,,! ,,brl ,,=um ,9 ,"o ,"p ,pages ;i-;ix & #a-ei ,,! ,,am]ican ,,c\ncil ,,( ,,! ,,bl ,,/rives ,,6,,9cr1se ,,! ,,9dep5d;e1 ,,secur;y1 ,,equal;y ,,( ,,opportun;y1 ,,& ,,6,,improve ,,qual;y ,,( ,,life ,,= ,,all ,,bl ,,& ,,visu,y ,,impair$ ,,p4 ,publi%$ by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,volume ,,xlviii ,febru>y #bjaj ,no4 #h ,copy"r #bjaj ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,,special ,,symbols ;iii ,,us$ ,,9 ,,? ,,volume ^t ,tradem>k4 _/ ,sla%4 ,' 7#f1 #c7 ,t]m9,n sign4 @& ,amp]s&4 _? ,crosshat*4 @9 ,9* sign4 ,-put] ,brl ,code _+ ,2g9 ,-put] ,brl ,code4 @ 7#d7 ,at sign4 . 7#d-f7 ,p]iod4 _: ,5d ,-put] ,brl ,code4 : ,colon4 / ,sla%4 - 7#c-f7 ,hyph54 _ 7#d-e-f7 ,%ift 9dicator4 _& ,3t9u,n 9dicator4 __ 7#d-e-f1 #d-e-f7 ,"uscore4 _> ,caps lock 9dicator4 _< ,caps rel1se 9dicator4 ,,special ,,symbols 73t47 ,numb]s 5 7#b-f7 #e4 0 7#c-e-f7 #j4 2 7#b-c7 #b4 7 7#b-c-e-f7 #g4 6 7#b-c-e7 #f4 1 7#b7 #a4 ,,! ,,brl ,,=um ^t is availa# 9 ;v brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half-spe$ f\r-track cassette tape1 & via ;e-mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 a4ress *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = public,n %d 2 s5t 6,%>on ,lover+ at ! a4ress on ! back cov]1 or via ;e-mail to _+slovering@acb.org_:4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ^t is a memb]%ip organiz,n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,6jo91 visit ! ,,acb web site & -plete an applic,n =m1 or 3tact ! n,nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ on ! back cov]4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax- deducti#1 c 2 s5t 6,mike ,god9o at ! mail+ a4ress on ! back cov]4 ,if y wi% 6rememb] a relative or fr1 ! n,nal (fice c make pr9t$ c>ds availa# = ? purpose4 ,6rememb] ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t1 y may 9clude a special p>agraph = t purpose4 ,if yr wi%es >e -plex1 3tact ! ,,acb n,nal (fice4 ,jo9 ! ,mon?ly ,m"ot>y ,support 7,,mms7 ,program & help improve tm td 9 ,,acb4 ,3tact ,ron ,milliman 0;e- mail1 _+rmilliman@insightbb.com_:1 or 0ph"o at 7#bgj7 #ghb-icbe & get />t$ mak+ tm look b"r] td6 ,6make a 3tribu;n 6,,acb via ! ,-b9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #aaaee4 ,=! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll- free at 7#hjj7 #dbd-hfff1 #e p4m4 6midniies3 ,y ,h ,new ,"rs 9 ! ,new ,ye>1 0,melanie ,brunson """""""""""""""""""""""" #f ,! ,sunny ,s\?we/3 ,,acb ,3f];e & ,3v5;n #bjaj1 0,c>la ,rus*ival """""""""""""""""""""" #aa ,second ,annual ,,acb ,walk1 0,dan ,dillon """""""""""""""""" #af ,bo>d ( ,public,ns ,aw>ds3 ,? ,ye> ,x ,cd ,2 ,y6 """"""""""""" #ag ,spotlid6 """"""""""""""""""""""""" #bj ,! ,,mms ,program ,makes ,x ,easi] = ,y 6,help ,,acb1 0,d5a ,wilson """""""""""""""""" #bb ,a6iliate ,news """""""""""""""""" #bd ,pass+s """""""""""""""""""""""""" #be ,my ,v ,f/ ,rehabilit,n ,lesson1 0,c>l ,j>vis """"""""""""""""""" #bg ,f9d+ ,my ,ni*e1 0,b>b>a ,mattson """"""""""""""""""""""" #cj ,help+ ,h&s1 0,diane ,s4 ,f]rell #cc ,lrs 6! ,$itor """"""""""""""""""" #ch ,"h & ,"!1 $it$ 0,sue ,li*t5fels #db ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op """"""""""""" #ed ,,=um ,,subscrip;n ,,notes ;ix ,y c n[ get 8,! ,brl ,=um0 0podca/6 ,6subscribe1 g to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 page on _+www.acb.org_:4 ,if y d n yet h a podca/ cli5t1 y c d[nload "o f ! ,=um page4 ,6subscribe to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 via ;e-mail1 s5d a blank ;e-mail message to _+brailleforum-_l-subscribe@acb.org_:4 333333333333 ,,>e ,,y ,,mov+8 ,,d ,,y ,,want ,,6,,*ange ,,yr ,,subscrip;n8 ,3tact ,%>on ,lover+ 9 ! ,,acb n,nal (fice1 #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 or via ;e- mail1 _+slovering@acb.org_:4 ,give h] ! 9=m,n1 & %e'll take c>e (! *anges = y4 ,,presid5t's ,,message3 #a ,,*ang+ ,,h[ ,,o!rs ,,see ,,u 0,mit* ,pom]antz ,9 my ,novemb] #bjjg presid5t's message1 8,image & ,p]cep;n10 ,i 4cuss$ h[ bl & visu,y impair$ p >e view$ 0! si$ 4abil;y1 only topp$ 0,,hiv_/,,aids & c.er4 ,i po9t$ \ t :ile bo? m$ical 3di;ns >e (t5 fatal1 bl;s 9 &( xf is n1 & ? sp1ks volumes ab ! public image & societal p]cep;ns reg>d+ bl;s4 ,a ll lat] ,i -;t$ t3 8,x is app>5t 6me t bl & visu,y impair$ p]sons z a gr\p / h a v l;g way 6g 2f a*iev+ full equal;y & total a3ept.e 0society40 ,i'd l 6explore ? topic a bit fur!r 6see h[ & :e!r we z 9dividuals1 &_/or ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl z an organiz,n1 c d any?+ m 6*ange ! a=em5;n$ negative public p]cep;n ab bl;s & bl p4 ,at ! \tset let me express my feel+ t 9dividual 9t]ac;ns1 bo? positive & negative1 d m 6a6ect h[ ! public p]cvs u z a :ole4 ,obvi\sly1 s* 9t]ac;ns 2t bl & sis or ev5 decades 6see positive results4 ,= at l1/ f\r decades or m1 ag5cies & organiz,ns (&=! bl1 9clud+ ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl1 h develop$ & 4sem9at$ films1 public s]vice ann\nce;ts1 & press rel1ses ge>$ t[>d $ucat+ ! public relative 6! abilities & capabilities (! bl4 ,( ^? ,i've se5 & he>d1 ! g5]al !me is t bl & visu,y impair$ p >e j l "ey"o else2 all we want is ! *.e 6-pete & live on equal t]ms ) \r siiety ( amaz+ 7f ! public's p]spective7 recre,nal activities4 ,press rel1ses call att5;n 6a specific1 notewor?y a3ompli%;t 9volv+ ! organiz,n or ag5cy : put \ ! rel1se4 ,mo/ ( ^! ef=ts h be5 pretty gd f #c ! /&po9t ( _! ov]all message4 ,:e!r !y h positively impact$ public p]cep;n ab u is op5 = debate4 ,) all due respect 6^! ef=ts & "picul>ly 6^? ( ,,acb,''s h>d-"w+ public rel,ns -mittee1 ,i suspect t s* 5d1vors1 :ile b5eficial 6! cause1 hav5't _h ! ov]all positive impact all ( u wd pref]4 ,i 2lieve ? is s = two r1sons4 ,f/1 :at "s"o exp]i;es on a p]sonal or emo;nal level w a6ect !m f> m ?an "s?+ exp]i;ed ei 9directly or on a m 9tellectual level4 ,! public c see or r1d all ! /ories ab su3ess;l bl p1 b until !y actu,y meet "o1 x isn't r1l4 ,second1 ! att5;n span ( mo/ p is fairly %ort & :at !y w take away f a news /ory or ,,psa relative 6bl;s w fade qkly 96a g5]aliz$ impres.n4 ,t impres.n1 h["e1 w 2 9corporat$ 96an 9dividual's previ\s direct & 9direct1 positive & negative exp]i;es ) bl;s4 ,"o (! /r;ge/ >gu;ts us$ 0propon5ts ( 9tegrat+ 4a#d /ud5ts 96ma9/r1m s*ool & classroom sett+s is t non-4a#d /ud5ts w 2come m famili>--& p]h ev5 frs--) 4a#d /ud5ts4 ,? w o3ur "? regul>1 p]sonal & positive 9t]ac;n 2t non-4a#d & 4a#d /ud5ts4 ,:ile ,i hav5't se5 ! data myf1 ,i've be5 assur$ t m ?an "o survey validates ? >gu;t4 ,if a3urate1 ? m1ns t ! m positive1 direct exposure memb]s (! sie bl or visu,y impair$1 ! m likely x is t we w 2 tr1t$ fairly & equitably 0! public4 ,h;e1 :ile ,i unequivoc,y support \r & o!r organiz,ns' ef=ts at g5]at+ positive public;y ab u & ,,acb "? ^? a=em5;n$ m$ia1 ,i'm 9cl9$ 62lieve t we're m likely 6*ange public p]cep;ns =! bett]1 "o p]son & "o positive exp]i;e at a "t4 ,a brief p]sonal /ory is 9 ord]4 ,af a ye>-l;g fi$ 6(f] me a job1 alr "k+ t ,i 0 bl4 ,:y8 ,2c ? man _h be5 a volunte] c\nselor =a c\ple ( ye>s at a local ag5cy : 3duct$ ,satur"d activities = bl & visu,y impair$ y\?4 ,i le>n$ ? lat]1 af ,i 0 hir$4 ,wd ? man 7:o 2came "o ( my close/ frs until 8 un"tly d1?7 h (f]$ me a posi;n )\t t positive exp]i;e8 ,p]h4 ,!n ag1 p]h n4 ,?us 2gan my ne>ly #cd-ye> c>e] )! c;y4 ,my po9t 9 all ? is t :ile x c 2 a burd51 a hassle1 &a g5]al pa91 ea* & e "o ( u is a repres5tative (! broad] bl;s -mun;y :5 we /ep \ ( \r front door4 ,no1 we won't alw 2 on \r be/ 2havior 7,i'm c]ta9ly n7 :5 cross+ pa?s ) "s"o :o is 9trusive1 boori% or rude4 ,n"o!.s1 we %d alw rememb] t we may 2 ! f/ bl p]son t 9dividual has "e 5c.t]$ p]son,y & t h[ we 9t]act ) hm or h] w1 = bett] or worse1 a6ect _! subsequ5t attitude t[>d & ab u4 ,j "s?+ 63sid] z we proce$ "? \r busy lives4 333333333333 ,a ,,rem9d] ,,6,,social ,,secur;y ,,b5efici>ies3 ,,y ,,h ,,new ,,"rs ,,9 ,,! ,,new ,,ye> 0,melanie ,brunson ,a rec5t issue ( 8,! ,brl ,=um0 \tl9$ ! c\rt ord] 9 ! case ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl v4 ,a/rue4 ,9 t case1 ! ,social ,secur;y ,adm9i/r,n 0 ord]$ 62g9 provid+ ,social ,secur;y b5efici>ies & repres5tative payees :o >e bl or visu,y impair$ notices 9 alt]nate =mats4 ,,ssa 0 ord]$ 6mail notices 6all b5efici>ies ^: records 9dicate t !y >e bl or visu,y impair$ 0,dec4 #ca1 #bjji1 9=m+ !m (! op;ns availa# 6!m4 ,if y >e bl or visu,y impair$ & ei rcv b5efits yrf "u ,social ,secur;y or ,supple;tal ,secur;y ,9come 7,,ssi71 or y rcv b5efits z a repres5tative payee = "s"o else1 y c ask ! ,social ,secur;y ,adm9i/r,n 6s5d y notices 9 ano!r =mat1 ev5 if !y h n notifi$ y ( ? #g op;n4 ,9 fact1 p :o h visual impair;ts c reque/ 9=m,n 9 alt]nate =mats at ! "t !y apply = any b5efits f ! ,social ,secur;y ,adm9i/r,n4 ,9 an ef=t 69sure t we get ! ^w \ ab ! important op;ns t >e n[ availa# f ,,ssa1 ,i h decid$ 6pr9t ! text (! lrs ,,ssa s5t 6bl & visu,y impair$ b5efici>ies 9 ? >ticle4 ,ev5 if y did n rcv ? lr1 pl1se foll[ ! proc$ures li/$ 2l if y wd b5efit f rcvg yr correspond;e f ,,ssa 9 an alt]nate =mat1 & make yr reque/4 ,! text (! lr \tl9+ op;ns & proc$ures = reque/+ !m r1ds z foll[s4 ,we >e writ+ 6y 2c \r records %[ t y >e bl or visu,y impair$ & y >e cov]$ 0a rec5t c\rt deci.n4 ,! c\rt case1 ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl v4 ,a/rue1 recognizes t y h ! "r "u f$]al law 7,sec;n #ejd (! ,rehabilit,n ,act7 6ask = notices & o!r 9=m,n ab yr b5efits f u 9 a =mat 9 a4i;n 6pr9t4 ,? notice tells y h[ y c ask = yr pref]r$ =mat4 ,! 9=m,n 9 ? notice is al on \r web site at _+www.socialsecurity.gov/notices_:4 ,y c al li/5 6a record+ ( ? notice 0call+ toll-free at #a-hgg-gjh-aggf4 ,if y >e d1f or h>d ( he>+1 y may call \r ,,tty numb] at #a-hjj-cbe-jggh4 ,if y alr h *os5 6get yr notices 0m1ns (a teleph"o call1 we w call y 6r1d ? notice 6y 0,febru>y #a1 #bjaj4 ,=mats ,we ,automatic,y ,provide ,^u ,reque/ ,0law1 we m/ alw 3sid] yr reque/ = yr pref]r$ =mat4 ,we automatic,y grant reque/s =! =mats li/$ 2l3 #a4 ,/&>d pr9t notice 0f/ class or c]tifi$ mail2 or #b4 ,/&>d pr9t notice 0f/ class mail &a foll[-up teleph"o call 6r1d ! notices 6y )9 five busi;s "ds (! date y get ! pr9t notice2 or #c4 ,/&>d pr9t notice & brl 0f/ class mail 7deliv]y 2g9s ,april #ae1 #bjaj72 or #d4 ,/&>d pr9t notice &a ,micros(t ,^w -pact disc 0f/ class mail #i 7deliv]y 2g9s ,april #ae1 #bjaj74 ,! -pact disc may 2 us$ on a -put] t has ! s(tw>e ne$$ 6a3ess ,^w1 b n 9 an audio ;,,cd play]4 ,6select "o (! =mats we automatic,y provide1 pl1se 3tact u "? "o (! foll[+ ways3 ,visit \r web site at _+www.socialsecurity.gov/notices_: & foll[ ! /eps provid$2 ,call u toll-free at #a-hgg-gjh-aggf4 ,if y >e d1f or h>d ( he>+1 y may call \r ,,tty numb] at #a-hjj-cbe-jggh2 or ,write or visit yr local ,social ,secur;y (fice4 ,o!r ,pref]r$ ,=mats ,if ! =mats li/$ abv d n "w = y1 y may ask = ano!r =mat4 ,6ask = ano!r =mat1 pl1se call #a-hjj-ggb-abac s t we c 2g9 process+ yr reque/4 ,we w 3sid] yr reque/ & decide if we c provide x ac 6c\rt-approv$ guidel9es4 ,if we decide ag/ yr reque/1 we w s5d y ! r1sons 9 writ+ &! me?od ( app1l+ ! deci.n4 ,yr ,privacy ,we collect p]sonal 9=m,n 7s* z yr "n1 ;e-mail a4ress1 ,social ,secur;y numb]1 or date ( bir?7 only z nec 6adm9i/] \r programs4 ,:5 y reque/ a pref]r$ notice =mat1 we w ask y = p]sonal 9=m,n 6v]ify :o y >e & 65sure t we correctly process yr reque/4 ,we w use ! 9=m,n y provide only = ^? purposes or z o!rwise p]mitt$ 0law4 ,we d n ask y 6s5d u p]sonal 9=m,n 0;e-mail 6reque/ a pref]r$ notice =mat4 ,we d n ask y = cr$it c>d 9=m,n 6reque/ a pref]r$ notice =mat4 ,:at ,y ,ne$ 6,d ,if y >e satisfi$ )! way y curr5tly get yr notices & o!r 9=m,n ab yr b5efits f u1 y d n ne$ 6d any?+4 ,if y wd l an alt]native 6yr curr5t =mat = rcvg notices1 pl1se foll[ ! proc$ures describ$ abv4 ,x is important t p take advantage ( ? "r n[ t we h f"\ = x & won6 ,if y h any "qs & c't f9d answ]s 0call+ #aa ,,ssa or se>*+ _! web site1 pl1se feel free 63tact ! ,,acb n,nal (fice at 7#bjb7 #dfg-ejha or #a-hjj-dbd-hfff4 333333333333 ,,! ,,sunny ,,s\?we/3 ,,acb ,,3f];e ,,& ,,3v5;n #bjaj 0,c>la ,rus*ival ,! #di? annual 3f];e & 3v5;n (! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl w 2 "o (! be/ "e4 ,make plans n[ 6be 9 ,phoenix ,july #i-ag = all ! 