,,! ,,brl ,,=um ,9 ,"o ,"p ,pages ;i-;viii & #a-fa ,,! ,,am]ican ,,c\ncil ,,( ,,! ,,bl ,,/rives ,,6,,9cr1se ,,! ,,9dep5d;e1 ,,secur;y1 ,,equal;y ,,( ,,opportun;y1 ,,& ,,6,,improve ,,qual;y ,,( ,,life ,,= ,,all ,,bl ,,& ,,visu,y ,,impair$ ,,p4 ,publi%$ by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,volume ,,xlviii ,july #bjji ,no4 #a ,copy"r #bjji ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,,special ,,symbols ;iii ,,us$ ,,9 ,,? ,,volume ^t ,tradem>k4 ,' 7#f1 #c7 ,t]m9,n sign4 _/ ,sla%4 @& ,amp]s&4 s' ,sec;n sign4 _? ,crosshat*4 @9 ,9* sign4 ,-put] ,brl ,code _+ ,2g9 ,-put] ,brl ,code4 @ 7#d7 ,at sign4 . 7#d-f7 ,p]iod4 _: ,5d ,-put] ,brl ,code4 : ,colon4 / ,sla%4 - 7#c-f7 ,hyph54 _ 7#d-e-f7 ,%ift 9dicator4 _& ,3t9u,n 9dicator4 _> ,caps lock 9dicator4 _< ,caps rel1se 9dicator4 ,,special ,,symbols 73t47 ,numb]s 2 7#b-c7 #b4 0 7#c-e-f7 #j4 5 7#b-f7 #e4 4 7#b-e-f7 #d4 ,,! ,,brl ,,=um ^t is availa# 9 ;v brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half-spe$ f\r-track cassette tape1 & via ;e-mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 a4ress *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = public,n %d 2 s5t 6,%>on ,lover+ at ! a4ress on ! back cov]1 or via ;e-mail to _+slovering@acb.org_:4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ^t is a memb]%ip organiz,n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,6jo91 visit ! ,,acb web site & -plete an applic,n =m1 or 3tact ! n,nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ on ! back cov]4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax- deducti#1 c 2 s5t 6,mike ,god9o at ! mail+ a4ress on ! back cov]4 ,if y wi% 6rememb] a relative or fr1 ! n,nal (fice c make pr9t$ c>ds availa# = ? purpose4 ,6rememb] ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t1 y may 9clude a special p>agraph = t purpose4 ,if yr wi%es >e -plex1 3tact ! ,,acb n,nal (fice4 ,jo9 ! ,mon?ly ,m"ot>y ,support 7,,mms7 ,program & help improve tm td 9 ,,acb4 ,3tact ,ron ,milliman 0;e- mail1 _+rmilliman@insightbb.com_:1 or 0ph"o at 7#bgj7 #ghb-icbe & get />t$ mak+ tm look b"r] td6 ,6make a 3tribu;n 6,,acb via ! ,-b9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #aaaee4 ,=! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll- free at 7#hjj7 #dbd-hfff1 #e p4m4 6midnie ,y ,tun$ ,in81 0,mit* ,pom]antz """" #a ,,acb at ! ,:ite ,h\se1 0,melanie ,brunson """""""""""""" #f ,legislative ,update3 ,9=mal ,-pla9ts at ! ,,fcc1 0,]ic ,bridges """""""""""""""""""""""" #h ,pass+s """""""""""""""""""""""""" #ac ,,acb ,*apt] ,web ,sites--,make ,"o61 0,philip ,kutn] """""""""" #ad ,a6iliate ,news """""""""""""""""" #bj ,adv5ture 9 ,mexico1 0,gail ,selfridge """"""""""""""""""""" #ba ,su3e$+ ,ag/ ! ,o4s3 ,celebrat+ ,l\is ,brl's ,bir?"d 9 ,sri ,lanka1 0,j1n ,p>k] """""""""""" #bd ,lr 6! ,$itor """""""""""""""""""" #cb ,sorr['s ,s;g1 0,l9dy ,morelli """ #cd ,! ,c\nsel+ ,*all5ge1 0,m>ilyn ,br&t ,smi? """""""""""""""""""" #db ,"h & ,"!1 $it$ 0,sue ,li*t5fels #dd ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op """"""""""""" #ef ,,=um ,,subscrip;n ,,notes ,y c n[ get 8,! ,brl ,=um0 0podca/6 ,6subscribe1 g to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 page on _+www.acb.org_:4 ,if y d n yet h a podca/ cli5t1 y c d[nload "o f ! ,=um page4 ,6subscribe to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 via ;e-mail1 s5d a blank ;e-mail message to _+brailleforum-_l-subscribe@acb.org_:4 333333333333 ,,>e ,,y ,,mov+8 ,,d ,,y ,,want ,,6,,*ange ,,yr ,,subscrip;n8 ,3tact ,%>on ,lover+ 9 ! ,,acb n,nal (fice1 #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 or via ;e- mail1 _+slovering@acb.org_:4 ,give h] ! 9=m,n1 & %e'll take c>e (! *anges = y4 ,,presid5t's ,,message3 #a ,,>e ,,y ,,tun$ ,,in8 0,mit* ,pom]antz ,l s _m bl & visu,y impair$ p ( my acqua9t.e &(a c]ta9 age gr\p1 ,i've _h a fasc9,n ) radio s9ce ,i 0 v "y4 ,"o "d :5 ,i 0 #e or #f1 my "m won "s sort ( 3te/ am;g all ! employees at ! de"p;t /ore ": %e "w$4 ,! prize 0 a ,philco ,,am clock radio1 v9tage #aiee4 ,miracle ( miracles1 %e gave x 6me & f !n on ,i 0 hook$6 ,9 ^? "ds :5 ! ,,am b& wasn't ne>ly z cr[d$ z x is td1 liv+ 9 ,los ,angeles ,i easily pick$ up ,san ,francisco1 ,s1ttle & ,vanc\v]1 ,briti% ,columbia4 ,)a bit m ef=t1 ,i he>d ,des ,mo9es1 ,oklahoma ,c;y1 ,dallas-,=t ,wor?1 & ev5 ,pittsbur< & ,bo/on o3a.n,y ) t wond];l ,philco4 ,t's h[ ,i got 9volv$ 9 :at we ref] 6z ! ho2y ( ,,dx,'-ing4 ,ov] ! pa/ #ej-plus ye>s1 ,i h [n$ a v>iety ( radios 9clud+1 2g9n+ >.d #aige1 an old ,coll9s ,,am_/%ortwave rcvr dat+ back 6! mid-#'cj;s4 7,= ^? ( y :o "k ab s* ?+s1 no1 x's n = sale47 ,?anks 6t ,coll9s1 ,i develop$ an 9t]e/ 9 9t]n,nal %ortwave /,ns s* z ! ,,bbc 7,grt ,brita971 ,deuts*e ,velle 7,g]_m71 ,radio ,au/ralia & scores ( o!rs air+ news & cultural programm+ 9 ,5gli%4 ,sadly1 a significant numb] ( ^! /,ns h de"p$ ! %ortwave b&s = satellite &_/or ! ,9t]net1 al? a few c>ry on gamely l det]m9$ b \-gunn$ w>riors4 ,9 late #bjjb1 ,i 0 9vit$ 63duct 4abil;y-aw>e;s tra9+ 9 ,s\? ,africa4 ,donna & ,i sp5t #ae "ds 9 t 9trigu+ c.try1 #aj "ds 9 ,durban &! rema9+ five 9 ,johannesburg & ,pretoria4 ,natur,y1 ,i br"\ al;g a radio1 two actu,y4 ,x 0 my f/ r1l exposure 6local radio \tside (! ,u4,s41 ,canada & ,mexico4 ,we f.d an ,,fm /,n 9 ,johannesburg1 ,jac>&a ,radio1 : we li/5$ 63/antly :ile "!4 ,i / h six #ij-m9ute cassettes ( radio /,ns f t trip2 guess x's "t 6dig !m \ & li/5 6!m "o m "t4 ,x 0 :5 we return$ & #c want$ 6he> "s ( \r ,s\? ,african favorites t we 2gan tun+ 9 6radio on ! ,9t]net4 ,"! >e lit],y ?\s&s ( /,ns /r1m+ 7! web equival5t ( broadca/+71 9clud+ \r [n ,,acb ,radio4 ,x w5t on ! air1 s 6sp1k1 ) ,,acb ,radio ,ma9/r1m 9 #aiii4 ,"! >e n[ five sep>ate /r1ms 2+ (f]$ "u ! ,,acb ,radio bann]3 ,ma9/r1m1 provid+ talk radio programm+ on issues specific 6bl;s2 ,9t]active1 giv+ bl disc jockeys ! opportun;y 6air _! [n music programs2 ,_w1 (f]+ an 9t]n,nal p]spective & programm+ 9 s"eal languages2 ,caf@e1 f1tur+ music p]=m$ 0>ti/s :o >e bl or visu,y impair$2 & ,tr1sure ,trove1 provid+ all ! old-"t radio any"o cd wi%4 ,e>li] ? ye>1 ,,acb,''s budget -mittee recomm5d$ &! bo>d ( directors approv$ a budget : 9clud$ ! t]m9,n (! 3tract )! ,,acb ,radio manag]1 ,*rissie ,co*rane1 z ( ,april #cj?4 ,9 pa/ ye>s :5 \r rev5ue projec;ns 7 d[n1 we made cuts 9 ! numb] ( issues ( 8,! ,brl ,=um0 f #ab 6#aa1 or ev5 #aj2 & 9 ! numb] &_/or am.t ( s*ol>%ips aw>d$4 ,? ye>1 )a project$ 4#ij1jjj deficit & foll[+ a bo>d deci.n n 6approve an unbal.ed budget1 we reluctantly pass$ a bal.ed budget : 9clud$ cutt+ ! pd manag] posi;n =! rema9d] ( #bjji4 ,let me say =! record t ,*rissie ,co*rane took ! re9s ( ,,acb ,radio dur+ a v di6icult p]iod & did an \t/&+ job gr[+ & develop+ ! /,n4 ,%e 0 especi,y adept at attract+ 9t]n,nal programm]s4 ,n surpris+ly1 h] de"pure 0 "s:at 3trov]sial1 "picul>ly am;g ^? same 9t]n,nal programm]s4 ,un=tunately1 a few prote/$ ! bo>d's deci.n 0)draw+ _! s]vices1 & _! unique po9ts ( view & /yles >e sorely miss$4 ,5t] ! cavalry6 ,we >e =tunate t a tal5t$ ,,acb ,radio programm]1 ,l>ry ,turnbull1 agre$ 6/ep 96! br1* 0volunte]+ 6manage ,,acb ,radio "? ! 5d (! ye>4 ,he is 2+ assi/$ 0a manage;t t1m 9clud+ ,m>la9a ,lieb]g1 l;g"t ,,acb ,radio programm]1 #e ,paul ,$w>ds1 *air (! bo>d ( public,ns1 & ,*ris ,gray1 imm pa/ presid5t1 bo? ( :om >e curr5t 3tributors 6! /,n4 ,melanie ,brunson & ,i al assi/ z ne$$4 ,9 8 brief "t z manag]1 ,l>ry has alr recruit$ s"eal new programm]s1 &a few =m] "os1 6! fold4 ,! po9t ( all ?1 ( c\rse1 is 6recruit ^? ( y ) ,9t]net a3ess 62come regul> li/5]s 6,,acb ,radio4 ,p]h 9 "t1 "s ( y miry ,turnbull is develop+ plans =! /,n : promise grt ?+s4 ,&1 = ^? ( y :o d n h ,9t]net a3ess1 he is 9ve/igat+ ways ( mak+ programs he>d on ,,acb ,radio availa# 6y z well4 ,s1 z !y say 9 ! radio biz1 /ay tun$6 333333333333 ,,acb ,,at ,,! ,,:ite ,,h\se 0,melanie ,brunson ,s9ce ! ,obama adm9i/r,n assum$ ! re9s ( gov]n;t 9 late ,janu>y1 ! ,:ite ,h\se has regul>ly s"\ 9put f ! 4abil;y -mun;y4 ,! adm9i/r,n has regul>ly 9vit$ memb]s (! -mun;y 6meet+s : 7 3v5$ specific,y 6seek 9put on a v>iety ( issues ( 3c]n 6p ) 4abilities1 z well z profes.nals :o provide s]vices 6!m4 ,i am v pl1s$ 6tell ! r1d]s ( 8,! ,brl ,=um0 t ,,acb has be5 an active "p (a numb] ( ^! ga!r+s4 ,we h _h opportunities 65gage ,:ite ,h\se /aff 9 4cus.ns reg>d+ a wide range ( topics 9clud+ a3ess 6h1l? c>e1 a3essi# telecommunic,ns1 fund+ = audio descrip;n1 p$e/rian safety1 &! future ( voc,nal rehabilit,n1 j 6"n a few4 ,i am al pl1s$ 6report t ! response f ,:ite ,h\se /a6]s has be5 q positive4 ,\r 4cus.ns h be5 bo? frank & op54 ,k>eem ,dale1 special assi/ant 6! presid5t = 4abil;y policy1 has be5 "picul>ly 9t]e/$ 9 obta9+ 9put f #g ,,acb on a numb] ( issues4 ,he has met ) ,,acb,''s presid5t1 ,mit* ,pom]antz1 0teleph"o1 ) \r director ( advocacy & gov]n;tal a6airs1 &) me4 ,he has be5 v 5gag$ dur+ \r 4cus.ns & has facilitat$ 3tacts ) o!r ,:ite ,h\se (ficials :5 appropriate s t we cd ei give 9=m,n 6!m or obta9 assi/.e f !m1 z ! situ,n w>rant$4 ,! ,:ite ,h\se has al 9clud$ p :o h 4abilities 9 ga!r+s t h no specific 3nec;n 6issues relat$ 64abil;y1 b at : !y want 6h "picip,n f 9dividuals repres5tative (a cross-sec;n (! n,n's popul,n4 ,= 9/.e1 ,]ic ,bridges has be5 9vit$ 6att5d a c\ple ( bill-sign+ c]emonies s f> ? ye>4 ,z a result1 we >e hope;l t ! adm9i/r,n w foll[ "? on xs pl$ge 63sid] ! implic,ns all policy deci.ns may h = p ) 4abilities1 & n seek 65gage \r -mun;y only :5 ! subject matt] specific,y relates 64abil;y issues4 ,?us f>1 ! signs >e positive = bo? ! 4abil;y -mun;y at l>ge1 &= ,,acb 9 "picul>4 ,z ,i write1 ,]ic ,bridges is prep>+ 6att5d ano!r meet+ at ! ,:ite ,h\se = l1d]s ( n,nal 4abil;y organiz,ns1 : w 2 held lat] ? week4 ,we w keep y 9=m$ z \r dialogue )! ,:ite ,h\se proce$s4 ,we >e excit$ ab ! opportunities x may pres5t & gratifi$ 0! way x has g"o ?us f>4 333333333333 ,,legislative ,,update3 ,,9=mal ,,-pla9ts ,,at ,,! ,,fcc 0,]ic ,bridges ,i am q pl1s$ 6report ano!r small b important victory = 9dividuals ) 4abilities at ! ,f$]al ,-munic,ns ,-mis.n 7,,fcc74 ,= well ov] a ye>1 ,,acb has "w$ )! ,4abil;y ,"rs ,(fice at ! ,,fcc 6=mulate a report t wd detail -pla9ts 0! 4abil;y -mun;y4 ,z "s ( y "k1 ! ,,fcc collects report+ data on -pla9ts rang+ f 9dec5t 3t5t on ,,tv & radio 6broadca/ "rs4 ,hi/oric,y1 h["e1 ! ,,fcc has n publi%$ a report detail+ -pla9ts 0! 4abil;y -mun;y4 ,i "k t _m ( y h #i -plet$ 9=mal -pla9ts on 9a3essi# cell ph"os & a3ess 6televis$ em]g5cy 9=m,n4 ,^! types ( -pla9ts >e precisely :at ? report w collect4 ,2l is a notice ann\nc+ ? report4 ,9 ! notice "! is a l9k t w take y 6a page t w let y file an 9=mal -pla9t4 ,n[ t we h ? report1 : w 2 made availa# =! public 6view1 x is imp]ative t ,,acb memb]s help 6populate ! relevant categories ) _m -pla9ts4 ,? report w give ! bl -mun;y solid data 6utilize :5 "w+ ) ,3gress & 9du/ry on issues p]ta9+ 6telecommunic,ns4 ,pl1se let me "k if y require assi/.e 9 -plet+ an 9=mal -pla9t4 ,report ,on ,9=mal ,3sum] ,-pla9ts ,reg>d+ ,a3ess ,6,telecommunic,ns ,= ,p ,) ,4abilities ,,wa%+ton1 ,may #f1 #bjji--,! ,3sum] @& ,gov]n;tal ,a6airs ,bur1u 7,,cgb7 ann\nces 9=m,n reg>d+ 9=mal 3sum] -pla9ts process$ 0! ,4abil;y ,"rs ,(fice 7,,dro7 dur+ ! f\r? qu>t] (! cal5d> ye> #bjjh4 ,,dro processes 9=mal -pla9ts 9 ! foll[+ five categories3 7#a7 a3ess 6telecommunic,ns s]vices & equip;t 7,sec;n #bee7 7#dg ,u4,s4,c4 s' #bee71 7#b7 telecommunic,ns relay s]vices 7,,trs7 7#dg ,u4,s4,c4 s' #bbe71 7#c7 clos$ cap;n+ 7#dg ,c4,f4,r4 s' #gi.a71 7#d7 a3essibil;y ( video programm+ provid+ em]g5cy 9=m,n 7#dg ,c4,f4,r4 s' #gi.b71 7#e7 & he>+ aid -patibil;y 7#dg ,u4,s4,c4 s' #faj74 ,=! f\r? qu>t] ( #bjjh 7,oct4 #a1 #bjjh-,dec4 #ca1 #bjjh71 ,,dro rcvd ! foll[+ numb] ( 9=mal -pla9ts1 0subject matt]1 implicat+ ! ,-mis.n's 4abil;y a3ess rules3 #cj 9=mal -pla9ts rais$ ,sec;n #bee issues2 #ch 9=mal -pla9ts rais$ ,,trs issues2 #hj 9=mal -pla9ts rais$ clos$ cap;n+ issues2 #d 9=mal -pla9ts rais$ a3essibil;y ( video programm+ provid+ em]g5cy 9=m,n issues2 & #b 9=mal -pla9ts rais$ he>+ aid -patibil;y issues4 ,on ,feb4 #a1 #bjjh1 ,,cgb #aa laun*$ a new database track+ sy/em = 9=mal -pla9ts1 ! ,3sum] ,-pla9t ,manage;t ,sy/em 7,,ccms74 ,,ccms utilizes ! ,=m #bjjj;,c = all 4abil;y a3ess 9=mal -pla9ts reg>d+ ! five categories li/$ abv4 ,3sum]s c a3ess ? -pla9t =m at _+www.fcc.gov/cgb/form2000c.html_:4 ,! ,-mis.n rcvs _m 9quiries & -pla9ts t d n 9volve viol,ns (! ,-munic,ns ,act1 a ,-mis.n rule1 or a ,-mis.n ord]4 ,! exi/;e (a -pla9t does n necess>ily 9dicate wr;gdo+ 0! -pany at issue4 ,= m 9=m,n reg>d+ a3ess 6telecommunic,ns = p ) 4abilities & o!r relat$ matt]s1 visit ! ,,dro web site at _+www.fcc.gov/cgb/dro_:4 ,a copy ( ? docu;t w 2 availa# dur+ regul> busi;s h\rs at ! ,,fcc ,ref];e ,9=m,n ,c5t]1 ,portals ,,ii1 #dde #ab? ,/4 ,s4,w41 ,room ,,cy-,a#beg1 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 #bjeed4 ,? docu;t & copies ( subsequ5tly fil$ docu;ts 9 ? matt] may al 2 pur*as$ f ! ,-mis.n's duplicat+ 3tractor at ,portals ,,ii1 #dde #ab? ,/reet1 ,s4,w41 ,room ,,cy- ,b#djb1 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 #bjeed4 ,cu/om]s may 3tact ! ,-mis.n's duplicat+ 3tractor at _! web site1 _+www.bcpiweb.com_:1 or call #a-hjj-cgh-cafj or 7#bjb7 #dhh-ecjj4 ,6reque/ mat]ials 9 a3essi# =mats = p ) 4abilities 7,brl1 l>ge pr9t1 electronic files1 audio =mat71 s5d an ;e-mail to _+fcc504@fcc.gov_: or call ! ,3sum] @& ,gov]n;tal ,a6airs ,bur1u at 7#bjb7 #dah-jecj 7voice71 or 7#bjb7 #dah-jdcb 7,,tty74 ,? news rel1se c al 2 d[nload$ 9 ,^w & ,porta# ,docu;t ,=mat 7,,pdf7 at _+www.fcc.gov/cgb/dro/_:4 ,= fur!r 9=m,n reg>d+ ? 9=mal -pla9t 9=m,n1 3tact ,*]yl ,k+1 ,3sum] @& ,gov]n;tal ,a6airs ,bur1u1 ,4abil;y ,"rs ,(fice3 7#bjb7 #dah-bbhd 7voice71 7#bjb7 #dah-jdaf 7,,tty71 or ;e-mail _+_cheryl._king@fcc.gov_:4 333333333333 ,,pass+s #ac ,x has -e 6\r att5;n t we >e rapidly los+ memb]s ( \r -mun;y1 frs & support]s ( ,,acb4 ,9 ord] 6honor ^! p ^: lives h impact$ u1 9 l>ge & small ways1 we >e publi%+ ? column4 ,see 2l =! =mat 9 : 6submit 9=m,n4 ,obitu>y ,=mat ,pl1se 9clude z m* (! foll[+ 9=m,n z possi# :5 submitt+ mat]ial = ? column4 ,submis.ns m/ 9volve dates no m ?an six mon?s f 9t5d$ date ( public,n4 ,"n 7f/1 la/1 maid5 if appropriate7 ,c;y ( resid;e 7^u pass+7 ,/ate_/prov9ce ( resid;e 7^u pass+7 ,o!r cities_//ates_/c.tries ( resid;e 7places ": o!r bl p may h "kn ? p]son7 ,o3up,n ,date ( d1? 7"d if "kn1 mon?1 ye>7 ,age ,,acb a6ili,n 7local_//ate_/special- 9t]e/ a6iliates or n,nal -mittees7 ,,?ompson1 ,,rev4 ,,anne ,rev4 ,anne ,?ompson ( ,philadelphia1 ,pa41 pass$ away on ,may #ae1 #bjji af su6]+ f a fall f : %e n"e recov]$4 ,rev4 ,?ompson1 a life memb] ( ,,acb1 0 ! *apla9 (! ,p5nsylvania ,c\ncil (! ,bl = _m ye>s4 ,al;g ) h] husb& ,rudy ,?ompson1 :o di$ 9 #bjjg1 %e alw att5d$ ,,pcb 3v5;ns1 &=a numb] ( ye>s 3duct$ a memorial s]vice 6honor memb]s (! /ate a6iliate :o _h pass$ away dur+ ! ye>4 ,! ,?ompsons att5d$ _m ,,acb 3v5;ns1 & ,rev4 ,?ompson cd alw 2 c.t$ on 6(f] ! 9voc,n at g5]al ses.ns4 ,%e 0 alw a /r;g support] ( h] husb&'s "w & s]vice on a numb] ( bo>ds & -mittees bo? )9 ,,pcb &! l>g] -mun;y ( bl & l[ vi.n p4 ,h] d$ic,n z a ,*ri/ian & h] fai?;l s]vice w 2 miss$ )9 ! ,p5nsylvania ,c\ncil (! ,bl4 333333333333 ,,acb ,,*apt] ,,web ,,sites--,,make ,,"o6 0,philip ,kutn] 7,$itor's ,note3 ,philip ,kutn] is ! presid5t (! ,san ,mateo ,c.ty ,c\ncil (! ,bl47 #ae ,:5 \r ,san ,mateo ,c.ty ,*apt] 7,,smccb7 9 nor!rn ,cali=nia 7j s\? ( ,san ,francisco7 decid$ 6cr1te a web site1 we f/ look$ at :at a6iliates ( o!r /ate *apt]s h d"o4 ,? 9=m,n is -pil$ at \r site1 _+www.acb.org/affiliates/index.html_:4 ,x 0 a surprise h[ few o!r local *apt]s _h _! [n web sites4 ,af gl1n+ id1s1 we made a ta# li/+ ! /ates1 ) l9ks 6_! web sites4 ,x al %[$ h[ _m *apt]s _h web sites4 ,we hope t ea* /ate's webma/] w *eck ? ta# & help u update x4 ,z m ,,acb memb]s 2come -put] lit]ate1 x w 2come a *1p] & m rapid me?od ( -munic,n4 ,!n x 0 "t 6/>t \r site4 ,we _h 6select an ,9t]net ,s]vice ,provid] 7,,isp74 ,we al rese>*$ ! "n (! site1 or ,uni=m ,res\rce ,locator 7,,url71 6see if ! acronym = ,san ,mateo ,c.ty ,c\ncil (! ,bl 7,,smccb7 0 availa#4 ,x was--s we *ose x4 ,\r web site is _+www.smccb.org_:4 ,all (! ext5.ns 7_+.com_:1 _+.gov_:1 _+.edu_:1 _+.net_:1 etc47 7 availa# &! co/ 0 ! same 6regi/] !m1 except ,,tv1 : 0 m* m exp5sive4 ,\r webma/] 0 famili> ) ,dr1mw1v]1 s t 0 ! program us$ 6cr1te ! site4 ,we decid$ 6/>t ) 9=m,n ab \r *apt] & !n 6add mat]ial t mie 3/antly a4+ new mat]ial & updat+ (! exi/+ 9=m,n4 ,\r ,web ,site ,3ta9s3 ,\r ye>ly cal5d> ,a li/ ( vi.n public,ns ,a memb]%ip applic,n ,a li/ ( vi.n l9ks ,\r (fic]s & res\rces ,:at \r memb]s d ,9=m,n on color bl;s ,h[ 6/>t a web site ,9=m,n =! newly bl ,-municat+ )! si* box = \r web site ,/ates ) ,*apt] ,web ,sites #ag ,alabama3 #j ,alaska3 #j ,>izona3 #a ,>kansas3 #j ,cali=nia3 #e ,colorado3 #a ,3necticut3 #j ,delaw>e3 #j ,florida3 #ag ,georgia3 #ac ,hawaii3 #j ,ill9ois3 #j ,9diana3 #j ,i[a3 #c ,kansas3 #j ,k5tucky3 #d ,l\isiana3 #j ,ma9e3 #j ,m>yl&3 #j ,massa*usetts3 #c ,mi*igan3 #j ,m9nesota3 #j ,mississippi3 #j ,miss\ri3 #j ,nebraska3 #b ,nevada3 #j ,new ,j]sey3 #b ,new ,york3 #e ,nor? ,c>ol9a3 #j ,nor? ,dakota3 #j ,ohio3 #b ,oklahoma3 #c ,oregon3 #j ,p5nsylvania3 #e ,s\? ,c>ol9a3 #j ,s\? ,dakota3 #j ,t5;see3 #j ,texas3 #aj ,utah3 #j ,v]mont3 #j ,virg9ia3 #j ,wa%+ton3 #d ,we/ ,virg9ia3 #j ,wiscons93 #j ,wyom+3 #j ,/ate )\t ;e-mail a4ress--,rhode ,isl& ,\r ,,smccb memb]%ip li/ has ! "ns1 a4resses & ph"o numb]s (! memb]s1 & al _! ;e-mail a4resses4 ,x is updat$ mon?ly & 4tribut$ at \r mon?ly #ai bo>d meet+s4 ,\r *apt] web site has an annual cal5d> ( ev5ts1 li/+ ! dates ( g5]al meet+s1 bo>d meet+s & field trips4 ,? is updat$ regul>ly4 ,\r web site c 2 f.d at _+www.smccb.org_:4 ,\r teleph"o squad calls "ey"o e mon? 6rem9d !m 6att5d \r g5]al meet+s & ask if !y h any "qs4 ,\r newslr goes \ 9 h>d copy 6^? )\t ;e-mail4 ,z m ( \r local memb]s 2come -put] lit]ate1 ;e-mail &! 9=m,n po/$ on ! web site w 2come m valua#4 ,? is especi,y s = non-memb]s :o >e se>*+ = 9=m,n4 ,9 ! future we hope 6develop a "qnaire = all ! /ates4 ,= /ates hav+ a web site1 ! "qs wd relate 6_! exp]i;es 9 />t+1 &! pro#ms !y _h or >e hav+4 ,x al wd 2 9t]e/+ 6le>n ! r1sons prev5t+ o!r /ates f build+ a web site4 ,is x lack ( funds1 te*nical 9abil;y1 see+ no advantage1 or o!r r1sons8 333333333333 ,,a6iliate ,,news ,,acbhsp ,wants ,y6 ,! purpose ( ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,human ,s]vice ,profes.nals 7,,acbhsp7 is 6provide a =um 65h.e ! profes.nal develop;t ( xs memb]s :o >e 9 posi;ns s* z rehabilit,n c\nselors1 t1*]s1 psy*ologi/s1 & o!rs 9t]e/$ 9 voc,ns t >e 9volv$ 9 human develop;t4 ,we d ? us+ 3f];e calls1 ;e-mail li/s1 & o!r =ms ( op5 -munic,n4 ,al? \r organiz,n is -pos$ prim>ily ( p 9 ! human s]vice profes.ns1 any"o is welcome 6subscribe 6\r ;e-mail li/1 jo9 \r organiz,n1 & att5d \r 3f];e calls4 ,y c subscribe 6\r ;e-mail li/ 0s5d+ a blank message to _+_acb-hsp-subscribe@acb.org_:4 ,\r 3f];e calls >e held on ! f/ ,sun"d ( ea* mon? at #h3cj p4m4 ,ea/]n "t 7#e3cj ,pacific74 ,\r next 3f];e call w 2 held on ,sun"d1 ,augu/ #bnd4 ,! numb] 6call is 7#bah7 #hdd-cchh1 &! a3ess code is #bbb-dgg 7,,acb-hsp74 ,if y wi% 62come a pay+ memb] ( ,,acbhsp1 pl1se s5d a *eck or m"oy ord] 9 ! am.t ( 4#aj paya# #ba 6,,acb-hsp 6\r tr1sur]1 ,deanna ,au/94 ,h] a4ress is3 ,deanna ,au/91 #ebdh ,spr+ ,creek ,c\rt1 ,9dianapolis1 ,,in #dfbed4 333333333333 ,,adv5ture ,,9 ,,mexico 0,gail ,selfridge ,? /ory 2gan 9 ,july ( #bjjg4 ,i return$ 6,l1d] ,dogs =! ,bl1 a s*ool 9 ,ro*e/]1 ,mi*41 : tra9s guide dogs 6assi/ bl p ) _! navig,n & mobil;y4 ,i am tot,y bl & h be5 us+ guide dogs = #dj ye>s4 ,i wd rcv my six? guide dog4 ,%e 0 a yell[ ,labrador retriev] "nd ,alisse4 ,i met h] puppy rais]1 ,eydie ,yemmans4 ,we kept 9 3tact4 ,%e told me %e 0 go+ 6l1d a t1m = ,habitat = ,human;y 6build a h\se = p ( l[ 9come 9 ,mexico4 ,%e sd %e want$ 6take a c\ple ( bl p al;g 6%[ t bl p cd d ! "w z well z any"o else4 ,%e ask$ if ,i wd 2 9t]e/$1 & af q a bit ( 4cus.n ,i sd ,i wd4 ,i don't h a lot ( m"oy1 b ,i ne$$ 6raise a r sub/antial am.t =! exp5ses (! project4 ,i wasn't sure ,i cd d t1 b ,eydie kept 5c\rag+ me1 s ,i w5t 6my *ur*'s 3greg,n1 & !y got tgr mo/ (! m"oy ,i ne$$4 ,i rais$ a bit m 0sell+ cl1n+ clo?s1 & 3tribut$ a bit myf & all ! m"oy 0 rais$4 ,on ,oct4 #be1 #bjjh1 ,alisse & ,i flew 6,pu]to ,vall>ta1 ,mexico 6jo9 ! t1m4 ,! build+ site 0 9 ,guayabitos1 ,nay>it4 ,x's ab an h\r's drive nor? ( ,pu]to ,vall>ta4 ,"! 7 eip5t] & he has d"o detail$ "w s* z mak+ b1uti;l furniture1 b he sd lay+ blocks 0 n "s?+ he wd put at ! top ( 8 skills4 ,he did a gd job ) t4 ,i le>n$ h[ 6d x1 too4 ,i sift$ s&1 load$ rocks 96buckets1 & h&$ blocks 6! guys :o 7 lay+ !m4 ,alisse adapt$ 6! ,mexican 5viron;t b1uti;lly4 ,%e help$ 6guide me >.d ,pu]to ,vall>ta :5 we 7 see+ ! sin$ t if ,i drank at l1/ "o bottle ( wat]1 "s"ts m1 e h\r1 ,i cd keep on "w+4 ,x 0 exhil>at+ h[ ! ,mexican p :o 7 help+ )! project made sure ,i cd get >.d & help$ f9d ?+s = me 6d4 ,!y n"e act$ l ,i cdn't d :at ne$$ 6be d"o1 & !y w]5't afraid 6/e] me 9 ! "r direc;n4 ,i "k "s ,spani% & t help$ :5 !y _h any "qs ab h[ ,i'd d "s?+4 ,we did :at 0 expect$ ( u & ,george & ,i prov$ t bl p c "w v -pet5tly on a ,habitat = ,human;y project z l;g z p a3ept u & use _! h&s & \rs 6%[ u :at ne$s 6be d"o4 ,p >e s us$ 6do+ ?+s ) visual clues t !y don't r1lize we c d ! same ?+s us+ o!r s5ses4 ,? exp]i;e has %[n me once ag t ,i c d ! ?+s ,i want z l;g z ,i c f9d p :o w coop]ate ) me & z l;g z a positive attitude is kept 0all4 333333333333 ,,su3e$+ ,,ag/ ,,! ,,o4s3 ,,celebrat+ ,,l\is ,,brl's ,,bir?"d ,,9 ,,sri ,,lanka 0,j1n ,p>k] ,sri ,lanka is hot4 ,x's n exactly ! k9d ( su6ocat+ h1t y h 6pu% aside :5 y want 6g "s":1 b alm4 ,signs (! #cj-ye> civil w> & xs result+ depriv,n >e "ey":2 x hangs l a d>k %ad[ ov] "ey?+ & "eybody4 ,x's "o ( ^? w>s mo/ p don't "k ab4 ,x rema9s on ! $ge (! horizon = mo/ folks un.s !y happ5 6live 9side x4 ,^? :o d live "! "k t _! isl& c.try ( #bj million p locat$ j (f ! coa/ ( ,s\? ,9dia is small1 poor & /ru7l+ = survival4 ,gov]n;t funds t %d 2 allocat$ 6$uc,n & social adv.e;t >e div]t$ 6fund ! w>--9clud+ funds =! bl4 ,mo/ bl p h no rehabilit,n or tra9+1 & "!=e1 few prospects = employ;t or economic & political p[]4 ,! be/1 b"re/ &! lucky "os h left ,sri ,lanka 6se>* =a bett] life "s": else1 tak+ ) !m cr1tiv;y1 9nov,n & m"oy4 ,^? :o rema9 hope = bett] "ds4 ,giv5 ? r1l;y1 ! ,janu>y #aj? #be celebr,n (! #bjj? bir?"d ( ,l\is ,brl 0 rem>ka#1 demon/rat+ ! /r5g? & -mit;t ( "picipants 9 ! face ( ov]:elm+ b>ri]s4 ,ab #dj 5?usia/ic bl p ga!r$ 9 an auditorium \tside ,sri ,lanka's capitol1 ,colombo4 ,! ev5t 0 sponsor$ 0! ,bl ,citiz5s' ,front ( ,sri ,lanka ) help f ! local ,lions1 & 9clud$ 3te/s 9 r1d+ & writ+ ,brl1 plus extemporane\s sp1k+ ab ! import.e ( ,l\is ,brl & 8 a3ompli%;ts4 ,mi*ael ,jayasiri is ! f.d] (! organiz,n4 ,he says ab #ae p]c5t ( bl p 9 ,sri ,lanka r1d brl4 8,sri ,lanka1 we >e told1 is pr\d (a v hi< lit]acy rate4 ,b :5 we -p>e ? figure )! lit]acy rate ( bl p 9 ? c.try1 ! p]c5tage is v l[4 ,we 2lieve1 "!=e1 t \r pro#m is mass illit]acy40 ,promot+ brl is ! prim>y activ;y (! ,bl ,citiz5s' ,front4 ,! celebr,n honor+ ,l\is ,brl is held e ye>4 ,3te/ w9n]s get small am.ts ( ca% = demon/rat+ spe$ & a3uracy 9 writ+ brl1 flu5cy 9 r1d+ al\d & imag9,n 9 expla9+ :at brl m1ns 6!m 9dividu,y1 & 6bl p z a :ole4 ,mo/ (! w9n]s say !y w use ! m"oy 6buy ess5tials l food & clo?+ = _! families4 ,_m "picipants sell lott]y tickets or "w 9 factories4 ,a few >e t1*]s1 _m 9 s*ools =! bl &a few 9 s*ools = si.d is di6icult2 ! police *eckpo9ts >e 5d.s1 caus+ anxiety1 delays & c.ell,ns4 ,buses & tra9s >e a favorite t>get ( suicide bomb]s1 expos+ ^? rid+ public transport1 bl & sis ( ? hei.es >e -monplace4 ,no "o feels safe1 bl or sid too1 mo/ly due 6! w> 9 ! nor?1 & political t5.ns 9 ! re/ (! c.try4 8,2f #bjje "! 7 bl organiz,ns 9 ! nor?4 ,b :5 ! w> />t$1 we lo/ 3tact )! organiz,ns ( ,tamil p 9 ! nor?4 ,we h no news ( !m2 we _c ev5 write lrs 6!m1 we d n "k ": !y >e4 ,i "k t "s >e 9 refugee camps1 & "s h left ! isl&4 ,! bl p1 !y >e una# 6organize !mvs1 s !y >e ma9ly 9t]e/$ 9 survival4 ,!y g 6! refugee camps & j /ay "!40 ,foll[+ reports ab ! 3di;ns 9 ! refugee camps1 ! unpredicta# 4place;t (! popul,n 9 ! nor? &! -plete 4reg>d = human "rs 0all sides (! w>1 "o c only imag9e :at has happ5$ 6!m4 ,af ! 3te/1 ,jayasiri goes home 6write4 ,he1 8 wife ,sw>na1 & two o!r bl p write ! organiz,n's mon?ly magaz9e1 e copy1 0h&6 ,"! >e no ,brl writ]s1 no -put]s atta*$ 6,brl emboss]s4 ,e page (! #ade copies produc$ ea* mon? is writt5 us+ slates & /yli6 ,jayasiri expla9s t ! pap] is donat$ 0a gr\p 9 ,au/ralia4 ,he e/imates t #e1jjj 6#f1jjj p actu,y r1d ! #ad-page magaz9e z p pass x al;g 6o!rs4 ,ov] #a1jjj p >e on ! wait+ li/4 ,x is al ! only brl magaz9e 9 ! ,s9hala language publi%$ regul>ly 9 ! _w6 ,? is especi,y important 2c ,5gli% is 2+ tauticles f ! ,brl ,=um : \r r1d]s re,y appreciate r1d+1 & we keep \r r1d]s up 6date ) any rel1se f ! ,p>lia;t t has any impact on ! lives ( bl p40 ,! magaz9e 2gan z a newslr4 ,b 9 #aiij1 ! ,9t]n,nal ,ye> ( ,lit]acy1 r1d]s dem&$ an exp&$ public,n1 &! magaz9e has be5 publi%$ e mon? "e s9ce4 ,jayasiri says1 8,:5 y c r1d & write yr [n language1 & -municate1 t is lit]acy4 ,) lit]acy -es ! #bi possibil;y ( freedom4 ,) freedom -es ! possibil;y ( 5d.s a*ieve;t1 f pl1sant liv+ 6significant social 3tribu;ns40 ,9 a two-room r5t$ h\se ne> ! capitol1 ,%iawati & h] husb& >e regul> r1d]s (! magaz9e4 ,!y al 3tribute _! [n essays & poems = o!rs 6r1d4 ,2+ lit]ate 9 ,brl is important 6!m4 ,bo? ( !m sell lott]y tickets 9 a ne>by food /ore4 ,!y sell ab #bjj tickets a "d & use ,brl 6keep track (! w9n+ numb]s4 ,sev5 p %>e ! two rooms 9clud+ _! "y son1 ,%iawati's "m1 si/]1 bro!r-in-law & _! *n4 ,!y say !y wd l 6h a place ( _! [n b !y wd h 6make twice _! curr5t e>n+s 6af=d x4 ,jayasiri's (fice is a small room a4$ on 6his 3crete h\se 3ta9+ "o ta# t s]ves z a desk1 two *airs &a "wta#4 ,a sep>ate 5tr.e f t (! h\se l1ds 6a -p.d surr.d$ 0walls & iron f;es4 ,x faces a n>r[ lane ": kids & dogs *ase ea* o!r1 & ": two vehicles _c pass4 ,! -p.d is home 6#af p 9clud+ ,jayasiri's two sons1 _! wives &a pile ( gr&*n4 ,"o son drives a rick%aw &! o!r "ws 9 an (fice4 ,"o ( 8 daue al five /ud5ts f a ne>by univ]s;y ^: r5t pay;ts add 6! family's mode/ 9come4 ,jayasiri 2came bl f cat>acts :5 he 0 five4 ,8 p>5ts took hm 6a 8native doctor0 b ! tr1t;t result$ 9 total bl;s4 8,h1l? facilities h be5 improv$ & aw>e;s programs >e "! 6say t if any?+ happ5s 6eyes1 don't g 6a native doctor2 "! >e hospitals "ey":1 y %d take tr1t;t f hospitals10 he says4 ,he 0 lucky4 ,at age eis4 ,!n he "w$ z an ,5gli% language /5ograph]1 & !n =a factory4 ,4turb.es f political 9/abil;y made travel+ 6& f 8 job 0tra9 impossi#4 ,he _h no *oice b 6quit4 ,b ,jayasiri's exp]i;e is ! excep;n4 8,"! >e a few $ucat$ bl :o h jobs1 :o h t1*+ appo9t;ts1 b ^? >e few10 #ca he says4 8,major;y (! p >e self- employ$4 ,!y sell w>es2 g f h\se 6h\se sell+ soap1 tea l1ves1 textiles1 & ?+s l t4 ,o!r ?an t ! employ;t situ,n is v grave4 ,:5 !y >e unemploy$ !y >e a burd5 6_! family1 6_! p>5ts1 6_! bro!rs & si/]s4 ,2+ )\t employ;t m1ns t y >e n 9dep5d5t1 y dep5d on o!rs = "ey?+1 6take y "h & "!1 = yr clo!s1 = yr food & "ey?+2 y alw h 6look = *>;y :5 y're unemploy$40 ,! ,bl ,citiz5s' ,front has o!r activities z well4 8,we f9d employ;t = p1 bo? 9 ! op5 m>ket & self-employ;t4 ,we give !m a ll m"oy 6buy _! w>es & ?+s l t4 ,once a ye> we see h[ !y h improv$40 ,jayasiri & ^? memb]s :o "k ,5gli% r1d brl magaz9es s5t 6!m 0p 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,he r1ds ! -;ts t "s"ts appe> ask+ :y bl p 9 develop+ c.tries >e alw ask+ = don,ns4 ,he expla9s t 9 ,sri ,lanka at l1/1 ! ll m"oy p h 6give 6o!rs is donat$ 6! temple & n 6organiz,ns or p directly4 ,he al says t a s+le p]son's g5]os;y c make a huge di6];e4 ,= example1 an 9dividual f ! ,unit$ ,/ates s5ds hm brl pap] t has be5 emboss$ on "o side & is no l;g] ne$$4 ,he uses ! o!r side (! pap] = braill+ 8 p]sonal notes4 ,?+s >e *ang+ = bl p 9 ,sri ,lanka1 b progress is extremely sl[4 ,"! is m aw>e;s ab ! capabilities ( bl p ?an "e 2f & !y >e sl[ly ga9+ a foothold 9 employ;t4 ,b un.s ! gov]n;t *anges xs economic priorities1 gr\ps l ! ,bl ,citiz5s' ,front w 3t9ue look+ \tside ,sri ,lanka = _! su/5.e4 333333333333 ,,lr ,,6,,! ,,$itor ,! 3t5ts ( ? column reflect ! lrs we _h rcvd 0! "t we w5t 6press1 ,june #e1 #bjji4 ,lrs >e limit$ 6#cjj ^ws or few]4 ,all submis.ns m/ 9clude ! au?or's "n & loc,n4 ,op9ions express$ >e ^? (! au?ors4 ,tribute 6,l\is ,brl ,de>e/ ,mr4 ,brl1 ,9 obs]v.e ( yr #bjj? #cc anniv]s>y ,i'm -pell$ 6express j :at yr gift &! legacy t goes ) x has m1nt 6me4 ,i 0 5roll$ 9 ! ,we/]n ,p5nsylvania ,s*ool =! ,bl 9 ! mid-#aiej;s4 ,"?\t \r grade s*ool ye>s1 we 7 taus lat] :5 ,i r1liz$ ! true ess;e ( ? gift4 ,i'm n[ #fj ye>s old1 & "?\t my life ,i h us$ brl 6r1d books & magaz9es1 keep notes & records ( my daily activities & c.t.s o!r applic,ns too num]\s 6m5;n "h4 ,x's 0no m1ns easy 2+ a bl p]son 9 a sie "s bl 9dividuals :o %y away f brl1 mo/ ( u wd 2 d1d 9 ! wat] )\t x4 ,z ! old say+ goes1 8,x is bett] 6lik;s40 ,truly1 ,mr4 ,brl1 y h illum9at$ at l1/ a por;n (! d>k;s we're =c$ 6live 9 & made x possi# = we ! bl -mun;y 6live & func;n z normal human 2+s4 ,?ank y1 ,mr4 ,brl1 & may yr s\l re/ 9 p1ce ="e4 --,rob]t ,d4 ,re$ ,jr41 ,lemont ,furnace1 ,pa4 333333333333 ,,sorr['s ,,s;g 0,l9dy ,morrelli ,x 0 happ5+ ag4 ,i b>$ my s\l 6rev1l my _sual re/.s;s1 my desire =a place 62l;g4 ,& ag "s"o 0 tell+ me ,i %d 2 satisfi$ ) :at ,i _h4 ,af all1 ,i 0 a baptiz$ ,ca?olic1 "!=e an 9tegral memb] (! *ur*1 & ,i _h be5 p]mitt$ 6take private v[s approv$ 0! bi%op4 ,:y cd ,i n 2 grate;l =! graces ,i _h rcvd8 ,?\< "s"ts unspok51 t 0 ! "q "ey"o ask$4 ,if only x 7 z simple z t4 #ce ,due 6an a3id5t at bir?1 ,i lo/ my si5ts divorc$ :5 ,i 0 "y4 ,z ,i grew up1 ,i felt al"o & ab&on$4 ,9 my mis]y1 ,i turn$ t[>d ,god4 ,"sh[ ,i "u/ood t life 0 empty & purpose.s )\t hm4 ,:ile my he>t a*$ = p1ce 9 s _m ways1 ,i f.d imm5se fulfill;t 9 ,god4 ,3templative1 ,b ,n ,cloi/]$ ,0! "t ,i f9i%$ college1 ,i felt call$ 6a religi\s voc,n4 ,! next /ep 0 6f9d a religi\s -mun;y ": ,i cd 2l;g1 a place 6live )& am;g o!rs :o %>$ a simil> voc,n4 ,i felt call$ 6a voc,n t -b9es 3templative pray] ) active s]vice 6! poor1 s ,i s"\ \ -munities t practic$ ? way ( life4 ,9 ! mid- #'hj;s1 ,i 3tact$ m ?an #ajj -munities 6f9d \ ab _! -munal life & m9i/ry & h[ ,i mis1 ,i se>*$ = an opportun;y 6fulfill my voc,n1 b ! answ] 0 alw ! same4 ,my lack ( sily ^! -munities did n feel !y 7 set up 6a3ept a bl p]son4 ,9 #aiij1 ,i sp5t "t )a -mun;y 9 ,italy4 ,h[ ,i want$ ? 6be ! "r place = me6 ,i wd h g"o any": if ,i ?"\ ,i cd fulfill my voc,n4 ,h["e1 ! way ( life 9 t "picul> -mun;y did n mat* :at ,i felt call$ to1 2c "! 0 no "t = solitude1 & no active m9i/ry4 ,! 4appo9t;t broke my he>t4 ,i felt s e>ne/ly t ,i _h a true call+ f ,god1 b = #bj ye>s ,i h n be5 a# 6f9d an adequate way 6answ] ,god's call4 ,i 0 rep1t$ly cut (f 9 s* a 4missive way4 ,did ^! well-9t5;n$ p r1lize !y 7 cutt+ "r "? my he>t8 ,few "e ac"kl$g$ ! 9ju/ice & pa9 (! situ,n ) any r1l empa?y4 ,!y truly cdn't "u/& my pliry4 ,:ile ,i #cg c]ta9ly don't 4p>age ! voc,n ( m>riage1 ,i didn't feel call$ 6t & 0 (f5d$6 ,:y 0 x s simple = !m 6decide :at my life %d 2 l8 ,o!rs rem9d$ me t ,god a3epts my v[s z !y >e1 & sd t %d 2 5 6fulfill me4 ,7 !y ev5 li/5+ 6:at ,i 0 say+8 ,0 x j easi] n 6he> my he>t's desire 2c ,i _h a 4abil;y8 ,^! p :o no d\bt 3sid]$ !mvs well-9t5;n$ n"e!.s took ! unequivocal posi;n t ,i--& all o!r 4a#d p--h no value =! *ur*1 & t x 0 a3epta# 64c.t \r desires 6s]ve4 ,s"eal "ts ,i w5t 6\r local bi%op4 ,?\< he 0 alw k9d1 he _h no solu;ns4 ,"! 0 no place = me1 &! fact t "! wd n"e 2 a place = me1 or = any"o else :o is 4a#d1 fill$ me ) despair4 ,i 0 devot$ 6! *ur*1 & ,i want$ a 3nec;n1 a b.s+ f ! *ur*4 ,:y wd ,god give me a call+ t ,i cd n fulfill8 ,s9ce ! 2g9n+ ( my se>*1 ! only op;n ,i h 3si/5tly be5 giv5 is 6g 96a cloi/]$ mona/ic -mun;y4 ,s"eal ( !m wd h a3ept$ me2 "o 9 "picul> _h be5 =m$ specific,y = p ) 4abilities4 ,b af sp5d+ "t "!1 ,i 2came 3v9c$ t my voc,n 0 n 6be f.d 9 a cloi/]4 ,i h alw l;g$ 6give solace 6! poor1 & 0? "t1 ,i _h be5 deeply 9volv$ 9 prison & hospital m9i/ry1 "w+ z m* z ,i cd 6br+ -=t 9 ^? 4mal situ,ns4 ,a cloi/]$ way ( life wd n h provid$ opportunities 6use my ,god-giv5 gifts4 ,3v5i;e or ,call+8 ,:ile ,i c "u/& ! practical 3c]ns t wd make a -mun;y hesitant 6take 9 a 4a#d memb]1 ,i cdn't help wond] if ! deci.n _h m 6d )! 3v5i;e ( ^? :o h no 4abil;y ?an ! welf>e ( ^? :o d4 ,n hav+ a p]son )a 4abil;y 9 _! mid/ wd sp>e ! -mun;y ( hav+ 6d1l ) *all5ges ! 4a#d face on a daily basis4 ,!y cd j wrap up ! 4a#d 9 a n1tly packag$ >range;t t1 9 _! e/im,n1 provides u ) ample opportunities 6s]ve1 a place we %d 2 satisfi$ ) 2c x's bett] ?an no?+4 ,0& l>ge1 4a#d p )a voc,n =! *ur* h n be5 giv5 ! *.e 6s]ve 9 -mun;y4 ,ev5 9 \r mod]n society & *ur*1 p >e g5],y unaw>e or n op5 6! capabilities #ci ( p ) 4abilities4 ,!y don't see ! ne$ 62l;g 6a -mun;y on an equal basis ( voc,n4 ,:y c't all p 2 evaluat$ ac 6actual abilities8 ,:y does call+ n c>ry ! same weie n a sep>ate class ( p m>k$ly di6]5t f ! re/ (! popul,n4 ,we >e p j l "ey"o else1 ) gifts t c 5ri* specific -munities4 ,= -munities 6a3ept ! 4a#d1 !y wd h 6/ret* & gr[1 62come m tru/+ & g5]\s4 ,9 assum+ t !y alr "k :at \r limit,ns & ne$s >e1 !y "ue/imate & misjudge \r pot5tial4 ,if p cd op5 _! m9ds 5 6le>n f ea* 9dividual )a 4abil;y & ea* situ,n1 we cd %>e 9 -mun;y & gr[ tgr4 ,b = ? 6happ51 -munities wd h 6face ! fe>s we face4 ,!y wd h 6be will+ 6be 9conv5i;ed4 ,!y wd h 6take ! nec /eps ( fai? 9 ord] = u all 6live tgr4 ,!y wd h 6get \ ( _! -=t z"os 6make room = ^? ) special ne$s :o >e seek+ g5u9e -mun;y4 ,c>mel & ,-mun;y ,)! passage ( "t & af m* pray]1 4c]n;t & s\l-se>*+1 ,i h f9,y -e 6t]ms )! angui% ( my ?w>t$ dr1ms4 ,i h f.d my true voc,n at la/4 ,i h -e 6recognize myf 9 ! ,c>melite writ]s & h f.d my life's purpose 9 ,c>mel4 ,! writ+s ( ,/4 ,john (! ,cross1 9 "picul>1 h giv5 me /r5g?1 guid.e & cl>;y4 ,/4 ,john (! ,cross t1*es u t1 "? pa91 ,god purifies u1 & t z we >e purifi$1 we 2come "o ) ,god4 ,i h -e 6r1lize & a3ept ! r1l purpose ( my life3 :at re,y matt]s is t ,i gr[ 9 union ) ,god1 t ,i gr[ 9 love = ,god &= neit4 ,? "w has br"\ me grt happi;s1 b has 2come virtu,y impossi# 6d al"o1 s9ce my duties range f adm9i/rator1 program manag]1 fundrais]1 c\nselor & s on4 ,i wd l 6f9d o!r -mitt$ p :o feel call$ 6"w )! poor1 s !y c jo9 me 9 ? m9i/ry4 ,& s9ce ,i feel my f/ prior;y is 3templative pray] 9 ! ,c>melite tradi;n1 ,i want 6%>e my life ( pray] & love = ,god ) o!rs :o feel call$ 6a deep pray] life & union ) ,god4 ,i don't "k if ,god wants me 6e/abli% a -mun;y 9 ! *ur*1 b ! ?"\ has c]ta9ly cross$ my m9d4 ,o!rs h su7e/$ x 6me z well4 ,i feel 9adequate & ill-equipp$ = t task1 b if ,god wi%es t ( me1 ,i'll d x4 ,i 5vi.n a -mun;y ": d$icat$ p live tgr1 %>+ a life ( 3templative pray]1 love = ,god & nein$ ! special gifts ( -pas.n & empa?y1 %>e ) ^? ,god s5ds 6u1 giv+ !m s.d guid.e & lov+ welcome4 ,i am /r;gly 3v9c$ t ^? ( u :o su6] f physical 4abilities or f deep 9n] pov]ty ( _s >e equipp$ & call$ 9 a special way 6br+ love & p1ce 6^? :om ,god places 2f u4 ,\r life tgr wd 2 prim>ily a life ( 3templ,n & pray]1 ac 6! ,c>melite tradi;n4 ,!n z a fruit ( pray]1 my hope is t we wd 3t9ue ? m9i/ry :ile liv+ )! poor & mak+ a home = !m1 help+ !m 6rebuild _! lives4 333333333333 ,,! ,,c\nsel+ ,,*all5ge ,!y -e 6me al"o & 9 clu/]s ,9 a mod]n (fice n"o ( u c see2 ,i'm tra9$ q well 6tell !m h[ #dc 6*ange ?+s1 ,feel :ole ag1 rega9 _! dign;y4 8,i _h 6sell my c>60 ,jack says 9 ang]2 8,i c't fe$ my family10 cries ,j]ome2 8,i / want 6t1*60 begs ,mrs4 ,matlock2 ,old ,]nie fe>s he'll w9d up 9 a home4 ,we h _m t1*]s1 _m programs2 ,!y h d\bts & "qs1 hopes & fe>s2 ,! lucky &! brave w 2 su3ess;l2 ,! o!rs w 2 9 \r files = ye>s4 ,x's "r = me 6tell !m1 8,sure1 y'll make x10 ,b \r funds & _! goals m/ 2 9 l9e4 ,oh1 "!'s ano!r knock1 8,-e in10 ,i beckon1 ,i'll try 6make y brave 9 "o h\r's "t4 --,m>ilyn ,br&t ,smi? 333333333333 ,,"h ,,& ,,"! $it$ 0,sue ,li*t5fels ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column does n repres5t an 5dorse;t 0! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl1 xs (fic]s1 or /aff4 ,li/+s >e free ( *>ge =! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 ,! ,brl ,=um _c 2 held responsi# =! reliabil;y (! products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,6submit items = ? column1 s5d a message to _+info@acb.org_:1 or ph"o ! n,nal (fice at #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 & l1ve a message 9 ,%>on ,lover+'s mailbox4 ,9=m,n m/ 2 rcvd at l1/ two mon?s ah1d ( public,n date4 ,,%>e ,,s]vice ,,dog ,,/ories ,ka?y ,nimm]1 a bl hi< s*ool ,5gli% t1*] & writ] f ,9diana1 has laun*$ an 9t]n,nal ef=t 6ga!r true /ories ( p ) 4abilities & _! s]vice dogs1 6be 9clud$ 9 an an?ology4 ,! project1 5titl$ 8,two ,plus ,f\r ,equals ,"o10 w celebrate :at happ5s :5 two h&s plus f\r paws -b9e = "o magical union4 ,! web site1 _+www.servicedogstories.com_:1 #de has be5 set up 6promote ! project1 rcv submis.ns1 ga!r 3tact 9=m,n f 9dividuals :o h "w$ ) s]vice dogs 9 any capac;y1 & field 9quiries ab ! book4 ,! book w 9clude non-fic;n /ories1 anecdotes1 tributes & poetry4 ,explan,ns & samples (! f\r g5res c 2 f.d on ! web site4 ,/ory submis.ns w 2 a3ept$ = 3sid],n "? ,sept4 #cj1 #bjji4 ,3tact ,ka?y directly ) "qs or su7es;ns at _+kathy@servicedogstories.com_:4 ,,bi# ,,3f];e ,! #bjji ,b>timaeus ,bi# ,3f];e w 2 held ,sept4 #ad-ah at ,r$wood ,gl5 ,camp ne> ,loma ,m>1 ,calif41 #ej miles s\? ( ,san ,francisco4 ,! f1tur$ sp1k] is pa/or & sem9>y professor ,david ,k4 ,spurbeck4 ,morn+s & ev5+s >e devot$ 6,bi# /udy1 music & 4cus.n4 ,afns w 2 o3upi$ )a hike "? ,san ,mateo ,c.ty ,memorial ,p>k1 a picnic on ! b1*1 &a trip 6,pescad]o 6%op at a fruit /& &! n,n,y fam\s ,old ,c.try ,bak]y4 ,co/ = #d nirange;ts = bus /,n1 airport1 & tra9 depot transf]s 6! camp4 ,limit$ camp]%ips may 2 availa#4 ,res]v,ns & reque/s = assi/.e )a camp]%ip %d 2 a3ompani$ 0a non-refunda# 4#cj *eck s5t to3 ,b>timaeus ,alli.e (! ,bl1 ,9c41 ,p4,o4 ,box #egb1 ,s\? ,san ,francisco1 ,,ca #idjhc-jegb4 ,= a4i;nal 9=m,n1 3tact ,grant ,metcalf at 7#fej7 #ehi-fhij1 ;e-mail _+thegems@dslextreme.com_:1 or visit _+www.bartimaeus.us_:4 ,,_hley ,,"pn]s ,,) ,,utah ,,/ate ,,univ]s;y ,! ,_hley ,s*ool =! ,bl is "pn]+ ) ,utah ,/ate ,univ]s;y 7,,usu7 6(f] f\r college-level c\rses 9 bl;s /udies />t+ 9 ! fall ( #bjji4 ,cr$its c 2 us$ t[>d associate's1 ba*elor's or ma/]'s degrees4 ,! c\rses w 9clude3 ,9troduc;n 6,bl;s & ,visual ,impair;t1 ,! ,human ,eye & ,visual ,sy/em1 ,9troduc;n 6,brl1 & ,! ,role ( ,p>a$ucators ) ,9dividuals :o >e #dg ,bl or ,visu,y ,impair$4 ,two a4i;nal c\rses1 ,9troduc;n 6,multiple ,4abilities & ,9troduc;n 6,l[ ,vi.n1 w 2 availa# 9 spr+ #bjaj4 ,6le>n m ab 5roll+ 9 ,,usu_/,_hley1 pl1se 3tact ,l9da ,alsop at _+linda.alsop@usu.edu_: or 7#dce7 #gig-eeih4 ,6take c\rses on a non- cr$it basis1 3tact ,fran ,payne at _+fran.payne@usu.edu_: or 7#dce7 #gig-eeia4 ,,l>ge ,,type ,,cookbook ,max9e ,turk+ton1 a visu,y impair$ woman 9 ! ,,uk1 has cr1t$ a cookbook = p ) l[ vi.n4 8,cook+ = ,,vip,'s1 ,a ,cook]y ,book =! ,visu,y ,impair$10 is pr9t$ 9 #ah-po9t bold type1 & 3ta9s #abh recipes plus tips on h[ ,,vip,'s c organize a kit*54 ,! spiral-b.d cookbook co/s 4#bb.ej plus 4#e %ipp+4 ,ord]s take approximately #b-c weeks4 ,a fund-rais+ program is availa# = *>ita# organiz,ns4 ,= m 9=m,n1 or 6ord]1 3tact ,max9e at ,tips#d;,vips1 #aa ,alli.e ,c\rt1 ,hills ,av5ue1 ,cambridge ,,cb#a #g;,,xe1 ,unit$ ,k+dom2 ph"o #jaa-dd-abbc-bdfgab2 ;e- mail _+maxine@tips4vips.co.uk_:4 ,max9e's web site1 _+www.tips4vips.co.uk_:1 3ta9s audio- describ$ tips & d[nloada# recipes4 ,,*ri/ian ,,magaz9e ,! ,circle ( ,love ,*ri/ian magaz9e is a #ij-m9ute mon?ly cassette : f1tures ,*ri/ian music1 games1 memory v]ses1 te/imonies1 recogni;n ( pray] reque/s & bir?"ds_/anniv]s>ies plus m*1 m* m4 ,! ,circle ( ,love w 2 celebrat+ #cj ye>s ( public,n ? ye>6 ,=a sample issue1 write3 ,circle ( ,love ,tape ,m9i/ry1 #ejbh ,s4 ,duck ,creek ,rd41 ,clevel&1 ,,tx #ggcbh1 or call #a-hff-bea-eafe1 5t] mailbox #gabh p.d & l1ve a cle> message ) "n1 a4ress & ph"o numb]4 ,,rfb@&,d ,,exp&s ,,s]vices ,record+ =! ,bl @& ,dyslexic 7,,rfb@&,d7 n[ (f]s all ( xs m ?an #ej1jjj textbooks on-l9e 9 ,audio,plus ,,daisy =mat4 ,!y f1ture full #di navig,n1 bookm>k+ &! v>ia# spe$ 3trol ( ,,daisy,'-accessible audio books4 ,d[nload$ books c 2 play$ on a ,,pc1 transf]r$ 6! memory (a specializ$ ,,daisy play] or burn$ 6a ;,,cd 6be play$ )a ,,daisy ;,,cd play]4 ,= -plete te*nical require;ts & specific,ns1 visit _+www.rfbd.org/audioplus_:4 ,a4i;n,y1 all ,,rfb@&,d memb]s n[ h direct a3ess 6#bd_/g memb] s]vice support onl9e or on ! ph"o4 ,? s]vice 9cludes full memb]%ip & program support1 book catalog support1 te*nical support ) equip;t op],n & audio book d[nload support = all ,,rfb@&,d products4 ,,-put] ,,tra9+ ,,at ,,home ,,or ,,(fice ,! ,c>roll,te* web site (f]s a3essi# 4t.e le>n+ -put] c\rses t c 2 tak5 on yr [n -put] & at yr [n pace4 ,c\rses >e availa# on ,,jaws1 ,zoom,text1 ,,mag,'ic & ,w9d[-,eyes ) ,\tlook1 ,excel1 & ,p[] ,po9t4 ,a ,duxbury c\rse & o!r s(tw>e utilities >e availa# = t1*]s (! visu,y impair$4 ,a 2g9n] c\rse = ,,jaws us]s is availa# = tra9]s 6use z an on-l9e curriculum4 ,us]s c try ! f/ two lessons ( any c\rse = free4 ,if y wi% 63t9ue1 ea* c\rse w co/ 4#aej4 ,= m 9=m,n1 or 6try a c\rse1 regi/] at _+www.carrolltech.org_:4 ,= "qs1 ;e- mail _+brian.charlson@carroll.org_:4 ,,jvib ,,9dividual ,,subscrip;n ,! ,j\rnal ( ,visual ,impair;t @& ,bl;s 7,,jvib7 is n[ availa# = 9dividuals 6subscribe4 ,= ov] #ajj ye>s1 ,,jvib has be5 a s\rce =! late/ 9 cutt+-$ge rese>*1 be/ practices1 te*nology1 & news 9 ! visual impair;t field4 ,9dividuals c rcv #ab pr9t issues p] ye> & a3ess 6#aj ye>s ( onl9e >*ives = 4#fe4 ,a "o-ye> onl9e- only subscrip;n co/s 4#be4 ,6le>n m1 or pur*ase a subscrip;n1 visit _+www.afb.org/jvibspecial.asp_:4 ,,talk+ ,,h1l? ,,products ,bay ,>ea ,digital has rec5tly publi%$ a report 5titl$ #ea 8,monitor+ & ,improv+ ! ,h1l? ( ,p ) ,vi.n ,loss40 ,x 3ta9s new 9=m,n ab ! next g5],n ( h1l? products = p :o >e bl or visu,y impair$4 ,6rcv ? free report1 visit _+http://healthteller.blinkweb.com_:4 ,,nib_/,,usaba ,,"pn]%ip ,n,nal ,9du/ries =! ,bl 7,,nib7 &! ,unit$ ,/ates ,associ,n ( ,bl ,a?letes 7,,usaba7 rec5tly e/abli%$ a "pn]%ip 6support w.d$ vet]ans4 ,! two gr\ps w "w tgr 65h.e ea* organiz,n's mis.n & t>get 9itiatives on ! promo;n ( sports & employ;t opportunities = p :o >e bl & visu,y impair$ ) an emphasis on w.d$ w>riors & vet]ans :o >e bl4 ,goals ( ? 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