,,! ,,brl ,,=um ,9 ,"o ,"p ,pages ;i-;ix & #a-eh ,,! ,,am]ican ,,c\ncil ,,( ,,! ,,bl ,,/rives ,,6,,9cr1se ,,! ,,9dep5d;e1 ,,secur;y1 ,,equal;y ,,( ,,opportun;y1 ,,& ,,6,,improve ,,qual;y ,,( ,,life ,,= ,,all ,,bl ,,& ,,visu,y ,,impair$ ,,p4 ,publi%$ by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,volume ,,xlix ,septemb] #bjaj ,no4 #c ,copy"r #bjaj ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,,special ,,symbols ;iii ,,us$ ,,9 ,,? ,,volume ^t ,tradem>k4 ,' 7#f1 #c7 ,t]m9,n sign4 _/ ,sla%4 @ 7#d7 ,a35t sign4 @9 ,9* sign4 @& ,amp]s&4 _? ,crosshat*4 ,-put] ,brl ,code _+ ,2g9 ,-put] ,brl ,code4 @ 7#d7 ,at sign4 . 7#d-f7 ,p]iod4 _: ,5d ,-put] ,brl ,code4 : ,colon4 / ,sla%4 _& ,3t9u,n 9dicator4 - 7#c-f7 ,hyph54 _ 7#d-e-f7 ,%ift 9dicator4 _> ,caps lock 9dicator4 _< ,caps rel1se 9dicator4 __ 7#d-e-f1 #d-e-f7 ,"uscore4 ,,special ,,symbols 73t47 ,numb]s 2 7#b-c7 #b4 0 7#c-e-f7 #j4 4 7#b-e-f7 #d4 7 7#b-c-e-f7 #g4 3 7#b-e7 #c4 1 7#b7 #a4 6 7#b-c-e7 #f4 5 7#b-f7 #e4 ,,! ,,brl ,,=um ^t is availa# 9 ;v brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half-spe$ f\r-track cassette tape1 & via ;e-mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 a4ress *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = public,n %d 2 s5t 6,%>on ,lover+ at ! a4ress on ! back cov]1 or via ;e-mail to _+slovering@acb.org_:4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ^t is a memb]%ip organiz,n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,6jo91 visit ! ,,acb web site & -plete an applic,n =m1 or 3tact ! n,nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ on ! back cov]4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax- deducti#1 c 2 s5t 6,mike ,god9o at ! mail+ a4ress on ! back cov]4 ,if y wi% 6rememb] a relative or fr1 ! n,nal (fice c make pr9t$ c>ds availa# = ? purpose4 ,6rememb] ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t1 y may 9clude a special p>agraph = t purpose4 ,if yr wi%es >e -plex1 3tact ! ,,acb n,nal (fice4 ,jo9 ! ,mon?ly ,m"ot>y ,support 7,,mms7 ,program & help improve tm td 9 ,,acb4 ,3tact ,ron ,milliman 0;e- mail1 _+rmilliman@insightbb.com_:1 or 0ph"o at 7#bgj7 #ghb-icbe & get />t$ mak+ tm look b"r] td6 ,6make a 3tribu;n 6,,acb via ! ,-b9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #aaaee4 ,=! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll- free at 7#hjj7 #dbd-hfff1 #e p4m4 6midniy (! ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors ,teleconf];e ,june #i1 #bjaj1 0,m>cia ,dress] """""" #i ,,acb ,3f];e & ,3v5;n3 ,grt ,"ts 9 ! ,we/1 0,c>la ,rus*ival """"" #ad ,phoenix--,up f ! ,a%es (a ,prehi/oric ,civiliz,n1 0,p5ny ,crane """"""""""""""""""""""""" #ag ,,acb ,memb]s ,f9d ,tr1sures at ,auc;n1 0,br5da ,dillon """""""" #bj ,second ,annual ,,acb ,walk ,is a ,wrap61 0,dan ,dillon """""""" #bb ,dog ,hair 9 ! ,air1 0,netag5e ,kirkpatrick """"""""""""""""""" #bd ,:at ,i ,le>n$ 9 ,siol9a ,s*ool =! ,d1f at ,morganton1 #aiif1 0,john ,lee ,cl>k """"""" #cd ,reflec;ns (a ,f/-,"t ,baby- ,sitt]1 0,mike ,h,y """""""""""" #cf ,a6iliate ,news """""""""""""""""" #ch ,"h & ,"!1 $it$ 0,sue ,li*t5fels #dj ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op """"""""""""" #eb ,,=um ,,subscrip;n ,,notes ;ix ,y c n[ get 8,! ,brl ,=um0 0podca/6 ,6subscribe1 g to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 page on _+www.acb.org_:4 ,if y d n yet h a podca/ cli5t1 y c d[nload "o f ! ,=um page4 ,6subscribe to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 via ;e-mail1 g to _+www.acb.org/mailman/_& listinfo/brailleforum-_l_:4 333333333333 ,,>e ,,y ,,mov+8 ,,d ,,y ,,want ,,6,,*ange ,,yr ,,subscrip;n8 ,3tact ,%>on ,lover+ 9 ! ,,acb n,nal (fice1 #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 or via ;e- mail1 _+slovering@acb.org_:4 ,give h] ! 9=m,n1 & %e'll take c>e (! *anges = y4 ,,presid5t's ,,report ,,6,,! #a ,,n,nal ,,3v5;n1 ,,"p ,i 0,mit* ,pom]antz ,z ,i've d"o =! previ\s two ye>s1 ! next 7?ree 9 ? case7 presid5t's columns w 2 tak5 f ! report giv5 6! memb]%ip on ,sun"d ev5+ (! ,,acb n,nal 3f];e & 3v5;n4 ,= ^? ( y :o 7 n "! or una# 6li/5 via ,,acb ,radio1 ,i tru/ t my rem>ks w fill y 9 adequately on \r activities s9ce ! #bjji 3v5;n4 ,ladies & g5tlem51 x is once ag an honor &a privilege 6/& 2f y1 ! memb]s (! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl1 6hi's ga!r+ m>ks ,,acb,''s #di? annual n,nal 3f];e & 3v5;n--z we >e call+ x--& ,i'll expla9 ! r1sons = ? *ange %ortly4 ,approximately #b1jjj ( u >e "h 9 ,phoenix1 ,>iz41 6ag demon/rate ! wisdom & =esi has be5 \r mo/ su3ess;l s9ce my elec;n 9 #bjjg4 ,9 o!r respects1 h["e1 ? has be5 a di6icult ye> = ,,acb & c]ta9ly = bl p "ey": 9 ! c.try4 ,( necess;y1 ,i am -pell$ 6-;t ^u ^? *all5ges fac+ all ( u z well4 ,2f go+ fur!r1 let me briefly expla9 ! bo>d's ?9k+ 2h a4+ ! ^w 83f];e0 6! (ficial design,n = \r annual ga!r+4 ,f/1 83v5;n0 has tak5 on a "s:at negative m1n+ 9 rec5t ye>s1 ?anks 9 l>ge "p 6\r two major political "py 3v5;ns4 8,3f];e10 on ! o!r h&1 has a m positive m1n+ 9 ! m9ds ( mo/ p1 z 9 a s]i\s meet+ ( p 9t]e/$ 9 a set ( issues4 ,\r 9t5t 9 mak+ ? *ange1 & 9 propos+ an am5d;t 6! 3/itu;n : y w h ! opportun;y 63sid] lat] ? week1 is 6attract m profes.nals 9 ! field ( bl;s 6? ga!r+1 z well z 6obta9 sponsors will+ 6(f] f9ancial support 6,,acb4 ,9 ! _s ( ? organiz,n1 y w h ! f9al say z 6:e!r ? *ange is #c tempor>y or p]man5t4 ,z we approa* :at ,i 3sid] 6be ! f9al mon?s (! f/ decade (! #ba/ c5tury1 bl & visu,y impair$ p face daunt+ & unprec$5t$ *all5ges 6life z we've exp]i;ed x =! pa/ two g5],ns or s4 ,_m wd >gue t ? isn't necess>ily a bad ?+4 ,af all1 8! bl0 >e1 ) "s excep;ns1 view$ z 2+ "p (! l[] socioeconomic /ratum ( society4 ,p]h a %akeup 9 ! exi/+ ord] wdn't 2 s* a bad ?+4 ,un=tunately1 ! *anges ,i'm =esee+ spell t\<]1 n easi]1 "ts = u4 ,if y d\bt ?1 if x s.ds ov]ly dramatic1 !n let me \tl9e "s ( ^? *all5ges1 bo? 6bl & visu,y impair$ p g5],y1 & 6! memb]%ip ( ,,acb specific,y4 ,i w al m5;n "s (! activities we h "utak5 ov] ! pa/ ye> 6a4ress ^? *all5ges4 ,z ,i see x1 ! *all5ges fac+ all ( u fall )9 ! categories ( $uc,n1 rehabilit,n1 employ;t1 transport,n & a3ess 69=m,n4 ,two a4i;nal issues-- fundrais+ & memb]%ip develop;t--relate directly 6! future viabil;y & gr[? (! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl4 ,we >e a4ress+ _m ( ^! *all5ges extremely well2 o!rs require m ef=t & -mit;t4 ,9 ! >ea ( $uc,n1 we >e exp]i5c+ an unprec$5t$ly l[ rate ( brl lit]acy1 e/imat$ at >.d #aj p]c5t am;g bl *n4 ,we >e see+ ! closure &_/or 3solid,n (a gr[+ numb] ( s*ools =! bl >.d ! c.try2 mo/ rec5tly 9 ,i[a ": ! resid5tial s*ool is 2+ 3v]t$ 6a res\rce c5t]1 )! acquiesc;e (! ,i[a ,de"p;t =! ,bl &! ,,nfb ( ,i[a4 ,we >e see+ a gr[+ %ortage ( qualifi$ t1*]s (! visu,y impair$ &! elim9,n ( t1*] prep>,n programs >.d ! c.try4 ,-p.d+ ? %ortage is ! n,nal /amp$e 6ma9/r1m all *n ) 4abilities4 ,if ^! tr5ds 3t9ue1 h[ w future g5],ns ( bl *n 2come profici5t 9 brl &! o!r skills !y ne$ 6be 3tribut+ memb]s ( society8 ,! answ] is3 !y won't6 ,? pa/ ye> ,i e/abli%$ a s*ools =! bl task =ce1 ably *air$ 0,ray ,campbell4 ,t task =ce 3duct$ a v su3ess;l tra9+ at ! presid5ts' #e meet+ 9 ,febru>y & w 2 hold+ ano!r valua# ses.n ? week4 ,x may 2 t ? gr\p w ne$ 6exp& xs activities 9 ord] 6a4ress ! o!r issues adv]sely a6ect+ ! $uc,n ( bl *n4 ,l d1? & taxes1 rehabilit,n & employ;t >e 9evita# 3c]ns = u4 ,reg>d+ rehabilit,n1 "! >e two s]i\s issues fac+ u td3 ma9ta9+ exi/+ sep>ate /ate ag5cies1 de"p;ts or -mis.ns =! bl2 & c.t]act+ ,,nfb 9flu;e ov] ^? sep>ate 5tities 7"s?+ ab : ,i've -;t$ on at "s l5g? 9 previ\s reports 6y74 ,! ongo+ economic crisis a6ect+ mo/ /ates is (f]$ z ju/ific,n =! 3solid,n tr5d4 ,! ,n,nal ,gov]nors' ,associ,n has rel1s$ a docu;t call+ =! elim9,n ( all small1 sep>ate ag5cies & -mis.ns 9 ord] 6cut co/s )9 /ate gov]n;ts4 ,ladies & g5tlem51 ^? >e \r programs ! gov]nors >e talk+ ab6 ,reg>d+ ! issue ( ,,nfb 9flu;e1 ,i w m5;n "h t e>li] ? ye>1 ,melanie ,brunson & ,i met on a c\ple ( o3a.ns )! new ,-mis.n] =! ,rehabilit,n ,s]vices ,adm9i/r,n1 ,lynnae ,ruttl$ge4 ,%e al att5d$ & spoke at \r presid5ts' meet+4 ,i 2lieve x's safe 6say t "ey"o :o he>d h] rem>ks came away )! feel+ t ,ms4 ,ruttl$ge w d1l ) u fairly & equitably & t %e wants 6"w collaboratively ) ,,acb4 ,employ;t1 or ! lack "!(1 3t9ues 6be an ongo+ 3c]n4 ,two weeks f tm1 we w celebrate ! #bj? anniv]s>y (! sign+ (! ,am]icans ) ,4abilities ,act4 ,mo/ (! s-call$ 4abil;y exp]ts 2lieve t ! ov]all unemploy;t rate = u has actu,y 9cr1s$ s9ce #aiij4 ,? pa/ ye> has se5 ,,acb "w+ closely )! ,bl ,5trepr5eurs' ,alli.e & \r [n ,r&olph-,%epp>d ,v5dors ( ,am]ica 6a4ress s]i\s attacks on ! bl prior;y & 6exp& employ;t opportunities )9 ! v5d+ program4 ,we >e al jo9+ ) ,n,nal ,9du/ries =! ,bl 6c.t] ef=ts f ! broad] 4abil;y -mun;y 6elim9ate ,,nib- & ,,nish,'-operated facilities : >e misp]cvd z %elt]$ "w%ops4 ,until ! "d -es :5 qualifi$ bl & visu,y #g impair$ p]sons c 2 assur$ t !y w rcv equal 3sid],n ) _! sid & ,,nib programs4 333333333333 ,,acb ,,celebrates ,,h\se ,,approval ,,( ,h4,r4 #caja 0,melanie ,brunson ,on ,july #bf1 ,]ic ,bridges1 ,,acb,''s ,director ( ,advocacy & ,gov]n;tal ,a6airs1 po/$ ! foll[+ message 6\r ,l1d]%ip li/4 ,on ! #bj? anniv]s>y (! sign+ (! ,,ada1 ! ,u4,s4 ,h\se ( ,repres5tatives pass$ ,h4,r4 #caja1 ,! ,tw5ty-,f/ ,c5tury ,-munic,ns & ,video ,a3essibil;y ,act4 ,! bill pass$ 0a #cdh-bc vote4 ,? repres5ts res.d+ bi"pisan support4 ,,acb z a /e]+ -mittee memb] (! ,coali;n ( ,organiz,ns = ,a3essi# ,te*nology 7,,coat7 wi%es 6express xs s9c]e appreci,n =! tire.s advocacy ( ,rep4 ,$ ,m>key 7;,d-,mass47 "? ? l;g & di6icult process4 ,! bl & d1f-bl -munities h a /aun* advocate 9 ,rep4 ,m>key4 ,x is al q appropriate 6express \r ?anks 6! ,*airman (! ,h\se ,5]gy & ,-m]ce ,-mittee1 ,h5ry ,waxman 7;,d- ,calif471 =! critical role he play$ 9 "w+ ) ,,coat &! ,republicans on 8 -mittee s t #caja cd 2 bi"pisan4 ,?ank y al 6! rank+ memb] (! ,5]gy & ,-m]ce ,-mittee1 ,joe ,b>ton 7;,r-,tex47 & ,rep4 ,cliff ,/e>ns 7;,r-,fla47 = _! will+;s 6"w 9 a bi"pisan way4 ,z _m ( y "k1 bi"pisan%ip 9 ,3gress is a v r>e o3urr;e ^! "ds4 ,s n[ we h two bills 9 ! ,s5ate4 ,! goal is 6h ! ,s5ate pass ,h4,r4 #caja 2c x is a /r;g]1 m 3sum]-focus$ bill ?an ,s4 #ccjd4 ,i w al add t ,]ic 0 9 ! ,h\se gall]y 6wit;s ! vote1 & x 0 def9itely an excit+ mile/"o t foll[$ _m h\rs ( h>d "w t has o3urr$ dur+ all h\rs (! "d ov] ! pa/ c\ple ( ye>s4 ,h["e1 z ,]ic's -;ts 9dicat$1 "! is / "w #i 6d 9 ! ,s5ate4 ,we w keep y po/$ z ! bill moves "? t *amb]4 ,= ^? ( y :o want ! late/ updates1 b don't want 6wait =! next issue ( 8,! ,brl ,=um10 feel free 6call ! ,wa%+ton ,3nec;n at #a-hjj-dbd-hfff4 ,we w keep \r legislative messages updat$ z ev5ts on ,capitol ,hill w>rant x1 & y c li/5 6!m any "t dur+ ev5+s & week5ds1 or week"ds 2f #b p4m4 ,ea/]n "t4 ,we w1 ( c\rse1 report on any new develop;ts 9 future issues ( ? magaz9e z well4 333333333333 ,,summ>y ,,( ,,! ,,acb ,,bo>d ,,( ,,directors ,,teleconf];e ,,june #i1 #bjaj 0,m>cia ,dress] ,! ,,acb bo>d ( directors met via 3f];e call on ,june #i4 ,all bo>d memb]s 7 pres5t except ,jeff ,?om & ,billie ,j1n ,kei?4 ,despite 2+ on vac,n1 executive director ,melanie ,brunson 0 al 9 att5d.e4 ,presid5t ,mit* ,pom]antz 3v5$ ! meet+ at #h3ch p4m4 ,,edt4 ,af ! ag5da 0 adopt$ z submitt$ 0,pom]antz1 ,david ,trott made a mo;n 6approve ! m9utes (! midye> bo>d meet+4 ,! mo;n 0 second$ 0,m>la9a ,lieb]g1 :o ?ank$ ,ray ,campbell = tak+ ! m9utes 9 h] abs;e4 ,! mo;n c>ri$4 ,pom]antz report$ t ,m>icopa ,c.ty1 ,,az %]iff ,joe ,>paio 0 slat$ 6be ! ,,gdui lun*eon sp1k] 64cuss 8 "w ) abus$ & ab&on$ animals4 ,h["e1 2c ( 8 3trov]sial views reg>d+ ! new ,>izona immigr,n laws1 ?r1ts 7 made 6picket ! lun*eon1 s ! ,,gdui bo>d vot$ 6resc9d ! 9vit,n4 ,d5a ,wilson's la/ "d at ,,acb 0 ,june #d2 un=tunately1 %e 0 una# 6br+ 9 a4i;nal rev5ue4 ,patricia ,ca/illo1 ,brunson's adm9i/rative assi/ant1 has a3ept$ a posi;n ) ,unit$ ,h1l? ,c>e2 h] la/ "d 0 ,june #aa4 ,brunson1 ,pom]antz1 ,lane ,wat]s1 & ,c>la ,rus*ival w make sure "! w 2 adequate /a6+ =! 