9=m,n1 exhibits1 fun & frs4 ,! ultra-mod]n br&-new ,d[nt[n ,%]aton ,hotel is home 6,,acb = 3v5;n week4 ,g5]al ses.ns & exhibits w 2 side 0side on ! ?ird floor1 & special- 9t]e/ gr\p meet+s1 "w%ops & social ev5ts w g5],y 2 on #b4 ,af a busy "d 9 exhibits & meet+s1 y & yr frs may want 6walk1 grab a taxi1 or hop a bus & explore ! _m re/aurants & o!r attrac;ns 9 d[nt[n ,phoenix4 ,(t5 p ask if "! >e activities t c help !m 9 _! c>e]s4 ,!y want 6"k ab 9=m,n availa# on important issues1 & h[ !y c le>n m ab new adaptive te*nology4 ,"h's a sampl+ ( ^! \t/&+ opportunities2 %>e !m ) yr employ] & explore ! possibil;y ( us+ yr "t 9 ,phoenix z profes.nal develop;t4 .,exhibits3 ,-p>e & 3tra/ ! late/ products = bl & visu,y impair$ p4 ,4cov] : video magnifi]1 scann]1 brl 4play1 notetak] or spee* program be/ meets yr ne$s4 ,exam9e an 5d.s v>iety ( products = "w1 s*ool & daily liv+4 ,collect mat]ials 6take home 6o!rs 9 yr (fice or organiz,n4 ,y w want 6sp5d h\rs & h\rs br[s+ ! exhibit hall2 x op5s on ,satur"d1 ,july #aj1 at #a3jj & closes on ,?urs"d1 ,july #ae1 at #a3jj4 ..,"w%ops & ,focus .,gr\ps3 ,e 3f];e & 3v5;n f1tures unique opportunities 6le>n new skills1 tips & te*niques on a wide range ( topics4 ,sem9>s on diabetes1 employ;t issues1 rehabilit,n1 transport,n & 9=m,n a3ess 6(f-!-%elf te*nology >e "s examples4 ,get 9/ruc;n & tips on hi<-te* #ac products s* z scre5 r1d]s1 brl notetak]s1 l[-vi.n products1 & m* m4 .,programs .& .,4cus.ns3 ,,acb g5]al ses.ns 7,sun"d ev5+1 ,mon"d-,?urs"d #h3cj a4m4-noon1 & all "d ,fri"d7 a4ress $uc,n1 rehabilit,n1 employ;t1 a3ess1 h1l?-relat$ issues & m* m4 ,! pres5t,n 0a talk+ book n>rator & update on libr>y s]vices >e alw popul>4 ,:ile ! #bjaj program is n yet -plete1 y c 2 assur$ t x w 2 excit+ & 9=m,n-pack$4 ,,acb -mittees1 special-9t]e/ a6iliates & o!rs sponsor an 5d.s v>iety ( br1k-\ ses.ns & small-gr\p 4cus.ns4 ,look = 9=mative programm+ = t1*]s1 gov]n;t employees1 bl v5dors & 5trepr5eurs1 attorneys1 & 9=m,n te*nology speciali/s4 ,/ud5ts c explore c>e]s & meet p "w+ 9 _! >1s ( 9t]e/4 ,special programm+ t>gets issues relat$ 6l[ vi.n1 guide dogs1 d1f-bl 3c]ns1 brl1 etc4 .,net"w+3 ,x is (t5 sd t net"w+ ) o!rs ) simil> 9t]e/s is z important z $uc,n & tra9+1 & t x grtly 5h.es ! job-seek+ process & l;g-t]m su3ess 9 any c>e] pa?4 ,:e!r y >e a t1*] or /ud5t1 rehabilit,n c\nselor or adm9i/rator1 p>5t or c>egiv]1 employ] or job-seek]1 y w 2 a# 6net"w ) o!rs 9 yr field4 ,exhibits1 ,adv]tis+ ,& ,sponsor%ips ,! #bjaj ,,acb 3f];e & 3v5;n gives busi;ses & ag5cies a *.e 6let p f all ov] ! c.try & >.d ! _w "k ab _! products & s]vices4 ,boo? space1 adv]tis+1 & sponsor%ips >e n[ availa#4 ,4c.ts >e availa# = exhibitors :o regi/] e>ly & :o pur*ase adv]tis+4 .,new .,? .,ye>3 ,res]ve at l1/ "o premium boo? 9 ! exhibit hall & grab \r regi/r,n bag special4 ,we'll /uff "o bro*ure or o!r item ( yr *oice ,,free 9 \r regi/r,n bags 7a 4#bej value76 ,? is yr *.e 6r1* e att5dee & drive tra6ic 6yr boo?4 .,color .,pages3 ,make yr products & s]vices /& \ f ! re/6 ,full-page #ae program ads & cov]s >e once ag availa# 9 color4 ..,exhibit ,special = ,bl .,5trepr5eurs3 ,>e y a bl small-busi;s [n]8 ,d y h products s* z ;,,cd,'s1 books1 crafts1 or -put] games 6sell8 ,>e y a repres5tative =a -pany t sells jewelry1 toys1 home decor1 etc48 ,wd yr products 2 a popul> a4i;n 6! ,,acb exhibit >ea8 ,if y h alw want$ 6give ! exhibit >ea a try1 b hav5't be5 sure t ! h\rs & co/ 7 "r = y1 n[ is yr *.e4 ,4c.ts on ta#top boo?s >e availa# 6bl small- busi;s [n]s dur+ _! f/1 second & ?ird ye>s ( "picip,n 9 ! exhibit hall4 ,= m 9=m,n1 3tact ,mi*ael ,smi!rman 7exhibits7 at 7#fja7 #ifh-dafd or ;e- mail _+msmitherman@mbhs.org_:1 or ,m>g>9e ,b1man 7adv]tis+ & sponsor%ips7 at 7#eab7 #iba-afbe or ;e-mail _+oleo50@hotmail.com_:4 ,3v5;n ,details ,special-9t]e/ gr\ps1 ,,acb -mittees1 & o!rs wi%+ 6sponsor programs or activities at ! 3v5;n %d submit all 9=m,n =! pre-regi/r,n =m 0,april #a4 ,program details ne$ 6be submitt$ 0,may #a4 ,make all >range;ts relat$ 63v5;n ev5ts 7res]v+ space1 ord]+ food or ,a_/,v equip;t1 etc47 ) ,c>la ,rus*ival 7ph"o1 7#ejb7#hig-adgb or ;e-mail1 _+adamcarla@bellsouth.net_:74 ,make yr hotel res]v,ns at ! ,phoenix ,d[nt[n ,%]aton hotel4 ,room rates >e 4#hi plus tax p] nila ,rus*ival at 7#ejb7 #hig-adgb or 0;e-mail at _+adamcarla@bellsouth.net_:1 or call ! ,,acb n,nal (fice at #a-hjj-dbd-hfff4 333333333333 ,,second ,,annual ,,acb ,,walk 0,dan ,dillon ,get yr walk+ %oes on & 2g9 tra9+ =! #bjaj ,,acb ,walk4 ,x w 2 held on ,satur"d1 ,july #aj at #h a4m4 at ,>izona ,mills ,mall4 ,? is an #ag air-3di;n$ facil;y4 ,ea* lap >.d ! mall is ab "o mile4 ,y c walk "o lap or up 6?ree laps >.d ! mall : wd 2 ab a #e;,k walk4 ,? is /rictly a walk1 n a run1 2c (! liabil;y issue : is due 6! fact t "! >e di6]5t walk+ surfaces "?\t ! mall4 ,>izona ,mills ,mall is approximately a half-h\r away1 s we'll 2 bus+ "picipants 6& f ! walk site4 ,la/ ye> we _h only #dg "picipants4 ,we want 6d m*1 m* bett] ? ye>6 ,we w (fici,y kick (f ? ev5t at ! midye> presid5ts' meet+ 9 ,febru>y & hope 6h _m ( y sign up !n4 ,! 5try fee w 2 4#be & e p5ny w g 6,,acb4 ,= m 9=m,n ab ! walk1 3tact ,d5a ,wilson 9 ! n,nal (fice at 7#bjb7 #eei-bjde or _+dwilson@acb.org_:1 or 3tact ,dan ,dillon at 7#fae7 #hgd-abbc or _+dan.dillon@bellsouth.net_:4 333333333333 ,,bo>d ,,( ,,public,ns ,,aw>ds3 ,,? ,,ye> ,,x ,,cd ,,2 ,,y6 ,! ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,public,ns pr\dly recognizes excell;e ea* ye> ) two aw>ds4 ,! ,n$ ,e4 ,freeman ,writ+ ,aw>d1 9/itut$ 9 #aigj1 is "nd =! f/ presid5t (! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl :o1 af -plet+ 8 t]m ( (fice1 2came $itor ( 8,! ,brl ,=um40 ,! ,v]non ,h5ley ,m$ia ,aw>d 0 e/abli%$ 9 #aihh 6honor ! man :o cr1t$ & f/ produc$ ,,acb ,reports1 a radio pres5t,n 4tribut$ 6radio r1d+ s]vices >.d ! c.try4 ,! ,freeman ,aw>d applies 6>ticles publi%$ 9 ei ! ,=um or an a6iliate public,n & is aw>d$ 6an 9dividual piece ( "w4 ,ma/]y (! craft ( writ+ is a major 3sid],n 0,,bop vot]s4 ,9t]e/+ subject matt]1 orig9al;y 9 rec.t+ an exp]i;e1 or novelty ( approa* >e al 3sid]$4 ,all >ticles publi%$ 9 8,! ,brl ,=um0 2t ,april #bjji & ,m>* #bjaj >e automatic,y eligi# =! ,freeman ,aw>d4 ,>ticles publi%$ 9 /ate or special- 9t]e/ a6iliate public,ns )9 ? "t frame >e al eligi# if submitt$ 0ei ! presid5t or newslr $itor f t #ai a6iliate4 ,if submitt+ s* an >ticle = 3sid],n1 pl1se 9clude a cov] lr not+ ! a6iliate1 public,n "n1 edi;n &a brief not,n ab ! >ticle4 ,! ,v]non ,h5ley ,m$ia ,aw>d is pres5t$ 6an organiz,n or p]son1 ei sie bl1 r ?an focus+ on \tdat$ /]eotypes & misconcep;ns4 ,programs &_/or >ticles writt5 & produc$ specific,y =a visu,y impair$ audi;e1 z well z ^? 9t5d$ =! g5]al public1 >e eligi#4 ,multiple >ticles or programs submitt$ 0"o au?or or organiz,n w 2 judg$ z sep>ate 5tries4 ,recipi5ts ( ^! aw>ds =! la/ five ye>s >e 9eligi# 65t] ! 3te/s4 ,memb]s (! ,,acb n,nal (fice /aff1 ! bo>d ( directors or bo>d ( public,ns s]v+ dur+ ! aw>d+ p]iod >e al n eligi#4 ,submis.ns = bo? aw>ds m/ 2 rcvd 0,%>on ,lover+ at ! ,,acb n,nal (fice on or 2f ,april #ae1 #bjaj4 ,pres5t,ns w 2 made at ! #bjaj n,nal 3v5;n4 ,= m 9=m,n ab judg+ crit]ia1 pl1se 3sult ! ,bo>d ( ,public,ns ,policy ,manual1 f.d on ! ,,acb web site at _+www.acb.org/resources/bop-policy-_& manual-2007.html_:4 ,s5d all submis.ns ) cov] lr to3 ,,bop ,aw>ds1 c_/o ,%>on ,lover+1 ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl1 #bbjj ,wilson ,blvd41 ,suite #fej1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va #bbbja1 or ;e-mail _+slovering@acb.org_:4 333333333333 ,,spotlid6 #bjji saw a wide range ( a6iliate public,ns 5t]$ 6w9 ! ,hollis ,k4 ,li7ett ,brl ,free ,press ,aw>d4 8,vi.n ,a3ess10 ! newslr (! ,c\ncil ( ,citiz5s ) ,l[ ,vi.n ,9t]n,nal1 0 ! w9n] 9 an extremely ti x cd 2 yr a6iliate6 ,? aw>d 0 "nd 9 honor ( #ba ,hollis ,li7ett1 & is 9t5d$ 6promote be/ j\rnali/ic practices & excell;e 9 writ+ 9 public,ns ( ,,acb,''s /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,all p]iodicals ( ,,acb a6iliates1 4tribut$ no less ?an semi-annu,y1 >e eligi# 6be 3sid]$ =! ,hollis ,k4 ,li7ett ,brl ,free ,press ,aw>d4 ,nom9,ns m/ 2 submitt$ 0! a6iliate's newslr $itor or presid5t4 ,submis.ns >e due 0,april #ae1 #bjaj1 & %d 2 s5t to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 $itor4 ,submis.ns m/ 9clude ! foll[+3 #a4 ,two issues (! a6iliate's public,n f ! previ\s cal5d> ye> s5t electronic,y & 9 h>d copy 9 ! =mat : ! a6iliate recognizes z ! =mat : be/ repres5ts xs r1d]%ip4 #b4 ,answ]s 6! foll[+ "qs3 ,a4 ,h[ _m memb]s >e 9 yr a6iliate8 ,b4 ,h[ (t5 is yr public,n publi%$ p] ye>8 ,c4 ,9 :at =mats is yr public,n produc$8 ,! ,,bop w take ! submitt$ 9=m,n 963sid],n z well z ! foll[+3 #a4 ,! numb] ( 3tribut+ writ]s 9 a s+le issue2 #b4 ,! v>iety ( 9=m,n writt5 ab 9 ea* issue2 #c4 ,h[ well ! public,n portrays ! a6iliate2 #d4 ,! qual;y ( writ+ "?\t ! public,n2 & #e4 ,! ov]all lay\t & pres5t,n (! public,n4 ,recipi5ts ( ? aw>d =! la/ five ye>s >e 9eligi# 65t] ! 3te/4 ,s5d yr submis.ns 6,%>on ,lover+1 ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl1 #bbjj ,wilson ,blvd41 ,suite #fej1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va #bbbja4 ,make sure !y'll >rive no lat] ?an ,april #ae1 #bjaj4 ,we look =w>d 6rcvg yr nom9,ns4 ,? aw>d w 2 pres5t$ at ! 3v5;n 9 ,phoenix1 ,>iz4 333333333333 ,,! ,,mms ,,program ,,makes ,,x ,,easi] ,,= ,,y ,,6,,help ,,acb 0,d5a ,wilson ,giv+ 6! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl m1ns y /rive 69cr1se ! 9dep5d;e1 #bc secur;y1 equal;y ( opportun;y1 & 6improve qual;y ( life = all bl & visu,y impair$ p4 ,al? "! >e _m ways t y c *oose 6give 6! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl1 ! ,mon?ly ,m"ot>y ,support 7,,mms7 ,program (f]s y a m 3v5i5t way 6*oose :5 6h yr mon?ly gift *>g$ 6yr cr$it c>d or deduct$ f yr bank a3.t4 ,! ,,mms ,program (f]s a co/-e6ici5t way = y 6give a l>g] gift 2c x 3v]ts yr gift 96a small] mon?ly am.t1 mak+ x easi] = y 6support ! programs & s]vices ( ,,acb4 ,! b5efits ( jo9+ ! ,,mms ,program >e3 ,grt satisfac;n4 ,y w "k y >e help+ 6build a bett] future = bl & visu,y impair$ 9dividuals e mon?4 ,3v5i;e4 ,:5 y "picipate1 yr gift w 2 transf]r$ & w appe> ea* mon? on yr cr$it c>d or *eck+ a3.t /ate;t4 ,reduc$ pap]"w & ov]h1d exp5se4 ,automatic mon?ly pay;ts m1n m ( yr don,n goes 6support ! 9dep5d;e1 dign;y & adv.e;t ( bl & visu,y impair$ p4 ,6jo9 ! ,,mms program & help improve tm td 9 ,,acb1 simply ;e-mail ,ron ,milliman at _+rmilliman@insightbb.com_: or call hm at 7#bgj7 #ghb-icbe4 333333333333 ,,a6iliate ,,news ,,cclvi ,s*ol>%ips ,availa# ,! ,c\ncil ( ,citiz5s ) ,l[ ,vi.n ,9t]n,nal 7,,cclvi7 w aw>d ?ree s*ol>%ips 9 ! am.t ( 4#c1jjj ea* 6"o full-"t /ud5t 9 ea* category3 5t]+ fre%m51 "ugraduate & graduate4 ,college /ud5ts :o >e visu,y impair$1 ma9ta9 a /r;g ,,gpa & >e 9volv$ 9 _! s*ool &_/or local -mun;y >e 5c\rag$ 6apply4 ,applic,ns may 2 submitt$ 2g9n+ ,jan4 #a1 & all mat]ials m/ 2 rcvd 0,m>* #a4 ,s*ol>%ip monies w 2 aw>d$ =! #bjaj-bjaa academic ye>4 ,6r1d ! s*ol>%ip guidel9es & -plete an on-l9e applic,n1 pl1se visit _+www.cclvi.org_: & click on ! #be 8s*ol>%ip0 l9k4 ,applic,ns w 2 availa# 6submit on- l9e until ,m>* #a at #aa3ei pm ,ea/]n "t4 ,pl1se plan ah1d s t docu;ts mail$ w 2 rcvd 0,m>* #a4 ,fax$ mat]ials w ,,n 2 a3ept$4 ,"qs may 2 direct$ 6,,cclvi at #a-hjj-gcc-bbeh4 ,we look =w>d 6rcvg yr applic,n mat]ials6 333333333333 ,,pass+s ,x has -e 6\r att5;n t we >e rapidly los+ memb]s ( \r -mun;y1 frs & support]s ( ,,acb4 ,9 ord] 6honor ^! p ^: lives h impact$ u1 9 l>ge & small ways1 we >e publi%+ ? column4 ,see 2l =! =mat 9 : 6submit 9=m,n4 ,obitu>y ,=mat ,pl1se 9clude z m* (! foll[+ 9=m,n z possi# :5 submitt+ mat]ial = ? column4 ,submis.ns m/ 9volve dates no m ?an six mon?s f 9t5d$ date ( public,n4 ,"n 7f/1 la/1 maid5 if appropriate7 ,c;y ( resid;e 7^u pass+7 ,/ate_/prov9ce ( resid;e 7^u pass+7 ,o!r cities_//ates_/c.tries ( resid;e 7places ": o!r bl p may h "kn ? p]son7 ,o3up,n ,date ( d1? 7"d if "kn1 mon?1 ye>7 ,age ,,acb a6ili,n 7local_//ate_/special- 9t]e/ a6iliates or n,nal -mittees7 ,,morlock1 ,,alb]t ,alb]t 8,b]t0 ,morlock1 #gb1 di$ ,jan4 #c1 #bjaj4 ,he 0 "o (! f.d+ memb]s (! ,goph] ,/ate ,bl ,associates1 : lat] 2came ! ,m9nesota /ate a6iliate (! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl4 ,b]t 0 an active memb] (! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ( ,m9nesota 7,,acbm7 & rcvd ! f/ ,,acbm life memb]%ip dur+ ! #bjji /ate 3v5;n4 ,a tire.s "w] =! "rs & dign;y ( p :o >e bl1 ,b]t *ampion$ _m causes "?\t 8 life4 ,mo/ importantly1 ,b]t liv$ an 9dep5d5t life ": he did & 8saw0 m ?+s ?an _m o!r p1 sirison ,keillor4 ,b]t 0 b.s$ ) gr&*n 9 8 lat] ye>s & wd n hesitate 6talk ab !m :5"e ! opportun;y >ose4 ,b]t retir$ af #bf ye>s )! ,m9nesota ,/ate ,s]vices =! ,bl z a manage;t coord9ator4 ,he 0 alw g5]\s 9 life4 ,9 lieu ( fl[]s1 8 family reque/s t memorials 2 made 6! ,-munic,ns ,c5t] at ,/ate ,s]vices =! ,bl or ,vi.n ,loss ,res\rces4 ,he w 2 miss$ 0"ey"o 9 ! ,m9nesota bl -mun;y z well z 0"ey"o :o came 6"k hm well4 --,bob ,lockwood 7) exc]pts f ! ,m9n1polis ,/>-,tribune7 333333333333 ,,my ,,v ,,f/ ,,rehabilit,n ,,lesson 0,c>l ,j>vis ,bl or sie all products (! same culture4 ,:o we >e is1 9 grt "p1 %ap$ 0! cultural 2liefs ab u4 ,we h c]ta9 /]eotypes t def9e c]ta9 memb]s ( \r grt] society4 ,we d n 4c>d \r /]eotypes easily 2c !y >e ! f.d,n f : we make s5se \ ( \r _w4 ,at #cj ye>s ( age ,i 2came tot,y bl4 ,ev5 hav+ be5 a p]son ( limit$ vi.n1 ,i _h n"e all[$ myf 6?9k 9 s* t]ms4 ,i 0 sin f> m ab bl;s ?an h[ 6wave a /ick 9 front ( me1 or h[ 6run my f+]s ov] bumps1 or h[ 6flip a burg] on a hot grill1 or h[ 6run a bo>d "? a ta# saw4 ,i _h 6unle>n all t my culture _h taue4 ,my grte/ s+le /ep on ! road 6rehabilit,n came n "? h\rs ( walk+ ) an ,o@&,m 9/ructor1 or "ds ( drill+ brl1 or mak+ a *ess bo>d 9 %op1 or mak+ a ,d5v] omelet4 ,x 0 t "d1 e>ly 9 my new _w ( bl;s1 :5 ,h>ry ,trabau<1 a tot,y bl rehab t1*]1 appe>$ at #bi my door4 ,i 0 %ock$ 6op5 ! door & f9d ,h>ry /&+ "! all al"o af he'd tak5 a bus acr ,s1ttle 6r1* my h\se4 ,i expla9$ 6,h>ry t ,i 0 una# 6d any (! ?+s t 7 important 6me4 ,c]ta9ly ,i wd n"e "w ag4 ,i 0 afraid t z "t w5t on ,i wd 2g9 to 8look bl40 ,? m1nt 6me t ,i wd 2g9 6look l an idiot1 s9ce t 0 my 9n]mo/ unspok5 image ( bl p4 ,b ,i al told ,h>ry t ,i lov$ 6run4 ,i wd n"e 2 a# 6run ag4 ,h>ry1 a %ort1 wiry man1 jump$ 6his feet1 gra2$ 8 cane & told me 6take 8 >m4 ,we w5t \ ! door1 acr ! front y>d & d[n 96! mi4le (! /reet4 ,h>ry turn$ 6! ea/ & sd1 8,"h we g40 ,) t1 he took (f at a d1d run ) me cl++ 6his >m l a f"r5$ ra2it4 ,af ab half a block ,h>ry /opp$ d1d 9 8 tracks1 look$ up at me & ask$1 8,j h[ m* fa/] d y want 6g80 ,& s 2gan a new picture1 a di6]5t /]eotype1 9side my bra94 ,z ,i w5t "? ! ,ori5t,n & ,tra9+ ,c5t]1 ? ll rehab lesson grew & fl\ri%$ & bloom$ 96! p]son ,i n[ am4 ,0 "! risk 9 do+ :at ,h>ry did1 runn+ wildly d[n ! mi4le (! /reet8 ,y bet6 ,b s 0 ! fact t he1 a tot,y bl man1 jump$ on a bus 9 ! s\? 5d ( ,s1ttle & travel$ ! l5g? ( t c;y1 cross$ a v busy his at ! door ( bl;s x tells me t we >e n ov]com+ \r cultural fe>s ab :o we >e4 333333333333 ,,f9d+ ,,my ,,ni*e 0,b>b>a ,mattson ,"o (! ?+s t has fasc9at$ me ov] ! ye>s is programm+ -put]s4 ,i 0 pretty gd 9 ma?1 b my logic & r1son+ 7 w1k4 ,i took my f/ aptitude te/ 6see if ,i 0 -put] programm+ mat]ial at ! ,s\? ,c>ol9a ,-mis.n =! ,bl rehabilit,n c5t]4 ,! mat]ials 7 9 brl1 & te/+1 z f> z ,i recall1 took m* (! "d4 ,i don't rememb] ! results1 b my c\nselor promis$ me ,i'd att5d a -put] programm+ s*ool 9 ,florida4 ,!n ?+s didn't -e "?4 #ca ,:ile ,i 0 wait+1 ano!r av5ue kept haunt+ me4 ,a rehab t1*] _h 5c\rag$ me 6g 6college4 ,my hi< s*ool ,5gli% t1*]1 h["e1 _h impress$ on me :ile talk+ 6! :ole class1 t n"o ( u wd make x 9 college4 ,n"o!.s1 x 0 ) fe> & trembl+ t ,i f9,y decid$ t's :at ,i 0 go+ 6d4 ,i graduat$ )a ,b4,a4 9 psy*ology &a second>y $uc,n t1*+ c]tificate 9 social /udies4 ,b ,i want$ 6be a c\nselor4 ,s ,i made >range;ts 62g9 /udies at ! ,univ]s;y ( ,s\? ,c>ol9a4 ,m1n:ile1 a home t1*+ posi;n came op5 )! ,-mis.n =! ,bl 9 ,*>le/on & my c\nselor ask$ me if ,i want$ x4 ,2c my c\nselor _h told me 8c\nselors >e a dime a doz510 ,i 0 afraid if ,i didn't grab ! job1 ,i wd 2 job hunt+ ="e4 ,s9ce hav+ a t1*+ c]tificate requires e>n+ six h\rs ( cr$it e five ye>s1 ,i 2gan graduate "w 9 c\nsel+1 b al took c\rses 9 ! 4abilities field4 ,ev5tu,y ,i quit "w 6g 6s*ool full- "t 6e>n a c\nsel+ degree4 ,b ! desire 6h t c]tificate ( a3ompli%;t wasn't z grt z my fe> t ,i wd ru9 "s"o's life4 ,m1n:ile1 ,i took "s /ati/ics-type c\rses4 ,9 "o c\rse ,i survey$ s*ools =! bl & rehab ag5cies & f.d "! 0 a ne$ =a book = bl p>5ts4 ,s ,i set ab writ+ x )! ,am]ican ,f.d,n =! ,bl's back+4 ,h["e1 ,i 0 once ag drawn 96tak+ -put] programm+ c\rses :5 ,i acquir$ equip;t t ,i 2liev$ wd 5a# me 6l9k )! -put]s at ! college ,i 0 att5d+4 ,h["e1 af s"eal weeks ( try+1 ,i f9,y _h 6)draw f ! ,9troduc;n 6,-put]s c\rse4 ,? 0 a huge bl[ 6my 3fid;e1 z ,i'd n"e _h 6)draw f a c\rse4 ,ye>s pass$1 & ,i 3t9u$ my writ+4 ,"o ye>1 app>5tly prep>+ 6renew my t1*+ c]tificate1 ,i ?"\1 ag1 ab -put] programm+4 ,s ,i w5t 6! -mun;y te*nology college & took a te/ ) my "m r1d+ & writ+4 ,? "t x 0 "td1 & ,i sp5t1 at ! mo/1 two h\rs4 ,i cd h *all5g$ ! results--compla9+ t 3di;ns w]5't id1l4 ,b ,i al felt t if my abil;y _h be5 true1 x wdn't h #cc matt]$4 ,n[ ,i f9d myf 3c5trat+ on transcrib+ books 96brl & writ+4 ,?\< ,i've sd ,i've want$ 6br1k 96publi%+1 "r n[ ,i'm j 3t5t 6write :5 ,i'm 9spir$4 ,m1n:ile1 ,i'm help+ p r1d ) my braill+1 & t gives me hope =a bett] life--= o!rs z well z me4 333333333333 ,,help+ ,,h&s 0,diane ,s4 ,f]rell ,f ! p]spective ( "o :o has "w$ 9 ! field ( special $uc,n1 & hav+ a visual 4abil;y myf1 ,i h be5 9volv$ 9 "s 9t]e/+ 4cus.ns ) o!rs :o >e employ$ 9 ! same g5]al field ( "w4 ,_! 9t]e/s 9 5t]+ ! 8help+ profes.ns0 v>y f 2+ altrui/ic 6cu/odial4 ,"s"o :o *ooses 6"w ) 9dividuals ) 4abilities has a "picul> responsibil;y 6promote ! welf>e ( ^! 9dividuals r ?an h9d] x4 ,z is illu/rat$ 9 ! foll[+ episode : 0 told 6me1 ? m&ate is1 at "ts1 ov]look$4 ,mr4 ,we/1 9 a "s:at h>ri$ mann]1 5t]$ 8 (fice at ! univ]s;y &1 :ile smoo?+ 8 ru6l$ br[n hair & "s:at di%evel$ clo?+1 2gan 6survey 8 ro/] ( 4a#d /ud5ts 6be s]v$ t "d4 ,z coord9ator ( /ud5ts ) 4abilities1 x 0 8 job 65sure t ! univ]s;y met ! academic ne$s ( xs 4a#d /ud5t popul,n4 ,he 0 especi,y preo3upi$ on ? "d ) 8 wife ,ka?y's la;t,ns ab n 2+ a# 62come pregnant4 ,_! 3v]s,ns n[ 7 alw pretty m* ! same4 8,i want 6h a *10 %e wd wail1 rep1t$ly1 :5"e !y 7 al"o4 ,he felt z if he 0 a robot1 hav+ 6p]=m sexu,y1 on cue4 ,he h1v$ a deep si<4 8,i don't "k h[ m* m ( ? ,i c take10 he grimac$4 8,%e doesn't want 6adopt1 ei40 ,8 f/ appo9t;t (! "d 0 ) ,c9dy ,black1 a tot,y bl sophomore :o 0 s*$ul$ 6take ! 5tr.e te/ requir$ =! t1*] $uc,n program4 ,c9dy1 a petite brunette 9 bl\se & slacks1 >riv$ = h] appo9t;t on "t1 we>+ an excit$ look ( grt expect,n4 ,%e 0 a3ompani$ 0a tall1 blond "y woman1 :o smil$1 #ce cordi,y4 8,hello1 ,c9dy4 ,y're "r on "t10 sd ,mr4 ,we/1 %ak+ h] h&4 8,:at a small h&10 ?"\ ,c9dy1 8& s s(t1 too '''0 ,-+ f an agr>ian backgr.d1 ,c9dy 0 a3u/om$ 6a man's h&s 2+ l>ge1 muscul> &a ll r\<4 8,i'd l y 6meet my fr ,anne10 %e sd1 8:o w fill 9 ! answ] %eet = me1 af ,i'm f9i%$ )! exam40 ,! coord9ator l$ ! two "y wom5 d[n a corridor 6a small c>pet$ room 3ta9+ two 3f];e ta#s & assort$ *airs4 8,? is ": _m ( \r /ud5ts -e 6take _! te/s4 ,x's s.dpro(1 s y won't 2 bo!r$ 0any ext]ior noise40 ,c9dy ask$ ,anne 6return 6! room 9 a c\ple ( h\rs :5 %e %d 2 ab f9i%$ )! te/4 ,anne sd t %e _h br"\ al;g a gd book & al plann$ 6visit ! /ud5t book/ore 9 ! 9t]im4 ,c9dy !n put h] brl-writ+ equip;t on "o (! ta#s1 ?ank$ ,mr4 ,we/ & proce$$ 6r1d ! te/ : _h be5 left on ! ta# = h]4 ,ab an h\r lat]1 ,mr4 ,we/ came 6*eck on ,c9dy's progress4 8,h[ is x go+80 he ask$ h]4 ,he look$ at ,c9dy1 :o 0 9t5sely 3c5trat+ on h] imm task4 8,y've be5 "w+ q a :ile1 ) no br1k4 ,y look l y cd use a gd back massage '''0 8,:5 ,i f9i% ) ? te/1 t's j :at ,i mitl$1 8,?ank y1 n[ ,i'll h 6f9i% my "w60 ,b ! l>ge snakelike f+]s 3t9u$ mov+ d[n h] %\ld]s1 acr h] br1/s1 & rel5t.sly d[nw>d4 ,c9dy />t$ scr1m+ & /rangely felt z ?\< %e 7 2g9n+ 6l1ve h] body ''' ,n[ %e 0 f"r5+ly susp5d$ abv ? horrify+ situ,n : %e 0 obs]v+4 8,:y is t woman scr1m+80 %e wond]$4 8,i h 6try & help h]40 #cg ,c9dy 0 ag back 9 h] [n body & 9 3trol4 8,/op6 ,t's 5\<6 ,/op60 %e yell$1 pull+ h]f free (! gigantic t5tacles4 ,no?+ 0 sd z %e he>d 8 foot/eps walk 6! door4 ,! door op5$1 clos$1 & "! 0 sil;e4 ,!n1 "e s sl[ly1 a prof.d s5se ( calm;s 2gan 65circle h] body l a cloak2 %e felt safe ag4 ,!n %e 2gan 6"q h]f4 8,did ? re,y happ51 or 0 x a t]ri# dr1m8 ,no1 x re,y happ5$1 & n[ x's ov]4 ,i w tell "s"o :at happ5$4 ,? m/ n"e happ5 6any"o else40 ,daz$1 %e sat d[n at ! ta# & f9i%$ ! exam4 ,anne return$1 z plann$1 & fill$ 9 ! answ] %eet = h] fr4 ,z !y 7 walk+ back 6! coord9ator's (fice 6deliv] ! te/+ mat]ials1 ,anne -;t$1 8,i've n"e se5 y s calm40 ,c9dy si<$4 8,i guess x's k9d ( l ! calm af a /orm40 ,z ,c9dy plac$ h] te/ pap]s on ! coord9ator's desk1 %e felt ! pat ( 8 small s(t h& on h]s4 8,j let me "k :5"e ,i c 2 ( help1 or :5 y ne$ a help+ h&40 333333333333 ,,lrs ,,6,,! ,,$itor ,! 3t5ts ( ? column reflect ! lrs we _h rcvd 0! "t we w5t 6press1 ,jan4 #g1 #bjaj4 ,lrs >e limit$ 6#cjj ^ws or few]4 ,all submis.ns m/ 9clude ! au?or's "n & loc,n4 ,op9ions express$ >e ^? (! au?ors4 ,9 ,reply to ,8,presid5t's ,message3 ,te*nology & ,9dep5d;e80' ,i agree :olehe>t$ly ) ,mit* ,pom]antz's assess;t on \r reli.e ( te*nology4 ,my -put] all[s me 6d ?+s ,i cd n"e d 9dep5d5tly :5 ,i 0 "y]1 & x all[s me 6d "s ?+s m qkly or m ?or\ket is small1 s devices >e exp5sive4 ,x 2hooves u 6be selective4 ,-put]s cra%4 ,batt]ies die4 ,x takes a backpack 6c>ry all (! 8/uff0 #ci we ?9k we ne$4 ,& "s"ts ! dog de/roys a *>g] or "s?+4 ,hi< te* is wond];l--b l[ te* s]v$ u well = g5],ns & 3t9ues 6d s if we w b all[ x4 ,i recall a "y man ) :om ,i "w$ a numb] ( ye>s ago ^: laptop -put] 0 /ol54 ,he (t5 miss$ appo9t;ts 2c he didn't "k h[ 6keep track ( !m )\t 8 -put]4 ,he cdn't rememb] assign;ts or keep track ( 8 bank a3.t or ph"o numb]s4 ,he _h alw reli$ on 8 -put] &1 :5 he didn't h x1 he 0 lo/4 ,8 9dep5d;e 0 /ol5 "r al;g ) 8 -put]4 ,my su7es;n is t we 9tegrate l[-te* & hi<-te* skills 6make \rvs maxim,y e6ici5t1 ev5 :5 hi<-te* fails4 ,i'm n sure sid+ cell ph"o gadgetry & ,,gps support ! presid5t's po9t v well4 ,b h[ ab ^! examples8 ,my husb& has be5 diabetic s9ce age #b & has neuropa?y 9 8 f+]s : does n all[ hm 6r1d brl4 ,i've be5 a huge advocate ( brl & gave my husb& a h>d "t dur+ \r c\rt%ip ab 8 9abil;y 6r1d brl4 ,t is1 until ,i wat*$ hm /ru7le 6r1d "o ^w on a label4 ,p call$ hm illit]ate 2c ( 8 9abil;y 6feel bumps z an alt]native 6see+ a page4 ,h["e1 )! -put] & talk+ books1 he's probably "o (! mo/ 9t5se r1d]s ,i "k4 ,2c he c't r1d brl1 does t make hm dep5d5t8 ,& let's talk ab ^? talk+ books4 ,despite ! explo.n 9 te*nology1 !y've be5 >.d 9 "o =m or ano!r =a l;g "t6 ,is ! >gu;t t we >e m dep5d5t 2c "s"o is r1d+ x8 ,i love brl1 b >5't we al j z dep5d5t on "s"o 6produce r1da# & a3urate brl 9 ! books & magaz9es we r1d8 #da ,h[ ab t new bill r1d] : "s ?9k is pesky8 ,i'll 2 v happy n 6take "o m electronic gadget 6r1d my bills :5"e only a3essi# bills >e 9 circul,n4 ,b until !n1 ,i'm look+ =w>d 62+ 9 3trol ( my [n m"oy )\t ! possibil;y ( "s"o 2+ 4h"o/ ) me4 ,we w / h 6fold or organize m"oy z we d n[1 un.s "o re,y isn't 9t]e/$ 9 sav+ "t & has ! -punc;n 6r1d ! bill ea* "t x is 5c.t]$4 ,s al? ! po9t ab ma9ta9+ skills is well tak51 ,i ?9k ea* 9dividual has 6evaluate = hm_/h]f :at uses ( te*nology >e or >e n 9dep5d;e4 ,? l1ds 6my f9al po9t4 ,i "k ( ano!r bl;s organiz,n t wd 2 happy 6evaluate ea* 9dividual's 9dep5d;e skills4 ,!y've 9filtrat$ /ate ag5cies =! bl & h taue 5 quasi-9dep5d;e police \ "!1 & ,i want 6cau;n ,,acb memb]s n 6add 6_! numb]s4 --,rebe3a ,kragnes1 ,m9n1polis1 ,m9n4 333333333333 ,,"h ,,& ,,"! ,$it$ 0,sue ,li*t5fels ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column does n repres5t an 5dorse;t 0! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl1 xs (fic]s1 or /aff4 ,li/+s >e free ( *>ge =! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsi# =! reliabil;y (! products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,6submit items = ? column1 s5d a message to _+info@acb.org_:1 or ph"o ! n,nal (fice at #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 & l1ve a message 9 ,%>on ,lover+'s mailbox4 ,9=m,n m/ 2 rcvd at l1/ two mon?s ah1d ( public,n date4 ,,seek+ ,,hall ,,( ,,fame ,,nom9ees ,nom9ees >e curr5tly 2+ s"\ =! #bjaj class ( 9ductees 6! ,am]ican ,pr9t+ ,h\se's ,hall ( ,fame = ,l1d]s & ,leg5ds (! ,bl;s ,field4 ,? #dc honor recognizes ^? 9dividuals :o h provid$ \t/&+ s]vice 6p :o >e bl or visu,y impair$4 ,bios (! curr5t #dd memb]s (! hall c 2 view$ at _+www.aph.org/hall__fame/index.html_:4 ,=! nom9ee qualific,ns & nom9,n process1 visit _+www.aph.org/hall_& __fame/nominate.html_:4 ,nom9,ns close ,m>* #bf1 #bjaj4 ,,s]vice ,,dog ,,eye ,,exams ,=! ?ird ye>1 ! ,am]ican ,college ( ,vet]9>y ,oph?almologi/s w sponsor ,n,nal ,s]vice ,dog ,eye ,exam ,mon? "?\t ,may #bjaj4 ,m ?an #aej bo>d- c]tifi$ vet]9>y oph?almologi/s 9 ! ,u4,s4 & ,canada w provide free eye exams 6?\s&s ( dog guides1 assi/.e dogs1 detec;n dogs1 & se>* & rescue dogs4 ,6be eligi#1 ! dogs m/ ei 2 c]tifi$ active "w+ dogs or dogs 9 tra9+4 ,9 ord] 6"picipate1 dogs m/ 2 regi/]$ onl9e at _+www._>acvo_y oph?almologi/s 6s*$ule an exam on a f/-come1 f/-s]v$ basis4 ,,camp ,,siloam #bjaj ,camp ,siloam #bjaj w 2 held ,may #bb-bi at ! ,gold5 ,cross ,ran* locat$ nor? ( ,h\/on1 ,tex4 ,? ye>'s !me is 8,a ,pas.n = ,*ri/ ,is a ,pas.n = ,life40 ,! week w 9clude morn+ & ev5+ wor%ip s]vices1 swimm+1 horseback rid+1 hayrides1 horse%oe pit*+1 & m4 ,9dividuals ages #ag-fh & 9 gd h1l? >e 9vit$ 6att5d4 ,! co/ =! week is 4#bbj p] p]son4 ,assi/.e ) f9d+ sponsors 6help )! co/ ( regi/r,n or transport,n may 2 availa#4 ,6rcv ! full camp regi/r,n packet1 mail a 4#be non- refunda# regi/r,n deposit to3 ,! ,gospel ,associ,n =! ,bl1 ,,po ,box #aafb1 ,bunnell1 ,,fl #cbaaj1 al;g )a #c 0#e c>d t 9cludes yr "n1 a4ress1 ph"o numb]s & ;e-mail a4ress4 ,= a4i;nal regi/r,n details1 call 7#chf7 #ehf-ehhe4 ,= updates on ! camp program1 *eck ! record$ message toll- free at #a-hff-bea-eafe & 5t] #de mailbox #gabh_?4 ,camp regi/r,n closes ,april #ae1 #bjaj4 ,,summ] ,,brl ,,music ,,9/itute ,! ,n,nal ,res\rce ,c5t] = ,bl ,musicians is a3ept+ applic,ns = xs sem9> = bl college-b.d musicians1 6be held ,july #aa-ag1 #bjaj at ! ,ov]brook ,s*ool =! ,bl 9 ,philadelphia1 ,pa4 ,design$ = s]i\s brl-r1d+ music /ud5ts prep>+ = or alr 9 college1 ! program tailors 9/ruc;n 6ea* p]son's ne$ 6develop brl music & !ory skills & 6le>n 6use te*nology 6submit music assign;ts 9 pr9t not,n4 ,applicants m/ h alr /udi$ "s music !ory1 h _h s"eal ye>s ( music lessons1 & 2 a# 6pres5t a poli%$ & pl1s+ p]=m.e4 ,!y m/ 2 will+ 6put ef=t 96brl music /udy1 & demon/rate a -mit;t 6use ! brl music & -put] skills !y w le>n at ! ,9/itute :5 !y return 6s*ool4 ,applicants m/ al %[ !y h 2gun ?9k+ r1li/ic,y ab r1*a# goals1 & t !y h ! 9dep5d;e skills1 social r1di;s & matur;y 6be a 3tribut+ "p (a close- knit gr\p4 ,3tact ! ,res\rce ,c5t] reg>d+ ! applic,n & audi;n proc$ure4 ,all applic,n mat]ials m/ 2 rcvd 0,may #e4 ,p>5ts & t1*]s ( "y] /ud5ts >e 9vit$ 64cuss -+ = an evalu,n & guid.e4 ,y may al 3tact ! ,res\rce ,c5t] ab cu/omiz$ 4t.e le>n+ "?\t ! ye>4 ,= m 9=m,n1 visit _+www.blindmusicstudent.org_:1 3tact ,david ,gold/e9 at 7#bjc7 #cff-ccjj1 ext5.n #bbi1 or s5d an ;e-mail message to _+info@blindmusicstudent.org_:4 ,,tax ,,assi/.e @& ,,a3essibil;y ,= any"o seek+ assi/.e ? tax s1son1 _m -munities h volunte] 9come tax assi/.e sites or local ,,irs ,taxpay] ,assi/.e ,c5t]s1 : w prep>e yr return )\t *>ge4 ,6locate a volunte] site1 call yr -mun;y's #baa or #caa numb] = local s]vices or call ! ,,irs at #a-hjj-ijf-ihhg4 ,! ,,irs (f]s num]\s docu;ts 9 alt]native =mats = p ) pr9t 4abilities at _+www.irs.gov_:4 ,foll[ ! home page l9k to 8,a3essibil;y10 !n ! l9k to 8,a3essi# ,,irs ,tax #dg ,products0 & select ! appropriate l9k 6d[nload a3essi# =ms or public,ns4 ,! ,,irs web site provides a3essi# electronic files 9 =mats 9clud+3 ,,ascii text 7_+.txt_:71 brl-r1dy =mat 7_+.brf_:71 & ,talk+ ,tax =ms 9 ,,pdf t "w ) ,,msaa,'-compliant scre5-r1d+ s(tw>e & brl 4play devices4 ,,*n's ,,lit]ature ,,c\rse ,julie ,goldbeck is (f]+ an on-l9e c\rse 9 ,9troduc;n 6,*n's ,lit]ature = #aj clock h\rs4 ,x is a self-pac$ c\rse t c 2 -plet$ f home ) an ,9t]net 3nec;n4 ,! c\rse w cov] all >1s ( *n's lit]ature1 9clud+ special ev5ts 9 *n's lit]ature2 ,u4,s4 & 9t]n,nal *n's lit]ature aw>ds2 au?ors1 illu/rators1 *n's book publi%]s2 picture books1 *apt] books1 mi4le grade1 "y adult1 etc4 ,6regi/]1 ;e-mail _+goldbeckjm@comcast.net_: & ,julie w s5d y ! c\rse mat]ials4 ,a 4#ej 9/ructor fee is due ^u -ple;n4 ,,-+ ,,( ,,age 8,-+ ( ,age3 ,a ,p]sonal ,memoir10 co-au?or$ 0,cl>a ,b[ie & ,lydia ,hazel1 is n[ availa#4 ,"p "o 9cludes an ov]view1 a review ( relevant lit]ature1 4cus.n ( lifel;g pursuits & ?"\s on o!r views ( ag+4 ,! book 9cludes /rategies = navigat+ ! ag+ process &a v>iety ( p]sonal exp]i;es4 ,= m 9=m,n1 3tact ,cl>a ,b[ie at #hjj ,w4 ,mill ,/41 ,apt4 _?#cjc-;,a1 ,c>bondale1 ,,il #fbija1 or ph"o 7#fah7 #deg-hbgc4 ,,new ,,l1d]%ip ,,book 8,! ,bl ,vi.n>y0 *ronicles ! life c\rse ( ,virg9ia ,jacko1 curr5t ,,ceo (! ,miami ,li1s ( practical advice3 r1*+ \ a7ressively 6cultivate m5tors1 role models & pot5tial "pn]s2 #di act+ on opportunities & ov]com+ b>ri]s2 2liev+ 9 yrf no matt] :at ! naysay]s miy0 is availa# 9 s(t cov] = 4#ai.ii & h>d cov] = 4#bi.ii f _+www.governanceedge.com_:4 ,,transi;n ,,res\rce ,! ,full ,life ,ah1d ,f.d,n is a n,nal organiz,n t focuses on provid+ res\rces & 9spir,n = "y p ) 4abilities z !y transi;n 96adulthood4 ,! f.d,n has a "wbook 6assi/ 9 navigat+ ! process1 bo? writt5 & video su3ess /ories1 & 9t]active "w%ops = /ud5ts1 p>5ts1 & provid]s4 ,6le>n m ab ? organiz,n1 call toll-free #a-hff-gjj-bjbf or visit _+www.fulllifeahead.org_:4 ,,seek+ ,,camp ,,bloomfield ,,alumni ,walt] ,*avira wd l 6he> f ,camp ,bloomfield alumni4 ,if y att5d$ ! camp1 3tact hm at 7#ffa7 #hjh-dccd or via ;e-mail1 _+walterchavira@earthlink.net_:4 ,,au?or ,,seeks ,,fe$back ,d y su6] f migra9es ) pi]c+ pa98 ,d !y la/ = h\rs8 ,ojocion ,9gram has develop$ h] [n home rem$y t gets h] up & \ 9 #dj m9utes mo/ (! "t4 ,if y wd l 6try x1 %e'll s5d y h] pamphlet 7or r1d x 6y7 9 ex*ange =a #be- 6#ej-^w /ate;t ( yr results4 ,pl1se call h] at 7#dae7 #hdf-bjbg & l1ve yr "n & mail+ a4ress4 ,2 sure 6sp1k sl[ly & cle>ly4 ,or y may s5d a self-a4ress$1 /amp$ 5velope 6,ojocion ,9gram1 ,p4,o4 ,box #ccjdbf1 ,san ,francisco1 ,,ca #idacc-jdbf4 ,,new ,,uk ,,-pany ,john ,gill (! ,,uk has e/abli%$ ,john ,gill ,te*nology ,ltd4 6fill ! s]vice gap result+ :5 ,,rnib 4cont9u$ xs sci5tific rese>* unit4 ,? -pany specializes 9 ! ne$s ( 4a#d & eld]ly p1 9clud+ assi/ive te*nology & 9clusive design4 ,= detail$ s]vice descrip;ns1 visit _+www.johngilltech.com_: or ;e- #ea mail ,john at _+johngill@btconnect.com_:4 ,,voice ,,activat$ ,,clocks ,! ,mo%i ,travel ,al>m ,clock is ! newe/ 9 ! l9e ( voice-3troll$ talk+ clocks4 ,:5 y sp1k -m&s l 8"t10 8temp]ature10 or 8td's date0 6! ,mo%i1 x sp1ks ! response al\d4 ,o!r voice -m&s c 2 us$ 6set ! al>m1 "t1 or date2 turn ! al>m to 8snooze02 or select sleep s.ds4 ,! newe/ model is availa# 9 f\r colors1 m1sures #c.ge@9 0#b.ge@9 0#a@91 weie bl or visu,y impair$1 9clud+ sid ! ,sea ,pr9cess4 ,octob] #f-i1 ,m9d's ,eye w %[ (f _m (! hi/orical l&m>ks & museums ( ,new ,york ,c;y4 ,! ,canada @& ,new ,5gl& ,fall ,foliage ,cruise sets sail = sev5 nii21n ,pr9cess4 ,& 9 ,novemb]1 ! -pany (f]s xs f9al gr\p t\r (! ye>3 sev5 nie bas$ on d\# o3upancy &a m9imum ( six "picipants4 ,travel packages c al 2 organiz$ = 9dividuals & families 6a v>iety ( loc,ns4 ,= m 9=m,n1 3tact ,m9d's ,eye ,travel at 7#bjg7 #edb-ddch or ;e-mail _+sue@mindseyetravel.com_:4 ,,sm>t ,,cane ,,project ,kum> ,yelam>?i1 an 5g9e]+ professor at ,c5tral ,mi*igan ,univ]s;y1 & five ( 8 /ud5ts h cr1t$ a prototype ,sm>t ,cane4 ,us+ ,radio ,frequ5cy ,id5tific,n 7,,rfid71 ! cane's s5sor picks up signals emitt$ f ,,rfid tags plac$ on build+s & ob/acles4 ,a signal1 ei audio = ^? :o c he> #ec or tactual "? a vibrat+ glove = he>+- impair$ us]s1 9dicates navig,nal correc;ns 6assure a cle> pa?4 ,d[n ! l9e1 ,yelam>?i wants 6"w t[>d 9tegrat+ ! ,sm>t ,cane's data ) ,,gps4 ,,virtual ,,maps ,,6,,aid ,,ori5t,n ,dr4 ,orly ,lahav ( ,tel ,aviv ,univ]s;y's ,s*ool ( ,$uc,n & ,port] ,s*ool = ,5viron;tal ,/udies has 9v5t$ a new s(tw>e tool 6help ! bl navigate "? unfamili> places4 ,x is 3nect$ 6an exi/+ joy/ick1 a #c-;,d haptic device1 t 9t]faces )! us] "? ! s5se ( t\*4 ,p c feel t5.n 2n _! f+]tips z a physical s5s,n "? ! joy/ick z !y navigate >.d a virtual 5viron;t : !y _c see1 only feel3 ! joy/ick /i65s :5 ! us] meets a virtual wall or b>ri]4 ,! s(tw>e c al 2 programm$ 6emit s.ds--a cappu39o ma*9e fir+ up 9 a virtual caf@e1 or ph"os r++ :5 ! explor] walks 0a recep;n desk4 333333333333 ,,hi< ,,te* ,,swap ,,%op ,,= ,,sale3 ,sm>t,view #hjjj ,,cctv ) full color1 auto focus1 split scre5 -put] l9k & foot swit*4 ,magnific,n ranges f #c.e;x 6#ej;x )a #ag-9* monitor4 ,! cam]a has two us]-def9a# presets & easy 3trols4 ,ask+ 4#a1bjj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,danielle ,e>l via ;e-mail1 _+dearl@bism.org_:1 & 9 ! subject l9e1 type ,sm>t,view ,,cctv4 ,,= ,,sale3 #bj@9 ,magnasidly us$1 ) du/ cov]4 ,ask+ 4#bge4 ,3tact ,gama at 7#faf7 #iij-eaea1 or ;e-mail hm1 _+gamadurango@sbcglobal.net_:4 #ee ,,= ,,sale3 ,to%iba laptop ) #ae.d@9 scre51 #bej-;gig h>d drive1 #b gigs ,,ram1 ,w9d[s ,,xp1 ,,jaws #i & ,zoom,text #h.j4 ,ask+ 4#gjj4 ,fla% drive ,9t]net radio1 lets y li/5 6radio /,ns f >.d ! _w4 ,only "ws ) ,w9d[s ,,xp4 ,ask+ 4#de4 ,desktop -put] ) #ai-9* monitor1 #a ,,tb h>d drive1 #b gigs ,,ram1 ,w9d[s ,,xp1 ,,jaws & ,zoom,text1 ,,dvd burn]1 wi- fi r1dy4 ,ask+ 4#hjj4 ,call ,jose at 7#hah7 #bbj-fbef4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,br&-new #ac@9 black-&- :ite ,reliant ,,cctv4 ,ask+ 4#a1gjj 7negotia#74 ,call ,tim at 7#fbc7 #fib-fdgb4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,book ,port r1d] ) ,,usb ca#1 fla% c>d1 ;,,cd s(tw>e & 9/ruc;n manual4 ,ask+ 4#hj plus %ipp+4 ,3tact ,cyn?ia at 7#djh7 #fef-bajb or ;e-mail _+cirqitous650@yahoo.com_:4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,voice,note m,,p[] ,,qt runn+ ,key,s(t #h.j build #bj 9 v gd 3di;n4 ,9cludes ,ambicom wire.s c>d1 ;,,ac adapt]1 ,,usb ca#1 c>ry+ case ) %\ld] /rap & "o ,,sma a3.t4 ,ask+ 4#ejj1 : 9cludes %ipp+ 9 ! 3t95tal ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,w a3ept a ca%i]'s *eck or m"oy ord]4 ,3tact ,kei? ,bu*] at 7#cjd7 #chf-dhhi or ;e-mail hm1 _+kbucher@earth1.net_:4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,s5d]o ,,gps s(tw>e =! ,brl,note m,,p[]1 mo/ curr5t v].n1 fully func;nal4 ,ask+ 4#gej or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,gr9nell ,almy at 7#caj7 #hdi-ifid4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,romeo ,pro #ej brl pr9t]1 b>ely us$4 ,-es ) all ca#s & manual 9 brl4 ,ask+ 4#a1jjj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,norm ,burke-,yale at 7#haf7 #bed-ifgj4 ,,want$3 ,don,n ( ,p]k9s brlr4 ,3tact ,d]rick ,hayw>d1 #je;,a#fdhi1 ,p4,o4 ,box #cch1 ,napano*1 ,,ny #abdeh-jcch4 ,,want$3 ,gd refurbi%$ laptop ) #ac- 9* monitor1 sp1k]s1 ,alva #hj-cell brl 4play2 ,op5 ,book2 ,9t]net ,explor] & ,,jaws = ,w9d[s2 ,juliet brl pr9t] & box ( tractor-f$ brl pap]4 #eg ,3tact ,c>la ,lack at 7#ehj7 #bcg-hjcb room #af4 ,,want$3 ,%>p ,talk+ ,"t #a4 ,3tact ,rob]t ,fe9/e9 at 7#cdg7 #dhi-ecbd or ;e-mail _+harlynn@panix.com_:4 ,,want$3 ,nylon cassette & ;,,cd c>ry+ cases1 ei 0,case ,logic or "s"o else4 ,m/ take ;,,cd,'s ) cases4 ,no ;,,cd wallets4 ,3tact ,m>k & ,%annah ,kue6l] at 7#gja7 #dgh-fdac4 ,,want$3 ,brl dic;n>y4 ,3tact ,dwa9 at 7#ggc7 #eig-dbfc4 ,,want$3 ,us$ ,p[] ,brl #hj 9 gd 3di;n1 ) all p9s func;n+4 ,3tact ,&re at 7#hdg7 #cah-fdac4 ,,want$3 ,[asys #bb;,c cell ph"o4 ,3tact ,frank ,lapiano at 7#bab7 #fge-ghef4 333333333333 ,,acb ,,(fic]s ,,presid5t ,,mit* ,,pom]antz #aaae ,,cordova ,,/4 _?#djb ,,pasad5a1 ,,ca #iaajf ,,f/ ,,vice ,,presid5t ,,kim ,,*>lson #eg ,,gr&view ,,ave4 ,,wat]t[n1 ,,ma #jbdgb ,,second ,,vice ,,presid5t ,,br5da ,,dillon #cac ,,ov]ridge ,,cove ,,h]mitage1 ,,tn #cgjgf ,,secret>y ,,m>la9a ,,lieb]g #fcb ,s4 #ahi? ,,/4 ,,buri51 ,,wa #ihadh ,,tr1sur] ,,mike ,,god9o #ajd ,,tilrose ,,ave4 ,,malv]ne1 ,,ny #aaefe-bjbd ,,imm ,,pa/ ,,presid5t ,,*ri/oph] ,,gray #id ,,ramona ,,ave4 ,,san ,,francisco1 ,,ca #idajc ,,acb ,,bo>d ,,( #ei ,,directors ,ray ,campbell1 ,gl5 ,ellyn1 ,,il ,b]l ,colley1 ,lacey1 ,,wa ,m>%a ,f>r[1 ,summ]ville1 ,,ga ,mi*ael ,g>rett1 ,miss\ri ,c;y1 ,,tx ,billie ,j1n ,kei?1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,c>la ,rus*ival1 ,l\isville1 ,,ky ,patrick ,%eehan1 ,silv] ,spr+1 ,,md ,jeff ,?om1 ,sacra;to1 ,,ca ,david ,trott1 ,talladega1 ,,al ,cammie ,vloedman1 ,oklahoma ,c;y1 ,,ok ,ex ,(ficio3 ,m>cia ,dress]1 ,r1d+1 ,,ma ,,bo>d ,,( ,,public,ns ,paul ,$w>ds1 ,*airman1 ,miami1 ,,fl ,m>cia ,dress]1 ,r1d+1 ,,ma ,judy ,jackson1 ,san ,antonio1 ,,tx ,j59e ,/anley1 ,columbus1 ,,oh ,k5 ,/ew>t1 ,w>wick1 ,,ny ,ex ,(ficios3 ,mi*ael ,malv]1 ,m9n1polis1 ,,mn ,ron ,milliman1 ,b[l+ ,gre51 ,,ky ,mit* ,pom]antz1 ,presid5t ,melanie ,brunson1 ,executive ,director ,%>on ,lover+1 ,$itor ,n,nal ,(fice3 #bbjj ,wilson ,blvd4 ,suite #fej ,>l+ton1 ,,va #bbbja 7#bjb7 #dfg-ejha fax3 7#gjc7 #dfe-ejhe ,web site3 _+http://www.acb.org_: ,produc$ 9 brl by ,n,nal ,brl ,press1 ,9c4 #hh ,/4 ,/eph5 ,/reet1 ,bo/on1 ,,ma #jbaae 7#hjj7 #edh-gcbc _+www.nbp.org_: