oll says ) a lau< n[1 8j n ? _m40 ,/oll talks at l5g? ab h] si/]1 ,>a ,coeli ,- x m1ns ,alt> ( ,h1v5 ,- :o sp5t #ah ye>s z a mis.n>y 9 ,k5ya 2f return+ home 9 #aiid1 j #ch #af mon?s 2f %e di$ ( c.er4 ,cle>ly1 ,/oll is aw$ by h] si/]'s sacrifice4 ,b %e'll admit1 if prodd$1 t y ne$n't g halfway r.d ! _w to f9d yr mis.n4 ,= #de ye>s1 ,/oll's 0 9 a classroom at ,holy ,assump;n 9 ,we/ ,allis1 a few miles f h] *ildhood home4 8,x j %[s y h[ ,god l1ds y to ! "r ?+ at ! "r "t10 %e sd4 ,taud /reets4 ,op5$ 9 #aieh ) ! b.s+ ( ! ,milwaukee ,>*diocese1 ! program drew /ud5ts f acr s\?1/]n ,wiscons94 ,b 9/1d ( ma? & sci;e & social /udies1 ,/oll tau;y func;ns & on local televi.n %[s4 ,!y w5t roll]- skat+ & on field trips to ! /ate capitol 9 ,madison4 8,i tri$ to %[ !m t !y cd d "ey?+ any"o else cd10 %e sd4 ,x wasn't a voca;n %e'd h ev5 "kn to *oose = h]f4 ,2f ,lois ,neme? >riv$ at ,holy ,assump;n 9 #aief1 8,i _h n"e ev5 met a bl *10 ,/oll says4 ,born ) 3g5ital cat>acts & "udevelop$ eyes1 ,lois cd see j fa9tly 9 ^? "ds1 & h] p>5ts want$ h] to att5d _! local p>i% s*ool1 ,/oll recall$4 8,!y ask$ if ,i cd take h] 9to my classroom4 ,& ,i ?"\1 sure1 %e's j l any o!r *10 #dj ,/oll recalls4 ,a lecture 9 ,milwaukee by a na;nal ,ca?olic $ucator made ,/oll r1lize t "! 0 s m* m %e cd d4 8,he talk$ ab h[ ,ca?olic $uca;n _h 9 "s ways neglect$ h&icapp$ *n1 t ev5 if s*ools 7 cr[d$1 if we cd make a place = ^! *n1 x wd 2 s valuable10 %e sd4 ,! s*ool's pr9cipal1 :o al att5d$ ! lecture1 lo2i$ ! p>i% prie/1 & he 9 turn approa*$ ! >*diocese4 ,/oll 0 s5t to ,ca?olic ,univ]s;y 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c41 = c]tifica;n1 & ! room op5$ %ortly "!af4 ,! program grew sl[ly1 />t+ ) f/-grad]s & add+ a grade ea* ye>4 ,t x ev5 got (f ! gr.d ,- & !n ?riv$ = s l;g ,- is a te/a;t to ! p>5ts1 volunte]s & b5efactors t h b.s$ x ov] ! ye>s1 ,/oll says4 ,wom5 f ! ,home & #da ,s*ool ,l1gue took on ! meticul\s task ( translat+ texts 9to brl 9 ! e>ly ye>s4 ,! local ,lions ,club & o!r gr\ps rais$ m"oy = books1 furniture1 brl writ]s1 comput]s lat] & sundry o!r ne$s4 ,"o local busi;sman1 ! late ,k5 ,cook ,sr41 adapt$ a piece ( equip;t s x wd r1d brl fla% c>ds1 & _h 8 "w]s make pla/ic trays t held ! m>bles ! /ud5ts f+]$ to /udy ! complexities ( brl4 ,/oll cr$its ! program's l;gev;y to a l;g li/ ( b5efactors4 8,"! 7 _m "ts :5 we 7 ?r1t5$ ) clos+ 2c we j didn't h 5 m"oy10 %e sd4 ,b "o =m] /ud5t says ! cr$it goes to ,/oll4 8,%e drew p to h] & ! kids10 says ,ko*1 :o graduat$ f ,holy ,assump;n 9 #aifg & return$ z #db ,/oll's aide f #aigg to #aihi4 8,if %e _hn't be5 ! p]son %e was1 ,i'm n sure ^! p wd h se5 ! m]it40 ,firm1 b k9d ,t 8p]son %e was0 came "? 9 ! classroom z well1 sd ,ko* & o!rs :o /udi$ ) h]4 ,%e cd 2 /rict b empa!tic1 dem&+ b 5c\rag+4 ,%e set hi< /&>ds & expect$ !y'd 2 met4 ,%e 0 qk to scold /ud5ts if %e ?"\ !y des]v$ x4 ,& %e 0 _! /aun*e/ def5d] if %e saw !m z a victim ( an 9ju/ice4 8,%e 0 human10 says ,ko*1 :o l _m ( ! /ud5ts1 has ma9ta9$ a fr%ip ) ,/oll ov] ! ye>s4 8,i _h to toe ! l9e1 j l "eybody else10 says ,r&y ,black1 :o recalls hmf z a hi<-5]gy1 hi's (fice at ,,uw-,madison & w soon celebrate 8 #beth w$d+ anniv]s>y4 ,he notes1 s>donically1 t "o $ucator told 8 p>5ts e>ly on t he %d 2 9/itu;naliz$4 8,2+ bl is n t di6]5t f 2+ si hi< s*ool1 #dd ": y mily #cj ye>s4 8,%e let u "k e>ly1 ,8,:e!r y l x or n1 "ey"o >.d y sees1,00 says ,ko*4 8,8,to 2come ! p y want to be1 y're go+ to h to live by ! rules ( ! si5ts di$1 %e mov$ 9to an a"p;t ( h] [n4 8,h[ ,i fac$ life _h a lot to d ) :at %e tau4 ,/oll is 9 ,rome ? week ) h] si/]1 ,si/] ,m>ie ,gabriel ,/oll4 ,!y're on a pray] pilgrimage ) ,milwaukee ,>*bi%op ,timo?y ,dolan4 ,si/] ,melm>ie ,/oll's trip 0 a "p+ gift f ! ,we/ ,allis ,lions ,club1 : has rais$ t5s ( ?\s&s ( doll>s = h] classroom ov] ! ye>s4 ,9 ! weeks 2f h] de"pure1 ,/oll sp5t h\rs sift+ "? ! memories 9 h] classroom4 ,x 0 a bitt]sweet "t z %e reflect$ on ! loss ( :at 0 & ! unc]ta9ty ( :at w be4 ,%e's n retir+1 %e 9si/s1 only 9 se>* ( a new call+4 #dg ,on ? "d1 %e sits at a /ud5t's desk1 play;lly quizz+ a gue/ on ! m>ble tray4 ,2h h]1 9 l>ge1 cut\t lrs /ret*$ atop ! blackbo>d >e ^! ^ws3 8,"l1 t ,i may see ! b1uty ( ?y face40 ,%e's se5 x1 %e's c]ta91 9 ! faces ( ^? :o cd n see h]4 8,? has be5 my life10 %e says4 8,i lov$ ! kids4 ,i lov$ ! "w4 ,i don't ?9k ,i cd h want$ = a bett] voca;n40 ,%ap+ ,4abil;y ,"rs "? ,9t]na;nal ,ex*ange by ,/ephanie ,gray ,imag9e ! possibilities :5 a gr\p ( pr(es.nals travels to ano!r c.try to %>e /rategies & e/abli% 3tacts ) local pr(es.nals & memb]s ( ! public on issues ( equal;y & a3ess to $uca;n1 employ;t & civil #dh society4 ,rec5tly1 pr(es.nals ) & )\t 4abilities f ! ,unit$ ,/ates & ,japan _h a unique opportun;y to d j t4 ,"? ! support ( ! ,japan ,f.da;n ,c5t] = ,global ,"pn]%ip1 ,mobil;y ,9t]na;nal ,,usa "<,,miusa"> coord9at$ a bilat]al ex*ange ( ,u4,s4 & ,japanese pr(es.nals ) exp]tise 9 employ;t1 9clusive $uca;n1 organiza;nal manage;t & public policy4 ,9 ,septemb] #bjjb1 a gr\p ( pr(es.nals1 p>5ts & /ud5ts f ,japan travel$ to ,eug5e1 ,ore4 to take "p 9 an 9t5sive program ( 9=ma;nal "w%ops & site visits ) ! goal ( devis+ /rategies = improv+ ! "rs ( ,japanese citiz5s ) 4abilities4 ,9 ,febru>y #bjjc1 pr(es.nals f ! ,u4,s4 travel$ to ,tokyo1 ,japan to 3t9ue ! dialogue4 ,!y met ) #di coll1gues f v>i\s organiza;ns1 9clud+ ! ,japan ,c\ncil on ,9dep5d5t ,liv+ ,c5t]s1 ,attorneys = ,"w+ ,4abl$ ,p]sons1 & ) p>5ts & citiz5 activi/s at public =ums & commun;y ga!r+s4 ,audrey ,s*ad+1 a ,u4,s4 "picipant :o is bl1 travel$ to ,japan ) h] guide dog1 ,duncan4 8,?\< laws = guide dog a3ept.e h only rec5tly be5 pass$ .<9 ,japan.