,! ,brl ,=um ,volume ,,xli ,m>* #bjjc ,no4 #g ,publi%$ ,by ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl /rives to 9cr1se ! 9dep5d;e1 secur;y1 equal;y ( opportun;y1 & qual;y ( life = all bl & visually impair$ p4 ,*ri/oph] ,gray1 ,presid5t ,*>les ;,h4 ,craw=d1 ,executive ,director ,p5ny ,re$]1 ,$itor ,%>on ,lov]+1 ,$itorial ,assi/ant ,na;nal ,(fice3 #aaee #aeth ,st4 ,,nw ,suite #ajjd ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejha ,fax3 "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejhe ,web ,site3 http3_/_/www4" acb4org ,! ,brl ,=um^t is available 9 brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half-spe$ f\r-track cassette tape1 comput] disk & via ;e-mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 address *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = publica;n %d 2 s5t to3 ,p5ny ,re$]1 ,! ,brl ,=um1 #aaee #aeth ,st4 ,,nw1 ,suite #ajjd1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje1 or via ;e-mail1 $itor@aacb4org4 ,submis.n d1dl9es >e ! f/ ( ! mon?4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl is a memb]%ip organiza;n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special- 9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,to jo91 visit ! ,,acb web site & fill \ ! applica;n =m1 or 3tact ! na;nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ abv4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax-d$uctible1 c 2 s5t to ,>dis ,bazyn at ! abv #b mail+ address4 ,if y wi% to rememb] a relative or fr by %>+ 9 ! c\ncil's 3t9u+ "w1 ! na;nal (fice makes pr9t$ c>ds available to ac"kl$ge 3tribu;ns made by lov$ "os 9 memory ( dec1s$ frs or relatives4 ,any"o wi%+ to rememb] ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 9 his_/h] ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t may d s by 9clud+ a special p>agraph = t purpose4 ,if yr wi%es >e complex1 3tact ! ,,acb ,na;nal ,(fice4 ,to make a 3tribu;n to ,,acb via ! ,comb9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #bhjb4 ,= ! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll-free at "<#hjj"> #dbd-#hfff1 #e p4m4 to midniles ;,h4 ,craw=d1 page #ad ,summ>y ( ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors ,3f];e ,calls1 by ,*>les ,s4,p4 ,hodge1 page #bj ,,acb #bjjc ,summ] ,9t]n%ip ,opportun;y1 by ,t]ry ,pa*eco1 page #dc ,ann\nc+ ,vi.n ,que/ #bjjc3 ,a ,self-,4cov]y ,3f];e = ,"y ,bl ,wom51 page #de ,a6iliate ,news1 page #dg ,a ,new ,a"p;t ,op;n1 by #d ,ka?y ,brockman1 page #di ,video ,descrip;n ,ye/]"d1 ,td1 & ,tm3 ,y ,c ,a6ect ! ,future1 by ,jim ,/ovall1 page #fg ,des]t ,liv+ by ! ,numb]s1 by ,george ,cov+ton1 page #gb ,tips = ,travel]s to ,texas3 ,"u/&+ ! ,language1 page #hc ,lrs to ! ,$itor1 page #hg ,y ,c't ,af=d to ,/ay ,home61 by ,jon ,d$51 page #ie ,explore ! ,possibilities3 ,an ,approa* to ,transi;n1 by ,kimb]ly ,avila1 page #ih ,2+ ,me & ,/ay+ ,sub/.e-,free1 by ,tr9ette ,b>nes1 page #aad ,! ,import.e ( ,e>ly ,detec;n1 by ,doro?y ,casabianca1 page #aag #e ,"h & ,"!1 by ,%>on ,lov]+1 page #abc ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op1 page #acf ,hi< ,flid ( ,directors1 page #adc #f ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns1 page #add ,correc;ns ,! teleph"o numb] giv5 = ! ,ala*ua ,c.ty ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl "<8,:ite ,cane ,safety ,aw>e;s ;,t-%irts10 8,"h & ,"!10 ,octob] #bjjb"> 0 9correct4 ,! correct numb] is "<#hjj"> #ded-#bhfj4 ,due to an $it+ ]ror1 ! web site address = ;,j-,squ>$ ,a3ess ,solu;ns,0 ref]ral program 0 9correct4 ,! correct address is www4be/midi4com_/" jsqu>$_/ref]4php4 ,we regret ! ]ror4 #g ,presid5t's ,message3 ,m"oy & ,politics3 #bjjc ,takes ,%ape by ,*ri/oph] ,gray ,"s ye>s ago ,i 0 talk+ ) a fr ( m9e :o is a memb] ( ! ,tamil race4 ,we 7 4cuss+ ! ,tamil ,tig]s & _! bid = p[] 9 ,sri ,lanka4 ,hav+ r1d ( _! h]oism & det]m9a;n1 ,i 0 eag] to le>n ab _! situa;n f "sbody :o mis1 & v (t51 x has seem$ to 2 pa9;lly true4 ,z ?+s %ape up = #bjjc1 #h ! two major factors ) : we m/ 3t5d ? ye> seem to 2 m"oy & politics4 ,9 f9ancial t]ms1 ,,acb is com+ (f :at may 2 ! mo/ pa9;l ye> ( r$uc;ns 9 \r ?rift /ore 9come /r1m4 ,\r na;nal economy is *ang+1 & ! ?rift /ore busi;s is *ang+ al;g ) x4 ,major 5h.e;ts & 9nova;ns 7 requir$ to /imulate \r /ores1 & ^! 9ve/;ts negatively a6ect$ ,,acb's #bjjb 9come /r1m4 ,? l1ves u 9 #bjjc ) less 9come to run \r organiza;n1 & al ) ! ne$ to bol/] \rvs f losses exp]i;ed 9 #bjjb1 n a grt place to be1 b "s?+ we c c]ta9ly manage4 ,i say ? ) a relatively hi< degree ( 3fid;e4 ,my 3fid;e comes 9 l>ge "p f ! support we >e n[ rcvg f ,,acb memb]s & a6iliates4 ,y h truly /epp$ =w>d & respond$ to ! ne$s ( ! organiza;n4 ,\r f/ #i attempts at cr1t+ a gr\p ( major donors h r1liz$ "s notable su3esses4 ,g5]al 3tribu;ns f memb]s >e grtly appreciat$1 & m & m memb]s >e "picipat+ 9 ! ,mon?ly ,m"ot>y ,support ,program4 ,by f> ! l>ge/ 3tribu;ns = #bjjc h come f ,,acb a6iliate organiza;ns4 ,at ! 2g9n+ ( #bjjc1 ,,acb rcvd a @s#e1jjj 3tribu;n f ! ,hawaii ,associa;n ( ! ,bl4 ,9 a lr a3ompany+ _! *eck1 ,hawaii ,presid5t ,w>r5 ,toyama rais$ a *all5ge to all o!r a6iliates ( ,,acb to mat* or exce$ ! ,hawaii grant4 ,z ,i write ? message a few "ds 2f \r s*$ul$ ,presid5ts,0 ,meet+1 ? *all5ge is s*$ul$ to 2 ann\nc$ at ^? mid-ye> meet+s4 ,i f]v5tly hope \r a6iliates w a3ept ,hawaii's *all5ge4 ,n l;g af we rcvd ? #aj g5]\s gift f ,hawaii1 ! ,wa%+ton ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl s5t a v positive & welcome %ock-wave "? ,,acb by 3tribut+ @s#be1jjj t[>d ,,acb op]a;ns 9 #bjjc4 ,:at ^ws c adequately express ! apprecia;n ( ? organiza;n z a :ole = s* a g5]\s gift8 ,we c only say 8?ank y0 to ! l1d]%ip & memb]%ip ( ,,wcb = ? fund+ & 3t9ue to e>n ! respect ( ^? :o made ? happ54 ,f9ally1 ,i am told to expect addi;nal 3tribu;ns at ,,acb's mid-ye> meet+4 ,,acb is c]ta9ly grate;l = ! ef=ts on 2half ( ! organiza;n ext5d$ by s _m ( y \ "!4 ,s m* = ! m"oy1 n[ :at ab ! politics8 ,y c le>n ! up-to-!- m9ute details on ? at ! ,,acb legislative sem9> 9 ,m>* ( ? ye>4 ,x appe>s "r n[ t ,,acb is go+ to h an ov]fl[+ plate ( legislative assign;ts 9 #aa #bjjc4 ,rehab reau?oriza;n is a big task by xf1 &1 z ( "r n[1 we 2lieve t ! reau?oriza;n w 2 comb9$ ) ! ev5 l>g] ,"w=ce ,9c5tive ,act : cd 2 a v complicat+ factor 9 \r ef=ts to improve rehabilita;n s]vices = bl ,am]icans4 ,,idea reau?oriza;n / appe>s to 2 on track4 ,m* adv.e "w has be5 d"o = ,,acb's legislative advocacy1 b keep+ track ( ev5ts & promot+ ! id1ls express$ 9 ! docu;ts prep>$ by \r ,,idea ,task ,=ce repres5t a dem&+ *all5ge = ,,acb /aff & memb]s4 ,ano!r major legislative ?ru/ is ! ,transporta;n ,equ;y ,act4 ,al;g ) det]m9+ & appropriat+ adequate fund+ = all aspects ( f$]ally m&at$ transporta;n programs1 availabil;y ( =mula v]sus specific grant fund+ = #ab 4abil;y-relat$ items w 2 a hot topic dur+ ? ses.n ( ,3gress4 ,z if ? w]5't 5\<1 ,m$ic>e re=m looms l>ge on ! horizon4 ,cov]$ 9 ? legislative category >e important matt]s relat$ to c]tifica;n & h[ bl p w 2 assi/$4 ,:o w provide s]vices = bl p3 g5]ali/s 9 ! fields ( eye c>e1 o3upa;nal !rapi/s1 or o!rs8 ,%d ,m$ic>e cov] \r assi/ive te*nology8 ,:at k9ds ( m$ical proc$ures w 2 made available3 ,visudyne !rapy = p ) c]ta9 =ms ( macul> deg5]a;n8 ,f9ally1 we m/ seek appropria;ns = ! ,help ,am]ica ,vote ,act4 ,:ile fund+ 0 au?oriz$ la/ ye>1 x has yet to 2 appropriat$ by ,3gress4 ,adequate fund+ is critical to support yr grass-roots ef=ts 9 local communities to ga9 a3essible vot+ "rs4 #ac ,,acb m/ prioritize & "w on all ( ^! issues1 & probably o!rs : we may n yet ev5 "k ab4 ,m* 9=ma;n w 2 available to y on ^! topics at \r upcom+ legislative sem9>1 ,m>* #bc- #be 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc4 ,i hope to see _m ( y "! & "w ) y on promot+ ^! key ,,acb legislative 9itiatives & issues4 ,3tact yr a6iliate l1d]s & ! ,,acb na;nal (fice = 9=ma;n ab att5d+ ^! critical1 9=ma;nal meet+s4 ,?ank y all = yr help & support z we move =w>d tgr 9 /r5g? & solid>;y ( purpose4 ,:5 ,y ,ask1 8,":'s ! ,beef10 ,d ,!y ,only ,talk ,ab ,pork8 by ,*>les ;,h4 ,craw=d ,s :at >e y he>+ f yr gov]nor's (fice ? week8 #ad ,oh y1h1 x's t pesky /ate budget deficit ag4 ,seems l ! gd ye>s ( ! n9eties h be5 replac$ ) r.d af r.d ( dire budget pr$ic;ns1 & any"o :o wants any?+ f ! /ate is told 9 no unc]ta9 t]ms1 8,y gotta 2 \ ( yr m9d6 444 ,9 ^! ti to ask = t 4440 ,& on & on1 z !y u%] u \ ! door6 ,wait1 :at 0 t !y sd8 8,a billion or two 9 deficit \ ( 4440 ,h[ _m billions 9 /ate sp5d+8 ,come to ?9k ( x1 "! >e a :ole lot m doll>s 9 sp5d+ ?an "! >e 9 deficit4 ,": >e ^? doll>s go+8 ,:o's gett+ ! b5efit f t sp5d+1 & :y8 ,if y >e 2+ told t ask+ = an a3essible p$e/rian signal1 vot+ ma*9e or o!r important item is "sh[ tak+ food \ ( ! m\?s ( babies or d5y+ kids an $uca;n1 or j n a prior;y #ae 9 ^! "ds ( tit pl[+ "? ! /ate budget4 ,>e "! important ?+s 2+ support$ ) yr tax m"oy8 ,yes4 ,>e "! o!r sp5d+ l9es ori5t$ t[>d 9t]e/ gr\ps :o repres5t ?+s we all c>e ab1 l >ts programs1 or br++ wire.s 3nectiv;y to rural >1s8 ,sure4 ,n[ hold on a mo;t1 :at is ?8 ,roads t g no":1 3sultants advis+ 3sultants1 rese>* projects 9to ! hi/ory ( ! /ate bird1 ag5cies hir+ ! guy or gal :o lo/ ! la/ elec;n1 new comput] & s(tw>e sy/ems replac+ ! "os !y b"\ two ye>s ago1 & /atues honor+ ! mayor's dog8 ,pi7ies 9 ! blanket8 ,pork8 ,yep4 ,& j h[ did all t pork get 9 "! & survive8 ,buri$ deep 9 ! #af details ( virtually e /ate budget1 y w f9d millions if n t5s or ev5 hundr$s ( millions 9 sp5d+ t may h dubi\s value or t b5efits only a few folks 9 "s"o's 4trict4 ,look+ c>e;lly at yr /ate budget to uncov] ? k9d ( sp5d+ is v di6]5t f firy ,*ap9 s;g1 8,) \r old folks eat+ dog food & \r *n eat+ pa9t1 :ile ! pirates /1l ! flag & sell u #ag s]mons on re/ra9t40 ,"! >e _m ?+s y h a "r to expect f gov]n;t4 ,"o is t y h a3ess to 9=ma;n ab :at /ate gov]n;t sp5ds & :y4 ,ano!r is t /ate gov]n;t m/ sp5d res\rces wisely )\t wa/e4 ,/ ano!r is t y c.t z m* z any"o else1 &1 if gov]n;t sp5ds m"oy to provide = tra6ic & p$e/rian safety1 !n \r ne$s 9 ^! v same >1s >e no less important ?an ^? ( any"o else4 ,if public m"oy supports vot+1 !n we vote too4 ,if public m"oy supports public meet+s & docu;t 4tribu;n1 !n we >e memb]s ( ! public too1 & we des]ve equal1 a3essible a3ess to ^? docu;ts z well4 ,:at's my po9t8 ,special no m4 ,\r ne$s & "rs z memb]s ( ! public >e n to 2 honor$ z a matt] ( *>;y4 ,we >e n ! popula;n t ! /ate w get #ah >.d to :5 & if "!'s a budget surplus4 ,x's \r m"oy1 \r lives1 & \r 9t]e/s t h be5 held ho/age to ! *ronic half a3usa;n t "! is no m"oy to meet \r special ne$s ,- :5 \r ne$s >e no m special ?an ^? ( any"o else4 ,! />k r1l;y is t we h be5 relegat$ to a category call$ 8special0 only 2c politicians alw s]ve ! common d5om9ator & if we all[ !m to m>g9alize u1 !n !y w 2 m ?an happy to a3ommodate \r complac5cy4 ,s get to yr *apt] & a6iliate meet+s1 d ! rese>* 9to local & /ate sp5d+ & let's decide \r priorities or ! politicians w simply decide !m = u4 ,:5 x's ! p's busi;s to 2 d"o1 x's \r busi;s to rem9d \rvs t we >e ! p4 #ai ,summ>y ( ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors ,3f];e ,calls by ,*>les ,s4,p4 ,hodge "<,$itor's ,note3 ,! ,,acb bo>d ( directors has 3v5$ ?ree sep>ate 3f];e calls to 4cuss ! complex issues surr.d+ ! organiza;n's #bjjc budget4 ,summ>ies ( ! f/ two calls >e provid$ 2l4 ,a ?ird call has be5 s*$ul$ = ,tues"d1 ,febru>y #aa1 j a few "ds 2f we plan to g to press ) ! ,m>* 8,brl ,=um40 ,a summ>y ( ! ?ird call w appe> 9 ! ,april issue1 al;g ) a summ>y ( ! mid-ye> bo>d meet+4"> ,janu>y #af1 #bjjc ,a teleph"o 3f];e call meet+ ( ! ,,acb bo>d ( directors to 3sid] #bjjc ,,acb budget matt]s 0 call$ to ord] on ,?urs"d ev5+1 ,janu>y #bj #af1 #bjjc1 at #h p4m4 "<,ea/]n "t"> by f/ vice presid5t ,/eve ,spei*]4 ,at ! \tset1 ! bo>d 0 9=m$ ( ! a3id5t t _h 2fall5 ,,acb ,presid5t ,*ris ,gray on ! previ\s ev5+ ": ,gray _h badly fractur$ a ?i< b"o :5 he fell 2t two c>s ( a ,muni tra9 9 ,san ,francisco4 ,presid5t ,gray "uw5t em]g5cy recon/ructive surg]y on 8 brok5 leg on ,janu>y #af1 & w 2 3front+ a l5g?y p]iod ( physical !rapy & recup]a;n f 8 9juries4 ,! secret>y's roll call f.d all memb]s pres5t except = ,gray & bo>d memb]s ,alan ,b1tty & ,$ ,bradley4 ,9 addi;n1 ,,acb executive director ,*>lie ,craw=d & *ief f9ancial (fic] ,jim ,ols5 7 al 9 att5d.e z /aff memb]s4 ,9 8 capac;y z presid+ (fic]1 ,/eve ,spei*] #ba 9dicat$ 8 plann$ approa* = ? meet+4 ,he /at$ 8 9t5;n to all[ ,brian ,*>lson report+ on 2half ( ! budget committee to \tl9e ! process : t committee _h us$ to develop ! draft budget docu;t1 & to describe ! v>i\s assump;ns us$ by ! budget committee 9 >riv+ at xs v>i\s recomm5da;ns to ! bo>d4 ,! idea 0 to famili>ize ! bo>d ) ! draft budget docu;t & :at is 3ta9$ )9 x1 & to answ] relevant "qs f bo>d memb]s4 ,9 ! unexpect$ abs;e ( ,presid5t ,gray1 ! presid+ (fic] 9dicat$ 8 9t5;n to def] mak+ firm deci.ns on budget>y matt]s except = ^? deci.ns : _h to 2 decid$ dur+ ? meet+ 2c ( press+ "t 3/ra9ts4 ,) ^! "u/&+s 9 m9d1 ,spei*] call$ on ,brian ,*>lson to 2g9 8 report on 2half ( ! budget committee4 ,*>lson 2gan #bb by describ+ ! process : ! budget committee _h us$ to develop recomm5da;ns4 ,*>lson sd t two la/-m9ute matt]s _h come to ! att5;n ( ! budget committee v rec5tly1 & "!=e _h n be5 tak5 9to 3sid]a;n or a3.t$ = 9 ! draft budget docu;t4 ,! f/ circum/.e result$ f a meet+ held j ! ev5+ 2f by ! bo>d ( directors ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,5t]prises & ,s]vices "<,,acbes"> at : ! deci.n _h be5 made t ,,acbes wd 2 unable to meet xs previ\sly giv5 commit;t = f9ancial support ( ,,acb = ! #bjjc budget ye>1 & t ,,acbes 0 3sequ5tly revis+ d[nw>d xs recomm5d$ budget>y support level = ,,acb f @s#fjj1jjj to @s#ejj1jjj4 ,*>lson !n ask$ ,oral ,mill] to report to ! bo>d reg>d+ ? la/-m9ute @s#ajj1jjj #bc r$uc;n 9 ,,acbes,0 f9ancial support4 ,mill] report$ ^u ! factors : l$ ! ,,acbes bo>d to make ? v di6icult & regrettable deci.n4 ,mill] 9dicat$ t ! ,,acbes bo>d 9t5d$ to review ? matt] fur!r 9 ,july1 & if addi;nal funds 7 available at t "t1 ,,acbes 9t5d$ to 9cr1se xs f9ancial support to ,,acb 2y ! pres5t @s#ejj1jjj level ( commit;t4 ,*>lson !n 9dicat$ t ? la/- m9ute 9=ma;n wd cle>ly complicate ! ,,acb budget committee's 5d1vors4 ,! second late-br1k+ matt] : _h come to ! budget committee's att5;n only )9 ! pa/ few "ds 7 new recomm5da;ns f ! ,,acb hi/ory committee 9volv+ fur!r f9ancial obliga;ns to ,jim & ,m>jorie ,megiv]n reg>d+ comple;n ( ! ,,acb hi/ory project4 #bd ,*>lson call$ ^u ,*>lie ,hodge to report to ! bo>d reg>d+ ! hi/ory committee's recomm5da;ns4 ,hodge 9=m$ ! bo>d t ! hi/ory committee dur+ xs la/ teleph"o 3f];e call meet+ on ,sun"d1 ,janu>y #ab1 _h vot$ 9 favor ( recomm5d+ to ! budget committee & ! ,,acb bo>d addi;nal pay;ts to ,jim & ,m>jorie ,megiv]n total+ @s#i1jjj4 ,? recomm5da;n is compos$ ( two sep>ate & 4t9ct compon5ts2 ! f/1 a f9al pay;t 9 ! am.t ( @s#c1jjj to close \ & f9ally resolve all claims "u ! 9itial 3tract 2t ,,acb & ! ,megiv]ns1 & ! second1 a pay;t 9 ! am.t ( @s#f1jjj to comp5sate ! ,megiv]ns = _! 3t9u+ "w abv & 2y _! obliga;ns "u _! 9itial 3tract ) ,,acb to "w on1 ref9e & pres5t ! f9al manuscript = ! ,,acb hi/ory to \r new publi%]4 ,*>lson #be 9dicat$ t ! budget committee wd take ! hi/ory committee's late/ recomm5da;ns "u advise;t4 ,*>lson !n 2gan ! >du\s task ( go+ "? ! notes at ! front ( ! draft budget docu;t "o by "o4 ,! f/ item ( 3t5;n 0 ! recomm5da;n t memb]s ( ! ,,acb bo>d ( publica;ns "<,,bop"> n rcv reimburse;t f ,,acb = transporta;n1 hotel room or m1l exp5ses 9curr$ to att5d a ,,bop meet+ s*$ul$ dur+ ! mid- ye> meet+ week5d 9 ,pittsbur<1 ,pa4 ,despite an impas.n$ plea f ex-(ficio memb] ,hodge1 ! bo>d vot$ by voice vote to approve ? budget committee recomm5da;n4 ,af ? vote1 ,hodge 9=m$ ! bo>d t ev5 9 lid memb]s rais$ 3c]ns reg>d+ recomm5da;ns = possible sal>y 9cr1ses or addi;nal "w h\rs = bo? employees & 3tractors reflect$ 9 ! budget committee's recomm5da;ns1 especially 9 lid1 h["e1 did n take any =mal ac;n on ^! matt]s at ? "t4 ,! next matt] "u 4cus.n 0 ! budget committee's recomm5da;n p]mitt+ ! ,,acb executive director broad 4cre;n 9 decid+ : /aff employees wd 2 eligible = travel exp5se reimburse;ts to att5d ! mid-ye> ,,acb meet+s to 2 held 9 ,pittsbur< 9 mid-,febru>y4 ,craw=d cl>ifi$ t x 0 8 9t5;n t #bg only he1 ,p5ny ,re$] & ,t]ry ,pa*eco att5d ! mid-ye> meet+s s9ce ,melanie ,brunson _h be5 pres5t at ! bo>d's ,septemb] #bjjb meet+ 9 ,m9n1polis4 ,! next major issue ) : ! bo>d came to grips 9volv$ ! budget committee's recomm5da;n t ,,acb 3t9ue to (f] reimburse;t = "o hotel room = two ni to 2 held 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c41 9 late ,m>* #bjjc4 ,! reimburse;t alloca;n wd am.t to @s#ad1jjj4 ,9 lili] f ! ,,acbes bo>d1 s"eal bo>d memb]s express$ misgiv+s ab ! size ( ! subsidy obliga;n embodi$ 9 ? recomm5da;n4 ,yet1 o!r bo>d memb]s sd t a6iliates %d h be5 9=m$ well 9 adv.e ( :at !y cd or cd n expect 9 t]ms ( subsidies or #bh reimburse;ts f ,,acb 9 ord] to make $ucat$ plans reg>d+ _! att5d.e at ! legislative sem9>4 ,x 0 al >gu$ t if ,,acb 7 to r$uce xs subsidy level = ! legislative sem9>1 few] a6iliates wd s5d repres5tatives to ! sem9> : 9 turn mid !n vot$ n9e to two ) "o ab/5;n 9 a roll call vote to adopt a mo;n approv+ ! budget committee's recomm5da;n reg>d+ reimburse;t to a6iliates :o s5d memb]s to ! legislative sem9>4 ,^? vot+ 9 ! a6irmative 7 ,j]ry ,annunzio1 ,>dis ,bazyn1 ,brian ,*>lson1 ,dawn ,*ri/5s51 ,paul ,$w>ds1 ,mit* ,pom]antz1 ,donna ,selig]1 ,pat ,%eehan & ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt4 ,^? vot+ 9 ! negative 7 ,oral ,mill] & ,c>la #bi ,rus*ival4 ,billie ,j1n ,kei? ab/a9$1 & z presid+ (fic]1 ,/eve ,spei*] did n vote on ? mo;n4 ,! bo>d !n turn$ to ! recomm5da;n t ,,acb bo>d memb]s rcv transporta;n reimburse;t1 b only hotel room & m1l exp5se reimburse;t = "o ni ,,acb bo>d meet+ to 2 held 9 ,pittsbur< 9 mid-,febru>y4 ,af "s 4cus.n1 ! bo>d vot$ to approve ! committee's recomm5da;n4 ,! bo>d next focus$ xs att5;n on a recomm5da;n 9volv+ ! possible elim9a;n ( a /aff posi;n 9 ! na;nal (fice4 ,on mo;n duly made & second$1 ! bo>d vot$ to g 9to executive ses.n to 4cuss ? s5sitive p]sonnel matt]4 ,at ? juncture1 ,ols5 left ! meet+1 b ,/eve ,spei*] ) #cj ! 3curr;e ( ! bo>d reque/$ t ,craw=d rema9 = ! executive ses.n4 ,:5 ! bo>d return$ to op5 ses.n f executive ses.n1 ,spei*] report$ = ! record t dur+ ! executive ses.n1 ! bo>d _h adopt$ a mo;n ref]r+ ? matt] back to ! budget committee & reque/$ t committee to 3sult fur!r ) ,craw=d dur+ ! next two weeks ) an eye to br++ back to ! bo>d m 3si/5t recomm5da;ns ) respect to ! recomm5da;n reg>d+ elim9at+ an ,,acb /aff posi;n1 z well z s"eal ( ! o!r e>li] 4cuss$ budget committee recomm5da;ns4 ,! bo>d !n adopt$ a mo;n 9/ruct+ ! budget committee to add a sep>ate budget note to xs report 3ta9+ xs recomm5da;n reg>d+ ! #ej p]c5t alloca;n ( any pot5tial p]=m.e bonus to 2 pd to #ca ! *ief f9ancial (fic] 9 #bjjc : mig$ ag/ ,,acb's budget rev5ues4 ,f9ally1 ! bo>d delib]at$ ^u ! date & "t = xs next meet+4 ,/eve ,spei*] express$ ! f]v5t hope t ,gray wd 2 able to recup]ate su6ici5tly to 2 9 att5d.e at & preside ov] ! bo>d's next meet+4 ,af "s 3sid]able 4cus.n1 ! bo>d t5tatively set xs next meet+ to 2 by teleph"o 3f];e call on ,fri"d ev5+1 ,janu>y #ca1 at #h p4m4 "<,ea/]n "t">4 ,on mo;n duly made1 second$ & approv$ by voice vote1 ! bo>d meet+ adj\rn$ ab #aj3#cj p4m4 "<,ea/]n "t">4 ,febru>y #b1 #bjjc ,a teleph"o 3f];e call meet+ ( ! ,,acb bo>d ( directors 0 call$ to ord] by ,presid5t ,*ris ,gray at #h p4m4 #cb "<,ea/]n "t"> on ,sun"d ev5+1 ,febru>y #b4 ,gray ?ank$ bo>d memb]s = _! _m messages ( 3c]n & c>+ : he _h rcvd s9ce 8 a3id5t1 & he ?ank$ f/ vice presid5t ,/eve ,spei*] = presid+ "u v di6icult & unexpect$ circum/.es 9 8 abs;e & c>ry+ on ) ,,acb's ess5tial busi;s dur+ ! bo>d's teleph"o 3f];e call meet+ ( ,janu>y #af4 ,secret>y ,donna ,selig] !n call$ ! roll1 & all bo>d memb]s 7 pres5t4 ,9 addi;n1 executive director ,*>lie ,craw=d & *ief f9ancial (fic] ,jim ,ols5 7 al pres5t z /aff memb]s4 ,s9ce ,presid5t ,gray _h be5 abs5t dur+ ! bo>d's la/ 3f];e call meet+1 he ?"\ x nec to once ag review "o by "o ! budget committee's bo? 9itial & revis$ assump;ns & #cc recomm5da;ns 3ta9$ 9 t committee's 9itial & revis$ budget notes ev5 ?\< ? process wd 5tail review+ t]ritory : ! bo>d _h alr 3sid]$4 ,! bo>d !n 2gan t process1 & ,presid5t ,gray & budget committee *airman ,*>lson not$ t _m ( ! budget committee's 9itial recomm5da;ns _h be5 3solidat$ &_/or fold$ 9to "s ( ! committee's revis$ lat] budget notes4 ,= example1 ! budget committee _h 9 ! 9t]im 2t ! ,janu>y #af bo>d meet+ & ? meet+ revisit$ xs e>li] recomm5da;ns 3c]n+ r5ew+ ! 3tracts ( ,,acb ,radio manag] ,jona?an ,mos5 & ,,acb web ma/] ,e>l5e ,hud adopt$ by voice vote a mo;n to approve ! #cd budget committee's recomm5da;n au?oriz+ @s#a1jjj to cov] travel exp5ses ( ! ,,acb 3v5;n coord9ator to visit loca;ns o!r ?an alr approv$ 3v5;n sites4 ,gray ann\nc$ t he _h p]suad$ bo>d memb] ,j]ry ,annunzio to a3ept an appo9t;t to *air ! res\rce develop;t committee4 ,! bo>d al adopt$ by voice vote a mo;n au?oriz+ up to @s#a1jjj = ! *airman ( ! res\rce develop;t committee to 9cur exp5ses 9 attempt+ to develop new s\rces ( rev5ues = ,,acb4 ,! bo>d !n adopt$ a mo;n by voice vote au?oriz+ transporta;n1 hotel room & m1l reimburse;ts = ! executive director1 ! 8,brl ,=um0 $itor & ! coord9ator ( memb]%ip & a6iliate s]vices to att5d ! midye> meet+s at #ce ,pittsbur< 9 mid-,febru>y #bjjc4 ,! bo>d al adopt$ a mo;n by voice vote approv+ ! budget committee's recomm5da;n 9 favor ( au?oriz+ ! exp5diture ( @s#f1jjj 9 pr(es.nal fees to ,dodge ,field+ = organiz+ & putt+ on c]ta9 ev5ts design$ to fur!r ,,acb's fund-rais+ ef=ts4 ,!n ! bo>d 9itially agre$ to ! budget committee's recomm5da;n to )draw xs e>li] recomm5da;n ( a @s#i1jjj budget item = ,,acb loans & grants to a6iliates4 ,h["e1 ! bo>d 0 3c]n$ t xs ac;n wd h ! e6ect ( completely z]o+ \ ,,acb's ef=ts to support wor?:ile novel or cr1tive activities ( ,,acb a6iliates4 ,"!=e1 ! bo>d adopt$ a mo;n to reconsid] xs e>li] approval ( ! )drawal ( ? budget item4 ,f9ally1 ! bo>d adopt$ #cf by voice vote an am5d$ mo;n au?oriz+ up to @s#e1jjj = s* loans &_/or grants to a6iliates : met ! crit]ia 3ta9$ 9 ! guidel9es previ\sly adopt$ by ! ,,acb bo>d ( directors4 ,!n ! bo>d turn$ xs att5;n to an item : x _h approv$ at xs ,janu>y #af meet+ reg>d+ pay;t ( exp5ses = ,,acb repres5tatives to att5d /ate a6iliate 3v5;ns4 ,af m* 4cus.n hid+ ? matt]1 ! bo>d vot$ to ref] ! subject matt] ( ? budget note to a special ad hoc committee to 2 appo9t$ by ! presid5t to develop policy recomm5da;ns on ^! issues = bo>d 3sid]a;n & ev5tual adop;n or approval4 ,? committee1 3si/+ ( bo>d memb]s & repres5tatives f /ate a6iliates1 %d 2 appo9t$ #cg alm immly ) an eye t[>d hold+ meet+s dur+ ! upcom+ midye> meet+s 9 ,pittsbur<4 ,presid5t ,gray 9dicat$ t ? committee wd hope;lly 2 9 a posi;n to submit xs recomm5da;ns to ! bo>d %ortly af ! midye> meet+s 9 ,pittsbur<1 & t he wd !n 9t5d to h ! bo>d vote on s* an ad hoc committee report by ! 5d ( ,febru>y4 ,next1 ! bo>d turn$ to ano!r item : _h be5 approv$ & presumably settl$ at xs ,janu>y #af meet+1 i4e41 ! level & am.t ( ,,acb subsidy or reimburse;ts = a6iliates to s5d repres5tatives to ! legislative sem9>4 ,j]ry ,annunzio mov$ t ! bo>d's prior ac;n on ? matt] 2 reconsid]$4 ,af 3sid]able 4cus.n1 ? mo;n to reconsid] 0 approv$ on a roll call vote ( n9e 9 favor & six #ch oppos$4 ,^? vot+ 9 ! a6irmative w]e3 ,j]ry ,annunzio1 ,alan ,b1tty1 ,$ ,bradley1 ,billie ,j1n ,kei?1 ,oral ,mill]1 ,c>la ,rus*ival1 ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt1 ,donna ,selig] & ,/eve ,spei*]4 ,^? vot+ 9 ! negative w]e3 ,>dis ,bazyn1 ,brian ,*>lson1 ,dawn ,*ri/5s51 ,paul ,$w>ds1 ,mit* ,pom]antz & ,pat ,%eehan4 ,oral ,mill] !n mov$ t ,,acb provide a flat @s#ajj subsidy p] a6iliate to help defray exp5ses ( ea* a6iliate s5d+ repres5tatives to ! ,,acb legislative sem9>4 ,:ile ? mo;n 0 duly second$1 ,mit* ,pom]antz mov$ to am5d ! ,mill] mo;n to provide ea* a6iliate s5d+ delegates to ! legislative sem9> ) an ,,acb subsidy ( @s#cjj1 & ? propos$ am5d;t 0 al duly second$4 ,pom]antz 0 !n ask$ by #ci ,/eve ,spei*] if he wd deem z frly an am5d;t to ! e6ect t ! @s#cjj subsidy p] a6iliate 0 9t5d$ to c>ry \ ! message previ\sly s5t to a6iliates ( cov]+ two nid by a voice vote4 ,next1 z a co/-sav+ m1sure1 ! bo>d adopt$ a mo;n c.ell+ ! banquet ord9>ily held 9 3junc;n ) ! legislative sem9>4 ,"s bo>d memb]s 9dicat$ t s9ce ! legislative sem9> banquet wd n 2 held ? ye>1 ! normal regi/ra;n fee = ! legislative sem9> %d 2 r$uc$ to reflect ! less5$ co/ to ,,acb = runn+ ! sem9>4 ,af "s 4cus.n on ? po9t1 ! bo>d adopt$ a mo;n au?oriz+ ! ,,acb executive director to e/abli% a #da regi/ra;n fee : wd cov] all 9cid5tal co/s to ,,acb = putt+ on ! legislative sem9> 2y ! hotel lodg+ subsidies = a6iliates approv$ e>li]4 ,presid5t ,gray !n briefly describ$ a rev5ue-%>+ busi;s proposal f ,cali=nia ,canes : _h rec5tly be5 submitt$ to ,,acb4 ,cali=nia ,canes proposes develop+ a l9e ( bo? /raik & w h ! newly adopt$ ,,acb logo emblazon$ on ea* cane4 ,,acb & ,cali=nia ,canes wd !n 5t] 9to an exclusive m>ket+ & promo;nal agree;t to m>ket ! gl[+ ,,acb-logo l9e ( canes & to split ! pr(its on ! sales d]iv$ f ? exclusive m>ket+ campaign4 ,on mo;n duly made & second$1 ! ,,acb bo>d vot$ to au?orize ! presid5t to pursue ? proposal & to sign s* an agree;t4 ,gray #db 9dicat$ t ! newly develop$ l9e ( ,,acb-logo1 ,cali=nia ,canes cd well 2 m>ket$ & sold "? ! onl9e ,,acb /ore4 ,af 3sid]able 4cus.n1 ! bo>d agre$ by 3s5sus to hold ano!r teleph"o 3f];e call meet+ 9 ord] to complete ! task ( go+ completely "? ! budget committee's recomm5da;ns prior to ! bo>d's regul>ly s*$ul$ midye> meet+ 9 ,pittsbur<4 ,! ,febru>y #b teleph"o 3f];e call meet+ ( ! ,,acb bo>d ( directors adj\rn$ at #aj3#ae p4m4 "<,ea/]n "t">4 ,,acb #bjjc ,summ] ,9t]n%ip ,opportun;y by ,t]ry ,pa*eco ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ann\nces xs #bjjc 9t]n%ip program1 : has be5 develop$ to af=d a m1n+;l "w exp]i;e #dc to a bl po/-second>y /ud5t4 ,! pd 9t]n%ip w 2 = a maximum p]iod ( #aj weeks & w al 9clude1 if nec1 a r1sonable h\s+ & transporta;n all[.e4 ,duties w 9clude activities associat$ ) provid+ public 9=ma;n & $uca;n1 memb]%ip assi/.e1 communica;ns1 legislative monitor+ & assi/.e ) publica;ns4 ,if y wd l to 2 3sid]$ = ? 9t]n%ip opportun;y 9 ! ,,acb na;nal (fice1 pl1se submit a lr ( applica;n by ,april #a1 #bjjc to3 ,*>les ,craw=d1 ,executive ,director1 ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 #aaee #aeth ,/reet ,,nw1 ,suite #ajjd1 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 #bjjje4 ,al;g ) yr lr1 s5d docu;ta;n 3c]n+ ! s*ool y att5d or plan to att5d1 z well z 9=ma;n ab yr major field ( /udy1 voca;nal or pr(es.nal #dd objective1 prior $uca;nal & employ;t hi/ory1 skills "1 extracurricul> & civic activities4 ,yr lr %d al 9clude a p>agraph expla9+ :y y wd l to sp5d a summ] 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c41 & ! b5efits y expect to rcv f ! 9t]n%ip4 ,ann\nc+ ,vi.n ,que/ #bjjc3 ,a ,self-,4cov]y ,3f];e = ,"y ,bl ,wom5 ,:o's 9vit$8 ,"y wom5 :o >e bl or visually impair$1 ages #ae-#be ,":8 ,brock ,univ]s;y1 ,st4 ,ca?>9es1 ,ont>io1 ,canada4 ,! univ]s;y is ab half an h\r f ,niag>a ,falls1 #de m9utes f ,bu6alo1 #a-#a_/#b h\rs f ,toronto4 #de ,:5 w x be8 ,augu/ #ae-#ah1 #bjjc ,h[ m* w x co/8 @s#bbj ,u4,s41 @s#cjj ,canadian " ,if y >e a "y woman :o wants to le>n m ab self-advocacy1 /rategies to promote 9dep5d;e1 net"w+ ) o!r "y bl wom51 bl & visually impair$ role models & m5tors1 *all5g+ adv5tures & activities1 new skills 9 activities ( daily liv+1 p]sonal develop;t1 & 9dep5d5t travel1 & c>e] *oices & explora;n1 !n come sp5d a rew>d+ week5d ) o!r bl & visually impair$ wom5 to 9ve/igate all ^! topics & m4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ,jill ,tob9 via ;e-mail1 ,jill4,n4,tob9@agrc4nasa4gov1 or call h] at "<#baf"> #ije- #dfgd4 #df ,a6iliate ,news ,come to ,new ,mexico1 ! ,l& ( ,5*ant;t6 ,! ,,acb ( ,new ,mexico 9vites y to att5d \r ?ird annual 3v5;n4 ,! 3v5;n w take place on ,fri"d1 ,may #i & ,satur"d1 ,may #aj1 at ! ,be/ ,we/]n ,9n ,suites 9 ,albuqu]que4 ,room rates >e @s#ef p] ni #bdd-#gjbb4 ,= m 9=ma;n ab ! 3v5;n1 3tact ,david ,>mijo1 a6iliate presid5t1 at "<#eje"> #dcg-#ibie or ,ron ,brooks1 3v5;n coord9ator1 at "<#eje"> #bfh-#adhe or s5d ;e-mail to ,ron,l4,brooks@a,v]izon4net4 ,come sp5d a week5d ) "o ( ,,acb's newe/ a6iliates & 5joy ! w>m? & *>m ( ! ,l& ( #dg ,5*ant;t4 ,,nabt ,(f]s ,help to ,att5d ,3v5;n ,! ,na;nal ,associa;n ( ,bl ,t1*]s w aw>d @s#bjj to 5able a t1*] or /ud5t /udy+ to 2 a t1*] to att5d ? ye>'s 3v5;n4 ,?9k ( ? z a c\ple ( nid1 s5d yr "n1 ph"o numb]1 & ! "n ( ! 9/itu;n ": y t1* or >e /udy+1 al;g ) a brief explana;n ( ! r1sons :y y ?9k y des]ve ! aw>d 9 ! m$ium ( yr pref];e1 by ,april #a to ,john ,buckley1 #ggjj ,gl1son ,dr41 ,apt4 #cc,n1 ,knoxville1 ;,,tn #cgiai or ;e-mail ,johnbuckley#be@acomcast4net4 #dh ,frs-9-,>t ,li/s]v ,if y >e 9t]e/$ 9 jo9+ ! ,frs-9-,>t li/s]v1 s5d a blank message to fia-acb- subscribe@ayahoogr\ps4com4 ,a ,new ,a"p;t ,op;n by ,ka?y ,brockman1 ,presid5t ,badg] ,associa;n ( ! ,bl & ,visually ,impair$1 ,9c4 "<,$itor's ,note3 ,i h a "y fr "nd ,adam4 ,adam is a r1d] ( 8,! ,brl ,=um10 & he & ,i h be5 talk+1 via ;e-mail & ,,acb's toll-free numb]1 f "t to "t = ab two & a half ye>s4 ,adam has exp]i;ed m ups & d[ns 9 8 "y life ?an _m p 8 age4 ,dur+ \r o3a.nal 3v]sa;ns1 we h celebrat$ _m ( 8 happy "ts & m\rn$ "s ( ! sad "os tgr4 ,i am alw happy #di to he> f ,adam4 ,a few weeks ago1 ,adam call$ to %>e "s especially gd news4 ,he has f.d ! p]fect liv+ >range;t1 he told me4 ,9 a few mon?s :5 he has complet$ ! c\rse "w = 8 hi< s*ool equival5cy c]tifica;n1 ,adam w l1ve ! gr\p resid;e ": he has be5 liv+ ? ye> & move to 8 v [n a"p;t 9 ,milwaukee4 ,! a"p;t build+ is a br&-new resid;e plann$ & br"\ to frui;n by ! ,badg] ,associa;n ( ! ,bl4 ,i r1liz$ :ile ,adam 0 describ+ ! new a"p;t build+ t1 co9cid5tally1 ,ka?y ,brockman _h call$ me only a few weeks e>li] to describe ! project & ! build+ & to ask ab submitt+ ? >ticle4 ,"h is ! /ory ( ! new a"p;t complex ( : ! ,badg] ,associa;n is s ju/ifiably pr\d4 ,we >e s pl1s$ to 2 able to %>e ? #ej gd news ) r1d]s ( 8,! ,brl ,=um40 ,we wi% all ! resid5ts ( ? new a"p;t build+1 s c>e;lly & lov+ly plann$ to meet _! ne$s z p :o >e bl & visually impair$1 _m ye>s ( happi;s 9 _! new homes4 ,i look =w>d to he>+ f ,adam ag 9 e>ly summ]1 z he makes ! move to ,milwaukee1 & a new *apt] ( 9dep5d;e 9 8 life4 ,3gratula;ns to ! ,badg] ,associa;n ( ! ,bl = ? late/ a*ieve;t 9 meet+ ! ne$s ( bl & visually impair$ p1 & to all ! new t5ants 9 ! a"p;t complex4"> ,locat$ 9 ,milwaukee1 ,wis41 ! ,badg] ,associa;n 0 f.d$ 9 #aiai4 ,9 addi;n to v>i\s h\s+ programs1 ov] ! la/ #gj-plus ye>s we h "utak5 _m o!r activities1 9clud+ provid+ rehabilita;n s]vices1 op]at+ a l[ vi.n cl9ic1 ho/+ #ea recr1;n activities & classes1 recruit+ volunte]s1 & runn+ a /ore to sell adaptive equip;t = bl & visually impair$ p4 ,we al provide 9=ma;n & ref]ral s]vices = ! commun;y4 ,s9ce #aibd ! ,badg] ,associa;n has provid$ h\s+ = bl & visually impair$ p4 ,\r h\s+ op;ns h *ang$ ov] ! ye>s4 ,9 ! 2g9n+1 we pur*as$ an old man.n : a3ommodat$ f six to ei$ "o ba?room = e two resid5ts4 ,9itially1 t h\s+ op;n 0 v su3ess;l1 b 9 ! la/ #ae ye>s1 ! numb] ( p :o want$ to live 9 t resid;e decr1s$4 ,9 ! new c5tury1 p w]5't 3t5t to live 9 a s+le small room2 "eybody want$ m p]sonal space4 #eb ,s"eal ye>s ago1 z x 2came obvi\s to _m t \r associa;n cdn't 9def9itely 3t9ue to subsidize 9cr1s+ly exp5sive h\s+1 \r bo>d & /aff 2gan to explore new h\s+ op;ns4 ,we 4cov]$ t we cd obta9 special tax cr$it fund+ f ! /ate ( ,wiscons94 ,9 addi;n1 a mortgage & "s associa;n funds wd 2 us$ to f9.e ! rema9d] ( ! project4 ,e>ly 9 #bjja we 2gan ! plann+ process = a new #eh- unit a"p;t build+ 9 \r curr5t space1 : is locat$ at ! top ( a hill4 ,"! wasn't a huge am.t ( space b "! 0 5 room = a nice ;,l-%ap$ build+4 ,"! >e f\r floors plus a gr.d floor t a3ommodates a d9+ room1 /orage lock]s & p>k+ = #ag c>s4 ,! build+ 9cludes #cj "o-b$room & #bh two-b$room units4 ,af we _h secur$ ! #ec f9ancial >range;ts t all[$ u to proce$1 we hir$ >*itects & o!r pr(es.nals to />t "w+ on ! actual 3/ruc;n plans4 ,we 7 able to obta9 l[-9come v\*]s f ! c;y ( ,milwaukee to help resid5ts pay ! r5t4 ,s9ce _m bl & visually impair$ p h limit$ funds1 #ea ( ! #eh units >e eligible = subsidies4 ,at ab ! same "t we hir$ a 3sultant to review all ( \r programs4 ,we 3duct$ s"eal focus gr\ps ": memb]s1 curr5t resid5ts1 "picipants 9 \r recr1;n program & o!rs 9 ! commun;y %>$ _! id1s ab :at bl & visually impair$ p wd f9d help;l 9 an a"p;t build+4 ,:ile e su7es;n & pref];e cd n 2 9clud$1 a numb] ( id1s 7 9corporat$ 9 \r design4 ,= example1 ce;t ( di6]5t textures & colors helps p ) ori5ta;n4 ,! two a"p;t #ed build+s >e v close tgr1 ) only ab #ae feet sep>at+ !m4 ,"s plann]s 7 surpris$ to f9d t "picipants 9 ! focus gr\ps did n favor a f.ta9 z an ori5ta;n device1 b "! is a bird 9 ! lo2y1 & 8 *irp+1 al;g ) *anges 9 floor cov]+s to dem>cate specific >1s1 helps resid5ts ) ori5ta;n4 ,z ) any project1 "! 7 a numb] ( delays 9 gett+ />t$4 ,once all ( ! nec p]mits1 etc4 7 obta9$ ! actual 3/ruc;n 2gan 9 ,octob] #bjja4 ,we 7 r1lly sw1t+ x \ s9ce ,wiscons9 w9t]s c 2 a ll r\<4 ,?ank;lly1 ! w9t] ( #bjja-#jb 0 relatively mild4 ,a numb] ( u took pictures "?\t ! process s we h a photographic record ( ! 3/ruc;n process f />t to f9i%4 ,naturally \r memb]s want$ to see ! build+ z x 0 2+ 3/ruct$4 ,? 0 q tricky 9 #ee ! e>ly /ages1 b we did x4 ,,acb ,presid5t ,*ris ,gray ev5 took a t\r :5 he 0 "h 9 ,april #bjjb = \r 3v5;n4 ,ev5 9 ! e>ly phases1 t\rs 5abl$ p to 8visualize0 h[ m* space !y wd h ,- ev5 2f walls 7 actually built4 ,z ! "w progress$1 ! excite;t grew4 ,"ey"d x 0 easi] & easi] to see t a r1l build+ 0 "u 3/ruc;n ,- r ?an j a pile ( lumb]6 ,x 0 tricky gett+ 9 "! s9ce 3/ruc;n sites c 2 messy4 ,once1 :5 ,i 0 on a t\r "! ) "o ( \r 3gressm5 ,i took a small tumble :ile ,i 0 exit+ ! build+4 ,luckily ! only ?+ hurt 0 my pride2 ev5 my :ite blaz] 0 f9e6 ,_m ( \r resid5ts _h n"e liv$ al"o or d"o any cook+2 _! m1ls 7 9clud$ 9 _! r5t4 ,dur+ ! summ] we _h a rehabilita;n t1*] 9t]n "w ) ! #ef resid5ts to id5tify _! ne$s4 ,models ( ! /ove1 refrig]ator & microwave 7 available s !y cd le>n to op]ate !m4 ,( c\rse1 ^! appli.es >e label$ ) brl & tactile m>k+s 9 ea* a"p;t4 ,addi;nal 9/ruc;ns & tra9+ 7 provid$ = resid5ts z ne$$4 ,9 ,septemb] ea* /aff p]son 0 assign$ to a resid5t to provide assi/.e dur+ ! mov+ process4 ,? 9clud$ help+ ) *ange ( address notifica;ns1 pack+1 ! mov+ process1 unpack+1 gett+ groc]ies1 ori5t+ resid5ts to _! new build+1 & provid+ any o!r nec assi/.e4 ,! /aff & a numb] ( volunte]s "w$ on ? project1 go+ well 2y ! call ( duty4 ,3/ruc;n 0 f> 5 al;g s t resid5ts cd move 9 ! la/ week ( ,septemb]4 ,"! 7 a numb] ( bl & visually impair$ p #eg f ! commun;y :o 7 n memb]s ( ! ,badg] ,associa;n :o decid$ to move 9to ! resid;e z well4 ,"o memb] told me ! big mov+ "d 0 l hav+ "ey"o move 9to a college dorm ) ! a3ompany+ *aos & excite;t4 ,naturally1 "! 7 a numb] ( small projects t ne$$ to 2 complet$ 9 ! build+1 & "s un=ese5 problems 7 al id5tifi$4 ,z ) any new build+1 ^! >e 2+ address$ z qkly z possible4 ,e>ly 9 ! summ] an app1l _h be5 s5t \ to \r memb]s & donors ask+ = 3tribu;ns to help \r new resid5ts to furni% _! a"p;ts4 ,"! 0 a grt response bo? ) funds & h\sehold items & furniture : we held 9 /orage until af ! move4 ,_m ( ! resid5ts ne$$ furniture = a liv+ room1 kit*5 & all ! v>i\s necessities = cook+ 9 _! [n kit*5s4 #eh ,_m p _h limit$ 9comes & wd h f.d x impossible to pur*ase all ^! items !mvs4 ,a week af ! big mov+ "d1 we set \ all ! items t _h be5 donat$ & 9vit$ resid5ts to come & *oose ! items !y ne$$4 ,_m ( \r new t5ants d n h families :o cd help !m get ? k9d ( />t1 & all appreciat$ ! opportun;y to 2g9 life 9 _! new a"p;ts ) _m ( ! basic necessities 2+ provid$4 ,a numb] ( visual ele;ts 7 9corporat$ 9to ! a"p;t build+4 ,color s*emes & place;t h be5 utiliz$ to all[ a p]son ) limit$ vi.n to maximize ! use ( rema9+ vi.n4 ,= example1 ! c>pet$ hallways h a bord] ( hi< 3tra/ color4 ,9 ! kit*5 a ?ree-9* d>k gre5 bord] is us$ : 4t+ui%es ! c.t]top f ! floor z a p]son looks d[n4 ,/&>d :ite or tan #ei \tlet cov]s 7 replac$ ) black cov]s & all \tlets >e rais$ two feet abv ! floor to br+ !m clos] to "o's field ( vi.n & assi/ ) mobil;y4 ,all ov]hang+ kit*5 cab9ets h built-9 lie4 ,d>k- color$ c\*es_/*airs & black walnut wood furniture1 all built by a c>p5t] :o is bl1 >e utiliz$ 9 ! lo2y & d9+ room to maximize 3tra/ 2t furniture & floor+4 ,9direct lie r$uc;n >e utiliz$4 ,a"p;ts h twice ! liy units & dimm] swit*es replace /&>d lie4 ,wall sconces replace all /&>d recess$ ceil+ fluoresc5t li1s s* z ! hallway4 ,ea* /airway l&+ has a 4t9ct color to assi/ 9 #fj id5tify+ "o floor f ano!r4 ,addi;nal lii\s design ele;ts4 ,rais$ dots_/l9es & brl >e utiliz$ "?\t ! build+ to 3vey 9=ma;n4 ,kit*5 appli.es >e m>k$ ) fluoresc5t_/rais$-l9e m>k+s4 ,all microwaves h dial r ?an digital 3trols4 ,h1t+ & air 3di;n+ 3trols h tactual m>k+s4 ,all ! /oves h 3trol panels 9 front s p don't h to r1* ov] hot burn]s to f9d 3trol knobs4 ,holes cut 9to ! c5t] ( cutt+ bo>ds all[ cooks to collect tra% ) a c plac$ "un1? or to an*or a b[l us$ = food prep>a;n4 ,brl1 l>ge #fa pr9t labels & magnets 9 ! %ape ( food1 = example1 p1s1 b1ns1 etc41 c 2 plac$ on cann$ gds to help p :o _c r1d /&>d labels to id5tify _! 3t5ts4 ,! lo2y floor provides hi< tactual 3tra/ ) h>d tile floor+ al;g typical walk+ pa?ways & s(t c>pet floor+ = sitt+ >1s4 ,"! >e tactual brick impr9ts al;g ! $ges ( ext]ior sidewalks to help ) ori5ta;n4 ,brl & tactual l>ge- pr9t signage >e utiliz$ "?\t4 ,/air rail+s h r+s at ! 5d s travel]s "k !y >e ne> a l&+4 ,hallways >e l9$ ) ori5ta;n rails1 : l1d to a recess$ op5+ at ea* a"p;t doorway4 ,p c utilize ^! op5+s to assi/ 9 ori5t+ !mvs & o!rs to specific a"p;ts1 = example1 ! f\r? op5+ on ! left is my a"p;t4 ,ea* floor has an >t !me to help resid5ts "k :at #fb floor !y're on :5 !y get (f ! talk+ elevator4 ,"! is a quilt !me1 audible >t1 & 4t9ctive sculptures on di6]5t floors4 ,all h&les 9 ! build+ >e easy- to-op]ate l"es1 r ?an doorknobs4 ,d9+ room tables >e squ>e & p>allel to walls to assi/ p 9 id5tify+ walls1 c.t]s or doorways4 ,"s o!r f1tures 9clude ice mak]s 9 ! freez]s to elim9ate hav+ to get an ice tray f ! s9k to ! freez]4 ,5h.ed secur;y 9cludes cam]as to monitor all public >1s4 ,a"p;ts h electronic d1dbolt key 5tr.es & ext]ior doors utilize electronic a3ess c>ds4 ,slid+ closet doors >e hung f ! ceil+ r ?an glid+ on ! floor to keep items f 4appe>+ 9to ! tracks4 ,ea* a"p;t 5tr.e door is equipp$ ) a two-foot by "o- foot %elf s t p h a #fc place to put groc]ies or purses :ile !y're op5+ _! front doors4 ,mailboxes >e sup]siz$ s9ce brl p]iodicals1 s* z 8,! ,brl ,=um10 & books >e (t5 m* l>g] ?an /&>d pr9t4 ,"! >e extra t[el b>s 9 ! ba?rooms4 ,doorways all ov] ! build+ >e l>ge 5 to a3ommodate :eel*airs & half ( ! units h :eel-9 %[]s to all[ old] p to age 9 place4 ,s9ce bl & visually impair$ p >e m reliant on s.d1 all 9t]ior walls h extra s.dpro(+ 9sula;n4 ,floors h two lay]s ( plywood & extra c>pet padd+1 w9d[s >e upgrad$1 & hallway floors >e built ) six 9*es ( 3crete to less5 tra6ic noise4 ,! fire al>ms >e equipp$ ) undulat+ al>m noise r ?an a /1dy noise to give mo;ts ( sil;e t assi/ ) ori5ta;n1 haz>d id5tifica;n & oral #fd assi/.e f o!rs4 ,a 8dog relief >ea0 & wa%room ) rais$ ba?tub w assi/ p ) guide dogs &_/or pets4 ,! c\rty>d 9cludes _m sc5t$ plants to add an extra dim5.n ( 5joy;t = p :o >e bl & visually impair$4 ,a l>ge- scre5 televi.n ) surr.d s.d is a focal po9t ( ! l\nge4 ,! front 5tr.e is equipp$ ) a brl & l>ge-pr9t directory4 ,resid5ts c avail !mvs ( addi;nal s]vices1 9clud+ volunte]s :o c provide transporta;n to m$ical appo9t;ts or %opp+ ]r&s4 ,9 addi;n1 a volunte] /aff r1ds resid5ts,0 mail al\d1 five "ds a week4 ,! director ( home op]a;ns assi/s ) p]sonal busi;s 9clud+ ph>macy deliv]y4 ,a van is us$ = trips to ! groc]y /ore1 ": volunte] %opp+ assi/.e is provid$4 ,resid5ts >e 5joy+ ! #fe opportunities to 9t]act ) ea* o!r & take "p 9 associa;n programs4 ,n[ !y don't h to 2 3c]n$ ab transporta;n to & f ^! activities4 ,_m o!r organiza;ns use \r address z a %uttle pick-up & drop-(f po9t1 s resid5ts h a v>iety ( op;ns to *oose am;g = recr1;n1 socializa;n1 & gett+ \ & ab4 ,? project 0 a dramatic de"pure f ! k9ds ( h\s+ & o!r s]vices ! ,badg] ,associa;n = ! ,bl & ,visually ,impair$ _h (f]$ 9 ! pa/4 ,x took "s ( \r resid5ts a ll "t to get us$ to ! new id1s & ! dramatic *anges1 b x's be5 wor? ! ef=t & ! adju/;t1 & we're glad \r new build+ is s* a su3ess4 ,cap;ns ,go+ ,up 444 ,a 3/ruc;n "w] /&s on sca6old+1 "w+ on ! new a"p;t build+1 ) 3crete #ff du/ fly+ >.d hm4 ,o!r "w]s on ! sca6old+ lay bricks 9 r[s to make ! \t] walls4 ,9side "o ( ! new a"p;ts >e a numb] ( visible adapta;ns3 black electrical \tlets & w9d[ trim1 & b"r] lirative ,televi.n ,net"w ,al? ! field ( video descrip;n ,- ! process ( mak+ ,,tv1 movies1 or any o!r visual m$ia a3essible ,- is relatively new1 x does h an ev5t;l pa/ : may 2 help;l z we try to gaze 9to an unc]ta9 future4 ,if y >e plann+ to att5d ! ,,acb annual na;nal #fg 3v5;n ? com+ ,july 9 ,pittsbur<1 y w h an opportun;y to a6ect ! future ( video descrip;n by "picipat+ on ! ,n>rative ,televi.n ,net"w's ,3sum] ,panel on ,sun"d1 ,july #f4 ,"picipa;n on ? panel w 9volve review+ sc5es f describ$ movies & ,,tv %[s via videotape 9 yr home prior to ! 3v5;n1 & !n att5d+ a "o-h\r ses.n at ! 3v5;n to provide u ) yr fe$back4 ,call "<#hjj"> #hja-#hahd = m 9=ma;n ab h[ y c "picipate on \r 3sum] panel & a6ect ! future ( describ$ video on televi.n & else":4 ,my 9volve;t 9 ! field ( video descrip;n (ficially 2gan 9 #aihh4 ,al? ,i h writt5 a doz5 books1 a weekly newspap] column1 made hundr$s ( spee*es at >5a ev5ts >.d ! c.try1 & _h o!r busi;s 9volve;ts1 = #fh ! la/ #ae ye>s1 :5"e any"o has ask$ me to "n my pr(es.n ,i h pr\dly /at$1 8,i am presid5t ( ! ,n>rative ,televi.n ,net"w "<,,ntn">40 ,i h be5 ask$ by "ey"o f 8,! ,wall ,/reet ,j\rnal0 & 8,=bes0 to ,,cnn & 8,gd ,morn+ ,am]ica10 h[ ? all got />t$4 ,z a bl p]son myf1 ,i ha/5 to say t ! idea is z old z a bl p]son ) a sig>et ,pfan/iehl1 f.d] & ,,ceo ( ! ,metropolitan ,wa%+ton ,e> radio r1d+ #fi s]vice 9 ,silv] ,spr+1 ,md41 we wd n 2 ": we >e td4 ,dr4 ,pfan/iehl has be5 at ! =efront ( ! ongo+ ef=ts to cr1te gov]n;tal regula;ns e/abli%+ a m&ate = a3essibil;y4 ,all ( ! wond];l p at ,,wgbh 9 ,bo/on's ,descriptive ,video ,s]vices h blaz$ ! trail & ov]come _m te*nical b>ri]s t make \r curr5t 9du/ry possible4 ,9 addi;n1 ! curr5t level ( video descrip;n & ! gr[? we >e hop+ = wd n 2 possible )\t ! ongo+ support & fund+ f ! ,u4,s4 ,de"p;t ( ,$uca;n4 ,i wd 2 remiss if ,i did n take ? opportun;y to applaud my [n t1m at ,,ntn4 ,!y h cr1t$ m a3essible ,,tv & movie programm+ = net"w televi.n & home video ?an any"o 9 ! field ( descrip;n4 #gj ,& la/1 b n"e l1/1 )\t ,*>lie ,craw=d & ! 5]gy ( "ey"o at ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 we wd n"e h ga9$ ! ,f$]al ,communica;ns ,commis.n's m&ate t is 2+ >gu$ on app1l 9 ! c\rts td4 ,at ? writ+ ,- e>ly #bjjc ,- ! l&m>k ,,fcc deci.n ( ,april #bjjb has be5 ov]turn$1 b ! deci.n w 2 "ugo+ an app1l 9 ! ne> future4 ,m1n:ile1 at l1/ = n[1 mo/ ( ! net"ws >e 3t9u+ to provide at l1/ a m9imal level ( a3essible programm+4 ,"! is n a bett] s\rce to /ay 9=m$ on ! issue ?an ! "o y >e r1d+ n[1 &1 if y want to get 9volv$1 simply foll[ ! l1d ( ,,acb & yr [n l1d]%ip z ! /ru7le 3t9ues4 ,i look =w>d to meet+ a numb] ( y at ? ye>'s 3v5;n 9 ,pittsbur< & hope t y w help ,,ntn d an ev5 bett] job #ga ( :at we d by s]v+ on ! advisory panel4 ,televi.n1 = bett] or worse1 is / ! numb]-"o recr1;nal activ;y 9 \r society4 ,z we all seek to 2come a "p ( ! ma9/r1m1 x is critical t we n 2 left \ ( ? vital compon5t4 ,des]t ,liv+ by ! ,numb]s by ,george ,cov+ton "<,$itor's ,note3 ,george ,cov+ton is an attorney1 photograph] & writ] liv+ 9 ,alp9e1 ,texas4 ,2t #aihi & #aiic he 0 ,special ,assi/ant = ,4abil;y ,policy = ! ,vice ,presid5t ( ! ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,he is ! au?or ( ,,photo ,,h]o1 ,a ,satire ( ,photography1 available "? yr local book/ore or on l9e f ,amazon4com or #gb ,bord]s4com or bn4com4"> 8,:at ! heck is a bl guy go+ to d 9 ! middle ( a des]t80 a close fr dem&$4 8,y c't see well 5 to drive1 & !y don't h public transporta;n \ "!4 ,:at >e y go+ to d1 get a see+-eye >madillo80 ,) less ?an five p]c5t vi.n1 ,i expla9$1 *ang+ ! blurry canyons ( ,new ,york = ! blurry canyons ( ,we/ ,texas wasn't m* ( a /ret*4 8,if y survive x w only 2 2c y 7 born ) m guts ?an bra9s10 0 my fr's "p+ %ot4 ,i am n c]ta9 ( ! a3uracy ( my fr's /ate;t1 b ,i 0 born legally bl & ,i h alw _h m guts ?an eyesis 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 & two ye>s 9 ,manhattan1 ,i mov$ to t9y ,alp9e1 9 ! ,hi< #gc ,*ihuahuan ,des]t ( ,f> ,we/ ,texas4 ,2c ( com;ts s* z1 8,h y lo/ yr m9d80 &1 8,x's a woman1 isn't x80 ,i s5t ! foll[+ lr to m ?an a hundr$ frs3 ,i am n[ liv+ 9 b1uti;l d[nt[n ,alp9e1 ,texas4 ,( c\rse1 liv+ any": 9 ,alp9e is liv+ a few blocks f d[nt[n4 ,alp9e is locat$ 9 ,brew/] ,c.ty1 : is r\t spaces1 & a cal5d> *ock full ( social & cultural ev5ts4 #c4 ,! scorpions >e ! size ( skatebo>ds1 & ! t>antulas >e (t5 mi/ak5 = v fuzzy wat]melons4 #d4 ,& ! rattlesnakes >e tak5 = grant$4 #e4 ,! jackra2its >e c>nivor\s & c compete ) horses at c]ta9 rodeos4 #f4 ,! wom5 >e all hie #aej miles f ! ne>e/ airport1 b ,amtrak & ,greyh.d s]ve u well "<:5 !y c get pa/ ! scorpions1 t>antulas1 & rabid jackra2its2 ! rattlesnakes only g af #ah-:eel]s">4 #i4 ,my a"p;t is adjac5t to ,sul ,ross ,/ate ,univ]s;y1 : has #a1bjj /ud5ts4 #aj4 ,,nyc 9 my ;e-mail address no l;g] /&s = ,new ,york ,c;y b n[ /&s = ,navajo1 ,yu3a1 & ,coman*e4 #gf #aa4 ,local g\rmet food ,- road kill4 ,i love x "h4 ,af look+ ov] my li/1 s"eal ( my local frs assure me t rattlesnakes won't g af #ah- :eel]s :5 p>k$ mobile homes >e s* 8easy pick9s40 ,to my old ,texas frs1 :o 7 z />tl$ to see me move back z my ,ea/ ,coa/ frs 7 to see me l1ve1 ,i expla9$1 8,alp9e has ! be/ *ick5-fri$ /1k1 ,tex- ,mex cook+1 & ! mo/ b1uti;l wom5 9 ,texas40 ,!y r1dily a3ept$ ? explana;n4 ,! r1l r1son ,i mov$ to ,alp9e is t ! p :o live be/ 9 ,manhattan >e ! v poor & ! v ri*4 ,i 0 h1d$ t[>d ! =m]2 al ,i 0 look+ = a place ": ,i cd write1 photograph1 & walk f "o 5d ( t[n to ano!r 9 only a few m9utes4 ,:ile "! >e six million /ories 9 ! ,nak$ #gg ,c;y1 "! >e a million /ories 9 ,alp9e & ,brew/] ,c.ty4 ,"s may ?9k1 8,h[ dull60 ,^! >e p :o h n"e att5d$ a ,c[boy ,poetry ,ga!r+1 a rattlesnake r.dup1 a fire ant fe/ival1 a *ili cook+ 3te/1 or an 9t]na;nal black-ey$ pea cook- (f4 ,i qkly le>n$ t ma*o is / big 9 ,texas4 ,x c manife/ xf 9 a numb] ( ways3 #a4 ,my f/ "d z a resid5t 9 ,alp9e1 ,i 0 told by an acqua9t.e t 8 hat brim 0 wid] ?an m9e4 #b4 ,i al 4cov]$ t ma*o is det]m9$ by h[ hi< y h to /ep 9to a pickup "4 #gh #c4 ,! import.e ( ! size ( ! truck's b$ _c 2 ov]-/ress$2 ! b$ %d 2 propor;nal to ! numb] ( dogs rid+ 9 x4 #d4 ,! gun rack is r1l & %d 3ta9 a l>ge-calib] rifle "<#4bb-calib] is j = wimps">4 #e4 ,a 8r1l man0 w h a belt buckle ! size ( a pie plate "ge belt buckle">4 #f4 ,a r1l ma*o type w eat a *ick5 fri$ /1k t cov]s half ! table1 a cauldron ( *ili1 !n pop d[n a few jalap5o pepp]s & claim to h n"e he>d ( ! t]m 8he>tburn40 #g4 ,ma*o types >e se5 at ! ,cry/al ,b>1 n at a salad b>4 ,salad b>s >e 9t5d$ = wom5 & ra2its4 #gi #h4 ,r1l ,ma*os >e n se5 dur+ de] hunt+ s1son 2c _! full 5]gy is sp5t try+ to kill ,bambi "? a fo7y haze cr1t$ by 3sum+ a case ( be]4 ,don't get me wr;g1 ,we/ ,texans h a grt s5se ( humor4 ,we h to 2c ( ! c.try we live in4 ,ra91 wat]1 & dr"\ jokes >e an important "p ( daily life4 ,i once ask$ a local h[ m* ra9 ,alp9e rcvd a ye> & 0 told1 8,we get sixte5 9*es a ye>1 : doesn't s.d l m* un.s y're "h ! "d we get x40 ,my f/ week 9 ,alp9e1 "ps ( ! t[n 7 "u six feet ( wat] 2c ( a sudd5 m.ta9 ra9/orm4 ,two "ds lat] "! 0 no /&+ wat]4 ,! f/ sev5 mon?s ( t ye> we rcvd alm no ra9 & record hi< temp]atures4 ,! jokes go+ >.d 9clud$1 8,i saw two mesquite trees fib$ wire f;e to get a breeze40 ,we/ ,texas ran*]s >e big on private prop]ty "rs4 ,"r n[ !y >e battl+ ! ,unit$ ,/ates ,air ,=ce & ! ,g]man ,luftwa6e to prev5t l[ altitude tra9+ runs ov] _! ran*es "<#cjj feet at #ejj miles p] h\r">4 ,9 ! ru7$ c.try >.d ,alp9e x is di6icult to f9d yr c[s on ! be/ ( "ds4 ,& "s ( ^! ran*]s rememb] 2+ buzz$ by ! ,g]mans dur+ ,_w ,w> ,,ii4 ,_m ask :y ! ,g]mans ne$ to tra9 ov] hi< des]t c.try :5 "! is no hi< des]t c.try 9 ,g]_m4 ,d !y plan to retake ,nor? ,africa8 ,"! >e simil>ities 2t my old home 9 ,new ,york ,c;y & ,alp9e3 #a4 ,! resid5ts ( bo? cities >e n afraid ( a guy walk+ d[n ! /reet ) a :ite #ha /ick1 al? ! p 9 ,alp9e ?"\ x 0 a pool cue4 #b4 ,!y bo? live 9 h>% b b1uti;l 5viron;ts4 #c4 ,bo? >e fill$ ) e35trics4 #hb #d4 ,!y >e bo? fill$ ) p ,i've come to love4 ,tips = ,travel]s to ,texas3 ,"u/&+ ! ,language "<,$itor's ,note3 ,?anks to ,ri*>d ,villa = %>+ ? dic;n>y ( 8,texas ,talk0 ) ! ,,acb ,li/s]v4 ,we ?9k any ( y :o plan to visit ,george ,cov+ton 9 ,texas's hi< des]t may want to le>n ^! 8,texas ,t]m9ologies0 2f y g6"> ,a te/ to see if y >e ,,r1lly a ,texan6 ,if y >e a ,,r1l ,,texan3 #a4 ,y m1sure 4t.e 9 m9utes4 #b4 ,y've _h to swit* f h1t to air 3di;n+ 9 ! same "d4 #c4 ,/ores don't h bags2 !y h sacks4 #hc #d4 ,/ores don't h %opp+ c>ts2 !y h bu7ies4 #e4 ,y see a c> runn+ 9 ! p>k+ lot at ! /ore ) no "o 9 x no matt] :at "t ( ! ye>4 #f4 ,y use 8fix0 z a v]b4 ,example3 ,i am fix+ to g to ! /ore4 #g4 ,all ! fe/ivals acr ! /ate >e "nd af a fruit1 vegetable1 fl[]1 or animal4 #h4 ,y 9/all secur;y liage & l1ve bo? unlock$4 #i4 ,y c>ry jump] cables 9 yr c> 444 = yr ,,[n c>4 #aj4 ,y "k :at 8c[ tipp+0 & 8snipe-hunt+0 >e4 #aa4 ,y only [n f\r spices3 salt1 pepp]1 ket*up1 & ,tabasco4 #ab4 ,y ?9k "ey"o f a bi7] c;y has an a35t4 #ac4 ,y ?9k sexy l+]ie is a ;,t-%irt & box] %orts4 #hd #ad4 ,! local pap]s cov] na;nal & 9t]na;nal news on "o page b require #f pages = football & fi%+4 #ae4 ,y ?9k t ! f/ "d ( de] s1son is a na;nal holi"d4 #af4 ,y "k : l1ves make gd toilet pap]4 #ag4 ,y f9d #ij degrees ;,f 8j a ll w>m40 #ah4 ,y "k all f\r s1sons3 ,alm ,summ]1 ,summ]1 ,/ ,summ]1 & ,*ri/mas4 #ai4 ,y "k :e!r ano!r ,texan is f s\!rn1 middle1 or nor!rn ,texas z soon z !y op5 _! m\?4 #bj4 ,"! is a ,dairy ,que5 9 e t[n ) a popula;n ( #ejj or m4 #ba4 ,go+ to ,wal-,m>t is a favorite pas"t "kn z 8go9' ,wal-,m>t'90 or 8(f to ,wally ,_w40 #he #bb4 ,y describe ! f/ cool snap "<2l #gj degrees"> z gd *ili w1!r4 #bc4 ,a c>bonat$ s(t dr9k isn't a soda1 cola1 or pop 444 x's a ,coke1 reg>d.s ( br& or flavor4 #hf #bd4 ,y "u/& ^! jokes & =w>d !m to yr frs no matt] ": !y live 9 case !y >e plann+ to visit4 ,lrs to ! ,$itor ,! $itorial /aff res]ves ! "r to $it lrs = cl>;y1 /yle & space available4 ,op9ions express$ >e ^? ( ! au?ors1 n ^? ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs /aff or elect$ (ficials4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 is n responsible = ! op9ions express$ "h94 ,we w n pr9t lrs un.s y sign yr "n & give u yr address4 ,,icub @& ,guide ,dogs ,de> ,r1d]s1 ,9 response to ! >ticle ab ,,icub & guide dog h&l]s 9 _! rehabilita;n tra9+ c5t]3 ,if all a public #hg s]vice 5t;y ne$ d is %[ t p :o >e bl guide dog h&l]s c h _! ne$s met else": 9 comp>able sett+s1 we w 2 exclud$ f re/aurants1 s*ools1 libr>ies1 p>ks1 groc]y /ores1 etc4 ,any groc]y /ore or re/aurant c !n >gue t \r ne$s c 2 equally met else":1 s5d+ u on \r way6 ,= ! ,i[a ,c\ncil ( ! ,unit$ ,bl to imply t 2c ? woman 0 (f]$ comp>able s]vices 9 ano!r organiza;n : does n 4crim9ate ag/ bl guide dog us]s1 h] "rs ( equal a3ess "u ! law 7 n d5i$ is n true4 ,! "rs ( ^? ( u :o make ! *oice to h ! assi/.e ( s]vice animals w 2 set back to squ>e "o if ? case is all[$ to set prec$;e4 ,i am v 4appo9t$ 9 ! ,,acb's lack ( a backb"o6 ,! fact t ! 5t;y 9volv$ is a bl s]vice organiza;n does n give !m ! abil;y to d5y bl dog #hh guide h&l]s _! equal a3ess "rs "u ! law4 ,respect;lly1 b ,hugely ,4appo9t$1 ,%irley ,mann+1 ,los ,angeles1 ,calif4 ,de> ,donna ,selig]1 ,john ,taylor1 & memb]s ( ,,icub3 ,i 0 delid meet+ 9 ! w9t] #bjjc 8,brl ,=um40 ,i am a memb] ( ! ,na;nal ,f$]a;n ( ! ,bl ( ,kansas z well z ! ,brl ,revival ,l1gue4 ,r1d+ ,*>les ,hodge's a3.t ( ! 3f];e call 0 v1 v refre%+4 ,"h is precisely :y4 ,i h be5 9 ! ,,acb less ?an a ye>2 & ,i am extremely 4turb$ at ! extreme lib]alism dom9at+ ! organiza;n4 ,i d n 5joy say+ ! foll[+2 b f :at ,i h obs]v$ f ! ,,acb1 ! c\ncil appe>s to act z ?\< ! bl >e suppos$ to 2 politically & #hi economically on ! left1 z well z exhibit+ a p;y-"py1 poor-me attitude4 ,! c\ncil seems to compla9 3/antly1 r>ely to praise4 ,i wd l to comm5d ,ron ,brooks & ! re/ ( ! transporta;n committee = ! transporta;n survey1 : is v gd & compreh5sive2 b ,i note t ? *oice appe>s 9 "o ( ! "qs3 8,i write lrs ( compla9t40 ,:y8 ,:y8 ,:at sort ( gd image d we portray by 3/antly compla9+8 ,pl1se "u/& t ? "q is rhetorical4 ,n[ to ! 3f];e call4 ,p]sonally1 ,i d 2lieve ,/ephanie ,dohm5 %d 2 all[$ to 2 a3ompani$ by h] guide dog z a /ud5t at ! ,i[a ,de"p;t = ! ,bl2 let me emphasize t ? is my p]sonal op9ion4 ,af all1 ? is ! travel aid : %e has *os51 & : %e is a3u/om$ to #ij us+4 ,n all[+ h] dog to a3ompany h]1 ,i 2lieve1 is equival5t to say+ t only cane travel w 2 p]mitt$4 ,i hope ,/ephanie r1ds ? p>agraph1 & my foll[+ p>agraphs4 ,b on ! o!r h&1 ,all5 ,h>ris did make x cle> to ,/ephanie t %e cd obta9 ! rehabilita;n : %e want$1 comput] & job tra9+1 else": & / rema9 a3ompani$ by h] dog4 ,? is j "o ( my r1sons = n support+ ,guide ,dog ,us]s1 ,9c4's wi% t ! ,,acb 2come a "py to _! compla9t on ,/ephanie's 2half4 ,my second r1son is t any c>e;l /ud5t ( ,am]ican hi/ory w "k t ! ,3f$]ate & ,union /ates f"\ ! ,civil ,w> bas$ on :e!r 9dividual /ates _h ! "r to 3trol _! [n a6airs1 or :e!r /ates,0 a6airs %d 2 3troll$ by ! f$]al gov]n;t4 ,"e s9ce ! f$]al gov]n;t won ! w>1 #ia ! ]a ( big gov]n;t has 9cr1s+ly dom9at$ ! ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,? is n progress1 b regres.n4 ,:at is my po9t8 ,my po9t is t if ! bo>d 7 to all[ ,,acb to 2come a "py 9 ? case1 : x did n1 !n y 9 ! ,hawkeye ,/ate wd 2 go+ d[n ! slipp]y slope ( hav+ a na;nal organiza;n make yr deci.ns = y1 r ?an mak+ !m yrvs4 ,if ! bo>d _h approv$ ,,acb's gett+ 9volv$1 ,i wd support ,,icub's 4a6ilia;n4 ,my ?ird r1son focuses on ,all5 ,h>ris & ! ,i[a ,de"p;t !mvs4 ,i am extremely pl1s$ t "u ,all5's l1d]%ip1 ! ,i[a program is "o ( ! top /ate programs 9 ! na;n4 ,un=tunately1 we _c say ! same ab \r bur1ucratic program "h 9 ,kansas4 ,= ! pa/ few ye>s1 ! /ate has attempt$ to 4solve ! ,divi.n ( ,s]vices = ! #ib ,bl1 to m]ge all programs = all s-call$ 84abilities10 z a budget cut4 ,y 9 ,i[a h n"o ( ^? problems4 ,/ephanie ,dohm5 %d 2 grate;l t %e lives 9 ,i[a4 ,- ,jeff ,frye1 ,ov]l& ,p>k1 ,kansas ,brl ,m5us ,on ,janu>y #ai1 #bjjc1 ,i _h d9n] ) my "f & si/] at a local ,p]k9s family re/aurant4 ,\r d9n] 0 excell5t4 ,s]vice f \r waitress 0 excep;nal2 %e _h a grt p]sonal;y & smil$ ! :ole "t4 ,i am writ+ = ano!r r1son4 ,:ile ,i 0 5joy+ my d9n]1 a bl g5tleman came 9to ! re/aurant al;g ) two companions1 "o :o _h to r1d "ey?+ (f ! m5u s t ! bl man cd decide :at he want$4 ,i 0 4gu/$ t ,p]k9s cd n provide ? g5tleman a brl #ic m5u4 ,yr re/aurant & _m o!rs provide 5d.s a3ommoda;ns = _m o!r cu/om]s1 s* z a table = a p]son 9 a :eel*air4 ,ano!r way a re/aurant a3ommodates p is by putt+ tables tgr = a l>ge gr\p ( cu/om]s4 ,! lack ( a brl m5u seems s m9ute comp>$ to o!r a3ommoda;ns (t5 provid$ by yr company1 b ,i f.d x appall+4 ,"o may "q h[ (t5 a re/aurant has bl p to s]ve4 ,t %d n 2 a "q 9 any"o's m9d4 ,on j ab e re/room a p]son 5t]s1 "! is brl on ! sign to di6]5tiate ! m5's f ! wom5's room4 ,:y n provide ! cu/om]s ) a brl m5u8 ,! company wd only ne$ to make a c\ple ( copies = ea* re/aurant4 ,?ank y = yr "t & 3sid]a;n4 ,pl1se provide yr bl cu/om]s ) brl m5us4 ,- ,c>rie ,sue #id ,johnson1 ,cl>ion1 ,pa4 ,y ,c't ,af=d to ,/ay ,home6 by ,jon ,d$5 ,i am a ,colorado native & h be5 bl s9ce bir?4 ,i />t$ ski+ :5 ,i 0 #aj ye>s old4 ,look+ back1 ! only ?+ ,i mis e>li]4 ,i / rememb] my f/ ride on ! *air lift & my f/ run d[n ! hill4 ,( c\rse x 0 only a bunny slope ,- b :at a wond];l feel+ ( exhil>a;n6 ,i knew "r !n t ,i _h f.d "s?+ v special1 & ski+ has 3t9u$ to 2come m excit+ & exhil>at+ ov] ! ye>s4 ,:5 ,i 0 #ac1 w9n+ a regional ski race 0 a t]rific self-e/eem build]4 ,n[ ,i am an adult & / "s ( ! mo/ #ie excit+ ^ws ,i he> >e1 8,y >e 9 ! middle ( ! hill & y c g z fa/ z y want40 ,i love to *all5ge myf 9 e facet ( life & especially 5joy *all5g+ myf physically4 ,= me1 "! is no bett] way to d ? ?an to ski d[n an exp]t ski trail4 ,if ,i c ski an exp]t trail1 ,i c d any?+ 9 life4 ,i 5c\rage "ey"o :o is bl to try ski+4 ,la/ ye> ,i 2came aw>e ( a ski program call$ ,=esie "s ( ! be/ ,i h "e run acr 9 my #ca ye>s ( ski+4 ,! way ,i 0 tr1t$ by "ey"o 9 ! program 0 j top not*1 & td is yr lucky #if "d 2c ,=esit$ is 3tact ,m>k ,davis1 f.d] & presid5t ( ,=esi #hfj- #jigb1 toll-free "<#hff"> #hfj-#jigb1 fax "<#cjc"> #hid- #ichc1 ;e- mail =esin+1 gr[+ & a*iev+ goals4 ,virtually "ey"o :o att5ds college1 reg>d.s ( age or backgr.d1 goes "? a p]iod ( transi;n dur+ : 8 or h] life/yle m/ adju/ to a3ommodate ! require;ts ( hi<] $uca;n4 ,p :o >e bl or visually impair$ m/ d1l ) ^! *all5ges al;g ) an addi;nal >ray ( transi;nal issues t c 2 "picul>ly *all5g+4 ,9 a #aiic /udy1 ! ,am]ican ,f.da;n = ! ,bl f.d t /ud5ts ) vi.n impair;ts >e less likely ?an _! sily di6icult #ih transi;nal issues : visually impair$ /ud5ts m/ cope ) 2 a 3tribut+ factor to ? 4he>t5+ /ati/ical r1l;y8 ,:y >e p ) vi.n impair;ts less likely to f9i% college ?an _! si *all5ges college /ud5ts ) visual impair;ts 5c.t] s ,i cd assi/ my /ud5ts to prep>e !mvs = college4 ,z a result1 ,i 3duct$ a /udy dur+ ! summ] ( #bjja survey+ #bc adults :o >e bl & visually impair$ :o h _h at l1/ "s college exp]i;e & d1lt ) ! *all5ges ( hi<] $uca;n4 ,"picipants 7 ask$ to provide 9put on h[ upcom+ college /ud5ts c prep>e #ii !mvs = a smoo? transi;n4 ,a 3t9ual dialogue has develop$ ) s"eal ( ! adults :o respond$ to my orig9al survey1 : has 5abl$ me to cl>ify "s ( ! survey results & to exp& my k ab ! di6iculties visually impair$ /ud5ts c 5c.t] dur+ ! process ( transi;n+ to college4 ,correspond;e1 9clud+ ! 4tribu;n ( surveys1 0 a3ompli%$ electronically & at meet+s ( bl;s 3sum] organiza;ns4 ,surveys r1*$ all ov] ! ,unit$ ,/ates & 2y1 9clud+ a rehabilita;n program 9 ,new ,z1l&4 ,"picipants 7 q div]se 9 age1 backgr.d1 e?nic;y & di6]$ 9 ! am.t ( ye>s !y att5d$ college & degrees e>n$4 ,"s respond5ts 7 curr5t college /ud5ts2 o!rs >e su3ess;l pr(es.nals1 busi;s [n]s1 homemak]s1 memb]s #ajj ( ! ,p1ce ,corps1 graduate /ud5ts1 f>m]s & curr5t 3sum]s ( rehabilita;n programs4 ,! responses to ! survey 7 9t]e/+1 yet n surpris+4 ,z "picipants describ$ :at >1s !y cd h be5 bett] prep>$ 9 = a smoo!r transi;n1 ,i 0 rem9d$ ( ! 8,exp&$ ,core ,curriculum0 ,phil ,hatl5 publi%$ ye>s ago4 ,! ,exp&$ ,core ,curriculum def9es >1s 9 : /ud5ts ) vi.n impair;ts %d rcv specific 9/ruc;n1 & 9cludes3 comp5satory skills1 9clud+ communica;n models2 visual e6ici5cy skills2 social skills2 9dep5d5t liv+ skills2 recr1;n & leisure skills2 ori5ta;n & mobil;y tra9+2 voca;nal $uca;n2 & assess;t & tra9+ on assi/ive te*nology4 ,l;g 2f ,i 3duct$ my survey1 ! ,exp&$ ,core ,curriculum _h be5 def9$ & id5tifi$ z #aja "p ( ! ,na;nal ,ag5da4 ,h["e1 ac to my /udy1 ^! >1s >e / 2+ neglect$ & /ud5ts >e n gett+ :at !y ne$ to prep>e !m = a smoo? transi;n to college4 ,9 ! #aiih ,na;nal ,ag5da2 ,report to ! ,na;n by ! ,am]ican ,f.da;n = ! ,bl1 rese>*]s 3clud$ t s*ools 7 n all[+ adequate "t = 9/ruc;n 9 & did n h qualifi$ p]sonnel to t1* 9 ^! >1s4 ,five ye>s af ? report 0 publi%$1 ^! sad circum/.es / seem to 2 v m* ! norm4 ,3si/5tly1 respond5ts id5tifi$ a ne$ to rcv 9/ruc;n 9 all ( ! abv-m5;n$ categories4 ,moreov]1 ,,e "picipant id5tifi$ an 9t5se ne$ = 9/ruc;n 9 ! use ( adaptive te*nology 9 ord] to 2 su3ess;l & 9dep5d5t 9 college & 2y4 ,all respond5ts rem>k$ t tra9+ 9 ! use ( #ajb assi/ive te*nology is a h1vily neglect$ >ea t has be5 a crucial factor impact+ _! su3ess 9 college4 ,s"eal "picipants /at$ t !y _h to pay a l>ge am.t ( m"oy & sp5d an excessive am.t ( "t to le>n ! te*nologies :ile 9 college1 : ultimately a6ect$ _! academics1 "w & social lives4 ,2l >e j "s ( ! /ate;ts made by respond5ts emphasiz+ ! ne$ = adequate adaptive te*nology 9/ruc;n4 8,adaptive te*nology1 ? is ! bulldoz] t levels ! play+ field40 ,- ,"ugraduate /ud5t :o is al employ$ 8,"! is no way ,,any college /ud5t w make x "? s*ool )\t te*nology4 ,a bl or visually impair$ p]son m/ h ^! skills 9 ord] to h a fin ^! skills j to 2 competitive40 ,- ,busi;s [n] & =m] ,p1ce ,corps memb] ,o!r >1s : ! respond5ts felt 7 crucial = rehabilita;n t1*]s & $ucators to focus ^u 7 self- advocacy & social skills1 9clud+ "w+ ) r1d]s & #ajd o!rs :o r\t9ely provide assi/.e to 4abl$ /ud5ts4 ,s"eal "picipants rem>k$ t !y felt v al"o mov+ to college f hi< s*ool :5 !y r1liz$ !y _h to rely exclusively on !mvs = tak+ c>e ( _! e ne$4 8,we m/ le>n t we _c totally rely on s]vices : >e suppos$ to assi/ u1 2c "! >e limit$ res\rces & s]vice provid]s4 ,9 ord] to %[ t we >e 9dep5d5t ?9k]s & able to take c>e ( \rvs1 we m/ le>n h[ to rely on \r self-advocacy skills 9 ord] to make ga9s 9 employ;t1 etc40 ,- ,graduate /ud5t 8,3fid;e1 communica;n1 advocacy1 "w+ ) p1 problem solv+1 "k+ :at y want & cr1t+ a plan to obta9 yr goal1 ^! >e ! crucial skills /ud5ts ) vi.n impair;ts m/ h 9 ord] to su3e$ 9 college40 ,- ,college pr(essor #aje 8,social skills g al;g ) fily age1 & kids %d al 2 taue n appropriate4 ,i am n say+ t "o %d try to look si.d a libr>y1 "k+ h[ to communicate ) ^? :o d n "u/& my bl;s1 com+ up ) r1sonable a3ommoda;ns ) my pr(essors1 ^! >e ?+s ,i r1lly _h to #ajf "w on 9 college40 ,- ,busi;s [n] ,:5 respond+ to "qs relat$ to ori5ta;n & mobil;y & travel1 all respond5ts emphasiz$ h[ important gd cane travel skills 7 to _! 9dep5d;e & su3ess4 ,h["e1 9 alm e survey1 "picipants 3si/5tly rem>k$ t "o ( ! mo/ *all5g+ aspects ( 2+ bl 0 n 2+ able to drive4 ,"s respond5ts 4cuss$ 9 dep? h[ di6icult x 0 to att5d college on a campus t _h s"eal mobil;y ob/acles1 s* z busy /reets : cut "? campus & s"eal di6icult to foll[ pa?s >.d ! s*ool4 ,^! physical factors put a b>ri] 2t ^! /ud5ts & _! college $uca;n4 ,9 reg>d to 9dep5d5t liv+1 p]sonal c>e & home manage;t1 respond5ts %>$ a v>iety ( p]spectives4 ,"s felt t ! tra9+ !y _h rcvd f _! #ajg families or rehabilita;n programs 9 home manage;t 0 adequate4 ,o!rs 9dicat$ t !y _h m9imal rehabilita;n t1*+ & limit$ family support1 : a6ect$ _! prep>$;s to manage _! p]sonal lives1 f9.es1 home & ! l4 8,if a "y p]son go+ (f to college does n h a s5se ( balanc+ a *eckbook & pay+ bills1 4a/] cd result4 ,i ?9k s _m p>5ts d n all[ _! bl *n to h&le _! [n m"oy1 b ? is "s?+ kids m/ le>n40 ,- ,college /ud5t 8,i am glad ,i _h ! opportun;y to le>n h[ to take c>e ( a home :ile / liv+ at my p>5ts,0 home4 ,i cd n imag9e le>n+ all ( t n[ ) "ey?+ else go+ on40 ,- ,college /ud5t 8,families _c %elt] _! bl *n f ! _w1 hop+ x w g #ajh away4 ,kids w gr[ up1 & ! be/ way to help !m is to let !m help !mvs4 ,p>5ts :o d "ey?+ = _! *n >e n do+ !m a favor4 ,let !m h exp]i;es1 & let !m make mi/akes4 ,x w hurt !m a lot less if !y make a mi/ake ) a small all[.e1 or a m9or cook+ mi/ake "u yr c>e1 ?an x w if ^! mi/akes >e made = ! f/ "t \tside ( yr home1 :5 ! 3sequ;es cd 2 horrible40 ,- ,t1*] ,af r1d+ ! wide v>iety ( responses1 x 0 evid5t t "s p 5c.t] ! mo/ tr\ble 9 college 2c ( a lack ( 9/ruc;n 9 all ^! >1s4 ,despite ! public;y on ! import.e ( 9clud+ ! exp&$ core curriculum 9 /ud5ts,0 $uca;n & ! 3t9u$ f9d+s t p9po9t exactly ": 4crepancies lie 9 prep>+ /ud5ts = college & employ;t1 ?\s&s ( p ) vi.n impair;ts g to college )\t ! basic #aji tools !y ne$ to a*ieve _! goals )\t undue *all5ges4 ,yet1 z ! na;nal ag5da /at$1 & ! results ( my survey 3firm$1 ^! crucial >1s >e / 2+ neglect$4 ,i wond]$ :y & s 2gan rese>*+ :y s _m /ud5ts >e lack+ important skills4 ,i survey$ t1*]s1 s]vice provid]s1 rehabilita;n pr(es.nals & p ) vi.n impair;ts to get a m 3clusive "u/&+4 ,i f.d t mo/ pr(es.nals 9 rehabilita;n & $uca;n >e aw>e t _! visually impair$ /ud5ts & cli5ts w face *all5ges 9 college4 ,yet1 _m pr(es.nals >e simply unaw>e t _m res\rces alr exi/ to assi/ visually impair$ college-b.d /ud5ts4 ,= example1 al? ! pr(es.nals may r1lize t _! /ud5ts m/ take ! ,college ,bo>d te/s1 !y d n "u/& ! ext5sive am.t ( #aaj "w x w take to get ! a3ommoda;ns 9 place = ! te/s4 ,/ud5ts & pr(es.nals "k t /ud5ts w rcv s]vice f ! 4abl$ /ud5t s]vices (fices on _! campuses1 b h[ >e ^? s]vices set up & :o is responsible = :at8 ,x is "kn t :ile on campus1 /ud5ts m/ att5d to _! [n ne$s1 b h[ >e /ud5ts to advocate = _! ne$s1 "w ) r1d]s & manage _! p]sonal lives :ile / ma9ta9+ academic /&+ t is requir$ to actually /ay 9 college8 ,9 _m cases1 x 0 evid5t t ! *all5ges ^! /ud5ts wd face 2gan l;g 2f !y />t$ _! f/ college class4 ,"picipants 9 ! /udy (t5 rem>k$ t !y did n r1lize !y %d h 9ve/igat$ ! campus & surr.d+ commun;y ev5 2f apply+ to evaluate ! a3essibil;y ( ! campus4 ,_m respond5ts 9dicat$ t !y #aaa 7 9 = a rude awak5+ ! f/ "d on campus :5 !y r1liz$ ! campus 0 9a3essible to !m4 ,x 2came cle> 9 my /udy t /ud5ts1 p>5ts1 t1*]s & rehabilita;n pr(es.nals ne$ guidel9es to t1* ^! skills4 ,z a result1 ,i h 2gun to develop a special curriculum to prep>e hi< s*ool /ud5ts to apply to & transi;n to college4 ,my curriculum1 : is 5titl$ ) ! acronym ,,explore1 \tl9es ! /eps a p]son ) a vi.n impair;t may use to facilitate a smoo? transi;n to college & 2y4 ,,explore c 2 us$ z an $uca;nal curriculum 9 a s*ool or rehabilita;n facil;y1 or by a /ud5t al"o1 or ) a p>5t4 ,x c 2 adapt$ = non-tradi;nal-ag$ /ud5ts & ^? wi%+ to att5d a commun;y college program or o!r non-f\r-ye> degree program4 #aab ,! ,,explore curriculum has ano!r phase ( /udy ah1d4 ,i h 2gun to imple;t x ) hi< s*ool /ud5ts ,i "w )1 & ,i plan to use x ) upcom+ juniors & s5iors4 ,af my /ud5ts complete "s college1 ,i w ask !m to respond to a survey ab ! tra9+ e6ective;s ( ! curriculum4 ,x is my hope to 4tribute a 82ta- te/+0 v].n ( ,,explore to it9]ant t1*]s1 rehabilita;n programs & adults ) vi.n impair;ts to fur!r assess & revise ! program4 ,= m 9=ma;n ab ! curriculum1 xs philosophy & mat]ials1 pl1se 3tact me at ! foll[+ ;e- mail address3 braillemail@a" m9dspr+4com4 ,x is use.s to la;t ! 4he>t5+ /ati/ics ab bl & visually impair$ p :o _c 8make x0 9 ! academic or po/- academic _w un.s we all "w tgr to develop ! /rategies #aac t c prep>e \r visually impair$ y\? to su3e$ ) an >s5al ( skills & self-3fid;e to rely ^u4 ,let u le>n f ! /ud5ts :o s will+ly %>$ _! exp]i;es & _! advice & make ! road to transi;n a smoo!r "o = ! /ud5ts :o w foll[4 ,2+ ,me & ,/ay+ ,sub/.e- ,free by ,tr9ette ,b>nes ,alcohol1 toba3o1 & o!r drug abuse rates >e hi< am;g p ) 4abilities1 & "! >e _m r1sons :y4 ,mo/ p ) 4abilities 4cov] t life c 2 a /ru7le4 ,if y >e 4abl$1 y >e m* m likely to feel hi<] levels ( isola;n & lack ( social a3ept.e4 ,x is m likely y w h di6iculty f9d+ & keep+ a job4 ,9 addi;n1 _m 4abl$ p d n h a positive self- id5t;y4 #aad ,^! >e issues t ,i h fac$ z a visually impair$ p]son myf4 ,h["e1 ,i h f.d _m ways to cope positively ) ! ov]:elm+ *all5ges t come ) my 4abil;y4 ,= example1 ,i keep busy by jo9+ clubs & organiza;ns1 s* z ! ,cali=nia ,poetry ,society & *ur* *oir4 ,al1 ,i take classes t 9t]e/ me & keep my m9d & body active4 ,i h ho2ies t 5able me to express my feel+s1 s* z poetry writ+ & m>tial >ts4 ,2c ( ^! activities ,i d n h to turn to alcohol & o!r drugs = 5t]ta9;t4 ,9 addi;n1 ,i sp5d "t ) frs :o don't abuse alcohol1 toba3o or o!r drugs4 ,& ,i try to d1l ) ! ramifica;ns ( my 4abil;y by talk+ to close frs1 relatives or c\nselors ab my fru/ra;ns & my a3ompli%;ts4 ,! mo/ rew>d+ way ,i #aae cope is "? my job z a h1l? $ucator at ,commun;y ,s]vice ,programs-,project ,positive ,ac;n ,t[>ds ,h1l?1 9 ,orange ,c.ty1 ,calif4 ,i help o!r p ) & )\t 4abilities /ay free ( alcohol1 toba3o1 & o!r drug abuse4 ,! fact t ,i make a di6];e 9 p's lives gives me a s5se ( a3ompli%;t4 ,2c ( my job1 ,i am alw meet+ p :o >e 9volv$ 9 a sub/.e-abuse-free life/yle1 : helps me ma9ta9 my [n sub/.e-free pa?4 ,if y /ru7le ) issues ( sub/.e abuse1 my advice is to f9d ways to /ay alcohol-1 drug- & toba3o-free by /ay+ 3nect$ to ^? >.d y4 ,don't 2 afraid to talk ab yr /ru7les ) frs or ! p y tru/1 & f9d positive alcohol-1 toba3o- & o!r drug-free activities to o3upy yr "t4 ,^! /eps c put y on ! pa? to a h1l?y & #aaf happi] life4 ,! ,import.e ( ,e>ly ,detec;n by ,doro?y ,casabianca ,i am #fj ye>s old4 ,i h be5 bl s9ce bir?1 & td1 ,i am a c.er survivor4 ,i 0 diagnos$ ) rectal c.er 9 ,febru>y #bjjj4 ,i am %>+ my exp]i;e ) r1d]s ( 8,! ,brl ,=um0 s t y may 2come m aw>e ( bodily *anges t mily4 ,do+ s mi symptom is "s?+ t1 if we cd see1 wd 2 "o ( ! f/ signs to al]t u t "s?+ cd 2 wr;g4 ,9 #aiif & #aiig ,i lo/ two frs :o 7 9 _! #djs to colon c.er4 ,"o ( !m 0 totally bl2 ! o!r1 visually impair$4 ,? 41se %[s no age or g5d] 4crim9a;n4 ,9 bo? cases1 ! c.er 0 4cov]$ too late4 ,ag ,i sd to myf1 8,i r1lly %d g & h a colonoscopy40 ,!n ,i f.d a doctor ) :om ,i felt v com=table4 ,dur+ an exam1 %e f.d a r l>ge polyp1 s we immly proce$$ ) a colonoscopy4 ,2c ( ! _m ?+s ,i _h he>d ov] ! ye>s ab ? te/1 ,i 0 pretty sc>$4 ,b #aah let me assure y t x is no?+ to fe>4 ,i 0 anes!tiz$ & only felt a ll 4com=t4 ,dur+ ! proc$ure1 %e took a biopsy ( ! polyp1 : %[$ t x 0 malignant1 b ! gd news 0 t "! 7 no o!r polyps4 ,!n ,i s"\ an oncology surgeon ,i cd tru/ to d my surg]y4 ,dur+ \r f/ 9t]view ,i told hm t ,i wd 2 go+ = a second op9ion1 & he 0 m ?an will+ to give me copies ( all my m$ical 9=ma;n4 ,! second op9ion 3curr$ ) "ey?+ ! f/ doctor _h told me1 s ,i 0 v m* at p1ce go+ 9to surg]y4 ,a ,,ct scan ( my abdom5 & pelvis %[$ no o!r organ 9volve;t4 ,? 0 an 5c\rag+ sign = me & my family4 ,i rcvd six weeks ( radia;n & *emo!rapy to %r9k ! tumor 2f surg]y1 mak+ x m* easi] to remove4 ,2c ( xs #aai loca;n1 ,i _h to h a colo/omy4 ,i _h he>d horror /ories ab ?+s t happ5 to colo/omy pati5ts4 ,b n[ ,i c tell y t af "o has be5 fitt$ prop]ly & le>n$ h[ to use x1 td's equip;t is practically fail- safe4 ,my surg]y took place ,june #h1 #bjjj4 ,i 0 9 ! hospital a ll l;g] ?an mo/ p1 b once ,i return$ home1 ?anks to ! assi/.e ( ! ,visit+ ,nurse ,s]vice1 ,i made quantum l1ps 9 my recov]y4 ,i h jo9$ a support gr\p1 ,unit$ ,o/omy ,associa;n1 & c d all ! ?+s t ,i alw did4 ,i 0 on *emo!rapy = a ye> af surg]y1 & f9i%$ up 9 ,augu/ #bjja4 ,! type ( m$ica;n ,i 0 giv5 did n make me nause\s1 & ,i did n lose my hair4 ,n[ ,i am see+ my oncologi/ once a mon? = ! next ye>1 & my #abj surgeon e ?ree mon?s4 ,if all ( my te/s keep com+ back negative1 !n ,i w see !m less (t54 ,s f>1 ?ank ,god1 "ey?+ has be5 ,a-,,ok4 ,my r1son = writ+ ? >ticle is to 5c\rage "ey"o1 especially bl & visually impair$ p1 to 3sid] hav+ regul>1 complete *eckups : 9clude blood "w ) c.er scre5+2 a sigmoidoscopy1 : is an exam9a;n ( ! l[] colon2 a colonoscopy1 an exam9a;n ( ! 5tire colon2 & a ur9alysis4 ,if pre-c.er\s polyps >e f.d1 !y c 2 remov$ dur+ ! colonoscopy4 ,x takes ab #aj ye>s = a pre-c.er\s polyp to 2come c.er\s4 ,s1 if ,i _h li/5$ to my 3sci;e & g"o ev5 a few ye>s e>li]1 maybe ,i wd h cauge t a colonoscopy 0 my only op;n4 ,i c n[ admit to #aba myf t ! only r1son = my procra/9a;n 0 fe>4 ,t fe> cd h co/ me my life4 ,^! te/s %d def9itely 2 d"o if "! is any c.er 9 yr family4 ,! mo/ important ?+ is to f9d a physician t y l1 tru/ & c talk to op5ly4 ,2 sure to m5;n t y want to h ^! te/s 2c a bl p]son _c possibly recognize ! f/1 visual signs ( c.er4 ,i r1lize t ,i am extremely b.s$ & am v grate;l = ea* "d ( gd h1l? t ,i h ) my family1 my guide dog ,clipsey1 & frs4 ,x sure does put ?+s 9 p]spective = me1 & helps me "k & rememb] :at's important4 ,i "k t ,i am n \ ( ! woods yet1 b ) ,god's help ,i w 2 9 ano!r ?ree ye>s4 ,i "k t if ,i didn't h my fai?1 & cdn't %>e my feel+s1 ?"\s & 3c]ns ) ,god1 !n x wd h be5 m* m di6icult = me to get "? ? ill;s4 #abb ,"h & ,"! by ,%>on ,lov]+ ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column is n an 5dorse;t by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs /aff1 or elect$ (ficials4 ,products & s]vices >e li/$ free ( *>ge = ! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 responsible = ! reliabil;y ( products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,to submit an item = 8,"h & ,"!10 s5d an ;e-mail message to slov]+@aacb4org4 ,y may call ! ,,acb toll-free numb]1 "<#hjj"> #dbd-#hfff1 & l1ve a message 9 mailbox #bb4 ,pl1se be> 9 m9d t we ne$ 9=ma;n two mon?s ah1d ( actual publica;n dates4 #abc ,alb]t ,s*weitz] ,prize ,w9n]s ,sabriye ,t5b]k5 ( ,g]_m & ,paul ,kron5b]g ( ! ,ne!rl&s jo9tly won ! ,alb]t ,s*weitz] ,prize = _! 9itiative 9 />t+ a s*ools project = bl *n 9 ,tibet4 ,betts ,aw>d ,w9n]s ,! ,am]ican ,associa;n ( ,p ) ,4abilities rec5tly ann\nc$ ! w9n]s ( ! ,h5ry ;,b4 ,betts ,aw>d3 ,dick & ,g9ny ,?ornbur<1 l;g"t advocates = ! "rs ( p ) 4abilities4 ,! aw>d 0 pres5t$ at ! ,,aapd ,l1d]%ip ,gala on ,m>* #d4 ,fri$l&] ,m$al ,w9n] ,on ,dec4 #aa1 #bjjb1 ! bo>d ( manag]s ( ! ,ov]brook ,s*ool = ! ,bl aw>d$ ,rudy ,lutt] xs hid$ f "t to "t = special cause to a p]son :o has s]v$ by advanc+ ! "w ( ! s*ool4 ,rudy s]ves ! s*ool z a memb] ( t bo>d1 & he is ! f/ bl p]son to rcv ! aw>d4 ,3gratula;ns6 ,l1d]%ip ,aw>d ,w9n]s ,! ,am]ican ,associa;n ( ,p ) ,4abilities rec5tly ann\nc$ ! w9n]s ( ! ,paul ;,g4 ,he>ne_/,,aapd ,l1d]%ip ,aw>ds4 ,!y >e3 ,alb]t ,*e;g1 ,san ,francisco1 ,calif42 ,claudia ,gordon1 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c42 ,c>rie ;,d4 ,gri691 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c42 ,pet] ,cody ,hunt1 ,pittsbur<1 ,pa42 & ,s>ah ,l\ise ,triano1 ,*icago1 ,ill4 ,h1l?y ,eat+1 ,h1l?y ,y ,m>* is ,na;nal ,nutri;n ,mon?1 : co9cides ) a #abe nutri;n $uca;n & 9=ma;n campaign sponsor$ by ! ,am]ican ,dietetic ,associa;n1 design$ to focus att5;n on ! import.e ( mak+ 9=m$ food *oices & develop+ s.d eat+ & physical activ;y habits4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ! associa;n at "<#cab"> #hii-#dhec1 or ;e- mail "kl$ge@aeat"r4org4 ,commun;y ,s]vice ,grants ,brl ,9t]na;nal rec5tly e/abli%$ a commun;y s]vice grant program4 ,xs goal is to aw>d grants f @s#ejj to @s#d1jjj to programs t w make a p]man5t di6];e 9 ! lives ( p :o >e bl & visually impair$ "? $uca;n1 rehabilita;n &_/or employ;t4 ,to 2 eligible1 y m/ s]ve p :o >e bl & visually impair$1 & 2 tax-exempt "u sec;n #eja""<#c"> ( #abf ! ,9t]nal ,rev5ue ,code4 ,applica;ns w 2 a3ept$ up to #d p4m4 on ,may #a1 #bjjc4 ,= complete 9=ma;n & an applica;n1 visit www4" braille9t]na;nal4org1 or write ,james ,r$ditt1 ,presid5t1 ,brl ,9t]na;nal1 ,9c41 #cbij ,,se ,slat] ,st41 ,/u>t1 ,,fl #cdiig4 ,posi;n ,op5 ,! ,p4,e4,d4 ,$uca;n ,c5t]1 ,flor;e1 ,s4,c41 is seek+ a t1*] ( ! visually impair$ to s]ve z an it9]ant t1*] 9 ! ,p4,e4,d4 >ea4 ,sal>y is bas$ on $uca;n & exp]i;e4 ,y w rcv /ate b5efits if hir$4 ,flor;e is #gj miles we/ ( ,myrtle ,b1* & #ajj miles nor? ( ,*>le/on4 ,3tact ,dr4 ,?omas ;,e4 ,truitt1 "<#hdc"> #ffi- #ccia ext5.n #ab1 or by ;e- mail3 ,truitt@apdec4" #abg /ate4sc4us4 ,no-,frills ,9t]net ,provid] ,an ,,acb memb] 9 ,utah recomm5ds ? ,9t]net s]vice call$ ,emsanet4 ,*>ges >e @s#i4ie = ! f/ mon? & @s#ab p] mon? "!af1 or @s#ii = a ye>4 ,use ! code 8,,acb0 to get ? l[] rate4 ,ac to ! company1 "! is assi/.e #bd h\rs a "d1 sev5 "ds a week1 via automat$ cu/om] s]vice & toll-free te* support4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 ph"o "<#hgg"> #cfg-#bfch1 or ;e- mail support@aemsanet4com1 or te*support@aemsanet4com4 ,bill ,irw9 to ,address ,wildfl[] ,pilgrimage ,9 #aiij1 ,bill ,irw9 ?rew a pack on 8 back1 h>;s$ 8 guide dog1 & set \ on foot on a #b1afh-mile j\rney f #abh ,georgia to ,ma9e on ! ,appala*ian ,trail4 ,8 /ory1 record$ 9 8 be/-sell+ book 8,bl ,c\rage10 rev1ls ! exp]i;es t h mold$ hm 9to ! motiva;nal sp1k] :o captivates audi;es na;nwide4 ,irw9 w 2 ! gue/ sp1k] foll[+ ! clos+ bu6et banquet at ! ,wildfl[] ,pilgrimage1 #h p4m4 ,satur"d1 ,april #bf1 at ,mills ,auditorium1 ,gatl9burg1 ,t5n4 ,= tickets1 or m 9=ma;n1 call "<#hfe"> #dcf-#gcah ext4 #bb1 or visit www4" spr+wildfl[]pilgrimage4org4 ,bl ,rhodes ,s*ol> ,kamy> ,cyrus ,habib1 ,kirkl&1 is a s5ior at ,columbia ": he majors 9 ,5gli% & comp>ative lit]ature4 ,a ,truman ,s*ol>1 he al has 3c5trat$ 9 comput] sci;e ": he design$ an app>atus t #abi 3v]ts text applica;ns to spee*4 ,cyrus is a black belt k>ate 9/ructor1 a d[nhill ski]1 & a publi%$ photograph]4 ,he is al bl4 ,he is presid5t ( an advocacy gr\p = /ud5ts ) 4abilities1 & has "w$ = ,s5ators ,cantwell & ,cl9ton4 ,he is al vice presid5t ( ! ,iranian /ud5ts,0 associa;n at ,columbia4 ,he w r1d = ! ,b4,a4 9 ,europ1n & ,middle ,ea/]n languages at ,ox=d4 ,free ,brl ,transcrip;n @& ,m ,does yr * 5joy a giv5 s]ies s m* t he or %e wd love to r1d ea* & e book 9 x8 ,or is ! :ole class at s*ool talk+ ab a new book t's j be5 rel1s$1 b yr /ud5t hasn't _h a *.e to r1d x 2c x's n yet available 9 brl8 ,9troduc+ ,! ,brl ,book/ore's ,,,r1d :at #acj y want,' program6 ,we'll transcribe any popul> book = ages #b to #ab 9to brl at no addi;nal *>ge = transcrip;n1 i4e41 yr only co/ w 2 \r "ey"d l[ brl produc;n price "4 ,= 9/.e1 y c ord] any book 9 ! ,magic ,tree ,h\se or ,cam ,jans5 ,adv5tures ,s]ies 9 brl = j @s#f4ie2 any ,goosebumps my/]y = only @s#ae4ie2 or any title 9 ! ,babysitt]s ,club or ,nancy ,drew my/]y /ories collec;ns = @s#ai4ie & @s#ba4ie respectively4 ,& s9ce we c usually get a copy ( ! pr9t book y want transcrib$ locally1 y won't ev5 h to mail x to u4 ,n[1 kids c r1d j ab ,,any book !y want a week or two af y call u1 )\t co/+ a small =tune4 ,s give u a r+ at #a-#hjj-#ihg-#abca " td to get u "w+ on :at"e book y want4 ,"o m ?+3 we alr h ov] a ?\s& brl titles = all ages available f \r onl9e catalog4 ,:at's m1 we h a gift %op & a 8le>n+ brl0 category1 f1tur+ s* popul> items z pr9t_/braille fla% c>ds1 brl magnets1 bookm>ks1 key *a9s1 cal5d>s1 play+ c>ds1 tactile bo>d games1 & gift c]tificates4 ,on \r web site1 y c ev5 type 9 a li/ ( ^ws or "ns = u to make pr9t_/braille fla% c>ds \ ( ,- = j @s#f4ie6 ,y c br[se "? \r onl9e book/ore "<& ord] "r on ! web site us+ \r scre5 r1d]-frly1 completely secure %opp+ c>t"> by dropp+ by3 www4" braillebook/ore4com4 #acb ,a3essible ,%opp+ ,mall ,d y h a3ess to ! ,9t]net8 ,d y 5joy %opp+8 ,visit www4" mall=all4com_/#jgjij_/,,ada_/" index4cfm4 ,! ,royal ,na;nal ,9/itute ( ! ,bl 9 ! ,unit$ ,k+dom has evaluat$ ? onl9e mall & call$ x excell5t4 ,xs [n] wants ,,acb memb]s to *eck x \ & provide fe$back on a3essibil;y improve;ts4 ,if y 4cov] a problem1 3tact ,all5 ,k+ via ;e-mail1 almond@a" sbcglobal4net1 or ph"o "<#djh"> #bfh-#jeaf4 ,k+ has (f]$ to donate 8 f/ ?ree-mon? commis.ns e>n$ f ,,acb memb] pur*ases to ,,acb2 2 sure to let hm "k : /ores y buy f & h[ m* y sp5t4 ,audio ,describ$ ,movies ,audiovi.n ,canada has ov] #cdj describ$ movies on video & audio cassettes1 z #acc well z ;,,cd4 ,videos >e @s#be1 audio cassettes >e @s#ae4 ,call toll-free "<#hjj"> #efg-#fgee ext4 #bbh4 ,publica;n = ,college ,/ud5ts ) ,4abilities ,! ,u4,s4 ,de"p;t ( ,$uca;n1 ,(fice = ,civil ,"rs has issu$ a new pamphlet titl$ 8,/ud5ts ) ,4abilities3 ,prep>+ = ,po/second>y ,$uca;n3 ,"k ,yr ,"rs & ,responsibilities40 ,? publica;n provides a compreh5sive1 pla9-,5gli% explana;n ( :at /ud5ts ) 4abilities c expect 9 ! po/second>y 5viron;t4 ,to ord] copies ( ? publica;n1 write to ,,$ ,pubs1 ,$uca;n ,publica;ns ,c5t]1 ,u4,s4 ,de"p;t ( ,$uca;n1 ,p4,o4 ,box #acih1 ,jessup1 ,,md #bjgid-#acih4 ,to fax a reque/1 use "<#cja"> #acd #dgj-#abdd4 ,s5d ;e-mail reque/s to $pubs@a9et4$4gov4 ,apple ,unveils ,new ,br[s] ,at ! ,mac_w ,expo1 ,apple ,comput] unveil$ a new web br[s]1 call$ ,saf>i4 ,! new br[s]1 : only runs on ,mac ,,os ;,x #aj4b or hi<]1 c r1d web pages al\d1 9cludes a ,google se>* field1 tracks rec5tly visit$ ,,url,'s1 & 9cludes a f1ture to block pop- up ads4 ,al? no "o expects ,saf>i to *all5ge ,9t]net ,explor]'s dom9.e ( ! br[s] m>ket1 ,apple's new br[s] w give exi/+ ,apple cu/om]s an alt]native to ,micros(t s(tw>e4 #ace ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op ,= ,sale3 ,p]k9s brlr1 completely refurbi%$ by ,selective ,doctor4 @s#djj or be/ (f]1 or w trade = "s?+ else4 ,call ,rob]t ,lewis at "<#daj"> #fec-#bdih4 ,= ,sale3 ,blazie ,brl ,emboss] plus ,duxbury ,brl ,transla;n s(tw>e4 ,ask+ @s#a1bjj " plus %ipp+ & 9sur.e = ! package4 ,i pur*as$ ? equip;t 9 late #aiii & x is 9 excell5t 3di;n1 hav+ be5 us$ less ?an #aj "ts & rema9+ 9 orig9al packag+ = mo/ ( ! pa/ two ye>s4 ,pl1se 3tact ,m>y at "<#ejc"> #ghh- #bgad or ;e- mail mlreidh@ae>?l9k4net4 #acf ,= ,sale3 ,p]k9s brlr1 br& new1 / 9 box1 @s#cbj4 ,brl ';n ,sp1k1 adapt] & manual1 @s#bjj4 ,3tact ,gloria at "<#ggj"> #eaf-#ggfd1 or ;e-mail h] at morn+-glori@amsn4com4 ,= ,sale3 #dc d\ble cassette rigid pla/ic tape mail]s ) provi.n = address c>ds4 ,ask+ @s#ej4 ,two ,p]k9s brl writ]s4 ,"o has small plat5 knobs1 s(t cov]2 "o has l>g] knobs & a h>d1 h+$ cov]4 ,well ma9ta9$1 9 excell5t 3di;n4 ,ask+ @s#djj = ! "o ) ! s(t cov]1 @s#dej = ! "o ) ! h>d cov]4 ,9sul- gauges1 @s#e apiece or @s#abe = all ( !m4 ,on "o side >e rais$ ,>abic num]als1 on ! o!r1 brl num]als4 ,two wood51 cu/om-made boxes ) h+$ lids : "s ( ! gauges fit 9to4 #acg ,3tact ,rob]t ,ziegl] at "<#gfc"> #ecg-#hjjj1 or ;e- mail hm1 ziegl]@ae>?l9k4net4 ,= ,sale3 ,3nect ,\t,l\d #b4j regi/]$4 @s#ajj4 ,complete set ( ,,acb #bjjb 3v5;n tapes1 @s#cj4 ,i'll only a3ept ,u4,s4 mail po/al m"oy ord]s4 ,all items w 2 %ipp$ via free matt]1 & 9sur$4 ,3tact ;,j4 ;,l4 ,blackwell1 #hdf ,skyl9e ,dr41 ,*e/]1 ,,sc #bigjf2 ph"o "<#hjc"> #cgg-#giac 2t #i a4m4 & #i p4m4 ,ea/]n2 or ;e-mail jblackwell@a9foave4net4 ,= ,sale3 ,cle>view classic ,b_/,w ,tray f ,human,w>e1 ,9c4 "4 ,walt]s ,scope ,extra ,close ,focus #f #ach ;x #af ,field #i4c " ,- l new4 ,& a li #gch-#jjaa "w1 or "<#cja"> #gfb-#caad home4 ,= ,sale3 ,p]k9s brlr 9 gd "w+ ord]4 ,rec5tly cl1n$ & oil$4 ,ask+ @s#djj4 ,call ,paul at "<#daj"> #cgi-#biii1 or ;e- mail hm1 lpeld]@aaol4com4 ,want$3 ,,jaws = ,w9d[s1 v].n #c4g1 z dona;n4 ,laptop comput] or desktop1 pref] laptop1 z dona;n4 ,brl ';n ,sp1k #fdj4 ,h&icassette ,,ii & talk+ ,frankl9 ,language ,ma/]4 ,3tact ,melody ,$w>ds at "<#fji"> #cdg-#geci4 #aci ,want$3 ,brl ,note4 ,will+ to trade my ,brl ';n ,sp1k #fdj to rcv ,brl ,note4 ,3tact ,anita ,"eette via ;e-mail1 a"eet#a@aix4netcom4com1 or ,u4,s4 mail1 #gaj ,st4 ,&rews ,dr41 ,apt4 #ah1 ,wilm+ton1 ,,nc #bhdab-#ifaa4 ,hi< ,flik1 ,david ,br[n1 & ,mi*ael ,&]son1 we repr9t ! foll[+4"> ,oh1 ,i h slipp$ ! #adj surly bonds ( e>? ,& d.ed ! skies on laud ,i've climb$ & jo9$ ! tumbl+ mir? ,( sun-split cl\ds ,- & d"o a hundr$ ?+s ,y h n dr1m$ ( ,- :eel$ & so>$ & swung ,hi< 9 ! sunlit sil;e4 ,hov'r+ "!1 ,i've *as$ ! %\t+ w9d al;g & ,flung my eag] craft "? foot.s halls ( air ,up1 up ! l;g1 deliri\s1 burn+ blue ,i've topp$ ! w9dswept heik1 or ev5 eagle flew4 ,&1 :ile ) sil5t1 lift+ m9d ,i've trod ,! hi< untrespass$ sanct;y ( space1 ,put \ my h&1 & t\*$ ! #ada face ( ,god4 ,,acb ,(fic]s ,presid5t ,*ri/oph] ,gray #id ,ramona ,ave4 ,san ,francisco1 ,,ca #idajc ,f/ ,vice ,presid5t ,/eph5 ,spei*] #hbe ;,m ,st41 ,suite #baf ,l9coln1 ,,ne #fhejh ,second ,vice ,presid5t ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt #ajbg ,dunlop ,ave ,=e/ ,p>k1 ,,il #fjacj ,secret>y ,donna ,selig] #ciab ,,se #eth ,st4 ,des ,mo9es1 ,,ia #ejcae #adb ,tr1sur] ,>dis ,bazyn #ejj ;,s4 #crd ,st4 _?,h ,burbank1 ,,ca #iaejb ,imm ,pa/ ,presid5t ,paul ,$w>ds #bjccj ,,ne #bjth ,ct4 ,miami1 ,,fl #ccagi ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors ,j]ry ,annunzio1 ,kansas ,c;y1 ,,mo ,alan ,b1tty1 ,=t ,coll9s1 ,,co ,$ ,bradley1 ,h\/on1 ,,tx ,brian ,*>lson1 ,wat]t[n1 ,,ma ,dawn ,*ri/5s51 ,tol$o1 ,,oh ,billie ,j1n ,kei?1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,oral ,mill]1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc ,mit* ,pom]antz1 ,los ,angeles1 ,,ca #adc ,c>la ,rus*ival1 ,l\isville1 ,,ky ,patrick ,%eehan1 ,silv] ,spr+1 ,,md ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns ,*>les ,hodge1 ,*airp]son1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,adrian ,de ,blaey1 ,milwaukee1 ,,wi ,w9ifr$ ,d[n+1 ,san ,francisco1 ,,ca ,mike ,duke1 ,jackson1 ,,ms ,k5 ,/ew>t1 ,w>wick1 ,,ny ,ex ,(ficios3 ,e>l5e ,hu