3v5;n4 ,,nfb has hir$ a 3sultant1 ,je6rey ,witt1 6"w on ! a3essi# curr5cy issue4 ,he has develop$ new prototypes #aa us+ tactile & size op;ns t ! ,tr1sury ,de"p;t did n 3sid]1 & has ask$ p]mis.n 6get fe$back f ,,acb 3v5;ne]s4 ,? issue is ( grave 3c]n4 ,! ,tr1sury ,de"p;t su7e/$ provid+ m"oy id5tifi]s 6"ey"o c]tifi$ z leg,y bl z an 9t]im m1sure1 b !y m/ n /op "!4 ,al1 ,judge ,rob]tson is retir+1 s a new judge w 2 appo9t$ 6ov]see ! c\rt deci.n4 ,af 3sid]a# delib],n1 ,*ris ,gray mov$ t ! presid5t or 8 designee 9dicate t we wd make space availa# at ! 3v5;n = ei 9dividuals or gr\ps 6"picipate & provide fe$back on prototype bills ,witt has 6%[1 & t we fur!r au?orize ! presid5t or 8 designee 64cuss ) ,witt possi# fur!r 9volve;t 0,,acb bas$ on \r impres.ns ( 8 mat]ial & advice ( \r c\nsel4 ,lieb]g second$1 &! mo;n c>ri$4 ,gray report$ t ! new database is fully load$ n[ &1 al? "! >e / "s m9or glit*es1 x %d 2 r1dy = fur!r 2ta te/+ %ortly4 ,lieb]g mov$ a3ept.e (! presid5t's report1 & ,campbell second$2 ! mo;n c>ri$4 ,next1 ,s&ra ,s]mons & ,pam ,%aw1 *air & memb]1 respectively1 (! 9t]n,nal rel,ns -mittee1 4cuss$ )! bo>d possi# collabor,n 2t ,,acb & ,eld]ho/el4 ,eld]ho/el organizes travel_/le>n programs -b9+ 9t]n,nal travel1 $uc,n1 & exp]i5tial le>n+4 ,a trip 6,spa91 "pn]+ ) ,,once 7! ,spani% ag5cy =! bl 9 ,spa971 is plann$ = ,oct4 #ah1 #bjaj2 #bj ,,acb memb]s >e go+4 ,s]mons sd t if ? trip is su3ess;l1 ! goal is 6exp& 6o!r c.tries1 & ^! trips cd 2 an opportun;y = fund-rais+ = ,,acb4 ,lieb]g mov$ t collabor,n 2t ,,acb & ,eld]ho/el 2 explor$1 & ,campbell second$2 ! mo;n c>ri$4 ,pom]antz ask$ ,s]mons 6get ! draft agree;t 6hm & ,brunson 0,june #bb4 ,tracf"o ,wire.s ,safel9k provides free cell ph"o s]vice 6p ) l[ 9come4 ,!y >e try+ 69troduce ? program 96s"eal /ates via legisl,n1 & >e seek+ 5dorse;t f ,,acb & xs a6iliates4 ,foll[+ 4cus.n1 x 0 decid$ t #ac ,pom]antz w s5d a lr 6,tracf"o 9dicat+ t ,,acb is a grassroots organiz,n ^: a6iliates >e autonom\s1 & t al? we support ! 3cept (! ,tracf"o ef=t1 ,,acb _c 5dorse ! specific product at ? "t4 ,he w al reque/ fur!r 9=m,n reg>d+ _! expect,ns4 ,af 3v5;n1 ,pom]antz w 3v5e a task =ce 69ve/igate fur!r ac;ns vis-@a-vis 5dorse;ts 9 g5]al4 ,? task =ce w 2 -pris$ ( ,mi*ael ,g>rett1 ,b]l ,colley1 & ,jeff ,?om1 ) ,g>rett s]v+ z *air4 ,campbell mov$ 6ratify ! ;e-mail vote 0! bo>d rais+ ! 3v5;n func;n sur*>ge f 4#a 64#b4 ,lieb]g second$2 ! mo;n c>ri$4 ,af -p>+ s*$ules = s"eal m9utes1 ,campbell mov$ t ! fall meet+ (! ,,acb bo>d ( directors take place ,nov4 #e-g1 #bjaj1 probably 9 ,r5o4 ,lieb]g second$ ! mo;n1 : 0 adopt$4 ,! meet+ adj\rn$ at #aj3be p4m4 ,,edt4 333333333333 ,,acb ,,3f];e ,,& ,,3v5;n3 ,,grt ,,"ts ,,9 ,,! ,,we/ 0,c>la ,rus*ival ,! #bjaj ,,acb 3f];e & 3v5;n 0 no?+ %ort ( t]rific6 ,e 3v5;n has xs special qualities & unique "*i/ics1 & we all return$ home f ,phoenix )a :ole new set ( grt ,,acb memories4 ,i want 6take ? opportun;y 6publicly ?ank ! /aff (! ,phoenix ,d[nt[n ,%]aton ,hotel = xs \t/&+ "w on ? 3f];e4 ,:e!r x 0 e>ly morn+ or late at niry l9e at ! auc;n 0 6be -m5d$4 ,?anks al 6! ,>izona ho/ -mittee = yr h>d "w &= yr special ,,acb _s4 ,yr s\?we/ tr1sures welcome "py1 ) xs m>ia*i b&1 0 grt fun & set ! t"o =! 5tire week4 ,a huge ?anks goes 6! ,,acb n,nal 3v5;n -mittee1 /aff & volunte]s :o pit*$ 9 6make ? 3v5;n possi#4 ,)\t ea* & e "o ( y1 ! week wd n h be5 su3ess;l4 #ae ,n[ we turn f ! sunny s\?we/ nor? 6! ,silv] ,/ate4 ,! #bjaa ,,acb 3f];e & 3v5;n w 2 9 ,r5o ! week ( ,july #h-af4 ,x's ,,acb,''s gold5 anniv]s>y 7\r #ej?71 &! excite;t is alr 2g9n+ 6build4 ,! ,nevada local ho/ -mittee is up & runn+1 & plans >e />t+ 6take %ape4 ,! fabul\s ,john ,ascuaga's ,nu7et ,hotel ,resort ,cas9o is \r 3v5;n home1 & rates >e 4#hg a nis1 pool1 fit;s c5t]1 &1 ( c\rse1 a cas9o4 ,i plan 6hit ) ,rosie's ,cafe1 a #bd-h\r re/aurant )a m*-v>i$ m5u4 ,rosie's curr5tly f1tures daily specials f #aa a4m4 6#aa p4m4 = 4#f.ie2 gd /uff l *ick5 & dumpl+s1 beef tips1 salads1 s&wi*es & ve7ies4 ,f #aa p4m4 6#g a4m4 ,rosie's (f]s a /1k & egg special = 4#d.ie4 ,?9k ,i'll 2 /ay+ up late 7or gett+ up e>ly76 ,prices & f1tur$ items >e ( c\rse subject 6*ange4 ,get 9 on ! fun4 ,make hotel res]v,ns 0call+ #a-hjj-fdh-aagg4 ,use gr\p code 8gbl0 69sure t y rcv ! ,,acb rate4 ,on ! s]i\s side3 ,we >e alr 2g9n+ "w on ses.n programs & s*$ules1 exhibits1 adv]tis+ & sponsor%ips1 & m4 ,mat]ials w soon 2 availa# = a6iliates1 -mittees1 & -panies :o wi% 6"picipate 9 ! ,,acb #ej? anniv]s>y celebr,n4 ,= m 9=m,n1 call ! ,,acb n,nal (fice at 7#bjb7 #dfg-ejha or #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 or 3tact ,c>la ,rus*ival1 *air1 ,,acb n,nal 3f];e & 3v5;n -mittee1 at 7#ejb7 #cjc-gjdb or 0;e-mail at _+adamcarla@bellsouth.net_:4 333333333333 ,,phoenix--,,up ,,f #ag ,,! ,,a%es ,,( ,a ,,prehi/oric ,,civiliz,n 0,p5ny ,crane ,i att5d$ ! #bjaj ,,acb 3f];e_/conv5;n 9 ,phoenix--! fif?- l>ge/ ,u4,s4 c;y1 ": e noisy1 bu/l+ mod]n 3v5i;e ab.ds4 ,i 0 amaz$ 6le>n t ? huge1 cosmopolitan c;y 0 built ov] ! anci5t rema9s (a site us$ 0a prehi/oric p--! ,hohokams4 ,= #ag c5turies1 ! ,hohokams su3ess;lly & 3t9u\sly op]at$ an irrig,n sy/em 9 ? grt des]t valley4 ,no "o "ks :y ^! p 4appe>$1 l;g ago1 b mod]n m5 & 5g9e]+ h built mod]n /ructures ^u ! anci5t canals4 ,ab #aj1jjj ye>s ago1 ! ,pueblo & s\?we/ tribes mov$ 96? des]t >ea4 ,on my visit 6,phoenix's ren[n$ ,he>d ,museum--a t\r _h be5 >rang$ = att5dees--,i le>n$ a lot ab ^! tribal des]t dwell]s4 ,! ,he>d ,museum is d$icat$ 5tirely 6,native ,am]ican >t1 especi,y (! s\?we/ ,9dians :o live 9 ? >id >ea4 ,_! culture1 exp]i;es & /ru7les >e %[n4 ,z a n,n1 9 \r "s"ts bloody 3que/s1 we cd h le>n$ s m* f ^! p4 ,! museum t\r left me )a feel+ ( appreci,n1 sympa?y & "u/&+ = ^! ,native ,am]ican peoples4 ,\r guide 0 a b1uti;l1 s(t- spok5 ,navajo girl1 :o visits h] gr&"m on ! res]v,n once a mon?4 ,! foll[+ is j a small glimpse (a few (! ,s\?we/ tribes3 ,navajo3 ,! ,navajo >e ! l>ge/ tribe 9 ,am]ica1 9 fact4 #ajj ye>s ago1 "! 7 b>ely #aj1jjj ( !m4 ,td "! >e ov] #gj1jjj6 ,! #af million acre ,navajo res]v,n -pletely surr.ds ! l>ge ,hopi res]v,n1 & exp&s ov] ! 5tire nor?ea/ "p ( ,>izona &! adjo9+ nor?we/ "p ( ,new ,mexico4 ,!y h _! [n language1 c\rts & judges4 ,! ,he>d ,museum has a va/ collec;n ( b1uti;l ,navajo rugs1 fam\s ! _w ov]4 ,_m pieces ( silv] jewelry & num]\s s& pa9t+s >e on 4play4 ,hopi3 ,_! tribal "n m1ns 8! p1ce;l "os40 ,_m ,hopi villages 7 built #ai on n>r[ mesa tops z a def5se ag/ ! ,spani%4 ,! ,he>d ,museum has m ?an #ag1jjj ka*9a dolls1 : ! ,hopi call kats9a4 ,male & female ka*9as call$ ,salako1 ) _! color;l h1ddresses1 repres5t grace & b1uty4 ,! ,hopi reg>d ! ka*9a z _s ess;es4 ,! dolls >e made f ! root (! cottonwood tree4 ,^! dolls >e giv5 6,hopi girls & 9fants4 ,! ,hopi al make b1uti;l pott]y4 ,apa*e3 ,apa*e m1ns 8! p40 ,l ! o!r ,s\?we/ tribes1 !y >e a matri>*al society4 ,"o ( _! mo/ important c]emonies is ! f\r-"d maid5 pub]ty rite4 ,dur+ ! c]emony1 ! _s d.ers we> elaborately pa9t$ h1ddresses1 made ( slats ( agave /alks sewn tgr4 ,! ,he>d ,museum has _m b1uti;l cradle bo>ds4 ,3tr>y 6g5]al 2lief1 ac 6\r guide1 ^! cradle bo>ds >e n worn on ! back4 ,! back is 6c>ry burd5s1 & _! 2lov$ *n >e n burd5s4 ,tohono ,o'odham3 ,! "n m1ns 8! des]t p40 ,? tribe has be5 w1v+ baskets = at l1/ #b1jjj ye>s1 & makes m baskets ?an any o!r tribe4 ,^! coil$ baskets -e 9 a v>iety ( %apes4 ,!y >e made ( 8devil's claw0 & yu3a sewn ov] a bundle ( be> grass4 ,"s >e wov5 s tige collec;n ( _! will[ baskets1 horsehair l>iats1 c>v$ wood5 b[ls & pott]y4 ,af ! 3f];e_/conv5;n1 ,i h1d$ home 6! mo/ s\!rn "p (! /ate ( ,>izona4 ,i live j ab 9 ! %ad[ (! ,*iricahua ,m.ta9s1 =m] home (! ,*iricahua ,apa*es4 ,i live 9 a c.ty "nd af t mo/ fam\s ,*iricahua ,apa*e *ief3 ,co*ise4 ,i'm s glad t ? ye>'s 3f];e_/conv5;n gave me ! opportun;y 6visit ! ,he>d ,museum1 & le>n s m* m ab ,native ,am]ican tribal culture & h]itage4 333333333333 ,,acb ,,memb]s ,,f9d ,,tr1sures ,,at ,,auc;n ,on ,w$nes"d ev5+1 ,july #ad1 ! ,,acb 8,tr1sure ,hunt0 ,auc;n 0 held4 ,:at an ev5+ ( fun6 ,"! 0 a wond];l >ray ( #ba tr1sures 6be claim$ 0! hii$4 ,?anks 6all (! a6iliates :o 3tribut$ packages 6support ! auc;n6 ,z we mov$ on 6! g5]al m]*&ise seg;ts1 we 7 tempt$ 0fabul\s te*nology items1 "o-(-a-k9d collecti#s1 sports memorabilia1 an autograph$ guit>1 jewelry1 vac,n packages1 yummy homemade gdies1 luxuri\s ba? & body products1 wond];l $uc,nal & j-=-fun books & tons ( o!r wond];l (f]+s6 ,! auc;n br"\ 9 ov] 4#af1cjj & we >e s deeply grate;l 6all 9dividuals & -panies :o 3tribut$ s g5]\sly4 ,we al s9c]ely appreciate ea* p]son :o support$ ! auc;n 0-+ & jo9+ 9 ! fun & fund-rais+4 ,_m ?anks al g 6! volunte]s :o help$ set up & facilitate ! smoo? runn+ (! v>i\s aspects (! auc;n4 ,special ac"kl$ge;t 6\r ?ree grt auc;ne]s3 ,jeff ,?om1 ,c9dy ,van ,w9kle & ,mit* ,pom]antz4 ,x takes all ( u "w+ tgr1 s 3gratul,ns =a job well d"o6 --,br5da ,dillon 333333333333 ,,second ,,annual ,,acb ,,walk ,,is ,a ,,wrap6 0,dan ,dillon ,on ,satur"d1 ,july #aj1 #fb p walk$ a mile 7or two1 or ?ree7 >.d ,>izona ,mills ,mall's 9door walk+ pa?4 ,! walk al 9clud$ #bj virtual walk]s1 "picipat+ f pa?s 9 _! home t[ns4 ,x rais$ a total ( 4#ah1gdd4 ,we ext5d a v special ?ank-y 6,regal ,5t]ta9;t ,gr\p = g5]\sly 3tribut+ 4#c1jjj z a 8,pace ,sett]0 sponsor6 ,_! f9ancial support all[$ u 6provide transport,n 6& f ! walk site1 z well z ! 8,g ! ,extra ,mile = ,,acb0 tote bags1 & m$als & trophies = \r w9n]s4 ,9 a4i;n1 we applaud ,regal's -mit;t 6mak+ audio describ$ movies availa# 9 mo/ ( _! !at]s6 ,we >e grate;l 6,>izona ,mills & _! a3ommodat+ /aff = all[+ u 6hold #bc \r walk 9 _! mall4 ,?anks 6,orbit ,rese>* = donat+ an i,bill talk+ bank note id5tifi]1 6,s*ool ,specialty ,/ore =a 4#ajj gift c]tificate & 6,dick's ,sport+ ,gds = ?ree 4#bj gift c>ds : 7 all us$ = prizes = \r walk draw+s4 ,s9c]e appreci,n goes 6,vitam9 ,wat] & 6,vi/> =! snacks & b"eages4 ,we cdn't h d"o x )\t all ! wond];l volunte]s :o %[$ up 6s]ve z siiety ( o!r ways1 too4 ,hats (f 6! ho/ -mittee = yr 9valua# 3nec;ns 9 ! -mun;y &= all yr h>d "w4 ,f9,y1 he>tfelt ?anks 6ea* p]son :o "picipat$ ei z a walk] or a pl$g]4 ,trophies 7 aw>d$ z foll[s3 f/ place f9i%] 0 ,rob]t ,spangl]2 honora# m5;n 6\r second place f9i%]1 ,k5 ,/ew>t2 & 6\r ?ird place f9i%]1 ,ray ,campbell4 ,\r olde/ "picipant 0 ,t$die-,joy ,remhild1 & \r "ye/ "picipant 0 ,s>a ,3rad4 ,\r top fund-rais+ 9dividual 0 ,donna ,br[n2 \r top fund-rais+ t1m 0 ,c9dy & ,tim ,van ,w9kle2 &! a6iliate rais+ ! mo/ 0 ! ,wa%+ton ,c\ncil (! ,bl4 ,9 a4i;n 6^? m5;n$ abv1 o!rs rcvg trophies = hav+ rais$ ov] 4#a1jjj 7 ,ron & ,palma ,milliman & ,dan & ,br5da ,dillon4 ,m$als 7 giv5 6all "picipants :o rais$ 4#ajj or m 9 pl$ges4 ,plans >e alr 2+ 4cuss$ =! ,,acb walk v5ue 9 ,r5o4 ,let's all 8g ! extra mile = ,,acb0 0s]i\sly ?9k+ ab "picipat+ 9 next ye>'s walk4 333333333333 ,,dog ,,hair ,,9 ,,! ,,air ,f/ 9 l9e walk$ 96! caf@e1 ,b a surprise "! await$ u4 ,!y 7 %orth&$1 only ?ree employees4 ,unexpect$ly1 we caus$ a fuss6 ,! manag] all[$ only a few in-- ,"s?+ ab too _m at "o "t4 ,maybe %e ?"\ we'd sc>e ! 8regul>s10 ,or "s?+ ab dogs 9 ! l9e4 ,%e sd "s ( u cd 5t]-- #be ,^? ( u )\t a dog4 ,b we cane p wdn't d t4 ,"sh[1 x j seem$ wr;g4 ,i 0 ne> ! back s ,i'm guess+4 ,bits ov]he>d came my way4 ,"s"o call$ ! police-- ,an 9t]e/+ />t (! "d6 ,"o (fic] >riv$ "! promptly4 ,no4+ 6u1 he /roll$ 9side4 ,!n ! (fic] call$ a backup4 ,! caf@e manag] 0 surely surpris$4 ,i've no idea ( _! 3v]s,n4 ,! policem5 came \ )a gr94 ,!y told u1 8,5joy yr br1kfa/60 ,& we1 smil+1 w5t on in4 ,we l9$ up & plac$ \r ord]s4 ,we ) "s sin$ ,,9 ,,sie me =! future8 ,x is h>d 6rememb] all t o3urr$ )9 t class t 9flu;ed me4 ,i 0 diagnos$ 2f ,i 5t]$ f/ grade ) extreme f>sisily see h] face or see ! l1ves on trees1 & t ,i did n "k :at %e look$ l4 ,=a p>5t 6rcv s* 9=m,n m/ h be5 a %ock4 ,b my "m is a /r;g woman & %e det]m9$ t my vi.n di6iculties wd n 2 a h9dr.e 6my life4 ,my "f 0 equ,y supportive4 ,a sisiily availa# 9 public s*ools4 7,! t]m is no l;g] us$ td47 ,"! 0 no s* class 9 my home t[n ( ,:1ton1 ,ill41 & ,i rememb] 2+ pick$ up 0a l>ge /,n wagon t made ! r.ds (! o!r suburbs & pick$ up /ud5ts 6att5d classes 9 ,villa ,p>k1 ,ill4 ,! classes 7 tauvel\s t1*]-- ,mildr$ ,toms4 ,mrs4 ,toms _h gr[n up )a vi.n pro#m h]f1 s %e 0 especi,y aw>e ( :at 0 ne$$ =! class & h[ %e cd help ea* /ud5t4 ,"! 7 two /ud5ts 6ea* grade4 ,"! 7 six grades & #ab /ud5ts4 ,i _h ! same t1*] = f\r grades4 ,my glasses at t "t 7 a qu>t] ( an 9* ?ick4 ,i "k "o (! /ud5ts did n we> glasses4 ,8 eyesige pr9t books ) 8 eyes two 9*es f ! page4 ,! doctor :o tr1t$ my vi.n pro#ms told my "m t x wd n hurt my eyes 6r1d & ,i rememb] 2+ a 3/ant visitor 6! public libr>y4 ,\r home 0 fill$ ) books4 ,i r1d fairy tales :5 ,i 0 "y & 5joy$ !m trem5d\sly4 ,i did n r1lize until lat] 9 life h[ m* !y 9flu;ed me4 ,"! 0 alw an emphasis on ! gd4 ,t emphasis on ! positive 0 al pres5t 9 my sin$ t ,i %d n place limits on myf4 ,i expect$ 6be a# 6d :at "ey"o else did & n 2 held back4 ,?\< ! positive 0 emphasiz$1 "! 0 al a 3c]n t we m/ 2 a# 6manage %d we lose \r vi.n4 ,z a 3sequ;e1 ,i le>n$ 6type 9 ! ?ird grade4 ,"! 7 no lrs on ! keys4 ,we _h 6le>n !m 0he>t4 ,"! 0 a r1d+ ma*9e 9 ! class &a record play]4 ,! equip;t =! class 0 "pi,y suppli$ "? ! ,lions ,club2 once a ye> we wd put on a program 6?ank !m = _! support4 ,z my vi.n improv$1 plans 7 made 6ma9/r1m me back 6public s*ools4 ,i hat$ 6l1ve ! frs ,i _h made dur+ f\r ye>s ( si5ts want$ me 6resume z normal a life z possi#4 ,h["e1 "! 7 pro#ms return+ 6public s*ool4 ,i cd n see ! lessons #bi writt5 on ! blackbo>ds & ,i 0 a /rang] 6! o!r p 9 ! class4 ,i _h few frs4 ,/1 ,i progress$ & my vi.n 3t9u$ 6improve4 ,hav+ a visual 4abil;y c cause pro#ms4 ,i rememb] t 9 _m classes f junior hi< on1 t1*]s seem$ 6ru% 6erase ! blackbo>d 2f ,i cd -pletely copy lessons t ,i cd n see f my s1t4 ,x 0 fru/rat+4 ,9 hi< s*ool1 ,i did n take driv]'s $uc,n4 ,i cd n r1d signs = /reets until ,i 0 "r on top ( !m4 ,t pro#m p]si/s4 ,s1 ,i d n drive a c>4 ,"! 0 "o ?+ ,i le>n$ 9 gr[+ up3 keep try+ 6pursue my dr1ms4 ,i want$ an $uc,n & ,i obta9$ ?ree ma/]'s degrees4 ,i 2liev$ 9 myf & ,i rememb] ,mrs4 ,toms' ac;ns & ^ws z an 9spir,n 6su3e$4 ,i 0 al =tunate 6h ! support ( my family4 ,my dr1ms alw 9volv$ writ+ & my $uc,n ev5tu,y l$ me 6"w f/ 9 libr>ies & !n 9 ! newspap] _w4 ,a newspap] p]son (t5 goes \ & cov]s /ories4 ,i cd n drive1 b ,i f.d ways 6pursue /ories ei 0ph"o or 9 p]son4 ,n[ t ,i look back on my life1 ,i r1lize h[ important ^? dr1ms ,i _h z a * w]e4 ,i le>n$ 6set my [n limits1 ?anks 6,mrs4 ,toms4 ,i le>n$ h[ trem5d\sly supportive my family was4 ,&1 mo/ ( all1 ,i le>n$ n 6look ^u my visual di6iculties z a h&icap b an 9c5tive 6su3e$ 9 life4 333333333333 ,a ,,sail+ ,,/ory3 ,,! ,,_sual ,,& ,,trans=m,nal ,,aspects ,,( ,,sail+ 0,vic ,l1nza ,9 my fre%man ye> at ! ,univ]s;y ( ,notre ,dame1 a metamorphosis o3urr$4 ,x 0 "o (a numb] ( trans=m,ns : 0 69flu;e my life &! lives ( o!rs4 ,i _h att5d$ public s*ools f k9d]g>t5 "? ! #ab? grade4 ,m* "t 0 sp5t on ,5gli%1 ma?1 sci;e1 social /udies & recre,nal activities4 ,n[ ,i f.d myf 9 a tot,y di6]5t atmosph]e )! emphasis on develop+ m5tal1 physical & _sual excell;e4 ,! univ]s;y is n[ twice z l>ge z x 0 :5 ,i 0 a #ca /ud5t "!4 ,at t "t ,i 0 al visu,y impair$ 7"s call$ x leg,y bl7 & ,i 0 /ru7l+ 6ma9ta9 my academic & extracurricul> responsibilities ) "s su3ess4 ,classes 7 *all5g+ & campus life 0 9t]e/+1 b no?+ l :at 0 6-e4 ,"o "d1 z ,i 0 /roll+ al;g on ! b1uti;l gr.ds ( ,\r ,lady's ,univ]s;y1 ) xs well-groom$ lawns & gorge\s trees1 ,i decid$ 6walk d[n ne> "o (! two lakes on ! campus4 ,i 5c.t]$ a ll1 muscle-b.d man1 dress$ 9 a swim suit1 :o 0 ab 6plunge 96! cold wat]s ( ,/4 ,joseph's ,lake4 ,i _h no idea t he 0 a prie/ at t mo;t4 ,he 2gan 6reg>d me ) "s 9t]e/1 notic+ my t5d5cy 6/& v close 6_m (! objects : ,i 0 obs]v+4 ,he />t$ t[>d me & 2gan 6sp1k4 8,god b.s y1 son10 he sd4 8,i see t y h be5 pres5t$ )a visual *all5ge4 ,if y w p]mit me 6make a su7es;n1 ,i wd recomm5d t y meet me at ! boath\se on ! o!r side ( ? lake 9 ab #bj m9utes1 if y h ! "t4 ,i h "s?+ 6%[ y40 ,":^u1 he dove 96! *illy wat]s & proce$$ 6swim (f 96! 4t.e1 well 2y my limit$ vi.n4 ,ab #ae m9utes lat]1 ,i 0 /&+ 0! ll boath\se on ! o!r side (! lake :5 a small1 h1vy-set prie/ came hu/l+ t[>d me )a set ( keys j+l+ 9 8 h&4 ,he proce$$ 6unlock ! build+ & op5 ! two doors at ! top (a ramp l1d+ d[n f ! boath\se 6! wat]4 ,i mov$ 9 clos] & 2gan 6make \ s"eal small boats1 n1tly /ack$ 9 r[s 9side4 ,soon1 we 7 c>ry+ "o (! boats d[n ! ramp4 ,he _h v ll tr\# )! weige (! weit$4 ,i le>n$ h[ 6sail4 ,usu,y1 o!rs /e]$ ! boat :ile ,i h&l$ ! l9es4 ,!n ,i 2came a memb] (! sail+ t1m4 ,i h&l$ ! jib %eets :5 we rac$ ag/ ,mi*igan4 ,i graduat$ 6! ma9%eet :5 we rac$ ag/ ,nor?we/]n1 & s on4 ,! re/ is hi/ory4 ,af gradu,n1 ,i sail$ ) p :o #cc [n$ l>g] sailboats4 ,f9,y1 ,i b"\ my f/ sailboat :5 ,i 2came ga9;lly employ$4 ,i h [n$ & op]at$ a numb] ( sailboats1 "o at a "t1 9 a sl[ su3es.n1 "?\t my adult life4 ,my ye>s z a profes.nal psy*ologi/ h be5 fill$ ) *all5ges1 b my avoc,nal activities z a bl sailor t1*+ my sie "u way has giv5 me m* pl1sure4 ,my wife ( _m ye>s 0 "o ( my e>ly sail+ mates4 ,lat]1 ,i tau$ -pletely af _m fail$ surg]ies4 ,!n1 x happ5$4 ,a #bf-foot ,pe>son ma/h1d sloop 0 donat$ 6! ,clevel& ,sige1 non-pr(it ag5cy : provides _m s]vices = p]sons :o >e bl or visu,y impair$ 9 nor?ea/ ,ohio4 ,i 0 ask$ 0! executive director (! ag5cy 6/>t a sail+ program at ! c5t] s9ce ,i 0 ! only bl sailor t he knew4 ,! sail+ program has n[ be5 op]at+ = _m ye>s4 ,x 2gan ) "o boat & #ab p 9 #aiie & n[ has two boats & alm #ajj p1 half ( :om >e sie bl or visu,y impair$4 ,we h #ab t1ms ( eiol9a ,,s*ool ,,= ,,! ,,d1f ,,at ,,morganton1 #aiif ,i l+]$ on ! hill ": my "f (t5 walk$ z a boy1 p]h "ddr1m+ j l ,i was1 eyes #ce deep 9 _! sockets s n 6see too m*4 ,!n my eyes pe]$ \ ( _! sweet recess 6see ! sidewalk ah1d no l;g] c>ry+ my "f4 ,i ran1 my feet p.d+ ! slop+ squ>es ( mut$ lik 333333333333 ,,reflec;ns ,,( ,a ,,f/-"t ,,baby-sitt] ,9 my life1 "! >e _m ?+s ,i n"e ?"\ ,i wd 2 a# 6a3ompli% 2c ,i am bl4 ,"o ( ^! tasks 0 baby-sitt+4 ,"e s9ce my te5 ye>s1 ,i h _h a fasc9,n ) h[ 6c>e = *n4 ,? 0 l>gely due 6! fact t ,i grew up an only * )\t sibl+s 6practice on4 ,my dr1m ( baby-sitt+ 0 r1liz$ on ,oct4 #aj4 ,*elah ,ryan1 :o is my p]sonal tra9]1 gave me ! *.e 6wat* h] two kids1 ,josie & ,jude4 ,josie is #g1 & ,jude is #d4 ,jude is non- #cg v]bal1 s ? makes -munic,n "s:at di6icult4 ,surpris+ly1 my f/ attempt at c>+ = *n w5t v well4 ,josie 0 my eyes & e>s1 lett+ me "k ": %e & ,jude 7 at all "ts4 ,! h\se is v big1 b ! lay\t is fairly simple4 ,"o (! ?+s ,i w ne$ 6"w on is 2+ firm :5 nec4 ,i h babysat s"eal m "ts s9ce !n1 & h acquir$ a few 9t]e/+ te*niques al;g ! way4 ,= 9/.e1 x is important 6h a s(t t"o ( voice :5 4cipl9+ *n4 ,? lets !m "k t y / love !m1 b y want !m 6be safe1 too4 ,i al le>n$ h[ 6*ange diap]s4 ,2lieve x or n1 "! >e te*niques4 ,baby-sitt+ is / a le>n+ exp]i;e1 b x is "o t ,i 5joy4 ,i am n do+ ? 6simply help \ a fr4 ,i am prov+ 6myf & o!rs t ? is a skill t1 :5 le>n$ & practic$1 c 2 v use;l4 ,i hope 6"o "d h a family1 & ,i "k ^! skills w -e 9 h&y4 --,mike ,h,y 333333333333 ,,a6iliate ,,news ,run ,away 6,vanc\v] ,! ,wa%+ton ,c\ncil (! ,bl w hold xs /ate 3v5;n ,nov4 #aa-ac at ! ,hilton ,vanc\v] ,hotel4 ,room rates >e 4#ib p] niieties3 regi/r,n only1 4#ae2 regi/r,n plus banquet1 4#de2 regi/r,n plus #e major m1ls1 4#ie4 ,! d1dl9e = regi/r,n & special reque/s is ,oct4 #ae4 ,late regi/r,n co/s 4#be2 late regi/r,n ) #e m1ls co/s 4#abe4 ,"! is a free bus availa# de"p+ f ,s1ttle1 ) /ops 9 ,f$]al ,way & ,tacoma4 ,= m 9=m,n1 call ! ,wa%+ton ,c\ncil (! ,bl's toll- free l9e1 #a-hjj-bee-aadg4 ,top ,dog ,"w%op ,! #bjaa ,top ,dog ,"w%op w take place f ,jan4 #f-i1 #bjaa at ! ,f\r ,po9ts 0,%]aton ,/udio ,c;y locat$ on ,9t]n,nal ,drive 9 ,orl&o1 ,fla41 ) room rates at 4#gi p] ni4 ,y w 2 a# 69corporate vac,n plans dur+ yr visit 6,orl&o1 z ! hotel is (f]+ 3v5;n rates = ?ree niy z soon z x is availa# 9 ord] = u 6coord9ate ? s]vice4 ,we >e (f]+ five m1ls dur+ ! ev5t3 d9n] on ,fri"d ev5+2 plat$ br1kfa/1 box lun* & plat$ d9n] on ,satur"d2 & plat$ br1kfa/ on ,sun"d morn+4 ,! m1l co/s >e v af=da#1 )a full br1kfa/ = ,satur"d & ,sun"d morn+ at 4#ae ea*1 box lun* at 4#ae & ,satur"d ev5+ d9n] at 4#cj4 ,we >e / 9 ! process ( *oos+ ! m1l op;n t we w provide on ,fri"d ev5+1 b x is \r plan 6keep ! co/ ( t m1l 2t 4#ae & 4#bj4 ,:5 y regi/] =! ev5t1 y w 2 a# 6*oose ! m1ls t y wd l 6pur*ase4 ,! #bjaa ,top ,dog ,"w%op program w 2 d$icat$ 6guide dog-relat$ issues4 ,! program -mittee1 3si/+ ( guide dog us]s f >.d ! c.try1 w meet )9 ! next c\ple ( weeks 6*oose f ! v wond];l program op;ns t h be5 su7e/$ 6u4 ,x is n too late = y 6add yr program su7es;ns 6! li/4 ,pl1se ;e-mail ,de2ie ,grubb1 _+debbiecg@verizon.net_:1 if y wd l 6su7e/ id1s = program op;ns4 333333333333 ,,"h ,,& ,,"! $it$ 0,sue ,li*t5fels ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column does n repres5t an 5dorse;t 0! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl1 xs (fic]s1 or /aff4 ,li/+s >e free ( *>ge =! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsi# =! reliabil;y (! products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,6submit items = ? column1 s5d a message to _+info@acb.org_:1 or ph"o ! n,nal (fice at #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 & l1ve a message 9 ,%>on ,lover+'s mailbox4 ,9=m,n m/ 2 rcvd at l1/ two mon?s ah1d ( public,n date4 #da ,,guild ,,s*ol>%ip ,,program ,! ,jewi% ,guild =! ,bl aw>ds s*ol>%ips 6hi< s*ool s5iors :o >e leg,y bl & :o >e college b.d4 ,applic,ns >e n[ 2+ a3ept$ = /ud5ts :o w 5t] college z fre%m5 9 #bjaa4 ,approximately #af s*ol>%ips valu$ up 64#ae1jjj ea* >e grant$ ea* ye>4 ,s*ol>%ip c&idates >e *os5 "? an on- l9e applic,n process bas$ on crit]ia relat+ 6academic excell;e1 extracurricul> activities1 -mun;y 9volve;t1 legal bl;s & ,u4,s4 citiz5%ip4 ,= 9=m,n on ! s*ol>%ip program1 3tact ,gordon ,rov9s at 7#bab7 #gfi-fhja or ;e-mail _+guildscholar@jgb.org_:4 ,apply =! s*ol>%ips at _+www.jgb.org_:4 ,all applic,ns & support+ mat]ial >e due 0,sept4 #ae (! /ud5t's s5ior ye>4 ,,rese>* ,,"picipants ,,ne$$ ,dr4 ,mi*ael ,b4 ,gor9 is 3duct+ a n,nwide /udy ( g5etic & o!r risk factors t 3tribute 6! develop;t ( age- relat$ macul> deg5],n4 ,? is an obs]v,nal /udy1 n a tr1t;t trial4 ,"picip,n w 9clude ei a saliva sample or a blood draw & photos (! ret9a4 ,data collec;n w o3ur "? a secure & 3fid5tial website4 ,! /udy is look+ =3 9dividuals f #di 6#fe ye>s old :o h or _h at l1/ "o p>5t ) macul> deg5],n &! p>5t7s7 :o h age-relat$ macul> deg5],n or :o h a sibl+ )! 41se4 ,m details ab ! /udy >e availa# at _+https://_& jseiclinres.jsei.ucla.edu/garm_:4 ,! rese>*]s on ? /udy c 2 3tact$ 0call+ #a-hjj-bhf-heha4 ,,"w ,,a3ommod,ns ,,survey ,! ,rehabilit,n ,5g9e]+ ,rese>* ,c5t] on ,"wplace ,a3ommod,ns 7,"w,,rerc7 bas$ at ,georgia ,te* "ws 6provide bett] "u/&+ (! ne$s = a3ommod,ns a4ress+ employ;t b>ri]s fac$ 0p ) 4abilities4 ,xs goal is 65a# equal a3ess 6employ;t1 5h.ed employ;t \tcomes1 & 9cr1s$ "picip,n 9 ! "wplace = 9dividuals ) 4abilities4 ,"w,,rerc is 3duct+ a survey t exam9es ! rel,n%ips 2t func;nal abil;y1 #dc job require;ts1 & a3ommod,n use4 ,any"o :o has a 4abil;y or loss ( func;n ,,& :o is employ$ or volunte]s c "picipate 9 ! survey4 ,! survey is anonym\s1 & takes an av]age ( #cj m9utes 6-plete4 ,! survey & a4i;nal 9=m,n >e availa# at _+www.surveygizmo.com/s/200473/_& workplace-features-that-aid-_& function_:4 ,= ^? ) limit$ or no a3ess 6! -put]1 an appo9t;t =a teleph"o survey c 2 made 0call+ 7#djd7 #hid-jefa4 ,,_hley ,,hi< ,,s*ool ,,program ,! ,_hley ,s*ool =! ,bl (f]s a tui;n-free1 a3r$it$ hi< s*ool diploma4 ,_hley (f]s an a3essi#1 9dividualiz$ & self-pac$ hi< s*ool $uc,n1 all[+ /ud5ts 6e>n a diploma at any age or life /age4 ,all c\rses >e 3duct$ 9 a 4t.e $uc,n =mat & >e (f]$ 9 a v>iety ( m$ia 9clud+ brl1 audio1 l>ge pr9t & onl9e4 ,t1*]s >e availa# via an #hjj numb]1 mail or ;e-mail1 giv+ /ud5ts p]sonaliz$ 9/ruc;n4 ,= m 9=m,n on ! hi< s*ool program or ,_hley1 visit _+www.hadley.edu_:4 ,,a3ess+ ,,hi<] ,,gr.d ,,3f];e ,! #ac? ,a3ess+ ,hi<] ,gr.d3 ,a3essi# ,m$ia1 ,web & ,te*nology ,3f];e w 2 ho/$ 0! ,4abil;y ,s]vices at ! ,univ]s;y ( ,colorado at ,b\ld]4 ,! 3f];e w 2 held ,nov4 #ae-ai1 #bjaj at ! ,we/9 ,hotel 9 ,we/m9/]1 ,colo4 ,x w focus on ! imple;t,n & b5efits ( assi/ive te*nology 9 ! univ]s;y & college sett+ = p ) s5sory1 physical & le>n+ 4abilities4 ,o!r topics 9clude legal & policy issues1 s* z ,,ada & #ejh -pli.e1 & mak+ campus m$ia & 9=m,n res\rces--9clud+ web pages & libr>y res\rces--a3essi#4 ,! keynote sp1k] w 2 ,george ,k]s*]1 ,secret>y ,g5]al (! ,,daisy ,3sortium4 ,hotel res]v,ns %d 2 made directly )! ,we/9 at #a-hjj-icg-hdfa4 ,a4i;nal 3f];e details >e at _+www.colorado.edu/_>at_ ,4ney unveil$ xs h&-held device t all[s = audio descrip;n on _m ( xs rides4 ,n[1 at ,4ney ,_w1 audio descrip;ns (! \tdoor 5viron;t1 al;g )! loc,n ( re/room facilities & re/aurant m5us1 >e availa# "? ? device4 ,x uses a wire.s signal 6p9po9t ! device's loc,n 9 ! p>k & !n loads pre-programm$ 9t]active audio m5us = t >ea4 ,? exp&$ a3essibil;y w 2 availa# at ,4neyl& ,resort next ye>4 ,4ney has pat5t$ & lic5s$ ! assi/ive te*nology1 : is alr 2+ us$ at ! ,_w ( ,coca-,cola ,museum1 ,! ,hall at ,patriot ,place &! ,dallas ,c[boys ,/adium4 ,4ney has rcvd ! ,n,nal ,society ( ,profes.nal ,5g9e]s #bjaj 8,new ,product ,aw>d0 2c (! pot5tial a3ess ? te*nology cd provide4 ,gue/s c borr[ ? device =a fully refunda# deposit f ! ,gue/ ,rel,ns desk4 ,6le>n ab all ( ,4ney's a3essibil;y f1tures = p :o >e bl1 visit _+www.disneyworld.com_: or call 7#djg7 #hbd-dcba4 ,,grant ,,= ,,rese>* ,,on ,,sjogr5's ,,syndrome ,dr4 ,hui ,%ao1 associate professor ( oph?almology & visual sci;es at ! ,univ]s;y ( ,l\isville ,s*ool ( ,m$ic9e1 has rcvd a 4#fj1jjj ,lew ,r4 ,wass]man ,m]it ,aw>d f ! ,rese>* 6,prev5t ,bl;s 7,,rpb7 organiz,n4 ,! grant w help fund ,%ao's rese>* ( ,sjogr5's syndrome1 a *ronic autoimmune 41se t t>gets ! saliv>y & lacrimal gl&s--! gl&s t produce saliva & te>s1 result+ 9 dry m\? & dry eye symptoms4 ,%ao & h] t1m rec5tly 4cov]$ a prote91 call$ ,klk#bb1 t appe>s 6play a role 9 ! develop;t ( ,sjogr5's syndrome4 ,) fur!r rese>*1 ? prote9 cd prove 6be an e6ective biom>k] 9 ! diagnosis (! 41se4 ,,-mun;y ,,*ampion ,,honors ,3gratul,ns 6,w&a ,au/91 :o 0 honor$ 0,mol9a ,h1l?c>e ( ,florida z "o ( xs f/-"e ,-mun;y ,*ampions4 ,w&a won ! aw>d 9 ! ,h1l? ,profes.nal category = h] c\nsel+ "w & -mun;y s]vice4 #dg ,bl = #ae ye>s1 ,w&a is a n,n,y c]tifi$ & lic5s$ m5tal h1l? c\nselor = ,lid honors f ! ,am]ican ,pr9t+ ,h\se 7,,aph74 ,! ,,csb,''s /ud5t-driv5 busi;s 5t]prise1 ,lucky ,t\* ,brl ,=tune ,cookie ,-pany1 w 2 recogniz$ at ,,aph,''s annual meet+ 9 ,octob]4 ,! aw>d 0 e/abli%$ 6recognize significant a3ompli%;ts 9 ! develop;t ( products1 id1s or promo;nal ef=ts t 9cr1se ! availabil;y ( brl4 ,=! la/ #ab ye>s1 ? ,,csb 5t]prise has 2come 9t]n,n,y "kn = sell+ cookies t 9clude brl =tunes4 ,,prescrip;n ,,4c.ts ,,= ,,gdb ,,graduates ,vet,c5tric & ,guide ,dogs =! ,bl h develop$ a "pn]%ip 6provide graduates ( ,,gdb ) 4c.t$ pric+ on prescrip;n m$ic,ns = _! dog guides4 ,vet,c5tric is a l1d+ provid] ( ,,epa- & ,,fda,'- approv$ vet]9>y m$ic,ns = home deliv]y4 ,6take advantage (! 4c.ts1 graduates m/ regi/] on _+www.guidedogs.org_:1 pr9t ! special ord] =m1 & take x 6_! vet]9>y cl9ic =a doctor's prescrip;n4 ,= a4i;nal 9=m,n on ,vet,c5tric1 visit _+www.vetcentric.com_:4 ,,brl ,8,,love0' ,,p5dant ,n,nal ,brl ,press n[ (f]s a brl p5dant4 ,! p5dant is ! cre,n ( jewelry design] ,kelly ,fehr1 :o makes jewelry = h] niece ,emily1 :o r1ds brl4 ,! p5dant m1sures #a-a_/d@9 0#a_/d@94 ,x's made ( pure d>k copp] )! ^w 8love0 on x &a small rais$ he>t at ! bottom4 ,! p5dant is /rung on a #af-9* wax$ cotton cord )a lob/] clasp4 ,y c view ! p5dant 0visit+ _+www.nbp.org/_& ic/nbp/_>pendant-love_<.html_:4 ,= m 9=m,n1 call #a-hjj-edh-gcbc4 ,,rehabilit,n ,,l1d] #di ,,recogniz$ ,at xs spr+ -m;e;t c]emony1 ,salus ,univ]s;y honor$ ,lawr;e ,f4 ,campbell1 presid5t (! ,9t]n,nal ,c\ncil = ,$uc,n ( ,p ) ,visual ,impair;ts 7,,icevi7 )! honor>y degree ( ,doctor ( ,humane ,lrs4 ,campbell took ! opportun;y 6sp1k ab 8 f/ exp]i;e )a p]son ) visual impair;t & h[ x *ang$ 8 c>e] pa?4 ,campbell is curr5tly *airp]son (! ,,icevi ,global ,task ,=ce on ,$uc,n = ,all ,*n ) ,visual ,impair;t2 a memb] (! ,executive ,-mittee (! ,_w ,bl ,union2 &a f.d+ memb] ( ,vi.n ,alli.e1 a 3sortium ( ?ree global umbrella organiz,ns = prev5;n1 $uc,n & rehabilit,n (! bl & visu,y impair$4 ,,fri$l&] ,,w9s ,,bressl] ,,prize ,dr4 ,m>t9 ,fri$l&]1 a ,cali=nia eye 41se rese>*]1 rec5tly rcvd ! ,jewi% ,guild =! ,bl's #bjaj ,alfr$ ,w4 ,bressl] ,prize 9 ,vi.n ,sci;e4 ,fri$l&] is a full professor 9 ! de"p;t ( cell biology &! graduate program 9 macromolecul> & cellul> /ructure & *emi/ry at ,! ,scripps ,rese>* ,9/itute4 ,he is al ! /aff oph?almologi/ & *ief ( ret9a s]vices at ,scripps ,cl9ic & ,gre5 ,hospital1 bo? locat$ 9 ,la ,jolla1 ,calif4 ,! -mittee *ose hm 2c ( 8 extraord9>y "w ) cell biological rese>* & cl9ical issues ( ret9al 41se1 subjects he has pursu$ f 8 e>ly "ds z a junior faculty memb] at ! ,rockefell] ,univ]s;y 9 ,new ,york4 ,,new ,,nls ,,play] ,,case ,executive ,products n[ (f]s a wat]- resi/ant ,italian faux l1!r case =! ,,nls ,digital ,talk+ ,book ,play]4 ,! case fits snugly b (f]s -plete a3ess 6all ! keys1 ports1 & c>tridge >ea4 ,an \tside zipp] pocket c hold up 6?ree sp>e c>tridges4 ,x 9cludes a %\ld] /rap & h& c>ry /rap4 ,? case fits bo? ! /&>d & adv.ed ,,nls digital book play]s4 ,= m 9=m,n1 visit _+www._executive_products_inc.com_: or call 7#hah7 #hcc-hhbb4 #ea ,executive ,products (f]s simil> cases = _m assi/ive te*nology products4 ,,se$l+s ,,exp&s ,,selec;n ,se$l+s' new #bjaj catalog has ov] #a1jjj l[-co/ titles availa#4 ,! newe/ a4i;ns 6! catalog 9clude3 8,clif=d's ,noisy ,"d0 0,norman ,bridwell 7uncontract$72 8,ll ,feet ,love0 0,pi7y ,toes ,press 7uncontract$72 8,numb]s0 0,s*ola/ic 7uncontract$72 8,>e ,y ,my ,mommy80 0,mae ,br[n2 8,biscuit's ,pet @& ,play ,*ri/mas0 0,alyssa ,sat9 ,capucilli2 8,a ,gd ,"d0 0,kev9 ,h5kes2 8,x's ,spr+60 0,saman?a ,b]g] @& ,pamela ,*anko2 8,wake ,up1 ,ll ,"os0 0,pi7y ,toes ,press2 & 8,": ,is ,love1 ,biscuit80 0,alyssa ,sat9 ,capucilli4 ,se$l+s s]ves bl *n f bir? 6age #ad & bl adults :o r1d 6si.d ! _w4 ,= m 9=m,n1 visit _+www.seedlings.org_: or call #a-hjj-ggg-heeb4 ,,cu/om] ,,s]vice ,,tra9+ ,9dividuals :o >e visu,y impair$1 bl1 or o!rwise 4a#d & :o seek employ;t tra9+ 9 ! ,cu/om] ,s]vice field >e eligi# 6apply =! ,/atl] ,tra9+ & ,$uc,n ,3nec;n 7,,stec74 ,! ,n,nal ,/atl] ,c5t] (f]s ? class at xs ,bu6alo1 ,n4,y4 campus4 ,! #g-week ,,stec c\rse provides ?or\< cu/om] s]vice tra9+ = jobs 9 3tact c5t]s1 f9ancial & m$ical (fices1 transport,n1 & -munic,ns fields4 ,tra9+ al 9cludes ! ,micros(t ,(fice suite & p]sonal job-se>* assi/.e1 : has result$ 9 an #hb p]c5t job place;t rate = graduates4 ,m 9=m,n is availa# 0call+ ,jeff ,p1se at ! ,/atl] ,c5t] at 7#gaf7 #hhh-debf or 0visit+ _+www.statlercenter.org_:4 333333333333 ,,hi< ,,te* ,,swap ,,%op ,,= ,,sale3 ,netbook ) ,w9d[s #g & ,,nvda 9/all$ plus ,sy/em ,a3ess ,scre5 r1d]1 : ne$s a lic5se4 ,x has a #afj-;gig h>d drive1 #a gig ( ,,ram1 & a #a.f-;gig atom processor4 #ec ,ask+ 4#cjj4 ,3tact ,m>k ,goodridge at 7#faj7 #cgf-dedf4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,brl,note ,,pk v].n #h.j ) ,ambicom wire.s c>d & -pact fla% c>ds4 ,ask+ 4#b1hej4 ,a4i;nal ,ambicom c>ds >e availa# = sale sep>ately4 ,3tact ,k>5 at 7#gah7 #fib-deai or ;e- mail _+karen.berger@verizon.net_:4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,magnasis old4 ,-es ) manual & all ca#s4 ,ask+ 4#a1jjj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,mi*ael at 7#cab7 #ejd-bccj or via ;e-mail at _+mrhealy2u@yahoo.com_:4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,book ,port r1d] ) ,,usb ca#1 fla% c>d1 ;,,cd s(tw>e & 9/ruc;n manual4 ,ask+ 4#aj plus %ipp+4 ,3tact ,cyn?ia at 7#djh7 #fef-bajb or ;e-mail _+cirqitous650@yahoo.com_:4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,electronic magnifi] t "ws ) laptops & desktops4 ,-es ) all ca#s & s(tw>e1 z well z a c>ry+ case4 ,w 2 %ipp$ 9 ! orig9al box4 ,/ "u w>ranty4 ,ask+ 4#dej4 ,pay;t m/ 2 9 ! =m (a m"oy ord] 9 ,canadian or ,u4,s4 funds4 ,pl1se 3tact ,nancy at 7#cai7 #bag-hche or _+owenryder@sympatico.ca_:4 ,,= ,,sale3 ;,k-,,nfb ,r1d] 7ph"o is "? ,,at@&,t74 ,9/ruc;ns >e 9clud$4 ,! device is 9 grt 3di;n4 ,ask+ 4#b1jjj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,deborah ,%ane via ;e-mail1 _+_deborah._shane@_& _>sbc_<_global.net_:4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,brl,note m,,p[] ,,bt #ah runn+ late/ build ( ,key,s(t4 ,-es ) all c>ds 7,e!rnet & wire.s71 ;,,ac adapt]1 brl manual1 ,s5d]o ,,gps v].n #e ) ,,cf c>d ) ,u4,s4 map ( yr *oice1 ,,gps rcvr ) ;,,ac adapt]4 ,ask+ 4#b1ejj4 ,brl,note is 9 p]fect 3di;n2 rec5tly _h batt]y replac$ & brl 4play cl1n$4 ,3tact ,hope via ;e-mail1 _+hope.paulos@gmail.com_:4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,,pac ,mate ,,qx#djj4 ,-es ) c>ry+ case & /rap4 ,-es ) qk />t c>ds 9 brl & pr9t1 a ,qk ,/>t ,guide1 ! -panion ;,,cd 73ta9s ,,ms ,active,sync #c.g @& ,\tlook #ee #bjjb s(tw>e = desktop ,,pc71 an ;,,ac adapt]1 ;,a 6m9i ;,b ,,usb ca#1 & us]'s docu;t,n ;,,cd4 ,us$ only a few h\rs4 ,ask+ 4#a1djj plus 4#bj = %ipp+ & 9sur.e4 ,two ,bryte* ,notetell] #b ma*9es4 ,may h tr\# r1d+ newe/ denom9,ns1 b o!rwise1 !y "w sup]bly4 4#ge ea*4 ,3tact ,l>ry ,railey at _+jlr1@att.net_: or 7#bha7 #ddd-jijg4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,e>ly #'ij;s ,santana t&em bicycle4 ,9 excell5t 3di;n4 ,? bike fits capta9s f ab #e;ft #h@9 6#f;ft #b@94 ,ask+ 4#a1ajj2 pay;t plan c 2 negotiat$4 ,= m 9=m,n1 3tact ,n9o ,pac9i via ;e-mail1 _+ninopacini@gmail.com_:1 or call hm at 7#cac7 #hhe-gccj4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,,sal 0,freedom ,sci5tific4 ,! ,,sal is a spee*-assi/$ le>n+ device grt = *n & novice brl le>n]s4 ,,sal is -plete ) brl lessons2 h["e1 ! device is no l;g] 2+ made1 s "! >e no a4i;nal lesson plans4 ,9cludes ! lesson plans & frame t goes on top (! unit = tactile le>n+4 ,! unit is 9 grt 3di;n & -es 9 xs orig9al cases4 ,ask+ 4#ejj or be/ (f] plus %ipp+4 ,3tact ,n9a at 7#fag7 #fii-dgad or _+nina@littlebreezes.com_:4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,to%iba laptop ) #ae.f@9 wide scre51 #cbj-;gig h>d drive1 #d gigs ,,ram1 ,9tel duo core processor1 ,w9d[s ,,xp ,profes.nal1 ,(fice1 ,,jaws & ,zoom,text4 ,ask+ 4#ige4 ,desktop -put] ) #a ,,tb h>d drive1 #b gigs ,,ram1 ,w9d[s ,,xp ,home ,edi;n1 ,,jaws & ,zoom,text4 ,ask+ 4#ejj1 9clud+ %ipp+4 ,3tact ,jose at 7#hah7 #bbj-fbef4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,brl,note ,,bt#cb4 ,-es ) ,s5d]o ,,gps1 p[] adapt]1 ,,gps rcvr & adapt] = t al;g ) ,,usb plugs4 ,ask+ 4#d1jjj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,gov]nor ,/at5 via ;e-mail1 _+govsta@gmail.com_:1 or via ph"o1 7#ged7 #dhd-dhga4 333333333333 ,,acb ,,(fic]s #eg ,,presid5t ,,mit* ,,pom]antz #aaae ,,cordova ,,/4 _?#djb ,,pasad5a1 ,,ca #iaajf ,,f/ ,,vice ,,presid5t ,,kim ,,*>lson #eg ,,gr&view ,,ave4 ,,wat]t[n1 ,,ma #jbdgb ,,second ,,vice ,,presid5t ,,br5da ,,dillon #cac ,,ov]ridge ,,cove ,,h]mitage1 ,,tn #cgjgf ,,secret>y ,,m>la9a ,,lieb]g #fcb ,s4 #ahi? ,,/4 ,,buri51 ,,wa #ihadh ,,tr1sur] ,,mike ,,god9o #ajd ,,tilrose ,,ave4 ,,malv]ne1 ,,ny #aaefe-bjbd ,,imm ,,pa/ ,,presid5t ,,*ri/oph] ,,gray #id ,,ramona ,,ave4 ,,san ,,francisco1 ,,ca #idajc ,,acb ,,bo>d ,,( ,,directors ,ray ,campbell1 ,gl5 ,ellyn1 ,,il ,b]l ,colley1 ,lacey1 ,,wa ,janet ,dickelman1 ,/4 ,paul1 ,,mn ,m>%a ,f>r[1 ,summ]ville1 ,,ga ,mi*ael ,g>rett1 ,miss\ri ,c;y1 ,,tx ,george ,holli"d1 ,philadelphia1 ,,pa ,billie ,j1n ,kei?1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,allan ,pet]son1 ,horace1 ,,nd ,jeff ,?om1 ,sacra;to1 ,,ca ,david ,trott1 ,talladega1 ,,al ,ex ,(ficio3 ,j59e ,/anley1 ,columbus1 ,,oh ,,bo>d ,,( ,,public,ns ,paul ,$w>ds1 ,*airman1 ,miami1 ,,fl ,m>cia ,dress]1 ,r1d+1 ,,ma ,judy ,jackson1 ,san ,antonio1 ,,tx ,j59e ,/anley1 ,columbus1 ,,oh ,k5 ,/ew>t1 ,w>wick1 ,,ny ,ex ,(ficio3 ,ron ,milliman1 ,b[l+ ,gre51 ,,ky ,mit* ,pom]antz1 ,presid5t ,melanie ,brunson1 ,executive ,director ,%>on ,lover+1 ,$itor ,n,nal ,(fice3 #bbjj ,wilson ,blvd4 ,suite #fej ,>l+ton1 ,,va #bbbja 7#bjb7 #dfg-ejha fax3 7#gjc7 #dfe-ejhe ,web site3 _+http://www.acb.org_: ,produc$ 9 brl by ,n,nal ,brl ,press1 ,9c4 #hh ,/4 ,/eph5 ,/reet1 ,bo/on1 ,,ma #jbaae 7#hjj7 #edh-gcbc _+www.nbp.org_: