,,! ,,brl ,,=um ,9 ,"o ,"p ,pages ;i-;ix & #a-ei ,,! ,,am]ican ,,c\ncil ,,( ,,! ,,bl ,,/rives ,,6,,9cr1se ,,! ,,9dep5d;e1 ,,secur;y1 ,,equal;y ,,( ,,opportun;y1 ,,& ,,6,,improve ,,qual;y ,,( ,,life ,,= ,,all ,,bl ,,& ,,visu,y ,,impair$ ,,p4 ,publi%$ by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,volume ,,xlviii ,augu/ #bjji ,no4 #b ,copy"r #bjji ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,,special ,,symbols ;iii ,,us$ ,,9 ,,? ,,volume ^t ,tradem>k4 @& ,amp]s&4 _/ ,sla%4 ^r ,regi/]$ tradem>k4 @9 ,9* sign4 ,' 7#f1 #c7 ,t]m9,n sign4 _? ,crosshat*4 ,-put] ,brl ,code _+ ,2g9 ,-put] ,brl ,code4 @ 7#d7 ,at sign4 . 7#d-f7 ,p]iod4 _: ,5d ,-put] ,brl ,code4 : ,colon4 / ,sla%4 - 7#c-f7 ,hyph54 _ 7#d-e-f7 ,%ift 9dicator4 _& ,3t9u,n 9dicator4 _> ,caps lock 9dicator4 _< ,caps rel1se 9dicator4 ,,special ,,symbols 73t47 ,numb]s 3 7#b-e7 #c4 2 7#b-c7 #b4 6 7#b-c-e7 #f4 5 7#b-f7 #e4 0 7#c-e-f7 #j4 ,,! ,,brl ,,=um ^t is availa# 9 ;v brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half-spe$ f\r-track cassette tape1 & via ;e-mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 a4ress *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = public,n %d 2 s5t 6,%>on ,lover+ at ! a4ress on ! back cov]1 or via ;e-mail to _+slovering@acb.org_:4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ^t is a memb]%ip organiz,n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,6jo91 visit ! ,,acb web site & -plete an applic,n =m1 or 3tact ! n,nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ on ! back cov]4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax- deducti#1 c 2 s5t 6,mike ,god9o at ! mail+ a4ress on ! back cov]4 ,if y wi% 6rememb] a relative or fr1 ! n,nal (fice c make pr9t$ c>ds availa# = ? purpose4 ,6rememb] ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t1 y may 9clude a special p>agraph = t purpose4 ,if yr wi%es >e -plex1 3tact ! ,,acb n,nal (fice4 ,jo9 ! ,mon?ly ,m"ot>y ,support 7,,mms7 ,program & help improve tm td 9 ,,acb4 ,3tact ,ron ,milliman 0;e- mail1 _+rmilliman@insightbb.com_:1 or 0ph"o at 7#bgj7 #ghb-icbe & get />t$ mak+ tm look b"r] td6 ,6make a 3tribu;n 6,,acb via ! ,-b9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #aaaee4 ,=! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll- free at 7#hjj7 #dbd-hfff1 #e p4m4 6midnie ,re=m ,t ,a4resses ! ,ne$s (! ,bl ,-mun;y1 0,melanie ,brunson """"" #f ,,acb ,memb]%ip ,-mittee ,focus ,call1 0,>dis ,bazyn """""""""""" #i ,a6iliate ,news """"""""""""""""""" #i ,a ,cog 9 a ,slik """""""""""""" #bg 8,i ,love ,y1 ,dad10 0,ann ,by+ton """""""""""""""""""""""" #bi ,"! ,0 ,a ,"d1 0,t$die-,joy ,remhild """"""""""""""""""""""" #cb ,lr 6! ,$itor """""""""""""""""""" #cc ,"h & ,"!1 0,sue ,li*t5fels """""" #ce ,my ,"u/&+ ,"o ,"d ( ,foxgloves 7= ,d\glass ,bull>d71 0,john ,lee ,cl>k """"""""""""""""""""" #eb ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op """"""""""""" #ec ,= ,my ,gr[+ ,tw9 ,sons1 0,john ,lee ,cl>k """"""""""""""""""""" #ef ,,=um ,,subscrip;n ,,notes ;ix ,y c n[ get 8,! ,brl ,=um0 0podca/6 ,6subscribe1 g to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 page on _+www.acb.org_:4 ,if y d n yet h a podca/ cli5t1 y c d[nload "o f ! ,=um page4 ,6subscribe to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 via ;e-mail1 s5d a blank ;e-mail message to _+brailleforum-_l-subscribe@acb.org_:4 333333333333 ,,>e ,,y ,,mov+8 ,,d ,,y ,,want ,,6,,*ange ,,yr ,,subscrip;n8 ,3tact ,%>on ,lover+ 9 ! ,,acb n,nal (fice1 #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 or via ;e- mail1 _+slovering@acb.org_:4 ,give h] ! 9=m,n1 & %e'll take c>e (! *anges = y4 ,,presid5t's ,,message3 #a ,,s*ools ,,= ,,! ,,bl ,,at ,a ,,crossroads 0,mit* ,pom]antz ,z y r1d ?1 x is ,augu/2 ! heie ^u u4 ,x is1 "!=e1 a p]fectly gd "t 6focus "s att5;n on ! gr[+ n,nal crisis a6ect+ \r /ate s*ools =! bl4 ,su39ctly put3 "s s*ools h alr be5 clos$1 or >e 2+ ?r1t5$ ) ei 3solid,n ) _! c.t]"ps =! d1f1 or \t"r closure4 ,let's take a /ep back =a few mo;ts & (f] "s p]spective4 ,s*ools =! bl h be5 >.d = ne>ly two c5turies4 ,9 #ahbi1 ! f/ s* 9/itu;n1 ! ,p]k9s ,s*ool =! ,bl1 0 *>t]$ 9 ! ,-monw1l? ( ,massa*usetts4 ,x 0 foll[$ )9 a ye> 0! ,ov]brook ,s*ool 9 ,p5nsylvania4 ,^! s*ools 7 j ab ! only places ": bl *n cd rcv any sort ( $uc,n = well ov] #ajj ye>s4 ,c]ta9ly1 "! 7 p>5ts :o manag$ 65roll _! bl *n 9 a neis or s1 ! norm 0 =! * ) l[ or no vi.n 6att5d ! /ate resid5tial s*ool =! bl4 ,! 3cept ( ma9/r1m+ 0 virtu,y unhe>d ( until ! e>ly #aigj;s :5 ,,idea1 ! ,9dividuals ) ,4abilities ,$uc,n ,act1 0 pass$ 0,3gress4 ,:ile ,,idea has m1nt t millions ( *n ) 4abilities h rcvd a free1 appropriate $uc,n1 x has al result$ 9 a gr\p ( extremi/ $ucators & p>5ts vigor\sly advocat+ =! elim9,n ( all special s*ools1 9clud+ s*ools =! bl4 ,! 8total 9clu.ni/s10 z ,i ref] 6!m1 >gue t ! t]m 8l1/ re/rictive 5viron;t0 7,,lre71 z f.d 9 ,,idea1 m/ 2 n>r[ly def9$ 6m1n a s*ool sett+ 9 : *n ) 4abilities >e fully 9tegrat$ ) _! non- 4a#d pe]s4 ,?us1 a resid5tial or "d s*ool = bl *n is n1 0def9i;n1 (f]+ *n an $uc,n 9 ! l1/ re/rictive 5viron;t possi#4 ,:at is =gott51 or m likely ignor$ 0^! advocates1 is yet ano!r t]m f.d 9 ,,idea3 8a 3t9uum ( s]vices02 m1n+ t "! m/ 2 a range ( $uc,nal op;ns (f]$ 6! * )a 4abil;y4 ,dep5d+ ^u ! #c specific ne$s ( t *1 a resid5tial s*ool may 2 mo/ appropriate dur+ ! /ud5t's e>ly ye>s 9 ord] 6le>n 6r1d & write brl1 :ile ! *'s local s*ool is ! mo/ appropriate sett+ lat] on1 once ^? skills h be5 le>n$4 ,! p>5ts ( t /ud5t h tak5 advantage (! 3t9uum ( s]vices del91t$ 9 ,,idea4 ,s"eal mon?s ago1 "! 0 lively debate on ! l1d]%ip li/ reg>d+ :e!r s*ools =! bl 7 / nec1 giv5 ! preval;e ( ma9/r1m+4 ,s* 4cus.n1 :ile 9t]e/+1 is re,y 2s ! po9t s9ce ,,idea cle>ly requires t a 3t9uum ( s]vices 2 made availa# 6*n ) 4abilities4 ,! o!r po9t miss$ 0^? )9 ,,acb :o "q ! 3t9u$ exi/;e ( s* s*ools is \r 2lief 9 ! 3cept ( 9=m$ *oice4 ,j z we 2lieve t bl & visu,y impair$ p %d 2 a# 6*oose ! type ( rehabilit,n curriculum : be/ meets _! ne$s1 we al 2lieve t p>5ts ( bl or visu,y impair$ *n--giv5 9=m,n ab ! availa# place;t op;ns--%d likewise 2 a# 6*oose ! be/ s*ool sett+ = _! *4 ,n[ add 6? ! sev]e reces.n t has adv]sely a6ect$ ! c.try1 n 6m5;n alm e /ate4 ,z (! mi4le ( ,june1 ,cali=nia is cop+ )a 4#bd billion deficit4 ,al? ! ,gold5 ,/ate may 2 an extreme example (! ov]all pro#m1 o!r /ates >e c]ta9ly d1l+ ) _! [n budget>y 3c]ns4 ,& 2c mo/ s*ools =! bl h fairly l[ 5roll;ts & relatively few /akehold]s1 !y >e look$ ^u 0^? wield+ ! budget>y axe 9 /ate capitols >.d ! n,n z easy t>gets = elim9,n4 ,! ,oregon ,s*ool =! ,bl has j be5 %utt]$4 ,! fates (! ,nor? ,c>ol9a & ,ill9ois s*ools >e 9 limbo z ? is 2+ writt54 ,! ,s*ool =! ,bl 9 ,l\isiana has be5 3solidat$ & mov$ 6! campus (! ,s*ool =! ,d1f4 ,"! >e probably o!r s*ools :1 if n 9 imm dang] ? ye>1 w face ! fiscal grim r1p] at "s "t 9 ! ne> future4 ,6make a di6icult situ,n ev5 worse1 "! is a critical %ortage ( p]sonnel speci,y tra9$ 6t1* bl *n4 ,"! >e lit],y hundr$s ( job vacancies >.d ! c.try1 a situ,n t w only 2 exac]bat$ 0! a=em5;n$ closures4 ,:o w t1* #e ^! *n8 ,9 response 6gr[+ 3c]n express$ 0_m ( \r memb]s1 ,i've e/abli%$ a ,s*ools =! ,bl ,task ,=ce 62g9 look+ at :at ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl may 2 a# 6d 6assi/ \r a6iliates 6save ! rema9+ resid5tial s*ools =! bl4 ,? task =ce w 9clude memb]s f /ates ": s*ool closures h ei alr o3urr$1 or >e 2+ s]i\sly 3sid]$4 ,a4i;n,y1 a prom95t (ficial (! organiz,n repres5t+ s*ools =! bl has agre$ 6jo9 ? ef=t4 ,reg>d.s ( yr feel+s ab resid5tial s*ools =! bl1 ,,acb has an oblig,n 6s* s*ools &! p>5ts :o 2lieve !y repres5t a via# op;n = _! *n4 ,,idea ju/ifies ! exi/;e ( s*ools =! bl &1 s l;g z ? is ! case1 ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl w fie ,,re=m ,,t ,,a4resses ,,! ,,ne$s ,,( ,,! ,,bl ,,-mun;y 0,melanie ,brunson ,m* (! activ;y >.d ,wa%+ton1 bo? at ! ,:ite ,h\se & 9 ! halls ( ,3gress1 is curr5tly focus$ on re=m ( \r n,n's h1l? c>e sy/em4 ,! goal ( ? activ;y1 z express$ 0a numb] ( policymak]s1 is 6craft a plan t is -preh5sive & w 9sure t h1l? c>e is bo? availa# 6& af=da# 0all ,am]icans4 ,s9ce ! numb] ( ^? ,am]icans :o >e liv+ ) vi.n loss is expect$ 6rise expon5ti,y ov] ! next few ye>s1 ,,acb has jo9$ ) o!r bl;s organiz,ns 6call =! 9clu.n 9 h1l? c>e re=m legisl,n ( provi.ns t w a4ress ! unique ne$s ( ,am]icans :o >e bl or visu,y impair$4 ,specific,y1 ,,acb is urg+ ,3gress 69clude provi.ns t w3 #a4 require retail ph>macies 6(f]1 ^u reque/ 0a cu/om]1 a3ess 6drug 3ta9] label+ & relat$ 9=m,n us+ a non- visual1 or 5h.ed visual m1ns : is (! cu/om]'s *oos+1 & 3=ms 6n,nal #g m9imum /&>ds t 9sure cu/om] privacy1 3si/5cy & reliabil;y2 #b4 e/abli% cle> ,m$ic>e 7or o!r n,nal m9imum b5efit plan7 cov]age =1 & promote grt] availabil;y "?1 private plans ( l[-vi.n devices & o!r m$ic,y nec assi/ive te*nologies2 & #c4 e/abli% an unambigu\s policy ( reimburse;t 0,m$ic>e 7or o!r n,nal m9imum b5efit plan7 6ori5t,n & mobil;y speciali/s1 vi.n rehabilit,n !rapi/s1 & l[-vi.n !rapi/s =! ess5tial s]vices !y provide 69dividuals exp]i5c+ vi.n loss4 ,6date1 n"o ( ^! issues has be5 adequately a4ress$ 0,3gress or n,nal regulatory au?orities4 ,we 2lieve t ! adv5t (a n,nal 4cus.n on h1l? c>e issues has giv5 u a grt opportun;y 6*ange t tr5d4 ,ov] ! next few mon?s1 we w 2 "w+ ) o!rs "?\t ! bl;s -mun;y 6br+ ^! 3c]ns 6! att5;n ( legislators & o!r policymak]s4 ,\r goal is t z !y %ape ! future ( \r c.try's h1l? c>e sy/em1 !y w a4ress ! unique ne$s ( p :o live ) vi.n loss4 ,"! is widespr1d support = ? ef=t "?\t ! bl -mun;y1 & x is \r hope t ea* ( y :o r1ds ? w 2 c.t$ am;g ^? support]s4 ,if y wd l 6help1 pl1se 3tact yr repres5tative & s5ators4 ,m detail$ 9=m,n c 2 obta9$ ab ea* (! issues li/$ abv 03tact+ ,]ic ,bridges at ! ,,acb n,nal (fice4 ,h["e1 if y use prescrip;n m$ic,ns & h "e _h pro#ms t >ose f yr 9abil;y 6r1d ! labels on ^? m$ic,ns1 y c tell memb]s ( ,3gress :y ? issue m/ 2 a4ress$ z "p ( h1l? c>e re=m4 ,if y >e aw>e ( l[-vi.n aids t cd help y make m e6ective use (! vi.n y / h1 especi,y = meet+ yr h1l? c>e ne$s1 b >e una# 6af=d ! equip;t1 y c 3vey yr /ory 6memb]s ( ,3gress4 ,if y "k ! value ( gd ori5t,n & mobil;y 9/ruc;n1 h be5 help$ 0a l[-vi.n !rapi/1 or a vi.n rehabilit,n !rapi/1 y h 9=m,n yr memb] ( ,3gress cd b5efit f4 ,/>t ) :at y "k4 ,we c help ) a4i;nal 9=m,n if t is ne$$1 b let's pool \r res\rces & make ! mo/ (! #i opportun;y ? n,nal dialogue has giv5 u 65h.e ! qual;y ( life1 secur;y1 & 9dep5d;e ( bl ,am]icans4 333333333333 ,,acb ,,memb]%ip ,,-mittee ,,focus ,,call ,! next ,,acb memb]%ip -mittee- sponsor$ 8,focus0 call topic is3 8,h[ c ! (fic]s @& bo>d -municate prop]ly )! memb]%ip80 ,? topic c relate 6an a6iliate or *apt]s 9 an a6iliate4 ,x w 2 held on ,mon"d1 ,aug4 #ca at #e3cj p4m4 ,pacific_/#h3cj p4m4 ,ea/]n4 ,! call-in numb] w 2 7#bah7 #cci-bfii &! code w 2 #geggbj4 ,we hope 6see y on ! call4 --,>dis ,bazyn 333333333333 ,,a6iliate ,,news ,oregon ,3v5;n at ,oral ,hull ,p>k ,! ,oregon ,c\ncil (! ,bl w hold xs 3v5;n at ,oral ,hull ,p>k ,oct4 #af-ah4 ,two hotels ne>by w put memb]s up = prices rang+ f 4#eh up 64#gh plus tax1 two p p] room4 ,if y opt 6/ay at ! ,oral ,hull dormitory1 ! co/ = lodg+1 plus m1ls &a banquet1 w 2 4#ge4 ,regi/r,n =ms w 2 \ 9 ,augu/ & >e due back 0,sept4 #a4 ,"! w 2 two buses 6s]vice ,hie look+ at a pot5tial co/ ( 4#abe =! :ole 3v5;n4 ,on ! f/ nid meet+4 ,& at "s po9t y w h an opportun;y 6meet ,,acb presid5t ,mit* ,pom]antz up close & p]sonal4 ,x may 2 >.d a campfire1 or at a w9e-ta/+ ev5t1 or maybe ev5 at ! hot tub4 ,if any ( y play an 9/ru;t & want 65t]ta9 u >.d ! campfire1 br+ x al;g1 if x doesn't take up too m* room on ! bus4 ,"! may ev5 2 a ,,dj on site1 an op5 b>1 a fanta/ic ,elton ,john imp]sonator1 & an \t/&+ *oir on ,satur"d4 ,we >e "w+ on hold+ a #aa ?ree-p]son panel 6give y a r1l le>n+ exp]i;e t may solve a lot ( yr future *all5ges relat$ 64abilities4 ,we >e try+ 6get "s excell5t v5dors 6(f] y ! v late/ gadgets1 too4 ,! be/ news is t ? 3v5;n w only co/ y 4#ge = all ( yr lodg+1 five m1ls &a banquet d9n]4 ,yes1 t's "r1 a total ( 4#ge = ^? :o /ay at ,oral ,hull dormitory &a ll m :o spoil !mvs at ! hotel or 9 a trail] at ! p>k4 ,call u & make yr res]v,ns 2f y sp5d t /imulus *eck4 ,9vite yr frs1 too6 ,if !y're n curr5tly ,,acb memb]s1 tell !m t pay+ a 4#aj memb]%ip fee 2f ,septemb] w get !m 9 =! same prices4 ,o!rwise1 _! co/ is 4#dj m4 ,regi/] e>ly 6get ! be/ prices6 ,call ,gregg ,wel* at 7#ejc7 #djh-adai if y want m 9=m,n1 or ;e- mail hm1 _+tallcoolgregg@msn.com_:4 ,8,walk-a-,mile-in-,my-,%oes0' ,walka?on 9 ,d5v] ,save ! date6 ,on ,oct4 #ah1 ,,acb ( ,colorado is plann+ on jo9+ 9 )! ,d5v] ,m>a?on ag4 ,z "p ( t ev5t ,,acbco w ho/ xs annual ,walk-,a-,?on 9 honor ( ,:ite ,cane ,"d4 ,,acbco has be5 "o (! (ficial *>ities (! ,d5v] ,m>a?on s9ce xs 9cep;n 9 #bjjf4 ,! vi.n (! ,d5v] ,m>a?on is 6produce an annual m>a?on & half-m>a?on runn+ ev5t t hie specific,y allocat$ 6! -mun;y \tr1* & develop;t (a pe]-to-pe] m5tor+ program4 ,ohio ,celebrat+ ,?irty ,ye>s ,,acb ( ,ohio is %ak+ ?+s up ? ye> )a new hotel &a lot ( fun4 ,! !me = ? ye> is ,,thirty--,! ,holi"d ,9n's ,rock9' ,? ,ye>6 ,! -mittee is look+ 96gett+ "s sp1k]s f ! n,nal (fice1 eye doctors1 &a /ate (ficial4 ,possi# "w%ops 2+ 3sid]$ 9clude3 "w+ ) tools1 self-def5se1 a diabetic "w%op1 w9e ta/+1 frs @& family 4cus.n gr\p1 adju/+ 6l[ vi.n panel1 an eye #ac doctor panel1 wat] aerobics1 & ,ohio transport,n4 ,we w al h "s ( \r old favorites l3 ! f/-"trs meet+2 \r basket auc;n & guide dogs gr\p on ,fri"d2 & ,mike ,horn sp9n+ yr favorite music on ,satur"d ev5+4 ,! f/-"trs' meet+ w 2 important 6"ey"o1 s9ce we >e at a new hotel4 ,we'll h a t\r (! facilities & o!r 9=m,n 6pass al;g4 ,"! w 2 m on t z ! 3v5;n gets clos]4 ,we want 6honor \r #cj-ye> memb]s1 s if y >e a #cj-ye> memb]1 we want 6he> f y s y c 2 recogniz$ dur+ ! 3v5;n4 ,! important 9=m,n ab date & place3 ,nov4 #f-h at ! ,holi"d ,9n ,wor?+ton1 #gjjg ,n4 ,hi< ,/41 ,wor?+ton1 ,,oh #dcjhe2 ph"o 7#fad7 #dcf-jgjj4 ,! room rate is 4#hi plus tax4 ,3v5;n regi/r,n co/s 4#gj4 ,if y h any "qs1 ;e-mail ,lynn ,wa*tell1 _+lmwachtell@fuse.net_:1 or 3tact ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ( ,ohio1 ,9c41 ,p4,o4 ,box #cjgabh1 ,gahanna1 ,,oh #dcbcj2 ph"o 7#hjj7 #hce-bbbf4 ,p5nsylvania ,3v5;n 9 ! ,poconos ,! #gd? annual /ate 3v5;n & 3f];e (! ,p5nsylvania ,c\ncil (! ,bl w 2 held ,nov4 #f-h 9 ! ,poconos at ! ,*at1u 9 ,monroe ,c.ty4 ,! room rate is 4#hi plus tax = up 6f\r p p] room4 ,= m 9=m,n1 3tact ! ,p5nsylvania (fice at #a-hgg-fag-gdjg 7loc,y1 7#gag7 #ibj-iiii74 333333333333 ,a ,,cog ,,9 ,a ,,sli1 or p ) 4abilities 9 ? case4 ,! spokes >e ! support+ p (! :eel1 : /&s = ,,ceo 9 busi;ses or a gov]n+ c.try4 ,wd y ?9k t we >e all l ! cog on a :eel8 ,we all >e n uni=mly alike 9 %ape1 size or looks1 s :at is t cog busi;s all ab anyway8 ,a cog is a ge> ) knobs on ! \tside (a :eel4 ,!y make wat*es run & help tra9s g up m.ta9s1 ,i 0 told4 ,!y >e q use;l4 ,i alw ?"\ t ! cog 0 on ! 9side (a :eel1 b #ae unlike ! spokes t >e ! support (a :eel1 ! cogs "w di6]5tly4 ,! cog keeps ?+s runn+ j z well z any "w+ class (! _w supports ! c.try1 or ! :eel4 ,x is sd t ! e>? is l a gra9 ( s& 9 ! univ]se4 ,z ! cogs on a :eel h _! purpose1 ^? gra9s h _! purpose1 too4 ,i am sure t1 if !y _h a voice1 ! gra9s ( s& wd say t !y >e satisfi$ ) ": !y >e4 ,!y get wa%$ 0! oc1n & dri$ 0! sun4 ,"! >e "ts t "s (! gra9s ( s& get wa%$ d[n 96t grt oc1n & n"e see ! sun ag4 ,s ,i cd say t x wd 2 simil> = u cogs3 we /ay satisfi$ 9 \r [n 5viron;t until "s l>g] uncontrolla# happ5+ -es al;g4 ,!n we feel z if we mie a m9or;y 9 ! :ole _w ( ?+s4 ,we try 6be satisfi$ z "t goes by4 ,!n ! wond];l _w ( sci;e & te*nology -es al;g & wa%es ov] u1 & we ne$ 6spr1d \r w+s & see :at c happ54 ,spokes >e us$ 6/abilize ! :eel & support :at"e is ^u x4 ,x is kept cl1n & %9y =! mo/ "p1 b c 2 brok5 & d5t$ 5 6": x w 2 replac$ 0o!r spokes4 ,t does n m1n t ! new spokes wd 2 any bett]1 b ! us]s1 ! :eels1 w make sure t x w support !m z well z possi#4 ,! cogs keep ! spokes /r;g s ! :eel c keep "ey?+ mov+4 ,all ( ^! c 2 appli$ 6! human 2+4 ,if ! folks 9 ! "w+ classes did n "w1 h[ wd any?+ "e get d"o8 ,! answ] =a few manufactur]s has be5 ! te*nology ( automatons run 0"o p]son or robotics4 ,? has be5 ! />t (a grt d[nfall = _m cities & c.tries4 ,if "! is no?+ left =a support+ class ( p1 :at happ5s 6^? p8 ,"! is a 2g9n+ (! bir? (a revolu;n4 ,i _c "u/& :y ! p 9 ! ,u4,s4 gov]n;t simply _c see h[ \r c.try w see m tr\# z "t passes4 ,! d[nfall = -panies t h exp&$ 6autom,n is 4crim9,n1 m* l :at we >e n[ exp]i5c+4 ,_m p ?9k & ask ! "q1 8,:at is my r1son = 2+ "h80 ,"! >e "s ( u :o f9d \ & worry ab x2 o!rs re,y don't c>e4 ,x is a privilege 6be "o (! grte/ #ag liv+ organisms on e>?1 s we ?9k4 ,we >e suppos$ 6be ! sm>te/ ( all (! liv+ ?+s1 b x is ! ord9>y animal t c survive 9 ! h>%e/ ele;ts4 ,we >e f"r5$ (! un"kn :5 "! is "s 4a/]4 ,we dep5d ^u \r pray]s1 relatives1 frs1 gov]n;t or 9sur.e 6help u 9 \r "t ( ne$4 ,t is ! norm = mo/ ( u4 ,we h gott5 96a le?>gic mode 6": we ei say1 8,h[ horri# = t 6happ50 & rely on o!rs 6take c>e (! situ,n1 or ignore x alt4 ,if a situ,n is tragic 5 6": x a6ects "ey"o1 !n we all seem 6pull tgr & help "o ano!r4 ,t 9cludes e class ( p 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,x does seem t all ( ^? folks t >e 9 ! celebr;y or sports c>e]s d _! be/ 6help :5 ne$$4 ,we hope t !y d n use a 4a/] j 6adv]tise _! "ns = _! [n purposes4 ,^? 9 ! busi;s fields >e usu,y ! "os t keep quiet ab :at !y d 9 _! busi;ses4 ,x is big m"oy t c re,y help4 ,i hope t ^? :o h ! m1ns wd look 2y a p]son's 4abil;y 2f judg+ hm or h]4 ,i re,y d n "u/& :y we ord9>y p ) 4abilities h 6prove \rvs 6be bett] ?an ! next p]son4 ,we mie a few ignorant big :eels t keep go+ ) old ways4 ,"! %d n"e 2 4crim9,n 9 race or g5d] z 6h[ m* a p]son rcvs 9 sal>y ei4 ,x seems t ! executives >e n wor? :at !y make4 ,no "o p]son is wor? 4#f million a ye> =a sal>y 9 any busi;s or organiz$ *>;y4 ,i "k ! >gu;t t ! top dog ( any organiz,n is mak+ a liv+ do+ :at !y d1 b :at ab an ord9>y p]son :o "ws = m9imum wage8 ,we p ) 4abilities d \r be/ 6make a liv+1 & rely on political (ficials agree+ on ! rise or fall ( t m9imum wage4 ,t 0 a pro#m =! 4a#d ye>s ago1 b ! big :eels ^! "ds >e mo/ly 3c]n$ t _! ride w 2 kept smoo? 0keep+ ! same old spokes poli%$4 ,:5 x -es d[n 6liv+1 we all >e 9 ! same boat4 ,b "! >e a few p :o #ai ?9k !y >e l>g] & grt]4 ,x is ! p :o h ! m1ns 6help1 & h ! ge>s 6slip funds 6^? :o c keep !mvs ! 3troll]s1 :o wreck ! rides4 ,x dep5ds on ! 9dividual 6d a k9d;s4 ,!y c 2 any ord9>y cog1 b a :eel )a ll too m* %9e c bl & hide ! tru?s4 ,a well-run vehicle1 "o t doesn't require too m* gr1se1 w /ay /r;g & dep5da# =a l;g "t4 333333333333 ,,m/ ,i ,,burn ,,my ,,f+]s ,,6,,prove ,,my ,,9dep5d;e8 0,rebe3a ,kragnes ,z ! =m] *air & ,,acb ( ,m9nesota repres5tative on ! ,m9nesota ,/ate ,c\ncil =! ,bl 7,,src-;,b71 ,i kept meet+s 6! busi;s at h& & tri$ 6be z organiz,n,y bal.ed z possi# dur+ c\ncil meet+s4 ,at ! ,june #bjji meet+1 ! new *air1 ,,nfb memb] ,judy ,s&]s1 took a di6]5t approa*4 ,judy %>$ a vignette1 : %e 2liev$ wd 2 $ify+ 6c\ncil memb]s &! audi;e4 ,judy 0 att5d+ a rehabilit,n meet+1 & dur+ ! br1k1 a woman approa*$ h] & ask$ if ,judy wd l ! woman 6get c(fee = h]4 ,judy sd 8no ?ank y0 & got ! c(fee h]f4 ,!n ! same woman ask$ if ,judy wd l an elb[ 6get back 96! meet+4 ,judy told u %e want$ 6say t %e _h two elb[s ( h] [n1 b %e re/ra9$ h]f & politely decl9$4 ,! woman -;t$ t ,judy 0 ! f/ bl p]son "e 6refuse h] help4 ,judy ask$ ": %e "w$1 &! woman repli$ ! ,massa*usetts ,-mis.n =! ,bl4 ,! woman _h be5 a sup]visor "! = six mon?s & le>n$ ! mo/ f h] bl employees4 ,judy told ! woman 6look = ano!r bl woman f ,m9nesota at ! 3f];e lat] 9 ! week4 ,!n ,judy w>n$ ! o!r bl woman 7al a ,f$],ni/7 n 6a3ept ? woman's help4 ,( c\rse ! impli$ lesson 0 t we all %d 2 model bl p 0n a3ept+ assi/.e :5 we c d ?+s \rvs4 ,al 0implic,n1 a3ept+ help = ?+s we >e capa# ( do+ \rvs is n 2+ a model bl p]son4 ,z we've und\bt$ly he>d _m "ts f simil> ,,nfb philosoph]s1 a3ept+ t help is subject+ \rvs 6second-class citiz5%ip & #ba buy+ 96old /]eotypes ab ! bl4 ,i may n a3ept ! guid+ assi/.e1 b x has no?+ 6d ) feel+ dem1n$4 ,i use a guide dog1 &! 8foll[0 -m& is h&y =a situ,n 9 : a gr\p ( p is h1d$ 6! same room4 ,9 a cr[d1 sid4 ,9 my [n home1 ,i use a liquid level 9dicator :5 p\r+ hot liquid4 ,a liquid 9dicator has a c\ple ( pr;gs atta*$ 6a batt]y4 ,! pr;gs g 96! cup4 ,:5 liquid t\*es ! pr;gs1 ! 9dicator beeps 6tell me ,i h a full cup4 ,) cold liquid1 ,i use my f+]4 ,"s claim t "o c use ! temp]ature (! \tside (! cup 6"k :5 6/op p\r+4 ,? hasn't be5 a su3ess;l me?od = me1 2c ,i f9d x takes a ll extra "t =! cup 6h1t 6al]t me my cup is full4 ,i don't g5],y take a liquid 9dicator 6meet+s1 b x is "o solu;n 6! p\r+ pro#m4 ,)\t a liquid level 9dicator & n want+ 6*.e ! \tside-!-cup me?od1 ! rema9+ alt]native is 6use a f+]4 ,i sat "? ! re/ (! meet+ until ! next br1k & decid$ 6get my [n cup ( c(fee f ! ma*9e 9 ! cafet]ia4 ,! ma*9e did xs [n p\r+1 s ,i only _h 6get ! c(fee back 6my place 9 ! meet+ room4 ,! cup 0 full1 & z my dog & ,i 7 mak+ \r way v sl[ly 6avoid spill+1 a gr\p ( p came t[>d u qkly6 ,a siriv$ back 9 ! meet+ room1 ,i "sh[ br"\ up ! c(fee vignette & sd t ,i didn't 5joy burn+ my f+]s4 ,"o ,f$],ni/'s advice 0 n 6use my brl-r1d+ f+]4 ,s ,f$],ni/s d ac"kl$ge ! possibil;y ( burn+ "of1 b 9 ! "n ( 9dep5d;e1 !y're will+ 6take t *.e4 ,ano!r ,,acb memb] & ,i talk$ 6a c\ple p ab ? vignette1 &! responses we rcvd 7 simil>4 ,app>5tly1 we bl p & ^? ) o!r 4abilities >5't ! only #bc t>gets = k9d (f]s ( help4 ,2lieve x or n1 bo? 4a#d & non-4a#d p help ea* o!r too6 ,p]h we don't ne$ 6see ! (f] ( help z a sign we >e 2+ piti$ or tr1t$ z second-class citiz5s4 ,x is a possibil;y4 ,b m likely1 p may want 6be nice &_/or socialize ) u4 ,63clude1 "! >e ^? :o wd r 5dure ! possibil;y ( burn+ !mvs 9 ord] 6avoid ! possibil;y ( "s"o ?9k+ !y >e n 9dep5d5t4 ,i'd r save my valua# f+]s & f9d o!r ways 6ga9 p's respect4 333333333333 ,,"! ,,may ,,2 ,a ,,hi45 ,,gift ,,6,,e ,,4abil;y 0,olivi] ,giuli]i ,i'm n bl1 b z a kid ,i _h a le>n+ 4abil;y1 dyslexia4 ,le>n+ 6r1d & write lrs 0 v di6icult = me4 ,= example1 ev5 ?\< ,i _h p]fect vi.n1 ,i cdn't di6]5tiate 2t ;,b & ;,d 2c ^! two lrs >e symmetrical1 s = me ^! 7 ! same4 ,9 brl1 ,i wd h be5 3fus+ ;,h & ;,j or ;,e & ;,i 2c ! dot matrices >e horizont,y symmetrical4 ,=a :ile ,i ?"\ ,i 0 n sm>t 5\<1 b ,i le>n$ t ,e9/e9 _h dyslexia too1 & he 0 def9itely sm>t4 ,t made me feel m* bett]1 &) "t 7& special tra9+71 ,i ev5tu,y le>n$ 6r1d & write4 ,x j took me l;g] ?an o!r kids4 ,_m ye>s lat]1 ,i w5t 65g9e]+ s*ool4 ,"! "o (! requir$ subjects 0 9du/rial draw+4 ,9 ! f/ class1 ! t1*] gave u "s ex]cises1 & ,i f9i%$ 9 no "t4 ,i didn't ev5 h 6?9k2 all ! symmetries 7 obvi\s 6me4 ,! t1*] look$ at my copy & told me ,i didn't ne$ 6-e 6his class1 t ,i %d j %[ up at ! 5d (! ye> =! f9al exam4 ,t's :at ,i did1 & x "w$ j z he _h sd4 ,i 0 ! be/ /ud5t 9 8 class 2c visual ?9k+ 0 ! gift correspond+ 6my h&icap ( dyslexia4 ,td1 ,i'm a s(tw>e 5g9e] specializ+ 9 us] 9t]face4 ,i'm v gd at f9d+ ! be/ way 6place 9=m,n on -put] scre5s 6make x easy 6"u/& & navigate4 ,rec5tly ,i 0 vac,n+ 9 ,taiwan4 ,:ile ,i 0 "!1 ,i w5t =a massage4 ,:5 ,i 5t]$ ! massage p>lor1 ,i saw #be five masseurs4 ,e s+le "o ( !m 0 bl4 ,i _h he>d t masseur 0 a -mon job =! bl 9 ,asia1 & t !y >e ! be/ masseurs4 ,i expect$ ,i wd get ! same massage f a bl p]son z ,i wd f a siry ,kasp>ov play+ *ess4 ,! massage p>lor 0 (f]+ _m di6]5t types ( massages4 ,i *ose reflexology1 an alt]native m$ic9e me?od 9volv+ foot massage4 ,! ,asians 2lieve t ! feet & h&s reflect ! body1 & t 0massag+ a c]ta9 "p (! feet1 x c h1l ! correspond+ "p (! body4 ,! bl masseur gave me a foot massage1 !n he told my ,taiwanese fr :o translat$ = me a summ>y (! /ate ( my body4 ,he sd _m ?+s1 b mo/ importantly t ,i _h pro#ms )! "r %\ld]1 ! neck1 &a sore ?roat4 ,9de$1 #ae ye>s ago1 ,i broke my "r %\ld]1 & x is w1k]2 z a 3sequ;e t5.n builds up 9 my neck4 ,i suppose ,i -p5sate = my %\ld]s' 4symmetry 0ov]-ex]cis+ c]ta9 muscles (! feet :5 walk+4 ,i didn't h a sore ?roat b ,i 0 alr q impress$ t he cd feel all t simply 0t\*+ my feet4 ,! next "d1 ,i got a sore ?roat6 ,? impress$ me ev5 m 2c x m1ns t ! masseur cd feel ! pro#m 2f ! symptoms />t$ 6a6ect me4 ,s* a level ( a3uracy 9 ! diagnosis is re,y 9cr$i#4 ,2f writ+ ? >ticle ,i did "s rese>* on ! ,9t]net4 ,i le>n$ t 9 ,s\? ,korea1 only bl p c 2 masseurs4 ,al1 "o ( ,japan's l;ge/-runn+ s]ies ( films is ! /ory ( ,zatoi*i1 a bl masseur & swordma/]4 ,"s ( y1 "y bl r1d]s1 cd 2come ! be/ masseurs or reflexologi/s 9 ! _w4 ,:y settle = less8 ,l\is ,brl 0 only a kid :5 he 9v5t$ ! ,brl sy/em4 ,no si ! dormitory libr>y ": dwelt old books wait+ 6l1p 96my m9d4 ,2f ! f/ nik;s3 ,i tru/$ xs h&s 6massage sleep onto me4 ,b t nik;s 2t %elves ( ammuni;n & hurl+ w>h1ds ( k te>+ my pill[ helmet4 ,i /um#d \ (! rub# & s"\ = li blood f my w.d$ eyes1 ,i pl1d$ ) hm 6/op !m or let me g home4 8,y c run1 run1 run10 he told me af return+ f ! boys' d>k;s1 8 eyes s(t1 s(t] ?an ! s(t;s ( all ?+s se5 "? my eyes1 8b y _c run away40 ,f my h\se"f's k ,i ga!r$ t ! boys fe>$ & attack$ :at"e !y did n "u/&1 ? a l[ly te/a;t ( human nature4 ,back 9 my room1 ,i lay #bi half-awake1 wond]+ h[ !y 7 suppos$ 6see me cle>ly if my vi.n ( myf1 z ( all ?+s ''' ,:5 ! next morn+ a boy wav$ 8 mock+ h& ne> my bruis$ face1 ,i ball$ my new k 96a fi/1 & !n ,i 0 se5 b"r z "d4 --,john ,lee ,cl>k 333333333333 8,i ,,love ,,y1 ,,dad0 0,ann ,by+ton ,x 0 a cool] ?an usual "d 9 ,augu/ 9 nor?ea/ ,kansas4 ,m>k & 8 dad1 ,fr$1 _h g"o \ 6_! cab9 on ! ,kansas ,riv] z !y (t5 did4 ,! cab9 0 #hd-ye>-old ,fr$'s home away f home1 )a deck1 electric;y1 runn+ wat]--all ! -=ts ( home )! a4$ attrac;n (! view1 s.ds & smells (! riv] ne>by4 ,m>k & 8 dad 7 9/all+ a spr9kl] sy/em 6wat] ! newly plant$ grass4 ,m>k _h g"o 6get "s?+ :5 he he>d 8 dad %\t1 8,:ooooa60 8,i knew ,i'd lo/ hm10 he told me lat]4 ,he ran "s #ae feet d[n ! riv] bank & ne>ly knock$ 8 dad 96! wat]1 try+ 6get 6hm4 ,he cdn't tell me :e!r ! electric cord 0 8 or ,fr$'s idea1 b af det]m9+ t ,fr$ _h gra2$ "s %ru2]y : _h /opp$ 8 fall1 ,m>k climb$ back up ! bank1 & af reject+ two cords1 f.d ! "o he want$4 ,he ti$ x 6a tree at ! top (! bank1 climb$ back d[n1 ti$ ! cord "u 8 dad's >mpits & !n >.d ano!r tree 6/abilize ,fr$ s he1 ,m>k1 cd climb back up ! bank1 call #iaa & give !m direc;ns 6! cab94 ,x took ano!r #de m9utes =a rescue squad 6>rive1 move m5 & ropes d[n ! riv]bank 6,fr$1 secure hm & !n place hm 9 a wire basket & w9* hm up ! bank4 ,fr$ 0 !n /rapp$ 6a backbo>d z a precau;n4 ,un=tunately1 :5 !y >riv$ at ! ,,va hospital1 ano!r em]g5cy _h -e 9 : necessitat$ ,fr$'s /ay+ /rapp$ d[n = ano!r ?ree h\rs4 #ca ,"s ( y "k ,m>k ,coates1 ! h]o ( ? true /ory4 ,m>k has be5 an active memb] (! ,kansas ,associ,n =! ,bl & ,visu,y ,impair$ = s"eal ye>s1 s]ves on \r bo>d ( directors & z vice presid5t & has att5d$ ! legislative sem9> & presid5ts' meet+ on two o3a.ns4 ,m>k has be5 ! pr9cipal c>egiv] = 8 dad =! pa/ s"eal ye>s4 ,he d1ls ) feel+s ( fru/r,n1 3c]n1 love & annoy.e 9 ? role1 j z "s ( u h d"o :5 wat*+ \r [n p>5ts 2come ^? 9 ne$ ( c>e4 ,m>k doesn't talk ab ? task un.s he is ask$ ab 8 dad4 ,he does ! job will+ly4 ,x /rikes me t all ( u 9 ,,acb h _m opportunities 6be h]oes1 if we take advantage ( !m4 ,! frly smile & -pli;t on a job well d"o 0"s"o /ru7l+ )a newly acquir$ 4abil;y2 ! unobtrusive (f] ( assi/.e 6ano!r p]son d1l+ )! same /resses we d2 ! calm assur.e & hi< expect,ns we %[ bl or visu,y impair$ *n2 ! "w at a golf t\rna;t or o!r fund-rais]2 ^! >e all opportunities 6be h]oes4 ,:ile we may n h ! ne$ 6be z res\rce;lly h]oic z ,m>k ,coates & 8 "f1 we c all take advantage (! hi45 opportunities 6be h]oes4 ,& 6,m>k1 we say1 8,we >e pr\d ( y1 ,m>k1 = yr brav]y1 yr res\rce;l;s & yr pati;e40 ,&1 al;g ) y1 we br1! a huge si< ( relief & say1 8,we love y1 ,dad60 333333333333 ,,"! ,,0 ,a ,,"d ,"! 0 a "d1 ,a d>k & dank & dre>y "d1 ,x *all5g$ all my skills1 ,x 0 a v pa9;l "d1 ,&1 ev5 s1 ,i fac$ x & embrac$ x4 ,z t "d 4solv$ 96memory ,my skills ga9$ grt] abil;y4 ,"! 0 a "d1 ,a b"r & %9y joy;l "d4 ,x 0 a p1ce;l "d ( b.s$ re/4 ,z t "d 4solv$ 96memory1 ,my _s 0 /r5g!n$ ) love4 ,? is a life ,made up ( _m "ds #cc ,di6]5t & a"p4 ,yet1 4solv+ 96a bal.ed bl5d4 ,i face & embrace all ^! "ds1 ,! dre>y &! %9y1 ,! pa9;l &! joy;l4 ,!y >e ! gifts ( ? life4 --,t$die-,joy ,remhild 333333333333 ,,lr ,,6,,! ,,$itor ,! 3t5ts ( ? column reflect ! lrs we _h rcvd 0! "t we w5t 6press1 ,june #bf1 #bjji4 ,lrs >e limit$ 6#cjj ^ws or few]4 ,all submis.ns m/ 9clude ! au?or's "n & loc,n4 ,op9ions express$ >e ^? (! au?ors4 ,note 6,all ,dog ,guides ,"ey":6 ,2w>e ( blatant 4crim9,n4 ,d n all[ yrvs 6be sep>at$ \ & tr1t$ di6]5tly ?an o!r travel devices or aids4 ,d n 2 trick$ 962liev+ t yr bl -panion m/ %[ pro( ( yr gd /&+ 9 ord] 6travel freely 9 ! _w4 ,rememb]1 if a p]son 5t]s a re/aurant 9 a :eel*air & goes ab ba%+ 96ta#s & gra2+ food (f patrons' plates1 no "o ru%es up & dem&s 6see a c>d prov+ t !y h be5 prop]ly tra9$4 ,if a p]son 5t]s a place ( busi;s us+ a l;g :ite travel cane & 2g9s :ack+ o!r folks on ! legs & %\t+ at !m 6get \ (! way1 no "o /eps =w>d dem&+ 6see pro( t !y h rcvd ,o@&,m tra9+4 ,if a p]son us+ a walk] 5t]s a cafe & relieves hm- or h]f 9 ! corn]1 no "o asks = pro( t !y h be5 giv5 walk] tra9+4 ,no1 9 all ( ^! situ,ns ! (f5d+ 9dividual w 2 escort$ f ! premises or ! police w 2 call$4 ,only y1 my furry1 fuzzy frs1 >e expect$ 6c>ry pro( ( yr tra9+4 ,ev5 ! bl man :o 5t]s a place ( busi;s )a sis1 hold !m muzzles hi< & g bravely =w>d1 )\t any ,,id c>ds4 --,c>l ,j>vis1 ,quilc5e1 ,wa%4 333333333333 ,,"h ,,& ,,"! #ce 0,sue ,li*t5fels ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column does n repres5t an 5dorse;t 0! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl1 xs (fic]s1 or /aff4 ,li/+s >e free ( *>ge =! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 ,! ,brl ,=um _c 2 held responsi# =! reliabil;y (! products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,6submit items = ? column1 s5d a message to _+info@acb.org_:1 or ph"o ! n,nal (fice at #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 & l1ve a message 9 ,%>on ,lover+'s mailbox4 ,9=m,n m/ 2 rcvd at l1/ two mon?s ah1d ( public,n date4 ,,>mbru/] equals ,,p>alympic ,,coa* ,,( ,,! ,,ye> ,! ,u4,s4 ,olympic ,-mittee rec5tly ann\nc$ ! recipi5ts ( xs #bjjh ,coa* (! ,ye> aw>ds4 ,! ,p>alympic ,coa* (! ,ye> 0 ,k5 ,>mbru/]2 he coa*es goalball4 ,a4i;nal w9n]s w]e3 ,n,nal ,coa* (! ,ye>1 ,hu< ,mc,cut*eon1 volleyball2 ,develop;tal ,coa* (! ,ye>1 ,rajul ,%e?1 ta# t5nis2 ,volunte] ,coa* (! ,ye>1 ,rita ,glad/"o1 t5nis2 & 8,doc0 ,c\nsilman ,sci;e ,aw>d w9n] ,dave ,b5nett1 wre/l+4 ,,ladies' ,,goalball ,,captures ,,gold ,! ,u4,s4 wom5's goalball t1m captur$ gold at ! #aj? annual ,lady ,malmo ,9t]cup1 ,malmo1 ,sw$51 9 late ,may 0def1t+ rival ,canada1 #f-d4 ,t1m memb]s ,nikki ,buck & ,jordan ,walt]s an*or$ ! def5se1 & ,j5 ,>mbru/]1 ,asya ,mill]1 ,lisa ,cze*[ski & ,rob9 ,!r"y h&l$ ! (f5se4 ,,new ,,olympic ,,(fice ,rec5tly1 ,presid5t ,b>ack ,obama ann\nc$ ! =m,n (! ,:ite ,h\se ,(fice ( ,olympic1 ,p>alympic & ,y\? ,sport4 ,? p]man5t (fice w promote ! values (! ,olympic ,move;t & 5c\rage 9cr1s$ y\? "picip,n 9 a?letics4 ,! prim>y func;n (! (fice w 2 65h.e aw>e;s (! ,olympic ,move;t "? promo;n ( xs funda;tal pr9ciples at ! f$]al level4 ,,_hley ,,graduates #cg ,on ,june #aj1 ,! ,_hley ,s*ool =! ,bl held xs hi< s*ool gradu,n c]emony at ! ,w9netka 7,ill47 ,wom5's ,club4 ,five (! #aj graduates 7 a# 6travel f _! homes >.d ! c.try 6,_hley 6celebrate _! a*ieve;t3 ,anna ,bol9o1 #bb1 f ,cali=nia2 ,megan ,tate1 #ai1 f ,mississippi2 ,*ri/oph] ,h>p]1 #bh1 f ,9diana2 ,jessica ,pitz]1 #ai1 f ,nor? ,c>ol9a2 & ,l\ise ,craft1 #fh1 f ,p5nsylvania4 ,^? :o w]5't a# 6att5d 7 ,dixie ,br[n1 #eh1 f ,new ,york2 ,russell ,dy]1 #ch1 f ,florida2 ,paige ,h>d91 #ai1 f ,georgia2 ,jesse ,mulock1 #ah1 f ,>izona2 & ,laura ,p>%ley1 #ba1 f ,new ,york4 ,,job ,,se>* ,,c\rse ,! ,_hley ,s*ool =! ,bl is n[ (f]+1 8,f9d+ ,employ;t10 : pres5ts ! 8,be- ,d-,h0 me?od 6help navigate "? ! job- se>* process4 ,? six-lesson c\rse helps id5tify yr 9t]e/s & skills s y c f9d ! c>e] t's "r = y4 ,x (f]s 5gag+ job-se>* te*niques s* z us+ net"w+ & job s]vices = p :o >e visu,y impair$4 ,? c\rse al gives help;l tips = writ+ cov] lrs & resumes t grab an employ]'s eye1 z well z 9t]view+ /rategies 6give y an $ge ov] yr -peti;n4 ,f9,y1 ! la/ lesson provides advice on :5 64close a visual impair;t z well z :at r1sona# a3ommod,ns 6expect f yr pot5tial employ]4 ,a supple;t1 8,extraord9>y ,p1 ,extraord9>y ,jobs10 %>es ! /ories ( h[ s"eal p ) visual impair;t f.d _! c>e]s4 ,6regi/] = ? class or le>n ab o!rs1 call ,_hley at #a-hjj-cbc-dbch2 ;e-mail _+info@hadley.edu_:2 or visit _+www.hadley-school.org_:4 ,,le>n ,,6,,draw ,,) ,,brl ,kim ,*>lson1 ,director (! ,p]k9s ,s*ool =! ,bl1 has writt5 8,draw+ ) yr ,p]k9s ,brlr^r3 ,an activ;y guide 6cr1t+ tactile draw+s40 ,? book 3ta9s /ep-by-/ep direc;ns = cr1t+ #cf di6]5t draw+s rang+ f basic 6hii\s animals1 & pictures ) holi"d & transport,n !mes4 ,! brl pictures >e 9clud$ 6demon/rate :at ! f9al draw+s %d look & feel #ci l4 ,! book sells = 4#bd.ie 9 ei #ad- po9t type or ,brl4 ,ord]s c 2 plac$ at _+www.support.perkins.org_: or 0ph"o at 7#fag7 #ibd-cdcd4 ,,rfb@&,d ,,rcvs ,,aw>d ,record+ =! ,bl @& ,dyslexic^r7,,rfb@&,d7 rec5tly rcvd ! ,bl9d$ ,am]ican ,vet]ans ,f.d,n ,corporate ,volunte] ,aw>d 9 recogni;n ( xs m ?an #fj-ye> hi/ory ( provid+ a3essi# $uc,nal mat]ials = 9dividuals ) pr9t 4abilities4 ,6le>n m1 visit _+www.bavf.org/flagweek.htm_:4 ,,bl ,,aw>e;s ,,ri2on ,new ,j]sey has designat$ ,octob] z ,bl ,aw>e;s ,mon?4 ,6help raise aw>e;s 6! ne$s (! visu,y impair$ & 6build a bridge 2t ! sie;s ,ri2on = 4#d.ii ea*4 ,x is a :ite ri2on ) rais$ two-dim5.nal black dots repres5t+ ! brl code4 ,on ! "r side (! ri2on >e ! brl lrs 8;,,brl40 ,6ord] yrs1 visit _+www.braillebrands.com_:1 or call 7#gcb7 #big-bbjj4 ,organiz,ns c ord] at :olesale price = resale 6_! *apt]s & a6iliates =! retail price4 ,:olesale pric+ is z foll[s3 #bjj-dii ri2ons1 4#c.ej ea*2 #ejj or m1 4#c ea*4 ,funds rais$ f ! sale (! ri2on w 2 allocat$ 6organiz,ns t assi/ ! bl z well z 6develop & produce products t w improve & 5ri* _! lives4 ,,seek+ ,,tape ,,record] ,,repair ,,s]vice ,dr4 ,lucy ,torres is seek+ "s"o :o c repair ,panasonic & ,sony tape record]s4 ,! pro#m is )! h1dph"o 3nec;n >ea4 ,3tact h] via ;e-mail1 _+elcoqee32t@bluemarble.net_:4 ,,cl>;y's ,,newe/ ,,product ,! ,deskmate ,duo & ,deskmate ,duo ,plus -b9es ,cl>;y's ,flex video magnifi] )a #ai@9 hi<-resolu;n ,,lcd monitor4 ,"s (! products f1tures 9clude3 full color1 h&s-free auto focus+1 to7le f 4t.e 6ta#top view+1 rotat+ cam]a1 re*>gea# batt]y1 & remote 3trol4 ,y c le>n m 0call+ #da #a-hjj-ege-adef or visit+ _+www.clarityusa.com_:4 ,,new ,,onl9e ,,sci;e ,,tool ,! ,p]k9s ,s*ool =! ,bl has laun*$ a new onl9e tool = t1*+ sci;e 6*n :o >e visu,y impair$4 ,! site 9cludes3 a video webca/1 illu/rat$ classroom activities1 product su7es;ns1 & l9ks 6onl9e & h>d copy res\rce mat]ials4 ,! f/ on-dem& $uc,nal webca/ is1 8,mak+ ,life ,sci;es ,a3essi# 6,/ud5ts ) ,visual ,impair;ts40 ,! video \tl9es h[ 6make sci;e lessons & activities a3essi# "? practical adapt,ns4 ,future webca/s w focus on o!r specific fields ( sci;e $uc,n4 ,y c a3ess ? res\rce at _+www.perkins.org/accessiblescience_:4 ,,"pn]%ip ,,m1ns ,,m ,,books ,book%>e has rec5tly develop$ a "pn]%ip ) ,%>$ ,books ,ltd4 ( ,vanc\v]1 ,briti% ,columbia4 ,%>$ ,books1 : op]ates ! _+_sharing-_books.com_: web site1 has agre$ 6all[ *n's books publi%$ on _+_sharing-_books.com_: 6be a4$ 6! ,book%>e collec;n4 ,? w 9cr1se ! numb] ( *n's books a3essi# 6r1d]s ) pr9t 4abilities & provide an opportun;y = au?ors publi%$ on _+_sharing-_books.com_: 6(f] _! "ws 6a new gr\p ( r1d]s4 ,6le>n m1 visit _+www.bookshare.org_:4 ,,a3essi# ,,music ,,lessons ,n[ y c le>n 6play yr favorite musical 9/ru;t tot,y 0e>6 ,at ,bill ,br[n's ,music =! ,bl y c f9d all- audio 9/ruc;n = piano1 guit>1 h>monica1 viol91 flute1 banjo & m6 ,"! >e ov] a doz5 full-l5g? c\rses & ov] #fjj 9dividual s;g lessons4 ,= m 9=m,n1 g to _+www._music_for_the_blind.com_: or call #a-hhh-ggh-ahbh4 ,,a3ess+ ,,! ,,ipod ,grt news = all ( y music junkies6 ,n,nal ,brl ,press has rec5tly rel1s$ 8,us+ ! ,a3essi# i,pod10 0,anna ,dresn]4 ,? book walks y "? ! few simple /eps x takes 6make e f1ture on ! i,pod ,%u6le & mo/ f1tures on #dc ! ,nano a3essi# = p :o >e visu,y impair$4 ,! topics cov]$ 9clude3 gett+ />t$ ) i,tunes2 putt+ ! music1 playli/s1 audiobooks & podca/s y want on yr -put] & 96yr i,pod2 gett+ yr i,pod 6sp1k2 us+ all a3essi# f1tures ( yr i,pod2 tr\#%oot+2 a li/+ ( help;l res\rces2 & 9=m,n on h[ yr i,pod organizes music4 ,! 9clud$ i,pods >e ! f\r? g5],n ,nano &! second & ?ird g5],n ,%u6les4 ,y c ord] ? book 9 brl1 ,porta,book1 ,,ascii text_/,^w1 or ,,daisy =mat = 4#ae 0call+ ,,nbp at #a-hjj-edh-gcbc2 ;e-mail+ _+orders@nbp.org_:2 or visit+ _+www.nbp.org_:4 ,,updat$ ,,/&>ds ,,= ,,audio ,,descrip;n ,! ,audio ,descrip;n ,coali;n has publi%$ ! ?ird edi;n ( xs ,/&>ds = ,audio ,descrip;n & ,code ( ,profes.nal ,3duct = ,describ]s4 ,? edi;n 9cludes ! new /&>ds unique 6d.e descrip;n & 6op]a descrip;n4 8,! ,audio ,descrip;n ,coali;n ,/&>ds & ,code ( ,3duct0 is free 6d[nload at _+www._audio_description_coalition._& org_:4 ,,cookbook ,,fundrais] 8,! ,be/ ( ,bosma0 cookbooks >e n[ on sale = 4#ae4 ,sales ( ? #hj-page cookbook b5efit ! rehabilit,n & employ;t programs (f]$ at ,bosma4 ,6ord] yr copy or 6le>n m ab ? organiz,n1 3tact ,lise ,cox at _+lisec@bosma.org_:4 ,,newsreel ,,cookbook ,a ,,tribute 8,! ,kit*5 ,korn]0 is an a3essi# cookbook produc$ 0,newsreel ,magaz9e 9 lov+ memory ( ,ma7ie ,nettles1 :o pass$ away 9 ,augu/ #bjjg4 ,%e -pil$ ! book ov] ! la/ s"eal mon?s ( h] life4 ,x is availa# 9 ,brl1 l>ge pr9t1 regul> pr9t1 #d-track cassette1 ,,mp#c ;,,cd or audio ;,,cd 7#b ;,,cd,'s74 ,y may ord] at ! special ,,acb price ( 4#bj 0call+ 7#fad7 #dfi-jgjj or #a-hhh-gbc-hgcg4 ,,nutri;nal ,,supple;t #de ,john ,cl[]1 a life"t 5trepr5eur f ,mc,gehee1 ,>k41 wd 2 9t]e/$ 9 sp1k+ ) any"o :o wd l 6le>n ab a nutri;nal supple;t t has be5 v b5eficial 9 8 life4 ,ac 6,john1 8,! =mula 9corporates mango/e51 : rese>* is prov+ 6be v important 9 well;s & 41se prev5;n4 ,! mango/e5 fruit has be5 us$ = hundr$s ( ye>s 9 ! s\?ea/ ,asian culture 6reduce 41se & pa94 ,app>5tly ! r9d (! mango/e5 holds ! key 6mo/ (! fruit's b5eficial prop]ties4 ,! =mula al 9cludes _m trace & ultra-trace m9]als : >e h>d 6f9d 9 td's supple;ts & : we >e n gett+ 9 td's ,am]ican diet40 ,= m 9=m,n1 call ,john at 7#ggc7 #eig-dbdb or ;e-mail _+john@mcmarket.com_:4 ,,college ,,a3essibil;y ,,3f];e ,4abil;y ,s]vices at ! ,univ]s;y ( ,colorado at ,b\ld] w ho/ ! #ab? annual ,a3ess+ ,hi<] ,gr.d3 ,a3essi# ,m$ia1 ,web & ,te*nology ,3f];e = ,$uc,n1 = ,busi;ses1 = ,web & ,m$ia ,design]s ! week ( ,nov4 #aj-ad1 #bjji4 ,! 3f];e w focus on ! imple;t,n & b5efits ( assi/ive te*nology 9 ! univ]s;y & college sett+ = p ) s5sory1 physical & le>n+ 4abilities4 ,o!r topics 9clude legal & policy issues1 9clud+ ,,ada & #ejh -pli.e1 & mak+ campus m$ia1 web pages & libr>y res\rces a3essi#4 ,y c le>n m 0visit+ _+www.colorado.edu/_>at_e & curriculum = p ) 4abilities1 has laun*$ xs ?ird-"py fund+ program 6help cu/om]s #dg a3ess fund+ f private 9sur.e provid]s4 ,! ,a#,net /aff w help guide practi;n]s & cu/om]s "? ! num]\s docu;ts requir$ &! specifics (! applic,n process 6get xs assi/ive te*nology devices pd = 0^! ?ird-"py 9sur]s4 ,call #a-hhh-bii-bafb or visit _+www.ablenetinc.com_:4 ,,brlr ,,repairs ,br+ yr brlr back 6life6 ,! ,selective ,doctor1 ,9c4 specializes 9 ! repair ( ,p]k9s brlrs4 ,repairs >e 4#ee = labor1 plus ! co/ ( "ps4 ,s5d yr brlr to3 ,! ,selective ,doctor1 ,9c41 ,,po ,box #ega1 ,man*e/]1 ,,md #baajb via ,u4,s4 mail4 ,free matt] %ipp+ is a3ept$4 ,pl1se 2 sure 69sure yr brlr2 x w co/ 4#e.gj if y 9sure x = 4#djj4 ,! -pany w add ! co/ ( return 9sur.e 6yr 9voice4 ,= m 9=m,n1 call 7#daj7 #ffh-aadc or ;e-mail _+braillerrepair@yahoo.com_:4 ,or visit ! web site1 _+www.selectivedoctor.com_:4 ,,ac;n ,,l9e ,,= ,,! ,,4a#d ,help+ ,h&s =! ,4a#d ( ,new ,york ,c;y op]ates ! ,ac;n ,l9e =! ,4a#d4 ,! ph"o support aims 6help p ) 4abilities 9 ! ,,nyc >ea :o exp]i;e any type ( pro#m1 :e!r x's an imm ne$ or an "ey"d 3c]n4 ,"s ways ! organiz,n may 2 a# 6help 9clude3 provid+ a r1d]1 r1d+ lit]ature onto tape1 look+ up a 4abil;y-relat$ issue1 a3ess+ an 9a3essi# web site1 or f9d+ a volunte] 6a3ompany "s"o 6an appo9t;t4 ,! ,ac;n ,l9e c 2 r1*$ f #f p4m4 until midnids1 ;e-mail a3.ts1 *at rooms1 3f]5c+ & m* m4 ,6get yr free a3.t1 call 7#ege7 #hjb-hfjj or g to _+www.mytelespace.net_:4 #di ,,web ,,site ,,res\rce ,*ri/9e ,*aik9 has develop$ a web site 6assi/ h] pe]s 9 ! visu,y impair$ -mun;y4 ,x 9cludes job l9ks1 v5dor li/+s1 miscellane\s res\rces1 a 4cus.n bo>d1 & an 9t]view page4 ,6br[se ? site1 visit _+www._& visuallyimpairedandtheblind.com_:4 ,,book ,,( ,,poetry ,h]b ,gu75heim's new book ( poetry1 8,! ,fur!r ,adv5tures ( ,pete ,sussman3 ,new & ,select$ ,poems10 has j be5 rel1s$ 0i,univ]se 7bo? 9 trade pap]back & ;e-book =mats74 ,! book 3si/s ( #be 9t]l9k$ poems ab ! life & "ts ( ,pete ,sussman4 ,if y r1d !m 9 ord]1 y %d 2 left )! feel+ ( hav+ j r1d a novel-l autobiography4 ,two ( ^! poems f/ appe>$ 9 8,dialogue40 ,6get yr copy1 visit _+iuniverse.com_:1 _+amazon.com_:1 or _+barnesandnoble.com_:4 ,,gu75heim ,,a3essibil;y ,! ,solomon ,r4 ,gu75heim ,museum is delie "pi,y siate programs = d1f visitors >e pres5t$ 9 ,am]ican ,sign ,language1 ) no voice 9t]pret]4 ,admis.n & programs >e free ( *>ge4 ,assi/ive li/5+ devices = h>d-(-he>+ visitors >e al availa# 9 ! museum = daily ,$ucator ,eye museum t\rs at #aa a4m4 & #a p4m4 ,= m 9=m,n on ^! programs1 3tact ,ru? ,b>ry via ;e- mail1 _+rbarry@guggenheim.org_:1 or call 7#bab7 #dbc-cfah4 ,,see+ ,,ma*9e ,,9 ,,rese>* ,rese>*]s at ,,mit h develop$ a cam]a-l device t borr[s ! te*nology (a scann+ las] oph?almoscope4 ,! porta# see+ ma*9e is ab five 9*es squ>e & m.t$ on a flexi# tripod t makes x easy 6c>ry4 ,a digital cam]a is atta*$ 6! top4 ,! visual fe$ f ! cam]a travels 96! see+ ma*9e 6a liquid cry/al #ea 4play 7,,lcd7 illum9at$ 0lie "u way 6te/ ! device at ! ,l[ ,vi.n ,cl9ic at ! ,josl9 ,diabetes ,c5t]'s ,bee?am ,eye ,9/itute 9 ,bo/on4 ,,s5d ,,old ,,mat]ials ,,6,a ,,wor?y ,,cause ,/ephanie ,pieck collects & s5ds us$ brl1 l>ge pr9t1 & cassette books & magaz9es 7religi\s & non-religi\s71 :ite canes1 slates1 games1 etc4 6a s*ool =! bl 9 ,c5tral ,africa4 ,9 a4i;n1 %e [ns & op]ates ,! ,music ,suite \ ( h] home & t1*es brl music lessons 04t.e le>n+4 ,/ephanie al has -pos$ ;,,cd,'s = h1l+ & relax,n & has writt5 "s books = 2g9n+ brl music r1d]s4 ,= m 9=m,n1 visit _+www.themusicsuite.net_: or call 7#eah7 #dfd-jdhd4 333333333333 ,,my ,,"u/&+ ,,"o ,,"d ,,( ,,foxgloves ,= ,d\glass ,bull>d ,i 0 g>d5+ h& & foot1 my m9d h&-in-glove ) foxgloves1 :5 \ (! blue a ru% ( w9d mistook me = "s?+ m* lie true1 tru] 6my f+]s ?an any mistake ( nature4 ,my "u/&+ has "s wei?1 6re/ ag close 6my h&s cu4l+ small wond]s4 --,john ,lee ,cl>k 333333333333 ,,hi< ,,te* ,,swap ,,%op ,,= ,,sale3 ,us$ ,nokia ,n#ge cell ph"o ) spee* capabil;y 7,nu.e ,talks_/,nu.e ,zooms71 us]'s guide 9 pr9t1 & *>g]4 ,ask+ 4#ij or be/ (f]4 ,us$ ,brl ,blaz]1 orig9al s]ial modem ca#1 9 "w+ ord]4 ,ask+ 4#gjj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,pet] 0;e-mail1 _+zasetzu@gmail.com_:4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,tap ,memo4 ,"o button does x all3 cal5d>_/appo9t;ts ) voice tags2 clock & al>m clock2 ph"o book1 x w make t"os 6dial ! ph"o4 ,? has only be5 us$ twice4 ,x -es ) *>g] & 9/ruc;ns on ;,,cd4 ,ask+ 4#ie 79cludes %ipp+74 ;,e-mail _+mplsjeffm@gmail.com_: or call ,jeff at 7#fab7 #hfi-gdaj4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,voice,mate 9 grt 3di;n 7n"e \ (! box74 ,ask+ 4#ajj plus %ipp+1 or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,cyn?ia at 7#djh7 #fef-bajb or ;e-mail _+cirqitous650@yahoo.com_:4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,m]l9 ,vi.n ,5h.er ,,cctv4 ,-es ) slid+ tray & ca#s4 ,"ws well4 ,ask+ 4#ejj4 ,3tact ,tracy at 7#hfe7 #fji-jifd4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,,pac ,mate ,,bx#djj ) a3essories4 ,-es ) #a l1!r case1 #a fabric case1 #a -bo memory_/wi-fi c>d1 modem c>d1 & net"w c>d4 ,9cludes p[] ca#1 -put] ca#1 & ,,usb ?umb drive adapt]4 ,ask+ 4#a1aej or be/ (f]4 ,price 9cludes %ipp+ & 9sur.e4 ,3tact ,kyle at 7#gjc7 #hce-dbdf or 0;e-mail at _+kylenva@comcast.net_:4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,small pu%-button ph"o ) m5u op;ns t ne$ sis old4 ,ask+ 4#fjj4 ,m/ pick up 7,lake ,wor?1 ,fla474 ,3tact ,l5ny at 7#efa7 #dcc-hhid4 ,,want$3 ,nokia #hb cell ph"o4 ,3tact ,frank ,lapiano at 7#bab7 #fge-ghef4 333333333333 ,,= ,,my ,,gr[+ ,,tw9 ,,sons ,:at surpris$ me ! mo/ :5 ,i f/ t\*$ my premature tw9 sons 0 h[ close my palms cd get 6_! he>ts ?rumm+ ag/ t5d] cages4 ,_! sk9 too s5sitive 6/roke1 ,i j held !m close1 *e/ ag/ /utt]+ *e/1 alm he>t 6he>t1 & ,i br1!d close 6te>s hop+ !y wd n die4 ,i hop$ n ag/ hope1 "k+ t if !y liv$ _! bodies wd gr[ m secretive ( _! he>ts1 foll[$ 0o!r secrets mak+ !m only !mvs4 #eg ,no1 ,i hop$ = hope1 t !y may live & gr[1 ev5 if x is a gr[+ 4t.e f me1 b s !y "k & hold close o!r he>ts hop+ !y wd n die4 --,john ,lee ,cl>k ,,acb ,,(fic]s ,,presid5t ,,mit* ,,pom]antz #aaae ,,cordova ,,/4 _?#djb ,,pasad5a1 ,,ca #iaajf ,,f/ ,,vice ,,presid5t ,,kim ,,*>lson #eg ,,gr&view ,,ave4 ,,wat]t[n1 ,,ma #jbdgb ,,second ,,vice ,,presid5t ,,br5da ,,dillon #cac ,,ov]ridge ,,cove ,,h]mitage1 ,,tn #cgjgf ,,secret>y ,,m>la9a ,,lieb]g #fcb ,s4 #ahi? 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