,,! ,,brl ,,=um ,9 ,"o ,"p ,pages ;i-;viii & #a-fa ,,! ,,am]ican ,,c\ncil ,,( ,,! ,,bl ,,/rives ,,6,,9cr1se ,,! ,,9dep5d;e1 ,,secur;y1 ,,equal;y ,,( ,,opportun;y1 ,,& ,,6,,improve ,,qual;y ,,( ,,life ,,= ,,all ,,bl ,,& ,,visu,y ,,impair$ ,,p4 ,publi%$ by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,volume ,,xlviii ,septemb] #bjji ,no4 #c ,copy"r #bjji ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,,special ,,symbols ;iii ,,us$ ,,9 ,,? ,,volume ^t ,tradem>k4 _/ ,sla%4 ,' 7#f1 #c7 ,t]m9,n sign4 @& ,amp]s&4 @9 ,9* sign4 _? ,crosshat*4 ,-put] ,brl ,code _+ ,2g9 ,-put] ,brl ,code4 @ 7#d7 ,at sign4 . 7#d-f7 ,p]iod4 _: ,5d ,-put] ,brl ,code4 : ,colon4 / ,sla%4 - 7#c-f7 ,hyph54 _ 7#d-e-f7 ,%ift 9dicator4 _& ,3t9u,n 9dicator4 ,numb]s 1 7#b7 #a4 ,,! ,,brl ,,=um ^t is availa# 9 brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half-spe$ f\r-track cassette tape1 & via ;e-mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 a4ress *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = public,n %d 2 s5t 6,%>on ,lover+ at ! a4ress on ! back cov]1 or via ;e-mail to _+slovering@acb.org_:4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ^t is a memb]%ip organiz,n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,6jo91 visit ! ,,acb web site & -plete an applic,n =m1 or 3tact ! n,nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ on ! back cov]4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax- deducti#1 c 2 s5t 6,mike ,god9o at ! mail+ a4ress on ! back cov]4 ,if y wi% 6rememb] a relative or fr1 ! n,nal (fice c make pr9t$ c>ds availa# = ? purpose4 ,6rememb] ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t1 y may 9clude a special p>agraph = t purpose4 ,if yr wi%es >e -plex1 3tact ! ,,acb n,nal (fice4 ,jo9 ! ,mon?ly ,m"ot>y ,support 7,,mms7 ,program & help improve tm td 9 ,,acb4 ,3tact ,ron ,milliman ;v 0;e-mail1 _+rmilliman@insightbb.com_:1 or 0ph"o at 7#bgj7 #ghb-icbe & get />t$ mak+ tm look b"r] td6 ,6make a 3tribu;n 6,,acb via ! ,-b9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #aaaee4 ,=! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll- free at 7#hjj7 #dbd-hfff1 #e p4m4 6midnie]1 0,t$die-,joy ,remhild """"""""""""""""""""""" #db ,"h & ,"!1 $it$ 0,sue ,li*t5fels #dd ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op """"""""""""" #ef ,,=um ,,subscrip;n ,,notes ,y c n[ get 8,! ,brl ,=um0 0podca/6 ,6subscribe1 g to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 page on _+www.acb.org_:4 ,if y d n yet h a podca/ cli5t1 y c d[nload "o f ! ,=um page4 ,6subscribe to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 via ;e-mail1 s5d a blank ;e-mail message to _+brailleforum-_l-subscribe@acb.org_:4 333333333333 ,,>e ,,y ,,mov+8 ,,d ,,y ,,want ,,6,,*ange ,,yr ,,subscrip;n8 ,3tact ,%>on ,lover+ 9 ! ,,acb n,nal (fice1 #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 or via ;e- mail1 _+slovering@acb.org_:4 ,give h] ! 9=m,n1 & %e'll take c>e (! *anges = y4 ,,presid5t's ,,report ,,6,,! #a ,,n,nal ,,3v5;n1 ,,"p ,i 0,mit* ,pom]antz ,z ,i did la/ ye> at ? "t1 ,i'd l 6devote ! next c\ple ( columns 7?ree actu,y7 6exc]pt+ my report 6! memb]%ip giv5 dur+ ! ,,acb n,nal 3v5;n4 ,ladies & g5tlem53 memb]s (! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl >e once ag ga!r$ 9 3v5;n assem#d--? ye> at \r #dh? annual n,nal 3v5;n 9 ,orl&o1 ,fla4--6le>n1 6delib]ate1 & 6practice ! pr9ciples e/abli%$ 0,,acb,''s f.d]s4 ,? is my second report 6y z presid5t4 ,? pa/ ye> has pres5t$ a unique set ( *all5ges & opportunities 6me & 6! o!r l1d]s -pris+ ! bo>d ( directors4 ,s9ce 2+ elect$ presid5t alm two ye>s ago1 ,i've det]m9$ t "! >e ?ree 9t]relat$1 yet "s:at di6]5t aspects or -pon5ts (! job4 ,ea* is important 6! func;n+ ( ,,acb4 ,9 (f]+ my report 6y on \r activities s9ce ! la/ n,nal 3v5;n1 ,i ?"\ ,i'd d s 9 ! 3text ( ^! ?ree aspects (! ,,acb presid5cy4 ,briefly1 ^! ?ree aspects >e3 #a4 ov]see+ ! "d-to-"d "w (! ,,acb executive director & o!r n,nal (fice /aff2 #b4 a4ress+ 9t]nal organiz,nal matt]s 9clud+ -mittee /a6+ & projects1 a6iliate rel,ns1 & -munic,ns ) memb]s2 & #c4 facilitat+ "w+ rel,ns ) 5tities \tside ,,acb 9clud+ ag5cies & organiz,ns (&=! bl4 ,6a grt ext5t1 ! (fic]s & directors al "picipate 9 ! a=em5;n$ responsibilities4 ,i rely h1vily ^u bo>d memb]s &) v few excep;ns1 ea* has -e "? :5 ask$ 6take on a "picul> task4 ,n"o!.s1 ! buck /ops "h1 z t old say+ goes4 ,! f/ aspect (! presid5t's job is ov]see+ ! "d-to-"d activities ( \r n,nal (fice /aff4 ,ov]all1 we're =tunate 6h d$icat$1 "kl$gea# p]sonnel "w+ on \r 2half4 ,activities s* z ,,acb,''s legislative & regulatory 9itiatives1 manag$ 0,]ic ,bridges2 8,! ,brl ,=um10 $it$ 0,%>on ,lover+2 fundrais+ ef=ts1 h&l$ 0,d5a ,wilson2 & manage;t & sup]vi.n ( /aff & #c (fice activities1 ov]se5 0,melanie ,brunson2 all require a hi< level ( profes.nal exp]tise4 ,s9ce ,,acb,''s trem5d\s victory a ye> ago ,may 9 ! ,d4,c4 ,appellate ,c\rt1 ,judge ,rob]tson 7! 4trict c\rt judge :o orig9,y decid$ 9 \r favor7 issu$ 8 f9al ord] requir+ ! ,tr1sury ,de"p;t 6"w exp$iti\sly t[>d a m1ns ( mak+ curr5cy fully a3essi#4 ,z x turn$ \1 ,tr1sury did n app1l4 ,! ord] requir$ ,tr1sury 6h _h a report 9 h& 0! 5d ( ,febru>y f ! 3sultant :o survey$ _m ( u 9 ,l\isville ab \r id5tifia# curr5cy pref];es4 ,h["e1 t report wasn't f9aliz$ until mid-,june1 app>5tly 2c t 3sultant _h "s new a3essibil;y op;ns he want$ 6te/4 ,we / don't "k :at t report recomm5ds1 b we 7 j 9=m$ t x w 2 made public "s"t lat] ? mon?4 ,z ,i report$ at la/ ye>'s 3v5;n1 ,,acb previ\sly a*iev$ an 9itial victory 9 ,u4,s4 ,4trict ,c\rt =! ,nor!rn ,4trict ( ,cali=nia ag/ ! ,social ,secur;y ,adm9i/r,n4 ,,ssa1 despite num]\s reque/s f bl & visu,y impair$ b5efici>ies1 refuses 6provide correspond;e & o!r writt5 9=m,n 9 a3essi# =mats4 ,la/ ,septemb]1 ! judge c]tifi$ bl & visu,y impair$ p]sons z a class = purposes ( litig,n & possi# damages4 ,9 ,m>*1 ,melanie ,brunson 0 depos$ 0,social ,secur;y attorneys 9 prep>,n =! trial : has n[ be5 s*$ul$ = mid-,septemb]4 ,on ! legislative front3 ,,acb is once ag support+ ! ,p$e/rian ,safety ,5h.e;t ,act1 ,h4,r4 #gcd4 ,? bill wd h ! ,transport,n ,secret>y 3duct a /udy 6be -plet$ )9 two ye>s : w e/abli% a /&>d sett+ =? ! m9imum s.d 9=m,n nec 6be 3vey$ 0quiet c>s 6bl p$e/rians4 ,h4,r4 #gcd n[ has approximately #abj co-sponsors4 ,rec5tly1 ? propos$ legisl,n 0 9troduc$ 9 ! ,s5ate z ,s4 #hda & has f\r co-sponsors4 ,9 ,m>*1 p]h anticipat+ passage (! a=em5;n$ legisl,n1 ,,acb 0 ask$ #e 6jo9 a gr\p e/abli%$ 0! ,n,nal ,hi rese>* project1 "o : is suppos$ 6be 3clud$ 0,janu>y4 ,]ic & ,melanie >e h&l+ ^! meet+s on ,,acb,''s 2half4 ,we m/ a4ress1 once &= all1 ! gr[+ haz>d t hybrid & electric vehicles pose 6! safe & 9dep5d5t travel ( bl & visu,y impair$ p1 ei "? ! legislative or ! regulatory process4 ,! approa* doesn't matt]1 s l;g z we prevail4 ,i am pl1s$ 6ann\nce t on ,june #be1 ,3gressman ,$w>d ,m>key ( ,massa*usetts 9troduc$ ,h4,r4 #caja1 ! #ba/ ,c5tury ,-munic,ns & ,video ,a3essibil;y ,act4 ,? legisl,n w re/ore ! ,f$]al ,-munic,ns ,-mis.n's 7,,fcc,''s7 mode/ require;ts = produc;n ( video descrip;n 6prime "t televi.n & ext5d !m 6digital ,,tv &! ,9t]net2 require non-visual a3ess 6on- scre5 em]g5cy w>n+s2 & require all devices t rcv & play back video programm+ 6employ a3essi# us] 9t]faces4 ,]ic ,bridges 3t9ues 6ably repres5t ,,acb on ! ,coali;n ( ,organiz,ns = ,a3essi# ,te*nology 7,,coat71 : is al a prime mov] 2h ,h4,r4 #caja1 z well z = full a3essibil;y 6televi.n &! ,9t]net = bl & visu,y impair$ p]sons4 ,d>e ,i say "h1 /ay tun$8 ,m next mon?4 ,take c>e4 333333333333 ,h4,r4 #ega3 ,a ,,bill ,,t ,,wd ,,b5efit ,,acb ,,& ,,xs ,,a6iliates 0,melanie ,brunson ,= bo? ,,acb & xs a6iliates1 m* (! rev5ue t keeps u runn+ -es f 9dividual donors4 ,9 rec5t ye>s1 "o (! easie/ ways 9 : 9dividuals cd help a non- pr(it organiz,n s* z ,,acb1 or "o ( xs a6iliates1 has be5 0donat+ an automobile 6t organiz,n4 ,! c> c !n 2 sold &! proce$s (! sale us$ 6keep ! organiz,n's "w go+4 ,! donor c claim a tax deduc;n =! don,n 6*>;y4 ,9 #bjjd1 ,3gress 2came 3c]n$ #g ab /ories circulat+ 9 bo? ! m$ia & )9 gov]n;t ag5cies t seem$ 69dicate t "s p 7 claim+ m 9 tax deduc;ns ?an ! c>s !y donat$ 6*>;y 7 actu,y wor?4 ,9 an ef=t 6a4ress ^! 3c]ns1 ,3gress pass$ legisl,n t limit$ tax deduc;ns = c> don,ns ov] 4#ejj 6! am.t ! c> 0 actu,y sold = 0! *>;y4 ,:ile ? m1sure may appe> r1sona# on xs face1 xs practical e6ect is t vehicle don,n is n[ a huge gam# = "ey"o 3c]n$4 ,! donor has no idea at ! "t a don,n is made (! am.t he or %e is actu,y donat+1 or ! am.t (! deduc;n t w 2 all[a#4 ,*>ities h no m1ns ( det]m9+ h[ m* rev5ue a vehicle w produce4 ,nei "py w 2 a# 6f9d \ any?+ ab ! value (! vehicle until x is actu,y sold1 : (t5 takes s"eal mon?s & "s"ts a ye> or m4 ,9 %ort1 vehicle don,n is n[ an unattractive proposi;n = donors1 &a v unc]ta9 rev5ue s\rce = *>ities4 ,rec5t reports issu$ 0! ,,irs &! ,gov]n;t ,a3.tabil;y ,(fice1 z well z ! exp]i;es ( ,,acb & xs a6iliates1 h %[n ? 6be true4 ,s9ce ! new rules took e6ect 9 #bjje1 ,,acb & _m ( xs a6iliates :o rcv donat$ vehicles h se5 major drops 9 bo? ! numb] ( vehicles donat$ &! rev5ues deriv$ f ! sale ( ^? vehicles4 ,non-pr(its all acr ! c.try >e report+ simil> decr1ses4 ,? is n :at ,3gress 9t5d$4 ,! 9t5t (! tax law am5d;ts 0 6curb abuse1 b n 6de/roy a valid rev5ue s\rce = non- pr(its4 ,9 ord] 6br+ "s bal.e 6! situ,n & 5c\rage ! public 6donate c>s & o!r vehicles 6*>ities once ag1 ,rep4 ,william ,delahunt 7;,d-,mass47 has 9troduc$ ,h4,r4 #ega4 ,? bill wd am5d ! ,9t]nal ,rev5ue ,code 6all[ donors 6deduct ! 8fair m>ket value0 ( vehicles donat$ 6*>;y up 64#b1ejj4 ,^? :o donate vehicles apprais$ prior 6don,n at m ?an 4#b1ejj wd 2 all[$ a deduc;n at ! "t ( don,n equal 6! apprais$ value (! vehicle4 ,! bill keeps 9 place require;ts t bo? taxpay]s & *>ities report ! #i details ( _! transac;ns 6! ,,irs1 & imposes p5alties = false report+4 ,we 2lieve ,h4,r4 #ega takes a m* m r1sona# approa* 6! pro#ms ,3gress ne$$ 6a4ress ?an xs pr$ecessor did4 ,xs 5act;t wd provide a det]r5t 6^? :o mid4 ,_m (! /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates 6: r1d]s ( 8,! ,brl ,=um0 2l;g wd b5efit1 al;g ) ,,acb1 if ? legisl,n is pass$ 0,3gress &! ,,irs *anges xs rules4 ,"!=e1 ,i urge all ,=um r1d]s 63tact _! memb]s ( ,3gress & ask !m 6support ,h4,r4 #ega4 ,if y h "qs ab ? bill1 feel free 63tact me1 or ,]ic ,bridges1 9 ! ,,acb n,nal (fice4 ,we w keep y po/$ on ! progress ( ? bill bo? "h & on ! ,wa%+ton ,3nec;n4 333333333333 ,,acb ,,9 ,,orl&o-- ,,"s?+ ,,= ,,"ey"o6 0,p5ny ,crane ,af a few "ds 9 ,orl&o1 my dry ,>izona sk9 0 z ?ank;l z a giant sagu>o 8plump+ up0 dur+ monsoon s1son4 ,b1 em]g+ f ! ,orl&o t]m9al on ,satur"d 96t d5se humid;y ''' ,w[6 ,:at a di6];e6 ,! 3v5;n 0 9 ! ,ros5 ,c5t] ,hotel--: 0 b1uti;l1 ) huge tropical plants "ey":4 ,i ev5 spott$ a c\ple ( 3v5;ne]s surpris$ at 2+ 5gulf$ 0?ree- foot l1ves r1*+ \ ( big pots6 ,my favorite re/aurant 0 at ! hotel1 ": ,i _h _m a m1l--:1 ( c\rse1 ,,_h 69clude ,florida ,key lime pie4 ,&1 no1 ,i didn't keep return+ 6! ,caf@e ,gaugu9 j 2c a cute wait] call$ me 8,sweetie10 & graci\sly put my napk9 9 my lap4 ,(! hotel /aff1 ,i j c't say 5 ab _! c>+1 k9d;s & 3sid],n4 ,if any"o )a cane or a dog j sl[$ d[n1 or ev5 #aa look$ a ll 3c]n$1 "! 0 alw a hotel employee "r "!1 eag] 6escort !m :]"e !y want$ 6g4 ,on ,sun"d nila9a ,lieb]g made ! roll call ( a6iliates 5t]ta9+4 ,david ,lett]man bett] look \ ''' ,"! 7 s _m activities availa# =! 3v5;n-go]s t x 0 h>d 6*oose4 ,! auc;ns1 sil5t & live1 7 fun1 fun1 fun6 ,"! 0 ,br5da ,dillon's b1uti;l voice1 & h] a35t rem9d$ me ( an ,appala*ian /orytell]4 ,c9dy ,van ,w9kle cd put a toba3o auc;ne] 6%ame4 ,"! 7 _m excit+ items auc;n$4 ,i'm sorry ,i didn't w9 ! f\r "ds 9 ,savannah1 ) d9n] at ! ,paula ,d1n ,re/aurant4 ,mon"d nit /op6 ,"! 0 e>ly morn+ ex]cise1 ) ,leslie ,spoone's cute *e]l1d] figure gett+ me motivat$ 6"w \4 ,i att5d$ a ses.n1 8,dress+ = ,su3ess10 9 : tall1 elegant ,lynn ,coop] _h all k9ds ( help;l h9ts = look+ gd4 ,on ,fri"d morn+1 ! 5t]ta9;t 0 0an 9spir,nal gospel gr\p f a local *ur*4 ,fri"d 0 sp5t go+ ov] ! resolu;ns & bylaws4 ,& ,fri"d niizona1 l$ ! pray] ) 8 elegant ,james ,e>l ,j"os voice4 ,! gue/ sp1k]1 ,m>yanne ,diamond f ,au/ralia1 spoke on ! ,_w ,bl ,union4 ,z y c see1 x is wor? go+ 6an ,,acb 3v5;n2 "! is a ll "s?+ = "ey"o4 333333333333 ,,acb ,,walk_/,,run ,,t1m ,,f9i%es ,,) ,,flair 0,dan ,dillon ,a b"r-ey$ & p]ky gr\p assem#d e>ly on ! morn+ ( ,july #d? 6"picipate 9 ! f/ "e ,,acb ,walk_/,run4 ,we 5d$ #ac up ) #dg on-site "picipants & #aa virtual walk]s back home4 ,! foll[+ 9dividuals & t1ms br"\ 9 ov] 4#a1jjj ea*3 ! t1m ( ,br5da & ,dan ,dillon2 t1m ( ,mi*ael & ,pe7y ,g>rett2 ,%>on ,lover+2 ,ron ,milliman2 ,john ,ross2 & ,c9dy ,van ,w9kle4 ,! 9dividual br++ 9 ! mo/ 9 pl$ges ) 4#b1cfe 0 ,ron ,milliman4 ,! t1m rais+ ! mo/ 9 pl$ges 0 ,br5da & ,dan ,dillon ) 4#d1cgj4 ,! top fund- rais+ a6iliate1 )a total ( sev5 "picipants & an impressive 3tribu;n ( 4#e1dbe1 0 ! ,t5;see ,c\ncil (! ,bl4 ,! trophy =! "ye/ "picipant w5t 6,s>a ,3rad1 a s*ol>%ip w9n] f ,mi*igan4 ,! trophy = olde/ "picipant 0 aw>d$ 6,patricia ,b1ttie4 ,trophies 7 pres5t$ 6two f/-place w9n]s4 ,f/ 6cross ! f9i% l9e z a runn] 0 ,d\g ,p[ell & f9i%+ f/ 9 a rac+ *air 0 ,juan ,c>los ,gill4 ,al? pl$ges >e / -+ in1 at ! "t ( ? writ+1 we h rais$ ov] 4#bd1jjj4 ,a special ?anks 6\r sponsors3 ,regal ,5t]ta9;t ,gr\p1 a silv] sponsor at 4#b1ejj2 & 6,iams = provid+ dog tr1ts 6all walk "picipants4 ,huge ?anks 6! ,track ,%ack ,f.d,n & 6,ev5t ,m>ket+ & ,manage;t1 ,9c4 ,natalie & ,emma1 y >e ! be/6 ,we >e grate;l =! opportun;y ? af=d$ ,,acb4 ,we deeply appreciate ! grt volunte]s :o s]v$ z sit1 ,lane ,wat]s & ,d5a ,wilson4 ,9 spite (! d\bts & 4c\rage;t1 y 7 fai?;lly -mitt$ & gave ongo+ support6 ,? 0 truly a grt t1m ef=t6 333333333333 ,,:o ,,won ,,! ,,olympus ,,digital ,,record]8 0,ronald ,e4 ,milliman ,%ortly af \r #bjjh n,nal 3v5;n1 ! ,mon?ly ,m"ot>y ,support 7,,mms7 #ae program -mittee kick$ (f xs late/ campaign 6promote ! ,,mms program am;g \r ,,acb memb]%ip4 ,! "ns ( all new 3tributors1 & all ^? exi/+ "picipants :o 9cr1s$ _! 3tribu;ns 0at l1/ 4#e p] mon?1 7 plac$ 9 a pot =a draw+ 6w9 a fully a3essi# ,olympus ,digital ,record] f ,,ls@&,s1 ,,llc4 ,! promo;n 2gan immly foll[+ ! #bjjh 3v5;n 9 ,l\isville & ran "? ! 5d ( \r ,,acb #bjji n,nal 3v5;n4 ,af ! 3v5;n1 ! w9n] 0 select$ us+ a r&om numb] program 65sure total fair;s & objectiv;y4 ,ea* eligi# 3tributor 0 numb]$1 &! -put] program select$ ! magic numb] #ah4 ,& #ah turn$ \ 6be ,l9da ,wyman ( ,ohio66 ,3gratul,ns 6,l9da1 & we c]ta9ly hope %e gets lots ( gd use \ ( h] new ll1 fully a3essi#1 ,olympus ,digital ,record]4 ,once ag1 ! campaign ? la/ ye> 0 v su3ess;l br++ 96! ,,mms program lots ( new "picipants4 ,we grtly appreciate "ey"o :o 3tributes 6! program1 no matt] h[ small or h[ l>ge ! 3tribu;n is4 ,all 3tribu;ns >e important & !y all add up 6help+ ! ,,acb & \r a6iliates4 ,i'd l 6recognize ! ef=ts (! ,,mms -mittee3 ,ray ,campbell1 ,donna ,selig]1 ,ka?y ,brockman1 ,william ,b5jam91 ,$ ,bradley1 ,mike ,god9o1 & ,melanie ,brunson4 ,i al ?ank ,lane ,wat]s & ,mi*elle ,muell] 9 \r ,m9nesota (fice1 & ,d5a ,wilson 9 \r ,virg9ia (fice1 = _! extraord9>y assi/.e dur+ ! 3v5;n4 ,mi*elle has d"o a wond];l job s5d+ me updates & qu>t]ly reports on ! progress (! ,,mms program4 ,f9,y1 ,i wd 2 remiss if ,i did n recognize ! extraord9>y coop],n ( ,tomas9a ,a4 ,p]ry1 ,vice ,presid5t ( ,,ls@&,s ,gr\p1 ,,llc1 = 8 mo/ g5]\s don,n (! ,olympus ,digital ,record]4 ,al1 ,i want 6recognize ! p :o ei 2came ,,mms ,program 3tributors =! f/ "t or 9cr1s$ ! am.t ( _! 3tribu;ns dur+ \r #bjjh-bjji campaign4 ,^! p >e3 ,j]emy ,c;gdon1 ,patricia ,wolf1 ,anne ,mauro1 ,byron ,sykes1 ,phyllis #ag ,pulf]1 ,j1nette ,s*moy]1 ,victor ,clif=d1 ,hel5 ,sk>p5tzos1 ,b>b>a ,hayes1 ,greg ,jack1 ,juliette ,swil]1 ,katr9a ,mc,curdy1 ,jason ,santa-,ana- ,:ite1 ,?omas ,book]1 ,timo?y ,kelly1 ,c>ol ,$w>ds1 ,william ,kraehl+1 ,l9da ,wyman1 ,alfr$ ,gil1 ,>dis ,bazyn1 ,brun ,d4 ,platt1 ,rob]t ,r9dt @& ,laur5 ,casey1 ,b]nice ,klepac1 ,mike ,cook1 ,james ,d5ham1 ,%>on ,mc,n]ney1 ,s&y ,5gl&1 ,k5 ,jessup1 ,m>ilyn ,ro4a1 ,john ,mc,cann1 ,norman ,ota1 ,l9da ,s*ultz1 ,leslie @& ,jeff ,?om1 ,walt ,spillum1 ,s,y ,b5jam91 ,billie ,j1n ,kei?1 ,c9di ,vega1 ,rob]t ,lucas1 ,janet ,dickelman1 ,evelyn ,l>son1 ,adrian ,taylor1 ,ann ,m4 ,by+ton1 ,pamela ,metz1 & ,k5 ,metz4 ,! total annualiz$ am.t ga9$ f ! abv new "picipants &! p :o 9cr1s$ _! 3tribu;ns dur+ ! 3v5;n week is a ll ov] 4#f1hjj4 ,? is fanta/ic6 ,? makes ! total annualiz$ am.t (! 3tribu;ns = \r #bjjh-bjji campaign ne>ly 4#fb1ijj4 ,s1 we >e 3t9u+ 6make sl[ b /1dy progress4 ,i s9c]ely ?ank all ( y :o h made ? progress possi#4 ,h["e1 we c d m* bett]4 ,we h s"eal ?\s& ,,acb memb]s1 & "r n[1 only #a.be p]c5t ( \r memb]s >e "picipat+ 9 ! ,,mms program1 : m1ns #ih.ge p]c5t ( y >e / n "picipat+ 9 ? vit,y important me?od ( fund+ \r organiz,n4 ,we c d m*1 m* bett] ?an t4 ,a 4#ae p] mon? 3tribu;n "? ! ,,mms program is only #ej c5ts a "d6 ,! ,,mms ,program ,-mittee is curr5tly plann+ ! next big campaign & w 2 ann\nc+ x %ortly4 ,6sign up =! ,,mms program =! f/ "t1 or 6make *anges 9 yr curr5t 3tribu;ns1 y c 3tact ,mi*elle ,muell] 9 ! ,m9nesota (fice1 #a-hjj-hff-cbdb1 or 3tact me at 7#bgj7 #ghb-icbe1 & we'll take c>e ( :at"e y ne$4 ,ag1 3gratul,ns 6,l9da ,wyman = w9n+ ! ,olympus ,digital ,record]4 ,n[1 :o w 2 ! big w9n] next ye>8 ,9 ord] 6w91 y h 6"picipate4 ,s1 sign up & 2 a new 3tributor or 9cr1se yr curr5t #ai 3tribu;n4 ,maybe y'll 2 ! next w9n]6 333333333333 ,,we ,,did ,,x ,,ag6 0,br5da ,dillon ,! ?ird annual ,,acb auc;n took place on ,july #h?4 ,! room 0 *>g$ ) 5]gy & excite;t6 ,! ?ree auc;ne]s1 ,jeff ,?om1 ,c9dy ,van ,w9kle & ,paul ,$w>ds1 l$ ! bi4]s "? a va/ >ray ( wond];l items4 ,? ye> we a4$ "s?+ new 6! auc;n4 ,we held a sil5t auc;n on ! afn ( ,july #g ) #bg 3tribut+ /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,?anks 6ea* ( y = yr g5]os;y & support6 ,bi4]s drift$ 9 & \ z !y att5d$ o!r activities & meet+s "?\t ! afn4 ,at ! close (! sil5t auc;n1 we _h a ga!r+ ( excit$ bi4]s 6see :o won :at6 ,! package br++ 9 ! mo/ m"oy ? ye> came f ! ,ill9ois ,c\ncil (! ,bl2 x 0 an ,abraham ,l9coln package4 ,o!r a6iliates 7 close on _! heels ) grt (f]+s6 ,we r1liz$ 4#a1idb = ,,acb & _h a lot ( fun 9 ! process4 ,?anks 6all :o "picipat$ & special ?anks 6! fabul\s volunte]s :o describ$ & s]v$ z scribes =! ongo+ bi4+6 ,! 5tire ev5t wd n h be5 su3ess;l )\t ! trem5d\s g5]os;y ( \r _m 3tributors1 ! "picip,n ( det]m9$ bi4]s &! d$icat$ volunte]s :o kept "ey?+ runn+ smoo?ly4 ,:5 ! la/ item 0 sold &! numb]s 7 talli$1 "! 0 a f9al wave ( euphoria 6r1lize t ! auc;n _h rais$ alm 4#be1jjj ag4 ,?anks 6e s+le 9dividual :o made x happ56 ,a special ?anks 6! d$icat$ auc;n -mittee memb]s3 ,s,y ,b5jam91 ,william ,b5jam91 ,m>%a ,f>r[1 ,mi*ael ,fuld ,! ,c\ncil ( ,citiz5s ) ,l[ ,vi.n ,9t]n,nal1 celebrat+ xs #cj? #ba anniv]s>y z an ,,acb a6iliate1 & ,joyce ,kleib]1 $itor ( 8,vi.n ,a3ess10 ?ank ! ,,acb bo>d ( public,ns4 ,y h honor$ u )! ,hollis ,k4 ,li7ett ,brl ,free ,press ,aw>d = a6iliate newslr excell;e4 ,9 h] lr 6,paul ,$w>ds1 *airman (! ,,bop1 ,joyce ,kleib] wrote3 8,:5 ,i jo9$ ,,cclvi1 ,i 0 deli+ 9=m,n ab l[ vi.n 2c my [n exp]i;e told me h[ important ? cd 2 6o!rs4 8,$it+ ,8,vi.n ,a3ess0' has be5 a labor ( love4 ,9de$1 z ! d1dl9e = ea* issue approa*es1 ! exp]i;e is l giv+ bir?1 pa9;l yet s v gratify+4 ,i cd n d ? )\t ! support (a /r;g organiz,n1 ,,cclvi4 ,p 9 ,,cclvi >e z d$icat$ z ,i am 6? task4 ,!y g5]\sly %>e id1s & >ticles4 ,"! >e _m p 6?ank1 especi,y ,b]nice ,k&>ian1 :o has h] f+] on ! pulse ( l[ vi.n1 & my husb&1 ,m>t9 ,kleib]1 :o skill;lly prunes sup]flu\s ^ws z ! clock is tick+ &! pr9t] is wait+40 ,,cclvi is grate;l = ? recogni;n4 333333333333 ,,! ,,vi.n ,,lo/ 0,kae ,l4 ,se? ,we >e 9 t\< "ts1 "! is no d\bt ( t4 ,! bl -mun;y 9 ,oregon "ks ? bett] ?an mo/4 ,dur+ ! pa/ ye>1 we h lo/ a valua# res\rce4 ,portl& ,/ate ,univ]s;y has clos$ xs doors 6! only tra9+ program = t1*]s (! visu,y impair$ 9 ! ,pacific ,nor?we/4 ,! ,oregon ,-mis.n =! ,bl1 a /ate ag5cy : s]ves ! adult bl popul,n1 has be5 ?r1t5$ ) closure & is 2+ scrut9iz$ c>e;lly 0! ,oregon ,ways & ,m1ns ,human ,s]vices ,-mittee4 ,mo/ sadly1 ! ,oregon ,s*ool =! ,bl w close xs doors on ,sept4 #a1 #bjji1 af s]v+ bl ,oregonians = ov] #acf ye>s4 ,i cd sp5d a lot ( "t & space tell+ y (! grt a3ompli%;ts ( ? s*ool1 #bc b ,i want 6tell y ! /ory ( h[ ? trave/y o3urr$4 ,i want 6talk ab unsung h]oes :o attempt$ 6/& on ! front l9es fi ( grt *anges 9 ! $uc,n ( bl *n "?\t ! ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,^! *anges a6ect$ all bl *n1 &! s*ools : 7 cr1t$ 6provide ! be/ possi# $uc,n = !m _h 6ei move =w>d 9 ! va/ wave ( f$]al & /ate legisl,n or get swall[$ up & 2come lo/4 ,we z an organiz,n "w$ h>d 65sure t ! /ud5ts s]v$ 9 \r /ate s*ool rcvd ! be/ possi# $uc,n1 b z "t m>*$ on1 ! legislature &! ,oregon ,de"p;t ( ,$uc,n f.d ways "? lack ( fund+1 & lack ( l1d]%ip 6scale d[n s]vices & move t[>d ! ev5tual closure ( ? f9e $uc,nal 9/itu;n4 ,= m ?an #bj ye>s1 z \r legislature met 63sid] budgets & o!r weits z ,kim & ,brian ,*>lson1 al;g ) ,mildr$ ,gi25s1 te/ifi$ unc1s+ly =! s*ool4 ,p>5ts1 t1*]s1 /aff1 & frs jo9$ =ces "t & "t ag 6fi*aic set ( hi/oric build+s4 ,_m "ts x 0 su7e/$ t bl *n co-locate 7or move7 6! ,oregon ,s*ool =! ,d1f4 ,bo? ! bl & d1f -munities resi/$ ?1 al? ! ,de"p;t ( ,$uc,n made x app>5t t ? 0 xs /r;g desire4 ,ev5 af ! bo>d ( directors (! ,oregon ,s*ool =! ,bl oppos$ ? desire & app1l$ ! deci.n 6d s 0! $uc,n de"p;t1 x 0 app>5t t "! wd soon 2 a %[d[n reg>d+ ! s*ool =! bl4 ,h\se ,bill #bhcd 0 9troduc$ 9 ,febru>y4 ,x wd close ! s*ool =! bl e6ective ,sept4 #a & aboli% ! legislatively m&at$ bo>d ( directors4 ,/aff wd 2 4plac$1 & /ud5ts wd return 6_! s*ool 4tricts 6f9i% \ _! $uc,n4 ,a program wd 2 develop$ 65sure a smoo? transi;n1 &! s*ool & xs build+s wd 2 put 96mo?balls await+ sale ( ? 4#aj million or m prop]ty4 ,despite /r;g \tcries f 3sum] organiz,ns (&=! bl1 9 spite ( hundr$s ( ph"o calls1 ;e-mails & newspap] >ticles--ev5 ) res.d+ te/imony f ov] #dj p 9 opposi;n1 ! legislature mov$ =w>d to 8d :at 0 be/0 = bl /ud5ts4 ,"! 0 3/ant -munic,n ) legislators1 bo? on ! ,h\se & ,s5ate sides1 b ^? ( u :o 7 on ! front l9es ( ? fi+s att5d$ 0_m2 b1 6no avail4 ,! ,h\se & ,s5ate pass$ ? bill &! gov]nor sign$ x1 : set =? ! closure (! ,oregon ,s*ool =! ,bl4 ,p>5ts1 *n & frs (! s*ool 7 %ock$1 = ,oregon 9 xs pa/ 0 "kn = xs /r;g support (! bl4 ,n[1 :at wd happ5 6^! /ud5ts1 :o m/ adapt 6ano!r *ange & try 6le>n h[ 6cope 9 a pretty unfrly _w8 ,t1*]s (! visu,y impair$ :o "w 9 \r regional programs =! bl >e h>d-"w+1 d$icat$ 9dividuals2 !y h a h1vy load 6c>ry2 a4+ 6x is a grave 3c]n #bg 6_m4 ,4tricts >e scrambl+ 6cope ) tie m&at$ 6"w )a popul,n : has spok5 \ :5 !y hav5't d"o a grt job 9 ! pa/4 ,:o w re,y su6]8 ,! kids1 & _! p>5ts4 ,? w n 2 co/- e6ective2 equip;t & $uc,n (a bl * is exp5sive4 ,s1 :at wd 2 d"o8 ,! bo>d ( directors develop$ a ma/] plan : we hop$ wd provide res\rces = all "w]s (! bl 6use 6provide a 3t9uum ( s]vice 6bl *n4 ,we _h hop$ t ! campus (! s*ool wd provide a site = s* a program4 ,? won't happ51 b ^? ( u :o >e 3c]n$ ab ! bl ( ? /ate w dem& answ]s f ! ,oregon ,de"p;t ( ,$uc,n & we w rem9d \r legislators 9 ye>s 6-e :o !y've =gott54 ,we w rem9d !m 0n vot+ = !m1 & 0putt+ 2f _! faces *n ^: lives h be5 a6ect$ 0? /ep backw>d 9 "t4 ,\r bl *n w h a /r;g voice1 & ,i 2lieve t ,,acb w jo9 ) u1 mak+ c]ta9 t \r bl won't /& al"o4 ,,is ,,he1 ,,or ,,is ,,he ,,n8 0,philip ,kutn] ,liv+ ) "o foot 9 ! fully sie y bl80 ,f bir? on1 2+ ne>sit at ! 2g9n+4 ,5t]+ f/ grade 9 ,new ,york ,c;y at public s*ool 7,p4,s4 #fa7 9 ! ,bronx1 ,i 0 plac$ 96! special ,si blue-l9$ #bi pads4 ,x 0 culture %ock 9 #aicg :5 ,dad mov$ ! family 6a f>m t _h be5 ab&on$ at ! />t (! ,grt ,depres.n4 ,at ! age ( #aj my $uc,n took a su45 turn4 ,x 0 n[ 9 a "o-room s*oolh\se )a total ( #aj /ud5ts f grades #a-h1 & "o t1*] z ! total (! 5tire adult t1*+ & support /aff4 ,"! 0 no 9side electric;y or toilet1 &! h1t came f an #ahih potbelly /ove t 8w5t \0 ea* nid & hop+ 6be s1t$ at ! front (! room4 ,9 hi< s*ool a few t1*]s 7 "u/&+ & gave me a copy (! te/ "qs4 ,! o!rs wrote !m on ! blackbo>d4 ,6see ! writ+1 ,i w5t up 6! blackbo>d1 =! writ+ wasn't visi# ev5 :5 sitt+ 9 ! front r[4 ,:5 ,i 0 up "!1 ,i block$ ! o!r /ud5ts f see+ ! "qs4 ,!n 2gan a s]ies ( 8,move ov]1 f\r-eyes10 or 8,bl9dy1 get \ ( "!40 ,"sh[ hi< s*ool 0 ov]1 & ,i _h le>n$ 6li/5 6! lectures & take excell5t notes4 ,? help$ ) "ugraduate & graduate c\rses4 ,= te5ag]s1 gett+ a driv]'s lic5se is "p (! rite ( passage 9 2com+ a gr[n-up4 ,h[ ,i acquir$ a driv]'s lic5se1 )\t an atta*$ provi.nal require;t & hav+ an acu;y ( #bj_/bjj vi.n1 makes an 9t]e/+ /ory4 ,9 ^? "ds1 6pass ! eye exam "o _h 6r1d a ,snell *>t4 ,all ! prospective driv]s l9$ up & ea* /epp$ =w>d 6r1d 9 turn4 ,i _h memoriz$ ! bottom l9e (! *>t4 ,:5 x 0 my turn1 ! te/] sd1 8,/>t at ! top & r1d d[n z f> z y c40 ,i r1d ! bottom l9e4 ,he sd1 8,did y he> my 9/ruc;ns80 ,i repli$1 8,yes1 sir40 8,well1 !n d z y >e told40 ,i r1d ! same l9e6 ,he sd1 8,okay1 wise guy1 />t at ! bottom & g backw>ds all ! way 6! top40 ,i don't "k h[ ,i did x1 b ,i r1d ! bottom l9e backw>ds--& !n /opp$4 ,he %ook 8 h1d & sd1 8,y're a dumb f>m boy-->5't y80 ,my reply was1 8,yes1 sir40 #ca ,i drove = #dj ye>s & _h only two a3id5ts--"o ( : 0 my fault4 ,x 9clud$ driv+ 9 #aifd 6! ,univ]s;y ( ,colorado 9 ,b\ld] & back 6,/4 ,l\is1 ,mo41 ": ,i tauk ,twa9 ,9/itute at ,wa%+ton ,univ]s;y4 ,let's return 6t "t :5 ,i _h graduat$ f ,rutg]s ,univ]s;y )a ba*elor ( sci;e degree 9 agriculture4 ,i w5t back 6! f>m4 ,\r home/1d ne> ,baptist[n al;g ! ,lockat;g ,creek 9 ,hunt]don ,c.ty1 ,n4,j4 0 flood$ 0a hurricane 9 #aiee4 ,we _h a loss ( #aj1jjj :ite leghorn h5s4 ,^! 7 bre$]s & x 0 a lucrative busi;s ( sell+ hat*+ e7s4 ,we lo/ ! f>m & ,i turn$ 6t1*+4 ,0t "t1 ,i _h m>ri$ my *]i%$ life -panion & _h ?ree *n--! "ye/ ( :om 0 #b mon?s old at ! "t (! flood4 ,!n = #cj ye>s & at v>i\s "ts ,i taus1 ,i 0 presid5t (! regional s*ool sy/em1 & presid5t (a temple )a l>ge 3greg,n 9 ,fair ,lawn1 ,n4,j4 ,af my retire;t 9 #aihd1 we mov$ 6,san ,mateo1 ,calif41 ": we h resid$ "e s9ce4 ,= two ye>s ,i drove ) my ,new ,j]sey lic5se & !n r1liz$ t "! wd 2 no *.e = me 6pass ! ,cali=nia vi.n te/4 ,!y w]5't us+ ! old ,snell *>t4 ,s 9 #aihf ,i /opp$ driv+ & h n driv5 s9ce--n ev5 6move ! c> 96! g>age4 ,x 0 only af ! loss 9 vi.n ( "o eye 7see p>agraph #b7 t ,i decid$ 6le>n ab ! visu,y impair$ -mun;y &! s]vices availa# 6u4 ,i jo9$ ! ,san ,mateo ,c.ty ,c\ncil (! ,bl1 : is a *apt] (! ,cali=nia ,c\ncil (! ,bl4 ,curr5tly ,i am presid5t & webma/]4 ,= m 9=m,n ab ! ,san ,mateo *apt]1 visit _+www.smccb.org_:4 333333333333 ,,h[ ,,=give;s ,,got ,,me ,a ,,job 0,lisa ,brooks 7,au?or's ,note3 ,-pany "ns h be5 omitt$47 ,y're probably ask+ yrf1 8,:at #cc cd =give;s h 6d ) "w+ f home80 ,9 my case1 ,i'm 3v9c$ x 0 ! key factor 9 l&+ my job z a renewal speciali/ )a -pany4 ,ab two mon?s 2f ,i appli$ =a job ) ? -pany1 two v important & significant ?+s happ5$ 6me4 ,f/1 ,i appli$ =a job ( 9b.d sales =a -pany sell+ subscrip;ns = satellite televi.n4 ,)! digital 3v].n -+ up1 ? seem$ l a gd job4 ,i s5t 9 my resume &! [n] (! -pany call$ me & we w5t "? ! /&>d ph"o 9t]view4 ,he dripp$ frli;s & gu%$ h[ p]fect ,i wd 2 =! job4 ,i _h a grt resume4 ,i _h grt ph"o pres;e4 ,he took me on a virtual t\r (! web site f ": ,i wd take ord]s1 provid+ me ) log- 9 9=m,n &! web site a4ress4 ,"! 0 j "o web site he cdn't %[ me 2c x requir$ special log-in 9=m,n t wd h 6be set up4 ,he ask$ if we cd meet 6d pap]"w4 ,x 0 at ? po9t t ,i 4clos$ t ,i am bl4 ,y wd h ?"\ "s"o _h ?r[n a bucket ( ice on hm1 8 attitude *ang$ s fa/4 ,he sd1 8,let me *eck on t log-in 9=m,n & get back 6y40 ,i wait$ a "d = hm 6call me back4 ,i call$ hm back twice & n"e he>d f hm4 ,s9ce ! posi;n 0 t ( an 9dep5d5t 3tractor1 ,i _h no rec\rse4 ,"! 0 no?+ ,i cd d b get angri] & angri]4 ,angry at hm = 2+ a j]k4 ,angry at myf4 ,angry at my circum/.es4 ,0 "! "s di6]5t way ,i cd h h&l$ ! situ,n8 ,! next 9cid5t happ5$ :5 ,i _h an 9t]view )a n,nal -pany t hires home "w]s z employees = cu/om] s]vice & sales posi;ns4 ,i pass$ ! -put] assess;t te/ & s*$ul$ an 9t]view )a recruit]4 ,i did grt on ! prior backgr.d & "w hi/ory "qs4 ,i cd answ] basic -put] "qs & my v quiet home (fice met _! require;ts4 ,!n came ! web site por;n (! 9t]view4 ,i 0 told 6g 6? web site & />t r1d+ ": ! r$ text is4 ,my he>t />t$ b1t+ fa/4 ,i rack$ my bra9 =! scre5-r1d] -m& & 0 reliev$ :5 my m9d grasp$ ! elusive keybo>d -m&4 ,i scroll$ pa9stak+ly d[n ! page p>agraph 0p>agraph 6f9d t r$ text4 ,! next ?+ ,i _h 6d 0 g 6? #ce -pany's web site & put my m\se ov] ! f/ basket & tell h] :at ! "n (! basket was4 ,i felt panic4 ,! basket 0 a picture ) no ^ws4 ,all my scre5 r1d] wd say is 8graphic #dcbeg l9k40 ,_h ,i be5 a# 6use ! m\se1 ! m\se wd sit ov] ! basket picture & 4play ! "n (! basket4 ,)a s9k+ feel+1 ,i told ! recruit] ,i cd n lit],y see ! basket & ,i am bl4 ,"! 0 a l;g pause4 ,%e sd1 8,let me 9/ant message my sup]visor40 ,i cd he> h] typ+ 9 ! backgr.d4 ,i !n got ! b"r idea ( press+ 5t] on ! basket l9k & x took me 6a new page t %[$ 9 ^ws ! basket "n2 x 0 8anniv]s>y set40 ,s ,i 0 a# 6give h] ! answ] %e want$4 ,we 3t9u$ )! 9t]view4 ,at ! 5d1 ! recruit] sd ,i wd 2 go+ on a wait+ li/4 ,%e sd t !y c't hire any"o us+ a scre5 r1d] 2c y h 6h #h or m w9d[s op5 at "o "t & us+ ;alt-tab keybo>d -m&s takes too l;g 6move 2t applic,ns4 ,!y 7 "w+ on mak+ ?+s m a3essi# & %e 0 sorry4 ,!y'd 2 9 t\*4 ,ag1 ,i 0 angry4 ,isn't 8,i'll 2 9 t\*0 ! same z 8we'll call y08 ,did !y make ! 9t]view s visu,y ori5t$ t x's alm impossi# 6pass if y >e us+ a scre5 r1d]8 ,:y d ,i h 6be 5slav$ 0a te*nology t is two /eps 2h ! re/ (! _w8 ,i'm sm>t 5\<4 ,i am gd 5\<4 ,? is s unfair6 ,? "t1 2c ! posi;n 9 "q 0 = employee1 ,i w5t 6a lawy] & 0 told ,i cd file a -pla9t ag/ ! -pany )! ,,eeoc4 ,!y sd ,i wd probably lose 2c ) "s rese>* !y f.d t o!r bl p _h fil$ ag/ ? -pany )! result ( "o w9 & s"eal losses 2c ? -pany 0 9 ! process ( try+ 6make _! te*nology a3essi#4 ,i decid$ n 6file my claim4 ,all ,i want$ 0 a job1 n "s l;g drawn \ pap] trail ) ? pro#m hang+ ov] my h1d wait+ = mon?s = resolu;n : at be/ wd say we'll give y a job "s "d :5"e x's a3essi#4 ,h[ wd ? a6ect my p1ce ( m9d8 ,h[ wd x a6ect h[ ,i d1lt ) my *n8 ,s ,i let x g4 ,i / _h ! hurt &! ang]4 ,i v5t$ 6my husb&4 ,! next "d ,i sat d[n at #cg my -put] on ! advice (a fr & let my feel+s p\r \ "? my h&s at ! keybo>d4 ,i lock$ ! door s ! kids wdn't see me cry & ,i wrote 6,god1 6! mak]s ( a3ess te*nology = mak+ me feel /upid1 6all ! close-m9d$ recruit]s on ! planet1 6life = mak+ x s h>d 6get "s silly 4#i an h\r job1 & on & on4 ,i wrote ) te>s /r1m+ d[n my face until ,i />t$ 6feel bett]4 ,i wrote until ,i 0 sp5t ( emo;n4 ,i wrote until ,i r1liz$ t te*nology is only te*nology & j 2c x doesn't "w1 x doesn't make me less sm>t or less -pet5t4 ,i wrote until ,i cd />t 6rememb] t n all p >e close- m9d$ & ,i cd ?9k ( all ! p 9 my life :o re,y cd ?9k \tside ! box4 ,^! 7 v ca?>tic mo;ts = me4 ,i cd let ^! two 9cid5ts g & move on 6! po9t t ,i didn't 2come bitt] or let ^! negative hurt & angry emo;ns a6ect me on my next 9t]view4 ,two mon?s lat] ,i 9t]view$ & got ! job ) ? -pany4 ,i 0 relax$ & op5-m9d$1 & ,i h no d\bt ^? positive feel+s came "? 6! recruit]4 ,if ,i _h /ay$ 9 t bitt]1 angry place1 ,i am sure ,i wd h be5 m hesitant1 less 3fid5t1 & m abrupt & possibly (f-putt+ 6! recruit]4 ,te*nological issues >e \r bi7e/ b>ri] 6obta9+ employ;t1 b ,i refuse 6feel d5igrat$ or less -pet5t 2c ( xs limits4 ,i'm bett] at ?9k+ \tside my [n box n[ & ,i "k ? w alw 2 an issue4 ,i am bett] a# 6h&le x 0=giv+ te*nology xf1 ! close-m9d$ p 9 ! _w :o c't see pa/ !mvs 6try "s?+ new or di6]5t1 & 0appreciat+ my [n /r5g?s &! /r5g?s t alr exi/ 9 my life4 ,i am free (! weis 6get 6a bett] place & p1ce ( m9d4 ,"w at home =! visu,y impair$ is n[ onl9e at _+www.wahvi.com_:4 #ci 333333333333 ,,r1d+ ,,pr9t ,,! ,,easy ,,way 0,/eve ,dress] ,"!'s no?+ new ab bl p us+ ma*9es 6r1d pr9t mat]ials4 ,9 fact1 we've be5 do+ s 9 "o =m or ano!r =! bett] "p (! la/ #cj ye>s1 f/ ) devices l ! ,optacon1 & lat] ) -put]s & flat-b$ scann]s4 ,rec5tly1 hi<-5d cell ph"os ) _! cam]as & 9cr1s$ -put+ p[] h giv5 u a way 6take \r pr9t-r1d+ ma*9es ) u :]"e we g1 l1v+ \r -put]s & scann]s at home4 ,b despite te*nological adv.es1 x / takes "s "w1 "t1 & te*nical skill 6get a device 6r1d pr9t1 & _m p lack ! "k-h[ or ! pati;e4 ,,abis,'ee1 ( ,acton1 ,mass41 has -e up ) an 9novative pr9t r1d+ solu;n3 _! late/ product1 ! ,eye-,pal ,,solo1 pric$ at 4#b1jjj4 ,! -pany calls ! ,eye-,pal ,,solo a 8scann+ appli.e10 & 9 my op9ion1 t's a v a3urate descrip;n4 ,picture a flat metal box #aa.e@9 0#i.e@9 0#b.e@9 7l5g?1 wid?1 & heit & /op r1d+1 adju/ volume & r1d+ spe$1 & p[] ! unit on & (f4 ,op;n,y1 y c 3trol ! unit 0us+ h& ge/ures1 b ? f1ture is turn$ (f 0default4 ,i tri$ us+ h& ge/ures =a %ort "t1 & 0 pl1santly surpris$ 64cov] h[ well !y "w$4 ,= an a4i;nal 4#bej1 y c pur*ase a small keypad : all[s y 6r1d ! docu;t 0^w1 & lets y save up 6f\r pages 96! unit's memory4 ,sett+ up ! ,eye-,pal ,,solo cdn't h be5 easi]4 ,i unpack$ x1 plac$ x on a ta#1 9s]t$ ! pole )! cam]a 96a hole at ! re> (! unit1 3nect$ ! cam]a ca#1 & plu7$ 9 ! p[] supply4 ,i p[]$ up ! unit1 & af a %ort w>m-up1 a cle> female syn!siz$ voice 9/ruct$ me to 8,place yr docu;t40 ,i gra2$ ! only piece ( pap] ,i cd f9d 9 ! %ipp+ c>ton1 put x on top (! box1 & wait$4 ,af a c\ple ( audi# clicks & ab #da #aj seconds1 t same syn!siz$ voice 2gan r1d+ ! f/ page ( :at turn$ \ 6be a qk-/>t guide1 : describ$ ! five front panel 3trols & _! func;ns4 ,i remov$ ! piece ( pap] f ! top (! box1 & 0 ag 9/ruct$ to 8,place yr docu;t10 s ,i gra2$ an 5velope f a /ack ( mail & put x on top (! box4 ,af r1d+ a few m pieces ( mail1 ,i r1liz$ t ? 9cr$ibly simple scann+ appli.e is truly a m>vel\s ma*9e4 ,n[1 at l;g la/1 ,i c qkly sort my [n mail1 decid+ :at 6?r[ away & :at 6keep1 :at 6r1d immly & :at 6r1d lat] ) sin m ab ! ,eye-,pal ,,solo1 or 6f9d d1l]s 9 yr >ea1 3tact3 ,,abis,'ee1 ,9c41 #gg ,p[d] ,mill ,rd41 ,suite #d1 ,acton1 ,,ma #jagbj2 ph"o #a-hjj-fha-eiji2 fax 7#bec7 #eie-cfbc2 ;e-mail _+info@abisee.com_:2 or visit _+www.abisee.com_:4 333333333333 ,a ,,surpris+ ,,second ,,half ,,( ,,life ,,c>e] 0,t$die-,joy ,remhild ,ll did ,i "k1 z ,i 0 gr[+ up 9 a tradi;nal ]a1 t ! second half ( my life wd 2 ! mo/ surpris+1 excit+ & su3ess;l4 ,i made all ! tradi;nal *oices z a female gr[+ up 9 ! #'dj;s & #'ej;s4 ,i m>ri$1 _h ?ree *n1 divorc$1 /ru7l$ & surviv$4 ,dur+ ^? *all5g+ "ts1 ,i le>n$ ( my vi.n loss caus$ 0,/>g>dt's 41se & ,i !n 2came a tradi;nal bl female employee1 o3up,n m$ical transcrib]1 : la/$ = #i ye>s4 ,"s": >.d ! age ( #dh1 ,i took "s "t 6re/ & regr\p4 ,0!n ,i 0 9volv$ 9 a l;g-t]m rel,n%ip & cd 2 home1 relax & maybe take a c\ple ( classes at ! -mun;y college4 ,^? classes 7 ! nudge : sl[ly1 b surely1 motivat$ me 6e>n a college degree4 ,at ! age ( #ed1 ,i e>n$ #dc a ba*elor ( sci;e 9 g]ontology f ! ,univ]s;y ( ,s\!rn ,cali=nia4 ,t 0 ,may #aihg1 &! ye>s s9ce h be5 ! mo/ surpris+1 excit+ & adv5tur\s ( all my #gf ye>s4 ,i love ! unpredictabil;y ( life &1 s f>1 ,i am / seiz+ opportunities & m>vel+ at ? unexpect$ j\rney4 ,i h "w$ =! ,los ,angeles ,de"p;t ( ,recre,n & ,p>ks z a recre,n director1 = an 9dep5d5t liv+ c5t] 9 ! ,cli5t ,assi/.e ,program = cli5ts (! ,de"p;t ( ,rehabilit,n1 a ,,cap tra9] = ,protec;n & ,advocacy ,sy/ems 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c41 &a -mun;y \tr1* tra9] & advocate =! ,los ,angeles ,c.ty ,public ,au?or;y = ,p ) ,4abilities 9 ne$ ( 9 home assi/.e4 ,i am n[ semi-retir$ f t #i-ye> posi;n & "w+ z an 9dep5d5t 3sultant on "w 9c5tive programs1 do+ /atewide tra9+s & pres5t,ns = ag5cies & 3sum]s ( s]vices4 ,i 2lieve 9 ! value ( "w &( 3tribut+ back 6! -mun;y4 ,i 2lieve 9 ! value ( turn+ life exp]i;es 96a c>e] & ,i 2lieve t ,i h be5 b.s$ 6be a# 6d all ?4 ,i w 3t9ue 6foll[ ^! 2liefs & ? rem>ka# j\rney z l;g z ! _s all[s4 ,i r1lize t ,i am no l;g] a woman ( tradi;n & t is "s"ts a solit>y p]spective1 b x is1 f9,y1 ! p]son ,i re,y am4 ,i am ,t$die-,joy ,remhild1 a bl #gf-ye>-old woman :o loves life & surprises1 & is hop+ 64cov] :at is >.d ! next corn]4 ,i delie free ( *>ge =! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsi# =! reliabil;y (! products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,6submit items = ? column1 s5d a message to _+info@acb.org_:1 or ph"o ! n,nal (fice at #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 & l1ve #de a message 9 ,%>on ,lover+'s mailbox4 ,9=m,n m/ 2 rcvd at l1/ two mon?s ah1d ( public,n date4 ,,bl ,,aw>e;s ,,ri2on ,z a way 6help raise aw>e;s (! visu,y impair$ & 6build a bridge 2t ! sie;s ,ri2on4 ,? pat5t$ :ite ri2on f1tures rais$ black dots repres5t+ ! brl code4 ,on ! "r side (! ri2on >e ! lrs 8;,,brl0 7: m1ns ,brl74 ,_! vi.n is t ? ri2on w 2come ! recogniz$ symbol (! visu,y impair$1 m* z ! p9k ri2on cr1tes aw>e;s ( br1/ c.er4 ,! ri2ons >e availa# = 4#d.ii ea* on _+www.braillebrands.com_:4 ,= :olesale pric+ or m 9=m,n1 call 7#gcb7 #big-bbjj or ;e-mail _+info@braillebrands.com_:4 ,,ski ,,= ,,lie a visu,y impair$ adult :o wd l 6sp5d a week ski+ or le>n+ 6ski1 y w want 6att5d ! #ce? annual ,ski = ,lily #cjj ski]s & guides w 3v]ge =a week ( recre,nal ski+1 fun1 fr%ip & fell[%ip4 ,visu,y impair$ ski]s >e mat*$ ) siriott ,hotel @& ,3f];e ,c5t] 9 d[nt[n ,provo1 ,utah1 ) ski+ at ! ,soldi] ,holl[ cross-c.try ski >ea1 a v5ue (! #bjjb ,olympics4 ,= a4i;nal 9=m,n & 6regi/]1 3tact ! ,,vip ,coord9ator1 ,r5ee ,ab]na?y1 at 7#gjd7 #bfc-acad or _+reneabne@bellsouth.net_:4 ,or 3tact ,lynda ,boose at 7#ijf7 #cgj-geda or _+_lyndab@sfl.org_:4 ,applic,ns may 2 obta9$ onl9e at _+www.sfl.org_:4 ,,teleph"o ,,support ,,gr\ps ,! ,jewi% ,guild =! ,bl's ,n,nal ,tele-,support ,net"w provides free1 weekly teleph"o support gr\ps facilitat$ 0social "w]s & psy*ologi/s = families ( bl1 visu,y impair$ or multi-4a#d *n & te5s4 ,! ,guild #dg is non-sect>ian4 ,? s]vice may 2 especi,y use;l = families 9 small t[ns or rural >1s ": x's h>d 6f9d o!r families exp]i5c+ ! same *all5ges4 ,! support gr\ps curr5tly 2+ (f]$ 9clude3 ,p>5t ,support ,gr\p organiz$ ac 6! *'s eye 3di;n2 ,"f's ,support ,gr\p2 & ,support ,gr\p = ,te5s4 ,y c regi/] = any (! gr\ps or get m 9=m,n 0call+ #a-hjj-iae-jcjf or visit+ _+www.jgb._& org/programs-parent-tele.asp_:4 ,,func;nal ,,vi.n ,,activ;y ,,guide 8,"ey"d ,activities 6,promote ,visual ,e6ici5cy3 ,a ,h&book = ,"w+ ) ,"y ,*n ) ,visual ,impair;ts10 0,ell5 ,trief & ,rona ,%aw1 (f]s guid+ pr9ciples = e>ly 9t]v5;n ) v "y *n :o >e visu,y impair$ & :o may al h a4i;nal 4abilities4 ,? res\rce al provides simple activities t c 2 9corporat$ easily 0families & s]vice provid]s 96! "ey"d r\t9es (a baby or * 6facilitate e>ly visual develop;t & use ( func;nal vi.n4 ,x is availa# 9 pr9t & ,,ascii files on ;,,cd-rom = 4#de.ie f ! ,am]ican ,f.d,n =! ,bl4 ,= m 9=m,n1 visit _+www.afb.org/store_:4 ,,s]otek ,,w9n]s ,3gratul,ns 6! w9n]s ( ,s]otek's summ] te*nology draw+4 ,! runn]-up & w9n] (a ye> ( a3ess 6! ,,sa ,mobile ,net"w is ,>?ur ,letim (! ,philipp9es4 ,! gr& prize w9n] (! ,l5ovo ,id1,pad ,s#aj netbook is ,hazel ,d>vell ( ,buck+ham%ire1 ,,uk4 ,,blackb]ry ,,a3essibil;y ,human,w>e rec5tly rel1s$ xs ,orator s(tw>e = ,black,b]ry ,sm>tph"os4 ,? scre5 r1d] applic,n 5a#s visu,y impair$ us]s 6a3ess & op]ate ,black,b]ry ,sm>tph"os4 ,! ,orator "ws )! new ,,qwerty ,black,b]ry sm>tph"os1 9clud+ ! ,t\r #ifcj4 ,= a4i;nal 9=m,n1 visit _+www.humanware.com_:4 ,,new ,,r1d+ ,,tool ,,abis,'ee n[ (f]s ! ,eye-,pal ,,solo1 a simple & self-3ta9$ device t 9/antly r1ds f any book or pr9t$ mat]ial4 ,newspap]s1 books1 #di magaz9es or o!r docu;ts >e plac$ face up on ! ,eye-,pal ,,solo1 &! device r1ds !m al\d4 ,x requires no -put] skills or sin m ab ? product at _+www.abisee.com_:4 ,,prototype ,,beep+ ,,basketball ,a t1m ( electrical & -put] 5g9e]+ /ud5ts at ! ,rose-,hulman ,9/itute ( ,te*nology 9 ,t]re ,haute1 ,9d41 has cr1t$ a prototype beep+ basketball =! bl4 ,! /ud5ts devis$ a simple beep+ me*anism h\s$ )9 a ,spald+ ,9fu.n basketball4 ,! beeps help a p]son :o is bl locate & maneuv] ! ball4 ,! basketball's s.d device utilizes a microcontroll]1 amplifi]1 dynamic c"o sp1k]1 he>+ aid batt]ies &a cu/om electronic circuit bo>d1 all 5clos$ 9 an alum9um tube1 mat*+ ! size & weid ) ,velcro1 s t play]s "k ": 6%oot4 ,! t1m hopes t ? prototype w see mass 4tribu;n4 ,,rnib ,,products ,,availa# ,bay ,>ea ,digital has 2come ! f/ ,u4,s4 4tributor = products sold 0! ,,uk,''s ,royal ,n,nal ,9/itute =! ,bl 7,,rnib74 ,9iti,y !y w c>ry a subset ( ,,rnib products 69troduce & demon/rate4 ,! product l9e w 2 5h.ed 9 ! -+ mon?s bas$ on cu/om] fe$back & 9t]e/4 ,9 a4i;n1 ,bay ,>ea ,digital w make availa# any product reque/$ & ord]$ 0a ,u4,s4 resid5t reg>d.s ( :e!r x is "p (! 9itial g5]al catalog4 ,y c rcv a free product catalog or sign up = product demon/r,ns 0visit+ _+http://rnibcatalog.blinkweb.com_:4 ,,digital ,,magnifi] ,cl>;y (f]s a new product1 ! ;i-vu^t digital magnifi]4 ,? porta# device is design$ 6help ) view+ photographs & r1d+ m5us1 prescrip;n bottles1 books1 bills1 & m4 ,key f1tures ( ? product 9clude3 #e;x-#bj;x magnific,n1 a #b@9 ,,lcd scre51 & #c-h\r batt]y life ) full *>ge1 9v]se mode1 freeze #ea frame op;n1 &a "o-ye> full w>ranty4 ,m 9=m,n is availa# 0call+ #a-hjj-ege-adef or visit+ _+www.clarityusa.com_:4 ,,orig9al ,,zoomtext ,,keybo>d ,,back ,gd news f ,ai ,squ>$4 ,=a limit$ "t only1 y c pur*ase ! f/ g5],n ,zoom,text ,l>ge-,pr9t ,keybo>d ag4 ,:ile bo? g5],ns ( keybo>d (f] #cf- po9t bold font & hi< resolu;n colors1 ! f/ g5],n's #af func;n keys >e label$ 9 text :ile ! second g5],n's func;n keys >e label$ ) icons4 ,bo? v].ns >e availa# = 4#ii ea* or 4#he ) an upgrade 6,zoom,text v].n #i.ah4 ,y c ord] or le>n m 0call+ #a-hjj-hei-jbgj or visit+ _+www.aisquared.com_:4 ,,brl ,,labels ,,on ,,gre5 ,,products _+_eco.kid_: (f]s ba? & body products t >e a3essi# = *n :o >e bl4 ,speci,y =mulat$ = kids #c 6#ab ye>s old1 ! product l9e 9cludes %ampoos1 3di;n]s1 hair /yl+ wax1 bub# ba?1 & lo;ns--all 3ta9+ ,brl 9scrip;ns4 _+_eco.kid_: products >e =mulat$ us+ only ! mo/ natural 9gr$i5ts4 ,products >e availa# 9 retail /ores at ,kelly ,gre5 & onl9e at _+www.simpleluxuries.org_: f 4#af.ie 64#ca.ie4 ,,new ,,brl ,,4play ,freedom ,sci5tific has a4$ a new brl 4play 6xs product l9e4 ,! ,focus #dj ,blue (f]s #dj cells ( refre%a# brl1 ,bluetoo? #b.j = wire.s 3nectiv;y up 6#cj feet1 a ,p]k9s-/yle brl keybo>d1 & ,,usb #b.j support t al *>ges ! unit :5 3nect$--all 9 a new -pact package t is #dj p]c5t small] ?an ! curr5t ,focus #dj4 ,! new brl 4play is pric$ at 4#d1die & 9cludes a two-ye> w>ranty4 ,= m 9=m,n1 call #a-hjj-ddd-dddc or visit _+www.freedomscientific.com_:4 ,,l1d] ,,dog ,,holi"d ,,c>ds ,n[ availa#3 ,l1d] ,dogs =! ,bl's #bjji holi"d c>ds6 ,9side ! c>d r1ds1 8,w>m ?"\s & be/ wi%es =a #ec wond];l ,holi"d ,s1son40 ,! front photo f1tures ,ma7ie1 a future ,l1d] ,dog4 ,c>ds >e sold 9 boxes ( #bj = 4#bj4 ,c>ds c 2 pur*as$ 0visit+ ! virtual gift %op at _+www.leaderdog.org_:4 ,,book ,,on ,,music ,,= ,,! ,,bl ,sylvia ,cl>k (f]s a book %e has writt5 bas$ on ?ree ye>s ( rese>* = h] ma/]'s !sis4 8,music ,lit]acy3 ,xs ,role ,9 ,! ,$uc,n ,( ,! ,bl0 9cludes #bh illu/r,ns %[+ a v>iety ( m1ns 0: lit]>y & music mat]ials 7 pres5t$ 6! bl 9 ! #ai? & e>li] #bj? c5turies1 z well z writ+ 9/ru;ts us$ 6produce ! symbols4 ,! role (! ,am]ican ,pr9t+ ,h\se =! ,bl 9 produc+ books & music is 4cuss$4 ,factors 9flu5c+ ! delay 9 a3ept.e (! brl codes 9 ! ,u4,s4 >e 3sid]$4 ,an 9t]view ) ,dr4 ,abraham ,neme? 4cusses ! role ( brl music 9 8 $uc,n 9 ! ,new ,york ,c;y public s*ools4 ,! results ( surveys 9volv+ le>n+ brl music1 t1*+ brl music 9 9/itu;ns1 & t1*+ brl music 9 ! public s*ools >e %>$4 ,music $uc,n (! bl 9 ! public s*ool sy/em is 4cuss$1 &! 9flu;e ( te*nology is 3sid]$4 ,x sells = 4#be & is availa# 0;e-mail+ _+musicliteracy@aol.com_:4 ,,afb ,,appo9ts ,,migel ,! ,am]ican ,f.d,n =! ,bl 7,,afb7 rec5tly ann\nc$ ! elec;n ( ,*ri/oph] ,j4 8,kit0 ,migel 6xs n,nal bo>d4 ,he 0 elect$ dur+ ! ,june #bjji meet+ (! ,,afb ,bo>d ( ,tru/ees4 ,migel1 ! =m] ,executive ,vice ,presid5t ( ,g5]al ,re9sur.e1 is ! gr&son ( ,,afb,''s f.d] & f/ *airp]son1 ,m4,c4 ,migel4 ,,alt]native ,,-munic,ns ,,aw>d ,a#,net1 ,9c4 is "pn]+ )! ,9t]n,nal ,society = ,aug;tative & ,alt]native ,-munic,n 7,,isaac7 6(f] ! f/ ,a#,net- ,,isaac ,rem>ka# ,a*ieve;ts ,aw>d4 ,? recogni;n w 2 aw>d$ 6an ,,aac profes.nal :o has a*iev$ \t/&+ results 0e6ectively us+ easy-te* ,,aac tools = 9dividuals ) -munic,n 4ord]s4 ,! aw>d w 2 pres5t$ at ! ,,isaac #ad? 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