,,! ,,brl ,,=um ,9 ,"o ,"p ,pages ;i-;ix & #a-ei ,,! ,,am]ican ,,c\ncil ,,( ,,! ,,bl ,,/rives ,,6,,9cr1se ,,! ,,9dep5d;e1 ,,secur;y1 ,,equal;y ,,( ,,opportun;y1 ,,& ,,6,,improve ,,qual;y ,,( ,,life ,,= ,,all ,,bl ,,& ,,visu,y ,,impair$ ,,p4 ,publi%$ by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,volume ,,xlviii ,april #bjaj ,no4 #aj ,copy"r #bjaj ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,,special ,,symbols ;iii ,,us$ ,,9 ,,? ,,volume ^t ,tradem>k4 ,' 7#f1 #c7 ,t]m9,n sign4 _/ ,sla%4 _? ,crosshat*4 ,-put] ,brl ,code _+ ,2g9 ,-put] ,brl ,code4 @ 7#d7 ,at sign4 . 7#d-f7 ,p]iod4 _: ,5d ,-put] ,brl ,code4 : ,colon4 / ,sla%4 _& ,3t9u,n 9dicator4 - 7#c-f7 ,hyph54 _ 7#d-e-f7 ,%ift 9dicator4 _> ,caps lock 9dicator4 _< ,caps rel1se 9dicator4 __ 7#d-e-f1 #d-e-f7 ,"uscore4 ,numb]s 0 7#c-e-f7 #j4 5 7#b-f7 #e4 ,,special ,,symbols 73t47 1 7#b7 #a4 2 7#b-c7 #b4 4 7#b-e-f7 #d4 ,,! ,,brl ,,=um ^t is availa# 9 ;v brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half-spe$ f\r-track cassette tape1 & via ;e-mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 a4ress *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = public,n %d 2 s5t 6,%>on ,lover+ at ! a4ress on ! back cov]1 or via ;e-mail to _+slovering@acb.org_:4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ^t is a memb]%ip organiz,n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,6jo91 visit ! ,,acb web site & -plete an applic,n =m1 or 3tact ! n,nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ on ! back cov]4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax- deducti#1 c 2 s5t 6,mike ,god9o at ! mail+ a4ress on ! back cov]4 ,if y wi% 6rememb] a relative or fr1 ! n,nal (fice c make pr9t$ c>ds availa# = ? purpose4 ,6rememb] ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t1 y may 9clude a special p>agraph = t purpose4 ,if yr wi%es >e -plex1 3tact ! ,,acb n,nal (fice4 ,jo9 ! ,mon?ly ,m"ot>y ,support 7,,mms7 ,program & help improve tm td 9 ,,acb4 ,3tact ,ron ,milliman 0;e- mail1 _+rmilliman@insightbb.com_:1 or 0ph"o at 7#bgj7 #ghb-icbe & get />t$ mak+ tm look b"r] td6 ,6make a 3tribu;n 6,,acb via ! ,-b9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #aaaee4 ,=! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll- free at 7#hjj7 #dbd-hfff1 #e p4m4 6midniy ,travel]1 0,mit* ,pom]antz """"""""""""""""""""""" #a ,ann\nc+ a ,sleep ,survey ( ,adults ) ,no ,liy #b1 #bjaj1 0,*>les ,s4,p4 ,hodge """"""""""" #h ,r1d]s' ,remembr.es ( ,pat ,b1ttie """""""""""""""""""""""" #ae ,0! ,"t ,y ,get 6,phoenix '''1 0,c>la ,rus*ival """"""""""""""" #bd ,nom9,ns ,s"\ = #bjaj ,,acb ,n,nal ,aw>ds1 0,c9dy ,van ,w9kle """"""""""""""""""""""""" #ca ,let's ,make a ,d1l61 0,ronald ,e4 ,milliman """""""""""""""""" #cd ,bridg+ ! ,gap ,2t ,,acb & ,yr ,-mun;y1 0,dan ,dillon """"""""" #cf ,oc1nfront ,prop]ty = ,sale 9 ,>izona81 0,m>%a ,f>r[ """"""""" #ci ,,acb ,radio1 ,2y ! ,bir?"d ,celebr,n61 0,de2ie ,hazelton "" #da ,summ>y (! ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors ,meet+1 0,m>cia ,dress] """""""""""""""""""""""" #dc ,a6iliate ,news """""""""""""""""" #df ,"h & ,"!1 $it$ 0,sue ,li*t5fels #dg ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op """"""""""""" #ee ,,=um ,,subscrip;n ,,notes ;ix ,y c n[ get 8,! ,brl ,=um0 0podca/6 ,6subscribe1 g to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 page on _+www.acb.org_:4 ,if y d n yet h a podca/ cli5t1 y c d[nload "o f ! ,=um page4 ,6subscribe to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 via ;e-mail1 g to _+www.acb.org/mailman/_& listinfo/brailleforum-_l_:4 333333333333 ,,>e ,,y ,,mov+8 ,,d ,,y ,,want ,,6,,*ange ,,yr ,,subscrip;n8 ,3tact ,%>on ,lover+ 9 ! ,,acb n,nal (fice1 #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 or via ;e- mail1 _+slovering@acb.org_:4 ,give h] ! 9=m,n1 & %e'll take c>e (! *anges = y4 ,,presid5t's ,,message3 #a ,,mus+s ,,( ,a ,,we>y ,,travel] 0,mit* ,pom]antz ,hav+ return$ ? pa/ ,w$nes"d f #aj "ds away 79clud+ fly+ "t7--?ree &a half "ds 9 ,knoxville1 ,t5n4 & six &a half 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4--,i'm pretty tir$ ( airports & "ey?+ associat$ ) travel+4 ,my trip 6ea/]n ,t5;see 0 at ! 9vit,n ( ,dr4 ,otis ,/eph5s1 :o ask$ me 6a4ress 8 4abil;y law class &a law s*ool faculty =um reg>d+ bl;s-specific issues1 ! ,,ada1 & ,,acb,''s role z an advocacy organiz,n4 ,my soj\rn 6,wa%+ton1 ( c\rse1 0 6preside at ! ,,acb midye> bo>d ( directors meet+1 z well z 6"picipate 9 ! a6iliate presid5ts' meet+ & \r legislative sem9>4 ,9 #bjji1 ,i made a total ( #af trips on ,,acb,'-related busi;s ) 7s f>7 at l1/ #aj m excur.ns s*$ul$ &_/or -plet$ dur+ #bjaj4 ,s1 y w "u/& t ,i h def9ite op9ions on ! subject4 ,z ,i am f> f exp]t 9 navigat+ airl9e web sites & don't alw h ! "t or pati;e 65gage an airl9e cu/om] s]vice repres5tative1 ,i w only -;t t ,i'm no/algic =! "ds :5 "! 7 travel ag5ts 6:om y cd give yr propos$ it9]>y & "k t he or %e wd get y ! mo/ direct flige a hi<] f>e = book+ ov] ! ph"o ?an if y use _! 7p]h a3essi#7 web site4 ,all y ne$ 6d is let ! p]son tak+ ! call "k y >e bl & y'll get ! onl9e f>e4 ,yes1 "! >e / a few excell5t travel ag5ts \ "! 7welcome back1 ,dave ,kronk71 b s* folks h 2come 9cr1s+ly sc>ce giv5 t hotels1 airl9es & cruise l9es >e pay+ m9iscule -mis.ns =! s]vices ( travel profes.nals4 ,up until a few ye>s ago ,i seldom reque/$ meet-&-assi/ s]vices :5 de"p+ f or >riv+ at an airport1 famili> or o!rwise4 ,i simply ask$ o!r travel]s al;g ! way = direc;ns or assi/.e1 if ,i ne$$ x4 ,z ,i've gott5 old]--& p]h less 9 ne$ ( prov+ 6myf & o!rs h[ 9dep5d5t ,i am--,i typic,y d reque/ s* s]vice1 al? n until gett+ 6! #c airport f : my trip is orig9at+4 ,i d ? ev5 :5 my wife ,donna1 :o has "s usa# vi.n1 is travel+ ) me4 ,f9d+ a secur;y *eckpo9t &! prop] gate ) assi/.e makes "o less ?+ 6worry ab1 un.s ! 