>1 ,duncan _h v ll di6iculty 2+ a3ept$ :]"e we w5t4 ,he attract$ a lot ( att5;n1 z he is v l>ge ,g]man %eph]d4 ,"! >e only ab #hjj p pres5tly us+ guide dogs 9 ,japan1 tra9$ at eie "w+ = equal opportun;y >.d ! _w4 ,= m 9=ma;n on "picipat+ 9 an 9t]na;nal ex*ange1 pl1se visit www4miusa4org1 or 3tact ,,miusa at "<#eda"> #cdc- #abhd1 fax "<#eda"> #ea #cdc-#fhab1 ;e-mail ex*ange@amiusa4org or write to ,p4,o4 ,box #ajgfg1 ,eug5e1 ,,or #igddj4 ,m9d ,ov] ,matt] ,l1ds ,fitial >t exce$+ly popul> 9 ,brazil ": ! ,_w ,*ampion%ips >e held4 ,! /yle ( jiujitsu t ,i h /udi$ is call$ ,gracie ,me?od1 made fam\s by ! ,gracie bro!rs :o won ! ,ultimate ,fi ) jiujitsu4 ,! ,gracies prov$ t jiujitsu cd trample k>ate1 judo1 box+ & any o!r =m #eb ( fi$ ) _m p :o help$ al;g ! way4 ,to prep>e1 ,i tra9$ ?ree "ds ea* week ) ?ree di6]5t black belts4 ,! f/ 0 ,/eve ,maxwell1 co-[n] ( ,max]cise 9 ,philadelphia4 ,/eve n only taun$ ov] ^! pa/ five ye>s4 ,) hm ,i wd rep1t moves ag & ag until !y 2came second nature4 ,i al flew to ,cali=nia twice to tra9 ) ,j1n-,jacques ,ma*ado1 a multi- *ampion black belt :o al fia;n = ! mat*4 ,he wd al prove 9/ru;tal 9 coa*+ me "? my fico1 ,anray1 ,nick & ,noah4 ,!y1 al;g ) o!r #ed ,am]icans1 jo9$ 9 ! *e]+4 ,my f/ hesita;ns came :5 ,i %ook my oppon5t's h& & r1liz$ h[ l>ge x was4 ,my next appreh5.n >riv$ :5 8 "y #df-ye>-old body hit my #eh-ye>-old body on ! mat4 ,he 0 s /r;g & s]i\s4 ,? wasn't frly sp>r+ 9 ! gym4 ,b ,i p]=m$ te*nically bett] ?an ,i h "e p]=m$4 ,i ev5 manag$ to get \ ( a triangle1 a move ": ! competitor wraps 8 legs >.d yr neck 9 an attempt to *oke y \4 ,i manag$ to /& up1 /ack 8 body1 & produce 5 pressure t he f9ally let g ( 8 grip4 ,?anks to ,saulo1 ,i n"e gave up ev5 ?\< ,i 0 afraid t ,i mid1 or = ^? :o don't "k jiujitsu1 ,i escap$ 8 legs coil$ >.d my wai/4 ,9 ! 5d1 ,i won six po9ts to no?+4 #ee ,! gold m$al6 ,! cr[d ro>$ & ,i got a /&+ ova;n al;g ) _m hugs f frs4 ,ev5 my competitor 0 graci\s ) 8 compli;ts4 ,he dcld t ! bett] man _h 9de$ won4 ,next 0 ! absolute1 or op51 competi;n1 ": size & weie irrelevant4 ,"! 7 ei$ fur!r 9jury4 ,b ,i f.d myf f> less w9d$ ?an expect$1 & ,i 0 spurr$ on by ! *e]s ( my son4 ,? mat* 0 v di6]5t4 ,i _h no s5se ( my oppon5t4 ,we did n %ake h&s ah1d ( "t4 ,my f/ s5se ( hm 0 :5 we hit ! mat & ,i 4cov]$ t he m/ h wei<$ at l1/ #bjj p.ds1 #cj p.ds m ?an me6 ,i lo/ t five-m9ute r.d1 b manag$ to make hm "w = x4 ,! w9n]1 :o _h /orm$ "? 8 #ef divi.n1 n[ mov$ on to collect ! gold m$al 9 ! absolutes4 ,i collect$ a bronze4 ,:5 ,i lo/1 ! cr[d *e]$ s l\dly x 0 d1f5+4 ,af ,i collect$ my m$als1 _m ( ! competitors & coa*es came to %ake my h&4 ,!y 7 %ock$ to see t my h&s 7 al 4abl$4 ,!y look$ at me ) r"e;e4 ,"s ( ! local "y p al came up to h _! picture tak5 ) me4 ,i 0 9t]view$ by a ,brazilian magaz9e1 ": ,i hope ,i 9spir$ o!rs to try h>d]4 ,? is "o ( ! a*ieve;ts ,i am mo/ pr\d ( 9 my life4 ,i 0 n a?letic until middle age4 ,i didn't />t tra9+ = jiujitsu until ,i 0 #ej4 ,i _h alw 2liev$ t ,i 0 n an a?lete4 ,i prov$ myf wr;g4 ,z ,tony ,ro29s sd1 ,i h f.d t :e!r y 2lieve y c1 or 2lieve y c't1 y >e usually "r4 #eg 8,com+ to ,my ,s5ses30 ,a ,book ,review by ,abigail ;,l4 ,johnson ,:5 y've be5 able to see all yr life1 los+ yr vi.n to age- relat$ macul> deg5]a;n c 2 deva/at+4 ,"s eld]ly p >e reluctant to admit !y h poor vi.n & s d n seek ! help !y ne$4 ,9 "s cases1 well-m1n+ relatives attempt to remove _! visually impair$ lov$ "os f _! [n homes & place !m 9 assi/$ liv+ facilities or nurs+ homes ": !y w 2 safe4 ,s* is ! case = ,addie ,m>%1 ! ma9 "* 9 ,pam ,rice's novel 8,com+ to ,my ,s5ses40 ,:5 ,i r1d ? book1 ,i f.d x s 9spir+ & true to life t ,i wd l to %>e my exp]i;e ( ! book & xs au?or ) o!rs4 ,pam ,rice lives 9 ,beulah1 ,colo4 & is a #eh rehabilita;n t1*] = ! /ate divi.n ( voca;nal rehabilita;n4 ,%e t1*es adults :o >e visually impair$4 ,a graduate ( ! ,univ]s;y ( ,s\!rn ,colorado1 %e has alw want$ to write &1 ac to a rec5t >ticle 9 8,! ,pueblo ,*iefta910 %e actually sold a /ory 9 #aigf to a te5 magaz9e4 ,b m>riage1 family1 & a job got 9 ! way ( h] e>li] ambi;ns4 ,f9ally1 9 #aiig1 :5 h] *n 7 gr[n1 %e 2gan "w on 8,com+ to ,my ,s5ses10 a novel 9spir$ by h] "w ) p :o >e visually impair$4 ,af s"eal ye>s ( writ+ & $it+1 ! book 0 f9ally publi%$ 9 #bjjb by ,five ,/>1 a subsidi>y ( ! ,?orndike publi%+ empire4 ,! book is available on cassette f ! ,colorado ,/ate ,libr>y's talk+ book program & c 2 a3ess$ by local talk+ #ei book libr>ies4 ,9 ,rice's novel1 ,addie1 a woman 9 h] mid-sev5ties1 is los+ h] vi.n to macul> deg5]a;n4 ,%e lives al"o 9 a rural m.ta9 village 9 ,colorado4 ,h] son ,joe & 8 family live 9 a t[n ab #cj miles away4 ,z ! /ory 2g9s1 ,joe is try+ unsu3ess;lly to 3v9ce 8 "m %e ne$s to move to an assi/$ liv+ facil;y4 ,:5 he >rives at 8 "m's cab9 unexpect$ly1 he f9ds h] fa/ asleep 9 a rock] on h] por* & /ew burn+ on ! /ove 2c %e _h ! h1t on too hi<4 ,z ! /ory unfolds1 ,addie gradually comes to t]ms ) h] visual impair;t4 ,h] close fr & physician 5c\rages h] to jo9 a support gr\p ": %e makes new frs4 ,:5 ! gr\p's facilitator1 a rehabilita;n t1*]1 (f]s to help ,addie le>n daily #fj liv+ & mobil;y skills1 %e hesitates at f/4 ,b af a fall gives h] a 3cus.n1 %e 2comes 3v9c$ t %e ne$s ? k9d ( help4 ,addie has ! appli.es 9 h] home m>k$ ) tactile labels1 le>ns ori5ta;n & mobil;y skills1 & />ts le>n+ brl z well4 ,ev5tually1 %e 3v9ces ,joe %e is p]fectly capable ( liv+ 9dep5d5tly 9 ! isolat$ m.ta9 cab9 ": %e has liv$ = ye>s4 ,"! >e s"eal subplots to ? /ory4 ,f/ ( all1 ! /ory ( ,addie's /ru7le to come to t]ms ) h] visual impair;t is 9t]m+l$ ) fla%backs f ,addie's pa/4 ,addie & h] si/]1 orphan$ z small *n1 7 rais$ by a ri* uncle 9 ,d5v]4 ,addie m>ri$ h] f/ husb& j 2f ,_w ,w> ,,ii & he 0 soon s5t ov]s1s af %e 2came pregnant ) h] f/ son4 ,he 0 kill$ 9 ac;n soon #fa af ! *'s bir?4 ,addie's second husb& 0 an ,>my buddy ( h] f/ husb&2 ,joe 0 born soon af !y m>ri$4 ,%e & h] family ev5tually 5d$ up 9 ! ll cab9 9 ! m.ta9s ": ! novel is set4 ,z ,addie sl[ly adju/s to h] visual impair;t1 %e 2frs a te5age girl :o moves 9 ) h] s-call$ husb& 9 ! cab9 next door to ,addie's4 ,%e al 2frs a g5tleman :o moves 9to an old lumb] camp acr ! lake f h]4 ,? g5tleman is a lon] at f/1 b by ! 5d ( ! book1 ,addie has manag$ to draw hm \4 ,all ( ^! subplots make 8,com+ to ,my ,s5ses0 a delie visually impair$1 ,i f.d 8,com+ to ,my ,s5ses0 v r1li/ic4 ,addie & ! o!r "picipants 9 h] support #fb gr\p >e l s"eal ( ! eld]ly p ,i h met 9 ! support gr\ps ,i h facilitat$4 ,9 fact1 ,pam ,rice's portrayal ( visual impair;t 3v9c$ me t %e h]f is visually impair$4 ,:5 ,i m5;n$ ? to a fr 9 ,colorado :o "picipat$ 9 "o ( ! support gr\ps %e us$ to facilitate1 & :o recomm5d$ ! book to me1 he sd1 8,i hope %e's n visually impair$4 ,%e's driv5 me to "s ( \r meet+s60 ,i r1lize n[ t ,pam ,rice is "o ( ^? sin+ m ab visual impair;t & r1d+ an uplift+ /ory at ! same "t4 #fc ,si-old ,brianna ,joy ,nelson at ! ,,bl ,9c4 camp 9 ,m9n1polis a few mon?s ago1 a lot ( focus has be5 plac$ on si memb]s 7 r upset :5 ,*uck ,hamilton1 ,act+ ,director ( ,m9nesota ,/ate ,s]vices = ! ,bl1 sd t p 9 ,,acbm 8mie all =ms ( si1 ! "q is1 8,is #fd solicit+ & us+ sie y a sids4 ,we "k t we1 z 9dividuals1 h div]se /&>ds1 s :y try to pret5d o!rwise8 ,! answ] to ? is t an #fe organiza;n = ! bl has >ticulat$ t if we >5't foll[+ _! /&>ds1 we expect less ( \rvs z bl p4 ,is utiliz+ sie excep;ns to :at is 3sid]$ 9dep5d5t4 ,! f/ is t "s"ts x is ,,ok to ask ano!r bl p]son = help4 ,if "o asks a bl p]son = direc;ns1 t's ,,ok1 b sub/itute a sie "ts :5 ask+ ev5 a bl p]son is taboo4 ,! mo/ 9dep5d5t way to d "s?+ is to figure x \ "of4 ,? m1ns t r ?an ask+ = any"o's help or ev5 a descrip;n ( ! ord] ( a bu6et l9e1 x's ,,ok to put "o's f+]s 9 ! food & f9d \ :at is #ff "!4 ,ah1 :at >e a few m g]ms anyway1 & "! >e alw napk9s = messy f+]s4 ,let's hope t all bl p c use _! mobil;y me?od ( *oice 9 "o h& & c>ry food1 dr9k1 & ut5sils 9 ! o!r4 ,ei t1 or p]h !y c skip us+ _! mobil;y device & try n to bump 9to any?+ or any"o on _! way to ! table4 ,r ?an ask+ "s"o ab ! l9e1 he_/%e is suppos$ to bl"u 9to ! situa;n & f9d \ = him_/h]self4 ,x doesn't matt] t he_/%e mie pd = :at !y d1 s t is / 3sid]$ #fg 9dep5d;e4 ,b put a volunte] or fr 9 ! sc5>io 9/1d ( a /ore cl]k1 & sudd5ly ! bl p]son is n 9dep5d5t4 ,4reg>d ! fact t si.d z l;g z !y >e pd1 b if a fr wants to d u a favor1 t's "sh[ dem1n+ & is a sign ( dep5d;e4 ,n"e m9d t frs drive = o!r sie c]ta9ly "ts :5 p a3r$it too m* to \r dogs & "ue/imate bl p's skills4 ,h["e1 ,i 3t5d t "! >e advantages & 4advantages to bo? cane & dog4 ,= 9/.e1 ,i wond] :at makes a bett] impres.n walk+ 9to a job 9t]view 444 is x m #fh pr(es.nal to ask ! dog to foll[1 or is x bett] to ask = an elb[ or :ack ! 9t]view]'s legs ) a cane8 ,next let's explore :e!r ! /&>d-sett]s live up to _! [n /&>ds4 ,^? :o impose ! avoid.e ( sie (t5 ag/ audio descrip;n4 ,!y 2lieve t audio descrip;n is n important or ev5 debas+ to ! bl4 ,imag9e my %ock :5 ,i he>d a si.d at all "ts4 ,ev5 locally ": ! bus is suppos$ly ! only 9dep5d5t way to travel z a bl p]son1 "s ( ! 89dep5d5t0 bl #fi adm9i/rators >e (t5 se5 tak+ cabs4 ,b ^! 9dividuals h ! funds to pay = help1 s t's all "r4 ,x ev5 seems t "! >e bl ,metro ,mobil;y us]s :o 2l;g to organiza;ns : want bl p 4qualifi$ f ,metro ,mobil;y4 ,n[ t we've det]m9$ t ! /&>d-sett]s d n alw foll[ _! [n /&>ds1 ,i wond] h[ 3fus+ all ( ? is to ! sid ! /ories ( sie "ts ,i want to d "s?+ myf1 & ,i've be5 "kn to get m ?an a ll firm if ! si;s >e o!r ways ( gett+ me upset1 especially on a bad "d4 #gj ,/1 ,i try to keep 9 m9d t if an 9dividual f9ds 3tact ) me to 2 unpl1sant1 "s"d ? same p]son may walk away f me or ano!r bl p]son 9/1d ( ask+ if help is desir$4 ,f9ally1 ,i feel we all ne$ to rem9d \rvs n to impose \r /&>ds on o!rs4 ,! mobil;y aid1 type ( transporta;n1 & o!r me?ods ( a3ompli%+ daily liv+ we *oose make u nei sup]ior nor 9f]ior4 ,"s"ts1 especially :5 my self-e/eem ne$s a ll boo/1 ,i cat* myf look+ d[n ^u ! *oices t o!rs make4 ,p h r1sons = ! *oices !y make1 & we ne$ to respect _! p]sonal deci.ns ev5 :5 !y di6] f \r [n4 #ga ,a ,foll[-,up ,report on ,my ,rese>* by ,john ,jay ,frank1 ,ph4,d41 ,,crc1 ,,lpc "<,$itor's ,note3 ,john ;,j4 ,frank is a rese>* sci5ti/ at ! ,rehabilita;n ,rese>* & ,tra9+ ,c5t] on ,bl;s & ,l[ ,vi.n4 ,he c 2 r1*$ via ;e- mail1 jfrank@acoll$4msstate4" $u4"> ,i s5t 9 a reque/ = rese>* volunte]s1 : 0 publi%$ 9 8,! ,brl ,=um0 "y #bjjj">4 ,my 4s]ta;n focus$ on problems 5c.t]$ ) employ;t- relat$ reque/s = pr9t a3ess a3ommoda;n p] ! ,am]icans ) ,4abilities ,act "<,,ada">4 ,an e>li] rese>* /udy ,i 3duct$ focus$ on reque/s = l>ge pr9t4 ,? "t1 mo/ ( ! 9=mants us$ brl or audio =mats to a3ess #gb pr9t 9=ma;n4 ,9t]views 7 3duct$ 9 ! fall ( #bjjb4 ,! ages ( ! #bj 9=mants rang$ f #cg to #fd2 #af 7 college-$ucat$ pr(es.nals1 #d 7 unemploy$4 ,all ! /ories 7 ( reque/s = a3ess to pr9t 9=ma;n made af #aiid1 !y 7 r1sonable & 7 made to 5tities cov]$ by ! law4 ,! issue ,i 0 3c]n$ ) 0 _! r1sons = ! avoid.e ( reque/+ a3ommoda;n4 ,i rev1l$ t focus 9 ! second set ( 9t]views1 :5 ,i call$ ! 9=mants back to *eck ! a3uracy ( ! 9itial 9t]views4 ,my rese>* did n look = b>ri]s to employ;t4 ,we alr "k lack ( a3ess to pr9t 9=ma;n is a b>ri]4 ,r1 ,i s"\ to rese>* "<#a"> b>ri]s )9 ! ,,ada reque/ process1 & "<#b"> h[ ^! a6ect$ ! p :o 5c.t]$ !m4 ,a qualitative 9t]view /udy #gc c describe a ph5om5on1 b x _c det]m9e if x is widespr1d4 ,r1d]s w h to 3sid] if ^! b>ri]s to reque/s & ! responses to ^? b>ri]s fall )9 _! [n exp]i;e1 & "!by su7e/ ! preval;e ( ! f9d+s4 ,a reque/ = a3ess to pr9t = an employ;t 9t]view or on a job >e n ! only >1s cov]$ by ! ,,ada t aid employ;t4 ,a3ess to pr9t 9=ma;n 9 _m >1s is ne$$4 ,2l is a brief summ>y ( my f9d+s4 ,a m9imum ( ?ree examples 0 f.d = ea* ( ! >1s describ$ & = ea* ( ! six major !mes t em]g$ f ^? f9d+s4 ,b>ri]s 7 rev1l$ 9 ! foll[+ #ab >1s ": reque/s = a3ommoda;n 7 made4 #a"> ,s*ool & tra9+4 ,ev5 programs 9 rehabilita;n fail$ to provide a3ess4 #gd #b"> ,te/s1 lic5ses & c]tifica;n4 ,"s /ate gov]n;ts & private na;nal ag5cies refus$ to provide alt]nate =mats4 #c"> ,! se>* = employ;t4 ,newspap]s & r1d] s]vices refus$ a3ess4 ,pr(es.nal organiza;ns refus$ to provide _! j\rnals & newslrs 9 alt]nate =mats4 ,^! all 3ta9 employ;t 9=ma;n4 #d"> ,3tact ) prospective employ]s4 ,v>i\s teleph"o s]vices & ! ,unit$ ,/ates ,po/ ,(fice refus$ to provide a3ess to _! s]vices4 #e"> ,travel to ! employ;t site4 ,? 9clud$ bus & p>atransit s]vices1 airports1 & 9=ma;n = p$e/rians4 ,reque/s = alt]nate =mats = 9=ma;n 3c]n+ ^? s]vices 7 d5i$ or delay$4 #ge #f"> ,a3ess to /ores1 hotels1 & re/aurants4 ,p :o m/ use ^? s]vices z "p ( _! employ;t or z "p ( a job se>* 7 d5i$ a3ess1 or told !y _h a3ess :5 !y did n1 &1 at "ts1 7 humiliat$ 9 ! reque/ process4 ,af a p]son _h a job1 ! foll[+ b>ri]s 9 reque/s = a3ess to pr9t 7 f.d4 #g"> ,pr9t$ mat]ial giv5 to all employees4 ,pr9t$ mat]ials s* z 9=ma;n ab employee b5efits & rules1 & 9sur.e1 tax1 & payroll 9=ma;n1 7 reque/$ 9 alt]nate =mats1 b n provid$4 #h"> ,a3ess to a bank1 & #i"> ,a3ess = bill pay+ 7 bo? d5i$4 ,? is h[ a pay*eck is us$ & is a r1son = "w+4 ,x all[s an employee to 3t9ue "w+4 #gf #aj"> ,3t9u+ $uca;n1 : _m jobs provide or require1 0 n made a3essible4 #aa"> ,us+ comput]s4 ,tra9+ on new programs or equip;t & 9=ma;n on new products 0 reque/$1 b n provid$4 #gg #ab"> ,! compla9t process 0 f.d to 2 9e6ectual4 ,fil+ compla9ts af 2+ d5i$ a3ess 0 a full-"t job t 0 fru/rat+1 futile1 & ev5 dang]\s4 ,! multiple /ories t w5t 9to ^! #ab >1s 7 analyz$ fur!r 9to ! foll[+ six !mes4 ,f/1 brok5 tru/ & 2trayal4 ,! mo/ (f5sive b>ri]s to a3ommoda;n reque/s came f ^? organiza;ns t 7 expect$ to "k & c>e ab ! ne$s ( p ) sev]e 4abilities4 ,^! 9clud$3 9dep5d5t liv+ c5t]s1 /ate voca;nal rehabilita;n ag5cies1 univ]s;y 4abil;y c\nselors1 a 3sum] bl;s advocacy organiza;n1 & ! ag5cies *>g$ ) ! 5=ce;t ( laws design$ to protect ! "rs ( p ) sev]e 4abilities at ! c;y1 c.ty1 /ate1 & na;nal levels4 ,5tities t >e requir$ to a3ommodate1 b t d n1 >e #gh ignorant or lawbr1k]s1 or bo?4 ,_! illegal 2havior is simply ! normal1 "ey"d v>iety ( 4crim9a;n4 ,:5 ! 5tities t "k bett] &_/or >e specifically responsible = provid+ a3ommoda;n or = protect+ ! "rs ( p ) 4abilities1 refuse1 resi/1 or ob/ruct reque/s = a3ommoda;n1 t is brok5 tru/ & 2trayal4 ,t (f5se is a major r1son to avoid reque/+ ev5 ess5tial ,,ada a3ommoda;ns4 ,! second major !me is ! multiplic;y ( b>ri]s4 ,describ+ ea* ob/acle to an a3ommoda;n reque/ 9vites attempts to repair ! ,,ada reque/ process "o problem at a "t1 or on a case-by-case basis4 ,t process xf is a b>ri]4 ,! %e] numb] ( b>ri]s t c 2 4sect$ = a simple ,,ada reque/ makes avoid.e ( mak+ reque/s ! pref]able #gi *oice4 ,= example1 "! >e multiple pr9t$ mat]ials t ne$ to 2 made a3essible1 "! >e multiple /eps to take = ea* "o1 & multiple p to 3tact at v>i\s s\rces :o expect to 2 tra9$ by ! reque/]4 ,"! >e multiple types ( a3ommoda;n to *oose f4 ,multiple problems may em]ge = ea* ( ! abv /eps1 requir+ ! reque/] to come up ) multiple solu;ns4 ,any "o ( a multitude ( *anges reque/$ may cascade 9to a multitude ( addi;nal *anges ( ?+s t miri]s4 ,! purpose ( a reque/ #hj = pr9t a3ess is n to get pr9t a3ess or to pay att5;n to ! process1 or to collect op9ions ab ! process4 ,! purpose or goal is to use ! 9=ma;n 9 "s way1 j l "eybody else uses pr9t 9=ma;n4 ,! multiplic;y ( b>ri]s obscures or 9t]f]es ) t goal4 ,x may 2 pref]able to avoid reque/+ ,,ada a3ommoda;n 9 ord] to a3ompli% a task 9 a less cumb]"s way4 ,! next major !me 0 fe> ( retalia;n4 ,! mo/ sev]e example 0 ( ! h\se ( ! reque/]s 2+ %ot 9to af !y br"\ /ate gov]n;t wit;ses 9 to obs]ve an 5t;y's refusal to provide alt]nate =mats4 ,o!r examples 9clud$ fe> t mat]ials s* z /ate applica;ns or ,u4,s4 mail wd 2 delib]ately lo/1 fe> ( 2+ su$1 or fe> ( 9vit+ ! ang] ( ! boss or co-"w]s4 ,! 9=mants "u/ood t ! #ha r$ress processes design$ to protect !m 7 9e6ective & (t5 a wa/e ( "t1 al? "o 9=mant 0 su3ess;l ) compla9ts due to 8 v a7ressive approa*4 ,ag1 all ! !mes ref] to problems 9 ! ,,ada reque/ process1 n j to b>ri]s t h alw exi/$4 ,! next major !me1 problems ) te*nology1 is 9 xf no?+ new1 b = ? /udy ! b>ri] 0 f.d 9 ! failure to provide reque/$ alt]nate =mats = tra9+1 repairs1 & upgrades4 ,! fif? !me1 unanticipat$ by ! rese>*]1 0 ! 3cept ( pr9t is di6]5t = "s p :o h n"e se5 pr9t4 ,"s 9=mants ?"\ brl 0 a pr9t issue1 b !y did n ?9k comput]s 7 a pr9t issue1 & !y ?"\ t audible tra6ic 3trol devices & call+ \ bus /ops1 : >e a3ess$ by me*anical or by human r1d]s1 7 n an a3ess to pr9t issue4 ,? hie likely to 2 made only = ?+s t >e "kn & 2liev$ to 2 help;l & cov]$ by ! law4 ,! f9al major !me 0 t1 giv5 ^! ob/acles1 "s p resort$ to habit to fulfill _! ne$s4 ,!y avoid$ us+ ! ,,ada reque/ process & 9/1d reli$ on ! processes !y h le>n$ t d "w1 s* z _! [n volunte]s provid+ a3ess to 9=ma;n4 ,ano!r habit is to d )\t ! a3ess ! ,,ada promis$1 b does n yet deliv]4 ,9=mants avoid$ ! ,,ada reque/ process 2c ( ! b>ri]s !y 5c.t]$ 9 ! reque/ process4 ,!y 7 tauri]s n to make reque/s4 ,! mo/ su3ess;l avoid.e 0 to avoid ! (ficial ,,ada process & g to ! top1 t is1 to a bett] s\rce4 ,"s ( ! su3ess;l m1ns 7 to g to ! director ( a firm1 or ! d1n ( a s*ool1 or to cr1te #hc negative newspap] public;y1 or to 3tact politicians1 or to use p]sonal frs :o >e te*nology exp]ts1 or to use mass political ac;n4 ,h["e1 ^? m1ns >e n desir$ by or available to "ey"o4 ,a co/_/b5efit analysis ( ! ,,ada a3ommoda;n reque/ process m/ 9clude xs co/ to p ) 4abilities :o make & pursue reque/s4 ,"s pr(es.nals 9 ! rehabilita;n field h su7e/$ t problems ) ! ,,ada reque/ process 9dicate "! is a ne$ to t1* p ) 4abilities h[ to reque/ ,,ada a3ommoda;n4 ,t implies t 4abil;y 4crim9a;n is due to \r lack ( k4 ,t 0 cle>ly n ! case = ^! 9=mants4 ,! cov]$ 5tities1 9clud+ /ate & local gov]n;ts1 refus$ & ob/ruct$ equal;y ( a3ess4 ,at ? "t 9 hi/ory1 ! #hd c\rts >e d5y+ ! valid;y ( ! ne$ = ! ,,ada & advocacy ef=ts >e (t5 progress+ 9 a piecem1l mann]4 ,x is important to record ! 4abil;y 4crim9a;n 2+ exp]i;ed )9 ! process ( ! law 9 ord] to 4cov] ": att5;n ne$s to 2 direct$4 ,? /udy ( #bj p :o >e bl _c sp1k = ! millions ( p ) 4abilities 9 \r c.try t may face simil> ob/acles1 b x po9ts ! way to ne$$ rese>*4 ,i 2lieve we no l;g] ne$ to collect & 4cuss op9ions ab ! ,,ada & xs e6ects4 ,:at is ne$$ is to collect 9=ma;n on actual ,,ada 2haviors & :y !y o3urr$4 ,! "qs t survey rese>*]s %d ask >e3 8,:at 0 reque/$8 ,:at 0 ! response8 ,:at 0 rcvd80 ,if an a3ommoda;n 0 provid$1 ! "q to ask is3 8,was x e6ective80 ,s* rese>* %d 9volve p ) 4abilities :o >e #he obvi\sly cov]$ by ! law1 mak+ reque/s to 5tities t >e obvi\sly cov]$ by ! law1 ( ?+s t >e obvi\sly r1sonable4 ,? w 2g9 ! process ( monitor+ ! imple;ta;n ( ! ,,ada4 ,a crucial >ea to record is ! e6ect ! law is hav+ on p :o >e cov]$ by ! ,,ada :o attempt to use x4 ,! ,,ada is t1*+ "s p t !y >e n want$1 n 2c !y >e bl1 : 0 ! pre-,,ada r1son = devalu+ u1 b r 2c _! civil "rs z ,am]icans to equal;y ( a3ess >e n su6ici5tly valu$4 ,i f9i%$ ! 4s]ta;n & e>n$ a ,ph4,d4 f ,syracuse ,univ]s;y4 ,_m ?anks to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 & ! volunte]s :o made ? possible4 #hf ,f ,yr ,p]spective3 ,c ,jesus ,r1lly ,emp[]8 by ,judy ,jackson & ,mi*ael ,g>rett ,9 an >ticle 9 ! ,octob] 8,=um10 ! /ate;t 0 made t ! au?or 8knew ( no s+le 9/.e ": ,jesus emp[]$ a bl man1 or a lame woman1 or a d1f *2 9/1d1 ,he cur$ !m40 ,z ,*ri/ians1 we /r;gly oppose ? view4 ,f/ ( all1 ,jesus didn't cure = ! sake ( mak+ p physically well4 ,9 ea* 9/.e1 ! 9t5t ( ! cure 0 to c>ry ) x a m* l>g] message4 ,we ass]t t ea* p]son :o 0 physically cur$ by ,jesus s]v$ z a liv+ example ( ,8 p[] & au?or;y4 ,9 ! "ds foll[+ ea* ( ! h1l+s1 !y manife/$ ? p[] & au?or;y 9 t1 "? _! wit;s+ = ,hm1 !y told ( ! trem5d\s *ange 9 _! lives4 ,"!=e1 ! r1l message 9 ! cures1 #hg exhibit$ by ! *ang$ lives1 is salva;n "? ,jesus ,*ri/4 ,? is true emp[];t6 ,"! >e c.t.s passages "?\t ! ,bible ": emp[];t is r1liz$ "? ! t1*+s ( ,jesus4 ,= example1 ,*ri/ sd1 8,i am ! v9e1 y >e ! bran*es1 he t abides 9 ,me & ,i 9 hm w be> m* fruit4 ,= )\t ,me1 y c d no?+40 "<,john #ae3#e"> ,? v]se /ates t ,jesus hmf is ! s\rce ( all p[]4 ,! apo/le ,paul /at$ t af ask+ ,god to remove 8 debilitat+ a6lic;n ?ree "ts1 ,god *ose n to4 ,paul r1liz$ t ,god's grace 0 su6ici5t & "? 8 w1k5$ 3di;n he 0 made /r;g4 "<#b ,cor9?ians #ab3#i-#aj"> ,? passage rev1ls t ,paul's 4abil;y 0 n :at made hm w1k1 b r 8 lack ( total dep5d;e on ,*ri/4 ,:5 he "u/ood ! su6ici5cy ( ,god's #hh grace1 despite 8 4abil;y1 he ga9$ p[] & /r5g? t propell$ 8 unp>allel$ m9i/ry4 ,z = poor debilitat$ ,job1 is "! r1lly a r1son to feel sorry = hm8 ,x is imp]ative to note t ,job wd n"e h exp]i;ed ^! trag$ies 7 x n = ,god's prior p]mis.n4 ,sure1 he lo/ "ey?+4 ,"s ( ^! ?+s 9clud$3 family1 ri*es1 respect1 al;g ) ! num]\s physical a6lic;ns4 ,b "? all ? calam;y1 ,job ma9ta9$ 8 devo;n to ,god4 ,) ea* mess5g] br++ news ( ano!r loss1 m.t+ pa91 su6]+1 4appo9t;t1 ,job 5dur$ x all4 ,job "u/ood bett] ?an any"o t all he _h 2l;g$ to ,god1 ev5 8 body4 ,9 ! 5d1 af ! te/ 0 complet$1 ,job ultimately 5d$ up ) m ?an he "e _h 2f4 ,we ass]t t ,job's /ory illu/rates t x takes m p[] to 5dure ! pa9 & su6]+1 mat]ial losses1 #hi ridicule1 & lack ( respect ?an x does to su3umb to ! _w's view ( p ) 4abilities4 ,z ,*ri/ians1 we c't sp1k = o!r religions2 h["e1 we proclaim t ,*ri/ian;y is a rela;n%ip4 ,? rela;n%ip is 2t a p]son & _! fai? 9 ,jesus ,*ri/4 ,scripture t1*es t once ? rela;n%ip has be5 e/abli%$1 a 2liev] is 5titl$ to all ! promises ( ,god1 : 9clude _sual emp[];t4 ,? c 2 expla9$ 9 t emp[];t comes f )94 ,x is an 9n] /r5g? t all[s u to ov]come life's *all5ges & adv]se 3di;ns4 ,z ,*ri/ians ) 4abilities1 if we >e passive objects ( *>;y-bas$ religion1 p]h x is ( \r [n do+4 ,x is 9cumb5t ^u ea* 2liev] to actively pursue opportunities ( s]vice 9 his_/h] local *ur* & commun;y4 ,? w s]ve z an av5ue "? : we c 2come #ij 9tegral "picipants :o imm5sely 3tribute to ! $uca;n & 5liitable & dem1n+ id1s ab p ) 4abilities4 ,x is \r responsibil;y to d all we c "? ,*ri/ :o emp[]s u4 ,9 s do+1 we demon/rate to society t we >e capable ( help+ r ?an alw rcvg help4 ,lrs to ! ,$itor ,! 3t5ts ( ? column reflect ! lrs we _h rcvd by ! "t we w5t to press1 ,febru>y #ag1 #bjjd4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 is n responsible = ! op9ions express$ "h94 ,! $itorial /aff res]ves ! "r to $it lrs = cl>;y1 /yle & space available4 ,foll[+ newly del91t$ bo>d ( publica;ns guidel9es1 all lrs h be5 trimm$ to a maximum ( #cjj ^ws4 ,op9ions #ia express$ >e ^? ( ! au?ors1 n ^? ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs /aff or elect$ (ficials4 ,we c pr9t yr lrs only if y sign yr "n & give u yr address4 ,reg>d+ ,magaz9es & ,propag&a ,! m1n-_s$ "p+ %ot tak5 at ,*>les ,craw=d 9 ! ,decemb] issue ( ! ,,nfb's 8,brl ,monitor0 cle>ly demon/rates :y s _m 9 ! bl;s commun;y feel ali5at$ by ! v organiza;ns 5tru/$ to repres5t u4 ,:e!r x is 8,! ,brl ,monitor0 or 8,! ,brl ,=um10 we turn to ^! publica;ns = res\rces & 9=ma;n1 n propag&a or p]sonal attacks4 ,! unpr(es.nal "* ( ! ,,nfb attack on ,mr4 ,craw=d l1ds "o to 2lieve t !y repres5t ^? :o >e simply %ortsid+ ! ,m9utes ,issue ,z an ,,acb memb] :o has reque/$ m9utes ( op5 bo>d meet+s & be5 d5i$ !m1 ,i 0 /ruck by ,presid5t ,gray's >ticle 9 ! w9t] $i;n ( 8,! ,brl ,=um40 ,b any rebuttal to ? wd take up too m* space = a lr to ! $itor4 ,s all[ me to give ! foll[+ example ( h[ ,i ?9k \r presid5t & l1d]%ip %d h respond$ to ^? reque/+ m9utes f \r organiza;n4 ,9 ! afma? ( ,*>lie ,craw=d's resigna;n1 \r na;nal secret>y & na;nal /aff h _h a numb] ( memb]s reque/ m9utes4 ,i 2lieve t e memb] has ! "r to "k ! (ficial #ic ac;ns ( 8 or h] organiza;n4 ,af all1 ,,acb is n ! sole doma9 ( ! bo>d ( directors or xs elect$ or appo9t$ repres5tatives4 ,x is ! memb]%ip's organiza;n4 ,i 2lieve t ,,acb %d h a policy to rel1se m9utes4 ,x %d rel1se a /ate;t al;g ) ^? m9utes1 simil> to ?3 8,,acb is 9 a bit ( f9ancial di6iculty at ? "t1 s we d reque/ t memb]s reque/+ m9utes try to a3ept ;e-mail atta*;ts z _! f/ reque/ = a3ommoda;n if 9de$ ? is e6ective4 ,we w s5d m9utes 9 ? =m immly4 ,= ^? :o ne$ ^! mat]ials 9 brl1 audiotape or 9 l>ge pr9t1 we pl$ge to s5d ? 9=ma;n \ z soon z humanly possible4 ,al />t+ ? mon?1 ! complet$ m9utes w 2 po/$ to \r web site = ^? :o h a3ess to t op;n4 ,any advice1 te*nical or f9ancial support to #id improve \r ef=ts to deliv] s* reque/$ 9=ma;n 9 a "tly & a3essible mann] w 2 grate;lly appreciat$40 ,- ,joe ,h>cz1 ,m.t ,morris1 ,mi*4 ,reg>d+ ! ,w9t] ,issue ( ! ,=um ,i h j r1d ! late/ volume ( 8,! ,brl ,=um10 specifically ! 4cus.ns surr.d+ ! ,octob] resigna;n ( ,,acb's executive director4 ,i am unaw>e ( ! issues surr.d+ ? situa;n1 & h no posi;n on x4 ,:at r1lly /ruck me 9 a v positive way is ! fact t yr organiza;n has *os5 to all[ s* div]g5t & oppos+ views to 2 publi%$ 9 xs magaz9e4 ,x's obvi\s f ! 4cus.n t ,,acb is d1l+ ) critical deci.ns on h[ x 3ducts xf z a memb] organiza;n4 ,z an \tsid] #ie look+ in1 ,i wd say t ! op5;s ( 8,! ,brl ,=um10 z a vehicle = ,,acb's memb]s to h _! voices he>d ev5 :5 _! views >e critical ( na;nal l1d]%ip1 is an organiza;nal /r5g? t %d 3t9ue to 2 on 4play4 ,- ,william ,dau<]ty1 ,sup]9t5d5t1 ,kansas ,/ate ,s*ool = ! ,bl1 ,kansas ,c;y1 ,kan4 ,9 ,reply to 8,in ,god ,we ,tru/0 ,de> ,$itor3 ,i wd l to com;t on ,paul ,$w>ds,0 >ticle 5titl$ 8,in ,god ,we ,tru/40 ,$w>ds spoke ab h[ ! m$ical commun;y at l>ge is p]cvd :5 view+ p ) 4abilities4 ,he /at$ t 9 ! m$ical model1 p ) 4abilities h be5 se5 z 9h]5tly 9f]ior4 ,h["e1 ,i focus$ my att5;n on ! subject : he l$ 9to3 ! #if role ( religion4 ,:ile ,$w>ds admits t 8 ?"\s may 2 3trov]sial1 he does n apologize4 ,he says t 9 8 op9ion1 religion has be5 a key figure4 ,! r1l problem is t ,$w>ds seems to talk ab religion & ,jesus ,*ri/ z 2+ "o & ! same4 ,!y >e n4 ,religion is an oppressive sy/em ( rules & regula;ns devis$ by mank9d to keep hm 9 *eck4 ,if a p]son foll[s ? sy/em1 he or %e hopes to a*ieve a k9d ( "o;s ) ! gods4 ,religion has be5 us$ to keep p 9 _! places s9ce "d "o4 ,_m p 9 religi\s circles =m a k9d ( _sual elite4 ,!y ?9k !y >e bett] ?an any"o else & wi% to we$ \ folks :o !y see z 9f]ior4 ,i 2lieve t ? is ! attitude t ,$w>ds _h 9 m9d4 ,i see ?ree !mes 2+ address$ by ? >ticle4 ,!y >e1 #ig "nly1 ! m$ical pr(es.n's view on 4abilities1 religion's view on 4abilities1 & ,*ri/'s view on 4abilities4 ,! m$ical field has be5 s 9t5t on fix+ ! ill;s 9 society t _m "ts x has ignor$ _m ( ^? :o make up society4 ,religion's view has be5 t ( a gatekeep]1 keep+ "s p 9 :ile lock+ o!rs \4 ,9 3tra/1 ,*ri/ op5s ! door to u1 (f]+ new life4 ,- ,rev4 ;,t4 ,h[>d ,burdick1 ,new ,vi.n ,m9i/ries1 ,pho5ix1 ,>iz4 ,"h & ,"! by ,s>ah ,blake ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column is n an 5dorse;t by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs /aff1 or elect$ (ficials4 ,products & s]vices >e li/$ free ( *>ge = ! #ih b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsible = ! reliabil;y ( products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,to submit items = ? column1 y may ;e-mail ,s>ah ,blake at sblake@aacb4org1 or call ,,acb at #a-#hjj-#dbd-#hfff & l1ve a message 9 mailbox #bf4 ,pl1se rememb] t po/al regula;ns prohibit u f 9clud+ adv]tise;ts1 & t we ne$ 9=ma;n two mon?s ah1d ( actual publica;n dates4 ,,nelds ,draw+ ,w9n]s ,3gratula;ns to ! w9n]s ( ! ,,nelds draw+6 ,! f/ prize1 two r.d-trip airf>es to ,birm+ham1 w5t to ,t$die-,joy ,remhild ( ,burbank1 ,calif4 ,second prize1 five nilson ( ,wat]t[n1 ,mass4 ,& ?ird prize ( two banquet tickets #ii w5t to ,ann ,bra% ( ,la,grange1 ,ill4 ,_m ?anks to all :o 5t]$4 ,new ,,acb ,radio ,director ,3gratula;ns to ,dave ,williams1 ,,acb ,radio's new director4 ,williams has be5 9t]im director s9ce ,july ( #bjjc1 & 0 "nd full-"t director ,feb4 #f4 ,pre-,regi/ra;n on ,tape ,if y wd l to rcv ! pre- regi/ra;n 9=ma;n on cassette tape1 pl1se 3tact ,%>on ,lov]+ 9 ! ,,acb na;nal (fice1 #a- #hjj-#dbd-#hfff ext5.n #bb1 or via ;e- mail1 slov]+@aacb4org4 ,if y h rcvd ^! tapes 9 ! pa/1 make sure t we h yr correct 9=ma;n on file4 #ajj ,fai? ,f/ ,s]ies 9 ,brl 8,fai? ,f/10 a religi\s book s]ies = grades ;,k "? #h1 is 2+ brld by ,midwe/]n ,brl ,volunte]s1 #cbe ;,n4 ,kirkwood ,rd41 ,st4 ,l\is1 ,,mo #fcabb2 ph"o "<#cad"> #iff-#ehbh & ask = ,loretta4 ,! volunte]s h complet$ ! k9d]g>t51 eu*>i/ & reconcilia;n books1 & >e "w+ on ! re/ ?anks to ! publi%]1 ,res\rces = ,*ri/ian ,liv+4 "<,?anks to ,j1nne ,wisa ,fike ( ,*e/]field1 ,mo4 = ! 9=ma;n4"> ,c&le 9 ! ,w9d[ ,3f];e ,c&le 9 ! ,w9d[ w hold xs #ahth 3f];e ,augu/ #aa "? #ae at ! ,kavanau< ,life ,5ri*;t ,c5t] \tside ( ,l\isville1 ,ky4 ,"picipants w explore ! 3cept ( 9dep5d;e )9 & \tside ! bl;s commun;y4 ,if y wd #aja l to (f] a "w%op or activ;y1 or "k "s"o :om y ?9k we %d 3tact1 pl1se let u "k by ,april #ae4 ,pres5t]s rcv a @s#dj 4c.t on ! regi/ra;n fee4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ,pet] ,alts*ul at "<#bjb"> #bcd- #ebdc or via ;e-mail at ats*u@a]ols4com4 ,s*ol>%ips ,! ,am]ican ,f.da;n = ! ,bl adm9i/]s a s*ol>%ip program = des]v+ /ud5ts4 ,ea* ye> 9dividuals :o >e bl or visually impair$ c apply = f9ancial aw>ds to support _! po/-second>y $uca;n4 ,,afb is curr5tly a3ept+ applica;ns = ! foll[+ #bjjd s*ol>%ips3 ,delta ,gamma ,memorial ,s*ol>%ip "<@s#a1jjj">2 ,f]d9& ,torres ,s*ol>%ip "<@s#a1ejj">2 ,k>5 ;,d4 ,c>sel ,memorial ,s*ol>%ip "<@s#ejj">2 #ajb ;,r4 ;,l4 ,gillette ,s*ol>%ip "<@s#a1jjj">2 & ! ,rudolph ,dillman ,memorial ,s*ol>%ip "<@s#b1ejj">4 ,applica;ns m/ 2 po/m>k$ no lat] ?an ,april #cj1 #bjjd4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 visit http3_/_/www4afb4org_/" s*ol>%ips4asp or call #a-#hjj- #bcb-#edfc4 ,9t]n%ips ,! ,wa%+ton ,c5t] = ,9t]n%ips & ,academic ,sem9>s "<,,twc">1 "? a "pn]%ip ) ! ,u4,s4 ,de"p;t ( ,labor's ,(fice ( ,4abil;y ,employ;t ,policy "<,,odep">1 w provide #ej competitive s*ol>%ip aw>ds to /ud5ts ) 4abilities to /udy & 9t]n 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c41 dur+ ! #bjjd fall academic seme/]1 ,septemb] #a to ,decemb] #ah4 ,applicants %d 2 hie eag] to #ajc prove _! abilities 9 ! "w=ce4 ,/ud5ts w ga9 pr(es.nal "w exp]i;e 9 ! executive1 judicial1 & legislative bran*es ( ! f$]al gov]n;t 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 ,! ,wa%+ton ,c5t] w comple;t /ud5ts,0 "w exp]i;e ) solid academic tra9+ = cr$it f his1 lectures1 embassy visits1 & net"w+ ev5ts held "?\t ! seme/]4 ,! d1dl9e = hi d1dl9e is ,june #ad4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ! ,wa%+ton ,c5t] at "<#bjb"> #ccf-#gfjj4 ,applica;n mat]ials & addi;nal 9=ma;n >e available on ! web site1 http3_/_/www4twc4$u4 ,y may al d[nload !m f http3_/_/www4" aapd4com_/,9t]n%ips_/" #ajd wa%9t]n4html4 ,rese>* ,/udy 9 ,georgia ,! ,emory ,univ]s;y ,s*ool ( ,m$ic9e is seek+ volunte]s :o >e totally bl = a rese>* /udy4 ,subjects m/ 2 9 gd h1l? & 2t ! ages ( #ah-#fj4 ,! /udy w take ab five h\rs1 & w 9clude physical & neurologic exam9a;ns at no co/4 ,foll[+ "o to two ses.ns ( tactile " s5sory te/+ ) non- pa9;l /imuli1 "! w 2 a ses.n ( f,,mri "<,func;nal ,magnetic ,reson.e ,imag+"> scann+ to det]m9e blood fl[ to ! bra94 ,! f,,mri ses.n is completely pa9.s & non-9vasive4 ,! ses.ns w take place 9 ! ,de"p;t ( ,neurology1 ,emory ,univ]s;y ,s*ool ( ,m$ic9e4 ,if ne$$1 transporta;n w 2 provid$4 ,subjects w 2 comp5sat$ at ! rate ( @s#be p] h\r = ! #aje te/+ & scann+ ses.ns4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 pl1se call ,val]ie ,weiss] 9 ! laboratory ( ,dr4 ,kri% ,sa?ian at "<#djd"> #gbg-#adec or ;e-mail vweisse@aemory4$u4 ,macul> ,deg5]a;n ,g5etic ,/udy ,! ,massa*usetts ,eye @& ,e> ,9firm>y & ,h>v>d ,m$ical ,s*ool >e 3duct+ an important na;nal g5etic /udy call$ ! ,family ,/udy ( ,age-,relat$ ,macul> ,deg5]a;n "<,,amd">4 ,families 9 : "! >e two or m liv+ sibl+s ) ,,amd >e curr5tly 2+ recruit$4 ,if eligible1 y & yr family memb]s w rcv a free eye exam at yr local eye doctor's (fice4 ,families meet+ ! abv crit]ia :o >e 9t]e/$ 9 "picipat+ 9 ? /udy may call #a-#hjj-#bai- #iaeg = m 9=ma;n4 #ajf ,em]g5t ,lit]acy ,/udy ,hie bl or visually impair$ >e 9vit$ to complete an onl9e survey ( _! lit]acy le>n+ & te*nology use4 ,! onl9e survey is "o compon5t ( ,project ,em]ge1 a rese>* /udy on em]g5t lit]acy 9 "y *n ) visual impair;ts1 bas$ at ! ,univ]s;y ( ,nor? ,c>ol9a at ,*apel ,hill4 ,! purpose ( ! survey is to le>n m ab ! factors t 3tribut$ to lit]acy le>n+ su3ess 9 9dividuals :o1 prior to ! age ( #f ye>s1 exp]i;ed sev]e visual impair;t t a6ect$ _! abil;y to r1d4 ,"picipants %d 2 #ba ye>s ( age or old] & h complet$ a f\r-ye> college degree4 ,! results ( ? survey w 9cr1se k & "u/&+ ( e>ly le>n+ exp]i;es1 5viron;ts1 & te*nologies t >e mo/ likely to support #ajg lit]acy le>n+ = "y *n ) visual impair;ts_/bl9d;s4 ,families & t1*]s ( "y *n ) visual impair;ts_/bl9d;s w !n 2 able to use ! 9=ma;n to promote e>ly lit]acy4 ,! onl9e survey w take ab #de m9utes to complete & c 2 f.d at http3_/" _/www4fpg4unc4$u_/@9em]ge_/" litsurvey_/lit]acysurvey4cfm4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ,all5 ,/utts via ;e-mail1 ,all5.-" ,/utts@aunc4$u1 or call #a- #hhh-#gah-#gcjc4 ,news f ,,afb ,! ,am]ican ,f.da;n = ! ,bl "<,,afb"> rec5tly ann\nc$ ! elec;n ( ?ree 4t+ui%$ bo>d memb]s3 ,bill ,mac,g[an1 ,vice ,presid5t ( ,human ,res\rces1 ,global ,c5t]s ( ,exp]tise1 ,sun ,microsy/ems2 ,walt] ,l1vy1 ,manag+ ,$itor1 ,johnson ,publi%+ ,co4 #ajh "<,ebony magaz9e">2 & ,william ;,r4 ,wi5]1 ,d1n1 ,! ,graduate ,college1 ,we/]n ,mi*igan ,univ]s;y4 ,3gratula;ns6 ,! ,am]ican ,f.da;n = ! ,bl pres5t$ xs ,a3ess ,aw>ds at ! ,joseph9e ;,l4 ,taylor ,l1d]%ip ,9/itute "<,,jltli"> on ,m>* #e1 #bjjd4 ,? ye>'s honorees 9clud$ ,janet ,b>l[1 ,billie ,l\ise ,b5tz51 & ,lukas ,franck = "w+ to /&>dize audio p$e/rian signals2 ,,ibm ,corpora;n = promot+ a3essibil;y "?\t xs company & 9 xs products2 & ,allison ,driv] & ,scott ,/rauss ( ,spiegel & ,mc,di>mid = help+ improve cell ph"o a3essibil;y4 ,want to ,2ta-,te/ a ,digital ,talk+ ,book8 ,y >e 9vit$ to "picipate 9 an excit+ 2ta te/ ( #aji digital talk+ books6 ,! ,mid- ,ill9ois ,talk+ ,book ,c5t] & ,,tap ,9=ma;n ,s]vices w 2 "w+ ) a company call$ ,ov],drive to provide & te/ text-to-spee* func;n & qual;y 9 ,adobe ,acrobat electronic books 9 ,,pdf =mat4 ,yr fe$back w assi/ ,ov],drive & ,adobe 9 evaluat+ ! 8r1d-al\d0 func;n 9 ,adobe =matt$ electronic books1 : w help ! c5t] 9 evaluat+ v>i\s =mats = digital talk+ books1 r1d] pref];es1 & provid+ fe$back on ^! to publi%]s1 o!r v5dors1 libr>ies1 & talk+ book c5t]s4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 visit http3_/_/" ebooks4mitbc4org4 ,a3essible ,t\rs ,! ,k5n$y ,space ,c5t] (f]s a3essible t\rs = p ) v>i\s 4abilities4 ,f1tures 9clude audio guides & h&s-on #aaj models ( ! space %uttle & ,apollo ,saturn ;,v rocket4 ,ea* model is ?ree feet hi< & all[s gue/s ) l[ vi.n or bl;s to use t\* to 3ceptualize ! space %uttle & ! rocket4 ,! c5t] provides all ( xs s]vices = gue/s ) 4abilities free ( *>ge or at a m9imal fee4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 or to >range res]va;ns = gue/s ) 4abilities1 call "<#cba"> #ddi-#dcfd or visit h ttp3_/_/www4k5n$yspacec5t]4" com4 ,talk+ ,*eckbook ,talk+ ,*eckbook #b4j 5ables p ) 4abilities to manage f9.es & pr9t _! [n *ecks 9dep5d5tly4 ,f1tures 9clude a3essibil;y ) ,,jaws & ,w9d[-,eyes1 a calculator1 & a cal5d>4 ,talk+ ,*eckbook al 9cludes xs [n voice \tput4 ,a template = sign+ pr9t$ *ecks is al #aaa 9clud$4 ,! program is available = @s#ei4ie plus %ipp+ & h&l+4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 visit http3_/_/www4" r1d+made1sy4com or call "<#hae"> #gbb-#eifa4 ,tactile ,maps ,onl9e ,! ,smi?-,kettlewell ,eye ,rese>* ,9/itute provides tactile /reet maps ov] ! web4 ,! sy/em uses a s]v]-bas$ geographic 9=ma;n sy/em "<,,gis">1 & w 2 able to produce tactile graphics files prop]ly prep>$ = /&>d brl emboss]s1 swell pap]1 ,view,plus ,tig] emboss]s1 or o!r tactile \tput devices4 ,ultimately1 ! s(tw>e w 2 available z an on-l9e s]vice t all[s any"o to reque/ a tactile /reet map ( any loca;n at any scale1 d[nload ! files & emboss or r5d] ! #aab tactile map immly4 ,! /reet maps >e automatically produc$ ) appropriate 9=ma;n d5s;y1 brl labels1 & simple l9e figures to optimize _! use by a bl map r1d]4 ,! curr5t sy/em only 9cludes ,,usa data2 9 ! future1 o!r data s\rces may 2 us$4 ,if y >e 9t]e/$ 9 le>n+ m1 or wd l to 2come a 2ta te/]1 visit http3_/_/www4ski4" org_/tmap4 ,summ] ,camp ,dates ,! ,oral ,hull ,f.da;n j ann\nc$ xs #bjjd summ] camp dates4 ,adult camp "<#ba ye>s & old]"> w 2 9 ses.n ,july #ag to #bd2 y\? camp " w meet ,augu/ #ad to #ba4 ,ses.ns co/ @s#cjj = ! week2 camp]%ips >e available = bo? camps4 ,camp ses.ns 9clude nature walks1 swimm+1 fi%+1 sports1 gd food & m* m4 #aac ,to reque/ an applica;n1 write to ,oral ,hull ,f.da;n = ! ,bl1 ,,po ,box #aeg1 ,s&y1 ,,or #igjee2 ph"o "<#ejc"> #ffh-#faid1 or ;e-mail oralhull@ateleport4com4 ,na;nal ,*ur* ,3f];e ,! ,na;nal ,*ur* ,3f];e ( ! ,bl w hold xs annual 3f];e ,july #be-#bi1 #bjjd 9 ,kansas ,c;y1 ,mo4 at ! ,ramada ,9n ,airport1 #gcja ,,nw ,ti6any ,spr+s ,rd4 ,! room rate = ! 3f];e is @s#ei p] ni #gda-#iejj4 ,come jo9 u = 9spira;nal ,bible t1*+1 sem9>s1 t\rs & tal5t "t4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ,rheba ,dunn1 ,memb]%ip ,secret>y1 ,,po ,box #aif1 ,grov]1 ,,co #hjgbi2 ph"o "<#igj"> #hie-#bceb1 or ;e-mail radioman@a" #aad m9dspr+4com4 ,or visit ! web site1 www4!n3b4org4 ,text-,to-,spee* ,,gps ,available on ,wire.s ,devices ,rhetorical1 a l1d+ develop] ( text-to-spee* te*nology1 rec5tly sign$ an agree;t ) ,motorola ,9c4 to provide spee* syn!sis s(tw>e = use ) ,motorola's ,,viamoto products4 ,^! products all[ 3sum]s to easily a3ess loca;n- specific 9=ma;n & turn-by-turn direc;ns on wire.s devices4 ,,viamoto us]s select _! de/9a;n 9 "o ( ?ree ways3 ei by call+ an op]ator1 us+ ! ph"o keypad1 or "? a web 9t]face4 ,! voice direc;ns = a r\te >e !n det]m9$ by ,,viamoto s]v]s1 d[nload$ & /or$ 9 ! ph"o4 ,! direc;ns f ! curr5t ,,gps loca;n to #aae ! de/9a;n >e !n automatically r1d to ! us] al;g ! r\te4 ,c>e]s 9 ,comput] ,programm+ ,lift is a non-pr(it company t recruits1 qualifies1 tra9s & hires 9=ma;n te*nology pr(es.nals :o h physical 4abilities & places !m ) major corpora;ns4 ,johnson @& ,johnson & ,v]izon ,wire.s >e two ( m ?an #hj corporate cli5ts t ,lift has s]v$4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 visit _! web site at www4lift-9c4org1 write to ,,po ,box #dbfd1 ,w>r51 ,,nj #jgjei1 or ph"o "<#ijh"> #gjg- #ihdj4 ,brl ,repair ,does yr ,p]k9s brl writ] ne$ repairs8 ,3tact ,frank ,lev9e1 ,atlanta ,brlr ,repair & ,s]vice1 #chcj ;,s4 #aaf ,cobb ,dr41 ,suite #abe1 ,smyrna1 ,,ga #cjjhj2 ph"o "<#ggj"> #dcb-#gbhj or ;e-mail doctorbraill]@abells\?4net4 ,libr>y ,seeks ,books ,! ,ez1lor ,commun;y ,libr>y is a non-pr(it public libr>y & res\rce c5t] seek+ $uca;nal & 9=ma;nal items4 ,if y h any books1 magaz9es1 or o!r items y c sp>e1 s5d !m to3 ,ez1lor ,commun;y ,libr>y1 ,,po ,box #cdgi1 ,onit%a1 ,anambra ,/ate1 ,nig]ia4 ,brl ,m5us 9 ,memphis ,clov]nook ,c5t] = ! ,bl & ,visually ,impair$ & ! ,memphis ,re/aurant ,associa;n h cook$ up a w9n+ solu;n = ! #fj1jjj-plus p :o >e bl or visually impair$3 "w tgr to provide brl & l>ge-pr9t m5us to ,memphis >ea #aag eat]ies4 ,>e y go+ to ,memphis8 ,ask = "o :5 y g \ to eat6 ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op ,= ,sale3 ,to%iba ,notebook ,,pc #aje;cs4 ,x is a ,p5tium ) a #fjj-meg h>d drive2 #h megabytes ( memory2 ,w9d[s #ie2 #c4e & #e4be-9* floppy drives2 #b ,,pcm slots2 cable2 c>ry+ case4 ,x c 2 us$ 9 ,w9d[s or ,,dos4 ,x's load$ ) a scre5 r1d] & o!r programs4 ,excell5t 3di;n1 seldom us$4 ,ask+ @s#eii4 ,,ibm ,,dos comput] load$ ) _m programs1 excell5t 3di;n4 ,ask+ @s#cjj4 ,keynote ,gold ,,pcm ,voice ,c>d ) ext]nal sp1k] & batt]ies4 ,x c 2 us$ 9 laptops = ,w9d[s & ,,dos4 ,excell5t 3di;n1 seldom us$4 #aah ,ask+ @s#a1bjj4 ,keynote ,gold /&-al"o spee* syn!siz] f ,humanw>e2 x c 2 us$ 9 ,w9d[s & ,,dos4 ,excell5t 3di;n1 seldom us$4 ,ask+ @s#dii4 ,hayes ,a3ura #add"6 ,fax#add modem = ,,dos & ,w9d[s4 ,v gd 3di;n4 ,ask+ @s#ej4 ,u4,s4 ,robotics ,v4#ij #ef,k /&>d fax modem4 ,seldom us$1 excell5t 3di;n4 ,ask+ @s#ij4 ,t\* ,tablet4 ,gd 3di;n2 n"e us$4 ,ask+ @s#bjj4 ,cell ph"o ant5na1 n"e us$2 comes ) 9/ruc;ns & a tool to 9/all x4 ,ask+ @s#ae4 ,blank #c4e-9* hi< d5s;y =matt$ ,,ibm diskettes1 #cj 9 a package4 ,ask+ @s#f4 ,5gli%_/,spani% book 8,gifts ( ! ,holy ,_s0 "<,donnes del ,e_su ,santo"> by ,ronald ;,e4 ,%ort2 #f cassette tapes 9 a box4 ,ask+ @s#ae4 ,manual ab ,,dos 9 ?ree cassette tapes & a #aai manual ab ,^w,p]fect 9 #d cassette tapes4 ,free4 ,3tact ,ir5a ,fran*i1 #cja #agd ,st4 _?#bbjf1 ,sunny ,isles ,b1*1 ,,fl #ccafj2 ph"o "<#cje"> #icb-#hhef2 ;e-mail ifran*i@a" bells\?4net4 ,= ,sale3 ,aladd9 ,ra9b[ ,,rb-#a clos$ circuit televi.n "<,,cctv"> r1d] ) new sp>e illum9a;n bulb4 ,orig9ally co/ @s#b1fjj2 ask+ @s#a1jjj plus %ipp+4 ,9 ! orig9al protective box & r1dy to g4 ,call ,bill ,d5nis at "<#cah"> #ceg-#hdhf or ;e- mail at d5nis@acp-tel4net4 ,= ,sale3 ,,dec,'talk ,express ext]nal spee* syn!siz] ) case4 ,ask+ @s#cjj or be/ (f]4 ,call "<#eda"> #geb-#chij "<,pacific "t">4 #abj ,= ,sale3 ,rec5tly recondi;n$ brl writ] ) s(t cov]4 ,ask+ @s#djj plus %ipp+ if n free matt]4 ,al1 m ?an #fe ,9sulgauges1 #b ,m$i-cool]s1 & #b cu/om-made wood5 jewelry cases to h\se "s ( ! gauges3 all = @s#abe or @s#e p] gauge4 ,3tact ,rob]t at "<#gfc"> #ecg-#hjjj or at ziegl]@ae>?l9k4net4 ,= ,sale3 ,brl ,lite ,m#bj1 la/ updat$ ,may #bjja & disk drive4 ,l br&-new4 ,ask+ @s#b1ejj or be/ (f]4 ;,e-mail ,colle51 c["u@a" e>?l9k4net1 or call h] at "<#cab"> #fbb-#geig4 ,= ,sale3 ,type ';n ,sp1k1 b"\ ,septemb] #bjjj4 ,has fla% memory4 ,comes ) tape1 brl & pr9t manuals4 ,ask+ #aba @s#gjj4 ,3tact ,bob ,clayton at "<#cai"> #bgg-#hbij4 ,= ,sale3 ,fre$om ,sci5tific ,p[],brl #dj brl 4play ) #dj cells & cursor r\t+ buttons1 etc4 ,x is alm new & comes ) a gu>antee4 ,x has n"e _h a problem4 ,"ws ) any scre5 r1d] & comput]4 ,al has batt]ies4 ,ask+ @s#iej4 ,3tact ,,cj ,sampson at cj@abyu4net1 or call hm at "<#hja"> #cfg- #beei4 ,= ,sale3 ,optelec ,cle>view #cag1 black & :ite4 ,two & a half ye>s old2 l new4 ,ask+ @s#a1jjj4 ,3tact ,m>ilyn ,cl>k at "<#fae"> #cgd-#dfgb4 #abb ,want$3 ,keynote ,companion 9 gd 3di;n4 ,price negotiable4 ,/&- al"o r1d+ ma*9e1 l ,r1d+ ,$ge1 = r1sonable price4 ,will+ to negotiate4 ,3tact ,m>da ,&]son at "<#dac"> #gha-#fddc af #e p4m4 ,ea/]n4 ,want$3 ,m9idisk play]-record] s ,i c record my college classes4 ,3tact ,walt] ,*avira at "<#ffa"> #hcc-#cffc4 ,,acb ,(fic]s ,presid5t ,*ri/oph] ,gray #id ,ramona ,ave4 ,san ,francisco1 ,,ca #idajc ,f/ ,vice ,presid5t ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt #gcbj ,dixon ,unit #bjd #abc ,=e/ ,p>k1 ,,il #fjacj ,second ,vice ,presid5t ,mit* ,pom]antz #aaae ,cordova ,/reet _?#djb ,pasad5a1 ,,ca #iaajf ,secret>y ,donna ,selig] #ciab ,,se #eth ,st4 ,des ,mo9es1 ,,ia #ejcae ,tr1sur] ,>dis ,bazyn #ejj ;,s4 #crd ,st4 _?,h ,burbank1 ,,ca #iaejb ,imm ,pa/ ,presid5t ,paul ,$w>ds #bjccj ,,ne #bjth ,ct4 ,miami1 ,,fl #ccagi #abd ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors ,j]ry ,annunzio1 ,kansas ,c;y1 ,,mo ,alan ,b1tty1 ,=t ,coll9s1 ,,co ,$ ,bradley1 ,h\/on1 ,,tx ,brian ,*>lson1 ,wat]t[n1 ,,ma ,billie ,j1n ,kei?1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,oral ,mill]1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc ,c>la ,rus*ival1 ,l\isville1 ,,ky ,patrick ,%eehan1 ,silv] ,spr+1 ,,md ,cyn?ia ,t[]s1 ,s1ttle1 ,,wa ,david ,trott1 ,talladega1 ;,,al ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns ,*>les ,hodge1 ,*airp]son1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,adrian ,de ,blaey1 ,milwaukee1 ,,wi #abe ,w9ifr$ ,d[n+1 ,san ,francisco1 ,,ca ,mike ,duke1 ,jackson1 ,,ms ,k5 ,/ew>t1 ,w>wick1 ,,ny ,ex ,(ficios3 ,e>l5e ,hu