,,! ,,brl ,,=um ,9 ,"o ,"p ,pages ;i-;ix & #a-ei ,,! ,,am]ican ,,c\ncil ,,( ,,! ,,bl ,,/rives ,,6,,9cr1se ,,! ,,9dep5d;e1 ,,secur;y1 ,,equal;y ,,( ,,opportun;y1 ,,& ,,6,,improve ,,qual;y ,,( ,,life ,,= ,,all ,,bl ,,& ,,visu,y ,,impair$ ,,p4 ,publi%$ by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,volume ,,xlviii ,janu>y #bjaj ,no4 #g ,copy"r #bjji ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,,special ,,symbols ;iii ,,us$ ,,9 ,,? ,,volume ^t ,tradem>k4 ,' 7#f1 #c7 ,t]m9,n sign4 _/ ,sla%4 @& ,amp]s&4 _? ,crosshat*4 ,-put] ,brl ,code _+ ,2g9 ,-put] ,brl ,code4 @ 7#d7 ,at sign4 . 7#d-f7 ,p]iod4 _: ,5d ,-put] ,brl ,code4 : ,colon4 / ,sla%4 - 7#c-f7 ,hyph54 _ 7#d-e-f7 ,%ift 9dicator4 __ 7#d-e-f1 #d-e-f7 ,"uscore4 _& ,3t9u,n 9dicator4 ? ,"q m>k4 = ,equals sign4 & ,amp]s&4 _> ,caps lock 9dicator4 _< ,caps rel1se 9dicator4 ,,special ,,symbols 73t47 ,numb]s 0 7#c-e-f7 #j4 1 7#b7 #a4 2 7#b-c7 #b4 3 7#b-e7 #c4 4 7#b-e-f7 #d4 5 7#b-f7 #e4 6 7#b-c-e7 #f4 7 7#b-c-e-f7 #g4 8 7#b-c-f7 #h4 9 7#c-e7 #i4 ,,! ,,brl ,,=um ^t is availa# 9 ;v brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half-spe$ f\r-track cassette tape1 & via ;e-mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 a4ress *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = public,n %d 2 s5t 6,%>on ,lover+ at ! a4ress on ! back cov]1 or via ;e-mail to _+slovering@acb.org_:4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ^t is a memb]%ip organiz,n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,6jo91 visit ! ,,acb web site & -plete an applic,n =m1 or 3tact ! n,nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ on ! back cov]4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax- deducti#1 c 2 s5t 6,mike ,god9o at ! mail+ a4ress on ! back cov]4 ,if y wi% 6rememb] a relative or fr1 ! n,nal (fice c make pr9t$ c>ds availa# = ? purpose4 ,6rememb] ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t1 y may 9clude a special p>agraph = t purpose4 ,if yr wi%es >e -plex1 3tact ! ,,acb n,nal (fice4 ,jo9 ! ,mon?ly ,m"ot>y ,support 7,,mms7 ,program & help improve tm td 9 ,,acb4 ,3tact ,ron ,milliman 0;e- mail1 _+rmilliman@insightbb.com_:1 or 0ph"o at 7#bgj7 #ghb-icbe & get />t$ mak+ tm look b"r] td6 ,6make a 3tribu;n 6,,acb via ! ,-b9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #aaaee4 ,=! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll- free at 7#hjj7 #dbd-hfff1 #e p4m4 6midnin$ ,9come ,tax ,cr$it1 ,a ,ll-,"kn ,b5efit = ,p ) ,4abilities1 0,melanie ,brunson & ,ri*>d ,keel+ """""""" #h ,,acb ,seeks ,te/+ ,a3ommod,ns ,horror ,/ories """""""""""""""" #ab #bjaj-bjaa ,s*ol>%ip ,applic,ns ,availa# ,n[ """"""""""""""""""" #ac ,&! ,s*ol>%ip ,w9n]s = #bjji-bjaj ,>e '''1 0,patty ,slaby """"""""""""""""""""""""" #ad ,gd ,w 6,all ,"? ,,acb ,radio61 0,de2ie ,hazelton """""""""""""" #ah ,on )! ,ironman ,que/1 or1 ,life z an ,advocate1 0,d\g ,p[ell """ #ba ,a6iliate ,news """""""""""""""""" #bd ,,acb ,memb]%ip ,focus3 ,reactivat+ & ,keep+ ,memb]s1 0,>dis ,bazyn """""""""""""""""" #bg ,,bflag,''s ,evolu;n ,l1ds 6,xs ,new ,"n1 0,don ,br[n """""""""" #cc ,bang+ ! ,drum ,l\dly1 0,pet] ,alts*ul """"""""""""""""""""""" #cf ,bl ,gr&"m ,goes ,backpack+ ) ,llamas 9 ! ,colorado ,rockies1 0,judy ,presley """""" #da ,visit 6! ,:ite ,h\se ) ,live ,audio ,descrip;n1 0,j1n ,%9] "" #de ,"h & ,"!1 $it$ 0,sue ,li*t5fels #dh ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op """"""""""""" #ed ,,=um ,,subscrip;n ,,notes ;ix ,y c n[ get 8,! ,brl ,=um0 0podca/6 ,6subscribe1 g to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 page on _+www.acb.org_:4 ,if y d n yet h a podca/ cli5t1 y c d[nload "o f ! ,=um page4 ,6subscribe to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 via ;e-mail1 s5d a blank ;e-mail message to _+brailleforum-_l-subscribe@acb.org_:4 333333333333 ,,>e ,,y ,,mov+8 ,,d ,,y ,,want ,,6,,*ange ,,yr ,,subscrip;n8 ,3tact ,%>on ,lover+ 9 ! ,,acb n,nal (fice1 #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 or via ;e- mail1 _+slovering@acb.org_:4 ,give h] ! 9=m,n1 & %e'll take c>e (! *anges = y4 ,,presid5t's ,,message3 ,,"s #a ,,p]sonal ,,reflec;ns ,,on ,,brl 0,mit* ,pom]antz ,p]h ? "picul> column %d h appe>$ "s"t dur+ #bjji1 ! #bjj? anniv]s>y (! bir? ( ,l\is ,brl4 ,!n ag1 n[ t ! pomp & circum/.e ( t hi/oric anniv]s>y has -e & g"o1 x may 2 use;l 6reflect a bit on ! code : has _h s* a prof.d e6ect on t5s ( ?\s&s ( bl p = s l;g4 ,actu,y1 giv5 ! l1d "t nec 6publi% 8,! ,brl ,=um10 ? piece is 2+ writt5 ! "d af ,?anksgiv+1 #bjji2 h;e1 ,i'm at l1/ do+ my reflect+ dur+ ! #bjj? ye> s9ce ! grt man's bir?4 ,i've be5 a brl r1d] s9ce my 9troduc;n 6x 9 k9d]g>t51 or possibly f/ grade4 ,z ,i may h m5;n$ previ\sly 9 ^! pages1 ,i att5d$ ele;t>y s*ool at "o ( only two ;,k-"?-#f d$icat$ "d- s*ool programs = bl *n 9 ! c.try dur+ ! #aiej;s4 ,9 ^? "ds1 e t1*]1 except =! lady t1*+ ! 8sin 6r1d brl1 ev5 if he or %e _h "s usa# vi.n1 z ,i did at ! "t4 ,? did n m1n1 h["e1 t ,i 0 an 5?usia/ic /ud5t4 ,i tol]at$ ^? lessons &! bor+ ll books we _h 6use4 ,! ,dick & ,jane r1d]s 7 n att5;n-hold]s = me or _m ( my classmates4 ,my "m1 ?ank;lly1 *ang$ all t :5 ,i 0 ab #g4 ,%e 0 3/antly try+ 65c\rage me 6r1d brl4 ,%e sign$ me up v e>ly =! ,n,nal ,libr>y ,s]vice4 ,! close/ regional libr>y 6\r home 0 h\s$ at ! ,brl ,9/itute 9 ,los ,angeles1 j a few miles away4 ,z ,i recall1 ! book %e ord]$--& : sat 9 xs 3ta9] = mon?s--was 8,ll ,h\se 9 ! ,big ,woods10 0,laura ,9galls ,wild]4 ,x 0 9 grade #a or possibly #a &a half & 0 s+le-spac$1 "s?+ : ,i 0 /ru7l+ 6ma/]4 ,! big volumes seem$ ov]:elm+ 6me4 ,i wd r1d a page or two1 !n put ! book aside =a week or s4 ,af 3sid]a# na7+1 ,i f9,y decid$ 6r1d a :ole *apt]1 or at l1/ m ?an a c\ple ( pages4 ,= :at"e r1son1 ! prov]bial liy grades1 ,i r1d pretty m* "ey?+ = boys 9 ! s*ool's m1g] libr>y4 ,:5 ,i 0 #ab1 my "m & ,i took a c> trip d[n ! ,ea/ ,coa/ & "o ( \r /ops 0 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 ,al;g )! "t sp5t 9 ! ,s5ate ,gall]y li/5+ 6! debate ov] "s l;g-=gott5 piece ( legisl,n1 ! o!r hiy ( ,3gress ": ,i got ! privilege ( go+ up & d[n s"eal (! aisles & r1d+ ! titles emboss$ on ! cov]s (! %elv$ books4 ,i cd h sp5t "ds1 ev5 weeks1 j look+ at "ey?+4 ,r1d+ g5],y1 & brl r1d+ specific,y1 has be5 a pas.n ( m9e = #ej-plus ye>s4 ,:ile ! bal.e has un=tunately %ift$ ov] ! decades f brl 6cassettes1 brl has be5 an 9tegral "p ( my "w+ life & leisure "t activities4 ,9 my ne>ly #cd ye>s 9 human res\rces & ,,ada -pli.e1 any report ( ev5 m9or signific.e 0 f/ draft$ 9 brl4 ,notes 6myf1 my p]sonal cal5d>1 mat]ial relat$ 6! ,am]icans ) ,4abilities ,act1 all 7 at my f+]tips ?anks 6brl4 ,yes1 once ! -put] 2came preval5t 9 \r (fice & ,i ne$$ 6$it ! "w produc$ 0my /aff1 ,i turn$ 9cr1s+ly 6spee* = t aspect ( my job4 ,n"o!.s1 ,i am liv+ te/imony 6! /ati/ic rel1s$ 0! ,am]ican ,f.d,n =! ,bl a numb] ( ye>s ago t #gj p]c5t ( all brl r1d]s ( "w+ age >e employ$4 ,un=tunately1 my leisure "t brl r1d+ is limit$ ^! "ds to 8,syndicat$ ,columni/ ,weekly10 t excell5t public,n produc$ 0,n,nal ,brl ,press1 & ,,ccb,''s magaz9e1 8,! ,bl ,cali=nian40 ,h["e1 j z :5 ,i 0 "w+1 "ey?+ p]ta9+ 6,,acb1 my p]sonal files & :at"e else ,i ne$ 6a3ess on a regul> basis is 9 brl2 9 ? case1 on ,v]sa,brl disk 7"!by uphold+ my previ\sly 4cuss$ reput,n z a d9osaur74 ,my "o 4appo9t;t s9ce retir+ has be5 my lack ( sp>e "t 9 ord] 6r1d an h"o/-to-gd;s novel 9 brl4 ,ah well1 "s"d ''' ,s1 aside f #bjji 2+ ,l\is ,brl's #bjj? bir?"d1 :at got me mus+ ab #e ! pres5t & future ( brl8 ,x probably 2gan a few mon?s ago :5 x 2came app>5t t "! 0 a gr[+ ?r1t 6! 3t9u$ exi/;e ( resid5tial s*ools =! bl acr ! c.try4 ,)! demise ( s"eal ( ^! facilities &! gr[+ %ortage ( qualifi$ t1*]s ) specializ$ ,,vi 7vi.n impair;t7 cr$5tials1 ,i 2gan wond]+ j :o is go+ 6t1* brl r1d+ & writ+ 6! next g5],n ( bl *n4 ,a4i;n,y1 ! two g5],ns ( bl *n foll[+ my [n 7 l>gely rais$ 62lieve t tape record]s 7in ! case (! f/ g5],n7 & -put]s & o!r audio te*nology 7in ! case (! second g5],n7 7 p]fectly appropriate sub/itutes :5 x came 6r1d+ & writ+4 ,s* mus+s 7 cry/alliz$ 96! basis = ? column a week ago 7z ? is 2+ writt57 :ile att5d+ ! semiannual meet+ (! ,n,nal ,c\ncil ( ,/ate ,ag5cies =! ,bl 7,,ncsab7 9 ,phoenix4 ,i li/5$ 6a pres5t,n on te*nology1 "picul>ly te*nology : all[s u 6r1d alm any?+3 pr9t m5us1 /reet signs1 pr9t meet+ ag5das1 & yes1 curr5cy4 ,x isn't especi,y important 6m5;n :o ! sp1k]s w]e4 ,:at /ruck me z ,i li/5$ 0 ! ?"\ t if bl *n >e pres5t$ ) s* te*nology at an e>ly age1 :at 9t]e/ or 9c5tive w !y h 9 le>n+ 6id5tify ^? funny ll dots & figure \ ea* 9dividual lr or sign 9 ! brl cell8 ,if bl *n c le>n 6use cool1 h&-held gadgetry1 or nifty laptop -put]s 9 s*ool & else":1 :y %d !y 2come famili> ) brl at all8 ,&1 if "! 3t9ues 6be a %ortage ( qualifi$ brl t1*]s1 :o w 2 availa# 6ev5 attempt 6motivate !m 9 ! f/ place8 ,x is my p]sonal & /r;gly held 2lief t assum+ "s"o is una# 6-=tably r1d pr9t = any l5g? ( "t1 un.s !y c r1d & write brl su6ici5tly well 6"u/& a note f "s"o else1 s* 9dividuals >e illit]ate1 9 ! /ricte/ s5se (! ^w4 ,:at"e "o's prim>y writt5 & spok5 language is--,5gli%1 ,spani%1 ,tagalog1 :at"e--if a bl p]son c sp1k1 b n r1d or write t language1 t's illit]acy1 purely & simply4 ,sorry1 utiliz+ spell- &_/or gramm>-*eck #g = "o's writt5 -munic,ns doesn't c.t or sub/itute = "k+ h[ a ^w is spell$ or a s5t;e is 3/ruct$4 ,obvi\sly1 x 2comes f> m di6icult 6le>n brl if "s"o loses _! siy m$ium = r1d+1 or simply 6jot d[n teleph"o numb]s or %opp+ li/s1 h a trem5d\s responsibil;y 6be /r;g advocates =! t1*+ & le>n+ ( brl4 ,)9 ,,acb1 we %d 2 5c\rag+ m ( \r /ud5ts 62come t1*]s ( bl *n4 ,\tside (! organiz,n1 we m/ *all5ge any & all ef=ts at clos+ ! few rema9+ ,,vi t1*] prep>,n programs4 ,we ne$ 62g9 td 6take ! /eps nec 65sure t su3e$+ g5],ns ( bl p w celebrate & honor ,l\is ,brl's #bej? & #cjj? bir?"ds1 j z we h d"o 8 #bjj? ? pa/ ye>4 333333333333 ,,! ,,e>n$ ,,9come ,,tax ,,cr$it1 ,a ,,ll-"kn ,,b5efit ,,= ,,p ,,) ,,4abilities 0,melanie ,brunson & ,ri*>d ,keel+ ,0! "t y r1d ?1 we w h obs]v$ ! 5d ( ano!r ye>1 & u%]$ 9 a new "o4 ,h["e1 = _m ( u1 ! old ye> doesn't actu,y get put 2h u until we h made \r ll 3tribu;ns 6! ,,irs4 ,s9ce ! -ple;n ( tax returns w 2 on ! m9ds ( _m ,=um r1d]s soon1 if x isn't alr1 ,i ?"\ x "tly 6%>e "s 9=m,n ) y ab a ll-"kn opportun;y t _m ( y may 2 a# 6take advantage (4 ,i rcvd ? 9=m,n f a gd fr ( ,,acb,''s1 ,ri*>d ,keel+ (! ,,irs ,(fice on ,/akehold] ,"pn]%ips1 ,$uc,n1 & ,-munic,n 7,,spec74 ,s9ce ! 9=m,n is "tly1 ,i w 9clude 8 >ticle "h z ! rema9d] ( my column ? mon?4 ,pl1se r1d on1 & if y h any "qs1 3tact me or ! 3tacts li/$ 2l4 ,_m ,am]icans ) 4abilities may n 2 aw>e (! valua# f$]al ,e>n$ ,9come ,tax ,cr$it 7,,eitc7 t c help lift !m \ ( pov]ty4 ,approximately #bj p]c5t #i ( ,am]icans live ) "s level ( 4abil;y1 & _m ( ^! p h f/-h& exp]i;e ) f9ancial h>d%ips4 ,9 fact1 m ?an "o-?ird ( all adults ) 4abilities live 9 h\seholds )a total 9come ( 4#ae1jjj or less ac 6a ,n,nal ,organiz,n on ,4abil;y_/,h>ris ,poll4 ,9 a4i;n1 #hc p]c5t ( p ) 4abilities sd !y _h n"e claim$ an 9come tax cr$it or deduc;n relat$ 6_! employ;t or 4abil;y4 ,5act$ 9 #aige1 ! ,,eitc is a cr$it = p :o "w1 b d n e>n hi< 9comes4 ,x has lift$ millions ( 9dividuals & families abv ! pov]ty l9e = ye>s4 ,9 #bjjh al"o1 approximately #bd million taxpay]s rcvd m ?an 4#dh billion z a result (! ,,eitc4 ,! ,,irs e/imates t #ae 6#be p]c5t ( ,am]ican taxpay]s :o qualify =! cr$it d n claim x4 ,_m p may 2 unaw>e (! ,,eitc or may n claim x simply 2c !y don't "k h[ 6d s4 ,x is critical = p ) 4abilities 6"u/& h[ claim+ tax cr$its may a6ect o!r public b5efits !y dep5d on4 ,?us1 \tr1* 6provide "w]s ) 4abilities & "w+ families rais+ *n ) 4abilities cle> & a3urate 9=m,n ab ! availabil;y (! cr$its & h[ 6claim !m is extremely important4 ,6help -bat ? crisis1 ,,irs "pn]$ )! ,n,nal ,4abil;y ,9/itute 6cr1te ! ,r1l ,economic ,impact ,t\r or ,,rei ,t\r4 ,? campaign = p ) 4abilities is a n,nal 9itiative deliv]+ f9ancial $uc,n1 free tax prep>,n & asset-build+ s]vices 6l[-9come p ) 4abilities 9 m ?an #ajj ,u4,s4 cities4 ,! ,,rei ,t\r is ! public & private "pn]%ip utiliz$ 6jo9 organiz,ns tgr >.d ! mis.n ( build+ a bett] economic future = p ) 4abilities & _! families4 ,volunte] ,9come ,tax ,assi/.e or ,,vita sites >e an 9tegral "p (! free tax prep>,n coali;ns 2+ =m$ td4 ,-mun;y "pn]s recruit & tra9 volunte]s :o !n prep>e tax returns free = p :o _c d _! [n returns & _c af=d a pd prep>]4 ,"pn]s ho/ ,,vita sites 9 loc,ns t >e easily a3essi# 6& tru/$ 0! -mun;y1 ?us attract+ an audi;e ( #aa taxpay]s--_m ( :om >e eligi# = ,,eitc --0(f]+ free tax prep>,n4 ,la/ ye> volunte]s prep>$ #c.e million tax returns = l[- 6mod]ate-9come e>n]s 7^? mak+ less ?an 4#dh1jjj71 br++ back 4#c billion 9 refunds z well z sav+ approximately 4#a billion 9 tax prep>,n fees & refund anticip,n loans4 ,6f9d a ,,vita site ne> y1 call ! ,,vita ,hotl9e at #a-hjj-ijf-ihhg4 ,= g5]al tax 9=m,n1 visit _+www.irs.gov_: or call #a-hjj-hbi-ajdj4 ,= m 9=m,n on ,,eitc1 pl1se visit ! 8,,eitc ,c5tral0 web site at _+www.eitc.irs.gov_:4 ,? site (f]s up- to-date ,,eitc data4 ,"! is al a 8,"pn] ,toolkit0 & "! y w f9d an >ray ( g5]al & specializ$ m>ket+ tools1 9clud+ templates1 /ati/ics1 fact %eets1 h[-to tips1 specializ$ products & l9ks 6o!r help;l res\rces4 ,6f9d \ m ab ! ,,rei ,t\r1 visit _+www.reitour.org_:4 333333333333 ,,acb ,,seeks ,,te/+ ,,a3ommod,ns ,,horror ,,/ories ,:ile ,hall[e5 has -e & g"o1 te/+ a3ommod,ns 3c]n+ ! ,,gmat1 ,,gre1 ,,lsat1 & o!rs h haunt$ & 3t9ue 6horrify bl or visu,y impair$ /ud5ts acr ! c.try4 ,,acb has anecdotal evid;e t ! adm9i/r,n ( ^! & o!r admis.ns te/s 0organiz,ns l ,pe>son ,$uc,n h be5 -pletely 9adequate = _m ye>s4 ,we >e seek+ 3crete 9=m,n f memb]s :o feel t !y exp]i;ed 4crim9,n 2f & dur+ ! /&>diz$ te/+ process ov] ! pa/ two ye>s4 ,pl1se answ] ! "qs 2l1 provid+ z m* detail z possi#4 ,? 9=m,n w all[ ,,acb 6approa* te/+ 5tities1 ,3gress1 &! f$]al gov]n;t 6hi5a4 ,:5 f9i%$1 ;e-mail yr responses to _+ebridges@acb.org_:4 ,z alw1 pl1se let me "k if y h any "qs or 3c]ns4 ,"n ( p]son3 ---- ,3tact 9=m,n3 ---- ,"n ( te/ tak53 ---- #ac ,date ( te/3 ---- ,"n (! "py_/organiz,n t 4crim9at$3 ---- ,if possi#1 ! "n7s7 ( 9dividual7s7 3tact$ f ! "py_/organiz,n3 ---- ,place ( 4crim9,n locat$ at3 ---- ,descrip;n ( 4crim9,n3 ---- ,if applica#1 pl1se describe propos$ resolu;n 0! (f5d+ "py_/organiz,n3 ---- ,curr5t /atus ( yr situ,n3 ---- ,describe h[ yr exp]i;e impact$ yr abil;y 6ga9 a3ept.e 6s*ool3 ---- --,]ic ,bridges 333333333333 #bjaj-bjaa ,,s*ol>%ip ,,applic,ns ,,availa# ,,n[6 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl annu,y aw>ds approximately #bj s*ol>%ips rang+ 9 am.ts f 4#a1jjj 64#b1ejj 6college /ud5ts 7"ugraduate1 graduate & voc,nal7 :o >e leg,y bl1 ma9ta9 a #c.c ,,gpa & >e 9volv$ 9 _! s*ool &_/or local -mun;y4 ,applic,ns may 2 submitt$ 2g9n+ ,jan4 #a1 & all mat]ials m/ 2 rcvd 0#aa3ei p4m4 ,ea/]n "t on ,m>* #a4 ,s*ol>%ip monies w 2 aw>d$ =! upcom+ academic ye>4 ,6r1d ! s*ol>%ip guidel9es & -plete an on-l9e applic,n1 visit _+www.acb.org_:4 ,= m 9=m,n1 pl1se 3tact ! ,,acb n,nal (fice at 7#bjb7 #dfg-ejha or #a-hjj-dbd-hfff4 333333333333 ,,& ,,! ,,s*ol>%ip ,,w9n]s ,,= #bjji-bjaj ,,>e ''' 0,patty ,slaby ,! foll[+ w9n]s rcvd s*ol>%ips =! #bjji-bjaj s*ool ye>4 ,"! >e five w9n]s (! ,floyd ,qualls ,memorial ,s*ol>%ip3 ,s>a ,3rad is an 5t]+ fre%man at ,calv9 ,college 9 ,gr& ,rapids1 ,mi*4 ,%e is pursu+ a degree 9 o3up,nal !rapy4 ,alex&ra ,kraut is an 5t]+ fre%man at ,ke5e ,/ate ,college 9 ,ke5e1 ,n4,h4 ,%e is major+ 9 music $uc,n4 ,daniel ,gu5!r is ! "ugraduate #ae w9n] att5d+ ,b]kley ,college ( ,music 9 ,bo/on1 ,mass4 ,he is obta9+ a ba*elor's degree 9 music produc;n & 5g9e]+4 ,mir&a ,hitzemann is a graduate /ud5t att5d+ ! ,univ]s;y ( ,p5nsylvania4 ,%e is "w+ on a ma/]'s degree 9 urban spatial analytics4 ,samuel ,muwanguzi is "w+ on 8 ,ph4,d4 9 9=m,n sci;es at ! ,univ]s;y ( ,nor? ,texas 9 ,d5ton1 ,tex4 ,! ,dr4 ,mae ,david[ ,memorial ,s*ol>%ip 0 aw>d$ 6,rebekah ,balm]4 ,%e is a junior at ,we/ ,*e/] ,univ]s;y ( ,p5nsylvania & is major+ 9 wom5's /udies4 ,! ,william ,g4 ,corey ,s*ol>%ip 0 aw>d$ 6,dawn ,lloyd4 ,%e is a s5ior at ,r1d+ ,hospital ,s*ool ( ,h1l? e>n+ a degree 9 nurs+4 ,! ,,nib_/,grant ,m4 ,mack ,s*ol>%ip has be5 won 0,laura ,palm>o4 ,%e is att5d+ ,georget[n ,univ]s;y 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 ": %e is major+ 9 m>ket+ & 9t]n,nal busi;s4 ,lisa ,drzewucki won ! ,>nold ,sadl] ,memorial ,s*ol>%ip4 ,%e is a graduate /ud5t "w+ t[>d a ma/]'s degree 9 social "w4 ,! ,kellie ,cannon ,s*ol>%ip w5t 6,casey ,burkh>dt2 he is a junior at ,villanova ,univ]s;y1 : is 9 ,villanova1 ,pa4 ,ju/9 ,hodge won ! ,dr4 ,s4 ,bradley ,burson ,sci;e ,s*ol>%ip4 ,ju/9 is att5d+ ! ,univ]s;y ( ,evansville 9 ,evansville1 ,9d4 ,8 major is me*anical 5g9e]+4 ,! ,john ,hebn] ,memorial ,s*ol>%ip 0 aw>d$ 6,*ri/9a ,tran4 ,%e is "w+ full-"t :ile att5d+ ! ,*icago ,s*ool ( ,profes.nal ,psy*ology4 ,h] major is 9du/rial & organiz,nal psy*ology4 ,ka!r9e ,moss won ! ,bay ,/ate ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,s*ol>%ip4 ,j5ny ,em]y e>n$ ! ,eunice ,fiorito ,memorial ,s*ol>%ip4 ,%e is 9 h] second ye> ( graduate s*ool e>n+ a ma/]'s 9 profes.nal c\nsel+4 ,%e is att5d+ ,olivet ,naz>5e ,univ]s;y #ag 9 ,b\rbonnais1 ,ill4 ,! ,ri*>d ,b5net ,memorial ,s*ol>%ip 0 aw>d$ 6,nicole ,pet]s4 ,%e is a graduate /ud5t at ,/4 ,mi*ael's ,college 9 ,col*e/]1 ,vt4 ,! ,dr4 ,duane ,buckley ,s*ol>%ip 0 pres5t$ 6,ju/9 ,salisbury4 ,he is major+ 9 ma!matics $uc,n & psy*ology at ,ea/ ,c>ol9a ,univ]s;y 9 ,gre5ville1 ,n4,c4 ,patricia ,kepl] is a s5ior at ,w>n] ,pacific ,college 9 ,portl&1 ,ore4 ,%e won ! ,oregon ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,s*ol>%ip4 ,%e is "w+ on a ba*elor's degree 9 busi;s4 ,! la/ w9n] = ? ye> is ,b>ry ,hyde4 ,he rcvd ! ,james ,r4 ,ols5 ,memorial ,s*ol>%ip & he is "w+ on 8 ,ph4,d4 9 aeronautical safety )a specializ,n 9 busi;s adm9i/r,n4 ,he is at ! ,nor? ,c5tral ,valley ,univ]s;y4 ,! w9n]s :o att5d$ ! 3v5;n 7 pl1s$ 6take "p 9 _m (! ev5ts1 activities1 & programs4 ,_m ?anks 6my h>d-"w+ -mittee6 333333333333 ,,gd ,,w ,,6,,all ,,"? ,,acb ,,radio6 0,de2ie ,hazelton1 ,,acb ,radio ,public ,rel,ns ,9 ! _s ( ,,acb ,radio's #aj? bir?"d celebr,n1 we want 6ext5d ?anks 6\r "picipat+ v5dors &a gift 6\r a6iliates6 ,:at a celebr,n x was6 ,born on ,decemb] #a at #j3jj ,,utc4 ,we decid$ 62g9 air+ ,,acb ,radio's mo/ memora# replays f t date "?\t ! mon?1 & 62g9 ! actual celebr,n ! la/ week (! mon?1 6culm9ate on ,new ,ye>'s ,"d6 ,9 true bir?"d /yle1 pl5ty ( gifts ( appreci,n 7 giv54 ,special ?anks 6! foll[+ v5dors = _! g5]\s gifts3 ,s]otek ,corpor,n--a lic5se 6,sy/em ,a3ess1 &a ye> ( a3ess 6! ,,sam net"w1 _+www.serotek.com_: ,,gw ,micro--a ,book,s5se &a copy ( ,w9d[-,eyes or an ,,sma1 _+www.gwmicro.com_: #ai ,9dep5d5t ,liv+ ,aids1 ?anks 6,ma9/r1m broadca/] ,/eph5 ,gu]ra--a clock radio1 _+www.independentliving.com_: ,lynn ,coop]--"o -plete & two m9i image 3sult+ ses.ns1 _+www.lynncooper.us_: ,all ,9 ,play--"o #a-ye>1 two #c-mon? & ?ree #a-mon? memb]%ips1 _+www.allinplay.com_: ,bl ,adr5al9e--two #a-ye> & two #f- mon? memb]%ips1 _+www.blindadrenaline.com_: ,de2ie ,hazelton--two >oma!rapy gift box product assort;ts1 _+www.debbiehazelton.com_: ,bl ,mice ,m>t--an assort;t ( ,*ri/mas orna;ts & tr9kets1 _+www.blindmicemart.com_: ,fancy ,pants ,bak]y did a b1uti;l job ( bak+ xs cookies & fro/+ !m ) 8,,acb ,,radio0 9 brl4 ,!y 7 giv5 6broadca/]s & o!rs z appreci,n ( support & 9volve;t4 ,visit _+www.fancypantsbakery.com_:4 ,all ,9 ,play has a gd-w (f]+ = any a6iliate wi%+ 6take advantage (! opportun;y4 ,add _! l9k1 _+www.allinplay.com/play__for__free._& php?referrer=81119728&reftype=_>url_:1 6yr a6iliate web site1 & any memb]%ip t -es "? ? l9k w result 9 an extra 4#e = yr a6iliate4 ,?ank y ,all ,9 ,play6 ,?anks 6an anonym\s donor1 we n[ >e memb]s (! ,9t]n,nal ,associ,n ( ,audio ,9=m,n ,s]vices4 ,? memb]%ip w 5a# ,,acb ,radio 6m easily net"w )a v>iety ( 3t5t provid]s & o!r broadca/]s4 ,dur+ #bjaj1 y c expect m* new 3t5t & programm+ 6-e 6,,acb ,radio1 z well z opportunities = "s ( \r 3t5t 6be he>d on radio r1d+ s]vices4 ,? m1ns t ,,acb ,radio w 2 ga9+ m* m exposure :ile we /r5g!n \r li/5] base1 a4+ new programm+ 6\r s*$ule4 ,we 5c\rage & anticipate m /r1m+ ( a6iliates1 new %[s & new broadca/]s f )9 \r -mun;y4 ,li/5 = m >ti/s & music 6be a4$ 6! ,caf@e /r1m4 ,& wat* & li/5 =a makeov] 6! ,tr1sure ,trove /r1m1 z old-"t radio gr[s ) 3t5t & #ba promos soon 6be manag$ f in-h\se6 ,we appreciate ! gd "w+ rel,n%ips we h ) all 3tributors4 ,!y /epp$ up 6give z gd-w t1m play]s4 ,n[ 9 xs second decade1 we >e pr\d1 & anticipate _m projects & "pn]%ips ) an >ray ( tal5t & cr1tiv;y z ,,acb ,radio 3t9ues 6gr[ z yr /,n1 yr m\?piece ( ,,acb1 & 8! voice (! bl -mun;y60 333333333333 ,,on ,,) ,,! ,,ironman ,,que/1 ,,or1 ,,life ,,z ,,an ,,advocate 0,d\g ,p[ell ,s9ce ,i wrote my ,octob] >ticle1 m* has happ5$ & ,i want$ 6br+ y up 6date on my 8,l;g ,haul0 ,ironman que/4 ,9 ,septemb]1 ,i w5t \ 6,madison1 ,wis4 6*eck \ ! c\rse & 6sign up =! #bjaj ,ironman ,wiscons9 ,tria?lon 7,i *ose ? "o 2c my t1m _h decid$ 6h x 2 xs (ficial ,ironman focus =! ye>74 ,s ,i'm -mitt$6 ,on ,oct4 #d1 ,i did my second half- ,ironman 4t.e tria?lon ( ? s1son4 ,! ,bassman ,tria?lon 0 9 ,new ,j]sey4 ,i _h be5 "w+ h>d1 & hop$ 6take a lot ( "t (f my previ\s result f ! ,june race4 ,i did take #ab m9utes (f--n z m* z ,i 0 hop+1 b def9itely 9 ! "r direc;n4 ,"h's ! advocacy "p3 ,z ,i usu,y d1 a c\ple ( weeks prior 6! race1 ,i wrote 6! race director tell+ hm ,i 0 -+1 :o my guide was1 & t ,i 0 br++ a t&em bike t wdn't fit 9 ! regul> bike racks4 ,i f9d t x makes ?+s easi] if ,i give race (ficials "t 6?9k ab h[ !y ne$ 6support me & _! adm9i/rative processes & ,i don't j %[ up & surprise !m4 ,"h's ! rub3 ,"r n[1 ! ,,usa ,tria?lon organiz,n1 ! gov]n+ body =! sport1 has -petitive rules 9clud+ rules = physic,y *all5g$ a?letes4 ,! rules curr5tly /ate t a visu,y impair$ a?lete h "o guide = all ?ree ev5ts1 & t t guide 2 (! same sex z ! "picipant4 ,i 0 aw>e ( ^! rules1 & _h ask$ t !y 2 waiv$ 9 previ\s ev5ts4 ,! race #bc (ficials 7 happy 6d s1 s ,i 0 exclud$ f ! age gr\p -peti;n & won ! ,*all5g$ ,a?lete category s9ce ,i 0 ! only "o-- = : "! 0 no aw>d or recogni;n4 ,on "o h&1 ,i'm j happy 6be a# 6d ! ev5t4 ,on ! o!r1 x feels l ! rules make x alm impossi# = u 6-pete on any": ne> a level play+ field ) \r sie "w+ on advocat+ = rules t help p -pete--n /& 9 _! way4 ,if y "k visu,y impair$ a?letes :o h run 96^! issues1 pl1se h !m get 9 3tact ) me at _+oldjock1@cox.net_:4 ,s9ce two (! p :o h alr sd !y wd guide me at ,wiscons9 >e wom51 x wd 2 grt 6f9d "s bett] resolu;n 6! rules issue n[1 2c x isn't go+ 6g away any"t soon4 ,"s"ts ,i'd l 6d "s?+ t doesn't require advocacy4 ,oh well1 s* is life4 ,s1 dur+ ? w9t]1 ,i'll 2 "w+ on t z well z 3t9u+ my tra9+ =! #bjaj s1son4 ,i've alr sign$ up =a m>a?on run 9 ,m>* 6keep me on my toes 7sli =! re/ (! spr+ & summ]4 ,&1 if y've =gott51 ,i'm rem9d+ y ag t ,i'd love = y 6sign up =! ,mon?ly ,m"ot>y ,support program t supports ,,acb,''s & xs a6iliates' abil;y 6develop _! programs & s]vices = y 9 ! -+ ye> 0giv+ !m a mon?ly f9ancial base !y c c.t on4 ,! avalan*e ( new 5roll;ts hasn't hit yet1 b ,i "k y're \ "!1 & if y =got 9 ,octob]1 x's n too late 6get 8in x =! l;g haul0 ) me4 ,5roll;t 9=m,n is ne> ! 2g9n+ ( ? ,=um1 s pl1se 5roll n[ s y don't =get6 ,?ank y = yr support ( me & ,,acb4 333333333333 ,,a6iliate ,,news ,cruise ) ,guide ,dog ,us]s ( ,florida6 ,guide ,dog ,us]s ( ,florida & ,cruis+ ,can9es 9vite y 6-e cruis+ ,sept4 #aj-ac1 #bjaj4 ,we'll 2 sail+ on ,royal ,c>i21n's ,maje/y (! #be ,s1s1 de"p+ f ,miami & visit+ ,coco ,cay & ,nassau 9 ! ,bahamas4 ,9side cab9s />t+ at 4#bgf.ej p] p]son2 \tside cab9s />t+ at 4#cjf.ej p] p]son4 ,rates >e bas$ on d\# o3upancy & 9clude cruise f>e1 tax1 gov]n;t fees & port *>ges4 ,valid passports >e requir$ 0all humans4 ,guide dogs w require a ,bahamian p]mit & 9t]n,nal docu;t,n /at+ t ! dog is 41se- & p>asite-free1 : is 6be c]tifi$ 0a lic5s$ vet]9>ian j prior 6de"pure4 ,travel]s >e responsi# = obta9+ ^! docu;ts at _! [n exp5se4 ,6res]ve yr cab91 a 4#bjj deposit is requir$4 ,f9al pay;t is due 0,june #cj1 #bjaj4 ,trip c.ell,n 9sur.e is availa# at an a4i;nal fee4 ,? activ;y is a fund- rais+ opportun;y = ,,gduf "? ,\tta ,si1s = 4#ge p] p]son4 ,transf]s f ,miami or ,=t ,laud]dale airports >e availa# "? ! cruise l9e4 ,= m 9=m,n1 3tact ,g>y at 7#ggb7 #cdb-hbdf or _+gmtravel@bellsouth.net_:1 or ,jackie at 7#ggb7 #dah-gicg or _+jacqueli0909@hotmail.com_:4 ,,acb ,diabetics ,9 ,ac;n ,we hope y all _h happy holi"ds6 ,x is n[ "t 6get back 6"w on ? ye>'s activities 9 ,,acb-da4 ,\r new presid5t1 ,%irley ,rob]ts1 &! bo>d ( directors ( ,,acb-da h alr />t$ prep>+ =! 9=mative programs & fun ev5ts t w 2 held 9 ,phoenix ? summ]4 ,,acb-da is a special-9t]e/ gr\p design$ 6br+ tgr folks :o h diabetes or h an 9t]e/ 9 ? 41se4 ,,acb-da holds a mon?ly 3f];e call1 & y're 9vit$ 6"picipate4 ,topics v>y f mon? 6mon?4 ,x is norm,y on ! f/ ,?urs"d (! mon? at #i p4m4 ,ea/]n4 ,! numb] is 7#bah7 #hdd-cchh &! code is ,diabetic1 #cdbbchdb4 ,dues >e 4#aj a ye>4 ,y c mail yr *eck or m"oy ord] 6\r tr1sur]1 ,alice ,rit*h>t1 at ,,acb-da1 c_/o ,alice ,rit*h>t1 #aci ,alatama ,3nector1 ,suite #ahh1 #bg ,brunswick1 ,,ga #caeae4 ,,acb-da has an ;e-mail li/ y c jo91 a qu>t]ly newslr &a web site4 ,= m 9=m,n1 call ,%irley ,rob]ts at 7#icg7 #hih-aihi4 333333333333 ,,acb ,,memb]%ip ,,focus3 ,,reactivat+ ,,& ,,keep+ ,,memb]s 0,>dis ,bazyn ,\r la/ focus call 0 on a topic t is ( 9t]e/ 6*apt]s 9 all a6iliates3 8,h[ c we reactivate pa/ memb]s & ,8w[0' \r curr5t memb]s 6reta9 !m80 ,we f/ 4cuss$ h[ 6reactivate pa/ memb]s4 ,"picipants on ! call su7e/$ t ! be/ way 6reactivate pa/ memb]s is 6make p]sonal 3tact ) memb]s :o hav5't be5 att5d+ meet+s rec5tly4 ,ask !m :y !y hav5't be5 att5d+4 ,p]h !y've be5 extremely busy & didn't ?9k ! meet+s 7 a4ress+ _! ne$s4 ,y cd !n f9d \ :at wd 5tice !m 96-+ back ag4 ,ano!r r1son su7e/$ 0 a lack ( cam>ad]ie 2t memb]s4 ,z y >e build+ *apt]s1 y %d 2 build+ fr%ips4 ,if memb]s 3t9ue 6talk only ) _! close/ frs1 o!rs may feel l no "o c>es if !y keep att5d+4 ,a mon?ly greet] may help ea* "picipant feel welcome4 ,y may f9d t transport,n is a b>ri]4 ,s"eal p su7e/$ talk+ ab ? di6iculty & (f]+ possi# op;ns4 ,memb]s cd 3tact local s]vice clubs1 su7e/ apply+ = p>atransit1 f9d \ ! close/ bus l9es1 or >range 6use ,skype or a sp1k] ph"o4 ,if yr meet+ is 9 a re/aurant1 y'd ne$ 6use a cell ph"o ) sp1k] capabil;y4 ,-municat+ regul>ly ) memb]s may help keep !m 9 ! loop4 ,_m "picipants on ! call sd _! *apt]s _h ph"o trees : r\t9ely call$ memb]s 6rem9d !m ( *apt] meet+s & social ev5ts4 ,!y wd al call if important legisl,n ne$$ 6be act$ on immly4 ,o!r *apt]s & a6iliates _h ;e- mail li/s = memb]s 6keep 9 t\*2 o!rs _h ann\nce-only ;e-mail li/s ": an (fic] s5t \ notices ( relevant 9=m,n = memb]s4 ,:5 ! 4cus.n turn$ to 8w[+0 #bi curr5t memb]s1 "! 7 lots ( su7es;ns4 ,ask memb]s :at !y want ! *apt] or a6iliate 6d4 ,= example1 f9d \ :at programs wd 2 ( 9t]e/ = memb]s4 ,"s sd _! memb]s lik$ giv+ id1s = *apt] sp1k]s1 ev5ts1 & extra activities4 ,id1s 9clud$ hav+ audio-describ$ movie nis1 or visit+ museums & o!r local attrac;ns4 ,9 ? way1 o!rs see memb]s 9tegrat+ 96! -mun;y4 ,"o *apt] negotiat$ = significant 4c.ts 9 b[l+ & !at] tickets4 ,o!r su7es;ns 9clud$ hold+ a book club once a mon?1 supp] club get-tgr 9 o!r "ps ( t[n1 sports \t+s1 retr1ts or summ] camps1 &a picnic ea* ye>4 ,"s su7e/$ 9volv+ m memb]s 9 -mittees or 9 m5tor+ new] memb]s4 ,ano!r "picipant m5;n$ look+ at fun ?+s 9 o!r >1s4 ,trips cd 2 fund-rais]s or j social ev5ts4 ,buses & vans cd drive memb]s & frs 6new places l cas9os1 ski resorts1 or boat rides or cruises4 ,*>t] buses cd 2 >rang$2 y'd ne$ 6make res]v,ns 9 adv.e & get "picipants' pay;ts ah1d ( "t too4 ,adv]tise;ts & news rel1ses cd 2 us$ 6get m "picipants4 ,o!r ev5ts t mis1 "w%ops on special issues l employ;t or te*nology1 a "w%op = p>5ts ( bl *n1 & /ud5t_/p>5t =ums ) gue/ sp1k]s4 ,activities t mids1 c.ty transport,n advisory bo>ds1 & advisory bo>ds relat+ 6a3essibil;y1 vot+1 or em]g5cy prep>$;s4 ,\tr1* ) profes.nal gr\ps is ano!r way 6get "kn4 ,! 4cus.n al focus$ on gett+ new memb]s 6att5d4 ,"o su7es;n 0 63tact colleges & 4a#d /ud5t s]vices (fices & (f] \r *apt]s z res\rces = #ca /ud5ts ) visual impair;ts4 ,if yr *apt] meets 9 a re/aurant1 y cd (f] 6pay =! f/ m1l4 ,y cd al (f] free "o- ye> memb]%ip 6/ud5ts4 ,x 0 su7e/$ t *apt]s 3duct a memb]%ip project 9volv+ ! :ole *apt]1 )a prize giv5 6! memb] :o br"\ ! mo/ visitors4 ,y cd 9volve o!r *apt]s 9 yr /ate or special-9t]e/ a6iliate 0hav+ a 3te/ 2t *apt]s4 ,"s *apt]s h a pro#m ) memb]s l1v+ e>ly4 ,y cd (f] 9c5tives 6^? :o /ay =! :ole meet+1 p]h a ra6le (a free ,*ri/mas d9n] or o!r m"ot>y gift at ! 5d (! ye>4 ,we al 4cuss$ public;y z a m1ns = f9d+ new memb]s4 ,mo/ felt t *apt]s & a6iliates %d h a gd web site ) *apt] 9=m,n1 9clud+ 3tact 9=m,n1 = ^? look+ = pe] support1 res\rces1 & o!r relevant 9=m,n4 ,! site %d al h l9ks 6local sites ( 9t]e/ 6p ) visual impair;ts4 ,if y ne$ help build+ yr web site1 try 3tact+ local colleges & ask ab /ud5ts tak+ c\rses 9 web site design4 ,= gd photos ( yr (fic]s1 3v5;n1 etc41 try 3tact+ >t s*ools1 or ! photography de"p;t ( local colleges or univ]sities4 ,!y cd h a byl9e on yr web site 78photos by '''074 ,y c al %[ l9ks 6local ,,tv or radio news web sites4 ,profiles ( memb]s cd 2 hiticles on issues ( 9t]e/1 s* z guide dog issues4 ,o!r public;y cd 2 h&l$ "? ,,psa,'s & local news rel1ses4 ,y cd al use ! ,,nfb ,newsl9e 6%>e ab yr meet+s & :5 !y o3ur4 ,pl1se plan 6att5d ! next memb]%ip focus call1 6be held ,sun"d1 ,jan4 #ag1 #bjaj4 ,! topic w 2 8,h[ c we -plete \r busi;s dur+ meet+s & -mittee meet+s m e6ici5tly80 ,! call-in numb] w 2 7#bah7 #cci-bfii &! a3ess code is #geggbj4 ,if y h memb]%ip 3c]ns1 3tact me 0ph"o1 7#hah7 #bch-icba1 or 0;e- mail1 _+abazyn@bazyncommunications.com_:4 333333333333 ,,bflag's ,,evolu;n #cc ,,l1ds ,,6,,xs ,,new ,,"n 0,don ,br[n ,dur+ \r annual busi;s meet+ 9 ,orl&o1 foll[+ a h1l?y & _s$ debate1 ! memb]%ip vot$ ov]:elm+ly 6adopt 8,bl ,,lgbt ,pride ,9t]n,nal0 z ? gr[+ a6iliate's new "n4 ,:y a "n *ange8 ,s9ce 2+ *>t]$ z a special-9t]e/ a6iliate 0! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl 9 #bjjj1 ! a3ept.e ( ? organiz,n bo? 9side & \tside ( ,,acb has be5 no?+ %ort ( rem>ka#4 ,true1 \r e>ly 2g9n+s 7 met ) "s expect$ resi/.e4 ,h["e1 ! ev5tual & ov]:elm+ a3ept.e (! organiz,n 0! ,,acb family va/ly ov]%ad[$ & quiet$ ! small m9or;y ( 4s5t+ voices4 ,,acb,''s l;g-/&+ tradi;n ( embrac+ div]s;y is exempl>y & s]v$ z ! cataly/ = \r move 6a "n : e6ectively 3veys \r s5se ( pride z bl p :o >e al gay1 or gay p :o >e al bl-- take yr pick4 ,"! >e ?ree ma9 premises embodi$ 9 ! t]m ,gay ,pride or ,,lgbt ,pride4 ,!y >e t lesbian1 gay1 bisexual1 & transg5d] p >e pr\d ( _! sexual ori5t,n & g5d] id5t;y1 t div]s;y is a gift : is reflect$ 9 all ( nature1 & t sexual;y & g5d] id5t;y >e 9h]5t & _c 2 alt]$ )\t deva/at+ psy*ological & emo;nal ramific,ns4 ,! ^w 8pride0 0 adopt$ 0! ,,lgbt -mun;y z an antidote =! yoke ( %ame us$ "?\t hi/ory 63trol & oppress any"o :o did n acquiesce 6! het]osexual mold4 ,\r organiz,n's "w is twofold4 ,we 3t9ue 6ga9 a3ept.e )9 ! bl;s -mun;y1 :ile at ! same "t pursu+ a3ept.e 0promot+ aw>e;s am;g ,,lgbt p :o >e sie t1*]s1 /ud5ts1 gov]n;t employees1 attorneys1 p>5ts1 & retirees :o1 l o!r bl & visu,y impair$ p1 >e 9t]e/$ 9 af=da# assi/ive te*nology1 a3essi# transport,n1 employ;t 4p>ities1 $uc,nal & tra9+ opportunities1 & rehabilit,n programs & s]vices4 ,z ! f/ & only organiz,n ( xs k9d1 \r mis.n is 6promote ! bett];t ( #ce ,,lgbt p :o >e visu,y impair$4 ,we d ? by3 7#a7 provid+ a =um =! free expres.n & ex*ange ( views & 3c]ns ( \r memb]%ip1 7#b7 equipp+ \r memb]s ) repr9t$ >ticles f ma9/r1m ,,lgbt public,ns via ,9side,\t1 \r qu>t]ly newslr1 7#c7 assi/+ \r memb]s 9 acquir+ s]vices f ag5cies & 9/itu;ns s]v+ bl 3sum]s1 7#d7 help+ memb]s get 9 t\* ) _! local ,,lgbt c5t]s1 & 7#e7 mak+ ,,lgbt c5t]s n,nwide aw>e ( \r exi/;e & promot+ 9tegr,n & mutual gr[? "? a3ept.e & "u/&+4 ,dur+ ! #bjaj 3v5;n 9 ,phoenix1 ,bl ,pride w celebrate xs #aj? anniv]s>y z an ,,acb special-9t]e/ a6iliate4 ,imag9e1 9 ! ye> #bjjj we _h #bg orig9al *>t] memb]s2 n[ we h ov] #bjj4 ,we >e pr\d ( \r exi/;e & \r gr[?1 & we want 6%>e \r joy ) y 9 ,phoenix4 ,"w%ops1 t\rs1 & ev5ts >e alr 2+ plann$1 n 6m5;n a #aj-ye> bir?"d "py6 ,-e1 help u celebrate ? 9cr$i# mile/"o6 ,6/ay up-to-date on ,bl ,,lgbt ,pride's news & activities1 visit u at _+www.blind-lgbt-pride.org_:4 ,:ile "!1 feel free 62come a memb] & jo9 "o ( \r -mun;y =ums4 333333333333 ,,bang+ ,,! ,,drum ,,l\dly 0,pet] ,alts*ul 7,au?or's note3 ,! foll[+ is adapt$ f my upcom+ memoir )! t5tative title ( 8,"w+ ,:ile ,bl3 ,tw5ty-,?ree ,"ds (a ,life407 ,my campaign 6jo9 ! local hi< s*ool m>*+ b& 2gan 9 ! spr+ ( #aiga :5 my "m & ,i met )! hi< s*ool's guid.e c\nselor4 ,at ! "t1 ,i 0 an ei1 ! 3v]s,n turn$ 6extracurricul> activities4 8,:at d y 5joy do+80 ! guid.e c\nselor *irp$4 #cg 8,i play ! drums10 ,i mum#d4 8,grt60 %e sd 5?usia/ic,y & 2gan rattl+ (f all (! musical possibilities3 ! *orus1 ! m>*+ b& ''' 8,i want 6be 9 ! b&10 ,i 9t]rupt$4 8,y c't d t10 %e sd immly4 ,i wd h lik$ 6>gue1 b sd no?+ 2c ,mom _h /ress$ ! import.e ( mak+ a gd impres.n4 8,!y're / n sure !y want y 9 _! s*ool10 %e _h sd4 ,s ,i sp5t my fre%man ye> adju/+ 6! new s*ool ": ag ,i 0 ! only bl /ud5t4 ,i took a full load ( c\rses & 2gan ! (t5 fru/rat+ process ( mak+ frs4 ,i 2gan tak+ organ lessons & sang 9 ! fre%man *orus 3duct$ 0,r5ato ,vellut9o1 :o al 0 ! b& director4 ,t[>d ! 5d ( my fre%man ye>1 ,i />tl$ ,mr4 ,v4 0ann\nc+ t ,i 0 plann+ 6jo9 ! m>*+ b& ! foll[+ ye> z a drumm]4 8,b h[ w y le>n ! music80 he splutt]$4 8,oh1 t'll 2 easy1 ,mr4 ,v4 ,i c le>n ! /uff 0e>40 8,& h[ w y m>*80 he ask$ d\bt;lly4 8,i h no idea10 ,i 3fess$1 8b ,i'm sure we c "w ?+s \40 ,s ,i jo9$ ! b& at ! 2g9n+ ( my sophomore ye>1 & le>n+ ! music 0e> 0 9de$ easy4 ,un=tunately1 m>*+ turn$ \ 6be a r1l *all5ge4 ,p]=m+ ! simple/ maneuv]s 9 /ep )! re/ (! b& turn$ \ 6be impossi#4 ,3nect+ me 0rope ) ano!r p]cus.ni/ caus$ u bo? 62come 5tangl$ z ! re/ (! b& tri$ 6maneuv] >.d u4 ,=tunately1 ,mr4 ,v41 9/1d ( giv+ up1 su7e/$ t ,i /& ) hm dur+ ! half"t maneuv]+ & t "s"o cd run ) me 6! p]cus.n sec;n af ! -ple;n (! =m,n b 2f !y />t$ play+ & !n run me back 6hm z ! b& />t$ xs next m>*+ r\t9e4 ,:ile ,i wasn't tot,y happy ) ? >range;t1 my exp]i;e play+ ) neiy (! f/ half & talk$ ab ? c\rage\s bl boy 9 ! b&1 & h[ 9spir+ x was1 & well1 y get ! idea40 8,y're jok+10 ,i sd 9 amus$ emb>rass;t4 8,no1 ,i'm n4 ,i record$ ! game = y s y c li/5 6! -;ts yrf40 ,%e h&$ me a cassette4 ,i ?ank$ h] & 4appe>$ 96my room4 ,li/5+ 6! 3desc5d+1 sappy voices (! ann\nc]s )\t ,mom's filt] made me snick] & squirm1 z ,i _h no desire 69spire o!rs ) my s-call$ c\rage4 ,x c]ta9ly wd 2 c\rage\s 6rescue "s"o f a burn+ build+ or 6face d[n a kill] or 6jump f an airplane1 b "sh[ play+ 9 a m>*+ b& didn't seem "picul>ly risky4 8,i hope t n"o ( my frs he> ?10 ,i ?"\4 ,i ov]came ! ob/acle ( n 2+ a# 6m>* )! m>*+ b& dur+ my s5ior ye> ( hi< s*ool4 ,? 0 important 2c ! be/ drumm] 0 suppos$ 6t1* ! v>i\s 8/reet b1ts0 we us$ z ! b& m>*$ 6\r rhy?m1 call ! 8/reet b1t0 *anges1 -municate ,mr4 ,v4's "s"ts 3fus+ 9/ruc;ns1 & g5],y keep ! sec;n tgr4 ,"eybody agre$ t ,i 0 cle>ly ! p]son =! job1 except t ,i cdn't m>*4 8,= h1v5's sake10 ,mom sd impati5tly af li/5+ 6my dilemma1 8:y don't y f9d "s"o 6grab yr elb[ & /e] y f 2h80 8,oh4 ,:y didn't y su7e/ t e>li]80 8,i ?"\ ,i _h40 ,! solu;n "w$ brilliantly4 ,mr4 ,v4 f.d a female volunte]1 & ,i 0 soon /rutt+ )! b& %\t+ direc;ns ov] ! noise (! drums :ile %e 4cretely kept me 9 l9e ) subtle tugs on my elb[ & :isp]$ direc;ns 9 my e>4 ,? solu;n "w$ ev5 bett] :ile 9 college s9ce xs m>*+ b& 3sid]$ dr9k+ alcohol f 3c1l$ flasks :ile sitt+ 9 ! /&s dur+ football games & writ+ sexu,y *>g$ scripts 6be r1d dur+ ! half"t %[ f> m important ?an m>*+ 9 lock/ep 6cr1te fancy #da =m,ns4 ,look+ back1 ,i r1lize h[ =tunate ,i 0 6h ! opportun;y 6bang ! drums l\dly 9 ! b&4 ,x gave me a legitimate excuse 6make a lot ( noise :ile mak+ frs4 ,x tauri]s4 ,mo/ importantly1 ! skills & 3fid;e ,i develop$ :ile l1d+ a gr\p ( si+ ( ,trek = ,lik ,wilkes ( ,cl>kesville1 ,ga4 ,i foll[$ 8 9/ruc;ns 6! pa9;l lr4 ,i r1liz$ t my 5joy;t (! trip dep5d$ on my level ( fit;s4 ,on ,aug4 #g ,i met my sin$ ! prop] c>e (a llama z well z ! prop] way 6fa/5 ! sa4le 64tribute ! wein h[ 6set up a t5t & o!r camp+ skills4 ,! next morn+ we took a f\r-h\r hike up a m.ta9 trail 6det]m9e if all hik]s 7 physic,y fit =! trek4 ,af _m treks1 ! organiz]s h p]fect$ a te*nique ( guid+ )a %ort d[el rod & hik+ /icks & hav+ ! #dc llama rope drap$ ov] ! hik]'s opposite %\ld]4 ,! next morn+ we 7 driv5 #ij miles 6! ,rawah ,wild];s trailh1d4 ,! f/ "d prov$ 6be ! mo/ di6icult (! trek4 ,x 0 an uphill climb all ! way4 ,we got a late />t & did n >rive at \r designat$ campsite until sev5 9 ! ev5+4 ,we 7 cold & hungry b we f/ _h 6haul wat] f ! /r1m & purify x 2f cook+ d9n]4 ,we did n h d9n] until n9e o'c t nit$ \r asc5t 6,grassy ,pass at #aa1cjj feet4 ,at ! 2g9n+ (! trek1 we 7 divid$ up 96two gr\ps ( eirive4 ,af a leisurely lun* 9 ! lovely m.ta9 sun%9e1 we proce$$ d[n ! o!r side (! m.ta94 ,we camp$ twice m 2f h1d+ =! trailh1d4 ,lat] we 7 told t "s"o 9 gr\p two _h gott5 altitude sick;s & !y made ! deci.n 6d only "d hikes at a l[] altitude 2f h1d+ back 6! trailh1d4 ,af l1v+ ! trailh1d1 we drove back 6! ,qual;y ,9n =a hot %[]4 ,t ni,n f a unique exp]i;e4 ,i w n"e =get ! calm s]5;y ( t wild];s4 ,! only s.ds 7 ! w9d1 ! bab# ( m.ta9 /r1ms &! ro> ( wat]falls4 ,i al 5joy$ ! lovely fragr.e ( junip] & lodgepole p9es &! fun & lau.d a crackl+ campfire4 ,y d n ne$ si,n & b1uty ( hik+ 9 ! ,rockies6 333333333333 ,,visit ,,6,,! #de ,,:ite ,,h\se ,,) ,,live ,,audio ,,descrip;n 0,j1n ,%9] ,i rec5tly visit$ ! ,:ite ,h\se ) my dog guide &) family4 ,?anks 6audio descrip;n1 ,i _h a "o-(-a-k9d exp]i;e6 ,my /ory ab \r ,:ite ,h\se t\r 2gan ab six mon?s ago4 ,i 0 told t ,i _h 63tact a s5ator's (fice4 ,! (fice wd !n put u on a li/4 ,we wd 2 notifi$ a week 2f \r reque/$ t\r date ( \r /atus on ! li/4 ,i call$ ,s54 ,gregg & ,s54 ,%eehan's (fices 7my ,new ,hamp%ire s5ators71 9=m+ !m (! dates we _h 9 m9d 6be 9 ,wa%+ton4 ,nei ,s5ate (fice 0 5c\rag+ ab \r likelihood ( gett+ 96! ,:ite ,h\se4 ,lat]1 \r dates = visit+ ,wa%+ton *ang$ 0a few "ds4 ,i 9=m$ ,s54 ,%eehan's (fice (! *ange1 b n ,s54 ,gregg's (fice4 ,z luck wd h x1 ,s54 ,%eehan's (fice report$ t !y cd n get u 9 at all4 ,s54 ,gregg's (fice cd get u 96! ,:ite ,h\se1 b only on ! "d t we ne$$ 6l1ve ,wa%+ton4 ,s1 ! "d 2f we 7 6l1ve ,i call$ a ,v]mont fr & %e gave me ! ph"o numb] = ,joel ,snyd]1 a vet]an audio describ]4 ,i _h met hm ab #aj ye>s ago 9 ,v]mont = "s audio descrip;n ev5ts4 ,my fr rem9d$ me t ,joel _h be5 9volv$ ) an audio descrip;n project reg>d+ ! ,:ite ,h\se 9 ! late #'ij;s & t project 0 9t]rupt$ 0! sad ev5ts ( #i_/aa4 ,gett+ back 6my pursuit (a ,:ite ,h\se t\r-- ,joel sd he may h a 3tact at ! ,:ite ,h\se1 b he cd make no promises ( gett+ u in4 ,we left = ,wa%+ton ! foll[+ "d ?9k+ we probably wd n get 9 =a t\r4 ,t 0 on ,fri"d4 ,on ! foll[+ ,mon"d ev5+ ,joel call$ me on my cell ph"o at \r hotel say+ we 7 in4 ,we 7 all v excit$6 ,! foll[+ morn+ we 7 greet$ 0a ,:ite ,h\se /aff 9t]n al;g ) ,joel4 ,! /aff 9t]n escort$ u "? secur;y & spontane\sly jo9$ u on \r t\r (! ,:ite ,h\se4 ,we 5t]$ "? ! ,ea/ ,w+4 ,we saw ! ,r$ ,room1 ! ,blue ,room1 ! ,/ate ,d9+ ,room &! ,gre5 ,room4 ,i 0 a# 6t\* ! bu/s ( ,abe ,l9coln & #dg ,george ,wa%+ton4 ,i al t\*$ ! ta# 9 ! ,/ate ,d9+ ,room4 ,pa9t+s & /atues 9 ea* room 7 describ$ 9 detail4 ,! 9t]n gave u tidbits ( hi/ory 9 ea* room4 ,x 0 all v 9=mative & 5lin$ a lot z well4 ,! /&>d ,:ite ,h\se t\r la/s ab #cj m9utes4 ,\r t\r total$ ab #fj m9utes4 ,o!r gr\ps w5t on a self-guid$ t\r4 ,assign$ ,:ite ,h\se /a6]s 7 availa# 6answ] "qs4 ,we _h ! b5efit ( two 9=mative p provid+ a t1m approa*4 ,joel &! /aff 9t]n 5h.ed \r visit ev5 fur!r1 giv+ u a m -plete t\r ?an ! si1 ,joel's live audio descrip;n made x possi# = me 65joy & absorb my surr.d+s al;g ) my sie free ( *>ge =! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsi# =! reliabil;y (! products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,6submit items = ? column1 s5d a message to _+info@acb.org_:1 or ph"o ! n,nal (fice at #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 & l1ve a message 9 ,%>on ,lover+'s mailbox4 ,9=m,n m/ 2 rcvd at l1/ two mon?s ah1d ( public,n date4 ,,nib ,,n[ ,,recruit+ ,n,nal ,9du/ries =! ,bl is "w+ on develop+ a recruit;t pipel9e ( leg,y bl1 hi mail1 & process+ 9v5tory reports daily4 ,su3ess;l applicants %d h ! foll[+ exp]i;e3 a hi< s*ool diploma or equival5t1 previ\s cu/om] s]vice exp]i;e1 profici5cy ) data 5try1 ,^w1 ,\tlook1 & ,excel1 z well z ei ,,jaws or ,zoom,text4 ,c&idates %d al h gd v]bal & writt5 -munic,n skills1 2 punctual & relia#1 2 a t1m play]1 2 a# 6type #ce ^ws p] m9ute ) at l1/ #hj p]c5t a3uracy1 & h a grt ph"o pres;e4 ,6be 3sid]$ = ? recruit;t opportun;y1 s5d resume1 ?ree profes.nal ref];es1 & pro( ( legal bl;s 6,s>ah ,s*rav5 at _+sschraven@nib.org_:4 ,,jewi% ,,guild's ,,s*ol>%ip ,,w9n]s ,! ,jewi% ,guild =! ,bl rec5tly ann\nc$ ! #af hi< s*ool s5iors :o w ea* rcv a 4#aj1jjj s*ol>%ip =! #bjaj-aa college ye>4 ,! w9n]s >e3 ,ryan ,alsman ( ,normal1 ,ill42 ,c>los ,baeza ( ,rockport1 ,ma9e2 ,na?aniel ,book ( ,we/ ,su6ield1 ,3n42 ,kyle ,coon ( ,jacksonville1 ,fla42 ,mat!w ,coop] ( ,durham1 ,n4,c42 ,jameyanne ,full] ( ,3cord1 ,n4,h42 ,m>cus ,mey] ,goldb]g ( ,au/91 ,tex42 ,dillon ,hawley ( ,ea/ ,>l+ton1 ,vt42 ,claire ,elizabe? ,johnson ( ,portl&1 ,ore42 ,cord ,la,b>re ( ,hayw>d1 ,wis42 ,a%lei< ,ladn] ( ,slidell1 ,la42 ,&rew ,luk ( ,*9o ,hills1 ,calif42 ,duncan ,mc,laur9 ( ,jackson1 ,wyo42 ,j]emy ,morak ( ,hewlett1 ,n4,y42 ,hel5 ,georgie ,sydnor ( ,lyn*burg1 ,va42 & ,daniel ,:ite ( ,wat]t[n1 ,mass4 ,= 9=m,n on ! ,guild's s*ol>%ips =! #bjaa academic ye>1 3tact ,gordon ,rov9s at 7#bab7 #gfi-ghja or ;e-mail _+guildscholar@jgb.org_:4 ,,two ,,plextalk ,,res\rces ,%9ano ,k5%i ,corpor,n1 mak] (! ,plextalk ,pocket1 a digital record]_/play] = books1 music & voice1 has "pn]$ ) two a3essi# 9=m,n provid]s 6(f] m res\rces 6xs us]s4 ,"? a jo9t v5ture ) ,s]otek1 ! ,plextalk #ea ,pocket n[ has ! abil;y 6rcv 3t5t transf]r$ f ! ,s]otek ,,sam ,net"w4 ,= subscrib]s 6! ,,sam ,net1 ? m1ns porta# a3ess 6news1 describ$ movies1 blogs1 podca/s1 & m4 ,! 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