9dividual help+ y doesn't sp1k ,5gli%4 ,m on t %ortly4 ,z a matt] ( pr9ciple1 ,i w d :at"e x takes n 6be transport$ 9 a :eel*air4 ,i d s = two r1sons3 ,f/1 = me1 & ,i want 6/ress t ? is my p]sonal op9ion only1 2+ transport$ 9 a :eel*air m1ns help.s;s or ill;s2 probably a reac;n 6sp5d+ "t 9 hospitals z a * hav+ multiple eye surg]ies4 ,second1 & f> m importantly1 hav+ "w$ 9 ! ,,ada field ) jurisdic;n ov] ,los ,angeles ,9t]n,nal ,airport 7,,lax71 ,i "k t frequ5tly1 ! numb] ( reque/s = :eel*airs f> exce$s ! availa# supply4 ,? m1ns t 9dividuals :o truly ne$ a :eel*air >e =c$ 6wait l;g p]iods ( "t = assi/.e4 ,ov] ! ye>s1 ,i rcvd s"eal -pla9ts f folks :o miss$ _! flily at l>ge mod]n airports s* z ,d5v]1 ,dallas or ,atlanta1 is 6use ! 9cr1s+ly ubiquit\s electric c>ts4 ,lots ( travel]s d1 &= :at"e r1son1 ,i don't feel l an 9valid :5 rid+ on "o4 ,i m/ cau;n ab "o pro#m : >ose a few ye>s ago :5 ,i attempt$ 6bo>d a c>t 9 ,phoenix ) my guide dog ,scot*4 ,! c>ts1 : h sideways s1t+ 7%\ld] 6! driv]71 d n h su6ici5t room =! dog4 ,t exp]i;e 0 $uc,nal1 b ?ank;lly1 n h>m;l 6! dog4 ,n[ let me take a %ort digres.n 6expla9 a bit ab meet-&-assi/ s]vices4 ,! f/ ?+ 6"k is t ! prim>y func;n ( ^? provid+ ? s]vice is 6pu% :eel*airs = pass5g]s ) physical 4abilities or m$ical 3di;ns : limit or prev5t walk+ any 4t.e4 ,? is :y we >e (t5 ask$ if 7or told7 we ne$ a :eel*air4 ,t is ! default sett+1 s 6sp1k4 ,recall ! prevail+ societal no;ns ab bl;s & bl p4 ,9dividuals p]=m+ ? s]vice >e ei employ$ 0! airl9es directly or "w #e = -panies "u 3tract 6! airl9es4 ,^! >e m9imum wage jobs 7non-unioniz$ "h 9 ,l4,a47 : attract "w]s ) limit$ or no $uc,n4 ,^! jobs >e frequ5tly tak5 0^? ) m9imal ,5gli% skills1 "!by cr1t+ a significant -munic,ns b>ri] = bl & visu,y impair$ p4 ,two or ?ree ye>s back ,i tri$ unsu3ess;lly 6get ! union : 0 su+ ! c;y 6organize ^! "w]s 69clude ,5gli% te/+ & basic ,5gli% language tra9+ z a "p (! propos$ settle;t4 ,i >gu$ t ,5gli% is a ,,bfoq 7bona fide o3up,nal qualific,n7 =! job4 ,t 0 ! la/ meet+ 6: ,i 0 9vit$4 ,s9ce #i_/aa1 airl9e secur;y has 2come a p>am.t 3c]n4 ,ag1 ,transport,n ,secur;y ,ag5cy 7,,tsa7 p]sonnel at secur;y *eckpo9ts >e n well pd b1 =! mo/ "p1 h d1lt ) me &! dog pretty well4 ,only once or twice h ,i 5c.t]$ a ,,tsa employee :o wdn't li/5 :5 ,i tri$ expla9+ ! mo/ e6ici5t me?od = gett+ me & my dog "? ! metal detector4 ,9 ^? r>e 9/.es1 4cre;n is cle>ly ! bett] "p ( valor4 ,i absolutely hate 6miss a fli1 h a spot.s crim9al record4 ,my in-flie nei bett] nor worse ?an siy m1ls & n hav+ 6use a cr$it c>d 6pay =a dr9k4 ,b !n ag1 s does e o!r vet]an fly] ) or )\t siri]s ,a3ess ,act 7,,acaa74 ,z ,i 3template yet ano!r fliy71 ,i c't help rememb]+ :5 gett+ on an airplane 0 fun1 or at l1/ no big d1l4 ,= u ^! "ds1 fly+ c 2 an adv5ture1 & n necess>ily an 5joya# "o4 ,i wi% "ey"o safe1 /ress-free travels z y make yr way >.d ? grt c.try ( \rs4 333333333333 ,,ann\nc+ ,a ,,sleep #g ,,survey ,,( ,,adults ,,) ,,no ,,lis ago8 ,did y get ! *.e 6"picipate8 ,no8 ,well1 n[ y may h ! *.e 6"picipate 9 ano!r sleep /udy6 ,ano!r ef=t 6rese>* ! rel,n%ip 2t visual impair;t & sleep 4turb.e is j gett+ "u way1 & ,i am hope;l t r1d]s ( 8,! ,brl ,=um0 w assi/ ! rese>*]s4 ,! re/ ( ? >ticle is devot$ 6a descrip;n ( _! project4 ,>e y bl8 ,d y h pro#ms sleep+ or tr\# ) "d"t sleepi;s8 ,y c help rese>*]s "u/& non-#bd-h\r sleep wake 4ord] 0tak+ a brief ph"o survey & possibly "picipat+ 9 a future cl9ical /udy4 ,non-#bd-h\r sleep wake 4ord] o3urs 9 "s 9dividuals :o >e tot,y bl & lack ! photic s5sitiv;y nec 6reset ! 8body clock0 via lis ( age -- 2 bl ) no liy #b1 #bjaj 0,*>les ,s4,p4 ,hodge 7,$itor's ,note3 ,pat ,b1ttie's family is "w+ on putt+ tgr a photographic hi/ory ( h] life 6be %>$ at ! memorial s]vice1 : is / 9 ! plann+ /ages z ? issue goes 6press4 ,if any"o has any photos or video ( ,pat t !y wd l 6%>e1 pl1se s5d !m #i 6,kir/5 ,weeks1 _+kbjweeks@verizon.net_:4 ,%e w make e ef=t 6return ! mat]ials 6y1 b reque/s t only copies 2 s5t 9 ord] 6protect yr orig9als f a3id5tal loss or damage47 ,pa/ ,,acb tr1sur] ,patricia ,m4 8,pat0 ,b1ttie1 #gc1 pass$ away on ,feb4 #b1 #bjaj at #b3ae a4m4 at ,,inova ,alex&ria ,hospital4 ,%e pass$ p1ce;lly ) h] daue bl4 ,i f/ met ,pat at ,,acb,''s #ai? annual n,nal 3v5;n 9 #aihj held at ! ,galt ,h\se ,hotel 9 ,l\isville1 ,ky4 ,ev5 at f/ impres.n1 %e came acr z a *>ismatic1 hi< 5]gy1 -mitt$ advocate = bl & 4a#d p4 ,i 0 immly drawn 6h]4 ,at t "t1 ,pat 0 liv+ 9 ,tol$o1 ,ohio1 & "w+ at ! ,tol$o ,society =! ,h&icapp$ z a pe] c\nselor & \tr1* advocate = 4a#d adults4 ,\r pa?s 9t]sect$ ag 9 #aihb1 :5 ,pat mov$ 6nor!rn ,virg9ia 6take a job )! ,mid-,atlantic regional (fice (! ,am]ican ,f.d,n =! ,bl 7,,afb74 ,h] "w = ,,afb 0 6s]ve z a res\rce & 3sultant 6/ate ag5cies--bo? umbrella & categorical--s]v+ bl 9dividuals & 6memb]%ip organiz,ns ( bl p4 ,%e took 6? new c>e] assign;t z ?\< %e _h be5 made = x4 ,:ile ,pat did n hide h] memb]%ip 9 ,,acb1 9 ord] 6"w e6ectively ) all memb]%ip organiz,ns (! bl1 ,pat did n trumpet h] ,,acb loyalties4 ,dur+ h] ,,afb "ds1 ,pat 0 hie] turn$ \ 6be a v important develop;t = ,,acb & bl p g5],y4 ,pat's new job at ,,resna focus$ on 5viron;tal a3ess issues = bl & 4a#d p]sons4 ,z 0 h] patt]n 9 e>li] jobs1 ,pat ?rew h]f 96! m9utia ( a3essibil;y issues4 ,z ei a ,,resna repres5tative or an ,,acb repres5tative1 ,pat 0 appo9t$ 6a numb] ( advisory subcommittees (! ,am]ican ,n,nal ,/&>ds ,9/itute 7,,ansi74 ,pat's tire.s "w on ,,ansi,''s ,a#aag subcommittee reg>d+ brl & rais$ l>ge pr9t "*s & num]als prov$ 6be absolutely crucial on ^! signage matt]s = bl & l[-vi.n p4 ,>.d ! same "t1 ! ,am]icans ) ,4abilities ,act 7,,ada7 0 pass$ & sign$ 96law 9 late ,july ( #aiij4 ,! ,,ada assign$ ! responsibil;y = develop+ a3essibil;y guidel9es "u ! new law 6! ,>*itectural & ,transport,n ,b>ri]s ,-pli.e ,bo>d 7! ,a3ess ,bo>d74 ,! ,a3ess ,bo>d br"\ tgr an advisory -mittee 6assi/ ! bo>d 9 promulgat+ ! ,,ada ,a3essibil;y ,guidel9es 7,,adaag74 ,"o (! mo/ 9flu5tial mov]s & %ak]s 9 %ap+ ! ,,adaag t we "k td 0 ,pat ,b1ttie4 ,9 #aiic1 af h] victories 9 %ap+ & develop+ ! ,,ansi signage /&>d &! ,,adaag1 ,pat mov$ f ,,resna 6,n,nal ,9du/ries =! ,bl 7,,nib7 6assume a hi<-level manage;t posi;n z ,,nib,''s ,director ( ,policy & ,gov]n;tal ,a6airs4 ,pat 0 alr famili> )! ,javits-,wagn]-,o',"d law &! gov]n;t procure;t program : has rec5tly 2come ! ,abil;y-#a program4 ,9 h] new posi;n at ,,nib %e "w$ tire.sly1 bo? publicly & 2h ! sc5es1 pro4+ ,,nib 6take m progressive posi;ns1 especi,y ) respect 6pay;t ( wages 6xs s+le- 4abil;y bl "w]s4 ,%e al *ampion$ an upw>d mobil;y program )9 ,,nib design$ 6p]mit bl "w]s ! opportun;y = tra9+ t wd result 9 bl produc;n "w]s advanc+ 96responsi# manage;t jobs at ,,nib or xs associat$ ag5cies4 #ac ,_m ( ^! victories = bl produc;n "w]s came too sl[ly = "s1 b !y did -e1 prim>ily 2c ( ,pat's pro4+ f )9 ,,nib,''s manage;t t1m4 ,pat 3t9u$ 6"w at ,,nib until h] retire;t 9 #bjjf1 b 2c ( h] 9disp5sa# k & exp]tise on s _m bl;s-relat$ issues1 %e 3t9u$ 6"w = ,,nib z a "p-"t 3sultant until late #bjji :5 h] decl9+ h1l? made x impossi# = h]4 ,dur+ h] ye>s at ,,nib1 ,pat 3t9u$ & fur!r$ h] exp]tise on a3essibil;y issues z %e *air$ ,,acb,''s ,5viron;tal ,a3ess ,-mittee1 & 9 ? posi;n ,pat 9=m$ ,,acb,''s l1d]%ip & a3ess policies & posi;ns4 ,pat s]v$ z a memb] ( ,,acb,''s bo>d ( directors f #aihh until #aiie1 & f #aiie until #bjja %e s]v$ z ,,acb,''s n,nal tr1sur]4 ,"?\t ! alm #cj ye>s t ,i h "kn ,pat1 %e has be5 /1dfa/ & 3si/5tly /r;g4 ,9 all ( h] profes.nal posi;ns1 %e 3si/5tly did h] home"w1 imm]s+ h]f 9 ! m9utia (! issue or subject matt] 2f h]4 ,%e made h]f "? /udy & h>d "w a well-9=m$ exp]t 6a po9t t :5 an advisory -mittee on : ,pat 0 a memb] actu,y wd meet1 ,pat wd -e well prep>$1 & %e (t5 wd 2 li/5$ 60o!rs :o 7 n z well prep>$4 ,9evitably ,pat's 9=m$ views wd 2 g5]\sly spr9kl$ "?\t ! advisory -mittee's report & recomm5d,ns4 ,pat 0 a bulldog :o1 once %e sunk h] tee? 96a subject matt] or issue1 %e j wd n let g until ! issue 0 resolv$ 6h] satisfac;n4 ,9 ! process1 %e wd 2come recogniz$ z ! be/ 9=m$ exp]t on ! matt]4 ,"picul>ly :5 ask$1 ,pat 0 g5]\s ) h] "t1 & %e 5joy$ m5tor+ ,,acb memb]s4 ,j ! o!r "d1 an ,,acb memb] ask$ me ! wid? ( detecta# dome w>n+ /rips at 9t]sec;ns requir$ "u ! ,,adaag4 ,i admitt$ t ,i 0 unsure (! answ] 6! "q1 b ,i ?"\ t ,i wd ask ,pat1 :o wd "k ! answ] (f ! top ( h] h1d4 ,!n ,i /opp$ 9 mid-s5t;e "k+ t ,pat1 ! a3essibil;y oracle1 0 no l;g] ) u 6answ] "qs4 ,%e 0 a gem (a bulldog1 & %e 0 #ae \r fr & advocacy coll1gue4 ,%e w 2 sorely miss$4 ,i feel 3fid5t 9 predict+ t we w n see ano!r woman )! political & l1d]%ip skills possess$ 0,pat ,b1ttie dur+ \r life"ts4 ,%e w 2 fondly rememb]$4 ,,cap;n3 ,pat ,b1ttie talks ab ! ,c\ncil ( ,citiz5s ) ,l[ ,vi.n ,9t]n,nal dur+ a ses.n at ! #bjjb 3v5;n 9 ,h\/on1 ,tex4 7,photo copy"r #bjjb 0,k5 ,ni*ols47 333333333333 ,,r1d]s' ,,remembr.es ,,( ,,pat ,,b1ttie ,pat 0 "o (! f/ n,nal repres5tatives ( ,,acb ,i met back 9 ! mid-#'hj;s :5 ,i 0 2g9n+ 6le>n :at ! organiz,n 0 ab4 ,%e s]v$ z ,,acb,''s tr1sur] & 9 num]\s appo9t$ posi;ns 9clud+ z *air 7& lat]7 co-*air (! 5viron;tal a3ess -mittee4 ,9 ! summ] ( #bjjh :5 ! ,de"p;t ( ,ju/ice rel1s$ xs ,notice ( ,propos$ ,rule-,mak+ =! ,,ada ,a3essibil;y ,guidel9es 7ultimately )drawn71 ,pat ,b1ttie 0 "o (! p ,i ask$ 6"picipate 9 a gr\p : ,i 3v5$ 9 ,wa%+ton 6develop ,,acb,''s response4 ,we w all miss h] /yle1 exp]tise & l1d]%ip "?\t ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl4 --,mit* ,pom]antz1 ,,acb ,presid5t1 ,pasad5a1 ,calif4 """""""""""" ,?\< 9 my h1d1 ,i _h expect$ ? news1 9 my he>t ,i _h hop$ x wd n -e = "s "t4 ,n[ t x has1 ,i c only say t 9 my op9ion1 ! 4abil;y advocacy move;t w n"e 2 ! same )\t ,pat4 ,i met ,pat %ortly af ,i came 6"w = ,,acb 9 #aiih4 ,s9ce t "t1 %e & ,i h _h c.t.s opportunities 6bo? "w & play tgr4 ,%e 0 a f.t ( k1 : %e 0 n"e %y ab %>+4 ,at ! same "t1 y cd c.t on h] 6li/5 6"s (! mo/ t$i\s 4cus.ns t la/$ l;g h\rs & 9volv$ m9ute & m9d-bo7l+ 3cepts4 ,:at"e ! task1 ,pat dove 9 & took x on ) pas.n & 5?usiasm4 ,b ! ?+ ,i w rememb] ! mo/ is t z %e %>$ ! political & advocacy "w1 %e al 2came a p]sonal fr4 ,%e c>$ ab ! p %e 0 #ag "w+ )1 z well z ! tasks we 7 "w+ on4 ,%e cd advocate = h] frs )! same gu/o %e gave 6public policy advocacy4 ,pat w 2 sorely miss$ 0_m1 bo? 9 ,,acb & "?\t ! 5tire 4abil;y -mun;y4 ,i only hope %e "ks h[ ?ank;l we >e = h] _m 3tribu;ns 6\r -mun;y1 bo? profes.n,y & p]son,y4 ,f>ewell1 ,pat6 ,y h be5 a f9e advocate &a wond];l fr6 --,melanie ,brunson1 ,,acb executive director1 ,>l+ton1 ,va4 """""""""""" ,pat has be5 a pres;e 9 ,,acb z l;g z ,i h be5 >.d4 ,h] 3tribu;ns 6\r move;t 7 l>g] ?an mo/ p "k4 ,%e &a few o!rs 7 9 ! tr5*es 9v5t+ a3essibil;y 6physical facilities = p :o 7 bl or l[ vi.n4 ,%e _h ! pati;e &! 9te/9al =titude 6att5d 9num]a# meet+s t mo/ ( u wd h f.d bor+ 9 ! extreme4 ,%e came away f ^! meet+s ) regul,ns t reflect$ a bett] "u/&+ (! ne$s ( p ) visual impair;ts4 ,! la/ "t ,pat & ,i sp5t a lot ( "t tgr 0 "w+ on ,,acb,''s te/imony =! new ,,ada regul,ns4 ,%e wd -e directly f c.er tr1t;ts 6provide h] 9put & made a di6];e 9 :at we 9clud$ 2c ( h] k (! rules4 ,%e 0 a *ampion ( *ange1 a wond];l fr1 &a lady :o 0 wise z well z sm>t4 ,pat1 ,i w miss y4 --,paul ,$w>ds1 ,miami1 ,fla4 """""""""""" ,! bl;s field has lo/ a de> fr & n,n,y recogniz$ advocate1 ,pat ,b1ttie4 ,pat 0 extremely active 9 ! bl;s -mun;y & 0 9/ru;tal 9 %ap+ legisl,n & public policy4 ,%e "w$ = ,,afb 9 ! #aihj;s & !n w5t on 62come ! ,director ( ,gov]n;tal ,rel,ns = ,,nib4 ,%e al "w$ closely )! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl1 ": %e s]v$ z an (fic] & bo>d memb]4 ,pat 0 a grt advocate & al "o (! mo/ loyal p ,i've "e "w$ )4 ,y cd alw dep5d on ,pat 6sp1k h] m9d1 6tell x /raits & h] advocacy1 b mo/ ( all1 ,i'm glad 6h a "p ( h] _s 9 my life4 --,paul ,s*roed]1 ,vice ,presid5t1 ,programs & ,policy ,gr\p1 ,am]ican ,f.d,n =! ,bl1 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 """""""""""" ,i'm sorry 6he> ( ,pat's pass+4 ,i didn't "k h] well1 b ,i h "s v fond memories dat+ back 6,ski = ,lit (! ,idit>od4 ,5vi\s ?\< ,i was1 h] joy 9 t exp]i;e / makes me gr9 "s sev5 ye>s lat]4 --,becky ,b>nes1 ,m.t ,kisco1 ,n4,y4 """""""""""" ,i rememb] \r "ds tgr on ! ,,acb bo>d4 ,:ile ,i rememb] h[ h>d ,pat "w$1 my favorite memories >e ! fun side ( ,pat4 ,i rememb] :5 %e "w$ on ! 3v5;n -mittee & wd -e 96! 3v5;n (fice :5 ,i 0 runn+ x & we'd h l;g talks ab "ey?+4 ,i especi,y rememb] ! bo>d meet+ 9 ,>l+ton1 ,va41 :5 ! ,,nova *apt] ho/$ a d9n] = u 9 a room on ! ro( (! build+ ": ,pat liv$4 ,"sh[ %e & ,i /opp$ 9 h] a"p;t = "s?+1 & 5d$ up /ay+ "! = s"eal h\rs1 *att+1 li/5+ 6music1 & dr9k+ a six-pack6 ,my 3dol;es 6,pat's family1 & h] ,,acb family4 ,i suspect %e's alr f.d ,durw>d1 ,grant1 & "s ( \r o!r ,,acb frs & is advocat+ up "!1 if any advocat+ ne$s 6be d"o up "!6 --,j1n ,mann1 ,guild]l&1 ,n4,y4 """""""""""" ,we w all miss h] will+;s 6assi/ o!rs1 "picul>ly ^? ) vi.n loss4 ,i didn't r1lize until a c\ple ( ye>s ago ab h] 9volve;t 9 t1*+ p ,5gli% z a second language4 ,i _h "s grt ;e-mail ex*anges ) h] :5 %e %>$ h] fai? z well4 ,i _h "kn = ye>s ab h] 5viron;tal a3ess "w b 0 9spir$ :5 ,i le>n$ ab h] fai? :5 %e 0 hav+ m #ba & m h1l? issues4 ,i %>$ h] writt5 ^ws ) my *ur* pray] *a9 & !y 7 truly 9spir$4 ,"s"ts1 x takes a t\< "t 9 "s"o's life 2f we talk ab p]sonal situ,ns--n j bl;s-relat$ issues ) \r ,,acb frs4 --,>dis ,bazyn1 ,burbank1 ,calif4 """""""""""" ,p1ce 2 ) my v de> fr1 ,pat ,b1ttie1 :o lo/ a l;g1 ugly two-ye> battle ) br1/ c.er4 ,%e att5d$ \r w$d+ "h 9 ,columbia1 ,mo4 z my gue/ ( honor1 & happ5$ 6fall & hurt h] knee4 ,! fall s5t h] 6! doctor & caus$ ! c.er 6be diagnos$4 ,%e 0 my m5tor1 my fr1 l a mom 6me1 &a _s$ s\l t b.s$ my life ) imm5se wisdom & _m grt memories4 ,%e took me 6,ski = ,li$ a love = gd be] & maybe j slie bl & l[ vi.n4 ,we [e ,pat = m* (! 3si/5cy t exi/s 3c]n+ ,,adaag & ,,ansi /&>ds : d1l ) 3si/5t heiily d1l )! "p ( det]m9+ hei* & write scop+ =! heim ?"\s4 ,we lau<$ ab t num]\s "ts4 ,i 0 actu,y "w+ on a s;g =! ,,fia ,%[case ab ,pat's writ+ ^? /&>ds4 ,i am n sure h[ soon ,i w want 6return 6x & f9i% x n[1 s x may n get sung ? ye>1 b ,i _h hop$ 6be a# 6honor ,pat ) x ? summ]4 ,pat 0 a fr &a m5tor4 ,i le>n$ a lot ab lo2y+1 ab gov]n;t regul,n1 ab humor1 & ab h[ 6survive life f my _m 3v]s,ns ) ,pat4 --,mi*ael,by+ton1 ,topeka1 ,kan4 333333333333 ,,0,,! ,,"t ,,y ,,get ,,6,,phoenix ''' 0,c>la ,rus*ival ''' ,we'll 2 wait+4 ,! #di? annual 3f];e & 3v5;n (! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl is gett+ bi7] & bett] e "d1 & x w 2 gd 6h y & yr 5tire family ) u 9 ! l& ( s& & sun & fun4 ,\r fanta/ic week ( programs1 exhibits1 t\rs1 & fun gets "u way on ,fri"d1 ,july #i )a t\r (! ,gr& ,canyon 7l1v+ e>ly t morn+7 &a delici\s d9n] & lots ( fun at ,p9nacle ,p1k 7>rive 0late afn & / make ! t\r74 ,if y live 9 ! ,ea/]n or ,c5tral "t z"o1 y c re,y s-t-r-e-t-c-h "t & save m"oy4 ,s9ce ,phoenix is ?ree h\rs 2h ,ea/ ,coa/ "t 9 ! summ]1 y c hop a flily 9 ! "d & / >rive at ! 3f];e & 3v5;n 9 "t = e>ly afn t\rs & sem9>s4 ,! s]i\s side (! #bjaj ,,acb 3f];e & 3v5;n is pack$ ) \t/&+ "w%ops1 sem9>s1 exhibits1 & programs4 ,if y >e a t1*] or rehabilit,n c\nselor1 if y >e look+ =a new job1 if y use te*nology or c use new tips & id1s 6improve yr #be profes.nal or "ey"d life1 ! #bjaj ,,acb 3f];e & 3v5;n is ": y want 6be4 ,2g9 plann+ yr week ) ,,acb4 ,2l is a sket* (! week's s*$ule2 "!'s m*1 m* m 6-e4 ,pre-regi/r,n &! acbconv5;n ;e- mail li/ w 9clude _m m ev5ts & details4 ,pl1se note3 6save space1 mo/ gr\ps >e m5;n$ only on ! f/ "d ( _! programm+2 a4i;nal "ds >e %[n 9 p>5!ses4 ,satur"d1 ,july #aj -- ,exhibits op5 7"? ,?urs"d1 ,july #ae7 -- ,,acb ,walk -- ,,acb pre-3v5;n bo>d meet+ -- ,9=m,n te*nology1 sem9> -- ,c;y t\r ( ,phoenix & at l1/ "o m grt t\r -- ,grant-writ+ sem9> 7rep1t$ on ,tues"d7 -- ,keys 6! ,3v5;n sem9> 7rep1t$ on ,sun"d7 -- ,welcome 6,phoenix ,"py -- ,milly's ,place ,p9 ,swap 7bl ,lions7 ,sun"d1 ,july #aa -- ,,nabt br1kfa/ & meet+ 7t1*]s7 -- ,special meet+s & activities = attorneys 7"? ,tues"d71 v5dors 7al ,mon"d & ,tues"d71 9=m,n te*nology speciali/s 7"? ,w$nes"d71 & p ) l[ vi.n 7"? ,w$nes"d7 -- ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,public,ns meet+ -- /ud5t & s*ol>%ip w9n]s lun* 7/ud5t activities "?\t ! week7 -- ,diabetes "w%op1 wom5's 3c]ns program 7all week71 & ,,acb 5viron;tal a3ess sem9> -- ,diamondbacks baseball game & ,phoenix c;y t\r -- ,gov]n;tal employees1 ,,cclvi1 ,,fia1 ,newsreel]s1 & ,bl ,,lgbt ,pride mix]s -- ,,acb op5+ keynote g5]al ses.n ,mon"d1 ,july #ab -- ,,ivie br1kfa/ meet+ 75trepr5eurs7 -- ,g5]al ses.n 7e morn+ all week7 -- ,,acb ,y\? ,activ;y ,c5t] 7all-"d fun = kids & te5s--"? ,fri"d7 -- ,,acb public rel,ns sem9> #bg -- ,,acb ,audio ,descrip;n ,project "w%op 7"? ,w$nes"d7 -- ,multicultural lun* & program 7mid- week jam on ,w$nes"d7 -- ,special meet+s & activities = libr>y us]s 7al ,w$nes"d71 guide dog us]s 7"? ,?urs"d71 musicians 7"? ,w$nes"d71 & lesbians & gays 7all week7 -- ,,aavl lun* & program 7al ,w$nes"d ses.n7 -- ,,acb ,recre,n ,z"o 7"? ,?urs"d2 h1l?y & fun op;ns7 -- ,hall ( ,flame & rock-climb+ t\rs ,tues"d1 ,july #ac -- ,,acb transport,n & legislative sem9>s -- ,meet+s & activities = p ) he>+ loss -- ,/u6+ton ,be> ,factory t\r -- ,special programm+ = brl us]s & support]s ( brl 7al on ,?urs"d71 bl vet]ans1 & human s]vice profes.nals -- ,9t]n,nal recep;n -- ,,fia ,p]=m+ ,>ts ,%[case ,w$nes"d1 ,july #ad -- ,,acb employ;t sem9> -- ,sweet ,too? c&y -pany t\r -- ,,acb auc;n ,?urs"d1 ,july #ae -- ,,acb memb]%ip sem9> & a6iliate presid5ts' meet+ -- ,,acb ,job ,fair -- ,lions & gov]n;t employees lun*es & busi;s meet+s -- ,,acb ,audio ,descrip;n ,project tra9+ 7"? ,satur"d7 ,fri"d1 ,july #af -- ,,acb all-"d busi;s ses.n -- ,,acb banquet ,satur"d1 ,july #ag -- ,,acb po/-3v5;n bo>d meet+ -- ,late morn+_/afn cas9o t\r -- ,d9n] !at] 78,joseph &! ,amaz+ ,te*nicolor ,dr1m ,coat07 ..,exhibits1 ,adv]tis+1 & .,sponsor%ips3 ,! ,,acb 3f];e & 3v5;n is a grt *.e 6let p f all ov] ! c.try & >.d ! _w "k ab yr -pany's products & s]vices4 ,let u help y cu/omize #bi a package t fits yr budget & r1*es yr audi;e4 ,y miget+ specific gr\ps ) 3f];e & 3v5;n newspap] ads1 meet+ yr audi;e face 6face 9 ! exhibit hall1 or sponsor+ a special s]vice or ev5t4 ,e>ly-bird exhibit 4c.ts close on ,may #ae4 ,3v5;n sponsor%ips & adv]tis+ m/ al 2 rcvd 0t date 9 ord] 6appe> 9 ! (ficial program4 ,= m 9=m,n on exhibit1 adv]tis+ & sponsor%ip opportunities1 visit \r web site at _+www.acb.org_:2 or 3tact ,mi*ael ,smi!rman 7exhibits7 at 7#fja7 #ifh-dafd1 or ,m>g>9e ,b1man 7adv]tis+ & sponsor%ips7 at 7#eab7 #iba-afbe4 .,,acb .,h]oes3 ,rememb] 6%>e ! a3ompli%;ts (! special p 9 yr local *apt] or /ate or special-9t]e/ a6iliate 0"picipat+ 9 ! ,,acb ,h]oes sec;n (! #bjaj 3f];e & 3v5;n program4 ,h]oes pages w 2 pr9t$ on hi<-qual;y pap]2 pages c 9clude a color photograph ( yr special p]son &a %ort cap;n ab 8 or h] a3ompli%;ts4 ,:at a wond];l way 6honor or memorialize t special p]son6 ,h]oes pages m/ 2 res]v$ 0,may #ae4 ,= m 9=m,n1 3tact ,m>g>9e ,b1man at 7#eab7 #iba-afbe1 or visit _+www.acb.org_:4 .,s*$ul+ .,ev5ts3 ,special-9t]e/ gr\ps1 ,,acb -mittees1 & o!rs wi%+ 6sponsor programs or activities at ! 3f];e & 3v5;n %d submit all 9=m,n =! pre-regi/r,n =m ,,immly4 ,program details ne$ 6be submitt$ 0,may #ae4 ,make all >range;ts relat$ 6ev5ts 7res]v+ space1 ord]+ food or ,a_/,v equip;t1 etc47 ) ,c>la ,rus*ival4 .,3v5;n .;,e-,mail .,li/3 ,keep up ) all ! late/ ann\nce;ts4 ,jo9 ! acbconv5;n ;e-mail li/ 0s5d+ a blank message to _+acbconvention-subscribe@acb.org_:4 .,hotel .,res]v,ns3 ,room rates >e 4#hi p] nids 0,c9dy ,van ,w9kle ,at ! upcom+ ,,acb 3v5;n 9 ,phoenix1 ,>iz41 ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl w 2/[ "s pre/igi\s aw>ds on "s v special p4 ,x is yr job 69=m ? ye>'s aw>ds -mittee :o ^? special p >e 6be 3sid]$ = ^! aw>ds4 ,2l >e ! crit]ia = ea* aw>d4 ,we >e seek+ nom9ees :o h made a r1l impact on ,,acb &! bl -mun;y on a n,nal level4 ,mo/ importantly1 x's up 6ea* ( y 6?9k ( wor?y nom9ees & %>e details ab hm or h] t wd cause ! aw>ds -mittee 6take notice4 ,pl1se ;e-mail nom9,n lrs to _+cindy.vw@msn.com_:4 ,h>d-copy lrs may 2 s5t to3 ,,acb ,aw>ds ,-mittee1 c_/o ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl1 #bbjj ,wilson ,blvd41 ,suite #fej1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va #bbbja4 ,! d1dl9e date = nom9,ns is ,may #ae1 #bjaj4 ,? m1ns !y %d 2 rcvd electronic,y 0#aa3ei p4m4 on ,may #ae or 2 po/m>k$ 0t date if -+ via ,u4,s4 ,po/al ,s]vice4 ,! ,george ,c>d ,aw>d is giv5 6an 9dividual :o has d$icat$ 8 or h] life 6"w )&= bl p1 mak+ a r1l di6];e & improv+ qual;y ( life1 = provid+ l1d]%ip & 2+ a positive role model4 ,! ,rob]t ,s4 ,bray ,aw>d is giv5 6a p]son :o has made a 3tribu;n = improv+ libr>y te*nology or -munic,n devices4 ,x cd al 2 giv5 = exp&+ a3ess = bl p1 or mak+ opportunities )9 ! ma9/r1m m$ia4 ,! ,durw>d ,k4 ,mc,daniel ,ambassador ,aw>d is giv5 9 recogni;n (a bl p]son :o may or may n 2 a memb] (a bl;s organiz,n b :o has1 "? 8 #cc or h] p]sonal "*i/ics & activities1 unrelat$ 6his or h] employ;t1 3tribut$ mo/ 6! a3ept.e & "u/&+ ( bl p z capa# & 3tribut+ memb]s (! -mun;y4 ,! ,james ,r4 ,ols5 ,4t+ui%$ ,s]vice ,aw>d is p]iodic,y giv5 69dividuals :o h made important 3tribu;ns : h adv.ed opportunities =! bl -mun;y4 ,? aw>d c 2 giv5 6an 9dividual or an organiz,n4 ,! ,a6iliate ,\tr1* ,aw>d is bas$ on a recomm5d,n 0an a6iliate presid5t1 : recognizes a local *apt] =a new \tr1* program4 ,? program m/ h a m1sura# \tcome4 ,! ,a6iliate ,gr[? ,aw>d is bas$ on ! grte/ 9cr1se 9 memb]%ip1 z det]m9$ 0! #bjji-bjaj memb]%ip reports4 ,pl1se d n delay2 submit yr nom9,ns n[6 ,! aw>ds -mittee looks =w>d 6! *all5ge ( select+ wor?y recipi5ts (! abv aw>ds 6be pres5t$ 9 #bjaj4 ,we ne$ yr help 6le>n ab ^! special p & h[ !y meet ! prescrib$ crit]ia4 333333333333 ,,let's ,,make ,a ,,d1l6 0,ronald ,e4 ,milliman ,i want 6%>e ) y "o (! be/ d1ls on e>?1 a d1l ": y e>n an alm 9calcula#1 seem+ly 9f9ite return on yr 9ve/;t1 & y c get 9 on ? 9cr$i# d1l = p5nies a "d1 z ll z only 4#aj p] mon?4 ,6put ? amaz+ d1l 9 p]spective1 y pay >.d 4#e.ii =a #ab-pack ( ,pepsi or ,coca- ,cola1 : is ab #ej c5ts a c4 ,no matt] : s(t dr9k y pref]1 x runs ab ! same4 ,or maybe y pref] a cold be]4 ,t w co/ y f ab #ej c5ts a c = "s?+ l ,bud ,lite 6>.d 4#a =a bottle ( ,corona or ,he9ek54 ,s1 if y 7 6give up "o c ( soda or "o c ( be] a "d1 y cd easily & pa9.sly "picipate 9 ? 9cr$i# d1l4 ,"h is :at y get 9 return = yr small 9ve/;t3 -- ,an 5tire /aff devot+ _! lives 6mak+ yr life bett] -- ,a t1m "w+ = y1 protect+ yr "rs -- ,yr [n repres5tative 9 ,wa%+ton1 keep+ a f+] on legisl,n t wd h an impact on yr life & pocketbook -- ,a family ( frs :o "u/& yr #ce daily *all5ges -- ,a net"w ( p & 3nec;ns t c answ] yr "qs ab bl;s1 a3essi# te*nology1 or alm any?+ else y ne$ 6"k -- ,c.t.s frs :o >e "! = y :5 y ne$ "s"o 6l1n on -- ,an onl9e radio sy/em devot$ 5tirely 6y -- ,a mon?ly public,n availa# 9 :at"e =mat t be/ meets yr ne$s t is devot$ #ajj p]c5t 6y ,>e y gett+ ! picture8 ,=a small 9ve/;t p] mon? 9 ! ,,acb ,mon?ly ,m"ot>y ,support ,program 7,,mms71 y get all ( ? & m6 ,:at a d1l66 ,curr5tly1 \r 3tribu;ns run f #cc c5ts a "d or 4#aj p] mon? 6up 64#c.cc a "d or 4#ajj p] mon?1 )! av]age 3tribu;n ( ab 4#bb.fj p] mon? or a ll less ?an #ge c5ts a "d4 ,i _c ?9k ( any?+ else 9 : y c 9ve/ s ll & get s m* 9 return4 ,yr return on yr 9ve/;t is alm 9f9ite6 ,s1 if y >e n "picipat+ 9 ! ,,mms ,program1 ,i /r;gly urge y 6/>t z soon z possi#6 ,y c ev5 split yr 3tribu;ns up 2t ! ,,acb n,nal organiz,n & an a6iliate ( yr *oice4 ,up 6#ej p]c5t ( yr net 3tribu;n c 2 %>$ ) any a6iliate ( yr *oos+4 ,y c get />t$ 0go+ onl9e & fill+ \ ! =m at _+www.acb.org/mms.html_:4 ,or y c call \r ,m9n1polis (fice at 7#fab7 #ccb-cbdb & ask = ,ali%a ,clauson4 ,%e w help y )! =m & get y 5roll$ z a "picipant4 ,! am.t c 2 tak5 automatic,y \ ( yr bank a3.t or *>g$ 6yr cr$it c>d ea* mon?4 ,y det]m9e :5 yr 3tribu;ns 2g9 & :5 !y /op4 ,y >e 9 total 3trol4 ,y c make *anges any "t y wi%4 ,no matt] ! size ( yr 3tribu;ns1 we value ea* doll> ! same z e o!r doll>4 ,s1 get />t$ td & take advantage ( t huge return on yr 9ve/$ doll>s6 333333333333 ,,bridg+ ,,! ,,gap ,,2t ,,acb ,,& ,,yr ,,-mun;y 0,dan ,dillon ,we z ,,acb memb]s agree on a c\ple ( fundrais+ issues4 ,we agree t #cg ,,acb v m* ne$s 9cr1s+ f9ancial support 63t9ue xs grt programs & s]vices1 & we al agree t ,,acb memb]s only h s m* m"oy 63tribute4 ,no matt] h[ d$icat$ we >e 6,,acb1 "! is a limit 6\r 9dividual funds4 ,! ,,acb ,walk all[s u 6r1* 2y \r [n p]sonal res\rces to 8bridge ! gap0 2t ,,acb & \r [n -mun;y4 ,0pay+ j 4#be = yr 5try fee & sign+ up z ei an onsite or z a virtual walk] =! second annual ,,acb ,walk1 & !n actively 3tact+ yr 3nec;ns )9 yr -mun;y 6pl$ge _! support = yr "picip,n1 y c v e6ectively draw 9 support = ,,acb t wd o!rwise n"e o3ur4 ,? gives family1 frs1 co-"w]s1 advocacy "pn]s1 & o!rs a d\# b.s+--!y c honor _! -mit;t 6_! rel,n%ip ) y & give a tax-deducti# 3tribu;n 6a truly wor?y organiz,n4 ,x cd 2 t ev5 "s ( !m ) /r;g 3nec;ns 9 ! -mun;y mie ! 8bridge0 3nect+ ,,acb & yr -mun;y &! _w4 ,2y seek+ pl$ges f 9dividuals1 if y h a rel,n%ip )a -pany or busi;s 9 yr -mun;y :o mid ! ov]all am.t y raise4 ,m$als & trophies w 2 aw>d$ 69dividuals1 t1ms & a6iliates bas$ on ! am.t rais$4 ,pl1se 3tact ,br5da ,dillon 6get sponsor%ip levels & 9c5tives =! walk4 ,y may call h] at 7#fae7 #hgd-abbc or ;e-mail h] at _+brendan0@bellsouth.net_:4 ,"! >e s"eal op;ns = sign+ up4 ,y c call ,ali%a ,clauson 9 ! ,,acb ,m9n1polis (fice at 7#fab7 #ccb-cbdb & %e c assi/ y ) yr =m4 ,y c al sign up on \r new web site at _+www.acbwalk.com_:4 ,if y h any fur!r "qs1 pl1se call ,dan ,dillon at 7#fae7 #hgd-abbc #ci or ;e-mail hm at _+dan.dillon@bellsouth.net_:4 ,rememb]3 ! f/ #ajj p 6sign up w 2 5t]$ 96a draw+ =a special prize4 ,let's /op talk+ & />t walk+6 333333333333 ,,oc1nfront ,,prop]ty ,,= ,,sale ,,9 ,,>izona8 0,m>%a ,f>r[ 8,oc1n ,front ,prop]ty 9 ,>izona0 is m ?an a s;g6 ,is ? "o ( ,na%ville's favorite c.try tunes8 ,n only is ? a favorite c.try s;g1 we w h oc1nfront prop]ty = yr bi4+ dur+ \r ,,acb f\r? annual auc;n4 ,"! w 2 s"eal "t%>e vac,n packages locat$ on ! b1*4 ,! live auc;n w 2g9 )a p>ade--no big b&s1 b an a6iliate package p>ade w 2 music 6yr e>s4 ,y w 2 5tic$ 6ov]sp5d yr 3v5;n budget :5 y le>n h[ cr1tive \r a6iliates h be5 9 donat+ _! "o-(-a-k9d gift assort;ts4 ,"! w 2 unique h&craft$ tr1sures : >e sure 62g9 bi4+ w>s1 & 9 ^! frly battles ,,acb alw w9s6 ,s m>k yr cal5d> & plan 6h an ev5+ ( grt fun ) yr _m ,,acb frs z well z 3tribute grtly 6! f9ancial well 2+ ( ,,acb4 ,! #d? live auc;n is s*$ul$ = ,w$nes"d ev5+1 ,july #ad1 at #g p4m4 ,let's all "w tgr 6top la/ ye>'s sales ( 4#be1jjj1 & we w 3sid] ?r[+ ! ,gold5 ,gate 9 = free6 ,pl1se notify ,br5da ,dillon or ,b>b>a ,mc,donald 0,june #cj? 69=m !m ( yr auc;n don,n4 ,ev5 if y br+ yr items ) y1 we m/ "k 9 adv.e ( yr 3tribu;n s descrip;ns c 2 produc$ 9 brl4 ,? d1dl9e absolutely m/ 2 foll[$ due 6! limit$ "t dur+ 3v5;n 6-plete all (! pre-plann+ =! auc;n4 ,if y wd pref] n 6travel ) yr don,ns1 pl1se mail yr items valu$ at 4#be or grt] to3 ,,acb ,auc;n1 c_/o ,b>b>a ,mc,donald1 #agbg ,w4 ,osborn ,rd41 ,phoenix1 ,,az #hejae-ehbh4 ,rememb] 6m>k all packages 8= ,,acb ,auc;n40 ,b>b>a w rcv items until ,july #g1 #bjaj4 ,hope 6see y at ! b1*6 #da 333333333333 ,,acb ,,radio1 ,,2y ,,! ,,bir?"d ,,celebr,n6 0,de2ie ,hazelton ,"! is yet m 6celebrate s9ce ! ,,acb ,radio #aj? bir?"d celebr,n4 ,?\< "o v5dor li/$ previ\sly did n "picipate1 two m a4$ _! prizes 6! li/ ( #bh prize draw+s4 ,c>roll ,te* ,c5t] has donat$ full tui;n 6"o ( xs tra9+ classes4 ,& ,code ,factory donat$ a copy ( ,mobile ,sp1k #d 6"o lucky recipi5t4 ,"h >e ! w9n]s ^: "ns 7 drawn4 ,we he> t "s h n claim$ _! prizes & hope !y w /ep up & claim _! prize4 ,lim b&3 ,pratik ,patel1 ,tom ,%ill1 ,elizabe? ,b[d51 ,jim ,d5ham1 ,c>la ,hayes1 & ,alb]t ,&]son ,six-mon? memb]%ip 6,bl ,adr5al9e3 ,*>les ,craw=d & ,/eve ,holmes ,"o-ye> memb]%ip 6,bl ,adr5al9e3 ,david ,mit*ell & ,pam ,qu9n ,de2ie ,hazelton's >oma!rapy3 ,3/.e ,griesm] & ,m>cia ,moses ,m9i 3sult+ ses.n ) ,lynn ,coop]3 ,ca!r9e ,turn] & ,melissa ,fass ,full image 3sult+ ) ,lynn ,coop]3 ,ann ,mauro ,,am_/,,fm clock radio f ,9dep5d5t ,liv+ ,aids3 ,de2ie ,grang] ,"o-mon? memb]%ip 6,all,9,play3 ,jessie ,rayl1 ,kurtis ,delz] & ,david ,russell ,?ree-mon? memb]%ip 6,all,9,play3 ,bruce ,toews & ,de2ie ,d[ney ,"o-ye> memb]%ip 6,all,9,play3 ,james ,snell ,fancy ,pants ,bak]y cookie3 ,nancy ,m>t9 ,c>roll ,c5t] c\rse3 ,an?ony ,bae*l] ,sy/em ,a3ess ) "o-ye> memb]%ip 6,,sam,',net3 ,rob]t ,mill] ,mobile ,sp1k v].n #d3 ,david ,dell ,w9d[-,eyes3 ,*ris ,c\lt] ,book ,s5se3 ,patti ,johnson ,?ank y 6all ( ^? :o 3t9ue 6support & spr1d ! gd ^w ab ,,acb ,radio6 ,li/5] figures 3t9ue 6climb4 ,new programm+ 3t9ues 6be a4$ 6all ( \r five /r1ms4 ,we look =w>d 6_m #dc new positive *anges on ! horizon4 ,= ^? ) "qs or -;ts1 3tact ! ,,acb ,radio manag+ director1 ,l>ry ,turnbull1 via ;e-mail1 _+support@acbradio.org_:4 333333333333 ,,summ>y ,,( ,,! ,,acb ,,bo>d ,,( ,,directors ,,meet+ 0,m>cia ,dress] ,! ,,acb bo>d ( directors met 0teleconf];e on ,dec4 #ae1 #bjji4 ,all bo>d memb]s 7 pres5t1 z well z /aff memb]s ,melanie ,brunson & ,lane ,wat]s4 ,presid5t ,mit* ,pom]antz 3v5$ ! meet+ at #h3aj p4m4 ,ea/]n4 ,m>la9a ,lieb]g mov$ & ,kim ,*>lson second$ adop;n (! ag5da z review$ 0,pom]antz2 ? mo;n c>ri$ unanim\sly4 ,a mo;n made 0,david ,trott & second$ 0,b]l ,colley 6approve ! m9utes (! ,septemb] bo>d meet+ 0 al unanim\sly adopt$4 ,9 8 presid5t's report1 ,pom]antz /at$ t n9e applic,ns =! posi;n ( manag+ director ( ,,acb ,radio 7 rcvd1 & t f\r c&idates wd 2 9t]view$ 9 ! next s"eal "ds4 ,due 69cr1s$ "w -mit;ts1 ,ron ,brooks f.d x nec 6resign z *air (! transport,n -mittee4 ,he w rema9 on ! -mittee1 & ,alice ,rit*h>t w assume ! *airman%ip4 ,tr1sur] ,mike ,god9o presid$ ov] 4cus.n (! propos$ #bjaj budget4 ,on ! rev5ue side1 he /at$ t ,,mms funds h be5 /1dily 9cr1s+ ea* ye>4 ,we h 4#acj1jjj wor? ( grant applic,ns \t/&+ z a result ( 2+ m* m active 9 t >ea4 ,jeff ,?om made a mo;n1 second$ 0,colley1 6l[] ! project$ 9come f ! auc;n f 4#bb1jjj 64#bj1jjj4 ,^? vot+ 9 favor 7 ,dillon1 ,lieb]g1 ,colley1 ,f>r[1 ,rus*ival1 ,?om1 ,vloedman1 ,kei?1 & ,%eehan4 ,^? vot+ ag/ 7 ,*>lson1 ,god9o1 ,gray1 ,g>rett1 & ,trott4 ,! mo;n c>ri$ 0a vote ( #i 6#e4 ,colley made a mo;n1 : ,ray ,campbell second$1 6raise ! project$ 9come f 9ve/;ts f 4#ha1iif 64#hd1jjj2 ? 0 unanim\sly approv$4 ,total project$ rev5ue = #bjaj 0 #de 4#a1cfi1ahc4 ,*ris ,gray mov$ & ,campbell second$ adop;n (! rev5ue side (! budget2 ! mo;n c>ri$ unanim\sly4 ,on ! exp5se side1 ,god9o /at$ t s"eal di6icult cuts ne$$ 6be made 2c ( rev5ue reduc;ns4 ,x w 2 nec 6cut "o ,floyd ,qualls memorial s*ol>%ip 9 #bjaj 2c ^! s*ol>%ips -e \ ( g5]al unre/rict$ funds2 f\r w 2 pres5t$ at 4#b1ejj ea*4 ,all issues ( 8,! ,brl ,=um0 w 2 #cb pages4 ,all -mittees w rcv reduc$ appropri,ns4 ,an excep;n w 2 ! memb]%ip -mittee 2c ( an ongo+ project 6translate ! ,,acb bro*ure 96,spani%1 & \tr1* "w reg>d+ ! ,idaho a6iliate ne$s 6be -plet$4 ,total #bjaj exp5ses 7 project$ at 4#a1cfi1aji4 ,lieb]g mov$ & ,?om second$ approval (! exp5se side (! budget2 ? c>ri$ unanim\sly4 ,gray mov$ & ,lieb]g second$ adop;n (! #bjaj budget 9 a7regate2 ? c>ri$ unanim\sly4 ,gray mov$ & ,campbell second$ t ! n,nal (fice s5d a tok5 ( ,,acb,''s e/eem 6l;g-"t memb] & =m] 8,brl ,=um0 $itor ,m>y ,ball>d ,/eph5s4 ,? proposal 0 unanim\sly adopt$4 ,! meet+ adj\rn$ at #aj3ee p4m4 ,! next meet+ (! ,,acb bo>d ( directors 0 s*$ul$ = ,feb4 #ai 9 ,>l+ton1 ,va4 333333333333 ,,a6iliate ,,news ,dr1ms ,>e ,a*ieva# at ! ,nebraska ,3v5;n ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ( ,nebraska 7,,acbn7 w hold xs /ate 3v5;n ,april #bc-be at ! ,cl>ion ,wild];s ,lodge 9 ,fremont1 ,neb4 ,call #a-hjj-gdc-gfff = room res]v,ns & m5;n ,,acbn 6rcv ! 4c.t$ room rate ( 4#fd.ie plus tax p] nie ,a*ieva#40 ,adult regi/r,n fees >e 4#ce p] p]son if pd 9 adv.e1 4#de at ! door1 & 9clude ! ,fremont ,d9n]_/,my/]y ,tra9 on ,fri"d #dg nie 4#aj4 ,a 8:ite elephant0 auc;n w foll[ ! banquet4 ,pl1se visit ! ,,acbn web site at _+www.acb.org/_nebraska/_: or call #a-hhh-bah-hjfa = m 9=m,n4 333333333333 ,,"h ,,& ,,"! $it$ 0,sue ,li*t5fels ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column does n repres5t an 5dorse;t 0! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl1 xs (fic]s1 or /aff4 ,li/+s >e free ( *>ge =! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsi# =! reliabil;y (! products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,6submit items = ? column1 s5d a message to _+info@acb.org_:1 or ph"o ! n,nal (fice at #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 & l1ve a message 9 ,%>on ,lover+'s mailbox4 ,9=m,n m/ 2 rcvd at l1/ two mon?s ah1d ( public,n date4 ,,s]vice ,,dog ,,eye ,,exams ,=! ?ird ye>1 ! ,am]ican ,college ( ,vet]9>y ,oph?almologi/s w sponsor ,n,nal ,s]vice ,dog ,eye ,exam ,mon? "?\t ,may #bjaj4 ,m ?an #aej bo>d- c]tifi$ vet]9>y oph?almologi/s 9 ! ,u4,s4 & ,canada w provide free eye exams 6?\s&s ( dog guides1 h&icapp$ assi/.e dogs1 detec;n dogs1 & se>* & rescue dogs4 ,6be eligi#1 ! dogs m/ ei 2 c]tifi$ active "w+ dogs or dogs 9 tra9+4 ,9 ord] 6"picipate1 dogs m/ 2 regi/]$ onl9e at _+www._>acvo_y oph?almologi/s 6s*$ule an exam on a f/-come1 f/-s]v$ basis4 ,,fell[%ips ,,at ,,nib ,! ,fell[%ip = ,l1d]%ip ,develop;t1 sponsor$ 0,n,nal ,9du/ries =! ,bl 7,,nib71 is a sal>i$1 two-ye> program t -b9es busi;s-focus$1 on-!-job exp]i;e ) =mal manage;t tra9+4 ,leg,y bl 9dividuals :o h an "ugraduate degree1 "w exp]i;e & pas.n = #di busi;s >e 9vit$ 6apply4 ,fell[s >e select$ bas$ on academic a*ieve;t1 exp]i;e1 motiv,n1 ref];es1 & p]sonal 9t]views4 ,got "qs ab ! program8 ,visit _+www.nib.org/_& documents/_businessleaders/_& _application _>faq_<__feb5 10.docx_:4 ,6apply1 visit _+www.nib.org/_& documents/_businessleaders/_& _application _form__feb5 10._& docx_:4 ,if y h "qs t 7 n answ]$ 0! ,,faq1 3tact ,s&y ,f9ley1 ,,nib ,busi;s ,l1d]s ,program1 at _+fellowship@nib.org_: or 7#gjc7 #caj-jejf4 ,,cali=nia ,,celebr,n ,! ,cali=nia ,s*ool =! ,bl is celebrat+ #aej ye>s ? ye>4 ,! celebr,n w take place />t+ at #b p4m4 ,?urs"d1 ,may #ac1 #bjaj4 ,f1tur$ sp1k]s 9clude ,phil ,hatl5 & ,tom ,sullivan4 ,foll[+ ! program1 "! w 2 a recep;n on ! quad1 ) refre%;ts4 ,af ! recep;n1 "! w 2 a sit-d[n d9n] foll[$ 0\r spr+ 3c]t &a dess]t extravaganza4 ,if y >e 9t]e/$ 9 att5d+1 pl1se ;e-mail yr "n & mail+ a4ress 6,james ,ru4]1 _+jrudder@csb-cde.ca.gov_:4 ,,t\* ,,( ,,g5ius ,,prize ,n,nal ,brl ,press 9vites y 6apply =a 4#bj1jjj aw>d 6honor ^? 9novat+ 9 ! field ( tactile lit]acy4 ,? prize 0 develop$ 69spire an 9novator 63t9ue ! promo;n ( brl lit]acy = bl & d1f-bl p _wwide4 ,! ,t\* ( ,g5ius ,prize = ,9nov,n1 provid$ "? support f ,n,nal ,brl ,press & ,! ,gibney ,family ,f.d,n1 w 2 grant$ 6a gr\p or 9dividual =a new $uc,nal me?od1 a new tactile lit]acy product1 or a new te*nological adv.e 9 tactile lit]acy4 ,x may 2 aw>d$ =a -plet$ project or anticipat$ 3cept t %[s viabil;y & w improve opportunities = bl p4 ,applic,ns m/ 2 rcvd 0,may #bd1 #bjaj4 ,= m 9=m,n1 & 6d[nload ! applic,n1 pl1se visit _+www.touchofgeniusprize.org_:4 #ea #bjaj ,,afb ,,migel ,,m$al ,! ,am]ican ,f.d,n =! ,bl 7,,afb7 2/[$ xs #bjaj ,migel ,m$al at ! ,febru>y 3f];e (! ,assi/ive ,te*nology ,9du/ry ,associ,n 9 ,orl&o1 ,fla4 ,! w9n] is ,d1ne ,b4 ,blazie1 ! electrical 5g9e] :o develop$ ! ,brl 'n ,sp1k z well z num]\s o!r assi/ive te*nology products = p ) vi.n loss4 ,,help ,,= ,,onl9e ,,job ,,rese>* ,n,nal ,brl ,press (f]s a new job se>* res\rce1 8,9t]net ,yr ,way 6a ,new ,job3 ,h[ 6,re,y ,f9d a ,job ,onl9e10 0,alison ,doyle4 ,? book is a guide 6navigat+ ! -plex;y ( job-hunt+ on ! ,9t]net 0su7e/+ ! mo/ e6ective me?ods availa#4 ,x (f]s ! foll[+ topics3 us+ social net"w+ web sites1 cr1t+ p]sonal_/profes.nal profiles1 develop+ 3tacts :o c assi/ ) yr job se>*1 m>ket+ yrf 6pot5tial employ]s1 & help+ employ]s f9d y4 ,? new res\rce is availa# 9 ?ree =mats3 brl 7#b volumes71 ;,,cd1 or d[nload4 ,y c r1d ! -plete ta# ( 3t5ts or ord] ? book 0visit+ _+www.nbp.org/ic/nbp/_& _>jobonline_<.html_:4 ,6ord] 0ph"o1 call toll-free #a-hjj-edh-gcbc4 ,,summ] ,,vac,n ,,camps ,! ,oral ,hull ,f.d,n =! ,bl is hold+ s"eal summ] vac,n camps = bl & l[-vi.n adults4 ,adult ,adv5ture ,camp #a w 2 held ,july #bd-cj2 adv5ture camp #b1 ,aug4 #a-g2 alumni & frs ,aug4 #i-ae2 & ,modifi$ ,adv5ture ,camp1 ,aug4 #ag-bc4 ,! camp is locat$ #de m9utes f ! ,portl&1 ,ore4 airport4 ,av]age ,augu/ temp]atures >e 9 ! l[ #hj;s4 ,-e & 5joy gd w1!r1 f9e cook]y1 & "picipate 9 a v>iety ( activities1 f tradi;nal camp programs 6skydiv+1 bungee jump+1 :ite-wat] raft+1 rock climb+1 hik+1 swimm+ & m4 ,& ? ye>1 ! camp is celebrat+ xs #dh? anniv]s>y6 ,= m 9=m,n ab ! camp programs1 3tact ,jeff ,lann via ;e-mail1 _+oralhull@teleport.com_:1 visit ! web site1 _+www.oralhull.org_:1 or ph"o 7#ejc7 #ffh-faie4 ,,free ,,c.er ,,9=m,n #ec ,,booklets ,! ,,acb ,h1l? ,issues ,task ,=ce has rcvd a g5]\s 3tribu;n 5abl+ x 6provide two bro*ures f ! ,am]ican ,c.er ,society on audio cassette = ,,free4 ,6ord] 8,= ,wom5 ,fac+ ,br1/ ,c.er0 or 8,af ,diagnosis3 ,pro/ate ,c.er3 ,"u/&+ ,yr ,tr1t;t ,op;ns10 ei ;e-mail _+medicalinfo@acb.org_: or call #a-hjj-bee-aadg & press #j4 ,2 sure 69clude ! "n (! public,n y want1 yr "n1 & full po/al mail+ a4ress4 ,,_hley ,,re-a3r$it$ ,af a ye>-l;g ext5sive review1 ,_hley ,s*ool =! ,bl has be5 grant$ re-a3r$it,n 0! ,4t.e ,$uc,n & ,tra9+ ,c\ncil 7,,detc71 ! n,n's premi]e a3r$it+ associ,n = 4t.e le>n+ 9/itu;ns4 ,a3r$it,n m1ns t ,_hley has met a hi< /&>d ( excell;e 9 xs programs4 ,,next ,,g5],n ,,brlr ,! ,next ,g5],n ,p]k9s ,brlr is n[ availa# 9 two new colors3 raspb]ry & midnig9 guides1 & an easy-grip built-in h&le4 ,= a4i;nal descrip;n1 pric+1 or ord]+1 call ,p]k9s ,products at 7#fag7 #igb-gcjh1 or visit _+www.perkinsbrailler.org_:4 ,,new ,,music ;,,cd 8,he>ts 9 ,h>mony )! ,"l0 is ! new ;,,cd f ,jim & ,l9da ,davis4 ,? bl c\ple1 bo? ,,acb memb]s1 has be5 s++ tgr = #aj ye>s4 ,_! gospel ;,,cd 3ta9s #ab s;gs1 six ( : >e orig9als4 ,!y h al record$ a c.try ;,,cd4 ,ea* ;,,cd is 4#ae2 a sample track is availa# ^u reque/4 ,6ord]1 3tact ,l9da ,davis 0;e-mail1 _+lindamay.davis@verizon.net_:4 ,,celtics ,,honor ,,h]oes ,,am;g ,,u ,3gratul,ns 6,janet ,l4 ,la,breck1 :o 0 honor$ z a 8,h]o ,am;g ,u0 0! ,bo/on ,celtics4 ,la,breck is ,-mis.n] (! ,massa*usetts ,-mis.n =! ,bl #ee &a ,p]k9s ,s*ool =! ,bl alumna4 ,! ,h]oes ,am;g ,u program honors 9dividuals :o h made an ov]:elm+ impact on ! lives ( o!rs4 ,"u ,la,breck's guid.e1 ! ,,mcb,''s aw>d- w9n+ 9t]n%ip program a3ompli%$ an #hj p]c5t su3ess;l employ;t rate1 exce$+ ! n,nal employ;t rate = 9dividuals ) 4abilities4 ,2f ! ,celtics game ": ,la,breck 0 honor$1 ! ,p]k9s ,*orus sang ! n,nal an!m4 333333333333 ,,hi< ,,te* ,,swap ,,%op ,,= ,,sale3 ,us$ ,,pac ,mate ,,qx ,omni #djj & a3essories4 ,9cludes l1!r case1 ,ambicom wire.s c>d1 #b ,,gb fla% c>d1 & #b h\rs ( ph"o tra9+4 ,ask+ 4#ejj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,don ,olson at 7#gjc7 #ibj-jibb1 or ;e-mail hm1 _+olsondo24@verizon.net_:4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,pap5mei] ,brlx ,,el#b;,d#hj #hj-cell brl 4play4 ,five ye>s old2 n"e be5 us$4 ,s]ial 9t]face1 -pati# ) ,,usb via late/ driv]s f ,pap5mei]4 ,pack$ 9side orig9al h>d- %ell case4 ,ask+ 4#c1jjj 7negotia#74 ,s5d an ;e-mail message to _+steve@dataguardian.com_:4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,jot-a-,dot pocket brl notetak]4 ,ask+ 4#aej4 ,ultracane vibrat+ cane4 ,ask+ 4#ejj4 ,3tact ,ibrahim at #jaa-bcd-haia-bcc-aid1 or write 6hm at ,p4,o4 ,box #edbf1 ,kano1 ,kano ,/ate1 #gjj-jja1 ,nig]ia4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,brl ,note1 #cb cells1 a few ye>s old1 9 p]fect 3di;n4 ,-es ) l1!rette case & an 9/ruc;nal tape4 ,ask+ 4#a1jjj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,b\ at 7#bdj7 #ffi-fiah4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,electronic magnifi] t "ws ) laptops & desktops4 ,-es ) all ca#s & s(tw>e1 z well z a c>ry+ case4 ,w 2 %ipp$ 9 ! orig9al box4 ,ask+ 4#fjj4 ,pay;t m/ 2 9 ! =m (a m"oy ord] 9 ,canadian or ,u4,s4 funds4 ,pl1se 3tact ,nancy at 7#cai7 #bag-hche or _+owenryder@sympatico.ca_:4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,f\r-;,,cd music collec;n1 ) #e h\rs ( music4 ,4co1 old s*ool1 rock & roll1 or cumbias #eg collec;n4 ,ask+ 4#ab4 ,to%iba laptop ) #c gigs ,,ram1 #bej-;gig h>d drive1 ,w9d[s ,,xp home edi;n1 ,,jaws #i1 & ,zoom,text4 ,ask+ 4#hjj1 9clud+ %ipp+4 ,desktop -put] ) #ai-9* monitor1 #a.e- ;,,tb h>d drive1 #d gigs ,,ram1 ,w9d[s ,,xp home edi;n1 ;,,cd_/,,dvd burn]1 wire.s keybo>d1 sp1k]s1 m\se1 & wi-fi4 ,ask+ 4#hjj1 9clud+ %ipp+4 ,3tact ,jose ,luis at 7#hah7 #bbj-fbef4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,electric ,p]k9s brlr1 r>ely us$4 ,-es ) felt pad & cov]4 ,ask+ 4#fjj4 ,ala49 ,ra9b[ ,,cctv1 r>ely us$4 ,ask+ 4#a1bjj4 ,v]sa,brl ,,ii ) #c.e-9* floppy disk drive1 pr9t & brl manuals1 ask+ 4#bjj4 ,3tact ,liz at _+esbowden@nettally.com_: or call 7#hej7 #cde-jhbb4 ,,= ,,sale3 ,brl ,lite ,m#bj ) ca#s1 manuals1 & disk drive1 ask+ 4#eej or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,nancy at _+nfolsom@comcast.net_:1 or call 7#hej7 #ebd-ejbf4 333333333333 ,,acb ,,(fic]s ,,presid5t ,,mit* ,,pom]antz #aaae ,,cordova ,,/4 _?#djb ,,pasad5a1 ,,ca #iaajf ,,f/ ,,vice ,,presid5t ,,kim ,,*>lson #eg ,,gr&view ,,ave4 ,,wat]t[n1 ,,ma #jbdgb ,,second ,,vice ,,presid5t ,,br5da ,,dillon #cac ,,ov]ridge ,,cove ,,h]mitage1 ,,tn #cgjgf ,,secret>y ,,m>la9a ,,lieb]g #fcb ,s4 #ahi? ,,/4 ,,buri51 ,,wa #ihadh ,,tr1sur] ,,mike ,,god9o #ajd ,,tilrose ,,ave4 ,,malv]ne1 ,,ny #aaefe-bjbd ,,imm ,,pa/ ,,presid5t ,,*ri/oph] ,,gray #id ,,ramona ,,ave4 ,,san ,,francisco1 ,,ca #idajc ,,acb ,,bo>d ,,( #ei ,,directors ,ray ,campbell1 ,gl5 ,ellyn1 ,,il ,b]l ,colley1 ,lacey1 ,,wa ,m>%a ,f>r[1 ,summ]ville1 ,,ga ,mi*ael ,g>rett1 ,miss\ri ,c;y1 ,,tx ,billie ,j1n ,kei?1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,c>la ,rus*ival1 ,l\isville1 ,,ky ,patrick ,%eehan1 ,silv] ,spr+1 ,,md ,jeff ,?om1 ,sacra;to1 ,,ca ,david ,trott1 ,talladega1 ,,al ,cammie ,vloedman1 ,oklahoma ,c;y1 ,,ok ,ex ,(ficio3 ,m>cia ,dress]1 ,r1d+1 ,,ma ,,bo>d ,,( ,,public,ns ,paul ,$w>ds1 ,*airman1 ,miami1 ,,fl ,m>cia ,dress]1 ,r1d+1 ,,ma ,judy ,jackson1 ,san ,antonio1 ,,tx ,j59e ,/anley1 ,columbus1 ,,oh ,k5 ,/ew>t1 ,w>wick1 ,,ny ,ex ,(ficios3 ,mi*ael ,malv]1 ,m9n1polis1 ,,mn ,ron ,milliman1 ,b[l+ ,gre51 ,,ky ,mit* ,pom]antz1 ,presid5t ,melanie ,brunson1 ,executive ,director ,%>on ,lover+1 ,$itor ,n,nal ,(fice3 #bbjj ,wilson ,blvd4 ,suite #fej ,>l+ton1 ,,va #bbbja 7#bjb7 #dfg-ejha fax3 7#gjc7 #dfe-ejhe ,web site3 _+http://www.acb.org_: ,produc$ 9 brl by ,n,nal ,brl ,press1 ,9c4 #hh ,/4 ,/eph5 ,/reet1 ,bo/on1 ,,ma #jbaae 7#hjj7 #edh-gcbc _+www.nbp.org_: